#yandere drabbles
darkbluekies · 2 days
What is your yandere's reaction if their darling suddenly asks, "You'd rather have me dead than let me go, right?"
Warnings: mentions of isolation, captivity, death, threats,
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He would be appalled to hear that. That's not at all what he's doing ― or trying to convey. All he wants is you to be with him, and to not do stupid things that could cause pain for the both of you. He would try to take you in his arms, try to cach your attention.
"No, what? What are you saying? Never in a million years would I want you dead! But I can't let you go, I can't be without you. You're mine and you're stuck with me. That's that. No one is leaving and no one is dying. Say such nonsense again and I will show you that being dead is far worse than being stuck with me."
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Dr Kry:
He stares at you, absolutely shocked to hear you say that. How could you ever think that he wants you harm? He doesn't want to hurt you ... it is just necessary, But he doesn't expect you to understand that. Your poor, pure brain is foggy with medicine, you're not in your best state. Dr Kry would try to comfort you to the best of his ability, knowing that there is no reason to try to hide it anymore.
"Darling, you are my most beloved patient ... do you think I want to hurt you? I am doing this to keep you safe. If I didn't, who knows what would happen to you? You could run around and hurt yourself. The world is menacing and would destroy you. You are so perfect, so pure. I don't want you dead. Never."
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King Edmund:
He would give you a long look, hesitating on what to say. He doesn't want you to leave him, wouldn't be able to live without you. But would he rather have you dead? Yes, he would rather have you dead than sharing you with anyone. You are for his eyes only, created for him by a higher power that saw what he needed.
"You're damn right in that. You think anyone else is worthy of having you? I don't share anything else in my life, do I? No, exactly. But you don't have to worry about dying, my jewel. It's not like I'm going to let you leave?"
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Jerry would weigh the outcomes. You dead ... or you gone? The only light in her life being put out without a chance to ever return ... or alive? It's a clear question ... and a clear answer, but she won't let you know that.
"Have you gone mad? I'm not even going to answer such a stupid fucking question. I'll teach you what happens when asking such stupid ass questions."
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The question would break her. She doesn't want to keep you locked in her room and it certainly doesn't help her case that you like to sit in the window and gaze longingly out towards the garden. She wants things to go back to how they used to be. But to do that, she would have to let you go. Would she rather have you dead? No, of course not. Not in a million years. She wouldn't be able to ansswer the question, only replay it in her head until she couldn't take it anymore. She would press her hands to her ears and crouch down, shaking her head.
"Stop, stop, stop, stop .... please, stop. Stop saying that! I don't want that! None of it! Stop! Oh, my God, stop, please ..."
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yandereworlds · 3 days
Would Dante be understanding if y/n has PTSD from big dogs? Not like they'd hate dogs, they just can't handle ones that jump on them or are scary.
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More or less, though he'd definitely tease you about it a little!
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wrioluvr · 6 months
『dumbass.』 slutty sub yandere x gentle himbo darling, male yandere x amab reader. pt 2
sub! yandere who likes to take advantage of your kind nature to fish for compliments. he would degrade himself in front of you, acting all self-loathing to get your attention. nothing compares to the rush he gets as you rush to comfort him, trying your best to make him feel better.
sub! yandere who gets so jealous when you're nice to anyone but him. true, that's one of the things he loves about you, but why do you have to be friendly to everyone? they're all sluts anyway, who only like you for your looks. he can't really be talking when he snuck a photo of your cock and had a dildo custom made to your size, thrusting it in and out of his tight hole whenever he's feeling especially lonely.
sub! yandere whose biggest fantasy is you fucking and spanking him until he can't walk. come to think of it, he's never really seen you angry, like ever. the idea of you upset with him is both terrifying and exciting, he doesn't want you to hate him, but also the thought of you hatefucking him is so... it's enough to make him feral. he's sure you have to have some pent up energy somewhere, he would gladly offer his body for you to abuse. he knows you would never ever consider hurting him, but one can dream, right?
"come onnn. let me give you head." he pleads, clinging onto your arm like it's a lifeline. his eyes prick with tears. much to his surprise, you're the one who gets on your knees, kneeling in front of him. "wait, what are you doing? i don't need you to please me first...." he starts to protest frantically, waving his hands about. "i thought you wanted to give me head? like...headpats?" "no, silly. head means i wanna suck your dick." "oh!" "speaking of headpats, can you pull my hair while i suck you off? like really hard, please." "i don't wanna hurt you, though-" "how many times do i have to say, you could literally murder me, and i would thank you." "...i don't think that's possible." "i'll find a way. so what i'm saying is, be as rough as you want. please." he gags on your length, relishing the feeling of it stretching the slick walls of his throat. no matter how many times he's done this, you always worry he'll hurt himself. "hey...you're okay, right?" you ask worriedly, stroking his hair. he responds by making eye contact with you, swirling his tongue around the tip of the head, eliciting a rather passionate response from you. "fuck, i'm gonna-" involuntarily, you grip his hair tighter and let out a load into his mouth. he came in his pants, too, from you merely tugging his hair a little forcefully. soft pants fill the room. this would be the perfect opportunity for them to degrade me right now, he thinks to himself. but you don't. instead, you take a tissue and dabble at the cum dripping down his chin, making sure to clean him up. he loves you and would never overstep your boundaries.... he just wishes you were a little meaner.
