enriquemzn262 · 3 months
There’s evil
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And then there’s ATF evil, holy SHIT.
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Sunset on the Shores of Lake Waco, 1955
Jack Blackwood
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slavicgerman · 3 months
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dominic-sessa · 1 year
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S01.E1: Visions and Omens
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bigglesworld · 7 months
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Waco. With female pilot posing
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nocternalrandomness · 2 months
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Kyle Franklin flying the Waco Mystery Ship
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greenxgloss · 9 days
Meet Cute -2-
Taglist: @nevvdrinksteaa @romanroyapoligist @444rockstargf @wildathevrt @urmomsucksfrogs @hxllhxund @xxbl00d-cl0txx @lucidfever @teamokirkhammett @kappasbbgirl @jasperthefriendlyghostt
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“oh? Little Miss Troubled Home wants me to save her again?”
contents: suggestive language, underage drinking, angst, fluff
Tonight you were glued to your bedroom window, unsure when to call Clyde. usually, the boy has to think about this. maybe that’s why they’d take so long sometimes, you thought, remembering all those times your girlfriends would be sat, waiting by their phones for a boy to call. the more you contemplated the more you muffled out background noise, which included your phones ringing.
when you snapped out of it you answered the call. “party at my house tonight. you comin'?” your friend Myra spoke through the phone, her excitement bubbling. “oh absolutely.” you giggled.
myra was one of your few friends who stayed behind this summer while everyone else was off getting settled in their dorms and student housing or browsing college campuses. myra threw epic ragers every summer which included the occasional drunk girl puking into a vase or fern and some one-night stand taking place in the master bedroom. all the fixings for a night you’d definitely remember.
you quickly dressed up, sprayed your perfume and rushed down the stairs. “hey mom gonna be at Myra’s. don’t wait up for me.” you spoke as quickly as you rushed. “call me if you need anything.” she managed to get out, neglecting to look up from her old erotica, probably dreaming of Fabio inching his hands up her blouse. you cringed at the thought and stumbled out the front door as you got your second shoe on.
as you walked down the street to Myra’s you wondered if you should tell her about Clyde. then you spiralled into a black hole of thought, deciding what you thought of Clyde and if he was worth telling your friends about.
“Hey! Drinks in the kitchen. not everyone’s here yet.” Myra exclaimed as she embraced you at her front door. “been craving a shot for days. took a while for you to throw a party this summer.” you said to Myra as she led you to the kitchen, handed you a beer and began pouring you a shot. “oh yeah parents had stuff to do before they left for the month.” she recounted as you cracked the can open. “anything new for you yet? summer's been in session for a week. something's had to have happened.” she speculated as she poured her own shot. “I swear you only ask me that when something is new.” you giggled as you cheered your shot glasses and downed your liquid courage.
“a mother knows, y/n.” she joked, not even wincing. you decided this year you were going to do better on your grades even though you wouldn’t dare set foot on a post-secondary campus. just to prove to your parents… well you don’t know what you were proving but you do know that the self-discipline you mastered in the last 10 months saved you from alcoholism so you won’t regret it at all. “I was at the skate park the other day and I maybe met a boy.” you smiled, walking away to leave Myra chasing after you. "no fucking way?” she just about screamed. “yup and I slept over at his house.” you giggled as you walked into Myra’s room and sat on her bed.
“you had sex?! Is this about your whole revelation?” she gasped leading you to roll your eyes. “no that’s the best part. he was sweet and I told him I didn’t want to go home so we just talked until we fell asleep.” you explained the night you’d spent at Clyde’s. Myra's expression said it all, absolute joy plastered on her face. “oh I know his dick is big.” she said, nudging your shoulder, both of you almost spilling your drinks. “Myra!!” you scolded. “the point is that it wasn’t sexual. it wasn’t even romantic. we were just there. I don’t know it might be too soon to tell but I think I like him.” you told her as you laid back on her bed. “wow. y/n liking someone. never thought I’d see the day.” she joked.
Throughout high school, you were stuck on the notion that boys were gross. and they were, but you realized at some point, between prom and graduation, that it was just the boys at your school that were gross. you were eager to escape the unhygienic and stinky boy funk that was the male population at your high school and you finally let yourself be open to the idea of dates, flowers, and kisses. but for some reason now that you’ve allowed yourself to become available guys stopped asking you out. there was a drought and you were disappointed.
