#they're the beard batch now
zaana · 28 days
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adding echo, tech and omega!
here's the first three (x)
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fbwzoo · 6 months
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Have I mentioned I'm having entirely too much fun feeding this lizard? 😂😂 First picture is today's salad - mustard/dandelion/collard greens, plus parsley, alfalfa sprouts, and butternut squash. Second picture is how he thanked me for yesterday's meal. 😂 At least he didn't poop on the leftover salad this time?
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xecutivecucumber · 2 months
Executive Cucumber's Thoughts on The Bad Batch 03×12!
Spoilers under the cut
Let start out by saying holy heck that was the cool down episode I needed. My sister watched it before me and was able to tell me that Tech/CX-2 wasn't in it for a significant amount, so I was able to get past my disappointment and not be stressed out during the episode. Yes, I'm still on the 'Tech is CX-2 Bandwagon.' I do think they should have revealed him to the audience earlier, because I have to actively avoid Bad Batch social media (*cough*reddit*cough*) for my own mental health because of the negativity around the idea. It's really draining.
Anyway, on to the actual episode!
Today I realized that I might be triggered by Omega being trapped at Tantiss because of some past experiences. (And yes, if you've read my fics you know that I've done it to her too, but I have control over that and I think the problem is the lack of control I have)
Hi Tech! I love you! Please be un brainwashed soon!
I want to murder Hemlock. I don't know if I've ever hated a Star Wars villain like this before. It feels so personal.
It devastates me that they're going to take Omega's clothes away. Clothes that were given to her by people who love her. Ow.
Also you're playing a dangerous game, not keeping those binders on her, Hemlock.
'Is everything all right, Dr. Karr?' 'No, the Jango parent gene got awakened in me and that does not go away'
Why does Emerie think she HAS to do this?
I'm a little disappointed we didn't see Hunter find out about Omega. He's probably just in 'go' mode, honestly. Adrenaline and all that.
Crosshair is so proud of Omega oh my gosh.
Oh my gosh Tech told Phee about Crosshair. That implies that had more time than we saw. That makes me so happy and sad.
Phee talks about Tech with such fondness. You can tell how much she cared about him. I feel like I'm watching a widow who's processed her grief but still talks about her husband because she loved him.
Also, looking at Phee, she doesn't really have any implied make up on. She's very natural. Good for her.
...Rampart looks kinda good with a beard.
Okay Tech would find the stunt Phee pulled extremely attractive.
This is the closest we've gotten to the original Batch we've gotten in a very long time. It feels good to see them go mission mode with Crosshair.
This is reminding me of Eriadu and I don't like it.
Crosshair asking Wrecker if he remembered whatever plan and then patiently waiting for him to remember lives rent free in my head he's so sweet.
Also, Crosshair's theme is played in this really fun way?
Crosshair should be allowed to kick Rampart in the balls. As a treat.
Rampart you snake. Crosshair should have shot him in the leg instead of stunning him.
My sister pointed out that the juggernaut represents how the Batch is right now. You cannot stop them.
Man, it's nice to not to be as conflicted when the TK troopers die, as opposed to when clones were sent against them. Quick thought though, does Wolffe have all the remaining clones?
Man these guys get BRUTALIZED.
Them throwing around passed out Rampart is amazing and should continue to happen.
Okay Wrecker has his knife out HE IS READY TO TORTURE A MAN.
Frick you Rampart. He is the worst replacement for Omega.
Aww they probably didn't bring Batcher on the mission to protect her. (Plus she a half trained dog and it was a stealth mission)
And then the boys spent the next hour arguing over who has to call Echo and tell him.
Hemlock you FOULE you're giving Omega ALLIES. Also why are you telling her all this. She will use it against you.
Gall, I hate Hemlock.
Again, I really needed this cool down episode. Though I'm afraid the final three episodes are going to hurt. THIS IS MY FAVORITE SHOW WHY IS IT STRESSING ME OUT SO MUCH. ALSO WAITING A WEEK FOR EPISODES ALSO SUCKS. A LOT.
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tyrantisterror · 5 months
A Hundred Some New ATOM Kaiju Pt. 2
We're continuing our showcase of ATOM kaiju who've been lingering in my "to ink and color" pile for years, and yep, it's more retrosaurs. Listen, I have to draw big dinosaur monsters frequently to make life worth living, ok? We'll get to some non-retrosaurs in... part 5, probably.
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The last batch had a Crystal Palace Megalosaur-inspired kaiju in it, so we'll start this one with one inspired by the Crystal Palace Iguanodon.
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Next, some horned goliaths. The first is inspired by a very old styracosaurus toy I found that really emphasized the "lizard" approach of retro dinosaur designs, looking like a bearded dragon with an elaborate crest more than an actual styracosaur. Our second is loosely inspired by Armadon from Primal Rage and Triceramon from Digimon, being my stab at what a bipedal ceratopsian monster would look like. The remaining three are me just trying to have fun with ceratopsians the way I do with theropods.
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Stegronox was a fusion of stegosaur and ankylosaur traits in part to open up slots for more non-retrosaur kaiju in my cast of "core 50" kaiju for ATOM Volumes 1 and 2, so when working outside of those 50 I decided to do two retrosaur kaiju who focus on those two indvidually. The akylosaur's name is Ankylus, which is me being cheeky since that's basically what Anguirus's name would be if you translated it differently - they're both just "ankylosaurus" with a few less syllables. Then, for symmetry I suppose, I did an upright bipedal armored goliath to match the bipedal horned goliath, because "What if a four-legged creature stood on two legs" is a pretty easy way to make a monster feel distinct.
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Like Stegronox, Pachydon was a combination of two different dinosaurs into one retrosaur to conserve slots in the core 50, and so I felt compelled to do two bonus retrosaur kaiju who took those two components and game them their proper due. We've got a helmeted goliath who takes the battering ram head reputation of pachycephalosaurs to a ludicous extreme, and a duckbill that particularly takes after Miasaura, which has always been my favorite hadrosaur.
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We'll close out this batch with some long-necked goliaths. The first, Camarabrak, is meant to be an equal to the other retrosaur kaiju, rather than an "immense even by kaiju standards" one like Bronton. Being bigger than big is, in my eyes, part of what makes Sauropods stand out in pop culture depictions of dinosaurs, which is why I made Bronton so tremendous compared to the others, but now that there's room for more sauropod monsters, we can have one that's in the same weight class as Tyrantis and pals.
The other long-necked goliath is Brontoceratops, which was inspired by a very early reconstruction of Triceratops (I think it may have even been by my ancestor, Edward Drinker Cope, but I can't find it anymore so who knows) that gave it a weirdly long neck. In ATOM canon, Brontoceratops's species does a sort of cuckoo-bird thing, putting their eggs in the nests of horned goliaths and letting them raise it. It'd feature in a story where Tricerak tries to find more of its kind and ends up adopting the baby Brontoceratops and raising it despite it not actually being a member of his kind.
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theawkwardterrier · 1 year
Bake On: A Jamie/Claire Wednesday100 story
Week 1: Cake
Jamie gets his signature - Mam's snow cake - into the oven before he takes a moment to truly size up the competition.
There's the usual crop of grannies and older gents and young mum types, a smarmy-looking middle-aged man Jamie instantly dislikes, a willowy girl he smiles at because she's trembling with nerves, a hulking, wildly bearded lad with an accent Jamie can't place (Welsh?), and then, down in the front corner, far from his back row...
He watches her for so long that he has to rely on the technical and showstopper to make up for his overdone cake.
Week 2: Biscuits
There were many things that Claire considered before entering the competition: that her self-taught skills wouldn't hold up, that she didn't have the sorts of stories and traditions needed for the signatures, that she wouldn't be able to balance it all with her usual work schedule.
She hadn't thought that she'd need to remind herself to focus each time her ears detected a Scottish accent at the back of the tent, or that, after her Kingston biscuits came first in the technical, she'd think about his grin and the light touch of his foot against hers the entire drive home.
Week 3: Bread
"The best simit I've had was off splintery carts pushed by old men who would have considered you mad for criticizing the sesame seeds' evenness."
Jamie looks up from messaging Jenny to find Claire beside him. He'd been trying to stop reexamining his near elimination today. Now he smiles without thought.
"Well, Sassenach, I'll be back next week. That's what matters."
"I suppose that's true." She smiles back, cheeks rosy and rounded, before adding, "You're taking the train, aren't you? I can drive you to the station."
It's an easy walk. The choice to ride with her is even easier.
Week 4: Pie
"Will London surgeon Claire's use of herbs finally win her the title of star baker?"
Her held breath becomes a laugh. She sets down the knife she had been using to carve her pastry top, looking over to him leaning on her bench.
"It might, especially if freelance translator Jamie doesn't get back and give her some competition."
He flashes a grin. "Canna have that. My case is done cooling besides."
She watches him walk away, then resumes, her hands steadier now. She wonders whether he could have possibly noticed her doubts from the back. No, she decides. A coincidence.
Week 5: Pastry
He doesn't notice how long they've been talking until Claire shivers in the midnight chill. It seemingly doesn't register with her - she simply crosses her arms and continues speaking about her patients - but he wants to tuck her against himself, offering his warmth.
Her expression is vivid, and he hates cutting her off (although he'd have hated interrupting her while discussing their fellow contestants, London versus Edinburgh, or today's lunchtime sandwiches). Still, he checks his watch, yawns, says, "Christ, it's that late? We'd better get in if we want to be awake for the showstopper," and sees her safely sheltered.
Week 6: Chocolate
It's meltingly hot in the tent, and everyone's rushing about. Claire's behind on her own bake, and so nearly doesn't notice the cheesecake sitting out at the edge of one of the vacant benches, matching the description Jamie gave of the one he was planning while they'd baked together over the phone this week. Her eyes narrow, and she looks around.
Frank looks back, then immediately glances away.
She places Jamie's cake back into the refrigerator. There isn't time for revenge now, but they can plan together later.
In the meantime, beating Frank will be sweet in its own way.
Week 7: Puddings
"Didna ken this would be the week where I'd remember them so much," Jamie says that night, knowing that she hears him despite his quiet words.
He supposes he should feel embarrassed, tearing up over a batch of clootie dumplings, but he remembers Mam helping him tie the cloth, remembers Da ruffling his hair and Willie saying with his mouth full, "They're good, Jamie!"
And Claire doesn't make him feel foolish, simply places her hand over his, saying, "I don't think there's a wrong time to remember the people you love," so he doesn't feel alone there in the dark.
Week 8: Tarts
She's smiling with satisfaction for the first bit of the drive, star baker title finally achieved and her place in the semi-final assured. It's only as she's shaking her head for her own foolishness at wanting to call Jamie to celebrate when she's barely left him (and knows that he had work to take care of on the train ride home besides) that she realizes what this means.
They've both shown their skill and she's confident in their chances of making it through next week. But even so, even if they get into the finale together, their weekends are numbered.
Week 9: Patisserie
The tension in Jamie's shoulders has nothing to do with two days fussing with choux pastry, or the pressure of next week's final, and everything to do with the countable hours he has left with Claire.
They stand talking in the car park long after the others have packed up and left, after he's missed his train, and he wonders if she might feel the same. Regardless, more time with her doesn't seem like a chance he can miss.
At the next pause, he breathes and asks, "Might ye—Will ye come have dinner with me, Claire?" and watches her smile.
Week 10: Final
The contestants carry their showstoppers to the waiting crowd of loved ones. In classic British fashion, the finale fete is chill and rainy; the camera catches Claire carefully keeping her hair out of her icing.
"Christ, I'd forgotten what the damp did to that curlywig o' yers."
Claire elbows him from her spot beneath his arm, although she is laughing along. "Hush and watch. We're about to lose in front of the entire country, after all."
"True enough. Still, I think we won more than that cake stand o' Glenna's," he says.
By the way she kisses him, she agrees.
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somebirdortheother · 1 year
I owe Lewis an apology and a bouquet of roses. He did really good, and he was incredibly selfless in the end. It's a true testament to his character. He was probably terrified.
Lee Pace's moves are extremely sensual. There, I said it. But seriously, they don't have sunscreen in the Foundation Universe? I think even the way he kneeled was outrageously slutty. Perhaps it's just something he exudes in general. Perhaps it's just Lee Pace. I don't know. I just don't understand why he started the Spiral fully covered, then progressively lost his clothes, and then ended up half naked. Was it a fashion statement? A power move? Is he just stupid? Nobody knows. Not even himself, I presume.
I felt terribly sad for him, though. He didn't see anything. It must've made him feel so lonely. Somehow, I feel like whatever feelings his encounter with the old man elicited in him, this disappointing experience balanced that in the complete opposite direction. I don't know if that makes sense.
Where I'm from we have a saying. It could be translated this way: you know what you give up, but you never know what you get in return. This is exactly how I feel about this new Brother Dusk. I said I hated his predecessor. I didn't know how good I had it. New Batch is messed up. The actor managed to chanel the creepiness exhibited by Lee Pace when he was playing this Cleon (Cleon XII I believe). The mural manipulation. I knew it before I saw but it was still a gut punch. And the music sold it.
Whenever a protagonist gives away a invaluable item in exchange for a bauble much needed to evade their enemies, I'm always convinced that, although the narrative might not show it to us, the person who accepted the exchange will be killed for it. Either because it's worth stealing, or because the people hunting the protagonist will eventually find their way to the item, and kill its current possessor.
All of this to say that protagonists get people killed. And the succession of twists melted my brain. I was extremely suspicious of Azura's game from the begining, because it was too good to be true. She had an answer to everything, and a solution to all of Dawn's problems. But this whole time, I thought that perhaps, she was Dusk's pawn, and merely a test that all Cleons had to go through at some point. It was way more messed up.
