#tho sometimes sunny scolds him to do something
teakoodrawz · 1 year
SCC req: Whatever Mark and Sunny interaction you can think of, I don't have anything specific on mind rn unfortunately
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they're mostly a love bird(and cat) together but also in other worlds their dynimacs are funny
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beanghostprincess · 6 months
Luffy having different levels of intimacy with his crewmate is living in my head rent free
Luffy wrapping around his crew into a big hug is normal.
But just him sitting on jinbe's and Frank's shoulder. Watching and observing Franky, constantly asking him questions while he works. He also just sits onto or against jinbe enjoying tea and some down time it's really the only time Luffy can think and be with his thoughts.
Luffy sitting with Robin listening to her facts and observations. He Leans against her and reads whatever books she's reading. He listens to her facts and knowledge about history and will ask questions about whatever interests him. She really enjoys these moments with Luffy, it's a side of him that's rarely shown. It's a side of him that she gets to see more often than the other crewmates. He's usually all about meat and pirating but when with Robin he's curious about history and knowledge.
Sanji's love language is cooking Luffy loves to eat. Luffy would sneak into the kitchen and would watch him cook dinner. Most of the time it would end up with him scolding Luffy and kicking him out if he eats something. But when he behaves he's infatuated with his skill, he likes to wrap around him from behind and would watch him intently. He likes to rest his chin or cheek on top of his head watching his stir soup. Sometimes if he's lucky he gets to taste his dishes. Sanji just loves these moments his whole crew loves his food but small moments hearing praise for his talent and enjoying his food. It takes him back. Back to those moments when he cooked for him mom. He likes to talk about her sometimes not much tho no one wants tears and their steamed tilapia
With Zoro he loves being attached to him he's like a second skin. He's on his shoulder when he's doing squats, on his back doing pushups, oh his back when doing pushups up. When he's napping Luffy likes lying right next to him watching him sleep. He brushes diet or dust off his face. Sometimes he just relaxes with him staring at the clouds peacefully listening to him snoring. Zoro would talk about kuina and would go on and on about her skill he would show Luffy all the techniques she used to do when fighting her and confess that he really hasn't moved on from her death. After every fight he wins he just thinks how kuina would have done it. He even expresses some lingering inferiority still believing that he's not living up to her expectation. Something he wouldn't confess to anyone.
When sailing he likes to pull Nami on top of sunny and watch the clouds and just enjoy the sea with him. She quietly hums and draws maps while Luffy watches clouds and points things out that interest him resting his head on her lap. They usually talk about navigation and what island they're going to next. She talks about her past sometimes her sister, sometimes her mom. Some things that are too painful in a group setting.
With usopp he likes to sit with him shoot and prep his arsenal. Usopp is a story teller at heart so of course he's telling him stories and fables while he works. Luffy usually leans against his back resting his head in his hair playing with his curls while listening to usopp talk. It's usually general knowledge and about whatever niche topic he knows about. Luffy would move from his back to his lap and just listen and observe him. Especially when he talks about his parents or kaya. Usopp honestly hates quiet moments it brings him back when he lived by himself and had no one. Being with someone who hear to his rambling is comforting.
During these moments with the straw hat he always invites chopper with him he's always with Luffy. He either latched to his leg or is held by Luffy. Tho by the time things get intimate and personal chopper is asleep. Unless it's him that's getting intimate and personal. Expressing gratitude for Luffy making him feel not only normal but something to be admired. Luffy's instant amazement and fascination with his transformation really affected him. He reminds him of Hiriluk sometimes with his big personality and his lack of fear that comes from the unknown
Fuck I can go all day about all the personal relationship and interactions Luffy has with his crewmates and how they're all different from each other.
This is,,, So beautiful. Literally the first thing I read when I woke up and- Made my day. I love his little interactions with everyone, being touchy and getting to know them better. They're a little family <3
Also thinking about how Luffy is always the one listening here about his crew's stories and pasts, and he never willingly talks about his siblings and Shanks because, well, he never sees it necessary unless they ask. But when they ask? When they ask he goes on and on talking about his little adventures with Ace and Sabo. About Uta's songs. Makino's food. The way Dadan got angry at them. And everyone is just so happy to hear about their captain's stories!!!
They love each other so much,,, I love clingy strawhats, honestly, one of my favorite things ever.
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yaeran · 2 years
(sorry had to send again cuz i typed it wrong-) hello!! can you do a diluc fluff headcanons taking care of a gn reader? (any pronouns)
from aya: omg i love this sm such a cute prompt!! thank you for requesting i hope you like it :DD <3 (since here it’s just taking care of gn reader but in the other it was drunk reader i’ll put in some sprinkles of drunk reader)
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diluc doesn’t see it himself on how much he looks out for you. and it’s just the right amount of caring not over the top, everything he does is natural.
if you went on adventures together
first off, he’s sweet and all but let’s say you do something dumb which ends up into an injury he’d fr scold and lecture you while tending to your wounds— but he’ll end it off with a kiss and tell you to be careful next time <3
he would ask you if you need any essentials.— “are you feeling warm yn? / would you like to take a break? / have some water.”
he’s the type of guy that would hold your forearm as you walk on a bumpy walkway so that you won’t fall down.
he does that thing where he places the back of his hand on your forehead to check your temperature to make sure you’re feeling well.
if you were walking in a cold place, on the day you overestimated yourself and didn’t wear enough layers though diluc told you to, he’d still give you his jacket and he makes you wear it properly not just on the shoulders— he doesn’t think that’s enough. he’ll stop walking, watch you out on the jacket and continue on with the trip.
he’s just generally comfortable around you, he does things that people wouldn’t think he’d do.
(if your hair is long) he ties your hair for you on sunny days.
when you get tired on the trip he either gives you piggy back rides or will stop at any moment. he’ll find a log to sit on and have you lay down and lay your head on his lap. if the sun is still up he’ll angle himself in a way the sun isn’t blaring into your eyes.
he’s actually has high skin-ship especially since he’s gotten more comfortable with you. he’ll fidget with your hands as you walk to entertain you. gives you a small massage when you guys take a break.
some drunk reader hcs
diluc does look out for everyone at the bar but since you became a regular, he has a bit more attention on you than others.
you’ve always sat at the counter table and would talk to diluc. since then he can remember how many drinks it would take for you to get tipsy to drunk. by the drink he knows you get tipsy by he makes you stop but sometimes you’re too stubborn. oh well, it gets him money.
soon you are drunk, completely out of it— he makes you drink water and he’d wash up your face and makes you sober up.
you’ve became close enough for him to either bring you to his place or your place. often he’d just bring you to his place. (imagine how the travelling process would be tho— either he flings you over his shoulder or he piggy back rides you. or i hope he has a horse idk)
he’ll have a maid change your clothes and freshen you up. he has you stay in his room and he waits until you throw up as he holds your hair back and rubs your back. by then he can sleep peacefully. on his couch. unless you make him sleep beside you.
the next day he makes a drink to relief the hangover while you’re complaining about the headache and nausea.— “now what did you learn from your hangover yn?” “nothing.”
he’s strict sometimes but just makes sure you’re on your best health and is happy. his love and care is unconditional~
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seelestia · 1 year
v v true!!! oooh omg i remember watching coraline. i'm not much of a horror movie fan (says the one who writes stuff like yandere lmao) so honestly speaking that movie creeped me out esp the eyes halkjfdlakjsd i'm a scaredy cat yup- corpse bride was a delight to watch tho! comfort movies... hmmm. here's the thing, i... i don't watch a lot of movies hahahh 
both you gotta do both. remember to not always give in to that charming smile and scold him sometimes lmao awh lil tsundere lia and the deredere ayato.... new trope unlocked? ;) hsldjfl that sounds very cute and adventurous...... i'd imagine if i caught you two sneaking about at night i'll shut my lips (nepotism at its finest-) and silently sends you away- oh dear hello professor zhongli fancy seeing you here so late at night wow sure is sunny tonight huh haha haha oops i mean moony uh um heh-
THAT WOULD LITERALLY BE ME omg i'll nestle right onto his sides and tuck myself in a floofy blanket and fall asleep hearing his soft breathing. heizou would talk your ears off throughout the movie. somehow predicts the movie's plot within the first ten minutes of watching. welp since the movie's spoiled anyway let's just sleep 😴 
ooooh i am e.x.c.i.t.e.d!!! lmao oh no is this my cue to swoop in to grab zhongli's hand and propose like "I HAVE MONEY YOU CAN USE IT"-
lia. lia i have seen you fawn over scara on your priv. you're down bad. the gremlin man has taken hold of you hsldjfklsd have you seen his teaser? and the voicelines? my god. i am so glad i'll be pulling for him. dw i shall take a lot of screenshots hehehehehehe
we've got meteors and air blades falling from the sky.... next we know al haitham's burst would be durians falling from the sky or something- /j
you're finally welcoming your beloved in your arms!!! woooo!!! so. when's the wedding gonna be at- /lh
it's ok if their back aches we can always pull them aside and persuade them to spend time with us with a massage ✨
well, rin jie, you're stuck with me because i love horror movies (but i prefer psychological horror that makes me take a step back to think) 🤫 i am linking my arms with you so you cannot escape as we speak, hehe. (/lh) and dw abt not being much of a movie watcher, comfort comes in many ways and objects like food and blankets and zhongli's arms—
i am pretty good at scolding people without being a spoilsport (and i always happen to get attracted to brats with brains heizou and scara), so rest assured ayato is left under good supervision! >:) AND I SWEAR I AM A HOSTAGE-TURNED ACCOMPLICE... rin jie, your kindness will be the kickstart to my nepo baby era. (/j) but i'll do my best to make you proud! you can trust me on potions and herbology ;D i think ayato would excel at charms and have lots of interest in the study of ancient runes?? but wbu, what subjects would you and oh-so gracious professor zhongli would teach?? hehe, my fav couple to tease and giggle at as long as i don't get points off hufflepuff >:3c (/lh)
and i've gotta say that zhongli genuinely looks like he'd be the warmest and coziest to cuddle out of all the men?? i'm not sure if it's the earthy color palette he has, but i still gotta hand it to you 🤧 ayato's is also cozy since you get bonuses of having your hair smoothened and played with whilst you snooze on his chest or maybe i'm just biased, HELP??
