#twst platonic
apompkwrites · 1 day
the school-bound kingscholar || leona kingscholar
masterlist characters: Mwezi Miji Trio (OCs), Leona, Ruggie (platonic) genre: Angst contains: (Brief) Swearing, Possible OOC moments (depending on how you view Leona and Ruggie [mainly Leona]) summary: Following the admittance of Night Raven College's newest freshmen, both Kingscholars begin to come to terms with the newest changes in their lives. notes: I AM SO SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING AGAIN OTZ. Unfortunately, my lapses of writer's block and demotivation have only increased since I last posted. I'm trying to get back into the hang of posting things (as evident by my art account suddenly coming alive again). ALSO! As you can tell by the formatting, I'm actually writing with proper grammar on Tumblr now! Right now, I don't plan to go back to reformat the older chapters, but maybe once I find the drive to do it, I will! Thank you, everyone, for being so patient with me, I really appreciate it <3 parts: [og post] | [previous] | [next]
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Leona felt something knock the air out of his lungs. To Ruggie, who stood right beside him in a robe that was a few inches too long, it was hilarious. Seeing the very prince (well, second prince) of the Afterglow Savanna lose his composure was enough to make Ruggie let out a quiet "Shyeheehee" under his breath before he ultimately straightened his posture under Leona's pointed glare.
Nothing could have prepared Leona to see (Name) again. Honestly, he had long since come to terms with the fact that his little sibling was missing, lost to the Outlands and likely a rotting corpse in the middle of nowhere.
He's lying, he could never come to terms with that, no matter how much he deluded himself.
But they were here. They were here and they were walking closer and they looked exactly the same as he remembered them.
Well, obviously, not exactly. But they looked so familiar and yet so different at the same time. Leona didn't even notice the tip of his tail swishing behind him until he heard one of his dorm members complaining about a tickling sensation against his ankles. And that only caused Leona to grumble under his breath and snatch the base of his tail to stop it from moving.
By the Seven, had they changed. They seemed bolder and more confident compared to the last time he had seen them. The way their shoulders were no longer hunched forward and instead rolled back in a pride strut he wished he could attribute to someone who had come to accept their own status or the way their eyes seemed sharper rather than soft and wide with innocence. And their hands. By the gods, what happened to their hands...? No, they had changed severely, akin to the way Leona recalled seeing the royal guards before and after their training.
Something had happened, that much he could figure out. And as much as he wanted to advance the board, reach out, and capture them like a king in a game of chess, he couldn't. Not when they were surrounded by a queen and two rooks.
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"Ignore him," Nuru advised, although his words were more of a formality if anything. He knew how well you could handle yourself, but this was a unique situation.
"I know," you replied curtly, flipping your hood back on and sidling up to Nuru's right side. Jabori immediately flanked your other side in turn, followed by Jabali. It was a familiar formation, one that the four of you had cultivated for as long as you could remember.
"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would," you whisper. However, the sharp pain lingering in your chest said otherwise.
Student after student soon began trickling out of each coffin, repeating the painstaking process of standing in front of the mirror, listening to its spiel about their innermost workings, before joining whatever dorm they were assigned to. Until finally, finally--
"We're done with orientation and dorm assignments?" One of the hooded figures lamented, his hand perched prim and properly on his hip. If you didn't any better, you'd assume that he was royalty or nobility. But, judging from his scent alone, he wasn't.
"Well, that ceremony was as boring as ever," Leona yawned, covering his mouth with his sleeve as he turned on his heels, facing the mass of hooded figures now under his care. "I'm going back to the dorm. If you're in Savanaclaw House, follow me."
He went to take a step amidst the other chattering dorm leaders before the doors slammed open, the handles banging against the wall from the force at which it swung. Leona groaned in response, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Psst, Nuru," Jabali called from his spot beside Jabori, leaning forward to actually see him. "Are you sure this is the right place? We're actually supposed to find answers from..."
Jabali paused and motioned out towards the commotion now terrorizing the mirror chamber. The little gray cat scampered around the floor, setting fire to whatever he could in some strange show of physical prowess and magical ability. "...These people?!"
Nuru said nothing at first. From where you stood beside him, you could tell doubt was beginning to creep up behind him. Lucky for him, Jabori decided to take the lead.
"This is Night Raven College," he points out, pulling back the hood of his robe by a hair to peer over at his twin. "Pretty much everyone here, especially the dorm leaders, are adept at some kind of magic. I mean, look."
This time, Jabori pointed towards the commotion, his finger following the way that the redhead shot a spell in the cat's direction, materializing a red and black collar around its neck.
"It's the best shot we have," he concludes, nodding in support of Nuru. That single gesture instantly calmed Nuru down, his shoulders no longer hunched up and his wings relaxing behind him. You merely smiled and patted his forearm in response. Jabali, on the other hand, grumbled under his breath and crossed his arms in begrudging compliance.
"Fine. But I'm not gonna get along with 'em or nothin'," Jabali huffed, rolling his eyes. Jabori laughed lightly at his brother's annoyance while Nuru let out a single huff of air.
"I wasn't gonna ask you too, either," Nuru hummed, glancing at Jabali from his peripheral. "Same goes for both of you, (Name), Jabori."
"Copy that," you nodded, the quiet chuckle that seemed to bubble from your throat disappearing the second Leona turned to face you and the rest of the new Savanaclaw members.
"You heard the headmage. I'm headin' back," Leona grumbled and, without missing a beat, brushed past the crowd and headed towards the door. Another hooded figure, one who had been standing beside Leona the entire ceremony, let out an exasperated sigh before raising his hand.
"Savanaclaw! Follow me," he ordered, earning a few half-hearted "Yes, sir"s from the rest of the huddled crowd.
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You had to admit, it was pretty entertaining watching Jabali and Jabori marvel at the size of the campus halls. And Nuru too, if only he'd have more obvious reactions rather than just a single flick of a wing or a tilt of the head.
While the halls were nothing compared to the Kingscholar home, it was still pretty big. If you were any smaller than you were now, you'd probably react the same way.
"No way they need these doors to be this big," Jabali murmured, lightly elbowing your arm and pointing at one of the classroom doors. Your eyes followed his finger and a snicker managed to escape you. He wasn't wrong, those doors were freakishly huge, both in height and width.
Jabali went to comment on something else before he stopped, his eyes drifting over toward the new mirror chamber everyone had been led to. The doors were held open to accommodate the crowd, letting handfuls of students walk towards a mirror and get sucked into it, the glass rippling as if took wisps of bodies and left nothing in its wake.
"Savanaclaw House! This'll be your only way in and out of the dorm," the same hooded figure that led you all here called out. He had hopped up onto the lip of the mirror's decoration, using one of the rib-like sculptures as an armrest.
"Hurry up and get in! The faster you do, the faster you'll get to claim your rooms," he snickered before skipping ahead of the first dorm member and hopping into the mirror.
The prospect of first come first served seemed to spur on the first years, causing a near stampede of people trying to get into the mirror first. Nuru hooked an arm around your waist while Jabali did the same with Jabori, the two of them finding a single break in the crowd to get away, Nuru through flight, and Jabali through scaling one of the pillars by the wall.
Lucky for the four of you, the mirror seemed to accommodate more and more people as the crowd diminished. Perhaps through how many bodies reached a specific threshold, you thought. Regardless of the magical mechanics, it allowed Nuru and Jabali to let you and Jabori down after a few minutes.
"So many people," you grumbled under your breath, earning a quiet chuckle from Jabori. Nuru and Jabali nodded at your observation before the four of you hopped into the mirror yourselves.
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Immediately, the four of you felt the familiar searing heat of the sun beating down on your skin. It almost felt like home if not for the increased heat coming from the fire serving as lights just outside the dorm's entrance.
Jabali and Nuru were the first to shrug off their robes, the former because he finally had enough of the stuffy fabric, and the latter because the heat was already starting to congregate around his feathers. You and Jabori followed suit, although the two of you merely hiked up your sleeves and flipped down your hoods.
Nuru shook out his wings and let out a soft grunt, one of his feathers falling into the sand beneath your feet. Turning to look over his shoulder, he shot the three of you a soft, almost comforting smile.
"Off we go, then," he hums, waving for you all to follow. If it were anyone else, you three probably would've found offense to a command as expectant as that. But it wasn't just anyone else. It was Nuru, the Guardian, and your dear friend.
The inside of Savanclaw was nothing really to marvel at like the rest of the school's campus. It wasn't cramped, per se, but it was quite a bit more tight than to your liking. Luckily, the walkway opened up the building quite a bit with the roped bridges connecting each floor.
Nuru scanned the room for a moment before his eyes landed on a room on the top floor, tucked all the way in the furthest corner. You figured everyone else left it since it was so far and their mentalities were focusing on that first come first served promise your leader from before declared.
Nuru unfurled his wings and shot up past the bridges, making a beeline towards the unoccupied room. He didn't have to go that fast, of course, considering only a few students were lingering in the walkways who sure as hell weren't planning on making the long walk up there.
Jabali seemed to share their sentiment considering his frustrated "Damn it, Nuru" muttered under his breath. A long, drawn-out sigh escaped his lips before he trudged up along the nearest bridge, his hands shoved in his pockets and his robe slung haphazardly over his shoulder.
You and Jabori took a more relaxed walk up behind him, appreciating the familiar decorations that reminded you of your hometown. Of course, that appreciation turned into apprehension at the thought of Mwezi Miji now being unguarded by the main four.
What if something happened? What if they had sent word of an all-out war between themselves and the Dens and you hadn't heard of it since you all were knocked out in coffins? What if they were all already--
"On your right," Nuru called to you from the doorway, his hand shooting out to grab your shoulder. Ah, you had gotten distracted. Nuru shot you a concerned glance, his brows furrowed in the same way they always were when you got stuck in your head before he ushered you into the room.
Jabali and Jabori had already claimed their beds on the left side of the room, Jabali near the door and Jabori near the window. This left the entire right side open for you and Nuru.
The winged beastman glanced over at you, patiently waiting for your next move. You caught his glance and mustered up a small smile before heading towards the bed closest to the door. Nuru subtly lit up at your decision, a little skip in his step as he moved towards the window.
You managed to hold back a snort at his hidden excitement. He always loved the window spot. Maybe it reminded him of when he was small enough to fit through them back home.
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"So, what's up with you and that new first year, huh?" Ruggie huffed as he walked straight into Leona's room, leaning down to pick up a discarded shirt and dropping it in the laundry basket. "I've never seen you react that way other than with them."
"Watch your words, Ruggie," Leona growls from the bed, his head already buried in his pillow. His back was facing Ruggie who still stood in the doorway, but with the way his ears were perked up, it was fairly obvious that he wasn't even close to sleeping.
"My bad," Ruggie snicked in response, holding up his hands defensively. "But, seriously, who was that? Someone I need to watch the pockets of? I mean, who else would it be if not roy--"
"Out," Leona demanded, his hand latching onto his pillow and launching it backward at Ruggie, the soft fabric turning into dust and scattering across the floor as he muttered the incantation under his breath. Ruggie yelped and scampered out of the room, throwing the door closed behind him before he could see the pillow disintegrate into sand.
Leona took a single breath through his nose before slowly sitting up. He rubbed at his face before reaching over to the desk placed beside his bed, his fingers curling around the drawer's handle and pulling it open.
Underneath notebooks thrown carelessly inside lay a single photograph. It was small, yet free of any creases. He lifted the books off of it before slipping the photo out, nearly cradling it in his palm.
Back when he first found the photo tucked neatly in one of his notebooks, he grimaced. It was an annoying keepsake, one that only served to remind him of the bothersome family waiting for him back home. But now...
Now the sight of his little sibling smiling ever so brightly while his older brother screamed in the background about a bug in his hair brought the smallest twitch of a smile to his lips.
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @sxftiebee @luxaryllis @auld-a @the-dumber-scaramouche @ayra2452008 @tinywho-man @spadecentral @justeclem44 @kenma-izhu @mulandi @sadimon @stormyovent0aster @sn00zl4x @f1fty-f1fty @bloomed-night-flower @madusas-girlfriend @b0nkers-papaya @arandomeroacher @randonamedcl @potabletable @meerpea @luvcalico @chlousp @prettyinblack231 @dindarasuum @elizaboba @ravenlking @reveristmain @lasignoramybeloved @poto-de-michi @sherryuki-callmeyuki @cadit-in-aestus-sidereum @valeriele3 @munchkinkazooie @venusdandy @Leviathansgamerbuddy @poorunfortunatesimp @yarnoverpullthru @potablee @sunnydaze4ever @anxious-chick @silvers-tongue @minteaspoon @kitty-chan33 @hornehlittleweeblet2 @letskeepitsimpleshallwe @atsuki-mitsuri @catgirlwannabe @miss-puregotti @havens-not-here @sacrificialwife1 @cherrykissesss890 @a-random-bored-person @shuriiiewrites @chaos-inperson @1midnightcoffee @mizucika @lunavixia @gasoline-eater @thesirenwashere @rainingdandelion @thomanok @BakabaneSimp @mariesakamari @steruberry @potatohuman04 @illnesscomm @blu3b3rri-p4yn3 @kahunap @turtleducker @BooPleg03 @twst-rui @rotting-nerium @devilfishcafe @marisely03 @angelthoughtz @valka-230 @kih-lux @honestlyyoungcandy
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hanafubukki · 2 months
As much as I love sweet baby Silver moments, I also adore the possibility of chaotic baby Silver moments.