I know that Day will want Dawn dispatched and replaced by a perfect copy, there is no other option for the kind of situation they're in (or I would be extremely surprised). And obviously, nobody will ever know of this whole debacle, so the new Dawn will still be known as Cleon XIV. But I wonder how they'll call him when they're only between themselves: Cleon XIV 2.0, Cleon XIV ESR, Cleon XIV RTM, or just Cleon XIV(2)?
Salvor and Hugo were playing 5D chess when the rest of them were playing checkers. Brilliant. Also Hugo is awesome. And his beard game is incredible.
Ok Hari isn't even playing chess. He's just twenty steps ahead. And he's a complete bag of balls. I can't believe I love him. He's incredibly charismatic but also such a massive ass. I'm worried, though, that much like psychohistory, he cannot really see people as individuals. He has his big plan in mind, but he seems to forget that people don't like to be meddled with, to be controlled, and lied to. His memory is good enough that he can recall the names of everyone who boarded with him for Terminus, but it doesn't mean that he cares at all. You're right, his ego is immense.
I have to give it to him though, his Second Foundation makes complete sense. Terminus is known to the Empire, it would be stupid to only count on it, and in fact, I'm a little upset at myself for not pointing it out sooner. But he admitted himself that he considers the Termini as bait, and that it's highly unlikely that they will endure. It reminds me of Ender's Game. It's very cruel. I understand that he only considers the big picture, but these people entrusted themselves to him, and his vision.
Now regarding Demerzel and Cleon the First, I was actually quite surprised. If my understanding is correct, she was already far older than him when they programmed her, right? Initially, I felt that modifying her program so she would serve the Cleonic Dynasty denoted a lack of trust in her. But after rewatching the scene, it felt like an insurance, not for the next Cleons, but for her. So they would never question her, and so she would be safe from any sort of retribution. But either way, when she talked to Cleon XII when he was at the final stage of his life, and she said that they (the Cleons) always left her, I felt incredible longing. Perhaps it's better for her that they never seem to rise to the level of Cleon the First. It would be atrocious to lose him again, wouldn't it?
Now to episode 10.
DYING over this breakdown.
Lewis: Yes, in the end he really came through. He was never the bad guy, he was just narrow-minded in his approach for what "good" meant, but he had genuine care for his people and was willing to sacrifice himself. For the record, I found those whole scenes with people physically having to wire themselves in for the jump such classic SPACE HORROR concept that I almost puked (and I mean that affectionately).
Brother Slut: Yes... Well, my hypothesis is that he was stupid about the dangers of sun exposure. I suppose... maybe he didn't know that the burning thing in the sky can burn skin, too? Who knows! He definitely doesn't! I was tremendously sad for him to - he had a bit of one step forward-two steps back as personal growth in that episode. I thought that his experience had been profound, but he was dealt a shitty card to have to continue being a shitty dude.
Brother Dusk: I am paging @brotherdusk because collectively we HAD to know your thoughts on this "upgrade". Oh boy, have you delivered. Yes, yes, this is still that same creepy, menacing, Cleon XII baby! In all his glory, but now also older, no longer the ruler he loved being, and still endlessly spiteful. Gotta love the Galactic Evil Grandpa. The move with the mural was absolutely spectacular. What a massive cunt :D
With Azura's thing, I was on Dusk's side for how he handled the situation - I am glad he was able to foresee the levels of stupidity of Dawn walking right into that trap. For the record, I have a feeling that each Dawn is uniquely ridiculous and dumb, and somehow Demerzel manages to shape up those messes into Days.
Day wanting Dawn dispatched - OH! INTERESTING PERSPECTIVE and I guess you will have to see for yourself, and I think that may tie in with your musings on his character growth or lack thereof. Also LOL at your backup clone notation. I am sure they have release notes on each version :D
Hugo - Absolute legend. Salvor - absolute legend. No notes, they are BOSSES.
Hari Seldon - yeaaaaaa he's a cock. Yeaaaaaa I love him. I also think he's an absolute red flag for the galaxy, and I doubt that his vision is actually a better alternative to Endless Cleons.
Demerzel - I believe on the show they do not allude to her being programmed in any way prior to Cleon I. It is unclear to me what the insurance policy would entail, but I certainly speculate in my writing! All I can say - it's undeniable that she *actually* cares about all these clones no matter how insufferable she may find them individually.
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Episodes 7 + 8 Thoughts
Spoilers for TBB Season 2
79's!!! 🍹
Haha, emotional damage *cries*
You know the drill, bullet point thoughts down below!
(Also, I'm writing this a few hours after I saw the episodes so I may be missing some stuff/this may be in a ridiculous order).
Love how the last time we saw that was during the Fives inhibitor chip arc. Love that! (Also, I miss Fives ☹️).
None of the Batch this ep but I still really enjoyed it!
Riyo and Bail!!! We love them both. 🥰
The shear amount of bullshit that came out of Rampart's mouth.😤
Tipoca City destroyed by a storm? What sort of excuse is that?!
Ah yes, this building (designed to withstand harsh weather) built on a storm-weathered planet was completely destroyed by a freaky weather phenomenon that just so happened to coincide with us wanting to get rid of the clones. 🤨
Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
Man, I love the clones so much. 😭
More clones with beards is something I appreciate. 🥰
Poor Slip. ☹️
The number of times I said "IS IT REX?!" to myself in the first episode. 🤣
Eventually I was correct!!!
I miss his armour so much, but the rebel outfit... damn.
Are Riyo's bodyguards voiced by Noshir Dalal or am I just hearing his voice in random places because Rampart is haunting me?
Did I just get that wrong this entire time or...?
The person shooting clones was another clone. The pain is real in these episodes. 😭
But dark purple is totally Rex's colour. 😏
Wholesome Echo and Omega moments making me cry again. 😭
Interesting that Omega has taken up meditation. 🤔 It might be playing into the idea of her being Force sensitive but she doesn't seem to connect to it on the same level as Gungi.
Echo doesn't like solitude because of Skako Minor. 😭😭😭
As soon as he brought up what the Batch did for him, I was like "oh, that's interesting considering Echo might be thinking of leaving. I wonder if they're going to play into that this episode. 🤔"
... I was not emotionally prepared.
Rex and Echo actually have more than 5 lines of dialogue with each other this season! 🥰
Echo pushing Omega back so she can't see the body. He's such a good mum. 😭
Wrecker's fear of heights OMG 😭🤣
"This is him doing better." I'm crying. 🤣
Rex saying that they need more people for the Rebellion and Echo considering it. 🥲
Also Echo volunteering to be Riyo Chuchi's witness?! He just wants to help people. I love him so much. 😭
I thought they were going to steal a wholeass Venator for a second.
Love Echo being so intouch with the Batch's plans now and Rex is just like WHAT IS HAPPENING
Tech being annoyed with himself for being 6m out.
Palps is back!!!
Hahahaha Rampart getting arrested makes me very happy. 🤣
R.I.P all the clones. 😭
...I cry just thinking about the end of this episode
I find it interesting how they have the Batch clustered very close together on one side of the shot and Rex and Riyo close on the other side. But Echo is kind of floating in the middle. Am I looking too much into the framing of this shot? Maybe. But I think it's interesting. 🤔
I thought Echo and Hunter might have talked about this on the nugget mission but Wrecker and Tech knew as well??? 😭
Him crouching down and putting a hand on Omega's shoulder.
Him telling her to keep training (I'm convinced Echo taught her most of her combat).
He's so soft around her I can't do this 😭
He looked so surprised but then he hugged her back and I'm literally dying inside
They way he steps forward a bit when be watches them leave
I remember seeing the trailer and thinking "I don't like the fact that he looks sad there"...
The last shot of Omega hugging Lula 🥲
So erm, yeah...
If you couldn't tell this episode completely destroyed me. I am lacking all coherent thoughts. No, I will not be okay.
How do I go on from this??? DO WE GET LESS ECHO???
I'm kinda hoping for an Echo and Rex centric episode, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Maybe, but I think we may just not see them until a Batch reunion later on or something.
I feel like I should have more to say but I am struggling to process emotions right now. Might watch episodes 6-8 again later but I need to work out if I am willing to cope with that. 🥲
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silverwings22 · 1 year
Caught in the Crosshairs: Chapter 53: Afterlife- Five Finger Death Punch
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Series warnings: Smut, mind control, canon typical violence, childhood trauma, language, chronic illness
Chapter warnings: Death, exploitation of the clones, violent racism against clones, violence
Translations: cyar'ika: sweetheart Cyare: beloved vod: brother ram'ser: sniper buir: mother/father ba'voduse: aunts/uncles shebs: ass ad'ika: little one ba'buir: grandmother/grandfather
Previous Chapter:
Next Chapter:
There were more stormtroopers and less clones now. As much as he'd detested working with regs, Crosshair had to admit that the familiarity was missed. He waited outside a transport for his new commanding officer, leaning on his rifle with his helmet off.
"They're a lot more open now. About hating clones." Mayrin, his ever present shadow that nobody else could seem to see, leaned against the ship next to him. "I dunno why you put up with it."
Crosshair hmphed in her direction, adjusting his toothpick. "Orders are orders."
"Yeah, yeah. Dumb orders." She rolled her eyes, watching a few older regs being led off for their unhappy forced retirement. "They're being thrown away, and those guys don't have anywhere to go. You do. All you have to do is comm her. She'd come back for you."
Crosshair ignored her, narrowing his eyes. She was talking about Miria, of course. She brought the Jedi and the Batch up every time she spoke to him, like she knew them as well as he used to. Combine that with the snippets of her voice he kept hearing, and her appearance in his dreams… "You don't even know her."
"Yes I do."
Before he could snap, a snub-nosed nat born walked up. "CT-9904? I am Lieutenant Nolan… You're out of uniform."
Crosshair quickly stuck his helmet on. Behind him, a couple of the remaining regs were laughing about finally getting back into a combat mission. Nolan sneered. "More clones."
"Problem, sir?"
"I don't like used equipment." 
Nolan walked past him into the transport with a contingency of stormtroopers. Crosshair hissed quietly. 
"See what I mean? They don't like clones, just because you're clones." Mayrin grumbled. "He'll throw you away the first chance he gets, and the Empire will give him a medal for it."
"Shut up." Crosshair grabbed his gun roughly and stomped up the transport ramp. Fucking hell, this kid…
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Barton-4 was cold and bleak, and Crosshair wished it didn't remind him of Kaller. He already hated this place, even before the chill seeped into his armor. 
Miria would hate this place. She hates the snow. 
He wasn't supposed to give a shit about what she hated, but the thought lingered stubbornly in the stark white of the landscape. She'd wrinkle her adorable button nose and pull her robes closer at the first icy breeze, taking a step closer to him. 
"You okay, cyar'ika?"
"Yes. It just… reminds me of Illum. I'm not overly fond of snow."
"You sure you're up for this?"
"Yes, my darling. I can do it."
A bedraggled and tired looking clone led then into the facility, which seemed all but abandoned. There were only three troopers remaining from the garrison. 
Nolan seemed determined to be as much of a pain in the ass as possible. "This outpost is disgustingly under-guarded. Where are your men?"
"Dead. Hexx, Veech, and I are all that's left. Barely enough to maintain a perimeter." The commander shrugged. He was bearded, his armor covered in scraps of cloth to maintain some warmth. "You must be our reinforcements. We expected you thirty seven rotations ago. You're late."
"The Empire operates on its own schedule, not yours. You will address me with respect, clone." Nolan sneered.
The commander glanced at the rows of clone helmets resting on crates around them, a memorial of the brothers he'd lost. "In my experience, respect is earned."
Nolan huffed and walked off to inspect the rest of the facility. The Commander sighed, shaking his head before looking at Crosshair. "Name's Mayday."
"Crosshair." The sniper usually wouldn't waste time with formalities, or bother getting friendly with regs. But months of crippling loneliness had a way of worming through his guard in the way a lifetime on Kamino had opened him up to Miria. He was beginning to suspect nothing was going to stop him from seeing her in every single moment, no matter how far she was. 
Is that really so bad? I… miss her. 
Mayday looked at him curiously. "You know the lieutenant well?"
"For about two hours."
The commander huffed. "C'mon. I'll give you the lay of the land." They headed out into the snow. 
"What happened to your men?" Crosshair asked. 
"Raiders, insurgents after the cargo. We've been out here for a year with nothing." Mayday explained. 
"How'd they get around the sensors?" 
"The conditions have degraded our equipment. I requested replacements, but we never got anything." Mayday knocked on a pole lightly, the sensor light on it flickering. "Whatever is in those crates better be worth it."
Crosshair was startled. "You don't know what the cargo is?"
"No. Apparently it's above a clone trooper's pay grade." The bitter tone in Mayday's voice wasn't missed. "If you go to scout, don't go alone and don't go far. You'll freeze to death in your armor if something else doesn't kill you first. They'll like it, though." He pointed up at a circling ice-vulture. "Vicious creatures, but you can't help but admire them. They find a way to survive."
Crosshair glanced up at the circling creature searching for carrion. Keeping themselves alive by the death of others… a part of nature that all too suddenly felt oppressive on his skin. Why did it make him think of that moment on the platform, when Miria reached her burned hands out towards him? He'd been cruel, hadn't he? 
"I don't care what you believe, or what you want."
"I know. But… if you ever change your mind… you can always come home. As long as I'm alive, there's a place for you wherever I am…"
"You won't be for long, will you?"
He was no better than the vultures. He'd been willing to use her death to survive, to stand in the ashes of her slaughtered Order and his own brothers for a chance to be on a winning team. At least the vultures had no concept of right and wrong. What was he doing? 
He glanced to the side at a glimmer of purple and gold, Mayrin shimmering into existence behind Mayday. She gave him a meaningful look, the kind Miria used to give him right before one of her sweet- toned lectures about the value of life. The snow wasn't settling on her armor, she didn't seem cold. 
