#yandere kageyama
animeyanderelover · 8 months
May I request Chuuya, Dazai, Kageyama, Tendou, Yuuji(jjk), and Urie with an s/o who has social anxiety. Happy new year 🎉
Tags: @naeho @flaming-vulpix @shumidehiro @leveyani
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusion, protective behavior, clinginess, isolation, manipulation, threats, co-dependence
S/o has social anxiety
Kuki Urie
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🖤He knows that it’s very much wrong to feel this way but Urie can’t stop himself from enjoying your social anxiety at times. He’s someone who wants to be useful to you, mainly by protecting you and making you feel safe and that is what ends up happening due to your fear of interacting with others. You tend to stick close to his side since he’s your boyfriend, let him do most of the talking when someone approaches you two and are very skittish when you’re left alone, terrified that someone might try to talk to you since your nervousness shows. This gives him a lot of control and power in the relationship, something that isn’t healthy, yet even if Urie knows that, at times it just gets to his head. The problem is that even if he tries to encourage you to be socially active, you often just run back to him when you’re too scared.
🖤The way you clutch his hand in your own sweaty palm and hide behind him always shatters his rational side telling him to have you adapt a bit better. How couldn’t he when he sees you shaken to your core? Slowly he starts resigning himself to the new role he has to take as your boyfriend and soon he starts liking it. Sure, it’s unhealthy and your borderline co-dependence on him is toxic but you seem so much happier and at ease with the way things are right now. You’re feeling good and protected when he’s with you and that’s all Urie really wants. He reacts slightly aggressive when his own Squad points out that your relationship isn’t really healthy even if a part of him silently agrees with them.
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️Poor boy is a bit overwhelmed with his darling but he really only wants the best for them. Unfortunately his good intentions can come across as very overbearing most of the time. He’s just very protective of you due to your fear to speak with other people and the fact that you come running to him so often since you’re more comfortable around him, Kageyama also ends up getting the wrong idea. He’s not really letting you leave that much without him because what would happen if you’d end up needing his help with something? Worst is that you would rather prefer being with him.
🌧️You feel so much more comfortable when he’s with you since he can just take over the socializing part for you. It becomes such a routine for him that at one point he low-key normalizes it without fully acknowledging that you should require some help. Even if his friends tell him that he should help you with your problem instead of coddling you by doing what you want to avoid, he just can’t deny you the moment you become anxious in public. He’s too protective to see you struggling like this. No, instead he starts turning angry when someone starts making you uncomfortable, even if they had no bad intentions at all.
Satori Tendou
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❤️Tendou finds himself stuck in a bit of a moral dilemma when it comes to his darling. On the one hand he also feels a very sick enjoyment by having you rely on him so much but he also understands that your social anxiety is a hindrance since social interaction is unavoidable, no matter how hard you may try. It isn’t really healthy. Obviously he helps you when you struggle which oftentimes just ends with him doing everything in the end as you end up feeling too embarrassed and nervous, hiding behind his tall form. It’s very hard forcing you into something when you’re shaking, have clammy hands and keep on looking at him for reassurance. Honestly, at times he just scares some people away with his creepy looks when they make you very visibly anxious and don’t seem to have plans to leave anytime soon.
❤️Satori is still doing what he can to help somehow since he knows that you yourself are sometimes frustrated because you just can’t hold a normal conversation and ask for help. To not push you into cold water right away though, he starts by having you around Ushijima and the other volleyball players in his team. They’re quite a chaotic bunch so he deems that if you’ve gotten used to them, being around others should be easier. He’s also trying to take you out more, although he never leaves your side once. All his good intentions aside though, sometimes Tendou feels insecure about himself too. When that happens, your clingy behavior and reliance on him is reassuring and he’ll even encourage it to feel better about himself.
Dazai Osamu
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🤎I don’t think that you’d be much surprised to find out that Dazai would love this a little bit too much. You’ve just given him the golden ticket to enable him to do what he wants. It isn’t hard to notice that you struggle enormously with social interactions and this gives the man a great idea on how to manipulate you and make you dependent on him. All he has to do is get close to you and then worsen your already anxious condition to have you fully rely on him. As soon as you have opened your heart for him, he starts spreading his poison. Always taking over in public, something you tend to let him do very gladly. After all it spares you all the potential embarrassment and struggles to speak up.
🤎Just like that he coaxes you into letting him handle everything which worsens your social skills and makes you all the more bashful and nervous when he isn’t with you. You find yourself unwilling to leave the house much if Dazai can’t be with you since you’ve grown too accustomed with him being the one in charge. Your avoidance of social events leads you to spend a lot of time with Dazai at home and he mostly doesn’t mind. Sometimes though he craves to see you all anxious and nervous, struggling to speak to strangers and ultimately hiding behind him. It’s adorable~
Nakahara Chuuya
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🟠Little, aggressive man here only grows easier irritable with someone like his s/o. Chuuya is a very protective man so he can not bear to see you as scared and nervous as you often are. Technically he knows that the other person mostly isn’t at fault, he’s aware of your social anxiety. He just can’t keep his temper though, especially if you look at him with those frightened and pleading eyes which make his heart burst. Your social anxiety and his easily trigger-happy temper make for a very bad combo in public so Chuuya spends a lot of his time with you inside his house where he knows that you feel far more comfortable.
🟠He feels great seeing you far more happy and comfortable, so much more loving now that you aren’t a nervous mess. A part of him still knows that this isn’t healthy and that he probably should help you. He does try at times, takes you outside and encourages you to interact with the people on the cash register or with the waiter/waitress ready to take your order. Such attempts often end up with him doing everything in the end though. He’s initially always a bit disappointed, clear by the small sigh he gives, but it’s all forgotten when you break out of your shell and shower him with affection at home.
Itadori Yuji
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🩷Yuji is a supportive boyfriend so he’d definitely take it upon himself to help you with your social anxiety. Sure, sometimes it’s cute when you squirm nervously behind him but he knows that social interaction is important. He himself is socially very active and loves to take you outside for dates as well and whilst he doesn’t mind staying at times home with you, he eventually grows bored. Now, Yuji doesn’t expect you to be the ultimate social butterfly but he wants to reduce your anxiety of talking to strangers and your refusal to ask questions when you need help. If you’re too uncomfortable starting with total strangers, he just asks his friends and his sensei to help you a bit out of your shell. Nobara says that she thinks it’s a bit ridiculous but ends up being the one most supportive out of his teammates anyways.
🩷Mainly because she thinks that Megumi is too gloomy to be much of a help and Gojo…well, is Gojo. He visits the same shops and places with you so you grow accustomed to the staff and the people working there, encourages you to speak up for yourself. The pink-haired boy never leaves you alone though so you always have a feeling of reassurance by having him next to you. It’s really sweet, he praises you and compliments you when you do manage to speak up for yourself and showers you in little kisses but also isn’t disappointed if you can’t do something. He’s celebrating even the small steps you take but don’t worry, if it’s too much he’s there to take over for you.
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mermaidfanficlibrary · 9 months
Yandere Poly Kageyama & Tsukishima x male reader
Where they make fun of him at school. Bullying pretty much, but if someone else tried to do it they wouldn’t be going back to Karasuno again.
They want to see the reader cry, not having people around to lean on because they wouldn’t dare go near him. But what if he comes to school all smiley and cheery? Where he’s now got either an animal at home who’s made him happy or a neighbour to spend time with.
They don’t like it at all. Only they should be the reason him feel any emotions. They want to control everything. They want to be the only reason he is happy or upset.
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I wouldn't hurt him if I were you | Yandere Haikyuu x Male Reader
Characters: Tsukishima Kei, Kageyama Tobio
Summary: You just wanted a normal school life, not two boys fighting over you. Reader is male.
Warnings: Yandere themes, harassment, obsession, bullying, death, abuse
A/n: So sorry this took so long!! Sorry if this was rushed!
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୨💔୧➤ You were a new transfer student to Karasuno High school. You were reserved and kept to yourself most of the time, not wanting to draw any unwanted attention to yourself. But that wasn't as easy as you thought it would be.
୨💔୧➤ You had caught two of your fellow first years eyes, and hearts. Kei Tsukishima and Tobio Kageyama saw you at the same time as you walked through the hall. You walked past them as they were bickering and Hinata trying to sheepishly break it up.
୨💔୧➤ As soon as you past, though, they both shut up and just watched as you fumbled with your locker. That was the moment where everything changed between the two boys.
୨💔୧➤ That day Tsukishima and Kageyama would corner you and tease you endlessly. They would scare you whenever they could. The two would also hurt you, but that was rare and only if you "misbehaved" in their mind.
୨💔୧➤ That's where the obsession seed bloomed into something more volatile. They would endlessly manipulate you and made you feel guilty about everything. They would say you deserved this or that it was your fault.
୨💔୧➤ Both of them would break you down, and isolate you so that they were the only ones you could lean on. They made everyone afraid of you, because no one wanted to mess with Tsukishima and Kageyama.
୨💔୧➤ If they ever saw someone else picking on you, they would not have it. They would corner that person and, let's just say, they're not in school anymore and no one questions the disappearance.
୨💔୧➤ Same thing when the two see a wound or bruise on you that they didn't inflict. But first they would patch you up, made sure it healed. During that time, they wouldn't hurt you at all.
୨💔୧➤ Once they saw you flinch and break down, they were satisfied with what they had done. They found every opportunity to make you break down and cry in front of them. It was odd when either Kageyama or Tsukishima would hug you or comfort you.
୨💔୧➤ It was mental torture. You had many sleepless nights with the thought of the two boys hurting you and doing whatever the fuck they wanted to you. No matter how hard you tried to escape them, both at school or at home, there were a thousand thoughts that were burned in your mind.