Malleus about to leave? Older brother?? Holds onto Malleus’ finger, his hair, or even his tail with what shouldn’t be possible for the strength of a baby.
Even when asleep, Silver won’t let go.
Malleus is touched but also?? Should a baby be this strong? A human??
“Lilia? Are human babies usually this strong? Silver hair seems to have unnatural strength.”
“Hm? Oh that’s because of the healthy and nutritional food I feed him!”
“…I see.”
[Let the babies in Lilia’s life be chaotic. We know Malleus was as a baby, let Silver be so too. Let them be as chaotic as Lilia is 🥰🥰💕💕)
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
I LOVE your bitey child series!!!
Please I NEED bitey child yuu calling Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek big brother💖😭💖
Malleus, Jack, Rook, and Sebek's reaction to bitey child!Yuu's calling them big brother
A/N: Omg!!! this is so cute!!! tysm for requesting I hope you like it!
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Mal and Lilia were having a nice conversation in the Diasomnia lounge abt whatever they talk abt
then you just waltzed in, tugged at Malleus's coat, and said,
"Come with me big brother, i needa' show you somethin'..."
He was in shock but followed you anyway
leaving Lilia behind to almost have a heart attack from how cute that was
You two ended up in the backyard of Ramshackle where there was a small patch of dirt lined with many rocks that all very in size
you had shown him your very own garden that Ruggie and Deuce helped you start
nothing had grown yet but you were still quite proud and puffed your chest as you awaited Mal's response.
Malleus chuckled in amusement,
you had come all the way to Diasomnia just to show him your garden
it warmed his heart, especially since he knew how much you hated going through the mirror gates alone
yet you still did just to come to get him
you must truly see him as your big brother then...
He patted your head and said,
"This is very impressive, little sibling. Please do tell me about all of what you are growing."
Jack was just minding his own business, happily eating his lunch
when you came out of nowhere and clung onto his tail with no warning
this was far from the first time though
so he just sighed and continued eating
and you, still with your arms locked around his tail, plopped onto the empty bench area next to him
"*sigh* what are you doing Yuu?"
you just inaudibly mumbled into his tail with a yawn and curled onto yourself, using his fluff as a makeshift pillow
"Really Yuu? Common, you shouldn't be taking naps in the middle of-"
he was cut off by more of your mumbling, but this time he caught on to a certain sentence
"Noooo, big brotheerrrr, lemmee sleeep"
Jack instantly stopped in his tracks
he got hit with a massive wave of nostalgia from when his little sibling called him that for the first time while they were learning to talk.
He didn't have the heart because it was now a pile of mush to stop you and ended up being late for his next class
its rly hard to carry a child thats clinging onto your tail.
You were once again trying to steal Rook's hat
he was hunting a certain eel when you just popped out of nowhere a took his hat
he found it quite amusing
and was very proud that you had managed to sneak up on him.
He playfully chased you all throughout the campus
which lead to you climbing up a rather tall tree
and Rook knew almost instantly something bad was going to happen
and just as he was going to warn you, you slipped and ended up falling
Rook was quick to catch you
and you clung onto him while crying with your face shoved into his shoulder
he was sat under the tree while rubbing you back and reassuring you everything was ok now
when you had mostly calmed down you looked up at him and said,
"*sniff* Thank you, big brother..."
"Hehe, it was my pleasure, dear little trickster!"
Rook stood up, picked up his hat that landed a little ways away, placed it on your little head,
and took you to Pomefiore to get you cleaned up.
He's quite pleased with the nickname you gave him, though he is interested to see who else you refer to that as, there must be many.
Sebek had been dragged to yet another sleepover at Ramshackle by the rest of the first years
they do this at least once a month.
Rn, he was pouting on the couch while everyone was just talking and hanging out a lil ways away
you had gotten board so you grabbed a chair to prop up behind the couch
Sebek was already well aware of your plan, you had done this hundreds of times and were never able to stay too quiet abt it
you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and yelled,
"Sneak attack!"
ok- its not rly yelling but its loud for you.
and Sebek stood up, with you still hanging on, and took your little arms to propel you forward as he shot down
you were thrown onto the couch with Sebek still holding your arms waiting for you to tap out.
You loved trying to wrestle with him when you were hyper, it's where you learned this cool barrel roll trick.
When you didn't tap out just kept trying to do said barrel roll, so Sebek opted to tickle you
which worked, after a minute you just started trying to tap out while saying
"Ok-Ok-Ok!! You win big brother! You win!!"
He just huffed and sat back down with a victory smile
It wasn't until 3 days later that he realized what you had called him while he was recounting the incident to Lilia
and he had no clue what to feel.
And Lilia had another heart attack
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luxaryllis · 9 months
hi!! if you're accepting requests rn could you pls write just pure angst of azul with a younger sibling who he was super close to before, but when their parents got divorced they grew distant bc the sibling went to live with their dad instead of with him and his mom. then a few years later sibling ends up attending nrc and azul recognizes them and is excited to talk to them again only to discover that they're not the same as before.
rlly loved your scared younger sibling fics. they gave me chest pains bc of how damn sad they were. keep up the good work :)
Brother Knows Best
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Note: OMG!! What is this!? I, Lux, FINALLY finishing something and posting it?! Has a miracle truly happened?!
Anyway, I'll just write the sibling of this one as a year younger than Azul, and the sibling was also be an octopus merfolk. I'm going to mention the reader having interests in some stuff, so please don't get offended if it doesn't apply to you. You can always just replace the traits I put as a trait of yours!
And imma just use Ashengrotto as the family name, cuz idk if Ashengrotto was the last name of Azul's bio father, or step-father, or the maiden name of his mother.
Warning/s: Parents divorcing, Split custody, Angst, Spoilers to Azul's backstory and past, Spoilers to Azul's Ceremonial Robes vignettes, Reader is mentioned to have somewhat similar features to Azul (specific features aren't specified), Tell me if I missed anything
Full post under the cut!
"Big brother! Why are you crying?" A slightly smaller mer-octopus swam closer with a concerned expression.
Azul, who was hiding in an octopus pot, looked up to his sweet and innocent little sibling. The 7-year-old boy's eyes soften, and Azul knew that it was only a matter of time before his baby sibling, [Name], would go through all the bullying and teasing as well.
But Azul didn't want that. He wanted [Name]'s cute smile to last forever. He wanted [Name] to not have to see and experience the horrors of simply being themself. He wanted to protect [Name] from everything and everyone who dared hurt them.
Azul's heart squeezed in his chest as he realizes that he can't. He can't protect [Name]. Azul couldn't even protect himself! He truly was... a weak, dumb, slow little octopus...
Tormented by his thoughts, Azul continued sobbing, hiding further into the octopus pot, hiding his chubby face from his little sibling.
"Don't look at me!!" Azul cries out, accidentally spitting out ink from his tentacles, staining the waters around them. The mess caused Azul to cry even more, the ugly black liquids reminding him of what the other kids told him.
[Name] frowns softly, they didn't know why their big brother was upset. The younger mer-octopus moves closer to the octo-pot, trying to coax their older brother to come out.
"Zul-ie.. what's wrong? I don't like seeing you sad..."
Upon receiving no response, the younger child purses their lips in a pout.
"Come onnn...! Mom and dad made dinner! They made fried chicken! Your favorite!!"
"Big brother!! Look, look! Wanna hear this song I learned on the piano?!"
Piano keys played a gorgeous melody under [Name]'s fingers, and Azul watched with wide eyes full of wonder and pride. Azul felt a small sense of envy in him, but he couldn't find it in himself to acknowledge the jealousy, because Azul was too proud of his younger sibling to do that.
And yet...
As [Name] learned more and more, Azul couldn't help but feel... left behind.
As though [Name] doesn't need him anymore.
But... but that isn't true right? [Name] needs Azul... right...?
As days and years pass by, nagging feelings of envy and worthlessness bubble up in Azul as he watches his sibling shine.
'I should be proud of them,' he thinks to himself as his mind wanders while he was studying.
'Mom and dad don't love each other anymore...'
Those were the thoughts in the two siblings' heads while they listened to their parents argue for what felt like the umpteenth time. And today, it seemed as though everyone in the house had finally had enough of the screams and shouts.
Around a month or so later, the Ashengrotto family were in court, for a divorce trial. It was a somewhat long process, but the judge's words hit the two children like a truck.
"Mrs. Ashengrotto is to be given custody over Azul Ashengrotto. Whilst Mr. Ashengrotto is to be given custody over [Name] Ashengrotto."
When the Ashengrotto family split up, Azul and [Name] were desperately trying to stay together. It went to the point that their parents had to pull the crying siblings apart because [Name] and their father had to leave.
"Big brother!!! NO!!"
"[Name]!!! Don't leave me please!!"
Azul wakes up with a start, sitting up from the bed with wide eyes and heavy breathing. His hair was frazzled in a bedhead, and he quickly looks around.
The Octavinelle Dorm Leader recognizes his dorm room, and breathes a sigh. Not one of relief, but one of exhaustion. Azul reaches to his bedside table and takes his glasses, putting them on as he checks the clock. 5 am.
Next to the clock, Azul sees the small picture he placed. A family picture of him, his mother, his father, and his younger sibling. It was taken before his parents had divorced. When they were all happy...
Azul stares at his younger sibling in the picture, yearning to see them again. He reaches out a bit, but stops himself and shakes his head. 'Now is not the time', he thinks to himself. He shakily stands up and starts getting ready for the welcoming ceremony of the new first years of NRC.
Azul leaves the room and passes by Jade and Floyd's shared room. The house-warden could hear Floyd's complaining through the door and he sighs, knocking on the door and speaking.
"Floyd, would you stop complaining? Jade and I have to get ready for the Welcoming Ceremony, and you and the others have to start preparing for the welcome party for our new first years."
Almost immediately, Floyd replies with a slight whiney tone. "Says the person who wasn't wrung out like a rag for some lotion! I can barely walk!!" Azul could almost hear the pout in Floyd's voice and sighs in exasperation, listening to Jade trying to calm his brother down.
Deciding to leave the twin eels alone, Azul starts to walk away and head to the Lounge to make sure the preparations are going smoothly. As he walked, his mind can't help but wander to thoughts like if he and his own younger sibling would have a similar dynamic to Jade and Floyd. Hm, or would their dynamic be more like Idia's and Ortho's? Likely not, perhaps.
These thoughts weighed in Azul's mind, and he feels himself shaking his head, trying to rid himself of those thoughts. He hasn't seen his younger sibling for a long time; but Azul certainly hopes that [Name] didn't have such a drastic change like he did.
For some reason, Azul couldn't bear the thought of his previously happy-go-lucky and outgoing [Name] to be anything else other than such a happy mer-octopus. It was wishful thinking, but what kind of older brother would he be if he didn't wish only the best for his younger sibling?
When the time came for the Welcoming Ceremony to begin, the Housewardens (exceot for Malleus Draconia, who likely didn't receive the invitation, Azul thinks) were all lined in a circle surrounding the mirror, waiting for students to be sorted into their own dorms.
As each student was being sorted to their dorms, Azul takes the time to look at each student that seemed to catch his attention. None seemed very relevant thus far, maybe a few people he could exploit here and there.
"Next student!"
A student dressed in the NRC Ceremonial Robes stepped out of the crowd of the unsorted first-years. Their hood was on and casting a shadow down their face as they walked towards the mirror.
"State thy name." The mirror said when the student stepped up.
Suddenly, the student spoke a name that ran a shiver down Azul's spine. A name that Azul never thought he would hear no matter how much he wished to hear.
"[Name] Ashengrotto."
Jade raised an eyebrow and turned to Azul curiously, and some other students who recognized the last name also snuck some glances to the Octavinelle Dormleader. Azul could vaguely hear Idia's voice through the floating tablet, saying things like, 'Plot twist?!', but he paid no heed to it.
Azul's eyes were wide, and his mouth was lightly agape in surprise. His younger sibling... studying in NRC?!?
Questions ran through Azul's head in that moment. How is his younger sibling doing? Do they still like to play the piano? Or perhaps they still continued collecting those sea shells? Did [Name] still want to be a singer when they grew up? Do they still enjoy chasing their tentacles like a dog liked chasing its tail? Do they still have that same smile they always did; the one that brightened any room they were in and made their eyes glimmer like the stars land-folk liked to gaze at?
