#thranduil x wife
enerisart · 8 months
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INKTOBER2023 Day 1: Dream
Yeah I can dream of the old day when they dance under the sun 😭
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Thranduil x f!reader
So many things changed after the big battle, you hope this goes for better
Warnings: pregnancy, childbirth, mention of miscarriage, fluff and happy ending and yea... a lot of cringyness
like & Comments are very much appreciated
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Autumn was late to arrive at Mirkwood realm but the early morning breeze put a smile on your face as you walked pass the garden in between quarters,
The weather was pleasent and freshening but even the gentle cold made the sensitive skin of your swollen belly to react in worst ways, you still had weeks to end the semester and the following winter was the time for the baby to be born, but this time was a bit different.
Wrapping the cloak around your body, you carefully enter the garden to find your first born training, more like playing, with the bow that was almost as tall as he was and arrows that were all over the ground, some even half deep in the grass making you question the power the little one hold.
Sun was shining through tall trees down on the golden hair prince totally unaware of your presents still, your smile soon turned into laughter when he tripped over and fell on the ground, "your ada was right about the hair, my little one, you can't see in front of you!" You hummed sitting uncomfortably on the grass, letting a shaky breath out, his head was quick to pop up "nana.."
"Soon with all the nagging?"
He shook his head taking your hand to help him stand, pouting his lips making you smile wider cleaning his dirty cheeks,
"My knee hurt..."
"Which one deary?"
He turned and dropped himself in your embrace taking your both hands and wrapped them around himself,
To you Legolas was always the golden ray of sunshine, bringing warmth and joy where ever he walked in, even when he was in your belly, the energy he radiant through you was felt by every soul you walked with
Your true blessing
Caressing his golden hair you kissed his head several times before drawing a fussy noise from him, turning around in your arms he mindlessly moved his legs around you to sit facing your frame, finally settling down, his eyes where quick to fall on your bump carefully touching it,
"Ada said, he will be here soon"
"So ada thinks he's a boy?"
He nodded looking up at your face, "what do you think?"
To your surprise he gently put his ear on your belly, "Leg-"
"Nana shhh"
Placing his small fingers on your lips you happily kissed them making him giggle in response,
"She doesn't talk to me anymore"
He admitted dropping his hand to your chest, clinging to your dress
"The baby talked to me last night, but now..."
He pouted his lips again looking for an answer in your worried eyes, you waited few seconds before placing your own hand on the side of your bump when a sudden sharp pain passed through your spine, your breath hitched in your throat trying not to scare the child in your arms,
"Let's play a game okay?" You let out a sob while smiling "let's see how fast you can get your ada for me, alright my elfling?" Patting his back you helped him stand back on his feet before running back to the chambers,
Trying your best to stand up with shaky legs another trail of pain burnt through your abdomen,
Moving your cloak aside to walk faster than the growing pain that was taking all over your body,
"Not now, no no no not now!!"
You cried walking up the stairs, "lady Y/n!" You heard someone but before taking a look around your vision wet blur.
You woke up from what it felt to be hours with a sharp pain all over your body, "my lady you must stay awake"
"It's too soon for labor" you panted looking at the healers standing next to your bed
"But it is happening and i need you to stay conscious my queen"
Dressed up in sweat and tear you were crying with every breath you took, screaming.
The quarter's doors swing open only to reveal your worried husband, "y/n.."
"Thranduil... i can't... i can't do it"
You begged and cried as you gripped his sleeve to pull him closer,
He carefully kissed your forehead while moving your hair away from your wet face, "i can't, i can't lose this one"
Your sobbing got louder as he touched the sensitive skin of your arms to help you sit accordingly, "you're not gonna lose it, you're not gonna lose anything" taking your trembling chin in his hand "look at me, meleth nìn" kissing your eyes he gave you time to calm down and catch your breath.
"If i lose this one, it will be the third" sobbing harder you squeezed his arm harder when another stroke of pain hit you, "three..."
His eyes were filled with tears watching you in this condition "The other two didn't make it this far my love, i know how you feel if i could take the pain or make it go away i would!" He sounded helpless looking in your eyes, "i would bear the pain to last bit cause i can't see you this way" bringing your hand to his lips, kissing your knuckles.
You cried more feeling the contractions starting, "this one's stronger can't you feel it?"
He whispered holding your hand tighter,
"I can't feel anything! It was nothing like when i had our son" shaking your head you let out another painful cry fearing for your little elf to hear,
"There's a battle field, a war difference between these two,"
Holding his shoulder in your hand you placed the other hand on your bump to force a pressure on it,
"I'm not the same as i was, my body is not the same, i can't" it was healed but your body was still carrying the scars and your mind was no better, unable to process the importance of the life you were delivering.
Giving it all your energy you started pushing as the maiden rubbed your sore spine,
Screaming with pain your hand drop to the headboard of the bed as another maid reached you.
The windows were all open since you were sweating your gown wet and between all the screams and cursing you heard your son crying from behind the closed doors and you could swear you heard him calling for you,
Searching for your husband you mouthed a please before looking at the door again, "Thranduil please, he'll cry to the point of fainting"
"Lady Y/n has a strong body my lord, you can go" an elderly woman said before turning his attention back to you, "i'll be back soon" you blinked for assurance, forgetting your pain for a moment
"Almost there my lady, just one more" squeezing the mattress in your fist you gave in to just make this go away as soon as possible.
On the other side of the door Thranduil tried to comfort his first born, only to have him crying silently in his arms "can we go to nana now?"
"Soon we will dear one,"
"I don't like the baby" he stated playing with the pattern drawn on his father's collar, "may i ask why?"
"She's hurting nana, i saw her crying too it was for the baby in her" he mumbled not looking up at his father, "your nana is one of the strongest elves i've ever seen!" He said sitting on the edge of his chair putting his boy to sit on the table before him, "she fought in a battle so big! So brave. She's an excellent warrior with a talent you never seen when shooting an arrow"
Legolas was now mesmerised but his father's words, no sign of crying or tearing up
"A perfect fighter"
"Did she cried there too?" He asked curiously
"In the battlefield? No but she did cry after"
He whispered fixing the little boy's hair
"Don't tell her i said this!" He placed his index finger on his nose only for Legolas to repeat it afterward "i won't!"
He smiled in return when a knock on the door took both their attention, "my lord!"
"Y/n.." he said before standing up and running to the quarters where his wife was, he hesitated for a second before entering the room thinking about all the possible scenes he will face, not ready for any of them.
The doors flew open and the maid bow down smiling "so on time my king!" He let out the breath he was holding and walked towards the bed seeing you holding a wrap of cloth,
"Are you alright, meleth?" The whisper came out of his mouth weak but seeing your small smile was a relief, "i'm well, we both are"
Your head turned slightly to right pointing to the small creature in your arms, "it's a girl"
You cried looking back at him as he sat next to you looking at her more carefully, silver bright hair with two of the biggest blue irises ever seen, the perfect girl, your perfect girl.
"Her eyes are open!" He was surprised looking at you with a big smile
"She was so eager to be here my lord" a maiden said fixing the new gown around your shoulders
"Do you want to hold her?" You offered and he willingly accepted for his girl to be placed in his arms, "Legolas was right" you said placing your chin on his arm looking at the corner of the open door, seeing two eyes peaking inside.
You smiled leaning forward a little, "i wish Legolas was here, he knew how to treat my pains away" pressing your lips together you looked over one more time to see him still standing there, doubting.
Letting out a fake moan of pain and he was quick to run and approach you from other side of the bed, crawling to reach your frame, waisting no time he wrapped his arms around you and hugged you so tightly kissing your cheek,
"Uh my wonderful prince! You're here! Talking all my pain away" you said breathing in his sweet smell
Still holding you tightly his eyes wandered around, "is that the baby?"
"That's her," Thranduil said removing the cloth more to reveal her face.
Legolas reached his hand so carefully and touched the girl's forehead like how he did with your bump proving once more how much of an angle he is.
"What do we call her?"
You looked between them two asking,
Your husband said staring at the girl in his arms, "since she is a precious gift, her name must be of the same value."
You smiled kissing his shoulder before resting your head on it.
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lamemaster · 1 year
The Curse of Heart (Thranduil x Feanorian reader)
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Part one | Part three |
Pairing: Thranduil x Feanorian reader
Summary: And her fate remains unknown. Some rumors speak of the doom of Noldor that dragged the queen to the eternal void. They speak so in secret for the king of Woodland Realm forbids the name of his queen.
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Thranduil stood outside the room. He did not go in. He hadn't done that in the past year. It had been an entire year since he had last seen you. Over that year his steps had led him to the closed-shut door but his will failed when it came to the very simple act of pushing open the door between you both.
And it was for the best for the door to remain closed. It was a mistake...his marriage to you. How could he accept a kinslayer? It would not have happened if he knew of your father. It would not have happened had he not trusted you blindly.
He could remember the agonized cries of the elves in Dior's court. His father had been there. He was a mere child but he could still remember the pain and the heartbreak of losing his entire life to the bloodthirsty Noldor.
The halls of his childhood remain a bloodied memory. His friends were lost to the wrath of ellon who saw little beyond their own greed. It had taken them so long to recover from an act so vile. His father had to wander unfamiliar woods looking for a place for his people.
They found a home in Woodland Realm. Their home that protected their people. Between the barrier of mountains and forests, they built a home. And Thranduil will not endanger it.
