#wanna one scenarios
restlessmaknae · 8 months
comfort [kang daniel]
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kang daniel with a university/college student!au + “you are, without a doubt, the only person who can make me smile right now”.
➳ Characters: uni student!Kang Daniel x uni student!female reader/you
➳ Genre: slice of life, uni au, comforting, friends to lovers (implied)
➳ Words: 1.3k
➳ Warning: mentions of reader having a period, argument with friend
➳ A/N: This story was requested by @tranquilpetrichor for my request event. I hope you enjoy it! ❤️This story is partly inspired by real-life events, so thank you for the request, at least I could channel my frustration into this story haha.
You can still request stories for the event: you can find the guidelines here and the masterlist here.
➳ Taglist: @dat-town
You had the crappiest weekend ever.
You had been supposed to see one of your favourite singers on Sunday, you had made all the arrangements (booked the hotel, booked the train, told everyone about it and managed to drag your best friend with you, turning the Saturday night concert into a girly weekend with some sightseeing in a city that you hadn't been to a lot of times) only to have been told last minute that the singer had fallen ill, and the concert had to be cancelled. You had been shattered, but decided to go along with it.
However, on Sunday, the café you had put on the plan had been closed for technical reasons, the museum had not met your expectations, and besides, the weather had been horrendous. It had been raining all day with stormy winds, and your best friend huffed all the time that she hadn't enjoyed the weather and you should have known that this weekend was cursed from the start. To which, you couldn't have helped but retort that if she hadn't wanted to come, she should have just told you, you could have been fine, but neither the cancellation of the concert, nor the weather had been your fault. You had taken it upon yourself to arrange the travel and the accommodation in return for her coming with you, you had looked up sights that she would probably enjoy, and she had always said that whatever was fine with her, you could decide.
Yet, after the news of the cancellation, she had started turning everything against you which you hadn't enjoyed, to say the least. You had probably been angrier and more disappointed that it had all gone downhill after all the preparations, but she had just complained and complained. You had ended Sunday with an argument that had led you two to go back to the uni dorms almost in complete silence. Two hours worth of a train ride had never seemed so long, and if it had not been enough, your period had arrived on Sunday night, so you hadn't even slept well.
No wonder the 8am lecture on Monday didn't seem that appealing, but you didn't want to slack off and let the crappy weekend affect your studies, so you still decided to go. With one hand on your stomach (as if it could ease your cramps) and the other flipping through your notebook, you were praying that today's lecture would go by quickly.
You were so lost in thought that you almost didn't notice someone sitting down beside you, and if it had not been for Daniel's familiar deep voice reaching your ears, you would have probably not even looked up.
"Hey! How are you?" The boy inquired genuinely as he plopped down beside you, fishing his books and notebooks out of his bag. You were glad that he didn't look your way while doing so because you needed the time to pull yourself together.
"Hey!" You replied after a few seconds of silence, your voice coming out quite feebly. You cleared your throat before continuing though. "Not bad. And you?" You forced the words out, hoping that he didn't take note of the weariness in your voice. It was rather difficult to fake being happy, so you tried your best to numb your pain instead.
However, Kang Daniel was a psychology major for a reason. He was excellent at reading people's moods, and he was even better at comforting people. You had this one lecture together - Business Psychology, an elective for you as a Business major and an elective for him as a Psychology major -, but even during the time before these lectures and during short exercises the prof gave you, you could get to know just how kind and compassionate he was. One thing you had realised quite early on was that he was rather soft-spoken despite his deep, raspy voice (and on a side note, he had the most adorable eye-smile and dimples combo). He had definitely surprised you with his maturity and gentleness, you hadn't expected it from him when he had sat beside you during the first lecture in his all black outfit.
During the past two months, you had become acquainted with each other, and had even met up a few times outside of lectures - both purposefully and both by accident -, and you would say you had become quite the friends. Maybe even more than friends, but neither of you wanted to force anything, so you were getting to know each other slowly.
Yet, exactly the thing that you liked about him the most (his attentiveness) was why you felt a bit uncomfortable now under the searching gaze of his, in the crossroads of his worried eyes.
"You sure? Is everything alright?"
