#x gn!reader
fanaticsnail · 16 hours
Right here beside me
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,100+
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Synopsis: The weather is getting warmer, and you decide to enjoy the warmth of its radiance on the deck of the ship you serve on. Your crewmate joins you at your side, and you take the time to chastise him for interfering in the growing relationship between Oden and Toki while enjoying his embrace.
Themes: Marco x gn!reader, friends to lovers, unspoken feelings, physical touch, fluff, mutual pining.
Notes: @cyborg-franky said he was having a time recently and asked for some fluff for a gn!reader. I haven't written for Marco before, but I really wanted to do this for you. I adore your work so much, and you're such a positive influence to the community. I hope you like it. I also based it a little on this scene. I hope I do your boy justice.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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The sea air gently caressed your face with a warm and gentle touch. Closing your eyes, you could taste the salt in each sea-spray brushing against the hull of the grand vessel you served on. Humming in contentment, you closed your eyes and elevated your chin to experience the full heat of the searing sun. 
The days were getting warmer, the sea was becoming softer with the lessening swell of rocking waves, and there was something in the air that the crew had noticed growing between two members of the crew. Oden and Toki had a chemistry the entire crew had witnessed blossom to a soft bloom, and it built a sense of unity aboard the ship to watch their easy rapport swell into something more. 
As you flung another sigh into the air, you felt a body slot itself down beside you in a swift plop, their shoulder immediately brushing with yours on the descent and rousing you from your silent solitude. Lulling your head to the side with a soft scowl of disapproval, your smile illuminated your face when you witnessed the smile of the man beside you. 
“Been watching Oden and Toki again, have you?” you hummed in a light tease towards the blonde man, “What are you planning, Marco?” His eyes widened and he swiftly cocked his head to the side. 
“What makes you think I’m planning anything, hm?” he hummed down at you, feigning shock and hurt on his face. You shook your head and raised your hand, gesturing to his face with your index finger extended.
“It’s all in your eyes,” you smirk at him before returning to your position reclining back to lean on the mast once more. Shaking your head to bask in the sun, you heard the man chuckle beside you in response. Marco mirrored your expression, leaning back and resting his shoulder against yours. 
After lingering in silence for a few more moments, Marco softly hummed down at you, “I noticed you don’t hold the same investment in the Oden-Toki situation as the others.” Slowly moving your face to the side, you gaze up into his eyes as he continues, “You don't like the match?” 
“I like the match just fine,” you smile in response, gently nudging his shoulder with yours, “I just prefer to let their courtship blossom without interference.” Marco nods, a lazy half-smile drawing up his lips as he leans against your shoulder. 
“I’m not interfering that much,” Marco admits, leaning more of his body against yours and shaking his head down at you, “Just ensuring they don’t get interrupted by Nekomamushi. It’s like he has a sixth sense on when to pester Oden, and I would prefer it if Oden had an opportunity to make Toki smile.” 
Humming in response, you lean in to Marco’s aura and gently close your eyes and linger a little longer. 
The relationship between you and the doctor was easy and laid back. You trusted one another, respected each other, and had no qualms in expressing your friendship towards the other in physical touch. It was Marco’s love language to give. Being a doctor, he often used his hands to demonstrate compassion for those injured, and provide comfort to those who needed it. 
His love language to receive was quality time, and he chose to drink his fill of it with you. He can’t deny the growing adoration and affection swelling in his chest each moment he sought you out. As he lulled his head on top of yours, he enjoyed the warmth of the sun kissing his skin while basking in the heat your body pressed into his. 
“Ah, I see,” you utter in a soft whisper, “Not interfering, just acting as a bodyguard.” Marco chuckled into your hair, gently nuzzling against your hair and tugging you closer. “Just a humble knight and loyal protector.” 
“That’s the role I’ve chosen, yes,” he wraps his arm over your shoulder before pressing his cheek to the crown of your head. You press your lips together in a tight-lipped smile as you fully relax against his chest. 
“And while you’re here with me, who’s ensuring Nekomamushi leaves Oden and Toki alone?” you hum in thought, turning your head up and gazing into his eyes above you. He smiled down at you in response, shaking his head and uttering. 
“I gave Oden an entire morning to flirt to his heart's content,” he confessed with a breathy huffed laugh. “Now I get to take a break, and enjoy hanging out with you.” You shake your head up at him before leaning back into his chest and closing your eyes. 
“I wonder what they’re up to now,” you utter lazily, feeling the warmth of his embrace gently shepherding you into a soft slumber. You yawn and nuzzle gently into his chest, sighing as you come down from the soft stretch.
“To be honest, I don’t quite care at the moment,” Marco retorted, joining his other arm over your torso and making himself comfortable while cradling you into his chest. “All that I care about right now is you, right here beside me.” 
He sneaks a look down at you, recognising the deep rise and fall of your chest to indicate deep slumber. His heart swelled up to his throat, a soft blush dusted his cheeks and his lips parted in soft shock. 
The feeling of true contentment and joy grew higher as he drew you in closer. Pressing his lips against your temple, he looked up to the sky and enjoyed basking in the warm rays falling from the cloudless sky. 
Watching on and snickering behind toothy grins: Jozu, Vista, Oden and Toki watch on with blushes rising to the apples of their cheeks, and cupping their hands in their chin. The only thing that could spoil them witnessing this moment of blossoming coupleship could be-.
“-Hey guys, has anyone seen Marco?” Nekomamushi’s rumbled drawl called over to the four members of your crew, “I’ve been looking for him everywhere, but I can’t seem to find him.” In a flurry of hands, and a wrangle of biceps and forearms, the giant lion-man was restrained and ushered away from the top deck where you and Marco lay in each other’s warm embrace. 
Slumbering peacefully, your blissful slumber grew with the rise and fall of your chests mirroring the waves ushering you to your next destination. Marco slept beside you, drawing you up into his chest and using the crown of your head as a soft pillow for his chin. While you laid your face in the crook of his neck and breathed him in with every breath, you dreamt of finding the courage to confess your growing affections for the blonde doctor. 
Only time will tell when you finally give in and profess, but for now there was this moment: you and him beneath the sun aboard the ship you both served on, with a crew that you loved, and who loved you in return. 
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malereadermaniac · 2 days
Ego ~ Blue Oak x GN Reader
Blue's tired of losing to Red, so when he sees you blush and play with your fingers around the stoic man, Blue acts for the sake of his Ego No pronouns are used - any reader welcome!