The Dark Mirror spoke again, "The shape of they soul is..."
Azul was beside himself with worry and anticipation. What dorm would his younger sibling be sorted into?
'Octavinelle, Octavinelle, Octavinelle', Azul chanted in his head, hoping for the Dark Mirror to sort [Name] in the dorm he was in.
"... Octavinelle!"
It took almost everything in Azul not to let out a sigh of relief, but he was celebrating in his mind. Suddenly remembering that he was the Dorm Leader of Octavinelle, he stepped up and made himself known to his beloved younger sibling.
Azul mustered up an amicable smile (and those who knew him were rather surprised at how genuine Azul's smile looked), and spoke. "Welcome to Octavinelle, right this way please."
[Name], not having realized who the person underneathe the hood was, nodded and walked to the crowd of Octavinelle students, waiting for the Welcoming Ceremony to be over.
After a rather tiring Welcoming Ceremony, with an entire fire getting started by a racoon-cat-monster named Grim, all the students (save for that one student who couldn't get sorted to a dorm) were allowed to leave and go back to their respective dorms.
The Octavinelle first-years were granted a delicious meal and celebration, and were all briefed on their duties in the Mostro Lounge. The entire time, Azul kept sneaking glances at [Name], which wasn't really left unnoticed by the twins or by [Name] themself.
Azul eventually mustered up the courage to approach his younger sibling and struck up a conversation.
"[Name], it's very nice to see you..! I'm Azul, remember? Your older brother?" Azul's voice was one of slight anxiety, did [Name] eveb remember him? It has been a while since they last even heard from each other..
[Name] turns to look at Azul and nods a bit, smiling a little. "Ah, right. It's so nice to see you again, Zulie."
Being referred to his favorite childhood nickname made Azul smile softly, but he couldn't shake off the surprise at seeing the change of demeanor in [Name]. Back when they were younger, [Name] was much more outgoing and enthusiastic compared to this [Name], who seemed to want to curl up in a ball when someone else tried making conversation with them.
Not even their smile fully reached their eyes anymore. Just what had happened to his beloved younger sibling in the time he was gone?
Internally hoping that his younger sibling hadn't changed too much, Azul tried to continue the conversation. "Ah, do you.. still play the piano?"
[Name] shook their head and smiled a little sheepishly in reply. "Oh, no I don't anymore. Atleast, not as often as before. I still play it occasionally, but I don't exactly find it as fun now."
"What about collecting sea shells? Surely, you still find that enjoyable?"
"Dad and I lived in a more colder part of the ocean, and there weren't a lot of sea shells to collect. So, no, not really."
"Ahh, I see... what do you like doing nowadays, then, [Name]?"
"Oh, well..." [Name] then proceeds to tell their older brother of their interests; though most (if not all) the things the younger Ashengrotto listed were things Azul weren't very interested in.
Regardless, Azul nods in understanding, trying not to mind how much his sibling had changed.
The next few weeks after that, Azul had found it hard to approach [Name]. Why? Well, maybe it was because of the fact that his younger sibling had grown rather attached to the Ramshackle prefect and a certain trouble-making trio (Ace, Deuce, and Grim).
Azul had enough of it, seeing his younger sibling get roped into trouble from their group of friends. When [Name] had came back to the dorm with the Heartslabyul's dorm leader's collar on them, Azul had to pull his younger sibling aside to talk.
"[Name], may I ask exactly why you have Riddle's collar on you? What did your friends bring you into this time?" Azul asked [Name] as they spoke in Azul's office. Azul was looking at his beloved younger sibling with furrowed brows and a scrutinizing expression.
[Name] replied, "It's a.. long story, big brother. Yuu, Ace, Deuce, Grim, and I were at Heartslabyul's Unbirthday Party. Dorm Leader Rosehearts got mad at us and collared us and kicked us out of the party because a rule was broken.."
Azul sighs in disappointment and exasperation. He can't believe his younger sibling associated themself with such troublemakers.
"[Name], honestly, why do you even hang out with such people?! They're getting you into trouble!"
[Name] tries to defend themself, "They don't mean to! And I can't just stand by and watch as my friends suffer on their own!"
Azul starts to get a little frustrated. Can't they see, those group of 'friends' as [Name] calls them are terrible influences. It's only a matter of time before they start using [Name] for their own benefit, Azul is sure about that. After all, [Name] has always been rather straightforward in the way that they won't hesitate to help (such values were strange to see in a school like Night Raven College). And Azul knew what happened to people like that; they get exploited, wrung out like a rag, draining them out until there's nothing left to give.
If [Name]'s friends were anything like the other students of NRC (like how Azul would treat his 'clients'), it would be so, so much worse for [Name]. Oh, Azul could practically see it now; it'll start small, like helping out with homework or lending some money. Eventually, it'll be like his younger sibling got the life and kindness sucked out of them, leaving them burnt out like a poor, unfortunate soul!
And Azul can't and won't let his beloved younger sibling go through that. He won't let [Name] fall from grace so terribly like the people who've broken their end of the deal with him.
And that is what Azul tells [Name] (leaving out the parts that paint Azul as the scheming businessman he is, of course) in an effort and attempt to dissuade his sibling from staying friends with their troublemaking friends.
"Don't you see, my dear sibling? They're only using you and their troublemaking schemes would run your student record through the mud. They're getting you involved in so much drama and troubles, and as your older brother, I'd hate for you to be surrounded by such terrible influences," Azul says.
[Name] frowns a bit. Azul worded it as though they hadn't done anything wrong, which wasn't all that far from the truth, though. However, [Name] also knew that Azul was thinking that they were being dragged against their will to help out, which they weren't.
"Big brother... I'm helping out willingly, because I want to. Besides, they're my friends. Didn't the Sea Witch always help other people? We're Octavinelle students, we must always follow the Sea Witch's values."
[Name] replies. The facts about Octavinelle and the Sea Witch were things that the younger Ashengrotto used to try convincing Azul to let them go.
Azul clicks his tongue, his eyes narrowing as he pushes up his glasses that were starting to fall a bit. "Then perhaps you should try getting better, more behaved friends instead of the ones you have right now. What happened to the well-behaved [Name] I used to know?" Azul mutters under his breath, but [Name] could still hear Azul's words.
[Name] frowns at the last question. "What 'happened' is that life happened, Azul. Not everyone stays the same! I've changed!!"
Azul, however, has difficulty getting behind the thought, shaking his head in denial, "Then change back!! [Name], I want the old you! The one who'd listen and trust me without a second thought! The one who was dependent on me! The one who actually made me feel special!!"
That was the last straw for [Name]. They have grown tired of their older brother trying to keep them the same as they used to when they were a child. Can't Azul just let go of the past? "Well that [Name] is gone!! I'm independent now, Azul! I'm not a child! Stop treating me like one!"
[Name] shouts in a burst of anger, before their eyes widen, not having expected themself to actually blow up like that. Not necessarily regretting it, though, the young Ashengrotto quickly turns away and leaves Azul's office, ignoring their older brother's shouts for them to come back.
Azul breathes heavily as he falls to his knees, watching as his younger sibling walks away from him, closing the door behind them. The sight can't help but remind Azul of the time when he and [Name] were separated; just this time, [Name] was being pulled away by their 'friends' instead of their father.
Azul can't believe this!! Did [Name] really just walk away from him?! After everything Azul did in hopes of having his dearest sibling back?! How dare they!
How dare they change! How dare they change so much to the point Azul barely recognizes them! How dare they move on from the past so quickly, as if it didn't bother them! And how dare they even think of choosing their friends over him!
How dare they make him cry! How dare they say words that hurt far more than when those pesky merfolk would bully him!! How dare they leave him there, with tears falling down his eyes and with a heart aching for family!
How dare they, how dare they, how dare they!!
Azul takes a deep breath of resolution, his eyes narrowing behind the glint of his glasses. Never mind, then. He'll show them, he just knows it.
Azul calls the Leech twins over to the office, preparing to make a plan for the upcoming exam season, a list of specific names he wants them to target.
He'll show [Name]. He'll show them that he's right. That big brother knows best.
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little henchman!
Character(s): Leona, Ruggie (Twisted Wonderland)
Summary: You always followed Ruggie where ever he went. He was like an older brother to you and he too also adored you like a sister. So when he went to the night raven academy he couldn't help but whine, missing your presence to Leona.
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, reader is around Cheka's age, Reader also has the same hyena ears as Ruggie, Ruggie is like a self-proclaimed brother(?), platonic yandere but it really just fluff till like the very end
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You were one of the children that Ruggie took care of before he had to leave for Night Raven Academy. You were the one whom he worried about the most before he stepped into the carriage. You were a mischievous one, but not as much as the other kids, you were much more docile and listened to his words compared to the other troublemaker ruts.
You were just the same in a sense.
While he took care of you the most and people would often talk about how you were like his baby sister seeing that whenever he was home or even outside with a task to do you would be following him whereever he went. You were so insistent when you followed him. While it was troubling to him at first, seeing that you don't place yourself in trouble often and were well-behaved, he let you do so. Ruggie would often order you around for half of his food the next meal.
It was something that Ruggie and you had grown used to so when he called you at the dorms unable to hear the small steps of a small hyena he felt out of place.
Yet it seemed that he learned how to deal too busy dealing with Leona with his demands and messes. He tried to send you a letter, something that his grandmother commented talking how your ears would always be down saddened that he wasn't there. But no matter what he wrote he couldn't seem to write anything.
Leona heard about you from Ruggie when the boy became his henchman. At first, when the relationship was still new Ruggie would often complain about how he missed his little henchman as he cleaned Leona's room. As this went on and on Leona soon asked (in a quiet annoyed tone) who she was.
Ruggie who was given the chance to talk about his little follower took it.
"Kids are too noisy... they are annoying," Leona stated cleaning his ear with his pinky finger as he yawns bored.
"Shyehee hehee hee! You will understand when you see her, she can be quite useful if you hand her some food or money." Ruggie told him.
"Hmmmm...." Well, you certainly didn't sound like his own nephew even though you were about the same age.
The first time Leona meet you is when he visited Ruggie's home. After calling it a dog's house Leona and Ruggie were quickly bombarded by kids who were waiting for Ruggie to welcome him back but also curious as to what he was bringing.
"It's food!" "Give me!!" "I want some too!!"
The sounds of the children pained Leona's ear as he quickly backed away from Ruggie who was dealing with some children climbing all over him. Backing to a safe place from the crowd he flinched when someone tugged his shirt and looked down to see a small girl with hyena ears tugging his shirt.
"Did you come with Ruggie-nii?" You asked.
Leona grunts finding everything a hassle but answers when you pulled his shirt again asking him the same question. "Follow me!" You told him not letting go of his t-shirt, pulling him to Ruggie's home to hide from the people's eyes.
There you two stayed, waiting for Ruggie to come home.
"So this is where you were. I have been searching everywhere for you." Ruggie panted trying to catch his breath he had been trying to search for Leona after he was finally able to get the kids off his arms. "This kid helped me out a bit." Leona pointed at you. "Ehhh then why did you tell me." 
You giggled as Ruggie pinched your cheeks, giving you a little hug he gave you some food that he saved specifically for you. "Welcome home!" "Yeah yeah, Shyee hehe."
"So this is the kid you were talking about?" Leona asked.
"Shyeehehe yeah, she is." "Hmmm, she seems very efficient and less noisy than the brats that jumped on you."
Leona had offered you and Ruggie to follow him to the palace unable to sleep at the old run-down place Ruggie glared as he told you to pack your bags. "I understand why you would want me to boss me around and all but why did you invite her?" Ruggie was on guard as to why Leona would invite you with a knowing smirk on his face, he stated that you could eat as much as you want if you follow him.
"You will see."
True to that, while he worked Ruggie to the bone he also asked you to do a few things. Asking you to spy on some people within the palace and a few other errands because he also found out how sneaky you can be and if you were caught many people won't be able to touch you knowing that you were invited by the second prince.
And when Leona's nephew shows up he would toss you a small bag of money telling you to play with his nephew. You would when you looked at the money bag already trusting that he put the usual amount inside the bag.
Ruggie was super annoyed that he didn't have much time to spend with you with Leona just stacking multiple errands on him. C'mon, let him rest a little...
So imagine his surprise when he saw Leona's nephew sleeping on the floor while he was on the bed snoring. But he just could not find you anywhere as he moved around the room searching for you whispering your name scared that he would wake up the 2 lions who were taking a nap.
Ruggie was mildly panicking that he wasn't able to find you and was about to run out to find you till he found you sleeping right beside Leona softly snoring. You must have been tired and seeing the two lion sleeping must have made you sleepy too.
BUT why crawl into Leona's bed of all places!!
