#this goes for anything. music film tv books....
robotpussy · 4 months
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beloved-of-john · 7 months
(I follow from @spocks-got-a-glock)
So I made a sideblog for Christianity stuff.
My religious journey is relatively new and I need a space to talk about it, share my thoughts and potentially reach out to others. I don't think my followers on my main blog are a demographic that would be particularly interested though, so it all goes here from now on. There'll probably be a fair bit of content here about my experience as a trans + gay Christian but I will talk about more general things as well.
Please DNI if:
- you're homophobic/transphobic or align with anything other than Side A of the homosexuality + Christianity debate (I accept side B as a personal choice for LGBT people, though I don't agree with the reasoning, just don't tell others how to live their lives)
- you want to have a debate about my faith or about the existence of God; I'm out of steam
- you're antisemitic or islamophobic, or attack other religions unnecessarily. Treat others as you would like to be treated.
Please DO interact if:
- you're a trans/gay/queer Christian, or an LGBT affirming/progressive Christian
- you want to have deep meaningful conversations about theology (while staring into each other's eyes with homoerotic subtext)
- you want to share your favourite Christian music/books/art/films/TV shows. Tell me more!
- you're just curious or want to chat. I'm friendly :)
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alexfromjersey · 9 months
𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓽𝓼 & 𝓛𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓓𝓪𝔂𝓼
jenna ortega x g!poc
summary: it's jenna's last day in new york. jah contemplates a career move
warnings: mature language, a male
a/n: imma be honest with y’all….I lost all the creativity for this book. I was struggling to find a path for it but I found one and I hope you guys enjoy it. (Vc: sensei.klx on TikTok)
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist
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"Our baby is big as a lemon right now. At this stage, our baby's intestines and vocal cords are developing. Tiny bones are also beginning to form in the arms and legs. This is so fascinating" Jenna gushed as she leaned more into your side.
You were currently focused on the intense game of baseball as your feet were propped on your coffee table. The two of you were enjoying each other's company until Jenna had to leave for London to film Beetlejuice 2 later tonight.
"Are we going to have a baby shower?" You asked.
"Yeah just a small one though and a little more into my pregnancy, maybe when I'm around 30 weeks" Jenna answered.
You nodded at your girlfriend. Your attention is then stolen by the Yankees vs. Padres baseball game on the TV. Jenna continued looking at the information the pregnancy app provided on her phone. Suddenly, the buzzer to your apartment goes off. You go to the buzzer, "Who is it?"
"Yuh Mada" Delyse responded. You buzz your mother in and unlock the door so she can come in. You then sat back down next to Jenna. A few minutes later, Del burst into the apartment with multiple bags in her hands.
You sighed, "Ma what is all that?"
"Nothing for you, some of this is for Jenna and...maybe the baby. Anyway, Jenna since you are leaving tonight I packed you a little pregnancy kit. I got you some prenatal vitamins, ginger & peppermint for any nausea you may get, and raspberry leaves for your iron and it can increase milk production if you decide to breastfeed" Del listed off.
Jenna's heart swelled at your mother's thoughtfulness, "Thank you so much Ms. Delyse. I appreciate this."
"Oh sweetie, us mothers have to stick together and watch over one another" Del smiled at the young woman.
"Do I get anything?" You ask.
"You get a non-cranky baby mother" Del replied to you.
You playfully glare at your mother. Del handed Jenna the bag of her stuff and sat opposite the couple. The buzzer to your apartment goes off again. You groan in frustration and confusion about who it could be.
"Who is it?" You asked.
"Davis" Davis answered. You buzzed him in and sat in your spot again. Soon after, Davis walks in with a flyer in his hand.
"Hey, Ms. Del I haven't seen you in a minute. How was Jamaica?" Davis asked.
"Wonderful. I needed that vacation" Del answered.
"I feel that. I need a vacation too. I haven't been on one in months" Davis said and sat in the empty spot next to you and Jenna.
"We should plan to go to the Bahamas" You suggest.
"Oh let's do it I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas," Davis said.
You then notice the flyer in his hand, "What's that?"
"Oh, that's why I came over here. This is a music competition, winner gets a five million dollar record deal with Passion Records. I saw that Twitter video of you singing, you should sign up" Davis proposed.
"Nah I'm good" You declined.
Davis looked at you in shock, "What? Why not?"
"I don't wanna be under another label. I've done it before and it went sideways. I don't want people telling me what music to make or getting the majority of the money I worked hard for" You explained and shrugged your shoulders.
"But it can expose you to different opportunities so you can propel yourself properly in the industry. You don't have to stay under a label forever" Davis said.
You sighed, "I don't know I'll think about it."
"Well, you better think about it sooner than later. The deadline to submit your demo is in two weeks" Davis informed you and handed you the flyer.
You read over it and the information on the paper. Submission deadline ends on June 15th at 11:59 pm. Any type of music is accepted but it has to be under three minutes. Five million dollar record label with Passion Records. You heard about the label, but before signing with the local one, you tried numerous times to get a rep. to listen to your music. You never got a response from them. But now you have a chance to finally pursue your dream of being a global sensation in music. A dream you've had since you were 8 and went to your first concert.
Maybe it would be a great opportunity.
"We still going to the courts around 1?" Davis asked.
"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Sisqo owes me my $50 from the last game" You said.
"What's the courts?" Jenna questioned.
"Basketball courts around the corner from her. Me and Davis always play a pickup game with some friends from the block every Friday" You answered.
"Oh, can I come?" Jenna asked.
"Of course. You can see me whoop some ass in basketball" You smirked.
"Jah!" You heard Davis yell from your right. Your eyes glance at Davis who was getting pressed by his defender. You knew if you passed it to him, he was either going to lose the ball or shoot and miss. You were down by 2 and if the other team scored it was game over. You had to play smart.
You pass it to Davis but you sprinted behind him to shake your defender. You were successful and got to the corner where Davis passed it to you. You caught it and immediately shot a three. You watched as it swished in the net, winning you the game.
"Yeah, buddy!" You exclaimed excitedly.
Jenna clapped and cheered on the sidelines while you and Davis dapped each other up. She sat back down in her seat while you started talking to the other team. She was surprised she even sat through the whole basketball game. She was more into soccer than any other sport but pick-up basketball was entertaining.
"Mind if I sit here?" A soft voice brought Jenna out of her thoughts. She looked to her right and saw an angelic woman. She looked like a Disney princess.
"No, no go for it" Jenna smiled. She grabbed her book from beside her but she felt eyes burning into the side of her head. She looked and saw the woman staring at her with recognition in her eyes.
"My apologies for staring at you but I love your work. Wednesday is currently my favorite series right now. You also did your thing in the Scream movies" The woman complimented.
"Thank you so much" Jenna gave the woman another smile.
"You know I never expected to run into you in the Bronx. This is the last place I ever thought" The woman chuckled.
Jenna nervously chuckled, "Yeah...just hanging and watching some basketball."
She didn't want to deal with a fan's pressing questions. She knew she should've put her disguise on. But luckily, Jenna relaxed a little when she saw you look at the woman with recognition in her eyes. Jenna watched as you tapped Davis rapidly on his arm and pointed toward the bleachers.
"Yo Diana, I ain't know you were gon' be here" You smiled and gave her a side hug.
Davis, on the other hand, was staring at her like a lovesick puppy.
"Yeah I was just walking by and I saw the two of you. Thought I'd stop and say hello...hey Davis" Diana smiled at Davis.
"H-Hey Diana" Davis nervously waved back.
You and Jenna smirked at each other while watching. Davis is a nervous mess in front of Diana.
"Oh Jenna, this is Diana, Diana this is Jenna. The three of us went to school together along with her twin sister Stacey" You said.
At the mention of the name Stacey, jealousy flushed through her as she remembered the night of the Met Gala. The beautiful girl that was attached to your hip like glue all night, posting you any chance she got.
"How is Stacey?" You asked.
"Good. She went back to Spelman last week but she'll be back for summer break" Diana told you. You nodded, took a sip of your water, and sat in front of Jenna.
"Word? I ain't know she got into Spelman. What is she going for?" You asked.
"Major in Music and minor in Theatre & Performance. Same as me just at a different school" Diana answered.
Unconsciously, you leaned back in between Jenna's legs. She placed her head on top of yours and her arms on your shoulders.
Diana smirked, "Y'all are cute together."
"I'm cute all the time" You playfully said.
"Mhmm I don't know about that. You have your moments" Jenna commented.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa you gon' do me like that babe. That's wild" You exclaimed.
"All I said was you have your moments. We got our moments too" Jenna defended playfully. Diana let out a giggle at the two of you.
"Speaking of cute, you should holla at Davis. Don't think I don't see the way you keep glancing over at him" You smirk.
"Uh...I don't know. I just got out of a relationship, a bad one at that. I don't think I'm ready for another one just yet" Diana vacillated.
"You don't have to jump into another relationship. I'm just saying to you know talk to him and become friends. But if you don't wanna do it, that's fine I'm not gonna force you or anything" You said.
Diana glanced at Davis again who looked up this time from his bag and smiled at her. She looked down to hide the blush that appeared on her cheeks. She then went into her purse and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. She wrote her number and walked down the bleaches.
"I have to go but call me whenever you aren't busy" Diana smiled at him and placed the paper in his hands. She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off the court.
"I'm the best wingwoman ever aren't I" You smiled.
"Uh I've seen better" Jenna shrugged.
You suck your teeth as she laughed, "You a hater bruh."
"Tap, tap, and then we lock our middle fingers. End it off with a fist bump and touch thumbs" You explain to Jenna and demonstrate the handshake you guys just came up with. The two of you came back from the basketball courts and went back to Jenna's hotel room so the actress could finish packing.
"I don't want to leave" Jenna pouted as the both of you sat on the floor against her bed. It was getting closer to the time for Jenna to leave for the airport and she was having a hard time. The both of you were really, you just kept to yourself.
"You could always call me you know. No matter the time, I'll always pick up for you" You said sincerely. 
Truth be told, it was nice to finally have someone around. Someone new.
“You'll pick up at any time?" Jenna questioned amused.
"Yep. I'm an insomniac so 9 times out of ten I'll be up doing absolutely nothing productive" You chuckled. 
Jenna giggled, "I'm going hold you to that."
The two of them sat in a comfortable silence looking out at the sun setting sky. Neither of you uttered a word but your eyes slowly drifted to the woman next to you. The orange color bounced off her skin beautifully, making her freckles pop even more than before. You've seen your fair share of beautiful women but nothing compared to her. 
"Take a picture it'll last longer" Jenna spoke softly. 
You pulled your phone and quickly captured a picture of the actress. 
Jenna chuckled, "No way, you actually took a picture."
"You told me too. Now, I have an exclusive picture of Jenna Ortega. Should I sell it to these paparazzi weirdos?" You joked. 
"Do it. I bet you'll make a fortune" Jenna replied.
Suddenly, a ding is heard from Jenna's phone. She grabbed it from the nightstand and sighed as she looked at the person who texted her.
Nancy The Manager: we're outside
Jenna pouted as she read the message. She was hoping she got at least another hour with you but the universe didn't want to lift her spirits.
"They're here" Jenna grumbled.
You stood up from the floor and slipped on your slides. You grabbed her bags and Jenna got her airport outfit on. She checked to make sure she had everything before the two of you walked to the elevator.
After the elevator takes you to the hotel parking garage, you help place her bags in the trunk before you turn to her.