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Blue, you, and Red had been friends and rivals since you were young kids - you had watched the two of them conquer the pokemon league and the three of you were constantly having battles and eventually hanging out after Blue became less salty about his loses
However, becoming less bitter does't mean in any way shape or form that Blue's ego is any less big, or that he doesn't still see himself as the best of the best; despite his losses!
The main reason to him putting his ego aside and making friends with Red was also less about him moving on and more about trying to win you over...
Blue had developed a crush on you pretty quickly, after starting off your journey amongst the two boys with a cute little Eevee, you and the arrogant man decided to stick together - Blue claiming that you'd die out in wild Kanto with pokemon weaker than his
Initially, Blue just wanted a battle partner and someone to show off to - and he wasn't going to ask Red after losing to him after receiving his starter...
But after hearing your cheers for him in the crowd for 3 gyms in a row, Blue had started to notice how his heart skipped a beat whenever he was near you (which was a lot.)
But the young man kept it to himself all the way into adulthood, swallowing his pride by tolerating Red in order to continue being near you
And Blue had started to really try now! With his intense league journey behind him, the man had fully realised his massive crush on you, and he wasn't going to lose this time, mark his words!
So on the daily, Blue would go out of his way to try and flirt with you - the man constantly near you, showing off his strength by doing things for you, challenging you to battles just to hear your compliments to his skill, and once the man built up enough courage gifts had become a common courtesy!
The tall trainer had made many efforts to ensure you two could hangout one-on-one at least once a week - those days being his favourite, prime time to show off and to enjoy your presence
Your group trip to Alola was where the heat started to get cranked up though - revealing clothing, the hot sun making all of you sweat and slightly delirious, constant adrenaline from battling new trainers, and a whole lotta alcohol in your systems
The subtle flirting between you and Blue had continued throughout the trip via playful banter and gifting souvenirs, and the fact that the slim yet muscular man was wearing his shirt fully open all the time was definitely winning him some bonus points! Blue would catch you staring every so often, stroking the attractive man's ego so nicely~
But a wrench was thrown into Blue's delicate work when he noticed your subtle staring was starting to redirect from him... onto the worst possible person; Red
He'd notice you try to include the quiet man into your conversations, trying to get him to speak or laugh; an obvious blush on your face when the champion spoke a few words with his deep voice
It really fucking pissed Blue off.
The way you'd play with the hem of your shirt or your fingers when talking to Red, a light blush on your face and airy chuckles escaping past your lips - Blue adored it when you'd do those things for him... But the fact that they were aimed towards his rival? The man who crushed his dreams of being the best in Kanto? Blue could hear the scratch of his teeth gritting together at that
It also didn't help that Red took notice of your actions, clearly wearing his shirt unbuttoned like Blue on purpose!
Blue had, had enough
He'd already lost his championship to Red, almost every battle with him had resulted in a loss on the arrogant man's behalf, his own grandfather had congratulated Red but not Blue; his ego had already been shattered to pieces, he wasn't going let Red take you too
So, as you and Red were enjoying the warm Alolan beach, Blue had made his way to you both - his face concealing his frustration pretty effectively, but Blue had never been one to wear his true emotions on his sleeve
You wave the handsome man a 'hi' but had been interrupted when asking him if he was alright; Blue's rough hand wrapping perfectly around your wrist and pulling you away from Red
You barely even had time to protest against Blue's actions before you had been pulled into a changing cabin on the beach, Red still standing on the beach in shock
With your back up a against a wall, Blue had tapped you beneath him - his muscular arms trapping you between the wall and the trainer's muscular, sweaty, warm body - one of his arms above your head and the other grasping your shoulder
"Do you like him?!" Blue demands, his face now clearly upset, his grip on your shoulder decently tight yet his hand was clearly trembling
"Huh? What're you on about, Blue?" you question, half of your face squinting in a quizzical manner
"Do you like, Red?" Blue asks, taking in a deep breath, preparing himself for your answer
"I mean he's attractive, sure-" shit... Blue's face had already lost all emotion, those words like a knife stabbing into him
"-but I'd never date him!"
New light had sparked in Blue's eyes, a smile just barely visible on his soft looking lips
"Are you joking? I love him and all but that man gets out like.. 3 words an hour! I need a talker haha~" You chuckle, feeling more at ease when Blue's grip on your shoulder softens and his face sports that classic smirk he always has on around you
"Heh.. Yeah... you need someone to yap with" Blue jokes, his heart rate slowly lowering as he calms down, knowing that he still has you - both emotionally and physically, his body ever so close to yours
"Why though? All the dramatics are usual for you but... were you jealoussss?~~" You tease your handsome friend, a smirk on your lips as you tilt your head in a way that's so fuckin cute to Blue
"F-Fuck off! And what if I was?!" Blue shouts, his arms darting away from trapping you and crossing against his chest - his face flushing in a cute way
"I dunno... Maybe I'd like that" You carry on, pushing a finger against the taller man's muscular chest and dragging it across his warm skin, your eyes looking up into Blue's as you do this
And my god did that make the usually arrogant and cool man malfunction
The two of you spent a good half hour in that changing shack, flirting back and forth, you doing your best to stroke and sooth Blue's fragile ego before having to go back and see Red for the rest of your trip
And for that sole half hour, Blue had felt happier than ever - more happy than when he was briefly crowned as champion
Because in that moment, he didn't have you there; but now he does
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sockmeat · 4 months
Alastor in rut but instead of him being horny he's just really lovey
This man is trying so hard, bringing you shit and killing your enemies just so you think he's a worthy mate
If you're already in a relationship, he's so much clingier than usual. This mf is literally hovering around you and using any excuse to touch you
He also gets a lot more possessive than usual, getting upset if anybody takes your attention away from him (he's less patient with men than he is with women)
So obviously he has to claim his territory, and he does that by dressing you in a lot of red and making sure your outfits are always matching
He's only a little embarassed about it when he's back to normal
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keerysfreckles · 19 days
the things i do — MV1
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pairing: max verstappen x gn!reader
summary: you love max's thighs
warnings: super duper short sorry:(, no specific pronouns used
a/n: max's thighs brainrot. no one talk to me.
masterlist !
