ariasphirance · 1 day
lilia usually scolds malleus for being unaware of human's norms and seeming to never learn, like malleus keeps breaking his phones, not reading invitation messages and finding it hard to understand human's perceptive.
but lilia took ~200 years travelling around the world to finally settle down with human's cultures, that's why he's quick to catch up to human's trends and understanding what's on their mind. while malleus has only spent 3 years outside his own secluded castle.
but malleus is a fast learner, even though fairy takes it easy and too chill with their long lives (like taking ~20 years to learn how to walk), in the span of 3 academy years, he learned how to use home electrics such as washing machine, dryer and microwave. he even learned how to cook actual good food through a school course. (super proud!!!)
so if he said it'd take him another 100 years to finally get used to the human's society (dorm uniform ssr), he would.
meanwhile...... lilia's food is still unedible no matter how many years have passed and how many times he cooks..... (apprentice chef) it puzzles malleus and makes him think that he might never be able to solve this mystery, unlike how he's still able to see the future of him understanding humans LMAO lilia can you still scold malleus for his ignorance?
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tombstoneleigh · 3 days
I love Haley as a character and the concept of her storyline, but I hate how they portray her and hotch in the show. Hotch wasn't a "runaway"father, he wasn't unavailable, he wasn't a bad husband. She knew what his job entailed when she got married to him and they had a baby together, so did he. If hotch was a woman he would be the hero in the show, he would be rewarded despite being "unavailable". He canonically calls her multiple times a day, and checks in with her constantly. He's work driven, that doesn't make him a bad person. I think it was irresponsible from both of them to have a kid when they knew how busy the job was. She isn't a bad wife for wanting him home more, she handled things poorly at times but that doesn't make her a bad person either. They're both first time parents and both need a support system that they couldn't find in one another, they are just incompatible, not deadbeat parents or spouses.
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fufo-4 · 3 days
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when will my wife return from the war...
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artanticaa · 1 day
Tattoo Shop Au HAHA
Okay, picture this (this is not like a fic it is just my ideas):
Marc crams himself in his shop late at night, long after he flipped the "open" sign to "close", and he hunches over in his chair, frantically scribbling design idea, the thoughts in his head moving much faster than what he can do with the pen, but he tries to keep up as to not let any idea slip through the cracks.
He loves that people want to get tattoos from him, but late at night he bites his nails, wondering how he is going to top himself with the next tattoo. Álex knows this, knows that if he wants to find Marc at midnight on a Friday, he should start with the shop. So that is exactly what he does. He has a spare key so he lets himself in and walks to the back to grab Marc.
He throws a shirt at Marc and tells him to get up, that there's a new club in the city and he thinks it would be good for Marc to get out and let loose a little. Marc agrees but very reluctantly, putting on the tank top Álex brought for him.
Little does Marc know, this new club's little theme is UV/black lights. When the two of them get to the little sign outside a small door tucked into a busy street labeled "Neon" Marc is already like, oh no absolutely not, but Álex pushes him in, already seeing the tattoos that cover Marc's arms, legs, neck, and face start to glow.
Marc doesn't like to respond to people when they give him shit for being "a tattoo artist with no tattoos" because, why get into that argument. In reality he is actually covered from head to toe in UV tattoos, which don't show up under normal light, they only show up under black light. So he just lets people believe he has no tattoos.
However, when he gets into this club, he lights up like a glowstick LOL. What he doesn't know is that earlier that night, Valentino's two little gremlin children convinced him to go out with them to a :new club" in the city as well. Pecco and Bez spot someone turned away from them from across the room and they notice all the glowing tattoos decorating his body and tap Vale on the shoulder and tell him to look.
*cue dramatic turn around*
Marc turns around to look at the scene and Pecco, Bez, and Vale are able to see that it is him, the bottom half of his face covered in what looks to be a realistic skull tattoo, from his nose down it almost looks like those x-rays you get at a dentist office.
And like after that, ya know, whole big shock factor, people are looking blah blah. IDK MAN I wanna make a comic of that.
also shout out my beloved best friend @vanillow for yelling with me abt it
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bestialflare · 1 day
i think, fundamentally, seeing a lot of valenwind relegated to “crackship” is so wild after being in these trenches for almost 15 years now considering how much subtext characterization we get with cid and vincent, especially from vincent.
vincent categorically doesn’t really say a whole awful lot, and trends towards being absurdly unhelpful/cryptic in certain circumstances. he’s semi-formal, uses wry humor sparingly, clings to the fringes of the group.
it is specifically when cid is involved, multiple times in the original game, where Vincent will just randomly use a nickname for him, consistantly check in on him, outright admits to admiring him at least twice, and admits to fighting by his side because it’s all he can give. dirge (i have my dirge defence preloaded) canonizes the two of them being drinking buddies between the two year gap— a time period where vincent was actively getting into scrapes with OTHER MEMBERS of avalanche (otwtas mention, your mileage may vary).
