#vanessa x reader
foxcantswim · 7 months
Hi there! Saw that you may be open to doing requests so I wanted to send one in if you’re not too busy 👋🏼
How about Vanessa’s reaction to hearing f!Reader screaming in the other room, but it ends up just her being scared of a big bug? (Totally not based on recent experiences I’ve had myself 😅)
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Terrifying Creatures]
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(gif by me)
Vanessa comes to rescue you from something much more terrifying than the animatronics. Contents: FLUFF, Established Relationship Warnings: Van+Mike+YN+Animatronics being idiots WC: 1,486 (Had a lot of fun writing this request. Thank you for the idea @heartof-flies !)
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"Seriously guys?" Vanessa sighed in annoyance.
Bonnie and Chica were currently standing nearby, looking down at the mess they had caused. Chica had tripped over Bonnie's guitar and knocked over a table, snapping the legs off in the process. There were a couple of drinks on the table which Vanessa and you had been enjoying too, now they were smashed on the floor. Foxy almost looked smug as he watched on from afar.
She had only gotten here around thirty minutes ago and she already wanted to leave. If it wasn't for you, she would already have. But when you gave her those puppy dog eyes and asked her to help you clean up the mess, she couldn't exactly say no.
You had taken Freddy away so he could help you carry back some cleaning supplies, leaving Vanessa with the other three idiots.
"Come on, help me move this out the way," she beckoned for them to come closer to the table, "You too, Foxy."
He opened his mouth in shock.
"I know you didn't do it, but I still would appreciate the help."
After a few minutes of convincing, he agreed and helped Vanessa, Bonnie and Chica pick up the heavy table and move it to the side of the room. Foxy attempted to kicked some glass away, trying his best to hide it.
"Don't," Vanessa scolded him, "We need to clean up properly. You know how Y/N and Mike are, they'll trip and fall over the smallest thing." She went to grab a broom from the nearby closet, Bonnie following her in the process.
He held up his hand, Vanessa cocked her head before placing the broom in is hand - balancing it as best she could.
Of course it fell to the floor.
"Thanks for the offer, bud. But you don't exactly have a good grip," Vanessa smiled as she picked the broom back up and went back over to the mess.
Upon arriving, she noticed that Chica was pointing at Foxy with her eyes narrowed.
"What did you do this time?"
Then Chica pointed to the floor.
Foxy had clearly kicked around the glass even more, most likely in a fit of anger. He had spread it around to the back of some of the arcade machines.
"You're lucky you have a hook for a hand, otherwise I'd be making you get on your hands and knees to clean this up," she rolled her eyes, "You really just like making my job harder, don't you?"
If an animatronic could smirk, Vanessa was sure that's what Foxy would be doing right about now.
After a few minutes of sweeping, still far from done of course, her mind drifted to you and Freddy.
"What is taking them so long?" she wondered out loud, the animatronics looked between each other clearly curious.
As if on cue, that's when she heard you. A loud ear piercing shriek echoing throughout the pizzeria.
Vanessa wasted no time in throwing the broom to the floor, her hand reached to her belt and gripped the emergency taser hard. She made her way to the storage room at a rapid pace. Bonnie tried to follow out of curiosity, but unfortunately he slipped on the broom... Chica and Foxy were left to now clean up even more as Bonnie fell right into another table.
Vanessa slammed the door open, taser pointed up in the air in preparation.
What she wasn't expecting to see was you standing on a chair in the middle of the room.
"Y/N?" she said, lowering the taser ever so slightly.
"Vanessa! Help!" you exclaimed, terror in your voice.
The blonde looked around the room and that's when she also saw Freddy, he was standing in the corner with a sheet over his head.
"I... What is even going on in here?"
"Careful!" you warned, pointing down towards the floor, "It went under that shelf!"
"'It' being what?"
"The most horrific thing I've ever seen!" you covered your eyes.
Vanessa pocketed the taser, raising an eyebrow in confusion. She kneeled on the floor to peek under the shelf.
"I'm not seeing anything, hon."
"Freddy!" you called, "It escaped! Run whilst you can!"
Freddy wasted no time in removing the sheet from his head, he dropped it to the ground before moving past Vanessa to leave the storage room.
"I didn't think you would actually leave me here, you coward!" you exclaimed as you watched him leave.
"Okay, seriously, Y/N. I'm aware you get scared by the smallest thing. But him?" she nodded back towards the door, "What's he scared of?"
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? It crawled out from a different set of shelves, causing Vanessa to step back and simply look at it.
"This thing?" she pointed towards the bug.
"THIS thing?" she put more emphasis on it, "THIS BUG?"
Vanessa simply grabbed a nearby cup from the shelf, she bent down and placed it over the bug and then stood back up straight. She simply looked at you in silence. You looked at her in returned silence.
Clearing your throat, you hopped down from the chair, smoothing down your clothes, "Wow... that was... so scary huh?" a nervous laugh escaped you.
"You are so lucky I love you, Y/N," she couldn't stop herself from smiling, "Don't worry. Your knight in shining armour is here to save you."
You folded your arms and pouted.
Vanessa's smile widened as she stepped closer, "Don't be mad. It's cute," she teased, her arms coming up to pull you into a hug, "I'm sure that bug was very scary."
You tried to stay mad, but Vanessa always managed to pull you out of it. The blonde placed a soft kiss against your cheek, causing your face to heat up.
"Come on, Y/N," she continued to place even more kisses, "Can't stay mad at me forever."
Finally, a smile crept up on to your own face, "Nessy..." you groaned, "Stop!" you tried to push her away.
Vanessa finally captured your lips with hers, you finally unfolded your arms to wrap them around her instead.
A smug smile was on Vanessa's face when she pulled away, "I'll be here to save you from all the scary bugs."
You couldn't help but roll your eyes.
The pair of you finally managed to find the mops and other cleaning supplies, getting ready to clean up whatever extra mess the animatronics have caused whilst you two were gone.
As long as there weren't any bugs around, you were sure you would be fine.
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(BONUS/Alternate Scene)
That's when you saw it, "Ah! There!"
Vanessa couldn't believe her eyes. The most horrific and terrifying and scary looking... bug? BUG?!
"MOVE!" Vanessa exclaimed, hopping up onto the chair.
"H-Hey!" you said, trying not to fall off the chair as you clung to Vanessa's arms, "Nessy!"
"That is the biggest bug I've ever seen!"
You gulped, "What do we do? We can't stay here forever!"
"I don't know! Look for something to hit it with!"
"I can't reach the shelves from here!"
The two of you remained on that chair for the rest of the night... And the rest of the following day...
Eventually, the sound of echoing footsteps filled both yours and Vanessa's ears.
"What the hell happened in here, Freddy? Why is there so much glass?!" you heard a voice, "Don't look at me like that... I want this mess cleaned up now."
The door to the storage room opened, and there stood Mike. He froze upon seeing both you and Vanessa standing on a chair.
"Heyyyy, Mike..." you started.
"Am I interrupting something?" he said, extremely confused.
Vanessa smiled, "Nope. Nothing at all."
"Then whyyy are you on the chair?"
"Erm..." you gulped.
The blonde then suddenly gasped, "Mike! Behind you!"
Mike turned around and saw nothing at first, his eyes slowly drifted downwards. His heartrate picked up before he turned and sprinted towards you and Vanessa, "MOVE!" he shouted, jumping onto the already crowded chair.
"Mike!" you exclaimed, now having to hold on to both Vanessa and him in order not to fall, "You were supposed to be our last hope!"
"Someone else can deal with that!" he shook his head.
Vanessa almost slipped, "Find your own chair, you idiot!"
Lets just say, the three of them spent a long time bickering on that chair. Their only salvation was when Chica came in and fell over the sheet Freddy had dropped earlier, accidentally landing on top of the bug... Not without knocking over a lot of shelves in the process though.
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Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp
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idk if you’ve done this already bc all the vanessa fics r merging together in my brain, but maybe smtg where she has a very stressful day at work, and needs to take her anger out in a healthy way (by doing the reader!!!)
Taking It Out On You
a/n: I love this prompt but I was on a certain sleepy drug when writing (I'm sick as hell right now) so I have no idea if this is good LOL. Anyway, exams are officially over so MORE FICS! YAY! And thanks for the love recently, you all are amazing :) Enjoy!
