#the rock 'n roll sports classic
meikerrdehan75 · 2 years
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Joan Jett and Lita Ford with Leif Garrett at The Rock 'N Roll Sports Classic, 1978
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recursive360 · 1 month
💄...maybe it's Maybelline?
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Hail! Hail! Rock N' Roll!
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greenxgloss · 2 months
Marcus HCs (Swarm) NSFW
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A/N: so i noticed a lot of what people were saying about Marcus honestly didn't make sense to me. like a lot of them I can definitely agree with but idk I thought i'd put my two cents
okay, so i can't decide if marcus gets hookups often or if he's a once-a-year-get-down type of incel but regardless he's good at what he does.
he always wants more than a one-night stand
he's a total sex god. like the only thing he doesn't do is let you peg him but he's a switch and an experimentalist so he'll let you dom
he's not insecure in his size or height for this reason he knows he can make you cum with his mouth, hands and toys. he's sex-positive and educated in the world of sex toys.
he is amazing at aftercare. he'll clean you up and cuddle you. he'll only fall asleep after you and make sure you're okay. the next morning makes you breakfast and if it is your first time meeting he'll make conversation to get to know you and even drive you home or to work
hes an ass man 100% (this pains me to say because I don't have an ass but its so true)
he loves all body types and all types of men and women but has a strong preference for poc people. thinks they're absolutely beautiful
he loves walking around naked and goes to nude beaches but this specifically isn't sexual he just likes being naked and feeling free that way
he loves philosophy but in a good way and reads a whole lot of philosophical books and practices existentialism
he loves spirituality and manifesting
he's usually very clean, doesn't even get into bed with outside clothes
this man is romantic and corny as fuck oh yeah candles and rose pedals oh yeah and the dim lighting and classical music
he loved school as a kid and participated in all the sports and school events
loves his mom and buys her flowers on all holidays
loves baking more than cooking but hopes he can meet someone that will cook for him so he can bake for them
loves parties and going to the club just wishes he could dance better.
lana del rey and taylor swift are his guilty pleasures as a cis man
other than that loves rock music like kiss and the rolling stones
loves going all out on Halloween
loves being part of girl talk with his girl-friends and also calls them his girl-friends to other people
he loves nature
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 months
The Munson Twins – Steve Harrington
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Steve's POV
The Munsons were always a strange pair of twins. For one thing, they were polar opposites of each other. Eddie was into weird role-playing games. Y/N was into volleyball. Eddie is in danger of repeating his senior year. Y/N graduated early. Eddie is into rock and roll. Y/N plays the classical violin and the piano. Eddie loves black leather jackets. Y/N likes flowery sun dresses. Eddie is kind of a loner. Y/N is more popular than me.
Since Y/N graduated early, we spent our senior year in some of the same classes. That being said, we barely spoke to each other. The most we ever talked was congratulating each other after one of us won a game. All through high school, Y/N and I ran in the same social circles because of our sports so we often went to the same parties. Just because we went to the same parties doesn't mean we were friends.
Not to say I didn't wish we were friends. I've gone to most of Y/N's games and she's gone to most of mine. Whenever I looked in the stands and saw her, I became more self-conscious of my playing. I even went to her orchestra concerts. I usually sat in the back and left before anyone noticed I was there.
Throughout high school, I couldn't get Y/N Munson out of my head. It seemed like everywhere I looked, she was there. Even when I was dating Nancy, my mind often wondered to Y/N when I was alone.
When Vecna started killing teens and Eddie was blamed, my thoughts focused even more on Y/N. I wanted to talk to her about all of this, to make sure she knew her brother wasn't what the town thought, but I also didn't want her involved in any of this shit.
I had to force Y/N to the back of my mind as we tried to help Eddie. When we got stuck in the UpsideDown, I allowed my mind to go back to her, hoping she was safe back in Hawkins. We were walking to Nancy's house and I kept glancing at Eddie. If he knew that my thoughts were constantly on his twin sister, he'd kill me.
"Eddie," I said, clearing my throat as I caught up to him. "Hey, man. Um, listen I just umm. . . I just want to say thanks. For saving my ass back there."
"Shit," he laughed. "You saved your own ass, man. I mean that was a real Ozzy move back there."
"When you took a bite out of that bat," he tried to clarify. "Ozzy Osbourne. Black Sabbath. He bit a bat's head off on stage. You really don't know who that is?"
"No," I chuckled. "Sorry."
"Well, anyway, it was very metal, what you did, is all I'm saying."
"Thanks," I sighed.
"Henderson told me you were a badass," he continued. "Insisted on the matter, in fact."
"Wait, Henderson said that?"
"Oh yeah. Shit. That kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It's kind of annoying, to be honest. I don't even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but I guess I got a little jealous." Eddie sighed before continuing, "I guess I couldn't handle the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents. Popular. Chicks love him. And not a douche? No way. It goes against all the laws of the universe and my own personal Munson Doctrine. Then again, that's worth shit because even my sister talks highly of you."
"Y/N talks highly of me?" I tried, and failed, not to stutter.
I looked over to see Eddie smirking at me. He leaned in a little too close and whispered, "Very highly of you."
"Okay," I said awkwardly as I used my elbow to push him away from me. I cleared my throat and rolled my shoulders back.
