television-overload · 12 minutes
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018) | Fight the Future (1998)
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television-overload · 4 hours
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3K notes · View notes
television-overload · 4 hours
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20 notes · View notes
television-overload · 6 hours
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If anyone deserves to be happy, it's them.
—nikka ursula
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television-overload · 7 hours
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7.10 | Sein und Zeit
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television-overload · 9 hours
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 27/34 - roll of film
[Read on AO3]
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Scully’s mom stays until dinner, and promises to stop by with some meals for their freezer once they’ve settled in at home. As soon as Scully had returned, they’d behaved as if their conversation had never happened, and Mulder tried to put it out of his mind. Whatever Scully may or may not feel for him isn’t the most important thing right now. She needs him to be focused, to help her with the baby. He knows himself—he’s a one-track mind kind of guy. The last thing he wants is for her to think he can’t handle this just because he’s distracted by something else.
Before she leaves, Maggie goes down to the gift shop and purchases a disposable camera and a plush fox with the softest fur Mulder has ever felt. He smiles at her joke, introducing the animal to a wide eyed Madeline who clearly doesn’t know what to make of it.
Grandma Maggie then spends the next thirty minutes or so taking pictures of everything and everyone until the entire roll of film is full. She insists on taking several of all three of them together, in various poses, which she assures them they will thank her for one day. It reminds Mulder of the time they’d had to take pretend pictures for their undercover assignment in California, only this is on another level.
He wonders what the film will reveal when it gets developed. Will the poses be stiff and forced, like they had been in Arcadia? Or would it look real? Would an unknown observer believe them to be a normal family, if they didn’t know any better? 
He finds himself hoping so. He’s tired of pretending. So, so tired.
He walks Maggie down to the entrance of the hospital, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. All things considered, their surprise had gone over fairly well. It remained to be seen how the rest of the Scully clan would react, but at least they had the matron of the family on their side. 
In this way, maybe it was a good thing the IVF hadn’t worked. There would have certainly been a threatening letter headed his way if he’d actually impregnated Scully, however clinically they had accomplished it.
“Drive safe, Mrs. Scully,” he says, the automatic doors sliding open as they approach.
“Maggie,” she reminds him, her eyes crinkling with a smile.
He nods. “Maggie.”
He expects her to go, then, but instead she turns to face him, pulling him into a motherly hug. It surprises him at first, but his mind quickly catches up and he returns the embrace.
“You tell her how you feel,” she says softly, giving his shoulder a squeeze before pulling back. Her hand comes up to cup his cheek, and her eyes shine brightly at him with a fondness that makes his heart feel warm and fuzzy. “Okay? She deserves to hear it.”
He doesn’t want to commit either way, so as not to disappoint her, so instead of responding, he merely presses his lips together and gives a sheepish nod/shrug combo.
“You have no idea how happy you’ve made me today,” she says. “You take care of my girl, alright?”
This, he can agree to without question.
She gives one final nod, then reaches up to press a kiss to his cheek. He smiles, unused to this kind of motherly affection, but glad to receive it.
“Bye, Maggie.”
“Goodbye, Fox. I’ll see you soon.”
By the time he gets back to their room, dinner has been delivered, and Scully is giving Maddie another bottle. He’d feel bad eating without her, so instead he walks to the window, peeking out at the golden hue that the sun is starting to cast on the otherwise boring landscape. He sighs, pulling out his cell phone and hovering his thumb over the keypad. Maggie Scully gave him a lot to think about.
He punches in the number he knows by heart and waits as the tone sounds once, twice, and a third time before the line connects.
"Hey, Mom," he says. In his periphery, he can see Scully’s head turn toward him, but he tries to ignore her watchful gaze, instead focusing on the people down below in the parking lot.
"Yeah, how you feeling? You doing okay?" He really does not know how to start this conversation, but he doesn’t want to put it off any longer. Small talk with his mother is among the most uncomfortable things he can imagine, but it’s really all they know how to do these days. Maybe they’ll get better at it with practice. 
"I'm doing fine,” she answers. “What is it?"
"Sorry if I’m interrupting your dinner,” he says, rubbing his hand over the nape of his neck. “I can call tomorrow if that's better."
He hears the rejection before she even says it. "I have an appointment tomorrow. What’s this about?"
"Right, um." He pauses, pacing to the right into the darkened corner of the room and then back toward the window. "I just wanted to let you know that, uh– Scully and I decided to adopt a baby. She was born this morning, we're with her now."