Content/Warning: smut, choking, pussy slapping, fingering [all r receiving], exhausted/pissed off Vanessa, handcuff use, gun used on you to get you off, you being a good baker, side note I love the Elizabeth lail edits recently 
w/c: 2304
You swayed your hips to the radio. Recently, there was more 80s music than new age, which you weren’t complaining about; sure, you missed hearing the newly hyped singer Miss Britney Spears, but even you had to admit Tears for Fears had a kick to it. Kneading into the last of the cookie dough, you conveniently hear the rumble of Vanessa's police vehicle pulling up to your shared home. Smiling, you pause the music, swiping off the flour that dusted the white countertops onto your apron just as the engine outside slows to a halt. The bench is now fairly clean, you wait eagerly as you see the faint outline of your girlfriend emerging from the car through the window.
The front door clicks open. You hear Vanessa’s footsteps thud a lot less carefully; usually, she would sneak up behind you from wherever you were in the house. She gradually got better at it, too, her dangerous job teaching her a thing or two. It was unlike her to come home after a long shift careless, thudding her jacket and gear on the ground before pressing herself behind you. She inhaled the scent of your freshly washed hair, groaning.
“Bad day?”, you ask, grabbing the pan of unbaked goods and placing them into the oven, Vanessa moving with you so she didn’t have to remove her grasp around you. She huffed as a reply. As you stood back up, she whipped you around, momentarily giving you whiplash. You took in her expression for the first time; her eyes were essentially dead, her pressed lips giving the smallest of indications that she was happy to be home as she attempted a smile when your eyes met.
“It was... Definitely a day”, she sighed. You tilted your head, lifting your hands to cup her face.
“Want to talk about it?”, you prod gently. It seemed that Vanessa was experiencing harder rosters more frequently than before: you presumed it was the pressure of her father, whom she almost never talked about, getting to her. Vanessa simply stared behind you at the oven, her dull eyes beginning to twinkle. “Chocolate chip?”, she questioned, avoiding your query.
You bit your lip and nodded. Her eyes met yours again and you pushed your face closer to hers, not quite reaching her lips but certainly leaving the possibility. Maintaining eye contact, you reach behind her head and softly pull on the hairtie of her ponytail, letting her short, blonde hair loose. She fluttered her eyes closed, groaning. You slide your fingers through the strands of her hair, pulling on them slightly to release any tension. Vanessa inhaled deeply. Pressing your lips against her jaw, you start to pepper her face with small kisses when you feel her take her hands off you, to your dismay.
*Shuffle shuffle*
Vanessa fiddled with her police belt, something that made your groin twist deliciously just from the sound of it. It usually meant one of two things: either she was about to take it off and with it her pants, or she was about to use something *from her belt*. As you attempt to part your lips from her face, she cuts you off.
“Don’t look”, she retorts. As much as you’d like to disobey those orders, there was no way you wanted to be her day even shittier. Swallowing a lump in your throat, you rest your head against her neck as you feel her take something off her belt. Smirking, she raises the object up to your stomach, pressing it deep into your flesh. You gasp and jump back, the coolness startling you. Before you could look down, she spun you around, slamming you against the sink. You whine, your knuckles gripping onto the counter. Vanessa returned to your behind in a flash, grinding her front against you. Disappointingly, you couldn’t feel a strap underneath her pants. You huff, which she notices immediately.
Grabbing onto your neck with a force that startled you, she brought you up so that you were standing straight up as opposed to being bent over. “With what I’m about to do to you, we won’t be needing my cock, baby”, she growled, her hand beginning to tighten around the sides of your neck. You gasp out, your hands rising to your neck to ease the grip, only to be yanked away behind you.
“Vanessa”, you cautioned, unsure of what she was getting at. You heard the jangle of the metal cuffs and froze. “You wanted to help me, yeah?”, she sang sweetly. “Baking me something, cleaning up the front of the house for me”, regarding the time you spent earlier today reorganizing and decorating the place for winter to make it homier.
“You want to make me feel good?”
You don’t hesitate to answer. “Always”
“Then let me use you”. You hear the clank of the cuffs being closed around your hands tightly, Vanessa's leg coming up between your legs that you opened just for her. “Let me see you come with my gun in your mouth”. At that sentence alone, you couldn’t help but let out a moan, jolting your hips involuntarily down on the thigh she had graciously given you. She laughed darkly behind you, removing herself completely from you, making you cry out and turn around to face her. You already missed her manicured hand that fit so perfectly around your neck, acting like a necklace you wished you could always have.
“Couch, baby”, Vanessa demanded, allowing herself to watch you as you made your way out of the room; God, you being in her handcuffs with a vacant, submissive look in your eyes made her want to double down on being rough with you. She followed you soon after, the only thing missing from her outfit being the cuffs that were around your hands and the gun... That was being held so confidently in Vanessa's right hand.
You shifted from your position on the couch, unsure. She laid it beside you, her mouth twitching at your confusion, before climbing on top of you to straddle your waist. She slammed her lips onto yours passionately, hot saliva mixing on both lips. Your moans gradually got louder as her hands attached to the back of your head, roughly pulling at your hair. Vanessa bites your lip harshly, grinning as you try to back away. Her hands leave your hair and begin to forcefully strip your pants from your body. Parting your lips from hers, you lift your legs up to assist her. The soft warm light from the living room lamp perfectly accentuated each other's features; Vanessa's eyes were completely focused on you, taking your sticky panties and flushed cheeks.
“Top off”, she leaned back, watching you rush to meet her demand, smirking as you fumbled with the buttons of your shirt. Now being completely naked, your skimpy bra and underwear being the only things covering your very aroused parts, she spread your thighs with an air of smugness.
“Vanessa”, you pout, jerking your pussy up. She trailed a slim finger along the top of your briefs, pulling them down slowly. Your breasts rise and fall rapidly at the sensuality of it all: the relaxed pace made you even more blushed. Moving her fingers around your folds, you lean your head back, closing your eyes in pleasure. Suddenly, Vanessa slapped at your pussy. Crying out, you snap your head back up and shut your legs. She didn’t like that. Narrowing her eyes, she yanked them back open, harshly slapping the inner side. “Keep them open. Don’t make me tie up your legs as well”. You squirm as she rubs her middle and ring finger quickly on your puffy clit, mewing out loud at the vulgar noises she was creating.
“So sweet like this, hm? Think you can last more than... What was it? Eight seconds?”, Vanessa snickered, recalling the time you came so quickly underneath her that it was actually dismal. You blush at her mocking tone. She swirled her fingers around your opening, her mouth twitching at the way your pussy spasmed when she pumped them in. You lay down, whimpering as she picked up the pace. With no regard to how prepared you were, she shoved two more fingers in. Wailing, you move your hips with her, remembering that she wasn’t doing this for you; she was doing this for her. The thrusts turned into a heavy pound, your moans making it known that you couldn’t take it. Vanessa feasted her eyes on your body, licking her lips at the way your arousal pooled on the leather of the couch. As you were distracted with the overwhelming urge to come right there and then, she reached for the gun. Too zoned out to notice, you felt her lips attach to your neck. “Don’t make a mark”, you plead as best as you can. She ignores you, licking at your sweet spot before sinking her teeth into the flesh. Hissing, you pull away before stopping dead in your tracks.
Pressed against your stomach was Vanessa’s gun. Just a Glock 22, you knew that much, as it was the same one every cop used around here. Though, the coldness of the frame stunned you, both from the Glock and Vanessas stared. She stared you down as she removed her other hand from your pussy, smirking at the yelp it caused. Your fluids glistened on her hand in the warm light. You wearily watch her stroke her hand up and down the tip of the gun.
Once satisfied, she pointed the gun at your stomach, tilting her head at your small gasp of exhilaration and fear. “I won’t do anything you don’t want to do. Are you sure about this?”, she asked sweetly. Her gun was completely empty, for she always took the bullets out at the office after a shift. You didn’t know this, though. You would be relying completely on her skill and carefulness in handling a gun. Vanessa's stomach twisted deliciously at your utter dependence on her. Sucking a breath in, you nod.
She trailed the cool gun up your body, stopping short at your mouth. Pulling your messy hair back, your face red, she tapped the tip of your swollen lips. “Open up for me baby”, she husked. Opening your mouth, you stick your tongue out and swirl it around the muzzle, breasts rapidly rising and falling from the thrill of it all. She forces the frame in, resting her finger on the trigger. You groan at the taste of your own cum. “See? Look how good you can be”, Vanessa murmured, shifting her body as she felt her own pussy thud. Unable to go slowly anymore, she began to roughly thrust the gun in and out of your throat, abusing it as she would with her strap. You gag as it passes your comfort zone, rolling your eyes back when you feel her other hand slap your pussy once more. She stands up, laughing darkly to herself at your obedience. Your eyelashes flutter, saliva dribbling onto the glock. Holding onto your head, she takes out the gun and pulls you up to turn you around. Your hands, still cuffed, grab onto the top of the back pillows, your knees digging into the seat.