"All jokes aside," Eddie said, "my sister does think highly of you, dude. Whenever people would start to talk shit about you, she'd instantly stand up for you. I never understood it, but she's always talked about how people should give you a chance. She believes that there is more to you than meets the eye."
"She really thinks that?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Hell yeah," he laughed.
"I guess I always thought. . . I mean, everyone else saw me as a dick. I figured she did too."
"Nope," he teased. "She always sees the good in people. It's extremely annoying."
Eddie walked away, but my mind was going a hundred miles an hour. I thought over the few, very few, interactions I've ever had with Y/N. We walked a few more miles, the others talking amongst each other while I walked behind the group.
"Alright," Eddie sighed as he joined me. "Enough of this. You've been in your head since I mentioned Y/N. What's the. . ."
He didn't finish his thought. Instead, he turned toward me with a smirk on his face.
"Ohhhhh," he elongated. "I get it now."
He playfully pushed me before continuing to walk through the woods.
"Wait," I called out as I chased after him. "You get what?"
"Come on, Harrington," Eddie sighed. "Please tell me I don't have to be the one to point this out to you."
"Point what out?"
"You have a thing for my sister."
"What?" I scoffed. "I don't. . . Why would you. . . That's so. . . No."
"No?" Eddie teased. "You sure about that?"
"I mean. . . That would be. . . Crazy."
"No, it wouldn't," he said simply. He saw the look on my face and sighed. "Look, Harrington, as much as I may not understand it, Y/N's right. You're a good guy. You'd be an even better guy if you'd grow a pair and tell my sister how you felt about her."
"What if she doesn't feel the same?" I asked before I could realize how weird it was to have this conversation with Y/N's twin brother.
"She does."
My heart jumped into my throat at those two words. Eddie didn't say anything else. He didn't need to. He sent me a wink before jogging and catching up with the others.
"She does," I repeated under my breath. "Holy shit. She feels the same."
* * * * *
Three months later, Hawkins was barely rebuilding. After Eddie's death, there were two people I was worried about; Dustin and Y/N. Dustin was doing what he normally does - pretending to be okay so no one would worry about him. I checked in on him almost every day. He was getting better, especially since Max was improving.
Y/N, on the other hand, barely leaves her uncle's trailer. Every single one of us has tried to visit her, but her uncle keeps telling us she doesn't want any visitors. Y/N won't even talk to the kids.
"Hi, Steve," Eddie and Y/N's uncle sighed when he opened the door.
"Hi, Mr. Munson," I greeted. "Is Y/N here?"
He sighed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Look," he sighed, "I really appreciate all you kids have been trying to do for Y/N, but I think it might be best if you give her some space."
"But. . ."
"I'm sorry, Steve," he continued. "I'll let her know you stopped by."
My heart sank as he closed the door. I couldn't get myself to move as I heard Y/N's uncle saying something to her. I couldn't quite hear what he was saying but I forced myself to leave. I turned around and slowly started walking back to my car. As I drove home, I racked my brain trying to figure out what I could do for Y/N.
Just when I had lost all hope, I noticed someone pulled over to the side of the road. As I got closer, I recognized the driver as Y/N. She was looking at her engine.
I didn't hesitate to pull over. I got out of my car and started walking toward her.
"Need a hand?" I called out. I instantly cringed when she jumped. "It's just me, Y/N."
"Sorry," she stuttered.
"It's okay," I tried to say lightly. "So, you need any help?"
"This stupid thing won't start," she grumbled. "And I have no idea why. Eddie usually. . ."
My heart sank when she stopped talking. One look at her and I could see the tears building.
"He usually handled the car," she forced herself to continue as she cleared her throat.
"I could take a look," I shrugged. She looked up at me, her eyes softening.
"Of course."
I walked over to the front of her car and examined the engine. The longer I stared at it, the more Y/N giggled. She was laughing at me, but I didn't care. At least she was laughing.
"You don't know anything about cars, do you, Steve?" 
"That obvious?" I chuckled as I turned toward her.
"Little bit," she said, showing me how much with her fingers. She cleared her throat and wrapped her arms around herself.
"I could still help," I said quickly.
"How?" Y/N asked, her voice softening.
"I could give you a ride," I offered.
"Steve. . ."
"I don't mind," I said quickly. "I can take you home or wherever you were on your way to."
"You don't have to," she said quickly. 
"I don't mind," I tried again.
"I can call my uncle."
"Come on, Y/N. Let me help you."
She looked up at me and held my gaze. "Are you sure?" She asked, her voice soft.
"Of course," I shrugged. I held my hand out, not entirely expecting her to take it. When she did, my heart jumped into my throat. Ignoring the circus in my stomach, I led her over to my car. She smiled as I opened the door and held it for her.
"Thanks," she said as she got in. I took a shaky breath as I walked around and got in the driver's seat. I started driving to the trailer park, my nerves jumping all over the place.
"So," I cleared my throat, "how have you been doing?"
"Fine," she shrugged, looking out the window.
"Are you. . ."
"Please don't, Steve," she cut me off. She looked over at me and I could see the tears building.
I nodded before turning my attention back to the road. We went through the rest of the drive in silence. I wanted to talk to her but I wasn't sure how to start a conversation with her. Before I would've liked, we pulled in front of her uncle's trailer.
"Thanks for driving me, Steve," she said softly.