She's not a hallucination from a head injury. She's one of those Force visions, like Miria talked about…
Like she could hear his thought, the girl smirked. A crooked smile that crinkled around her eyes and mouth.
Before he could start trying to understand what the hell was happening, blaster fire came over Mayday's comm. "Raiders! I'll take west, you go east!"
The two clones split up, heading for the sound of fighting. Battle was at least a comfortable familiarity and Crosshair quickly scaled a watchtower to pick off the raiders. A snow skiff was racing away, not entirely out of range but probably a lost cause with the backup the driver had. So the sniper set his sights on a raider on foot, dropping his helmet scope over the one on his rifle. He'd just lined up when a flare of bright light from an explosion blinded him. 
"Fuck." He snatched off his helmet, rubbing his eyes. He couldn't see, his marksmanship was his defining feature and the onset of a sudden panic that it was useless threatened to snatch his concentration. 
If I can't make the shot, I'm useless. If I'm useless, I'm dead. The Empire won't give a damn about recovery. 
Manda fucking damn it. Mayrin had been right. Miria had been right. Even fucking Hunter had been right! He was never more than a number, and now he was stuck.
He managed to lean into his rifle and fire off a haphazard shot before taking a moment to crumple, rubbing his eyes. They hurt. Everything hurt. He wanted one thing he was never going to get back right now, and he didn't even know how to reach-
"Miria?" He whispered. "I know you can hear me." He repeated what she'd said the last time he'd heard her, when her voice was tight with anger and he could feel the ache of her clenched fists in his own.
"I'm sorry, cyare." He mumbled. "For all of it."
Where are you, love? Tell me where to find you.
"You're not coming here. They'll kill you." Crosshair struggled to his feet and headed towards where he'd shot, tracking the blood trail a wounded raider left behind. He could finish this, get Mayday and his men off this outpost before he took a step that he should have taken months ago on Kamino. "I'll… figure this out."
Crosshair. Where are you? 
Her voice was demanding. He'd never heard her sound so forceful… he kind of liked it. That was a voice he could follow orders from. "Doesn't matter. I'll find you." He slid down an embankment after the blood. "Just… wanted to say something first. Something you asked me to say when you started showing up in my fucking dreams."
"I still love you."
The radiant warmth that spilled through the bond was a much-appreciated side effect of Miria's delight. Crosshair had a half mind to keep talking, ask her how she was and what she'd been doing, anything to keep hearing her voice. He'd never liked chat before, but it had been too damn long and she was so far away. He'd see her soon, he'd find her and make this entire disaster up to her somehow. 
Mayday slid into the tunnel behind him, startling Crosshair. "So this is how they got through our defenses."
"Looks like it." Crosshair wondered if Miria could hear what he did, because at the sound of the commander's voice she went silent. He almost felt a squeeze in his hand, like an assurance. 
He could still come home. 
They headed into the tunnel until they found the raider, dead against a rock. Mayday nudged him. "I don't know what bothers me more, that he's wearing armor scavenged from my men or that his cohorts left him here to rot."
"No point in carrying dead weight." Crosshair shrugged. He regretted the statement almost immediately, distantly recalling when Rex had decked him in the face for the same kind of callus comment about Echo. 
Mayday just eyed him. "Remind me not to die on your watch."
They crept further into the tunnel, guns up, when they both heard an ominous click. Crosshair froze, looking down. 
"Pressure mine." Mayday groaned.
"Can you disarm it?" Crosshair stared at his own foot on the triangular mine. If he lifted it, they were both dead. He was in no hurry to die now, not with so much at stake all of a sudden. 
"I'm no explosives expert, but I can try. Hold still." Mayday knelt by his feet with a small hammer and a couple L-brackets. "Sure wish I had the equipment for this." He started carefully tapping the brackets into the ice around the mine, not quite flush but enough to hold it down when Crosshair lifted his foot. "Guess it's just us left to look out for each other, huh? What unit were you in before?"
Crosshair’s defenses went up immediately. "Doesn't matter." He couldn't talk about them, as much as he'd like to have Wrecker’s expertise on the mine. He couldn't trust a reg… right? Then again, he was having to trust Mayday so he didn't explode right now. 
"Indulge me." Mayday kept working on another bracket. 
"... Clone Force 99." Crosshair finally murmured. "But they're gone."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Mayday sounded sincere. "I know what it's like."
Crosshair paused. He did, didn't he? He'd lost nearly every one of his squad, kept their helmets and remembered them. He was a reg, but the line between himself and the regs was blurred in the Empire. Maybe he could bring Mayday out of here, like Cody had tried to do for him. He'd fit in like Echo had… Miria would like him. It might even be novel to introduce her to his friend for once. 
"That should do it. Don't lift your foot yet, and when you do go nice and slow." Mayday picked up his helmet and started backing down behind some rock cover. 
"Not confident in your work?" Crosshair huffed.
"I'm confident. I'm just not stupid." Mayday smirked. "Nice and slow now."
Crosshair very carefully raised his foot, breathing out a silent prayer that if there was a divine or the Force or whatever, that it didn't let him come this far just to splatter all over a cave wall. 
Thankfully, it didn't blow. Mayday popped out from behind the rock, giving him a thumbs up. "Let's go back. I'm out of brackets."
They trudged back through the snow miserably, and Crosshair glanced up at the vultures converging on the cave. 
He had to finish this and get the fuck out of here.
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Crosshair, beyond the shadow of a doubt, hated Lieutenant Nolan. Not only had he sent him and Mayday to try to recover stolen cargo, but he had refused to let any of his men come with them. It was just two clones on what was definitely a suicide mission. 
"Heard you 99 commandos had a Jedi. She go out in the order?" Mayday seemed to like difficult conversations, or maybe he just wanted Crosshair to think. As comfortable as the sniper was with silence, this was a topic he had plenty to say on… if he could make himself do it. 
"No. She… survived. We were on Kaller." He looked at his rifle. It wasn't the same one he'd shot at her that day with, she was carrying that Firepuncher. He wondered if she thought about that. "She was special."
"Yeah. Smart, kind… started off shy and polite, but she opened up eventually."
"Sounds like she was more than your general." Mayday mused. 
"... she was. I introduced her to 99."
"Shit, really? I'm sorry, then. You said they were gone." Mayday looked immediately apologetic. There wasn't a clone alive who didn't at least know what that had meant, even if they were made after 99 died. 
"What about you?" Crosshair asked, deciding if he was going to make a friend he might as well use some of what she'd tried to teach him. 
"Nah. Wouldn't mind though… not much chance to meet somebody in the Empire though."
"What if you left?"
Mayday looked at him. "Like desertion?"
"That's not what I said."
Mayday laughed darkly. "My whole squad is dead over some cargo we weren't even allowed to look at. If you've got an exit plan, I'm in."
"Let's get this done then. I… might have an idea."
"Good thinking, vod."
They spotted a fire in the distance and Crosshair dropped his scope to look. Being called a brother again felt good, and quieted the screaming in his head that he was supposed to be an Imperial soldier. "Two guards at the entrance and more inside."
"Shouldn't be too hard for us." Mayday smirked, pulling an electro-stun grenade from his pocket. "On the way back, you tell me this plan."
Their approach was direct, stunning the guards and moving in for a fight. Mayday fought much like Echo, like any reg, making Crosshair’s tactics more effective. Yeah, he'd fit right in. Hunter might even have to give up command, which was going to piss him off and delight Crosshair.
Unfortunately, the raiders had explosives and were too stupid not to use them. A thermal went off, sending the cargo crates flying out of the open sided cavern and into the snow. Crosshair quickly finished off the last of them before Mayday could be overwhelmed, eying the cracked rock behind them. 
Mayday shook his head. "Let's get the cargo loaded up and we can take their skiff back."
Crosshair nodded and they slid down the icy cliffside to the crates. When he reached them, the sniper lifted a white helmet from the snow. "Gear?"
Mayday cursed. "Not a clone helmet, either." He picked up a chest plate. "Toys for their shiny new military, while we get the scraps. We were good soldiers. We followed orders… and for what?"
Crosshair didn't have an answer for that, and shook his head. "We've got to get out." He muttered. "Or we're dead." Maybe there was no reason to even return to the outpost, they could just wait out the Imperials until they took the cargo, then scrap together something to get off Barton-4. Maybe he could even call, like Mayrin said, and Miria would-
A deafening rumble above them caught both clones attention. Mayday paled. "Avalanche. Run!" 
The clones took off like bats out of hell, chased by the lethal tumble of snow and ice. There was a rock outcropping a couple hundred meters ahead, safety if they could make it. They were almost there, they were-
Mayday shoved Crosshair to the side as the ice caught up, sparing him being flattened by a huge and heavy pane of it. He heard bones crunch when it struck the commander, before he was buried alive in the frost.
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"Ram'ser! Crosshair!" That was Mayrin's voice screaming for him. "Dig up or you're going to suffocate! I can't dig you out!"
Crosshair was dizzy, trying to figure out which way was up. The snow felt heaviest on his chest, so he struggled a punch that direction. His hand broke the frigid crust like a zombie from its grave, and he dragged his top half up. Mayrin was perched on the snow next to him. "...kid?"
"I'm sorry. I can't dig you out, but you've got to get up. Mayday's hurt and I can't help him either."
"I know." The cold wind in his face cleared his head a little and he brushed snow off his head and shivered. "You're… a Force spirit. Right?"
"You figured it out. Better late than never." She sighed. "Yeah. Get your legs under you. The snow is chest high."
Crosshair nodded, kicking the loose slush under him to get enough traction. When he finally got his spindly legs beneath him, he started wading through the snow. "Where is he?"
"By the rock. He got slammed into it, he's hurt." Mayrin was weightless on the snow, leaving no prints. 
Crosshair followed her, digging through the snow until his hands met plastoid. "Mayday! Mayday!" The commander couldn't die. He finally had a friend, somebody to rely on after he'd lost his squad. And Cody, after he'd stupidly pushed them away. 
The bearded clone coughed when Crosshair pulled him out of the slush. "G-go…" He mumbled. "I won't make it."
Crosshair looked at Mayrin, who gave him a weak smile, before pulling Mayday up. The wind was whipping up, they were about to be caught out in a blizzard. He had to find shelter, and get Mayday back to the outpost for medical attention. He'd put off his escape to save this life, because he couldn't imagine Miria ever forgiving him if he walked away now. 
He dragged Mayday's arm over his shoulder and pulled the wounded man out of the snow, heading for another rock ledge to shield them from the wind and sleet. He'd lost his helmet, but Mayday still had his. He tucked them into a shallow cave and leaned against Mayday to keep them both as warm as possible to wait it out. 
Mayday blacked out against his shoulder as the storm raged. Mayrin sat back on his other side, and though he knew there was no warmth to be found in her presence he did notice the wind seemed to break. 
"I'm sorry. I didn't know about this…" She whispered. "I'd have tried to warn you." Her teeth set on her bottom lip, big lavender eyes wide and nervous. Her shoulders hunched inward, hair hanging at her chin. When she finally closed her eyes, long silver lashes rested on her cheeks. 
Only, Crosshair didn't see Mayrin in the moment. He saw Miria Halcyon. 
"You're hers, aren't you?" He whispered. "Her daughter."
Mayrin opened her eyes and looked at him, smiling faintly. "Look a little harder. You're halfway there."
He examined her face for a long minute. The tanned skin around her eyes crinkled again when she smiled… tan skin and silver hair. Hadn't Miria once told him she found that particular combination attractive on him? "... you're my daughter." He breathed. It was so obvious now. Her eyes, his smile, dressed in armor with a star, moon, and crosshairs painted on the chest plate. The child they'd wanted before everything fell apart was sitting right next to him. 
"Of course. You're the only man she's ever loved." Mayrin laughed softly. "Mama figured it out a lot faster than you did, Buir."
"You've seen her?" He hardly dared hope for good news. 
"Yeah. You needed someone to yell at you, and she needed hope." Mayrin hugged her knees. "She's scared and angry, but she's okay. My ba'voduse are looking out for her. They all miss you."
Crosshair leaned back against the rock. "Good… I'll be back."
"Thank Manda. I'd like to be born already. This Force thing is a pain in the shebs."
Crosshair chuckled under his breath. "You've got my smart mouth."
"I dunno. Mama's pretty sassy lately too." Mayrin laughed. 
"Do I turn out to be a decent father?" Crosshair asked after a long minute of listening to the wind howl. He wasn't totally sure he was ready for the answer, but he had to know. 
"You're the best father." Mayrin assured him with one of her mother's kind looks. "Why do you think I came? Even before I'm born, I already love you."
Crosshair closed his eyes and nodded. "... I love you too, ad'ika." The endearment felt right. "Just one last question?"
"Do we give you a middle name? Miria said a lot of nat borns have them…" He'd never put much stock in the practice, except that he thought Miria's sounded nice. Adeline… he'd looked it up once. Miria meant "miracle", and Adeline was "beautiful inside and out". Her parents, whoever they were, knew what they were doing when they'd given it to her. He'd been an idiot to ever think anything else. To accuse that woman of being a traitor made no more sense than to insist hyperspace wasn't purple. 
Mayrin hugged her knees with a smile. "Nina. After my ba'buir, 99."
"Mayrin Nina Halcyon." The name left the sniper’s mouth like a prayer. "Does it mean anything? Mayrin?"
The girl giggled. "Beloved."
Crosshair nodded. That made perfect sense to him. "I can't wait to really meet you." 
"I'm going to sass you the whole time."
"You wouldn't be mine if you didn't."
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It was a bolstered and viciously determined Crosshair that dragged Mayday back to the outpost. There was a goal now. He'd get Mayday medical attention, make his escape plan, and take the commander with him out of the Empire. He could do it. He had to, he had to get to Miria and their daughter. 
Nolan was having the cargo loaded when they limped onto the tarmac. "He… needs a medic…" Crosshair was exhausted, dropping to his knees and doing his best to lay Mayday down gently. The commander's helmet rolled off, revealing a pale face pinched with agony.