You were adored by the two boys, Ruggie ever since you started following him a long time ago and who watches over you like an older protective brother while Leone at first used you to get out of his nephew's hands, he didn't mind you sleeping right beside him.
Seeing that you started trailing around following Leona as he had ordered you to do just in case of any surprise visits from his nephew. Leona's brother was curious about who this little girl that Leona had right beside him was. He had heard that he brought a friend and the friend's sister to the palace but he can't understand why the sister is following him.
"Don't worry about it. Ruggie is just too busy to watch over her so she is with me right now." Leona casually explained, ignoring when Farena compliment him about it seeing that he was worried that Leona didn't like children but it seems that he didn't have to worry about him anymore.
You and Ruggie were really useful to keep by his side.
So imagine when Leona woke up unable to see anyone in his room, he looked at the time and noticed that he slept a little more than usual. Ruggie had told you to always wake Leona up when he sleeps too much in his naps and while you always followed what you were asked to do to a T you didn't come to wake him up.
He yawned a little satisfied that he was able to sleep a little more and tried to call you but you didn't answer. Maybe you went out to get something to eat, he didn't ask you to do any errands today besides to watch out for his nephew. Yet as time passed, you didn't come back...
Strange... He thought to himself wondering what had happened. He can't help but feel like something bad has happened.
Getting up from his bed he headed to the door in order to look for you, only to see one of the servants outside his door jump in surprise. "Hmm, what are you doing here," Leona asked the servant, who looked anywhere but him fidgeting under his gaze.
"Ah- uhh..." 
"Spit it out already, I have other matters to attend to." Unable to wait anymore he was about to leave before the servant stopped him. "Well, you s-see..."
His heartbeats thundered in his ears as he briskly walked to one of the guest rooms. The aura he was excluding was angry, which made the servants and other guests flinch when they saw the second prince stomping past them.
Slamming open the door, ignoring the shouts and yelps of surprise he stopped when he saw you all bandaged up sleeping on the bed with a doctor right beside you. The smell of blood was strong in the room.
It was your blood.
"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!" Turning to his side Leona saw the shocked face of Ruggie who was right beside him. His eyes shaking, of concern and anger. "WHAT HAPPENED!" Ruggie shouted again when nobody answered him and ran to your side.
Leona didn't move from his place in front of the door yet others could feel the bloodlust emitting from the second prince. "Tell me what happened here and leave no details out. Unless you want to be turned to dust." His voice was calm but it promised pain to those who think they could lie their way out of this.
It was the doctor who explained what had happened.
It seems that many were jealous of you a hyena who looked to be taken care of by Leona. They were jealous that you were beside him when he pushed many others away from him, especially kids who looked fondly to him. While there were a few others who wanted to become friends with Cheka yet were unable to. Seeing you a lowly Hyena who wasn't even royalty so close to his nephew... it seems everything was done out of jealousy. 
When they saw walking alone to the kitchens they thought that this was the chance.
"They are only just kids Leona. You should forgive them-" "Who are you to order what I should do doctor." Leona's eyes were glaring as he pushed his hair away from his face. The doctor flinched and looked down.
When you woke up you were in Leona's room, Ruggie was right beside you sleeping. You saw the dark circles under his eyes, and everything hurt but you tried to reach out to him to somehow rub those eyebags of when a voice suddenly stopped you.
"I wouldn't do that it I were you. The runt didn't sleep at all watch over you." You looked to see Leona on the other side of the bed standing and looking down at you. You looked at him hesitantly as he takes a seat beside you.
"Did you know?" He asked, "That a few runts hated you?"
Understanding showed in your eyes as your mind quickly connected everything that was at the moment fuzzy. Slowly you nodded your head. Slowly you nodded your head thinking that Leona would get angry at you instead he did the opposite flicking your forehead as he lay down on the bed.
"Sleep kid. I didn't get any sleep cause of you last night so don't you dare wake me up this time." He threatened you while lightly grabbing your shoulder so as not to hurt you and pushed you back to bed, Ruggie grumbled at the sudden movement, his sleep disturbed but didn't wake up as he called your name.
You looked at Leona and then Ruggie unsure what to do when Leona spoke again. "Don't worry, they won't be coming back. I and your brother dealt with them. You will never see them again." You didn't understand what he meant by that, did he kick them out of the palace or something?
Leona yawned tiredly and soon fell asleep. Looking at the familiar sleeping face you smiled, grabbing your brother's hand with yours you looked up at the ceiling and closed your eyes.
Your brother Ruggie and Leona would protect you that much you knew. You just didn't know to what point they would do so.
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Note: Please do not copy or repost my writings!
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rosadreams · 8 months
To see you again
Characters involved: General Lilia x fem fae reader + fem reader x Silver(platonic; mother son relationship)
CW: TWST chp 7 spoilers, reader is NOT Yuu, reader is ded duhhh
Synopsis: Silver never thought that he would be able to see his dead mother again in his father's dreams.
"How dare you harm the general! Guards, seize these humans at once!" Baul yelled, and suddenly, the nocturnal faes were surrounding Silver, Sebek, Grim and Yuu, ready to fight. "Hey you guys, Im fine. it's not like Im hurt. I only dropped my mask." Lilia said, still feeling a little mildly shocked that a mere human managed to even make him drop his mask.
"What's going on?" A soft, melodic voice intercepts in to the conversation. Baul and the other fae soldiers suddenly straightened their back, hand in a salute position as they greet a fae women who has just arrived.
"We greet the Lady of House Vanrouge!"
"Oh no need for the formalities! Just call me Y/N!" The fae women chuckled, and immediately, both Sebek and Silver can feel their blood running cold.
Y/N Vanrouge? As in Lilia's wife? The one who died 4 years ago?
Silver could hear his heart pounding nervously. He had prayed every single day to see you, his dead mother again. Though he knows that it was just a futile hope, he had never imagine seeing you alive in front of him - technically alive in this dream.
You looked younger than the boy had remembered. Your eyes are full of life, face free from wrinkles, looking young and beautiful. "Y/N, what are you doing here? It's dangerous." Lilia reprimands you coldly, but you know that that is his way of caring you. He does not like to show his weak side in front of his subordinates.
"I thought you needed a helping hand." You turned to look at the 3 humans and 1 cat who were staring at you with their mouth open wide, probably amazed by your beauty. "Whose this?"
For once, Silver had to hold back himself from running into your arms, calling you mother.
"My name is Silver, I am your son. I missed you, mother."
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honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
Could you do a deltarune Kris!MC with the dormleaders and staff?
I decided to this with the staff since I wanted to give them more content :')) Also MC is a student, and this is platonic. I could only do 3 because I don't have the strength- at all-
You're rather… quiet, a bit too introverted that people would find it astonishing to be able to converse with you in anything. You aren't very energetic, and you tend to distant yourself from people, even the few friends that you have. Even so, you do seem to have a wide array of things you're interested in, love to pull pranks and interest in magic, perhaps why you were so fascinated in Twisted Wonderland.
TWST The Enigmatic, Introverted by somehow funny, MC (Kris)
Dire Crowley
A bit concerned for you to say the least. You're just awfully quiet, and you barely utter a single word to almost anyone! You okay?
Beside you, he looks like an overly enthusiastic father with their super quiet child. It's a rather funny dynamic to see, and Crowley helping you (well, trying-) to make friends with the other students was a rather challenging part of his whole career-
Somehow, though, you always manage to surprise him with your pranks such as how you replaced his writing ink with soy sauce, and he wondered why his ink smelt so salty.
Perhaps you really are a troublemaker deep down. He sighs, placing his top hat on his work desk as he took the bottle of ink from you.
"Hehehe..!" His eyes widened, twisting his neck to you with a shocked look on his face. You… you really just… laughed… OH MY SEVENS-
He's ecstatic, and he's smooshing his cheeks against yours. "AHHH MC, You laughed! I'm so delighted!" <3
Divus Crewel
Well, at least you're quiet and paying attention, he first thought. At first. After some time, he realizes just how awfully… quiet you are. Gosh, how you made him want you to talk.
Divus pulls you aside one day after class as you stared at him blankly yet expectantly. "Well, pup, you know you don't really bark or woof in this class. Or anywhere for that matter. Is there something the matter?"
You shook your head, only having him feel skeptical. Regardless, he keeps close tabs on you, and tries to partner you with new students during projects instead of the few same people (much to A*e and Deuce's dismay-), just so you can mix around and interact with more people, and it sort of worked (although some people made fun of you for being a weirdo… which Divus promptly took care of them).
Divus is a bit annoyed by you pulling off (harmless) pranks on him… but seeing you giggle quietly to yourself…
Ah, he'll let this one slide, pup. <3
Aren't you a quiet fella? You barely talk when you and your friends come over to his shop. You simply point to them what you want, and they do the ordering.
Even if they didn't come, you don't utter a single word to him at all.
He wonders if you don't talk at all, if you are mute, but it turns out that you actually can talk and speak (according to Adeuce), but you just choose not to.
Sam wouldn't force you to speak, but he'll mostly encourage you to. "Hey, wanna help me promote sales? I'll pay ya, promise!" Once he gets you to do the job, he'll start to pull the strings just the way he wants it.
"You gotta use your voice and spread the good deals, MC! Otherwise, no one's coming into the shop!" and hopefully you'll be more open to speak. Sneaky from Sam, but very smart of him to think of such.
Pranking Sam with a water balloon when he enters the door, the water splashing on top of his head makes him blink in surprise. He sees you laughing at the side, as he finally gets to hear you. He smiles and laughs with you. <3
Reblogs help! ^^
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nugget-from-neptune · 2 years
Sick Child Reader MC with the dorm leaders
It's the season where someone is bound to be sick. Especially little kids, so I will be basing this off on how my siblings act when they get sick. So here we have a snotty nose child mc with the dormleaders!1!
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Would definitely make sure you are taking your medicine and resting well. Tries to make you stay in bed resting but it back fires when not only a minute or so of him leaving the room you come out waddling looking for him.
Tries to think of ways to entertain you but it's mostly just boring and mundane things that would make a child lose interest easily. He's trying yall he really is.
When it comes to giving you medicine he loses his temper when you start to whine and throw your head back to avoid the spoonful of bitter medicine. This is the 3rd attempt at giving you medicine please stay still MC.
After finally giving you a stern look you take the medicine all pouty and complaining of the bitter taste. He can only let out a soft scoff and scolding you that if you weren't sick then maybe you wouldn't be taking "icky" bitter medicine
And now Riddle is dealing with a angry sick child. Way to go with the scolding Riddle.
When it comes to feeding you Riddle struggles with that the most since you say you aren't hungry. Even though all you had was some juice. Man's is worried and asking the great 7 to give him some help.
He goes to ask Trey for some help as well. He has never been sick often as a child and was always alone whenever he was. He feels completely lost when you have to rely on him to get better. He knows that medicine should be able to help you buy when you are still have the same snot and coughing fit he gets anxious.
With the help of Trey you start to recover quickly now. Riddle does feel a little jealous that you have got better with the help of Trey but quickly dismisses it when he sees you all happy and running around the Heartslabyul gardens.
Riddle: "so MC mind telling me how you got sick?:
Child MC: "umm yea ok so me, Ace and deuce-"
Riddle: "Ace, Deuce and I"
Child MC: "...but you weren't there..." *child side eye and pout*
Riddle: *sighs* "please continue your story."
Child MC: "can I have a cherry tart Riddle?"
Riddle: "I'm afraid not. You're sick and any sugar will make you go in a coughing fit"
Child MC: 😾 "you're mean"
Riddle: "You can have a tart when you get better"
Child MC: "mmmm....fine but you're still mean"
Riddle: "Yes MC I am a very big mean guy who finds pleasure in hurting your emotions" *sarcasm*
Child MC: "it's good that you know. Good night" *Gets comfortable on the bed and goes to sleep*
Riddle: "huh... and they call me mean." 😾
Was wondering where you were at since you weren't bothering him around the usual end of the school day hours. Only to find out from Ruggie you were sick and will be in his care. Well mostly Ruggie's cause man's doesn't know what to do with a sick child.
Is always keeping an eye on you and losing his nap time because he has to care for you now. He can't nap in peace because of the coughing fits and the small grunts of pain you let out in your sleep. So now he has to do the work he was given for his remediation classes that he was going to do over the weekend because he can't nap and is bored.
Whenever you start to cry because of some pain he massages the area and gently scratches it. Which causes you to stop crying and go to sleep faster. Which baffles him sometimes because just a second ago you were crying and now you're letting out small snores???
Is the one holding you still for whenever Ruggie has to give you medicine. He's seen you kick and slap the poor spoon of medicine away from you and was a victim of getting the thrown spoon hit him. He ain't tryna get hit twice and those little scratches you give him do not phase him at all.
Whenever your condition worsens he feels just a little worried. He's never seen you look so pale, fragile and bed ridden, he's always been used to full of life and energetic. So he always rubs your head whenever you sleep to ease his worries.