"Y/N, wait," I said as I grabbed her hand before she could get out of my car. When she looked at me, I forgot what I was going to say.
"Steve," she said softly when I didn't continue.
"I just wanted to say," I said slowly, "if you ever need anything, the group and I are here for you."
"Thanks," she said, clearing her throat. She started to get out but realized that I was still holding her hand.
"There's something else," I forced myself to say. I looked into her eyes and gathered all the courage I could before saying, "I'm sorry about Eddie."
She turned away from me but right before she did, I could see the tears building. With the hand I wasn't holding, she covered her mouth. My heart sank when I realized she was hiding her tears.
"Y/N," I whispered. I pulled on her hand and she let me bring her into my chest. As I wrapped my arms around her, she sobbed into my chest.
"I wish we could've done something," I whispered. I pulled out of our embrace and held her shoulders as I looked deeply into her eyes. "I wasn't able to keep your brother safe, but that doesn't mean I can't keep you safe."
"Steve," she said under her breath.
"I promise, Y/N, I will always be here for you," I said. "If you ever need anything, and I mean anything, all you have to do is call me. Day or night."
"Day or night?" She teased. "That's a little creepy, Steve."
"I didn't mean it like that," I stuttered. "I just meant that if you needed me, I'd. . ."
Y/N cut me off by leaning over and pressing her lips to mine. I didn't hesitate to deepen the kiss. I gently grabbed her face as our lips moved against each other. When we were both out of breath, we broke the kiss and leaned our foreheads against each other.
"You know," she whispered, "there is something you could do for me."
"Anything," I said instantly.
"I'm starving," she started. I smiled when she didn't continue.
"Y/N," I said softly. "Can I take you to dinner?"
I smirked as I leaned in and kissed her again. I felt her smile as our lips moved in sync. I broke the kiss and pressed my nose to hers.
"If it's not too much trouble," she whispered.
"Not at all."
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dg-outlaw · 2 months
X-Men '97 and the Gambit Ford F-150 Trailer Hitch Clutching
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So I haven't watched all the episodes yet, but I wanted to address the stuff I've seen/heard about certain dudes in the "fandom" getting all upset about Gambit's crop top and how it made him seem gay or bi coded, even though in the entire episode he's classic Remy LeBeau from the original 90s series--not too interesting in helping out or doing anything other than what he wants to do, shamelessly flirting with Rogue, and busting everyone else's balls/possibly flirting with them too, but will still jump into the fight when it's time.
Oh, and Gambit was my favorite X-Men character growing up and I'm a cishet male, if that matters. Spoiler alert: It shouldn't.
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"Holy Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition, Batman! It's his belly button."
If that's you, you clearly were too young in the 90s to remember the fashion of the day. The top photo and the ending basketball scene (a references to the comics as well), was soooo 80s/90s. Bishop's got a lime green tank top on and Cyclops' tank top is tucked into his shorts. The animators understood the assignment.
If anything, Remy (above) is rock-n-roll coded more than anything else. Just Google most 80s era rock bands that had songs about partying, sex, hot babes, etc. and you'll see big hair, eyeliner, bright colors, leather pants, jewelry, fishnets, fingerless gloves, and yes... crop tops. Maybe the 80s and 90s were "gay", IDK, but I remember most of my childhood clothes in the 80s and early 90s were some variation of a neon color as was every other kid's regardless of gender.
As mentioned above, he soooo badly wants in Rogue's pants, which possibly eliminates any gay coding, which only leave bi coding if a 90s crop top = being bisexual.
Who. Freakin'. Cares. Say this out loud with me. You can like, love, and enjoy a character without identifying with that character in any way, shape, or form (and that's probably a good thing for some characters). This can mean their sexuality, gender, ethnicity, religion, morality, or anything else about them. Yes, we can bring in the Punisher debate and how military and law enforcement appropriated the Punisher logo as their badge of honor and intimidation, and how they cherry-picked traits from that character to signal their toxic masculinity when Frank Castle is not meant to be a patron saint of law enforcement or the military. But it is also possible to just enjoy a character without making that character your identity. You can enjoy their characterization, storylines, or even something as simple as their costume, superpowers, or where they're from because you were born or grew up there too.
As mentioned above, Gambit was my favorite character growing up when I first got into X-Men, mostly thanks to this series, and he and I are very different. To me, Gambit was the cool, confident guy that I wasn't. He also wasn't Cyclops or Wolverine.
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As a kid, most kids wanted to be Wolverine when playing X-Men on the playground because he had the claws and the healing factor. To us, he was OP which fit in with the whole childish argument of big, bigger, biggest, and finally infinity whatever... until someone busted out with the infinity times infinity argument. Also, there was no real internet and comics weren't readily accessible, so most of the knowledge at that time was from the show and limited comics one might've had. Plus, I think the whole Magneto pulls the adamantium from Wolverine's body storyline hadn't happened yet so yeah, that would've been a good game changer on the playground.
Anyway, outside of Batman, I was never a fan of the "popular" thing growing up and often preferred more underdog characters, teams, and things. Also, due to self-esteem issues I always felt less than, so while I liked Wolverine it was hard for him to be my favorite since he was everyone else's and I felt like I wasn't cool enough to like him. Cyclops on the other hand was the clean cut boy scout, which also didn't appeal to me because that was also something I didn't relate to. Outside of Beast and Morph, who got sidelined earlier in the series, that then left Gambit. (Note: Bishop wasn't a part of the main group and came later on.) But Gambit also seemed cool to me. He had a cool looking outfit, was agile and knew how to fight (I was into martial arts at the time as well), and could throw explosive cards. He definitely fit the "Rule of cool" in my child brain.