୨💔୧➤ So to escape those thoughts, you would walk outside late at night, with just yourself. It was a nice and refreshing change when you started taking those nightly walks. All your anxiety washed away.
୨💔୧➤ That's how you met your neighbor and new best friend! They made you feel so safe, and you would talk to them whenever something was troubling you. They took so much weight off, and you were finally able to feel happy.
୨💔୧➤ You started smiling and giggling at school to yourself whenever you looked down at your phone and saw their contact. Your neighbor made you so happy. You would skip down the halls! This however caught Tsukishima and Kageyama off guard.
୨💔୧➤ They thought they had broken you down. They worked so hard only to see you smiling at other people that weren't them? No matter how hard they tried to break you down again, you would just come back to school smiling and radiating sunshine.
୨💔୧➤ They were curious as to why you looked so happy when you looked down at your phone. Who was making you giggle like that? It made both of them very angry. They decided together that they would steal your phone and look at whoever was texting you, they also added their own contacts on your phone.
୨💔୧➤ Tsukishima put his contact under My love on your phone, and Kageyama put his contact under My darling. On their phones, your contact name is Our darling. They immediately got a message on your phone from your neighbor. They were enraged
୨💔୧➤ You were trusting other people, you were friends with other people. In their eyes, you were practically cheating on them. So they took your phone to handle your oh so friendly neighbor in person.
୨💔୧➤ You walked out of class and checked your locker for your phone, but you couldn't find it. You were sure you had it with you, but you just assumed you left it at home. You started to walk to your neighborhood.
୨💔୧➤ You felt something was off, so you walked to your neighbor's house first to check on them. It wasn't odd for you to drop by and check in on them. But you were filled with anxiety, you've never felt this anxious before.
୨💔୧➤ Once you opened the door, the place smelt like death. Your heart dropped when you saw the red pooling beneath your feet. You looked up to see the two boys who bullied you endlessly. You fell to the floor sobbing, and they were smiling!?
୨💔୧➤ Maybe you should have just been alone, and not had talked to anyone. That way, everyone would have been safe from them. This was all your fault, at least that's what they told you.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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creative-crybaby · 1 year
Birds of a Feather (Flock Together)
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PAIRING: yan!timeskip!Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
GENRE: smut | dark content (18+)
Minors DNI
TAGS + WARNINGS: yandere themes, toxic friendship, nipple play, light manhandling, semi-public sex, creampie
Let me know if I missed anything.
SUMMARY: What was supposed to be a helping hand became an unhealthy relationship when Kageyama mistakes your kindness for something more. All characters are 18+
@creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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Now that you think about it, you’ve always been too nice for your own good. 
Not that it’s your fault. Your parents raised you that way; show kindness to others whenever the opportunity presented itself. The limit of knowing when to stop never came up, opting to believe that your positive behaviour would be contagious. Wishful thinking, of course. You don’t blame your parents for those drawbacks—their boundless optimism, perhaps, but that’s all. 
You wished reality showed some mercy when slapping you across the face. Sooner, too, maybe. 
When you especially wished for a backbone, you were in your first year of high school, standing before your anxious friend after offering your help. You know her pretty well, having gone to the same middle school; your brain saw no reason to process possible consequences. (Not like you could ever predict your current outcome, anyway.) If anything, the muscle was too busy thinking about how the blonde’s spine would break eventually. No ill feelings behind the idea, but it doesn’t stop your brows from furrowing in guilt. 
You worried for Yachi, that’s all. And with her bent over at a 90° angle before you, a position you both seem familiar with, you couldn’t help but sigh. 
“Hey,” you began softly. The sheepish blonde didn’t budge, and it wasn’t until you said her name a bit louder did she tilt her head to peer up at you. “It’s no problem, okay? I’d be happy to help. Besides,” you quipped with a smile for good measure, and your classmate rose from her deep bow, though kept her position so you remained above her, “this could look good on a resumé, no?”
By now, Yachi’s posture returned to normal as she offered a nervous chuckle. “I guess you’re right. It’s just that those two can be a handful sometimes, especially with each other. I don’t want to put any stress on you.”
Your arms crossed as you arched a brow, considering the new volleyball manager’s words. “Then, how about I take care of one of them and you keep the other? It’ll be easier to help if you focus on one person’s struggles, and that way they won’t bicker all the time.” A small smile graced her lips as she pondered your idea, and you leaned forward curiously. “You make them sound like an old married couple. There’s no way they’re that bad, are they?”
Yachi’s eyes widened ever so slightly before she frantically shook her hands in front of her. 
“No, no, no!” she insisted, voice raising a bit more than probably intended. A few classmates paused their conversations to glance at you two; you waved them off apologetically. “I don’t mean to make them sound terrible or anything! It’s just that they care so much about their club that,” she paused, searching for the right words, “they can’t seem to focus on anything else.”
You hummed, head tilting in thought. A valid concern, but it was a drawback most teens had with studying. Not that you needed to remind Yachi: with keeping up with a team where she somewhat understands the sport, tutoring her teammates and keeping up with her schoolwork, stating the obvious may not put her at ease.
Instead, you grinned reassuringly, and light pink dusted across the blonde’s cheeks. “Nothing I can’t handle. I got this.”
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It didn’t take long to find your tutee upon entering Class 1-3. Based on Yachi’s description, you were sure you’d seen him a few times in the hallway, a scowl seemingly stuck on his face. That expression remained as he stared at whatever was in his notebook. And with other students in the room tiptoeing as they passed his desk, you were even more sure that was who you were looking for. 
“Kageyama.” Despite your voice’s volume as you attempted to gain his attention, your tone carried its usual gentleness. It did the trick, his frown softening as his brows lowered to a neutral expression. Not as intimidating as his previous look, but you understood where Yachi’s hesitance came from as she tried to describe him. 
“You’re Yachi’s friend?” It sounded more like a statement than a question, but you nodded. He hummed. “What’s your name again?”
You are–were–kind, not a saint. The question irked you, having put effort into knowing who he is and how he worked to help him raise his grades. He can’t bother to remember your name? Surely, Yachi gave it to him.
There’s no need to get mad, you remembered. Reminded. Wired. It was just introductions; give him a chance. Give him as many as he’ll need to open up in his own way. Yachi said he wasn’t the best at communication. He’s trying. You were both trying.
You gave him your name with a smile.
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The first lesson had more to do with diving deeper into his brain than helping him study. With only a summarized description to go by, you needed more information. 
Kageyama understood onomatopoeias better than imagery. Tone flew over his head while clear instructions prepared him for the journey ahead. Studying English and Japanese had their wins and losses. (Mostly the latter, though some battles must be lost to win the war.)
The next couple of sessions weren’t any different. You wondered if the environment distracted the setter, and while it didn’t appear that way, you suggested meeting up at the library. A minor improvement, though his brain’s wiring still wasn’t completely translated to you. 
Whenever you and Yachi sat together for lunch to update each other on the tutoring, you tossed in some enthusiasm in your tone as you promised her you were getting there. Following up was a back-and-forth of the blonde insisting that you could back out of the deal whenever and you assuring her that everything was going smoothly. (Can’t say “fine.” No one believes in fine anymore.)
Now, you observed the twitch of Kageyama’s eye as he glared at the graphs, angles and equations in his notebook. You didn’t blame him: not when you were slowly running out of methods to help him. 
As time passed, so did his patience. The ravenette slammed his notebook onto his desk with a groan, hands flying to slap his face, making you jump in your seat across from him. Other students flinched as they turned to face the commotion, whispering to one another before trying to look away. 
“This is a waste of my time,” Kageyama muttered. 
That makes two of us, a fleeting thought grumbled. You swatted it away, ignoring the tightening of your chest.
His glare trailed toward the window to his left, muttering about how he could be improving his technique—or rather, something more about a certain pipsqueak needing to work on his spikes. 
You hummed. “Tell me about volleyball.”
His gaze snapped to you, brows still furrowed, though curiosity replaced the aggression in his eyes. “What about it?”
“Whatever you want,” you shrugged, placing your pencil on the desk. “I only really know the basics of the sport, but there’s no use stressing yourself out over something you’re stuck on. Consider this a little break.”
A slight pout formed on his lips, either from hesitation or pondering where to begin. 
Kageyama lived and breathed volleyball. Not his words verbatim, but his rambling told you as such. He knew his strengths and his weaknesses (even if he’d rather not discuss them), and his irritation toward his teammate sounded like complaints on the surface. Still, it came from high expectations and confidence in the ginger’s potential, and it wasn’t until he rambled on about A passes and C passes did a light flick in your brain. 
“There it is!” you exclaimed, a grin tugging the corners of your lips. You slid the notebook closer to the setter. “Try what you were just explaining to me and add it into these questions.”
It took him a few seconds to process the order, his head tilting to the side as that pout returned. A cute look on him, but that wasn’t relevant then, nor now. 
“What, my passes?” Kageyama blinked, and it seemed to click. 
You nodded. “You’re so precise with your sets. Just apply all the knowledge to these situations. It may not be exactly the same thing, but it’s possible.”
Kageyama looked at you for a bit before returning his attention to his notebook, taking his time looking over the written words before skating his pencil across the paper. You figured Yachi was exaggerating when she told you about his passion for the sport, but that assumption went out the window soon enough. But weaknesses can be strengths if you view them from a different angle, and soon the setter’s distraction became his motivation.
Not all the questions he answered were correct, but the improvement was impossible to miss. You beamed, praising him for finding his way. Despite his resting face, Kageyama’s eyes shined from the encouragement, his posture straightening ever so slightly. The baby pink dusting his cheeks didn’t go unnoticed by you, either, and you had to refrain from cooing. Holding back a chuckle as he stammered an invitation to his team’s next practice match wasn’t possible, and you agreed should he continue to work hard.
