#whb gamigin
wihellib · 2 days
Which noble would make the cutest baby with specifically your MC. Not who would be the best dad or the one you like the most, just answer based on who would make the most adorable babies.
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leseraph · 3 months
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you're not too bad yourself.
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 month
Random demon: Best king to choose as your child's father.
MC: ...
MC: Mammon.
The other kings: ...
WHB Mammon: *smirks*
Bimet: Of course. I mean, who would be better than His Majesty Mammon?
Foras: His Majesty Leviathan!
MC: Nope. My child will just get insecure about themselves.
Sitri: How about His Majesty Satan, Solomon?
MC: He's my second best option, but I can't be angry always.
Bael: ...
Bael: Yeah. His Majesty Beelzebub will be an absent father.
Amon: *frowns in disagreement*
Gamigin: H-How about His Majesty Lucifer?
MC: ...
MC: Does he even like me to begin with?
The demons of Paradise Lost: Yes.
WHB Lucifer: ...
MC: ...
MC: Okay. He can be the third on my list.
Bimet: His Majesty Mammon should be the only one in your list, human!
WHB Mammon: What my master wants, my master gets.
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sparkbeast20 · 2 months
We found sprites for Gamigin, and Lucifer (Both angel and devil form)
Big thanks to @devilmen-collector for finding these.
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Average ship war between the MC fanbase
*Paimon posted an edit of MC and Satan*
Paimon: They are the cuteeeeeeest!!!! Can't wait to see them kisssssss <3
*Gamigin and 3 others disliked that*
Gamigin: Actually, His Majesty Lucifer kissed them before. Plus, MC just went on a romantic date with him, he's clearly their favourite!
Paimon: Satan was the first demon that met MC, they're clearly closer togetherrrrr
Eligos: His Majesty Mammon is greacious enough to let MC live in other countries, but after all the contracts are broken, they'll move to Tartaros and marry him.
Gamigin: You guys are stupid! Who do you think heals all of MC's wounds, huh? Can his majesty Satan or Mammon fix broken bones or internal bleeding? I doupt they even know what hydrochloric acid even is?
Paimon: Now you're just rudeeeeee
Gamigin: Plus, his Majesty Satan is too short to be MC's type
Paimon: Check your dms
Eligos: If MC likes them tall, then clearly Mammon would be a perfect fit for them
Foras: Actually, Glasylabolas is taller
Eligos: I am in your walls
Foras: 😨
Dantalian: Fuck all of you roughly with a chainsaw, his majesty Asmodeus is the only king in hell that deserves MC's attention
Amon: You know, trying to bait death threats is very obvious
Dantalian: Hey! I still think Asmodeus would form a great couple with MC
Amon: Of course he would, he falls for every human with a pulse
Dantalian: Says the bootlicker of the eon. You were born kissing his majesty Beelzebub's ass
Amon: I wish
Dantalian: I hate you so much
*Paimon disabled comments on this post*
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demonsword586 · 2 months
Gamigin full comic!
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iceinwhb · 2 months
I need to
take advantage of the fact that I have all the demons in my editor.
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It's funny to me that Orias first tries to take your soul, and swallow it… But at least we know that Gamigin would be one of the most potentially precious couples in all of whb! He's so cute and cuddly. I just want to grab his cute cheeks and bite them. 😇
(Gomi-Gami became one of my favorites, let it not be noted how much I adore him, even if I didn't pay attention to him at his own event.)
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eternal-auditor · 3 months
Don't look at me like that, I'm broke...
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sulumuns-dootah · 2 months
MC and Gamigin share one braincell >CONFIRMED<
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Also, this man speaks my language and I fully know what he means
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r0-boat · 22 days
could i request satan beelzebub amon and gamigin(+ anyone you want ofc) comforting/reacting to when gn mc is on their period? i feel like gamigin might freak out if he can recognize the smell of blood bc its just "blood??human??blood on human??where??heal??but they look fine??heal??" before asking his brothers what the fuck is going on 😭 i dont think he's interacted with a human before so i doubt he's heard of one especially since devils cant have kids with other devils so i doubt they have them.
Ayye what a perfect time to write this because I'm on my period.
Satan Beelzebub Amon +Gamigin with s/o on their period.
Sfw cutting for length
Stressed out with you, You're in pain and he doesn't like seeing you in pain. How dare your human body cause you pain and make you bleed?! He will rip out your uterus if it doesn't kill you(He does not understand human anatomy) instead to take out his anger he just rips up more stuffed animals.
Thinks The concept of you bleeding out of your uterus is cool but would never tell you. Is the one chasing away all the demons because you want to be left alone.
"babe at the store What size coochie you wear."
Gladly will carry you around all day. Knows all your favorite snacks, So he'll barge into your room and just dump them all on you.
Shows up, gives you more things to eat, and then leaves. Only to show up again later, give you pillows and blankets, and then leave again.
You're unsure if it's some kind of demon instinct because it doesn't matter how many blankets you have. He'll just show up with more until you effectively have a nest of pillows and blankets, and he'll still keep coming back.
You mean an excuse for you to cuddle him all day and lay in bed with him? Sign him the fuck up. Well happily lay with you in the joint nest of pillows and blankets that Beel has gotten for you.
Probably will be constantly kicked out because you need privacy as you go through pain but somehow he always comes back in.
"please don't kick me out again I can be useful; I just want to cuddle 🥺👉👈"
*fearful Dragon noises* smell blood but where is it?! Had a human anatomy lesson from Lucifer. He stays by your side because even though it is normal for you to bleed once no month he kind of feels very uncomfortable knowing that you are bleeding and he isn't doing something about it.
He'll make sure you're fully comfortable, he want massage your aching muscles and make sure you have everything you need.
