#victor rookwood
5sospenguinqueen · 3 months
Rookwood: You kidnapped Sebastian Sallow?
Ranrok: Yes
Rookwood: The Hero of Hogwart's Sebastian Sallow?
Ranrok: Yes
Rookwood: Dude, you are so fucked.
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phinik · 1 year
His patience snapped 😅 Original video
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ephemerasnape · 6 months
Sexual Obsession Iceberg: Hogwarts Legacy Edition
Now available as a documentary! ↰
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ETA: Okay, you've forced my hand.
Marvolo Gaunt is not in the game, so he is not on my iceberg. Sorry.
Black, Amit, and Leander are in a lifeboat. Leander is the only one rowing. Amit is crying while Professor Black criticizes Leander's rowing abilities and resolve.
Richard Jackdaw is physically unable to travel to the arctic circle due to his status as a ghost.
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My charts are extremely scientific
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nexeliam · 1 year
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Hogwarts Legacy fan-made poster, featuring Ameline Namel, the original character of my playthrough.
About 50 hours in the making.
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girl-named-matty · 2 months
Some positive vibes for Sunday.
There's been a lot of discussion lately about this fandom so I just wanted to spread some positivity to everyone in the fandom.
Thank you to the people who still post even after a full year in the fandom when you didn't have to.
Thank you to the people who still write fanfictions, headcanons, still take and post screenshots no matter how long it takes, or how much editing or proofreading goes into it.
Thank you to the people who keep posting silly things about Hogwarts legacy.
Thank you to the people who don't get a lot of interaction but still have a lot of good content. I appreciate you very much. :)
Thank you to the people who post about underrated characters.
Thank you to everyone in this fandom that has made it worth while. It's been a bit of a bumpy ride but we're still here! Love you all so much and thank you! ❤️❤️
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alibasnur · 2 months
My speculation on Anne Sallow's cure
1. Rookwood's Death
I have an assumption that Rookwood marked her with a scar that day when he cursed her, probably on her abdomen since that was where she held when the pain came.
If that was the case, then her pain is caused by a scar Rookwood left on her body, just like how Harry's scar hurt when Voldemort was nearby or feeling a strong emotion, but then it never hurt again after Voldemort died, until The Cursed Child when someone related to him appeared.
That scar isn't necessarily caused by the forming of horcrux, just the fact that it was a by-product of an unforgivable curse, but unforgivable curses don't have to leave a scar every time it was successfully cast, but they can.
Rookwood cast the Cruciatus curse to silence her that day when Feldcroft was attacked, and then leaving a scar when he marked her as a threat for being a witness to his alliance with a goblin. When Harry got the scar, Voldemort marked him as his equal. When Anne got the scar, Rookwood marked her as a threat for knowing his secret.
2. Coming of Age
Rookwood said "Children should be seen and not heard." Which means it's possible that the curse will no longer apply to her when she reaches the Age of Majority (21 years old at that time).
3. A Counter-Curse
Another possibility that the cure is a counter-curse spell that hasn't been invented yet. But the reason why healers can't treat her curse is because her curse is unknown. No one knows how Rookwood cast it, whether it is the incantation, movement, or the origin of that curse if Rookwood learned it from another wizard.
If the curse is a form of the Cruciatus curse, then there will be no counter curse to it. Although Vicenca Santos from FB3 lifted the Cruciatus curse from Jacob Kowalski, the incantation is unknown, but probably a strong finite spell.
4. Muggle Medical Procedure
MC saw no traces of ancient magic from her. It's also possible that the curse works by damaging or inflicting wounds on Anne's internal organ or nerve which would sometimes randomly cause her pain. If that's the case, her pain is more physical than magical, which means it can be treated with muggle methods.
5. Isidora's method of extracting pain
This one is risky though, obviously. She may just lose her ability to feel pain and any other emotions just like how Isidora's father and students did.
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the-magiarcheologist · 4 months
Hogwarts Legacy Timeline
I've gone deep into research to try to put together a timeline of events that happened before the start of the game.
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Ok, let's break it down! (I'll provide my sources for all of this)
And let's start with the most shocking: when anne gets cursed.
Almost everyone assumes (logically) that she got cursed sometime during the fourth year or the summer before the start of fifth year. But, in the book "The Art and Making Of Hogwarts Legacy" there is a short paragraph introducing Sebastian and here is what it says:
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If we take this info as legit (and I think it is since that book was written by the people developping the game) then Anne has been suffering from that curse for far longer than anyone thought!
