To Be Seen
Lucius understands.
Trans Masculine Draco Malfoy
Transgender visibility Day, Friday the 31st of March, 2023
To Be Seen
“Papa, look!” The small child dashed away, already out the door before Draco had a chance to react. 
“Wait for me!” He called back, then  apologised to the witch at the till before hurrying  after the youngster who was determined to get a free sample from Honeydukes before they were all gone.
“Easy, young man,” a voice said, and Draco froze, a chill going down his spine.
Just to the left of the door stood Scorpius staring up into the face of the tall man who had stopped the child from running across the busy path.
“Papa?” The boy looked confused as he looked back to Draco, then up at the man again.
Draco cleared his throat. “Father,” he greeted coolly, before scooping his son up, settling him on his hip. “I trust you are well.”
Lucius frowned. 
He had been released from Azkaban a year earlier and hadn’t seen or heard from his daughter the entire time.
Adalinda had been a beautiful child. Very much the miniature of her mother, every bit as lovely, every bit as intelligent and sure of what she wanted. 
Unfortunately for Lucius she had wanted to dress as a boy.
She stubbornly refused to wear dresses or hair ribbons, and insisted on robes and short trousers. Even going as far as talking the house elves into transfiguring her clothing for her the moment his back was turned.
She could always be found taking things apart trying to learn how they worked, or climbing trees and chasing the peacocks and garden gnomes. Coming back filthy with scabbed knees.
The morning they had planned to take Adalinda to get her Hogwarts supplies, Narcissa had spelled their daughter’s hair into soft curls. Adalinda had disappeared into the bathroom and had promptly cut the shoulder length hair off and slicked it back and then faced them both with a look that dared them to say anything about it.
In the end Lucius had refused to be seen with her so Narcissa had taken her alone.
Much to his displeasure the child had adopted a masculine persona whilst at school, choosing a name that, at least, had a similar meaning to her own. 
The professors and Headmaster indulged her, and for Lucius  it had made it quite difficult to make a marriage contract when his daughter insisted she was a boy. 
But then the war happened.
Voldemort had been immensely amused by little Adelinda Malfoy playing at being a boy, and to his shame Lucius couldn’t stop what happened. The task, the Dark Mark, she might have been spared them had she just stayed in her place. 
Then they had lost the war and Lucius had been sent to Azkaban. After eight years he was released and another full year had passed, yet his child never contacted him. Not once in nearly a decade.
He knew from Narcissa that she had married, and had children and still lived as a man.
But to see her now…
It was shocking to see this person who had once been his baby, his lovely little child with the blond curls, freckles and dimples. They were now tall and solid, looking so much like himself that it was like looking into a mirror to the past.
“Papa, who is this?” The child stage whispered and Draco sighed.
“I am your Grandfather,” Lucius said softly, and Draco stepped away, shaking his head.
“No, you’re not.”
“No,” he said firmly. “His grandfather is my husband’s father. You are the man who was supposed to be my father, but was never there for me, and I do not care to subject my children to you.” He made to step past him again, but Lucius blocked his way. “I have my wand,” Draco warned.
“Why are you bothering me?”
“I’ve been home for over a year.”
“I’m aware.”
Lucius started looking frustrated, “It’s been almost ten years since we last spoke.”
“We haven’t communicated in far longer than that,” he replied wearily. “You have never spoken to me, Father. you have never seen me.”
“I’m seeing you now, Draco, ” Lucius replied fiercely, “And I have never been more proud of you.” 
His father had never called him Draco before. Never.
“I don’t understand.”
“I’ve had a very long time to think of things that I should have been focusing on all along. Like what truly would have been best for your mother, and for you. And I’ve come to realise and accept that I have made a great deal of mistakes, and I am determined to honestly make reparations.”
“Merlin help me,” Draco whispered, “I want to believe you, but I can’t.”
“I may not have understood you, my son, but I have always loved you,” Lucius swore. “All I ask is the opportunity to try and show you that.”
“There he is, daddy!” Another voice called out and Lucius turned to see a red-haired girl standing a ways back, holding Harry Potter’s hand.
“Are you ok?” Harry asked cautiously, wand in hand.
Lucius stepped back, putting a touch of distance between Draco and himself.
Draco gave a subtle nod and Harry relaxed.
“Cassie, come here please,” Draco asked of their daughter, and the little girl let go of Harry’s hand, walking to her papa.