The study session ended early, with you wishing the ravenette good luck at practice and his upcoming quiz. You slouched while walking in the opposite direction, pride washing over you like a warm shower. An accomplishment, a job well done. Completed.
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You remembered thinking how you could only go uphill from there, academically speaking. What else was there? Aside from volleyball, there wouldn’t be anything else to worry about, and you weren’t even responsible for that department. All you could do was observe the sport and those who play it, learning bit by bit as you cheered for your school’s volleyball club. 
You didn’t know the opposing team or their capabilities, though you could only assume they were a challenge. Yachi sat beside you, scribbling notes and occasionally explaining whatever she learned herself. 
“I heard you found a way to help Kageyama,” she said between sets. “How’d that go?”
As if he heard you, the setter trailed his gaze toward you two, giving you a curt nod before drinking from his water bottle. You returned a small smile before giving your attention to your blonde friend.
“Figured things out a few sessions in,” you responded as the remnants of pride from that day of discovery still swirling in your chest. “He should get the hang of it soon enough. I’m sure getting to stay in this club is more than enough motivation for him.”
Yachi perked up at the news. “That’s great! Thanks again for helping out. I owe you bigtime.”
“Don’t say that.” You shook your head with a giggle. “How’s your tutoring process coming along?”
Movement teased the corner of your eye, but the shriek that echoed throughout the gym was impossible to ignore. Your attention went to the source, and the new manager almost dropped her notebook at the sound.
Kageyama held a death grip on a ginger teammate–Hinata’s–hair, roughly tugging the locks as he glared at the shorter teen. The latter continued to beg, though aside from who you could only assume to be the team captain, no one paid them any mind. As the senior student handled the situation, the setter caught your gaze. His glare faltered, but his frown didn’t disappear as he seemingly analyzed your expression. He walked away with a huff, and soon enough, the second set began.
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It was normal, apparently. You got to interact with a few of the other teammates, one of which–Tanaka, if you remembered correctly–barked out a laugh as he assured that Kageyama and Hinata fought like an old married couple all the time. You weren’t sure what kind of elders he’s been around, but so long as the explanation put you at ease, you’d take it. 
You eventually got used to the random quarrels as well. A deal was made between the setter and you that you’d see his games should he continue to work hard academically. Or rather, he’d let you know when his upcoming practice matches would be like you’d already planned on showing up. Not that it bothered you; it was probably his way of connecting with you outside of tutoring, and with your first impressions of him, you assumed making friends wasn’t his forte.
The only downside is that you also had your own club to go to. The boys’ volleyball team didn’t have practice matches too often, so you had yet to miss any, at most showing up a bit late as you’d wrap up your club’s meeting for the day. You’d catch Kageyama with his usual frown until he found you’d shown up, and his expression would soften as he straightened his posture. Having already been in the game, he couldn’t say anything about your tardiness, so you’d sneak to the balcony and observe from above, cheering on a little harder to make up for it. After the game, he’d approach you with a pout, though he’d only discuss the match with you.
It was late fall when you first missed a match. Kageyama informed you a few days prior, as you helped him with Modern Japanese, that a practice game would partake. You thought nothing of it until that day arrived, and you had yet to dismount your seat in your own clubroom. The calligraphy club was pretty straightforward, though that day, there was a meeting, one you barely recalled as your eyes continuously glanced at the clock. Along with cleaning up the classroom, you lost more time than expected, and rushing to the gymnasium did little to fix the issue. 
The game was in its second set by the time you arrived. The first thing you noticed upon entering the gym was the starting setter’s head whipping toward your direction. His alertness subsided, but his gaze stayed on you for a few seconds too many before he served the ball. You assumed things would go as usual, with you sneaking to your designated spot and watching the match until it was over. 
It wasn’t until the opponents requested a time-out did you discover how wrong you were. While the other boys went to fetch water and towels, Kageyama stomped over to you, his sweat-slicked bangs hovering over his eyes in a way that made his glare all the more intimidating.
“Where were you?” His voice was of normal volume, but his tone matched his furious expression perfectly. Your body froze.
“I had this thing,” you stammered. “My club meeting took longer than I thought, and—”
“I was waiting for you,” he seethed, stepping closer. “I even asked Coach to wait a bit so you could make it. I shouldn’t even have to make excuses for tardiness. You couldn’t have told your club that you had places to be?”
Your mouth went dry as he got louder, and by now, most of his teammates were watching the commotion. You’ve seen him frustrated, sure, angry on bad days, too. At least he’d take it out on his homework. 
Still, your habit of patience was second nature, even when it wasn’t called for. “I’m sorry—”
“Kageyama.” Daichi was behind the ravenette with a hand on his shoulder before you could further explain yourself. His tone was stern, sharp even, but nowhere near as intimidating as what you received. A warning. “Go take a breather, why don’t you?”
The setter’s gaze stayed on you a little longer than necessary. He scoffed before walking away, his back facing you as he sipped from his water bottle. You politely dismissed the captain’s apology on his junior’s behalf, assuring him you were all right.
“His Majesty’s probably just upset his girlfriend couldn’t watch him show off,” you heard Tsukishima mutter to Yamaguchi. You weren’t sure if he intended for you to catch his comment, but he wasn’t exactly out of earshot, only a couple of feet away. Regardless, you didn’t bother responding. It didn’t take long for everyone else to leave the little incident in the past, and the tall blonde’s snarky words lingered in your brain for the remainder of the match.
No one else showed up to watch these games. You were there for the tournaments, too; aside from Tanaka’s older sister and a few of the coach’s old friends, the boys’ volleyball club didn’t have much moral support. Much less Kageyama, from what you could tell. You’ve heard about his behaviour back in middle school from Hinata and Tsukishima, the latter with taunts, and the new fragments of information added pieces to the puzzle. 
Kageyama was trying. He didn’t always succeed, but it didn’t stop him from attempting to steer away from the tyrannical path he was heading. You’ve seen him reach for Tanaka’s high-fives, albeit with a confused expression, but it didn’t falter his senior’s enthusiasm. His compliments (if you could even call them that) came out as awkward and forced when he gave them to Hinata after the ginger won a point, and he wasn’t afraid to ask Azumane if he needed to adjust his sets to suit the Ace. 
Maybe you were supposed to be his tutor and nothing more. Maybe it would’ve been better that way. But with very little assistance and even lesser options, Kageyama might have considered your listening to his ramblings as a sign of friendship. You supported him in staying on the team, and now you’re watching him flourish as a result. That’s what friends do—it was only fair for him to ask you to stay as such. You’d ask yourself why not indulge, though you were probably in too deep to call it that anymore.
The following morning, you find Kageyama waiting by the school entrance, two milk cartons in each hand and a strained apology on the tip of his tongue. You smiled, the two of you sipping on your refreshments as you waited for the first bell to ring.
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Your calligraphy club disbanded at the beginning of your second year. You weren’t all that surprised at the time: there were barely enough students for it to exist in the first place. Why certain members decided to leave was beyond you, but you saw no point in pushing them to stay if they didn’t want to. Still, you missed your club: you were left to your own devices, the black ink dancing across paper lulling you to a place of comfort.
It was Yachi who suggested you joined the boys’ volleyball club as another manager. She figured you learned some things from Kageyama here and there while tutoring him, and she has no problem helping you catch up. 
“Besides,” the blonde smiled, handing you the sign-up sheet, “it’s pretty lonely now that Shimizu graduated. It’d be nice to have a friend around.” You take the paper from her, staring at it somewhat skeptically. You didn’t voice your hesitance, and after a few seconds of silence, your friend added, “I’m sure the others will be happy to have you around, too.”
With how often you dropped by to watch the team practice and compete, the club members have grown to know you. It didn’t take too long for you to warm up to them, too, usually sitting with Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita and having them explain the gameplay whenever you were lost. Otherwise, it was mainly Kageyama who kept you to himself either because you had time to assist him in his studies or simply because he wanted your attention. 
You later found out it was his idea to have you join the team as another manager, and Yachi agreed immediately. Who would complain about that? Another sweet and pretty girl to help and cheer them on was a dream come true for most. You were the only one that had yet to vocalize content, and you handed in the application sheet soon after receiving it. 
Even with the progress, you still tutored Kageyama. Seeing him more often after classes only gave you more opportunity to support him, especially when Coach Ukai would remind certain members to keep their grades up. 
Not that any of this bothered the setter. He had no problem having you continue helping him with his schoolwork. He’d listen to your instructions, try out new learning techniques whenever he struggled on a particular unit and remained patient (by his standards, anyway) with you when things didn’t work out.
You had no issue continuing your support. You knew Kageyama was trying his best, even when his brain could only focus on volleyball, and you figured you could still learn more about how he interacted with others as he tried to come out of his shell. 
His one-track mind came to a disadvantage at times. When Hinata suggested studying as a group, Kageyama quickly shut the idea down. He’d sometimes go on tangents about strategies and new techniques for the sport while you tried to help him. Tanaka and Nishinoya would quip that the setter had a crush on you and didn’t know how to express it, though you knew better than to take those two seriously. Kageyama told you that becoming a manager would be more suitable for your future than your previous club. He’s grown used to your routine of getting all your attention for tutoring, and having others there would throw him off his game. As for his rants, he’s merely passionate about the sport—you don’t need a reminder.
So, you became a manager for the boys’ volleyball club, continued your one-on-one tutoring sessions and instructed him to only speak of team strategies in English as practice. And you do so until you graduate. 