“You going to punish me, officer? I thought you said I was a good girl”, you purr. You felt Vanessa’s hands wrap around your front. Your neck was snapped back as she gripped you, sliding the gun through your folds. “If you think this is me punishing you, you better hope you don’t disobey me”, she taunted. She plunged the muzzle into your pussy, groaning at how easily it slipped in. Almost immediately, she rammed it at a swift rate, choking you when your sobs went too loud. Widening your eyes, you lift your bound hands to your neck and grab onto her hand to ease the grip. “Enough”, she spat, fucking you faster and squeezing your neck harder. Your hips were slamming between the cushions and Vanessa's thighs, arousal streaming down your body. With a muffled cry, you tightened your grip around her hand, signaling your need for release. By some sort of miracle, she went even faster. The combination of Vanessa's grunts, the pressure on your throat, and the gun that was currently abusing your overworked pussy made you scream out in pleasure.
“Uh uh. Tell me what you want”, Vanessa asked, refusing to accept your nonverbal request to cum.
Swallowing once, twice, you manage to simper out, “Pl-Please officer. Let me cum, please please please plea-”
In a flash, she released her grasp from your neck and shoved her fingers into your mouth, her pace in your pussy unchanging. You cum with a scream, your body jolting at the stimulation.
“There's a good girl”, she cooed, slowing her thrusts before removing the gun from your destroyed pussy. You flop your head backward onto her shoulder, staring at the ceiling as the world around you doubles. You felt Vanessa softly rub your thighs, whispering words of encouragement as you faded back to earth from your high.
“Always such a good girl when you play sweet”, she smiled as you turned your head to kiss her. Deepening the kiss, she placed the soaked gun down and wrapped her hands fully around you, inhaling your scent. She moved her lips to your jaw, where she peppered soft kisses as you giggled.
“The handcuffs”
Vanessa laughed on your neck, pulling herself away from you.
“Stay there, I’ll be right back”
As she walked out of the living room and into the kitchen, you remembered the cookies that were still baking. “And check on the oven as well”, you shout out, collapsing onto the couch with a small grin.
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seduzist · 7 months
drabble vanessa shelly x fem!reader (smut)
based on this (p*rn link)
vanessa hold your arms onto your back, her naked body on top of yours holding you right in place, you almost couldn’t move, but still all you could feel was pleasure with her strap buried deep inside of you, hitting all the rights spots in a burning sensation.
her hot breath on your neck lets you know how close she was to cumming, the base of the strap stimulating her own clit, her fingers almost making bruises on your wrists by the force, she was almost losing control.
and you loved it. you loved when she loses control and just uses you without really care for you - you know that deep inside she would stop if you asked to, if she realized that she was really hurting you.
but maybe, part of you wanted her to hurt you and call you names, you couldn’t help it, she was the sweetest, but you wanted the other side of her.
so you buck your hips up with every thrust of hers, moaning louder when her strap hits deeper inside you.
“shh, you’re being too loud, princess.” she warned you with her raspy voice. after all, mike and abby could hear it through the walls of your room, and neither of you was planning to tell mike you guys were dating after he sees his older friend fucking his little sister.
but your moans didn’t stop, so vanessa had to be a little rougher. she puts one of her hands on your mouth, muffling every sound you were making even though she loved to hear it.
“shut up, slut, you don’t wanna know how much i’m gonna ruin you if you don’t.”
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st4r1light · 7 months
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youre camera roll if you were dating vanessa shelly ✩
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lyraelizabethfay · 7 months
hii ^^ since you're taking Vanessa requests could you do Vanessa and reader who's really introverted and shy? like reader always tries to avoid eye contact and all 😭?
im sorry if that was a little hard to read but yeah feel free to ignore if you dont want to do it!
Please look at me.
Vanessa Shelly x Reader
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Summary: Your extremely shy and have an obvious crush on the blonde police officer, maybe once she makes a move you’ll gain some confidence
Warnings: N/A
Word count: 918
A/N: HII lovely! Thank you for this request I absolutely loved writing this, apologise for this being later than I intended but school was busy, it’s also a little on the shorter side so I hope you don’t mind. Enjoy<3
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You sat in the office bored, you longed for the time Vanessa would show up to spend time with you, not that you’d even be able to talk to her I mean the only words you e ever managed to speak to her was ‘Hi’ and ‘Y/N’. Most of the time it was a simple nod or a quick smile you’d give her before looking away shyly rubbing your arm. You longed for the moment you would be able to talk to her, hug her, kiss her. To say the least you had a HUGE crush on her, and you wanted to do something about it but couldn’t.
As you sat watching the monster screen you saw a car pull up just to the side, the vehicle almost staying out of view from the security camera hanging over the entrance door. Standing up quickly with such excitement that you flung open the office door and ran for the entrance, stopping suddenly in your tracks. The jingle of keys. Keys? Vanessa doesn’t have keys but you didn’t have much time to think before you had an Abby running straight for you.
‘Y/N!!!’ She squealed with delight, as you opened your arms bringing her in for a big hug. You look up to see your older brother Mike just closing the door, it must’ve been a double shift with him, had you forgotten?. You looked from Abby who was still giving you a big hug and giggling to Mike, back to Abby, and then back to Mike again mouthing the words ‘what is she doing here?’
Mike took a step forward as your little sister jumped out of your arms, saying something of ‘be right back’ and ‘saying hi to friends’. ‘I couldn’t find a babysitter, Max isn’t answering the phone’ Mike shrug at you, you honestly couldn’t feel to guilty as the night dragged on a little even though it was 3:46Am and you knew you couldn’t actually afford a proper babysitter, that’s why once you were old enough you started working here with your older brother.
As the night dragged itself along you longed wished Vanessa would turn up, maybe she would maybe she wouldn’t?, again it wasn’t as if you could talk to her which you so desperately wanted to do that it was obvious. Abby was busy trying to play a claw machine as Freddy and Mike stood next to her, to say the least it didn’t look as if the animatronic and your brother liked each other very much but both you and Abby hand gotten along great with all of them, you having the closest bond with Foxy. FOXY! You could ask his opinion on how you could talk to Vanessa, he couldn’t exactly speak but the amount you talk about her on the nights she usually calls he could tell you liked her very much. You looked around for the animatronic and once you saw him near the front door you ran for him.
‘Foxy!’ You called as you skidded to a halt near him, your breath catches in your throat as you realised Vanessa had actually turned up, she was most likely talking to the fox animatronic. You snuck a glance up at her and noticed both her and foxy staring at you so you stared down at the floor, your cheeks heating up a tad. You tried your best to avoid eye contact with her but you so desperately wanted to be with her. But now? You felt your heart race and you stood in your place.
‘Y/N?, are you ok?’ She questioned looking at you up and down in your spot, all you could do was nod and let out a simple ‘mhm’, not wanting to move, hoping the ground would open up and swallow you then and there to save you from the embarrassment.
The entire place was silent until Mike had popped up, he probably left Abby with the other animatronics. ‘Hey Ness!’ He smiled approaching you and Vanessa, the ground shook a little as Foxy had walked away. Mike ruffled the top of your hair as you glanced at him. You were so deep in thought you hadn’t noticed the conversation, and mikes watch beeping 6Am. It was 6Am and you hadn’t even spoken to Vanessa!!. Mike walked away to go and grab Abby as she’d most likely fallen asleep on one of the animatronics.
‘I have to go, but it was nice seeing you again Y/N!’ She smiled, but before she left she stepped forward embracing you in her arms. ‘Maybe next time you look at me, huh?’ She smiled and gave you a small kiss on the cheek, before stepping back giving you a smile and walking to her car.
She hugged you, SHE LITERALLY HUGGED YOU!! You got so excited, even the small kiss on the cheek there was some interaction between you and there was a glimmer of hope that you’d gain more confidence next time, and even more hope there was a chance she’d like you back. You followed Mike who was carrying Abby in his arms out to both of your guys car, you waved bye to Mike as he strapped Abby in, getting into your own car. You watched as Vanessa’s car drove by as she honked at you not long followed after Mike’s. You’d probably go grab some breakfast before going back to to Mike, and that’s what you decided to do, extremely happy with how the shift went.