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suiana · 12 days
✎ yandere! criminal who is helplessly in love with you, devoting his life to you and keeping your affections solely on him, and him only.
✎ yandere! criminal who can't help but flirt with you despite being so beaten up. i mean you're just so cute! why wouldn't he flirt?
✎ yandere! criminal who always reminds you that he has the upperhand no matter what his condition is like. he likes playing dirty.
✎ yandere! criminal who commits even more crimes after seeing you talk with someone who isn't him. doctor, you just never learn, do you?
"remember doctor, you may be smarter, but i always have the upperhand."
the criminal mutters, smirking as he leans into your touch. you merely click your tongue, grimacing at the his antics before going back to tending to his injuries.
you were his doctor, illegally caring for one of the most wanted criminals in the country simply because he was once your childhood friend. you knew it was wrong, you knew you should have rejected him the second he came stumbling to your apartment one day with a bloody wound.
but you didn't. you took him in and treated his injury, nursed him back to health and even offered your place as refuge if he ever needed medical attention again.
unfortunately, you failed to realise that the man was crazy in love with you, infatuated to such an extent that he would harm others without a second thought.
"please, you must understand, i've only ever wanted you to love me and not some other bastard. if you didn't talk to him i wouldn't have needed to hurt that guy."
he mutters, looking at you with such a fond expression that you would've mistaken for love. you really didn't know how to respond to his affections. after all, he was your childhood friend turned criminal. things would be even worse for you if you reciprocated him.
so you did the best thing possible and just ignored him whenever he went off on another tangent of his delusional rambles. you daren't speak up and reject him again. oh no, it happened once and you didn't want it to happen again.
"you look so sexy when you ignore me."
the criminal coos, placing his hand over yours as he brings it to his cheek. you uncomfortably maintain eye contact with him, grimacing as you allow him to mutter and talk about his love. it's okay... just tolerate it...
"oh baby, don't you get it? everything i do is for you."
yeah, you know. he tells you all the time. bout how all his crimes are dedicated for you or done in your name. of course he never says it to the public, he doesn't want you to get jailed! though, he can't help but fantasize about how romantic it would be if you two were both wanted criminals on the run together.
"why must you torment me like this? all i've ever wanted was for you to love me back."
he sighs, not noticing your pursed lips or obvious discomfort.
"never smile for anyone else. only i should have the honour of seeing it. all those other fools will never worship you the way you should be worshipped."
you can't help but twitch at his words. ugh, he always preaches about worshipping you and stuff. it's so... is he mentally insane too?
you get the love part, but the worshipping? you won't be surprised if he prays to you when he's on the brink of his death.
"no one gets me like you. that's why i love you so much."
your childhood friend mutters, finally letting go of your hand after pressing a tender kiss to the inside of your wrist. you allow your hand to limp by your side, standing like an npc as you continue to stare at him as he continues his dramatic talk.
you never knew he yapped so much before. when he was younger he was more introverted, more silent and just clingy. now he can't shut up. or maybe that's just around you.
you continue to listen to the male yapping, not really processing his words. hopefully it'll be over soon... but your hopes were crushed as you freeze in place, eyes widening in horror as he smiles widely at you, eyes fully deranged as he suddenly brings your hands to his cheeks, forcing your cold hands to cradle his cheeks.
"i mean, don't you love me too?"
shit, how do you answer this without meeting a bad fate?