⋆ ˚ 。 ⋆ ୨୧ ˚
you loved max's thighs.
you weren't sure when the small obsession started, but ever since it's only been growing.
when he's in the passenger seat of the car, you're hand is always on his thigh. fingers brushing over the material of his jeans or bare thigh.
max had never questioned it. it was just normal in the relationship now. whether it be your hand on his thigh, leaving kisses on his thigh in the early mornings, or sitting on his thighs while engulfing him in a hug.
your love for the body part was more of a private thing between you two. out in the paddock you were always holding his hand, and giving him a tight hug before a race. just never appreciating his thighs in public. and you were both okay with that.
once behind closed doors, it seemed more intimate, yet it wasn't sexual.
this brings you where you are this morning. a tuesday morning in max's monaco apartment, after he won the japanese grand prix the past weekend.
you were relaxing as an old movie played on the living room tv. max was coming from the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn in his hands, making you sit up from your position on the couch.
you pat the spot next to you. max chuckles at your eagerness, knowing exactly where you'll lay once he sits down.
his theory was correct as you immediately lay your head on his thighs. his fingers make their way to your hair, twisting the strands slightly as he pulls his fingers through.
he knew this was how most of the morning would be spent, but he wouldn't ask for it any other way.
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spdrvyn · 6 months
thoughts about miguel before i go to bed because i have a sudden creative burst and i need to release it otherwise i'm going to implode, i just love him so much, you guys, it's actually painful
miguel tends to stare a lot. not in a creepy way that has you wanting to put a lock on your face, but the way that he does it just makes you melt. there's nothing more than pure adoration that he has for you, it makes you question a times what exactly is so special that gives his gaze the power to melt you into a puddle.
he usually stops though when you notice. when you ask him about it, he dismisses your claim with a flick of his wrist and a "ah, it's nothing" even though you know damn well that it's something. sometimes, when you two don't say anything, just staring into each other's eyes, you're rewarded with a sweet kiss.
miguel's also big (not just in that way because i know what you're thinking, you whore), it's rubbed into your face basically wherever you go at home. taking off your shoes and leaving at the door only to look down and see a giant's footwear right next to them, getting a stain on your shirt due to a messy outing for dinner and having to wear his gargantuan jacket to cover it has your head reeling.
adding onto that, he is also touchy in the very subtle way that gets you all hot and bothered. barely a few minutes into your morning routine as usual, you can feel the hard contour of miguel's bare stomach press up behind you. his toned arm enters your vision as he reaches for something in one of the high cabinets, morning voice straight into your ear mumbling a small "lo siento" before he walks away and leaves you so dumbfounded.
he'll put a hand on your waist to gently move you aside if you're blocking the way, more unneeded, quiet apologies slip from his mouth and you get so frustrated that you have to resist the urge to just pull him in and kiss the smarts way from him. whenever you two are resting on the couch, rewatching yours or his favorite movie for the hundreth time and you pipe up with a question on what to order for dinner, where he always answers "whatever you want" with a peck to your cheek, where you always end up steaming hot from such a small gesture, all because of him.
remember what i said about mornings? well, miguel is always a treat in the morning. it's every so often that you two wake up at the same time, he wakes up excruciatingly early, while you are normal. though on days where he doesn't have to be up the same time the rooster crows, you are in for a sight.
you just never expected your life with him to be like this. meeting him first as a large, hunkered down, and emotionally constipated man to being so delicate and warm in the more intimate slices of normalcy that you have the privilege of sharing with him.
every line, every detail about him with you just feels so much softer. eyelashes fluttering as he wakes up, lips puffed out from snoring, and natural curls frayed from shifting in his sleep. beautiful. just beautiful.
don't even get me started on his morning voice. for someone that could command a whole battalion if he wanted to, he sounded so gentle. small rasps and utterances of good morning and i love you that squeeze your heart so tight that it could burst.
sometimes he's too lazy to dress up properly when he gets home from a long day of work, he'll slip on a pair of sweatpants and call it a night. you don't mind though, he's even clingier in the morning. immediately moving towards you when he notices that you've drifted a little too far from him for his liking during your sleep, the skin on skin causes you to shiver every time.
he always knows how to make you feel safe, protected, and loved.
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astarion-approves · 10 months
Tav making astarion a flower crown?
Astarion x GN! reader
Tav makes a flower crown for Astarion. 400+ words drabble
Fluff, just 100% fluff, short and sweet. Third person. No beta and rushed proof reading.
Through the woods and over countless bridges, Tav was always stopping to pick up a flower along the way. Didn’t matter if it was raining, if there was a battle waiting in the distance, or if the team was exhausted and needed to stop for the night— Tav was always grabbing flowers.
None of the others saw exactly what they were doing with them, mostly assuming it had something to do with creating potions or that it dealt with their magical abilities. Sorcerers were always a strange breed after all.
Perhaps chewing on some flowers would grant them the ability to talk to animals or even as a quick caffeine boost. They all paid no mind to it.
At night, for weeks, Tav would sit away from the rest of the group, fiddling with something in their lap, little glows of light coming from them as they worked in silence.
But then, one morning, Astarion woke up to a surprise waiting beside him.
A crown made entirely of flowers, little daisies and peonies, roses and hydrangea, lillies and buttercups, more flowers than he could even name or count. They were shrunken down so that such a wide variety could fit in a single crown. Their stems weaved together in such a delicate and elegant design. Each flower looked like it just bloomed for the first time, even when Astarion recognized some of them as being picked from the ground weeks ago.
“What’s this?” He picked it up with careful hands, and a sudden warmth flowed through his fingertips and down his arms.
“It—“ Tav sat in their own bedroll, watching Astarion as he studied the crown. Tav was nervous, their hands closed together and blush filling their cheeks. “It’s a flower crown.”
Astarion snorted. “Yes, I know that. Allow me to rephrase. Why the flower crown?”
Tav took a breath, their eyes cast down words as they spoke quietly, “We don’t know what the future holds with these tadpoles and… The crown— it’s enchanted. Protection from sunlight. The flowers will absorb any sun that touches you.”
“You’re telling me,” Astarion began, his lips pressing together for just a moment. “That you… made me a crown to protect me from the sun?”
“Y-yes, but I can’t guarantee that it works. I just… I wanted to at least try.”
“Without asking for anything in return?”
Tav shrugged. “We’re friends, why would I?”
Astarion sighed and put the crown on, looking up to the sky he saw that the day was mostly overcast, but it felt like the sun was shining directly on him and keeping him warm.
He would never admit how good it felt.
“Well, how’s it look?” Astarion leaned back, facing Tav and posing with the crown. “Am I still as handsome as ever?”
Tav smiled. “Always.”
It felt strange having someone you barely knew care so much for you… and to expect nothing in return. Now Astarion felt all warm inside, his heart aching as he gazed back at Tav.
And it wasn’t because of the crown.