In vain it would be if you tried to deny it, so you let out an aghast sigh as you shook your head.
"Do you want to talk about it? You don't have to, but if you want to, I'm listening," he offered as gently as one could once he stopped packing his stuff, and now, he put his elbow on top of his books, his jaw resting on the top of his hand.
You didn't even know where to begin, but you started somewhere and the rest followed. You realised that once you started talking about it, it came easier to share even those concerns that you hadn't voiced out before (like as the fear of losing your best friend over something like this), and Daniel listened, asking a few guiding questions to fill the plot holes of your stories. It was actually quite deliberating talking about all of the things that had bugged you lately. Usually, you vented to your best friend, but with her still not having replied to your latest message and with her being a part of why you were upset in the first place, you couldn't do so.
"Do you want me to leave you be and not force you to talk? Or do you want me to talk about my weekend?" He offered the options before he tilted his head and added a third one. "Or maybe do you want to see new pics of my cats to cheer you up?"
Hearing his question, your lips immediately curled upwards, and your voice softened a bit when you spoke up.
"The cat pics sound the most appealing right now."
"Alright, here you go," Daniel announced with a dimpled smile as he took a hold of his phone and started going through his phone's gallery. He showed the latest pics and videos of his cats back home sleeping, playing with their toys, chasing after each other and bothering his mother while she was trying to watch a movie. You found yourself smiling and giggling at what he showed you, and when he reached the end of his new photos, he looked up at you and merely stared at you, an expectant smile hiding in the corner of his lips.
"Thank you for these. You are, without a doubt, the only person who can make me smile right now," you admitted honestly, and earned a more shy version of his previous smile. He didn't even have time to comment on it though because the professor walked in, but it was enough how he comforted you with his words, with his silence and with his presence. He was a great person, and you were glad to have him in your life.
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A/N: Hope you enjoyed this story of mine! Let me know what you think!
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for Kang Daniel or for other artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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multiphandomunnies · 2 months
wanna one
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saying that you love them in your sleep
fans ship you together
you calling them your ideal type
gf is sad about eye bags
soulmate au
hating you
pantone 14-1513
bf! guanlin
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milkybonya · 2 years
강단이엘 - KANG DANIEL masterlist
🧁=fluff, ☔️=angst, 🍭=suggestive, *=requested
lemme cuddle u 🧁
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suntails · 8 months
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bbnibini · 8 months
I find it so painfully heartbreaking that Solomon just...laughs off all the derision, the name-calling, and possibly even did "evil" things on purpose because it's expected of him at this point. (He had not always been like this as Thirteen pointed out before). There was a time when he was "innocent". When his soul sparkled. When it resembled the kind of soul everyone in these god forsaken (pun intended with spite) three realms seemed to associate with the ever loved MC. He's just...worryingly carefree. And because he's like that, he feels even more of a tragic character to me.
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Sometimes it even seems that he himself would seemingly make up excuses on why he's hated. Oh, it's because I'm a sorcerer this. I might have won a war against Devildom single-handedly this. I have forgotten. But maybe, I did something bad, that. Hon, you were doing that to SURVIVE. You don't have to be a faultless person to deserve compassion. You don't have to be MC to deserve to be loved.
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turtleblogatlast · 1 year
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[ cw: (temporary) piercing / ]
AU starts here!
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I’d imagine Cassandra wouldn’t make a big deal out of Leo’s newfound abilities tbh
And yes, she is in fact wearing her full fight ensemble under her clothes tyvm
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grandlinedreams · 7 months
Ace burns.
Sometimes you think it a side-effect of his devil fruit powers, the simmer of his skin against yours, the curl of smoke from him during colder, early mornings.
He's a wildfire though, untamable in the way he blazes, threatens to burn you to cinders with the blistering emotion behind how he touches you. When he kisses you, sometimes all you taste is ash and smoke. Other times, the headiest whiskey you can find in any corner of the world, savoring the burn for what it is. You both know how this will most likely end ㅡ there are no happy endings guaranteed, especially not for pirates. Not for people like you, not for people like him.
But for the tragedy his life has already wrapped him in, he burns bright ㅡ smoldering embers of promise laid deep in his words that you want to believe, stoke his bonfire conviction with the tinder of your very being.
