greeneyed-thestral · 17 days
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crowleysgirl56 · 16 days
Everyone has been going nuts over Michael Sheen’s episode of Where There’s a Will There’s a Wake because of him mentioning David Tennant (not to mention David’s eulogy).
Meanwhile I’m over here losing my mind at the bit where Michael initially says for his funeral outfit he wants to be dressed in the white sparkly flared spandex body suit worn by the lead singer of The Darkness. Why I hear you ask? Because Chapter 19 of the GO fanfic Love in an Action Very by @Snarky-Synesthete has an entire scene where Aziraphale is trying to confess his feelings for Crowley through song and ends up dressed as Justin Hawkins, singing I Believe in a Thing Called Love.
Has Michael read this fanfiction? Better question, have YOU dear readers read this fan fiction yet? Because if you haven’t, please get over to AO3 now and be prepared to be delighted in this hilarious post season 2 fix it.
Do you want BAMF Aziraphale rescuing a memory wiped Crowley from a Heaven jail cell with the scene set to Bonnie Tyler’s Holding Out for a Hero? (The answer here is of course yes). Then this is the fic for you!
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enthusiasteditor · 17 days
What a wonderful podcast! 🙂
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When I heard the phrase "Goodbye Michael" I immediately thought of the phrase "Goodnight Angel" in the wonderful video Good Omens Lockdown...❤️ I love these two!
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purplewillowchicken · 17 days
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Lovely video of Michael listening to David read his eulogy and giggling like a school girl.
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pepaldi · 5 months
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Here lies Peter Capaldi... Sorry Whovians, he's been EXTERMINATED
BORN Monday 14th April 1958
DIED Tuesday 16th January 2023
#WTAWTAW x @bbcdoctorwho with Kathy Burke OUT TOMORROW! 🎬
Link here.
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Michael Sheen - Master Storyteller
In today's digital world, celebrity interviews are in abundance - especially when you consider newer mediums like podcasts that have skyrocketed in popularity over the past decade. You can find panels from conventions, access talk shows from other countries, read magazine articles from across the pond. There are so many one-dimensional, disconnected, or just plain boring celebrity guests in this oversaturated market. Michael Sheen is NEVER one of those guests.
Storytelling is an underappreciated skill. In this realm, it becomes obvious that Michael has harnessed this skill exceptionally well. As a master storyteller and world-builder, he captivates with the effortless ease of a raconteur, transforming an ordinary interview question into immersive journeys that leave you utterly enraptured.
You can't help but be drawn in by his passion. It's not just in the words he chooses or the exact experience he is relaying, but the ebb and flow of his narrative voice - a voice that exudes warmth and conviction, vulnerability and authenticity, humor and hope.
Like an artist crafting an epic, he makes it so that you feel like an active participant in the tale - present in the narrative being woven - instead of just a listener. Each story feels like a memory being created in the moment with you, rather than just a mere recounting of events.
I absolutely love when he takes a seemingly simplistic interview question that one would assume would result in a stale, depthless answer, and somehow delivers a story so engaging that you are now on an unexpected adventure alongside him. It doesn't matter the topic - he is just that magical and skilled. Michael must be a dream for interviewers. In a lot of ways, the man practically interviews himself. His tangents are so entertaining, refreshing, and enriching - delivering delicious opportunities to dive deeper into his narratives should the interviewer find themselves brave enough.
Outside of his masterful storytelling, Michael truly just seems like a wonderful human to have a conversation with. He is insanely charming, marvelously chaotic, unabashedly honest, perpetually curious, intensely thought-provoking, and deeply caring.
Do yourself a favor and listen to some Michael Sheen content this week. You might laugh until you hurt. You might sob uncontrollably. You might find yourself impassioned over a new topic. You might leave with a fresh perspective. You might find your faith in humanity restored. You will not regret it.
In closing, we all know that age-old ice breaker question - If you could have a dinner party with any 5 famous people (dead or alive), who would they be and why? Well if it isn't obvious yet, one of my answers would unequivocally be Michael Sheen. He'd be riveting in his own right, but can you imagine the stories he'd draw out of the other guests too?
Bonus Content:
For all of those that made it to the end of my TedTalk... enjoy this instant serotonin boost brought to you by Sheenie's Smile!
And yes, at my dinner party I'd 100% tell him "You've had such a profound effect on my life!"
