#the section about how there was an idea that ren would shoot akechi to reveal bm....goes crazy
saewokhrisz · 2 months
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you could think better with a hole in your head
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shadowtarot · 5 years
(Thieves in Inaba) Well Yu is safe, but what about the others? Wasn't Akechi fighting some new person?
Thieves in Inaba Part 47
Back deep within the watery caves of the castle sewers, Goro Akechi is fending off a Reaper and its master. The area is so dark, the teen can’t make much of the other persons appearance. A dark laugh erupts from them.
“You are the one my partner wished me to capture? A shame, I figured you would be stronger.” His tone is unhinged, like a maddened jester. “The darkness is my home, and you are out of your element.” 
Akechi laughs. “Is that so? Well then, how about I shed some light? ROBIN HOOD!” 
He summons his Bless caster and manages to illuminate the sewers for a bit. While the reaper looks…well like a reaper, his other opponent is now clearly seen. 
Completely monochrome in appearance with a suit that seems more fitting for the fairly wealthy, his foe is seen. He wears a mask, of the more by the books fashion but with no eye holes, just painted on lines that resemble eyes in a crude yet disturbing fashion. The masked man lets out a laugh, fitting that of the mask he dons. “You seem fearful, human. As you should be. I am the Stalker among the Stars, god of a thousand faces, I am-”
“Nyarlathotep….my suspicions were true then….” 
The gun in the suited man’s hand changes into a sword. “Smart. You impress me Princeling. But do not think my partner is the only one who can curse you. All of us have the means of doing so…” He lets out another unhinged laugh. 
The light fades, casting the sewers in darkness once more. Akechi now has a better idea of what he was facing. But no idea of how to get out of it…
Within the Mirror room with Ann, she’s still mulling over the hint in Latin. “Geez, Latin is the route for a lot of languages right? Then why can’t I figure out what to do?” 
Suddenly, the sounds of someone running into the room approach. Closer and closer, picking up speed. It’s accompanied by screaming. “SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!”
Dashing into the room proper and closing the door is non other than Ryuji. “Freaking…skeleton…shadows. How can they even run that fast without mussels?!” 
“Geez…” Ann face palms and shakes her head. “Well I’d rather it be you then a shadow.” 
Skull takes a chance to look around the room and notices the placard. “Eh? What is this…? Spanish?” 
“Ahhhh….well I have no ‘effing clue what it says either way.” Ryuji shrugs. “Is it like…the key to breaking outta this room?” 
Ann nods. “Yeah, it should be. But since I’m rusty on Latin I have no clue what I’m supposed to do?” 
“Have you tried brute forcing it?” The bleached blond suggests. 
“Eh? What do you-” But before she can ask, Ryuji slams his steel pipe on the placard, causing it and the whole portion of wall it was on to give way. Behind it sits a key. 
 “Ha! It worked! Screw puzzles am I right?” Ryuji looks extremely proud of himself, grinning from ear to ear like a little kid. 
“Well…I guess if it works it works?” With that, Ann goes to grab the key…only to notice it’s attached to red chains. Very…familiar…red chains…
“Oh Shit! Don’t tell me…is that a ‘effing Reaper?!” 
The whole section of wall is destroyed, revealing the Reaper in full. It goes to attack Ann but with swift thinking, Ryuji tackles her to the ground and takes the hit straight to the back. 
“AGH!” He winces. “You okay?” 
“Y-Yeah. Now let’s kick this thing’s ass! We have it out numbered two to one!” They both smirk and start their fight. 
In Ren’s room, the Phantom has also found himself coming face to face with a Reaper. Close to nearly passing out due the constant stream of shadows he had to fight, he can’t do much more than dodge his attacks. 
“Damnit…I should have…packed Soma….” He states, barely dodging gunfire. 
But then an arrow and fire shoot out from behind. Looking to it’s source, Ren sees Minato and Yukari. 
“Need help, Joker?” Minato smirks. “Fighting these guys when you’re this worn is suicide. Catch.” He tosses him a Soma which Joker consumes in an instant. 
“Thanks. Now care to help me take out the trash?” 
All three prep for combat. 
Back once more with Akechi, he’s barely dodging sword strikes from Nyarlathotep, and if it’s not that he’s being shot by the Reaper. Frustrated, Akechi tries once more to try to take control of a shadow…only to feel that pain in his chest once again. 
“Hahahahaaaaa! You really think that parlor trick will work? Your heart has grown soft, Princeling. You have no means of ever returning to that peek!”
“Tch..” Akechi sighs. 
“My Reapers are hunting each and every member of your little band as we speak. It won’t be long before all of them fall under my partner’s spell. I suggest you concede before you embarrass yourself anymore.”
“Reapers….if he’s controlling them…then I just need to disrupt it in some way…but how?” Goro mutters under his breath. 
More and more Reapers close in on the split party, and one seems to be heading in the direction of Yu, Teddie and Yosuke. What can be done to survive this attack? 
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