You want to believe in happy endings. For him, and for you. But you know that for all the ways that Ace lights your world aflame and you willingly go up in smoke with it, his wings are made of wax.
Maybe not today, not tomorrow, and hopefully not for a long time to come ㅡ but Ace has never been one to stray far enough from the sun, and those wax wings of his will melt.
You just hope you're there to catch him when they do.
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stuckinapril · 5 months
What is a girl to do if she’s bad at driving but driving is literally relaxing to her
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You know how you look up to someone and how someone looks up to you? Okay, now make it g/t
Lemme explain via example: Imagine a writer who types all their stories on their computer. Maybe they share them online maybe they are way too nervous to do that, and just keep it a secret hobby. Anyway, one day they leave their desk to do something only to come back and notice that their writing document moved to a different page, and their computer didn’t fall asleep like it usually did. This confuses them but they brush it off, telling themselves that maybe they were faster than normal and maybe accidentally moved the page.
However, it keeps happening. Each day they walk away for a moment or even longer, their computer never falls asleep and is on a completely different page. This starts to freak them out. So, they decide to walk away and then sneak back as quietly as possible. When they peek their head inside, they see a tiny little person at their computer, just staring at the screen. The writer watches as the tiny continues to read their story, and that’s when they realize, they’re reading the writer’s story. They walk in, spooking the tiny. The tiny is in shock, they can’t tell if it’s just fear of being seen or getting the chance to actually talk to the writer whose work they adore, perhaps a mix of both. Maybe the tiny gets overwhelmed and before the writer can ask the classic “What are you” question, the tiny burst into a bunch of questions about the story the writer is writing. The writer taken aback by this, just awkwardly answers them and tries to ask them a question only for the tiny to continue asking questions. Eventually the tiny remembers that “Oh right… I’m not supposed to be seen…” and cautiously asks if the writer is upset with them and whether they will hurt them. The wrier assures them that they are mad and won’t hurt them and are honestly glad that their computer wasn’t hacked or there was a ghost or something. Also, how could the writer ever hurt their biggest…well smallest fan?
Maybe they build a friendship where the tiny helps the writer with ideas and getting over those writing hurdles. Hell, maybe the tiny even was inspired by the writer and tried writing their own story and shares it with the writer. Maybe the writer gains the confidence to share their stories online or even publish their work all because one little person loved their work. Perhaps the tiny, with the help of the writer, shares their own stories while hiding their identity as a tiny from everyone. So many possibilities! Just tiny little fans, forgetting they should probably focus on not being seen and not “What is Character’s favorite thing to do when they are bored?” Like sweetheart probably not the best time, but go for it.
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hypewinter · 1 year
I'm in a silly goofy mood so screw it, let's make younger brother Danny ideas for all the batbros. Heck! I might even do some of the other batfam members. We'll see. I'll make them all separate posts with one lighthearted and one angsty scenario similar to the Damian post.
Anyway with the set up out of the way let's take care of Dick first!
Jason Tim Damian Cass
Around the time Danny is born, Haly's Circus is experiencing hard times. Because of this, Mary and John give him up for adoption in hopes of him experiencing a better life. Danny grows up to be super athletic and flexible. He also looks like the carbon copy of Dick. When Danny's class takes a field trip to Gotham, a batfam member spots him and believes he's a clone. Cue the batfam scrambling to figure out this clone's origin and purpose. Danny for his part, is absolutely confused why the Wayne's have such an interest in him until Tucker points out he fits the Wayne adoption bill. This results in him panicking and when Dick approaches him the next day he yells 'I've already been adopted once so no thanks!' and runs away. This peaks Dick's curiosity so he does something none of the other family members considered to do. He does his research. After a while of digging he finds out Danny was adopted in xyz place around xyz date that matches with the time his parents put his little brother up for adoption. Could it be?