"My partner,” he states. “At the FBI."
"Right, yes. You… adopted a baby?" She sounds understandably confused, probably wondering many of the same things Mrs. Scully had asked about, though without the same level of investment in their answers.
"Yeah, uh, it's kind of been in the works for a while. And—" he pauses again, glancing back at Scully from across the room. "We got married."
The other end of the line is silent and for a moment, he begins to wonder if the connection went dead. But he can just hear the faint ticking of that irritating cuckoo clock in the kitchen that he’d always hated, so she must still be listening.
"To help with the application process, you know," he adds, as if that made their actions any more comprehensible to a rational human being.
"That's– wonderful news, Fox,” she says at last. “I didn't realize that was something you were interested in pursuing."
"Well, with everything going on, there wasn't really a good time to tell you," he says, letting out a sigh of relief now that the secret was out. "But, we're really happy."
"That's– that's good to hear."
He remembers how she’d wanted him to let go of Samantha—to make a life for himself outside of the search for his sister. He hopes she’ll be proud of him now that he’s doing just that. 
Even if she isn’t, and can’t be there for him like he wishes she was, he’ll be happy. He has a family of his own now, and his mother is alive. That’s all he can really ask for. They can work on mending fences in the coming months, even if it’s slow going. The important thing is that he didn’t lose her. Not yet.
"Well, I should let you go,” he says awkwardly, the stale silences between sentences making him increasingly anxious the longer he spends on the phone. “I just thought you should know you have a granddaughter. Madeline is her name."
"Madeline,” his mother repeats. “I'm glad you called. Give my regards to– to–"
"Dana," he fills in.
"Yes, give my regards to Dana."
He goes to hang up the phone, his finger hovering over the end call button, but before he can, he hears a final, "Oh, and Fox?"
"If you ever decide to make a trip up the coast..."
She trails off, and he senses that she doesn't possess the words to finish that sentence, even if she means them. Reaching out to him has always been hard for her. He has to meet her halfway.
"I'm sure we will soon," he says, a hint of a promise in his words.
"I'd like that," she says, and it really does sound like she means it.
"Bye, Mom."
"Bye, Fox. Congratulations."
With a distinct click, the line disconnects, and he snaps his phone shut, frozen in deep thought.
“How did it go?” Scully asks from behind him.
“She's thrilled,” he answers.
He chuckles. “As thrilled as my mother can be about anything, I think.”
He looks at the two of them there, Scully and Madeline, and pictures them sitting on the couch in his mother’s living room. It’s not as crazy to imagine as he thought it might have been. Maybe his mom would bake those lemon cookies he and Samantha used to like when they were kids. Maybe Scully could squeeze the recipe out of her, and he could learn to bake them himself.
“Hey– how would you feel about going to visit her someday?” he asks, trying to keep the question casual in case she has no interest in doing any such thing.
“Oh, Mulder,” she says, looking at him with a sympathetic eye. “She's your mother. Of course I'd like to go.”
He plays it cool, but her answer warms his heart. None of Scully’s interactions with his mother have been particularly pleasant, even the most recent one, and sometimes he feels that she got the raw end of the deal. While he has gained a loving mother-in-law who is sure to spoil their baby rotten, Scully gets a broken family that has been almost completely eradicated by a shadowy government organization. He wishes he had something better to offer her.
“Not scared of the dreaded mother-in-law?” he asks, hoping it comes across as teasing instead of revealing the insecurity he truly feels.
To his relief, she smiles. “I can handle her,” she says.
Yes. Yes she can.
By 9:00 p.m., the exhaustion of such a long and eventful day had started to catch up to them. It had been a challenge to keep Madeline up for the last hour or so, but Scully insisted that she needed to get started on a sleep schedule as soon as possible, and she had read every recommendation in every book, so he deferred to her expertise.
Now that it has officially been declared bedtime, however, Maddie seems determined to stay up, too busy looking at her surroundings with great interest.
“Here, do you want to try to get her to sleep?” Scully asks, shifting the baby in her arms. “She just keeps staring at me, like she's not even tired.”
Mulder gladly agrees, setting down the book he had been reading on the table he was sitting at. “You know what they say. Those who can't do, teach. And I can never sleep.”
Scully laughs, raising Maddie up as high as she can without standing to make the transfer easier.
“Come here, sweetheart,” Mulder says, reaching for the infant and lifting her into his arms. It takes some adjusting, but once her blankets are all smoothed out, her tiny body relaxes into the cradle of his arms.