yes, i've finally put aside my pride to admit that i am now an official scara kisser. i can't believe i have way more posts on my priv about denying scara instead of expressing my love for ayato 😮‍💨 i'm not sure if you played thru the interlude quest but lmk if you did because that quest was the final push for me personally, UUUUUU. OH AND DO SEND ME THOSE SCREENSHOTS 👀 make him do a michael jackson spin in the air (/j)
I SAW ALHAITHAM'S LEAKS... and iirc, the names for his talents are literally topics in physics??? THIS MAN 😭 good luck getting him soon, rin jie! it seems yaoyao will be on his banner?? she's super cute, but i'm still waiting for kaveh tho fhejkskek. OH AND I HOPE YOU'LL WIN THE 50/50 FOR AYATO TOO! <3 this update's 2nd phase is about to be my spending phase because i'll be pulling for ei on 50/50 after i get ayato 🤧 i think ei + ayato will be a good combo, so i'm really hoping i get her! if not, then guaranteed for alhaitham maybe?? or i'll save for another rerun or for future fontaine characters >:)
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strawberry-jammers · 3 years
child reader (Pt.4)
tommy x child!reader || whys he here??
someone comes to the tundra to fight the blade (also some cute fluff)
pt1 pt 2 pt3 pt4 pt5
this took so long lmao, part 5 coming soon
This story will diverge from the cannon. Since i cant remember it well im just gonna do my own thing.
The three of them, techno tommy and little (y/n), lived together peacefully for a bit. Techno and tommy would occasionally spar and commit minor terrorism, while (y/n) got to play with tommy and uncle techno. 
(y/n) has grown a bit sense they had arrived there, being a happy kid like they should be.
On calm nights, techno would read to the little kid, stories of gods who ruled over the lands. Stories of himself in his times of adventure. They enjoyed all his stories, for they held a sort of unreachable curiosity that they loved oh so much.
“Im not reading you a story.” techno says. Sitting in his usual arm chair. He had come back from the nether not long before, just wanting to rest after a long day of fighting withers. He didnt expect the kid to want to hang out with him. “Pwease uncle tech!” they said. He shook his head. “I said no.” (y/n) huffed, getting off the arm of the chair, walking to the pile of books that stood in the coroner of the room. 
They looked through it, trying to find the one they wanted. Once they did, they let out a happy ‘aha!’ and stumbled to the grumpy piglin, book in hand. “This one this one! Pleaaaase!!” they said. Showing techno the book. He examined it, realizing that it was the story about himself that philza had given to him as a joke gift. His eyes widened. ‘Why would the brat wanna read about me?’ he pondered. He just sighed, gently grabbing the book from the small hands it was being held in. “Fine, fine, I'll read you the story.” 
(y/n) smiled, climbing up to sit on the piglins lap, wanting to try and read the book along with him. He huffed, not really agreeing to them sitting on him. None the less he opened the book, reading the unfinished tale to the child sitting before him.
“Once centuries ago, there was a young lad cursed to hear ungodly voices…”
Those were nights (y/n) enjoyed the most. They couldn't read, but having techno read to them was much better than reading a book all alone.
On most days Tommy would play with (y/n) outside. Neither of them got bored of the snow, being used to the sunny weather that was logstedshire. It was a nice change of pace that (y/n) enjoyed. 
The two of them usually had snow ball fights, or tried to build towers and mini houses out of the snow. Tommy would build them snowmen, ones that looked like the people they knew. Others were sometimes ones they hadn't seen before, that Tommy would tell stories of when they would go to bed.
“Papa look!” tommy turned to his kid, who was happily standing next to a snow version of himself. It was small and barely looked like himself, but he easily recognized it. He came up to the small child, picking them up happily. “That's me!? It's amazing little (f/i)! You did so well!!” he said, ruffling the young ones hair. They giggled at the action. 
“Wanna see mine?” (y/n) nodded. He walked over to the snowman he had built, showing them to his kid.
They looked familiar, (y/n) thought. These were the people in the storys (y/n) was told, the man with words of wisdom and guitar playing skills that calmed every citizen, who had tragically died in their last battle. The boy who was by papas side, who loved bees and everyone he knew. The young baker who had a kind heart and a smile that could put anyone at ease. Jack manifold.
Tommy spemnt a very long time creating this, purely so he could show (y/n) his old friends at least once. “Whos that one??” (y/n) asked, pointing to the the fox looking one, standing tall next to the leader, wilbur. “That's fundy. He didn't do much in the war, but he was an amazing fighter, and also a furry.`` Tommy replied, setting the child down. They ran up to the snowman. “Furry furry furry!!” they chanted, making the young boy laugh. “Yes furry!”
Most days now were spent with all three of them playing games inside till the late hours. After (y/n) had gotten sick from being outside so much, Tommy decided to just stay inside the warm cabin. They would bug techno alot, but he enjoyed the company some days. It was better than staying inside alone with an enderman who didn't really like him.
Today however, was different. For they had an unexpecting visitor who was very friendly. 
Techno was making breakfast, as usual. He had learned that if he didnt, neither of the innits would eat till dinner when their bodys couldn't handle it anymore. It wasn't good for a young baby like that. Not that techno cared tho.
He was putting the dirty pots and pans in the sink, knowing he'd try and force Tommy to do it later. He started to put the food onto plates when he heard shouting coming from outside. "TECHNOBLADE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!!!" 
Techno stops for a second. No one could possibly have the balls to fight him, let alone twice. Technoblade put the stuff in his hands down, walking over to the window to try and see who was out there. As he thought, it was none other than Quackity trying to pick a fight with him once more. 
"I CAN SEE YOU PIGMAN! COME OUT HERE AND GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!!!" The duck man was actually prepared this time, with enchanted netherite armor and an axe to go with it. It seemed he upped his game sense last time. 
Techno chuckled, going upstairs to grab his things real fast. There's no way someone can try and beat technoblade like that. He came back down to see Quackity opening his door. "Heh!? Why are you inside my house!?" Quackity stood there, axe gripped tightly. Techno reached the floor, grabbing his sword. "Why can't I be in your house techno? Hiding something?" 
Ah shit he's onto us
Kill him
Haha he looks funny
Techno shook his head. "Just thought you'd play fair duck man. That's what you government people love to try and do." Quackity stepped forward. "Why would I play fair with the man whos supposed to be dead? This has been a long time coming," Quackity readied his axe, "get ready blade, cause i'm finally killing you." Techno readied his sword as well. "I'd like to see you try." 
Just as they said this, someone came up from the floorboards. "*yawn* techno are you done with breakfast yet- HOLY FUCK QUACKITY!?" a tired Tommy says, holding a nearly sleeping (y/n). The two men turn to Tommy, seeing him and his child. "Oh? So this is what you were hiding. Haven't seen you sense the exile!" Quackity says, getting closer. Tommy got up from the ladder, shrinking behind technoblade, trying to protect his kid. 
"What are you doing here big q?" Tommy says, hiding his kid. “I could ask you the same thing. What's that you've got there? Technos kid or something?” 