Lastly, and this goes back to point #4 above, it shouldn't matter what a character is like or how they identify. They're fictional and enjoying them as a medium should be fun. They are not you and you are not them, even if you have things in common. That said, I do think it's great when there's representation as well. I don't recall if this was in the OG series, though I seriously doubt it was, and I don't know about main Marvel canon, but I also think it's cool that Morph now has they/them pronouns as seen in the profile credits and Marvel wiki. I'm sure some people have missed this and I'm sure that'll be the next hot-button issue, but whether Gambit is gay, bi, straight, or whatever, he's still one of my favorites and it's why I grabbed this guy when it first came out.
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I have more things to say about this first episode and my experience with the X-Men growing up, but I'll save that for other posts as this has gotten long enough already.
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nite-puff · 7 months
Anyway, on to more positive things/general observations. I love how the different renditions of "Punishment Time" have these different musical flairs based on who was getting executed (Leon's starts with the baseball charge and has an ragtime feel reminiscent of music from the same time as the golden age of the sport (tho really that's more Monokuma's classic theater influences than anything), Mondo's is very rock n' roll (plain rock at first but gets more vintage towards the end), Celestia's with the grand harpsichord, Alter Ego's having this beeping and booping that reminds me of a telegraph, and Junko's takes elements from all of them). Also, "Soundproof" should have been in the main body of the album along with "Flunkin' Thrice" and "Deep End" instead of being bonus tracks, they're all very good and I feel like they would help break up the breakneck pace a little bit. Also, can we talk about the bit in "You Don't Know" where Taka and Celeste harmonize when calling the people they end up closest to in the game stupid??? Like there's Some Kind of Parallel being drawn there but idk what, especially since they changed Hifumi to a girl in-text, so now both pairs also have homoerotic tension. Also, girl Hifumi! 👏👏👏👏
Yes!!! To all of this!!!
I love all of the “Punishment Time” renditions, and the idea that Junko’s is a mashup of all of the past musical flairs is a really good way to reflect how her execution is a mashup of all the previous ones. Good musical storytelling! And I at first didn’t catch what the music in Mondo’s was referencing (because Leon, Celeste, and Alter Ego’s are a little more obvious), but when I noticed it’s supposed to be classic rock, I just got really happy for some reason. Like yeah, classic 50-60’s American bikers are what Mondo’s subculture is inspired by, so that kind of music would be super fitting. That’s such a neat detail that I really appreciate!
And yes, “Soundproof”, “Flunkin’ Thrice”, and “Deep End” should’ve been in the actual story (though I guess “Deep End” sort of is, since the beginning is part of “My Sacrifice” and henceforth sort of becomes Aoi’s motif for the rest of the show). Because Hiro, Sayaka, and Leon don’t get a lot of music moments outside of those tracks. I was trying to think that maybe all of the bonus tracks could be part of the show, but “Happen” could probably slow down the pacing a little too much, and “Powermore,” while not completely out-of-line with the rest of the songs, is very similar to some other tracks. It’d just be more of the same type of “we need to have hope” songs, so I kind of get why they didn’t include it. And “Hifumi for Christmas”… is just “Hifumi for Christmas” and really deserves its placement as a bonus track. But the other three could really serve as breathers between everything else. (And isn’t it kinda effed up that Sayaka, the Ultimate Pop Sensation, and Leon, a wannabe music performer, don’t get their own song(s) featured in the main line-up??)
Also, Hifumi actually got genderswapped?? Like that’s canon to the musical??? I didn’t know that! Girl Hifumi for the win!!!!! So yeah “You Don’t Know” has a ton of homoerotic tension. And nice girlfriend moments with Aoi and Sakura asking Chihiro to join them for their workout.
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prodigal-upsiders · 1 year
more fruity four band au
I cannot stop rotating band au in my head, so here’s specifically some random bits about the instruments and covers they play:
Nancy plays the drums, and I have a lot of thoughts about how that comes about. might post a snippet or two about it later.
