#when the doc was rambling about the word smelted
expelliarmus · 16 days
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bau-drabbles · 1 year
best friends
a/n: this is my first fic in this fandom so i apologise if it seems a little out of character and incredibly rushed in the chapter but i just wanted to write a lil cute moment for spencer :)
i hope you enjoy and requests are open if you'd like to send something! 🤍
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"This is so incredibly frustrating" Spencer muttered to Morgan who wrinkled his nose at he smelt the perfumes on the counter tops.
"C'mon genius there must be something here she likes. She's your mom, it should be easy" Morgan sighed and continued to prod the bottles while the Doc rubbed his forehead to ease some tension.
These headaches of his came in far more frequently and pained more then he cared to say. But his thoughts were interrupted by a ringtone and he looked at Derek who glanced down at his phone. He looked relieved to see it, hiding his micro expression from the other quickly.
But Spencer knew, he always did
"Ah I'll be back, give me a few minutes" He had already made his escape, eager to answer the call.
"Morgan... " Spencer rolled his eyes and went back to looking at the perfumes. They were all heavy on his nose and the workers were looking at him, expecting him to pay already. He had been way too long for someone browsing for an item.
The lights were harsh on his eyes and he sighed again in frustration, rubbing his temple. He walked forwards to a different counter, stumbling as his foot hit a bag.
"Sorry I-" He looked in front and there you were, stepping a few steps back to create some distance. So many words he wanted to say but not a single one passed his lips. That was until he glanced down and realised he probably tripped your bag.
You looked at him finally, your brows furrowed at the intrusion but it went slightly when you see the curly haired man stuttering an apology to you. You thought that was that and you turn away but he lingers a little longer than most would, internally debating with himself to say the next following words.
"Can I help you?" You tilt your head slightly, ready to guide him to someone else. Setting down the perfume in your hand, your eyes glance upon his. He seems desperate either to buy the gift or to get of the store, you didn't know.
"Um, I apologise but... you.... you're a woman right?" He sets down the perfumes in his hands and you nod, shrugging your bag on your shoulder
"10/10 observation" By the looks of his unruly curls and the stress lines on his forehead, you conclude he's present shopping for someone clearly rather important to him. It was sweet in a way. He cared so much about them.
"Do you need help?" You perk your eyebrow in curiosity, looking at the staff members that were all around.
"Sorry, I just... I know this sounds incredibly pathetic but it's my mothers birthday. And I have no idea what to get her. I don't suppose- I mean you're probably busy-" Spencer rambled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. He had anticipated your rejection and he wanted nothing more than the ground to swallow him whole.
"So are you asking for my advice?" You clarified, chuckling a little. You see the look of relief that washes over his features.
"It's just that you seem like a well dressed woman and I need an honest opinion. Of course if you have places to be-" "No I can spare a few minutes, what does she like?" You don't particularly know why you help him, considering that you were also in a slight rush and needed to leave. But something about this man planted your feet in front of him, something about him you didn't know, forced you to stay.
"Roses, I think? But then there are so many that smells like flowers" He looked aghast at the perfumes bottles, his brain unable to comprehend which would be the better candidate for his mom.
"Well the one you're holding is more of a day perfume. Is there a reason why you're getting her a perfume, has she asked for it?" You inquired and he helplessly shrugged his shoulders a little. Blushing ever so slightly he rambled a little embarrassed by his lack of knowledge.
"No? Just women.... like perfume right?" Spencer awkwardly scratched the back of his neck, glancing to the floor in shame.
"Is it obvious I'm hopelessly pathetic?" He murmured, toying with the lid. He dares to make eye contact with you and you stare at him, giving a reassuring look.
"You want me to be honest?" "Slightly regretting it now"
"Most women at her age have a signature scent. Perhaps get her something like a scarf or a bag, something she can adorn alongside her own style?" You suggested, gesturing to the side. He didn't actually expect honesty that was actually beneficial let alone something he would actually consider and use.
"Thank you, that's really helpful" Spencer smiled and he turned his head towards the aisle, his lips dropping slightly as he saw the overwhelming amount of accessories.
You could've made your escape but yet you found yourself standing to his side, speaking once more.
