#yu yu hakusho hiei
bittersweetideas · 16 days
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"Chapter 51" x "Ending 1 - Homework Ga Owaranai"
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hottiehiei · 2 months
- Kisses with Hiei
Ever wondered what it’s like to kiss a demon?
gender neutral. all about kissing ;) sfw.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When the relationship is still fresh, Hiei holds off on physical touch. The last thing he wants is to rush into something unfamiliar. Don’t get me wrong, Hiei is fairly confident. He will face any challenge head-on, no matter how unsure he may be. However, it’s different with you. He’d rather wait for the right moment and make sure you’re ready before making a huge jump.
𓆩⟡𓆪 That said, the moment he notices your gaze lingering on his lips, he knows exactly what you’re craving. But, like the devil he is, Hiei doesn’t oblige immediately. He takes pleasure in seeing you needy. There’s no use hiding your inner desires. Nothing can slip past him.
𓆩⟡𓆪 The first kiss will be on his terms. Somewhere in his favorite hideout spots, like the forest or near the ocean side. After sitting in comfortable silence, he suddenly leans over and plants a gentle kiss on your lips. This is his way of testing the waters, getting that final confirmation that you're okay with his advances. When you respond with a shy smile, he follows up with another kiss. Then another…and another…until it gets a bit heavier.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Learning how to kiss was easy enough. Hiei simply went with what felt right, and after a while, it became second nature. His slender fingers will tilt your chin at the perfect angle, keeping you locked in place. His lips are slow and firm. Any faster, and you’d be overwhelmed by his sheer hunger for you. Try not to whimper when kissing him. It’s the easiest way to rile him up, and he can kiss for hours.
𓆩⟡𓆪 He loves taking you by surprise. Seeing that dazed look on your face after he steals your breath away— priceless. You’re in the palm of his hands, unable to detect his next move. He can go days without kissing, and then one random afternoon, you’re trapped in a passionate kiss that leaves you in a total trance.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei will never give in when you actually want him to. If you’re desperate for a kiss, you’ll have to take the initiative. Pull him by the collar and crash your lips onto his! He absolutely loves it and will probably smirk into the kiss. He also likes for you to outrightly ask for it (especially if you’re the shy type).
𓆩⟡𓆪 If you want to take the lead while kissing, you’ll have to fight for it. He’s a dom, but if you’re determined to overpower him, he allows it. He enjoys power play, but take caution—he doesn’t back down easily.
𓆩⟡𓆪 After every kiss, Hiei ensures that you’re satisfied. If your lips aren't wet and full, he goes right back in.
𓆩⟡𓆪 On rare occasions, Hiei will bring you to an empty room to sneak in a kiss. If you’ve been teasing him all day, then this is his way of shutting you up. Or, if you haven’t seen each other in a while, he might feel the urge to be alone with you. But again, it’s rare. Hiei has a good amount of self-control and patience. He’d rather wait than risk being caught by loudmouths like Yusuke and Kuwabara.
He likes to kiss the back of your hand, sometimes in greeting or just because he feels like it. He's a total gentleman, okay?
If you manage to catch him by surprise with a kiss of your own, he will be dumbfounded for a minute or two and then blush.
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senseisleepys · 2 months
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Yu Yu Hakusho
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rinshama · 11 months
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My boy Killua with my boy Hiei
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lightfeltmemories · 5 months
Hmmm, how about an Hiei x S/O or his crush headcannons? Which the S/O who's a goober, like a sweet and adorable and a very romantic one (overdramatic one...) And like thinking that the S/O is like tall (like I guess 5'10 or smth idk 😅) and he's a smol angry demon man like he doesn't know why he dated/developed feelings for a human that's like this but secretly loves them (I just love the opposite attract and tall and small dynamics xD)
oooooh i love this idea!! i decided to do both (starts off as a crush then he becomes a lover) and ngl i kind of took the enemies to lovers route with this one since i feel like it fits his character more. i also decided to go with the "goofy but very strong character" trope with the s/o because honestly? why not lol.
i surprisingly had a lot of fun writing this and it got longer than expected, he's a little ooc in some parts but eh it's not that big of a deal tbh.
tw: injuries, reader almost dies at one point, brief mention of reader having trauma,
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lets be real, hiei found you annoying at first, not as annoying as kuwabara but damn near close.