Does not fall for the pleading that you want sweets he will tell you bluntly that you are sick and cannot eat all the yummy and sweet candies he has in the drawer. (He only got them because he got bored of you always bugging him for some candy he never had 😾)
Instead of you telling him about your day it's now the other way around. Yes, the Leona Kingscholar is now going off about his day to the sick child because you kindly asked with the small snot coming out your nose and teary eyes.
Feels himself sigh in relief when he sees you all better and full of energy. He can't stand seeing you look so tired and just empty. Makes him feel weird (ehem worried) and all sad somehow. But hearing your little whispers and feeling you blow at his ears when he is "napping" makes him grateful to see you all better
Child MC: "Leonaaaaa I'm hungry"
Leona: "Ok, what do you have in mind?" *pulling out his phone and clicking on Ruggies contact to text him"
Child MC: "food."
Leona: "understandable I will tell Ruggie you want that"
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Child MC: "my tummy hurts 😿"
Leona *who is laying on his bed and using his phone uses his free hand to gently scratch your stomach*: 's that better?
Child MC: "yes 😸"
I feel like Azul was sick a lot as a child but grew up to have a strong immune system so he knows how it's like to feel all icky. So he tries his best to make you feel all comfortable.
Hates to see you complain in your sleep. It snaps something inside his heart seeing you all down. Which is why he vows to make sure you recover very quickly.
Whenever he has to attend business meetings he has one of the twins keep an eye on you. He knows you have managed to wiggle your way into their hearts so it puts him at ease when hes at meetings.
If your condition worsens he feels himself panicking. He's looking over every book he has over human anatomy and trying to find any possible solution to make you recover quickly. He doesn't want to lose you 😿.
He prepares any meals you want and making sure you are getting the sufficient vitamins. Might sneak in a sweet if he sees you recovering quickly. He spoon feeds you because he doesn't want to strain your energy 🥺.
When he's working on contracts and other business plans, he tries to work on them in the room you're staying at. That way he can keep an eye on you and finish his work. It calms down his worries.
If you ever complain about being bored then Azul always has something to entertain you with. Let it he bringing you a few toys he has given you or even letting you watch a movie on his phone. He's got you entertained and sleeping soundly next to his side.
Once you fully recover he makes sure to give you a light scolding for worrying him. After that scolding he surprises you with a sweet he made and gives you a side hug mumbling about how you made him worry too much. The twins definitely take a picture of that moment and use it as blackmail sometimes 🙈.
Child MC: *waiting to be fed by Azul*
Azul: *softly blowing at the spoon filled with soup he cooked*
Child MC: *nose twitches and let's out a big sneeze*
Azul: *has his eyes closed and feeling the soup go down his face* "...bless you."
Child MC: "uh oh....I'm sorry and thank you" 😿
Child MC: *pulling at Azul's sleeve*
Azul: "yes? What is it?"
Child MC: *making grabby hands*
Azul: *bending down to pick up MC*
Child MC: *letting Azul pick them up before blowing their nose on Azuls scarf*
Azul: "....Great 7 please give me the strength to not drop this child who just blew their nose on my just washed scarf"
We all know this man has been "sick" before because he just had to be a from a wealthy family. So he somehow feels responsible to you getting sick. Even if it was because you stayed outside in the rain, he feels somehow responsible.
Instead of just leaving you to Jamil, he decides to be the one giving you medicine, checking up on you, feeding you etc. Jamil looking from the sidelines like ??? He's not annoyed but at the same time he isn't all happy he just feels weird. So he helps Kalim in taking care of you.
Kalim who tries not to indulge in you wanting sweets. He was close to giving you a chocolate cookie if it weren't for Jamil stopping him and scolding him that anything with sugar was bad for you. Yes, Jamil can feel you glaring at him but just ignores you.
He is always in the room you are staying keeping an eye on you. Sure he can be doing his homework but he doesn't do it because he doesn't want to be all engrossed in doing it and completely forgetting about keeping an eye on you.
He tries to make you smile, he would do anything to hear your cute little giggles. But seeing you all teary eyed and with a frown makes him sad.
Manages to help you stay awake by accidentally ranting to you about how his day went, what he learned and how he bought a bunch of things for you at Sam's shop. He promises to give them to you once you are fully recovered.
Kalim who takes note on how Jamil is caring for you when you are sick and asking him for help whenever you start to complain. He doesn't want to be inexperienced when caring for you so he does his best to learn from Jamil on how to care for you when you are sick.
Once fully recovered, with all the energy in the world, Kalim pulls you into a big hug. He couldn't hug you much because you complained it was too hot but now he can give you all the hugs in the world. He knows that you will get sick again sometime in the future but atleast from this experienced it helped him a lot to know how to care for you. Jamil feels a little proud deep down but doesn't show it.
Child MC: *blowing their nose on Kalims shirt*
Kalim: *patting your head and telling you to let it all out*
Jamil: "...tissue exists for a reason yknow"
Kalim: "yea but they wanted to blow their nose right now and I didn't feel like pulling out the tissue packet from my pocket."
Jamil: "..."
Child MC: "I don't like this tea" *grumbles*
Kalim: "Oh I'm sure it can't be that bad" *takes a sip before coughing out the tea* "oh- Oh Great 7 that tea..."
Child: "I told you" 😾
Kalim: "I just had something stuck in my throat. I will add some sugar since you have been a good kid" *secretly thinking that the tea was the most plain tea he ever had*
Now.... can we really see Vil taking care of a sick child...? One that is coughing up a storm and wiping their snot off on the sleeves of their shirt???
He makes it his mission to get you better the fastest way possible. He doesn't want to deal with a snotty nose kid. It's not beautiful- Oh? Neige just posted himself taking care of one of his dwarve friends? Pfft he can do so much better than him, come on MC you will be in his care and he's gonna make sure to milk this situation dry.
Making sure you are taking your medicine, he doesn't care about your whining. You will take that medicine with the look he gives you kind of like that mom raised eye brow look they give you when you misbehave yknow.
Occasionally posts on his MagiCam story pictures that doesn't reveal you or him just like a medicine bottle and a small teddy bear next to it. The hoes going wild with all this, VIL??? Taking care of a child??? Aw so cute 🥺. Hashtags being made left and right about how caring and hot Vil is for that.
Sometimes has you walk around the room, hates to see you all bedridden and doesn't want you to have jello legs. Sometimes picks you up and puts a mask on you, sure he loves you but he ain't tryna get sick. He carries you around and makes sure you are comfortable.
There are times he leaves you in Rook's care because of how busy he is. He makes sure Rook knows to not spoil you and to have you entertained. A complain from you about Rook and he will have his head. Rook just assures him that he knows what he is doing lol.
Sometimes reads to you, watches television, or even rants to you. He has you lay your head on his lap and runs his fingers on your hair. So now you can't take any naps without him doing that. Good quality time spent between yall if you ask me.
Once you are fully recovered, he makes to post a update on his MagiCam. Could be between a scenery photo with you in the background smiling or a selfie of him and you (with your face blurred) with a random song playing in the background. The hoes are eating this up and creating threads on Magi-Twt about yall 😫.
Vil: *just getting done of his night skin care routine*
Child MC: *waddling to the bathroom door and standing there, softly panting* "Vil.... I frew (threw) up..."
Vil: *looks at the mirror for a long time. Praying to the Great 7 above to give him strength and gives you a side look and noticing that you did infact threw up* "what will I do with you little potato... alright come on...let's get you changed."
Child MC: "I'm really sorry"
Vil: "I know you are... this was just something you couldn't control. I'm not mad just... immune I suppose."
Vil: "Ok MC just hold the bowl and stuffed animal for a minute" *grabbing his phone and opening the MagiCam app*
Child: "but I'm not hungry...? I wanna take a nap."
Vil: "You can take a nap after I take a photo of you and cropping your face out. Now stay still the fans need to know I am very caring and gracious at taking care of you"
Child MC: "but you yelled at me a few hours ago-"
Vil: "shush or no candy"
Child MC: "😾"
Once again. Can we see this man...taking care of a sick child...... Especially since he doesn't see the sun and touch grass....? Let that sink in. Man's finna leave you at the care of someone else. As much as he wants to help, fuck is he gonna do? Reprogram you 😹😹??
On a serious note, he would most likely leave you in some one else's care but he does play the part at somewhat caring for you. Not much because he doesn't deal with that normie shit he's got that other stuff to do.
He has Ortho do all the work he should be doing but hey, it's the thought that counts. He has Ortho check up on you and send you some stuff he bought for you.
It ranges from a variety of things the "care packages" he sends can be from snacks to medicine to even a few toys. It really depends yknow on the progress you made.
On the days he finally decides to go outside, he immediately goes to you. Once reaching you he goes on his rambles which entertain you. It makes him happy seeing you with some emotion instead of being all hollow.
He brings a few games for you to play with. Or sometimes let's you watch him play, while commenting what's going on. It's a little bonding moment yall have.
Once he notices how tired you are he makes something for you. Idk I hc him that he knows how to do origami. You have a small collection of origami now thanks to him 🥺. The few times he didn't notice you fell asleep you always were holding one of the origami he made for you. It melts him
Once you are fully recovered you both get to finally pig out one junk food. Drink all the soda you want and even get to stay up past your bedtime 😼😼. But you always manage to go in a food coma so there's that.
Child MC: "What's more important your games or me?"
Idia: "games." *his tablet floats away*
Ortho: "Dang...big brother didn't even think about it."
I feel like this man probably only got sick in his younger years. Man's is always taking care of himself so I doubt he'll get sick. Even if he did, he has his retainers to care for him
Now seeing you all bedridden, looking so sad and bored, it makes Malleus realize just how delicate humans can be. How they can go from full of life to looking so out of this world with those burning cheeks. Feeling cold and clattering your teeth, yet burning up and sweating. So he decides that he will be the one doing the caring for you.
He kind of struggles to be honest. On one hand he doesn't want to be all mean but you really are testing his patience. Luckily Lillia is there to help and Malleus seems to be learning something. Lillia going through deja-vu with you 🥺.
So Lillia is showing the ropes to Malles on how to properly care for you and how to not indulge on the teary eyed puppy eyes. Child MC can never win fr 😿.
He probably spends the free time reading to you. The books can vary, but with the soothing voice he has he makes you go to sleep real fast.
Malleus is really trying to be entertaining but all he ever does seems to make you go to sleep. Now he's doubting himself 😿 but luckily you are there to clarify what's going on.
Once he gets everything clarified with the help of Lillia he tries harder to be entertaining. He notices you using your technology so he really tries to understand what is going on but with a quick look you can tell the gears in his head are turning.
Once you finally recover Malleus gets to finally have his energetic child of man again. He missed seeing you running around the halls of Diasnomia and the giggles echoing. Seeing you all better makes him realize to cherish the little moments he has with you, but he always promises himself to take care of you no matter what. He wishes to still see you smiling instead of frowning.
Malleus: "You never seem to laugh when I am telling you a funny story, child of man. How so?"
Child MC: "Well I do have a sense of humor...it's just..."
Malleus: "Just...?"
Child MC: "just that... you don't say anything funny and you speak all fancy...so I don't understand you sometimes."
Malleus "😿"
Malleus: "What are you doing child of man?"
Child MC: "Oh hi Malleus, I'm just playing this game called Candy Quell... you should play it sometimes! We can be friends on the app and send eachother gifts!"
Malleus: "What an interesting game. I would be honored to be able to play this game and be friends with you on it"
Child MC: "Yea but you can play for me. I'm kinda sleepy"
Malleus: "alright" *begins to play the game for a few hours, after being amazed at all the mechanics of this wonderful game that he even asked his retainers to play it as well. Man's has never been so happy to be able to play such a silly game called Candy Quell*
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A/N: OMG thank you guys so much for the likes on my Leona fic 😭. I truly thought it wouldn't get as many likes but it's so close to 300 likes omfgg I can't thank you guys enough!!! I made this fic since this weather is so cold acting like I got someone to cuddle up with 😒. I even got sick because of it. But here is my take on how the dormleaders would act with a sick child they are fond of. If you couldn't tell I do have a few favorites 🙈. These guys just give off big brother energy and I don't see enough Platonic fics to feed me.
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zekes-lil-hellhole · 2 years
hcs for malleus, lilia, ace, azul pls :] (platonic)
this wasn't a very specific request so I went with just general hcs about what it would be like to be their friend! I kept each of them pretty short because this is my first time doing more than two characters, but I was so excited to do all of them that I couldn't resist!!
General friendship headcanons for Malleus, Lilia, Ace, and Azul
Warnings: PLATONIC. GN!reader, you/yours, entirely tooth-rotting fluff, any lowercase is intended
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to say Malleus was estatic to have a friend was an understatement. he wants to do EVERYTHING with you, if you'll let him
if you are going somewhere, PLEASE invite him, he will be soso happy, and Lilia is very appreciative that you're spending time with Malleus, the boy needs it.
