#who knows tho
insinirate · 27 days
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meili-sheep · 3 months
'Consumed by guilt, Kaeya knocked on Diluc's door. As the rain poured down, the shroud of secrecy was washed away and all lies were revealed. Kaeya had finally come clean.'
What if: when Kaeya confessed his secrets to Diluc, he not only confessed he was a spy. But that he was glad crepus died, because he wouldn't have to kill him.
(what if Kaeya was so consumed by his feelings, he ended up saying some pretty awful things? )
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I genuinely think Diluc would not return to Mondstadt he might still run the winery but at a distance. I don't think he'd ever have the heart to tell anyone Kaeya's secrets, but also I don't think he could handle being in Mondstadt.
I think current Canon Diluc is one who's burnt out from burning the candle at both ends, and it is now learning balance and that he can trust other people. But If Kaeya said all that and Diluc still have his time traveling, I think he'd be more prone to just shutting himself away.
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localguy2 · 2 months
Soooooo... DR Lloyd.
Yeah, he has fucked up badly in S2, Visions and Teacher wise
Let's talk. (S1 and S2 spoilers)
Right, DR Lloyd is genuinely so interesting, and mainly because he fails at SO MANY of his personal goals, ironically, in an attempt to achieve those goals, because he has the right mindset.
But he makes the wrong decisions...
First of all, I wanna bring up his Visions:
So we already know that there's been an ENTIRE year between Season 1 and Season 2 of Dragons Rising, so really quite a while.
And according to Lloyd himself, he's been having these visions since after the Imperium Source Dragon thing when they saved the world again.
So... Seriously, why didn't he just tell the others?
From a pure logic perspective this sorta doesn't make any sense, this isn't Wildbrain Era or Crystalized Lloyd, this is a whole new him, most accepted theory for the Merge is that it's been 5 years since it happened (6 by the time of S2), and we still don't know how much it's been since pre-merge and Crystalized.
Lloyd's obviously had time to heal and get in a better mental state, his behaviour switch from Crystalized to Dragons Rising is enough evidence of that not to mention overall Demeanor.
He doesn't have his Seasons 11-13 trust issues, or his Crystalized anger issues, so... What gives?
Now granted, some people might see that this is a bit insensitive or inconsiderate towards Lloyd, but given how much he's been through, how much he's grown and how much he should trust the ninja (which he VERY MUCH DOES BY THE WAY, Ep3 of DR Season 2 with his little chat with Nya, and the countless times she's comforted him during the Season), it calls into question as to why he didn't tell the ninja about his visions...
And like, I'm sorry but at this point this seems like extremely overlooked potential, Zane???
Like, there's literally a guy on your team who's had visions, terrible ones at that, before, why not go talk to him about it??
I'm just, really confused specifically by this aspect...
And another aspect, this being his Teaching:
Forgive me if I start insulting Lloyd but WHAT. IS. HE. DOING?????
I am not holding back with this one, because this just seems like a massive oversight on his side that, depending on you view it, seriously fucked over the team majorly...
And you know why I find it so inexcusable?
1 Word: Wyldfyre.
The glow she's had when it comes to her fighting skills is actually insane, if you've watched the last 2 Episodes of Season 2 you'd KNOW how well she fought against the Wolf Clan, and Wyldfyre is not really even Lloyd's thing, she's more Kai's thing.
Granted, Kai's not taught her Spinjitzu, and he should be given shit for that as well, but when you compare her to Sora?
Yeah it sorta falls apart...
Sora didn't even know how to jump up high enough while preforming the moves for Spinjitzu, meanwhile Wyldfyre is fresh off of her injury and she's moving crazy quickly around every enemy.
That and... Arin.
Lloyd has no excuse for Arin, straight up.
Arin's got the motivation and drive to learn new skills, he's the same kid that managed to solo learn a weird form of Spinjitzu, with self taught ninja moves PURELY from watching his heros fighting.
So why, in the bloody hell, did Lloyd double down on his unique Spinjitzu, that he hasn't been able to get better at for the last year despite extensive training, instead of at the VERY LEAST teaching him Spinjitzu basics?
Again, 1st Fang ninja statue is designated to those who need to learn Spinjitzu first, and it's criminal that ARIN out of ALL people, had to be PUT in it.
And I have to say, all that considered + Lloyd's constant attempts at reassuring Arin like the kid missed up, and the times he told him to be patient, it really puts a bad taste in my mouth for Lloyd.
Lloyd you are not helping, Arin's been more then patient, and he's not gotten better any single bit at his Unique Spinjitzu or fighting Skills, this is a you problem and you don't even realise it.
You're trying too hard to be like Wu, when in S1 you should've at least gotten a small hint you don't have to be like him, like not even full acknowledgement, just a hint!