That also means that Ranrok opened the first repository over a year before our MC starts at Hogwarts and discovers ancient magic.
Before we start the mission 'It's all Gobbledegook" with Amit, Lodgok tells the MC that Ranrok orginally unearthed Bragbor's journals that had been long lost. From these journals, he discovered that wizards had hidden for 'repositories' full of magic that Bragbor had built for them. He knew all of this was connected to five names: Rackham, Fitzgerald, Bakar, Morganach and Rookwood. Ranrok then sent Lodgok to begin the search at Rookwood castle.
Sebastian also confirms that Goblins first arrived at Rookwood castle. Before we visit his sister, he tells MC: "No one has felt safe here since Ranrok's Loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there - Rookwood castle."
Miriam was actually already at Rookwood castle, conducting her research on ancient magic, before the Goblins arrived. That is how Lodgok meets her. She had already found the container (with the portkey inside) and was studying it. (Lodgok tells us this after we complete the mission with Amit).
Other Goblins join Lodgok at Rookwood castle to search it. At this point, Rookwood must have joined hands with Ranrok and allowed the Goblins to tunnel under Rookwood castle to search for the repository. (We overhear Rookwood telling Ranrok: "I allowed you to tunnel under my family home!" when we first visit Rookwood castle to start the second trial from the Keepers).
The Goblins find the first repository and Ranrok is thrilled. That is when Lodgok tells him that he met Miriam and that he trusted her and allowed her to continue her research on the container independently. Lodgok does not really know what happens after that but we know that Ranrok eventually found her and killed her. So Miriam died sometime between Ranrok finding the first repository and the start of the fifth year.
The only other thing we know to try to piece together when Miriam died is that shortly before her death she first sent George Osric a letter warning him about Ranrok's activities (presumably she knew that he had accessed the first repository) and then "before [George] could respond" she also sent him the container. Since George himself says he had not had time to respond to her first letter before he received the container, that probably means only a few days went by between Miriam being worried about Ranrok's activities and when he found her and killed her. (We learn all of this from George Osric in the carriage going to Hogwarts.)
The other interesting thing is that George tells Prof. Fig that he had received Miriam's first letter (and the contained shortly after), "months ago". Rookwood sort of confirms this when he tells Ranrok that he spent "months and countless Ministry favours" locating the container (he says this when we overhear his conversation with Ranrok at Rookwood castle). So this means that Miriam died several months before september 1890.
This raises a lot of questions: Why did George Osric wait that long to tell Prof. Fig that he has received a mysterious container from his wife before her death? Also, why did Miriam send the container to George and not her husband? Were Prof. Fig and his wife estranged? Did Miriam not trust Prof. Fig? But that's the topic for another post I suppose...
Anyway, after Goblins started searching at Rookwood castle, they also started searching at other locations connected to the 5 names of the Keepers. (We know this, again, from Lodgok before we start the mission with Amit). That is when they arrived at Isidora's house. We don't know the exact timeline between them arriving at Isidora's home and the fire during which Anne got cursed. This could have happened before Ranrok found the first repository. But it happened after Ranrok and Rookwood started their alliance since Rookwood was at Isidora's house with the Goblins. So I think it happened after Ranrok had already found the first repository but we can't be sure.
Anyway that's all I've got! Have I forgotten something?
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shadowtriovibes · 1 year
before the origin of love
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Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x f!MC
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2.7K
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Minor Character Death, Blood, Major Hogwarts Legacy Spoilers, Canon Divergence, Ancient Magic Theory
Summary: request [paraphrased]: "You know the part during the game when MC visits Ollivander's alone and Rookwood Apparates her away? Can I request an angsty version of this where Sebastian is with f!MC? Rookwood is angry they killed all his men and casts Imperio on Sebastian to force him to attack her. Even though she’s expecting to die by Sebastian’s hand, he eventually fights the curse off because love is more powerful than dark magic."
a.k.a. y'all thought lily potter was the only one with ancient love magic? think again!!!
“Show your face, Rookwood!” you shout into the darkness. “Come out and fight me!” “My dear, why should I fight you?” Rookwood laughs from high above you, still unseen. “This is child’s play, after all…” You feel like time stops as you see a bright green curse rocket through the air toward Sebastian, who is powerless to do anything to stop it. The curse hits him in the chest with such force that he’s knocked backward, his head tipping forward as he lets out a sickening groan. But instead of watching your friend die while you stood by helplessly, you watch in abject horror as he tilts his head up and locks eyes with you – smoky-green, soulless eyes.