Scully was right. Her eyes are wide open, just taking in everything around her.
“You gotta close your eyes if you want to sleep, darlin’,” Mulder coos, bouncing her back and forth in what he hopes is a sleep-inducing motion.
“At least she's not crying,” Scully points out, watching them with a smile on her face.
“Nah, she's happy as a clam. Aren't you, Maddie?” he says.
She sneezes in response.
“Bless you!” Scully says, laughing. “Mulder, make sure the blanket isn't tickling her nose.”
He adjusts it down below her chin, smiling at the confused expression on her little face.
“That was the tiniest sneeze I've ever heard, Scully,” Mulder says in awe, love practically dripping from his voice. He runs a finger over the baby’s warm, rosy cheek, marveling at the softness of her skin.
He can't help it, he cranes his neck down to reach her, pressing his lips to the squishy baby fat of her cheek, dropping near endless kisses there.
“Her cheeks are just so kissable,” he says, laughing at himself.
“You're riling her up, Mulder,” Scully says disapprovingly, though her smile says something else. “Now she's wide awake.”
She stands, taking the few steps over to where he's standing and presses a kiss of her own to Madeline’s cheek.
“You're right, though,” she speaks.
When she looks up at him, he takes a chance, bending to brush his lips against her cheek, dangerously close to her lips.
“Your cheeks are pretty kissable too, Scully,” he says as he pulls back, delighted to see said cheeks turning ever so slightly pink in the dim light.
He can’t tell her, not yet. But that doesn’t mean he can’t show her. Maybe once she’s collected enough evidence, she’ll come to the right conclusion on her own. She is a woman of science, after all.
They look down at the little infant in his arms, and breathe a simultaneous sigh of relief when they see her start to heavy blink. Mulder finds that walking her around in circles helps, so he does a number of laps around the room, checking with each lap to see if he’s been successful yet.
By lap six, her eyes have fallen shut, and a moment later, her soft breaths even out. With all the carefulness of defusing a bomb, he sets her down in her plastic bassinet, and feels immense pride when she doesn’t immediately wake up and ruin all the progress he’d made. She shifts a little, and then settles, a look of pure contentment on her face.
Scully comes up to stand beside him, both peering down at the little girl who will be theirs to love and cherish for the rest of their lives. 
“You know, I always felt like something was missing, but I didn’t know what it was,” Mulder muses, his voice a mere whisper. “Is it crazy if I say it was a baby?”
Scully’s lips pull back in a soft smile, and she leans her head on his bicep, unable to tear her eyes away from the sleeping child. 
“It’s not crazy, Mulder,” she says, intertwining her hand with his. “I think you’re right. This is exactly what we’ve been missing.”
Lovely tag list ♡: [if you would like to be added or removed, let me know!]
@today-in-fic @ao3feed-msr @agent-troi @angegova @baronessblixen @calimanc @captainsolocide @clo-thespin @cutemothman @danasculls @deathsbestgirl @edierone @enigmaticxbee @figureofdismay @frogsmulder @gillian-anderson-in-the-tardis @hippocampouts @invidiosa @monaiargancoconutsoy @msrafterdark @numinousmysteries @primrose19 @randomfoggytiger @skelavender @skylarksong @stephy-gold @teenie-xf @the-redhead-in-a-dress @vincentsleftear
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television-overload · 19 hours
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The Goldberg Variation || s. 7 ep. 6
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television-overload · 19 hours
Can't believe we will be seeing Michael and cote in person on June 15th omfg...
Okay not me personally but some of yall are LUCKY
Still can't believe this is real somebody pinch me
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television-overload · 22 hours
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#my only two moods
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You ever have a bizarrely productive day and think... oh. Is this how it's supposed to be? Is this what it's like to be completely neurotypical?
I've gotta have ADHD or something because it takes the stars aligning just right for me to be like this. I'm talking the exact correct weather, day of the week, time of the month. One thing off and I'm getting nothing done.
Meanwhile today it was 70 degrees this morning and not a cloud in the sky. I opened the windows, played music on my record player, ate a real breakfast including fresh fruit on my balcony, then did laundry, cleaned my kitchen, swept and mopped the floors, vacuumed, did the dishes...
And went to the gym at my apartment for the first time??? Am currently sitting in a nice cold pool in 90 degree weather?? (Finally. It's been so cloudy.)