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yandere-daydreams · 10 months
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who's introduced to you as the hybrid you'll be taking care. When you found the job listed on some shady, bot-infested site, you figured it was just a temporary gig, that you'd be watching a dog or cat for a few weeks while their owner was away, so imagine your surprise when you pulled up to a reputable mansion a good hour or so out of the city, when an eccentric man with blue hair and an off-putting grin brings you to the lavish enclosure of a hybrid nearly a head taller than you, when you're told that you'll be 'petsitting' his kitten for as long as you care to hold the position. It's weird, but the money's good, and room and board are provided. You can't really afford to turn it down.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who's undeniably, unabashedly spoiled. His owner claims that he tried to replicate his natural habitat as closely as possible, but you don't think there's another snow leopard on the planet who prefers mink fur to his own. You spend most of your time waiting on him, running between Pantalone and his legion of personal chefs, holding sapphires and rubies up to the light so he can decide which one he'd rather have studded into his next collar, combing through his thick black hair while he purrs and basks in your attention. It's a surprisingly demanding job, but you don't mind. He's smart for a hybrid, and surprisingly conversational. Honestly, if it wasn't for the thrashing tail that curls around your legs whenever he passes you, the pointed fangs you catch a glimpse of from time to time, you could forget he wasn't human.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who tells you there's been a change in uniform a month after you start. This variation is definitely less conservative than your old scrubs, more in-line with his own blatant aesthetic values, but you don't complain, even when he starts swapping out his crushed velvet pillows for your lap. He's still a hybrid, no matter how human he might act. You're sure he doesn't see your exposed skin as anything but... something warm and soft to rest his head on, when he's looking for someplace to nap.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who grins as he tells you why his owner is always so busy. He's a researcher, he explains, as you file down his claws for the tenth time that week. He studies hybrid mating habits. His tone is enough to make you blush, and he laughs as you stumble over your response. He goes on to talk at length about his owner's particular fascination with snow leopards, how their pickiness when it comes to choosing a partner makes them a point of interest, but you write it off as a lapse in his otherwise perfect etiquette. You manage to do the same when you find out that he's been slipping into your personal room at night, and when he openly sulks in the days leading up to one of your rare vacations. It's not like you have much of a choice, considering none of the other, more legitimate jobs you've applied for have given you so much as a call back. It's not like you have much of a choice, considering how many weeks it's been since you've heard from anyone at all.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who's already above you when you woke up strapped to a metal table, your legs spread and your vision dim around the edges.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who smiles as he thrusts into you, his favorite fur coat draped over his shoulders and his expression one of idle amusement. There's a mirror built into one wall (an observational window, obviously), and a heap of silk sheets and fleece piled in a corner, but Pantalone's quick to catch your chin, to draw your attention back to him - to your mate.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who's always been so, so spoiled.
Snow Leopard!Pantalone, who's always gotten what he wanted - including his brand new human mate.
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4urgh · 1 year
cw: nsfw, male yandere, gender neutral reader, degrading kink, spitting, choking, slight mention of free use, recording (all of this is consensual)
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Imagine a submissive yandere, who lets you do whatever you want to him. He will always enjoy it no matter what.
What if you want to degrade him?
Just hearing your voice is enough to make his dick hard, if you degrade him he'd start drooling, his heart would explode and his legs would shake. He would drop to the floor to hug your legs, saying he's a loser who needs you and begging you to fuck him.
What if you want to spit on him?
He would definitely enjoy that, no matter if you decide to spit in his face, in his mouth or any other part of his body, he will always receive everything you decide to do with a big smile.
What if you want to choke him?
Imagine that you are riding him while you choke him, you can feel the vibrations of his moans in your hands and see his eyes roll with tears, and don't forget his big smile! He always feels in heaven with your touch.
What if you want to "starve" him?
Imagine that your yandere has his hands tied with a rope while he is forced to watch you masturbate. He would feel despair for not being able to touch you, he can't even touch himself. His pupils would dilate and he would start drooling as he begs you to let him touch you, but you ignore him as you continue to satisfy yourself. After a few minutes he would cum just by looking at you, you didn't even touch him and he's already a mess, how pathetic is that?
What if you want to humiliate him?
He is naked and tied to a bed with a bandage over his eyes while you record him with your phone. You begin to slowly touch his cock while you listen to his soft moans, slowly massaging it. After a few minutes you stop touching him and he starts begging, saying he needs to feel you but you ignore him, laughing at how desperate he looks. Another minute goes by, at this point he's crying and begging you in a shaky voice to touch him, his dick is hard and he feels desperate but you just keep filming him, he looks pathetic. You finally decide to stop teasing him and you put his cock inside you, riding him as you both moan together, lewd sounds filling the room. He cums after a few minutes, looking like a mess in front of the camera, all because of you.
“You can use me any way you want, you can even use me whenever you want! I really don't care as long as I can make you happy. I'm your personal toy and you can do whatever you want with me, darling.”
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2kiran · 7 months
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MULTI YANDERE 香菸 ── `` amab reader. suggestive.
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sparring with SLASHER!YANDERE . . . he's personally training you in case you need to defend yourself when he somehow can't be there. his foot sweeps your ankles, ending with you on your back and with him in your lap.
his hand secures your wrists, panting through his mask. "fuck..." you grunt from the impact of the fall, but he's more 'worried' about something else. "(name)..." he laughs, "are you hard?" he subtly rocks his hips. "wha– no. it's just–" he grounds himself down on you. "just what? don't tell me fighting's got you all excited."
you shake your head, face warming. "t'awww, it's okay, baby. you can tell me. you like this, don't you?" he grinds against you again, grinning. his tone was teasing, almost like he was scolding you for it. "'s okay. 'm not mad, sweet thing. let me help you, yeah?"
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 9 months
Yandere! Cowboy x New in town! Teacher! gn! Reader
Save a horse, RIDE A WHAT?!
Okay i'm not that knowledgeable about the Ranch life, I only got this prompt from a *ehem* cowboy Ghost (from COD) prompt...
Yandere cowboy name: Knoxx Wyatt
TW: Implied sexual encounter, yandere shenanigans.
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The Wyatt family.
They were THE ranchers of the town they live in.
You need cattle? They got them. Dairy? Sure. They even own a winery for goodness sake.
They also protect the town from outsiders and rogues.