The moment you and Sebastian step outside Ollivander’s shop, you realize that the typically bustling streets of Hogsmeade are disquietingly empty. It’s nearly sundown now, and instead of seeing a friendly mix of witches and wizards doing their holiday shopping or stocking up on supplies for the winter months, you find yourselves all alone.
“Take out your wand,” you murmur to Sebastian. “Something’s not right.”
Wordlessly Sebastian draws his wand and takes a step closer to you, warily glancing up and down the empty streets.
Then in the blink of an eye, a well-dressed figure Apparates into view just across the way – Victor Rookwood, you realize, complete with that infuriating hat of his.
“Rookwood,” Sebastian boldly calls out. “So we meet again. Didn’t you get enough of a telling-off last time?”
You silently aim your wand at him, daring him to take one step closer.
“Well, well… looks like your friend Sirona isn’t here to stick up for you little menaces this time,” Rookwood says with a sneer. “I’m afraid you two are on your own. In fact, I’ve ensured that we have a moment to ourselves.”
Sebastian quickly lifts his wand and aims it squarely at the man’s face. “What do you want, Rookwood?”
“Oh, come, come, no need for such theatrics,” the man drawls, slowly creeping closer to you both. “In light of what Ranrok now knows, you must agree that our interests are aligned.”
Sparks crackle at the tip of your wand as you lift it toward Rookwood.
“Our interests will never be aligned,” you murmur.
Rookwood glances significantly at Sebastian before he challenges you.
“My dear, you would let goblins take what is rightfully ours? The final repository belongs to wizardkind. We would be fools not to work together.”
Beside you, you observe the slightest falter in Sebastian’s aim. You should have known that someone like Rookwood would immediately be able to pinpoint and exploit his biggest weakness – his resentment toward goblinkind, his uncompromising belief that only they carry the blame for his sister’s curse.
You imagine him thinking, Could he be right? Are we fools to allow Ranrok’s goblins to continue ransacking Isadora’s Repositories? Could we instead be using them to cure Anne?
But before Sebastian says a word, Rookwood’s eyes land on the long, thin box in your hands.
“What’s that you’ve got there?” he demands.
Quickly, you slip the box safely inside your robes. You shake your head only slightly, but Rookwood easily detects its significance.
Rookwood continues, “Might this sudden visit to the wandmaker have something to do with our… mutual pursuit?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you say softly.
Suddenly, you see Rookwood’s countenance shift as his true motives become clear.
“That repository is my birthright!” he shouts, stepping toward you with a hand outstretched.
Instantly Sebastian steps in front of you and points his wand at Rookwood once more. “I know one thing for certain, and that’s that Charles Rookwood wouldn’t have wanted you anywhere near it!”
Rookwood laughs darkly as he takes a step back.
“The arrogance,” he murmurs, gaze fixed on Sebastian’s determined expression. “I should have known better than to try to reason with a Sallow, after all – you’re no better than your sister, you simpering fool.”
In a frighteningly low voice, Sebastian asks, “What would you know about my sister?”
“Nothing, of course,” Rookwood sneers. “I only meant that I’ve always thought that children should be seen and not heard.”
You inhale sharply, absently lowering your wand as you process Rookwood’s words – the very same that Sebastian had told you were the last words Anne had heard before she was hit with her curse.
Sebastian understands the implication a split second before you do, and you can see bolts of green light shooting down the length of his wand before you even understand what he’s doing.
Before he can finish his spell, you feel a hand on your shoulder and suddenly you’re hurtling through time and space as you’re forcibly Apparated away from Hogsmeade, landing in a crumpled heap in the snowy grass. You’re smack in the middle of a desolate bandit camp somewhere in the Highlands.
Beside you, Sebastian is catching his breath while his hands tremble with rage.
“Where did he go?” Sebastian demands. “Where did the bloody coward go?!”
“Careful, Sallow,” Rookwood’s voice calls out from the darkness. “Wouldn’t want to get yourself into a bind!”
Sebastian suddenly shouts as thick lengths of rope appear out of thin air and wrap themselves around his body, forcing him to his knees.
“Sebastian!” you yell. “Finite!”
Your spell deflects right off the enchanted ropes, and Sebastian grits his teeth.
“I’m okay,” he insists. “It’ll be alright, just – just get him, you can do this.”
Desperate, you find yourself alone while Sebastian struggles against his ropes. You’re keenly aware of the dozen or so fully-grown wizards Apparting into the camp with their wands drawn. You’ll have to take on every single one of them by yourself, you realize, with nothing but your own wand and the ancient magic coursing through your veins to defend yourself.