"You failed to recover the cargo, so your mission was a failure. He's outlived his use to the Empire." Nolan huffed.
Crosshair froze. No… no, he couldn't just watch Mayday die. Not after all this. Not after coming so far. 
Next to him, Mayday weakly squeezed his hand. The whole way back, Crosshair had been muttering to him about Miria and the Batch, promising him that he'd get to meet them. That they'd love him. "... tell 'em hi for me." He said breathlessly before his eyes rolled back and a weak gurgle petered out. Then the commander went limp.
Crosshair checked desperately for a pulse, but there was nothing. "You could have saved him." He gritted out. 
Nolan sneered. "I'm not wasting resources on something that's no use. And if you ever speak to me again with such disrespect, you'll join him. Now leave him and get back to work, clone. He was expendable, and so are you." He turned his back to Crosshair, storming off.
Crosshair looked at Mayday for a long minute, then up at a circling ice vulture. It'd land eventually, feast on Mayday when he was denied a burial by the Empire that had let him die for no reason but spite. Crosshair finally understood what Miria had been trying to tell him for years, that life was sacred and fragile. So easily snatched away, and the good always died young while the wicked survived to inflict themselves on the galaxy. 
Not this time. 
Before he could think it through, his fingers wrapped around one of Mayday's pistols. "Lieutenant?"
"What?" Nolan snapped, turning on his heel. 
"Don't!" Mayrin screeched, but no one could hear her except her to-be father. And Crosshair had had enough. 
A hole of burning plasma punched through Nolan's chest, a shot Crosshair could never have missed no matter how tired he was. He crumpled like flimsi, Crosshair following him to the ground as his last energy was depleted. 
"Buir! Buir!" He could hear Mayrin yelling over the din of stormtroopers ordering him to drop the blaster, but everything was going hazy and he knew he was going to pass out. 
"Tell your mother… I tried to make it right." He mumbled before the rough duracrete under his cheek slipped away and he was unconscious. Maybe she'd be waiting in his dreams again, and he could tell her he was sorry himself. If they didn't execute him, he could. If they did…
Sorry kid. I didn't think it through, but I swear I tried…
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He said he was coming home. He still loved her, he'd missed her… so what was this room? 
It was dim, but looked much like the research ship they'd found the Zillo in. Her sniper was laying on a table, limp and pale. Was he hurt?
"Darling?" Miria whispered, trying to touch his face when a door opened behind her. A woman in a lab coat passed right through her incorporeal figure to get to Crosshair, drawing something into a syringe as the clone opened his eyes and squinted. 
"Where am I…?"
"CT-9904, or do you prefer Crosshair?"
"What's going on?" He tried to sit up, eyes wide. The woman pushed him back down, bringing the syringe to his neck. 
"Cooperate, and you just might survive. Don't fight."
Crosshair didn't have the strength the struggle when the sedative flooded his system, going limp on the table again. "...M-miria…"
"CROSSHAIR!" Miria sat upright in her bunk, barely managing not to slam her head into the bunk above her. Hunter rolled over in his bunk next to her, yawning. Tech's head popped out from above, ignoring Wrecker falling out of his own bed when he startled awake. 
"Another nightmare?" Tech looked sympathetic. 
"No." Miria clutched her heaving chest, trying to catch her breath. "No, something else. Something is wrong."
"Are you getting sick?" Hunter sat up. "I thought that thing on Thule was-"
"Not with me, Hunter." Her eyes were wide with poorly restrained terror. "Something is wrong with Crosshair."
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hawthornsword · 1 year
Today on Bad Batch! (2x12):
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I guess it's true that absence makes the heart grow fonder, because I was honestly prepared to completely dislike Crosshair and settle in to him being a villain, but then we have seen so little of him that I was getting antsy like, "Where is he?! What's he doing?! What's he thinking?! I need to know!" And then I squealed with delight when the episode started with him.
Nolan: exists
Me: Can we kill him?
Yay new named clone boys!!! (They are just resting safely. They are perfectly fine.) Mayday has a fuckin presence, no? (*swoons a little*) Maybe just a personal preference, but I am digging all the bearded boys. Yes. Good.
"no point carrying dead weight."
"remind me not to die on your watch."
*Crosshair realizing maybe this is why people don't like him and that maybe his batch were a lot more tolerant of his behavior than most and maybe he took that for granted, and he is desperately lonely and seeking connection and has finally realized that he is the one pushing everyone away. 😭😭😭
Oh hey, the huddling for warmth trope, that's usually used for like, romantic confession- Oh, my god I'm dying, my heart. The absolute tenderness. This may be the best huddling for warmth scene I've ever seen. Good job animators! I'm just -
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Mayday protected Crosshair and treated him as a brother even though Crosshair was prickly, just like Cody did, and he's finally got it through his thick head that he doesn't belong with the empire, he belongs to the empire - he's just equipment to them - and that belonging with his brothers who actually care about him is worth so much more than than any false sense of grand purpose the empire might temporarily give him. Personal connection will always trump ideaogical bullshit.
And I suspect the thing about Crosshair is that once he commits to something, he's committed. That's it. Now that he knows the truth in his heart, nothing will stop him from acting on it. So he doesn't go subtle, like Cody slipping out in the night. He goes out guns blazing, killing that worthless empire motherfucker, because that's The Bad "when have we ever cared about orders? Batch Way.
That was so satisfying.
I am also glad we are going to pretty much immediately get back to whatever the heck is going on at Mount Tantis. Hemlock is creepy af, I love it. I really want to know what they plan to do to Crosshair tho???? They don't need him to make more clones, they're phasing them out, so what, clones are just convenient for shits-and-giggles experimentation? Like, they've got cloning down. And yeah, we know from Mandalorian/sequels Palps is trying to do Force sensitive cloning, but they don't need Crosshair for that, unless they've already got force sensitive dna and they're gonna shoot it into him to see what happens??? I somehow doubt that they'd risk a force sensitive supersoldier though, so I bet it's something else.
Predictions/wishlist for the rest of the season: I'm guessing Omega will get captured soon and then Crosshair will be like, "okay, let's bust out of this joint baby sis!" And Taun We will probably get killed helping them escape, then the Batch and Rex and Echo and Gregor will arrive, and I hope Omega (and Wrecker and Tech) will be like, "We can't leave the Zillow Beast! It's just a baby! The last of it's kind! Treated awfully just like us! (Big tooka eyes)" and Hunter will be like, "okay fine, we can rescue the beast." And Crosshair and Echo and Rex especially will be like, "wtf, force preserve us Hunter, you can't be serious right now - she makes big tooka eyes once and you do whatever she wants?!?!?! (Because Rex and Echo have experience denying Ahsoka's cuteness, so they have learned already that no good comes from indulging the chaos babies.) And then Omega and Crosshair befriend and get to ride the Zillow beast while it squashes all the imps as it escapes and then they find a nice uninhabited planet to drop it off, and the Batch is reunited and we get a happy ending of the season (and after credits hemlock escapes to be creepy again later, obv).
I still need to know where Cody is. Please.
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engagemythrusters · 1 year
time to watch what is, I am assuming, the most fucked up shit to ever happen to Mr Crosshair CT9904
God I’m excited to finally see him again!
Retirement huh
“CT-9904, you’re out of uniform” (puts on helmet in the bitchiest way possible)
I hate this guy. Look am at him. He’s so punchable
OHHHH crosshair beeing snappy about clone hare
Also yeah I wanna punch that guy
But god I think… crosshair finally… finally realising how sucky the empire is…
Crosshair and his bigass backpack
Oh my god I can’t see why is everything so dark
handsome boy!
I love this commander clone
YOU LITTLE BITCH YOU IDIOT I hate you lieutenant nolan
Oh god… oh god the line of helmets… oh god my heart breaks
Mayday I love you <3
The hesitance before he says crosshair… smthn smthn analysis time for me later
I love his wrapped armour
OH NO His eyes!!! He’s gotta be extra sensitive to that poor guy
He just shot MAYDAY DIDNT HE
Okay mayday looks okay… so maybe not…Thank GOD.
In my defense it looked like the person was wrapped up the way mayday was. So. Uh yeah. A few minutes of panick tee em there.
Oh no… oh the lines of helmets… god it kills me.
I am going to kill Nolan with my bare hands
oh fod he’s standing on a mine
There’s a lot of “oh gods” that I’m saying but it’s so true
“I could use the distraction” sir you’re disarming a mine. Please pay attention to that 😂
MAYDAY 😂 stop toying with crosshair Jesus
“They’re… gone.” They don’t HAVE to be baby you can just go HOME to them :’(
Maybe between Cody and Mayday… maybe…
literally the last ep of this season is called 99 right? So…
God I’m crossing my fingers… and my hairs haha pun that’s bad hehe ugh
SKDJRKS the sass between the two 😂
Oh boy the anksieties.
Crosshair gets a frien—
No the All Quiet On The Western Front reference theh made…
No mayday baby pls don’t go there no no no I don’t want you to die :(
(Soundtrack is scratching some itches in my brain tho)
God I’m so nervous :(
Okay he’s alive… maybe… maybe I’m wrong…
“We’re good soldiers. We followed orders.” Oh god I’m. My heart is breaking. He didn’t even have that order to follow and it was still activated for him anyway. How much did that change him? How much did he have to push through to be himself again?
Noooo mayday…
My heart is breaking I can’t do this oh my god
Hehe okay the arms did make me laugh through the tears hehe
Okay I have to pause for work purposes but just know I’m dying inside rn
RIP it did not save the rest of my reactions. I did come back and finish up but evidently what I wrote after all got deleted. Big frustrating ngl. i wanted to come back to this when the end of the season came to see how this compared to that.
But anyway. That ending cut me up so badly... my heart is aching my whole chest hurts. Crosshair... he is going through so much and now he has to go through more... they're going to make him hunt the rest of the bad batch again, aren't they? To get Omega to make Nala Se work again... PLEASE hasn't he suffered ENOUGH?! Why can't he be saved... why can't they save him... I can't do this. Please save him...
Good ep? I don’t know. My whole chest aches.
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freesia-writes · 1 year
THIS IS A LOT OF INFORMATION @drafthorsemath ;) But fun fun fun. Thanks for the tag. <3
are you named after anyone: nope
when was the last time you cried: In therapy last Monday
do you have kids: two, 4 and 7 years old
do you use sarcasm a lot: I used to, but now it's more cheesy/nerdy jokes.
what's the first thing you notice about people: their energy level; I'm drawn to the more gentle, chill, stable type. ;)
what's your eye colour: Hazel
scary movies or happy endings: HAPPY. I hate anything scary. Star Wars and LOTR is as much intensity as I can handle, haha.
any special talents: Apparently my superpower comes from ADHD but if I decide to do something, I do it 110%.
where were you born: California
what are your hobbies: Being in nature, writing, reading, EATING, traveling.
have any pets: A dog and a bearded dragon
what sports do you play/have played: All I ever did was swim team for like 16 years.
how tall are you: 5′10"
favourite subject in school: English and Psychology
dream job: I wanted to be an actress when I was a kid. ;) As weird as it is, my current work-from-home setup with my kids is pretty sweet. So I wouldn't really wish for any other. Perhaps once they're out of the house it'd be fun to be some kind of assistant for a high-powered exec but only in the capacity of planning trips, making reservations, and traveling the world as a brainless assistant. ;) LOL
first ship: What is this, a couple that you like? Idk... Sam Gamgee and Rosie from LOTR? hahah
three ships: Kanan and Hera. I actually liked Rey and Kylo Ren too... Annnnd... uhh... ? Wrecker and some big beautiful Zabrak woman who just rocks his world? LOL
last (current) song: The VeggieTales worship CD has been on repeat in my minivan for over a month, if that gives you any idea of my current life stage. ;)
last movie: I never watch movies, just Star Wars these days, but I watched The Imitation Game on a plane cause I love Benedict Cumberbatch.
currently reading: I just re-read Dark Disciple for the fics I've been writing. But other than that am on a little reading break while I focus on writing more!
currently watching: Cycling through random episodes of The Clone Wars and The Bad Batch. And gonna catch up on the new Mando.
currently consuming: Ice water because I have strep throat and nothing sounds good right now.
currently craving: Season 3 of TBB. :P
<3 <3 <3
No-pressure tags: @swiftwaterprawn @rosemarynightmares-art @marierg @splashofspotchka @sci-the-superb
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incarnateirony · 2 years
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I mean FUCK I've trolled wincels in my box trying to pretend to be some hot shit before to see if I could extract anything I DIDN'T have yet, but after ALL THAT FUSS, THIS IS YOUR MAIN NOISE?
anon probably about as real as the fake MC that pissed their pants when I asked why he wouldn't just contact me the normal way. tired of these clowns.
It's genuinely funny he's trying to signal sources tho and act like it's big dramatic changes and man he's gonna be so disappointed and embarassed again when all it is, is a new angle that might or might not include train tracks compared to before and shit, or general mood/ambiance reshoots and *very* tiny plugs that you probably won't even notice are plugs as they were likely content skipped for time to begin with.
This is pathetic dude. All in the name of not coping.
They're arranging it so Jensen doesn't have to be in it visually as much while playing different roles with different hair/beards, it's not fucking rocket science dude, and it's not near as drastic as you are begging for it to be, the core plot resolve remains the same.
All you're ACTUALLY hearing, Patrick, is that I was right, and originally, Dean was planned to be very present visually as this is actually his own story of closure, but they had to make accomodations due to commitments and real life impasses. He didn't change the entire fucking premise, no matter how hard you cope.
