filurig · 4 months
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two character's ive had in mind for a while but finally got myself to design, ylvarg (he/him) and faství (she/her)! they are old friends of gullmar !
ylvarg is a passionate linguist and polyglot (in the sense that he can understand many different languages... due to troll anatomy he cant speak any other than trollic), while faství is a tomte who loves to travel and be all over the place - otherwise, she wouldn't make the trek from her home in ångermanland to gästrikland every year to meet up with her friends during winter!
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caleod · 5 months
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imaginationshow · 5 months
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A Swedish gårdstomte I drew yesterday. Trying to connect to the style of the late 1800 when artists like Jenny Nyström, Carl Larsson and John Bauer shaped the collective image of our fairytales and myths.
I was inspired to do this when I found two 120 year old original pen and ink fairytale illustrations at the secondhand the other day. A real find! And I even managed to find what books they originally were published in. More about that some other day.
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educationaldm · 11 months
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Not every folklore creature is a fairy. A note on Scandinavian Folklore from @HumonComics and the nature of whether they are good or bad. http://humoncomics.com/not-a-fairy 
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chrissabug · 1 year
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As the winter solstice approaches and the darkness falls, we celebrate the return of the light and the renewal of the year. . May the Yule Goat, evergreen wreath, and Christmas tree bring blessings and magic to your home.God Jul, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays! 
Okay, I'm a little late for the actual Winter Solstice, BUT somehow barely made it in time for Christmas Day! When I was out for a run yesterday morning I had this idea flash in my mind, so I rushed yesterday and today to whip out this artwork! It is always SO nice when inspiration is flowing.
This piece is very much inspired by the holiday traditions in Scandinavia, and specifically Sweden since that's where I am
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lokiravenwood · 7 months
In the process of creating a physical manifestation of my 2023 Yule Tomte
He is coming along very nicely, just need to Finnish some painting, but until he is finished, here is an idea of what he will look like, as provided by a fun little AI that my wife found.
He has not yet reveled his name to me yet, but I do hope he gets along with the other Tomte that are already living here
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lepetitdragonvert · 5 months
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Artist : John Bauer
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whatthefoucault · 5 months
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For hot beverage week of the Stream Ink Cozy Recovery January prompt month, the gnome ghusbands have snuggled down in their pyjimjams with a nice cup of acorn coffee. I aspire to be this cozy.
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victusinveritas · 5 months
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Please remember to leave a bowl of julgröt (Christmas porridge) for the tomte on Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas everyone, I hope the Yule Goat is good to you.
'Woman putting out porridge for the Tomtar' (1912) by John Bauer
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aduialel · 5 months
Our little tomte family
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dendro80 · 6 months
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Today its been studies all day. And some time to just relax, decorate the house and enjoying the day. Finally some tomtegröt (porridge). In old Sweden, porridge was often put out for the house elf at Christmas (he looked like a smal gray santa). ✨
In nordic mythology, the house elf is a small being that looks like an old man with a long beard. They are usually dressed in gray and have a gray or red beanie. House elves are strong and good at work. They live close to people, usually in a stable or a barn, but sometimes in the same house as the people. A house elf is grumpy and doesn't want to be seen. But secretly he keeps track so that the people are kind to the animals and take care of the farm in a good way. If the people take care of themselves, they can get help from the house elf with many of the chores on the farm, and the elf creates security on the farm. But if the people, for example, don't give the animals enough food, they can suddenly get a kick in the ass, or an slap from someone they can't see. Then it's the house elf who is on the move and wants them to tighten up. A house elf can be several hundred years old and usually stays on the same farm for several generations of owners. Elves are basically quite friendly and caring creatures, as long as you don't annoy them. To show appreciation and keep house elf happy, people could set out a dish of porridge with a dollop of butter in it on Christmas Eve. Then the house elf was happy. ✨
A translation from Swedis radio, allways loved folklore.
December 2023 ✨❤️
Avesta, Dalarna, Sweden
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filurig · 15 days
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some stuff involving non sapient creatures in pareidolia, first image is some animals that tomtar have domesticated, second is a remake of gloson, which is a vätte but is, contrary to most other ones ive made, not a sophont and is instead domesticated by trolls. more info below the cut...
ive already talked about the tomteget in another post, so i wont go into detail about them here, but the one shown in the picture is gullmar's goat (and he is there as well as ucan see). tomtar also keep a domesticated breed of wolverine and ermine, used for some different purposes - wolverines more as guarding/herding animals and ermines to hunt. tomtar don't actually tend to hunt a lot of large prey at all, and what they do hunt is sort of limited as a lot of game birds are sacred to them due to folklore (basically ptarmigans, corvids, grouses, capercailles and things in those veins..). therefore despite how small ermines are they can hunt most of the quarry they prefer such as hares, ducks etc - especially bcs the tomte variety of ermine is bred to be a bit larger and more robust. they can also just be kept as companion animals for many tomtar. wolverines meanwhile serve well as guarding and herding animals due to their size and strength. there is a notable regiment of wolverine fighters in the midlands front - where interested tomtar are trained for combat utilizing the power of the wolverine - the one pictured though is a regular herding/guarding animal though. there are probably some smaller tomte hunting groups that try to go for bigger game with them such as wolves etc. but its definitely pretty unusual. tomteget goats are basically universal across tomte cultures, but the tomte wolverines and ermines are a bit more limited, more occuring in northern cultures historically. although as time goes on they have been spread further south, especially as the midlands front was established and increased the communicative network between different disparate tomte societies. 2. this is just a remake of the gloson from that older post bcs i wasnt really happy with the design - its a laaaaarge animal but didnt really feel like it proportionally bcs i stuck too closely to the normal eu swine proportions... things are mostly the same about them though. the orange parts of the horns glow!
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maneki-art · 6 months
Si vous cherchez une carte de Noël / de vœux / de fin d 'année / hiver bref, une jolie carte à envoyer , n'hésitez pas: j'en ai maintenant toute une collection !
Et surtout RedBubble a des promos en ce moment ! -25% sur les cartes postales, -30% sur les cartes de voeux et jusqu'à -40% sur pleins d'autres produits !
Profitez en, ça ne va pas durer !
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Gnome illustrations by Rien Poortveliet
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kairunatic · 6 months
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"I feel like I'm even more of a masochist than I previously thought"
That's basically what he said
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Well at least he didn't ask us to spank him or verbally abuse him or some shit
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soranatus · 1 year
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What if Santas were small and numerous… By Jessica Mahon!
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