#william clayton
the-feral-gremlin · 11 months
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kent-farm · 6 months
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I need you to be as strong as I know you can be.
—Oliver Queen to William Clayton, Arrow, “Thanksgiving”
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au where felicity is the spectre. where felicity makes a deal with mar novu for oliver's life behind his back. where her taking the name overwatch was foreshadow all along, where she's forever watching over earth-prime like a mother to her children, like its the children she didn't get to raise. where oliver doesn't get to die for her, where he has to take care of their kid alone, where he has no choice but to swallow the taste of his own medicine.
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thena0315 · 2 months
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I know William's rescue was meant to be Team Arrow focus only, but I just find it funny that he was kidnapped in Barry's city and there isn't a mention of the team contacting Team Flash about any infomation about what happened lol
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kissentz · 10 months
Uhm.. you mind drawing Clayton with 5I? Its for the expression thingy.
yep! if you don't mind, i made him colorless since you didn't mention which palette you want x))
but anyway.... clayton!!! my lovely baby... i haven't drawn him for so long. drawing this brought back so many fond memories, i was just obsessed with this man
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ligajusticajovem · 1 month
Enquanto isso, em Star City...
Dylan: Então, vamos repassar o plano mais uma vez.
Rachel: Se algo quebrar?
Olivia: Tentamos consertar antes que os outros voltem!
Dylan: Exato, maninha! E se não funcionar?
Rachel e Olivia: Nós culpamos Will!
Will: As vezes, eu odeio vocês.
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arrow-v-flash-polls · 6 months
favorite team arrow kid? jj diggle, mia smoak, william clayton, connor hawke, zoe ramirez
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Which of Team Arrow's kids is you favourite?
Interesting question Anon. Look forward to seeing the results.
If you have a poll you would like to see, please feel free to send any suggestion in they're always welcome.
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Next gen on Facebook: Queen kids addressing mother’s day
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So…if you know your Arrow/Arrowerse…just saying.
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Arrowverse: Next Gen Families | The Smoak-Queen Family
Oliver Jonas Queen
Felicity Megan Smoak-Queen
William Francis Clayton
Mia Ruth Smoak-Queen
Thomas John “Tommy” Queen
Adalyn Donna “Ada” Queen
Lucas Joshua Queen
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brinleyparke · 11 months
Arrow Fic Ideas/Prompts
Post 4x15 – Oliver receives comfort from an unlikely source. That source is Quentin Lance. Now that he thinks about it, maybe he isn't such an unlikely source. Quentin knows what it's like to have the person you love walk out on you after all.
Post 6x06 – Oliver is telling William about Slade and how Slade trained him. William wants to meet (for real, not just after getting kidnapped by a maniac and his mom dying) Slade, so Oliver calls Slade and invites him over. Slade turns out to be a big softie. William asks if he can call him "Uncle Slade."
Post 6x17 AU – Slade becomes Oliver's new partner.
H/C sickfic – Oliver gets sick (like pneumonia or something) while on the island. Slade goes into dad mode and takes surprisingly good care of Oliver.
Slade's reaction to seeing Oliver's scars (from where Billy tortured him) for the first time.
AU – Nyssa isn't the only one who trained Mia. Slade helps, too (not with fighting, but with survivalist stuff, i.e., finding fresh water, hunting; intelligence-gathering; stealth; running).
Felicity and Oliver go out of town for their anniversary. William stays with Uncle Slade
Reacher (tv series) x-over: Dig knew Reacher from the Army. Dig asks Reacher for his help. Idk what Team Arrow needs Reacher's help with. Maybe the Prometheus problem. You can just make up something, though.
Moonlight x-over: Tommy, Oliver, Josef, and Mick all hang out. Maybe Josef invites them to one of his parties, or Oliver and Tommy invite Josef to one of their parties.
Moonlight x-over: What if Felicity used to be a Freshie?
S.W.A.T. x-over: Werner Zytle has managed to distribute his new version of Vertigo (it makes you hallucinate your biggest fear) to L.A.. Oliver finds out and goes to L.A.. On a S.W.A.T. raid, Street gets dosed with the vertigo. His team tries to comfort him, but to little or no avail, and they don't have an antidote. The Green Arrow comes in and saves the day.
Supernatural x-over: Felicity meets Charlie. They become besties.
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the-feral-gremlin · 2 months
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??// Parts Of Me Never Left That House by Mada Hayyas // arrow 7x02//??/ We’ll meet again by Laura Brehm// arrow 7x08//The Hurting Kind by Ada Limon// Good Bones by Maggie Smith// Crisis On Infinite Earths Hour One.
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marveldc12 · 2 years
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Arrowverse Heroes and Superman and Lois children
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emisirrelevant · 1 year
The Flash 9x09
Short random thought post about the episode. AHHHH! Okay so I didn't really get into Green Arrow or The Flash from the beginning, but I kinda got pulled in by the characters- tbh that's how I get into shows now, I see a character I like, and then I see if it's worth the plot, lol. ANYWAY though, it was really nice to see Oliver and Barry together for a final? (honestly idk anymore lol) time. When Diggle showed Barry the bow- and then when Oliver and Barry hugged- their banter- Stephen and Grant just have a dynamic that I like to watch.
