taylorannnx · 7 days
thought tumblr might like these :3
gorgug thistlespring my beloved <3
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taylorannnx · 8 days
Loving the new counterpoint that not only is posting activism, not posting is complicity. Why doesn't everyone with any fame or internet presence immediately release a lengthy but perfectly-worded statement telling us where they stand on every issue? Is it because they're evil??? It must be because they're evil
And then the usual answer is "they don't post online very much". Which is all very suspicious, don't they know everything of importance is done by posts on social media now
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taylorannnx · 11 days
Ive said this before but swear the biggest skill to learn as an adult is how to resist high-pressure sales tactics. You do NOT have to answer questions with anything other than "Sorry I'm not interested." No matter how nice they are or no matter how many follow up questions they ask or even how agitated they get when you stand your ground. Just keep saying I'm not interested. Don't answer their questions. Don't give them an opening to try to push back on your reasons. Be a fucking brick wall of I'm not interested.
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taylorannnx · 12 days
"oooh fabian seacaster is definitely his father's son after he threatened to skin ivy and turn her into a rug for insulting mazey <3" as if that's not such a fucking cathilda the black move right there. have yall really forgotten "that's right i'm a maid :3 and as such i could tell you that i've got all the breadcrumbs ready and all the spices and seasonings and a nice lemon wedge for when i turn your fuckin' face into a plate of calamari."
that's not a "son of bill seacaster" threat that's a "son of cathilda ceíli" threat and yall better give her the credit she DESERVES
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taylorannnx · 13 days
We'll be shouting from the rooftops very soon about the details of Stamp Quest 2024, our shared UKGE initiative with Hive Mind Games and Leith Illustration, but for now please enjoy this highly dramatic Stamp Quest teaser trailer made by our very own Ryan!
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taylorannnx · 13 days
Something that I first applied to working with children, and have applied in a limited form to working with adults: you don't need to tell someone when they read your instructions wrong. Sometimes it's enough to point out what they did right and then whatever they didn't do? You ask them to do it in more precise words, and you make it sound like it's a new request. Remarkable how fast things get done this way.
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taylorannnx · 13 days
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Fred Hampton Jr visiting his father on Father’s Day…his grave is annually shot by local police
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taylorannnx · 13 days
the doctor dna-scanning ruby like immediately after meeting her is SO funny he's still traumatized from amy's pregnancy and the clara echoes he said we are getting AHEAD of this nonsense
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taylorannnx · 14 days
your honor who gives a fuck. like for real
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taylorannnx · 14 days
Rapper Macklemore is releasing a track called “Hind’s Hall”, speaking out on the genocide of Palestinians, and the United States complacency in this ongoing violence. Macklemore has stated that once the track drops on streaming, all proceeds from streams will be going directly to UNRWA— the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East.
The new tracks namesake Hind’s Hall echoes the honours that Columbia University encampment protestors bestowed the Morningside Heights campus’ Hamilton Hall— in memory of Hind Rajab, the 6 year old Palestinian girl in Gaza who was shot by Israeli soldiers after being trapped inside a vehicle, with her dead family. She had begged to be rescued as tanks closed in on her.
Macklemore using his platform to vehemently speak out against genocide, the Israeli occupation and United States-led violence is what every single artist should be doing right now. The power of art should not be underestimated. Macklemore started out in the Hip-Hop scene within communist circles, namely working alongside Blue Scholars, and has never neglected his Leftism through out his career: the artist has spoken on issues regarding mental health, addiction, racial profiling and police violence, Capitalism, women’s rights, LGBTQ+ rights and toxicity of American culture.
“The Nakba never ended, the colonizer lied” Hind’s Hall, Macklemore, 2024
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taylorannnx · 14 days
Can I get a cursed Wolf fact?
Dire Wolves were a real actual animal that lived in North America until right about 10,000 years ago, but they really weren’t much bigger than modern grey wolves! they were slightly more heavyset, but that’s about it.
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however, their packs were much much larger than modern wolf packs, sometimes containing as many as 50 individuals.
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taylorannnx · 14 days
Can I get a cursed Wolf fact?
Dire Wolves were a real actual animal that lived in North America until right about 10,000 years ago, but they really weren’t much bigger than modern grey wolves! they were slightly more heavyset, but that’s about it.
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however, their packs were much much larger than modern wolf packs, sometimes containing as many as 50 individuals.
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taylorannnx · 16 days
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taylorannnx · 16 days
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taylorannnx · 16 days
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taylorannnx · 16 days
no but mary ann skuttle i love you beyond measure. because imagine. you're a teenager. you have a life outside of school, a rich one. you visit your granny everyday after school. you sell animal crossing designs to the point of practically running a small business. school doesn't really matter to you.
you still spend seven hours a day there. and it gets lonely, sometimes. so you don't really want to lose your friends. so you do what kipperlilly says. you don't really think about it that much, just shrug and follow orders or whatever. you have important things after school. you need to finish that cross stitch for your granny's birthday. but you don't want to eat lunch alone because no matter how little you care it still eats away at you at night, wondering if there's something wrong with you. something broken in you.
so you do what kipperlilly says. and you die for it. and you lie in a puddle of your own blood on the gym floor and wonder if anyone except your granny will notice
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taylorannnx · 16 days
you could be lovingly kissing your saxophone player onstage every night for 40 years, if you weren't a COWARD
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