Robin picks up the bass, because I think that is very sexy of her. (one or two of their original songs do feature some cool brass from her as well, but I don’t think she really like, loves the trumpet itself so much as she just loves making music)
Steve is the lead singer, but he also surprises them with the info that his parents used to pay for piano lessons. they stopped when he got to high school, wanted him to focus on sports and other things, but he gets a secondhand keyboard and goes to town reviving those skills. their original tracks don’t feature a lot of keyboard but it’s very fun flavor to bring out sometimes 
More Steve - he picks up the rhythm guitar parts. Steve is a highly kinesthetic learner, okay; give him something to do with his hands and he picks it up quick. also, "hey man will you teach me how to play guitar” was initially a ploy he cooked up to get Eddie to sit fucking still while he was still healing after spring break, but hey actually he really enjoys it
we all know Eddie is lead guitar. I just didn’t want to not give him a bullet point of his own okay
as far as genre goes I think their band ends up with an experimental rock n roll vibe, not all heavy metal but with influences for sure - they just don’t let Eddie write that many songs about dragons and witches, lol. but he does get to show off with fantastic guitar solos, because honestly is it even any flavor of 80s rock if there’s not a cool guitar solo in it. there’s enough shared roots between their tastes to make something really cool. I know the “steve only listens to pop” is popular, but tbh the fic “Cut and Changed and Rearranged” put Boston fan Steve in my head and he will never leave now, so. I have more specific ideas about which albums Eddie plays to coax them to the edge of the metal genre, though, because of course he does
I don’t envision they ever like, hit it really big - I think a certain level of commercial success would freak them out, honestly. it’s not a lifelong career for any of them but Eddie, who stays in the industry but transitions to mainly songwriting and/or producing in the later years. but they put out several albums, do a couple of tours, and are kind of a cult classic of the scene before they retire. they do record a reunion/celebration album when gay marriage is made legal and it’s all the songs they had to shelve back in the day because there was definitely no way to make them sounds straight lol. they drop the announcement of the album and also the fact that they’re marrying each other in the same tweet.
a couple of the songs I put on their playlist with the hcs about them:
Immigrant Song - Led Zepplin. Steve may be lead vocals but it’s Nancy and Robin who like to do the war cry part
Baba O’Riley - The Who. aka Teenage Wasteland, and Steve absolutely practices that intro for weeks in secret so that he’s got it down enough that he can wink at Eddie the first time he plays it for the band 
Bad Reputation / Call Me Lightning - a couple of the few that Robin takes lead vocals instead of Steve. listen if Nancy and Robin don’t get to cover some Joan Jett then what’s the POINT
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kneelesssharks · 2 years
Ramble On
Content: Eddie Munson x fem!punk!Reader
Named after the Led Zeppelin song that has the same name, but not necessarily inspired by the lyrics or anything.
Warnings: some swearing, reader gets knocked over and goes to the nurse but nothing graphic, over all pretty fluffy
A/N: i’ve been reading so much eddie munson fanfic recently because i l o v e men with that eighties hair rock hair with a punk style who has a thing for rock and roll, is a little stupid and an asshole, but is also a huge nerd, because that’s me. and while i love everyone who’s pumping out these fics for him i keep seeing people wanting to see him with a shy type or a really hyper femme type and i appreciate that and that those people are being represented with a character that they want to be paired with. but as someone who very much dresses in the punk style and listens to a fair amount of eighties and earlier classic rock who has a tattoo and dyed hair and piercings i thought ‘hey i’d like to see him with like me, i think we’d really like each other’ and instead of bothering someone else with it i thought i might as well give it a go. again i’m really not a super experienced fic writer and i have thus far only written harry potter but i wanted to dip my toe into the stranger things world. NO SPOILERS IN THIS.
Eddie Munson and you seemed like you were bound to be together, right? I mean you had the punk rock look, wore the leather jacket and the sturdy leather boots. If you weren’t wearing a pair of ripped patch jeans you would no doubt be sporting a pair of fishnets that maybe had one too many holes in them. You’d given yourself a couple stick and pokes before you turned eighteen and could finally get something more serious, and you’d put at least one too many holes in your body than most people around town deemed fit.
But somehow you went unnoticed by the leader of the Hellfire Club. Sure you didn’t feel the need to go walking around on top of the cafeteria tables at lunch, but you’d gotten enough stares just walking down the hallway.
Sure, maybe you and Eddie only had like one class together this year, and before he had been above you in grade so you couldn’t share a class. You thought he probably just saw you as an underling. Just someone else who went to this stupid school that would move out of town for good or be stuck here like the rest of them.
You weren’t shy, at least that’s what you told yourself. You could talk to anyone who approached you, give a compliment to a stranger, help someone in class, and besides some brief name calling no one really tried to fuck with you. You weren’t a pushover that’s for sure, but something about Eddie fucking Munson made your heart speed up.
Now Eddie had an entirely different perspective on you. He thought you were the most badass chick he’d ever seen. You walked down the hall with your headphones on blasting whatever cool ass music you had picked out that morning. He knew you had a major collection because of how often he’d seen you in and out of the only record shop in town.
You’d often worn the t-shirts from the band you enjoyed the most, able to hunt them down through some family in the city. Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, Quiet Riot, and Eddie’s personal favorite Black Sabbath.
He thought the pins through your ears were badass, and the small tattoos he could see were the sexiest thing on the planet. You were his punk goddess and he could only worship you from a distance.
Walking down the hall with your music a little too loud you’d been searching through your stack of papers to grab the one you needed to hand into your teacher when you’d run into something. Or someone, or multiple someone’s.
“Shit I’m so sorry,” Dustin exclaimed as he and Mike scrambled to pick up some of the papers you dropped.
You were laying on the tile in the hall blinking slowly up at the ceiling. With your headphones knocked off your ears and the back of your skull lightly throbbing you were slightly dazed. Dustin entered your line of sight waving a hand in front of your face. He looks up when you don’t make a move to get up and before you can register anything you see the man of your dreams lean over you. His hair falling around his face, his brows knitted together with concern.
“Y/n,” you hear asked, almost through a haze. Part of you can’t believe he knows your name, the other part of you is realizing you’ve probably been on the floor for a concerning amount of time. You move to sit up in order to save yourself from further embarrassment. “Hey,” Eddie lightly smiled as you slowly push yourself up, “don’t rush, you got knocked down by a couple natural disasters,” he joked.