Idk how I felt about the explanation behind how they were able to bring Oliver back, but what really got me was the ending of the episode. There were some references from Arrow that they included which I really liked. We got a bit of a Felicity mention.
Okay but that leads me to why I made this post actually. Yes it was fun to see Oliver again, but what Diggle said about William specifically made go "huh"? So he mentions that William is in college. Last I remember- and if I'm remembering this correctly- he was kidnapped right? And then Mia goes looking for him in one of the crossover events-Armageddon I believe? But she doesn't find him, right?
SO my question is, what happened? Are there any theories out there? Like because there's now a multiverse again, did the kidnapping NOT happen? Or is it not a thing YET? Sigh. I'm not gonna bother myself too much with the Arrowverse and timelines. I just tried researching on what happened and I mostly found on Reddit that most people said it was setting up the spinoff that was supposed to happen so if it had been greenlit they would have explored it.
But where does this mention of William fit? I guess I could have just led with that from the beginning- but I am curious. Once again, my fandom nerd self has made what I thought would be a short post into another TLDR, lol.
Alright, that's enough from me for now though. At least it was reassuring for me personally to hear that Oliver keeps an eye on his kids. Love that. Well, until next time y'all.
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Dr Jiminy part 3;
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Summary; in which Jiminy Cricket has a show like Dr Phil that also does parentity testing. Trigger warning; child abuse, guns, death threats, and a broken marriage. Swearing. Part 1 can be found here and part 2 can be found here. Requested by @idontliketomatoesleavemealone and @cleverqueenchild . Hope you enjoy.
Dr Jiminy: Hello, all my crickets. Today we have two very special guests. Mulan.....and SHANG!
*Mulan and Shang enter from behind the curtains and take a seat on the couch*
Dr Jiminy *shakes their hands* How ya doing Shang? Mulan. Lovely to see you again. Now it's come to my understanding that you want to do a DNA test on your youngest, Lonnie?
Shang: That's right.
Mulan *nods*
Dr Jiminy: May I ask why that is? You both seem rather calm about this considering most people only come for DNA tests when the topic of cheating is involved.
Mulan: Oh no, we're not here because he thinks I cheated.
Shang: Which, for the record, I don't believe.
Dr Jiminy: oh?
Mulan: Yeah, we're actually here because we want to shut down the rumors and weirdness around people not believing that Shang is Lonnie's father.
Dr Jiminy: O-oh. *mutters* Well, that's a new one. *speaks up* Well, I have the results right here in this envelope. Are you ready?
Shang *grumbles* as ready as I'll ever be.
Mulan: More ready than I have ever been for anything else in my entire life.
*picture of Lonnie in her pjs in the kitchen, smiling pops up*
Dr Jiminy *opens the envelope * In the case of 16 year old, Li Lan-Lei (Lonnie), Shang.... you.. ARE THE FATHER!
Shang: I KNEW IT!
Crowd: OOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!!
Crowd *looks sheepish*
Dr Jiminy: Lady Tremaine, is it true that when you found out your grandson, Anthony, was dating Harriet, you called him a moron and her a hussy?
Lady Tremaine: It is and I would do it AGAIN!
*crowd gasps*
Harriet* runs out from behind stage* SAY THAT TO MY FACE, YOU BITCH!
Dr Jiminy: Uh oh. SECURITY!
Harriet *lunges*
Anthony *back stage, mortified and covering Dizzy's eyes* Note to self, never invite grandmother to Holiday gatherings.
Dr Jiminy: Now, Queen Aurora. King Philip. What do you have to say against the accusations that have been leveled against you by your daughter?
Philip, defensive: Okay, so we weren't the most attentive parents but we aren't neglective!
Aurora, quiet: Neglective is a rather strong word for it.
Dr Jiminy: Then what would you call *checks notes* only seeing your daughter during holidays and big royal events?
Philip *dryly* Being a busy royal.
Crowd *starts booing*
Philip *stands up* WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME? I'M RIGHT!
Aurora: She was with family!
Dr Jiminy *looking disappointed* that doesn't make you any less neglective for not playing a bigger part in her life. She's your only child.
Crowd *booing louder and start throwing things*
Dr Jiminy: Mr Clayton. Is it true that you shot at your son six times last month?
William Clayton: He's being a baby! It was only 3!I wouldn't waste that much amo on him in a month.
Clay *yelling from behind stage* You shot at me six times in one day once!
William's sister, Lady Waltham, busts out from behind the curtains: YOU WHAT?! I'LL KILL YOU!
William: oh shit *bolts*
Dr Jiminy: Oh dear.
Cash Clayton, 10: Should we stop her? Could we even stop her?
Wilson 'Will' Clayton, 12: I'll take that as a no...
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i like william but his name should be connor and he shouldn't be white!
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