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marvelwomen-simp · 7 months
I need Vanessa to kiss me until I can't feel my lips AAAA is that too much to ask?
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since I have a new obsession and inspiration, I feel compelled to start writing about her...
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didi-writes · 7 months
♡ 𝆬   Vanessa Shelly SFW headcanons !
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characters : 495
notes : a few random and s/o related vanessa hcs! may be fanon and not necessarily accurate, hope you enjoy anyways ♡ I apologize if this isn't good or if there are any spelling mistakes!
gender neutral reader
- loves dancing with her s/o and often makes them twirl around and then pulling them into her arms as she smiles and giggles, she enjoys being silly every once in a while, her s/o helping her take her mind off of work and other things floating around in Vanessa's mind daily
- snores softly when she sleeps, likes having tv noises on in the background when sleeping as well
- likes being the big spoon when cuddling and prefers to snuggle up on the couch
- often has panic attacks due to ptsd she attained due to her father
- overly protective over her s/o , she doesn't wanna lose them
- often hugs you from behind resting her head on top of her s/o's or nuzzling her cheek against their hair, breathing in and softly exhaling. She feels at ease and calm when around them
- Is really good at comforting others when they are upset or stressed out, she gives off a calm energy and often uses a soft tone of voice
thank you for reading,, have a good day or night! ᰔᩚ
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prettymimi · 7 months
listen to me, i NEED to whimper vanessa's name just so so close to her mouth while she makes me cum
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 10 months
Could we get some ummmm jealous!Vanessa and reader hcs mayhaps? 🙏
"There you go, handsome. You're all set for your show."
"Thank you, Superstar. You're very kind..Officer Vanessa's lucky to have you as a significant other." Glamrock Freddy smiles after you finished up some maintenance work on him. "You've improved her daily mood by 90% since you two became an official couple."
"....you can calculate our exact moods by percentages?"
"..erm...no, I merely made up that statistic. I'm sorry-"
"I'm just kidding, silly bear. You can head back to your green room." You laugh, gently patting his chestplate before sending him on his way-
Only for him to nearly collide into Vanessa as she barges into the P&S room, impatient.
"A-Apologies, Officer. I did not see you-"
"Of course you didn't. Just get going. You're already running late."
You raise an eyebrow at your girlfriend's attitude, and when Freddy leaves she's just standing there brooding.
"His solo doesn't start for another ten minutes-"
"Yeah, but it's gonna take him at least five to get back to his room." She scowls. "And maybe longer if the brats keep stopping him along the way."
"Okay, I get it." You sigh, turning back to the computer terminal to log out. "You seem to care an awful lot about Freddy being punctual today, Nessie.."
"..well the less time he wastes flirting with you, the better."
You pause.
"Wait...you thought he was..?"
Suddenly, it all made sense.
You knew Vanessa was always kind of moody on the clock, taking almost every little inconvenience to her work personally.
But for her to be outright jealous?? Of a robot, of all people??
You had to hold in your laughter, especially as you see the look on her face as she slowly realizes that her assumptions were indeed kind of stupid..
It's not like you could go and date the bear, anyways, and she damn well knows this.
But she needed to ask what Freddy said that made you laugh..because that's all she saw when she was looking through the window.
Plus she wishes she could make you laugh like that sometimes.
You explain the joke he made, and she becomes flustered...and surprised.
"So he...wasn't making fun of me?"
"Of course not! He thinks highly of us..he wouldn't try to break us up. He's our biggest supporter, if anything." You chuckle as you bring Vanessa into a hug, kissing her cheek. "But if you need any reassurance..there's nothing going on between us, okay?"
All she can do is nod, her smile slowly appearing and her jealousy disappearing.
She'll be a little less harsh on Freddy from now on...but she's gonna feel embarrassed about this for a while.
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mikaxd1234 · 5 months
[Tough Day At Work]
Where Vanessa comes home in a bad mood and... Well... Angry sex?
Warnings: Dark!Mean!Vanessa/Vanny. F!Reader. Sex :3. Vaginal fingering. Oral sex. Praise kink. A sprinkle of degrading? Knifes use. Idk what else to say hehe.
Edit: also, i should have said that this is the first fic i ever wrote in my life aha
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(used an Amy Hughes pic in this one cuz it kinda fits and she's so pretty and hot and-)
It definetly wasn't a good day for Vanessa.
Her boss was acting like a bitch today saying something about that her work wasn't really "impressive" enough. Vanny was ready to tear his head off but, of course, Vanessa opposed to that.
That, and today's patrol was really slow and stressing since all she got to deal with was a lot of speeders here and there, and a few drunk men.
And all she wanted to do was to go home, have some dinner and then just sleep in her beloved girlfriend's arms.
But... She kinda lost all her temper today to even be kind with her girlfriend.
Y/N was peacefuly laying in the couch of the living room watching a movie, she wasn't really paying attention at all. Everything she could think about was her girlfriend, Vanessa, she missed her so much... I mean, yeah, she saw her this morning, but still...
Y/n and Vanessa had been dating for eight months now, they moved in together to Vanessa's place a little after the fifth month, and they were the happiest together.
To distract herself with something else, she got up to make her way to the kitchen and start making some dinner, since she already knew that Vanessa must be really hungry after her shift and it wouldn't be long before she got home.
But before she could even take a step, the front door suddenly bursted open, startling Y/N in the process.
- Holy Jesus! - Y/N gasped.
A certain blonde with her police officer suit barged into the house, muttering something to herself while closing the door with her foot as she loosened up her black tie.
- Oh! Hey Ness! How are you? - She walked up to Vanessa with a smile on her face - You're early! I was going to start dinner before you-
- You haven't started dinner yet?! - Vanessa interrupted her, her tone harsh - God, it's just ONE thing that you have to do and you haven't even started?!
Y/N stopped dead in her tracks - U-Um... Ness? - She took a little step back - W-Wha-... Are you okay...?
- I break my back out there every day only to expect, i don't know, a little plate of food and you can't even do that?! - She grabbed Y/N wrist tightly.
- A-Am... N-Ness?! - Y/N winced- What a-are you doing?! Let me g-! - She stuttered as she tried to take her arm away from Vanessa's grip.
- "Go"? No, no, no. I think this deserves a little lesson - With her free hand, she grabbed Y/N shirt and slammed her on the wall - What's your excuse to this disrespect?
- "Disrespect"? What are you even talking about?! V- - Y/N got interrupted as she got slapped on the face.
- Wrong answer, i won't ask again... - she whispered coldly, her eyes burning with anger.
Y/N started tearing up, Vanessa has never acted like this before.
- I-I don't know, I... I was just... Laying on the couch and-
- Oh, so you were just being a lazy brat while i was working? Is that your excuse? - Vanessa pushed Y/N to the wall even harder - Don't know you, but i think this is worth of a punishment.
Y/N's eyes widened as she got slammed to the wall again, the impact making her slid down to the floor as Vanessa let go of her shirt. Then she saw Vanessa walking away towards the kitchen,the opening and closing of drawers could be heard as Y/N still sat on the floor, confused and with tears on her eyes.
Then, the sound of heavy footsteps where heard when Vanessa walked back into the living room, now holding a knife.
Y/N let out a gasp and started crawling away from her until her back hit another wall.
- Now, there's no need to be scared, sweetheart - Vanessa crouched in front of Y/N and took a hold of her chin - You trust me, don't you? - She lifted Y/N's chin up slightly so they could be face to face, her face softened slightly.
Y/N hesitated fo a second, but then, she nodded. Vanessa smiles slightly and leans in, joining their lips together.
Things get heated fast as Vanessa deepens the kiss. Y/N was extremely confused and a little scared (and kinda turned on) with Vanessa's behaviour tonight.
Once they pulled apart, Vanessa's hard expresion returned as she grabbed Y/N's shirt with her free hand again and pulled her up.
- Good, now move - She pushed Y/N towards the hallway that led to their bedroom.
Once they got there, Vanessa pushed Y/N to the bed, making her fall on her face.
- U-Uhm... N-Now what...? - Y/N stuttered as she sat on her knees on the bed, now facing her girlfriend.
- Undress. Now. - Vanessa ordered, her voice still harsh.
And Y/N, as the sucker she was for the blonde, she complied. Trembling hands started to peel each layer of clothing off until she was completely naked and sitting on the bed.
- Good girl - Vanessa praised, walking up to Y/N, she stood next to the bed - Finally you did something good today...
- Van... I-I swear i didn't mean to- - she got interrupted as Vanessa's free hand came up to her throat, gripping her neck.