when you were going to fight he didn't have much hope in you, you would probably die in under a second knowing your nature, but as soon as you put in work it almost made his jaw drop.
how he developed feelings for you was at that very moment, he doesn't realize it until much later.
the way his stomach gets this thing called "butterflies" when he's near you, he doesn't move away or threaten you when you get near or touch him (he did at first threatening to rip your arm off) but then he can't help but grow hot... uncomfortably hot.
he's thinking you put him under some type of spell, why does he feel this way? especially over a human? sure, you show courage, sure, you fight well, but guaranteed that there are others who do as well...
but then he comes to the realization, he's never met a demon that has ever made him feel this way.
and a certain red head can see right through it.
kurama eventually asks hiei if something is wrong, but hiei states that he's fine, it takes a bit of time to convince the fire demon to come clean, that something is wrong with him, whilst he was ranting, kurama was listening.. and then he came to the realization.. hiei had a crush on you.
when kurama tells him, he denies it, saying that you were just some annoying human, and that he doesn't have crushes or has the time for a relationship, but kurama knows all of that is a lie, he likes you, and him denying everything just makes things worse.
it was made very clear that this information was kept between the two demons, and eventually, hiei would have to tell you.
some time passes by and you manage to get into a scuffle, you end up injured and hiei comes to the rescue, but tells you not to think of it too deeply.
you don't say anything, but hiei has been acting strange, it's gotten to the point where yusuke and kazuma notice, but don't say a word, it's even weirder when it's just the two of you, he's a lot more.. quiet, and noticeably kinder to you, he doesn't insult you as much anymore, other than that, things remain the same.
while your tidying up your wounds you still managed to keep a smile on your face and a sense of humor, going as far as to make fun of your loss.
hiei would've called you an idiot and told you to shut up, but he can't bring himself to do it somehow, the way you talk, your laugh, your smile, the butterflies get stronger and the blush on his cheeks start to grow darker.
damn... what's with this woman?? why is she so... so....?
it would take so much of his ego and pride to just man up and admit that he likes you, he's not good with words unless it's telling people off (he gets better with this, i promise).
eventually, you got into another fight, and your opponent was tough, so tough in fact you almost die fighting, and you ended up passing out for hours upon hours, the team thought you would die.
hiei put on his cold front as usual, but on the inside he's panicking, he can't lose you, not right now at least.
when it's just him in the infirmary, he looks down at your unconscious body feeling the urge to shed a tear, your happiness is... gone, staring down at nothing but a blank face.
he hoped that you didn't die, he made sure that when you wake up, he'll tell you that he likes you... though it's easier said than done, it'll still take a lot out of him.
eventually he gets in a vulnerable state, kurama yet again see's him, noticing that he's shaking, sitting in the grass at the edge of a cliff, staring into the sunset.
they talk for a while, kurama eventually convinces him that if he can't just flat out tell her, he could just write her a note, and even better, give her a gift.
but what would she even like?
he heard in passing with your talk with his sister, yukina, that you really liked cupcakes (im sorry if you don't like cupcakes just try to imagine it's like some other desert), so, he gets some cupcakes.. from somewhere... somehow... and writes you a letter about how he wants you to be his mate.
and when you say yes.. you're locked in.. forever.
eventually you do wake up, find the cupcake next to the table and eat it, noticing the note and reading over it, it comes to you almost as a shock... hiei? likes you? no way, this has to be some type of elaborate prank.
you do end up seeing hiei, who can't even look at your face, i mean you have to admit.. he's cute, a cute little short guy, while you're taller than him by some inches, he doesn't seem to mind this, he knows he's stronger than you, height doesn't mean jack shit to him.
and so, you accept his request, and now, the two of you are officially dating! or at least that's what you think and he wants.
at first, nothing changes, he's still a tad bit nervous around you, he ordered that there should be no pda in front of the team, he's not ready to tell everyone yet.
when you two are alone, he still had barriers up, not feeling the most comfortable with you yet, the two of you talk and get to know each other, realizing that the reason you were the way you were was because of your trauma, so you masked it with humor.
it takes a while for the two of you to be more intimate (not sexual), holding hangs, hugging, kissing, of course when there wasn't anyone around.
the only person he trusts in regards of knowing about the relationship is kurama and mukuro, no one else.
it takes him a bit to admit that he definitely loves his s/o, and you might've been one of the best things that has happened to him.
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rimhyokang · 2 months
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Hiei (Seductor) Lindo Botan.