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feuerkindjana · 17 days
These two😂
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cardassianexpats · 19 days
Just finished listening to Michael being a guest on the "Where there's a Will there's a Wake" podcast (listen here for the main podcast and here for the 15min extra, requires an account which I sadly don't have).
Very much worth your time, he's as lovely and insightful as ever.
At one point Kathy (the interviewer) asked him "who would [Michael] want to greet [him] at the pearly gates?". For a second I was sure he'd go for a funny answer first and say "well, certainly not Jon Hamm!" (he didn't).
Bonus: David Tennant cameo!
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xiaq · 2 years
Good news, lads, the writing drought is over. I wrote 2k words on my Mandalorian fic this morning including bangers like:
Luke clears his throat and tries to not look like he’s staring at Din’s hands which is difficult because he is staring at Din’s hands and unlike some people he can’t hide his stupid face behind a stupid helmet.
Din’s hand, still next to Luke’s on the lip of the tub, moves fractionally closer. Their pinkies touch.
The fact that Luke can think this, sort of breathlessly, is embarrassing even to admit in the refuge of his own head.
He has had actual sex before.
He has touched other people carnally.
He is an adult.
He shouldn’t be thinking about fucking pinkies touching.
He’s thinking about fucking pinkies touching.
“Might I suggest a blindfold,” Cara says.
“For what?” Luke says, staring desolately into his cup.
“A blindfold,” Cara repeats, like she’s talking to a child, “because in my experience it’s not the helmet itself that’s so important, it’s the not allowing others to see their face thing.”
“Oh. Oh—you mean—”
“Seeing,” Cara says, “not allowed. Touching, however, completely allowed. So—”
“Blindfold,” Luke finishes for her, and his voice is embarrassingly breathy to his own ears. “That’s—yeah. Good idea.” He stumbles inelegantly off his stool and spins twice, trying to free his cloak from where it’s tanged around one thigh. “Thanks. I’m gunna—“
“Uh huh,” Cara says. She leans back into the Armorer, who slides her arm, like a habit, around Cara’s back. “Have fun.”
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in-a-closet · 11 months
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This is the closest that my original story will ever become a show
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givemegifs · 1 year
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doubleodonut · 2 years
yknow i never liked epsigulch stuff back in the day, and i still think it doesn't fit right in between s9's awesome engaging action sequences and ends up being overshadowed, but on its own i like the epsigulch stuff. its nice, the bgc style setup but with a few more years worth of having the characters and voices all down right you know?
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louiseazy · 2 years
Thoughts while rewatching rvb Where There's a Will, There's a Wall
Surprisingly Caboose was the one who imagine the most likely scenario
These past two mini-series make me feel like they didn't have enough time, they could have totally had an entire season in the memory unit and a flashback season
rvb odst is basicly a trailer thus PSA I'm not counting it as a mini-series
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ingravinoveritas · 17 days
Video of Michael listening to David's eulogy on the WTAWTAW podcast. The way he is blushing and laughing with his whole body is everything...
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invisibleicewands · 18 days
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joltning · 3 months
here’s my current collection! give these guys ur attention
1-18, complete edited mov, + MIA, OOM, and RecOne (via rvbyaoi)
1-12, classic is in episodes, others complete version, relocated + RecOne + bonus content,[plus something else, not sure what that audio file is] (via sharkface-daydreams)
11-17, complete edited mov, + MIA, relocated, and WTAWTAW (via calharvb)
1-15, complete edited mov, 15 is in episodes (via cyboyg)
1-18, complete edited mov, Holiday Plans, MIA, ODST, OOM, RecOne, Relocated, WTAWTAW (via knifesimmons)
1-18 complete edited mov, subtitles, highqual, OOM, RecOne, Relocated, ODST, Holiday Plans, MIA, WTAWTAW (via drowstiellovetriangle)
1-19 complete edited mov, subtitles, OOM, RecOne, Relocated, MIA, Holiday Plans, WTAWTAW, Reach, Grifball, ODST, Ultimate Fanguide,all (?) PSAs (via g0dlyv1th4ru5)
1-18 All main content + bonus content, livestreams events music psas so much, in complete, episodes, subtitles, etc, there’s a lot. (via u/Exitity)
1-19 all main content (via the archiveofpimps community)
19 possibly temp, (via internet archive)
I’ve also gone ahead and highlighted all the ones that have content not in any of the other drives. I’ll be actively updating this!
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