"Do..... you need help picking out something?" "Please"
"So the red or the brown?" "The red, it's beautiful" The silken scarf shone under the spotlight in the store and he gives you a thankful grin, quickly paying for his item. You turned to grab your bag as he comes back to you
"I just want to say thank you so much for taking time to save me from my own incompetence. I really appreciated it" He smiled softly and you felt your heart aching a little. The amount of time you spent with this man was so short and yet it felt like hours and hours, like you already knew him somehow.
"You're welcome...." You trail off just now remembering you hadn't caught his name and he sticks his palm out for you to shake. How easy he was to capture in a conversation, so interesting and yet you felt like there was so much more depth to him then he let on.
"Spencer" He speaks gently, your fingers graze his as he holds your hand. Such a common greeting yet it felt intimate to you. It felt personal, it felt right.
"Y/N. And you're welcome, it was lovely meeting you. I do hope your mom enjoys the gift" Your heart already hurts leaving him but you barely even know him so you turn away, knowing this interaction was going to stay for a while.
"W-wait..." He touches your shoulder and you turn around, the feeling of butterflies invading your body as he retracts his hand.
"Forgive the forwardness but perhaps you'd like to go out for some coffee? That is, if you're not busy. Of course if you are I-" You interrupt his rambling, unable to hide the small giggle that escapes your lips.
"Lead the way" Your lips tilted in a beautiful smile as his replicates its own, a warm feeling invading your body. Whatever this was, you looked forward to knowing. To experiencing.
To loving
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rainnmaybank · 9 months
Maybe We’re Not So Different pt.3
[part 1] [part 2]
Vance Hopper x fem!reader
all characters aged up, high school, see pinned for reasoning/explanation
playlist || master list
words: 2611
warnings: strong language, drug use(cigarettes) ooc vance, vance being vance, angst, subtle fluff, mentions of: (bruises, blood, fights, hitting), heartbreak
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Autumn was hot on their heels, beat up pairs of docs pulled from the depths of a closet, the leaves slowly turning bright shades of red orange and yellow. Days where shorter and nights got colder.
y/n often found herself walking through the paths of the forest when the leaves started changing colours. Something about the way the wind felt, how the earth smelt, made her feel safe.
Mud built up around the soles of her boots, her hair slicked down dripping with the tears falling from the clouds.
Finney walked alongside y/n, he rambled on and on about something to do with school and his friends. Y/n’s mind wandered away from whatever it was he was speaking about.
She’d been doing that at lot recently. Often wondering how she’d gotten herself into her current situation. How she managed to keep it a secret from her friends that she was also friends with vance.
Most of them didn’t like him, y/n understood where they were coming from, he wasn’t exactly the most likeable person. Not if you didn’t know him at least. Then again, she didn’t really know him either.
Bits and piece of each other where shared, but never a full story, not a full conversation. She thought hard about it, where they really connected or did she tell herself that to justify how often he steeped through her mind.
Finney must have realized she wasn’t paying attention, lost in her own world snapping back she he shook her body. “Hello? Are you even listening?”
She hummed “of course i’m listening” Finn raised his brow “right, then what am i talking about?” y/n had no idea “helping Robin with math?” finney shook his head “no, not even close.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lips chapped, she didn’t know if it was from the cold weather or the constant bite of anxiety. Vance hadn’t met her at the park in a while.
It wasn’t that she hadn’t checked for him, she was still at the park every night. it was lonely without him there. she hated it.
y/n sat on her bed picking the skin from her lip, remembering he had given her a note with his number on it in case she ever had an ‘emergency’, really just if she wasn’t going to be at the park one night.
quickly she sat up digging through the drawer on her nightstand going through ever note till she found it. it was late, really late, almost two in the morning.
sitting at her desk y/n hesitated with her hand hovering over the dial numbers on the phone. figuring the worst that could happen was nobody answering, so she called.
the phone rang three times before it was picked up, it was silent. y/n stuttered over her own breath, her voice was shaky and soft when she broke the silence. “Vance?” hearing a sigh from the other side her fingers found their way to her lip again.
“y/n?” his voice rang gently through the phone, she took a deep breath falling back into her chair “hi Vance…” he sighed “why are you calling so late?” she couldn’t decipher the tone in his voice. “where have you been?” hands trembling, itching at anything they could make contact with. he paused.