Ok, creo que ya sabran en que escena esta inspirado. e.e' Basado en una imagen de My Hero Academia.  Hice un pequeño calco aquí, si se dan cuenta Hiei se parece un poco a Katsuki Bakugo jaja. xD Fue difícil dibujarlo en la versión Hiei, no quería que se pareciera tanto al estilo de Boku no Hero, pero ni modo, hice mi intento. También fue algo complicado hacerle los brillos.  n.ñ'
Por cierto, a Hiei no le gusta que Botan lo imagine de esa manera. XD A Botan le parece divertido y gracioso.
Espero les guste.   :3
Hiei y Botan pertenecen a el creador Yoshihiro Togashi, Yu Yu Hakusho.
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ayoharuko · 1 year
Hihi! I saw your post about Yu Yu Hakusho requests and was wondering, if you're not too bogged down already, and if you're still taking them if I might request one:
Could I ask for either Hiei or Kurama and what might happen when they realize they have feeling for a someone?
If not, no worries! I hope you have a great day either way!
Hello!! Thank you for requesting, sorry if I finished your request late but I hope you still enjoyed this regardless :)
Reader here is gender neutral(They/Them) and this will be in the form of headcanons, also I wanted to do both hope you don't mind huhuhu~
REMINDER: This character does not belong to me but belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi. This is all fictional work so please try not to take this too seriously :)
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Hiei is...a little oblivious in all honesty, he probably thinks you did something to him....
But as soon as he shows how different he acts around you and the others notice this, they will confront Hiei about it.
Once they say his in love, the first thing his gonna in a lot of in denial.
Like how can he fall for a weak human?? Thats the question that runs through his brain all the time.
He thought that it was lust, like a sexual thing but he was wrong....his the definition of 'He fell first and fell harder'.
Once he realizes that he actually wants you to be his mate for life, he will never ever let you go.
He will do these little things that will show how he cares for you, and you might think its because y'all are friends but nooo, he never did those things to Kurama or the others now did he?
He wanted you to confess first but of course in the end this man is impatient soo he decided to confess first!
~ Went like this ~
''Go out with me mortal'' Hiei saids to you looking straight into your eyes ''W-What?'' You respond ''Did I stutter?'' He snarled and you just nod while blushing and thats how y'all because a couple!
Basically when Hiei realizes his in love, the first thing he'll do is be in denial, about how he could fall for a human.
Then he'll have a talk session with Kurama, probs asking for advice, waits for you to confess first(But gets impatient so in the end confesses first) and dropping barely noticeable hints.
Hiei having a crush is very much new to him, so do cut him some slack~
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Kurama having a crush is....interesting to say the least.
Now Kurama wouldn't care much for looks, the first thing is personality and how well you'll get along with his family.
But he'll be the type where 'You fell first but he fell harder' and when he does it hits him real hard.
Unlike Hiei there's no denial, its more like ''What am I feeling?''
When he asks his mom and tells her everything, he discovers that what he feeling was love....
Love for you? How unexpected.
At first he would try to push those feelings away since he doesn't want you to get involved in things that are none of your business.
Yoko at first also just wanted to use you for...somethings but soon fell hard for you just like Shuichi did.
I feel like the time when Shuichi confessed to you, Yoko was itching to take over Shuichi and just kiss hug you lol
He definitely confesses first, with the flowers and beneath a tree.
~ Went like this ~
''Are you be free this coming weekend?'' Kurama asked kissing your Backhand, you blushed and just nodded to his question due to being embarrassed. ''Hm..good, I would love to take you on a...date~'' Kurama said smiling tenderly at you but his cheeks have darken shades of pink. ''O-Oh...i..I'll see you then!'' You unintentionally yell, he just chuckles and kissed your backhand again.
When Kurama falls in love, as I stated above. He falls hard.
He will be the best boyfriend you'll ever have!(Not like you guys will break up)
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Thanks for sending in this request :3, and I hope you liked this!
Also got carried away writing Kurama's 'Went like this' part lol
See you guys on my next post!~
Reblogs are appreciated and Feedback/Comments are always appreciated! :3
(Note: please don't copy and paste my works anywhere, and if you do see them on other platform please inform me.)