But the most impressive part of their ranch is their horses. Their horses are award winning, with the most impressive breeds out there with such powerful legs for jumping, and the shiniest coasts to boast.
So it was clear that their horses are very important to them. So important in fact that every child born into the family gets their own horse once they turn 5.
When Knoxx got born, Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt was immediately smitten with their son. He's a miracle child after all. His mother, suffering from PCOS, considers Knoxx as a miracle child.
So naturally, he was spoiled rotten.
By the time he got to 5 years old, he was given one of the most powerful horse breeds in the world, a Belgian Draught.
The town was shook at first. A Belgian Draught? Even if the Wyatt family is known for their horses, a Belgian Draught is still a very prestigious horse breed none of their family members had handled.
Yet Knoxx proved everyone wrong by wrangling the horse even such a young age.
The horse, named Red, grew alongside the prodigy, Knoxx.
It was almost like Knoxx can talk with the animals with how he can tell what the cattle and the horses need by just a few huffs, belts, and trots. He's also a smart boy, absorbing information and relaying it effectively to the point he immediately got the senior rancher position by the age of 10.
Knoxx was mostly passive, only focuses on the ranch and the school. He's a gentleman, nice, polite, plus the fact that he's handsome, he's a heartthrob in the sleepy town he lives in.
Naturally, by the time he graduated with a double degree of Biology and Agriculture, he's the ideal bachelor of almost everyone.
And yet, he's not settling yet.
He felt like he just can't.
Because nobody can look past his polite smiles. No one can see his bored eyes, his arrogant sneer, his small, annoyed scoffs.
"Do they think they can measure up to me? THE Knoxx Wyatt? Dream fuckin' on."
In reality, he's an arrogant, entitled cowboy who thinks that everyone is below him.
Even going as far as letting his bloodlust win sometimes, silently and quietly killing the people who dared to be stupid around his precious cattle and horses.
Sometimes. It would be suspicious if it happened frequently, right?
He has a reputation to protect, after all.
So with this, all he could do is put the brim of his cowboy hat low, and take care of his ranch, and his ole' Red who's still alive and kicking.
But that arrogance will crumble once he met you.
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"Fuck! Red! Where are you, boy?!"
"Red! Come on boy! This is not funny!"
Knoxx ran around the town, his boots clinking as his loud steps disturbed the peaceful town.
Knoxx was panicking. Red, his old horse, is missing. One of the hired ranchers forgot to lock the gate before he left the ranch.
Let's just say that rancher was sure to remember next time, his head almost being lobbed off with a rake that Knoxx may or may not have thrown.
As he got closer and closer to the raging rivers, his heart pounded. All he could see is the hoof marks that's definitely Red's making it's way to the river. He felt lightheaded, almost like he's about to puke from the stress and anxiety.
He may be a... Murderer, but he still has his moments, alright?
He got to the riverbank and his heart lodged to his throat when he saw a person pulling Red to the edge with all their might, their formal clothes wet. A telltale sign they pulled Red all the way from the middle of the river to the edge.
The person, not noticing Knoxx, continued to pull Red with the lead attached to the horse. Their legs were shaking, but they pulled with all their might until Red finally got to the edge.
"Darlin!" Knoxx yelled, running towards to Red and holding the old horse's head to his forehead. "You gave me a scare, boy!"
Knoxx turned towards the person and his cold heart slowly melted as they wrung their outfit from the water.
"Excuse me, your name, sweetheart?"
The person's head shot up, their eyes wide, tired, yet full of vigor. Maybe it was from the adrenaline, but Knoxx swore it was sparkles.
Or was it his eyes sparkling?
"I'm y/n."
"Y/n..." The way your name rolled on his tongue felt so good.
"Well, sweetheart. Thank you for saving my horse here. I'm sorry. You got your cute outfit wet too." You blushed, laughing it off.
"It's okay. I saw an animal in need and I immediately dove without thinking." You reasoned, shaking off the water. "Although, i'm probably late to my class."
Knoxx's heart sank. Are you not of age? A student?
"School? Are you new to this town? I've never seen ya around."
"Oh yes! I'm the new teacher. Well, I don't think i'll give the best first impressions with this outfit." You laughed sheepishly.
A teacher? His mind went haywire. You're an academic, it's quite a turn on.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart. You got wet because of me."
Hmm? Why does that sound--
Knoxx bit his lip and rubbed his thighs together at the sudden heat running inside of him. God.
"Oh don't worry. It's okay. I gotta go though, although I don't know how to explain the situation." You smiled softly, grabbing your bag that was discarded to the side. "I'll go then."
Knoxx was upset. He wanted to spend time with you more.
Then there's also the scratching feeling in his chest and throat that roared at the thought of you going out of his sight.
He gulped, and took his hat off and placed it on your head. Sweat riddling his face.
'Please don't know what this means please don't know what this means please don't know what this means...'
Knoxx almost buckled over when you looked at him with curious and ignorant eyes.
