dannyphantomiscool · 4 months
I think something interesting in the damian&danny twins/danyal al ghul au that i don't see explored,,, basically ever, is how Danny heals.
I always see his personality made more similar to Damian's, which does make sense bc of his altered childhood. But i think it's far more interesting to keep it more canonincal.
He doesn't text w proper grammar bc he rejects the strict way he was raised. He makes puns and jokes and laughs freely because he was never allowed that when he was young. He freely admits to caring about his friends and family bc that is something he can have now.
I want to see a healed Danny. I want to see an Al Ghul that actually got to leave the league, got to heal and become normal.
And it'd add a really interesting aspect to his death, and Phantom. He escaped and he healed and then he still got fucked over and lost it all.
He's right back to having to fight constantly, his friends are weaknesses that can be exploited against him, and his parents are fighting him.
Danny directly and explicitly rejecting his upbringing and taking his life back. Eating nasty burger and playing doomed and having friends and crushes like a normal teenager.
And then losing it all.
(But better to be like his father than his mother.)
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sylladextrous · 5 months
more faggot things should happen to me this year I think
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modernday-jay · 4 months
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another version of me, i was in it
i wave goodbye to the end of beginning
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musicians should make it a point to have daylight shows instead of only nighttime concerts, send tweet
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wheelie-butch · 9 months
I know the Wolfpack being 4 guys who act as one and like rejecting individual names and hating to be reminded they are in fact individuals is just a funny joke in Monster Prom but to me the implications are fascinating... (especially when it's in-game compared to Zoe's experience, even though that's a joke I can't NOT get interested in that)
The extreme response to abanonment issues from their parents leaving...
Do they feel like a part of themselves is missing because Scott isn't like them?
The contrast to the Coven who hate being seen as a unit instead of individuals by all the other characters.
And in a game where you're deciding which one of your classmates you like most and getting them to pick you as their one favourite, a game that (despite several routes being about other things) does favour romance + monogamy overall by design, it's interesting to me to have characters that are like 'actually, no, my family is the most important thing to me and we're a package deal' and this renders them both unromanceable and even antagonists.
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sapphire-to-the-rain · 3 months
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nymphia sketch during art class
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foxdrabbles · 11 months
Prompt: ifrit has a crush and doesn't know how to deal with it.
Ptilopsis sets down her tablet as Ifrit throws herself onto the couch beside her. "Good afternoon Ifrit. For what purpose do you require this unit's assistance?"
"There's - ok, see, there's a thing that Miss Lena's putting on, she's setting up a pavilion in the garden, and there's gonna be food and dancing and dri -- absolutely no alcohol whatsoever, don't tell Silence, and it's coming up in a few weeks, and I wanted to go but I don't know who's gonna be there and I was thinking well, ok, I'll see if Sheepy wanted to go, she likes that sort of thing, at least, I think she does? But anyway I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go with me but every time I think about doing it I get this weird feeling in my stomach? It's like, floaty and shakey and I don't like it but I don't wanna ask Silence about it she'll just put me on more meds and I think I forgot to take my vyvathingy this morning so I'd get in trouble for that and I don't wanna bother her anyway and you know doctor stuff so I thought I would ask you about it and also do you know how to tell someone you wanna take them to a party?"
Ptilopsis blinked twice while Ifrit paused, catching her breath. "Processing...... Is Ifrit referring to Miss Eyjafjalla?"
"YEAH, her, she's really nice and she doesn't yell at me when I burn things and I know she spends a lot of time working so I wanted to try and be friends and take her to do something fun? But thinking about her makes my head feel kinda fuzzy but like, in a good way? Joyce, stop laughing, this is serious!!"
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journey-to-the-attic · 8 months
Here's a fun question! How do you think YOU would do as an MC? Would you pick a boy or take em all? Or abstain entirely? All totally valid options...
ahhh i do not think i would do very well, partially because i do NOT have ik's confidence in interjecting into other people's business without my services being requested, and partially because i tend to become the biggest bitch into the whole world when surrounded by grown ass adults who refuse to learn to communicate (i do Not have ik's patience in that regard)
but i'd probably have fun! magic and hell is always a good time. i guess i'd get along best with either levi or satan? though i cannot guarantee i wouldn't scare levi off... also i'm sure i would horrify lucifer with my taste in cheap supermarket wine lol
i don't think i'd really see any of them in a romantic light, tbh, so mostly that side of things would just go like this
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kokitschi · 8 months
Essentially, fatal flaw refers to a character trait possessed by a person that ultimately leads to his downfall.
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dannyphantomiscool · 10 months
DP X DC prompt i just came up w;
What if it's the usual; danny moves to gotham for either high school or college, under a new identity w the last name ''nightingale''.
But this time, tucker&sam come with.
Just. The three of them living in an apartment together and trying to navigate this new world they've ventured into.
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cowboybuckleys · 1 year
can shows just.. stick with a polyamorous character and not make them like… doing it outta convenience?? or make them cruel or evil?? or make them change their mind once they ‘meet the right person’?? cos it’s fucking exhausting. and we don’t get great (or tbh really any) representation as it is and it fucking sucks.
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foolnamedjoey · 9 months
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Animation WIP. it probably will stay this way so take it.
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insomniac-shado · 7 months
Toby has emo moments to The Front Bottoms (he loves their music so fucking much)
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seijorhi · 2 months
Random question, but how do you feel about Tsukishima from hq?
Love tsukki but he’s not really a character I’m super interested in writing for tbh
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krscblw · 7 months
if i were to open a couple commission slots would people be interested? be honest pls
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bonerot19 · 4 months
in a Mood about how many of problems could've been subverted if someone had just hugged me when I was a child
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