The other reshoots are this foreign idea of a show being cared about enough to actually be given an extensive budget allowing for reshoots, a grace and courtesy SPN never had, and after watching the dailies deciding to go polish it to make the best product possible. I know this is weird when you see other douchecanoes staple together a pilot in two weeks but normal people prefer to avoid that. literally dude I don't know how to break it to you but the "reshooting" was almost contiguous. They may have had like, a week or half a week down, unclear, but other than that dude like. nothing's changed and you still gotta start coping dude. I pointed out Showalter got onboard HOW LONG AGO NOW???????????? AFTER PUTTING SGRICCIA ON THE SHORTLIST, WHO JENSEN WENT FOR JUST LIKE I SAID BUT HAD TO PUT SHOWALTER ON TAP?
They already planned for reshoots for the perfect product with their extended filming schedule, and among the decisions made when Jensen realized he wasn't a guest star but a regular on big sky AND The Boys at the same time, there's just a common sense decision to revise that in the month to follow. Yall acting like this is astrophysics or some shit.
christ. like I could literally keep going for weeks and still not be done talking about how behind the fucking curve Patrick is.
dude could be literally begging for episode eight right now if he had any sense of bearing on how far along this train is really gone from him
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the-starry-seas · 1 month
Bad Batch finale stream of consciousness thoughts
Oh, right. The cavalry. The cavalry for Tech, the cavalry chosen especially to save Tech, Tech's cavalry.
bestie something about this intro has me fucking nervous I think it's the funeral music
I don't know if I like that this is a 48-minute episode that's a lot of time for things to happen and I don't know if they're gonna be good
"At the time. Yes!" <3
Rampart's talking a lot of shit for someone in smacking range
oh shit Emerie redemption arc??? Omega really does make friends with everyone huh
oh shit these kids are accomplishing things!
I really do love Wrecker
"Don't like the sound of that" you and me both babe
"Things are about to get very loud anyways" I support womens' rights but more importantly I support womens' wrongs
what was that scream lmfao he really said EEP
the way Echo's head moved when he heard the Zillo Beast was loose
why does Wrecker keep groaning you people are worrying me
CLONE FORCE 99 DIED WITH TECH WE'RE NOT THAT SQUAD ANY MORE bestie you are fucking killing me I'm hunting you for sport I'm never gonna recover
"Omega needs you both. I'm doing this alone." I'm not made to handle this kind of stress I need to be sent to the seaside for my health
Hunter and Wrecker immediately like "yeah that's our girl"
Hemlock's way too confident I don't like it
suddenly zombie vibes with these red tube men. don't like that thing no sir.
for some reason that double tap really got to me idk man they're just so in sync and i'm 🥺
ah fucknuggets
y'all had no reason to pancake Hunter
oh my god did they just maim Crosshair
besties they don't have plot armour any more I'm scared shitless
"Hey, kid. And... other kids." lmfao Echo's only ever talked to his one kid before hasn't he
oh this is not a good episode suddenly
what do you mean alterations to your methods what the fuck man cut this shit out (but maybe he tested out the new stuff on Tech who also survived??? one can hope??? I need one idea from this ep that isn't completely horrifying.)
I'm gonna cry over Echo huh
AUGH the clones banding together to help them AUGH 🥺🥺🥺🥺
y'know Hemlock referring to Tech as 'lost' rather than 'dead' gives me a skosh of hope that is most certainly false but that I shall have all the same
well fuck man these freed clones are the new redshirts huh
oh fuck yeah blow that bitch to pieces, RIP Nala Se and all but at least we got rid of that guy
ah fuck they got Echo
this amount of electrocution can't be good for anyone
can't be going out windows like that. can't be doing that.
glowy saber commando is some cool shit ngl
Hunter and Cross are a dream team tbh
"I can't risk Omega" OUWCH
oh my god her running to Cross first is just gonna break me
did they just. leave. without Echo and Wrecker. I mean I get it but still rude.
at least Project Necromancer was a total loss
ah, Windows Movie Maker transitions, my old friend
oh thank god Echo's okay
eyyyy some of the redshirts survived!
oh god the Hunter-Echo nod.... I see u
"We've all fought enough battles for one lifetime. Now we get to choose who we want to be. Whatever we want." SCREAMING AND CRYING 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
that family shot I love it so much oh my god
oh no there's an epilogue
of Tech perhaps???????? I will remain delusional until the end
oh shit who's thisoh my god grown-up Omega just look at her
"You're our kid Omega, you always will be" dissolving into dust as we speak holy shit just look at them they're amazing
god I'm gonna cry
0 notes
prismatic-bell · 3 years
Hey guys, guess what!
You know how I've been blogging all summer about my roommate's Etsy shop and her badass lip balms and scented oil rollers and beard balm?
(Of course you do. I am nothing if not the golden retriever of cheerleading my friends.) . . . . oh. Except there are a lot of new people here lately. Okay.
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So: my friend and roommate, @sailorzeo, runs a small business that primarily sells at conventions and so you can imagine about how well 2020 went for said business. As luck would have it, she'd also decided 2020 was going to be the year she moved into a bigger, better booth--which rolled over to 2021, but without the 2020 sales, she wasn't able to purchase many of the supplies she needs for that bigger booth. I've been hyping her Etsy shop on my blog to boost her sales and get her the money to purchase restocking and "shit, the new booth needs more stuff than the old booth" supplies.
I'm posting this on 17 July. On 1 AUGUST, the Etsy will go into vacation mode until after the show. At that point, it's gonna be "how much product can we make by Labor Day weekend?"
So far, I've been shoving you guys at the shop, and you've responded with love and reblogs and an amount of sales that rather hilariously baffled Zeo the first morning I posted because I . . . kinda didn't tell her I was doing it, I just got a bee in my bonnet and did it and she woke up to nine orders and went "Nina what did you do." (That's, uh. Kind of a theme in my life.) And I would like to continue shoving you guys at the shop! Quite a few things are sold out, but if you're in the market for some badass lip balm, she still has quite a lot of her Overwatch-inspired and Wonder Woman-inspired flavors, and while a selfish little part of me doesn't want to pimp the Yuri on Ice-inspired flavors because I would like to keep all the Victors for myself, I have to resign myself to the fact that I already have six of her balms of various flavors rolling around the house and she'll probably have made a new batch of Victor before I need a new balm again. You don't have to know the fandoms--or know fandom at all, actually--to appreciate them, either. You can just check out the flavors themselves--which are nothing you'd find at your local drugstore.
Right now, we're on a time crunch. A "we have five weeks until the show" time crunch. And while the sales from the shop have helped a lot with getting in new product supplies, she was planning to have, you know, a year's worth of sales to get actual displays on the table.
I'm currently funneling my money from my second job toward getting the booth 100% set up. (I literally ditched my cosplay to make sure this happens.) But it's going to be difficult at best to pull that off in time, if not near-impossible. And right now, her job is "make all the saleable stuff for the show," meaning she has to make a ton of product but only the cycling-out product, not the new product, can be sold. (In other words: if it says it's sold out on her Etsy, you won't be able to buy it again until after the con. The other stuff is buyable. The work she's doing right now is hella important, but doesn't provide funds for this specific show.)
So if you have a few bucks to spare and want to do something really really bomb for a really amazing woman who had an extremely shitty year due to Covid and a lack of those small business protection grants, this is the Amazon wishlist for the booth. The items on it aren't in priority order and this list actually encompasses "items for this show and bigger shows and the outdoor cons Arizona is so fond of in the winter and etc. etc.", so to be clear, here's the actual priority for right now:
1) those sets of mini-drawers. They're for moving product, because her offerings have long since outgrown the makeshift storage she had for them. She has one and needs a total of four for this show.
2) the shipping tubes. They're not actually for shipping! At the last show she was able to table at--which was in January of 2020--she started offering incense that matched her soaps. These are display/storage for those, so they don't get broken or scattered.
I get paid on Tuesday and the next thing I'm picking up from the list is a pack of the amber bottles, which are for a scented oil she doesn't yet have on the Etsy. Following that, I'll be scrambling for those display stands.
Want to help but have no cash? You do have reblogs, and that would be a great help.
Thank you guys so, so, so much for helping me with this push to get her back into the running! I appreciate everything you've done more than words can say. (And . . . there's still time to decide you need one more lip balm.)
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the-mad-starker · 4 years
Starker RP: Eight Stops (to Make You Mine)
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Another RP turned fic with @starkerkeyz​
Mads💗: Finally. The chikan fic I've always wanted 😭💗 I have nothing else to say besides 😏
Keyz 💖: Somehow I’d gone this long without writing a train scene like this? 😭 It was so fun, definitely going to ask Mads to do another where Tony gets felt up! 💖
WC: 9437 (AO3 Link)
Note: NSFW moodboard included in Ao3 link. Tiny lil gif but fair warning.
Warnings: ABO dynamics, semi-public/public sex, rutting on a subway, knotting on a subway, mostly anonymous sex, chikan, intersex omegas, vaginal sex, creampie
💗 💗 💗 
Tony watches the subway doors open and close with only passing focus. He’s riding to clear his head while he thinks of a problem (several problems at once actually) and can’t be bothered to devote real brain power to whatever early morning commuters are shuffling on and off.
The usual announcement comes on before the subway doors close.
Peter comes in with the crowd and sees that all the seats are taken which isn't surprising since it's early morning rush. He has an interview in roughly two hours and he knows that mass transit can be finicky.
He places himself smack in the middle of the car to avoid the rush of people coming and going near the doors. He grips the subway pole in front of him lightly, while his other hand holds onto a second-hand briefcase at his side.
He smells a handful of alphas and omegas, all seem to be preoccupied on their phones except for one. 
This new batch brings with it the ripe smell of a sweet young omega and Tony’s head turns, nose pinpointing the source before he's fully aware of where he's going. He finds himself behind a young brunette man dressed in a casual business suit and smelling so divine that Tony wants to bury his nose in his neck and bite him, right here, right now. 
‘Must be coming off a heat.’ Tony tries not to think about the possibilities of the omega’s biology going in the opposite direction. If he's days away from going into heat, then he's hot and fertile now and Tony’s alpha cock yearns to bury itself in his sweet pussy. 
Peter isn't surprised when that particular alpha makes a beeline for him either. Considering what he smells like, he's not surprised at all.
Even so, the omega braces himself for the moment the alpha comes to him. Peter's ready to move out of the way, a rather clear rejection when he catches the alpha's scent. There's something about it that makes Peter wait for him, some subtle hint of sensuality that catches his attention.
Tony knows it’s a little rude to reach out and grip the kid by the back of the neck without even checking in, but he follows it up with a traditional kiss and nuzzle of his scent gland. Then, he  starts gently stroking the omega’s spine with his thumb. 
The omega shivers from the touch, still on the fence about letting this happen. He's turned down several alphas from his first train ride but hmm… maybe… He does have time to waste and he has a couple of scent neutralizers in his bag.
A little fun couldn't hurt, right? Then–
“Hello, sweet thing,” Tony husks. 
He presses his free hand in low to the omega’s back, a heavy weight promising more if the stranger reciprocates. 
The alpha sounds remarkably like Peter's celebrity crush and that seals the deal. He can spare some time.
Peter doesn't want to break the illusion of who he has in mind so he continues to look straight ahead, out the window of the train as it rushes through the tunnels.
"Alpha," he tilts his head a bit, offering his neck in acceptance.
At the same time, he leans back into the alpha's body, brushing against the firm wall of his body. He's trying to get a good idea of what the alpha looks like without actually looking. So far, he likes what he's finding out.
The man is taller than him but not by much. He feels sturdy and solid, maybe someone who works out? Peter licks his lips, his body more than eager for some play, especially since it's so close to that time…
Tony growls in appreciation and makes sure to press the sound against the omega's neck. He drops his hand from the man's tailbone to his ass, rubbing and squeezing with a sigh. 
Peter gives a soft little sigh of his own. The alpha's hand feels strong and so sure. Confidence is damn sexy and Peter's enjoying how this alpha is handling him.
The people around them shift and settle but nobody bats an eye. There's a couple of glances thrown their way but for the most part, no one's really paying much attention. Even if it isn't normal for Peter, it's normal for omegas to give it up to alphas like this. Just a way to let off steam between the secondary genders. 
Some of the other omegas or alphas that Peter smelled earlier are probably observing, but this kinda thing tends to be treated as an out of sight, out of mind kind of thing.
Tony grips the nape of the omega's neck harder and bends him gently forward, arching him slowly so that lovely ass presses close and intimate to the growing bulge of his excited alpha cock. He holds him tight enough that his bulge disappears between lithe omega legs, rubbing up against a hot little pussy. 
 An omega's nape is the easiest way to make an omega soft and pliant to an alpha's touch. So while Peter might be more than an average omega, those same instincts still hold true for him. It's how this alpha gets him to be so malleable, bending and moving in whichever direction the alpha pleases.
It helps that the alpha is rather vocal too, stroking his pride as an omega, a good omega… It only makes Peter all the more eager to be the kind of omega the alpha wants.
"Fuck, you present so nicely, omega…" Tony could imagine using this little omega businessman like a cocksleeve for every train ride. It would certainly get Tony to use community transit more. He thrusts upwards, cockhead nudging against the folds of the omega's pussy. 
"If you think this is nice, you should see me with my clothes off," Peter teases. 
He reaches between his legs, palming the nice, thick alpha cock rubbing against his pussy. His fingers curl around the length of it, measures the girth, and his mouth goes dry. This guy would split him apart if Peter can even take him.
“I’d love to see that, actually.” Tony growls softly in answer. He rubs into the omega's touch eagerly and tugs on his nape approvingly. He loves it when he's touched back by his partners. He loves it when they tease back with him, too.
He's capable of taking charge and getting off without it but having that participation makes it that little bit sweeter when his partners cream their underwear. 
It's too bad they're on a train. Too bad that Peter wouldn't miss his interview, not even for this alpha. He'd just have to make it good for him, give the guy something worth remembering. Maybe he'd even bump into him again during his commute.