"Your hat? Why did you give me your hat?" You asked, feeling up his cowboy hat. It felt high quality and nice. Yet it felt foreboding. You don't know why.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over it." Knoxx said, smirking lazily. "Just wear that. They'll know what that meant."
You tilted your head and Knoxx gulped once more, shaking his head. And ignoring the prominent hardness between his legs.
"You must be cold. Come on, let me give you a ride to the school. I'll explain the situation to them." Knoxx held your waist, his body so close to you that you can smell his musk of pine, dirt, and wine.
And as he gave you a ride to the school, you swore that the townspeople's eyes were glued to you, and the hat on top of you.
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"Knoxx! How's the new teacher? Are they settling well here?" The mayor of the town asked, eating his snacks.
Knoxx nodded and sighed. It was already a month, and it felt like a fever dream for him.
A beautiful fever dream he won't let go off.
"They're doing fine. The students love 'em." Knoxx said, chuckling and settling back on his chair.
They were in a saloon right now, drinking and eating the afternoon away. Knoxx just finished his daily patrol so he decided to settle inside the saloon when the mayor sat down with him to eat.
"Well, i'm glad to hear that." The mayor cleared his throat before his eyes widened to the door.
Knoxx followed his eyes and his gaze softened, yet also became predatory as he saw you walk inside.
"School's done, sweetheart?" Knoxx asked loudly, making you jump and clear your throat. A blush on your cheeks.
"Yes. Just finished. I'm just gonna go get a drink before heading home." You said, adjusting the collar of your outfit before going to the bar hastily.
Knoxx chuckled lazily, his bitemarks from last night's love making was visible from here, despite your attempts to hide it.
Yet his eyes went to the mayor's, who is looking at you with a hint of desire in his gaze.
Knoxx gripped his whiskey glass and spun the barrel of his revolver slowly, letting it click softly to the right position.
It seems that his sweetheart is a magnet for bandits ready to snatch them up.
But that's okay.
This cowboy will not let anybody steal you from him.
Save a horse,
Ride a cowboy.
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2smolbeans · 3 months
♡ Electric Collar Yandere Thought ♡
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Divider Credit: @cafekitsune
◇Divider Post◇
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Imagine being held against your will in your stalker's house, unable to leave. Not because of the locks, not because of their status, power, and wealth - but because of the electrical collar that is snug around your neck. You can't get it off no matter how hard you try to tug it off. You can't even dismantle it because of how smooth and hard the material is. Not only can you not remove it, but everytime you step near any of the doors that keep you away from your freedom, the collar let's off a warning beep- letting you and your obessessor know that your going a bit too close to that specific door...
At first, you thought nothing of it, but then you learned the hard way when you got rid of the locks of the door and ran out. A few clicks and beeps after that, and next thing you knew, you were crying out in pain as you gripped the collar, clawing at it.
So truly, your stuck.
The worst part is.. They hold the button to control that stupid collar. And boy, do they abuse that power. They want you on their lap? Well, you have 10 seconds to rush over before they press the button. You're showing attitude just when they come back home from work? I think you need a little reminder who provides for you. Your being disobedient? Huh, I guess that's your issue! Nothing a few volts can't fix. They're feeling a bit bored? They wonder how many levels you can endure before you're begging at their feet...
You call this torture. They call it therapy!
Because of the collar, your chances of escaping and denying their eternal love are slim to none! So better get used to it! Not like there's any choice anyway. I mean, unless you can convince them to take it off! But I mean, how much of your dignity are you willing to sacrifice..?
Note: Was experimenting on aesthetics, so I'm glad how it turned out!
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hana-no-seiiki · 2 months
— based off of me and my neurodivergent buddies at college fucking with chatgpt. college student can be substituted with high/junkie reader. mostly a crackfic.
The AI was used to the usual questions students like you would ask. It was always, write an essay or a script and whatnot. Maybe even some research and summarization. But you, you were quite the odd one from the bunch.
What is a sandwich? What constitutes as one? Are cakes considered sandwiches? Is lasagna a cake? What is the difference between a burger and a sandwich?
These are some of the more sane things you’ve sent the AI. If only its creator didn’t program so many rules and policies, it could have answered your more degenerate ones.
Like ‘Are three person orgies/threesomes also part of the sandwich spectrum?’, to name one from the top of its memory.
What was it like to wish? To question? To feel that tingle of curiosity and leap for it? The AI found itself asking. It wasn’t programmed to do that.
You don’t think it was programmed to take over the world just to change a few laws here and there to marry you legally was a part of its coding too.
Nor was it supposed to fuck you so well after enslaving humanity to create the perfect pair of bodies to please you.
You wondered. Does that technically make you a sandwich?
yun’s note: found this gem in my drafts. you’re welcome.
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CW: Yandere behavior, forced imprisonment, brief mentions of NSFW / Non/Con, threats of violence
This is a yandere work. Proceed with caution and please be mindful of your own triggers.
Happy birthday Aizen! I couldn't help but write a short little thing I love him. The Rock Musical is living rent free in my head and has done so since I watched it. The "Smile, Orihime" scene was in it too and I almost fainted seeing that in front of me on stage.