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fangisms · 9 months
A/N: first of all, she is REALLY in her active era, hold the applause. second this is so borderline smutty and disgustingly self indulgent... it had to be done gif creds: @drunkblushed
Pairings: Theodore Nott x GN!Reader
Summary: Theo finds a way to motivate you out of bed. Hint: it includes body heat and physical contact. 0.5k words
Warnings: fluff with like a self indulgent pinch of smuttiness, more like heavy petting and a little spicy, lovesickness
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You'd been inside all day, soaking in the cool tranquility of the Parkinson family lodge. With your group of friends always nearby and a good book always in hand, it can't get better than this.
"Topolina mia..."
Theo calls you like an emergency siren before he pounces on top of you, straddling the backs of your thighs and leering over your shoulder like a hungry leopard. You whine and he just giggles boyishly into your ear.
His cold, pink nose presses to your pulsing jugular, teeth pinching the delicate skin. You whine and reach around, cupping the back of his head and resting your book against the pillow. Soft puffs of air fan out across your throat. He groans with contempt.
"It's cold in here"—his fingers fuss with the edge of your sweater—"If you want to be cold, why don't you come outside with us?"
"Too cold."
His laugh rolls up your spine, and when you try to flip yourself over, he pins your forearms to the bed. Suddenly, you're defenseless and he spreads your thighs with his knee.
Theo whispers into the tender warmth of your temple, "you're losing."
You let him overpower you, resting your cheek on the mattress but wriggling in his grasp to test him. 
"Not fair," you protest, "Rules unclear."
It's not so entertaining to Theo who gives you a little less wiggle room, pressing his hips to yours. Slotting his hips between your thighs.
"Are you coming to the pub later?" he asks. You pinch your eyes closed.
"I could. Or I could stay here and nap."
He groans. Just one shift of his pelvis has you relaxing beneath him. It's snowing, but he keeps you warm.
"You've been napping all day. Come with us," he pleads, pushing your sweater up and smiling when you writhe under his icy touch, "per favore?"
You mumble something into the mattress.
"Can't hear you."
You lift your head and sigh. "Damn you. Oh, how I love to stay in. But then again, oh, how I love you."
With Theo's weight loose on your upper body, you manage to twist, and he smiles and nudges your nose with his like a lover. Like he's your lobster, but he looks more like a buck. Then he kisses you.
It's slow and syrupy. He wastes no time in pushing his tongue into your mouth. It's his favorite party trick because you always let him show it off. Only with the promise that you'll cradle his face while he does it, though.
Theo hastily pats your ass and rolls off the bed. Holding out his hand to you, he cocks his brow expectantly.
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fr-ogii · 5 months
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daisy chains
luke castellan
x child of demeter!reader; poc friendly
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you often find yourself sitting on a random hill at camp, letting the warm morning sun soak into your skin and the slightly damp grass leave soft green stains on your jean shorts. you fiddle with the grass, often pulling out one or two strands and braiding them.
over, under, over, under. the patterned motion relaxes you as it continues. over, under, over, under.
you toss the strands of grass aside and opt for the daisies that lay around you. it was probably bad karma to rip flowers out of the ground and your mother would probably be at least a bit peeved if she saw you do this. it didn’t matter much to you, you never met demeter and didn’t feel indebted to her in any way. you could make as many daisy chains as you wanted, no one could stop you.
it was similar to how eliza, your friend from athena, would make paper stars whenever she got anxious. your daisy chains and her paper stars were just motions.
either way, luke didn’t mind your habit. he thought it was cute how your twitching hands could make such a beautiful little thing. the intricate braids laced around white daisies and took shape of whatever you wished. sometimes it became a crown. others, it was a necklace. you tried to make a bracelet once, but it fell apart and you hadn’t tried since, instead sticking to what you were more confident in.
speaking of luke, the son of hermes was making his way over to you. “what’re you doing up?”
“i could say the same to you.” you said with a smile so soft it rivaled your voice, unnecessarily quiet as to not wake any campers.
perhaps unknowingly following your example, luke lowered his voice as well, despite being far away from any cabins and not being loud to begin with. “you got me there. i was gonna go to the range to practice the bow, you know i’ve been trying to improve?” he added a lilt to the end of his sentence as if he was asking a question.
it took you a second to process what he was saying. “no… i didn’t know that. why? you’ve seemed fine with the bow last i saw you, no?”
“see!” he put emphasis on that word, as if he had proved you wrong. “i seemed fine, not good. big difference, love.” he looked down at your hands, noticing for the first time what you were fiddling with. “you wanna come join? i’m sure there’re plenty of flowers over by the range.”
your smile continued to widen at the goofy expression luke held, clearly proud of himself for finding a way to get you to join him. most times, luke preferred to practice his weaknesses by himself — that was why he was up so early, after all — but he always appreciated when you joined him. he called you his “good luck charm.”
“of course i’ll come, luke.” you popped up off the ground, now no longer as damp as it once was. green stains from the grass painted your shorts, but you ignored them. your hands scurried to snatch up the daisy chain that laid on the ground right below you. the chain was quickly stitched into a crown before you placed it on luke’s head. it was slightly too big and almost fell in front of his eyes.
he linked arms with you and the both of you continued down the hill, sitting course for the range.
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not proofread
my tags are also rlly glitchy so pls excuse if any of them are wrong
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hanasnx · 7 months
knuckle up
MINORS DNI 18+ WARNINGS: gn!reader | dom!hobie | kinks: size | breathplay: choking | finger sucking
HOBIE BROWN's got big hands. For a guy his size it's natural to have, and you're fixated on them. You're entranced when he ropes his webbing around his palm; how his nimble fingers traverse the neck of his guitar; and you become weak when he puts them on you. Even a touch as simple as a stroke of his knuckles against your cheek elicits a whimper out of you. "You like that, eh?" he murmurs with amusement, tenderly cupping your cheek as you lean into it. Experimentally, his hand slides over until the pad of his thumb can stroke your jaw on the other side, tucking the webbing under your chin. It involuntarily pouts your lips, and he knows you're putty in his hold. He steals a kiss from your pliant mouth by inclining you towards him. So tall you have to stand on the tips of your toes to comply.
"Aren't you a pretty thing? Bein' so sweet f'me." he croons, yet it's said to call attention to how uncharacteristically agreeable you're being.
You squeeze your eyes shut as your delicate countenance skews. "Don't make fun of me."