“Well no-” “quackity leave them alone.” techno cuts off tommy, moving more so in front of him. He cant let the baby die, he knows phil would pumble him if he does. “This is between you and me quackity. Leave them alone.” quackity shook his head, pointing his axe at tommy. “Anyone alined with you is an enemy of mine. Even if he's an old friend.” quackity lunged at techno, who blocked the attack swiftly. Quackity tried to get around the man, so he could grab the child from tommys arms. (y/n) was now awake however, and they weren't very happy.
“Papa?” they ask, realizing there was an axe lunging towards them. Quackity got around the blade, and was already trying to get to them. Tommy noticed the axe coming their way, completely ready to take the hit for his kid. 
Techno blocked the attack however. “Tommy get them to safety! I can handle this.” tommy nodded, running as quackity and techno dueld. Wuackity tried to run after tommy, but techno blocked him. “Not interesting enough for you q?” he smirks, swinging his sword at the duck man. Quackity blocks, scolding. “You're really full of yourself aren't you?”
Tommy ran outside, running to the only place he knew big q wouldn't find them, (y/n)s old hut. He ran and ran for so long, it had reached past mid day when he reached the small home he had made so many months prier. He sighed, closing the door behind him. (y/n) had long since woken up, and was very agitated. They had not eaten yet and it's been hours. “Shit shit sorry (y/n).'' Tommy says, laying the child in their old bed. He looked around the old home for anything he had left behind. He found some stuff, but he still had to go out to get food. 
When he was done, he quickly fed the crying child. “I'm sorry kiddo, I didn't think this would happen. I didn't think quackity would wanna harm you. Sh shhh im sorry.” he picks up the crying child, kinda like how they first met. A crying (y/n) and a terrified tommy. 
“Pappa- '' Tommy cuts them off, shushing them. “Just rest, Just rest…” the kid nodded, calming down slightly.
The two of them stayed like that till the sun rose the next day.
The next day Tommy got a message on his communicator by techno. Apparently quackity had won the fight, having threatened to chase after them and kill them. Techno begrudgingly went to get executed a second time. Thankfully he lived however, thanks to ranboo and tubbo stopping it. The two of them were currently at the blades house. 
Tommy didnt wanna deal with seeing tubbo, but he knew he couldn't stay out here for more than an hour. He sighed. “Hey (y/n), how would you like it if you might get to meet new friends?” (y/n) looked at him, smiling. “Yeah new friends!!” he smiled, picking up the excited child. “Let's go back to uncle technos!” “uncle techy!!!” Tommy and (y/n) laughed. Tommy got ready and left for the tundra.
Hopefully tubbo wouldn't be there when he got there.
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writing-fool · 4 years
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(This is a female version, because it includes Head Boy and Head Girl moments. If you wish for me to make a gender-neutral or male one, please don’t hesitate to ask)
This pal, Seungcheolie, is a total Gryffindor
Like I’m talking, poster-child Gryffindor, courageous, extremely kind, a great leader figure. This boi is a Gryffindor seventh year AND Head Boy (because the teachers love him)
Friends with Jeonghan, the Slytherin prefect and ppl used to not understand why because Jeonghan’s a total pranker and Cheolie looks so straight-laced but oH BOI can this kid surprise people
Has snuck into the kitchen to steal biscuits, without consequences because hE’s HeAd bOY
Doesn’t cheat for any tests tho cuz he IS kinda straight-laced
Does everything for his 12 best friends (and kids because he’s SUCH A DAD), especially for Jeonghan because Han’s a lazy bum
Also the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain and Chaser, cuz he’s not necessarily fast on his broom (hence why he’s not a seeker) but his aim is great
Also practices a ton after class, because once Seungcheol wants something, he works so incredibly hard for it
His pep talks are so, so good
Younger Gryffindors (and kids from other Houses) look up to this guy because he honestly is one of the most reliable students ever and he’ll always solve the problem either with his own power, or with the help of his amazing friends
Once, when Chan was still a little first year, he was bullied by a first year Ravenclaw, and Coups sat the guy down, gave him a good scolding, and for the rest of the year, the dude was surprisingly nice to Chan (turns out, he was kinda jealous of Chan’s flying skills)
His grades are mehh, he passes with the help of Wonwoo and Joshua (and also Mingyu, who surprisingly has a knack for Potions) and usually gets an P if he does fail
He’s not dumb AT ALL, just can’t write long essays for the life of him and honestly doesn’t value grades all that much
He’s somehow very good at Care of Magical Creatures and was good Muggle Studies (a subject which he dropped because he’s a half-blood, and that just doesn’t make sense)
Seungcheol gets to know you in second year, because you’re his partner in Herbology
And while he is a decent student…well, he hasn’t got the patience to deal with,,plants for Merlin’s sake
You, a fellow young Gryffindor with whom Cheolie hasn’t spoken with yet because the gap between your teeth is really frickin adorable and omg you’re actually really good at Herbology and you’re cute but also girls wth
You’re well…a total wild card. Unpredictable, fiery and uncontrollable. But you’re surprisingly gentle when you have to be, so you and Seungcheol quickly become friends after that Herbology class.
Cheol tries out for the Quidditch team that same year, and he gets in immediately
You’re ‘recruited’ in third year when one of the previous Beaters graduates and well…let’s say the Cap back then saw your potential when you broke Anthony Wilson’s nose because he slapped your ass. Sorry not sorry.
Anyways, moving on,,,
You and Seungcheol are pretty close, like not best best friends (because jeez 12 ain’t enough?) but you speak every day and you lean on him a liiiiiiittle too closely whenever you two are in the common room at night
Because he can’t really sleep because of the stress he has sometimes, taking care of his kids and all (doting father y’all) and you join him sometimes
Over the years you’ve grown into a comfortable rhythm of lulling each other to sleep in comfortable silence in the common room
The first time you woke up in each other’s arms was….well…//blush//
Because he is your friend but he is also really handsome and his lips are so close and he’s cute when he’s sleeping no don’t touch his hair and oh dear why are you still lying in his arms get out get OUT
But you get used to the limbo of flirting and touching casually to the point where you instinctively cuddle up to him by the fireplace at night and he strokes your hair
You accidentally did it around his and your friends once because…he might’ve been the only one you pay attention to in the room ooOOH do you have a crush
So now the school ships it because Vernon, bless his heart, can’t keep his mouth shut
And you like him, you realise that in like, fifth year you smart cookie, awww but you don’t want to lose the comfort of having him around and hugging you like his
And Cheolie’s got a big, fat crush on you too
Because he’s been watching you on the sidelines, growing up into this really wonderful, sunny person with some baggage and way too much care for him and your other friends
It doesn’t help that you’re stunning, gorgeous and have you seen her on the Quidditch field when she swings the bat with so much precision and-
Jeonghan and Jihoon: choke him with a pillow because he’s a SAP but it’s kinda cute
So y’all start dating…eventually, somewhere in sixth year. Like, you guys are celebrating after finallyyyy winning a Quidditch match against Slytherin (suck that, Wen Junhui)
And you and Seungcheol end up drinking a liiiiiittle too much Firewhiskey
Not to the point of being drunk, but like, to the point where y’all just a lil too honest drink responsibly babies
It’s pretty spontaneous tbh, like you end up celebrating and hugging and next thing you know you’re sitting in a corner with him by the window
Sighing and leaning your head back to feel the cool touch of glass
“I like this,” you whisper.
“Mhhmm…I like you.”
Cue double, triple take because wHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?
And Coups is just like “No, I-I didn’t mean it?” but then suddenly you become visibly disappointed and he’s like OKAY MAYBE SHE LIKES ME OKAY WHAT 
And you’re just kinda flipping your shit because you don’t know what he wants but you’re really close to confessing 
You don’t notice you actually kinda start hyperventilating
Now Seungcheol is panicking too because he doesn’t know why you’re panicking and ohmygod what why hoooow
But he kinda is too tipsy to think so he just trusts his instincts and kisses you to calm you down 
And you’re too surprised to kiss back and I’m sorry to say it,,,,but that was not the best first kiss
Like full-on smooch, smack, poof, grab the face kiss that lasts 1 second
But after the initial surprise you’re feeling a bit more bold and calm how do those emotions work together? Honey don’t ask 
So you start kissing him whilst smiling into it, and this time, yess so nice
You guys kiss for another 2 minutes, at which point the crowd has turned their attention to OH MERLIN IS THAT CAPTAIN SEUNGCHEOL AND OUR BEATER?
You get shy and hide in his chest while he spins his back to the rest of the room, shielding you but also pressing you against the window
And you start giggling, because it’s kinda funny
He giggles with you because have you heard her giggle it’s adorable
You guys are unofficially dating after that evening, but Seungcheol asks you on a proper date to Hogsmeade two weeks later
Back to 7th year…you guys are Head Boy and Head Girl
Even though the other Houses are kinda salty that it’s two Gryffindors AGAIN, they have to admit you guys make a cute couple and really good Head Boy and Girl
So, y’know “Actually, good for them.” -random Ravenclaw, not pressured by Jeonghan to support y’all or anything. Nope. 