He will not risk losing his home again. Not the oath-bound, not to you. It was only fair that he came to find the truth. Justice had to be served. It was all he could offer his people.
Yet, a traitorous part of his mind could not help but wonder about the fairness of his justice. You did not wrong him or his subjects. You were not the one who wielded swords in the halls of Dior. You did not know of it. 'Your child..." They would whisper as night fell and the kingdom of Woodland Realm rested under the moon.
On such quiet nights, Thranduil allowed himself to think of his child whom he distanced himself from. What would they look like? How much did your bump grow? Did you still experience the morning sickness you did in the earlier days?
He knew all his answers rested a corridor apart in your room. A room that you had once shared with him. Would you welcome him after all that had happened or did you resent him as he did to you?
The thought of finding similar hate and bitterness in your eyes scared him.
He had for long ignored the pilling letters that you sent him. Every day a letter would arrive from the room you never stepped out of. And every day he would discard your letter into a pile he never touched.
Maybe that was the reason that he did not step in even when he heard your pained cries from the other side of the door. It had been hours since the pains of your labor had started and hours after the healer and nursemaids had gathered in your room.
Thranduil lingered outside the door. He had been pacing the last few hours since he had found out about your contractions. His hands twitched as another scream filled the hallway. He wanted to go in and question the healer who seemed to do little good for the past half a day.
If he had been a better ellon, he would have rushed in and held your hand as you experienced the most painful moments of your life. He would have wanted to be there as his child entered the world.
But he could not. He was a prince before he became your husband and your child's father. So, Thranduil held on to his duty and you did to yours.
In the moment of weakness and increasing helplessness he dared to open the bond that lay close for more than a year. The string of your marriage stretched taut with tension.
Pain, anticipation, and fear rushed in as he allowed the bond to settle. The chaos of labor lay heavy on your mind as Thranduil felt the unrelenting contractions that now hit you with intervals shorter than ever.
"Aaaaaghhhh," your shout filtered past the closed door and Thranduil felt it before he heard the cries of his son. In a snap, he closed off the bond he had renewed after so long. It had to wait.
Next to him, his father, King Oropher beamed at him as the cries of the newborn filled the corridor. The doors that had been closed shut flew open and the healer walked out with a small bundle in his arms.
"Congratulations Your Majesty! Woodland Realm welcomes a prince." The healer bowed as Thranduil carefully held his son. "Legolas," he named him in the very first seconds of holding him.
His son, who had his eyes, his hair, his nose. Legolas the prince of Greenland the Great.
He had been too lost looking at his son to notice the doors that were immediately shut after the healer first walked out. Maybe if he had not snapped off the bond in his internal panic he would have noticed the silence inside the room or he would have heard the hysterical whispers on the other end.
That night when the grand feast mellowed and stars shined bright Thranduil sat in his room with his son in his arms. Legolas slept peacefully. Thranduil sat by his bed watching his son the entire night. No thought, no vicious voice interrupted him as he beheld his son, whom he had been separated from for longer than a year.
And when the sun rose, and light flooded his room Thranduil jolted awake from his position by the bed. Next to him, Legolas whimpered in his sleep.
Thranduil gently patted Legolas who continued to cry in small hiccups. Picking him up Thranduil rocked the newborn, trying to calm the cries that grew louder.
A sense of unease settled over the Crown Prince of Mirkwood as he rushed through the halls of his palace. He made his way through the paths he couldn't erase from his mind even if he tried.
In his arms, Legolas continued crying, now inconsolable. Thranduil ripped open the bond he had shut down yesterday. A void greeted him. Nothing of your conscience connected to his.
Did you close off your end? It was too quiet. You hadn't done that for the past years. So, why now? Thranduil's heart beat faster than ever as he sped at the sight of your door.
The usually closed doors were wide open and Thranduil halted in his path. Sunlight streamed through the doors and soft linen curtains flew as the cool wind of emerging fall rushed through your doors.
Guard rushed out on hearing his footsteps. There were too many of them. A nurse he remembered from yesterday followed the guards. The chilly breeze from your room left goosebumps on his neck.
'Close the windows,' he wanted to order them. You should not be cold...it was dangerous after labor that long. His mother told him that long ago. He had heard it fro-
"Lady y/n passed away." The words settle in his being like a rock on the seabed. He stands there unmoving. It does not make sense. He finds himself unable to interpret the words that the nurse continues to speak.
How could you die? He had felt you yesterday. You were there. You birthed Legolas and he had felt your bond. No no no no no no...Thranduil searches for you in his bond. Any sign of you. He lunges towards the door and somehow in the process hands Legolas to the nurse.
Your room and his remains untouched. He sees his closet unmoved. He sees his books, his rings, his desk all intact as years had not passed since his last time being here.
You are there on the bed. So still yet, so calm. Thranduil calls your name that feels foreign after such a long time. The name he had allowed to utter in his mind. He speaks it out loud and you do not respond.
Lightly clutched in your ink-stained hands he finds a letter. Crumpled with ink smudged he looks at it as he sits next to you. He does notice the cooling temperature and the stiffness of your limbs as he reads-
Please allow me to see Legolas. Allow me once. Please allow me this once. I beg you. Please.'
An unfinished letter full of pleading. Written in the freezing dark night in a lone room.
An image of you hunched over in your bed floods Thranduil's mind. Barely holding on to the quill as you write on a paper that you scurry from a nearby book. Desperation fills your eyes as you write. A knowing look of the future awaited.
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None speaks of the Queen of Greenwood the Great. Her name remains unsaid after the birth of the prince of the Woodland Realm.
However, some tales whispered under the umbrella of stars talk of her.
Descendant of great elves who resided beyond the seas. They speak that she excelled in the art of hunting. They speak of her marriage to King Thranduil, and of her skills in archery. But the most they ever speak of is her death.
It is said that the queen died alone in her room. She died like her great-grandmother had once. Yet, there are some who speak of her anguish as she longed for son before death. Alone in a cold room the queen died.
And her fate remains unknown. Some rumors speak of the doom of Noldor that dragged the queen to the eternal void. They speak so in secret for the king of Woodland Realm forbids the name of his queen.
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ravensliterature · 2 years
Poisoned Arrow
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A/N: I know it’s been a minute and I am sorry. I really had a blast writing this one and I hope you like it!
Part II
pairing: Thranduil x Reader
warnings: Mentions of blood, poison, fluff, 
w/c: 1924 (Yeah she is a little long)
Prompt: The reader is Thranduil’s wife and a part of the company. While leaving through the barrels without her husband’s knowledge she get’s hit by the poison arrow. Thranduil is trying to save his wife before it is too late. 
She had been shot. His queen had been hit with an arrow. Thranduil could see her falling from the sky, slowly descending through the fading blue and bright stars of the last night. Her lights died as she fell to the ground with a yelp. The arrow had pierced her leg after she tried to open the gate. His heart seized tightly hearing her cries as he attempted to run to her side, cutting down any orc in his way. However, he didn't make it in time, as she had jumped into a barrel following her father down the river.
Y/N was the daughter of Thorin, but her heritage was elven. When young, Thorin found an elf girl and raised her while living in Erebor. She grew into a beautiful woman and was betrothed to Thranduil for the alliance at a young age by King Thrór. However, when the dragon attacked, it was all put on pause, and Thorin and his family fled to the Blue Mountains.
Thranduil would not give up on her as he fell in love with her the moment he laid eyes on her at their announced betrothal. He journeyed himself to find his distant love until seeing her again in the Blue Mountains. He never imagined he’d ever have another chance to meet his beloved again, but when he did... everything changed. Thranduil asked her to marry him again, hoping he wasn't alone in his feelings. Apparently, she had loved him as well and agreed, but things weren't how they should be. Thorin's hatred for elves had increased and never approved of the betrothal.
The argument with Thorin and Y/N spiraled until she left with Thranduil without saying goodbye. A year later, the wedding came around, and Thorin refused to see his daughter marry that elf. He insisted she live in the Blue Mountains, a place far away where dangers were less likely to come and away from elf-kind. Shortly, Legolas was born and grew into a handsome man. Their lives were peaceful until years later when Gandalf knocked on their door.
Gandalf told her that he was building a company in the hopes of reclaiming her childhood home. It had been decided that Y/N would join the company and take part in their quest. She wanted nothing more than to go back to Erebor, return her home, and connect with her father like she once had. So, she took her chance and left. Thranduil hated her putting herself in danger, but who was he to rob her of that connection she missed so dearly?
"Y/N!" Thorin yelled as he ran to his daughter's side.
Y/N's barrel washed up on shore as she used her upper body to crawl to more solid ground, trying not to put too much pressure on her leg.
"I'm here," she breathed as she looked up at Thorin. The dwarf prince scooped her into his arms, holding her close as if afraid someone was going to try something else. Worry and fear were etched over his face, and he saw the pain in his daughter's eyes.
"Oin," Thorin exclaimed, "Please look at the leg. The arrow is cut, but there still may be fragments inside."
The healer kneeled down next to Y/N, looking at her leg. His brow furrowed with concern before he turned back to his friend. "She should be fine, but we need to get her to a town with proper equipment. I'm concerned about it getting infected," he spoke softly. Thorin nodded, helping his daughter stand on her own two feet. She slowly began to walk until she found an arrow pointed at her head.