You let out a soft laugh as you took Dustin’s outstretched hand to help you stand up. You’re a little wobbly on your feet but Eddie’s right there behind you, wrapping his arm around your waist as you lean a little bit too far to one side.
You laugh, “What had you two in such a rush,” you look between an embarrassed Mike and Dustin, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach for the fact that Eddie has yet to let go of your waist.
Mike rubs the back of his neck, “We were on our way to a Hellfire meeting before lunch.”
Well that explains why Eddie was so close by.
“Go tell the others the meeting can wait until after school, I’m taking y/n to the nurses office to get this bump on her head checked,” Eddie instructs the two freshmen who just nod their heads and hand Eddie the stack of papers you’d been carrying, before scurrying off behind you.
“You don’t have to take me to the nurse Eddie,” you turn your head to finally look up at the man, who’s currently laser focused on getting you to the nurses office. “It wasn’t that bad of a fall, I was just listening to Sabbath a little too loudly and not paying attention when Dustin and Mike ran into me. Really I’m fine, plus I need to get that paper to O’Donnell’s before lunch or she said it’ll be late.”
Really you just didn’t want to spend any more time feeling your legs turn into jelly because of your proximity to the long haired man, whose silver rings you could feel through your shirt. You didn’t want to spend anymore time thinking about how his hand fits so comfortably on your waist, his arm sitting against the small of your back and how he smelled just ever so lightly of weed. You’d found it funny really, how it just engrained itself into his very being. Around him you didn’t think you’d ever need to smoke, you felt higher than you could have imagined.
“We’ll we’re already here,” Eddie huffs finally looking down at you. You’d already been staring at him, and he had definitely caught you.
You quickly turned your head and pushed open the door to the nurses office, Eddie still supporting you as you walked in. The nurse just motioned to the bed for you to sit on it. You reluctantly leave Eddie’s hold to sit on the knock off hospital bed.
“What happened,” the nurse asked barely looking up from her paperwork.
“I-,” you started before getting cut off.
“She got knocked on the ground and hit her head, has a bump on the back of her head,” Eddie informed the nurse.
Setting her pen down the nurse stood up and made her way over to you. She used the small light to gauge your pupils to decide whether you had a concussion.
“Doesn’t seem like you have a concussion at all, your eyes look fine.” She pulls a glove on before gently pressing at the back of your skull, you wince as she puts pressure on the aforementioned bump. “You do have a bit of swelling here but it should go down by tomorrow, there’s no blood and doesn’t appear to be any scrapes.” Tossing the glove in the trash she tells you, “Make sure you eat and stay hydrated in case you have a minor concussion, but you should be fine.”
“Thank you,” you tell her, scratching the back of your neck. “Um,” she turns back to you with a questioning look, “could you write me a note for Ms. O’Donnell? I need to turn in a paper before lunch and,” right on cue the bell releasing classes for lunch chimes through the halls.
She gives you a soft smile before turning and writing the note. As she hands it to you you’re standing from the bed. Before you can really say any further thanks to her you’re being dragged out of the room by your hand by the boy you had forgotten was in the room with you.
“To O’Donnell’s room,” you say catching up to Eddie, who was still holding your backpack, with the mess of stuff you’d been carrying in your arms when you’d been knocked over, stuffed in. You were still holding hands and you could feel the heat in your face from the action.
“You know you’re kind of surprising,” Eddie says looking down at you. Your brows furrowed and you tilt your head. “What I mean is, you’re a lot more responsible than I would have guessed.”
You snort out a laugh. “Hey, just because I listen to heavy metal and rock music doesn’t mean I can’t still be smart. I just want to graduate man, I mean, I can’t stand most of the people around here.”
You stop in front of the now empty classroom of the teacher who’s class you dreaded the most.
“I’m the exception right,” he smirked, trying to play it cool but internally his heart was beating wildly like an animal in a cage. Your hands were still locked together, becoming a little sweaty from both of your nerves, and now you were standing face to face, just looking into each other’s eyes.
“Yeah,” you quietly breathed. You cleared your throat, looking down at your boots that were a little worn out. “You are.” When you looked back up to meet his gaze his eyes were shining and his smile grew from a teasing smirk into his beautiful genuine smile.
Feeling the buzzing in your face from the excitement and nerves, you grabbed your bag from him, letting go of his hand in the process. You felt a little disappointed but turned to go into the classroom anyways, one hand still gripping the not you got from the nurse.
“I’ll wait for you out here,” Eddie called out to you. You turned back to him with a small smile you were trying to stop from growing. You just nodded your head with confirmation.
Eddie had never felt better as he leaned against the lockers smiling to himself and staring off into the ceiling.
“What’s up with you,” Gareth asked, shoving Eddie’s shoulder.
“I just got an opening to hang out with the coolest, hottest, most badass chick in the whole fucking school that’s what,” Eddie boasted. “All thanks to those Dustin and Mike not watching where they were going.”
Gareth was about to question who Eddie was referring to when you quietly walked out of the classroom and stood next to Eddie, picking your flaking nail polish from your fingernails. With a nod to Eddie he just walked off laughing to himself.
“You want to sit with the Hellfire Club at our lunch table,” Eddie opened, after a beat of silence.