Coups tends to ruffle your hair a lot, and backhugs as a surprise
“Cheol, my bird’s nest really doesn’t need to be made extra messy you idiiiiot!”
“I’m your idiot” winks 
“Yes and that makes it worse.” So you pummel him with a pillow
Backhugs and cuddles are still your thing
The sofa by the fireplace in the Common Room is your Spot™, but at least now you don’t have to hide anymore
Younger kids walking past “Oh Merlin’s pants look at them they’re so cute…I want a romance like that.”
Older students just grill y’all like oooOOoOohHhhhh
“Watch it, or you’re gonna get detention” is usually Coups’ joking reaction
While you just go *middle fingers up* and cuddle deeper into his chest
You help him with Herbology, even now, and your rewards are kisses
Really, you two are role-models for everyone at school, both as people and as a happy love story. 
One down, 12 to go…fuck why did I pick SVT to write for?
Hope it’s to everyone’s liking, please reblog, like, comment, follow, whatever if you enjoyed the weird headcanon. Jeonghan’s up next!
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imaginary-mochi · 4 years
Hello , just found your blog & omg your writing is so good ! 🤩 I also noticed the ask box is open , so may i request hcs of Law and Zoro finally confessing their love to their crush (after so much time of repressing feelings) ? i love my grumpy boys 😋
Zoro and Law confessing to their crush!
(After a LONG time of repressed feelings)
Owww, thank you so much for your kind words, support and of course writting material, comeback anytime soon (ㅅ´ ˘ `)~
Also this is some sort of hybrid between HC+Scenario so, I hope you don't mind... ;;
Ps: I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PUT UNDER THE CUT ON MOBILE, I'M SORRY. ;; And I've already tried to answer this ask but apparently it wasn't posted? Well, enjoy!
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Ok first of all, If Zoro confesses; it's NOT because of the overwhelming pressure he feels when he's in love, or the pressure his friends put on him to "make a move".
Zoro will confess to his crush even if it's just attraction, not necessarily "once in a life time" sort of love.
Like he knows he gets flustered and dorky around his crush, but he would rather laydown the facts as soon as possible so he would let them know, he's someone to consider. (Instead of just fooling around)
Honestly Zoro's life is embebed with so much instability that even tho it's the way he likes it, he's most likely to never accomplish it.
So, I think his confession (and if he has been holding it for a while) would come out of pure frustration, just stacked and bursted out of nowhere.
Either in a high risk/danger situation orrrrrr in a normal night.
First one is the classic cliché (but very understandable): His crush is in danger/injuried/threathen/kidnapped. He santorYEET those bad guys and goes on and on about how he feels powerless of thinking of them getting injured, that he cares for them and that, obviously, he's got feelings for them.
And the second (which I think would fit Zoro more, considering he's focused on the battlefield): On a peaceful dinner night at the Sunny. (Like why would they eat somewhere else they got the best cook ever?)
Everything would be charmingly cozy, warm and friendly; chatting and sharing food with everyone and his crush spending their time on their side.
From time to time, people would mischievously whisper or remark how adorable they look together... and those persons would get in return blushes and grunts from both of them.
Everything was perfect. Until, crush accidentaly cuts his finger with a knife.
Crush is holding his finger with a napkin, while Chopper is running to the other room to get that first aid kit. As soon as Zoro notices, something inside of him snaps.
"You cut yourself with that tiny knife? How... What? How are you ALWAYS so reckless doing things, like you don't have a care in the world!" His tone is tinted with anger and everyone is not sure why he's raising his voice so much.
"Excuse me, mister 'I sweat sharp things for a living', I can make mistakes too you know? also it's not a big deal, why are you yelling?"
"I am not yelling!" (He is) "You can't not always make mistakes. What do you think it's going to happen if it's something serious?"
"But it's not something serious..."
"I said what IF! What If nobody is around to help you, save you, aid you? What IF, someday you... You are gone? What would... What would... I..."
At this point everyone is silent (except Luffy he still eating lol) and they watch Zoro grab their crush by the hand and storm out of the kitchen.
After that it's just a mid-apology for what he said, but ends with him assuring them he meant it. For real.
Yeah, it's not a straight up "I love You, Date me" it's an unspoken thing between the two, his crush definitely understood that sign.
I'm not saying he's never gonna say it, after that silent commitment all that cute shit is happening.
So yeah, basically he didn't planned shit.
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LMAO Law wouldn't plan shit either.
First of all: If someone became Trafalgar Law crush to the point he has to accept his feelings... Who are you and what kind of witchcraft you pulled out with that one??
Types of crush for Trafalgar Law:
A)The type who can put him on a good mood when they are around.
B) The type that make him change things like his sleep, eat and work habits. (And that is like a whole other level)
This man is socially and emotionally awkward and at some point inept? He can be a sadistic prick but also he loves and treasures the people in his life dearly, he would die for someone he loves without second thoughts.
He can enjoy the benefits of having a type A crush, with the flirting, maybe casual dating/sex.
But if they have someone who is the other type of crush, he feels it like a deep punishment.
Once they get the power to influence his life he's DONE, he knows that means he feels love for real (and we know, he wouldn't let anyone just cross the border of his heart like that).
Honestly with the type A everything would be more easy-going and carefree, so much that if needed, he would easily part ways with them if they are in danger and comeback later. Second one is filled with his existential dread and his self-hate, he's convinced they are going to be harmed no matter what and the only way to avoid it is keeping them out of his life.
Once Law realized they got that type B crush, things become fragile all of the sudden.
He would scold, nag, get frustated or pissed more often and for longer periods of time. This mf is plain cold smh, only his crush take him out of this state but he returns to this vicious cicle quickly and usually it's triggered once again, by his crush.
He wants to end this feeling of insecurity, of fear. After some consideration he would ask them to join him in his room and as soon they are alone, straight up tell them to end this "thing" between the two. To leave him alone. (A futile struggle against his desires to make them stay away from him and the danger in his life)
He's convinced it's for the best and it's so overwhelming for him just realizing all the sudden he does not truly want them away, so much, to the point he can't lock eyes with them because if they cry, he could not forgive himself for being the one hurting them all along.
When their crush ask about elaborating on that "thing", he replies with: "This thing. This unspoked thing. The flirtling, the small gifts we give eachother, all the nagging I get for being reckless or my sense of humor, the tea you've brought me in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, how you feel warmth when you touch me, your laugh drilling my head, my soul."
Shit (as always) goes sideways. If their crush reciprocates those feelings garanteed they are staying by his side and they will work hard, together, to ease his burden. (Yes they took this whole scene as his confession lmao)
Law's mind is split: One is filled with joy and acceptance and the other is all that messed up fears. A relationship with Law can be rocky and harsh sometimes, but the love in it is true. Whatever the outcome is, you bet your life Law's gonna fiercely protect their partner to death and beyond.
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iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 6 years
Title: The Haunting Blessing of Wayne Manor Summary: Tim is convinced a demon has moved into the Wayne Manor; Jason decides it's past time Wayne Manor is blessed. (Set in Catie's Fr. Todd AU) (ao3)
It’s @catie-does-things ‘s birthday today!! Happy birthday Catie!!!!! The Manor seems like an excessively Massive place to bless but Fr. Todd’s gonna Do It Anyway!!! Hope you enjoy and have a great birthday :D (as a sn: this is based entirely on house blessings that my college chaplain did for us...but the last one of those was 3 years ago; also semi-based on a story from one of my chaplains that it’s also been about 3 years since I’ve heard...I think most of it is pretty Accurate to how Life Works tho) 
“I think there’s a demon in the Mansion,” Tim says, and Jason doesn’t look up from the Halloween lesson notes he’s preparing for the elementary and middle-schoolers at the school Dominic’s been assigned to.
“You can’t keep calling Damian that,” he says absently, starring a place he thinks can reword.
“You’re the one who started it,” Tim says sullenly. Jason looks up when he shifts in his chair, and frowns. Tim’s face is twisted and serious, and though he clutches the mug of coffee Jason’s made for him, he hasn’t taken a sip of it at all. He looks tired, not strictly unusual, but pale also.
Jason snaps his notebook shut and gives Tim his full attention. “I was just there last week for dinner,” he prompts. “Nobody mentioned anything abnormal.”
“Bruce thinks I’m being suspicious,” Tim admits, and Jason can tell that stings. “I think Dick is starting to come around, but he didn’t believe me at first either--” just a hint of bitterness, bygones of Dick’s Batman days--”and who the hell knows what Damian thinks. Cass agrees though,” he adds as if that’s all that matters. The two of them, through thick and thin.
