#themes: fame
intoallofmypoems · 17 days
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taylor swift + fame — the lucky one & the tortured poets department: the anthology parallels
“Well, thanks, guys! This is a little one that I re-fell in love with while re-recording. It’s about how horrible being famous is.” — TAYLOR BEFORE PLAYING THE LUCKY ONE (PIANO) IN ARLINGTON, TX, ON APRIL 2nd
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okay so having numbers in your last name is cool when it’s matteo JWHJ0715, but not when it’s a hot girl with a new account on tumblr dot com 🙄 just say you hate women
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unorcadox · 7 months
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On that day, the viscera of God fell on the world.  Stringing itself up across the sky and into everything.
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thegreatyin · 14 days
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scoundrel?? what scoundrel???? the magnificent mr cards (who ironically has more of a flower aesthetic going on) is completely unrelated to any "bandaged scoundrels" running around the neath. in fact it's never heard of the word scoundrel ever in its entire definitely long definitely ancient life. but yknow, hypothetically, if it did know the scoundrel, it's confident that they're really really really handsome and cool and epic and they're almost just as amazing as it is and you should totally donate all your valuables to them and stuff
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aaand because i like them too much, have a transparent version. the Creachure. the Thing, even.
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thekidsarentalright · 9 months
so anyways some legends are told some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me, remember me for centuries, and just one mistake is all it will take, we’ll go down in history, remember me for centuries, remember me for centuries. Mummified my teenage dreams, no it’s nothing wrong with me, the kids are all wrong, the story’s all off, heavy metal broke my heart. come on, come on and let me in, bruises on your thighs like my fingerprints- and this is supposed to match, the darkness that you felt, i never meant for you to fix yourself. some legends are told some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me, remember me for centuries, and just one mistake is all it will take, we’ll go down in history, remember me for centuries, remember me for centuries. And i can’t stop till the whole world knows my name, ‘cause i was only born inside my dreams. Until you die for me, as long as there’s a light, my shadow’s over you ‘cause I am the opposite of amnesia. And you’re a cherry blossom, you’re about to bloom, you look so pretty but you’re gone so soon. some legends are told some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me, remember me for centuries, and just one mistake is all it will take, we’ll go down in history, remember me for centuries, remember me for centuries. We’ve been here forever, and here’s the frozen proof, I could scream forever, we are the poisoned youth. some legends are told some turn to dust or to gold but you will remember me, remember me for centuries, and just one mistake is all it will take, we’ll go down in history, remember me for centuries, remember me for centuries.
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blackbeautybaby · 1 month
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lesbianfakir · 5 months
Fakir's theme (Beethoven's Coriolan Overture) always struck me as funny because it stands apart from the other character's themes. Mytho has the delicate Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy, Rue the somber Gymnopedie No 1, Duck the cheerful Nutcracker Oveture etc... while Fakir's theme is well... LOUD.
It characterizes his most aggressive moments, mainly playing in scenes where he antagonizes Mytho and Duck.
This always sat a little weird with me as it is a very surface-level character theme for such a complex character. In contrast, Rue's theme tells us something about her motivations under the Kraehe persona. Fakir's on the other hand tells us that he's mean and aggressive... something any viewer who's gotten to a scene where the song plays already knows.
On one of my rewatches, though, I noticed that he has another song that functions as a sort of secondary theme: an excerpt from Scheherazade.
This song plays most notably throughout most of episode 12, while he is bonding with Duck. It shows up a few times later in season 2, mainly in scenes concerning Fakir's struggle to write. As such, I view it as a complementary theme to the Coriolan Overture.
Listening to the song, it feels much more in line with Fakir we've come to know him. The song can be a little delicate and a little sad with gentle wind solos that lead into loud, grand orchestral sections. The repetitiveness, tempo, and use of dramatic brass and strings give these louder sections a gallant, almost desperate tone. It's super fitting that this is the song that plays throughout the episode where we get the best sense of Fakir's natural personality when he isn't putting on the cold persona.
I don't really have a deeper analysis here I just think it's really fun that as his character develops he gets an additional theme. If you think about it the music in Tutu functions as a sort of jukebox musical--the world and characters are built around the songs. Once we start to get to know who Fakir really is, the music that represents him changes to reflect him better.
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kayvsworld · 5 months
sorry to be doing mcu throwback complaints again and EXTRA sorry for it to be about cacw and aou, sorry, i just am thinking again that if marvel had. in aou. committed to letting steve rogers see that captain america graffiti calling him a fascist with his own two eyes i would have forgiven many of their subsequent deeds and crimes
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cowardlycowboys · 1 month
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looks at u with sad brown eyes
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Frye's splatfest teams aren't BAD but more so just unpopular(etc: Fame and Paper)
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lady-of-the-spirit · 6 months
Still salty that the Daisy Jones series improved Eddie's character from the book but gave him a worse ending than his book counterpart had.