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8saturnicons8 · 6 months
Hiei & Yukina🔥❄️
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pizzasteveofficial · 2 months
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same picture
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monebula-art · 2 years
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Love these guys
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sadisticyouko · 1 year
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Yu Yu Hakusho ✰ 30th anniversary art by Yoshihiro Togashi
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duckymcdoorknob · 5 months
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Voices Carry
Warning! This is a tickle fic!
Ships: None! Char: Kurama and Hiei with a couple teaspoons of Lee!Yusuke
Warnings: This do have tickles below the cut ngl
Prompt: When the boys get into deep conversation one night, Kurama wants nothing more than for Hiei to shut up before he spills some secrets. Kurama would soon eat his words…
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It was a rare occurrence when the four were together and they actually got to enjoy one another’s company. It seemed that whenever they were in the same room, there was something that was threatening their peace that would happen the next day.
Hiei was sitting on the bed, resting his chin on his arm as he watched the rain fall outside of Yusuke’s bedroom window. Kurama lay with his head in the fire demon’s lap, engrossed in a book. Yusuke was trying to mask his excitement—though failing miserably—as he showed Kuwabara his Lego creations, and the orange-haired boy was carefully holding every set to ensure he wouldn’t break it.
Rain was harshly falling outside, so the other three were not going anywhere for quite some time.
“And this is one that Keiko got for me last year. I still keep asking to pay her back for it, but her stubborn ass won’t let me give her a single yen,” Yusuke explained, holding up a large replica of the Death Star.
The pompadoured male’s eyes lit up as he took in the awesome wonder of the huge project. “How long did that one take, Urameshi?!”
“Oh man, let me try to remember…” the green-haired boy murmured, “a good few months at least.”
“So cool…” Kuwabara breathed.
“You wanna hold it?”
“Can I?!”
“Sure,” Yusuke chimed, carefully placing the orb into his friend’s hands. “Just know that if you drop it, you won’t be walking away unscathed. Got it?”
Kazuma paled. “M-Mhm!”
As the taller male observed the craft, Hiei sighed in contentment. He never thought that he would enjoy the company of the two ruffians; moreover, he didn’t expect to find solace in watching rain fall.
“Say, Hiei,” Yusuke’s curious voice sounded from the other end of the room. “Did’ya ever have a raindrop race? Like you watched two drops trickle down at the same time and raced them?”
The black-haired demon narrowed his eyes in confusion before turning to the curious boy. “That sounds unbearably boring.”
“It’s like watching paint dry,” Kurama quipped, his deft fingers coming up to turn the page.
“Hey!” The spirit detective whined. “Oh like you’re any better. You’re reading Dickens!”
The red-haired male’s eyes flickered away from the copy of Great Expectations to an angry Yusuke. “And how did you know who the author was? My finger was covering his name,” he replied curtly.
Yusuke’s face burned in embarrassment. “W-Well-“
Having safely placed the Death Star on the shelf above him, Kuwabara cooed at his friend. “Ooooo! Urameshi likes reaaaadinnngg!!” he chirped, accentuating his teasing words with repeated pokes to the boy’s sides.
Yusuke squirmed and sputtered as he curled in on himself, falling backwards against the spirit sword user’s torso. “C-Cut that ohohohout!”
Kuwabara trapped Yusuke in his arms, caging him in. The little pokes had turned into rapid vibrations, and soon Kuwabara’s fingers were wiggling into the boy’s sides. “K-Kuwahahahabahaharahaha!”
The orange-haired male flashed him a Cheshire grin, cooing little teases in his ear as he snaked his finger’s under Yusuke’s shirt to spider his fingers along his tummy. The two demons’ attention was grabbed by an adorable squeal of agony.
“Nahaha-nahahahahaohoho! Quhihihihit ihihihit! Stahahahappihihihit!” Yusuke whined as his hips arched off the floor.
“Kuwabara,” Kurama warned. “If he’s asking you to stop, you must be mindful of his requests.”
“Ihihihim okahahahay. Ihihihits juhuhust a- hahahabihihit-HYEAHAHA!” The green-haired boy all but screeched as he felt Kuwabara’s fingers trail down to prod at his hips. “WAITWAITWAIT! OKAHAHAHAY! OKAHAHAHAY! THAHAHATS- THAHAHATS ENOHOHOUGH! KUHUHUWAHAHABAHAHARAHAHA!”
The pompadoured male promptly stopped and smiled, patting Yusuke’s tummy a few times before helping him sit up. “Sorry, Urameshi, couldn’t help it.”