"I'm going to miss you" Jenna sniffled.
"Imma miss you too Hollywood" You pouted. The two of you hug each other tightly, not wanting to let go. But before she left, you bent down to be level with her small protruding stomach.
"Aight listen, it's just gon' be you and momma for a couple of months. You two take care of each other, if she is overworking herself, you better tell her to sit her ass down somewhere" You added, "Mama loves you and I'll be waiting here for the both of you to come back." You kiss her stomach and stand up.
"Why would you do that? Now I'm crying" Jenna cried and tried to wipe the tears from her eyes.
You chuckled, "I just to let it be known."
Jenna wiped the tears from her face and climbed into the SUV.
"Call or text whenever you land," You said.
"I will" Jenna reassured.
You then step back from the SUV. Big L climbs into the driver's side and after a moment pulls off. Jenna blew you a kiss which you caught and you waited until you couldn't see them anymore to walk to your car and eventually left the hotel.
The journey to the airport was a quiet one. Jenna was scrolling through her social media, which is rare for the girl. Music was blasting in her ears as she didn't want to engage with anyone, especially Hudson. She was still furious with the male after the stunt he pulled with her family. She didn't even spare him a glance as she got into the SUV, which stung him a little.
After almost an hour, Jenna finally arrived at Teterboro Airport. She was flying private this time and she didn't know why but she was secretly thankful that she didn't have to deal with the regular airport this time.
Everyone checked in and was walking to the private jet. It was small and nothing too extravagant which she liked. She just wanted to get from point A to point B safely.
The young actress was the first to step onto the plane but halted in her steps as she came face to face with someone she didn't want to see.
"Ah, nice to see you again Jenna. It's been a long time" Corneilo smiled at the girl.
Jenna looked behind her at Nancy and Hudson and saw the same shocked look on their faces.
"Please settle down and let's prepare for take-off," Neil said and pointed to the seat in front of him.
Jenna hesitated before slowly sitting in the seat in front of him, "You usually don't do in-person meetings."
"Yeah, but we have much to discuss. Things that couldn't be said over a video chat" Neil shrugged.
Nancy and Hudson hurriedly took a seat behind the two. Jenna was on edge, she was tense in her seat and she wanted nothing more than to be in your comfort again.
"Champagne?" Neil offered.
"No I'm good" Jenna declined.
The Cuban man nodded and down his glass of champagne before pouring himself another.
"What do we have to discuss?" Jenna asked impatiently.
Neil grinned, "I'm sure you know Jenna."
Jenna unconsciously hooked her arms around her stomach. She knew the man in front of her was unpredictable, she needed to be on guard the whole time.
"Do you remember why the court signed that paper Jenna?" Neil questioned.
"Because they wanted to keep the tradition going of a man ruling over a woman's life" Jenna retorted.
Neil let out a breathy laugh, "No...it's because you're reckless. That paper was designed to save you. Save you from the destructive road you were speeding down. The same road you found yourself back on."
Jenna didn't respond to him, just glared at him.
"20 years old and pregnant with a child by a talentless rat from the hood at the top of her career. Do you know how that makes me look? That I can't keep my clients in check because they do whatever they want to" Neil hissed.
"I care less about how it makes you look" Jenna snapped at the older man.
This makes Neil snap, at the speed of lighting he reaches over the table and grabs Jenna by her throat. Jenna tried to pull his hand away from her but was unsuccessful.
"You seem to forget who's in charge here. I'm the one in charge. I have the final say in what you can and cannot do, and who you can and cannot be with. I own you, Jenna. So when I tell you to jump, you ask how high. No sassy comeback, no attitude. Nothing." Neil snarled.
“Let her go Neil” Hudson glared at the older boy.
Neil’s eyes then snapped to Hudson. He let go of Jenna who was breathing heavily with tears running down her face. The older male then made his way to Hudson. He stopped just a breath away from him.
“Little Hudson Maverick, rich daddy’s boy that doesn’t know when to mind his business. A flaw of his that’s going to get him into some trouble in the future. How is mommy doing by the way? She still seeing that private exercise trainer on Thursdays and Saturdays during your father’s meetings?” Neil taunted the boy.
Nancy stood up from her seat, “That’s enough Corneilo.”
Neil then turned to look at the woman with a smirk on his face. He opens his mouth to say something but an alarm goes off on his watch.
“Hmph, dodge a bullet there Nancy” Neil commented. He smoothed out his suit and looked at them with a smile, "Enjoy the flight." He then left the private jet.
Once he left, Nancy slid next to Jenna. The young actress then gripped her shirt as she sobbed into her side.
a/n: y’all going to hate me…and possibly not hate me a little bit after 🙂
taglist: @grandpatrolnut @raven-ss @fanboy7794 @morganismspam23 @cinffy23 @darklron @cheesybacon1 @octavias-next-meat-bite @playboysaleen @niqmandu @zaclewiss @yescruzzzzzzz @silentfor @gemz5 @alwaysdangerouschild @onceblinkarmyandmore @melonfruit442 @zataracloud @nepobaby08 @jennasslut @rimaybank @jaewu @j3nc0re
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copperbadge · 5 months
Supposedly, people with Anphantasia don't get scared reading scary stories, or at least not much. Is that true with you if you ever read Horror?
You know, I'd never thought about it, but I suppose it is. To an extent, anyway.
Follows a discussion of my relationship to horror prose and media; if you don't know what aphantasia is, as many people coming to this tumblr don't, I have a tag for it here that may help -- it's basically the lack of a "mind's eye", a visual imagination, so I hear/read things and don't see an image of them in my mind. If you are scoffing right now that nobody actually has a mind's eye, congratulations, you may also have aphantasia. The articles linked in the tag will be useful to you.
I have definitely been scared by prose before but it's very rare, and not much since I was a child, when the stories I found scary were preying on fears I already had. I loved the Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark books, and I think it's not unusual that I found the illustrations more frightening than the prose, but the only story that ever scared me was the one about the vampire who kept trying to grab a kid through a window -- because I had a window over my bed in my childhood bedroom and I was terrified I'd look up to see someone looking down at me through it. Likewise, as an adult, the only content in horror I find scary is what I think of as "mind horror" -- the loss of faculty or the loss of awareness of faculty (think the end scene of the novel Hannibal with the brain). Which is one of my biggest fears.
I don't read much horror because generally I get bored, which has in the past made me feel faintly appalled at myself, but which now makes more sense. Certainly I have no interest in slasher-style gore in prose, because I find it uninteresting and it goes on a really long time, while I don't watch it in movies/TV because the visual is upsetting -- so if I was getting the visual from the prose I might react more emotionally. I am a fan of Stephen King but mostly his early work where he was shorter on suspense, and I was reading it because I liked the ideas and the characters. Carrie is super interesting because of the personalities involved, not because of the violence or the horror aspects. But I've never seen a movie adaptation and I can imagine I would be deeply unsettled if not distraught by certain scenes if depicted visually. Although I didn't find the Hannibal TV series super upsetting (I mostly was put off by how bad I imagined Will smelled) so perhaps body horror just doesn't do it for me.
This may also explain my hard-no on zombie media, because I'm not scared at all of zombies, I just find them boring and gross, and that leaves the post-apocalyptic humans. My hard-no on post-apocalypse anything is an aversion to imagining the end of my world, though, which isn't visual, it's conceptual, and not scary, just upsetting.
Like, people kept suggesting Zombies Run! to me when I was taking up running and -- well, one, I needed the music to keep my pace, I didn't want it interrupted. But two, I didn't see why a bunch of random groaning noises would make me run faster. If you could see zombies chasing you in your head, yeah, that'd probably be more motivating.
It kind of explains too why I haven't written much horror. I used to be very curious about how people worked out what's "scary" in horror prose and I guess part of the curiosity came from not experiencing it myself. It's tough to know how to write a scary story when stories don't scare you.
To be clear, I definitely experience fear. Reading Stephen King's "It" didn't really scare me, but there were scary moments in the film adaptations. I startle at jumpscares. There's plenty of stuff in real life that I'm scared of. And even podcasts -- I don't get mental images during podcasts like apparently most people do, but Magnus Archives got me with the "digging into your pre-existing fears" thing once or twice, and while I didn't finish The Left Right Game (I just got bored) the hitchhiker scene definitely got me. But I think, unless it's playing on something conceptual that already existed, yeah, I don't find prose particularly frightening.
Huh. This feels like the kind of thing that could have a significant impact on my creative output if I could crowbar my way into it. Knowing that I as an aphantic don't need descriptions that other people do has already, I think, impacted my editing process, but this feels like it maybe would somehow have an effect on the whole thing -- the fact that I don't experience emotions when reading in the same way other people do because I don't get the visuals is something to meditate on.
How the fuck did I ever even become a writer. Like what's up with that.
(Ironically it was X-Files fanfic. X-Files, a show that very much did scare me, for which I wrote and read a lot of fanfic, none of which did...yikes. Well, that's something to meditate on for the weekend.)
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klausysworld · 10 months
Klaus or Elijah with somebody famous please ♥️♥️
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(Contains both Klaus&Elijah-just scroll down)
Klaus with a famous girl:
Klaus is the biggest supporter and biggest issue at the same time.
Because of course he would support his love until his dying breath, he would be so proud and encouraging. He doesn’t doubt her ability, wouldn’t stand for any hate she receives.
But his possessiveness and jealousy does not mix well. He hates how everyone is dying to have their hands on her, when fans are fighting for her attention and love.
But each time she just reminds him that it’s him that she chose to give it to, he gets the affection and he gets to be with her when she goes home.
His favourite thing to help with is the outfits. He has a lot of opinions and always brings in Rebekah for final validation.
He’s there through the whole process: hair, makeup, clothes. He’s right behind her, arms around her waist and lips on her neck with a low whine leaving him when she reminds him that he can’t leave any marks on her skin for the public eye.
It’s difficult when having Klaus under attention of the people, he can’t be too recognised because of the things he does. Neither of them want that and Klaus became very careful with compelling people and trying to do any killings/violence on the down low instead of as a display.
One thing that she told her fans about him was his artwork and his art show was fully booked immediately. He had been like a puppy wagging its tail when she showed him how many people came.
Klaus loved that the cameras would always seem to capture photos of their lips together, knowing that everyone would know she was his and that they loved each other.
Klaus is a comment reader and a shameless replier. He’s I’ll tell a hater exactly how he feels and he will go through liking fans comments.
Y/n always tells him he should stop but he can’t help it.
He admires her confidence and attitude toward life but also sees the insecurities and challenges she faces as a result of her status.
He will always be there for her whether she’s looking about ready for a photoshoot or is she’s crying on the bathroom floor.
His arms are her safety net, he would never let her fall through.
Klaus is often seen in photos just gazing at y/n and people comment on it a lot.
His outfits are always to a high standard but he also never wants to pull focus from y/n. As much as he wishes he could have her all to himself, he loves that people look up to her and that she is happy.
He watches everything she’s in (whether it’s films/tv/music videos/etc) and attends everything she’s invited to (awards/auditions/interviews/etc)
He doesn’t care if he has to wait in a room or if he actually gets to be with her, just as long as she knows that when she walks out he will be right there for her.
Klaus is happy for her to have her own driver, it just means he gets to have he run the back seats with him. The poor driver has heard it all as he rubs his scent all over after she just modelled her body for everyone to see.
Klaus would need to claim her all the time, make sure she knows that even though the world thinks shes theirs, she will always be his.