“i don’t know…” her brows pushed together “will you meet me tonight?” he paused again, sighing before he answered “meet me in ten” the line went dead.
y/n shook to the core as she got herself ready, palms sweating her heart raced. questioning what she had done, why he stopped coming, was he mad at her?
the questions and doubts in her mind never silenced.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the air around them sat heavy, stilled. his energy filled the space, anxiety crept through y/n’s body. still she followed their usual routine.
silence felt heavy and unwelcoming, maybe it was a mistake to ask him to come. y/n watched him. vance didn’t look how he usually did, his face was hard, like anything would set him off in a split second.
“why’d you stop coming?” she spoke gently, trying not to say the wrong things. “i was busy, i couldn’t-i didn’t want to” his voice was cold glancing towards her.
y/n gulped back her emotions before they had a chance to show, nodding her head. “you could have told me”
“why would i do that?” she didn’t really have an answer, he didn’t need to tell her. “woulda been nice to know you weren’t coming” vance stood from his seat looking down at her “you’re so fucking needy sometimes”
she was taken back by his words “what the fuck does that mean?” her anxious stomach stopped swirling “are you an idiot? you’re so god fucking annoying” he didn’t mean that.
y/n raised from her seat, head still tilted to face him. “where’s that coming from? we don’t even fucking talk” confused, she couldn’t decide if she was mad at his words or sad something so comforting was slipping from her grip.
“are you listening? i don’t want to see you anymore, do understand y/n? i don’t like you” his last sentence hurt them both, he regretted saying that instantly. “fucking great, amazing actually. absolutely fucking perfect vance”
there it was again, the feeling in his gut when you said his name. “what the fuck are you going on about?” his jaw clenched faking his annoyance keeping his mask on.
without thinking, y/n’s lips moved faster then her conscience could keep up “i love you idiot” eyes widening once she realized what she’d just done.
vance felt his hands go clammy, his heart skipped beats. “yeah well, i don’t” he walked away taking a deep breath leaving her there, in their space, their memories. he hurt her and he knew it. what she didn’t know was how much it hurt him too.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
it wasn’t that vance didn’t feel strongly for the y/h/c girl, he did and god it drove him nuts. he hated it, he wanted her, to love her in any way he could. she was sat in the centre of his world.
watching what his parents called love is what scared him away from it, a father who couldn’t keep angered drunk hands to himself and a mother who did anything she could to keep herself safe.
that wasn’t storybook love in the slightest but it was the only example of it he’d ever known. he didn’t want y/n to fear him. he didn’t want to look down and see tears in her eyes when he got close to her, when he touched her.
the thought of love was cold to him. cold and wet and horrid.
vance wanted nothing more then to lace his fingers with y/ns. listen to her voice, the way she spoke about things always made him look at them differently.
y/n challenged him to see things from her perspective, not to hate things just because he can.
since she’d spoken of the rain that one night, he loved it, how it felt on his skin, the way it made the world smell.
she changed the way he viewed things, simple things. small things. she made him find sparks of joy in the little things around him. so maybe she could change how he viewed love.
the more he thought about it the more he realized she already had. he loved her the way she loved the rain, cherry tea, and poetry books.
she was poetic and sweet, she cared about his interests, she wrote notes that made his heart swell; she shined like the moon in his darkest hours.
he loved her hard.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
september faded away quickly, the ache in her bones stayed. y/n’s heart still hurt, she passed by the park every night hoping she’d see him there but she never did.
y/n picked up a job in the local café to help keep her mind busy, autumn was the busy season so she often had no chance to think of him.
she enjoyed it, seeing the happy faces when people got their drinks or special treats. the free drinks she got well working where a plus too.
they closed earlier on saturdays, so like any other saturday y/n put the chairs on the tables and cleaned the floors.
she noticed a small paper neatly folded placed under a dirty cup ‘y/n’ , she knew that handwriting well, slightly messy but smoothed together, that was vance.
her heart thumped in her chest, picking up the note her hands shook slowly unfolding the edges of her paper.