Between his legs, he's starting to slick up. His body already feels hot from how the alpha's been pressing up against him, touching him, and heating him up from the inside. If the alpha keeps rubbing against him like this, there's no doubt in Peter's mind that everyone will smell it, even the betas.
Peter presses back against him eagerly, grinding his round ass against the man's hips.
"My name is Tony." Tony slides his hand off the omega's pert ass. He reaches around and plants his hand flat to the guy's surprisingly rigid stomach, feeling something much stiffer and definitely not skin below the outer layer of clothing. 
He raises a brow but doesn't question it, just uses the new hold to anchor the omega in place when his hips snap forward, dry humping his thick cock into the omega's pussy with practiced ease. It's been a while since he's done this; in public or with an omega. His body remembers. It's so easy to move so his fat alpha cock strokes against all his temporary lover's sweet spots.
"Tony…" Pete gives the name a try, exhales it on a breathless sigh. He likes the way it feels on his tongue.
He enjoys the moment, the slow rocking of the train and the rocking of the alpha behind him. He's enjoying the hot press of the alpha's cock against him more though.
"You're going to feel so good on my cock, baby." Tony praises him. He squeezes the guy's nape and rolls his hips like sin, winking at a man that looks with longing at the performance from across the way. 
Tony loves showing off how well he could handle his lovers in public like this. Seeing the jealousy and envy only makes his cock swell bigger and heavier against the guy's pussy. 
Peter shivers at the whispered words. Heat pools in his belly, arousal and need building with every thrust. His thighs tighten too, soft flesh hugging the alpha's cock in a tighter grip.
"Peter–" he says with a moan, "But ah– Baby sounds so nice when you say it like that."
He moves against the alpha, wanting to get in on the action. His hand presses Tony's cock right against his pussy and he's squirming in place.
“Peter, baby,” Tony flexes his arm, holding the younger omega close as he grinds into the hand and pussy petting him so nicely. His hand massages Peter’s nape. “Your pussy feels so good. They all know it, too.”
A glance around has Peter's cheeks heating up. There's people watching. They're trying to be discreet about it but there's no mistaking the darting glances they make when Peter's gaze passes over them.
That's fine. They're not doing anything wrong.
As if in retaliation to those wandering eyes, Peter leans back against the alpha, neck bared and showing off the rather prominent bulge pushing between his legs.
Tony lets go of Peter’s neck to support him leaning back, letting him put himself on display. He growls approvingly and reaches down from Peter’s stomach, rubbing at the hot tented front to his pants. He squeezes, the rough veins of his forearms bulging with promised potential. He wants to lift this omega up and fuck him standing, right in front of the peeping toms intruding on their moment. 
"Too bad we can't test that right here…" Peter murmurs, turning his head to nip the guy's jaw. Coarse bristles of a beard tickle against his cheek and lips. Peter only gets even slicker between his legs.
“If you stay good and quiet, we could test it right here.” Tony murmurs back. 
He nibbles along Peter’s neck and thrusts upwards, rolling the slighter man up onto his toes. He fucks into him again, holding him in place this time with a flex of his arm. They’re grinding so close and tight, it almost feels like he could force himself inside, tearing right through all their clothing.
“I want to, sweetheart. If you’re up for a little game.” 
Tony drags his cock against Peter’s pussy, slow and dirty. He bites into the omega’s offered scent gland, hearing someone gasp softly in the background from the indecency. Tony can rub his cock against Peter’s pussy and ass, going up and down the subway line, and it’s fine; but biting a stranger here is obscene. 
Peter gasps, too, but it's a sound of delight, of breathless anticipation. He considers this stranger's request, fingers running up and down the thrusting cock's length.
He may have time before his interview but his stop is only a couple away. If he wants to be the responsible omega he normally is, he'd have to decline. As much as it would suck, a knot would take time he doesn't have to give.
His lips part as his eyes slip shut, delaying the rejection he knows he's going to regret.
When someone makes a sound suspiciously like a throat clearing, Tony lets loose a deep and guttural alpha growl of disapproval. He lets go of Peter's neck to let it rumble tellingly past long fangs, causing the other passengers to freeze instinctively. 
He's done playing. This omega is his to mount and break in if he so pleases and everyone else can look the fuck away, now, or there'll be hell to pay.
Peter can feel the deep growl reverberate against his back and the words he needs to say die on the tip of his tongue. He's dripping through his clothes now and his pussy throbs at the audacity this alpha has.
He's damn serious about actually fucking Peter in a crowded train while they're speeding through Manhattan. It's all fun and games to whisper about wanting someone so much and what they would want to do to each other, but turning those fantasies into actual reality…?
Peter gives it some serious thought now that he knows the alpha would actually do it. Fuck him, right here.
It makes him feel dirty and so naughty to even consider it. This isn't going to be some quick and harmless fun. This alpha is going to wreck him, leave his pussy fucked open and dripping with his seed… If Peter lets him.
He clutches onto the alpha's forearm and gives Tony another nip, harsher with his spiked up desires.
"Eight stops," he tells the alpha, "that's all the time we got. Think that's enough…?"
They can only have a quickie but Peter thinks it just might be the best sex he's ever going to get. He gives the alpha's cock another squeeze, trying to convince him to say yes.
"Plenty." Tony unbuckles Peter's pants one handed, smirking against pale skin. He rubs his stubble into the omega's lightly bitten scent gland just to rile him up. He kisses tenderly, masking the filth of his words in the romance of the gesture. "If I could take you home, I'd knot you properly, baby. Fuck you open and begging on me."
The subway pulls up to another stop and they sway along with the motion as it comes to a halt. More people board, bodies shifting around to accommodate the influx. It isn't so suspicious now that they're pressed so close, but Peter's sure everyone knows anyway, if not by sight then by scent.
That doesn't matter to him.
Tony pulls the omega's pants and underwear down in the back. There's a rush of red and black that flows after the clothing, so quickly that it might've been an illusion if it wasn't for the light glinting off of whatever material it was.
Tony pauses briefly- what was that color just now? He squints after it, trying to track whatever had just been flashing in the dim light. 
He's distracted by the smell of omega slick and he can't resist slipping a hand between slender thighs, pressing into the slick folds his cock's been teasing mercilessly for the last few minutes. 
Just like that he's redirected. 
"You're so ready for me, baby. Ready to take me without any prep?" His fingers slide in, testing. They glide deep; easy as sin. Peter's so wet that Tony's making a mess just exploring him. It makes his alpha cock throb at him to get inside faster. 
"What do you think…?" Peter gasps out, breathless and legs trembling.
He widens his stance, feet shifting apart to give the alpha more accessibility. His hips jerk at the penetration and has to choke down a moan. He rocks gently against the fingers pushing into him… Nice, thick digits that he knows are no comparison for the nice, thick cock this alpha is packing.
His enhanced hearing picks up the soft, slick sounds as Tony plays with his pussy. His face flushes with heat, eyes slipping shut, and lips parting in a silent moan.
"Undo my pants and then brace yourself." Tony fucks his fingers in knuckle deep as he speaks. He's reluctant to leave Peter's heat now that he's got a part of himself buried inside the cute omega. 
"Oh…" It comes out on a trembling breath.
Heavy eyelids lift to reveal glazed over honey eyes. One blink, two, and the fog clears, at least enough for Peter to do as he's told.
Peter gives the alpha cock another loving squeeze before he reaches behind him. He's never done this before, especially not like this, but his fingers make quick work of the older man's belt. He clumsily drags the man's underwear down until he feels the hot press of the alpha's bare cock against his ass.
Tony has to resist the urge to give that cute little ass a spank when he feels his dick rubbing against it so nicely. They’ve got to be quiet; what they’re doing could get them both arrested. 
He rubs at Peter’s ass instead. He pushes the omega’s cheeks together to hold his cock for a moment and marvels at how promisingly sexy it looks.
Peter braces himself against the subway pole. Like this, his suit jacket is just long enough that it hides the fact that his pants have been pulled down just a bit. As an extra precaution, he tries to position his briefcase in front of his body, but he probably won't pay too much attention to keep that up. He tosses his head back and gives the alpha a devil may care grin when he's set.
"Ready for you, alpha," he purrs, arching his back in such an obscene matter. "Show me what you got."
He's provoking Tony on purpose, wants to see just what this man is capable of.
Tony growls softly from the challenge and grins back wolfishly. He dips his hips, angling his dick to slide across Peter’s skin and drag against his rim. He shoves forward, slow and relentless. His wide cockhead pushes through Peter’s soaked folds and then nudges against his omegan opening. It takes no force at all to breach him and start sinking in, one thick alpha inch at a time.
Even though Peter knows and has braced himself for it, that initial penetration is still a shock. His breath stutters in his chest as the alpha's cock works its way inside him.
The problem is that it keeps on coming. The vague estimation of length and girth does nothing to prepare him for reality. Just when he thinks that's it, he's taken the entire thing, there's more.
Tony runs his hands over Peter’s back, rubbing up and down his spine gently. His cock is too big to just shove in. No matter what his instincts were screaming at him when his omega squirms so pretty from the first half.
Peter’s eyelashes flutter and his knuckles turn white on the pole. He even fights it for a moment, a subconscious move, as his hips nudge forward, pressing him against cool metal and moving his weight onto his toes.
Tony growls and sets his teeth to his omega’s nape. One hand holds Peter at his stomach. The other rubs circles into his lower back, pinning him between his hands so he couldn’t get away.
Nowhere to go. His pussy is forced to take every inch and when their hips are snug tight, Peter shudders in ecstasy.
He feels speared open, his pussy stuffed so full that maybe even his slick can't make its way out. 
“Gonna fuck you silly, omega.” Tony breathes out against teeth warmed skin. 
His body clenches down hard. Peter's already halfway there just from the teasing and now this so he knows the alpha can deliver.
Tony feels, suddenly, the person to his left shift enough that their elbows knock together and a quiet ‘excuse me’ follows. He brightens his expression in a flash and gives them a winning smile, hands landing on Peter’s hips to keep him close and snug and stuffed full.
“No problem. It’s a tight fit.”
Peter breathes through the penetration and gives a breathless laugh. When he's become accustomed to the sheer size of the alpha's cock, he squirms. It's the only thing he can do, shifting his weight from foot to foot to feel the hard length rub against his tender insides.
Even that… fuck… even that feels incredible.
He wants the alpha's attention back on him.
"Alpha…" he says, voice soft, a hint of a moan.
The train rocks them as it moves but he exaggerates the motion so he can get the friction he wants. Even with the alpha's grip tight on his hips, it gives him the chance to push back when a few precious inches drag out of him.
Tony pulls his omega back onto his cock, reclaiming the inches Peter stole with a solid thud of their pelvises meeting. The meaty slap is covered up by the crowd of commuters hemming in their rutting. There are more people shifting and shuffling all around them every stop, pushing them together just from the sheer amount and pressure of bodies. 
“Feel good, omega? Feels nice to get my cock in you, huh?” Tony hooks his chin over the other's shoulder to breathe his questions along his neck and ear. His hands move back to Peter’s stomach and one on his hip, holding him in place. 
Peter doesn't reply, not verbally anyway. He lets his body do all the talking, using one hand to clinging onto the pole while the other clutches the alpha's forearm.
His pussy tightens and releases, squeezing along the thick length and encouraging the alpha to move. He tries to pull the same stunt as before, but their hips are pressed snug and he has nowhere to move. Tony's the one that has to start moving if Peter is to get any satisfaction.
“Mm. Such a good omega for me, Peter.” 
Tony kisses him on the scent gland. He pulls his cock back, hidden from the crowd by their clothing and the crowd itself, and then slowly feeds it back inside. He goes so slowly it’s more like rubbing than thrusting, easing himself in and out of the omega’s slick passage with practiced delicacy; massaging Peter’s pussy walls with each methodical grind of his cock deep inside.
"Alpha…" Peter lets out the softest plea, so close to a moan that it's embarrassing. But he has no choice besides forcefully pushing the bigger alpha away and he doesn't want to do that.
Some part of him actually likes this, pretending to be the helpless omega he knows he isn't and leaving his pleasure in another's hands.
He presses the alpha's hand down over his belly and swears he could feel him there.
“Can you feel me? Spreading you open on my cock so easy, baby. You’re doing so well.” His hand presses down on Peter’s belly, holding him close and intimate, hips still following that same maddening slow glide. 
"So big…" Peter murmurs raggedly. He trembles at the words of praise, that undeniably omegan part of him preening from it. "Alpha… Can feel you here…" 
And God, it's true… He feels like the alpha's cock has to be right there, cockhead nudging the entrance to his womb. The very thought gives Peter's instincts a kick start, especially since he's so close to a heat. 
They’re pushed together from shoulder to knees by the crowds and Tony loves being able to blanket the other with his body. His alpha cock drags along slick insides; slow, thorough, and deep. 
Peter's entire body shudders before he locks it in position. He clamps down the growing need, gritting his teeth together as the alpha takes his body on a test run.
The maddening speed makes sense for where they are but somehow, Peter still feels like it's not enough. He wants to be a good omega and let the alpha savor this but he also wants to get fucked and he wants it hard enough that he feels his bones shaking in his body. 
Tony growls against Peter’s neck, skittering heat searing its way up his spine with every push and pull. Peter’s pussy is sucking him in so well, holding onto him so tightly when he retreats. It’s making him want to plug the omega full of his alpha cum. 
He parts his lips against Peter’s skin, flicking his tongue against him teasingly. His cock sinks in and out with almost hypnotic smoothness and ease. 
Tony wishes he could watch himself stuff Peter’s pussy full to bursting.
Every slow drag teases at Peter’s ability to be good. He feels every inch bury itself inside his body and every single inch as it withdraws. It leaves him biting down on his bottom lip to stop the whimpers from spilling out of it.
Then the alpha presses into him again, pushing that hard, thick cock inside until he squeezes out the very breath in Peter's lungs. And he goes to repeat it again, Peter's vision swims because he can't take it.