It feels endless. Simply deflecting their spells takes nearly all of your focus, even if you try to spare some for Sebastian while he struggles uselessly against his bindings. You toss curse after curse at Rookwood’s men and eventually you’re forced to start tossing actual barrels and crates at them as well, until finally you pare down the lot of them to the last executioner with his wand trained squarely at your heart.
“Bomarba!” you holler, and across the field, the burly executioner goes flying into a pile of rubble and melts away into smoke, the last to abandon his mission and surrender.
“Show your face, Rookwood!” you shout into the darkness. “Come out and fight me!”
“My dear, why should I fight you?” Rookwood laughs from high above you, still unseen. “This is child’s play, after all…”
You feel like time stops as you see a bright green curse rocket through the air toward Sebastian, who is powerless to do anything to stop it. The curse hits him in the chest with such force that he’s knocked backward, his head tipping forward as he lets out a sickening groan. But instead of watching your friend die while you stood by helplessly, you watch in abject horror as he tilts his head up and locks eyes with you – smoky-green, soulless eyes.
 “So go on, then,” Rockwood demands. “Play!”
The ropes that had bound Sebastian’s arms to his side quickly fall away, and before you can even react he lifts his wand and rounds on you.
“Confringo!” he shouts, and a blaze of fire soars just past your ear.
“Sebastian,” you call out. “Can you hear me? Don’t do this, please!”
You know it’s fruitless. Sebastian himself had taught you that the Imperius curse cannot be fought off, even by the most powerful wizards who have ever been trained to resist its impenetrable influence. Despite his dueling skills and his broad knowledge of the Dark Arts, you have to assume that Sebastian doesn’t stand a chance against Rookwood’s voice in his ear.
“Levioso!” you counter, hoping to merely hold him off long enough to get to Rookwood and force him to free Sebastian.
But to your chagrin, the Sebastian you’ve known and loved since your first days at Hogwarts is indeed one of the most disciplined and talented duelers you’ve ever fought, and even though he doesn’t want to, he’ll surely give you a run for your money.
“Diffindo!” he growls, and the edge of his curse just barely nicks the side of your calf. You cry out in pain and collapse to the ground as you press a hand to the bleeding wound.
“Want me to release your little friend?” Rookwood calls out. “It’s simple, darling. Join me against Ranrok and I’ll let him live!”
You know deep down that you can’t ally yourself with Rookwood. Despite Sebastian’s initial hesitance, you have to imagine that if he were able to understand your position, he’d do the very same thing that you’re about to do.
It wasn’t the goblins after all, it was him, you can hear him say. We can never join him, not after what he did to Anne. There’s only one way out of this.
Merlin, you think. This is it.
Without your ability to wield ancient magic or the wand made of the Pensieve artifacts, Ranrok may never gain access to the final repository, you convince yourself – especially if he splinters from Rookwood. Sebastian can give the wand to Fig after you’re gone, he can hide it somewhere Ranrok will never find it…
It could all work out, you reckon, if you die.
“Never!” you call out to Rookwood. “I’ll never join you!”
“Then you’ve made your choice,” Rookwood’s voice echoes back. “I’ll let the Sallow boy show you what happens to anyone who says no to me.”
Rockwood’s twisted laughter rings out all around you as Sebastian’s opalescent eyes look you up and down. He lifts his wand and aims it at your heart, and you close your eyes with your own wand at your side.
“Avada Kedavra!”
…You’re still breathing.
How are you still breathing?
When you open your eyes, Sebastian is standing before you looking entirely drained, his eyelids drooping as he sways from pure exhaustion. However, just before he collapses you catch a glimpse of his eyes – his usual warm brown ones, the same magnificent eyes you’ll never tire of seeing after all this.
“Sebastian!” you shout, running over to support him as he tumbles to the ground. “Wh-what just happened?”
“Did I get him?” he asks in a whisper. “Rookwood?”
Stunned, you cast Lumos and peer across the empty field until you notice a figure lying in the snow far at the other end – Rockwood, you assume. He isn’t moving, and his legs are bent in a sick, absurd way as if he’d fallen from the watchtower that he now lays below.
“Yes,” you breathe. “You did, b-but… Sebastian, how did you–”
“I don’t know,” he sighs. He’s clinging to your arm as you help him to sit up and rest his head between his knees. “I have no idea, I just… I couldn’t do it.”