“Have you been spending the night at the Mansion?” Jason asks, surprised. Since moving back in with Cass, he’d figured Tim, who had a bad habit of withdrawal, had been keeping mostly to himself. He made sure to keep his appointments, like his weekly coffee or brunch get together with Jason, but, when not patrolling, stayed holed up in his apartment.
It’s part of why Bruce approves the living arrangements--someone’s keeping an eye on him.
Tim shrugs. “Late patrols, working a case, Cass is in Hong Kong. Anyway,” he adds pointedly, like that’s not the point, “the point is, there’s something. It started in my old room and I think it’s moved to the sitting room.”
“Unhelpful,” Jason says. “There’s a million sitting rooms.”
Tim eyes him. “The only sitting room that matters. You know.”
Jason laughs. He does know, it’s essentially Tim’s sitting room at this point, though Jason favors it too when he comes to visit--it has the best natural light in the Manor, great for naps for someone like Tim, who, cat-like, seeks out sunny spots of solitude.
Tim still looks troubled though, and Jason sighs. “I’ll talk with the pastor,” he says. “And I’ll come by and bless the Manor.” He pauses, thoughtful, and adds, “That’d be a good thing to do anyway.”
“You think sprinkling some water will work?” Tim asks skeptically.
“Hey, you came to me,” Jason reminds him.
Tim chews on his lip. “How long?”
“Probably tomorrow,” Jason says. He’s torn--ordinarily he’d suggest confession for the sacramental graces, but only Bruce and Dick had ever been baptized Catholic (and Jason’s not even sure about Dick). Tim, neglected in more ways than one, has never been exposed much to religion outside of an academic context at all. And Damian...well he’s a special case.
Instead, Jason impulsively he reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a Rosary. He drops it gently into Tim’s cupped hand, saying, “Here, take this.”
Tim stares down at it. “I don’t know what to do with it,” he admits.
Jason bites down on the suggestion that he ask Bruce--Tim would take it as a dismissal, even if Jason definitely doesn’t mean it that way. Instead, he starts, “The big bead is the Our Father, and then the next ones are the Hail Marys, see it’s a decade, and after ten Hail Marys comes the Glory Be and the Fatima Prayer.” He goes over each prayer with Tim, who is absorbing it all, and then sends him off with a reminder that Bruce, though rusty, knows all the prayers if Tim forgets.
Tim gives him a glare, knowing what Jason is half-suggesting, but he says, “Thanks,” softly and is on his way.
Jason comes by the Manor the next day, armed with a prayer book and holy water. The pastor has been called away for a hospital visit, and Dominic is on retreat with his middle schoolers, so Jason is left by himself.
Damian sniffs haughtily when he sees Jason. “I expected more tools for Drake’s exorcism,” he says.
“I’m not an exorcist,” Jason reminds him. It’s a conversation he’s had frequently with his brothers, who, after discovering the diocese exorcist is kept secret, have decided, firmly, that it must be Jason. “And no one would perform an exorcism here,” he adds for good measure.
Damian grumbles something and leaves just as Bruce comes into the foyer to greet Jason. Jason returns his hug, but eyes him disapprovingly. “You should know better than to dismiss Tim like that,” he says softly. “Especially over a spiritual matter. You’re not a skeptic.”
Bruce’s brow furrows, but he accepts the scolding.
“Okay,” Jason amends. “You’re a detective, so you question, but you’ve seen too much to doubt the reality of a demon.”
“That’s fair,” Bruce agrees.
Jason waits a beat, and then adds, “And he’s the one who always believed you were alive. He found you.”
Bruce nods in acknowledgement.  “Tim and I have already talked,” he says. There’s an implication Bruce apologized, and Jason is glad. He’s getting better at that. Jason’s always a little surprised when Bruce just listens to him these days.
Bruce’s mouth slants down, not quite a frown. “I’ve been worried about him, but I think seeing you yesterday helped. He seems...almost excited about the blessing. Intrigued.”
Jason’s lips quirk up. “He’ll be disappointed. This isn’t an exorcism, as I keep telling Damian.”
Bruce laughs a little. “Cassie will be back from Hong Kong soon, and I wouldn’t be surprised if you got a call from them to come bless the apartment.”
Jason shrugs. “I should’ve done it ages ago.”
“Well come in,” Bruce says, gesturing, but Jason says, “I think it’d be best to be thorough and start here.”
Bruce nods. “I’ll get Tim,” he says. “And round up the others.”
“Other than Damian?” Jason asks, and Bruce shrugs. “Dick has been in and out.”
He returns with Tim, no Dick or Damian, but he’s also brought along Alfred, who offers Jason a pat on the shoulder and water bottle; Jason accepts both gratefully.
Tim still looks pale, but he grins at Jason, who says, “We’ll lets get started. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…”
They work their way methodically through the Manor, Jason finding prayer passages for rooms he didn’t even know still existed. (He realizes it’s a mansion but why does there have to be a ballroom? He mentally says an extra prayer there, thinking of children subjected to boredom at galas while adults hunt for iniquity in the name of charity; he says an extra prayer in the library as well because the smart asses of this house, himself included, could use some actual Wisdom sometimes). Damian joins them somewhere along the way, lurking behind them and acting disinterested, even though he’s definitely listening.
They pick up Dick along the way, too. Jason focuses on the prayers and the blessings, but it doesn’t escape his notice that Dick slips an arm around Tim and whispers something in his ear that makes Tim smile, even as he shushes him. He even crosses himself a few times, right to left, and Jason files that away because did he know Dick was raised Orthodox? (Eastern Rite, maybe? He definitely didn’t know.)
When they reach the sitting room, Tim flinches. There is a drastic drop in temperature, and even Jason shivers.  It’s not like Tim to be afraid, though, and he takes a few steps into the room after Jason, whispers, “It’s in here.”
Jason nods, and flips his book to pray the sitting room prayers, and, when done, sprinkles the holy water, three times, In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Then he’s done with that, and they continue. It’s a while before the whole Mansion is blessed, and Bruce even lets him bless the Cave, where he finally concludes, blessing his entire family, In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.
When he’s done, he takes a long drink of water from the bottle Alfred’s provided. He’s taken sips throughout the blessing, but the blessing has still left him thirst. He wants to catch Dick, gently suggest to him that Tim might still be harboring some hurt from Dick’s time as Batman, but before he can, Dick drags Tim off to the computer, and Bruce, brow furrowing suspiciously, follows him. Perhaps Dick realizes that, or maybe he just feels guilty about being dismissive of Tim initially. Jason doesn’t give his older brother enough credit, sometimes, but he does resolve to bring it up, along with Dick’s religious background, next time Dick stops by the rectory.
Alfred retreats too, to finish dinner, a pointed look at Jason that tells him he’s staying and will be returning with food for Dominic and his pastor. Jason smiles back, but before he realizes it, he’s alone with Damian, who, with arms crossed tightly against his chest, dog firmly at his side, clearly wants to talk. Jason waits.
“Could my grandfather--,” Damian starts, not looking at Jason.
“Maybe a curse or something,” Jason answers, shrugging. “It’s not unheard of. But,” he adds, gently, “the Manor is very old. There’s a lot of trauma here, too. I couldn’t say for sure where it may have come from.”  
He pauses, frowning at the boy, and then ventures, “You know your grandfather isn’t actually a demon, don’t you? He’s a man who’s prolonged his life artificially.”
“No,” Damian corrects. “The Lazarus Pit--,”
“I don’t mean through modern medication or anything like that,” Jason interrupts gently. “I just mean we’re not supposed to live that long. Death is natural. Immortality is not; he’s cheating death. It doesn’t matter what he calls himself, it doesn’t change the nature of what he is, and that’s a man and a mortal.”
“And a coward?” Damian asks, and Jason’s mouth twists. Whatever Damian might say, Ra’s Al Ghul is still his family.
“That’s not for me to decide,” he says quietly, finally. “But I would caution anyone about fearing death of the flesh more than death of the soul.”
Damian hums, then says, clipped, “Thank you, Todd,” and Jason breathes a sigh of relief that this conversation has gone better than the one they’d had last month regarding animals’ souls and whether or not they go to heaven.
Jason stays for dinner, and, as predicted, is plied with numerous tupperwares of food for him for the week and for Fr. Dominic and Fr. Paul, his pastor.
“The parishioners will think you don’t appreciate them,” he teases Alfred, as he accepts. Alfred sniffs a little and says that that is hardly his intent, but he returns Jason’s kiss on the cheek with a fond hand pat, and several more slices of bread.
Jason says his goodbyes, and Tim hops up, ostensibly to help him carry the tupperware to his car. When they’re outside, though, Tim says, earnestly, “Thanks for believing me, Jay.”
Jason catches his hand and squeezes it. “If it doesn’t go away, you know where to find me. We have a process.”
