doodoocumfart · 2 days
Sarcophagus of the Spouses: a fetish in effigy
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Tomshiv is like evil drugs to me. Curse of doomed marriage upon ye soul.
I love you Tom. I love you Shiv.
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hoom · 1 year
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cinematicnomad · 1 year
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SUCCESSION ▸ 4.08 america decides
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homielander · 1 year
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shivroygirls · 1 year
can i just say something? at this party here there are maybe 40 of the most important people in america and you have just walked all around, all evening, telling them all that i'm gonna get fired. no, it was implied, lightly, as a little... god! part of a tactical kind of joke. will you explain to me, the joke? because i don't get the fucking joke. MY GOD, TOM! i don't get the joke, i don't get the joke. it was something that he said, that isn't true, that we needed to say. but you stood by his side, and he said it, and you were like "okay, well, that sounds good to me." fuck's sake, i'm not doing this right now. you know i'm in serious trouble, that was a play. you will be okay because you are a tough fucking bitch who will always survive because you do what you need, you will do what — are you even listening? i will be okay? — you will do whatever you need. yeah? really? yeah, you sure you're not projecting, because that is actually you. should we have a real conversation? with a scorpion? no. that was a friendly thing. that was a friendly thing. yeah. sure. real friendly. yeah, no, i'm a scorpion, you're a hyena, you're a... you're a street rat. actually, no, you're a fucking snake. "here's a dead snake to wear as a necktie, tom", "why aren't you laughing?" (pause) i wonder if we shouldn't clear the air. yeah? yeah. sure. i think you can be a very selfish person and i think you find it very hard to think about me — what the fuck? — and i think you shouldn't have even married me, actually. what the fuck? what the ACTUAL fuck? you proposed to me. you proposed at my lowest fucking ebb. my dad was dying, what was i supposed to say? perhaps "no"? i didn't want to hurt your feelings. thanks! thanks for that! yeah, you really kept me safe while you ran off to fuck the phone book. fuck off. you're hick — and then, and then.. — conservative hick — you hid it, you hid it because you were so scared of how fucking awful you are. you were only with me to get to power. you got it now, tom, you've got it! I'M WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! bullshit, you're fucking me for my DNA, you were fucking me for a fucking ladder because your whole family is striving and parochial. that's not... thats not a fair characterization. no? well, your mom loves me more than she loves you, because she's cracked. you want to... you want to actually clear the air? fine. you betrayed me. YOU WERE GOING TO SEE ME SENT TO FUCKING PRISON, SHIV! AND THEN YOU FOBBED ME OFF WITH THAT FUCKING UNDRINKABLE WINE AND YOU WON'T HAVE MY BABY BECAUSE YOU NEVER EVEN THOUGHT, HONESTLY, THAT YOUD BE WITH ME MORE THAN FOUR FUCKING YEARS, I DON'T THINK! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL BECAUSE YOU'RE SERVILE! you're just... YOU'RE SERVILE! YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF THINKING ABOUT ANYBODY OTHER THAN YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR SENSE OF WHO YOU ARE, SHIV, IS THAT FUCKING THIN! oh yeah you read that in a book, tom? YOU'RE TOO FUCKING TRANSPARENT TO FIND THAT IN A BOOK! you're pathetic, you're pathetic. youre a masochist and you can't even take it. i think you are incapable of love, and i think you are maybe not a good person to have children! well, that's not very nice to say, is it? i'm sorry. i'm sorry, but you... you... you have hurt me more than you can possibly imagine. and you, you took away the last six months i could've had with my dad. no. yes. no! yes. you sucked up to him and you cut me out! it's not my fault that you didn't get his approval. i have given you endless approval and it doesn't fill you up because you're broken. i don't like you. i don't... i don't even care about you. i don't care. have we cleared the air, huh? feel good now? yeah. yeah. fucking great. tip top. you don't deserve me, and you never did. and everything came out of that. so fucking flat.
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jimmymcgill · 1 year
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Succession 4.06 "Living+"
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bladesrunner · 4 months
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Farewell, lords and masters of the board. Time for the real meeting.
SUCCESSION (2018–2023) S02E04: Safe Room
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park-bench-poet · 1 year
Succession makes me nuts because all of the tragedy is preventable but also it isn't. Usually, in big epics, the tragedy is that fate is inescapable. But in Succession there are a million tiny times where someone could have chosen to treat their siblings better or their spouse better or stuck to their guns or been honest or stopped being an asshole for two minutes, and it would have completely changed the trajectory of events. But also how could they have ever done any of it differently? Who taught them they could?
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lousolversons · 1 year
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SUCCESSION | S4E03 | Connor’s Wedding
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littlecarmine · 1 year
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As you know, my father, Logan Roy, was pronounced dead on arrival at Teterboro Airport this afternoon.  
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siohbhanroy · 1 year
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TOM and SHIV at the first and last episode of Succession S4.
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brotherconstant · 1 year
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SUCCESSION (2018-2023)
You're a good guy, Wambsgans, and I like hangin' out judging people with you.
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hoom · 1 year
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You want to play bitey?
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togansweep · 1 year
tom "heyyy" compilation
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ato-dato · 1 year
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The CEO makes the rules.
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(un)happy finale, everyone!!! 
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