- Shut up... Just shut the fuck up - Vanessa pointed the knife that she held right below Y/N's chin, making her gulp.
- Now, what am i supossed to do with you? - She faked thinking as she tapped the tip of the knife on Y/N's chin - A brat who can't do a simple job... One, making dinner, and maybe cleaning up the house.
- That's two jobs- - Y/N muttered before being interrupted.
- Quiet - Vanessa snapped, tightening her grip on Y/N's neck.
- Yes, Ma'am - Y/N muttered again.
Vanessa stared at Y/N for a few seconds before pushing her to the bed, making her sit with her back on the headboard - Now i know what to do - she raised the knife, Y/N was already flinching, but then, Vanessa stabbed the knife on their mattress, the knife's handle was pointing up.
Y/N gasped, now she was definetly scared, but confused at the same time.
Vanessa grabbed Y/N by the hair on the back of her head and pulled her face to face with her, then she crashed their lips together in a messy kiss. The blonde swept the tip of her tongue on Y/N's lower lip, demanding access. Access that Y/N already eagerly provided. They both moaned as Vanessa's tongue began exploring the insides of Y/N's mouth.
Now Y/N was both scared and turned on... She even felt herself get wet with just a kiss!
Vanessa seemed to notice that as she trailed one of her hands through Y/N's body, slowly inching down. Once she got below stomach, she kept her caress feather-light. She trailed her hand slightly over Y/N's slit, making her moan softly - Wet already? Such a slut - she mumbled.
The officer pulled on Y/N's hair, forcing her to pull back - Ride It - She whispered on her ear.
Y/N was still dizzy from the kiss as she so suddenly got pulled back - Wh-Wha..?
- Ride the handle - She coldly ordered.
Y/N looked almost scared, but complied anyways. She slowly climbed on top of the handle until she was hovering it. She looked up at Vanessa, who's eyes darkened. Then she lowered herself on the knife's handle, moaning as she felt how cold it was.
- Mmm... V-Van... - She moaned as she slowly moved her hips to accomodate to the stretch.
- That's right, good girl - Vanessa cooed as she softly caressed Y/N's hair - now ride it like the slut i know you are...
Y/N nodded and slowly raised her hips, then slamming them back down, moaning loudly. Then repeating the action. She repeated this until she found a steady pace.
- Is that all you got? Come on, pretty girl, i know you can do better -Vanessa teased, her hand coming up to take a hold of Y/N's throat again - Be better for me.
Y/N moaned at that and started moving her hips faster, moaning and whining desperately as she rode the knife's handle harder. She already felt herself embarrasingly close to her climax.
- That's it, you're doing so good - She coed, her voice deep - So good for me... - Finally, Vanessa started taking a little of her clothes off, first starting with her jacket, then her tie. Then, she climbed on the bed, right in front of Y/N, placing her hands on Y/N's hips to help her with the movements.
- A-Ah... V-.. God~... Nessy! - Y/N moaned, throwing her head back.
- Now, pretty girl... - the blonde said, her voice sounding a little more glitchy now.
Y/N was too dizzy to understand anything until she felt the officer grab her from the hips and lift her from the knife's handle and shove her to lay on the bed.
Y/N saw the blonde crawl in between her legs before she dove into her cunt, licking and sucking her whole. She moaned and gripped the sheets.
The officer grabbed the now wet and kinda sticky handle and raised it off the mattress. Then she slowly trailed the tip of the knife through Y/N legs and stopped in her left thigh. And in a swift motion she passed the knife on her inner tigh, making a noticeable cut, then leaving the knife next to them. Y/N yelped at the sudden pain.
- A-Agh! Vanessa?! W-What are you doing?! - Y/N screamed out, the blonde still licking her up, and feeling the blood of the cut trail down to the sheets.
- Oh... Vanessa would be sooooo mad~ - the blonde said with a more noticeable glitchy voice before laughing maniacally and then diving right back in, Y/N's mind finally clicked.
Y/N moaned softly before she said - V-Vanny?! B-But i thought-!
- That I was Vanessa? - She chuckled - Oh no, dear. Vanessa was too tired to even drive the way home... Poor her if she saw this...
- I- B-But how did you...? - Y/N stuttered, now being embarrased at the situation and closed her legs slightly.
- Imitate her voice? I learnt to do that - Vanny smirked - Now shut up and spread your legs for me, bunny~
Y/N hesitated, but then nodded and spread her legs again.
- You know what i want to hear, my dear bunny~ - Vanny teased.
- I-I'm all yours... - Y/N stuttered softly, her hands ready to grip the sheets.
- Good girl~ - She cooed before diving into Y/N's cunt again, lapping her up and massaging the cut on her thigh.
Y/N moaned and threw her head back, feeling the last almost-climax build up again.
Vanny seemed to notice that and started moving her tongue faster on Y/N's clit - O-Oh... Mhmm... V-Vanny! - She moaned. Vanny decided to sped up things even more and put two fingers inside Y/N, curling and scissoring them inside her.
- Doing so good for me, Bunny - Vanny coed with her glitchy voice, speeding up the motion of her fingers and tongue - Come on, Come for me, pretty girl~.
Y/N moaned one last time before closing her eyes crying out as she felt her climax explode, feeling herself squirt right on Vanny's tongue and fingers. Vanny let her ride her high until she finally her motions stopped.
Y/N panted as she tried to recover, she opened her eyes and saw Vanny crawl on top of her.
- H-Hey you... - she panted as one of her hands went to Vanny's face to caress her cheek.
- Not bad, i'm proud of you, baby - Vanny giggled before leaning in to press her lips on Y/N's, caressing the cut on her leg again.
They kissed for a little while before Y/N suddenly felt Vanny lay completely on top of her, as if she passed out.
Y/N sighed in relief since this meant that Vanessa was finally coming back.
A few minutes passed before she felt the blonde stir and groan slightly.
- Vanessa...? - Y/N muttered softly.
- Y-Y/N...? - Vanessa mumbled, her voice deep as if she just woke up from a nap.
Y/N sighed again and smiled - Ah... Finally... There's my girl...
Vanessa suddenly tensed up and lifted her head up, now noticing the weir position they were in - W-What the...? - She then sat up in between Y/N's legs and also noticed the cut in Y/N's tighs - Oh my god... Y/N, Y-You're okay?! Fuck... Um... What happened?! - She panicked.
- Hey, Hey! Easy! Easy! I'm fine, i swear! - Y/N giggled slightly.
- No, you're not! You're bleeding! Fuck... What did she do to you...? - She muttered as she got closer to her thigh to examinate the cut - Fuck, it's nasty...
- First of all, come here - Y/N extended her arms towards Vanessa.
Vanessa smiled slightly and laid on top of her again, hugging her tightly.
- Secondly, well, she... Kinda made me ride a knife's handle and... We need a new mattress... - Y/N mumbled the last part.
- She what ? - Vanessa raised her head again and looked around, finally noticing the knife next to them in the bed. Y/N smiled innocently - Well, i think it's a little unfair that she got to see you like that and not me... So i might have to do it again... - She grabbed the knife and felt how the handle was sticky - How does that sounds, pretty girl ? I promise to patch you up later - she teased as her eyes got darker.
- Please, make me yours... - Y/N looked at her as her own eyes darkened too.
Vanessa chuckled slightly as she put the knife's blade on the hole that was already done on the mattress - God... I love you... - she sighed softly.
- What? - Y/N raised an eye brow teasingly.
- I love you - Vanessa repeated, sighing.
- Say it again?
- I said i love you, dumbass, now get on that thing and ride it like the brat you are, you won't get a chance to rest tonight.
- O-Oh... Yes ma'am... And i love you, too...
It was definetly going to be a long night...
The End :3
God, this sucks like hell. Definetly the first and probably the last time i'll ever write stuff like this.
Anyways, sorry if u don't understand something, english is not my first lenguage.
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myxr0n · 6 months
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Vanessa Shelly x F!reader
Warnings: Slight NSFW, suggestive themes, that's about it.
Summary: Vanessa accidentally got you fired from your day job, you were upset and decided to ignore her all night while she patrolled. After picking you up from Freddy's, Vanessa notices you'd made a closer bond with Mike, and decides to step up her game so you pay her more attention.
The car ride home was silent, Besides the sound of you and Vanessa's breathing. The ride mainly consisted of Vanessa looking between you and the road, her eyes narrowing as she took a brief look at your phone.
"Who are you texting.."