Tim’s eyes glint mischievously as he shakes his head and mutters “Catholics.”
“Hey,” Jason says, lightly, “if you’re jealous, it’s not too late to join us.”
Tim snorts, but when Jason tells him to bow his head, he does. Jason gives him another blessing. After he’s finished the Sign of the Cross, Jason snags Tim around the neck and rubs his knuckles against his hair.
“Hey!” Tim protests, batting at Jason’s hands and trying to wriggle away from the unexpected nougie attack. “I was trying to be reverent!”
“Aren’t we all, kid,” Jason laughs, releasing him. He gives him a little push towards the Manor. “Go get some sleep, Tim, you look like death.”
“Memento Mori,” Tim quips solemnly, rubbing at his head. He flashes Jason a grin, though, and heads back inside.
Jason stands for a minute beside his car, looking up at the Manor and the grounds sprawling behind it. It’s dark and imposing at night, but Jason knows the depth of warmth and love inside. It wells up inside him now, too, and says a little prayer of Thanksgiving, before returning home to the rectory.
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clove-teasdale · 6 years
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
A/N: challenge #3. YALL, THIS TOOK FOREVER AND I’M READY. Anyhow. this is a late rp and fic I should’ve done ages ago (I’M SORRY GRACE, SHUSH). I’m using it as my challenge cause deadline is near. Another rp with a royal will come after this tho. This has detective clove and conspiracies(?) I hope you like it <3 some stuff is revealed more clearly and hopefully the ending isn’t bad. forgive typos and lengh (around 4k smh). ft. @brooks-schreave  , some guards and the mysterious call I’d mentioned on my last fic. This takes place before the first official dates with nate and that rp from the brooks pov.
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“Lady Clove?” Officer Rogers’ voice asked from the other side of my door after a knock.
I closed my magazine and placed it on the desk. “You can come in.”
The young officer did so quickly, bowing more than he should’ve. He was the awkward out of the pair that sometimes patrolled our hall. “Young and inexperienced,” Barnes had explained the day I’d asked one of them to bring me lunch. 
It had been the day of the Report when the maids were too busy with my clothes and hair and shoes to get me the lunch I’d skipped, earning a scolding from Chris, the eldest of the trio. Rogers had almost immediately scurried to do the favor I’d asked until Barnes had sighed and stopped him, remembering him he was to tell a servant and then return to the post instead of bringing it himself. The blonde had been so visibly flustered by the reminder it was almost comical. 
Barnes had only shaken his head as he watched him go. He had one of those misleading faces, not seeming but a few years older than Rogers, but clearly older by the way he carried himself and acted. Keen and observant--not someone that could do the task I’d asked Rogers without suspicion. Rogers was rash, too eager to prove himself to question the logic behind a request.
“Did you get it?” I asked, walking over to him as he took a few magazines out of the shopping bag.
“Yes...may I ask why these ones in particular?”
Okay, he had some curiosity after all, but at least no skepticism. “It’s interesting to see what other people think of the Selection. I never thought I’d read about it while participating in it, so it’s smart to be informed on how the outside perceives us”
“Ah,” he seemed to understand, or at least buy my excuse. “You only get access to Illéa Illustrated in the palace.”
I nodded, taking a look at the covers of the set he’d handed me. “Usually, that’s the norm, yes.” Because Illéa Illustrated was a supporter of the royal family. That’s why they got to cover the most crucial information and were granted the most interviews. Sure, they let us get some random gossip magazines as well, but those were the harmless ones that just had fun at making us look bad--or good--and creating fun content for people to read.
The titles I’d asked Rogers to get were all affiliated to the monarchies’ strongest critics. The ones that didn’t get big outlets like newspapers...or that’s what I could recall Dad saying. It was his job to be informed about that type of thing and though he always considered them to be annoying, they were never a concern. Their general pettiness and unprofessionalism posed no threat. I knew they were always under his hidden radar though, just in case they ever stumbled upon a problematic topic.
At the moment, their opinion was what I wanted. Any type of ridiculous reaching. They wouldn’t say something big or the whole country would already be talking about it whether they were unknown writers before or not, but there could be something. After the call earlier that week, I’d take whatever I could take.
“Hey, Daisy,” my father greeted as the call began. Sometimes he liked calling me random flowers as an inside joke to me being named after a plant, but not any ever so popular flower.
“Gonna tell me how much you miss me?” I asked, leaning on a wall. I was kidding, of course. We never called each other for that sort of stuff. Mom would be the one to do that, but he kept the charade going.
“Yeah, sending all the kisses to my favorite daughter.”
“I’m your only daughter.”
“See? You don’t even have to doubt I’m being serious because there’s no way you’re not the favorite.”
I rolled my eyes, knowing very well he was probably reading over paperwork as he made ridiculous remarks to me on the phone. I felt a smile tug at my lips, but it wavered as Nate’s confession a few days ago came to mind. His lie about me not wanting to see them anymore.
Pressing my lips together, I twirled my finger around the cord of the phone. A weak attempt to stop myself from snapping at him. “So what’s up?”
“Cutting it to the chase, good,” I could hear the amusement in his voice and I wished I could share it as usual. “I’m going to the palace soon. I thought I’d give you a heads up. Make some time for me in your heavy schedule. I know you’re an important Lady now.”
Part of me wanted to keep the sarcasm going, but the other half was dreading the news. Would I be able to carry a full conversation without bringing his lie up? If I decided on boarding the topic on purpose, how bad would it be? I wasn’t sure I wanted to open that can of worms. We didn’t talk about those years now. Only mom ever brought them up in arguments with him. 
I realized then I’d been quiet for a moment. “Yeah, sorry, I thought I saw a guard gesturing at me,” I lied, “he was just waving a fly away.”
He scoffed a laugh, and I gulped when a thought hit me. “What’s got you coming to the palace this time?”
“Oh, you know how work is.”
“Does Mr. Revis have a new stupid plan in progress?” That got him to chuckle. “No, no dumb projects to debunk with the others this time. Just meeting up with Radcliffe.”
The private secretary of the King? “Did something happen?”
“No, we’re conducting a meeting, that’s all. General discussion on an ongoing thing, nothing too important.” He brushed it aside and all my thoughts were suddenly on high alert.
“Only the two of you?” A pause, nothing but a second or two, but I clenched my fist around the cord as I waited.  
“There might be a couple other advisers actually, but it won’t be until Thursday. Will you make some time for your old man?”
“Sure, I’ll check my schedule. I wasn’t aware you had a project with him though.”
He knew I was curious. When I was younger I always said I wanted nothing to do with politics like him, but I liked knowing about it. Dad always said I was being nosy, but he caved in, slipping in a detail or two. Thankfully, this time wasn’t different.
“Oh, well, actually it’s about you girls. You’ll have to learn to deal with more than just etiquette and glamour, you know?” A voice interrupted on his side, very likely Tony, his assistant. “I’ll take it in a moment,” he replied to him, then back at me he added, “Hey, gotta go Tulip, but I’ll see you later in the week, okay?”
“Okay, I’ll see you then. Tell mom I say hello.”
“I will.”
We said our goodbyes and hung up, so I was left alone, frowning at the phone. What he said had made sense in a way, it was expected, but it made no sense for him not to simply say that from the beginning. It wasn’t normal for him to bother being secretive with me.
Once back on my room, I looked out the window that revealed another sunny day in Angeles. My gaze wandered off to the closet where I kept a bow with some of the magazines Rogers had bought for me and a couple old ones from the library; the only sources I’d had to analyze so far in my strange research.
We’re conducting a meeting, the words echoed in my head. If there was something I was good at it was coming up with stuff on the spot, half the time no one noticed and I’d gotten that ability from Dad.
Why did he pause? Hesitation.
I’d been too restless and needed a distraction, so trying to make friends as I’d told Wilson I would, I went to one of the rooms across the hall. Eloise’s room. We’d talked a few times during breakfast the past days, starting with the food and ending up on whatever topic came to mind after some random story or the other.
She had an easy going personality, and after a not-so-quick game of chess with elaborate rules, I realized she wasn’t too bad at guessing games. I was right about us maybe being friends eventually, the conversation going pretty well after the game. It did begin to die down after a while though and another idea formed in my head.
I’d been considering how to get to the third floor, the dreaded Thursday dawning on me as I figured my plan to spy on that meeting somehow. Besides, lying my way past the guards--which I’d learned would be Barnes and Rogers--I had not much of a plan. In theory, I could pull it off, but…
I looked back at Eloise. “How would you feel about staging at fall?”
Eloise wasn’t one to pry, but I still gave her a decent excuse the next day as to why I was trying to get to the third floor, mentioning it was a surprise for my dad visiting.
“Well, that’s a lot better than what I was imagining,” she admitted.