Danny is reborn as the youngest son of the flying graysons. The night their parents died Danny was in one of the trailers and not watching the performance. Therefore when everything went down, while Dick was being comforted by Bruce, the talons were able to kidnap him without anyone knowing. He is trained as the most prized talon of the court of owls. Eventually Batman proves to be a pain in the court's side so Danny is sent to take care of him. Batman doesn't want to admit it but he's having a lot of trouble with this particular assassin so he calls in Nightwing to help. Together, they manage to knock off the talon's mask. Dick sees his precious little brother's face that was once so full of life now devoid of all emotion and that makes him hesitate. This gives Danny enough time to make a tactical retreat. When Bruce finds out why Dick hesitated, he tries to bench him. The former Robin is having none of that though. He's getting his brother back.
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garden-bug · 6 months
Zosan would be angsty sexuality gender crisis unrequited love heartbreak and Zolu would be silly funny platonic best friends chaos would die for you my beloved jungle gym.
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holderof-cats · 6 days
Fanon Ship children are good, very interesting to write and characterize. But what about ship pets?? What about two charecters becoming so emotionally attached to a creature that their life literally molds around it??
Cus I can't stop thinking about Ratio having a pet cat that he'd name something so goofy and serious that it's funny. Something like Theorem of Ptolemy (Theo for short) and the cat would be the most reserved girlie ever. Doesn't give a fuck about anyone, not even Ratio most if the time, and Ratio would treat her like she is a grown human, would talk to her like she is just another work colleague and she'd not even meow back at him. It's fine though, she keeps him company and after his parents the cat is the only thing he is most attached to.
Until the Annoying Gambler comes into his life Ofcourse, suddenly he has another person to care for. And just when he thinks his life is the most affected by Aventurine, the gambler comes over for whatever business stuff they are to discuss one day, and Theo suddenly has multiple Fucks to give. She'd not go near him at first, but that hasn't really stopped Aventurine, ever, so he'd try to warm up to her. And it would so backfire. Like she's now falling asleep on his lap and trapping him in one place for hours level backfire. She MUST stick to him the whole time he is over at Ratio's. Would hijack his coat but loafing up on top of it and forcing him to leave it behind.
Ratio would stand there and feel betrayed af. And he wouldn't even know who is he most jealous of, Aventurine cus that cat has never given /him/ the same amount of attention, or Theo cus he himself has never been able to shower that Gambler with that much attention. He'd grumble and would try to ignore the obvious warmth in his chest cus- two of his most favourite beings love each other???? Also soft aventurine, the real kind. Cus who wouldn't absolutely melt at a Cat.
Now, I had all of this in my mind before 2.2 so I'm only a bit salty that hoyo alr made it canon that aventurine acquires the catcakes and we all sort fo agreed that it was Ratio who gifted him those. And now my headcanons is somehow sort of canon :| but yeah, I still wanted to get this brainrot out of my head so 😋
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popponn · 7 months
a bit and more. [isagi yoichi x reader]
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notes: i love green flag sweetheart isagi but his red flag bastard side also has its own charm. this guy got a good brain, is tenacious when he wants something, is good at hiding it but is a genuine asshole sometimes. i can go on, hence this fit of madness. warning: possessiveness, jealousy, sfw, reader's gender unspecified. isagi is a good boyfriend who is trying, but we all got intrusive thoughts.
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the thing about isagi's possessiveness is no matter how smart he is in hiding, or expressing it in some matters, it really is a nasty thing in its rawest form.
and it goes hand in hand with many things. his jealousy, his selfishness, and his affection to you—
isagi is fully aware he has a certain part in there that is quite messed up. most of the time, those parts only came out during a heated match, even more so when his opponents tried to bait him out. for a long long time, as long as he could remember, isagi never brought out those parts of him outside of that. it's a part away from his family, his daily life, and every part of his that doesn't demand the egoism that had long planted its seed inside of him and bloomed.
yet, recently, there are moments where it slips into the life he shares with you.
the first time began small enough. not quite odd and almost like a dull, steady ache that isagi knows is still appropriate. it was merely a stranger who got too friendly, just a bit too close to you for his liking. isagi reacted to that spark without much fuss. he slid to his rightful place beside you, placing a hand around your shoulder, and pressed his forehead as if he was greeting you, all while silently watching the nobody with a piercing side-eye. then, the stranger was gone and it was the laughs that he shared with you that were important.