This might seem a bit rambly and emotion fuelled so I'm sorry for that, but DR Lloyd frustrates me with his decisions, don't get me wrong I still like him, the show emphasises the importance of Mental Health a lot of times through him, by Representing panic attacks and his extreme anxiety using him, and that's awesome!
What isn't very awesome however, is all the aforementioned problems with his character (that I find at least).
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frau-kali · 7 months
On Self Awareness and Cognitive Dissonance
So @jaynovz made this really interesting and excellent post about Silver's crazy decision to go to Charlestown at the end of S2. I thought I'd toss out my two cents as to why he might have done it. And also discuss some related stuff. Buckle up, folks!
So first, let's begin with THE SCENE:
Silver: I've had my fill of adapting lately, doing your bidding, keeping the crew in line for you. Flint: I wasn't the only one who benefited from that. Silver: It certainly seemed that way.
Here Flint refers to Silver's position among the crew, which Flint sees as a benefit to both of them. As we see:
Flint: I need your help. They need your help. Silver: Oh please. Don't try to convince me to do it for the sake of their futures. Flint: For the sake of your own. Those men listen to you, they care about what you think, what you want them to think. Where else in the world is that true? Where else would you wake up in the morning and matter?
I could talk endlessly about this whole scene, particularly about Silver's incredibly amazing lie and how he acts during it and his bitterness toward Flint, but that's beyond the scope of this. Instead I wanna focus on self awareness.
With these few words, Flint basically drags Silver kicking and screaming to self awareness land. He is suddenly exposed to the fact that he actually means something here. And by his reaction, I think it's fair to assume this is one the few times, if not perhaps the first time, he's been in a position like this. Based on his past actions and his desire to remain anonymous (see refusing to show his face during the schedule thing, it’s safer to be anonymous), I think his previous modus operandi has been to position himself behind some powerful figure and work in the background to help them achieve their shared goals of getting lots of money. Said people were also probably not as smart as him so he could easily manipulate them as well. We see him do this with Flint a bunch, too, working in the background to help him. And that's what his position on the Walrus crew starts out as.
But then he becomes the centre of attention. They start to like him, which he didn't even necessarily expect when he started his gossip monger plan, he just wanted them to need him, despite his proclaiming that he’s a hard man not to like. But no, they get attached to him. And he, unbeknownst to himself, becomes attached right back.
Now, it's entirely possible that he's been in similar situations in the past just like this one, but because he is very good at repression and lying to himself, he was able to walk away without any real trouble. Maybe he realized afterwards that he actually liked those people but it didn't matter because he'd already left and he tells himself it’s for the best anyway. Silver is likely carrying around some heavy trauma related to emotional attachments to other people, given how he tells Muldoon that “we’ll take care of you” is the most terrifying part of everything that’s happened after losing his leg. And, considering everything else, that sure is saying something.
But here, he has hitched his wagon to James Flint, a man after his own heart. Flint is a lot like Silver, a brilliant liar and excellent manipulator, able to bend people to his will and look damn good while doing it.
Then he does it to Silver, too. And it's all while Silver is in the middle of pulling off his own master class in lying, some of his best work, by being outraged and angry that the gold he actually stole is gone and trying to extricate himself from Flint and the crew. Except Flint won't let him.
Flint's request for Silver's help doesn't, I don't think, extend merely to the lovely speech Silver gives to swing the vote in his favour, either. During the voyage to Charlestown, Silver continues working to convince the men of the dangers that lie ahead, presumably at Flint's behest. Scott does indicate to Billy that Silver is using his storytelling powers to “help the captain” when Silver is addressing the crew.
So Silver stays because he has come to value his position on the crew. However he doesn't yet realize how attached to them he's actually become. Jay is right, he could’ve easily deserted after the vote, run off to hide somewhere until Flint is gone, but he doesn’t. And he's still lying to himself about why. He thinks “yeah ok, Flint, you won this round. I'll stay and go on the voyage so as not to arouse suspicion from you and everyone else, and I’ll take the scouts along because I don’t trust them not to fuck this up, but I am leaving after that.” The real reason he stays is because he values his position, he actually likes that he matters, but he is still convinced he’s going to leave because he also wants the money. I think he probably would’ve left, too, but he’s trying not to think too hard about the newly exposed self awareness and continuously telling himself he doesn’t need this and he sure as fuck doesn’t actually care about these people, even as he stays. It’s like he’s torn between how he wants to be and how he actually is and he cannot bring himself to go no matter how much he wants to.
That’s also not even going into how, during the voyage, he is exposed to how much power he actually has over the men on the crew when he gives the scout a fucking look and said scout kills their co-conspirator because of it. And then that same scout tells Silver that all the men know he cares about their best interests and Silver is just fucking taken aback by the level of regard these people have for him. This is on display again when they all stand up in his defence after Vane’s men come to grab him.
When Vane’s men attack the ship, Silver could swim to shore with the remaining scout and if they kept their heads down, they'd probably be ok. They could likely swim far enough away to not get caught, especially at night. Silver surely knows this, too.