“sooo tell me more about this mystery boy.” Myra begged and this alone worked you up. “he’s gorgeous. long dark hair, light eyes, typical skater apparel, band manager with his own apartment THE WHOLE NINE, MYRA.” you gushed thinking about Clyde, shaking Myra by her shoulders. “band manager?! where'd you find this guy?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Right!?” you giggled. "what was it like? how’d you end up in his apartment?” she quizzed you, indulging in your excitement about this boy.
you began telling Myra all about Clyde, minding every detail. "I just don't know when to call." you scoffed at your indecisiveness. “I guess when it feels right. when you need him around, you'll know. wait till it feels natural y'know?” she coached you. you’d never gotten serious with a boy, partly because you've never liked a boy but you do like Clyde. watching every '90s romcom growing up made you feel like something was wrong with you because you'd never had feelings for anyone. but boy did you love those movies.
“All right I need another drink.” Myra laughed as she stood off her bed, returning to the kitchen. “oh!! you have Malibu?” you exclaimed as you poured yourself another shot and downed it. before you could put your shot glass down someone bumped into you and spilled their entire drink all over your top. you gasped loudly before they could begin to apologize. “fuck I’m so sorry!” he squealed in embarrassment as he handed you a rag. “it’s okay don’t stress.” you sighed, dabbing your clothes as dry as you could though your shirt had soaked the alcohol up.
“do you want a change of clothes?” Myra asked, sympathetically as you walked off, now with water to drink. you felt defeated and tired like this was karma for some odd reason. “no, I think this is my queue to leave.” you answered, causing worry to spill over Myra’s face. “what? but you always sleep over after my parties.” she cried out. Still, you shrugged. “yeah that was because I didn’t want my mom to give me shit for being drunk.” you began as you continued drying yourself off. “what and she’s not gonna give you shit now?” she asked as you both walked into her bathroom. she sat up on the counter and you looked up at her. “I can stay over another time if that’s what you’re worried about.” you giggled. “my mom is laying off now that I’m 18 so it’s all good there. I’ll sit out in your room for a while so she doesn’t ask why I’m back so soon.” you comprised, hoping she’d calm down.
you both smiled at each other in silence before Myra began laughing. “Fine! Fine!” she rolled her eyes. “but you’re coming back tomorrow.” she begged, getting ahold of both your hands and squeezing them. “okay alright I’ll be here tomorrow afternoon.” you assured her as you began washing your hands and finally walked out to her room.
once Myra went out to host her now full house you pulled out your phone and called Clyde. “hey I’ve been waiting for your call.” he spoke. you could swear his smile was audible. “oh you miss me?” you giggled, now subconsciously playing with your hair. “could be, who knows.” he spoke, vague but obvious. “so what’s up?” he asked, his excitement settling. “well I’m at a party and someone spilled their drink all over me and I’m just kind of bummed out, bored sitting in my friend's room.” you caught him up on the events that just transpired. “that blows.” he laughed. “are you laughing at me?” you jokingly scolded. “what?! no, I could never!” he defended himself as you began laughing along with him. “anyway I kinda don’t want to go home..” you dragged, hoping he would get the hint and come pick you up.
you were now picturing Clyde whisking you away and you giggled to yourself. “oh? little Miss Troubled Home wants me to save her again?” he joked and you let out the loudest laugh you ever have before. “unfortunately yeah.” you ran your hands through your hair. “okay I’ll be there as soon as I can.” he giggled and you both hung up.
and so you sat and waited, excited to see Clyde again. Myra walked in with another drink, stumbling through the door. “I think it might be time for you to lay off the alcohol.” you laughed as she sat down next to you. “yeah this is my last one and I’m going straight to bed.” she giggled, slurring her words. “listen, Clyde is picking me up. I’m gonna go to his house.” you informed the inebriated girl now sprawled across her bedroom floor. “mhm yeah use protection, my love.” she joked. you sighed and walked out to her front lawn to smoke a cigarette while you waited for Clyde to arrive.
"you smell like pink Whitney." Clyde laughed as you climbed into his car. "I tried rinsing off as much as I could." you whined, fastening your seatbelt. "you didn't rinse very well, smells like you bathed in it." he smiled, driving off. "fuck off." you joked.
“I um.. a few of my friends are back at my apartment.” he said, almost hesitantly. “oh I'm meeting your friends already?” you giggled, wondering why he had to tell you as if to warn you. “yeah it’s just that they’re a little intense.. like I can be too but just in case you’re not prepared for it uh they have like no filter.” he rambled. “Clyde it’s not a problem. I’m just your friend meeting your other friends right?” you giggled, still hoping he’d say otherwise. “okay, okay yeah. but you know, don’t say I didn’t warn you.” he smiled.