Vanessa muttered coldly, her hands gripping the wheel tightly as she spoke; a look of disappointment formed on her face as she continued driving.
"Nobody important, Nessa."
You snapped back at her, making her flinch slightly at the remark. Out of the two of you, Vanessa was always the more dominant and assertive one, and it was pretty obvious when you two were together. However.. something about tonight was... Different. Vanessa gave you one final glare before tightening her grip on the steering wheel, her body trembling with anger and guilt.
"Well... I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier.. I realize now, how important that job was to you.."
Vanessa mumbled quietly, trying to form a conversation despite her discomfort with the situation. You didn't respond, giving her a cold glare before returning to your phone and texting Mike.
The ride home was painfully awkward, the ten minutes feeling like a decade to Vanessa. As you two got home, Vanessa quickly opened her car door, unbuckled her seat belt, and climbed out of the driver's seat, leaving you alone in the car as she slammed her door shut. This behavior was nothing like Vanessa's; usually, she helped you out of the vehicle and helped you get inside. She always says it's her "favorite part of the night-" Considering she always got to lift you into her arms and cuddle you once you were inside.
You muttered her nickname softly, sighing as you heard the familiar sound of silence filling the car while Vanessa, on the other hand, was already unlocking the door and stepping inside the apartment, cracking the door for you as she took off her shoes. You followed her inside a couple of minutes later, an irritated look on your face as you followed her to your shared room.
You looked around for Vanessa, rolling your eyes as you realized she was in the shower. As the shower ran, you felt a ringing in your ears, laying back on your bed as you tried to figure out what was so off with Vanessa's demeanor.
"What went wrong tonight?.. Was I too harsh on her?.. I know it was an accident... Maybe I'm just not treating it like it was..."
You thought to yourself, the guilt hitting you like a freight train before you snapped back to reality, hearing the bathroom door swing open. Vanessa stepped out, dressed in a blue lingerie set. The 'set' was simple, including a lacey thong and bra, the same color as her work uniform, which was topped off with small bows along the straps, and her black necktie. As Vanessa stepped closer, you could feel a tightness in your lungs, making you gasp for air as you snapped out of your lustful shock.
Vanessa stopped you mid-sentence, covering your mouth briefly with her palm, before sitting on the bed beside you, as she almost completely disregarded your presence. You let out a needy whimper at the sight of her, swallowing hard as you took in her beauty and presence, studying her body. Her silky blonde hair, usually in a neat and straight ponytail, was now thrown in a messy, low bun at the back of her head, with small strands of her bangs hanging out at the sides of her face. You inhaled slowly, the smell of her vanilla lotion hitting your nostrils, which made your mind blurry, throwing off your train of thought as your face began to flush with pink.
After an awkward 15 minutes of your staring while she read, she cleared her throat, speaking in a low, shaky tone as she tried to regain her assertiveness.
"Look... I know I upset you earlier, but you're replacing me with Mike now?.."
She whispered, tentatively looking up from the book she had picked up off her nightstand. She had this unreadable face on... it was like she was upset, jealous, and sad at the same time. Vanessa was always assertive and demanding, but you could see the tears slowly filling her eyes, which made your heart ache the slightest bit. You knew she was hurting with how quickly she let her guard down, and it broke you when you realized she was doing all this for you to notice her.*
"Vanessa.. Baby, are you.. are you jealous?"
"Okay... Maybe."
As you heard those words, you shifted into a sitting position, your back against the cushions as you grabbed her waist. In one swift motion, you pulled her on top of you, holding her thighs possessively and pulling them apart to pull her legs to your sides.
"I'm sorry, V.. Please don't cry. I didn't mean to make you feel so jealous. I forgave you hours ago.."
You mumbled; your voice was faintly strained, but every word was sincere. That was all Vanessa needed from you. A small, weak smile formed on Vanessa's face, making you blush faintly as you wiped her remaining tears, and took the time to caress her cheek.
"I... I forgive you.. But..I'm still not fully convinced you still love me.."
She spoke softly, her voice pure and shaky. As innocent as this moment seemed for you both, the heat forming between your legs said otherwise.
"Want me to remind you how much I love you then..?"
You whispered in her ear, giving in to your lustful thoughts. There was a brief pause before Vanessa whispered back in a soft and sultry tone.
"Yes.. Please, Baby.."
(Link to the inspo for Vanessa's lingerie ♡)
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vrabbiit · 10 months
Could we get some headcanons of top!vanessa and a reader who adores her breasts?
this is the realest ask i have ever recieved i too am a boob guy (gender neutral)
She doesn't really... get it? ... at first. She knows people find breasts attractive and she's never disliked her own, but she also doesn't understand why you're so fixated on them. She's absolutely not complaining though.
In an established relationship, may wear low-cut tops just because you like them. They're not really her style, but she thinks it's cute that you get excited.
While they're not ridiculously sensitive, she definitely doesn't mind if you want to spend time touching/licking/kissing/sucking etc. She might tease you for it, though, if you're into that.
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I’m literally BEGGING a Vanessa x fem!reader where Vanessa gets jelly and it ends up in rough/angry sex
You DO Own Me
Vanessa Shelly/Afton x Fem Reader
PLUS this request: “Can we get Vanessa fucking y/n roughly? Like pulling hair, biting neck and scratching back type of rough?”
a/n: yessir 😜 merged this request with another anon as they coincide… sorry for the delay in fics. I am still sick but that not my excuse: my excuse is I'm lazy lol. This may be shit, sorry ;')
Content/Warnings: Top/Rough Vanessa, Bottom sub reader, smut, choking, strap use [r receiving], rough sex, not proofread/edited, Vanessas kind of an asshole but that's hot
w/c: 2024
The ride home was silent. Well, not completely. Though Vanessa was extremely unimpressed, her lips pressed together and her hands gripping the steering wheel so tight her knuckles turned white, you were having the time of your life. Under the influence of alcohol, you were giddy and chatty, oblivious to your girlfriend's simmering anger beside you.
“And I literally told Mike that he was insane for thinking those robots cut him in his sleep, but of COURSE he decided to ignore me and continued to take those pills. I mean, really? The poor man is half asleep most of the time!”, you huff, recalling your last shift. “What do you think?”, you turn to Vanessa, your half dazed, half-blushed face informing her that you really did have no idea that she was mad.
“Mm”, she replied, uninterested. You, again, didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary. “I know! Maybe I should replace them with some melatonin gummies.. He probably wouldn’t notice”, you giggle, rolling down the front window to breathe. Fanning yourself, the alcohol making you overheated, you gaze at the stars outside in awe. The outdoors really does hit differently when you’re drunk. Unbeknownst to you, Vanessa was seconds from snapping. Pulling into the driveway of your shared home and parking her personal vehicle beside her cop car, she immediately stepped outside as soon as the gas turned off and slammed the door shut, ignoring your own door and walking to the front of the house. You frown, beginning to zone back in.
“Maybe she just forgot”, you think, in reference to her not racing to open your door or offering to carry you inside as she usually would. Stumbling out of the car, you follow behind her into the house. “Vanessa?”, you ask aloud, wondering where she disappeared to in the span of two seconds. Pausing, you try to listen for any footsteps around the house for any indication of her location. Nothing. “Vanessa? Baby?”, you repeat, concerned now. Half limping, you shrug off your jacket and kick off your heels, wandering around the house. Finally, in the corner of your eye, you see the upstairs office light getting turned on.
Sprinting up the stairs, going as fast as your tipsy body would allow you to, you head for the office. Before you could open the door you heard a mumbling sound. Cracking the door open, you witness your girlfriend pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance, talking to someone on the phone.
“Yes, yes. I understand. I just thought- no thank you. I’ll be alright. Sorry for the misunderstanding”, Vanessa answered someone on the line, grinding her teeth when she saw you enter. “Thank you. Have a good one”, she hung up the phone, turning away from you and leaning against the desk.
“Vanessa? What’s wrong?”, you whisper. She snorted.
“What? Now you notice?”, she spits, still not turning around.
You bit your lip, anxious at her reply. “What was the phone call about?”
“Work. Nothing for you to worry about”, she then laughs. “Not that you were, to begin with”. She leans over the desk, reaching for a pen and paper to jot something down, and you try to not let your mind race with thoughts of her rolling her hips forward as you can tell she needs comfort right now, not a horny girlfriend.
You walk towards her nervously. “Are you okay baby? You were fine in the car-”
She snaps at you. “No. I wasn’t. If you weren’t so lightweight you would know that”. Stillness filled the air, the only noise coming from the scribbles of the pen as Vanessa jotted down the information from the phone call.
