taylortruther · 40 minutes
rae!! i need help!! this will be long!!
i broke up with my boyfriend this morning (i’m moving away temporarily and maybe permanently, didn’t feel right about committing to long distance without it feeling totally confident we could work out in the long run) and have been regretting it HARD ever since. I was back and forth on it anyway because by the time I realized how strongly I felt about him I had already planned my travel, signed my lease etc. this is my fourth relationship but my first time being the the one doing the leaving. how do I know if the regret is real or just a reaction to how badly I’m going to miss him/ how awful dealing with the aftermath will be?
personally what helped me the most was writing a VERY honest note or journal entry listing the reasons i couldn't be with him anymore. why i was so unhappy all the time, the things I couldn't stand, the essential things i needed in a relationship that i wasn't getting. also, things that we had tried to fix and couldn't. i mean, the note is really hard to read now because it literally has things like "you cried every time you left his place" like what the fuck was i doing 😭 but breakup remorse is powerful. so i'd recommend that. it's hard! it really is! i felt like reaching out of loneliness multiple times but i would tell myself "if this feeling lasts until tomorrow or next week, i'll call" and it never did. i'd cry for a few hours and go to bed and the next day feel okay. i'd feel bad again but rarely for extended periods of time.
sorry you're going through this bestie. wishing you well!!
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taylortruther · 2 hours
this beach town coffee shop is like a hallmark movie: young beautiful coffee owner brings her cute precocious daughter with her to work and she's beloved by all the employees, even the hot gruff punks working at the deli that shares the same building. there are fun goofy regulars, the owner and employees act like family, it's surrounded by cute candy-colored beach houses... i think i just wrote the plot of a beach read
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taylortruther · 2 hours
have we talked about how dbatc sounds kinda beautiful trauma by pink or are my ears just weird
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taylortruther · 3 hours
if you spend your life bitching and complaining about the fact people are 'expected' to engage in the dreaded pointless banal '''small talk''' instead of learning to trade pleasantries with the people around you, you will never know the true and heady joy of doing a dumb bit with a complete stranger and as a result your soul will remain small
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taylortruther · 3 hours
they want you to make fried rice
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taylortruther · 3 hours
mutuals to go to a bookstore with
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taylortruther · 3 hours
Hmm let me get a poll for something real quick
I want to see how many people have easy access to nature, as I assume most of tumblr lives in urban areas such as cities or large suburbs, and a lot of people seem to not know much about the native species of plants and animals in their area. If you answered several, please reblog with which ones! And if the natural area is not mentioned, add it in a reblog or comment :)
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taylortruther · 15 hours
i can't believe taylor spells it "woah" instead of "whoa"...
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taylortruther · 23 hours
is jake gyllenhaal gay??
why would you ask us, a narnia blog, this
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taylortruther · 2 days
sorry if you’ve already answered this but I think the one thing that I’m the most confused about is why did she stay with Joe for so long if she was that unhappy and was wondering if you could give some other perspective that’s not mine
idk, the same reasons anyone stays in a ltr that isn't working out. she wasn't unhappy the whole time, she probably thought they could work through whatever issues, she wanted the future they'd planned together, she loved him and wanted it to work and wanted him to want things to work too, biological clock is a real factor, she was perhaps scared she'd be alone if this didn't work out, she was probably afraid of the change, maybe she was afraid of what people would say or what it meant for her life at that point to be single again, she has said she was in denial that they were incompatible, and so on and so forth. there are certainly additional reasons we aren't privvy too also.
this may be hard to understand if you haven't had to end a long term relationship (of any kind), or if you are one of the lucky ones who doesn't drag their feet about these things. but it can be hard to tell when you're in a rough spot and when you're just doomed ykwim
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taylortruther · 3 days
help i'm stuck between short all chrome and short with chrome tips
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taylortruther · 3 days
Absolutely agree with the TSMWEL take but I do wonder (purely wonder, no real evidence) if she's lowkey aiming at herself a little bit too for getting swept up in the Romance and Destiny of it all when he could Save Her and then when she actually left and committed to him the rose colored glasses fell off and she realized that instead of running away with a hero she ran away with a coward too drug addled to do anything at all let alone follow through (not that she admitted any of it to herself until after he left)
she wrote the song after it all went down, so those realizations are definitely present! that line just strikes me more about him for reasons i explained earlier. but yeah she's definitely aiming at herself, or admitting she's seen the reality now, in other parts
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taylortruther · 3 days
i think it could be both but mostly about her imo "I'LL say good riddance CAUSE it wasnt sexy once it wasnt forbidden!" in response to the reason being declassified in 50 years time like it's also a f u to him
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taylortruther · 3 days
I've also been ghosted, and TTPD is the first album I've ever heard that really captures that feeling. For me, it was after about six months of dating, and everything seemed like it was going so well, and we were talking rings (not cradles yet). And I completely understand her leaving the door open at first because you don't fully understand or believe it's happening. I thought he was busy at work at first, and then I was worried something had happened to him. And then finally, I was like, oh, this is on purpose. And to top it all off, he married someone else a year later. But anyway, all this to say, it's completely horrifying, and on a level dehumanizing, because you don't have and will most likely never receive an explanation for why somebody who claimed to love you or care for you in some way could do that. And I'm glad a lot of people have not had to go through this, but it is strange/somewhat upsetting that some people downplay it or are not willing to empathize with what she went through. I pretty much wanted to d** when this happened, so having to go through something similar all while the public is watching her every move is just ughhhhhhhhh.
i am so sorry he did that to you, bestie. i think people downplay it because they want to assume it would never happen to them. i hope you're doing a little better now!
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taylortruther · 3 days
"it just all boils down to some parts of the fandom believing that marriage to a man diminishes a woman's power*" I think that's a very small part of the fandom. I just worry about any woman who makes the need to be married a core part of her existence. That's exactly how you end up with a guy like MH. It seems like it's going to work out for Taylor in the end with Travis, and I hope she gets everything she wants from it, but not every woman gets that lucky. I view my relationship as a bonus. Like I am the ice cream, he's the chocolate syrup, and together we make quite the tasty sundae. But without marriage or children, I am still f'in ice cream.
i, too, wish this for every woman (not to make marriage or a relationship her core identity.) but it is wild to imply global superstar taylor swift has done this when she, at 34, is unmarried but has achieved global unprecedented success in music and will soon become a feature filmmaker. like. what more could she possibly do to convince anyone that she does not want to be defined as a wife/mother/partner-of-a-man 😭
eta: also, it is completely okay to say you want companionship! it doesn't diminish your power or individuality to do that.
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taylortruther · 3 days
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taylortruther · 3 days
As someone who has been ghosted, I’ve never seen anyone describe it as horrific but it’s so so validating. So thank you for that, genuinely.
i can't even imagine. like, i've been ghosted after 1 or 2 dates and it sucks. especially after you've had those long revealing vulnerable texting sessions (y'all know what i'm talking about) and had time to build it up in your head. but never have i been ghosted by someone who lovebombed me or said he wanted kids/marriage/a future with me. like. to just GHOST after that? ending it any other way would've been better. it's sick!
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