Right. Better.
Once she’d done her part and the wonder duo was focused on helping her out from her fall, I sneaked up the stairs. I’d have to give the girl credit for being so on board with this later.
The hallways in the third floor seemed both familiar and foreign, but once I managed to remember where my dad’s office was, it only took a couple more minutes to find Radcliffe's. I made sure to keep my steps silent, my hands already sweating a bit by the time I reached the door, hoping to catch some of the conversation inside. 
I was practically in front of it when arms were wrapped around me from behind, my first instinct to yell. A hand was over my mouth before I had a chance to do so, however, and the arms were already lifting me slightly to haul me back.
Oh, God, what now, think, think, think... I squirmed, trying to free myself, trying to push back the second instinct: to panic. Hard grip, quite a couple of inches taller, very likely stronger and a man, my thoughts scurried, but as laughter erupted from inside the meeting room and the doorknob twitched, they deviated. They had the door locked?
As I registered that in my head, the assailant took advantage of my distraction and dragged me behind a wall, out of sight as the door opened. I focused back on the more important matter and freed one of my arms enough to elbow his side. He groaned in pain and the arms released me. I spun around ready to punch whoever it was but stopped as soon as I recognized the freckled face in front of me. You moron, my fist fell beside me. “Brooks?” I would’ve yelled it if it weren’t because we were hiding.
He shushed me anyway, eyes scanning the area. Not a second passed before he reached for my hand and dragged me down the hall. “Follow me.”
That’s not how following works. Wiggling my hand out of his grip, I continued the argument in hushed tones. “Do you want me to have a heart attack? Next time you do that I won’t aim for a rib.” Seriously, what is wrong with him, for the love of-- His hand went to the area I’d elbowed. “My bad for helping you not get caught.” I averted my gaze from his hand to push away the guilt of hurting him. It wasn’t like my reaction had been uncalled for. “I had it under control. If someone saw me I could say I was looking for my dad. He was in there.” I pointed back at the hall, but paused, realizing he was there. “Wait, hold on, how did you know I was sneaking around? What are you even doing up here?” “What were you doing there?” “I asked first.” “Promise not to tell?” There was clearly something going on. I narrowed my eyes before taking a subtle look around myself. Shifting, I placed a hand on my hip. “Go ahead.” He took my hand again for some reason, giving me no chance to glare at him before dragging me to the staircase. Barnes and Rogers were back on their posts by the time we reached the bottom, at first not giving us much of a glance. 
When I looked over my shoulder, however, I was briefly met with Barnes’ scowl and Rogers’ bewilderment. I caught a glimpse of the blonde one wiping his head to look back at the stairs in confusion before we turned down a corner.
Brooks knew exactly what shelf he wanted to show me and immediately took a journal from it. “Look at this.”
I was annoyed by his lack of an explanation as we rushed here, but took the journal anyway to flip through it. I frowned as soon as I opened the middle of it and noticed it was more of a book. Margins were filled with annotations next to the simple text, the word “Selection” popping up pretty quickly on the Times New Roman font. 
It was about the Selection, but the cover didn’t indicate it. It didn’t even seem like a book until you opened it. I’d scouted the library for days now and there was nothing but magazines regarding the Selection. I lifted my eyes back to the prince in surprise; then suspicion as I noticed his serious gaze. We couldn’t possibly be looking into the same stuff, yet… I tried figuring out the annotations before making any questions.
Whoever had held that pen, deserved never to hold one again. It was worse writing than mine in a rush. “The Selection will be a raffle,” the text read, underlined to lead to that godawful penmanship. My eyes widened a minute later as I managed to deincript one of the sentences.
No puede ser realmente al azar.
“It’s a fixed raffle?” “What?” Brooks snatched the journal back, “You can read this?” I glared before taking it from him again. “Yes, I can. It’s horrible handwriting, but I know my Spanish when I see it.” I frowned at the sloppy letters, strung together more than they should be. “Or mostly…”
He ran a hand through his hair, letting out a shaky laugh. It was like watching a mathematician figure out the solution to his equations had been in front of him all along. “Do you know what this means?” I gave no reaction, trying to figure out more sentences as I gulped. I understood how he felt. I felt the ‘eureka’ tugging at me, but I couldn’t settle for it. I’d spent the past weeks thinking maybe all of my ridiculous thoughts were a product of my boredom and know I had something tangible.
I resorted to sarcasm as I focused on more annotations and replied, “That he was a Hispanic doctor?” “Clove, think. I know you can.” “I was joking.” I frowned, flipping through the journal once more. “It means bad news.” “Why were you outside the meeting room?” I ignored him, thoughts spiraling down a path I didn’t like. Could it all be true? Had my lousy math actually led me to something? Did dad know? There was no way he didn’t.  “Clove!” “What!” I yelled, throwing library rules out the window as I shot him an angry glare.
“Why. Were. You. There.” Pursing my lips, I looked away and rubbed my forehead. 
Dad knows, who are you trying to fool? He would have to know. Lies aren’t new to him. He’s cheated on mom, now the country, not that big a difference, is it? I clenched my jaw at the thoughts. You were there because you were suspicious of him. Why else would you have gone? You heard his hesitation. He knows. You know.
Before I could stop myself I was answering in a ramble. Mentioning how weird dad had been, the ‘crazy odds’ Eloise had mentioned, the magazines, the stupid math and percentages. The order girls had been eliminated in the past and the high castes increasing.
“Hey, hey,” his hands were suddenly on my shoulders and that stopped me, my eyes landing on his hands. “Are you suggesting what I think you are?”
I gave him a warning look and he took his hands away. I could take a guess at what he was thinking. “It’s a terrible idea.” “But you can read this?” His excitement was clear on a smile. 
I looked at the ceiling with a sigh. “Kind of I guess. With some more time...” He didn’t let me finish, pulling me to him. I blinked in his arms, too stunned to react. Brooks was hugging me. “What-”
“Bless you. Follow me.” He let go and dragged me out of the library. I snapped out of my confusion midway in the hallway.
“Slow down, I’m not a rag doll.” “Quit whining, Teasdale.”
I gave him a cold stare once we arrived at his door. He pretended not to notice and pulled me inside, closing the door and then locking it. I raised an eyebrow.
“Someone else would find that creepy just so you know.” He gave me an exasperated look, slowly reaching for the doorknob again and unlocking it as if proving a point. “There. Shut up for two seconds now.”
Going over to some drawers and rummaging through them, he told me to come. I rolled my eyes but did as he asked when he added a “please.” Then, pulling out a chair for me at the table in his room, he opened the journal. “I've been taking notes on different things I find out about the Selection. Past conspiracies, ex-selected, drama, etc. I'm looking for patterns.”
I set my annoyance aside and sat down, intrigued by what he could’ve found himself. I’d never seen him excited like that. “Do you have anything?” He showed me his notes.“I've done the math, and the numbers of relevant girls in each selection has risen every time.” “It was 48% on your mother’s.” “And 51% for Nate's.” He had the same numbers as me. 
I clenched my jaw and stood up. “I need to talk to my dad.”
Reaching for my hand, he urged me to sit down. “Clove, you can't do that. Do you know what could happen?” “I don't know, but the pile of things he has to explain can't seem to stop growing.” “Do you know nothing about politics? Take it from an inside outsider, you don't want them knowing what you know.” I was aware of that, but disappointment and anger wrestled to take over and make me go back up there, guards or not, to yell at my dad for answers, demand he explain himself. Maybe even hoping he didn’t know and he’d help me uncover the truth. It would be a stupid move, however.
Silence settled in the room as my shoulders slumped. Brooks said nothing, letting it stretch for a minute or so, probably having his own thoughts to go over. Eventually, he added, “Hey, I know we're not actually the best of friends... but I could really use your help.” And I could use it too. Earlier that day, I hadn’t been sure I’d get anywhere with my little research, I just couldn’t bring myself to drop it either. Now I had another piece to the puzzle. I had a possible confirmation. Possible proof all because of...Brooks. 
Neither of us would get answers alone and I needed them, so I met his gaze, letting determination overshadow everything else in my mind. “I’m in.”
“Way to go, Teasdale,” he grinned, hand raised to offer a high five. I stared at it for a moment, thrown off.
“Are you okay?” He slowly let it fall back down. “Uh, yeah... Why?” “Well... you're being.. nice. I'm trying to determine if this is one of those ‘one in a lifetime’ moments because you need me, or if Quinn was right.” He raised both eyebrows, asking what his older sister had mentioned of him and I explained that she seemed to believe he was actually trying to be nice but I coulnd’t see it. 
Something like shame crossed his eyes as he looked down, playing around with a set of pens on his desk. “I-I've always been nice.”  