“He wanted you to kill me,” you surmise.
“I wouldn’t,” he says hollowly. “It… felt like my head was being split open right down the middle, with one half of me forcing my body to move and aim my wand and the other half knowing that I’d rather die than use that curse on you.”
“Oh, Seb,” you whisper.
You’re both quiet for several long moments while Sebastian takes deep breaths, his face still hidden between his knees. You slowly rub his back through his cloak and wait for him to sit up. He looks haunted when he finally does – even more so than he usually looks.
“I hurt you,” he mumbles. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“I know, love,” you say softly, the pet name slipping out so easily that you barely even register at first. “I’m okay, it’s just a cut. Some Wiggenweld will fix me right up when we get back to the castle.”
“Can I?” he asks hesitantly, and you reluctantly let him pull your cloak to the slide so he can see the gash on your calf.
It isn’t deep, and it isn’t even bleeding anymore, but the ripped trouser leg and drying blood stains make Sebastian curse under his breath nonetheless.
“I shouldn’t have done that,” he whispers. “Why did I do that?”
“You have no choice,” you remind him desperately. “No witch or wizard has ever fought off the Imperius curse like that before, Sebastian, and you spared me my life. I don’t care about a bloody cut when I should be dead.”
“Never,” he chants mindlessly. “Never, I wouldn’t.”
That’s when a thought occurs to you.
“Sebastian…” you say softly. “It’s possible that there are… other types of ancient magic in addition to mine.”
He frowns. “What are you saying?”
“Maybe there’s something… something primeval, something elemental to our magic that you accessed,” you wonder aloud. “Professor Fig told me that his wife Miriam had spent years studying ancient magic, and it can’t only be that which I have the power to wield. Perhaps you were able to defy Rookwood’s will because you – you connected with a magic that’s more powerful than even an Unforgivable.”
“More powerful than that kind of darkness?” he asks softly. “...That type of magic exists?”
“Of course, it must,” you say simply. “Darkness can’t be more powerful than light, can it?”
He considers your supposition as if it’s the first time the thought has ever occurred to him.
“So… so what, the power of ‘friendship,’ something like that?” he asks, a corner of his mouth quirking up into the first thing resembling a smile that he’s shown since you entered Hogsmeade hours ago.
“Something like that,” you tease him. “Maybe the power of ‘love.’”
You’d meant it entirely in a platonic way, but as soon as the words are out of your mouth, Sebastian goes red and ducks his face.
“That’s – that’s ridiculous,” he mumbles. “I mean, love, that’s… Who said anything about love?”
You’re quiet while you watch Sebastian try and fail to gather his thoughts. He’s flailing, and all of a sudden you realize something clear as day that you can’t quite believe you never recognized before.
“Sebastian,” you murmur. “...Do you suppose you broke through an Imperius curse because you’re in love with me?”
“Wh-what?!” he laughs.
“Because if you did, that would be probably the most romantic thing I’ve ever heard, in all the books I’ve ever read,” you continue. “And if that were the case, I would have to tell you that I’m madly in love with you, too.”
Sebastian is stunned into silence.
“You love me?” he eventually whispers.
“I do,” you tell him. “And… and I never really thought about it before, because it doesn’t really feel all that different from being friends with you, except – except I would have let you kill me rather than kill you, even though I know what’s at stake.”
“I still think you should’ve,” Sebastian jokes quietly. “You’re much more important than I am.”
“Regardless, we couldn’t have let Rookwood find out about the last Repository, and I would have taken the Killing Curse to stop him,” you sigh. “I trusted you would have taken the Pensieve wand back to Fig.”
“I would’ve turned my wand on myself first,” Sebastian says plainly. “Without a second thought.”
Merlin, you can’t believe he actually says things like that.
Rather than continuing to dwell on what could have been, you offer him a hand up and support him by the elbow while he shakily makes his way to his feet. He still looks pale and rattled, but he’s able to start to walk toward the exit of the crumbling ruins – still clinging to your hand.
“Come on,” you murmur. “When we get back to the castle you can rest.”
“What about the Repository?” he asks weakly.
“Let me and Fig worry about that,” you murmur. “You’ve already done more than enough for me today, love. You need to recover.”
“M’not even hurt,” he protests, but he sounds utterly depleted.
“Hush,” you whisper. “Just keep holding onto me, alright?”
It’s not easy getting Sebastian back to the castle; he keeps pitching to the side on the back of your broom as he fights to stay conscious, but you manage to keep him from falling off. Despite his protests, you take him straight to Nurse Blainey so he can get some proper rest (and so someone will be forced to keep an eye on him for you).