Thranduil glared the orc down as Legolas held a knife to its neck. He wanted to know what it was doing in his kingdom and why it dared to hurt his wife. It couldn't be allowed to live, but he needed to know.
"In time, all foul things come forth," he said as he circled the orc with a sword in his hand. Legolas continued to hold the blade to its neck, "You were tracking the company of thirteen dwarves and an elf. Why?"
Malice and distaste were in his voice, knowing his father's fears and what it had done to his mother. This thing was not a creature but a monster sent to destroy them. Its intentions are unknown for all to know. The orc cackled, "Not thirteen, not anymore. The elf, we stuck her with a Morgul shaft. The poisons in her blood. She'll be choking on it soon."
Legolas' grip tightened on the knife, causing it to tremble. He needed the orc dead, or he'd kill it himself. A threat against his parents' safety was enough to make him want to do it. Thranduil's breath left him in a gasp. As anger bubbled in his chest, he felt like he was trying to find air. His son's gaze remained on the orc. It knew exactly what it was talking about, the poison that poisoned the elf.
"You like killing this orc?" Thranduil said lowly, almost too calmly, "You like death? Then let me give it to you!" he yelled as he pulled out his swords. Legolas watched as his father charged toward the orc. Before he could blink, the blade made contact with the orc's skull. Blood poured from the wound, but instead of retreating, it rushed forward like a tidal wave. "Legolas, come with me. We must save your mother."
Y/N was breathing heavily as she leaned against the wall of Bard's house. Her father forced her to stay behind because of her leg. Of course, he was concerned for his daughter, but she felt robbed. She wished to help reclaim her home like the rest of the company. Her cousins, Fili, and Kili, opted to stay behind and help take care of her until she was ready to go to the mountain. Oin stayed behind as well, as did Bofur, but he just missed the boat.
However, the pain had gotten worse, and she could tell something was wrong. The leg wound wasn't healing as it should, and she could see the fear in Oin's eyes each time he examined it, even if he didn't tell her. Y/N was worried. The arrow hadn't hit anything vital, yet it could still become infected and kill her. She chuckled to herself softly. Maybe it was best she stayed at home after all.
Her breath was ragged, and her head was light. Her vision swayed slightly as she tried to stay upright, leaning against the wall. She was losing consciousness, but she knew that the battle was not over yet. The pain was becoming unbearable, and she closed her eyes, taking in a few deep breaths. Finally, her body gave way, and she collapsed. "Y/N!" the dwarves yelled as they helped her up. Y/N was writhing in pain as she felt the poison all over her body. She could feel the heat of the flames searing her flesh, and it felt like it was consuming her whole body.
"Put her on the table," Bard said in a frantic tone. They set her gently on the table as she continued to convulse.
"We need something to put her head on so she doesn't hit the table!" Oin shouted. The others quickly searched for anything that could possibly stop the venomous poison. They found only herbs that had been used long ago, and they were useless. The poison was spreading through her veins faster than anyone had realized, and it was eating away at her life. Oin examined the wound more closely. It had turned a black color, and it could be seen going through her veins. This wasn't a normal poison.
"I need kingsfoil! Where is it?" Oin exclaimed to Bard. The Fili, Kili, and Bofur looked around in confusion at the mention of a plant, but they didn't have any of it. Only Oin owned the plants. "Kingsfoil? It's a weed. We feed it to the pigs!" Bard replied in confusion. "Pigs, I got it!" was heard as Bofur zoomed out the door. Y/N struggled for air. Every breath hurt her throat as she coughed painfully. The poison in her body was beginning to eat away at her life. She was dying. That was the last thought that went through her mind before another wave of pain hit her.
Suddenly everything except for Y/N went quiet as footsteps could be heard on the roof. The roof broke, and a dark figure jumped down from above, landing right next to Bard's daughter and stabbing the orc in reaction. The young girl grabbed the orc and then fled as more fell through the ceiling. Fighting ensued as they tried to defend the girls and a table-ridden Y/N.
Thranduil and Legolas ran through the town of Dale in the hopes of finding Y/N and the dwarves. However, they stopped in their tracks when they saw orcs running on the ceilings above the water town. They both knew immediately where they were going. Thranduil ordered Legolas to stay behind while he went to search for his mother, "Stay safe my child, leave none alive."
With that being said, Thranduil continued to run at his pace faster than before. Thranduil continued to run until he heard fighting in one of the homes. With his guard up and weapons, he approached it in the hope that his wife was still alive. Upon approaching the door, he noticed the familiar scent of blood. His heart sunk in his chest, realizing she might be... He opened the door to find three orcs surrounding her, the dwarves, and the humans as they were struggling to defend themselves. One of the orcs was about to strike Y/N when Thranduil shot his bow, sending the arrow right into its skull. He then drew his sword, slashing at any orc in sight.Thranduil rushed to her side and caressed her cheek, hoping to see the spark of life in her eyes. "My darling Y/N, open your eyes," he whispered.She weakly shook her head, tears streaming down her cheeks. "Nin Meleth..." she murmured."Do not speak, my love," he said softly, brushing some hair away from her sweaty forehead.Just then, Bofur burst through the door, panting and holding a bunch of kingsfoil. Thranduil took the leaves from him and quickly began to prepare them. "She needs elvish medicine. If we don't heal her leg soon... She doesn't have much time left."Thranduil soaked the leaves and pressed them onto her wound, chanting an elvish incantation that sounded almost like a prayer. As he administered the treatment, he watched her face relax, the furrows in her brow smoothing out as the poison receded.Y/N looked up at him with those beautiful eyes that had always filled his heart with love. He could see the pain fading, and with it, the poison from her body. He bandaged the wound and held her hand, tears escaping his eyes as she smiled up at him. His heart swelled with joy as he leaned closer and kissed her. It was a kiss filled with relief, love, and the promise of healing."Father," came a soft voice, breaking the tender moment. Thranduil and Y/N turned to see Legolas standing at the doorway, a gentle smile on his face.Their foreheads rested together, and a small chuckle passed through Thranduil. "Oh, no. We've been caught by our own son."
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vilentia · 11 months
Shattered Love
Thranduil x reader
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Summary: Thranduil's world shatters when he loses his beloved wife, plunging him into heartbreak and sorrow.
Warnings: death, grief, violence, loss
Thranduil's heart felt heavy as he stood on the balcony of his grand halls, gazing out into the darkened forest. The moon's pale light cast an ethereal glow upon his sorrowful face, highlighting the lines of anguish etched into his features. The air was heavy with a haunting silence, broken only by the distant howls of the wind.
His mind was haunted by memories of you, his beloved wife, whose absence now gnawed at his soul. The weight of loss seemed unbearable as he recalled the fateful day when everything changed.
- start of the throwback-
"Please, my love, stay within the safety of our chambers," Thranduil pleaded, his voice tinged with worry. "I cannot bear the thought of anything happening to you."
But you were determined to stand beside him, to fight alongside him in the face of encroaching danger. The battle drums echoed through the forest, signaling the impending doom that awaited them. Thranduil, ever the protector, wanted nothing more than to shield you from harm. Yet, against his wishes, you insisted on joining the battle.
As the clash of swords and the screams of warriors filled the air, Thranduil fought with unmatched valor, his heart gripped by both fear and determination. With each fallen foe, his eyes searched desperately for your figure, praying that you were safe. But fate can be cruel, and tragedy struck when he needed you most.
A piercing cry tore through the chaos, causing Thranduil's heart to stop. Time seemed to slow as he turned, his eyes widening with dread, and the world around him faded into insignificance. There, amidst the wreckage of the battlefield, he saw you crumpled on the ground, surrounded by the lifeless bodies of their enemies.
A strangled gasp escaped his lips as he raced to your side, his movements fueled by desperation and disbelief. His hands trembled as he knelt beside you, his fingers brushing against your ashen cheek. His gaze traveled over the wounds that marred your delicate form, each injury an agonizing testament to the violence that had consumed their world.
"No, no! Please, my love, stay with me," Thranduil pleaded, his voice a broken whisper that barely carried above the din of battle. Tears streamed down his face, mingling with the dirt and blood that stained his skin. His voice cracked with anguish, raw and filled with an inconsolable grief.
He pressed his forehead against yours, his grip on you tightening as if he could will life back into your fragile body. His hands trembled as he traced the contours of your face, memorizing every curve and crevice. He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a desperate attempt to share his breath, to infuse you with his own life force.
But you were gone, stolen from him by the merciless hands of fate. The battle around him faded into a blur, his senses numbed by the magnitude of his loss. The once vibrant forest now held only shadows and echoes of a love that was torn away too soon. Thranduil's anguished cries mixed with the sorrowful howls of the wind, merging into a haunting lament that echoed through the desolation.
He clung to your lifeless body, his tears mingling with the earth beneath them. In that moment, the weight of his grief threatened to consume him entirely. His heart shattered, leaving behind a void that could never be filled. And as the world continued to spin, unaware of the tragedy that had unfolded, Thranduil remained locked in that moment of unbearable sorrow, forever haunted by the memory of a love that had been wrenched from his grasp.
- end of throwback-
Thranduil's grief never truly faded, even as years passed. The wounds remained fresh, and the weight of loss burdened his heart each day. He had built a façade of strength, concealing the depths of his pain from the world. But in the solitude of his chambers, where the echoes of the past lingered, he allowed himself to release the anguish he had held within.