you are many of isagi's firsts—especially in the part of his life that isn't dominated by a grueling desire to win, win, and win—including in relationships. isagi dares to say you are the very first person he imagines sharing many things with in this kind of thing, both happy and not. so, when you choose to laugh and put your whole attention on him, isagi thrives and follows suit.
at that time, your relationship was still young and isagi was unfamiliar with that emotion. so, he put it in the back of his mind for later.
then, it pilled up and up and up.
it was you who laughed with bachira during a break.
isagi stood and stared from the other side of the field. it was a normal exchange, the rational part of his brain reasoned. but your eyes were supposed to be on him, the more unpleasant part said in return. so, in a curious manner that wouldn't raise anyone's suspicion, isagi walked towards the two of you and asked, "what are you talking about?"
it was you who accidentally wore the clothes chigiri somehow misplaced in his closet.
"eh, it wasn't yours? i thought you bought a new one..." you blinked, confused and guileless. you didn't make a move from your seat, clearly still taking comfort in your pile of blankets and chigiri's oversized t-shirt. isagi never really understood fashion, but he supposes if an oversized t-shirt is what makes you comfortable he will buy as much as you want later. "nope," isagi answered, pushing any other thoughts to mull over later. "that's chigiri's, i think? wait, let me ask him for a sec." and if isagi did everything in his power to get you out of that t-shirt as soon as possible, he made sure it all looked natural.
then, at some point, it is you, who is waiting for him at home after a long trip away.
it truly does feel ugly, isagi admits. even though he spends the time you two spent apart by listening closely to your story through the video call and replying to your chortle with his own soft smile—as genuine and as loving as it has always been for you—isagi couldn't exactly kick the unfamiliar nasty, gnawing feeling completely away the moment he meets you again. suddenly, with the urgency of matches and momentary soft comforts those calls provide away from the situation, all that is in his mind and feeling becomes a messy chain of questions and demands.
were you doing well while he was gone? did you think of him? how much did you think of him? did you wear and hug his shirts to sleep? did it bother you that he was away for so long? were there anyone—
"did you miss me?" isagi asks you, with lips pressing against your nape. his hands inches away from slipping under your shirt as he cages you from behind. he likes this feeling. it feels like you give him permission to have you, completely trusting him in a manner impossible to reach through efforts alone. isagi knows his ways with luck, but for once he truly feels like a lucky man with the way your body heated up under his touch. isagi likes it. the two of you on the bed, you dressed in his shirt, your body pressing against his, and the marks that start to redden around your neck. lovingly, isagi pressed a kiss to your shoulder. he enjoys the way your breath starts to heave and notes to himself to decorate your shoulder later. when you finally answer, isagi is far from surprised, yet still revels in it like a victor. "of course i do," you say, craning your head towards him with a pair of hazy eyes. when he sees it, isagi realizes the way his heart thumped loudly. he likes it when you look at him like that. it would be nice to have this often. he will work on it later. but for now— "good. i miss you too." —pushing you to the bed, away from anything that isn't him sounds like a good start.
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toasteaa · 3 months
It's White Day, which means I get to go super sappy and think about how you gave Neuvillette a single rainbow rose for Valentine's Day with the excuse of it brightening up his office and matching his eyes just a bit, and now you've just come into your office to a bouquet of rainbow roses with no obvious sender, but a little note nestled within the blooms with that familiar, elegantly looping script that just says "Thank you".
Is it a confession? A confirmation of mutual attraction? Or is he just mimicking what he's seen other humans do before? You don't really know and you don't really want to overthink the possibilities; just sit at your desk and watch how the roses seem to sparkle lightly in the filtered sunlight streaming into the room.
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reddsame · 1 year
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A sudden burst of inspiration from seeing fan-arts of Zoro's EH costume (english is not my first language)
TW; short af, reader (and me) simping over Zoro, pet names (slut, good boy, pretty, baby), masturbation (m reciving), anal play and sub!zoro/dom-gn!reader
He doesn't even know how or when he ended up in that position, in all fours and red, covering his mouth to silence his moans and whimpers, as you play ur tongue in his hole.