Anyway, will this ever happen again? Probably not, but it's nice while it lasts. It's crazy how much you can get done when your brain isn't paralyzed by all the different things you have to do, or waiting around for an event you've said you'll go to hours from now but for some reason will take the entire day to prepare for.
9 notes · View notes
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my mom has great taste in tv shows
115 notes · View notes
Seeing this come back again has reminded me that we’re really going to get a kiss that’s not undercover and not a goodbye kiss and now I AM UNWELL.
15 notes · View notes
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THE X-FILES (1993-2018)  S01E01 ‘Pilot’
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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014 | dir. Marc Webb
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23 notes · View notes
of our own making
(an X-Files fanfic)
Chapter 26/34 - madeline
[Read on AO3]
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Feeding the baby is slow going, but Mulder thinks they ought to cut her a little slack. It is her first day, after all. Eventually, she takes a longer pause and yawns, her tiny mouth opening wide and showing off her gums.
“That’s a big yawn for such a small person,” Mulder says, watching as Scully sets the bottle aside, lifting Madeline to her shoulder to pat her on the back. It isn’t long before she successfully expels a burp, drawing a chuckle out of Mulder. She’s so good with her already. He can’t wait to see his partner grow and change as a mother. Which reminds him: Mother’s Day is coming up. He’ll have to do something to celebrate.
“It really happened,” Scully says, marveling once more at their situation.
“It did,” he says, then thinks. “Should we tell your mom now?”
She laughs, nodding her head in agreement. Yeah, it’s probably safe to share the news now, isn’t it? “She’s gonna be beside herself.”
“She’s not gonna speak to us for months, for keeping this from her,” Mulder says, the joke an attempt to alleviate the tinge of genuine worry he has.
“I don’t know, I think we’ve got a pretty good Get-out-of-Jail-Free card here,” Scully says, looking down at the baby and bouncing her gently. “She won’t be able to stay away from her first granddaughter.”
Just then, Mulder gets a whiff of something not so pleasant, and he chuckles nervously. “Phew, are you sure? Cause this little stinker certainly knows how to clear a room.”
Scully gives him a thinly-veiled look of amusement, but he can tell she’s put off by the smell too, even with her strong forensic pathologist’s stomach. This will take some getting used to.
“Well, I got to be the one to give her her first bottle,” she says. “You want to do the first diaper change?”
“Somehow, I don’t feel like that’s a fair trade,” Mulder says, laughing. Even so, he doesn’t hesitate to lift the baby from Scully’s arms and carry her over to the changing table, which is outfitted with all the supplies they could possibly need. 
Scully stands by on the opposite side of the table for moral support, watching him with a funny smile on her face. It takes a second for him to find his rhythm—a real live baby with flailing legs is a bit different than an inanimate baby doll, after all—but he vows that in no time, he’ll be a pro. 
“There we go,” he says, tossing the dirty diaper into the trash can from a distance. “A 3-pointer! And the crowd goes wild!”
Scully rolls her eyes, lifting the baby back into her arms and burying her nose in Madeline’s hair.
“How’d I do?” Mulder asks.
Scully smiles up at him from beneath her thick lashes. “Fresh as a daisy,” she says. “I should probably try to get her to sleep. Are you going to call your mom?”
“Yeah,” Mulder says, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah, I’ll call her later tonight. She usually plays bridge with some friends Tuesday afternoons. At least, I think she still does.” In truth, he hadn’t talked to her much since her release from the hospital, a fact that he really needs to remedy.
Scully nods.
“Well, could you get my mom on the phone and let her know to come? I’m going to get Maddie cleaned up a little before we have visitors.”
“I don’t know if that’s the best idea, Scully,” he says. “When I call her from the hospital, it’s usually not good news.”
Scully gives him an encouraging look before laying the baby in her bassinet for a quick sponge bath. “Well, this is the perfect chance to change that up, don’t you think?”
She’s right, of course. He owes Margaret Scully an awful lot. Let this be the first step toward earning the kindness she has so freely bestowed so many times over the years.
He fishes his cell phone out of his pocket, pressing the buttons for speed dial 4. It only rings twice before it connects.
“Hello?” her voice projects.
“Hey, Mrs. Scully.”
“Fox? Is there something wrong?”
He sighs. He can almost see the pinched Scully look of concern on the elder woman’s face. That’s what he gets for constantly being the bearer of bad news, he supposes. He glances at his partner and then back at the boring pastel colored painting of a flower on the wall.