Alone amidst the flickering candlelight, Thranduil finally succumbed to his sorrow. His regal composure shattered as he sank to his knees, his body trembling with the weight of his emotions. A guttural cry escaped his lips, tearing through the stillness of the room.
"I miss you," he whispered, his voice choked with grief. "Every moment, I miss you."
The tears flowed freely, cascading down his face and wetting the cold stone beneath him. It was a release, a catharsis he had denied himself for far too long. The pain surged through him, tearing at his soul, but he allowed it to consume him, for in that pain, he found solace.
In the depths of his anguish, he held onto the memories of your love, cherishing them as a bittersweet reminder of what they had lost. He allowed himself to mourn the life they could have had, the dreams they could have shared.
As the tears subsided, a weary calm settled upon Thranduil. He rose from the floor, his face marked by a raw vulnerability that few had ever witnessed. He knew that he would forever carry the ache of your absence, but he also understood that life must go on.
With a newfound determination, Thranduil wiped away his tears, his eyes now harboring a flicker of resilience. He would honor your memory by protecting his people and ruling with wisdom and compassion, just as you would have wished.
And so, he stepped out of his chambers, his regal demeanor intact once more, masking the grief that lay just beneath the surface. But deep in his heart, he knew that your love would forever guide him, a beacon of light in the darkness that surrounded him.
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sotwk · 1 year
I've been thinking about ósanwë (Elven telepathic ability) and I suddenly realized that, through their link, Thranduil must have sensed his wife's capture, ordeal, and subsequent death in the hands of the orcs.
Just feeling her fear and agony from far away, driven mad by his helplessness in the situation as he scrambles to find and rescue her.
And then I realized that eventually she must have shut her mind to him, hoping to spare him that pain...except the deafening silence and inability to reach her at all only made his torture so much worse.
I am dreading/excited/scared to (eventually) write this particular story.
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jolieterestrial · 9 months
Thranduil x fem!reader
Basically: thranduil finds out about santa’s helper elfs from A human passer by in eryngallen and is reaaaaallly confused [not proof read]
Christmas came early? Btw the Reader is from present reality planted into Tolkien-verse. Enjoy!
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Woodland realm to a human was particularly magical with their found family at their side. No matter how different that family was from her y/n took the duties of Queen very seriously. Local elves worshiped the ground she walked on. Although skeptical of her origins at first she even managed fo get through the ice cold heart of the king and his son. His son, Legolas even looked up to her more than he looked up to his father. Something about the stories from her world made little leggy want to go on adventures with her and on adventures did they go. Now, he found himself all grown up for an elf, or as grown up as he Could be.
Just as he was about to cross the border back to home after a long journey he came a cross an odd looking fellow with gear resembling that of a warrior, long horns seeped from his helmet. It reminded him of his dramatic ada’s crown. This strange men clearly wasn’t elf or belonging to anywhere near here. So he decided to introduce himself.
“Aye boy, you can’t possibly be an elf. North Pole elves are short, silly and not attractive. Not particularly wise as far as I can tell. They do seem to do good which is nice. Santa elves are not warriors, they do not wield weapons.”
“Who’s Santa? Hold that thought. I shall take you to the king and queen.”
Legolas muttered under his breath “She might know something about this…”
“Does anyone care to explain where my son and wife are?”
“You grace, the queen is in town for the fair. As for the prince i was informed, of the latest, he’s crossed the border.”
“Yes, how-“
“There’s one more thing, your grace, the prince isn’t alone…”
“What do you mean?”
“Guards have spotted the prince on his way with a human companion”
“why is that so alarming… it might be his mellon Strider”
“I would not be so sure your grace, prince might require an audience before the welcome back feast”
“Sure. Why not”
Thranduil continued to show his calm posterior. But inside he was dying to know who this human was. Last time this happened it was you he [thranduil] came back with.
“Legolas i’ve missed you dearly”
*elvish hug thing* (i know, how addictive)
“Where’s Naneth?”
“She’s in town I’ve already sent Galion to fetch her”
“Galion? Are you certain he’ll be able to find her”
“Well we are short staffed… aren’t you going to introduce your friend, ion nin?”
“He isn’t really my friend…this is Einar we met right outside the forest ada, he seemed fo be lost. Anyways i need to speak with Naneth on his origins he keeps telling me i’m no elf-“
“- Aye! you aren’t boy! North Pole elves are short, silly and not attractive. Not particularly wise as far as I can tell. They do seem to do good which is nice. Santa elves are not warriors, they do not wield weapon—“
“You’ve already complimented how attractive i am twice will you stop Einar?! let’s wait for the queen she might understand more than we do.”
Thranduil more confused than when he met you really needed answers so he waited for your counsel.
“Leggy my boy!”
*human hug cause physical touch>>>*
“Wee lad this your mother? She looks lot younger than you!”
“Who’s this?” You asked surprised that your husband hadn’t put this odd stranger in a dungeon already or was he a stranger.
“Einar i met him on my way to here. Nana he claims that i’m not an elf. Going on about some Santa and the North Pole…have you heard of this legend?”
You couldn’t help but laugh. Einar had that look on him were you could see he was scared of whatever was going on but like your husband he made sure to hide it well.
“Meleth have you any knowledge of this Santa?”
“Yes i do. And it’s no harm to any of us. I understand Einar’s confusion. Let’s just get to the feast boys! I’m starving!”
No one dared to go against your word. After the feast. You made sure Einar found comfort in one of the empty chambers in the palace. As a Human who knows what He went through to get here you shared your experience with him and he told you his. Afterwards you went back to your still quizzical husband who wouldn’t shut up about how weird it is that in your land people have to Vote for a leader. It seems to challenge his existence.
“Meleth, you never told us what Einar meant about Santas-helper-elves”
“Oh! So you know santa now right? Elves in some cultures in my world are his helpers. They wear pointy red or green hats. And funny shoes. We even had a thing called elf on a shelf…Einar’s right, they’re nothing like you guys.”
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sorisooyaa · 5 months
Moodboard prompt if you're still accepting them! XD Please and thank you!
Thranduil, Wedding, with song lyrics: "I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."
So sorry, this almost took me a year!! Just been really busy!!
But hehe I really really hope you like it @sotwk and that it was worth the wait
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I also made a blend...... cuz I couldn't help myself hehe
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glassgulls · 1 year
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There is material that is intended for an ADULT audience. Please do not interact with them if you are under 18 or uncomfortable with that kind of material. They will be highlighted.
Lord of the Rings
Letters to My Love - Haldir x fem!reader (fluff/pining - teens and up)
Imagine your favourite Elf serenading you Haldir x fem!reader (character death/hurt comfort - general audience)
Sweet Conversations - Haldir x fem!reader (mutual pining - teens and up)
Welcome Home - Haldir x fem!reader (oneshot pwp explicit)
The Hobbit
Red Red Rose - (general no warnings)
69th Follower Celebration with Thranduil - Thranduil X fem!reader (oneshot explicit)
MeChat: Love Secrets
What You Need - Andrew Castillo x fem!mc (oneshot explicit)
You'll Be My Focus - Daniel Divies x fem!mc (oneshot mature)
Driving Desire - Daniel Divies x fem!mc (multi chapter mature on hiatus)
Line Of Sight - Lucas Pike x fem!mc (oneshot explicit)
Falling Into Me - Lucas Pike x fem!mc (multi chapter explicit on hiatus)
Saucy Times - Lucas Pike x fem!mc (oneshot explicit)
Secret Smile - Antonio Benson x fem!mc (oneshot mature)
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mimilind · 3 months
Thranduil's Shadow: Chapter 43
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Art Source: Ancalagon the Black by AnatoFinnstark on DeviantArt
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Chapter 43: Ancalagon the Black ~The situation in the caves becomes grave when food is lacking. The war nears its end and the greatest dragon is released, but there is hope and light even in the darkest times.~
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Story Summary: Impulsive and young, Thranduil brings back Aerneth to Doriath as his wife, making his abusive father furious. Through the Ages their hasty marriage is shadowed by war and death, dragons and dark lords, betrayal and kinslayings. How can they ever find healing and love?
– Or, the Silmarillion from Thranduil’s perspective.
Pairing: Thranduil x Canon Wife
Rating: M
Tags: Drama, Romance, Angst with a happy ending, Young Thranduil, Complicated Relationship, Slow Burn, Worldbuilding, 1st Age, Dysfunctional Family, War, Dragons, Canonical Character Death, Married Life, Getting Back Together, Healing, Mutual Pining, Elf Culture & Customs, The Battles of Beleriand, Fandom Blind, Kinslaying, Mirror of Galadriel, Prophetic Visions, Hurt/Comfort, Canon Compliant.
Warnings: Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Minor Character Death, Loss of Parent(s), graphic injuries/blood
Links to the story:
AO3 version
FFN version
Wattpad version
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All is Well (Part 2)
Thranduil x Young!Legolas x OC 
Summary: We return to a meeting between Thranduil’s wife and Bilbo Baggins, specifically regarding a position that he has accepted on behalf of Gandalf the Grey and the queen herself. However, problems arise with the prince’s health, leading to a very chaotic conference with the king and queen highlighting their exceptional parenting capabilities. 
“My Queen, Master Baggins has accepted the position that you’ve so graciously offered to him,” Gandalf began, watching (y/n) rock the young prince in the ivory rocking chair adjacent to the bassinet that was kept in her and her husband’s chambers. 