It’s where the connection between you and Kageyama seemingly disappeared, set ablaze before dwindling into disintegration. He didn’t even give you the time to say goodbye to your friends outside the club before asking them if he could steal you away. (It was more of a declaration—the questioning tone was a mere formality.)
“Ready to take your volleyball career to the next level?” You didn’t know what else to say: not after the abrupt isolation. He’s brought you one of the many hidden corners the school had to offer, away from all the other graduates and their loved ones. Sakura petals fluttered through their descent, softening an otherwise overwhelming atmosphere full of completed chapters and new beginnings. You read manga: it felt like prince charming would swoop in with a confession, second gakuran button in hand. Having blueberry eyes boring into your awaiting frame in such an environment should make the butterflies in your stomach perform their very own acrobatics number, the anticipation eating you from the inside out. And it did, the churning in your belly boiling your face as you tried to meet his gaze. Kageyama’s resting face was always a disadvantage regarding his approachability, but with three years of getting to know him under your belt, you still felt a ghost’s kisses up your spine. 
“Obviously,” he answered. You would have chuckled at the comment in your first year of high school. But even the smile you’ve managed to muster no longer seemed convincing. Part of you wondered if you could find your friends once more to keep in touch before you all left. “I should be asking you that, though.”
Your brows furrowed in confusion, yet you kept the corners of your lips upwards. “I don’t know if being a manager for a volleyball team counts as a volleyball career.”
Kageyama didn’t laugh at your quip. You didn’t expect him to, but his response caught you off-guard.
“When will you be joining me?”
Your tiring performance of halo and white wings evaporated at his question, brows further creasing as your smile dropped. A clear indication of confusion, though a hint of offence found its way into the mix. 
“What are you talking about?” Your body instinctively inched closer to your corner. The setter noticed. 
“One of the biggest reasons I’ve managed to get as far as I am with volleyball is because of you,” he stated. “From helping me keep my grades up to becoming manager. I can grow to adjust to any team I become a part of, but I need someone who gets me to be by my side if I want to continue to prosper in my career.” 
The butterflies once performing in your belly dropped dead before they had the chance to bow. The love confession you dismissively thought of boomed with laughter as it slapped you across the back. Your lungs were empty as your brain progressed his words, your face slowly morphing from one expression to another. 
Did you do this?
“Kageyama,” you began, barely knowing where to go without a map, “I’m sorry if I gave you the wrong impression, but that’s not the path I’m taking.” His resting face grew sour. You forced yourself to continue. “I’m flattered, but really, you did most of the work. I just gave you a little push.” Kind words didn’t weaken the blow—his staredown didn’t falter. “I have a life outside of the sport. I’m no prodigy. I don’t work anywhere near as hard as you do. I don’t feel the same about volleyball the way you do—”
The snap from harsh lips forced yours shut. You shrank back once more, a scolded child fearing further punishment. 
You dared to glance at him. Kegayama was seething, leaning forward with clenched fists and jaw. You didn’t want to peer out to the crowd; had anyone heard him? They either didn’t or were too afraid to jump in. You knew you would be, too. 
“You think some sweet talk is going to make any of this okay?” His voice grew in volume, and you flinched. “You learned past the basics, you understand strategy better than the average player. You’re throwing it all out the window for what? That damn club you were in before had nothing to offer. I can vouch for you if you just follow me.”
There he was: King of the Court. You always thought Tsukishima would exaggerate to gain a reaction, but that title came to be for a reason. You just never thought you’d fall victim to it. 
“Look, I’m sorry if I led you on,” even in a situation like this, your feelings seemed to fall to a second priority, “but I’m telling you now that I don’t love the sport as much as you think I do. It’s not in my future.”
“I showed you opportunity and you throw it back in my face,” he sneered, getting closer. 
“I joined because of Yachi and my old club disbanding,” you defended, voice quivering. “I don’t understand why you’re yelling at me.”
A petal landed on your cheek, and you went to brush it away until you discovered the soft touch was a stray tear. It seemed enough to silence him, if only momentarily, though his glare remained just as deadly.
He wanted to say something; you knew he did. More words of anger, most likely, but he tightened his jaw instead, opting to walk away after giving you a final look of disdain.
You didn’t hear the hopeful and cheerful banter between graduates, nor did you catch Yachi calling your name until she laid a hand on your shoulder, snapping you out of your daze. Kageyama lingered in your head for the remainder of that day; no harsh words in particular—mainly the darkening of his blue eyes as his tone became aggressive. Part of you thought you also heard a twinge of betrayal, but after such a whiplash of a confrontation, you weren’t sure you could recall that moment in your state.
Wherever he was during the remainder of graduation, you didn’t see him.
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To be more precise, you didn’t see him afterwards, either. With moving to another prefecture for school and time passing by, you eventually put that memory behind you. That isn’t to say it didn’t make your body temperature drop; on the rare occasions Kageyama would be brought up, the daggers his eyes threw your way would flash in your mind. Of course, you saw no reason to voice the issue—you only ever heard about him from Yachi whenever you’d catch up, which isn’t as often as you’d like. From what you know, he’s out of the country, furthering his career like you assumed he would. And while the setter was right about how being manager brought more skills and opportunities, your studies had nothing to do with volleyball. 
Neither does your career.
You never thought you’d set foot in Italy, much less work there after university. Your parents told you that your kindness paid off, much to your irritation. (Was school not already enough of a hassle? And the extracurriculars? The people?)
Even though the conversation was over the phone, you found yourself putting on a smile as you told them about taking the opportunity, your tone hopeful as if you still needed their permission. 
It took you who knows how long to realize you didn’t. And as soon as it hit you, you packed your bags and flew halfway across the world with barely the basics of the Italian language in your brain and newfound perseverance in your heart.
Whatever bits and pieces made you a doormat evaporated into the air as that airplane took off to your new home, and you planned on making what should be the next chapter of your life a completely different book.
Easier said than done, of course.
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The last person you’d expect to see at this pub meets your gaze, and your eyes widen from instant recognition. 
Kageyama hasn’t changed all that much. His resting face is hard to miss, the light crease in his brows making him appear far angrier than he is. And with his increase in height and muscle, his intimidation goes up, too. His hair is also somewhat shorter, though that’s all regarding his changes. 
You continue to gawk at him, though his expression remains calm like you two were back in high school and you showed up to one of his games. You should be there.
He’s wearing his jersey, you realize, and grouped up with other men in the same attire. You don’t recognize the team; you haven’t been keeping track of the setter’s career. 
One of his teammates follows his stare, and Kageyama mumbles something before approaching you. You don’t hear what the other man says in return, your attention stuck on your old high school friend. (Can you still call him that? Could you ever have called him that?)
He says your name; your feet plant themselves on the ground. “It’s been a while.”
You blink away the myriad of emotions before nodding. “Still playing volleyball.”
It wasn’t a question, but it doesn’t make you feel any less stupid for bringing it up. Kageyama tilts his head back a bit, motioning to his team with a hum. “Yeah.”
“Can’t say I’m all that surprised,” you try to quip, your fingers toying with the hem of your shirt. Even if the ravenette’s height wasn’t a prominent factor, he’d still tower over you with how his eyes bore into your frame.“Last I heard, you joined Schweiden Adlers.”
His frown deepens. “I’m part of Ali Roma now.”
You bite your lip, your face growing warm. Kageyama appears offended, what with how he slightly tilts his head back for his eyes to look down on you. His brows furrow more, and you’re surprised you still remember his quirks even after all these years.
“An Italian team? Congratulations!” You don’t mention living in the same country, working on the same soil where he now lives and breathes his beloved sport. In fact, you don’t say anything for a little too long, and your eyes glance behind him. “Well, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your team. It was nice seeing—”
“Don’t worry about them,” he says, moving towards you. “I plan on catching up with you. They’ll understand.”
He’s making you approach a corner booth, and neither your feet nor your voice can protest. Even once you’ve sat down, all you do is shift in your seat, seemingly never comfortable. And whatever you originally planned on ordering is replaced with a glass of water. If Kageyama noticed, he doesn’t comment. He sips his beer occasionally; you’re halfway with your drink in a minute. 
“So,” you hum, “you like your new team?”
The setter looks at you for a few seconds before responding. “Yeah. Full of great players.”
He sounds more like he’s being interviewed than catching up with someone from high school. You try not to deadpan at his short answer. Your habit comes back crawling, keeping up performances and your back straight, head forward and heart thumping.
Your glass is almost empty when Kageyama speaks once more. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in Italy?”
He didn’t sound offended or hurt. The question came out as curious and casual like you two were going on about your day. But you know that’s not what’s happening, and his eerie calmness makes you nearly choke on your drink.
“We kinda lost touch,” you answer steadily, briefly. “It was a pretty quick decision, too. Only a handful of people knew.”
Not a complete lie, but you consider it necessary for now.
“Had to find out from Yachi that you were here last time I played in Japan,” the setter grunts, eyes glued to his drink. Your hold on your glass tightens at his words as your head snaps up to face him, a mix of confusion and a twinge of fear making your expression. You don’t get to ask him anything, not that you’re sure you can, and he continues. “Kind of a hassle not being able to reconnect with you whenever I had time back home. Switching teams was a good call, especially with my previous contract coming to an end. And it’s not like I wouldn’t have made it into Ali Roma anyway. I guess you leaving was a blessing in disguise.”
Whatever he says afterwards, if anything, drowns out as you stare past his shoulder, and your stomach drops. The strength you gained found its cowardice as the old you that disappeared into the clouds crashes down on you like a rainstorm, soaking you to the bone and making you shiver.
You rise from your seat a little too abruptly for your liking. “I need to use the bathroom.”