“meet me tomorrow, the creek by the train tracks, 12 -Vance”
questions filled her head once again, wondering what it was about, what he wanted. she was hurt, deeply at that.
she spent the night think about what she’d say, if she’d say anything. she needed an explanation or some kind of closer at that, she she’d go the next day.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
boots covered in mud once again walking through the paths she knew so well. the wind sung to her the closer she got to the creek, she wanted to turn back, leave him there but she couldn’t.
through the opening near the end of the path she saw him, his hair was messy. her feet carried her numbingly towards him.
this time it was him offering her a cigarette and a lighter, she took his offer. toxins steadied her mind, their silence felt calm again.
“do you care at all?” her words stung him “of course i care, why the fuck do you think we’re here?” he didn’t mean to come off so aggressive “you hurt me, vance.” her words flowed like a soft river stream, he missed her voice.
“i know” avoiding looking at her the best he could, he couldn’t face her. “i deserved better then that. you’re a fucking asshole, you know that? i spent my time with you, i let you into a special part of my life and you fucking ruined it like some sick joke” she was mad, frustrated. never did she feel something like this, her chest was warm as her throat choked back tears.
vance could hear them when she spoke, it broke him inside. he never cared so much about a person before, he ran before she had the chance to run from him, yet she was still there when he came back.
he took a deep breath preparing himself to finally face her. y/n played with the laces of her boot, quickly wiping away the hurt leaking from her eyes.
“i didn’t want to leave” she laughed “but you did, vance, you left without a word and then you fucking broke me” she was right, she was always fucking right.
he didn’t know how to say what he wanted to, how to explain why he did it. “you’re a fucking cunt” she spoke again moving to stand, vance grabbed her hand before she could.
“fuck y/n! give me a fucking minute, okay? i know i am, i fucking know that. you think i wanted to hurt you like that?” there it was, the ticking stopped in his mind “i left before you could leave me, it was going to be me or you and i wasn’t going to be the one left in the dark”
he knew that didn’t sound good, she knew what he meant. y/n had no intention on ever leaving him behind, understanding where he was coming from she took a moment to breath.
“vance i never had a thought about leaving you alone” her body turned to its knees facing the blond boy, she’d never seen so much emotion precent on his face before “i’d always come for you, it wouldn’t matter what time it was or where you are, if you needed me i’d be there.” her words sliced through him, he didn’t mean to lose her the way he did.
“i can’t keep doing this, vance. i can’t believe things will just go back to how they where before” they never would, she told him she loved him and he walked away. “please-please, just listen to me” his hands cupped one of hers.
“no one ever helped me, saw me the way you did. nobody stays, y/n. for the first time in years it felt like someone actually wanted to know me, that’s fucking weird, y/n. i’m not somebody you should want to be around.” his hands squeezed hers as he spoke, vance wasn’t good with his words, people know that; mostly since he just called them a motherfucker and beat the sins from them.
y/n listened closely to his words, “you’re not as bad as everyone says you are, vance. you have something beautiful inside you, you just can’t see that” she shook her head examining the way he sat before her.
vance wasn’t expecting her words, “but you broke the trust i gave you” his heart sunk, maybe he really did loose her.
“however trust can be gained again” emotions washed over him, he hated it, he didn’t understand it. “i’m not going anywhere, vance, you can close your eyes and i promise i’d still be here when you opened them again” he believed her. everything she ever said to him he believed.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Even though they had talked for hours at the tracks not long ago, neither of the two tried to communicate again.
It wasn’t that they didn’t want to, all y/n wanted to do was talk about the funny drinks she had to make everyday and vance…vance could never even think of what he’d say to her if a conversation even so happened to spark up.
Like usual the two ignored eachother all day everyday, but once the moon came out they’d be found in their usual spots on the swing’s smoking alongside eachother.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
This particular night seemed to be different from the moment y/n sat near the curly headed blond boy. His eyes lingered upon her body longer then usual. Was it the pants she had on? No, no it couldn’t be they’re just pj pants.
Her head spun trying to figure out why he was so focused on her, his mind mumbled about how pretty she looks when her hair was a mess.
y/n pulled out her camels flipping them open to reveal an empty pack, a pout rested into her lips.
He pulled out his own taking the last one from his own, taking the lighter out of her pack sparking up his dart.