Unlike most royals within the Woodland Realm, the king and queen prided themselves upon being readily available to their son at the drop of a hat. Rather than rely on maids and wet nurses to raise their elfling, they viewed the responsibility as a privilege that had been bestowed upon them to indulge in and appreciate to the utmost degree. As such, they were only ever seen without their sweet leaf on the rarest of occasions. As can be noted, this was indeed not one of those times. 
The queen couldn’t seem to hide both her surprise and pleasure from the wizard upon hearing this news. “I am quite happy to hear this, Gandalf. Unfortunately, as circumstances would have it, this expedition to Gundaband is just not something I can commit to at this time.” 
The “circumstances” that she was referring to could easily be deduced upon looking at her son.  Legolas, the 1-year-old son of Queen (y/n) and King Thranduil, had fallen ill only a few days ago. While his parents (his mother really) initially presumed this to be only a minor ailment that would dissipate in time, his fever had only worsened over the last few hours. And as a result of his extreme discomfort, he only desired to be held by his mother or father, the latter sadly battling the same illness in the bed adjacent to his wife and child. 
“Fret not, My Queen. You will not be disappointed with the hobbit that I’ve recommended to facilitate this mission.” 
“He’s right, darling,” Thranduil interjected. “Master Baggins is quite the experienced investigator. Furtive, prudent and intelligent.” 
At that response, (y/n) quickly diverted her attention from Gandalf to her husband, shocked to find him awake. He’d been sleeping most of the day, the excessive fatigue hitting him like a bag of rocks would. Painfully. 
“How are you feeling?” (y/n) queried, trying to settle Legolas down from her sudden movement. 
“I’m alright. Still quite fatigued and sore but I have to believe I’m on the mend,” he responded, coughing into his elbow. “How’s our little leaf holding up?” 
Gandalf took this time to analyze the dynamic between husband and wife. Slowly, oh so slowly, (y/n) stood up from the rocking chair, cooing at Legolas as he began to whimper. Sitting on her edge of bed and turning her body to face Thranduil, she watched as her husband prepped himself to take the precious cargo that laid before him. As she passed Legolas off into her husband’s waiting arms, everyone could hear the exhalation of relief from both father and son. It wasn’t long until (y/n) sidled up next to her husband, both of them attempting to coax their little one back to sleep with soothing words and gentle touches. 
It appeared that the rumors still stood true from where Gandalf stood. 
The king and queen were exceptional parents.  
“He’s been sporting a pretty nasty fever for the past few hours,” the queen continued. “The healer has come to see him twice to administer a few medicines that she believes will help. However, due to the ferocity of the illness, it will take more time for the remedies to take effect.” 
The king only nodded, pressing a kiss to his son’s forehead. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt, my friends, but—” 
(Y/n) raised a hand. “No, it is me who should apologize. I am being very discourteous. Please, Gandalf, continue.” 
“(Y/n), please. There is no need for that. The only other matter I wished to discuss had to do with meeting the hobbit in the flesh. Would that be something you would be interested in?”
At that question, Legolas’ lip began to quiver. Obviously, he knew what that meeting would entail. The separation of him and his mother. 
“My little leaf, everything is alright,” (y/n) began, reaching past Thran’s arm to smooth her son’s golden hair back from his little head. “Maman isn’t going anywhere.” 
The king took that time to pass his son over to his wife, fully aware of the fact that the elfling needed to be reassured that his mother was nearby. And would remain nearby for the foreseeable future. 
“Perhaps we could consider a meeting within our chambers? I understand that it might be uncomfortable for Master Baggins, but I’m afraid I’m a bit incapable of departing from this spot.”
“Not to worry, Your Majesties. I think an explanation will assuage any fears or reservations regarding this particular situation.” 
“Very well then, Gandalf,” the queen replied. 
“Are you absolutely positive that I won’t be intruding?” Bilbo asked, completely uncertain about entering the sacred chambers of two esteemed leaders of the realm. In his mind, if he made one false move, then—
Honestly, he didn’t even want to think about all of the ways those two could carry out his death.  
“What do you take me for? A novice? I’ll have you know that I’ve been friends with these two for centuries. Granted, it’s true that Queen (y/n) is much easier to get along with than the king, but it must also be made known that they are both genuinely kind people. Consider yourself lucky this time. His wife will be in close proximity and his poor elfling is fighting a nasty bug. He’s a bit softer today. Never mind the fact that it’s her reconnaissance detail and not his. He knows not to get involved in her affairs, especially ones of this caliber, unless it’s necessary.” 
As Gandalf kept pleading his case to Bilbo, he did notice the hobbit’s features begin to become a bit more consoled the more he talked. Hopefully this meant that he would be able to mediate between the two parties and allow this conference to commence. 
“If you’re sure—-”
“I am. You have to trust me. Have I ever led you astray before?” 
“No, you haven’t. So I guess that means I have no choice but to say yes.” 
At that comment, a small smile appeared on the wizard’s face. 
When the wizard and burglar entered the rooms that the king and queen shared, they were greeted to the sight of King Thranduil blowing raspberries on his son’s bare tummy, causing a surplus of delighted giggles to erupt from the little elfling and even his wife. 
After Gandalf left to retrieve Master Baggins, Legolas started to get a bit restless. In other words, he was miserable. He was still running a fever and was even starting to sound congested. Rocking him, singing to him, and even reading to him were not captivating his interest nor calming him down.
It wasn’t until (y/n) recommended removing his onesie that Legolas seemed more at ease. Allowing him to cool off was definitely a mood improver. What made that idea even more successful was her husband planting kisses on their son’s belly. Legolas thought it was the most comical thing ever. The more messy the sound, the funnier it was. 
Queen (Y/n) was the first one to notice that they had visitors. 
“Well, hello to you Master Baggins.” 
“Your Majesty,” Bilbo bowed. 
“My sincerest apologies for requesting your presence in such an intimate setting. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a sick elfling right now. As you can understand, his well-being is our utmost priority. My hope is that we’re not making this too uncomfortable for you.” 
“No, not at all.” 
Giving his son one more kiss to his belly, the king looked up and nodded to his visitor. “Hello, Master Baggins. A pleasure to see you again.” 
‘Wow,’ Bilbo thought as he watched King Thranduil wipe his son’s nose while simultaneously give him a lingering kiss on the forehead, ‘he is definitely not what most people presume him to be.’ 
Watching her husband and son, the queen said, “I was very pleased to hear that you accepted my offer to stand in as the mission leader for the expedition to Gundabad. As you know, Gandalf is a dear friend of mine, so you can imagine that I’ve heard a lot about you over the years. I was very impressed with the experience you’ve acquired. And in such a short time too. I think you’ll fit in well here.” 
“That’s very kind, Queen (y/n).”
“Oh please, call me (y/n).” 
“Of course. So, I know that Gandalf mentioned that you wanted to speak to me about a few things.”
Before the queen could respond, Legolas crawled out of her husband’s lap and made his way over to hers. Smiling brightly, she picked him up and embraced him. 
“And just what are you up to, my sweet boy?” (y/n) questioned, rubbing the backs of her fingers down his cheeks. “You feel cooler, which is a good sign. The medicines must be working.” 
The prince just took that opportunity to cuddle into his mother’s neck. 
While his wife was consoling their son, King Thranduil decided to step in. In this case, he knew (y/n) wouldn’t mind. “Like my wife mentioned earlier, Legolas is our priority at the moment. You’ll have to forgive her for appearing a bit distracted, but that is the life of a parent in difficult times. We tag team the best we can, but he has been circulating between the two of us with remarkable frequency.”
“It’s no trouble, King Thranduil. I understand. If it’s more convenient for you two, we could schedule this meeting at a later date.”
“Since your departure is in a week’s time, I’m afraid that’s not possible,” the queen added while rubbing the elfling’s back gently. “There are only three things that are truly of the utmost importance. But given the circumstances that have arisen on my end, I will be brief.”
Bilbo could only nod his head. 
“Our first matter of business has to do with the members you would like to include. Of course, the elven guard will be at your disposal, but I’m also allowing you to pick 5 other individuals. In fact, I recommend it. People that would be willing to follow you and protect you if harm comes your way. People who have fighting experience. Who you choose is completely up to you.” 
Bilbo thought on this while the mother surreptitiously passed her son off to her husband. It was obvious he was eager to have his child back in his arms. But one would be a fool not to want that little elfling around. He was extremely adorable with sky blue eyes and massive dimples that ate up his cheeks. His calm, charming demeanor was just the icing on the cake in the hobbit’s mind.  
“So the dwarves would be an option then, yes?” 
The queen merely nodded her head.
“Right then, with that settled, let’s move on to the second matter. In good conscience I cannot send you without some formal training. Although you can fight, as I have been told, you have never been in quarters quite like this. I have asked Gandalf as well as a few other trusted advisors to prepare you for a potential onslaught. How to strategize, how to attack, methodologies of that nature. They will be the ones that will alert me of your progress. But please know that if they’re not satisfied with what they see, the mission will be delayed until you’re ready. Your safety, and the safety of my guard, is of the utmost priority.” 
When (y/n) didn’t receive any inquiries regarding her expectations, she then proceeded to the third and final matter. 