Also not a complete lie, but who’s keeping track? Not a drop of alcohol touched your tongue, yet you stumble down the hall towards the sign with a female stick figure in a dress and clumsily push the door below it open. You’re unsure if you should hunch over the toilet or splash water on your face, but you aren’t rewarded with a choice, nor the time, to make it.
A knock rinses the blood out of your ears, and you can hear the cheerful and far-from-sober banter back in the bar.
“Occupied,” you stammer hurriedly, carrying yourself to the sink. The creak of the door opening has you inhaling sharply, and who you see in the reflection keeps the air in your lungs.
Kageyama stands a couple of meters from you, his brows lightly furrowed. “Why do you keep doing that?”
You don’t answer him. The ravenette takes a step forward. You flinch.
“I was right, you know,” he begins, strangely calm. “That old club of yours–the calligraphy one–it was a waste of time.” His movements are slow as he approaches you. “It’s a good thing everyone left. Even if your new job has nothing to do with volleyball, your manager position definitely brought you to where you are now.” As vague as he may be, you can’t help but move back every time he gets closer, your fist tightening near your chest. “It would’ve been better if you’d just joined me, though.”
Your back hits the wall, and you don’t register what happens afterwards as your jumbled thoughts decipher possibility after possibility over the athlete’s implications. You don’t realize he’s kissing you or grabbing hold of your face to make you return the forced affection. You’re elsewhere as he lifts your top over your breasts and your skirt past your hips. Your mind is groggy as he gropes you through your bra, soon sliding past the material to tweak your nipples. 
It isn’t until his hand slides down your body and into your panties do you awake to a nightmare. 
Your front presses up against the tile wall; you don’t recall when he turned you around, the dead end’s coolness painting goosebumps all over your body and juxtaposing the warm fresh tears cascading down your squished cheek. Kageyama’s fingers languidly glide across your lower lips before he clicks his tongue. You can hear the irritation; you always could.
Not as wet as he’d like you to be. But the setter only has so much patience. He’s human, after all. He’s human.
The thought barely registers when you hear a faint zipping sound behind you, and suddenly his hard-on presses into the small of your back. Your breathing picks up as he spreads your legs with little effort, further pushing you into the wall before doing the same with your panties, revealing your entrance to him.
He doesn’t grace you with sweet nothings and mercy: just a blob of spit in his hand to pump his cock followed by heavy panting. And when he finally enters, the silence deafens you as he chokes on a gasp. 
That’s the moment that felt never-ending; he went in and never stopped, it seems, dragging himself into your insides until he was everywhere. He is everywhere. He is inside and behind and looming and crushing.
The nicest he was to you was when he waited to let you adjust, and you hate yourself for being the sweet little high school girl who tried to see the best in people. He doesn’t deserve it. You don’t deserve this.
Kageyama makes his first few strokes slow, but they’re still deep enough to have you gritting your teeth. It isn’t long until he gasps your name and picks up speed. 
“All this way,” he rasps in your ear, almost masking the slapping noises his hips would make when colliding with your ass. “All this way to another part of the world, joining a new team, starting over and getting better, all to see you again.” You don’t hear him when he speaks, nor as he grunts extra loudly as you tighten around him. “I should’ve done this sooner.”
A large hand slides back into your bra, squeezing your breast, calloused fingers tugging at the hardened bud, while the other one further shoves your panties aside to hastily rub your clit. The dry friction does little to soothe you, and with his lack of patience, the nub receives no pattern except whatever it's offered. Still, the added stimulation makes you tighten and the ravenette more restless. Even in your position, he finds a way to slam his lips against yours again. His tongue makes its way into your cavern as his thrusts get sloppier. You can’t breathe.
Not when he pulls away from the kiss. 
Not when his hips sputter as hot ropes paint your insides white. 
And certainly not when your high follows soon after.
It wasn’t strong, and it didn’t last long, but the shame that creeps into your stomach lasts an eternity. 
Your heavy breathing syncs with his as everything finally settles into your slowly-sobering mind. Kageyama’s still inside you, his hot breath fanning the back of your neck as his hands find your wrists to grab hold of. 
You’re in high school all over again. His actions have evolved to more dangerous heights, but you’re back in that gymnasium watching him practice. Even when he finally pulls out, even when he pulls you close, even when he snuggles into the junction of your shoulder. 
Kageyama hasn’t changed one bit.
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@creative-crybaby, do not repost or modify
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yanderenightmare · 1 year
Hi there, question kind of? How would you rank the Haikyuu boys (not all of them clearly you can pick) in terms of most likely to be possessive towards their partner? I'm curious of your take :)
haikyuu boys x darling
TW: yandere, possessive, obsessive and controlling behaviour, abuse, manipulation
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Most possessive haikyuu boys, you say...
Is all of them an option?
I mean... these are competitors, and personally, I think competitors are a very specific breed of somewhat toxic feelings – and that’s aside from their grandiose sense of self. We have a name for it in Norwegian; we call them competition-humans– which basically refers to that feral state some people get into during a competition, where they have complete tunnel vision and lack all sorts of a moral compass in their chase of victory.
And I think competitors as yanderes view love with that same type of tunnel vision. How they have a goal to reach, and nothing and no one is going to stop them, and nothing and no one is going to take it away from them.
That being said… I think some of the Haikyuu boys are more competitive than others.
Oikawa Toru Possessive & Controlling
“If you’re gonna hit it, hit it ‘til it breaks.” – that’s his motto, stating his principle of never going at things half-assed – his aim to be the best, in addition to the middle finger he shows anyone who doesn’t cut it.
Victory is his way of life. And his relationships better live up to it. Anything less would just be embarrassing. 
Losing his girl would be embarrassing. 
Moreover, anything you do reflects on him, and he’d be damned if it reflects poorly. So you bet your ass he’s possessive of you – and controlling. You’re part of his great empire of success, and losing you would be like this huge stain, this huge defeat – failure. And Oikawa Toru doesn’t fail. Oikawa Toru doesn’t get defeated. Oikawa Toru doesn’t lose.
Kageyama Tobio Possessive & Obsessive
The perfect set can’t be completed if he drops the ball. You are his perfect set, and he’s never ever dropping the ball with you – never losing you and never ever letting you go.
He wants you screaming his name in the bleachers – be his cheerleader – keep your eyes on him and only him. Tell him how great he was. Be his victory prize, his trophy, his treat.
He wants to feel you at his fingertips – drag them over your smooth skin and just touch you – keep you all to himself. And he doesn’t want anyone doing the same. Seeing people talk to you is bad enough. He needs you to focus on him like he’s the only one on the court, and everyone else is just extras – sorry pawns in his triumph.
Kuroo Tetsuro Possessive & Smug
You’re the biggest reason behind that big fat grin of his – because he knows that he has something no one else has. His object of envy – a big 'ol fuck you to absolutely everyone.
More than a trophy, more than arm candy, more than a crown atop his head – you’re his lucky golden ticket into heaven – his cheat sheet that makes him feel like a winner – superior. And everyone else can suck it. 
They can look all they want – seethe with jealousy – hate him. It’ll only make him savor it more. Seeing those frustrated looks on people’s faces, like he’s beating them – like he’s got something that everyone else wants but can’t have because it’s his.
Kenma Kozume Possessive & Fanatical
Losing you means game over – and he isn’t in the mood to restart. He’s put time and effort into your relationship – and since life’s only option is hardcore mode, he hasn’t been able to leave any checkpoints.
You’re not player two; you’re all the valuable loot he’s picked up along the way. His precious inventory. His xp and upgrades and level x – his special limited edition item. You belong to him; he’s earned you.
He’s been dedicated and worked hard and put too much effort into achieving you – so no way is he about to share you with anyone who hasn’t chipped in, and he’s most certainly not about to lose you either.
They’d have to beat him first.
Kyotani Kentaro Possessive & Dogged
He goes for the throat. People can test him – fucking try it – they’d be lucky if they could count the cuts, fractures, and breaks. He doesn’t let up easily, and once he sees a sliver of red – he isn’t stopping until that’s all he sees.
And you – try and leave; he’s like a dog with a bone – his canines will remain deep and only bite down deeper if you try and break free. The look on his face is enough to make you wince without the way he twists your hair in his fist.
People are afraid to be seen with you. Talking to you is like blood on the breeze, and maddog comes at them with fangs bared, ready to bite before barking. He doesn’t take it easy on you either – like a hound tearing his toy apart before another pup can get to it.
tip-jar: Kofi
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yanderecrazysie · 5 months
Okay-okay, you know that old anime joke where there are a lot of characters that straight up look like Kageyama? (Into the Kageyamaverse lol). Headcanons on what would happen if reader keeps dating guys that look like him, but never once tried to ask him out. As if she never considered him to be an option despite perfectly fitting her physical preference.
But in actuality she did, she befriended him in the first place because she was interested. But seeing him being in a serious relationship with volleyball stopped her, so she decided to be a supportive friend instead and moved on. (he probably scared away her previous boyfriends before he snapped)
Omg yes! There are so many anime characters that look like him! 
WARNINGS: yandere themes
✧ You seem to really love guys with dark hair and a serious personality. Every single one of your boyfriends might as well be Kageyama’s long lost twin brother.
✧ He knows he’s your type, so what is it that’s standing between you and him?
✧ He can’t understand why you don’t pine after him, when he fits your type to a T. 
✧ He begins to threaten your boyfriends or intimidate them away, desperately hoping that you’ll finally see the man standing right in front of you.
✧ But you still chase after other guys! It breaks his heart every time you introduce him to a new boyfriend.
✧ Finally, he snaps. 
✧ He’s pulling you off the ground by your shirt collar, demanding to know why you don’t like him. What does he have to do to get your attention?!