Yusuke panted a bit, his dopey smile still plastered on his face. “Yeah, yeah,” he breathed, “Better watch your back… sleep with an eye open.”
Hiei breathed out a chuckle, a small guffaw leaving him. “Now don’t let Genkai know about this weakness of yours,” he quipped, “You’d never make it through another training.”
The spirit gun user flushed upon thinking of said scenario. By the name of the Spirit World… Genkai would be merciless.
“This gets me thinking… do demons have weaknesses too?” Kuwabara asked, poking Yusuke once more and eliciting a jolt.
“Of course we do. You’ve seen Kurama and I get gravely injured multiple times.” The fire demon replied, a small bout of confusion evident on his features.
“No, no, he’s got a good point,” the green-haired boy interrupted. “He means like- do you have human weaknesses? Like can you see a puppy in danger and stop everything to save it? Do you feel sad at sad movies? Or do you get grossed out when you see a bug?” There was a small moment of hesitation from Yusuke. “Are you ticklish?”
“Well…” Kurama chimed, sitting upright on his ankles, “I do get feelings from my human form. I experience the full spectrum of emotion. I would save that puppy, and sometimes sad movies get me a bit emotional. I don’t very much mind insects, but I’m not a fan of them. I experience laughter and joy as well,” he answered, dodging that last question.
“Oh laughter he does experience indeed,” Hiei interrupted, looking to the boys with an evil smile, “It’s quite easy to incite that experience.”
“Watch your tongue, Hiei,” the redhead growled, “You’re letting too much information go.”
“Oh really? You think I’m revealing too much to our delinquents?” the black haired-demon asked with menace.
“I do. And I think you’re about to let something slip; something with which I would very much not like these hooligans to know.” He rocked forward on his knees, “walking” closer to the fire demon, their faces almost touching, “Lock. Your. Lips,” he demanded.
“Fine,” a Cheshire grin toyed at his lips. “After all, it’s like you’ve always said, Kurama…”
The two delinquents watched Hiei effortlessly push Kurama over, sitting on his waist and holding his wrists above his head with one hand.
“Actions speak louder than words…”
“M-Must we resort to s-s-such childish antics?” there was a new emotion in the fox demon’s voice that neither human had heard before: apprehension. Hiei wiggled his fingers above certain spots, never actually touching down. “These two d-dohohont need to sehehehee what you’re-mmh!- talking abohohohout.”
Kurama sounded like he was fighting off giggling, but his voice was still low and demanding. The usual bass was still present, but the sweet chuckles slipping out gave it a more charming sound.
Hiei remained silent, his fingers finally touching down to wiggle against Kurama’s underarms.
“Agh- Hihihihiehehei-plehehehehease - pffhehehehe- plehehehehease behehe cihihihivil.”
Absolute silence was the fire demon’s reply, causing Kurama’s face to flush a bit in embarassment, his laughter being the only sound in the room.
“S-Say an-ngh-ahahanythihihihing y-you heheheathehen!” the red-haired demon all but begged.
The two human boys watched with fervor, stars in their eyes glistened as they took in the beautiful reality in front of them.
Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish. Kurama is ticklish.
Kurama is ticklish!
With a bout of urgency, Kuwabara jumped to his feet, rescuing the copy of Great Expectations and dropped a bookmark in it. He sat back down next to Yusuke, holding the book securely.
“Hihihihieheheihihi!” the fox demon whined. “Plehehehehease!”
“Please what? You told me to be quiet, and I’m obeying your command,” the black-haired demon replied. “Don’t blame me; tickling you was too easy of an opportunity to pass up.”
The redhead turned his head to the side, hoping to hide his face. The pink tint on his cheeks was prevalent, further signifying his pure embarrassment. As Hiei moved his hand down to Kurama’s tummy and sides, the fox demon got a bit of a breather. He wasn’t the most ticklish there, but it still got some giggles out of him.
“Oh dear, what a pity that you aren’t ticklish here. It would’ve been quite amusing to see you curl up around my hand,” Hiei teased, letting his fingers rake up and down the other’s middle.
“Jesus…” the green-haired boy murmured in a high-octaved voice. “Being tickled by Hiei is a death sentence.” he felt dizzy even looking at it…
“I heard that, Yusuke,” Hiei reported. “Don’t think you’re off the hook.”
Poor Yusuke’s eyes widened. What did he do?!