Glancing over at her son curled into her husband’s chest, she began. “The last issue I would like to discuss primarily deals with the capture of an Orc named Bröcen. As of right now, he appears to be one of the leaders of a sub-group of Orcs that permanently resides in Gundabad. We have reason to believe that he is orchestrating the creation of an army at the request of his overlord Azog; a request that would certainly destroy a significant portion of Middle Earth’s population if it came to fruition. As such, the main goal of this mission is to bring him back here, alive. Without him, we will never be privy to the Overlord’s plans. Essentially, we will never be able to stop him.” 
And just like that, a sudden, tiny sneeze interrupted any potential response from Bilbo. 
Queen (Y/n) and Bilbo himself immediately turned their heads to look down at the little elfling. He sniffled, raising his arms out to stretch in his father’s embrace. After receiving yet another kiss from Thran, Legolas then cuddled back into his chest, paying no mind to the dangers that were being talked about right in front of him. 
“Nai eru tye mánata (God bless you),” (y/n) and Thranduil whispered at the same time. 
Once the queen was certain that her child was fast asleep, she faced the hobbit again. “Again, I can only apologize Bilbo. I’m quite distracted today. My hope is that everything was clear and comprehensive. If you do have more questions, I’ll be happy to answer them in due time.” 
“Of course, My Queen. Please don’t feel any rush right now. You explained everything in a concise manner that I was able to comprehend,” Bilbo qualified. “I’m sure I’ll have more questions, but for now you deserve to focus on your family.” 
(Y/n) smiled brightly. “Thank you for being so accommodating Master Baggins. We’ll be in touch, I’m sure.” 
With that, Bilbo bowed and moved himself towards the door. Yet, as his hand lightly grasped the doorknob, the soft babbling of Legolas made him turn back to see what all the commotion was about. 
Queen (Y/n) was standing, hugging Gandalf tightly while her husband appeared to be walking into their bathroom to run a bath for the baby. He knew that because Legolas was once again curled against his chest as he made his way to a large oval tub that had a baby bath seat sitting on its edge. 
As Thran turned the faucet, his low timbre began to hum a tune to his son who was lazing in his arms, yawning every so often. There wasn’t a doubt in Biblo’s mind that Legolas adored his father. He gazed up at him, entranced by every movement he made and every act of affection he gave. At least it was nice to know that the king’s harshness didn’t actually extend to his immediate family. Rumors be damned. 
Bilbo was soon brought out of his trance by his fellow comrade. 
“You know the rules, (y/n). If that little guy isn’t feeling better in two day’s time, send for me. I’ll bring Athelas as soon as I can.” 
“Of course, Gandalf. See you soon. And you too, Bilbo,” the queen said, waving. 
“Likewise,” was the response she received from both of them.
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hellchilde · 7 months
New fic alert: in that home by and by chapter 1
Hello tumblrland, I'm back with a new fic!
Title: in that home by and by
Rating: E (for eventual sexually explicit content and major character death ... not at the same time)
Fandom: The Silmarillion/The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
Pairings: Thranduil/Original character(s), aka Thranduil/Thranduil's Spouses
Additional tags: Canon Compliant, Polyamory, Trans Male Character, Trans Female Character, Nonbinary Character, Grief, Friends to Lovers, t4t, Slow Romance, The Avari, Elf Culture and Customs, Worldbuilding
Summary: A frantic flight from Doriath culminates in the arrival of Oropher's ragtag band of refugees at the eaves of the Greenwood. A young Thranduil stumbles upon the current inhabitants of the forest and finds himself swept up in their society and culture. What follows is an ages-spanning story of love and acceptance, grief and loss.
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Baby Legolas gets scared of his dad's new crown and goes to mommy (reader).
Warning: none. Fluffy fluff. And like this is so short so sorry..
Possible bad grammar cuz English's not my first language,
like & Comments are very much appreciated
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There were still three weeks remaining from the midwinter festival and the king has already planned everything and ordered the mantles mainly designed for this event.
He wanted everything to be perfect, stricktly in place and in one word, faboulous. And you as the queen tried your best to keep things in high standards as he wished for and by that here you were standing in front of the full length mirror on a stool that has added a few inches to your height for obvious reasons which you still haven't figured out, you weren't unfamiliar with this ceremonies nor the way anyone in charge of even the smallest task in this event must be and the best of themselves, even your poor handmaid has walked the stairs to your chambers several times just this morning.
It has been hours, you could swear by that, hours spent of you standing still for the tailors to measure you, head to toe, and not to mention the fact that if you move there is always a needle somewhere waiting patiently to poke your skin.
"These are the two colours the king has picked out my queen, both are in rhyme and sort of match with his own."  Ingálvur said, Thranduil's personal tailor and a very respected elf among others. He was truly a blessing both him and his work.
He looked up holding two pieces of cloth one in indigo and one in deep maroon, both equally stunnishing on their own, you felt it difficult to decide the 'right' one, taking a deep breath you compared your fair skin with them to just have a vision on how each would look on you but that did not help, biting the skin on your lip Ingálvur caught your wandering eyes on the maroon piece making him smile in satisfaction, "maroon it is then" you smiled back nodding in agreement.
Right choice, you thought.
After couple of minutes your mind started to wonder how there's no sign of your child, he was too clingy to be away from you for this long, the suddon weight of guilt and gloom felt massive on your heart when the heavy doors of your chamber cracked open and a bawling silver hair ran inside visibly looking for you, hands brushing hard against his face as a poor attempt to wipe off his never ending tears, "nana.." your maiden quickly took your hand to help you down the stool when she saw the way you almost jumped to reach your crying son,
"Nana's here... come on, oh gods!" Your eyes soften when you saw his small face now wet with all the tears and the tip of his nose was red making him the most adorable thing you have laid eyes on, with all the crying and whimpering he barely could see which direction he was heading to, "what is it my little leaf?" you kneeled before him as you held both his tiny hands in yours preventing him from squishing and rubbing his swollen eyes more and he was quick to throw himself in your arms not caring how many strangers were in your room present right now.
He was holding a strand of your long hair in his hand like his life depend on it and if he let go he may get lost forever an old habit from as long as you can remember, catching his breath you brushed away the silver hair from his face and forehead for him to look at you more, "Ada.." you wiped off another tear with your thumb before standing up and rocking him in your arms, "you want ada?" He nodded yes, then no making you chuckle, "ada's scary nana, i- i want ada, my ada" you frowned a bit not understanding a single thing from this boy's mewling when one of the girls came into the room, looking absolutely relieved when he found the prince in your arms,
"Heavens," she let out a breath after bowing down to you, "my queen i am terribly sorry but the prince is incredibly fast!" You laughed making others in the room to let out a giggle, "what's the matter?" You said kissing your son's head as you kept caressing his back,
"The price walked into the king's chamber and i imagine he got scared of the kings new crown my queen."
The boy sniffed and look up at your face, "is that true? You're not really fond of ada's formalities are you?"
He shook his head as you walked slowly towards the doors, wanting to clear the air for both yourself and the little one in your arms, "nana no!"
"My son is not scared is he? The elven prince? Who's protecting nana then?" He nibbled at his fingers that were holding your hair.
"Let us go and find ada shall we?" At last he gave in, holding on to you so tightly you made your way to the hall wondering how gigantic of a crown or cloak it might be to scare him off like that, Thranduil probably didn't even notice the young boy running.
With a lazy knock on the door they opened it for you to walk in, the intense light made you shut your eyes for a few seconds after stepping in and let them adjust then to open it changing the arm you were holding you boy with you placed the free one on top of his head to avoid the sunlight reaching him, Thranduil on the other hand was surprised by your presents turned around to see you and finding Legolas curled up in your arms, he smiled softly somehow unable to take his eyes off of you, light shining on your hair and face make it ten times more heavenly making him fall once again, even more.
"See, it's ada, your very own." You mumbled to the little kid before kissing the palm he placed on your lips for more comfort, your husband looked at you confused before stepping forward, "he got scared of your crown, you had to see him then, face red and wet of tears!" You said smiling before pointing to his crown, mouthing and asking him to take it off, and so he did without a second thought.
"He's all fussy and grumpy now, gods may have mercy on us."
He stood next to you, taking his time to watch you talk as he brushed your hair away from your shoulder to leave a tiny kiss on your skin, Legolas on the other hand was still seeking for more attention holding the colar of your dress.
"My my, what was it little leaf? A monster?!"
He whispered the last part, walking to your back where Legolas's head was resting, or hiding.
Moving and making a little space between your hair with his finger, he finally found the scared boy, eyes still shut. "Or maybe a spider was it?" He ran his two fingers gently on your boy's back making him finally giggle from the tickling.
"Then where was your bow and arrow? Didn't my prince wants to save his ada?"
Pulling back from your hair he faced Thranduil and check him carefully, his blue orbits were moving so fast scanning his dad's face, not missing a spot. After making sure the man in front of his eyes is in fact his father he proceed to reach for his face and touched the man's nose with his index finger,
"Ada-" "yes! That's correct my green leaf! It's ada!"
He rested his free hand around your waist after carefully taking the boy out of your arms into his,
"Wanna show ada your new bow?" He nodded excitedly clapping his hands, "yes yes!" crawling out of his dad's arms to managed to run even faster towards the doors and stumble one or two times since his small feet reached the ground.
"Do you really believe the head piece is scary, my love?"
He looked at you while pulling you closer to himself, you formed a tiny space with your fingers and looked at him through the hole "maybe a tiny bit?" You laughed pressing your lips together before feeling his soft and warm ones on your temple, "i need another"
"Another what- Thranduil!!"