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 8 months
alright chat . it's time for "dissecting the inherent tragedy of transformers: botbots and the relationships in them":
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toxic doomed yuri edition ( referring to these two ↑ )
(yes, i made this picmix myself 4 this. i have no regrets. also no tl;dr because you guys NEED to read this)
something i want y'all to understand is that it is Not about the idea that spud wasn't loved. he was VERY much loved by everyone, ESPECIALLY burgertron.
the whole point is that he sabotaged himself in the process of ruining someone else's life, someone who valued him and his word above others. he and burgertron BOTH let their ego get in the way of their personal lives, the only difference is that burgertron at least had the dignity to swallow his pride and apologise when it mattered most.
He gave spud a second chance because he loved him. because he recognised that he does deserve redemption, and above all else, he wants spud to know he cares, even if that means he'll never see him again, or they'll never be friends. (Even in light of the "sidekick" comment, i genuinely don't think he held any inherent malice in that statement. even if burgs was an egotist, he still loved him.)
the worst thing burgertron did in their relationship was be unaware, and im sure that despite his ego, he never meant for spud to get hurt. that's why he went out of his way to protect him, when he couldve just stood there and let spud get put on the back of a truck to never be seen again. it would have been easy.
but he didn't. he did the hard thing. the Right thing. he stood up for someone who never did the same for him.
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Spud Was Loved. Spud Is loved. and sometimes love isn't going to look pretty, or manifest in holding hands and cuddling, and it isn't all rainbows and sunshine. it can hurt. it can be letting go of someone who you hurt by accident, who you never meant to harm, but it happened anyways because you made the fatal mistake of being oblivious.
And that's what Burgertron did. he let Spud go, because he understood they both needed time to heal on their own terms. regardless of if he's mad at him or not, he does still harbor positive feelings for him, and he stood up for him during times he probably shouldn't have. If he ACTUALLY hated spud, he wouldn't have stuck his neck out for him at bot prom. or believe spud when he was lying through his teeth in the games.
And that's what makes them so tragic. perhaps in another world, another life, they'd have been Actual good friends, who truly stuck by each other. maybe things would have been different.
But we'll never know that now, will we?
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 5 months
Emotional damage aside
How do you think buggy arc, assuming we will get one, can play out without him interacting with shanks? And do you think buggy just getting over his past friendship would be having equally satisfying impact on the story as them becoming close again?
well, my shuggy bias is 100,000% at play here, but i think a version of buggy’s arc that doesn’t involve shanks in the end just can’t be as satisfying as one that does involve him, whether it’s a proper reconciliation or just confrontation/closure. the way buggy thinks and feels about shanks has been such a huge part of the way buggy talks about his life and thinks about his goals, it would feel imbalanced to me if he wasn’t there at the end, somehow.
but what could a buggy arc without shanks in it look like? that’s an interesting question. two options (one a hurt no comfort version of my lt fic still pretty shanks-oriented, one an honest attempt at a shanksless buggy arc) below the cut.
if we’re just saying no interactions, shanks can still be part of buggy’s story in absentia, as he has been for much of canon. something to strive for, the measuring stick of buggy’s life, always frustratingly out of reach… until now. now buggy can practically taste the look of shock and awe on shanks’ face when buggy beats him to the one piece! it’s gonna be so good, getting everything he wants and rubbing it in his stupid face. but then shanks dies. shanks is dead. he never got the one piece, and he never got to see buggy get the one piece, and buggy’s never going to see him again, and— the one piece is within buggy’s reach, and so is the person who killed shanks. what does buggy want more: riches or revenge? what does he value more: treasure or an old friend?
buggy wants the one piece for two reasons, right? one: because it’s the biggest most valued most legendary treasure on the planet, and buggy loves treasure. and two: because it’s captain roger’s treasure, and buggy wants to inherit that legacy, if shanks won’t do it. so i think we could manage a satisfying no-shanks arc for buggy if it involves him proving himself worthy of roger’s legacy. not by getting the one piece—i may be engaging in buggy-centric speculation but i think we all know that thing’s meant for luffy—but by gaining the respect of cross guild, and of the other emperors, and of the wider pirate world. the marines are wary of their misapprehension of buggy’s charisma; let’s see his real inspirational ability used for a good purpose. let’s have half the world call him a hero and half call him a monster, and either way mean that they consider him roger’s successor! let’s have rayleigh show up and tell buggy he’s proud of him!!!
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unorcadox · 7 months
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i’m ascending to a newer and better version of me
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lobotomizedlady · 3 months
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my tracklist btw (: all are finished lyric wise I just need to write the actual music lol. I have the melodies in my head but not on paper.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year
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what you gonna do in those shoes?
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