Her eyes lingered over watching him, vance took a couple drags placing the dart upon her lips when he was satisfied. y/n shyly accepted his action taking her own hits before passing it back.
Y/n’s hand shook slightly as she passed it, something that didn’t go unnoticed. Vance took the dart back, taking a moment before slipping his jacket off handing it to the y/h/c girl.
Shocked at his actions but grateful y/n placed it over her shoulders. The scent that typically lingered around her space now overpowered her other senses, it was sweet and warm yet musky and stale with smoke.
He was trying his best to show that he cared, it was like trying to speak a language you've never heard before.
She knew he was trying, his actions spoke for him.
in these moments either had the courage to look each other in the eyes, something seemingly so routine to their lives felt much different that night.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tag list: @scarlets-phases @sheer-nuisance @tyelikesbees @marialikescherries @stephs-inluv @okedai-san @urgworl @tw-inkl-e-tit-s @lotionlamp @alex110370000 @sieieoeu @yesiamshe-74 @kinnievan @kikookii @imma-haunt-u
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annibtj · 5 years
how to win at nanowrimo
to celebrate the first day of national novel writing month, i thought i’d share some tips and tricks on how to get through the month! here are some easy ways to get some extra words in if you’re worried about not meeting that word goal
(please remember nano should not be too stressful!! this is meant to be motivating, positive and fun!)
show AND tell
don’t be afraid to be E X T R A thorough with your descriptions this month! Remember, the more the better!
Nano is a great time for getting any and all of your ideas out, so write down anything that comes to mind! Remember, editing is something you can do later, this does not have to be perfect!
5 senses!
so your character has seen and touched things in this scene, but have they smelt, heard or tasted anything? it is SO easy to forget that your mc (no matter what POV you’re writing from) can do so much more than see, speak and feel. combine this with showing and telling, and giving a little insight into your mc’s thoughts, and you could potentially add a whole page to your scene!
this month is just for you, so while your final version of your story might not need those three pages of backstory or that one page on scene-setting, if it pleases you, if it helps get you in to your story more, write! it! down!
anything can count...
from bullet points to scenes that you don’t think will include at the end, to one-shots of your own mc’s, it’s all just words!
no one has to read this draft. and if it helps you know your characters or your world, or your story more, that’s great!!
edit in, not out i know for some it’s hard to not edit as you go, but trust me when i say that is NOT the purpose of nanowrimo! (uless you ARE editing for nanowrimo... in which case maybe skip this!) the focus is on getting the ideas out, no matter how rough or messy they sound on the page.
if you have the urge to edit, hold off. write a note somewhere (on a piece of paper, sticky note, a comment on your word doc) of what you want to edit, and then move on! (and this way, when you come back to the editing process, you already have somewhere to start!)
enjoy and believe in yourself
you are writing your story!!!! your poem collection!!!! your very first tv episode!!! whatever it is your working on, maintain that hype!!! 
let your excitement fuel you to write whatever comes to mind! nanowrimo is so fun and a great motivator to get you doing the first step in any writing process — getting your idea out there! 
good luck and happy writing! i’m so excited for us all to get creating ✧*:・゚
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haughtbreaker · 7 years
Wayhaught Pride pt 1
Just gonna be 2 or 3 small parts, just some rambling thoughts in my head. @jaybear1701 would demand like 50k of this but really I’ll be surprised if it gets 5k total. 
Summary: Nicole takes Waverly home to Chicago for her very first pride. 
ps the following gif has nothing to do for the story but exists so... 
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“Is this okay?”
Nicole looked up from the bag she was in the middle of unpacking, unable to stop the grin that spread across her face. Her eyes raked over the short frame that was wearing rainbow leggings under a pair of cutoff shorts and a raglan shirt with a rainbow unicorn on the front, tied tight just at her rib-cage to reveal her midriff. Nicole felt her heart skip a beat for what had to be the most exquisite vision she’d ever seen in her entire life.
“Is it too much?” Waverly looked down at Nicole’s own attire, a simple black tee with a rainbow heart on the front and a pair of shorts, her hair tied up in a ponytail. “It’s too much isn’t it? Damn it!”