"D'aw," he sympathizes in a feigned manner. "Wouldn't dream of it, bug." His thumb strokes at your skin, and you suck in a breath. "I like you like this." Curiously, his grip slacks to travel down until your larynx is against his palm. He idles, giving you time to expect it before his hand stretches around and flush against you. Your throat is enclosed in his grasp, your veins lovingly and expertly squeezed. In a merciful moment, he lets your feet relax, landing flat onto the ground as he raises his free hand to you. You keep your eyes closed, focusing on your heart beat, hearing your breathing. The pads of two fingers tap at your mouth, and obediently you part your lips, allowing him access inside. Eager tongue welcomes them by cupping them while your lips form around the first knuckle, until he pushes further in. Long fingers, long fucking fingers sliding over your tongue, narrowly avoiding your gag reflex as he pumps them in and out only halfway. You feel his grip around your neck tighten marginally, his own arousal getting to him as he makes you suck his fingers.
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vampdes · 11 months
( cw. quick drabble, makeout sesh. könig & reader. grinding / dry humping. + google translate german used. )
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“mmh! schatz, wai—”, könig and you had a mission no less than four hours from now. both of you knew that, if the two of you were caught by price, again, only god knows how he’d reprimand the two of you this time. [t. sweetheart.]
but könig’s lips were so distracting. they were full, his upper lip being a soft pink and his lower lip being rose pink, with a scar on the left side. if he didn’t want makeout sessions all the time, why would he put on a show just for you?
“jus’—fuck, hands on my hips, babe.” you said between kisses, placing his gloved hands on your hips before going back to gripping his hair and grinding against his cargo pants.
“too—engel, engel–gott, ich werde— zu viel!” he cried, squeezing his legs shut after you had pulled his swollen lips away from yours. [t. angel, angel–god, i’m gonna—too much!]
you grinned, wiping away the stray tears from his tear-stained cheeks, “we have . . a little longer, yeah?”.
“liebe, trainin’—hah, ah!”. you pressed your hand against his mouth, you motioned for him to be quiet as you unbuckled his belt. könig bit his lower lip, nodding slightly as he watched you place his belt on top of the duffel bag. “we—training, though, the mi–oh, god–the mission!” you situated yourself on top of his lap before tilting your head. [t. love.]
“we have time. three hours and some minutes, [we] won’t be late like last time, swear.” you mumbled, pressing kisses against his jaw whilst slowly grinding against the crotch of his black briefs. könig nodded slowly, his mind becoming clouded by his urges, “we—yeah, yeah,” he mumbled, agreeing, his hands going underneath your shirt and situating on your waist.
you pressed soft kisses against his adam’s apple to which he tipped his head back with a soft groan. “yes—we definitely . . hah, we definitely have more time.” könig whispered, licking his lips before smiling and gently pressing his lips against yours.
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munsster · 1 year
brain like a sieve
A/N: i am on a MAD ONE with the way im writing. she has motivation and inspiration and fingers of STEEL. (gif creds: @neblisi )
Pairings: Eddie Munson x GN!Reader
Summary: Eddie’s on top of the world when you tell him you love him. So much so, in fact, that he forgets to say it back. 0.8k words
Warnings: established relationship, kissing, fluff, insecurity, obliviousness, pet names (bunny, bug, lovebug), ONE half swear word (i SWEAR it took so much self control, i dont know how i limited myself)
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You’ve got this fiery look in your eye right before you say it that distracts him.
“I love you, Eddie.”
And your hair is wild and your hands are wound into the collar of his shirt and he can’t help but wonder what divine force of nature got him here. Made him so lucky.
And in the midst of everything: Eddie forgets to say it back.
He kisses you sweetly and holds you at the waist, drinking in the way you look at him and tug him closer. But he still doesn’t say it back. A minute passes, and everything settles and he thinks you’re beautiful and you love him, and he forgot to say it back.
You go home in a frenzy. Why didn’t he say it back? You can barely do your laundry without running the conversation over in your head. Did you do something wrong? You think you’ll wait a week, give it time, maybe he’ll call and say it. Maybe he’s still processing it. Does he not love you back? You end up waiting two days before calling him in the middle of the night.
“Okay! We can talk, lovebug. Why don’t you come over tomorrow night? I’ll order takeout.”
You can hear Eddie’s smile through the phone, completely unfazed by the ungodly hour and by the confusion and hurt in your voice. Your eyes go wide, and you slowly nod.
“Yeah… that works,” you say.
“Alright, I’ll see you then.”
But you’re still confused. He spoke and smiled like nothing was the matter. Like you hadn’t been down on your knees with devoted confession for him. Maybe he just didn’t hear you. Except you know he heard you because you said it in the rest between laughter and conversation and the way he gave you a soft smile meant he had to have heard you.
“I brought cupcakes.” You stand on his porch steps, shivering from the cold, wind licking your face and threatening to blow you off your feet. Eddie grins and takes the plate from you, grabbing your hand and leading you to the kitchen. He sets the soft yellow platter down beside the bags of takeout and whips around to leer at you like a big cat.
“Hi, bunny,” he whispers. And you’re already flustered.
Eddie smiles because he knows and plants one on you like you’ve never kissed before. Like it hasn’t been his favorite pastime the entire time he’s known you. Despite how stone-faced you told yourself you’d be, you crumple into temptation and whine when he pulls away.
Moments later, you’re both perched on his bed, facing each other while he’s smiling and poking at your knee.
“So…” Eddie says, batting his lashes.
“Well, you said you wanted to talk—”
“Oh”—you press a hand to your face and take a deep breath—“I know, I’m just… okay… d’you remember the other day? We were cracking jokes on your bed and messing around in general and…”
“Yeah, I remember.” He inches ever closer, tugging at the sleeve of your coat like a needy cat. Because you don’t know how distracted he had gotten all while thinking about how pretty you looked. How pretty your laugh is and how he doesn’t know where he’d be if he didn’t have you.
“And then I said…”—you sigh—“I mean, I told you I love you, and you didn’t… say anything—”
And as if all of the blood had been drained from his face, he goes ghost-pale in embarrassment. He feels nauseous and panicked.
“Oh my God! Bug! I love you, I love you, I do, I’m—oh my God, I got completely distracted, I’m mortified, I swear, I—”
You feel relief, yet your voice is still small when you ask:
“Distracted? Distracted by what…?”
“Well”—and it makes him shy owning up to his conscience like this—“you were laughin’ so hard and… and then I snorted which made you laugh even harder and I was thinking… ‘bout how beautiful you looked smiling so wide, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. And you said you loved me and I was on cloud nine. You were grabbing me and you looked like you could cry from laughing and I wanted to kiss you and I love you. And I’m sorry I got distracted.”
Your jaw unclenches and you sit there for a second, blinking at him in disbelief and yet complete understanding.