✧ You’re shocked by his change in behavior, and you admit that you had liked him. The problem was he was already in love with volleyball. 
✧ You didn’t want a relationship where you’d come second to a sport every time. You were happy being friends, but to date someone like that? It wasn’t for you.
✧ Kageyama’s stunned into silence. 
✧ Finally, he demands you date him. When you try to protest, his hands tighten around your collar.
✧ He’s not asking
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Yandere Reaction: Seeing their child starting to “take after” them
The yanderes noticed that their child is starting to do what they did when they started taking an interest in their darling. (Example: stalking) 
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Tobio Kageyama: 
He would watch them on the sidelines for a while just to see what they would do but the moment they make a mistake or are about to, he is going to tell them.  For the most part he is going to let them learn on their own but will still be there if they ever need any help.
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Tetsuya Kuroko: 
He will mostly just watch to see what they do but that doesn't mean he’s going to leave them hanging, he’ll give them advice here and there if he sees them get stuck on what to do next. 
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Reisi Munakata: 
Not going to lie, it’s going to be a kind of weird bonding time between him and his child. Sure, he gives them most of the rains, but he will step in if he sees them doing something wrong especially when it comes to hiding just under the radar. If anyone were to walk in on them talking about new ways for his child to get to know their “love” it would sound like they were talking about some after school activities. (Which is somewhat true.) 
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Nagisa Shiota: 
He would be lying if he said he wouldn’t be proud that his child found someone they cared for so much and on top of that using some of the things he taught them.  He’s always there if they need any help with anything they may need. (Helping place, alibi, etc.) 
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Langa Hasegawa: 
He would help if they asked but other than that he would just watch them and be proud on the sidelines when they got their own darling. In a way he does kind of see it as when he was trying to get his darling. 
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thefiery-phoenix · 8 months
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You might be a classmate of Kageyama or a fan of his or his classmate when he was a kid or whatever. But SOMETHING about you will CERTIANLY draw you towards him. You might be gentle and kind or fierce and strong and loyal, either way, he still finds you interesting and his eyes will be on you and aren't gonna move anytime soon, THAT'S for sure 
Milk boy will try to be your friend and try inserting himself into your life 
He is a silent and observing yandere and chooses to show his affection and love through actions rather than words since actions speak louder than words, right?
Possessive ASF and I mean that LITERALLY! He keeps notes and tabs on whatever you do, be it you going downtown to that new roller rink that opened, your favorite store to shop, your favorite cafe and he even keeps tabs on your friends whom he hates and loathes since he always thinks they're trying to get closer to you. If anyone from your friend group tries getting closer to you, he'll start plucking them like little weeds? How? By 'accidentally' spraining their ankle or fracturing their arm and NO, he doesn't give a DAMN if it's a guy or a girl, in the end, they're just trying to take your for themselves
He can be controlling at times, forcing you to eat your food when you're busy doing something else or insisting on walking you home or him dragging you to his volleyball practices and stuff like that
He isn't called 'The King' for nothing. When he's determined to make you his, he'll keep on trying till time ends
At some point, you'll notice a shadow around your presence when you walk these days and when you turn around, you won't see anyone and you'll just shrug and continue on your way. In case you're wondering what the heck that was, oh, it was just Kageyama stalking you so don't worry. He's just making sure you're doing all right and you're safe and he's like your personal bodyguard/ shadow from far. This man is an accomplished stalker no doubt about that. Not to mention that he's also EXTREMELY overprotective of you now. And if he wasn't clingy before, he certainly is now
Will he kidnap you? Well, it depends on the situation you guys are in. If he manages to find a way into your heart, well and good. If you're in a relationship with him, he'll slowly start to get more.... dominating and possessive and a bit controlling as well, telling you who you can hang out with and who is bad for you and all that. He'll try twisting your mind, convincing you what he's doing for you is all for your best interest and well being and that's all he wants. If you're being stubborn or adamant about something, he'll gently but firmly cup your cheek and tell you that he only wants what's best for you and he just wants to keep you safe and he'll plead and cajole you into listening to him and eventually, you'll just cave in. He KNOWS how to wrap you around his little finger. Slowly, he'll start to isolate you from your friends and start distancing you from the outside world and by the time you realize what's happening, it's going to be too late. If you try leaving him, he knows EXACTLY how to get you back since he can read your every move like an open book 
If you start fighting back, he'll just feel a mixture of sadness and anger inside him. But, mostly anger because he's doing so much for you and you're just not willing to cooperate and sad because he really doesn't want to fight with you 
He will sometimes take you out but ONLY if you hold his hand and not talk to anyone outside. And if anyone askes about the 2 of you, Kageyama will say that he's in a relationship with you and will ask that person to get lost
He likes having you lie down on him as he pats your head gently. He might not look like the person who likes cuddles, but he enjoys them with you and he likes your cute little hands as well and takes his time admiring how soft and small and gentle they are 
The more you reject and fight him, the more angry and intense he'll get. He'll literally be a beast if you keep driving him over the edge. He'll let your bad behavior slide for the first few months or so since he'll get how lost and lonely you're feeling but you have him now, you don't need any other person in your life. If you're REALLY feeling alone, he'll give you kids and have a family with you so you won't be able to leave him now and you're permanently bound to him for life 
His children would most likely be whacked out crazy psychopathic lunatic nutjobs like him and he'll help his kids in achieving the person of their dreams and will make sure to teach them all about courting a person. Btw, your kids have a platonic yandere love towards you and are VERY VERY overprotective of you, EXACTLY like their dad. Anyone tries hitting on you while you go out, they'll just kick 'em in where the sun doesn't shine and will ask dear old dad to finish the job by killing them 
When it comes to rivals/ enemies, Kageyama will want things done quickly, fast and as soon as possible so he can get back to you. He also knows how to get rid of any evidence of murder and will make sure not to leave any incriminating evidence behind whatsoever
If you try escaping, punishments usually include locking you up in a room for a couple of hours, that's all. And maybe restrict your usage of your favorite things but once you say sorry to him and apologize, he'll just say, "I hope you remember your lesson'' and will pull you onto his lap and cuddle you. If you're squirming and trying to get away from him, he'll just be like "Be quiet and stop squirming'' and nuzzle his face into your neck leaving your face a bright crimson red 
If you managed to escape from him or if someone were to take you away, he'd be EXACTLY like a storm. Too many emotions and feelings of his would come into play. He'd be feeling a mixture of anger, sadness, devastation and pain and he'll vow to find that person who took you and END them once and for all before you can even call it a day for even DARING to think about you. Will get you back no matter what 
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chaepink · 20 days
can you write about sub yan cumming too fast and having to overstimulating himself for us ☺️
sub!yan, dom!reader, overstimulation, whining, crying, teasing, masturbation
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“I-It hic! It h-hurts, [name]!” Your yandere looks at you with glazed, glassy eyes, tears forming in the corners and falling as he pumps his dick fast.
“But darling, this is your punishment for cumming too fast. You caused this for yourself.”
He lets out a cry as he runs his own thumb over the tip, the pleasure making him shiver and for pre cum to leak out even more. There’s a small puddle of it underneath his dick and it slowly grows larger every time he cums.
You giggle at the lewd sight of his spread legs and how he’s watching your every move, wanting you to get closer and touch him any where.
“F-Fuck [name].” He lets out a desperate whimper. How many times has he cummed now? Three? Four? Your yandere doesn’t know, the pleasure and pain fogging his mind and making it hard to think. All he knows is that he’s close again and although it hurts, he doesn’t want to stop. His hand on his dick speeds up as the pleasure overwhelms him again.
“I-I’m close ah! Please l-let me cum, p-please?”
Grinning at just how pathetic he looks, you nod, wanting to see him fall apart again just from his own hand.
He sees you nod and lets out a cry as he cums, cum shooting out his spent dick and onto his already stained chest and thighs. He looks absolutely lewd like this but he looks so pretty at the same time.
Seeing his hand slow down, you only shake your head at him and he whines, knowing the words you’ll say next.
“Did I say stop darling? You’re not done till I say you’re done baby.”
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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depravitycentral · 2 years
Thinking of men who practically whimper during sex.
They’re above you, muscles taut and flexing as their hips roll into yours, stuttering and spasming with every thrust. Calling their pace sporadic would be generous – the thrusts are random, carnally snaping into you, as if he has no control over his own body. His breath is labored, deep pants that have hot breaths fanning across your lips, his eyes practically crossed as he stares heavy lidded down at you. There’s not an inch of space between your bodies – your nipples brush against his chest, pebbled and hard and driving him fucking crazy, his cock twitching inside you over and over again until you’re sure he'll come any moment. His forearms cage around your head, the heat radiating from his body making you dizzy as he picks up his pace, the feeling of your tight walls fluttering around him leaving his eyes rolling to the back of his head. It’s heaven, the coarse hairs right above his cock brushing against your sensitive bud with every thrust.
But oh – the sounds he makes are something sinful, downright unholy. They’re deep, starting as groans way down in his chest but slowly climbing to desperate little moans as they tumble past his lips, getting higher and thinner as he nears his end. He can’t look at you like this – he’s too embarrassed, the pleasure making his brain mush as he gasps and heaves out uneven, stuttered breaths.
But at a particularly tight clench around him, he’s suddenly falling forward, his face buried in your neck as he cries out your name, the syllables slurred and runny and god, is he chanting your name? It’s low, breathy, in time with every smack of his hips against yours, heavy balls clapping against your ass as you lick your lips and groan.
Soon your name becomes pleas, little begs that leave you scratching your nails down his back, surely leaving lines you know he’ll wear like trophies tomorrow.
F-fuck, oh fuck oh fuck, just like th-that baby, fuck!