Elijah with a famous girl:
Elijah is a man that cares about his image and so finding someone who was similar but on a different scale was rather interesting.
Elijah isn’t one for wanting all the attention but more the recognition but seeing how she thrived and how people made declarations of love for her just touched his heart in ways he wasn’t sure how.
Elijah and y/n are the best dressed couple without a doubt.
He is there at every event. He is both a lover and a bodyguard. Photogenic as you like and just about ready for everything.
He would carry anything of hers and help her with anything.
It once began to rain at an outside event and he pulled a umbrella from his pocket and had been carrying around her ‘beauty box’ so was able to fix her hair with she looked up at him with a soft smile on her lips.
Elijah is the first person to stand up in the applause at the end of her speeches, whether it’s for an award or an important event.
Nobody touches her unless she is 1000% certain its okay and even then he doesn’t like it.
Elijah is her designated driver and he is prepared for anything.
He is ready to carry her out of crowds if he has to.
Whether she’s drunk or doped up or just on an adrenaline high, he looks after her and makes sure the camera only sees her when she’s at her best.
He doesn’t want her to go through any hate or trouble. He’s very protective and has seen how fame can take its toll on people and so he is careful and is willing to keep you locked inside for a few days or weeks to keep her mental health safe.
Elijah is happy to have y/n with his family, Rebekah especially loves her and he likes that they are friends.
He worries sometimes because his family isn’t exactly normal and if anyone found out she was with a vampire then she would be ruined and they would have to go into hiding but he can’t help that he loves her too much to care. Instead he just keeps everything hidden.
The public see Elijah as a very protective boyfriend to y/n. He gets confused to be her bodyguard sometimes but he doesn’t mind.
Elijah is happy to be her main protector and he gets jealous of her actual body guards.
Sometimes he got frustrated, when she’s out all the time and he isn’t able to have very much one-on-one time with her.
He often insists she sit on his lap when in interviews of that he can have a hand on her upper thigh, he needs to be as close as he can to her. Make sure nobody can take her away and that the public know he’s not going anywhere.
As soon as the cameras turn off he wants to be ontop of her, it gets agitating not being able to touch her when she’s doing her job and he wants to feel her.
So many times they have to go to her dressing room for 10 minutes so they can relish in eachother for a moment before she’s needed again.
Elijah wouldn’t make her choose between him and her job. He wouldn’t want to know the answer either so instead he does everything he can to make sure she never has to choose. He gives her both.
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ailendolin · 2 months
List 5 topics you can talk on for an hour without preparing any material.
Thank you for tagging me @the-20th-century-girl!
1. Palaeontology: I didn't get a PhD for nothing and even though it's been years since my thesis defense, I'm sure I could still do the full presentation without preparation. I dedicated three years of my life to this (ten if you count my bachelor's and master's degrees as well) and I certainly don't mind talking about this childhood dream of mine or the issues surrounding academia, especially here in Germany.
2. Ghosts and anything Six Idiots related: the Six Idiots have been such a huge part of my life for the last few years even my family now knows who I'm talking about when I mention Thomas lol. They're lucky the original Ghosts isn't on TV here or I definitely would have made them watch it with me (on that note, I made my dad watch Bill last year and he enjoyed it!).
3. The Lord of the Rings: the films and then the books changed my life 23 years ago and if prompted, I will happily discuss why the Eagles were not the solution to the ring problem and why the Silmarillion is absolutely incredible and not dry and boring at all. Oh, and don't get me started on the musical or I will lament for an hour about the Springle Ring not being on the cast recording.
4. Survival stories: Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571 is just the latest in a line of survival stories that I have been fascinated by over the years. I'm sure I could talk about it for an hour alone but there's also the Franklin Expedition, the Donner Party, the Endurance Expedition, the Terra Nova Expedition, the Batavia shipwreck ... I think you get my point. There is just something about humans facing such extremes adversities and, if they're lucky, rising above them that I find deeply touching.
5. Animals in captivity: a few years ago, the documentary Blackfish opened my eyes to all the issues surrounding animals in captivity. I will never forget the pictures of Orca teeth being so far eroded that you can see the root canal or that one time my palaeo prof took one look at a skeleton and promptly asked if the specimen came from a zoo because he could immediately tell by the deformed bones and worn teeth. I don't try to convince people not to go to zoos because it's none of my business to tell them how to live their lives but if asked I do tell them why I don't visit those places anymore in the hopes that they too will realise that a fun day out for them is a lifetime of miserable imprisonment for the animals they claim to love.
Honorable mention goes to History because I have been fascinated by a wide range of historical topics over the years (the Pacific theatre of war, Chernobyl and nuclear power, the Plague, Napoleonic Wars, Ancient Rome, mountaineering history, medical history ...) and could talk about any of them for hours if prompted.
Tagging @amalthea9, @professorlehnsherr-almashy and @ginevralinton but no pressure!
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romirola · 1 year
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack’s Favorite Modes of Relaxation
David: He likes to take a long, hot shower. Having the ability to linger underneath the water for as long as he wants makes David feel alive and refreshed. Although he doesn’t have many products beyond the essentials, he takes the time to indulge himself in relishing each subtle scent. It’s a ritual where David washes away the stress that’s built up so that he can start fresh. 
Angel: They sprawl out on the floor (maybe with a few pillows, maybe not) while listening to music that suits their current mood. They take up all the space they can. They stretch out and crack all their joints. Angel lets the entire world melt away and becomes completely lost in the music. 
Asher: He goes on a leisurely hike. Asher takes every possible moment to smell every flower, look at every cool boulder, listen to every crackling leaf or singing bird. In short, he purposefully doesn’t hurry. Being in nature soothes him. Consciously deciding to meander, slowly and thoughtfully, allows Asher the periodic pause he needs to sustain his high-energy lifestyle. 
Babe: They break out their coloring book and colored pencils. Babe will work on one image until it’s complete. They don’t get caught up with what colors the objects in the picture “should be” and instead, take the liberty of letting their imagination guide them. They have full creative control over what they create. Babe loves to see the image come to life, full of color and style. 
Milo: He gets wrapped up with a crossword puzzle. Milo is a crossword whiz! He loves to sit back in a comfy chair (preferably Aggro on his lap), unwind, and figure out each and every clue. Milo loves to see the tangible progress he makes as he works through the clues, plus he gets the chance to indulge (and, when Sweetheart is also home, to show off) his logophilia. 
Sweetheart: They practice yoga. Sweetheart adores how a yoga practice gets at every muscle and joint in their body. Some days, it feels like the only time they can be gentle with themselves is when they are on their mat. A consistent practice helps them feel stronger and helps them be more deliberate in everything they do. 
Darling: They binge hours and hours of a franchise (film, TV, books, whatever) that they have not yet had the chance to view. This way, Darling can fully devote themselves to the ins and outs of the story without distraction. Darling loves to see all the narrative pieces come together without having to wait for the next part to be released. 
Sam: He sleeps during the night, just like he used to do when he was human. Even though he doesn’t need sleep like he did when he was human, every now and again, Sam craves the nostalgia and normality of crawling into bed and burrowing under the sheets before turning off the light and losing himself to the darkness. 
Gabe: He rearranges… anything. Everything. Whatever he can get his hands on. Gabe declutters a closet, organizes the inside of the refrigerator, or even straightens out the papers on his desk. Alpha duties often consume Gabe’s time, so when he gets the rare chance to spend some time on himself, it makes him feel good to use that time to make the house nicer for David and himself. 
Marie: She gets a professional massage at a nearby spa. It’s a rare treat, but Marie works hard. She deserves to rest easy. The whole experience simply delights her. Checking in and changing into the robe, choosing the type of massage she’ll get, smelling the oil, and feeling that tension get rubbed, squeezed, and coaxed away. 
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littlealeta · 2 months
Vincent Brooks headcanons anyone?
Loves animals. Would probably like to have a cat someday, but at the same time, he's afraid of the responsibilities and thinks he would be a bad owner. Same with children. Is probably good with them, but doesn't want to raise one because he feels he would be a bad father.
Wanted to be a therapist/animal caretaker at one point, then became a tech engineer for some reason.
Gets pretty sensitive at emotional movies and romance stories (because they remind him of Katherine) and any animal/child dying. Would probably snap at whoever would harm them. Wouldn't be able to handle any cheating story.
Probably likes mysteries and puzzle games, seeing that he's good at solving puzzles and coming up with techniques. Probably prefers retro games to modern gaming. Same with movies and music probably.
For movies/tv/books, Vincent probably likes drama and coming of age stories. Especially ones where characters make mistakes so like Breaking Bad and Scott Pilgrim. Plus if they grow from them. Also some science fiction films like Star Wars, Star Trek, Interstellar.
Dislikes showing off his talent for the most part, like singing and dancing. He feels too insecure.
A bit afraid of PDA, which is why he doesn't show much affection to Katherine and gives her a shy kiss in the true ending.
I don't think he hugs people much, but if he does, they're probably darn good hugs. If he saw one of his friends crying, he'd probably hug them.
Got bullied in his childhood. Which is partly why he blocked out memories from his school days.
Was a fairly obedient, cautious kid who was probably often peer pressured by the more adventurous Orlando.
Dislikes thrills.
Probably grew up spoiled, which explains his immature behavior in the game.
Probably majorly depressed/su!c!dal after the cheating incident and would do anything to atone for it.
Sleeps a lot, even at work.
Often drinks until he vomits, passes out. Sometimes drinks the hard stuff like whiskey.
Smoked weed at one point and then switched to cigarettes.
Deals with roaches, ants, spiders and rats a lot. Which is terrible for him because he's afraid of them.
Sometimes is a bad cook
Misses hygiene days sometimes.
Got evicted from many apartments due to lifestyle habits
Wrecked cars a lot due to his scatter brain, which is why he doesn't currently have one.
Took weeks to think about because I was wondering what kind of music Vincent would be into. He doesn't strike me as much of a music person, although I can imagine he used to jam in nightclubs and discos back in his day. So he probably has a nostalgic fondness for anything electronic and disco. He still goes to nightclubs on occasion but doesn't jam as much. Probably also relaxes to downtempo and lofi.
That's all I have for now. I'll edit this if I have anymore. Does anyone else have anymore? Would love to discuss Vincent stuff.
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norashelley · 5 months
2023 recap
tagged by @grusinskayas, thanks so much mari! <3 I'll tag @nitrateglow @oftwodarkmoons @valancystirling48 @lilbabylovergirl @jwclapton @nataliawoods @olivethomas @ritahayworrth @emmybrown @gayworths @astonishinglysane @womansfilm @davisbette @daniellesdarrieux only if you want to of course! and anyone else who wants to do this please do! (and tag me!) Only including things that were new to me this year in each category or the lists would be far too long!
top films: I just did the 9 favorite first watches post which were, -The Dream Lady (1918) -Danger Love at Work (1937) -The Cowboy and the Lady (1938) - Pillow to Post (1945) - Home Sweet Homicide (1946) -Turn the Key Softly (1953) - Minari (2020) -Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022) -Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
and I will add some more on to that as well! -Husband Hunters (1927) -Sunny (1930) -Honeymoon Limited (1935) -East Side of Heaven (1939) -Spring Parade (1940) -The Face Behind the Mask (1941) -Marriage is a Private Affair (1944) -This Happy Breed (1944) -Guest Wife (1945) -Molly and Me (1945) -The Wicked Lady (1945) -An Ideal Husband (1947) -Deep Valley (1947) -Night Tide (1961) -The Glass Bottom Boat (1966) -The Grass Harp (1995) -Luca (2021)
top tv series: I have such a hard time remembering what tv shows I watch throughout the year as I don't keep track of them the way I do movies but this is encouraging me to start making lists from now on.