“Nothing’s wrong, Mrs. Scully,” he assures her. “Actually, it’s kind of the opposite.”
“I don’t understand—”
“How quickly can you get to the hospital in Annapolis?” he asks. “Bearing in mind that no one’s hurt, there’s been no disaster. For once, it’s good news.”
“The hospital?” she questions, still sounding worried despite his reassurances. “I can leave now, so maybe 45 minutes? You’re sure everything’s alright?”
“Promise,” he says. “Dana would have called you herself, but she’s… busy.”
“If you say so,” Maggie says doubtfully.
Gee, he wonders where Scully got her skepticism from. 
“Room 509 when you get here,” he says into the phone, checking his watch for the time. “See you soon?”
He can hear the rustle of a jacket and car keys on the other end of the line. “Yes– yes, I’m on my way. I’ll be there soon.” 
“No, you must have misunderstood me,” Maggie says to the nurse leading the way through the hospital corridors, “I’m looking for Dana Scully in room 509. This is the maternity ward.”
“Yes, ma’am. Room 509.”
“But that can’t be right,” she says, her brows furrowing in confusion.
Maybe Dana is working a case that involves a pregnant woman that required her medical expertise. But why would Fox call her asking her to come?
“You can go on in,” the nurse says as they arrive outside the room.
Thoroughly confused and not knowing what to expect, she pushes open the door. On the far end of the room, Dana sits on a couch, her arm resting against a cart of some kind, while Fox stands, his back to the door, hunched over the same cart. He turns and a smile spreads across his face, and Dana quickly gets to her feet, looking equal parts excited and nervous.
“Mom!” she says.
“Dana? What’s going on?”
She’s not dressed in her doctor garb. She is, however, wearing her usual FBI clothing, though it looks a little rumpled. Her daughter is usually so prim and polished—to gain the respect of her male peers, she supposes—it’s unusual to see her looking anything less than professional on a work day.
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” she says, walking quickly toward her with only a cursory glance back at Fox. “There was always a chance it wouldn’t work out, but…”
She runs out of words to say, opting instead to grab her mother’s arm and start tugging her to the other side of the room. The beaming smiles on their faces are unlike any Maggie had seen in quite some time.
As they get closer, Maggie sees that the cart she saw earlier is in fact a hospital bassinet, and inside lays a baby, wide awake and blinking as she holds tight to Fox’s finger.
“What– how–?” she begins, stuttering, her hand coming up to clutch her metaphorical pearls. “Dana, is that–?”
“Mom, I’d like you to meet your granddaughter,” Dana says, her voice shaking with emotion. Maggie looks up at her, then back at the baby. Tears pool in Dana’s eyes, and she supports her mother as they step up to the bassinet so she can get a good look.
“Oh, she’s beautiful, Dana!” she says, feeling her own eyes begin to water. “But, how? I was with you just a few weeks ago. And, is Fox–?”
“Mulder and I– Well, it’s a long story,” she starts. “Last year, I decided to try in vitro fertilization, and Mulder agreed to… help.” 
Maggie looks up at that, and she doesn’t miss the blush as it spreads across the man’s cheeks. He ducks his head, trying to focus only on the baby.
“It didn’t work, which is why I didn’t tell you,” Dana continues. “I didn’t want to… get your hopes up.”
“Oh, Dana,” Maggie says, looking sad. She wishes her daughter would confide in her more. She stores things up for so long, that when it all finally comes out, it’s hard to be of any help. She has so many questions, and she’s not sure Dana will give her all the answers.
“I thought that was my last chance to be a mother. But then, a few months ago, Mulder said that—” 
It clearly makes her emotional to think of, now, whatever her daughter’s partner had offered to do. 
“He said that if I wanted to try adoption, he’d do it with me.”
“I can’t believe it,” Maggie says, in awe of the tiny baby, and of the man who had made all of it possible. Fox Mulder had changed her daughter’s life forever, and she doesn’t think there’s any way she could possibly repay him.
“I can’t believe it either,” Dana laughs, and she sees Fox nod his agreement. This is a crazy thing that they have done. She'd thought that something was up with the two of them lately, of course, but never in a million years would she have guessed this. 
“Would you like to hold her, Mrs. Scully?” the man asks, gently lifting the baby out of her bassinet.
Overwhelmed and caught off guard by the sight of Fox Mulder holding a child, Maggie can only nod as she accepts the tiny bundle into the cradle of her arms. Tears spring to her eyes.