“I told my friend Myra about you.” you smiled. “oh? what she say? what did you tell her?” he asked. “I mean I told her how we met and about the movie theatre… all that.” you listed off. “so you had fun?” he asked, hopeful. “of course I did,” you whispered, looking over at him. you shared a smile, a warmth growing in his stomach. you had no idea but Clyde had butterflies.
“so tell me about the friends?” you begged as you motioned for Clyde to watch the road. he went on to tell you exactly what you asked for and it excited you, a smile tugging at your lips. you were thrilled to meet his friends, knowing you’d love them.
the both of you got out of the van and walked up to Clyde’s apartment. the smell of weed masked with cologne smuggled its way into your nose as the front door waved open.
“oh my god is this her?” A pretty, bleached blond exclaimed as she handed a joint over to who looked exactly like Johnny from the way Clyde described. “the one and only!” you joked. “please don’t embarrass me,” Clyde begged as he closed the door behind him. “Clyde talks about you all the time. thought you were ghosting him before you called earlier.” snow spoke, bubbly as she put the roach out, coughing as she exhaled. “oh so he missed me.” you said as you turned to look at Clyde whose face was flushed in pure embarrassment. he rolled his eyes and walked over to his room.
you followed Clyde into his room and closed the door. “I’m so gonna love them.” you cheered quietly and reached for the hem of your shirt to take it off. “Woah woah hold on let me get out.” Clyde tried to stop you, earning a face of confusion. “Clyde... please just give me some clothes, i stink like Heineken.” you joked as you continued to pull your shirt off. clyde swallowed hard, flustered as ever and tossed you a shirt. “oh here, a pair of jeans. I think you could pull these off.” he smiled. clyde was not being serious, he definitely thought he was making a clever joke when he gave you his jeans.
“wow my ass looks amazing in these.” you gushed as you looked back at yourself through Clyde’s mirror. “you are not wrong,” Clyde spoke thinking out loud. you laughed at him as you tied the shirt around your waist and tightened the belt on Clyde’s jeans.
the both of you walked out of his room, Clyde’s eyes never leaving your ass. “Fancy a smoke?” Johnny asked, his voice groggy as yours in the morning. clyde sat down next to Johnny. “not tonight. not that kind of smoke anyway.” you smiled as you followed suit and sat next to the quiet girl. “oh don’t tell me you don’t smoke weed?” he asked, defeat fighting its way out. “I mean I have but it’s not really my thing.” you were definitely lying. you just happened to admit private thoughts when you’re stoned. “I stick to nicotine.” you waved around your pack. "lame!" Johnny groaned out causing you all to laugh. "I'll smoke with you eventually." you smiled. "that'll do." Johnny nodded.
the five of you began your small talk before you dove into substantial conversation, cracking jokes here and there, vaguely teasing Clyde and enjoying yourself completely. “where were you tonight? we heard your call with Clyde earlier.” snow asked, making you blush, knowing they'd tease you.
soon snow and Lola fell asleep and only you and the boys stayed awake, unable to fall asleep on the uncomfortable mattress in the middle of Clyde's living room... “I’m gonna head to bed.” Johnny picking up on the tension between you and Clyde treaded into his room. “they were great. not a moment of awkward silence.” you smiled as you giggled at Johnny's exit. “I’m glad you both liked each other.” he smiled.
“I’m so beat.” you yawned, undoing your belt and slumping over on Clyde’s shoulder. “sleep then?” he asked, looking down at you. you nodded and both retreated into his room. "it's okay that I do this right? it's okay that I come over when I don't want to be home?" you asked, a sudden feeling of being a burden creeping up on you. "if it wasn't okay I would have told you I was busy tonight or something... or I don't know, I wouldn't have offered you clothes." he giggled, wrapping an arm around your shoulder for a side hug.
you and Clyde both changed into sweats and crawled into his bed. "you are too by the way." Clyde spoke, lying adjacent to you. "huh?" you muttered. "you're pretty too." he smiled.
“how was that party?” he asked you. “I was really excited to go, i wanted to occupy myself but, I don’t know, I don’t think I was really in the mood for a party.” you admit to him. “that’s okay you can always call me when you’re in a jam.” he smiled, speaking softly. you held his hand. "Could have been worse, could have been puke instead of pink Whitney." he giggled.