From what I can remember - -All Creatures Great and Small -Sanditon -The Great Canadian Baking Show -The Tenant of Wildfell Hall -Only Murders in the Building -It's a Living -Call The Midwife top books: Did not read much this year and hardly anything new but here are a few I liked!
-The Surgeon's Daughter, Audrey Blake -The Leavenworth Case, Anna Katharine Green -The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, Anne Brontë -The Secret Book of Flora Lea, Patti Callahan Henry
favorite song: This is going to be a long section!
Firstly my pride and joy, the playlist of expressing love of nature through music (mostly folk music but some others mixed in) that I worked so hard on at the beginning of the year. A lot of it is not new to me songs but some of it is and mostly making a playlist is new to me. Flower, Flower Oh My Love Playlist. Now for some individual songs I discovered and loved throughout the year~ (choosing max of one song per artist that is also not included in my playlist or this will get way too long)
-Alvvays - Pecking Order -Aurora - Your Blood -Blackbriar - Fairy of the Bog -Cécile Corbel - Come Back Home -chirinuruwowaka - bakenokawa -Coco - Fantasy -hemlocke springs - sever the blight  -Laufey - Bewitched -MARINA - Man's World -Maxine Sullivan - Skylark -Mylène Farmer - Sans contrefaçon -Paramore - This Is Why -Pomme - La rivière -Ruby Throat- In the Arms of Flowers -yanaginagi - More Than Enough -Yutori - One Room
favorite quote: - "listen, this would be a better world if there was more singing and less dictating." - East Side of Heaven, 1939
-"When all inside you burns like a star It's after you burn out that you are Reborn again, reborn again
And maybe if you called out for help Then I could help you outrun yourself Come run again, we'll run again" - Your Blood, Aurora
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so, anyone who knows me from previous blogs knows i’m an absolute music nerd who’s worked on both film score and musical theatre book before (and is still working in that vein, though i’m combining it with script writing these days)
and, god, i would be doing such an injustice to whoever is writing the soundtrack for the sandman if i didn’t talk about it at least once, because it’s one of the best tv scores i’ve ever heard, i wanna teach this as an example of how to do it right
i’ll be here for days if i try to cram all of it into one post, so i’m gonna focus on episode six, the sound of her wings, because that’s the one that really gripped me
(under the cut though to save dashboards bc this is still me and it will still get long)
so, to break this down, there’s a lot of different ways to add musical motifs (leitmotifs) into tv, but sandman is a show that does it (mostly) by character. in this episode we see a lot of dream’s motif, death’s motif, desire’s motif, and a slight appearance of johanna’s when the earlier constantine shows up (hob doesn’t have one, but i’m betting that’s deliberate). which makes sense for such a character driven show, especially in a story that’s got many anthology aspects - not much stays the same in this show but the characters, they are the through-line, and even the changing characters from episode to episode help give each episode its own musical feel
(people have said that sandman would work better with weekly episodes than binging, and this is part of why - they're very self contained, each episode a new vibe, and whether you notice it or not the soundtrack is contributing to that)
back to our episode 6 breakdown - so this is death’s motif, in its simplest form. and (barring a little of dream's when he's explaining why he's upset) this motif is the only motif we hear in the entire first half of the episode
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the reason i’d wanna teach this is mostly that it’s not easy, developing a motif without making it stagnant. it’s actually the first thing we ever covered when i studied music composition, because they really wanted to get it into our heads - anyone can make up a melody, but our brains notice patterns. and the really effective patterns consist of, at most, four notes. in a sense, the notation i’ve added above is actually the motif four times, just phrased as a question, a pause, a question, and an answer. and developing a motif into a score means changing it enough to give it direction, but keeping it similar enough that it’s recognisable. and that’s a hard thing to do! but we spend a full 20 minutes with just this motif, and it not only never gets boring, it’s developed into such a beautiful moving score, going from this very simple theme that just exists in the background to a huge emotional orchestral piece
and in terms of what it's actually doing character wise, i wanna focus on those gaps in the original. bc those are some long pauses between each three note repetition. and i think that is a good representation of death, and her patience, this theme isn't trying to rush you into anything, it's just sitting there reliably for when its time comes.
but as we go through that development, those pauses start being filled. it's still just as much about death as ever, but we understand it more. and the development starts to take on a more hopeful character the more of these snapshots of people's lives that we see. and the music is telling us how dream is feeling, as he goes from not understanding death, to learning a lot more about her, to being overwhelmed by how easy it is to care about these random people in the last moments of their lives, and how death isn't a bad thing
it simplifies back down, near the end of their walk, because she's still the same person she was at the start of the episode, it's dream that's changed, but it doesn’t go entirely back to the motif we heard at the start. those gaps are now filled by gentle woodwinds, the understanding remains. and as soon as we say goodbye to death (specifically “i thank you, my sister”), we switch immediately to dream's motif
(technically, dream has two, but i associate one more with dream and one more with the dreaming, so i'm talking about the former)
now, we’ve heard this one a lot already, it's the title music for the show, here it is for the sheet music fans (you may notice it’s asymmetrical, the contrary bastard)
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and we’re about to hear it even more - it's playing constantly from that goodbye right up until the start of the flashback (in more medieval sounding instrumentation than usual, alluding to the fact that hob is at the forefront of his mind), and we’ll hear the same thing coming back out of the flashback, too
now, within each flashback scene, there largely aren’t repeating motifs. and i mentioned this was probably deliberate - the music we hear in the background of each scene is fitting to the time period, and i think that in a way is hob’s musical identity. the thesis statement of sandman as a story is that you have to keep changing to keep living, and you have to keep living to keep changing, it’s why hob’s never ending immortality isn’t angsty like so many other immortals - he’s going to keep changing and keep living and it’s always going to be worth it. so his musical identity changes too, relative to wherever and whenever he happens to be living.
but then we get the moments where dream’s motif overtakes that -
1389, we actually get death’s first, when we first hear hob talking about how death is stupid and he’s not going to die, and it switches to dream’s with “why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?” (and back to death’s with “very well, little brother”, all three play off each other for the rest of that scene)
1489 is very much hob’s scene, there’s elements of dream’s motif in the arpeggios that pick up after “it’s fucking brilliant”, because now he’s caught dream’s interest, but it’s still largely the 15th century music, we only hear dream’s motif properly once he gets up to leave, and hob has to shout after him “you never told me who you are!”
in 1589, it starts to creep into the music (though still in hob’s native instruments), when shakespeare says “to give men dreams that would live on long after i’m dead”, and it overtakes it fully when dream leaves the table
the only moment in the flashback sequence which doesn’t have era appropriate music, is 1689, when hob is telling the story of how miserable the last 80 years have been. the music matches his mood, but it’s using modern digital instruments - this isn’t hob, not really. and while there’s no element of dream’s motif in this scene that i can spot, when we get “death is a mug’s game”, that’s when we switch back to the 17th century instruments, because this is the hob we know, the one who is always willing to live, no matter what
1789, dream’s motif when dream says “you need not have come to my defense”, through to the rest of that scene, this one stands out as a moment where he's not grabbing power, but sharing it
1889, when else - it comes in with “then i shall take my leave of you and prove you wrong”
1989, it’s so faint. it took me a minute to actually confirm that was dream’s motif - it doesn’t show up at all in the main scene, but when we switch to the view of dream in the cage, we hear a very hidden version of it, changed to the point of being almost unrecognisable
and then 2022. and we hear it in full again, but not just it in full. it gets an orchestral, uplifting development, both in tribute to the fact that this scene is very hopeful and heartwarming, but also explicitly mimicking the development death’s motif had when dream was watching her work, realising how much he cared about these random people, realising how much he therefore cared about people he’d known for much longer. her influence and her lesson is extremely present here, as she was the one who pushed him into returning
and as that scene ends, the music overlays with Desire by Bob Moses and Zhu, which is the cleverest part of the whole episode
because yes, the song is named desire, and has the word desire in its lyrics, telling you who this is, and yes, in an episode that has so far been full of medieval or orchestral music, the EDM is a sharp vibe twist, which fits with both desire’s character and the fact that their gallery in the show is styled to be very modern art/avant garde compared to dream's more renaissance style
but that’s not all it’s doing
because here’s the thing about desire. they absolutely have a motif in this show, that plays in the background every time they are on screen or talked about. but it’s not a melodic motif.
desire’s motif is the sound of a heartbeat
(often with accompanying ambient synths, but no melody)
and you don’t notice it when you’re just watching for the story, but every time you see desire on this show, there is a heartbeat playing in the background. and if you listen to this particular song, the dance beat is also mimicking a heartbeat, allowing it to blend in perfectly with desire’s existing motif, which is also playing in the background here
it’s just. brilliant
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the-musical-cc · 7 months
Seeing how more and more english-speaking audience is apparently watched Frankelda now, I feel like it's a good moment to post the translation transcript I did of the first live event with the Ambriz brothers, 'Frankelda y sus Fantasmas'. Posting on parts for easy reading because it's over 20 pages long. These are basically Q&A of making-of aspects of the series, going from concepting and design to even edition and post-production, going through voice-acting and even trivia. They do sometimes comment some lore, but are restricted in how much they can talk about it as it would apparently spoil upcoming things. Latter episodes have some guests, including Mireya Mendoza herself (Frankelda's VA both in english and spanish) Kevin Smithers, who composed the score and songs in the series and even the edition team in the most recent one! (It honestly gives me life to see how much Cinema Fantasma values the whole team.)
It's fair to warn you that it's probably better to have watched the entire first season before checking it out, as it contains commentary on things that might spoil you if you haven't. It's also worth noting that this one was recorded on November the 26th in 2021, back when we had no word of the film being made or the new dub and USA release.
Without further ado, here you have it, entirely transcripted and translated by yours truly, the first 'Frankelda y sus Fantasmas':
Arturo Ambriz: Hello, hello. How are you? Can you hear us? Hello.
Background voice (Gabo, I’m guessing): There’s a little bit of delay.
Arturo Ambriz: Hello. Hello, hello, hello, hello. We’re…
Background voice: Got it, it’s Youtube.
Arturo Ambriz: We’re… launching our live session. I’m not sure we’re set, I think we are. We’re broadcasting from our Facebook, Tik Tok and Youtube accounts. Instagram wouldn’t budge, but it’s fine, this is the first time we’re trying anything like this. And… well, we decided to do this broadcast to directly chat with you all for a bit about the ‘Frankelda’s Book of Spooks’ series, to show you a little bit of how the series was made, talk a little bit about the ‘Behind the Scenes’, and, of course, answer your questions because we’ve seen so much movement in social media that we kind of want to… just do nothing but spend all day replying to everything you write and post. But it’s downright impossible!
Roy Ambriz: And, well, this is our… our new show, ‘Frankelda and her ghosts’. The idea being that if it works, every… we would try to every now and then have a chat with different members of our team. Talk more about the music, about the art design, the character design, about how the puppets were made, how the props were made, talk to the voice actors. So, depending on how much movement there is or isn’t, we’ll see. Because the truth is, just like my brother said, we’re dying to have a chat with you and show you the ‘Behind the scenes’ of ‘Frankelda’. And, well, let’s start out by introducing ourselves, right?