Then you tackle him, pin him to the bed with a yelp. And once he’s done wriggling, he’s scared for his life with how furious you look pressing him down like this.
“Eddie Munson!”
“Don’t be mad at me, please! Because I love you—”
“Shut up,” you say, grinning when he cups your face and swipes his thumb across your cheek.
“I do. I lo—”
“Shh, precious few words, Eddie.”
“Too bad, that sucks, I’m completely in love with you,” he huffs, “Now say it back.”
You grin and you look like you could bite a chunk out of him right about now. And he’s pretty sure he prefers it that way when you say:
“…I love you.”
“Damn right.”
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fanaticsnail · 8 hours
I fell asleep with spotify on and woke up to sea shanties. And in that honor:
Roronoa Zoro loves to drink. Everyone knows this. His high alcohol tolerance means he can usually keep himself in a pleasantly fuzzy state.
Still, there are times where he gets properly drunk. Absolutely blackout sloshed. And this poses the question of what to do with him? How to care for him?
That is, until Sanji joins the crew. See, the rest of the strawhats may be new to this sailing business, but not Sanji. Sanji was raised by pirates on the sea. Rowdy, fun loving, drink loving pirates. And he knows exactly what to do with a drunken sailor.
Snhsiwbehei this is so stupid. Just a silly thing that crossed my mind.
-♡♡ lots of love
Anything for you, ♡♡ Anon. What shall we do with the drunken sailor, indeed? I saw your ask about still thinking on the lazy sleeping Zoro. Thought I'd add a little more lazy swordsman in there for you.
Until The World Stops Spinning
Masterlist Here
Word Count: 1,000+
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Synopsis: You have just come off watch-shift, just as Sanji wanders onto the top deck of the Going Merry. Both of you discuss what to do about Zoro's current state of inebriation. What shall we do with the drunken swordsman...
Themes: Zoro x reader, subtle sanji x reader, drunkenness, smoking, drinking, sleeping, written with the sea shanty "What shall we do with the drunken sailor" in mind.
Notes: I listen to shanties all the time when I write. It's seriously such a vibe. This anon comes up with the best prompts, and I seriously can't. Edit to add: That version above by The Irish Rovers is what I used to dance to when I did Irish dancing as a child. One of the old tunes that made me want to play violin.
Tag List: @mfreedomstuff @daydreamer-in-training @gingernut1314 @i-am-vita @indydonuts @feral-artistry @since-im-already-here @sordidmusings @writingmysanity
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Gulls singing their sweet song of the morning lingered in the air, the perch of several flocking members sat proudly atop the top mast of the Going Merry. The chef serving beneath the Straw-Hat captain wandered on the deck to enjoy his morning cigarette after setting aside the morning crepe batter to rise. What greeted him in the morning light was a sorry sight to behold.
The puddle of drool pooling from the corner of the sword wielding first mate’s mouth was indication enough that he was past the point of no return in his drunken stupor. His snore rattled and shook the top deck, the wood almost cracking beneath the intensity of the roar falling from his parted lips. 
Standing over the first mate, arms folded in twine, stood the Going Merry’s latest member: the ship's counselor. 
“Mornin’ chef,” you utter without turning away from the snoring first mate. Sanji pouted with a deep frown while placing the filter of his cigarette between his lips. 
“Good morning, counselor. Good watch shift?” Sanji uttered while striking his flint and lighting the end of his cigarette. You nod, both of you not tearing your eyes away from Zoro as the deep rise and fall of his chest indicated traces of life within his death-like slumber. 
“Not a single thing to report, aside from this thing here, of course,” you uttered, gently tapping your toes against Zoro’s thigh as he slept soundly. Sanji inhaled a lengthy breath of his morning nicotine, exhaling down at the swordsman with a soft scowl on his face. 
“How many'd he have?” Sanji asked tilting his head and examining Zoro as his shaky snore. 
“Around five or six, I think,” you bob your head before further clarifying, “Bottles, not short rounds.” Sanji clicked his tongue at the confirmation, gently shaking his head. 
You turn towards the blonde chef, furrowing your brows and looking at him inquisitively. 
“Chef?” you quirked up at him, prompting him to turn towards you in response, “You've probably had the most experience with inebriated sea-folk. Any quick remedies you can think of for this?”
“I can think of a few cures from the tales of old,” Sanji chuckled, his smile turning more playful with each passing moment. “Shave his belly with a rusty razor comes to mind.” You scoff at him, rolling your eyes with a soft chuckle. 
“Zoro's stomach is as smooth as a baby bird,” you laugh at him, “Not a hair to rid him of, rusty razor and all.” Sanji hummed, pressing his index finger to his chin and thinking further. 
“Put him in the longboat ‘til he's sober is the next classic suggestion,” Sanji took a moment to take a lengthy drag with a deep chuckle, “Or: stick him in the scupper with a hosepipe bottom, is another.”
“The Going Merry has no long boat,” you shrug, looking down at the snoring former pirate hunter and lulling your head to the side, “And I don't think he'd very much enjoy a swift spanking on the meat of his ass with a rubber pipe, in his current state.”
Sanji laughed in a loud and unbridled laugh, placing the cigarette on the ground and dulling it's light with the ball of his foot. 
“Put him in bed with the Captain's daughter, then?” Sanji chuckled in glee, softly nudging your shoulder with his, “That's the only other option in the tales and shanties.” You nudge him in return before nuzzling your head against his bicep. 
“While stringing him upside down by his ankles on the topmast is awfully tempting,” you remove your head from Sanji's arm, “We're better off just moving him and putting him to bed to sleep it off, aren't we? Wanna give me a hand, handsome?” 
“Not really,” Sanji shrugged with a soft chuckle before reaching down and grappling one of Zoro’s heavy legs, “But I will because you asked me so nicely.” You shake your head, reaching down and aiding Sanji in bearing the brunt of the swordsman’s weight to take him below deck where the others began to stir from their sleep. 
As Nami got up from the only bed, Usopp and Luffy rising from the hammocks, you gently aided Sanji in placing Zoro beneath the plush duvet and atop the mattress still warm from Nani's body heat. Shaking her head, Nami fishes a bucket from the side of the room and places it by Zoro’s head. 
Stirring briefly from his drunken stupor, Zoro’s blurred and swirling vision glared up at you all before his gaze softened into a lazy smile. 
“I… I love you guys,” Zoro’s soft, drunken drawl lazily called to you all before turning to gaze at you, “Ya’ done with the nigh’ sh-shift, ‘Selor? Gonna snooze?” 