“Be safe,” he murmurs while you squeeze his hand in his infirmary bed. “Please.”
“I promise, Seb,” you tell him, leaning down to press a quick kiss to his cheek. “Just be here waiting for me when I get back.”
“You’ve made sure of that,” he grumbles, but he offers you an encouraging smile before you leave for the Map Room one final time.
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miss--soapy · 7 months
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Rookwood without his hat!
His hair mod was commissioned exclusively for salixtree and was made by jenya66! I had the honor of taking photos for her 🫶🏼 (also he was made to look a bit younger too!)
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strawberrypinky · 22 days
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I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed with negativity on the internet recently and thus I've decided to take matters into my own hands and spread some ✨love and positivity✨
And what better way to do that, than to recommend wonderfully written fanfiction I've come across this year? Admittedly, I haven't read as much as I would have liked, but I still want to share the few I did read. So without further ado, here are my fic recs of 2024 (thus far! Might add to this along the line):
Baldur's Gate 3 Fic recs:
O Fortuna [by @gufu-vire] on AO3 - Raphael x Dark Urge ❦ Plot: Post the events of BG3, a redeemed Dark Urge and Raphael renegotiate terms to fulfil a contract sworn upon during the crisis of the Absolute. An adventure fraught with tension, frustration, conflict, and more as the reader partners up with the devil you love to hate…
This is possibly a very biased mention on this list, because I consider Goof a very dear friend and moot, but it is a deserved spot nonetheless! I have yet to catch up with a majority of the chapters, but I'm enjoying a lot of sneak peeks and Gufu's creative process in private in the meantime. Between the conflict this story is utterly hilarious and witty and is a perfect balance between action and idle affairs. There are also so many intriguing takes on Raphael as a character & Harleep deserves a trophy on his own. I could talk a lot about this story, but truly, I cannot recommend it enough!
Sleep Deprivation - [by @nyda-the-tav & Aisln] on AO3 - Gortash x Tav ❦ Plot: As Orin continues to harass the group of misfits trying to stop the Absolute, Ophelia (Tav) looks for safety in the arms of Gortash in an effort to combat sleep deprivation.
I've only recently started reading this story & both authors best believe that once I've caught up with all 50(!) chapters, I'll leave a more detailed review for Sleep Deprivation. But what I've read thus far has been nothing short of a joy, and I'm always down for a good Tav being absolutely ruined by Gortash himself. The dynamic between the supposed enemy and the hero is gripping, hilarious and not to mention really well written! Kudos to the authors! I'm really excited to read more of what you two come up with!
His Star - His Queen [by @random-introverted-blog] on AO3 - Astarion x Tav/Astarion x Dark Urge ❦ Plot: An ascended Astarion kidnaps the Dark Urge/Tav from a different timeline, after loosing her in his. Desperate to save Tav/Durge from himself, Astarion follows her to rescue his love from certain suffering at his own hands.
I was recommended this story on TikTok (of all places, lol) and I wasn't sure what to expect - but holy shit. The first chapter alone had me on the edge of my seat, as you're really thrown into the action from the start, but the entire premise had me hooked as soon as Ascendant Astarion made his appearance. I often have issues with the ascended version of Astarion's character (I just looooove fixing him & I've got issues with the 'make him worse' story arc), but the exploration of what could have been in tandem with trying to save the heroine from inevitable suffering is beautiful & I can't recommend it enough. I've yet to catch up with every chapter (can you tell I've got trouble keeping up with fics, lmfao?) but either way, "His Star - His Queen" is deservedly on this list!
Note: This fic includes non-consensual sexual content
Judgement by the Hounds [by @septembersummer] on AO3 - Gortash x The Dark Urge ❦ Plot: A look into the relationship of The Dark Urge (Seren) and Gortash, from their first meeting up to their shared end. "The rise and fall of the worst situationship of all time" indeed.
This one I actually finished (very slay), though I'm not sure I actually processed it. I went through all five stages of grief reading this and I'm not even sure I can say anything without spoiling the entire premise. Dear author, you have written possibly the most captivating and enchanting portrayal of Durge and Gortash & though I knew how it would end, I was wishing for a happy end through it all. There's nothing to say about this, other than it was utter perfection.