Arturo Ambriz: Yes… well…
Roy Ambriz: I feel like we’re in a TV show…
Arturo Ambriz: Yeah, I know.
Roy Ambriz: Let’s introduce ourselves!
Arturo Ambriz: This is, uh, a new format, we’ll see how it goes. The truth is we’re excited. Well, let’s introduce ourselves. This is Roy Ambriz.
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Roy Ambriz: And this…
Arturo Ambriz: He’s the younger Ambriz brother.
Roy Ambriz: And this is Arturo Ambriz, he’s the middle and older of the Ambriz brothers.
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Arturo Ambriz: Yes, and…
Roy Ambriz: This is Frankelda. This is Herneval.
Arturo Ambriz: Frankelda… Herneval.
Roy Ambriz: Hernevalito and the other Herneval.
Arturo Ambriz: Christmas tree… Frankelda cut-out… El Coco cut-out right behind us. Erm, and look, we’ve got some interesting stuff right here. Here we have… well, here’s Hernevalito… and here’s Hernevalote, or rather, this is the book from the intro. As you might have noticed, in the series’ intro, we use this huge book… which Roy and I say is one of our most valuable possessions. We’ve already agreed that the first one of us to die will be cremated with this book held like this, between his arms.
Roy Ambriz: And it might be very valuable for the fans ‘cause you don’t know it yet but right here, within this book, is each and every one of ‘Frankelda’s secrets. Everything there is to know is in here. But, well, this means it’s a very secret book, which… no one is allowed to read, unless they’re witches.
Arturo Ambriz: Yes, well, that’s exactly what this broadcast is for, to talk a little bit about all these details, you can join the dots. We’ve noticed there’s people, there’s fans, who already have a perfect grasp on how stop-motion works, and there’s people who are just barely scratching the surface on learning or understanding the potential this beautiful technique has. But consider… let’s get started with this little example, since we’re already talking about the book. This is the book, Herneval, this is the puppet. Herneval-libro. It’s very small, it’s just a tiny book, look how small, am I right? So we couldn’t do the intro… record the pages turning or the writing happening in detail or even just the cover, with such a small book.
Roy Ambriz: Right, so we had to recreate it somehow, but we didn’t want it to be, uh… well, an exact copy, because this one’s… the… well, the chapter’s introduction, right? And we’re way better working with physical stuff, not digital. And, well, they do resemble, right? The two of them, that is.
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For us, books are always very important. That’s where ‘Frankelda’s story was born, real books, books that were written. And, well, having the series start with a book is a nice homage to all the authors, all of them- I think the book is a perfect visual for telling a story or creating fiction. Something we’re really happy with is, I feel that with ‘Frankelda’, when we started making it, we were a very small group of people crammed up in the studio, working day and night. I mean, we loved it, and we were making up theories in our minds. And then we got to call in a lot of amazing people, artists, to work on the team, but now the best part is Frankelda is calling to all the right fans with her book. The whole fandom, which we know as Fankeldos and Fankeldas -Or, you can call yourselves Spooks, or anything you like, we’re fine with it. But we’re really grateful to you because, really, we’re… I think ‘Frankelda’ is a call, beckoning to creative people, and people are responding to it, we keep seeing it, they’re super creative, super kind, super nice people who really want to tell their own stories… and that’s what the series is for, it was the main reason we wrote it. As directors, before we knew what to do or even make a… sometimes series or products have marketing research made to know what to do… and we didn’t, we just ask ourselves what we want to tell and why. Why don’t you tell them a little bit about this, about what we wanted?
Arturo Ambriz: Erm, well, we’re obviously fans of shows, both animated and live-action, and we’ve realized- I mean, don’t get me wrong, we love Marvel, we love DC, but we feel like nowadays every movie or TV series protagonist is a superhero, right? Or heroine. Or adventurers like Finn the human, or sports stars. But we figured: ‘A show where the protagonist is woman, a writer, is worth making.’ See, when I was a boy and I watched some show where the protagonist was an adventurer, I felt like I wanted to go out and see the world, and travel and… and climb mountains and whatnot. And when it’s a superhero, you kind of want to fight, right? But if we have a… a protagonist like Frankelda, who writes, who is creative, who is free, who is constantly pondering on how to do better, on how to write better… well, we realized it could send a very positive message out into the world. And, just as Roy said just now, we sent out our signal, obviously with the help of Cartoon Network and HBOMax, and you guys got it. And the truth is we had no idea the series would get this reaction, we had no idea that it was going to hit it off quite like this. Believe me when I say… we could spend all day looking at the fanart you post, cosplay, fanfics, memes. We get so much laughter and love out of it, and it makes us feel proud that we hit he bullseye in so many points that were necessary to us. That’s when we realized making this sort of live event was worth it… first and foremost, to thank you all. Because, really, our gratitude is endless. What else can we expect from these sessions if we do keep them up?
Roy Ambriz: Well, right now it’s our turn to get the ball rolling, because we’re the creators. We’re also the project’s script-writers and additionally… on my part, I also do sculpting. Arturo also has a hand in the cinematography, as in… in, supervising on that area, specially regarding construction. And the best part is, obviously we don’t… you can’t make a series with just two people, it’s built by many. So along the… uh, the next days, we’ll be inviting, well… people to talk about the team from their perspective, y’know? Like… what your point of view was, being someone who’s focused solely on making the skeletons, or making skeletons as well as casting hands, in the rush of making characters and puppets along the season. What it was like to… plan the cameras, the cinematography, the lights. Where the characters come from, how they are designed. What the process is, because it involves a lot of people… then it’s like… we’ve always liked, as you can clearly see in Cinema Fantasma’s social media… we love the ‘Behind-the-scenes’ aspect of movies. Why? Because aside from school, where we learned the most was watching the ‘Behind-the-scenes’ of series and films. And it was easier to find them before because you could just get a DVD or a Blu-ray and watch the documentary feature. It’s a bit harder nowadays because they don’t really exist anymore, right?
So, we’re kind of… trying to find the way, adapt, just like how Frankelda adapts to the times to tell her stories, we’re trying to adapt to these times, we just happened to make a show in these times, and we’re trying to find new channels to show our ‘Making-of’s and we’ve realized Tik Tok is a great tool for making miny-documentaries to talk about one specific theme, but we’re always left wanting for more, wanting to tell more or to reply to more of your questions first-hand. So that’s precisely what this show is for, right? So we can show you more and broaden the spectrum of what making ‘Frankelda’ was like.
Arturo Ambriz: It’s just, really… it’s fascinating. I mean, we’re lucky, I mean…out of all the creators of all the animated series there’s ever been, I feel like we’re very lucky to have premiered in these times where we can use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok… and be able see the things you write, the things you post, being able to respond, to react with a laughing smiley to the memes you post. And it’s interesting, right? What Roy says about the ‘Making-of’s, which, yeah, they used to be on Blu-Rays or DVDs. Well, now you have a didactic ‘Making-of’, an interactive one, where you can comment, or make questions, and I don’t know if you’ve realized but, we’re always reading your questions, your comments, and we try to reply to those inquiries with more videos, more posts. But, well, it piled up and we decided we’d just talk it out.
So, what we’re going to do is answer to some of your questions. Now, trust us here… first of all, if we managed to get to this point where we have a series in Cartoon Network, in HBOMax, if we made it while being in México, you can make it too. I know a lot of people have this kind of interests, maybe not everyone wants to write the stories or direct them, there’s people who want to do illustration, there’s people who want to do character design, there’s people who want to do the voice work, there’s people who want to do the music, there’s people who want to… I don’t know, maybe even do the logistics and production work! And really, working full-time in animation in México is possible, it’s obviously an industry that hasn’t quite reached the growth we’d like, but I can tell you from personal experience; we’ve been doing this for ten years and things are way, way better right now than what they used to be ten years ago, so I hope this is something that continues to happen with each year and more opportunities are created.
Actually, without going much further, back when Roy and I were getting our degree, I think there were no animation bachellor’s degrees in México at all, and there were barely any for film, they were… they were very scarce. So by now there are a lot more places where you can approach this kind of media, and that’s another reason for these… these sessions, to… if you guys have these artistic inclinations, if you want to create worlds, create characters, I mean, that’s what ‘Frankelda’ is for; Frankelda is inviting you to enter the world of creativity, and to make a living out of it for the rest of your lives.
And this leads me to the first question we’ll be answering here, sent by Daniel García Lacernia, and it reads: ‘How complicated and fun was the creative process?’
Female background voice: Daniela.
Roy Ambriz: Daniela.
Arturo Ambriz: Daniela, sorry, Daniela García Lacierna.
Roy Ambriz: ‘You know, your Majesty, how the creative process goes…’ as Procustes would put it. The creative process was… it’s a mix of super cool, like, in the end, it’s super, super amazing, super cool, but it can also get kind of frustrating, just a bit… I mean… it’s said that whenever an author creates characters, they’re really just exploring different sides of themselves. So, we can… for instance, we can really relate to these characters, even Procustes, y’know? Like in that part at the beginning, when he’s frustrated and he has a creative block and he just can’t write anymore, well, it’s- I think it’s something all of us have experienced. Production in ‘Frankelda’… when we got the challenge, it was a bit like… like in ‘Finding Nemo’ at the end, when the fish are just floating inside their plastic bags, like we were fighting, fighting, fighting to get to make one season and when we got it, it was like ‘Oh… what do we do now?’ y’know? Like, now we have to actually make it.
So, we had to learn and relearn from all of our processes, we had to restructure absolutely every process we’d done before, it was… honestly, just- go for it, even though we were afraid, because that fear made us… the whole team, prep even harder, I’d say. And it was rediscovery, because we’ve always said: ‘Every project -and this is a Cinema Fantasma rule- every project has to be even better than the last one.’ Or if it isn’t, because there’s always fumbles and we have to accept them, we’re still going to try and give our all so it’s better than the last one. And we’d already made the Pilot, and people liked it, really, but we watched it and we were like ‘We can do better, we can make better puppets, we have more time to polish the stories, we can do better post-production, we can improve everything- the sound design, etc, etc.’
And so, it was a long, long process through which… we constantly had to lean on the whole team and we were- there are no rules here, like, to create this, and this is something to keep in mind, we can tell you guys how it was done, how we did it, but if you guys want to do your own stop-motion series, you’re going to have to figure out how to make it yourselves, because there is no rule-book.
So, we had to rediscover, we worked very, very hard, and sometimes it can be exhausting because you do late nights, or something didn’t quite work, or we’re behind in schedule and one tricky puppet isn’t ready yet, and the whole process keeps falling behind in schedule because the little hands aren’t ready, and it can get very harrowing. But then you remember what it is you’re doing, and you’re making dolls, you’re making toys, we all love toys. You’re giving life to them, you’re creating stories that go beyond… beyond us… you’re like ‘OK, this is worth it, it’s no biggie. Is it hard? Well, I’m going to make things even harder for myself to get the best possible result.’ Because that’s what the audience deserves, right?
Arturo Ambriz: Yeah, totally, and… really that’s what it comes down to, right? It’s a very fun way to live, working in stop-motion. Just yesterday we were talking about this, or rather, Beto, our animation director was. Like, it’s amazing, y’know? I mean… we aren’t doing this in our free time, it’s not like we’re getting together on weekends to make ‘Frankelda’, this is our day job and we’re honestly so happy, and we do realize it’s… it’s not normal.