The fire demon grew bored, opting to move his hand down and pinch at the fox demon’s hips. Kurama’s eyes bugged out as his breath hitched a bit. He fell into deep belly laughter as Hiei released his arms and dug in with both hands.
“H-Hihihiehehehei yohohOHOHOU bahHAHAHAstahahard!”
No reply once more. What a cruel, cruel man!
Kurama threw his head back against Yusuke’s pillow and squealed, beautiful laughter pouring from his lips. “HihihiehEHEHEhei!”
“What’s wrong?” An innocent inquiry. “Ticklish?” A menacing rhetorical.
“M-Mohohove- HYEAHAHAHA! MohohOHOhove spohOHOHots!”
“Hmph, your human form is such a weakling,” he murmured, causing Kurama’s blush to deepen, “as you wish.”
The fire demon’s hand found their way to the fox demon’s thighs, taking refuge and squeezing there. Kurama shot upwards and tried to push at the hands assaulting his hyper-ticklish thighs. The poor redhead could only fall backwards and squirm, hoping to escape.
“Oh? Not… here? But I could have sworn that you had said to move spots. It’s not nice to make requests you don’t want fulfilled.”
“Man, Hiei is ruthless,” Kuwabara reported over Kurama’s frantic giggling, placing the book safely on the floor next to him.
“Hmph. Serves Kurama right for always tickling me,” Yusuke pouted through pursed lips.
The two boys smiled as they stood to their feet and spectated from a higher angle. This side of Kurama was one that only they would be lucky enough to see. His sweater had ridden up a bit, revealing the soft skin of his torso, flushed pink from the previous contact of ticklish fingers. His face was pinker than his shirt, and little tears of mirth dotted the corners of his eyes.
“Aw man, Kurama, you look adorable!” Yusuke chirped. “Of course I’ll help you out.” the spirit gun user chimed as he softly swiped his fingers across the fox demon’s neck.
Well, that did it.
Kurama exploded into cute laughter. Not knowing which person to arch away from, he simply let his head hit the pillow as he boomed with laughter. His chuckles were breathy and desperate, with little hiccups and stutters adorning them.
“Guys-“ Kuwabara attempted.
“Awww, poor Kurama,” Yusuke teased in a baby voice, eyes closed in glee.
“Hey, guys!-“
“Perhaps you should have thought about that before you spoke to me with such poison on your tongue,” Hiei replied, focusing on squeezing with dexterity.
The two males stopped their assault immediately, looking at an angry orange-haired boy. Their attention had been dwindled from Kurama for a few seconds..
“You have to give him a break. He’s tired! Can’t you tell he’s had enough?”
When the three looked back upon Kurama, the two humans felt a chill run down their spines. In place of his previously fiery-red hair, long, white strands adorned his head. Large, fuzzy ears twitched before he sat upward, pushing his two assailants off of him.
Before he could register it, Yoko pounced, and their positions were switched. Yusuke was now pinned under the demon effortlessly, squirming in anticipation.
“Now, now, Yusuke,” his smooth voice had murmured. “It seems you know what’s in store for you…”
The boy swallowed. Kuwabara backed up, grabbing a starstruck Hiei and pulling him off of the bed.
“Now, tell me,” Yoko demanded. “What is the difference between myself and my pathetically sensitive human form?”
The spirit gun user squirmed a bit in anticipation. “Y-You have claws?”
A rumbling laugh escaped the white-haired demon. “Astute observation, Yusuke, but that was not the answer I was seeking.”
Yusuke’s body squirmed and squirmed, trying to free himself as Yoko’s hand descended and rested atop of his tummy.
“Shuichi experiences human emotions, and I do not,” Yoko whispered calmly. “And among those emotions…”
Yusuke all but screamed when he felt the demon’s claws begin their ticklish assault on his sides. It was 100x worse than Shuichi’s more gentle approach. His bottom instantly arched up from the bed as helpless laughter poured from his lips.
“Is mercy…”
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hottiehiei · 2 months
- Slow burn romance with Hiei PART TWO
After months of mutual attraction, Hiei will ultimately confess— out of anger.
gender neutral. sfw. fluff. angst. (also, cliff hanger bc i literally blanked)
PART 1 is not required for this, but I highly recommend reading for more fluff ! <3
𓆩⟡𓆪 After Hiei finally realizes he is utterly smitten, he finds himself stuck in a weird predicament. He's kind of like, "Okay, what now?"