“These are your grandchildren. This is Scorpius,” He nodded to the child still in his arms, “And this is Cassiopeia. Children, this is my father, Lucius.”
Adalinda means Noble Serpent 
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owl-of-fandom · 1 year
different from you
written for @drarrymicrofic‘s 17th january prompt: different
this includes: trans!draco (trans man draco) and him coming out to harry also: mentions of top surgery scars
rating: teen
wc:1089 | read below or on ao3
“Harry, I need to tell you something!”
“What? Now?” Harry asks incredulous. His hair is adorably messy, messier than usual, from Draco’s fingers carding through the locks. His cheeks are flushed, lips red and a little swollen. And his eyes shine with happiness. They are so very green without his glasses.
Draco takes a deep breath and nods. He gently extricates himself from Harry’s arms and gives up his spot in his lap to sit beside him on the couch.
“Oh, this is serious, then,” Harry murmurs as he puts his glasses back on. He watches Draco’s hands fiddle with the hem of his shirt, which has already been tucked free from his trousers, concern plain on his face.
“What’s wrong?” Harry prompts gently.
“Nothing’s wrong,” Draco snaps and flinches at the harsh tone. He gentles his voice. “I just have to …”
“Tell me something,” Harry finishes.
Draco swallows. Again he nods.
He looks at Harry, his open and honest expression. Everything about him is patient and just so gentle as he waits for Draco to continue.
Draco doesn’t know how his own face looks like. He hopes the panic, he’s feeling, doesn’t show too plainly.
He has been going out with Harry for only a few weeks after years of traipsing around each other. And it’s going really well. They decided to take it slow, but the few times they have kissed now, have been glorious. Harry is perfectly attentive and gentle and always makes sure Draco is comfortable and Draco might be a little in love with him. Okay, he’s heads over heels gone for the man, if he’s being honest.
Now, though, he’s afraid, that the next thing he says, might ruin everything. This might very well be the little thing, that’s finally too much. The little thing, that breaks Harry’s patience and gentleness. The little thing, that’s not so little really, that could drive Harry away. The little fact, that he’s a trans man.
Draco shifts to sit on his knees, sideways on the couch, so that he faces Harry properly.
“Draco? It’s okay. You can tell me anything. Whatever it is.” Harry turns as well, pulling a leg under himself.
“If we’re going too fast, if you want to slow down, that’s fine. Or if you changed your mind. It’s okay. If – if you don’t want to be with me-“
“NO!” Draco yells. Harry flinches.
“Too loud, sorry.” Draco takes Harry’s hand. He gently rubs circles on his palm, knowing it will calm them both. “But, no, that’s not what it is. I didn’t change my mind about this. About you. I … I want you.” Draco feels himself blush scarlet, the blood hot in his cheeks and down his neck.
“Good,” Harry almost purrs with that crooked smile, that has the power to make Draco swoon. He squeezes Harry’s hand and feels a wave of reassurance wash over himself as Harry squeezes back.
“It’s just that,” Draco takes a deep breath, then the rest of the words come rushing out of his mouth, “before we go any further, before anything more happens between us, I need to tell you that I’m different.”
Harry doesn’t say anything. His eyes flit over his face, searching. He doesn’t understand.
Slowly Draco extricates his hand from Harry’s.
“Let me show you,” he barely whispers. Draco starts unbuttoning his shirt with trembling fingers. Harry watches on patiently.
“I’m different,” he repeats, letting his shirt fall open over his bare chest and exposing the crescent scars there. “I’m trans. I’m a trans man.”
Harry’s eyes turn impossibly wide behind his glasses. He’s transfixed on Draco’s top surgery scars. His gaze is intense, but his expression is unreadable.
Draco has no idea what’s going on in the head of this beautiful, perfect man, sitting across from him. So he does the only thing he can think of. He rambles.
“I can see how this changes everything.” He swallows hard. “It’s okay, obviously, when you’re not attracted to me anymore. It’s my fault really. I should have told you earlier, I assume. To clear the air. Make sure we’re on the same page. Alas, I’ll be going, then.” The words tumble out of Draco’s mouth uncontrolled.
He can’t look at Harry anymore, afraid of what he might see there now. Instead he watches his own quivering hands, as he begins to rebutton his shirt.
Suddenly Harry’s hands are encircling his wrists, holding them gently, but determinedly away from the buttons.
“Don’t,” Harry says softly. “Don’t leave.”