You nodded your head, adjusting your backpack strap on your shoulder.
He’d decided against initiating physical contact again, figuring that he’d already been holding your waist before he’d grabbed you hand. If you wanted to hold his hand though, he would not stop you.
Instead you’d elected to just walk at an easy pace right next to him, your shoulders brushing every couple steps.
“Thanks for taking me to the nurse’s office by the way,” your head turned to see him already looking you, “and for grabbing my stuff. It would have been a pain in the ass to have to go grab my stuff after everyone had walked through the halls and shit. Who knows if someone would have taken it, you know being one of the outcasts.”
He just smiled and knocked your shoulders together. “I think being an outcast is cool. I mean,” he gestured to himself, “look at me. I’m like the king of the freaks, I think they’re much more interesting people. Plus you’re like a total badass, no one would fuck with your stuff.”
You laughed, “You think much higher of me than most. I mean, yeah I definitely intimidate people but that’s because I walk around looking like I hate the world,” you laugh at yourself. “They think because you wear black and listen to heavy metal and like tattoos and piercings and shit that you’re possessed or some shit.”
“That’s a fact, but if it helps, I think you’re the second coolest person in this school.” You’re about to ask him who’s the first when you look up to see him smirking.
You laugh and he joins you, throwing his arm around your shoulder as you’re rounding the corner into the cafeteria.
Part of you feels like no one cares and no one’s looking at the two punks walking into the cafeteria cackling holding each other, and the other part, the part that can actually see people, knows you two are the biggest spectacle currently taking place. Following Eddie’s lead you just ignore them, letting him guide you to his club’s table.
All the other kids are staring at the two of you when you reach the edge of the table.
“Everyone, this is y/n,” Eddie present you to the table.
You just smile and wave. “I only know Dustin and Mike,” you state looking over the faces.
Eddie chuckles next you you, “Yeah your own personal natural disasters.” The two younger boys look embarrassed as they wave at you. Eddie goes around the table and introduces everyone else to you before pulling you down to sit next to him at the end of the bench. It’s a little bit of a squeeze so you lift your leg to put it over his to make you both more comfortable.
You can feel him tense up at your position so you lean over to him, “Is this okay? I just figured it would help with space.” When he turns you’re just a couple inches away, he swears you looking into his eyes like that was his new favorite thing on the planet.
He leaned down to your ear, “It’s more than okay,” his hand slid around your waist and your eyes widened a fraction.
Lunch with the club had been more fun than you’d expected. You’d normally eat lunch out by your car listening to music and working on homework if you needed to. You’d never pictured you’d enjoy a group’s company as much as you did with the Hellfires.
As lunch was coming to an end and you’d have to head to class soon, one you didn’t have with Eddie much to his dismay.
“Hey,” he grabbed your arm as you stood up with everyone else when the bell rang. Everyone else was waking away from the table with their stuff and whatever lunch trash they’d had, while you and Eddie stayed back. “Would you maybe want to go out sometime? Like go get food or go to the record store together or something,” his eyes were darting around you and his fingers were drumming a little beat against the table.
You smiled at how nervous he seemed to be. Like, how could the coolest most confident guy in school, the one who literally waltzed around on tables in front of everyone, be scared to ask you out. You felt like just a plebeian in his presence.
“Or you know you don’t have to or anything,” Eddie started standing up still avoiding eye contact.
Your eyes widened as you realized you’d taken way too long to answer him. Your hand grabbed his arm, gripping his wrist to stop him from walking away. “Yes,” you say quickly. You cleared your throat, “I mean, yeah, I’d love to go out with you.”
He let out the biggest most dramatic sigh of relief you think you’ve ever seen. “Oh thank god,” he sat down, draping himself over the table and the attached bench.
You laughed, rolling your eyes. You started walking away, needing to go to class. He jumped up and grabbed your wrist this time. “Wait, I need your number so I can call you,” he smiled. Your head felt fuzzy and your stomach was full of butterflies. You nodded you head before grabbing a pen from the side pocket of your backpack. You rolled up his sleeve and gripped the wrist of the arm that was still holding yours before writing down your number, drawing a little heart next to it.
“Don’t mess it up,” you wink as you walk back through the cafeteria to get to your class, passing period almost up.
Eddie smiled stupidly at the number on his arm, right before pumping fist fist in the air letting out a whoop in the practically empty cafeteria. He planned to call you that very night.
This was the start of something epic.
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lookssoattainable · 4 months
"Rock 'n' Roll Remix: Brandon Flowers's Weenie Roast 2004 Look Gets a Modern Makeover!
Hey, Victims! Get ready to party like it's 2003-2005 because The Killers are in Vegas and better than ever! With their recently announced Vegas residency celebrating the 20th anniversary of their debut album, Hot Fuss, we've got some iconic shows to attend. But wait, what's a killer concert without some killer outfits, right? It's time to dust off those Hot Fuss-era-inspired looks and show the world what true rock 'n' roll fashion is all about! Let's dive into the wardrobe of yesteryear and bring the heat to these epic shows!
Picture this: Brandon Flowers, frontman extraordinaire of The Killers, strutting onto the stage at Weenie Roast like he owns the place (spoiler alert: he does). What's he wearing?
Business casual.
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So naturally, we will also roll up in our best business casual.