𓆩⟡𓆪 At times, he often wonders why you aren’t intimidated by his cold demeanor. What did you see in him that others didn’t? Or rather, what did he see in you that made him so attached? Trying to put all the pieces together only made him think of you more, and he can’t seem to come up with any sensible answers. It was an insufferable cycle.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Most people would give up and accept their fate. Not Hiei. He won’t welcome these feelings with open arms. No, he’d rather fight and conquer!
𓆩⟡𓆪 But….every time you greet him with a smile or wave him goodbye, he feels content. Such an ordinary interaction would make his sour mood disappear. It didn’t matter if he remained silent in response. You were persistent, unmoved by his rudeness. Were you able to tell that he actually liked the attention? He hoped not.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei naturally gravitates towards you, oddly feeling the need to stay close. His Jagan Eye can easily keep track of your whereabouts, but he prefers close proximity. He basks in the feeling of your body heat. Dare he say it was therapeutic. With little effort, he is in tune with every part of you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Whenever you’re engaged in conversation, he picks up little details of your daily life (another perk of staying close by). Don’t be too flattered, though. He’s still searching for something that’ll make him dislike you, even if he fails every time.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is a wild card. Just as you begin to think he feels nothing for you, he does something unexpected. One night, you accidentally found yourself separated from the group while on a mission. It was rather chilly, and you were shivering from the harsh winds. Hiei randomly showed up beside you, tossing his cloak over your head. “I can hear your teeth chattering from miles away. Don’t you humans know how to check the weather?”
𓆩⟡𓆪 No matter how unconcerned he appears to be, Hiei is always watching out for you. With his fast reflexes, he prevents you from losing your balance before you can even stumble over your feet or bump into something. He usually grabs your forearm or sleeve to stabilize you. The physical contact sends sparks between you two, but neither of you comment on it. His hand feels strangely warm after touching you. He can’t even bring himself to tease or scold you for nearly falling.
𓆩⟡𓆪 As mentioned, Hiei can be unpredictable. The romantic pinning is stronger than ever, but he’s still annoyed by it. For someone who has never experienced love before, he is taking it pretty hard. His feelings have festered to the point of frustration, and he feels vulnerable.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Hiei is so fed up with the back and forth that he ultimately decides to ignore you for good. Out of nowhere, he started acting like you didn’t exist. He put zero effort into holding a conversation, and sometimes, he was just plain rude, telling you to go away or walking right past you.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Kurama notices the awkward tension and tries to bring it up, but Hiei dismisses his concerns immediately. He figured that if he kept his distance, he would eventually forget about you. Or at least, that’s what he told himself. Acknowledging his feelings would make them real, and that’s the last thing he wanted.
𓆩⟡𓆪 While Hiei did all of this to protect himself, you’re left hurt by the abrupt change. He treats most people rudely, but you thought he at least tolerated you to some extent. Now, he couldn’t even be bothered to spare you a passing glance. You decided to confront him one day when you two were conveniently left alone (thank Kurama)
𓆩⟡𓆪 Initially, he was hostile, glaring at your figure. “If you truly believe there’s something between us, you’re sadly mistaken.” His words cut deep. He never spoke to you so harshly, but he sounded completely serious.
𓆩⟡𓆪 When you mentioned how much pain he caused you, it surprised him. He assumed he loved you far more than you could ever love him. But as you continued to vent, voice cracking and tears spilling, Hiei was incredibly confused. It wasn’t his intention to hurt you. He simply wanted to detach himself from you and return to his normal ways.
𓆩⟡𓆪 Witnessing your break down caused him to snap. He couldn't hold back his emotions any longer, and everything came out at once.
“You think I wanted to fall for you, a foolish human who can’t even tell when someone cares for them?”
“Your face is constantly invading my thoughts. I can’t even focus on anything else, but you’re the one crying? Ridiculous.”
“Just being away from you torments me. You couldn’t possibly understand. I’m doing this for my own sake.”
“Stop looking at me like that…”
Even after this intense confession, Hiei still avoids you like the plague.
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solomonraider · 4 months
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hiei art
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yeemotional · 2 years
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Kinda scuffed short king 🐉🖤
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kuramaminamino · 5 months
The fact that in the YYH LA, when Hiei has the thingy that he stole, he didn’t give it to Yusuke, he gave it to Kurama. That just shows how much he trusts Kurama :3
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