Draco looks up to find green eyes incredibly gentle. But there’s also a heat there, hidden in the depth, that reminds Draco of earlier kissing sessions. The desire is instantly so clear, it makes Draco’s heart flutter in a new burst of hope.
“No?” he asks quietly.
“No. Draco you’re beautiful. You’re so, so beautiful. I want to … Can I kiss you again?”
Dumbstruck Draco leans forward. Only when he feels Harry’s lips stretch into a big grin, does he register what’s happening. Harry’s kissing him. He knows and he still wants to kiss him.
“So,” he pulls away a little, resting his forehead against Harry’s and just barely managing not to poke himself with Harry’s glasses. “You’re okay with this? With me being trans?”
“What? Yes, of course!” Harry lets go of his wrists to gently place his palms on either side of his face instead.
“You’re brilliant! You’re so beautiful.” A soft kiss emphasises his words.
“Are you sure? Even now that you know my body is … not like yours?” Harry makes a little outraged sound in the back of his throat.
“Draco. Your body is perfect because it is yours. I meant it, when I said you’re beautiful. You are. Darling, you’re perfect. And I think, I’m falling a little in love with you.”
At that, Draco sits back on his heels. He searches Harry’s face, and finds nothing but genuine honesty and a slight vulnerability.
“Harry,” he breathes, and they’re kissing again. Soft, tender press of lips turn to hot, open-mouthed kisses, hungry and demanding.
“I think,” Draco says between kisses, “I might be falling for you, too.”
Harry chuckles, then sucks at the skin right under Draco’s ear, making him gasp. “I’m glad,” he murmurs.
“Now,” Draco pants, “take me to bed?”
Harry stands, taking Draco, who somehow found his way back into his lap, with him. He carries him, as if he weighs nothing, and without breaking the kiss, out of the room.
“As you wish, Darling.” Draco swoons.
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kyliafanfiction · 2 years
Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, more characters added as they show up - Character Additional Tags: Transgender, Transgender Draco Malfoy, She's called Cassiopeia Now, Fuck J.K. Rowling, Spite Played A Role In The Publication Of This, relatively slow burn, Bisexual Hermione Granger, Murder Mystery, The Wizarding World Has Always Accepted Transgender People, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Past Hermione Granger/Pansy Parkinson, Wizards Are Human Too And That Means They Also Have Normal Human Crimes, Not Just Dark Wizards Summary:
Five years after the end of the Second Wizarding War, Lucius Malfoy - recently released from Azkaban - is found murdered in Diagon Alley. The cause of death? A muggle firearm. Tasked with investigating his murder, Hermione Granger will have to deal with the grieving and angry Malfoy Heir, recently returned to Wizarding Britain. But that heir is no longer Draco Malfoy, Lucius's son, but rather, Cassiopeia Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's daughter.
In the latest chapter, Cassiopeia gets some help from her friends in figuring out just what her father was up to in the days before his death. Her friends, on the other hand, have also decided that Cassiopeia needs a distraction - regardless of her opinion on the matter.
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hannikin-grahamkin · 1 year
He's not my enemy. He is my homoerotic rival and if anybody but me ever tries to hurt him I will promptly kill them.
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bloodbruise · 7 months
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dw spotify and ao3 have my mental health on lock
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pato-roldnart · 3 months
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Smuttiest smut for the brave and strong
Werewolf Draco Malfoy | Explicit Sexual Content | Teratophilia | Vaginal Sex | Cunnilingus | Knotting | Fluff and Smut | Nudity
Read the complete comic here
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Draco at the Potters for dinner
James: Draco, we’re so happy to have you here
Draco: Thank you Mr. Potter
Sirius: *constantly judging Draco*
Remus: Oh come on Sirius. Aren’t you happy that Harry got a boyfriend?
Sirius: Harry, you know that he’s your second cousin right?
Regulus: Well at least he’s following the family tradition
Remus: *spits out his tea*
James: wtf just happened…
*Harry and Draco totally traumatised*
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captnbas · 1 year
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guys it’s finally happened. 14 years of evasion didn’t save me in the end and alas, here we are, drawing the cursed nectar that is drarry.
have some femme bastards failing to get along in 8th year muggle studies class.
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lilbeanz · 1 year
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Love is love is love 🫶
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basiatlu · 4 months
✨Happy Valentine’s Day!✨
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E-Card Bundle is available as a ‘pay-what-you-want’ purchase in my Kofi found here! ☕️💖
Only up until Sunday 11 PM PST and then I’ll take them down! Then I’ll be donating 50% of what you pay towards Trans Lifeline.