Not long ago your dear boyfriend, the famous "pirate hunter" Roronoa Zoro had gotten that suit that according to you, was too provocative, you had already let him know on other occasions everything you wanted to do, unlike him, you were vocal, VERY VOCAL, and the poor soul could only growl and turn red every time you said detail by detail how you wanted to rip off part of his suit and expose his "privates" to ride that pretty big dick of his, blow him off, how u wanna suck his big and beautiful tits through the fabric, he thinking that you're joking as if he didn't know you, you whore have no same, and the poor boy is on the verge of tears, biting his hand in pleasure so as not to give you the satisfaction of hearing him moan at your actions. "Take It off" u say, referring to his hand, u are on your knees behind him while your tongue is buried deep inside his soaked and tight hole, he can't take it ofc he can, your tongue twisting insime him, his overstimulated and dripping cock screaming to be touched.
“Look at you, tight hole around my tongue, with your bare ass exposed, u are enjoying it you slut~"
“S-shut--Ah! U-uphmmgg!!~“ He growls, while his mouth and voice temble at your touch. Since you were being quite benevolent to him today and he was…behaving strangely well, you decided to give him what he wanted by starting to fistfucking his neddy cock, Zoro bit his lower lip, while the tips of his ears began to turn a beautiful crimson red, starting to let out little whimpers...you knew what he wanted. “Demand with your words baby~” you say, making him groan in discomfort. “P-pleaSESHIT~, m-make me..ah cum, pleasepleaseplease~” ...finally. “There u go, such a good boy for me, so pretty~”
Now, you keep stimulating his balls, sucking and kissing all that your mouth could reach, gently introducing two of your fingers into his entrance, you increase up the speed, watching as each time your needy boyfriend moaned and begged for more, until he reached his climax, letting everything out in your hand. Exhausted and with his heart pounding fast, you leaned in to kiss him, while he corresponds in a sloppy kiss.
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ninliane · 8 months
how I think CANON kageyama really thinks about romance based on facts
This is more on just character analysis and observation but this is all speculation because if I'm being honest as a former Haikyuu x reader writer, I think he is the most mischaracterized and has potential for a different type of x reader, rather than typical romance.
Also I'm saying this as a Kageyama fan! This is just my thoughts jotted down hehe
I don't think Kageyama really had the chance to experience romance. Ever. I mean I could be wrong but based on what we we've seen there wasn't really time for it or even a single mention on it
Though given multiple chances to show it, he never showed any outright attraction to anyone outside of volleyball. Obviously this is not a shojo manga, it's a sports one but there are still multiple times where some sort of attraction has been shown towards characters.
He is unfazed by Kiyoko in a season 1 scene, he never fawns over any of the managers the way other characters do. (The only exception is when Saeko introduces herself and he and Hinata get excited) this isnt rly important tho, a lot of character dont do this
the only time he has ever been excited or passionate is when it comes to volleyball, the very reason why he stuck so close to hinata in the first place (this could argue for kagehina ((so true)) but that's a separate post lol)
HOWEVER he's also not repulsed by attraction towards him, as shown in the bonus chapter when he's aware that he and Atsumu are referred to by fans as the "Ikemen Players" and that people watch him for that; he says he's all for it because it get's people into volleyball
But the CORE REASON on why I think he never thought about romance is because he outright states in season 4 that he's not good at emotion, and his past. He likely does not know the feeling and even with friends he was still learning on friendship, but he wants to learn! (that's probably why he was so keen on asking oikawa for help in kitagawa-daichii)
Anyway so conclusion as an x reader writer, would he be datable? I mean it's not impossible. After all we hardly see his life outside of volleyball, it would just be challenging, just like getting him to play on a team. In fact it would even be cute to see him think about it.
I wrote all this bc I think it would be interesting to see this kageyama in fics, instead of the usual tsundere/constantly getting mad and embarrassed ver of him (me,,I used to write him like this,,,)
Now how would I write canon Kageyama off with staying true to his given character as much as possible?
I think he would be very calm and nonchalant about it. They've shown us that he's very aware of his emotional weaknesses in understanding but that he's ALWAYS willing to try and connect with others.
So while I think he can most definitely live his life without romance, I think that he is bound to think about it at least once and contemplate it. He might even be open to trying it for the sake of trying something that's so common with others, but in my opinion he will always love volleyball more than anything else, and that's not a terrible thing at all.
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