Feels so, mmm o-oh, feels so good, ‘m gonna come s’fast baby, fuck it’s all your fault –
Please let me come, wanna come so – so fuckin’ bad, wanna come in you baby fuck please!
Let me come i-inside, wanna – wanna stuff you so fucking full, oh god ‘m so close –
He’s nearly crying, big fat tears welling in his because he needs you to give him permission to come in that tight cunt of yours, to send ropes of white spurting inside you. He needs you to tell him he’s a good boy, that he deserves to get you sticky and spent, your pussy all puffy and musky.
And when you tell him yes, he can fuck his cum into you, he’s gone.
Suddenly he’s blabbering out slurred thank you’s, his hips bucking into you as he moans and whimpers and chokes on his own gasps, the sounds ringing in your ears as he stiffens up, body going taut and every muscle contracting and oh fuck oh fuck it’s coming he’s coming here it comes –
The moan he lets out is high, almost pained, almost sounding like your name. His eyes are squeezed shut, face still tucked against your neck, and you can feel the spurts of warm, runny cum as his cock twitches, over and over as if he’s trying to get every last drop into you, wanting to make sure you’re good and properly stuffed full. Stuffed full of him.
He’s shaking, his shoulders heaving as he peppers wet, slobbery kisses against your neck, cries of thank you and I love you spilling past his lips as his hips slowly begin moving again, his cock still painfully hard.
‘m sorry, he gasps, need to give you everything…
And, twenty minutes later, the cum slowly dribbling out of your used cunt will be proof – along with the strangled, choked moan he lets out as he watches it.
Keiji Akaashi, Atsumu Miya, Tobio Kageyama, Yuutarou Kindaichi, Kenji Futakuchi, Tsutomu Goshiki
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
haikyuu boys when protective of you
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most likely gets into a fight, does throw the first punch, and dramatically whines afterwards, forcing you to be his personal nurse ATSUMU, TANAKA, nishinoya, terushima, IWAIZUMI, hoshiumi
so insulting and almost degrading to whoever is threatening you that the offender ends up leaving out of embarrassment TSUKISHIMA, shirabu, KUROO, kenma, sugawara, daishou, akira, SUNA, kageyama, ushijima, futakuchi, hanamaki
YOU'RE the one who is protecting them SAKUSA, hachi, bokuto, YAMAGUCHI, GOSHIKI, asahi, tendo, AONE, oikawa (somehow), koganegawa, LEV
does his best to diffuse the situation, but ultimately leaves angry and mentally hexes them KIYOKO, akaashi, KITA, DAICHI, hinata, yaku, hirugami
spends the night in jail KENTARO, semi, yamamoto, mattsun, OSAMU
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
Hello, I'd like to ask for haikyuu HCs with a S/O who has an older brother kinda like Gyutaro from kny. A brother who is considered to be ugly by society, but is really strong and tall (talking about 6'8 kind of tall). They are really overprotective of their little sibling. How would they react?? To have someone clearly much stronger and not so easily swayed?? They can't fight them and they can't try to manipulate them. Not to mention that they are always together and is always listening to her brother.
For this request can I have Hinata, Kenma, Akaashi, Goshiki, Yaku, Kageyama, and Hoshiumi or Ushijima for the last one.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy relationship, obsession, possessive behavior, stalking, delusional behavior, stalking, manipulation, threats
Brother knows best
Shōyō Hinata
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☀️Shōyō is already someone who is of a smaller height in comparison to some of his fellow volleyball members but your brother just freaks him out, terrifies him. In all honestly, he doesn't even believe it when he first finds out that you two are siblings because you two are so vastly different in looks and personality. Needless to say though, he stays the fuck away from your older brother because one look is enough to let Hinata know that he isn't wanted. He doesn't want to stay away from you though so he often tries to sneak in on you when your brother isn't around you but unfortunately your older brother is never far away and all Hinata can do is trip over his own words, trying to justify why he is talking to you. He's pushed away from you, is most of the time left staring at you from a safe distance with a hurt look in his obsessed eyes. His delusional tendencies additionally make it very difficult for him to realize why your brother dislikes him so much, never questioning the fact that he spams you with messages begging to meet you without your brother tagging along. He's failed to make a good impression on your brother and Hinata prays that your parents will have more favour upon him.
Tobio Kageyama
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🌧️​He isn't shaking in his boots like Hinata is when he has your brother towering over him but the colour still leaves his face as he's in visible disbelief to hear that you're the younger sibling of this guy. He's even more hurt when he finds out that you've asked your bigger brother for help because you got a bit scared of the way Tobio was pinning after you in his own obsessed ways. He wants to explain himself, the thought of you fearing and disliking him unbearable but your brother doesn't let you anywhere near you, protective of you. There are a couple of confrontations Tobio has had with your brother because even if he's still frightened, his paranoia and desperation outweights that at one point. It never escalated further because you stopped your brother from starting a fight. Kageyama starts getting visible agitated at one point as his own frustration and inability to talk to you leads to aggressive manners around others as his temper is essentially always ready to go off. The anger melts off though whenever he manages to see you as he daringly follows you even with your brother around and at one point his emotions are so shot that he starts crying, crying, right in front of you.
Morisuke Yaku
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🍀​Yaku tends to have some delusional moments but he quickly sober up when he has his first encounter with your very scary older brother and is forced to stray away from you. He'd be lying if he says he isn't terrified but he still tries to talk to your brother and interact normal with him. Only that your sibling never lets that happen. Now, after the first time Yaku has been forced to retreat, he starts calming down from his lovesick height and starts considering how he can solve this issue without any huge conflict. He tries, he really tries, to talk it through with your brother. He attempts to reason with him that he sincerely loves you and even gets a bit confronting with some of his arguments as he points out that you should have the chance to also get to know other people. He isn't dumb, he notices that you two are unhealthily attached to each other. Needless to say, your brother can't be reasoned with and Yaku realizes that quickly. Nor do you consider Yaku's suggestions to make your own decision as you listen to your brother. At this rate Yaku is also concerned and tries to get in contact with your parents in hopes that they'll do something as he's unable to act due to your brother.
Kenma Kozume
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🐱​Kenma isn't even risking it when he sees who your brother is and how he behaves around you. That doesn't mean that he stops obsessing as his eyes always linger on you but he's way too skittish to talk to you with your overprotective sibling always hovering around you. For now Kenma just decides to observe from the distance as he always trails behind you two within a safe distance, unusually cautious to not get caught because of the overprotective antics of your older brother. He attempts to make contact with you via mails and messages only to discover that you don't seem to be willing to meet with him without your brother around as Kenma asks you to do as he knows that your brother probably wouldn't let him close to you. It's by now very clear for him that you listen to your brother as you have a strong bond with him, an unhealthy but very strong bond. Kuroo can't help him much either as your brother reacts hostile when hearing that his friend tries to put in a good word for him. All failed attempts let Kenma's mood down as he's slightly depressed with the situation. He spends hours online, searching for solutions to this problem. He might act passive but he sure as hell won't give up.
Keiji Akaashi
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🍁​Akaashi's case causes a bit of an uproar and that isn't even his fault. Bokuto didn't intend to do it either but fact is that he's very vocally sad for his friend when Akaashi tells him that your brother is against him getting closer to you and since Akaashi is more well-known in school, it quickly spikes up a lot of discussions. You as well as your older brother are all of a sudden on fire as the rumors quickly escalate. Akaashi has always been a bit wary around your older brother due to your sibling's overprotective behavior but has hesitated due to his own obsession. When he tried to get to know you better and his brother strongly rejected and you listened to him despite the fact that you liked Akaashi, he saw himself forced to act though. Only that your brother was uncooperative and refused to listen at all, only got mad when Akaashi pointed out how his own behavior around you isn't healthy and keeps you from freely developing. This was the situation that started everything and it doesn't help the fact that many don't like your brother in the first place, their words hurting you. Akaashi didn't want any of this, promises to help as good as he can. He might ask for something in return though.
Wakatoshi Ushijima
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🦅​For maybe the first time he experiences what it feels like to be the one on the weaker side and the fact that it stops him from actively making you his own truly threatens to have his anger tip over. He refuses to back down though nor does he show any signs of fear or intimidation when he walks up to you and your brother, fully intending to talk with you only to be stopped every time by your brother. It's always very tense when both of them just stare at each other with scary expressions on their faces as bystanders fear that both of them might try to kill each other within the very next moment. Perhaps the only thing stopping those two from really getting violent is the fact that you're always around. Ushijima never learns either as he always comes back and always agitates your brother by doing so because the intimidation doesn't seem to work on the man obsessed with you. Because Ushijima is so immensely popular even outside his school does this become a topic quickly and this is something Wakatoshi is ready to abuse to his own advantage. He's very firm in his belief that once you two actually get the chance to get to know each other, you'll fall in love with him too.
Tsutomu Goshiki
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🌟​His body betrays him when your brother towers over him even if Goshiki tries to not appear scared as he wants to make a good impression on your family, including your older sibling. The sweat still runs down his face and even if he initially refuses to leave when your brother tells him so, he hurriedly scrambles away as soon as your brother starts yelling. He's incredibly disappointed and soon devastated when he soon after this first encounter realizes that your brother doesn't allow him to go anywhere near you. He really tries to stay positive as he attempts to better his image even if he doesn't know what he did wrong in the first place. He tries to impress your brother in any ways he can, wants to show him that he merely desires to become your good, loving and loyal boyfriend yet nothing seems to work on him. Tsutomu gifts you also lots of cute gifts which you seem to like and he hopes that this might make your brother less hostile only for him to forbid Goshiki to send you more presents in an attempt to gain his and/or your favor. After this Goshiki is truly falling low as he even cries in private. Similar to Hinata, he'll probably try his luck with your parents.