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archivesofthevoid · 10 months
how the hp boys would react to trans reader suggesting pegging ? xx
Trans FtM!Reader x HP boys + their reaction to pegging
Shaking over this request /pos because ABSOLUTELY
Also I only did the main ones!! If you'd like me to do a part 2 with Seamus, Dean, Oliver, and Cedric just lmk!!
NSFW warning!! Well slightly. Nothing too explicit but it's implied. Also for ALL intents and purposes, ALL HP CHARACTERS I WRITE FOR ARE 18+! Though I would assume that's obvious by now. Just wanted to place a reminder.
Harry: We all know this man is so obviously bisexual. So really if you ask him, he might seem a bit shocked at first but ultimately he like "well,,,," and then he proceeds to think about it for like the next week. Dear Lord please save this man because his classes will be SUFFERING. No one knows what he's thinking about but his brain is obviously not in the room with him. Once he actually TRIES it though? He's into it. Maybe more than he realized-
When you ask: You're both sitting in the Gryffindor common room, probably just doing some assignments to catch up in the week when you just casually pop out the question. This causes him to mess up what he was writing and also spill his bottle of ink on his paper as he looks up at you in shock. "Uh- I'm sorry what did you say?" Oh he heard you. He just didn't think you'd ask such a thing. Que him flushing and trying to come up with the words as you just grin at him fumbling.
Ron: Viktor Krum gave him some kind of awakening, let's be real. SO with that being said, he's definitely thought about it once or twice. Once you suggest it? He's protesting left and right as if he doesn't want to do it but once again, he finds himself thinking about it a bit too much. If he tries it, he'll like it but it's not his favorite in the world per say. He'd rather give than receive yk
When you ask: You're eating breakfast of course. What a classic thing right? Let's say you have a dream about it and just,,, decide to quietly bring it up to Ron who's shoving eggs into his mouth and once you ask there's suddenly VERY loud coughing in the Great Hall. Even Harry and Hermione next to you guys are just like "Bloody hell Ron what is the matter with you??" And the KNOWING SMILE YOU HAVE ON YOUR FACE??? IT'S NOT HELPING HIS CASE HERE-
Fred: oh he's so down. Do you even have to ask? He's definitely thought about it a LOT. Come on this is Fred we're talking about here. Plus I mean he's most likely dated a few guys himself so it wouldn't exactly be foreign to him. So he's naturally nonchalant about it and agrees with it. Though after you ask him he thinks about it to the point he's just like "so are we going to or…" because come on you can't just ask him that and not expect to give him something out of it!! Don't leave our boy hanging here :((
When you ask: He's working on his latest prank in his dorm room while you and him are just chilling together. You're actually behind him, running your hands through his hair and massaging his back but your thoughts were wandering while you were behind him. So you ask if he'd be into pegging. Glancing behind you he watches your face before just going "yeah of course I've thought about it. Why? You offering, love?" And just laughs when you playfully shove him
George: This man goes awfully silent when you ask. But yes he would probably do it in a heartbeat. Whether it's because he wants to please you or because he's curious? That's up for debate. To be fair though he's probably has kissed Lee like once or twice out of curiosity, or at least dated a guy but never really like went anywhere with it. Just be gentle with this man please or else he might explode lmao
When you ask: You're at the library with George, honestly just goofing off and you're supposed to be studying but since when did you guys ever actually do that? So instead you guys decide to just chat around. Though you however get the idea to ask George this whenever you guys start talking about your dating lives and how George says he's been with a guy but not BEEN with a guy. He goes oddly silent. BUT it's kinda clear by the way his face heats up that he's into the idea. You just of course smile sweetly and reassure him that it's okay and you'd be more than happy to help him in to which he gets even FURTHER FLUSTERED but y'know it's a win win
Draco: never in his life has ever even thought about it. Probably doesn't ever consider it. You'd honestly have to beg him for it?? But after enough persuasion and such, he'd give in. He just doesn't want to bottom like that y'know? After living in a toxic masculinity household for his whole life he finds it weird to bottom. HOWEVER if he does, it's a sight to see fr. He's just gotta ease into it but luckily he trusts his lovely boyfriend aka you <33
When you ask: You're sitting on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room and it's oddly quiet because it's the weekend so there's not really anyone there (thankfully bc Draco would kill you if anyone heard you ask him this) when you're looking out the window to the Black Lake and just straight up ask. He full on STOPS reading his book and snaps his head up to you like "w h a t" before you repeat your question but louder. "No no I heard you but why the hell-" and insert you guys kind of arguing over it? But not really. It's just him being in denial and you begging him playfully.