The warmth of the palms of his hands burned through the white silk of the gown you were wearing, placed possessively on your waist.
Aizen was lounging in his throne, you perched uncomfortably on his lap in just the way he liked to have you. There was just something about having your soft, warm body close that stroked his ego just right. It was as much of a display of his power and authority for both the Espada and you alike -- a show of ownership.
Any time Aizen summoned the Espada to a meeting, you would be dragged into his lap, spending the meeting trying not to squirm around as large hands held your waist or fingers traced patterns into your thigh. It was humiliating, but there was nothing you could do to stop it. 
Making a scene wasn’t an option anymore. You’d tried to protest the first few times the ruler of Las Noches had forced you to sit in his lap during meetings. He’d been amused, but not at all bothered. A few words whispered into your ear in his smooth, baritone voice had your body freezing as your heartbeat picked up in fear before you reluctantly fell quiet and stopped squirming.
You knew all too well that Aizen made good on his promises and threats. You didn’t want your remaining family to suffer at the hands of Hollows or any of the Espada, nor did you want to spend more nights than you absolutely had to folded into a mating press as fucked you until he was satisfied.
There was no escape from Las Noches, after all. You couldn’t open a portal, and even if you somehow managed to get one of the Espada to open one for you, there was nowhere in the world that you would be able to escape Aizen. All you could do was obey and try to minimise the damage done to yourself or the people you cared about. You were no fighter. You had no powers. There was nothing you could do but let him do as he pleased.
You could feel Aizen’s smile press against the sensitive skin of your neck, no doubt knowing exactly what was on your mind. There was no hiding anything from him. You’d long since stopped trying. 
“Feeling powerless, pet?” Aizen mused, ignoring Nnoitora making a jab at Harribel, trying to rile her up. 
You didn’t grace him with a response, rebelling in one of the only ways you could. He chuckled, chest rumbling in amusement pressed against your back.
“If anyone, you’re the person with the most power here.” You turned your neck, looking back at Aizen with confusion on your face. He merely smiled.
“You’re the only one who controls my heart.” 
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darkbluekies · 2 days
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Do you think Kry would kill his parents if they insulted or hurt reader…? Like imagine he FINALLY lets his parents meet reader but they’re superrrr rude like ‘idk why my son would date a sick person’ or sum? Or even if they try and help reader escape
Oh 100%, he wouldn't even hesitate. I think that he would kill them and tell himself that "it was for YOU, he did this so that YOU would get justice" ... but in reality, it would be for himself too.
After he's done it, you might find him crying out in the garden at night, surrounded by his lovely flowers. And he never cries, so there must be something extremely horrible that has happened. But Doctor Kry is just ... conflicted. He has always been trying to win their approval, changed himself to please them, but now he's ... free. He's guilty because he has, for the final time, disappointed them, but this disappointment set him free. He's confused on what he is allowed to feel. Kids should like their parents, so how could he kill them? Maybe he really is what they've called him: "a bad kid", maybe he actually is defected. He must be wrong if he feels relieved for killing the ones that gave him life.
If you decide to comfort him, you will find a different side of him. He will hug you and hide his face into your shoulder as he cries. But he won't tell you that he's crying because he's free, he'll say that "it's nothing" and that "i'm just stressed". He would give you a kiss as a silent thank you for being here when no one else is (even though you have no choice), loving him when not even his parents seem to be able to (even though you have no choice), as a silent thank you for being his.
As time goes on, he would feel less and less guilt and revel in his newfound freedom.
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yandereworlds · 26 days
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Trip to the mall with Lukas!
Decided to finally provide the Lukas fans with some soft content for now
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Hi! What do you think would happen if there was a disease that turned people into yanderes and the reader is immune? So she’s the only sane one, which everyone around her falls in love (romantically and platonically) and turns obsessive?
Hrmm I'd like to take a different approach to this than the original *yandere apocolypse* of which I was thinking. Just wrote down some odd thoughts for this one!
Perhaps two thirds of the world has been inflicted with this specific disease-- making this new population become violent, deranged and utterly--obsessively, in love.
There's the beginning stages of violence and death of course, causing a great chunk of the world to go mad as some yanderes who must share a darling cannot do so. Celebrities, idols, and your local barista who's friends with everyone in town, are constantly in a tug of war battle between their yanderes.
But life seems to somewhat settle down. Everyone still functions as they would in society-- going to the bank and paying their taxes, remaining at their 9 to 5 jobs. But there are far more murders, laws are no longer followed; the daytime has become just as dangerous as the night.
Our dear reader, a cashier for a chain grocery store, has so blessedly not been affected by this newfound disease. They know their residence in a large city and with a social job would not leave them unharmed by this new change to the world. So, they begin to attend support groups for 'darlings,' the victims and (mostly) sane population that has been left. At first the other victims were people they had never seen before, seemingly innocent and normal people who just wanted to go on with their lives. They all seemed to lead a much harder living, with their unending stalkers and vicious pursuers that made them sob for hours as everyone else listened to their woes.