"Al–pha…" Peter breathes. His clutches onto Tony's arm, hips jerking in his tight grasp in a half-hearted attempt.
“Yes, omega?” Tony rubs his fangs against Peter’s skin at the same slow pace his cock rubbed in and out of his pussy. 
"Harder–" he murmurs softly, quietly. 
He's so focused on the cock inside him that he's not sure he even said the words loud enough for Tony to hear. He makes sure this time, he hears him.
"Alpha…" the omega groans, "Please– H-harder. I can feel it… But I need– Alpha, please… Fuck my pussy harder… You're…"
He whimpers then, pushing back against the alpha's hold to chase after his retreating cock.
"'M so wet… Can't you feel it… alpha…?" Peter licks his lips, breath shallow with need. "Need alpha's cock inside me… Fucking me… Need it in my pussy, alpha…"
Tony pulls back and thrusts in without warning; then goes right into fucking him hard, timing it to the swaying and lurching of the train.
"God. Baby, Peter, fuck, you just love taking it." Tony pants behind Peter's ear. He can't help the little snarls curling outwards from his chest, vibrating upwards in a bloom of pure alpha claim. 
He jerks his hips faster and tighter as his excitement grows, quick rabbit thrusts, brutal enough to slam Peter into the pole he’s braced on. Any slick noises are eaten by the susurration of the crowd. 
Tony’s cock feels like he’s fucking into heaven; tight heat and wet slick and a sinful ass bouncing in his lap before work. 
"A-Ah…" Peter has been trying so hard to keep quiet, but by then, even he can't stop himself from moaning. And really… it isn't that suspicious. They're obviously rutting, alpha and omega pulled together and having some fun.
Most of the newcomers don't realize how far they've gone.
He's letting out breathless little gasps, just doing what he can to let the alpha get it. He normally hates how bumpy and terrible the subway ride is going into the city but right now, he's loving it.
“That’s right, baby. Let me hear you. Just me; just keep making those soft little whimpers for me, Peter. You’re my omega right now. And my omega is doing so well for me.” Tony praises him with his teeth against Peter’s mating gland. His hand holds him steady at his hip, pinned where Tony wants him. 
The alpha's grip on him is bruisingly tight, it needs to be with how one wrong lurch of the train can dislodge him. Neither of them wants that so Peter holds still, legs tense, pussy dripping, and mouth slack as he's being fucked right there.
Tony wants to cum so deep inside, Peter doesn’t even drip. He wants to breed him. Claim him. Own him.
“Omega…” Tony grunts and thrusts harder, the base of his cock getting tight. If only they could.
That tone is Peter's only warning. He digs his nails into the alpha's arm.
How many stops have passed? He's lost count. But even though he's the one that agreed to this as long as it's a quickie, he doesn't want it to end just yet. He's finally getting what he wants, a nice hard fuck and he knows the alpha won't stop until Peter's more than satisfied.
He digs in deeper, tossing his head back and shaking it almost desperately.
"Not yet, not yet…" he almost begs. Just wants that alpha cock pounding him open just a little bit longer.
Tony set his lips to Peter’s neck, teeth grit to avoid biting. His balls are heavy and drawing up tight despite Peter’s delicious chanting in his ear. He’s going to cum in this omega and send him on his way dripping with it. 
Of course, that's when the train comes to a halt. The doors don't open.
At the lack of movement, some people come alive around them, lifting their heads when they've realized the train has stopped. 
Tony comes to a complete halt with an act of willpower he should be applauded for. He growls softly and unhooks his head from Peter’s shoulder, waiting to see what was going on. 
He puts a little space between his chest and Peter’s back and keeps their lower bodies as still as possible for the appearance of propriety. Buried balls deep inside of Peter’s pussy, his cock aches at him, throbbing and pulsing with the need to keep going. 
"Alpha–" Peter groans, upset at the sudden stop. His squirming begins anew but then he freezes when he realizes everything has stopped.
The intercom turns on.
"Ladies and gentlemen," the announcement comes on, "we are delayed because of train traffic ahead of us. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience."
Peter's groan is drowned out by the surrounding passengers' sounds of dismay. 
“Party’s on pause, sweetheart.” Tony murmurs under his breath. 
Peter leans his head on the back of his hand. He's obviously displeased by the entire thing but it gives him a moment to collect himself. Breathe in deep breaths and cool off.
Tony lets out his own sigh of dismay along with the stirring buzz around them. His balls are tight and ready to fill Peter up. The base of his cock feels swollen and tender, ready to pop a knot at any moment if he could just move.
“Shouldn’t trust the subway. Only good thing it’s brought me was you,” Tony says, hand creeping up to slide along Peter’s sides and chest. Not as good over the clothing but Tony could appreciate this while inadvertently getting his cock warmed. 
The omega sighs and relaxes into the touch. He likes this simple affection but he could still feel the alpha inside him. He can't relax or calm down, not like this… The man hasn't softened at all and it's a whole different kind of dirty he's feeling now that he accesses the situation.
He's… he's letting an alpha stay inside him… deceiving the other passengers who think they're just rubbing against each other. His body ends up tightening down on the alpha's cock and his head hangs, eyes peeking where their hands are pressed over his belly.
Tony brightens with an idea. 
“Do you have an undershirt? Can you unbutton and let me play with your nipples, just while we’re stuck?” 
Proper rules of society allow an alpha to play with an omega’s body so long as it's covered and no penetration is involved. If Peter’s shirt is thin enough, Tony could pluck and strum his nipples and not even have to hide it. 
For some reason, this makes Peter feel a bit shy. Maybe it's because they've already come so far that adding more to it seems even more obscene. This one request is actually something Tony's allowed to do though and Peter can feel his nipples already start to pebble up beneath his shirt at the possibility.
He also knows that he'll become a needy little thing once Tony starts playing with them… They've always been a bit sensitive and with everything else going on, he's not sure how well he'll be able to handle having those played with, too.
"Might be a bit sensitive," he says as he starts to unbutton his button-up. It takes him longer than usual, an understandable delay since he keeps getting distracted by the alpha's cock.
“That’s perfect, baby.” Tony waits patiently for Peter to undress, hand skimming up and down his body all the while. He misses holding onto Peter’s stomach with the omega; it had been surprisingly intimate, especially in combination with the fertile heat scent surrounding Peter. 
Beneath his button-up, he's wearing a plain white v-neck shirt. It's pretty thin since he has multiple layers on. His suit jacket…The button-up, then his Spiderman suit which has retracted… and the undershirt.
Since they're no longer swaying to and fro, he no longer has to hold onto the pole for balance. He shifts into a more comfortable position, making sure to keep the alpha buried deep inside him even then.
“You ready?” Tony asks gently. 
He’s busy kissing up one side of Peter’s nape and down the other. He was never very good at waiting or holding still and having to do both with his erection snug inside such a blistering hot omega pussy makes him restless and somehow even hornier. 
"Here, alpha…" Peter murmurs before leading the man's hands to his chest. Excitement stirs in his body and he almost can't bear the anticipation.
“Good boy, omega.” Tony praises right behind his ear, low and hot. 
He loves a partner that asks for what they want. His fingers spread out, cupping his omega’s chest and squeezing. His thumbs find the pebbled nipples and begin circling, slow; repeating the same teasing dance he’d done with his pelvis earlier. 
It's as Peter expects. His body is more sensitive and receptive than normal. Every slow tease against his nipples has the omega shifting about restlessly. It's not a full out assault, not yet, but it's a slow build of sensation. It tugs on his attention and one hand drifts between his legs towards his hard cocklet.
He clenches down on the alpha's cock, holding back a needy whine.
“You’re such a good boy for me. Holding so still. Waiting so patient. Letting me play with your body.” Tony’s voice lowers until his words are almost more heat than air. He presses his words into Peter’s pulse point and pinches both nipples simultaneously. 
Peter's hand spasms midway down towards his cock. He whimpers, unable to help himself as delicious shocks of pleasure spark from where Tony plays with his chest. The words convince him to forgo touching himself.
"Alpha…" Peter murmurs, arching himself into the man's touch. 
The movement causes his body to shift just enough that the alpha's cock slips out, just the tiniest bit, but Peter's quickly reclaims it. He doesn't want to lose even an inch of the alpha's cock in his pussy, he needs to be the good omega this alpha claims he is. 
“You’re a good cockwarmer. Your pussy is still so tight, even holding my alpha cock for so long. You’re so wet still, too. Slick and horny and sitting nicely on my cock while I enjoy these little nipples. Right where you should be, omega. Where you belong.” Tony can’t move his hips but his cock bucks deep inside of Peter anyway, reacting to his own words. 
He sighs softly and enjoys the zings of pleasure that follow. He rolls Peter’s nipples between his thumb and middle finger, pulling and tweaking, loving every contraction of Peter’s pussy around him it produces. 
The flares of pleasure Peter feels are beautiful distractions, a great way to pass the time while they wait for the train to start up again. He feels the heavy weight of others trying to look at them, a difficult task with all the bodies blocking any clear sight. It still makes him feel hot…
Peter wants to do more than just be a pretty cockwarmer though he's enjoying this far too much that he wouldn't mind doing it again. As long as it's this alpha…
His face turns so he rubs his cheek against the expensive cloth. He can smell the alpha's sweat and musk through his clothing and his mouth waters, hungry to lick the taste from Tony's skin.
Tony turns and nuzzles back, mouthing kisses into Peter’s neck. He rubs his teeth over reddened skin and shifts his weight from foot to foot so his cock moves inside of Peter that delicious little bit. Holding back from pounding into his willing body when he’d been so close to coming was glorious torture.
Tony may not be able to fuck him without giving them away but Peter can do his own bit of teasing.
Even as he's being mercilessly teased, he works on dismantling the alpha's control. If he's going to lose his mind, he's bringing the alpha down with him.
"Not patient," he refutes before he starts purposely contracting and massaging the alpha's cock inside him.
“Baby…” Tony moans, ragged and breathless. 
He kisses Peter’s nape and then his scent gland. His teeth nip and press but don’t leave any real marks. If Tony really was just rutting against Peter, he’d probably be trying to work a hickey onto his mating gland (or very close to it). Instead, he only teases with the promise of that taboo intimacy. 
It doesn't even take much effort. The only true obstacle is his own pleasure building and yet, not getting enough of it. Every clench and squeeze has Tony's cock rubbing against his insides and it feels so good that he wants to start bouncing on the alpha's cock again.
He can't though, so he just reaches back with one hand and feels firm muscle of the alpha's leg beneath his fingers.
His eyes shutter close but he starts whispers of his own, lips parting so sweetly and speaking such filth.
"Alpha's cock feels so good in my pussy…" Peter softly moans, squeezing and massaging, "Wanna feel it again… Alpha fucking me open…"
“Alpha wants that too, baby.” Tony plucks and strums at Peter’s nipples. His cock is still aching, the edge taken off by Peter’s playing while his arousal amped up from the very same thing. He wants to snarl at everyone to leave so he could knot Peter on every available seat, claiming the whole car for their heat nest. 
Peter gives such a harsh nip, desire swirling inside him and restless with how restrained they are.
"Don't think I wanna stop, alpha…" Peter murmurs, "Think we deserve a reward for this… No one even knows you have your cock inside me… What do you think, alpha…? I think I wanna feel how big your knot can get…."
Tony thrusts so hard forward they both tip their weight against the pole and it probably digs uncomfortably into Peter’s shoulder. Tony almost doesn’t care and keeps going anyway. The omega squeaks in surprise, tight little body clenching down like a vice.
He hears a concerned noise beside them and stills, remembering their situation with only a momentary clearing of the gauzy lust covering his gaze. 
“Sorry. Lost my balance.” Tony mutters to no one and doesn’t stop pinning Peter to the pole with his body and cock. It’s almost as good as a wall with the other passengers all around to brace them, too. Tony’s attention tunnels in on how his base is already hot and tight, just a few thrusts from locking them together. 
Tony leans in and puts his teeth to Peter’s neck at the back while a hand comes up to the front, cupping his throat, keeping his vulnerable neck pinned just as securely as his body.
The gesture makes Peter want to melt into his embrace, just caught on the older alpha's cock. He licks his dry lips, pulling in a ragged breath. Just that light pressure on his Adam's apple makes him so hot but it's the teeth at his nape that makes him want to whimper.
“You deserve that, omega. You deserve my knot. You’ve been so good. You’d take it so well, I know you would. When the train starts up again, I’ll give you what you’ve earned.” Tony promises through fanged kisses to Peter’s nape. He holds Peter close. The urge to pull back so he can thrust in and get hot friction is maddening. 
Peter grips Tony's strong arm in a clawed grip. His eyes are squeezed shut now as he concentrates on feeling just how trapped he is here. Hand on his throat, teeth on his skin, and the most perfect alpha cock buried inside him. He wants to get caught on the knot, feels it like an undeniable itch deep inside…
"Alpha," he breathes, "you can smell it, can't you…?"
“Mm?” Tony makes an answering noise. He’s too busy to speak more, kissing and nipping in turn. Teeth igniting the sensitive patches of skin and his lips soothing away the jagged tingles. 
Peter starts to slowly roll his hips in that tight space. It's an agonizing grind and he teases the alpha even more, trying to encourage that knot to pop without the alpha even continuing to fuck him.
"Heat soon," he pants quietly, "Not on any… suppressants… C'mon, alpha, want that knot…"
“Fuck, yes. You’re going to take it so deep for me.” Tony flexes his fingers and bites down, only careful enough not to break skin. He hopes he’s leaving marks. 
How long can the alpha last when they're stuck like this? How long can Peter continue to tease him by using his internal muscles to squeeze and massage the hard length stretching him apart?
Slender fingers drift up towards Tony's and they press down, encouraging the alpha to squeeze just a little bit harder.