Neville: sighhhh. You're going to have to revive him first because good job man you killed him. Gave him a heart attack right then and there. But to say the least he probably would hesitate to agree as well just because he'd be so self conscious and shy?? But after TONS of reassurance and kisses then yeah he'd agree. Just promise you will keep it between you guys because he does NOT want his friends finding out. He knows the others would tease him for it and he'd actually want to crawl away for a thousand years.
When you ask: You asked when you guys were in your dorm!! You were just cuddling after classes right before dinner, enjoying the time with each other before you had to go be with everyone else (ew gross /j) and you popped the question. When I told you this man almost let out a scream just at your question alone because IT WAS SO SUDDEN?? He then proceeded to hide away in your chest as his whole face and ears turned bright red. He looked like he had the worst sunburn oh my god. You meanwhile were just CACKLING as he was trying to stumble over his words! What even could he say though? Yes?? Maybe?? He didn't even KNOW- eventually he just gave up and waited until he calmed down to try to speak. Though you reassured him over and over the whole time <33 good luck explaining why he's going to be a nervous wreck at dinner though :))
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ladyanthony · 1 year
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Loving the idea of Draco with a bellybutton piercing
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soupandsorcery · 1 month
"No son of mine--" Lucius roars, drawing himself up to his full, impressive height. He's red in the face, his thinning hair wispy and unkempt in his anger. "Do you hear me, Draco? No son of mine is going to flounce around dressed like a--" He cuts himself off, like he doesn't know what he wants to say.
And Draco, well. Draco has a moment of perfect, sparkling clarity.
It's as if all of a sudden, Draco's childhood is rearranging itself. All the spoiling, the pampering, the vacations to lavish, lush places, interspersed with hiding under the bed from Lucius' rages, clutching at Narcissa's hand in the kitchen while Lucius shattered crystal in the parlor. Being led, Lucius' hand in a white knuckled grip on Draco's shoulder, to stand in front of the Dark Lord. All the little moments Draco shoved down or ignored in favor of a cruel, empty smile and doing what was best for the family. What Lucius said was best, anyway.
Now, everything is different. Now, Draco knows that Lucius Malfoy is a small, scared man, clinging to the last vestiges of his control with everything he has. And Draco knows that she will do anything, anything to avoid ending up like him.
"That's fine," she says, cutting in before Lucius can take another breath.
"Excuse me?"
"I said 'that's fine'," Draco replies coolly. "You don't have to worry about what a son of yours would do because you don't have a son, and considering the way you treated me when you thought you did, I don't plan to stick around and find out how you could scar a daughter for life."
Lucius splutters, struck dumb by Draco's pronouncement. It feels good, she won't lie.
She turns sharply, heels clacking with finality as she walks across the polished marble floor of the Manor's entry way and heads for the stairs, hopefully, for the last time.
She pulls out her mobile as she goes, sending off two texts with clumsy fingers. Why are the keyboards on these things so bleeding small?
I hope you were serious about letting me move in with you, Potter.
Because I'm certain I can never come back here.
There's a long moment before Potter responds, and Draco starts throwing the few things she wants to keep from this place into her trunk. It's depressing, how little feels worth saving here.
Her phone buzzes, cutting off that train of thought.
Dead serious, Potter replies. I need you to help me with this place.
And then, Proud of you, Malfoy.
So that's that settled, then.
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pato-roldnart · 2 years
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Hello!  I had the pleasure to do more art for @softlystarstruck lovely, sweet, beautiful fic “Luminous”  for  @harrydracobang
I’m so happy I could work with Bee and create some drarry art with nonbinary Draco wearing beautiful dresses and trans Harry with fancy cool clothes 🥺🥺🥺 😭✨❤️ . I wanted to draw them in every single outfit Bee described. 
You can see the art on AO3 as well 
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I desperately need a fic where Harry is Jegulus’ child without past Jily, like Regulus as the biological dad. THAT HARRY REALLY CAME OUT OF REGULUS!!! HARRY WITH GREY EYES!! REGULUS’ EYES!! TRANS REGULUS SUPREMACY!!
+drarry of course!!
(it would be kinda incest but who cares, they’re pure bloods anyway)
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