Miscellaneous One Shot recommendations:
legacy with no memory by @discordsmuse on AO3 - Gortash x The Dark Urge The Weight of A Promise by @sserpente on tumblr [Part 2 is equally good!] - Gortash x Tav/OC kiddo. by @avocado-writing on tumblr. - Gortash & OC
to have and to hold by @littlejuicebox on tumblr. - Astarion x Tav
choices. by @deadtired-highkeyenergetic on tumblr - Astarion x Tav
how to win a custody battle in one easy step. by alltears on AO3 - Astarion x Tav
Dangerous by NaeveTheWizard on AO3 - Astarion x The Dark Urge
Honourable Mentions:
I'm also giving a shout-out to @avani-telvanni & @infernaldaydreams, because while neither have written fanfiction I could recommend, I am obsessed with their respective artworks for Tav x Gortash/Durge x Gortash. You guys are absolutely amazing and I'm conistently in awe of what you create. You deserve all the recognition you receive and more 💕
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Hogwarts Legacy Fic rec's: a very short list, but two are dear to me nonetheless!
Victory [by @jonquil] on AO3 - Victor Rookwood x Original Female Character ❦ Plot: Victor Rookwood is enraptured by the new, ancient-magic-wielding student attending Hogwarts - and Victor Rookwood always comes out on top.
Technically I started reading "Victory" in 2023, when it first came out, alas, it was finished earlier this year and I couldn't help but include it, because it remains one of my favourite fanfiction ever. To me, it's the best fictionalisation of "Enemies to Lovers" in a long time, as I was rooting for the villain to win from start to finish. From the wonderful characterisation of Rookwood to the alternative canon timeline and ultimately the victory of the villain - there's nothing like it and I was hooked from start to finish. I am still sad it's over, but I'm excited to read the prequel (as soon as I get to it, lmfao), because I know it'll be equally spectacular!
Note: This fic contains non-consensual sexual content.
Invisible String [by @legacygirlingreen] on tumblr (though it can be found on both AO3 and wattpad too!) - Sebastian Sallow x Reader ❦ Plot: In an alternative, victorian-attitude-compliant timeline, Sebastian Sallow falls for the new fifth-year. This story explores the sweet beginnings of a tender love amidst hardships and battles ahead.
Admittedly, this is possibly the most biased fic rec ever, but I stand behind it nonetheless. While this fic started in March of last year & brought me and my platonic soulmate May, aka legacygirlingreen, together, it remains my favourite Sebastian Sallow fic to this day. The amount of love, time and creativity May put into this has me in awe time and time again. The sweet and tender love the two protagonists experience is perfectly fluffy and slice-of-life, yet the alternative version of the canon events of Hogwarts Legacy add the perfect amount of drama and action. I will always come back to this fic, because yes - It is that good.
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phinik · 5 months
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georginaweasley · 1 year
Ominis: *orders food fluently in parseltongue to impress MC*
McDonald's drive-thru employee: ...What??
MC: What do I get?
Sebastian: A night of fashion, mischief, mayhem, and possible death.
MC: Ooh, check, check, and check, not sure about that last one.
Sebastian: It won’t be you.
MC I’ll get my coat.
Rookwood: You're too late! You'll never stop me now!
MC: That's where you're wrong, evil-doer! We will stop you with the powers of:
Natsai: Friendship!
Poppy: Harmony!
Sebastian: Incredible violence!
Amit: And love!
Professor Black: *to students* I’m your headmaster. What I say goes!
Professor Weasley: ...through me for final approval.
Professor Black: Through professor Weasley for final approval
Poppy: *sitting outside a cafe, enjoying coffee and a newspaper*  Highwind: *sitting at her feet people-watching*
*A thud against the other side of the window they’re sitting beside makes them both look up*
MC, inside the cafe with both palms flat against the window and her face too close to the glass: CAN I PET YOUR HYPPOGRYFF?
Sebastian: Look we all have a role in this team:
Sebastian: I come up with dumb ideas,
Sebastian: Ominis tells me why they won’t work,
Sebastian: MC convinces me to do them anyway.
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ephemerasnape · 2 months
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Hello there, glad to see you again, quick question how would the students, Professors and villains react to MC having an army of puffskein's like 27-41 puffskein's?
A/N: PUFFSKIENS ROLL OUT!! wait, wrong franchise-undercut because EVERYONE is here
MC had enough to swarm even the toughest camp. No one could handle the mass of cute they commanded. MC felt more powerful than if they were controlling an armada of dragons. Forget a few dozen. MC has HUNDREDS of rolly polly puff balls. They breed rather quickly
SEBASTIAN SALLOW: He finds it hysterical! Watching MC command the flood of fur to overtake any suspicious encampment they come across is extremely entertaining. The enemies never know what hit them.