Erm, here’s where I move on to the next question, which is: ‘What can you tell us in advance about season two of ‘Frankelda’?’ … sent by Eilor Pieyarik, I don’t know whether I said that right. What we can say is this. ‘Frankelda’, as you’ve already realized, operates in three narrative timelines. OK? One of them, let’s say it’s the simplest one, it’s the tales. For instance, Nemo and the Gnome, Magali and the Witches, Uli and the Mermaid, Tere and the Boogeyman, that’s the simplest of the narrative timelines, it’s rounded-up little tales, they begin and they end. The second one is Frankelda and book Herneval trapped within the mansion, trying to escape. OK? That’s the one we could call ‘Present time’. OK? So, the first line we mentioned, we could call it ‘Fiction’, or, ‘The Tales’, and the second one is ‘Present time’, it’s Frankelda and Herneval trying to break out. And then there’s timeline number three, the one we’ve realized you all loved, it’s… Herneval, Spook Herneval, Francisca just starting to write, and how this journey to the Kingdom of Spooks began.
So, what we can guarantee is that for season two, even though we are getting new stories and the new Spooks will be great fun, and we’ll even be seeing a couple of familiar faces, the real fun starts with understanding what the new ‘Present Time’ is, because now they’re apart, Herneval-libro and Frankelda are apart, they’re not together anymore, and that was the common ground in this series for the whole first season. Now they’re apart, which is a mess… and besides, we’re going to go way more into what happened with Francisca, what happened with Herneval, what happened with Procustes, even what happened to other characters some of you already figured are in there somewhere, but I can’t give away too much about them just yet.
Roy Ambriz: Something that gets me very sad when I think about it is what’s going to happen to Herneval, right? Like, he suffers his- ah, I can’t go into that? Alright. Poor Herneval…
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Arturo Ambriz: Erm, let’s switch questions…!
Roy Ambriz: Alright, another one…
Arturo Ambriz: Before Roy starts giving away all the spoilers… let’s see… this one’s really good, this is a question by Hiuba Koblack. It’s: ‘I’ve got a question, was it tricky to manipulate Herneval-libro for photographing?’
Roy Ambriz: Yeah. Actually, he’s one of- the spirit of Cinema Fantasma is to always experiment in our processes. To not stay in our comfort zone and a place that’s already easy for us, instead, what can we do to push even further? And the moment we made up our minds to make a book, something we agreed on was: ‘He really has to feel like an actual book.’ Like, Frankelda has to be able to grab him and turn the pages, and at the same time, he has to look alive. And here’s where creativity starts, and you start to think ‘How am I going to solve this?’. You start with the character design, we had a lot of talks with, with animation department. For instance, one thing we decided is, it’s difficult to make ‘Replacements’ for the mouths… for a book. So, how do we do it? Do we sculpt a bunch of them or not? And that’s where Beto, the animation director, goes: ‘You guys are forgetting something about our main sources of inspiration, which is The Muppets.’ To me there isn’t a more emotional song, a song that hits home as much as ‘Rainbow Connection’ by Kermit, ‘La Rana René’, Kermit, as he is known nowadays, and it’s so emotive, and you see- you see him playing at his lake and… ‘Rainbow Connection…’, and the Muppets, they actually just have this kind of mouth movements. We’re big Jim Henson fans, and just with opening and closing the mouth, no blinking, no mechanisms around the ears or anything, just with subtle movements, they can convey so much. And we were like ‘Of course! There’s they key for Herneval!’ because he’s just going to open and close his mouth and we’ll have to get all the emotions out of that.
Then, so he could actually feel like a book, well, we literally used a small book that had been a prop in a previous project, I mean, this is a prop from a different production, and… and let’s say this was his lucky break, because… eh, he got to become the star…
Arturo Ambriz: He got ‘Promoted’.
Roy Ambriz: He got a promotion and now he’s the star in his own series, and he came to life, and then it was like… how do we adapt an actual book into a puppet?’
Arturo Ambriz: He’s just like… (Intelligible)
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Roy Ambriz: And we had to make… we had to put hidden wires here in… this part, for example, with these ornaments. It’s because it’s a wire, and it has two more hidden wires here on the sides, which allow us to open and close. Then it was this block right here. First, we pasted it real good so it’d become solid, and then with a dremel, which is this little dentist-like machine, like ‘Tssss’… it spins on a drill, I was able to carve the little teeth, right? So he’d look alive. We put the little eyes, the eyebrows, the mouth on him; it’s funny because he has a small block -this is for everyone out there who’s wanting to make an Herneval of their own, we’ve seen the ones you’re making and they look amazing- this little block here is stuck together so it allows for the mouth to exist, but the parts underneath aren’t. So, the singular piece allows for a bit more control, and the looseness underneath, yeah- it gives it perfect balance, and it's held back here with a book. We made a hole, we punctured the book, and it’s held there, and this allows there to be some balance and we can work with it, but it really is quite a simple puppet, one of our favorites, though, definitely.
Arturo Ambriz: Alright, let’s move on to the next question… oh, boy, yeah, we can see there’s a lot of them…
Roy Ambriz: Are you gonna read them all? OK
Arturo Ambriz: We’re going to try and answer as many movies as we can…
Roy Ambriz: Questions.
Arturo Ambriz: Sorry, as many questions as we can. This one, for instance, we can answer it quickly: ‘What are your favorite stop-motion movies?’ This one was by Juan José Morales Rodriguez. In my case, erm… it’s definitely ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’. Not only is it my favorite stop-motion film of all time, it might even be my absolute favorite… that and ‘Spirited Away’. I think those are my two favorite movies. My experience with ‘El Extraño Mundo de Jack’, or ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’, is that on the VHS, back when I was a kid, it said ‘Tim Burton’s Nightmare before Christmas’ and I was like ‘That’s weird, why isn’t it called Jack Skellington’s The Nightmare Before Christmas?’ and that’s when it hit me, there were people who made the film, there was an author and therefore, adults could work and make a living out of making movies and making little toys and animating them. That’s when I was like: ‘Oh, my god! If this is a thing, I don’t have to worry ever again, in my whole life, because that’s what I’m doing, period. I don’t have to worry about being an engineer, an architect, a vet, a lawyer. Because if this is an existing career; writing stories, making toys and animating them, that’s it. That’s my place.’ And it was, like, quite the definitive decision for me, even though I was really young, y’know? Like, maybe starting Elementary School. And you?
Roy Ambriz: Me… well, obviously also- stop-motion, right?
Arturo Ambriz: Right.
Roy Ambriz: OK. Well, I obviously love ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ too, but ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ is a marvel to me. Beautiful. And also some other types I like, that I recommend -you always have to look further, right? So, for instance, if you like stop-motion and you’re only getting started, and you already saw the more commercial ones, you can also check authors like Jan Švankmajer out, right? He’s this really artistic Chzech animator. One of his films that I like the most is ‘Otezánek’ or ‘Little Otik’, which is about a plant baby that comes to life. There’s authors like Jiří Barta, who, you can watch his shorts in youtube. Or the Quay brothers, who also do some really crazy stuff, right? So… just for watching, I’ll put on ‘Fantastic Mr. Fox’ or ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’, but you must always be searching and searching and searching, and, just that, nurture yourself visually, because you can only create with what’s inside your head and it’s going to be a mix of what you have. So, the more you have from paintings, authors, stop-motion films, 3D films, live-action films, the more you’ll be able to create things because you’ll have a broader vocabulary, y’know? Inside of you.
Arturo Ambriz: Visiting places too.
Roy Ambriz: Visiting places, traveling, going to museums. If in Museo de Antropología there’s an exposition on whatever, go for it, you know? And that nurtures you and inspires new ideas.
Arturo Ambriz: It might sound silly but even eating weird stuff, right? Even just not always getting the breaded chicken with fries, I mean…
Roy Ambriz: Yeah, that’s it.
Arturo Ambriz: It’s a whole life attitude, of always being on the lookout of alternatives and the unusual, and this nurtures you in every way. Let’s see, now, I just realized we have four different versions of Herneval here. We have little book Herneval, live-action Herneval from the intro, Hernevalito and Hernevalote. Well, no, this is…
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Roy Ambriz: Herneval-LOTE!
Arturo Ambriz: Hunk Herneval, as some have called him. And that’s just where the next question aims. It’s ‘How did the idea of Herneval and Frankelda’s name itself come up?’ Asked by Jimena Olmos. You can start if you want.
Roy Ambriz: Well, Herneval, we knew from the start that… when Cartoon Network offered us the opportunity to pitch, to show them a horror series, we were like ‘It has to be an anthology.’ Because it’s a format we love, and it allows us to tell a lot of different stories, like a showcase, and it’s also good for us as a company to show what we can do, right? I mean, like a range. We were like: ‘Who should be the protagonist? A male writer, No, a female writer.’ And right then, we met Mireya Mendoza. We were like: ‘She’s GOT to be Frankelda.’ And she got all her… her attitude, you know? Her character, and she helped, she helped us a lot when building the character. We were like: ‘But she’s got to have like a… a sidekick, right? Whatever you call it, y’know? Someone she can talk to and whatnot.’ And basing ourselves a lot on one of our favorite series, called ‘The Storyteller’, by Jim Henson, it was a… it’s a story that -it’s on Amazon, you can watch it, ‘El Cuentacuentos’, ‘The Storyteller’. Well, at least in México, it is- and it’s some sort of gnome, played by John Hurt, who is a great actor, with amazing characterization, and he has a dog, and the dog, he… he’s a grumpy dog, to whom he starts to tell the tales, and he interrupts, and he’s like ‘Hey, you’re being boring!’ Among other things. So they start to interact.
Then we wondered: ‘Who can be the sidekick, the ghost writer’s helper?’ and it was like: ‘Well, obviously, it has to be her book!’ Because an artist always has a dialogue and talks to their work, and even further, there’s artists who fall in love with their creation. So that’s why Frankelda is in love with her book, who is Herneval. And from there on -Psssh! We started to, like: ‘Wow! This has so much potential. Was he always a book, wasn’t he always a book? Who was he?’ and in the Pilot we couldn’t really get into that, but we always knew that ‘Frankelda’ ultimately is a story about love, the love for art, love for oneself, love for creating, and therefore love between these two characters, and that’s where all the seasons are heading to.
Arturo Ambriz: Precisely. We were checking the first PDF we sent to Cartoon Network with the ideas to make ‘Frankelda’, and at the time the story wasn’t really very clear yet, we just had the characters, and, precisely, there he was still ‘The Book’ Right? ‘Frankelda’s Book’. I mean, we introduce Frankelda, like…
Roy Ambriz: Back in the Pilot she still called him ‘Book!’, right?
Arturo Ambriz: Exactly, it wasn’t even Herneval. Back then she called him ‘Book!’. And, picture this, it said -in Frankeldas’ section it said… ‘Frankelda. She’s the best horror writer to have ever existed, but she’s passed away, and her ghost tells us stories. The Book. He’s Frankelda’s number one fan…’ that is, the very first line we wrote on this character that eventually became Herneval is ‘Frankelda’s number one fan.’ So, we realized later on. Well… maybe they were actually in love, maybe… well, I don’t want to spoil it even more.