“No no!” Nicole reached out, stopping Waverly in mid step and stepping up to her. She couldn’t let her change out of her outfit. With a smile, she curled a fingertip under Waverly’s chin, tilting her head up towards the light.  “You are absolutely perfect.” Rainbow eyeshadow adorned each eyelid and she couldn’t resist dipping her head to capture soft lips.
When she’d invited Waverly back to Chicago for pride, she'd honestly thought the youngest Earp would decline. After all, Waverly had been spending most of her time with Wynonna and the others investigating the latest revenant attack. She’d actually been a little hesitant to extend the invitation. Not that she didn’t want to spend the time with Waverly. She did.
No… she was… for lack of a better word… completely terrified of introducing Waverly to her college friends. They were just… a little different from their life in Purgatory where Waverly had never left. Small Canadian town versus American big city. She was really just hoping her friends wouldn’t be… too horrible.
“Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” Nicole pulled Waverly closer, breathing in the perfume that smelt of sweet apples.
“I don’t know. You seem… super worried.” Pulling back, she saw a strange look in Nicole’s eyes before it quickly vanished. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the expression. “You’re nervous about something.” It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. She had spent a lot of time watching the officer, taking in her body language and she could see it in the way Nicole’s brows furrowed, the small wrinkle that appeared between her eyebrows. “It’s me isn’t it.” She pulled away, arms crossing over her chest. “You’re nervous about how your friends will take you dating some… country bumpkin… Some… Canadian country bumpkin.”
“Wav…”  She didn’t want to smile but there was something about an angry Waverly that forced the corners of her mouth up. “You are so far from a country bumpkin…” She reached out, unfolding arms that came apart easily. “Come here.” Her own arms wrapped around Waverly, pulling her in close. “You’re right that I am nervous about you meeting my friends, but it’s the other way around. I hope you don’t judge me too horribly by my friends. They’re not the most… sophisticated.”
“You think I’m going to judge you?” Waverly looked up into dark eyes, seeing nothing but honesty there. “Are you kidding me? Have you not met my sister? I mean… your friends can’t really be worse than my sister the Heir, Doc Holiday the immortal gunslinger, Dolls the government agent… can they?” When Nicole took a moment to think, her eyes narrowed. “Can they?”
Nicole pursed her lips. “Well…,” she thought about the best answer she could supply. “They can sometimes be a little egocentric... brazen...  I’ll just let you meet them,” she decided with a nod. 
“Ok that’s a little scary.” Waverly’s brows scrunched in worry. “Am I going to regret leaving my shotgun at home because we can always just stop somewhere along the way. I mean this is America, isn’t it. I hear Walmart sells shotguns right?”
“We are not stopping for a shotgun.” Nicole laughed. “Don’t worry, Baby. Even though you are more than capable of defending yourself, I can protect you from the rambunctious lesbians.” Claiming soft lips in a kiss, she’d meant it to be a tease, but Waverly didn’t get the memo. Instead, Nicole took a step back as Waverly seemed to press closer. Another step back and she easily guessed where it was leading as her legs hit the bed and she felt a small push on her shoulder and she was falling onto the soft surface. “Hey now…”
 Straddling her newly formed lap, Waverly smirked. “So… I’m not going to have to fight off any exes or anything am I? Cause I can put on my buttkicking shoes.”
“I don’t think so.” Nicole ran her hands up the rainbow covered thighs, brushing her lips along the length of her neck. “You don’t have to worry. None of them could ever compare to you”
“Because you’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever seen... and because I love you.” Nicole bit the soft skin where neck met shoulder, hearing the sudden sharp inhale. “And you are one fine slice of humanity, Miss Earp.” She felt a hand wrap in her ponytail, pulling her head back before lips claimed her own in a kiss. She allowed herself to be lost in the gentle exploration until hands began to tug her shirt up. She wasn’t exactly sure if she was approaching the point of no return, or if she’d already passed it.  “We’re… going… to be… late.” She mumbled against the persistent lips.
Waverly pulled back slightly, giving herself enough room to strip off her own shirt. “Your point?”
Nicole licked her lips, taking in the sudden appearance of warm flesh. “Completely irrelevant.” She commented before lifting Waverly up and turning to press her into the bed.
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