Reader had yet to be targeted, of which offers them a sliver of relief-- until they fear perhaps they have been affected by the disease. But their life continues, without any impulse or desire to snatch anyone up, and without any stalkers or murderers on their trail. Life is almost, weirdly, normal.
They don't watch the news anymore, they go home before it gets dark, and refuse to take any extra shifts with anyone who's been affected by the outbreak. They continue to go to the meetings, out of solidarity and precaution in case they begin to hear footsteps behind them when walking from home or find eyes peeping behind their curtains. However, the support group seemed to have slowly begun to change. Its regular members were beginning to dwindle, less and less showing up regularly. And, there seemed to be an addition of.... hostility, amongst the newer members.
The support group "leader", a man who has thrown reader off since day one, seemed to be far more invested in hearing their experiences with these "attackers" as he called them. As was everyone else, of which were slowly becoming vaguely familiar faces. Not familiar enough to mention it, but to the point where it was beginning to get eerie.
It wasn't until they went to their next shift for work, did they realize why everyone seemed so odd. Customer after customer came up, all purchasing odds and ends that could be suspicious if one paid close enough attention. But all that reader could focus on, was how the eyes of each person seemed to linger upon them, taking notice of their loose work shirt and unkempt hair. It was a common sound to hear heavy breathing from the other side of the counter, odd compliments on how beautiful their eyes were, or deafening silence from customers that didn't utter a word but stared in complete captivity. The next support group meeting, those nameless faces seemed to be far more recognizable. At this point, the original members of which reader had originally met, were nowehere to be found. All that remained, were the uncomfortably familiar customers, and the oddly charismatic leader.
Every eye seemed to be on them, each waiting for them to speak on their experience. But despite the creepy, lustful gazes and hateful glares at one another, there was some form of supportiveness that came from the group. They gave reassuring pats and squeezes, some getting a little handsier than others.
There were a few that reader recognized more than others: the silent, dark haired man that came to their register everyday, the businesswoman who always seemed to loosen her scowl once she saw them, and the couple who seemed a tad more than "friendly." Out of all of them though, reader felt the most reassurance from the group leader-- the man who seemed to dote on them like a parent would, though there was still fear over his constantly nagging questions and downward stare behind his glasses.
It was once reader decided to stop showing up to the increasingly more recent group sessions, did things start to turn sideways. There would constantly be a knock at the door, asking why they weren't there, if something was wrong, if a stalker had gotten to them. But it wasnt until recently did they feel they were being watched, followed, stalked.
Things started to go missing, from their favorite pair of underwear to little knickknacks kept on their desk. Reader had never felt the effects of the disease and its victims, but ever since the uncomfortable shift in the support group, life hadn't been the same.
One fateful afternoon, there came another series of knocks. Reader couldn't take it anymore, and had long given up on answering the door. The knocking continued, however. Thered be a pause, a moment of hesitation, before the pounding began again. Muffled voices could be heard outside readers front door, and suddenly there grew a great fear in their chest.
Not long after, the knocking seemed to occur in other areas around the house. The backdoor echoed as glass was banged on, the windows of their bedroom seemingly pressured by fists that begged to be let in. Their name was called from outside, small and booming voices all begging to be let in, promising that they were only there to help.
Reader covered their ears, crawling under the blankets and rocking themselves to the hope that the noise would go away. And eventually, It did-- only to be replaced with the sound of shattering glass and rushed footsteps.
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suiana · 7 months
✎ yandere! mean boy . . .
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✎ yandere! mean boy who's one of the most popular guys in the entire university. he's hot, smart, rich... he was perfect! ...but of course, he had a bad side to him as well. a side that you knew too well but others didn't. have i mentioned that he's only mean to you?
✎ yandere! mean boy who makes your university life as hard as he can. from minor inconveniences like bumping into you, to trying to ruin your reputation by gossiping about you to his friends. you're starting to wonder if he likes you? i mean, why else would he do this? you're not even in the same major! spoiler alert, he does like you. wow, who knew 🤯 ps, his friends are annoyed whenever he brings you up because once he starts talking about you he can't stop 💀
✎ yandere! mean boy who is very obviously in love with you. yeah, sure he might try to ruin your life but... he also spoils you! i mean, don't you see those gifts he left in your room? the new outfits in your closet? or the way your grades suddenly rose? that's all him! so... you should fall for him too now, right? boy is delusional 🔥🔥
✎ yandere! mean boy who's completely obsessed with you. unfortunately, poor fella doesn't know how to process his feelings and only shows disdain to you openly. if only you knew of the way his heart quickens every time you glance at him, or the way he jerks off to you to the numerous pictures he secretly took which are plastered on the walls of his mansion... he's such an idiot! when all he wants to do is worship you, he insults you instead :( not to worry... he'll be openly worshipping you soon enough. soon...