“Oh…” she sighs, unable to keep the tears at bay. “This is such a… a wonderful surprise. What’s her name?”
“Madeline Samantha Mulder,” Dana says proudly, glancing up at her partner in some form of unspoken communication.
That grabs her interest. 
“Mulder?” she asks curiously. “So you’re…” She gestures between the two of them with her free hand, and catches the glint of a ring on Fox’s left ring finger. Her eyebrows raise.
“We decided we’d raise the baby together. To make the application simpler, we got married,” Dana answers.
“When?” she asks, equal parts thrilled and furious that she’d been left out of these plans.
“Christmas Eve.”
“Christmas…” she whispers, thinking back to that day. “That’s why you two had to go rushing off? You were getting married?” she says, aghast.
“Your entire family was in town, Dana, even Charlie! Don’t you think we would have liked to be there for you on your special day?”
“It isn’t like that,” Dana says, her frustration rising. “It was just a formality. We went to the courthouse. We needed the papers so that we’d be seen as a couple looking to adopt on our applications. Otherwise, we might have been rejected. And you know they’re not the most accepting of single mothers—”
Wait, wait, wait. Back up. 
“I don’t understand,” she says, “You’re married but not… together?”
Fox and Dana look at each other, and Maggie knows the answer before they say it. Her stomach sinks.
“No,” Dana says, a little hint of disappointment in her voice. “Not really.”
Glancing between the two of them, Maggie detects disappointment from both sides, not that either of them can probably tell. They’re so blind to what the other is feeling, that it would be funny if it didn’t make Maggie so sad. All the things they’re missing out on, just because they’re both too stubborn to admit the truth. 
It’s probably only a matter of time anyway, she decides, no use harping on about it for now. If another month goes by with no sign of progress, she'll say something. That's as far as she'll go.
“You two are ridiculous, you know that?” she says curtly, pressing her lips together. “Frustrating.”
“Now you sound like my mother,” Fox jokes, in that self-deprecating tone of voice she wishes he’d stop using.
Maggie sighs, glancing back down at the gurgling baby in her arms. She sure is awfully cute.
“You’re lucky you gave me a granddaughter for all this nonsense I have to put up with,” she says, though not unkindly. She can say this at least about Fox and Dana: this baby will know a kind of love few people in this world get to experience.
They just have to pull themselves together first.
Maddie falls asleep on Mulder’s chest sometime after Mrs. Scully starts talking about breaking the news to Scully’s brothers, and to be honest, he’s glad for the distraction. It does, however, mean he’s kind of trapped there when Scully decides to go ask a nurse about bringing up some lunch for them from the cafeteria, leaving him alone with her mother and the baby.
They sit in silence for a while, neither really knowing what to say. At a certain point, though, Mulder can’t take the quiet anymore.
“You think Scully’s crazy, don’t you,” he says, more of a statement than a question.
“I’m not sure I know what to think,” Maggie answers. “About Dana.”
Mulder winces. He’d have to stop doing that. “Sorry, habit.”
“Ever since she met you, her life has been upside down and backwards from what I always thought it would be,” she continues.
“I know.”
“I don’t blame you, Fox.” Maggie’s hand settles atop his on the armrest of the couch, almost weightless. “She’s happy with you, otherwise she wouldn’t have stayed this long. I may not know much about my daughter these days, but I do know that.”
“I’m happier with her than I have ever been,” he admits. “And now—” he looks down at Madeline. “I didn’t know this much happiness existed.”
Maggie smiles, a little sadly. He’s used to people looking at him like that, the poor kid with the tragic backstory. He just wishes she wouldn’t. 
The room falls silent again. A funny look comes over her face, and he gets the sense that she's holding something back.
“And, where will you live?” she asks, glancing at him out of the corner of her eye.
“We’re going to be looking for a house,” he answers, “but for now I’ve been sleeping in… Dana’s spare bedroom.”
Maggie purses her lips. “No nursery?”
“Not yet,” he says, shaking his head. “We figure she’ll sleep just fine in a bassinet for the first few months.”
“And that will be in Dana’s room?”
“I suppose so.”
“So, will you be helping when she wakes up needing to be fed or changed in the middle of the night?”
What is this, some high-stakes interview for a job? He really hadn’t been prepared for this.
“Of– of course I will,” he answers, perplexed by the fact that she even has to ask. Of course he’ll help take care of the baby, he and Scully are in this together, as they are with everything.