I leaned on the table with my elbows. “Yeah, that hasn't become any more believable than the last time you said it.” “I hope you're enjoying your seat,” he propmted, giving a flat look I was quick to return.
“What a gentleman.” “Just for you,” he almost cooed, tapping my nose with his finger. It took me a second to react and wrinkle my nose.
“Don't make me regret my decision. I could take the journal and work alone.” “Not gonna happen. Speaking of you taking the journal, I want you to try and figure out what the writing in the margin says.” “I’ll try to work on it.” I reached for the journal, examining the margins with old penmanship. “The ink is kinda smudged on some parts but I’ll figure it out.” “Thanks for doing this. I owe you.” “I’ll keep that in mind... Neither of us is telling anyone about this, right?” “Definitely not. Not until it gets far enough.” I stood up, taking a deep breath. “Alright. It’s an agreement.” Unsure of how to end the strange encounter I decided to go for something formal, extending my hand for him to shake. He reached for it slowly, the same hesitation I’d had at his suggestion of a high five. Or so it was until he opened his mouth again. “We've made so much contact in such a short span of time.” “You just had to make it weird, didn’t you?” “That? That's not weird. This?” he held my hand and pulled me close. Close enough to share the same breathing space. “This is weird.” My eyes could only widen in surprise before I pushed him off his chair with the same hand he’d pulled me with. A sound resembling a pterodactyl shriek escaped his lips as he fell back.
“AND YOU SAY I'M MEAN?” he screamed, sitting up on the floor. I snorted a laugh, but then cleared my throat. “Serves you right.” “Abuse is wrong.” I scoffed. “Invading personal space is wrong.”
He scoffed too. “Yep, still dramatic.” “Fine,” I hugged the journal to my chest, “I might be keeping this for myself then if I'm so dramatic.” He gestured to me. “That's just proving my point.” I said nothing and turned to the door, but as I did someone on the other side opened it, poking a head inside. Quinn. Dang, I should’ve let him lock it.
“Well, then...” Quinn shut the door quickly, “I'm going to go.”
“Wait up, I’m leaving as well!” I called out. “I'm feeling the love,” Brooks mumbled, still from his spot on the ground. I gave him a fake smile, like the one he'd given me the first morning in breakfast. “The floor loves you too.”
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yfczangel777 · 4 years
Since its 3:30 am and I'm just here overthinking things... i present a worry to the void;
I ramble and over explain cuz it's just how I am so sorry its gonna be long but yeah...
Hobi is warm and sweet and always puts everyone at ease and does everything in his power to make others feel heard and loved and happy. He really truly is the embodiment of his name: he gives people hope ♡
And I dont wanna be a bummer..
But I worry a little to myself.
((And for me; I feel this. Deeply. I am an empath and so I ~feel~ things, man. I vibe hella with Hobi and we are hella kindred spirits ♡ But this leads me to this worry cuz not only do I pick up on energies and also just generally assessing info I'm presented but I also feel that feel on a personal level and recognize a lot of behaviors cuz I've BEEN there))
But ok so...
I honest to god think he has found a certain amount of peace in life that does allow him to be truly optimistic and airy and just kinda vibe with life in general. I DO think he is genuine and his sunny demeanor is not an act. I feel sincerity from him deep in my bones ♡
However.... I worry for him a little because no matter how well adjusted and "cup half full" he tends to be everyone struggles sometimes.. especially I'd imagine in a high stress industry like hes in. I've noticed little things like that members say hes kinda "private" and he doesnt get overly "deep" in convos about himself. But continually everyone talks about how hes a good mediator and listener and never fails to bring up the mood or cheer up someone when they feel down. Hes a peacemaker and ray of sunshine for the group and that's amazing and HES amazing BUT I worry he does it all at the expense of himself. I've noticed he kind of offhandedly has mentioned like once that he 'doesnt always feel hopeful' but has to keep being the embodiment of hope anyways. I cant give specific sources but I've just internalized several instances over time from media of Hobi generally being like 'it's my duty to be hope for others. It's what I am so I cant stop'
Like I feel deeply that he GENUINELY is hopeful and truly truly loves others and lives for making people happy and genuinely cares for others and is glad when he can make them feel good.
But I also worry that during bad periods he keeps it deeply internalized because he is SO committed to being sunshine and comfort and hope to others that he fears letting people down if he isnt feeling okay. So I def think Hobi hides when he is feeling low because he just CAN'T let himself "burden" others with when hes feeling down. In his mind he cant stop being the light and joy to others at any cost because that's what he "needs" to be. They "need" him to be that for them. The members... Armys... everyone.
He never has stories of being comforted by anyone (at least on a deep level) but everyone has testaments of being comforted by Hobi. And I KNOW it's not because other members dont care or wouldn't comfort him but because he constantly hides from everyone any sign that he needs that support. I'm sure deep down he craves it but at the same time he would feel guilty if he let it happen. Me and Hobi are so alike that it's crazy... and I'm this way and I just... idk I just see it in him. I feel it from him..
But yeah and like.. it definitely builds up occasionally. Theres this one video (an episode of Run maybe? I have a hell of a time finding it but I've def seen it) and it just really stuck with me hard. I was deeply bothered by it. They were doing something (??) And had to stop laughing and everyone kept getting the giggles and kept having to try again and started playfully non-seriously scolding each other when giggles kept bursting out. And at one point they were almost under control and someone laughed again and everyone blamed Hobi cuz they thought it was him and he insisted "really no it wasnt me this time" but they kept teasing him saying it was (good naturedly mind you.. but they seemed convinced he really did. I actually dont know who it was tbh) and they playfully kept accusing him but then suddenly he just started crying??? Like he kept trying to smile n stuff but he just started to cry :( and everyone was suddenly like "??? What? Why are you crying? Oh No dont cry" and they stopped fooling around and quickly moved on from it and gave him a few gentle consoling pats but it was just dropped and they moved on and like ... it was never addressed?? And I was so so concerned and i was like "oh no Hobi 😢" because yo dude I recognize that situation. I've BEEN there. It's being so full of pent up bad feelings and then some minor little thing happens that normally wouldn't even bother you but you're just so fragile that it's the straw that breaks the camel's back and you just burst into tears and it's not cuz of that thing but you just break down cuz you've been holding it all in. It just kinda deeply stuck with me and I wanted to comfort him so bad. Like ... talk to me baby.. unload it all.. you're hurting... what's wrong? Let me help or at least just let me listen and learn on me 😢. I hope they took him aside and tried to care for him once the camera was off. I really really do.. the poor thing 😢 But yeah
That was a huge one. Along with all the little subtle things I keep putting together. This sweet sunshine boy... I wanna comfort him when he sad. I want SOMEONE at least to comfort him. But he has to LET someone in for that. He fears being vulnerable and feels it's a letdown to others and that breaks my heart.
But yeah.. at least it's not too often. Thank god it's not too often. I am grateful to the universe that this sweet man generally does seem to have a genuine positivity and optimism to him...cuz he deserves nothing but joy and good things. But on the occasions when he isnt okay deep down inside. I feel he is very emotionally stiffled during those times and ..it sucks so bad and hurts to just go through it alone because you CANT let your loved ones worry about you and you CANT let them down. And my heart aches for him because I'm the same damn way so I know that feel and I love him so i dont want him to hurt. And I /know/ that if the others knew they would want to tell him "no! We love you and want to help you!" You're allowed to have bad days! It's not letting us down!" But I feel he hides it really well and also I'm certain they've noticed tho more than once and I suspect Hobi either 1) denies it to his dying breath 2) only barely acknowledges it and severely downplays his own needs to encourage others to drop the issue quickly or 3) may even get defensive and/or lock himself away so he ~cant~ be approached about it. I suspect 1 and 2 the most but u never know.
But I just feel really sad cuz I want Hobi to allow himself support too. Hes our hope and brings us so much joy and comfort and deserves the world. He deserves the same hope and comfort. I hope for him that he can eventually let his walls down and lean on others when he needs to and know that hes not a burden if hes not sunny 100% of the time... that hes just human and is worthy of love and support and that people who love him want to give it to him and are not put out by it in the least.
I'm just like him. I can say these things but I still think "not me though"
But... at the very least I can vent into the void. I do this on tumblr because it's a bit different than a diary. It's out there in the world and others could see it but it's not like I'm directly imposing it onto another individual.
And my biggest improvement/accomplishment; I at least now have one person (my husband) who I finally.. for the first time in probably my whole ass life... have broken down a wall with and I can go to him and spill my guts whenever I'm not okay. It took a lot to build up to but to be able to do that at least with him helps a lot when I feel bad.
And I really hope Hobi can find the same. It makes a world of difference and someone needs to nurture this sweet boy the way he does for us. It hurts to know he likely suffers in silence most of the time when he does. I just want him to be nurtured and loved cuz he deserves it 🥺
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