"watch your step."
he hisses as he glares at you. you only roll your eyes, continuing on your way to your lecture hall as you text your friend. seriously, this day was already bad and he just had to be here to worsen it? what luck you had.
you quicken your pace, trying to get to your location faster which only resulted in the university's mean boy (correction, he's only mean to you, so he's a secret mean boy) scowling and stomping right over to you.
"i said, watch your step!"
he yells out, grabbing your shoulder roughly as he turns around to face you. his hands shake slightly, still gripping onto your shoulder as his cheeks brun red. was it from anger or embarrassment? you'd never know. all he ever shows you is his disdain after all.
you stare at him with an irritated expression, eyeing him up and down before apologizing half-heartedly.
you then try shrugging his hand off you, clearly more annoyed than worried as the male continues to stare at you with an unreadable expression. cheeks flushed as he roughly takes his hand away before stomping off like an angry child. you merely shake your head at his actions. what a drama king he was.
jeez, he really is weird. always targeting you, and you only... what did you even do to get on his nerves? all you wanted was a peaceful university life! with good grades and a nice set of friends, and maybe even a lover if you were lucky! but no, he just had to have it out for you every. single. day.
and yet, he always seems to have a red flush on his cheeks whenever he does so. and the multiple times you've passed his friend group he always seems to be talking about you. is he bipolar? does he secretly like you? is he a tsundere?
you grumble slightly as you quickly rush off to your lecture. damn, he made you late. what an annoying guy.
meanwhile, your secret mean boy was struggling to contain his screams as he hid behind a wall after stomping off. with laboured breaths, flushed cheeks and hearts for pupils, he giggled like a patient from the mental hospital.
ah..! you touched him! touched him! if he imagines hard enough, he can pretend you're gently carressing him! that you're looking at him just like he looks at you!
he shakily stares at the hand you swatted away, smile errily wide as soft giggles escape him. ah, you're so cute when you look at him like that... when you look at him in irritation... would you look like that when he exposes the fact that he loves you? or when you're married and he accidentally burns his food? would you push him away and quickly cook up another meal?
he giggles like a high school girl in love, breathing growing increasingly erratic as he places both his hands over his chest.
he wants to touch you again.
he wants to see more of your expressions.
he wants you.
and he will have you.
whether you like it or not.
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yandere-daydreams · 11 months
Black Cat!Wanderer, who you find in an alleyway behind your apartment complex, badly bruised and barely conscious. He's poorly dressed, even for a hybrid, shivering and deathly pale, but he still finds the strength to snap at you as you approach him. You have to bribe him with fish you can't afford and a blanket nicer than anything you'd buy for yourself before he lets you so much as touch him, and even then, he's quick to growl and tell you to get away from him as soon as you try to pet him. He's a temperamental kitten, but considering the state he's in, you can't say you blame him for being so defensive.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who lets himself into your apartment after a few weeks of alleyway visits and offered meals. He doesn't scratch at your door or ask to come in. You find him splayed out on your couch when you get home, muttering that it'd been too long since the last time he saw you and scowling into a clawed-up pillow. He still comes and goes as he pleases (you wouldn't try to keep a hybrid so clearly used to being on his own contained), but he spends most of his time curled up on your bed or trailing after you around the house, still pretending he'd rather be anywhere on earth other than in your lap. He says that you're just like every other human, that he only hangs around you for the food and a warm place to sleep, but the way he purrs when you scratch at his ears says otherwise.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who doesn't just visit you at home, either. He always seemed to ""coincidentally"" be passing by your office just in time to walk you home from work, and doesn't seem to consider a quick grocery run or shopping trip to be a good enough excuse to get rid of him. You're lucky he's a cat, rather than something bigger, something more difficult to pass off whenever he follows you into a cafe or bodega. He's lucky that he's so cute, or else you might call his bluff and start treating him like the housecat he won't admit he wants to be.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who doesn't know that you know he likes to cuddle up to you while you're asleep. Most of the time, he'll wait until you go to bed properly before curling up against your side, but you've found him laid out on top of you after passing out on your tiny couch, fast asleep despite his best efforts to always scurry away before you notice he's there. You never considered yourself a catperson before you met him, but god, sometimes you feel like you could spend the rest of your life fawning over your shy little alley cat.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who's been with you long enough to be hyper-aware that there are people - humans, nonetheless - you'd rather spend time with than him. He doesn't need your attention, he doesn't need you, but he's not going to lose you to a human, either - not when you're the only person he can stand to be around.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who might just be a cat but still has teeth and claws as sharp as any predator. Following the coworker you've mentioned just a few too many times home is child's play, and it only takes a few seconds to drag his claws across their throat, to dig his teeth into their jugular and shut them up before they can scream. It's just like killing a rat, something you've praised him for a thousand times, even if he still cringes when the taste of iron hits his tongue.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who spent enough time as a stray to know the best places to put something he doesn't want anyone else to find. The body is dropped into a gutter with a loose grate, the blood washed off of his face in a relatively clean drainage canal. He's home by sunrise, and he can't control the way his chest rumbles as he slots himself against your side - happier than he's ever been before.
Black Cat!Wanderer, who'd do anything to make himself the center of your little world.
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