“I think I’m due for an existential panic.” you giggled as your eyes watered. “what do you mean what’s wrong?!” he subconsciously rubbed his thumb over your hand with concern,
“I’m 18 and I have no idea what I want to do with my life.” you continued giggling as your tears rolled down your face. “I just... I think the party reminded me of that. Myra likes staying back and throwing parties and, you know, living her life that way but I don’t have my thing. that’s her thing, parties, edge… she’ll be happy to live in a studio and throw her parties out of her own home while working at a magazine.” you spoke, wiping the tears from your puffy face. “you know it’s okay to feel lost sometimes. everyone moves at their own pace. you can travel or start your own business or something.” he laughed, pulling you closer and pressing your head into his chest. “I guess but I just like knowing. I like being sure of myself.” your breath slowing down. “sometimes you can’t know.”
Meet Cute Masterlist
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lettherightrobin · 9 months
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guns of the branch davidian cult
vhs, 1991
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rateaters-sutff · 9 months
OK, this post is a lie. The Giant Hole™ is real, but it is also explained,
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The almost 30-foot hole was actually a geyser the original waco citizens ( where dr pepper was made) dug up in order to harvest the sparkling spring water and sell/ drink it.
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This is one of the plaques near the hole. Waco was a big natural spring water harvester, as this kind of water was seen as medicinal durring the time.
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this sign describes the hole and its questionable artisan quality. Again, it was likely dug in order to extract spring water
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Baylor, the local university leads an archeological excavation into the site.
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Baylor ind glass bottles and other containers, the "Dr. Pepper" was not found in the hole.
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Me at the Hole™
In short, the Giant Hole™ is thoroughly explained. Unlike what the original post claimed. I also tried stepping on it hard, and the glass seemed sturdy.
Unrelated, but there's the anamatronic dr pepper creator on display for some reason.
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kazimirkharza · 2 years
Worse than Waco
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What transpired between members of the Branch Davidians and federal law enforcement in Waco is one of those moments where the government showed its true colours, but there’s an an even worse case.
After prior years of harassment and abuse (including murder) at the hands of law enforcement. MOVE, a christian anarcho-primitivist communal organisation, was besieged by nearly five hundred police officers on 5/13/1985.
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Arresting & detaining have been among the tactics pigs used to either destroy MOVE or chase them out of the city. The reasons were racism (most MOVE members were black), and the organisation's activism related to the injustices of the American "justice" system among other things.
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MOVE was started by John Africa (pictured bellow), who came up with their philosophical underpinnings, but was not a leader in any traditional sense. These beliefs included a love for all life, state abolition, self defence, soberness, eating fresh raw food, and staying active.
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On that day in 1985, neighbouring buildings were evacuated as an army of pigs showed up to arrest MOVE. Water and electricity was shut off. Police used more than ten thousand rounds of ammo before cops decided the compound be bombed (yes, literally). A helicopter dropped two bombs that caused a fire. The ensuing fire killed 11 of the 13 people in the house (John Africa, 5 other adults, and five children). Ramona Africa, the only adult survivor, said that police fired at those trying to escape. The fire destroyed over 60 other buildings.
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In '96 a federal jury ordered the city to pay a $1.5 million civil suit judgment to survivor Ramona Africa and relatives of 2 people killed in the bombing. The city used excessive force and violated the members' constitutional protections against unreasonable search and seizure.
If you wish to learn more about MOVE, I recommend their booklet "25 years on the Move", available for free at Anarchist Library.
“All living beings, things that move, are equally important, whether they are human beings, dogs, birds, fish, trees, ants, weeds, rivers, wind or rain. To stay healthy and strong, life must have lean air, clean water and pure food. If deprived of these things, life will cycle to the next level, or as the system says, ‘die’.” - John Africa
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thestonecuttersguild · 10 months
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More Waco arrivals. Oshkosh 2023.
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mysharona1987 · 1 year
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This poster from Trump’s Waco rally today says it all.
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agelessphotography · 6 months
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Highway 81, Waco, Texas, Steve Fitch, 1973
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surfingkaliyuga · 8 months
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“Waco” David Palumbo 2018 Illustration for the April issue of Texas Monthly.
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gh0stgirl000 · 1 month
Felt the need to make this a separate post from the last one so people would pay attention to me 🥳
How do we feel about Rory’s character in Waco because i find him so attractive but i don’t know if i’m allowed to 💀 but like drummer=sexy in my brain
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opspro2005 · 1 year
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30 years ago today, Democrats and Federal terrorists started a siege that would end with them burning alive 70 Americans, mostly women and children.
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