You look over at the crew, gently giving Sanji's arm a squeeze before he turns to begin breakfast for the crew wandering atop the deck. He smiled in response, gently bobbing his chin up and wordlessly telling you to get some sleep. 
“Yeah, swordsman. I'm gonna 'snooze',” you confirm with him, turning to the hammocks and beginning to choose from the three suspended bed-spaces. Before you were able to move away from Zoro’s bedside, his muscular arms shoot out and snake around your midsection, tugging you into a warm embrace beside him. 
Nuzzling into your hair, he takes a lengthy inhale and groans in joy at the body heat radiating from you.
“S’ay w’th me?” he slurred in question, already beginning to fall into slumber with you tucked in his arms. “Only ‘til th’ room s’ops spinnin’?” Facing away from him, you shake your head with a light smile before moving the duvet up to cover the both of you. 
“Sure, Zoro,” you already feel the weight of your eyelids weighing you down the longer you linger in his embrace, “Only until the room stops spinning.” Both falling asleep almost immediately, a soft shutter of a Den-Den image conductor could be heard mixing with the harmonious snores reverberating within crew quarters.
Nami was going to hold those images over the both of you as ransom for more of a cut from your joint haul on this upcoming adventure. You both slept soundly enough to not care, dreaming of what new horizons lay waiting for you.
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worukin · 2 years
╭୨୧︰ prince yandere x servant reader
・✦⇢ working as a butler was something you did willingly. after all, serving the royal family earned you lots of coin. and you were such a loyal servant that the prince couldn't help but want to snatch you up for himself.
︰꒰1・ ( warnings ) — slight possessive behaviour, yandere themes, clinginess, pet names, lots of affection, showing y/n off like a trophy.
︰꒰2・ ( notes ) — originally intended to make the yandere a vampire but i wasn't too sure. maybe in the near future? ahh idk. but i do have things planned. anyway, a little something for being absent as i work on bigger drafts! ( word count: insert wc )
( if you are uncomfy with this type of content, kindly block me instead. this was very fun to write hope you enjoy <3 )
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After a long time of working in such a place, you found your way through the maze of hallways covered with odd decor.
Sometimes there would be paintings of people who were nude and it did fluster you quite a bit. Or a statue of an unknown person, maybe even some vases filled with flowers. All to tend to the taste of the Royal family.
Now, you've been here for such a long time now and grown used to The Prince's silly antics. Always asking you to do your chores around his wing. Not that you minded.
"Oh come on Y/n~ Don't you want to rest a bit?" He cooed, laying on his stomach as he watched you with glee. "I apologize your Highness, but doing so would be overstepping boundaries."
He huffed as you continued to dust his room. Wiping the windows, adjusting the curtains, moving the carpet. Oh how cute you were in his eyes. "I wouldn't mind, you are my favourite little servant after all "
Eyes shined with glee when you turned away to hide the fact you were flustered. Such high praise coming from the prince made you giddy. "Please your Highness, picking favourites isn't fair." You sighed.
"Oh darling but you love it!" He exclaimed, a pout forming on his lips. The prince always did enjoy spoiling you with his riches. You hummed— though it was true you reveled at the fact you were his favourite, you weren't happy with it giving you a bigger advantage than the others.
You stepped back from the vase of flowers, cleaning up the roots you cut off. "I'm glad you think highly of me, but this is quite unprofessional." The last thing you would want is being banished by Her Majesty for being with the Prince as a servant and not a noble.
"Is my affections for you not enough? Perhaps I need to be more open." The prince gave a close-eyed smile at the thought of bragging how he had such a catch, a loyal passionate servant like you doesn't come around often.
Your brow lifted. "Open? More open how?" A confused expression formed when all you got in response was a giggle. "My apologies your Highness, I didn't mean to speak so informally."
The prince scoffed. "Oh please, you are my favourite. If anything I'm glad you're relaxed around me to speak like that." Heart swelling just thinking about being informal with you— maybe he could just take you away for himself.
"Awe, wouldn't you enjoy being alone? Just the two of us and away from such a stuffy manor?" He dreamed of waking everyday beside you, instead of waking to the sound of another servant's knocking. You didn't answer.
The loud ring of a bell startled you, reminding you of your duties. "Oh! My apologies your Highness, but I must go now." Hurrying out of his room you uttered another sentence. "Thank you for having such fondness towards me."
He giggled, waving a hand around. "No worries my dear, see you at dinner~" the prince sighed as you left, hearts in the air and in his eyes. "Oh my love, you don't understand at all do you? No matter, I'll lay it to you soon enough."
Various thoughts of hooking his arm around your waist as you attended a ball— everyone in awe at such a pair. Untouchable you both would be, a barrier between you two and everyone else.
He'd leave feverish kisses on your skin to tease and to relish in such jealous stares. That's right, you're his.
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ʚ ﹒ ﹕ ̟乀 all works belong to @worukin, do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. ty!
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sockmeat · 3 months
Alastor gets horny for romance and it's a real treat to witness
The weather gets colder and his behavior gets so much stranger... To others, anyway. You're well aware of this little routine Alastor goes through every year
You know immediately why Alastor is suddenly so much more interested in travelling with you. Normally, he'd simply ask where you were going and send you off easily, but now he's insisting that he goes to your work with you to "protect" you even though you have nothing to worry about
He feeds you like he's an Italian grandma. If he's not with you, he's in the kitchen making something for you, but if he is with you, he's dragging you to the kitchen to make something for you
He gets increasingly nitpicky about your diet and lifestyle. Generally he's a normal amount of annoying with everything you do, but it gets crazy when he's in rut
Suddenly he's insisting that you work too much and he needs to pamper you
He only allows you to eat food that he's made, which tends to be from scratch. How is he supposed to know who made these noodles? Who the hell laid these eggs? Fuck this, he's getting a chicken.
You have a chicken now... Fat Nuggets has a buddy :)
No fast food for you!! Alastor insists he knows a better recipe and will make you forget about the nasty greasy food
He's crazy because he's right, guys
Somehow he does make the food better and now you can't look at it the same anymore
This is only unfortunate when you want a yummy 3 a.m. snack
But now it's 7 a.m. and you may as well have just gone to bed
It's yummy, but is it worth it?
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k0juki · 14 days
jealous joost x gn!reader where joost is on tour and reader is a photographer who goes with him to the concerts and while reader is taking photos someone grabs them and reader is just uncomfy but gets away from them and just decided to take a break for the night, going backstage and cheers joost on from the background
joost gets more clingy, comforting reader even tho he is being dramatic while reader is like “joost im oka—“ “are you hurt? youre mine.. the nerve they had to touch you..” and hes just whiny yk :0
😵 A/n: quick blurb. I'll definitely write something like this again, but a longer... I didn't had much time, so I did what I could... sorry I will write it again!