Instead, he cuts the forestay and saves the crew. And then he refuses to give up a list of names, once again saving the crew. He has, against all his own cognitive dissonance, become attached to them enough that he endures torture and risks death for them. Now, I don’t think that he ever thought that he would lose his leg, I don’t think that he made space in his mind for the possibility of being tortured either, he knew that one of the men had grabbed the keys during the scuffle when they took him away and he thought that he could stall long enough until they broke in and saved him because he’s good at talking his way out of trouble. I also have to say that it is such a nice moment when he says this to Vane’s man: “The question you should be asking yourself is, where are his keys and has he seen them since he took me away from my men?” They are his men now, his brothers, whereas before he always set himself apart from them.
And it's all because Flint made him see that he valued his position enough to stay and go on the journey to Charlestown in the first place. Silver even gives Flint credit for this in 305 - “Such a waste, it seems to me, knowing that it doesn't have to be this way. That the man who talked me into giving a shit about this crew, he could talk those people out there into anything. If he wanted to.”
Or that’s how I read it anyway. The way Silver’s attachment to the Walrus crew is developed over the course of season 2 and the final culmination of him refusing to betray them is one of my favourite things about his story and I have a lot of feelings about it. I could be wrong in my interpretation, of course, but thank you all for coming to my Ted Talk :)
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solecize · 3 months
im pretty sure im on the verge of a breakup so expect some top tier angst soon 🫦🫦🫦
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naturally-dazed · 6 months
i kinda have a feeling the sims 5 wont do as well as previous games, people irl - actual "casual gamers" outside of the sims community literally go "the sims 4? thats still around?" when i mention im playing it so idk how thats gonna go for them
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campbyler · 8 months
This is kinda random but do ever plan on introducing any of the pink or orange cabin counselors?
honestly, not really! we have quite the ensemble cast for acswy already and balancing even the 6 members of the main party can be pretty difficult. add in our two ocs (who are largely in the story at all because of their proximity to our two main characters) and hopper and various mentions of campers and the roster gets pretty full! even max and el’s co counselors aren’t really mentioned by name which we definitely don’t feel like is taking away from anything, and we just don’t really have any reason to add new ocs in 🤷🏽‍♀️
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strywoven · 13 days
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Screw it. Jay in a suit.
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idkwhatt0say · 27 days
deadass maybe start posting pictures fr?????????
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streaminn · 9 months
Military School AU
If Enid gets shows off her dance routine at school, Arcadia's student population immediately makes a fanclub of Enid and her pack because the pack is just that cool /j
Arcadia just put them up to it to show how talented their students are so you should totally invest in them
They didn't expect the students to actually enjoy the show
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theemporium · 1 month
CECE!! i’m so curious about your playoff predictions!! you should do a bracket!!! (only if u want to of course<33!!!) !!
oh god, i feel a bit under-qualified to be making predictions tbh😭my delusions and bias are on the canucks and that's all i am certain on!!
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ninyard · 2 months
OK (and there is a correct answer for this, don't break my heart) do you think Elodie could still be alive somehow?
Okay. I think.
I think what would be wonderful and happy and wholesome for Jean is that she’s still alive. It would be beautiful! A reunion! A search of Marseille for a young girl that looks just like him! And they find her it’s beautiful gorgeous the end. Happy ever after.
Not so wonderful is they find her and she does not know who he is or absolutely resents him for leaving her and letting their parents do what they did to her. He is so gentle and soft and whispers to her in French I found you and she tells him to fuck off and lose her again. Yeah ouch but she’s alive. The end
Unfortunately I do believe she is actually dead BUT in saying that it wouldn’t surprise me if Stuart just said that in order to get him to cooperate. But he did also say in TKM that the family were cutting ties and a very big tie would have been Jeans family. Huge liability. But perhaps his family is still alive though. Maybe happy somewhere living under different names. Maybe they have new children, far more loved than Jean and Elodie were. Who knows!!! TSC2 I am desperate for u
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stevie-petey · 2 months
ross and matt would be dumb to let steve die in finale season they be really really dumb lol.
no fully like after everyones reaction to eddies death i think they genuinely fear even considering killing off steve
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kodaiki · 1 day
Ahhhh re-reading scripted hearts and your inbox questions abt it, and the thing abt the smut. If it doesn’t ruin the story line, at most maybe it can get suggestive with y/n & gojo?or they js have so much tension during a moment or interview. It’s up to u Audrey.
I’m excited to see how u write Sukuna! 🥳
I hope ur doing well!! :)
i can def write suggestive themes (w warnings ofc) and if i feel it’ll fit in (prob toward the end) the au, i’m more than down to write it !!! thank u for the input hehe🤍🤍
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catboylister · 2 months
why do we exist 😁
so u see when a man and a woman love eachother... (or dont, i suppose)
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