afolksongs · 9 months
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💖✨te amo✨💖
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taylorlive · 1 year
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witchcastors · 2 years
Ooh there are actually questions I don't already know about you!
24, 37, 31, 83 please and thank you!
Also, very tempted to just have you answer all of these on the podcast for your Q&A
That's fair, lol, @pretty-tsundere-cactus if you think any of the questions would be good to add lemme know
24. Do you consider yourself an Alchemist? In a way, yes? I don't really use that label, but I do think there is some overlap. Alchemy, from my understanding, is focused more on transference in the physical planes, and there's definitely a bit of that in my craft. I think my path is a bit more intuitive and spiritual, though, so witch is a better term for me.
I did answer 37 right here, so I'll do 27 instead!
27. Have you ever performed a spell or ritual with the company of anyone who was not a witch? I do this quite often, actually. P much any of my mundane/every day magic, I do around others. As far as rituals go, I've done a few in front of non practitioners who were curious. I don't mind it as long as they're respectful.
31. What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started? That not everything has to be perfect. That I will mess up and that it's ok. That not every spell is going to work, that just because my path doesn't look like another's, doesn't mean it's not "as good," or that I'm not on anyone's time table but my own. The only witch I should compare myself to is past me. And even then, I shouldn't be harsh on past me, growth is wonky and not everything has to make sense.
83. Do you have a pre-ritual ritual? (I.e. Something you do before rituals to prepare yourself for them). If so what is it? I actually have a few, lol. I almost always make sure I have a snack first (things will not go well for me if I'm hangry), and I usually tap my key necklace a couple of times, and I typically shake out my hair before I veil - I try to be sneaky about it, though
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chaiwithoatmilk · 7 months
I have such a strange relationship with 1989 because (for several reasons based on absolutely nothing and yes, maybe, harry styles) I didn't like her and I refused to listen to the album. But then I accidently heard a few songs on Pandora (of all places) and it made me curious enough to pay for Apple Music and listen to it there and I was so mad when I realized that I loved it.
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selesera · 4 months
I’ve got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me
hello! I go by Sel here and I am sharing my first piece of writing with you, tumblr. I want to dedicate this to @the-lonelybarricade because she is the kindest person online and she immediately saw my other post saying I was proud of myself for writing this and said she -sobs- wanted to read it 🥹
This is a short drabble that came out a little sad and angsty but I am a diehard elucien so have hope dear reader! This was inspired by You're losing me by my queen and saviour tswizzie. I'm so sorry in advance for any typos!
Lady Elain, 
I write this in the hopes that you will agree to speak with me upon my next visit to Velaris.
It is important and urgent.
Elain smoothed out the folded lines of his letter again. Her fingers lightly brushed the letters of his elegant penmanship, terrified of blurring the ink and erasing the way he had written her name. She knew what his “important and urgent” topic was. He was tired of being shackled to her. She could feel his exhaustion, his self hatred, his desperation. Not through the bond, no. She kept her side of that golden string firmly closed. No…she could see his dreams. 
She saw night after night how he confronted her, told her she had to choose. Begging her to choose him. To love him. Or to free him.
Some nights, he would dream that she accepted him and the dream would devolve into a flurry of kisses, wandering fingers, moans and sighs of pleasure. 
Other nights, he would dream she rejected the bond. In those dreams she would stare at her own face, hardened by indifference and disdain. Watch herself coldly stand by as he wept at her feet. Scream at herself to comfort the man - male - that loved her.
She wished she could say those were the worst dreams but she had had the misfortune of seeing his other dreams too. His nightmares. Beron beheading a beautiful fae named Jesminda, wearing an expression on his cruel face much too similar to her own. Hot spikes descending on him. Standing firm against the whips against his back. Screaming as blood red nails dragged down his face. 
The truth was that Elain didn’t know how she felt about being able to see his dreams. On one hand, she felt lucky that she could see the pieces of his history that influenced who he was but that he did not let define him, even as her heart broke at the horrors that he had endured. On the other hand… if she was being honest with herself… it made her angry. 
How dare he make her care about his future? How dare he make her want to soothe and heal every jagged wound to his heart? She was independent. She was not his keeper. She was not the plaything of the cauldron. She would make her own life or die trying! 
At least that’s what she kept telling herself she would do. 
Truthfully, she was scared. How could she be independent in her baby sister’s house? Enjoying all the luxuries that her money bought? She loved Feyre. So much. Had finally created a true relationship with her sister but she still felt stifled. Bored. She couldn’t help thinking that a little distance might do them some good...
One of these days she was going to be able to control her traitorous thoughts… one of these days in her interminably long life.
This is why she hated thinking about him. He always made her question everything about herself, about her life.
Elain looked down again at the letter in her hands. The time had come to respond.
Two pathways emerged in front of her. The first, a path where she chose to stay in her quiet life and let her fear win. The second where fear was still present but sunshine and wildflowers lined the path and a love like no other awaited her.
She put her pen to her paper.
Please accept my regrets. I will be unavailable during your next trip to Velaris. 
I will endeavour to make myself available on your next visit.
Elain Archeron
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braixen · 4 months
i cannot take tswizzy seriously shes like the biggest popstar in the world and shes still making the same "woe is me im being bullied" songs she made when she was a nepo country singer
NO SHE’S LITERALLY A NEPO BABY i’m like PLEASE explain to me what you’ve suffered through that is so unique to you!!! kim theres people that are DYING
and it’s like we’re not even saying you can’t be sad about heartbreak and stuff but to pretend you’re some suffering martyr when i see people begging for food money on my dash??? to survive???yeah we’re entitled to think it’s lame as fuck!! because it is!!
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saitherin · 6 months
happy birthday my beloved pookie wookie tswizzie i hope you have a lovely b-tay 😚😚😚😚 || not my video, creds to @13taytok on tiktok :)
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sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
Drinking and listening to TSwizzie 😙✌️
Leas also here
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resmarted · 1 year
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if you’ve ever talked shit on tswizzie you may notice (and purposely provoke) i’ll get visibly offended and start piping up like um actually? she’s really nice and charitable and hard working and doesn’t bother anyone??? it’s like a little game for people at this point it’s so gay like idky i even give in every time but i Do.
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yagirlqueenie · 1 year
While I personally haven't kept up with miss TSwizzie in a while, I imagine Misha would 100% be a swiftie and probably has a vinyl collection at home
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swiftsideserpents · 4 years
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time, mystical time, cutting me open, then healing me fine ✨🌿🤍
@taylorswift @taylornation
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afolksongs · 1 year
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taylorlive · 1 year
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swizzlesarcher · 5 years
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taylor swift song aesthetics: new romantics
"The best people in life are free."
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acousticallyswiftie · 4 years
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@taylorswift @taylornation
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gold-rush-season · 4 years
people don’t talk enough about we are never ever getting back together x this is why we can’t have nice things and it just. shows y’all’s taste.
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