Hoshiumi Korai
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🌊​Hoshiumi is also on a smaller side which should make him more intimidated of your brother but he's a very courageous and maybe just too stubborn for his own good kind of person. Stubborn and delusional make for one exhausting person as he's sure to even give your own brother several headaches as this guy just straightup refuses to back down. Frankly spoken, he doesn't comprehend why your brother doesn't want him anywhere near you. He's very clingy and pestering, obsessed and someone who tends to get easily jealous but Hoshiumi himself remains oblivious to those things after all. Additionally he always insists on his delusional belief that if your brother would just allow him to spend time with you, you'd fall over time in love with him too. So why is your older brother so opposed and tries to stop your lovestory from happening? He's bold with his words as he speaks what he thinks which almost got him several troubles before with your brother if it wouldn't have been for you. I see the very huge risk that he'll get a lot of people involved mainly because he's openly complaining to everyone because he is unhappy and feels unfairly treated, even if he has no intentions to do so.
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heich0e · 3 months
prime alpha!tobio and his beta assistant—who's lived an easy, comfortable life free from the shackles and rigid hierarchical expectations of a secondary gender—who falls unexpectedly ill despite being in good health, with no known cause.
you're bed-ridden in your illness, unable to perform your usual duties—it's the first time in the year you've been working for him that you've missed a single day, and yet you're absent for almost a week. your symptoms include a low-grade fever, a strange abdominal discomfort, and just a lingering feeling that sits under your skin like something is wrong.
you visit the doctor who runs a series of tests, and though nothing comes back conclusively, the doctor sits you down and asks you some questions about your daily life. maybe it's stress, maybe an allergy, maybe some environmental factor has brought this mysterious illness on. but when your physician hears about your work, her expression changes. she consults the test results again, eyes scanning over the reports raptly. her final remark (and the pamphlets she sends you home with) all point to one thing.
tobio stares down at the piece of paper you've placed before him with a pensive, irritated furrow upon his brow.
"what's this?" he asks, his cold gaze lifting towards you.
you have your head lowered in a bow—the lines of your body rigid and uncomfortable as you stoop in deference.
"my resignation," you say, your voice thick but surprisingly meek.
"why?" tobio asks, something flaring in the centre of his chest. it burns like anger, but there's something more there too. something primal and animalistic that tells him, goads him, to fight.
you still don't lift your head. "i'm sorry."
that's not an answer, you both know it, and before tobio knows what he's doing, he's already crossed the room and snatched your wrist up in his hand. when your eyes meet his in surprise, there are tears in them. from this close (the closest he's ever been to you, he thinks) there's no mistaking the way they shimmer upon your lash line—how they well up the longer you look at him.
you're trembling, your knees wobbling underneath you, and tobio worries for a moment that you might buckle in onto yourself.
"i can't," you warble, "you—you're making my body weird," you say, lifting your hand up to your face and clamping it over your mouth and nose. tobio pauses, realizing that he's been polluting the air around both of you with pheromones ever since you placed the letter of resignation upon the table before him.
but you've never been susceptible to that before.
he processes this slowly while you tremble, his hand still tightly wrapped around your wrist.
his eyes widen.
saliva floods his mouth.
there's no way he can accept your resignation now.
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creative-crybaby · 2 months
HEYYYY!! just coming in here wanting to say your ´Birds of a Feather’ with kageyama was AMAZING! he is so mean and toxic but like…he so fine 😫 wonder how he’s gonna be now that he has his dear reader in his clutches in Italy🫣 hope you write a continuation of that to see how their ´special’ relationship is gonna proceed❤️ have a lovely day, I’m gonna think about that fic for days now 😫🤍
We love our men very a little toxic :)))) (just the fictional ones ofc)
While I don't plan on giving the fic a sequel (sowwy), I can say the dear reader in question is straight up "not having a good time."
Kageyama's need to have you around only grew after high school, especially once you two went your separate ways. Volleyball was still his main priority, though, and he didn't have the resources to track you down. Social media wasn't his thing (and you may or may not have purposefully avoided sharing too much information about your life and whereabouts for your peace of mind).
That isn't to say you weren't on his mind. If he wasn't focusing on volleyball, he was thinking about you.
Now that he has you, he's not letting you out of his sight—stops at your work to follow walk you home (when practice allows him to), expecting you to show up at his practices (just like old times!), bending you over/pressing you against whatever he can to fuck you when no one's around, etc.
Your new beginnings in Italy are just forceful trips down memory lane, and Kageyama will make sure you can't escape again.
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yanderecrazysie · 4 months
BROKEN (Kageyama)
Requested on Quotev!
Title: Broken
Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: Captivity is breaking you.
(of a person) having given up all hope; despairing
The storage room had always been and would always be suffocating.
It was unused, which was probably why Kageyama had chosen to imprison you there. If the spiders spinning webs in the corners weren’t bad enough, cockroaches had also made a home there. 
You were forced to listen to students in the hallways, opening and closing lockers and talking amongst themselves. It was torture to have your friends so close but unable to say a word to them. 
Close to your disappearance, you could even hear classmates gossiping about where you had gone. All you wanted was to say “I’m here! Help me!”. But the gag in your mouth omitted all sounds.
The discussions about you lost their novelty and tapered off until you were no longer talked about at all. Everyone had forgotten your very existence. That realization was one of the things that broke you the most.
You felt your spirit slowly shatter the longer you stayed in the storage room. You had once been an optimistic, cheerful, outgoing person, but that was changing with time.
What did you have to be cheerful about? What kind of optimism could you have when hope was constantly dwindling? Kageyama was the only contact you had, and he only came by once or twice every weekday. 
The weekends were the worst. You had nothing to eat, nothing to do, nothing to even overhear. It was a silent starvation for two straight days.
Each day blurred into the next, only broken by Kageyama’s infrequent visits.
You felt like you were going insane.
In the beginning, you had fought against the restraints, but it only left your wrists and ankles raw and your will weakened. Escape was impossible. Grim acceptance of that eventually settled in.
You were left alone to your thoughts more often than not. You found yourself regretting everything having to do with your captor. Every conversation, every wave, every game that you watched… if only you had never interacted with him, would things be different?
Kageyama’s visits were both dreaded and welcomed. You were given one meal every weekday. You devoured the food and downed the water bottle he brought like a woman starved. And, to be fair, you were.
But you dreaded the way he talked to you and touched you- stroking your hair and idly talking about how much he missed and loved you. The normally-stoic setter melted into a lovesick puppy, acting like this situation was normal when it was anything but.
You could feel yourself losing your mind, bit by bit. Having silent one-sided conversations with the spiders you shared your space with, playing word games in your head over and over, trying to insert yourself into the conversations you heard through the walls, trying to remember what your family looked like…
Sleep was already uncomfortable enough, sitting propped against the concrete wall like you were, but the nightmares made it much worse. You would wake in a cold sweat, gasping for air through the gag. However, the normal dreams offered you a respite that being awake did not, so you slept as often as you could. 
You stunk so badly that you had become nose-blind to it long ago. With no way to shower, or even use the bathroom, you wondered how Kageyama could stand to be around you.
Today, you waited impatiently, stomach growling and aching from a weekend without sustenance. The door opened and Kageyama squeezed inside, a smile lighting up his features when he spotted you in your permanent spot.
The meal today was a burger and fries, the smell wafting over to you and making your mouth water. Kageyama undid the gag and the rope around your wrists. You seized the burger and stuffed it in your mouth, chowing down on it. It wouldn’t be enough to sate your hunger, you knew that much, but it took the edge off.
“People were talking about you again today,” Kageyama commented casually as you stuffed your face, “You were so popular that they can’t help but remember you.”
You ignored him, ignored that pang in your heart at his words.
“You don’t smile anymore,” Kageyama said softly. 
You felt a rush of anger. What did you have to smile about, after what he’d done?
“Why do you think that is?” You snapped, your voice hoarse from such little use.
Kageyama looked stunned for a moment, before a soft smile spread across his face, “You spoke to me.”
Oops. You had been giving him the silent treatment, but you couldn’t have helped the sarcastic remark from slipping out.
His hand reached out to stroke your cheek and you cringed away from the action, glaring at him.
“It’s okay,” Kageyama reassured you, “I’ll love you just the way you are.”
You glared harder but he ignored you.
“I’ll love you even if I break you.”
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What kind of yandere they would be:
(haikyuu edition)
Hinata: I believe that he would be more of a submissive type of yandere... The one who is literally into degradation and such? Considering his sunshine personality
Kageyama: manipulative 💯 the one who acts all shy and weak infront of their s/o but isn't .... That's him that's kageyama for you
Tsukishima: to be honest I don't give a flip flop about what kinda yandere he would be... I just want him to dom me no questions asked
Yamaguchi: like hinata I believe he would also be the submissive yandere who is into degradation but please praise this boi, he'd love it so much!!
Kenma: delusional one... Definitely! He would be that sorta person (or yandere in this case) who would literally plan the name of your future kids just because you made eye contact with him and smiled (though I want him to rail me but we shall not talk about that)
Oikawa: stalker...ish? I dunno oikawa just gives of the vibes that he would definitely be a stalker tyla yandere who would literally have a shrine for their s/o... A green flag? Nah! That man is a gree forest on fire
Part 1 I guess? Well I ran Outta colors so yeah.. maybe I'll make a part 2? Or 3? Either way... Deal with this bad oriented post cause I still don't know how TF do you add continuous pictures along with text... Might take some time to learn but I'll try!
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mxi-88 · 1 year
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fem ranmaru charm points,,
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