He smirked before cupping your face with his hand
"This one's yours but i want another to have equal share."
You laughed loud covering his eyes with your hand as you went on your tip toe to kiss his lips.
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lamemaster · 1 year
The Curse of Bloodlines (Thranduil x Feanorian reader)
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Thranduil x Feanorian reader
Genre: angst (shit ton of it)
Summary: You wonder if your child would be born before the passing of Spring or if they would be born in the creeping days of fall. 'Not long now,' you whisper to your belly.
Part 2: The Curse of Heart | Part 3: The Curse of the Uncursed
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Day 475th of staying in your room. The air carried hints of creeping spring. The cloying fragrance of blooming flowers made its way into your room from wide open windows that were never closed. You could not bring yourself to close them. They were the only reminder of the world that existed outside your room.
The afternoon sun left you feeling drowsy as you huddled closer to your favorite nook next to the windows. Resting your head on the wall, you stretched your back to alleviate the hovering ache that rarely left you these days. You gently massaged your swollen feet, or at least tried to with your belly getting in the way.
You wondered if your child would be born before the passing of spring or if they would be born in the creeping days of fall. "Not long now," you whispered to your belly.
"You would be the prince of the Woodland Realm. Everyone would love you like they do for your father. You would grow up with so many people looking after you," you sniffed as you felt the butterflies of your child's movement under your hands. "Your father would give you anything you could wish for. He is an ellon who cares immensely for his people."
You tried to focus on the little flutter that tickled your palm or the cool breeze. You tried to ward away the thoughts that plagued your mind. They had been frequent these days. A premonition of what was to come. You avoided those thoughts to protect your child from their shadow.
However, a sense of mourning clouded your heart. It was the realization that you would not live to see your son. You could feel it in your soul and your body. Long ago, your great-grandmother Miriel had been the first-ever elf to die on the blessed lands, and now you felt the same fate looking back at you.
You were a Finwean, the granddaughter of Feanor, and the daughter of Celegorm. You hadn't known it for the longest time. You had grown up with a single mother who never spoke of your father. You didn't dare stir the grief that lay heavy on your mother's heart. Your father's name was never uttered in your household.
Maybe that was the reason why you assumed your silver hair to be from your Sinda mother. You simply did not fathom the possibility of it being a paternal trait. You did not care for your green eyes, which seemed to be a gift from your grandmother Nerdanel. Never had you ever thought of belonging to the cursed bloodline of the Noldor. The Silmarils had never called for your soul, you were not oath-bound, and your soul didn't long for your home beyond the seas.
It fooled you and Thranduil, who once loved you. He truly did, at the beginning of your courtship when every second of your existence was spent next to him. You both had wed early, and none had objected. You had once been the crown princess of Greenwood the Great.
Then it had come. A letter from your uncle who wandered unknown shores. It was a letter that shattered your world. And the beloved crown princess of Greenwood the Great became a kinslayer's daughter. Child of an ellon who had once slain the King of Beleriand.
All was lost when you learned of your father. Your people were no longer yours. Your mother, an unknown elleth who had picked you up from an abandoned camp. Most of all, your husband and all his love were gone.
You should have resented your uncle or your father, yet you could not bring yourself to. It would have been easy to deny the claim in the letter. It could have saved your marriage, but how could you? It seemed as if it was meant to be. How else could your father's name find you despite all that had happened? How else could your uncle, whom many called a wraith, remember you?
So you bore all the hate, anger, and resentment that came towards you. It was all you could offer these people. All that you could give your husband, who refused to look at you.
Thranduil had waited for you to deny the claim in the letter. He had expected it to be a lie. You would have too if not for everything pointing to one truth. Your silence had been the only answer you could offer your husband, a fact that broke his heart.
Your bond stretched thin with the barest presence lingering. It lingered on the edge of snapping. Had Miriel felt the same way too? You seemed to share a fate similar to your great-grandmother's. Maybe someday you would get a chance to ask her.
You would bear it all for the sake of your child. Even the confinement of your room was an acceptable fate to persevere for your and Thranduil's child.
It had been an unspoken sentence laid down by Oropher. You were banned from the gardens and woods you grew up in. Stables, lakes, halls, kitchens...you were prohibited from them. It started with guards following your every step and ended with the room you had not left for the past year.
It could have been a prison cell if you had not been carrying the heir of the Woodland realm. Or maybe you would have been kicked out of your home. You would have accepted it. Maybe that would have appeased all those who had been wronged by your father.
Therefore, you did not mourn the weariness that lay heavy on your soul. Whatever doom awaited you would free Thranduil and your child from your existence. None in Greenwood would burden them with your family's wrongdoings.
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ravensliterature · 2 years
Poisoned Arrow Pt. II
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A/N: I have gotten a couple of requests to make a request to Poisoned Arrow so I decided to do so. 
Part 1
pairing: Thranduil x Reader
warnings: Nothing really
w/c: 2841
Prompt: Laketown has been destroyed by Smaug. What will the ramifications be? Your father (Thorin) is being overcome by dragon sickness and it appears a war is starting on your doorstep
Legolas had to see his parents kiss. Gross. Thranduil didn't care if you both got caught; he was just happy you were alive. You felt the poison and its effects leave your body quickly thanks to the elven healers Thranduil learned from. Everyone seemed to relax, knowing the orcs were currently gone and you were going to live. This moment was short-lived when a roar was heard from the sky.
Thranduil's eyes darted toward the sound, and his expression changed drastically as he ran from your side toward the entranceway. Legolas followed him without hesitation to see what was making the noise from above. A dark shadow covered the sun, and you heard the people of Laketown scream and the bells of the town began to ring. Your eyes widened as your heart pounded loudly in your chest; this couldn't be happening. Legolas looked on in horror while your husband had a face of dread. Smaug.
"Legolas, escort the dwarves and humans to a boat. Now!" Thranduil demanded before leaving with a swift nod toward his son who stood frozen. You tried to get up, but you fell back onto your bed and let out a groan at the pain radiating through your body from the lingering effects. There wasn't much time left, so you closed your eyes tight and prayed that everything would go smoothly for everyone. Thranduil picked you up bridal style, recognizing your inability to fully stand yet.
"Everyone, to the boat!" Legolas shouted, escorting the human children who were clinging to him. Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur followed swiftly after. Finally, you and Thranduil entered the boat before drifting off down the river in the hopes of escaping. The fire covered the town as the dragon took his anger out on the village. All you could do was pray for everyone else. For Thorin. For Bilbo. For the rest of the company.
You held onto Thranduil tightly with a grip like iron as you watched the city burn before turning your attention to Thranduil again. He was pale and shaky, with worry etched into his features, but his expression was set firm. The boat drifted further down the river, and you saw a screech from the sky. Smaug was falling into the town, and Bard could be seen on the bell tower with his bow. An arrow struck the dragon in the chest, causing it to stumble and fall forward toward the water. You watched helplessly as Smaug crashed into Lake Town. The ship rocked violently, sending your boat further down the river in a wave. Thranduil grasped onto you tightly while everyone else grabbed onto the boat.
It was early morning when the fishing boat you all fled to safety on reached the shore. Everyone was exhausted and in need of food. When you finally made it safely onto land, you were met with a town without a home as they surrounded you all. Bard's girls were reunited with him, and at this moment, you were able to walk normally again.
"Nin meleth, I need to see my father. I need to make sure he is alright," you said to your husband. He placed a hand on your cheek softly and gave you a sad look.
"I know, my love. I know you will not be able to rest until you finish this journey," he said, looking straight into your eyes. He pressed a soft kiss against your forehead. He knew better than to get in your way, especially when it comes to family. You pulled away and looked around, seeing nothing else but ruins, people, bodies, and ash.
"This isn't good..." you mumbled softly at the same time Legolas began walking toward your side. "Mirkwood has been notified of the state of Laketown and will be sending aid for these people," he explained. He looked over at you and gave you a nod.
"Good job, my son, we are very proud," Thranduil said, smiling brightly at Legolas.
"Thanks, Father," Legolas replied. You watched the exchange between the two of them and smiled. It warmed your heart to see such close ties between the two of them. Legolas moved over to you as you turned around and placed your arm around his shoulder. You smiled lightly and leaned your head on his shoulder. "I will see you when this is all over, my son," you whispered. He squeezed your arm gently.
"Of course, mother. We will meet soon," Legolas replied, leaning his head against yours.
You and Legolas broke apart as he left to help with any healing that he could, leaving you and Thranduil to your discussion once more.
"So, my dear wife... I think we should talk about something rather important right now," Thranduil said, placing a hand under your chin and raising your face to look him in the eye.
"What do you mean?" you asked, tilting your head slightly. He sighed softly and placed a gentle peck on your lips. His hand found its way into your hair and tangled your fingers together.
"You are still recovering from the injury, and you will be able to walk fine, but be careful," he answered, resting his forehead against yours. "I need you in one piece," he murmured, kissing your temple. You nodded in response and wrapped an arm around him. He slowly backed away from you and turned back around. The King was to return to ensure aid was brought to the people of Laketown.
You made your way over to Fili, Kili, Oin, and Bofur who were waiting. After making sure you had everything you needed, you began your climb up the mountain to the entrance of Erebor, where you grew up.