If you'll listen to his rants about things he likes, like ruins, books, gargoyles, he may get carried away 😭 be prepared to be stuck for a few hours.
Silver and Lilia may be weary of you at first, but once they find your intentions pure, they will accept you. Don't think this means they're not watching you, though.
Sebek will never warm up to you, sorry 💀 you spend WAY too much time with his young master for his liking and it will be known. he will yell at you. but don't worry, Malleus or Lilia will definitely scold him about it before it goes too far.
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Lilia is such a fun guy to be friends with omg. if you're into videogames, or if you play an instrument, he'll be especially pleased, but he would probably do just about anything you want to do!
he is pretty much like a dad, so occasionally he'll give you things he think you might need/like, like if he has something in your size or you and him are the same size, he'll give you clothes he probably won't wear, or if you like merch, something new for one of your interests or hobbies, stuff like that.
don't think you're immune to his spooks unless you're literally not scared of them 😭 because he will still pop up out of nowhere to give you a fright, but it's just for sillies and he'll stop if you ask.
Silver is actually pretty conflicted about this😭. he may avoid you, but it doesn't mean he dislikes you, he's just confused on how to feel.
Again, sebek probably will dislike you heavily. he thinks you are wayyy too lowly to be friends with the likes of Lilia, but Lilia doesn't care about your social status or rank.
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you will definitely be getting into all sorts of trouble with this one 😭 he's always getting into something or other,be prepared to be dragged into EVERYTHING
and also, if you're friends with ace you're friends with deuce. the dynamic adeuce duo comes in a two pack. they're a two for one deal. buy one get one free.
if you're smart in terms of academics, he will attempt to trick you into doing his assignments, and if it works is up to how gullible you are 😅
when you aren't busy, Ace definitely drags you to his basketball practice. and his games. I hope you like basketball. If you also do any sort of sports he will show up to every practice and game if he's available!
if you're able to keep him under control for the most part, an incredible feat, the entire heartslabyul dorm will love you. they will pay you to keep doing this.
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Being friends with Azul may give you an.. interesting reputation 😭
of course Azul is a known crook to the public, but to you he is much nicer! you're his friend, of course he'll be nice to you. if you're particularly close friends with him, you get a discount at mostro lounge, and a 73.8% guarantee of no squeezing from Floyd! what a great deal 😌
if you like strategy games, you and him will get on well in terms of interests! debate strategies with him and he will be over the moon.
I feel like Azul hasn't known real friendship from anyone besides the tweels so he'll be pretty happy either way. especially if you spend a lot of time with him, if it's for hobbies, food, study, etc.
Floyd and Jade are grateful that you're friends with Azul, really. they may show it in a rather odd way but they really care for eachother, if one's happy then likely the rest of them will be.
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this one I'm super proud of and I hope others like it too!!
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stormgardenscurse · 1 year
Familiarity (Pomefiore Manor AU)
You find yourself in a picturesque, fairytale-like setting, destined to be forgotten by time.
This is a general AU, not much romance involved!
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With no memory of how you arrived here (the same kind that might inflict one in a dream), you find yourself before an isolated manor surrounded by the forest.
It’s odd, but as you start to explore the empty building there is a sense of comfort that comes to you. Was the environment familiar to you somehow? Or is it in the way that while there are no signs of people living here, the place seems well-maintained, as if frozen in time.
Eventually you encounter three figures that may be described as the ‘guardians’ of this manor. They are spirits capable of magic, and were manifested into existence from different items around the home.
Epel is one that often hangs around the gardens. Intricate arrangements of flowers decorate the outside of the building, and a fountain is situated in the centre where translucent stones in the water create dancing colours in the afternoon light.
He was more soft spoken during your first encounter (something about a rule of giving graceful first impressions), but eventually as the days pass by he, as well as the other two spirits, opens up more about himself.
You learn that Epel came from the first apple tree that bore fruit at the residence. Though his consciousness is independent of said tree, he would always speak fondly about the knights that used to hang out and liven up the place. It’s just too bad that by the time he manifested, there were no longer horses in the stables.
Epel explains that he not only makes sure the plants here flourish, but also that the animals living nearby wouldn’t infiltrate the manor and harm its visitors. You complimented him about how the songbirds seem comfortable with him, but he mentions that before he arrived (being the youngest of the three), Rook and Vil too were loved by the woodland creatures nearby.
When you ask Vil about this, he relays that actually, the deer have always been a bit more wary of Rook compared to the other animals. After all, he wouldn’t really try to hunt birds, and rabbits have always looked cuter when they played with Epel.
The first time you saw Vil in the manor, you’d only managed to get a glimpse of his silhouette at the balcony of the master’s quarters. In its glory days it was a place the owner turned into their office-slash-bedroom. Gossip from Epel and Rook tells you that Vil was manifested from the ornate mirror that hung there, and was able to watch the owner’s struggles and joys throughout their life here.
He would tell you stories of those that used to live in the manor when you asked, styling your hair as he spoke; from the maids and butlers to the knights and noble family, his memories of them would come to life with his magic, trailing into the forms of the characters as they reenacted the scenes he described.
When Rook isn’t busy securing the safety of the manor during his patrols, he actually tends to hang around the library quite often.
You’d thought it was because of the many windows and sunlight that poured in during the morning, giving it a fairytale-like view; but while you weren’t completely wrong, Rook delightedly asks if you’d like to learn the other reason, before leading you between the bookshelves to introduce his favorite novels and scripts.
“Did you know the mirror in the master’s quarters was purchased from a prestigious theater group? The lead actor was said to have put up a fight against selling it!”
…You don’t know how much of that is true, but the idea of Vil’s source having such a decorated history does feel quite in-character. Vil is quick to shoot back with Rook’s own origins however, pointing out that he was from the bow and quiver of the master’s favored warrior. On days where the weather was nice, they would venture out to hunt together on horseback.
You would ask Epel if his apple tree actually turned out to be a rare, magical species that said favored warrior managed to obtain the seeds for, but honestly speaking he had no clue either. With Rook being the only one that could possibly know the truth, the both of you cap that as a mystery that will never be solved.
Vil never claims what his work in the manor is, but one day you come across him wandering through the hallways, every step seeming to extend his magic to his surroundings and giving them back their shine and color. In Rook’s words, Vil is one that tries to maintain the beauty that they all remembered the manor to be - and so all their efforts were to keep their home bright.
Though you have to admit; helping them record the history and happenings of the manor to add to the library is starting to infect you with their love of the manor too. It's hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, you were only a traveler that stumbled upon this gem.
Even spirits like them need to have fun once in a while - so if that means you are to join in their tea times or walks around the gardens, who are you to decline?
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
Broke, the dorm leaders @ MC: I wanna be with you.
Woke, the dorm leaders @ MC: I wanna adopt you.
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hanafubukki · 2 months
For Bat Appreciation Day:
Imagine being Lilia Vanrouge, a bat fae who was demeaned repeatedly. Told he was the lowest of the low and then those closest to him find out about this day?
Malleus would gift Lilia the roses he planted in his personal garden. Something grown with love and care by him. Tended by him alone and no one else. It would represent the love he has for Lilia. The one who raised him and loves him with the same way as any father would. Malleus would kiss Lilia on the forehead as Lilia has done many times on top of his scales.
Silver who would buy him a video game they both can play together. Late nights game days with snacks and drinks are some of his favorite times with the warmth at his side that would make him gradually fall asleep. Silver would kiss his eyes. Always hoping for happiness for his father as he has always brought him.
Sebek would get him cute mugs or shirts with puns on them. He knows how much Lilia loves to joke around and he’s one to always make others laugh with his antics. Sebek would kiss him on the cheek while flustered. He recalls the many times Lilia would do it to him as a kid just to see his reaction.
Your gift to Lilia was a handmade scarf. Lilia loves flying in the late night sky and sitting on the rooftops watching the moon and stars. You wanted to give him a gift that would keep him warm. A reminder that he was loved constantly as he reflected on his life. You would kiss him on the lips because that smile of his is just too tempting not to.
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Staff with a scrawny and bitey Child!Yuu
Warning(s): cussing
A/N: thought I might as well get the rest of the staff introductions out of the way cause of some asks.
[Bitey child!Yuu Masterlist]
Divus Crewel
You first officially met Professor Crewel when you walked into your first class with Grim
he was about to start his lesson when he just saw a small child and some type of fire cat thing sitting at one of the desks
just to give you a lil picture, you were prob sitting down on the seat with only your head making it over the desk, same situation with Grim.
so he paused his lesson and brought you two out to the hall to ask what in the ever loving fuck you were here and not with either your parents or the authorities, and why Grim is allowed here
Grim tries to explain, but Crewel just takes you to Crowley to clear things up.
Let's just say Crewel is none too pleased that the headmaster is having a child stay on campus until he can find a way to get them back
but he begrudgingly excepts it.
He allows you to sit in on his lessons but when its time to make the potions he has you sit behind his desk, where you'll usually take a nap
when he first found out about your biting habit it was when a random student walked into his class to talk to a friend or smth, and out of nowhere you just lunged at the poor kid
he quickly pried you off the kid's leg and scolded you.
He hates this habit
but a small part of him finds it funny, especially when the person you bite is being an asshole
is one of the ppl who tries to stop this habit you have.
He's almost like a strict uncle or smth like that
random but, he always fixes your clothes and hair when there messy
he'll always re-tie your bow around your wrist when Grims not around
you will sometimes come to him at random times to help with an untied shoe, he'll sigh, pick you and sit you on his desk then tie em for ya.
Overall, he almost treats you like an untrained puppy. He has a feeling that the reason for your habit isn't as random as most ppl say, but he feels its not his place to ask.
also, you may sometimes take naps on his jacket when he takes it off.
Mozus Train
Train has conflicted feelings about you.
First time you met him you didn't bite him, but you did stare at him for a long while
he was so confused by you for a minute, but eventually realized you were staring at Lucius in his arms
so he kneeled down to your level and let you pet the cat.
Most of the stray cats you ran into weren't very nice, most would bite or scratch you
so your not very fond of them, at least not as fond of the as you were dogs
but this cat seemed especially friendly since it was all cuddled up in this old guys arms
after that you'll usually waltz into his class at random times to hang out with Lucius.
He found out about the biting from overhearing a couple students complaining about getting bit
at first he thought they were talking about some animal but then he heard your name
he heavily scolds you the next time he sees you, which you didn't even listen to, just stared at him.
Train isn't pleased by this obv and tries his best to get you to stop, spoiler alert,
doesn't work.
You remind him slightly of when one of his daughters was little, so he grew a small soft spot for you
and when he realized how big the uniform was on you and that you didn't have anything else, he was happy to give you some of their old clothes, he was meaning to get rid of them anyway.
Overall, he and Lucius enjoy your presence. He finds it almost adorable how invested you are in his lectures and like having you there. He might be one of the ones who hates your biting the most.
Also very concerned about who taught you this, or why your guardian allowed it to continue.
Ashton Vargas
This mf LOVES you!
Your so strong for a child your age and size.
yeah you bit him
but he gave no reaction
I'm not sure he even felt it to be honest.
You decided to stay in his calf for some reason and he didn't even notice until someone pointed it out
to which he laughed and pulled you off.
Vargas is one of the few that encourages your biting, even giving you tips on how to strengthen your jaw to have a better bite force
he also finds it pretty funny, but he still pulls you off the person when he sees you biting someone
every time he laughs around Train or Crewel they hit the back of his head.
During gym class he does child-friendly exercises with you when he doesn't need to watch the other students,
Overall, thinks your a cool kid and is impressed by you. He doesn't rly care about why you do it tho, just thinks your a weird kid.
He thinks your quite interesting.
The first time he met you was when Grim dragged you with him to get tuna
he heard of you from the students when they were shopping around
so he also heard of the bites
was a lil cautious of you the first time he met ya, not wanting to get bit, but after like a half an hour of you and Grim looking for the tuna and not being able finding it it was on a top shelf
he relaxed and helped you two.
From then on you would come in to get things and he'd have you help around a lil bit to pay for it
minus the occasional biting, you were a good little helper
he even gave you a small pin that said
'Little Helper'
you loved it so much, that you wore it the whole day on the days you were going to help Sam
and would show it off to your friends
which he heavily much encourages a lot since that time you told Cheka about Sam's Shop, and his dad made a very big purchase.
Overall, he likes having you around, thinks your quite adorable and funny. He's neutral about the biting, as long as you don't bite him or too many customers then he doesn't care all that much.
Slightly curious about who taught you to do it and why they did, but doesn't think its important.