Coming up behind her, you gently place your hand on the back of her arm. “Is this- is this about Mike?”, you watch her jaw clench from the side. Blinking in surprise, you reiterate. “It is? Isn’t it?”
“Drop it”, Vanessa scowls, shoving herself off the table. Your foggy brain couldn’t help but think ‘muscle memory’ with the way she practically ground against it in annoyance.
“Are you serious? He’s a respectful guy! His old crush means nothing”, you protest.
“Nothing? You make me sick”
“What do you want from me? For me to spit on him and never talk to him again?”, you snap, frustrated now.
She crosses her arms. “Preferably”, she snickers. She comes closer to you. “Or maybe you like the attention? Hm?”
You pull away, hurt. You’d like to believe she was drunk saying this, but she was completely sober. “Vanessa-”
“Poor you, huh? Do I not give you enough attention? Is my poor baby always so needy”, she mocked, snarling.
You blink away tears and begin to walk out of the office when you feel a gust of wind and a sudden thud against your back. Gasping, you slam into the wall, your head narrowly missing the collision. Before you could turn around, you felt Vanessa pin your hands behind your back, her cuffs clenching around your wrists and shutting with a loud ‘click’.
“What the fuck Van-FUCK”, your sentence gets cut off as you hear a loud smack; Vanessa had just hit your ass. You feel numb for a few seconds, and then everything after that. You whine out, trying to cover yourself as she grabs your cuffed wrists and pins them above your head, her other hand coming around your waist to arch your back towards her. “Always whining. Never taking what I give you”. She slaps you again, the force of her hand biting your skin, surely leaving red marks that would turn purple tomorrow. You bite your lip, pain, and pleasure fighting to take over your emotions. You settle on both and she digs into your scalp, raising you up to her. You whimper out as she turns your head to the side and begins to suck at the front of your neck. Your life flashes before your eyes; having to walk in tomorrow at Freddy’s, a hickey so prominent that any efforts to hide it with makeup make it look evening trashier, and Mike seeing exactly what she did to you. You never understood her anger when it came to Mike; she liked him well enough. You just were never allowed to talk to him, apparently.
“Vanessa, please”, you whisper as she bites the side of your neck, pain seeping in. Squirming, she finally releases you. You flop against the wall, breathing heavily as she stares you down.
“Look at you”, she hisses. Everything about Vanessa commanded respect. Not one part of her demonstrated sex except for her slightly flushed cheeks and large pupils. Her hair was perfectly in place, her shirt was properly ironed. You, on the other hand, were tied up, beaten, and most definitely not commanding respect. It was exactly how Vanessa liked it on days like this.
She leans forward, tangling her hands gently in your hair. She tugs on your strands gently, lulling you into a false sense of security as you close your eyes, content. You should have known it wouldn’t last. “Pathetic, you are”, she says. Suddenly, she drags you to the office desk, making you gasp out in pain, flinging your hands to hers in a poor attempt to release her grip. Shoving you over the desk, she had you right where she wanted you in the first place; bent over and tied. “What, you thought I was going to treat you?”, she laughs. You stutter, words being unable to properly form. “Nothing happened! You were there the whole time! Why am I being punished for your jealousy issues?”, you yell out as she begins to scratch your back deeply. Her nails dig into your skin, fire spreading everywhere you touch. Wailing and twitching in her grasp, you hear her from behind. “Stupid girl. So disappointing when you act out against me”, she taps on the handcuffs. “Are you forgetting who protects you? I can harm you instead if you want baby, just ask”. She pauses, waiting for your reply. Nothing.
She smiles. You can feel the cockiness being emitted without even seeing her. Instead, you intently stare at the table, wishing you were in bed right now instead of feeling the humiliation of your girlfriend lifting up your skirt to check your panties.
The cold table was a harsh polarity to your pussy; you hated how your pussy was throbbing faster than your heart. Vanessa hummed from behind you, clearly amused and proud of you. Leaning over you, the shape of her breasts being felt against your back despite her clothing, she whispers a soft “I love how much of a whore you are”, before standing back up and softly grinding her front against your bare ass. You widen your eyes as you feel something hard press against you. You love how hot and cold Vanessa can be. No matter how rough and angry she can get, she can never resist treating you first.
The sound of her unzipping her pants was as close as you were ever going to get to hearing church bells. Hell, even angels singing couldn’t replicate the sound of her strap slapping your pussy. Shutting your eyes, your brace yourself against the table, moaning as her cock dipped into your soft entrance.
“You think you deserve this?”, she asks, moving your hair back with her hands, a gesture she couldn’t help doing. Not when she knew you did nothing wrong.
You nod desperately, grinding your ass back into her strap, your pussies walls clenching around nothing in a desperate attempt for friction.
Vanessa stayed silent as she plunged her cock into your pussy. You, however, most definitely did not. Your screams filled the quaint neighbourhood as she thrusted into you at a brutal pace that didn’t account for your lack of adjustment. Your hands gripped anything on the table in sight, your body becoming simultaneously needy and overstimulated. “P-please Vanessa slow- oh FUCK yes-”, you cry out, conflicted with the pain.
She rakes her hands over your ass, switching between slapping your reddened cheeks and clawing at your lower back. Hearing her deep, ragged breaths, you knew she was close; the strap hit her clit at every thrust, making her let out lowly strained moans. “Van-”, you roll your eyes back, your vision turning white. She was hitting your gummy walls so right that it felt insane. Your arousal was streaming down the table and her legs, which Vanessa acknowledged by letting out a snort.
“Need to come, baby?”, she hummed. You whine, grinding back. You needed this release so badly; anything Vanessa had told you had already been forgiven.
“V- nessa I need to.. Please”, you bite your lip and squint your eyes, begging yourself to not release before she allowed you to do so. You couldn’t risk more punishment. She sighed as if thinking about it. She sped up the pace, pounding the strap in a way that made it ten times more pleasurable for her as it did for you.
As your fingers grabbed at the table, she let out the smallest whimper that made you go feral. You pleaded, over and over again, to come. You felt extremely betrayed and turned on as Vanessa slumped forward, her chest heaving from cumming quietly. “Oh y/n”, she moaned, “Cum now baby”, she snaked her arm around your waist to bring your ass up even higher as you came with a loud cry.
You let go of the table, your body now going limp. “Vanessa”, you sigh, unable to move. Despite your comfortable position, consisting of you flopping across the table and Vanessa holding you loosely with her strap still half inside of you, she pulls out and forcefully slips you over way too soon for your brain. The pleasure was turning into pain again, and you hiss as your ass makes contact with the table, the marks making it unbearable.
“Don’t think this is over”, she murmurs as you pull her closer.
You look at her, confused.
“It’s only 1 am. If you think I’m done with you, you are sorely mistaken”
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seduzist · 6 months
that love, the crazy kind.
guinevere beck x fem! reader
cw: mentions of sexual harassment, stalking, obsession, murder, blood, smut (just a little), reader is kinda joe in this??? idk but they’re both crazy
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beck was just different, different from anything you knew, she was the type of person that enchanted since the first time you saw her, looking for some book at the store you worked at. and since this day, you couldn’t stop thinking about her, stalking her anywhere, watch carefully every step she made.
didn’t take more than 10minutes for you to find out she liked girls, it was all over her social media, likes and shares here and there, it was like she was looking almost desperately for a girlfriend. and it has to be you, you were the one.
and of course, after some months of preparation, you showed beck that undeniable truth, she fall for you easily and just like you thought she was the perfect girlfriend. she was understanding and gentle, she was funny, sexy, lovingly, respectful, smart, and all of the things you’ve ever dreamed of.
everything was just how it should be. guinevere beck was just perfect.
until, that night.
one of her terrible friends invited you both to a stupid bar with stupid people and a stupid guy couldn’t stop looking at you. at first, she maintained her calm and silence, she wasn’t the jealous type, not at all.
she didn’t even lose it when he tried to hit you, asking you if he could buy a drink and giving a little drunk smirk that made she wants to take it off his face.
but when you denied the offer politely, telling him you weren’t interested, he tried to touch you, not your arm, or your hand, he tried to grab you by the waist and give you a kiss. of course you pushed him and told him to “get the fuck off”. he did.
beck was so perfect after this, she driven you home, told you to shower, helped you sleep with a nice mug of tea. she made you feel safe and sound like always, but that wasn’t enough, she had to actually keep you safe.
when you slept, she thought about the whole plan, she could stay with you all night, or she could go back to that stupid bar and make that idiot pay for trying to mess with was hers, and the second option looked way better.
so she got back, it was late at night, she waited in the totally empty and dark parking lot. the establishment wasn’t exactly the type that have cams on it, and by this angle she had the perfect view of who enters or leaves.
two hours passed, but beck was still wide awake, then she saw him, staggering pathetically, so drunk that at every step he didn’t fall could be considered a record.
she gets out of the car, approaching him, faking a smile.