As you approached the gates of Erebor, you realized how much larger it looked compared to how you remembered. The stone towers looked tall and strong, though they were crumbling from age. But there was still something familiar to it. Like an old friend that you haven't seen in years but missed dearly. Your reminiscing was cut short when you realized the entranceway was destroyed by Smaug's leave. Were they all dead? Was your father alive? You all had the same thought as your casual walking pace turned into a sprint as you all entered the ancient kingdom.
"Hello!" Bofur yelled into the echoing halls, searching for anyone. No response came, and it only served to worry you and the others further. "Bifur!? Anybody!?" Bofur called, hoping someone might hear him. You glanced at Bofur worriedly as you all continued to walk. You decided that you all would continue to trek the halls until you found everyone. Alive or dead.
"Wait! Wait!" a voice rang through the mountain as you all walked down the stairs further into Erebor. You recognized that voice. "It's Bilbo!" Kili exclaimed. You smiled widely as you all ran towards him. You stopped running abruptly when you got to the hobbit.
"Stop! Stop!" Bilbo yelled. You all froze in fear, wondering what was wrong. He looked terrified, and his eyes were wide with panic. "You need to leave. We all need to leave," he breathed, trying to compose himself. You frowned in confusion as everyone stared at the hobbit. Why would he want to leave? Then it hit you... your father.
"We only just got here?" Bofur said in disbelief. You all stared at Bilbo in shock for a few moments, but you knew. You already knew. The dragon sickness was already in effect. "I have tried talking to him, but he won't listen. Thorin has been down there for days. He doesn't sleep. He barely eats. He's not been himself."
Without notice, Fili sprints down the stairs, catching the attention of everyone as you decide to follow suit.
You could feel the fear creeping inside of you as you all followed Fili through the maze of hallways, and you got closer to the room glowing with gold. You felt your heart stop when you saw Thorin in royal garb in a sea of gold coins. The sickness was too powerful, and it was already affecting his mind.
"Gold. Gold beyond measure," your father muttered as he stared at the coins before him. Your breath caught in your throat, and your knees buckled as you struggled to remain upright. You feared this the moment you set on this journey. You thought he was strong enough to resist it. Hoped that he was. "Beyond sorrow and grief. Behold the great treasure of Thror. Welcome, my daughter and sister's sons, to the Kingdom of Erebor!"
Your father raised a ruby, throwing it to Fili as he caught it. You could feel tears welling up in your eyes as you looked at your father. Kili sensed your pain as he grabbed your elbow in an attempt to drag you away from the sight. "Let's find everyone else," he whispered. You let yourself be pulled away from the scene and back up the stairs with the others.
Everyone was alive, but your joy was short-lived as Thorin put you all to work in search of the Arkenstone. The valued treasure above all. While everyone was searching, you tried to find a moment to break away. You couldn't be a part of this. You made your way to a balcony on Erebor overlooking the burned town. All that death for a stone and the decline of your father. It wasn't worth it. You reclaimed your home but at the cost of this? Finally, the tears you had built up began to fall. Your tears were interrupted when you saw an army of elves walk upon Erebor. Leading them was your husband? What was going on? Were they here because of you? As you stood there trying desperately to control your emotions, your attention is drawn to the man you love. As you continue to stare you see a man riding on a horse riding further than the rest up to the gate. As he got closer into view, you saw a familiar lock of black hair. Bard? As you peered over the edge, a raven flew above your head. You assumed it was likely Thorin telling your aunt they had reclaimed the mountain.
You weren't the only one who saw him as you saw your father walk down below to greet your guest. He appeared at the door talking with Bard through a hole allowing them to see each other's faces.
"I'm listening," Thorin said looking over at Bard with furrowed brows. Bard took in a deep sigh. "On behalf of the people of Laketown, I ask that you honor your pledge. A share of the treasure so they can rebuild their lives."
Bard suggested. Thorin remained silent. "Please," Bard pleaded. Thorin sighed deeply before saying, "I will not trade with any man while an armed host lies before my door."
You could hear Bard scoff in frustration, "That armed host will attack this mountain if we do not come to terms." You were happy Thranduil was aiding the people, but he wouldn't attack you, all right? Would he?
"Your threats do not sway me," Thorin replied.
You could hear Bard curse under his breath, "What of your conscious? Does it not tell you our cause is just? My people offered you help and helped save your daughter's life. And in return, you brought upon them only ruin and death."
Thorin shook his head in disbelief. "Why do the men of Laketown only come to our aid when for the promise of rich reward."
"A bargain was struck!"
"Begone! Let our arrows fly!" Thorin roared.
Your gaze snapped up in horror. Arrows. They meant war.
You could hear Bard shouting out insults and promises of bloodshed as he ran off in the direction of the human camp with the elves following him. You watched in silence and shock as Thorin walked away from the door fuming. "He is gone..." You murmured to yourself as just peered over the patio scared to return to the rest. You wanted to believe that your father is still in there. That he hopefully won't start an all-out war. You continued to stare wondering what would happen next until you heard footsteps coming down the pathway of the patio. You followed the noise to see Bilbo hooking himself to the wall, yanking on the wall, and testing its strength.
"Bilbo? What are you doing?" you asked, stepping forward worriedly. "Are you alright?"
He nodded his head sadly "The dragon sickness has taken hold of your father. I am saving him." After his declaration, Bilbo held out a glittering jewel-like none you'd ever seen.
You gasped softly, "The Arkenstone." You moved toward Bilbo, examining it with curiosity, noticing the gems on its inner surface seemed to glow slightly brighter than the rest. "Where did you get this?"
"I found it. I planned to give it to your husband and Bard," Bilbo said.
"I'm coming with you."
"No," Bilbo stated firmly, and you frowned, confused. "Do you know how Thorin will react knowing his daughter betrayed him in this state? He'll kill you!" Bilbo warned.
"I have no intention of dying today," you said determined to go with him. "He would never hurt me."
"How do you know?" Bilbo questioned. You ignored the question as you stepped closer to the balcony and then pointed down, gesturing for him to climb down. Once at the bottom, you used his rope to climb down as well. You quickly climbed down to the ground and stood beside Bilbo. Both of you looked around to see if anyone saw you guys scale down the wall. When the coast appeared clear, you ran towards the human camp.
"Y/N..." Thranduil gasped as he stood up for his chair in the tent as you were escorted by Gandalf and Bard with Bilbo in tow. "Oh thank Valar you're safe," he said grabbing you tightly into a warm hug. You wrapped your arms tightly around him, burying your face into his chest. "I am safe, my love," you mumbled in relief. You pulled back from the embrace and looked into his blue orbs and smiled. His eyes shone, and his skin glowed as you both gazed at each other lovingly.
"What brings you both here?" Bard asked raising an eyebrow.
"We came to give you this," Bilbo said pulling the Arkenstone from his pocket. Thranduil's jaw nearly dropped as he watched the hobbit place the jewel on the table with Gandalf and Bard doing the same. There was silence. Everyone was staring at the jewel in shock as Bilbo spoke up, breaking the silence. "We both took it as our 14th share of the treasure."
"Why would you do this? The hobbit especially doesn't owe us any loyalty," Bard questioned.
"We are not doing it for you. I have grown very fond of them and Y/N and I will save them all if I can," Bilbo explained.
Gandalf looked at Bilbo, surprised by his words and nodded slowly, "If that is what you wish. But I hope your plan works," he told the hobbit.
"Me too," you mumbled. "Thank you for bringing us here, Master Baggins." You said smiling gratefully up at him. He grinned in response before leaving the room with Bard and Gandalf leaving you and your husband alone. You felt something brush against your cheek. Glancing down, Thranduil leaned down kissing you gently. "It is good to see you again, my love. I'm sorry it has come to this."
"So am I," you sighed as you stared at the beautiful jewel that lay on the table. "But why have you come? I thought you were only aiding the humans with food and supplies?" You inquired. "Food and supplies will not rebuild their homes, my dear. They need resources and your father made a promise. My army was only to act as a warning. I didn't think dragon sickness would take him this quickly."
"What are we going to do?" you asked.
"Tomorrow, I need you to stay here. If the sickness has truly claimed him, he will hurt you."
"No. Me being there will stop him from hurting you all."
He smiled sadly before leaning down once again placing another soft kiss on your lips. "Let us worry about this tomorrow. Tonight is mine to enjoy with my wife." With that, he kissed you tenderly once more. You allowed your eyes to close, allowing yourself the opportunity to relax for the first time since you arrived. You soon became lost in his touch and his scent. It reminded you of the times he would hold you and make you feel special and loved. It also reminded you how much you wanted to feel those things again. You pulled apart after a while and placed a small chaste kiss on his lips. "Will you stay with me tonight? Let us worry about tomorrow later."
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Part 1
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timeladyjamie · 7 months
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Pairing: Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife
Chapters: 5/5
The story of a Sindar and Silvan elf that began among the trees of Greenwood the Great and now only remains alive in the heart of the Elvenking of the Woodland Realm. Part 1 (Prequel) of The Elvenking and Elvenqueen of Mirkwood Series
Pairing: Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife
Chapters: 3/?
Centuries ago, Queen Ethiriel of the Woodland realm had passed away, trying to protect the forest and her family. Her husband and son mourned her. However, she has returned from the Halls of Mandos, the only problem is: she can't remember anything about her past life. Can Thranduil and Legolas help, or is she to remain lost in the enemies grip forever? Part 2 (Sequel) of The Elvenking and Elvenqueen of Mirkwood Series. Please Read Part 1 to understand this story.
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