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luxaryllis · 1 year
Can I request the dorm leaders and Jamil with a little sibling reader who’s like Elementary school young so like a 1st grader? It was their first day of “Big kid school!” (The reader adorably labeled it) and she was so excited to go practically bouncing off the walls and their older sibling was aware it would be their first day but obviously couldn’t be there because they have their own school to be at. Later that day wailing can be heard in the halls and when said students go to check it out they find outside the front of the school gates Crewel holding a sobbing, hysterical child who he’s trying to console who looks all scraped up or covered in dirt hair a mess and they realize it’s the reader and it turns out they ran all the way from their elementary school to NRC to see their big brother instead of going home because it turns out they had a terrible first day of school crying about how some kids were mean and they got pushed around shoved into a dirty puddle stuff like that? Basically made fun of and teased and their reactions to the whole thing? Like who’s drop kicking children? Who’s having the whole school board shut down? Who’s lowkey about to commit murder? Who’s about to burn the building down? and them just coddling the child the rest of the day. This was a long ask but I couldn’t get this out of my mind I’m sorry! Sjfnwnicsnjfkhnsrh I thought it would be precious seeing them soft for a little child sibling😭
First Day Gone Terribly Wrong: Part 1
Note: This was rly cute and gave me a good brainrot, so here you go!
Also, I'm gonna be making the younger sibling gender neutral since you didn't exactly specify what gender you wanted.
Just saying, the younger sibling reader in this is different from the ones on my other younger sibling reader fics. Unless you wanna give those cute and traumatized kids some fluff and comfort, you're free to interpret this sibling as something else entirely or the same.
Characters included: Riddle Rosehearts, Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto
To be included (in part 2, possibly a part 3): Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper, Vil Schoenheit, Idia Shroud (ft. Ortho Shroud), Malleus Draconia
Reader/the younger sibling is referred to with they/them and as [Name]. And considering the reader is in first grade, I'm assuming that they're around 5 or 6 years old, but I'll be saying 5 year old since that the age most people start grade one, at least where I'm from/from what I know.
Also, because of the fact that Leona is canonically 20 and Falena has a son (who, upon speculation, is around 5), I'll just make the reader Cheka's sibling (for plot reasons, I'll just say that reader is younger than Cheka by just a year or smthg-). Thus, this makes Leona the uncle of [Name] instead of [Name]'s older brother.
Also, the younger sibling may be described in some parts as having similar features as their respective elder brother/s. Like Idia's younger sibling would have blue fire hair like him, Leona's sibling would be a lion beastman, Malleus's sibling has horns, those stuff.
Oh! And Crewel calls [Name] puppy, pup, and other variations because... it's Crewel. And please ignore the semi-obvious plotholes cuz the characters have already went through their respective overblots by the time this whole thing happens-
I'll start trying to upload more works now too!! There's been so much stuff sitting on my inbox, I'm so sorry for making everyone wait.
Word count (including intro): 2864 words
Warning/s: Bullies, Possible OOC, Dorm Leaders + Jamil being protective of their cute sibling (or in Leona's case, nibling), The child cries a lot (IT'S A CHILD!!!), A couple of my personal headcanons would be thrown in sometimes, Not proofread, I accidentally mix up between 2nd and 3rd person I'm so sorry, Tell me if I missed anything
Full fic under the cut!
As [Name] was getting ready for their first day of school, they were practically buzzing with excitement.
They've ranted and rambled about their excitement to their sibling/s, refusing to even stand still (much to the dismay of some) as they were given their bag and snacks.
Eventually, it was time for [Name]'s older brother/s/uncle to leave for Night Raven College. Since the child's school was also on Sage Island, they were entrusted in their older brother/uncle's care to head to the island for school.
On the way there, [Name]'s older brother/s/uncle gaze at the lively 5 year old with a fond smile, watching the child chatter about how excited they were for their first day of "big kid school".
Unbeknownst to them, however, there would be a sinister force awaiting the cute 5-year old. Bullies. The worst kind of bullies that left you running away to your big brother/uncle's school for comfort.
Although, unfortunately for the bullies, [Name] has quite the protective family backing them up.
Riddle Rosehearts:
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Riddle's childhood has always been rough and strict, and the same could be said for his younger sibling, [Name]. When his mother had gotten pregnant with you, Riddle was silently and internally fearing for what would become of you. He knew what impact his mother's rules had on a person and he was worried that you learn to be stricter on yourself because of your mother.
Because of that, throughout your childhood, he teaches you to obey your mother, but is a lot softer on you. He wouldn't want you to topple over the sheer amount of pressure he went through. He grew to be protective over you, but he still prioritized his mother's orders over anything else.
After his overblot, however, he tried subtly showing you that it was alright to break some rules if it was harmless. He treated you over at the Clover family bakery to let you have some tarts. And this time, his mother had trusted you in Riddle's care, believing that he wouldn't dare break a rule. Your mother was wrong, but the Rosehearts siblings could care less about it as they were as happy as can be. In the end, both of you weren't caught and you ended up being close friends with Trey and his younger siblings.
When Riddle finally had to see you off at your own school, he was constantly worrying about you. From the moment he dropped you off and you left his sight, terrible situations started sprouting in his head.
He speaks his worries to his trusty vice, Trey, who reassures him that bad things are unlikely to happen. As an attempt to help Riddle, Trey tells him stories about how Trey's own younger siblings had great first days of school. While it did help a lot, he can't help but still be concerned for you in the back of his mind.
However, during lunch break, as the students were eating lunch, crying was suddenly heard nearby. The crying disturbed atleast half the student body, for a variety of reasons, but what bothered Riddle was the fact that he could practically hear you.
At first, he thinks that it's just him being paranoid, but he still decides to check it out. There, he sees Professor Crewel holding his younger sibling, who was crying. His younger sibling, [Name] Rosehearts, was covered in mud and had some traces of the strawberry tart (that Trey made) Riddle had sneaked in the child's lunch on their clothes. Not to mention how messy their hair was and the scratches on their arms and face. The sight made his blood boil.
Who dared to make his sibling cry? How dare they cause tears to fall from their eyes?
Riddle's face turns red, and Cater and Trey (along with any nearby Heartslabyul student) felt as if they were suddenly brought back into Riddle's tyrant phase. The redhead practically stomps over to Crewel and [Name], as his two seniors follow, trying to calm him down.
When Riddle finally reaches his dear sibling, he forces himself to outwardly calm down, and approaches the teacher.
"Professor Crewel, this is my younger sibling. May I know what the situation is?" the dorm leader asks. The dual-haired professor, having seen Rosehearts' little outburst, raised a brow. But the man shrugged off the sight and retold what he knew.
Apparently, Crewel found [Name] running to the school, all dirtied up while crying. The child had been calling out for "Brother Riddle", saying that today was "the worst day ever" through sobs. It was a miracle that Crewel even understood what the little puppy was talking about.
Riddle, who had calmed down a lot better by then, gently took the crying kid in his arms, holding them up. [Name] looks at the new person (who they had just noticed) and their face lights up when they see their elder brother. "Brother Riddle!!", [Name] cries out, wrapping their small arms around Riddle's torso, sobbing even louder.
Riddle immediately comforts his younger sibling, patting them on the back with one hand and quickly moves to go to Heartslabyul to get some privacy. He silently thanks his professor and makes a beeline straight to the Hall of Mirrors, glaring at anyone in his way.
As he finally reaches the comfort of his room, Riddle set you down gently on his bed. By then, both had calmed down, and Riddle kneels on one leg to look at his sibling eye-to-eye. He then asks the child to explain what happened.
When you explained to him what happened with their "bullies", who had made fun of you and pushed you to the ground, along with your strawberry tart after you had refused to share their lunch and dessert with the other kids. This enraged Riddle once more, but he hid it better.
You tried apologizing to Riddle for wasting the food and bothering him, but he only shushed them and gently patted your head, reassuring them that it was okay. Afterwards, he gets them all cleaned up and dressed them in the extra clothes your mother had packed. He then allowed [Name] to take a nap while he goes back to class.
Meanwhile, as the younger Rosehearts slept peacefully, Riddle decided to call up the school that held such disrespectful bullies. When the phone is picked up, he requests to speak to the principal or someone in charge of the first grade students.
When he gets to speak to the person, he starts sharing the same story [Name] told to him and requests that something would be done about the ill-mannered students who acted in pettiness over a child refusing to share their only food to the others. As much as this sounded like a 'karen moment', as the Ramshackle prefect would call it, Riddle spoke with courteousness and acted as if he were in an official debate.
The redhead's confidence and sense of authority, along with the obvious moral side of the topic, won over the other person and the bullies' parents were spoken to, while the bullies were given a severe warning.
Eventually, Riddle requests to his mother and the Headmage that his sibling, [Name] Rosehearts, would be allowed to stay in Night Raven College with Riddle to allow easy transportation between "home" and their school. And also so that Riddle can keep a close eye on his dear sibling, whom he would always protect.
Leona Kingscholar:
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If anyone would ask Leona, he'd say that he wouldn't give a single care in the world when it came to his nephew & nibling. But the thing is, that's not exactly true. While he really does wish the children would stop clinging to him and stop causing trouble everywhere, there's still that small piece in Leona that helped raise these cubs.
The king and queen of the Afterglow Savanna were very busy people after all. And Leona would often be dragged into playing cub-sitter while his older brother and sister-in-law would be too busy. He didn't do any work, as he just supervised the hired nannies to make sure nothing bad would happen to the children.
Most of all, he can't help but somewhat see himself in the younger of his niblings, [Name]. While their existence obviously made Leona third in line for the throne (much to his utter dismay), he saw traces of how the servants would treat him in the way the young cub was treated. At first, Leona could care less. It wasn't his business after all. But upon hearing you cry in one of his original hiding spots (that you must have found on your own), his heart squeezed in his chest and he was brought back to his own childhood, when he himself was crying as no one wanted to play with him or even pay the slightest bit of positive attention to him.
This solidified the idea in his head that if this sort of behavior was still found within Falena's reign as king, Falena wasn't a good king nor a good father after all. Because of that, Leona somewhat took it upon himself to teach the young cub what they need to know. He taught them to be tougher, to be stronger, to not let anyone see weakness. He taught you what he had taught himself as a young child.
It was only after his overblot that Leona realized that you didn't need to be strong, you needed someone else to be strong enough to hold them and comfort them. So he started to teach the young cub to express themselves more, because he now knows that bottling it up won't help at all. He starts teaching them and showing them things he wished he could have done when he was their age.
When it was time for [Name]'s first day in first grade, Leona is left thinking why the heck his brother thought it was a good idea to send them off far from their home land? While the Kingscholar royal family had made arrangements that the young cub would stay with Leona in NRC, Leona can't help but think that this was the kingdom's way of saying that he and [Name] weren't welcome there. After all, there are plenty of schools in the Afterglow Savanna as well, which is where Cheka studies.
Regardless, when he drops his nibling off at their school, he watches over them as they are guided over to their class by a teacher nearby. On seeing that you were safely in your room, he turns and leaves to his school, yawning and muttering to himself.
In contrast to Riddle, Leona barely worries at all. After all, the school knows that they are housing someone of high royal status there, so he doesn't see why anyone would want to mess with his nibling.
So imagine his surprise, disappointment, and annoyance when he realizes that there are in fact kids that had the balls to bully the youngest child of the king of the Afterglow Savannah.
Leona finds out when Ruggie wakes him up from his afternoon nap in the Botanical Garden. The hyena was holding the nibling, who was currently eating their favorite food. The lion cub had tear streaks on their face, some tears still falling, but was mostly calm as they nibbled their food.
Leona saw your scraped knees, scratched arms, and bruised (and slightly bleeding) tail and promptly sat up, demanding to know what happened. Ruggie told him that you had ran to the NRC campus after a couple kids made fun of your lion ears and stepped on your tail, pushing you around.
Hearing all of that made him give out a low growl, tempted to just have those brats sent to the kingdom's prison or even punished for hurting his nibling. He calms himself down, though, when he notices your ears fall down in a sad motion and your tail twitching in pain.
He sighs and orders Ruggie to get a first aid kit and treat your wounds as he has you lay down next to him. While Ruggie left to get the first-aid, Leona silently caresses your ears and hurt tail.
"I'll tell Falena about this. Your parents won't be pleased, but I can promise you that we'll do something about those brats that did this to you," Leona mutters to you as he gently hums a tune to get you to sleep.
The next day, the bullies promptly apologize to you and had to clean the windows and tables after school as a punishment. Though if Leona had any say in the punishment, the bullies would be guaranteed to be in much bigger trouble.
Leona also paid closer attention to you, and even decided to teach you chess, saying that if anyone makes you feel bad about yourself, you should challenge them in chess, because Leona knows that you would win every time.
Azul Ashengrotto:
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Azul, having been a victim of bullying, himself, Azul wanted nothing but the best for you. This meant that he would always make himself appear as a good role model for you, and that he would always make sure that you would be on top of everything.