“hi!” she said, getting his attention. “want to see something?”
when beck got back home, her clothes were drained in semi dry blood and she still had shiverings all over her, she did everything right? she got rid of the murder weapon, she disappeared the body, she made sure to drive back home in the way where there’s no cameras.
when beck took her dirty clothes off and went to a good and long shower, she made sure to take a good look at your sleeping figure, to remind her why she did all of this, it was worth it.
but if she truly trusted you and knew about your past, maybe if she had told you about what she did, you would have the opportunity to tell beck that a corpse floats on water after a few days of death, and that amounts of blood can’t go away in laundry, it must be burned.
when she did wake you up, through, it wasn’t to talk, it wasn’t even purposefully, she was just making noises and shaking the bed, when you looked at your side, you saw her, all naked with a pillow between her thighs.
“beck?” you called and she immediately stopped.
“i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to wake you up, baby.” her voice sounded genuinely sorry, but deep inside you knew she wanted you to wake up.
“it’s okay, keep going.” you whispered back, already sitting on the edge of the bed taking off your pajamas.
you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, her perfect body looked so good while pleasuring herself, you felt eager to touch her, but still undressed yourself slowly as she looked at you, like the sight alone made her even hornier.
when you finished, you get on top of her, taking the pillow off of her hands and kissing her instead, it’s like both of you were starving for each other, you didn’t know what made beck so eager but she certainly was.
you passed one leg through her waist, putting both of your centers together, it felt so good and warm, you couldn’t help but moan against her lips, starting in slow movements against her.
but when you looked down at her, you saw it, a little stain of dry blood just above her chest, you stopped immediately.
“what’s this?” you touched her skin, showing her exactly where it was the stain, she stuttered a few times but after some minutes she told you about everything. she thought you would be mad, or scared, she thought you would leave her, but you didn’t.
that night, you both made love more ferociously and lovingly than ever, for hours until your bodies couldn’t move anymore, that was the night when you and beck recognized you were equal, that isn’t a reason to hide each other’s feelings or personalities. that was the night where you felt like you belonged with someone, for the very first time.
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st4r1light · 7 months
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- your camera roll if you were dating vanessa shelly ! ❀
(part2, you can find part1 on my account!)
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lyraelizabethfay · 7 months
Cupcakes aren’t always the solution.
Vanessa Shelly x Reader
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Summary: On one of your shifts you head to the kitchen to grab some food, only for Chica to steal one of your cupcakes. When Chica then ‘accidentally’ breaks down, you have no other choice but to call your police girlfriend who won’t be happy.
Warnings: N/A
Content: Fluff, Chica loving food
A/N: literally my first time writing anything on here so let’s see how this goes! Thought I might add to the lack of Ness fics out there, because the LOVE I have for this woman is an understatement 🫶🏻
Word count: 1111 (that wasn’t on purpose)
Prompts: ‘We have a problem’
‘No, no YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one’
‘Are you even listening to me?’
‘Yes. It’s just taking a while to process your stupidity’
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You sat in the security office of Freddy’s your hands aimlessly spinning the chair you currently sat on as you watched the monitors. You had to admit even though your shift only started 3 hours ago you were bored out of your mind. Looking down at your watch which blinked 03:24 you couldn’t believe you’d only been sat here for 20 or so minuets. You continued to spin in your chair when an idea hit you, the other day you had hid cupcakes in one of the cabinets in the kitchen incase you needed something to eat on the job, so like any sane person does at 3Am you went to go get them. You’d stopped spinning in your chair, stood up and walked towards the office door.
Once you pushed open the door to the office you couldn’t help but feel your heart jump into your mouth, Chica was there hand raised as if she was about to knock. Your hand was placed over your chest, your heart pounding ‘Chica! Not funny’ you said a slight muse to your voice, as you gave her a pat on the arm that was still raised. You guessed she was just as bored as you were, so you had an idea. ‘I’m on my way to the kitchen to grab a snack, wanna come?’. The large animatronic nodded her head, and you both walked towards the kitchen.
‘Right here we go!’ You exclaim excitedly as you make it to the kitchen door, which was thrown open in a matter of seconds as you rushed in followed by Chica. You headed straight for the cabinet next to the fridge and low and behold your stash of cupcakes are still there which you had hidden a few days ago. You grab the tray and turn around to face Chica. ‘Shall we take these to the the guys and see if they want to chill?’ You question (guys being the rest of the animatronics). Chica replied with a slow blink and turned around to make her way to the stage, you followed behind her.
Once in the main area Bonnie, Freddy and Foxy made their way off of the stage to come join you and Chica, you had placed the cupcakes down on a table and taken one while the rest of the animatronics stared at you. ‘Sorry guys, if you eat one of these you’ll malfunction, if I don’t eat one of these I’ll malfunction’ you muttered the last part feeling guilty, since you had started dating Vanessa she told you about her father. William Afton. And what he’d done to the kids, so eating a cupcake in front of the them made you feel a little guilty but you still wanted to eat something. And after that the night had gone on per usual, you had played a few arcade games with Freddy and Foxy all three of you trying to beat each others scores, Chica was probably somewhere with Bonnie but what you didn’t realise is that you’d left the cupcakes uncovered around her, if all the animatronics Chica loved food. Maybe love was an understatement.
You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around to see Bonnie who if he could would probably call you an idiot, his arm was raised and pointed at Chica who was stood next to the table where the cupcakes were, bent over slightly not moving with a cupcake in her hand. Of course this had to happen to you, you couldn’t have had the smallest common sense to close the cupcake lid. You looked at Freddy who was peering over Foxy’s shoulder as he tried to beat your high score at skee-ball, but it wasn’t the best with only one hand. ‘I’ll sort it’ you nodded at Bonnie as you walked over to Chica, Bonnie rather than following you stayed with Freddy and Foxy.
‘Right, let’s see what happened here’ you mumble to yourself, as heavy as the animatronic was you managed to get her to sit in a table out of sight of the other three, once sat down you managed to open up Chica’s stomach so you could see her endoskelenton and open up her beak. When you realised there were the remains of cupcakes lodged in some places you knew who you had to call, you just didn’t want to. Picking up your phone from your back pocket, you dialled the number dreading the response.
‘Hello?’ The voice from the phone had spoken, and you hadn’t realised it.
‘Hello, Y/N? Is everything all right?’ There it was again, hearing your name you snapped out of it shaking your head, swallowing the lump in your throat.
‘Yeah I’m here’ You said
‘Good, is everything all right?’
‘Yeah..umm look Ness we have a problem’ You stated, which was one of the good things about being Vanessa’s girlfriend was that you could be straightforward with each other, she would never be mad at you, well maybe this once for possibly breaking an animatronic.
‘No, no YOU have a problem. I have an idiot who keeps getting into one’ you heard Vanessa laugh on the other side of the phone, your breathing slowed, you knew it, she’d never be mad at you. You took a deep breath and explained your problem, of how you accidentally forgot to cover the cupcakes and that it had caused Chica to malfunction when she ate one, but after a while you’d realised it had gone silent.
‘Are you even listening to me?’ You asked, to which Vanessa chuckled in the other side of the phone.
‘Yes. It’s just taking a while to process your stupidity’
‘Hey I’m not stupid’ you protested but in reality you know it was stupid what you’d done. ‘Can you please just come and help me?’
‘Fine, your lucky I was going to call anyway’
After finishing your discussion with Vanessa you hung up the phone waiting for her to arrive. After about 20 minuets maybe half hour you heard the buzzer going for the door and ran towards it, the others knew what had happened to Chica and if they could talk you swear they’d be laughing at you. Once you made it to the front door you opened it to reveal Vanessa, stood in her police uniform.
‘Thank god your here’ You mumble embarrassed as you rub the back of your neck.
‘Yep, your lord and saviour’ she’d laugh, leaning down to capture your lips in a kiss, which you felt yourself smile into.
‘Now come on’ she nodded ‘let’s go fix Chica’. She said grabbing your hand and dragging you towards the animatronic.
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