And, going back to where Herneval’s name comes from, which is a question we’ve often seen in fan groups, and I think no one’s quite nailed it. The word ‘Herneval’ comes from mixing two names together. To begin with, well, you know, we’ve said this several times already, the main inspiration for Frankelda is the author Mary Shelley, writer of ‘Frankenstein’, a great book which we recommend you read, and Mary Shelley, in real life, was married to another writer called Percy. Percy Shelley. Actually, that’s where her last name came from, right? Mary Shelley’s. Percy Shelley was the original inspiration for this hunk. Back in the first drafts of the script, since we still didn’t make a name up for him, we’d simply call him Percival. ‘Percival does this, Percival does that’. But then we realized that there’s already so many Percivals, without going much further, Percival is one of Albus Dumbledore’s names, because he has a ton of them…
Roy Ambriz: Percy Jackson
Arturo Ambriz: There’s Percy Jackson. So we said: ‘OK, let’s combine the name Percival that comes from Percy Shelley with someone else’. And there happens to be a figure from… he appears in ‘The Merry Wives of Windsor’, which is a William Shakespeare drama. There’s a spirit in the woods who rides around and he has antlers, and he steals maidens and his name is Herne, the Huntsman. He’s some sort of like… ghost or specter called Herne, the Huntsman. So when we combine Herne, the Huntsman, with Percival, we get Herneval. Well, let’s go to the next question, which Roy will answer, and it’s -Oooh, this is a really good one.
Roy Ambriz: Let’s hear it.
Arturo Ambriz: It’s a question by Atziri Ferrer. Asking: ‘Do you already know how the story will end?’
Roy Ambriz: Ssss…! Aaaaah!!
Arturo Ambriz: Don’t. Don’t open it.
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Roy Ambriz: ‘Tinta invisible…’ Yes. Yes, yes, yes! We know full well how it ends.
Arturo Ambriz: We’ve even visualized the last frames already.
Roy Ambriz: And it’s beautiful, I think if we get to that point, we’re all going to tear up watching it…
Arturo Ambriz: We’ll be even worse off than you guys…
Roy Ambriz: Yes… I’m not telling if it’ll be happy or sad tears, but we’re crying for sure. And… I think it’s something we did at the very start, we- when you make your own series, you have to know everything about it. Because… well, there’s several different ways to write it, but… if we can count on all the seasons to tell these stories, when you watch episode one again, you’ll understand things you didn’t… until you see the very last episode. That is, when you watch the last episode, you’ll see something you hadn’t spotted in that first episode that’s already up. We don’t exactly know how we’re going to get there yet because there’s so many roads to explore, and a lot of ideas, it’s a creative process. We have to evolve and work it, but we know full well where it is we want to get.
In order to tell this story, we need at least… at the very least three seasons. That’s the very least. But if there were more of them, we could stretch out, this is why I tell you this will depend on how many seasons we get. When we know that, we’ll know how to get there.  But yeah, we’re certain of the ending and I think you’ll be very happy when… when you get to see it.
Arturo Ambriz: And… now that Roy ‘s brought this topic on, this is worth clarifying. No, season two still hasn’t been confirmed. Believe me, if it happens, it’ll be thanks to you, to all the support you’ve shown in social media. And… I swear. People from HBOMax LA and Cartoon Network LA are our best allies, we’re good friends with them and they helped us a lot with making everything we wanted to do come true.
Thing is, it’s not easy to make this kind of a series. Why? Because HBOMax and Cartoon Network already produce so many things in the United States and they could never produce a series outside their country and still be a huge hit. I mean, the trick is showing them that this is profitable work, as this is only business for them, show them that it’s worth it to invest in these projects. So, for them it’s very important to know how much people’s watched the show in HBOMax, how many people watched it more than once, who’s talking about it in social media, who’s mentioning the HBOMax LA accounts, whether they’re posting fanarts, whether they’re making fan-groups, whether they’re making fanfics- all of that helps us prove there’s an audience for ‘Frankelda’. And not only that, I mean, right now the big obstacle to overcome is getting the OK for season two, but then we’ll have obstacles that are even more fun, such as… getting the OK for ‘Frankelda’ action figures, selling apparel, selling hats, selling… scarves. Making the art book! Everyone brings it up…
Roy Ambriz: I’m dying for a scarf, haha.
Arturo Ambriz: A scarf with Hernevalito’s face. It’d be cute.
Roy Ambriz: For Christmas.
Arturo Ambriz: Erm…
Roy Ambriz: Here he is as Tiny Tim with…
Arturo Ambriz: Oh, that’s right!
Roy Ambriz:  Bob Cratchit, together.
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Arturo Ambriz: You see, everyone’s written to us like: ‘Do the art book already!!’ And the answer is: ‘We know, we want to!!’ We’re dying to, ‘cause there’s tons to show. Concept art, making-of photographies, sculpting and painting processes, casting, sets, props, because Cinema Fantasma’s work is mind-blowing. Seriously, we work with top artists, we’re dying to make that book, but think about it. I mean. In terms of profit. Maybe HBOMax’s like ‘No, but, what if we make ten thousand books and we only sell fourteen of them’, right? So that’s why, we have to gradually conquer these walls. Let’s keep in mind that ‘Frankelda’ is a low-budget Mexican series, super indie, that’s why you get this pair of… of clowns ranting in front of a camera, explaining, and we’re not on this giant set like… like the one they’d interview the ‘Mandalorian’ creators in. All of us together, as a community, let’s crumble these walls and make this little series grow and grow and grow. And make it so it can eventually get launched in the United States. Not yet. Right now it’s only available in Latin-America.
Roy Ambriz: Uh-huh.
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danepopfrippery · 9 months
After that cd post went viral where i said no thanks i decided to do a set on preserving/freeing your media because a lot of gen z and a dont even know what ripping a cd is. Im all for freeing your media and owning it even if the grid goes down. I still hate cds tho.
33 and 1/3rds, cassettes and 45rpm records:
78rpm records and anything older:
Freeing your ebooks/finding ebooks of books u already own:
Film/tv and family movies:
Streaming your now available films/shows/music
Preserving pics family and otherwise
All these can be mac or pc and most of them you’ll need itunes which is free, audacity (also free) and a cd/dvd drive for your computer:
Limited-time deal: Gotega External DVD Drive, USB 3.0 Portable +/-RW , DVD Player for CD ROM Burner Compatible with Laptop Desktop PC Windows Linux OS Apple Mac Black https://a.co/d/5d1a7tg
After that its more specific
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anarkissm · 9 months
ghostface voice: what's your character's favorite horror genre?
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JAKE enjoyed the occasional silent horror film. black-and-whites like frankenstein's monster, dracula, the call of cthulu. foreign horror films from asia or europe with small budgets and entertaining or even oscar-worthy scripts. the tastes of an "old soul". been "living under a rock" (i.e. mountainside) for half a decade, so he is not interested in most forms of entertainment media at that point.
CLAUDETTE is not a huge horror movies fan. but she loves science fiction horror (aliens, the thing, jurassic park, h.g. well's the time machine, etc.). doesn't find the appeal in popular horror subgenres like slashers, gore-fests, and paranormal/demonic possessions because the ableism is disheartening. she tends to point out inconsistencies with the blood splatter, the unrealistic plot armor, the complete lack of human self-preservation instincts, because it always breaks the immersion and she eventually falls asleep, bored. but she will cover her eyes or bury her face into the nearest shoulder at the sight of jump scares and the loud, sinister music that usually goes off before a jump scare.
the legion (JOEY and FRANK) will watch anything and everything about horror. half the time, they're talking during the movie or documentary, debates and arguments and jokes. joey's into gory horror, and horror anime; the story is not necessarily important to them, it's the gore, the deaths, the kill count. they find the unrealistic blood splatters very funny, great job, no notes. they enjoy horror parodies like scary movie. in contrast, frank has an informed understanding of symbolism and allegorical narratives in creative works because he spent all of his time in juvie reading books, newspapers, magazines; anything he could. he is a brutal critic and always has shit to say. never rates movies with a full 5-stars because he doesn't believe in perfection. joey and frank argue extensively and loudly during the legion's movie nights; from the perspective of an outsider, it would look hostile. but one of them eventually starts laughing, or they start play-wrestling. they're both just obnoxiously distracting regardless of the horror genre. like, just imagine this video, but it's frank and joey lol.
ADAM was not permitted to watch horror movies or "risque" films by his uncle julian when he was a kid; he did not want adam to be influenced by "hollywood magic" and western propaganda. julian also believed that watching horror movies about demons and evil would invite negativity, or duppies. but adam did watch more films as an adult in college, VHS tapes in the dormatory's common room, outdoor movies set up on the campus quad, and the local theater in kagoshima. adam was a practical man who respected julian's guidance, and he did not feel as if he was missing out on much by gluing his eyes to a TV screen or religiously listening to the radio for the latest trendy song. instead, adam always had his eyes in a book, or even a graphic novel: the handmaid's tale, the man in the high castle, the left hand of darkness, the x-men. to him, the most horrifying stories are the ones where the world is helpless against a much more sinister monster: ideology.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy 75th Birthday Denis Lawson born September 27, 1947 in Glasgow. and Kinross Star Wars connections here, Lawson’s nephew is, of course, Ewan McGregor, who portrayed Obi-Wan Kenobi in the prequel trilogy.and he was also an early drama school classmate of Ian McDiarmid, aka Emperor Palpatine in movie franchise.
Lawson t grew up in Crieff, Perthshire, after his family moved there when he was three years old. He is the son of Phyllis Neno, a merchant, and Laurence Lawson, a watchmaker Denis was educated at Crieff Primary School (then called Crieff Public School). After the 11-plus examination, he attended Morrison's Academy as a day pupil before attending the Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama, having first unsuccessfully auditioned for the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. He then sold carpets and did amateur theatre work for a year in Dundee before auditioning again at RADA in London and successfully at RSAMD in Glasgow.
Lawson began his acting career with a small role in a 1969 stage production of The Metamorphosis in London's West End. and has since starred in television dramas such as The Merchant of Venice  opposite Laurence Olivier as Shylock, Rock Follies and Dead Head.
Denis has been in too many other TV shows to mention, from the original Dr. Finlay’s Casebook and of course with almost every other Scottish actor he has starred in a Bill Forsyth film, his being Local Hero, but unusually he has never been in Taggart, his last film role of note was in the Glasgow Gangster film, The Wee Man, Denis was in 61 episodes of the long running hospital drama, Holby City as consultant cardiothoracic surgeon Tom Campbell-Gore and 37 episodes of the crime drama New Tricks. In 2017 he played The Duke of Atholl in the series Victoria.
In Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope his voice was dubbed by David Ankrum. He reprised the role, in voice-over form, in the Nintendo GameCube game Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader. Lawson’s voice also provided the narration for the audio book of Heir to the Empire and Dark Force Rising in both novels, he reprised his role as Wedge Antilles as well as playing all characters.
Lawson turned down Lucas’s proposal to make a cameo as Raymus Antilles in Revenge of the Sith.
Lawson was approached to return for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, but declined, stating that it “just would have bored [him].”he did however resurface in The Rise of Skywalker and voiced  Wedge Antilles  in the Video game Star Wars: Squadrons
Denis has been quiet for onscreen roles lately, but he has been treading the boards, his last show was  Anything Goes at the Festival Theatre in Edinburgh last spring. 
​No stranger to Edinburgh, it was here that Lawson spent some of the formative years of his career working at both the Royal Lyceum and old Traverse in the Grassmarket, where he trained with the legendary dancer, actor, teacher, mime artist, and choreographer, Lindsay Kemp.
His childhood heroes were silver screen stars like Danny Kaye, Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire.“American Vaudeville kind of people,” he clarifies, “That's what made me want to perform. I wanted to be like them and Anything Goes is that 'front-cloth' vaudevillian-style show and I just love it. It's fantastic - musical theatre has always been a strong part of my career."