Maggie hums. You could almost hear a pin drop.
“Seems like it would just be easier if you were both in the same room to begin with,” she states, shrugging her shoulders like what she’d said was no big deal. She sips nonchalantly from a styrofoam cup of coffee and doesn’t look at him.
Now, Mulder doesn’t want her to get the wrong idea... “Mrs. Scully—” he starts.
“It’s Maggie, Fox,” she says kindly but firmly, interrupting him. “You’re my son-in-law now, I think you can call me by my first name.”
He sighs, and feels the baby let out a sigh against his chest. You and me both, kid. 
“Maggie…” he corrects. “Look, Scully—Dana—is my best friend. And we’ve agreed to be parents and raise Madeline together, but we’re not—”
“Fox,” she interrupts again. “It’s very sweet that you’ve taken on this role as Madeline’s father, but what about Dana? Doesn’t she deserve a real marriage, with a husband who does more than care for her as the co-parent of their child? Don’t you deserve more?”
The very idea that Scully might not be enough for him offends him deeply, and he’s quick to tell her so. “I couldn’t possibly ask for more than your daughter,” he says. “She’s– she’s all I need. Her and Madeline. As for Dana…”
“She needs you, too.”
“No, but–”
“Don’t take what I’m saying the wrong way,” Maggie says seriously, leaning toward him. “Dana deserves a real husband, who loves and cares for her in all the ways a husband should.” 
She levels a stare at Mulder, and he waits for the other shoe to drop. 
“I’m not saying that shouldn’t be you.”
It’s not like he hasn’t thought of this before—he has—but to be talking about it with her mother? Twenty years from now, if Madeline were to have a friend like Mulder, he’d tell her to run away as fast as she possibly could. But—that isn’t what Margaret is saying, is it?
In fact… it seems like she’s saying the exact opposite.
“You care for her, don’t you?” she asks.
“I do, but—”
“You love her?”
Mulder’s jaw hangs open, his automatic reply dying on his lips. His heart pounds in his chest, and he spares a quick thought toward Maddie and hopes it won’t disturb her somehow. He wants to answer her, but he doesn’t know how. His throat closes up almost completely as tears pool in his eyes, and he doesn’t trust his voice to come out right if he tried. 
He glances down at Maddie, this precious little life he and Scully have vowed to take care of.
“It doesn’t matter if I do,” he says quietly. “She doesn’t… feel the same way.” 
He can’t look at Margaret right now. He’s afraid of what he would see if he did. 
“She deserves better than what I can give her,” he finishes, taking comfort in the warmth of his daughter burrowed into his chest.
Maggie is quiet for a moment. Then, she says, “It looks, to me, like you’ve given her quite a lot.”
True or not, there’s still the matter of everything else his presence in her life has done for her. To her.
“It doesn’t compare to how much has been taken...” he says.
“Which you are not responsible for.” Maggie’s stare is unrelenting, he has no choice but to take every word she speaks to heart. “Ask yourself who else in Dana’s life would have been able to make this possible for her. Who else would make such a life-changing decision, just to make her dream come true?”
“Any guy would have to be stupid not to,” Mulder states the obvious.
“You sell yourself too short, Fox,” Maggie says, shaking her head in either annoyance or disappointment. He doesn’t like either of those directed at him—not from Margaret Scully. “There’s no one she trusts more than you,” she says emphatically. “She wouldn’t have done this with anyone else by her side.”
Maggie sits back, apparently finished dressing him down. The baby squirms and then settles in her sleep, still exhausted from the eventful day she’s had. He can’t help but think about what Maggie had said—that Scully would only ever do this with him, no one else. He wants to push back, to say that isn’t true, but he knows in his heart that it is. 
The question is: what does that mean for him? What does it mean for them?
Maggie gives a tiny smile, watching as he absentmindedly rubs tiny circles on Maddie’s back, lost in thought.
“Dana has told me some of the more unbelievable things you believe in, Fox…” she says quietly. “Aliens, ghosts, monsters… Given that, I would think it would be easier.”
“That what would be easier?” Mulder asks, the drone of his murmur matching the tone she had set.
Maggie smiles at him fondly, her knowing eyes meeting his. 
“For you to believe she loves you.”
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My internet cut out and it got stuck on this image 😂😂😂 it looks like she's sniffing him
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And he knows she likes it
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Arcadia || s. 6 ep. 15
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