OMINIS GAUNT: He's not a fan of Puffskiens. He doesn't like their fascination with his nose. And for MC to willingly capture and breed so many of them is beyond him. He will never go inside the vivarium, even when invited.
ANNE SALLOW: She really likes hanging out in the vivariums. She can just lay down and be cuddled by hundreds of walking pillows. It's rather nice, as long as you wear nose plugs.
IMELDA REYES: Are they serious? No really, stop selling her this cock and bull story of puffskiens defeating wizards. She refuses to believe it until MC opens their nabsack and releases the horde. She has to escape them via broom.
NATSAI ONAI: She applauds MC's creativity. She is sure that the villains of the valley have many defenses against wizards, but who would expect puffskiens?
GARRETH WEASLEY: Unlimited puffskien fur. That's how he sees it. MC produces so much of the stuff, they could stuff a mattress.
LEANDER PREWETT: ...hhwat? This has got to be the single most insane thing he's ever heard of. A literal puffskien army? This will go down in the history books alongside the Bard that tried to teach trolls ballet.
AMIT THAKKAR: Are they sure that's actually safe? For them or the puffskiens? He knows the little things are pretty durable to magic, but they're not invulnerable.
EVERETT CLOPTON: He begs MC to let him borrow the nabsack to use in the Ravenclaw dorm. Why? They'll see.
POPPY SWEETING: This is a lot, even for her. Is MC sure they can handle this many beasts? They may be small, and relatively docile, but they can be quite a handful even in small groups. She does love the irony of poachers and dark wizards being defeated by them, however.
ELEAZAR FIG: He'll admit, of all the ideas MC has had, this is one of the weirder ones. As long as they're sure they can actually take care of all those beasts, he won't interfere.
MATILDA WEASLEY: MC is doing what with an army of what? Nonono, absolutely not. MC getting themselves into trouble on purpose is bad enough, but she cannot allow a student to run amok with an irresponsible number of beasts in their pocket. She will confiscate that nabsack until MC can use it responsibly.
CHIYO KOGAWA: She's impressed. No matter how small, magical creatures tend to have minds of their own. One has to be a pretty strong leader to maintain control over such a large group.
AESOP SHARP: As long as those beasts aren't running amuck in the castle, he doesn't give a niffler's ass.
ABRAHAM RONEN: He is endlessly amused by MC's depth for whimsy, even in dire circumstances. Fighting off villains with Puffskiens? BRILLIANT!
MIRABEL GARLICK: Oh dear, she hopes MC is able to care and feed for all of those beasts. That seems like quite a few to take care of.
MUDIWA ONAI: Is this...normal for British wizards? Seems a bit eccentric.
BAI HOWIN: That's one way to handle the poaching problem, she supposes.
DINAH HECAT: She'll have a drink with Sharp. This isn't any of her concern. MC is doing just fine. Calm down Matilda, honestly.
CUTHBERT BINNS: He never knows the goings on outside of his classroom.
SATYAVATI SHAH: She swears on the nine realms, if she finds ONE puffskien hair in her classroom, she's taking house points.
PHINEAS NIGELLUS BLACK: A student fighting dark wizards with puffskiens? Please, don't bore him with outright lies. He's too clever for those.
VICTOR ROOKWOOD: This is ridiculous!! It's bad enough he's losing territory and respect within the valley, but for his gang to be dismantled by bloody puffskiens!? It's embarrassing, to put it lightly.
ASHWINDERS: They're confused by the messages sent to them by Rookwood. "Beware the Puffskiens?" What's he going on about? They find out soon enough when the earth rumbles with rolling thunder as hundreds of fur balls descend on them.
POACHERS: Interestingly enough, puffskiens have been extraordinarily hard to find as of late. Perhaps they over poached the area and now they're gone. At least that's what they think, under they're buried under a mountain of fur.
RANROK: What. The actual. Grogtash? He has seen and heard of wizards doing some wacky things to fight back, but this is a first. Even when his loyalists use dark ancient magic against the horde, their numbers are too great.
DUNCAN HOBHOUSE: Lives in constant fear of the puffskien invasion. He sees them in his sleep. Hundreds of long, hungry tongues come to eat his brain! If he sees MC in the corridors, he runs away.
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blueraineshadows · 14 days
Victor Rookwood
“I’ve always said children should be seen and not heard.”
Derwent pencil in Procreate.
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