"Lucifer said if I want to stop the bleeding I have to get you pregnant after your cycle :)"
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tokiyumejo · 2 months
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VERY LAST MINUTE fanart for Weekly WHB drawing challenge on twitter
You know...THEM!!! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。
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leseraph · 2 months
gamigin wanting to be luci's younger brother
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luci being able to see past gamigin's disguise(?)
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and him just wanting to show affection
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the found family trope so strong 😭 they've grown so fond of each other the last two years
please i just need all three of them to stay together happily
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 months
MC: In this hell full of horny people, there's Gamigin.
Gamigin: ...?
Morax, Buer, and Marbas: *holding back their laughter*
Gamigin: What? I don't get it.
Marbas: Your description is perfect, descendant of Solomon.
Gamigin: ???
MC: He's a breath of fresh air.
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sparkbeast20 · 5 days
So, just so everyone don't take that scene out of context and assuming things. Here's the context of that scene
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How the kings would react to the shipping of them and MC
He was hanging out with his nobles, just talking gossip like normal people
But Paimon was just staying on his phone through half the conversations
"Paimon! What's so important that you're not interested in seing Sitri's baby pictures?"
Sitri was dying in the corner while Zagan was rubbing his back
Paimon takes his eyes out of his phone and giggles.
"Oh, I was just arguing with some people onlineeee"
Satan puts down the pictures of baby Sitri on the table (which Astaroth swiftly takes for himself. This will make such great blackmail material) and sits next to Paimon curiously.
"What are these dumpass arguing about now? Don't tell me Leraye started sending death threats to Barbatos over the weather again."
"Noooooo, it's better than thaaaaat. People are arguing about who the child of Solomon would dateeeee"
Satan takes Paimon's phone and starts to scroll through the comversations.
"And I'm winning, right? I mean MC has a pact with me, I was the first to meet them, it's obvious that I'm the one they'll choose"
"I know, riiiiiight?"
Satan would become the most active person in the shipping forum, just spamming it with pictures of him and MC
It's a way to assert his dominance over the whole thing.
Gamigin almost started a war between Paradise Lost and Gehenna when he started insulting Satan under his photos of MC
Mod Jjok had to work overtime to stop the harassment everyone in Gehenna was throwing at Gamigin for that
Lucifer had to send a formal apologise on behalf of his son to stop the situation from escalating further.
Recently Eligos asked him to try on different fashion styles
At some point Mammon asks Eligos what this is all about
"The child of Solomon mentioned that they are interested in gothic fashion, so I'm trying to see what clothing would fit you and abide by goth fashion rules."
Mammon chuckles and ruffles Eligos' hair before telling him that he is already to his master's liking
"But there are a lot of people that claim that MC would be more interested in the other kings. We can't have that! Just yesterday Amon was bragging that MC and Beelzebub went on a date!"
"I'm glad they had fun with Beelzebub, but Beelzebub is mine and I am MC's. They can have fun with anyone they please."
Eligos' jaw drops to the floor. He gets flashbacks of all the arguments he had online about this and how he bought bots to mass report any Mammon x Mc slander
Eligos constantly tries to convince Mammon that the shipping wars are a big but Mammon doesn't really care.
At most he sends pictures of him and MC cuddling to Satan to spite him like all good friends do with eachother.
Leviathan is a lurker through the forums
It's where he got most of his information about you before kidnapping you
Probably reports all posts that aren't for the ship with him and you for false information
He would constantly post pictures of you and him doing mundane things with captions like "Living life perfectly", "Greatest day of my life", "Me and my wonderful significant other"
Makes everyone in Hades like his post and floud it with compliments
He'll make an account for you where he roleplays as a version of you that's madly innlove with you
The most likely to start an actual war between Hades and whatever ship is trending that morning
He sometimes doesn't sleep and just scrolls through the forums, refreshing constantly to see if you're having fun with someone else
King of all doxxers
No VPN will protect you from Leviathan's wrath
Beelzebub was tied to his office chair with Bael glaring at him
"Go on, look at the complaint. What does it say?"
"I should take a vacation. I'm already burned out. You know, overworking is very bad for your health."
Bael glares at him with not an ounce of amusement behind his eyes
When Beelzebub skims through the files, something catches his attention
"Threat of war from Hades? I don't remember going to Hades recently, what happened?"
"While you were away having fun with the child of Solomon, Amon posted pictures of you two going at it on a forum. Next thing I know, his majesty Leviathan declared war on Avisos. I had to talk him out of it, but we now have to write a report about what happened and send it to the other kingdoms to tell them that it was resolved without any casualties."
Beelzebub was laughing his ass off while Bael was question his life choices
Beelzebub asks Amon to show him the forum which the younger devil does happily.
He sometimes go through it often, but he uses it as a way to find out where you are.
He's chiller about the whole thing, finding it kind of funny that so many people are so invested in your love life
Gamigin won't shut up about it.
If Lucifer took a shot every time Gamigin complained about the shipping wars, he'll dethrone Beelzebub as the king of Gluttuny
Lucifer is a softer lover, only being intense in more private parts of your relationship
So even getting him to kiss you in public (or outside the bedroom) is very hard.
This makes Gamigin's job as a shipper very hard
Lucifer finds the shipping war situation absurd
Why would anyone do this? What is it accompleshing? Why does he suddently get embargos from Hades or Gehenna after he goes on a date with you?
He'll probably have to sit Gamigin down and tell him to stop calling the other kings rude names just because they hang out with you.
It really depends on your reaction to everything as well
If you like being in the spot light, than he'll try to be more open with his affection, giving Gamigin more oportunities to gush about you online
If you want to keep your relationship more private, than he'll make all cameras fracture when pointing at the two of you
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