All this, so that you wouldn't have to go through the same hurtful words he did. He helped you grow out of your shell so you would become much more confident than he was, and taught you just about everything he knows and wants to pass down onto you.
He taught you important techniques in socializing, studying, singing, and even making good first impressions. He was utterly determined on making sure that you wouldn't end up as the crybaby octopus he used to be. He didn't want you to end up hurt from the brutality of the world around you.
He has no idea what came over his parents when they told him that they wanted you, [Name] Ashengrotto, to start first grade in THE SURFACE!! When his parents suggested this, he argued that it was a terrible transition from merfolk to human, especially since [Name] has no idea how to walk on only two legs.
In the end, Azul hesitantly agrees with his parents and gives you some human form potions beforehand so that you can practice walking as a human. He takes a lot of care in making sure that you can make the perfect first impression in school so that you won't get bullied.
As Azul drops you off at school, he reminds you of what you have to do and tells you to always stay safe. He's quite sentimental in seeing you off and worries incessantly the whole day about you.
While he's actually kind of confident that nothing could possibly happen to you, there's still that nagging feeling in the back of his head that says that his efforts wouldn't be enough and that you'd leave him after possibly getting humiliated because of him. Floyd complains that Azul is starting to act like an octopus mother with how he's been acting.
Azul tries reassuring himself despite his worries, but unfortunately for him, one of his biggest nightmares became true. He found out when a knock came on his office door while the Mostro Lounge was dealing with the after-school rush. Opening the door, he's surprised to see his younger sibling there, with unshed tears in their eyes, messy hair, and a bump on their forehead that was sure to bruise.
Azul quickly lets his younger sibling in, fussing about them as he closes the door behind him. He asks you what had happened, though he somewhat knew what had likely gone on with your day.
Apparently, some of the kids there thought that you were an attention-seeker because you kept participating in class and answering the teachers' questions. So they decided that it'd be a good idea to take one of your hard-cover books and hit it on your forehead multiple times while you were getting ready to be dismissed from class.
They had called you a bunch of mean names like "know-it-all", "attention-seeker", "nerd", telling you to "go back under the water, where you came from" and things like that.
Hearing all that, Azul's head suddenly flashed back to when he was younger, and people had bullied him for what may as well be the opposite reasons. People called him "dumb", "a crybaby", and yet people bullied you just because you were smarter.
The thought made him feel guilty for you and kind of angry at himself for letting this happen to you. He then proceeds to gently wipe your tears, which started to fall while you were telling him what happened, and conjures an ice pack for your forehead.
Azul proceeds to spend the rest of the day practically coddling and doting on you, trying to "make up for his mistake".
He also calls up your school, telling them of what happened and started suggesting ways on how the school should punish the bullies. Regardless of what the school ends up doing with the bullies, Azul and the Tweels still make it their personal mission to make the bullies' lives hell for children (be it by scaring them away, or other things).
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mayullla · 1 year
Title: Little follower! (Part 2 of 'Little henchman!')
Character(s): Leona, Ruggie (Twisted Wonderland)
Summary: At the end of the holidays you thought you would head back home and say goodbye to your brother like Ruggie and Leona. Packing your stuff you expected to leave today when Leona scooped you and told you he was taking you to the Night Raven academy.
Warnings/tags: Fem!reader, reader is around Cheka's age, Reader also has the same hyena ears as Ruggie, Ruggie is like a self-proclaimed brother(?), platonic yandere no romantic stuff here
Read Part 1 'Little henchman!' here!
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It was through connections, a sob story, and a bit of money that Crowley allowed a child like you to come to the school. Bullied and hurt truth but exaggerated talk. Stuff like Leona would not be able to sleep at night without knowing you were always safe. Which nobody believed.
Tho it would rather be funny that it was all true.
Packing your bags, you were getting ready to head back home to where you lived with Ruggie's grandmother when Leona scooped you and tossed you onto his should like a potato sack. "Eh..." you blinked surprised at the situation as you looked at the back of Leona's head wanting an explanation. "You are coming with me, kid." He told you grunting as he adjusted you on his shoulder and took away your bag.
"The headmage had given Leona permission to take you with us after what had happened. Shehehehe... Leona told him about what happened but I am sure he pulled a few strings and stuff to get you in." Ruggie snickered his hands full of stuff most bags stuffed with food that he was planning on sending back to his home later.
You must have made a face when Ruggie started to snicker again looking at you. "Aah.. you are gonna be staying with me or Ruggie at all times alright," Leona told you after a yawn still didn't change your face.
"There will be food there. A buffet that you can eat to your heart's content." Immediately upon hearing that you accepted your situation, relax on the prince's shoulder. Leona smirked satisfied with your attitude as he headed to the portal that would take them back to the academy only this time when he used to have nothing but his phone and wallet, he now had you on his shoulder.
Almost everyone had their eyes on Leona and Ruggie the moment they step foot onto the school grounds. And chaos ensured much to his dismay.
You looked at your clothes, the fabric much more nicer than what you wear at home which was for the most part obvious since it was Leona who had everything ready for you. The yellow vest made you look at them curiously wondering why? Ruggie had told you that most students were actually sorted by a mirror and if you were to stay should you also be sorted by it? At least that was your logic.
"You are really naive with this kind of stuff huh." Leona looked down at you, his eye sharp it was as if he was mad, angry about something that you weren't sure of. "Kid you belong here, do not question such useless things." Immediately after you were greeted with a big hand on your head, Leona started messing your hair before leaving yawning stating that he would take a nap before the next class.
Clean-up has always been Ruggie and you but there are days when Ruggie would be out with other things to do and you would clean Leona's room yourself. Most things you could handle by yourself really well but it was still weird for the older students to watch a small kid cleaning up their leader's room. Yet when they try to get close to you, they would hear a growl at just the right timing as they turn back to see Leona glaring daggers at them to scram. Leona made sure that nobody was supposed to go near you without his or Ruggie's allowance.
However, there were always the dumb ones, the more dense or dull ones. There was a moment in time when a few of the students in the dorm became too cocky. As Leona was always ordering you around they thought that they would do the same. Well, Ruggie cuts in with a small threat at hand asking the guy if he should really pay up if he wants to get his stinking ass room cleaned up just because his own mother isn't there to throw the boy out the window. If it was Leona tho, that student would be leaving the room with bruises.
There were many times did Leona take you away from everybody, without a word. Quietly you stayed in one place maybe making something or daydreaming only to be scooped up by Leona. You wouldn't even make a sound, unsurprised by what was happening as you glance at the man's face. "Can't have you up and telling Ruggie where I am. Stay still so that I can catch some sleep." Leona grumbled laying on the side of the grass holding you down. He was way too powerful compared to you, something that you have realized after that "incident". There were many days he would just hold you like this and snore as if you were a doll of a small kid who can't live without it.
The kid being Leona of course.
You told him about it one time without much thought, Ruggie burst out laughing while the others who by chance heard it or eavesdropped tried to hold their laugh only to be quickly silenced by Leona's glare. You were given a hard flick on the forehead and then an aggressive head pat as you wallow in pain in your forehead. Your hair was a complete mess, 'a birdnest' as Riggie would often call it.
Looking at the grass feeling it poking your skin, and then at the clear sky and stuck you can't help but also doze on with Leona unable to keep your eyes open for long. Well till Ruggie finds you guys, nagging Leona and you to wake up and asking why the heck did you not do anything and that you were supposed to be his little helper.
What you didn't like tho were Leona's head rubs and when he licks your hair and ears. Maybe a form of maternal instinct or when you have become too messy from jumping around bushes. It usually happens when he was drowsy as he would occasionally do it to his nephew who would laugh affectionately already used to such showings of love and care. You weren't.
Trying your best to avoid them as much as possible yet unable to when Leona would glare at you and tell you to stay still as he would wake up if you moved so much. Pouting you stayed still till Ruggie finally comes along and tells Leona off not to tease you so much, but by that moment the guy was already asleep. (There was this one case when right after a small grooming section did you leave when you bumped into some students. Strong nose it was almost immediate when they all reacted shock voices asking you if you were perhaps the daughter of Leona. Leona woke up by then and did not give them an easy punishment.)
Leona wasn't sure when it started maybe a little before that incident did he realize that he grew attached to you. But he had grown to care a lot about you. He wasn't sure if it was similar to Ruggie who looked at you like his own little sister but maybe something like a daughter in his eyes. Maybe that was why he didn't necessarily deny the students who woke him up from his nap that he might be the father even if he knew that would start thinking that Leona had "become" a man at the age of eleven. Really it is dumb.
Tho he was also sure you and he would never have that traditional father-and-daughter kind of bond. Leona was sure he would never be the traditional kind of dad, nor a good father all of a sudden at the snap of a finger not that he ever thought he would ever even marry right now. He already has his hand full with napping, eating, being a prince and caring for his subjects, those who choose to follow him. And you too, the only time he ever sees you soo displease were when he tries to show you affection like this. The pout on your lips as if the world has forsaken you looks so amusing to him.
Ruggie has done the same sometimes, not as often as Leona before well till after that incident but can you blame him? He was the one who took care of you the most, so you need to stay still. Special treatment Leona would occasionally jokingly accuse you of not that you would care much. The only reason you would even stay still here with Leona much to your displeasure was that he was the one paying you. Sometimes you think of yourself as some sort of therapy for this guy when he grab you all of a sudden placing you in his lap as he continued to poke your cheeks. Pulling them mumbling how you should eat more, or how you were more of a squirrel than a hyena when you pout.
Ruggie made absolutely sure you would not be alone.... when he can. He didn't want you to be alone at all, and on days when you and he have some free time for yourselves, he will keep you by his side. Sometimes it frustrates you to no end and he knows that, but you could not stay angry at him for long as he always knew how to make you smile.
"Ne~ ne~~ who is that flower crown for?" Ruggie asked you, under a tree a little far off from the academy the two of you finally had some time for yourselves. As Riggie lay down on the grassy floor you took the chance to start plucking flowers and weeds slowly building a flower crown with it. It was something that Ruggie had taught you how to make when you were younger. Looking at Ruggie who was lying down right beside you, you looked at the flower crown that you make then him again.
"Hmmmm...? Hey!? Oof-!"
Suddenly placing the crown on his head you moved yourself and not so softly placed your head on his belly. You too also want to take a nap. "Easy kid. You gotta figure out how to control your strength." Rugguie wheeze, but you knew that he was fine and just exaggerating when he laughed and ruffled your hair. You stayed like this for a little while more, till the world called for the two of you did you return to the school carried on top of Ruggie's shoulders.
People asked why Ruggie was wearing that flower crown asking if he was some sort of princess. Ruggie would only vaguely answer from there but refused to take the crown off his head. You found them in his bedroom withered but carefully tucked somewhere safe. Maybe you would have realized it, maybe you didn't but Ruggie had missed you a lot back then when he first arrived at the academy.
Ruggie and you would always eat together, and more often than not you would share together deserts both in the cafeteria or when you had a job of getting something in the school shop from Sam did Leona always make sure to give an extra more telling you to buy some food for yourself. More often than not you would buy pocky. One in your mouth, the box open you would always share your sweets with Ruggie. Ruggie would come back from doing something that Leona had ordered him to finish, and casually open his mouth asking for a pocky stick. One pocky stick and you will get a small hair ruffle as thanks.
It wasn't obvious and maybe it was something you would have noticed more easily if you were older, that something about your situation in the dorm was odd. How you never have been able to interact with other dorms much ever since you came here unless Leona or Ruggie let you do so. It wasn't like you would go out to look for them so maybe you didn't notice but Leona and Ruggie made sure that you would not go near the other dorms.
While some were dangerous, Leona would never trust you in Octaville or where that Malleus guy dorm was. Trey had asked a few times to invite you to the Heartsabyul dorm saying that he would make you dessert and sweets much to your delight.
There was a certain kind of emotion, a kind that is mixed with everything. The two men were prideful in different ways, they doubt that you would ever leave them. Yet at the same time, they do not want to create a situation where you can leave or be taken by someone else. There was a mix of obsession and possessive feelings but nothing romantic. They considered you as a family but even they know that their obsession was out of line.
You didn't care notice or maybe you were blind in some sort of way. And they do believe that you would never truly leave them, but there was this fear that they would never admit was still there.
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prefectkai · 1 year
When you say yes I say no
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Her beloved cat brother
Before she met the fire cat she disliked cats but she learned to love them
when he try to set her on fire she kinda held a grudge
Their first hug when they fought the ghost (which she was totally not scared)
seriously she wasn’t
They are the kind of student who will say they are excited for school to realize that they hate it
When grim gets sad for not getting picked she tried to comfort him (keyword tried)
Kai despite her hate to memorize her grades isn’t that bad when subject gets her interest XD can’t say the same for grim
She sucks at animal Linguistics💀
You see that look? Run they’re going to commit an arson 🫶🏻
P.s: Their relationship inspired by Anne and spring /Luz and king
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