So strong, if fact, he won an Olivier Award for his performance as Jim Lancaster in the musical, Mr Cinders.
On his nephew, Ewan, Denis has clarified the line that he tried to talk MacGregor out of the Star Wars role of Obi-Wan Kenobi, saying;
“Ewan likes to say that, but it wasn't like that at all. He was young at the time and it's easy in this profession to get pigeon-holed, so all I said to him was to just be careful. To make sure he really wanted to do it. It was great that he did it and ignored ‘my advice’ and he was fantastic in it. He is an amazing talent.”
It's Lawson we have to thank for encouraging that talent and he remembers, "My sister Carol came to me and said that Ewan, who was eight at the time, had something to tell me. He stood in front of me very seriously and said, 'I want to be an actor.' And I said, ‘Fine, well come back to me in a few years and we will discuss it’. As with me, it never went away and I am immensely proud of what he has done.”
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cuzimmortal · 3 months
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will do something to spite others because they can and its fun ;; searching eyes under sunglasses while a charming smirk is always present ;; thin silver chain around neck and silver ring clad fingers with faint bruises.
quick look into current playlist :: watch it by the boyz ; guilty’ by taemin ; overdrive by i.m.; annihilate by metro boomin swae lee lil wayne offset ; villain by neoni ; enemy by imagine dragons ; drinking with cupid by voila
as described by others :: good at everything, dives headfirst without checking the temperature, faded jeans, popular because actual nice guy, always working out, unwavering faith, loses himself in a good book, here for a good time not a long time mentality, adrenaline junkie, nap king, doesn’t take anything seriously, bottles their emotions, gives off golden retriever energy, awkward when you first meet them but maybe its from hitting on you, ride or die personality when it comes to family and friends, admirable work ethic and discipline but still knows how to have fun, good taste in films.
NAME : rhodes dlaton
NICKNAME : rhodey
AGE : 25, December 17th
GENDER IDENTITY : cis man (he/him pronouns)
SEXUAL/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION : pansexual pan romantic
SPOKEN LANGUAGES : english, french, learning latin
WORK LIFE : actor & co owner of core fitness
POSITIVE TRAITS : honest, confident, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS : reckless, nonchalant, hot-headed
FACECLAIM : emilio sakraya
FAMILY LIFE : oldest, has a younger sibling who is 10. currently lives in the Paragons in Queens. owns a pair of cats named poe & finn.
— THE DEEP DEEP DEEPER WE GO;; (still have to add more)
Rhodes is the oldest child of a award winning film director and actress who got together after working on a film. Rhodes is very much an oops nepo baby but he embraces it. started acting as a child on tv shows and commercial before getting his big break in an action movie franchise as the male lead. is now one of the most talked about actors in part thanks to his acting chops and his ability to do his own stunts.
very much a stoic dude that looks all serious but is actually a funny guy. your neighborhood gym rat that, with a friend, decided to open up a gym together called Core Fitness that is his pride and joy.
Personality wise, is too smart for his own good and knows it. is known in the tabloids as the boy next door and is just in all around good dude. loves to prove others wrong about him being just a rich kid/slash nepo baby, hence why he is learning latin because someone dared him to. he is really the poster child of ‘looks like can kill you if provoked but is an actual cinnamon roll'. will always offer others to join him to watch films and can talk your ear off about them.
Ships wise, when it comes to friends is there for them. loyal to a fault for them and yes will be honest with them about things. he will give advice and if they don’t take it, is like oh well and then if something happens would probably tell you I told you so afterwards. most likely is that guy that lets his friends crash at his apartment.
as for relationships, he may not look it but is an actual romantic. like gives you flowers or chocolates, maybe even goes outside your window and plays you music, he’s that type of guy. but also because he is so out-going most likely has slept around. do not blame him if he starts flirting, can’t help himself.
CO-OWNER wanted connection on the main. (soon!!!)
RIDE OR DIE ( open to one ) ;; the bestie, the platonic soulmate, the one she would do anything for, maybe they have pet names for each other, etc. they are the best of friends and no one can tear them apart (maybe?).
LATE NITE BUDDIES/CONFIDENT ( open to a few ) ;; he is always up late, either watching a film or working out. maybe they meet up to talk, eat or maybe no talking happens and they enjoy the company while each does their own thing. possibly also act as confidents for each other
EXES ( open to two ) ;; honestly, i just like exes. bonus points if there’s still tension and hook up but then regret it or if they’re just really good friends now with no tension at all. maybe they hook up here because tension is there. i love all options.
WILL THEY, WONT THEY ( open to one ) ;; essentially a flirtationship. no harm, no foul - is the mantra aka its all just easy fun. they flirt too much that others assume that they are dating, already dated, or are going to at some point. maybe even the idea has been on one of their mind but they are too good of friends to ever cross that line.
ONE (OR MORE) NIGHT STAND/ FLING ( open to many ) ;; one night, she was maybe a little bit down and needed something to pick her up. this worked. or maybe they met up at the bar or a party and it just happened. whether it’s turned into a regular thing or was just one night can be determined later. they could even be friends now.
MOVIE FRIENDS ( open to a few ) ;; people who also enjoy films. whether it be always watching a movie together or like to dissect them, maybe even invited them to his film premieres or what not. anything film related.
GYM FRIENDS ( open to a few ) ;; just a gym bro being friends with others who love going to the gym or possibly someone who wants to get into going and he decides to act as a sort of sponsor/mentor, anything gym related.
ENEMIES / FRENEMIES ( open to one ) ;; however these enemies/frenemies became known to each other can be determined later, but either way they dislike / hate / talk about each other behind their backs.
honestly anything else you can think of, i’m down for!!
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clairelsonao3 · 1 year
Top 10 Character Essence
It's tag game time again!
@tabswrites and @hollyannewrites challenged (and I do mean challenged) me to name my top ten characters "decided by their essence or meaning to you."
  A challenge to give your Top 10 favourite characters, based on their ESSENCE. They have to be favourite characters that also have a deeper literary value, where you enjoy their specific role in the story, and this means that the list also should exclude characters that would normally count as favourites if for purely nostalgic reasons. They can be from film, tv, or written media, anything.
Thank you! I hope I fulfilled the challenge the way it was meant to be fulfilled!
Although TBH, I can't believe I'm even attempting to tackle this. I have to choose only 10? I think it goes without saying this list is not exhaustive, nor does it represent all of my favorite books/movies/media. I really did try to capture the question by focusing on "essence and meaning" (including how they've influenced my own writing and not just "random characters I like." I also have to attempt not to write an essay for each because we don't want to be here all night.
Charlotte Doyle (The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi) Rich girl in the early 1800s gets on a ship with a mutinous crew and an evil captain, joins the crew, defeats the captain using only her wits, miraculously makes it home, AND THEN DECIDES TO GO BACK TO SEA AND BECOME A SAILOR. I read this all in one sitting one night when I was about 15 (after avoiding it because I thought it looked boring) and then literally decided to reshape my entire life based on it (I'm not kidding). Yes, I actually took up sailing. Also, there's a hot sailor that she obviously has chemistry with but it's left unresolved, and no one has ever written a future fic about it to my knowledge, and that's a CRIME. So yeah, step right up.
John Bender (The Breakfast Club) He's not just the original '80s bad boy with a Dark and Troubled Past, but what most people forget about him is that he's also hilarious. It's a rare combination. Honorary mention to his love interest, Claire, and not just because of her name.
Fantine (Les Miserables by Victor Hugo) - Mostly the book version of her, though she obviously has a showstopping number in the musical as well. She was the sad, angsty character I needed during the most sad, angsty period of my life. She was a poor, lonely urchin who found fleeting love and happiness in the spring, got abandoned and pregnant in the winter -- and it only got worse from there. Also, apropos of nothing, at one point, I wrote a short story featuring a dog by the same name -- who, um, died.
The Artful Dodger/Dodger (Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens/Oliver & Company) - I'm including both the human version and the dog version of this character because I love them both (though I actually prefer the Disney movie, lol). They're both thieves with devil-may-care attitudes, with soft spots for those more vulnerable than themselves. Plus, the dog version is Billy Joel, wears sunglasses, and plays piano with his tail, which -- I don't care what anyone says -- will never not be cool.
Satine (Moulin Rouge) - She was the beautiful, sparkling, singing, dancing tragic sex goddess I so badly wanted to be. So much so that as recently as five years ago when I reluctantly dressed up for a Halloween party, I chose her silver-dress-and-top-hat ensemble.
Rick Blaine (Casablanca) The most endlessly quotable character from one of the most endlessly quotable and romantic movies of all time. He sticks his neck out for no one. Except, oops, wait, he does. The OG Hollywood antihero with a Dark and Troubled -- whatever, you know the drill. Plus, he's also my dad's favorite character in his favorite movie (and I discovered it because of him), and so this pick has sentimental meaning for me.
Leah Price (The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver) - When we read this book in high school, she was the least popular character, probably due to her unwavering love and support for her dad, even though he was a singular-focused religious zealot who destroyed his entire family by dragging them into the African jungle in an ill-thought-out missionary trip. And then she married a guy with some of the same qualities (but he was better, thankfully). But for whatever weird reason, I related to her most. Anyway, for class, I wrote and tried to perform a monologue where I played her but forgot 90 percent of my lines. Oh well.
Mary Lennox (The Secret Garden by France Hodgson Burnett, I found the movie version fairly meh) There were a lot of spunky, iconic childhood book heroines to choose from, but she was Mary, Mary Quite Contrary, and so I choose her. (I got told to "smile" a lot as a kid). Also, as I mentioned in a previous post, I was a Mary/Dickon shipper before I even knew what shipping meant.
Neal Caffrey (White Collar) - Does anyone remember this show? I have no attention span for TV, and this is probably the last scripted show I remember watching every episode of during its original run, which is saying something. Everything I know about being a con artist (in fiction, lol) I learned from this charming, charismatic art-forger-turned-FBI-consultant. I think he also has the honor of being the subject of the first actual fanfic I ever wrote.
Iris Chase Griffin (The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood) I also had to pick one character of my favorite author, so Iris gets the crown. She starts off the story as an old lady looking back to when she was forced to marry some rich asshole instead of the science fiction writer (with a past that was -- wait for it -- Dark and Troubled) who BOTH she and her sister loved, and meanwhile, her sister became a writer and when she died it was discovered that -- oh, just read the goddamn book, I won't spoil it for you here.
Honorable mentions, in no particular order:
Violet Westing (The Westing Game by Ellen Raskin)
Jack Kelly (Newsies the movie, NOT the stage musical)
Turonga Leela (Futurama)
Vicky Austin (The Austins by Madeleine L'Engle)
Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt-Bukater (Titanic) I can't decide between them, so they're getting an HM.
Palaestrio and Milphidippa (Miles Gloriosus by Plautus) Same as above.
Michael Furey (The Dead by James Joyce) Who is, in fact, dead throughout the story -- but being alive wasn't one of the requirements.
I wish I could include a Star Wars character, but could never decide, so let's say, oh, all of them, except that one you hate.
In case the following people want to do what I did and spend several WEEKS on this fascinating but life-ruining (in a good way) tag game: @mysticstarlightduck @enne-uni @kixngiggles @obviousknife + OPEN TAG because you don't even have to be a writer for this one, so I'd be interested in hearing from anybody who wants to chime in!
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