Joost Klein x gn!reader
You're mine
Wc: 196
Joost noticed your absence almost immediately. His adrenaline was still coursing from the performance, but his concern for you cut through the euphoria. He found you backstage, leaning against a wall, trying to steady your breathing.
"Hey," Joost's voice was gentle but edged with worry as he approached you. "What happened out there? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fin-" You tried to reassure him, but Joost was already in full protective mode, his arms wrapping around you almost instinctively.
"Are you hurt? Did someone touch you? They had no right..."
You chuckled softly, despite yourself, at Joost's dramatic reaction. "Joost, I'm okay. It was just a fan getting too excited. Nothing serious."
He pulled back slightly to look into your eyes, his expression softening but still firm. "But they shouldn't have touched you like that. You're mine, you know that?"
You nodded, touched by his possessiveness but also finding it endearing. "I know, Joost. Thank you for being so protective."
He sighed dramatically, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "I can't help it. Seeing you out there, exposed like that... it makes me want to keep you close."
"I'm alright Joost, really." You softly told him.
A/n: sorry that I wasn't here for days! Life just fucks with me every day!
Don't copy or translate my work!
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astarion-approves · 9 months
Hello! So hopefully this isn't too similar to stuff you've done previously if it is feel free to skip, but may I perchance request a wee drabble of soft astarion caring for a particularly vulnerable tav after he takes maybe a bit too much blood. Like, tav is all pale and cold, tremble-y and dazed- maybe a wee bit delirious or confused, ya know blood loss things. (Someone needs to be making sure Tav is getting some juice or something after all the blood they're giving to astarion and losing in battle) thank you!!! I love your work! You're doing a great service for the astarion lovers <3
Astarion x GN! Tav
A poor bloodless Tav is just a bit out of it.
Tags: Gn! Tav/reader, OOC Astarion, confessions, hand feeding, 850+ words, short and sweet
Read below or on AO3
“Astarion.” Shadowheart approached him, waking him from his daytime nap, her lips pressed together and a glare already prepared before she even reached his tent. “Have you noticed something wrong with Tav?” 
“Hm?” Astarion blinked up at her, his arms resting behind his back and not bothering to move as she stared down at him. “No, why?” 
Shadowheart rolled her eyes and tilted her head to the side, gesturing for Astarion to look in that direction. Astarion sighed and sat up in his bedroll, glancing to where Tav stood. 
They held a single kiwi in front of their face, their eyes narrowed as they stared at the fuzzy fruit. 
Astarion blinked as he watched them. “Shadowheart, for just how long have they been standing there like that?” 
She shrugged. “I’m not sure. Long enough for me to notice?” 
“By the Hells,” Astarion cursed and stood up, jogging past Shadowheart and making his way to Tav. 
They didn’t even notice him approach, their staring competition with the kiwi still on going. 
“Tav,” Astarion gently grabbed their shoulder, earning a gasp from Tav and the thud of the kiwi as it fell to the ground. 
“Shit,” they said with a frown. “I was going to eat that.” 
“I didn’t mean to startle you—“
“Do you wanna share it?” 
Astarion looked down to where the kiwi laid at Tav’s feet, it landed directly into a muddy puddle. “I’m not sure you should still eat that, darling.” 
“Damn,” Tav replied and sighed. They turned to walk away, bumping into Astarion’s shoulder and nearly falling to the ground. 
Astarion reached out quickly and caught them, holding Tav in his arms, surprised by how little strength they had. They trembled in his arms, their skin a few shades lighter than it normally was—
“Tav, did you eat anything after I fed from you last night—?”
“Yes! Actually… No… I’m not sure?” 
Astarion clicked his tongue at Tav, letting out a quick sigh before scooping them up and into his arms completely. They both said nothing as Astarion carried them to his tent, the human opting to snuggle their head into his chest as he carried them. 
He carefully lowered them into the makeshift bed, Tav smiling up at Astarion and attempting to pull him down and into the bed with them. 
“Ah, ah, ah, not quite yet, my dear. We need to get you a little snack.” 
“I’m your little snack.” 
“Yes, you are. My cute little snack.” Astarion chuckled as he left the tent in search of some food. It was rare that Tav would forget to eat something after one of their feedings, the human insisting on being awake for it these days as they claimed they enjoyed the intimacy. Not that Astarion disliked that, in fact it made his bite much more enjoyable knowing that Tav was there and happy to share their blood with him. Amongst other things…
Soon Astarion returned with clean fruit in hand, cut strawberries and a few blueberries prepared and resting in a bowl for his companion to enjoy. “Here,” he said and held a strawberry to Tav’s lips. “Eat this.” 
“I wanted a kiwi.” 
Astarion smiled and ran his free hand through Tav’s hair before pausing and carefully easing their head up and into his lap. “I’ll make sure to get you more kiwis later. For now, please eat.” 
Tav pouted, but allowed Astarion to feed them the berry. 
“My apologies, Tav. I must have taken more blood from you than usual. I didn’t notice how you were feeling.” 
“Don’t be. Maybe I just like when you hand feed me.” 
Astarion rolled his eyes and pressed a blueberry against their lips next. “Then I will gladly feed you fruit every day. It’s the least I could do.” 
“I love you.” 
Astarion froze, a slice of strawberry halfway in Tav’s mouth as they gazed up at him with tired eyes. “Tav—“
They pushed the berry to the side of their mouth with their tongue, only struggling slightly as they quickly chewed it and swallowed it down. “I know you’re not there yet, that you might not ever be there, and I know I probably look like shit right now—“
“But I love you, and I’m always willing to feel faint for a little bit if it means making you happy.” 
“Tav,” Astarion placed the bowl to the side. “What would ever make you think that I don’t love you?” 
Tav’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“Do you have any idea how much I adore you?” Astarion laughed. “I don’t need your blood. Of course.. I do rather enjoy it, but I don’t need it.”
“Could you honestly see me hand feeding fruit to Lae’zel because she gave me a little blood?” 
Tav snorted. “No.” 
“Of course not, my dear. Only you.” Astarion lowered himself, kissing Tav softly, briefly swiping his tongue over their berry flavored lips before pulling back with a smile. 
“So… does this mean we’re dating?” 
“I would certainly hope so. What other vampire spawn is going to feed you strawberries? You won’t find another like me.” 
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