Tony’s fingers squeeze at the same time his hips tilt upward, trying to press inside more when he’s already balls deep. His heart is going a mile a minute and he can’t hear the crowd around them anymore. 
"Knot me, Tony," Peter groans when he tips his head back, nipping at the man's jaw and letting his hot breath ghost along reddened skin. "I'll let you do it, let you cum inside me… Just like this. Nothing between us."
Tony’s teeth break skin and his hips jerk back the tightest inch of his life before slamming upwards. They’re held up only by his hold on Peter’s throat -hand and teeth- and his arm around the omega’s body pinning him to the pole. His eyes flutter shut as his knot inflates rapidly and he cums, popping in moments and locking them together in the middle of rush hour.
Peter barely feels the bite but he feels Tony's knot the moment it starts to grow.
His insides grow tight as he's forced to accommodate the knot rapidly inflating. His breath stutters in his chest, caught in his throat as brown eyes widen in surprise. He knows Tony's knot is going to be huge, but even he doesn't expect this. It's massive and the omega struggles to take it. His body is made for this but he can't help groaning, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his pussy accommodates the expanding size of the knot.
Tony buries his snarl in the nape of Peter’s hair, so glad he’d set his mouth somewhere safe before biting. He can’t stop shivering or growling, pressing in all around Peter, surrounding him with his scent and the vibration of his claim. His cock bucks continuously, shooting load after load into this dangerously sexy omega caught on his knot. 
A whimper, soft and dazed, barely escapes before Peter's panting, lips slack and eyes dazed.
He's getting what he wants and it's better than he ever hoped to dream. His lashes flutter closed as he revels in the heat spilling inside him. He presses his palm over his belly where he had felt Tony's cock carving into him, pressing that sensitive place that makes Peter see stars. That's where he feels it... The alpha spilling all that hot heat inside him, feeding it directly into his womb.
It's the last thing he needs before he's coming too. He's forced to be quiet though. The only thing that gives him away is the soundless gasp and the vicious clenching of his body as he rides the high. 
More wetness spills between his legs and he knows he's made a mess in his suit. The consequences don't seem as dire, not when he has an alpha pumping him full.
“Fuck, baby… Peter…” Tony pants, nuzzling the sluggishly bleeding bite mark he’d left dead center on the back of the omega’s neck. 
His body is buzzing all over and aware of the other people around them tangentially. He kisses it and then has to resist biting into it again to deepen the mark. He wants to, though. 
“Should have asked if I could bite you.” Tony murmurs when he can think past his pumping cock. 
It’s a good thing they’d knotted successfully; if the amount of cum he’s flooding Peter with drips out his pussy and down his thigh, there’s no way they could have hidden their activities. 
"Mm…" Peter sighs, content and a little cumdrunk. 
There's never been any scientific proof about alpha cum affecting omegas like this, but Peter still feels like he’s becoming intoxicated, drunk off pleasure . He reaches up and gently traces over the bite mark. It stings a bit but he's had worse.
Tony kisses his fingers as they trace the bite. He nibbles on work rough fingertips, affectionate and easy. He’s got his omega held tight and secure and they’re both safe in the crowd. 
Peter feels so good right now and he leans into the alpha's embrace, seeking out more contact. The idea of this ending, which it has to, is a threat to the afterglow he's currently basking in.
"Maybe next time," Peter decides to murmur. 
He wants to make sure there's a next time.
"Wanna be my alpha, Tony…?" The omega asks even as he continues to milk the alpha's knot. It's just… incentive, really. "Don't think I'm done with you yet. Not when you have such a nice, big knot for me to play with..."
“Oh, fuck, do I ever, baby.” Tony rolls his hips, tugging on Peter’s rim with his knot. His hand finally lets go of his neck to reach down and touch his stomach, petting him where a pup would swell out if this knotting takes. He didn’t think he wanted kids but the thought of Peter getting pregnant has him coming again, teeth gritting back his sounds of pleasure. 
The crowd around them shuffles and murmurs and politely doesn’t react. Tony kisses the sweaty skin of Peter’s bitten nape and smirks at anyone that makes eye contact while he relaxes into knotting Peter’s beautiful pussy.
“Need to… exchange phone numbers.” Tony pants out once the bliss ebbs enough for him to speak. He wants to do this again. He wants to maybe take Peter out to dinner, too. Maybe Peter would let Tony play with him under the table? 
"Sounds perfect." 
Peter relaxes into the knotting, body following instincts and squeezing down whenever he feels a load being pushed inside him. His belly flutters with the sensation, tiny little butterflies that have him smiling and feeling so affectionate for this alpha.
Tony kisses and nuzzles his nape and neck, carding fingers through sweat damp curls. Somehow he’s still filled with burning pleasure but the urgency has abated. So long as Peter stays right where he belongs on Tony’s knot. Tony keeps him blanketed with his body, instincts driving him to keep Peter close and hidden. 
Peter reaches into his briefcase, fingers clumsy as he grabs a pen. Next, he takes Tony's hand, tugging up the alpha's sleeve so he can pen his phone number right on his skin. When he's done, he brings Tony's wrist to his mouth and lays a kiss there.
"You won't make me wait long, will you, alpha?" He murmurs.
“Aren’t you supposed to wait three days to not seem desperate?” Tony teases. He caresses Peter’s cheek, cupping his face tenderly so he could swipe a thumb across his skin.
The omega purrs but chuckles at the words. They’re knotted in a train… Desperate doesn’t seem to really have any meaning between them if this is how they met.
The train starts with a jolt and the quiet audience grumbles with mutters of finally. A brief announcement from the train conductors lets Peter know they're actually two quick stops away from where he gets off.
The knot is still going strong so Peter doesn't think it'll be done by then. He doesn't want to rush the alpha either. There's nothing they could do to hasten a knotting and a quick glance at the time shows he could still make it to his interview.
As expected, the two stops pass quickly and Peter still finds himself in the alpha's arms when the subway doors close and take him to the next stop. He's actually two stops late when he finally feels it soften. Even then, his omega side hates the idea of separating now but he does so with the assurance that they'll meet up again.
“Get ready, sweetheart,” Tony whispers against Peter’s ear. He can tell it’s almost deflated enough to pull out. A few testing tugs and some seconds later and he’s proven right when the knot pulls out reluctantly. 
Peter pulls away with a shiver, feeling the alpha's cock slip from his body. Tony came so deep inside him that he doesn't feel any of his load slipping out, not yet anyway. Maybe later… Maybe during his interview, he'll feel some of that wetness leaking out of him.
The very thought makes him tremble with anticipation.
Tony tucks himself away, zipping up. Within seconds, he looks nothing like a degenerate alpha that knotted a stranger on the train ride to work. He uses his body to shield Peter from view as the omega takes a little longer to straighten up, guarding him partly from instinct and partly from Tony’s own possessive streak.
It only takes a minute more to become perfectly presentable. Peter's clothes are easy to fix and he'll have to clean up in a bathroom somewhere… Use some scent neutralizers or something so he doesn't smell like an omega just recently fucked and seeded, even though that's exactly what's happened.
Peter slips his fingers into the alpha's hair and urges him close. He shares a single kiss with the alpha, eyes drifted closed to maintain the sweet anonymous nature of their meeting. Next time… Next time, he'll take everything in.
"See you later, alpha. Don't keep me waiting too long." 
He's gone with the crowd, feeling every twinge and ache in his lower body and loving every bit of it. He has thirty minutes to get to his interview and decides to take a cab instead of riding the train back down the line.
Tony watches him go. He licks his lips, tasting the lingering traces of their kiss. He looks down at where the numbers been scrawled on his skin and smiles broadly. 
“Well, now I won’t have to use JARVIS to find you, sweetheart.”
“You’re late.” Pepper’s waiting for him. Tony grimaces and swerves away from the labs he’d been trying to duck away into. 
“You’re not getting out of those interviews. You promised those young men and women an appearance and I let you skip three board meetings in exchange. You’re going.” Pepper beats him to the punch and grabs him by the nape like he was an unruly pup. He acquiesces with grace and dignity and no squawking or flailing of any kind.
He’s deposited outside the door to the first interviewee, given a stapled little stack of papers and a pen, and told not to get any lawsuits today. Then Pepper’s on her way with JARVIS’s promise to keep Tony in line. 
“Traitor…” Tony mutters as he opens the door.
Inside, the guy must have gotten bored of waiting for Tony (he’d taken the time to get an iced coffee. Knotting was thirsty work!) and is up out of his seat, reading something on the wall. 
Tony’s eyes automatically dip to catalogue the ass on offer. It's as unconscious as breathing and he does it even when he isn’t residually horny, still thinking about that omega from the train.
He knows that ass...
He just fucked that ass.
It’s Peter!
“Well, well, well. I see you couldn’t wait for a text.” Tony purrs the words out, alpha pride swelling in his chest. Peter has to be smart to make it this far and he’s so beautiful in the improved lighting. Beauty and brains. The combination that always brought him to his knees.
Peter pauses in his task. The wall is lined with testimonies about Stark Industries and all the awards they've received in the past couple years. He knows when Tony Stark enters, even picks up the alpha's scent when he does.
His brain doesn't quite make the connection until he hears Tony's voice. He's been waiting for some time, edging into the second hour actually, so any residual omegan instincts should be well and truly gone.
Except he recognizes that voice and his body does too. Heat sparks in the pit of his belly and he has to take in a breath to compose himself.
The alpha's playful tone breaks all expectations of professionalism between them though.
Peter turns with a smile as though he'd expected this all along.
"You kept me waiting," Peter says with teasing smile. 
He takes a couple steps towards the older man, really taking him in. Dark hair, sharp eyes, a smile that just made him want to melt. Tony Stark is a hard man to forget. His face is plastered all over the media and Peter has had a crush on him since he was a pup…
Tony Stark also doesn't take mass transit or so Peter had thought. 
No wonder it was so easy for Peter to trick himself into thinking it was his celebrity crush. The alpha in the subway had the perfect body build and the voice had been very similar and now, Peter knows why.
His mystery alpha is who he's been fantasizing about all along. What a coincidence, if Peter believes in such things..
"Alpha," Peter dips his head in acknowledgement, flashing Tony Stark a hint of his bruised neck. "My name's Peter Parker and I'm very… passionate about working with you. If you'll have me."
"Hmm." Tony’s eyes lock onto the dark mark. 
He remembers the taste of putting it there and feels heat bloom below his belly button. His cock wants to test out how well his omega has held onto his load. His mouth wants a taste of that tantalizing slick he’d only gotten a sniff of. 
He looks down at his wrist where Peter’s phone number is still written.
“Tell you what. I’ll hire you, right here and now, if you strip and present your hole for me.” Tony smirks. He lifts his iced coffee to his lips and takes a languid sip, eyes sparkling. “I need to check you’ve held onto what I gave you earlier like a good boy before I make my decision.”
Perhaps, any other omega would have gotten offended at such a request. It does make Peter's face flush pink with heat but he's not offended. He got the interview on his own merit and he knows he would've been hired anyway.
Maybe if they hadn't met earlier or done what they did, this game would've been played over a series of weeks, omega teasing alpha and alpha teasing omega. Or maybe it would've gone exactly like it did an hour ago, scent calling to scent and the two of them irresistibly drawn together regardless of being boss and employee.
Either way, Peter starts by taking off his suit jacket. Then with slow, teasing fingers, he pops each button on his shirt from top to bottom and lets the shirt tails hang loosely. The shoes go and his pants drop to his ankles. He steps out without hesitation and despite the way his entire body wants to shake with anticipation, he walks towards the alpha with almost a predatory gait.
His hands rest on Tony's firm chest and he smiles, a dare and lure at the same time. 
"Check then, alpha," Peter says confidently. "No matter what you say, I already got what I want."
He hooks his hand in the alpha's neck, pulling him down as he leans up.
"You." Peter kisses him, leaving no room for questions.
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Shanie's Action Figure Update! 3/14/21
Top Row: Basic 51 Stephanie (First Time in Line), AEW Unrivaled Series 2 Hangman Adam Page (First Figure)
Middle Row: Elite 71 Big Show (Flashback)
Bottom Row: Elite 66 Kevin Owens (Chase), Elite 80 Kevin Owens
Well, it's that time again!
Five new figures in this batch, although you've already seen the Hangy figure. That's Adam's first figure ever, I believe. At the very least, it's his first full sized figure. Naturally I had to have it, and I intend on getting the Series 5 Hangman as well very soon. I just wish he didn't have clown feet. Stephanie was bought for a custom, but I really like her. A lot. Too much. She's much better than my battle pack Steph and is the FTiL figure. Now I don't want to use her for a custom.
That Big Show was insanely expensive and he's staying in the box until I have a place to put him on my shelf. I don't want to discuss how much I paid for him. Just know it was TOO MUCH and move on. (Note: The reason for TOO MUCH is that he's the only flashback Show we are EVER getting due to Paul Wight going All Elite. He was expensive on secondary before that announcement. Now he's just absurd. But I wanna make a corporation, so I needed him.)
As for the Kevin's, I'm trying to buy every Sami and Kevin figure there is and I'm starting with the Elites. That one on the right though needs a repaint for his hair and beard. FAR too red. The one on the left is the same KO that goes with my 2018 Sami Elite, but is the Chase Variant. They're both sitting happily on my shelf now, along with my three Sami Elites. (I have three Samis and three Kevins, plus one Basic Kevin on the shelf as well.) Anyway, right now I'm waiting for the Firefly Fun House Bray Exclusive to come back in stock so my latest figure haul can ship. I ordered a bunch of figures from RSC including a new Triple H basic for potential use as a Shane custom. I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make dress shirt Shane with a headswap and removing the suit jacket only. We'll have to see.
Anyway, that does it for this edition of Shanie's Action Figure Update! Stay tuned for another episode later this month when my haul shows up! Same shit site, same shit blog!
Shanie Out!
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