save for the novel, all of these interactions are in the games, and are exceptional examples of the sort of way that vincent defers to teammates and communicates with others. relegating it to just the hotel scene or standing next to eachother feels fundamentally crazysauce to me. there are cathedrals everywhere for those with eyes to see or whatever
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abijahfowler · 1 day
happy pride! here are some blue eye samurai lgbt headcanons. c:
abijah fowler is a homophobic gay man
that’s all folks! thank you for rea
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mpregtual · 10 hours
happy pride month
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chickensoupbmc · 3 days
I've been seeing posts about the SQUIP "stimming and fidgeting" and whatnot, and at first I was like 😕☝️ no... it's an ai!! it doesn't stim!!!! but after actually watching it and seeing what people are referring to I can definitely see it 😭
I usually refrain from thinking of the SQUIP as too human, what with actual emotions and stuff like that, because I think it can lead to heavy mischaracterization and.... in some cases SQUIPemy… 😞 but after thinking about it a bit, like, I get it now!! and I think maybe as opposed to it being an actual self-regulatory thing for it, it's something it picked up from Jeremy and Christine? because obviously there wouldn't be any use to an ai in fidgeting with its hands or the strings on its outfit, BUT since "with every interaction it evolves" and since its main objective has to do with Jeremy and Christine, I can see how it would've picked it up from them
Either perhaps to seem more human, as it DOES try to do that, and the two main examples of humans it had were Jerm and Christine. or unconsciously just due to the fact it was what it was surrounded with. I think it makes sense as well because of the fact that it DOESNT seem to do anything like that when it's first activated. (at least from what | can tell).
Of course, with the SQUIP having told Jeremy NOT to fidget and whatever else in Be More Chill pt 1, it doesn't exactly make sense that it would be something it itself would be okay with adopting as a mannerism
But I do think thinking about it this way makes more sense to me and I think the SQUIP is kinda cutie /😈when it does its thing idk
(is there a tone tag for evil? /😈 is the best i’ve got 😞🙏🙏)
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this one ⬆️ with the hand placement near the chest and whatnot feels very reminiscent of jeremy’s thing to me
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this ⬆️ again, reminds me of jeremy
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and this ⬆️ reminds me of christine, as she does fidget with her clothes a lot
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do you guys ever just wanna interact with a mutual and have like a full blown conversation and pick their brain apart and listen to them talk about their dreams and hopes and fears and hobbies but are too scared to actually initiate the conversation?
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aronaax · 3 days
guys. hear me out the hatsune miku and teto mesmeriser music video is so scp coded. i was watching a tiktok analysing all the hidden details and ?? it’s so interesting, it definitely reminds me of scp 993 in a way, and if it was a real show the foundation would most certainly intervene n take steps to hide it from the public
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like. look at this. isn’t this so scp coded
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and whatever this warning is ?! first thing i thought of is this could be anomalous side effects to the viewer
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i probably sound insane merging all my interests like this But i thought it was too cool not to mention
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i will manifest a nerdy,niche,tall,loser,anti social,andrew Garfield + tim la fleur coded DORK OF A BOYFRIEND
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dnp predictions for the coming month.
Normal dapg upload of some kind tomorrow night (31st May) feat. Pride month shenanigans announcement.
Twice weekly videos alternating the usual gay shit and some turbo level queer foolishness/shamelss queer joy. (x2 vids per week feels optimistic ngl but im manifesting).
Dan birthday charity livestream - one or both in drag maybe?
A day in the life of dan and phil - at London pride.
Collab with a drag queen (I'm manifesting Trixie Mattel)
Tyler Oakley collab.
Dan and phil visit Canal Street (again this feels like a reach i am basing it entirely on 1 phil twitter like from May 25th. But oh my god I would be LIVING).
Dan does more stand up - maybe posting it on his personal channel/side channel.
A vid specificly hyping up and supporting the trans community. (as close to political as phil lester may ever allow himself to be perceived, so again, a reach.)
And merch obviously.
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vnzndt · 2 days
congrats!! that merch is AMAZING, hands down my favorite thing they've done in months! can you talk any about the process of working with them and how DB is behind the scenes? did they approach you or did you approach them?
after going through the dream branding booth 10,000,000 times at vidcon (my bad) a friend reached out to me and told me about DB’s concept of working with fanartist(s) and a few months later i was contacted by them and we started working on the drop !!
they gave me full creative freedom (with a few limits of course) and i had so much fun bringing my own ideas to life. the designs i made were actually based off of a sticker set fan merch concept i made way back in late 2021 that i never finished or brought to fruition, so it was SO exciting being able to recreate it & have such an amazing company be able to produce it with me
DB are genuinely some of the sweetest and most understanding people i have ever worked with. i manage a restaurant full time in my day to day life & the team was so incredibly accommodating to my schedule and worked with me through any inconveniences, wether it came from that or timezone differences or whatever else came up throughout the few months we were working on this drop
any hiccups on either of our ends were handled so smoothly and i have so much appreciation for their entire operation
i’ve been able to talk to a handful of the team members one on one, some more than others, and they are all so sweet both in and outside of work
again i am just so eternally grateful for such a huge opportunity and for it to go as well as i feel it has is just such a gift. i know i sound so corny but i’ve literally just been so overwhelmed by all the love and support i’ve been shown by everyone who was involved in the process and everyone who stood by me the whole way :’(
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if anyone has any other questions my ask box is open :3 i’ll answer whatever i’m allowed to ^_^
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freakshow-babyy · 2 days
wolf warrior Jay falls in love with nya again but it's an evil type of love. Not what they had when Jay was good
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777-v3nus · 1 day
I've always wondered why some ppl in the mtl Fandom have always babied toki to hell and back. Like I'm all for hc ( go crazy idc,have fun) and I'm not a 'this is so ooc' type loser. But at the same time I'm genuinely intrigued why. I get that he canonically age regresses and that he is the most childish; but he also has expressed his want for sex, jerks off, possibly killed a man, curses, etc.
Hes an adult childish man who regresses due to trauma not child coded(that word is so funny to me for some reason) . And I think there's a difference.
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bronzetomatoes · 2 months
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Art you don't like has a right to exist and be taken seriously
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