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Let's start with the pants. Brandon is rocking a pair of pinstripe slacks as if it were another day in the office. Let's aim for a modern straight-leg pinstripe pant with an elastic waistband for comfort and ease of movement during the concert.
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These pants offer a contemporary twist on the classic pinstripe style, allowing you to rock out all night without sacrificing style.
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Brandon paired his slacks with a pair of black canvas sneakers boasting a gum rubber sole; it's a daring mix of sophistication and street style that we can try to replicate with this pair of canvas sneakers from Amazon.
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But let's break it down further. On top, Flowers is sporting a crisp button-down shirt, maybe in classic white (or is it pale pink? My eyes can't tell), adding a touch of understated elegance to the look. Tying it all together is a skinny black tie, lending a dash of rock 'n' roll attitude to his indie-inspired ensemble.
Let's embrace the oversized trend with a roomy button-down shirt that can be worn open and untucked for a relaxed yet stylish look with a classic white shirt. (Or make it pink if your eyes can see better than mine.) Just make sure it's roomy enough to channel that indie coolness.
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Remember to layer something underneath.
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Indie Brandon is missing one defining detail that the frontman has become iconically known for, and that is sparkle. Just for the heck of it, we'll turn the skinny tie into a rhinestone tie necklace!
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And what's that on his wrist? A bright red, square-face, Swatch Watch, injecting a pop of color and playful charm into the outfit. It's the perfect finishing touch, showcasing Flowers's knack for combining unexpected elements to create a look as captivating as his stage presence.
Now let's see. We could recreate this by simply wearing a similar Swatch Watch.
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Or we can choose to be frugal and find ourselves a cheaper alternative.
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You could even take it a step further if you already have an Apple watch - which conveniently is already square - by getting yourself a red watchband and putting your own Swatch Watch wallpaper!
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But let's not forget about makeup and accessories! To complete the look and pay homage to The Killers' Hot Fuss album, here are some suggestions:
Line your eyes with bold black eyeliner to add intensity and drama to your look, just like Flowers's stage presence.
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Coat your lashes with black mascara for added volume and definition, making your eyes pop against the backdrop of your indie-inspired ensemble.
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Paint your nails with sleek black nail polish to complement the edgy vibe of your outfit, adding a chic finishing touch to your overall look.
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Swipe on a sheer (or not so sheer) blue lip gloss to match the color scheme of The Killers' Hot Fuss album, adding a touch of whimsy and playfulness to your makeup look.
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If the rhinestone tie wasn't enough, add some more sparkle and shine with rhinestone dangle earrings to match. These earrings will catch the light and elevate your ensemble with a touch of glamour and sophistication.
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With these key pieces, you'll be ready to rock your own indie-inspired business casual ensemble and pay homage to Brandon Flowers's iconic style. So, grab your outfit, cue up your favorite Killers' tracks, and get ready to show the world what actual fashion Victims look like!
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lovejustforaday · 9 months
Shoegaze Classics - Raise
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Raise - Swervedriver (1991)
Main Genres - Alternative Rock, Shoegaze
A decent sampling of: Noise Rock, Neo-Psychedelia, Post-Hardcore, Grunge
Getting close to the end of this series. I have this and just one more record after that before I get to writing on what I consider to be the masterpieces of 90s shoegaze.
Of all of the bigger names in the 90s U.K. scene, one name sticks out like a sore thumb for being really, well, not like the others. You had Ride, Slowdive, MBV, Catherine Wheel, Lush, Chapterhouse, and, well, these guys.
Today I will be discussing the power-lifting chords and psyched out feedback of shoegaze's very own dreadlock sporting Swervedriver.
The Band
Swervedriver formed in 1989 in Oxford, the same city where Ride was formed. In fact, it was Mark Gardener from Ride that helped get them signed early on with Creation records. The band never got as big as MBV or Ride, but they were in good company (until their duplicitous label shafted these bands hard, anyway).
The original lineup was leader Adam Franklin on vocals and guitar, with Adi Vines on bass, Jimmy Hartridge on guitar, and Graham Bonnar on drums. The mainstays ended up being the creative duo of Adam and Jimmy; Adi left the band after the first record, and Swervedriver has been through like four different drummers.
Swervedriver certainly did not look like most shoegazers, and their brand of shoegaze was unconventional for the scene of the time - fast tempos, pounding chords and kick drums, very heavy on the feedback noises, with reverb being a significantly less important component in the bands' textural craft when compared with the others. They were a lot more rock 'n' roll than any of their contemporaries.
Essentially, Swervedriver made shoegaze with more muscle, but still equally hazy and mesmerizing.
The heavy feedback element gives the band's sound a closer feel to many of the American alternative rock bands of the time, and there's significant crossover with grunge and post-hardcore on this record in particular. The band had sort of a "Foo Fighters does shoegaze" sound (note: this was before Foo Fighters existed). If I didn't know better, I'd probably assume Swervedriver was an American band.
And if I'm being honest, many songs in their discography are just straight up alternative rock with a little more effects than usual. Categorically, I'd say that it's a shoegaze record, but Swervedriver are definitely stretching the definition of the genre. More power to them, though, cause this shit goes hard!
Sounding like a broken record at this point, but the band put out some EPs and then dropped the debut. Let's talk about that debut record.
The Record
Raise dropped in 1991, descending onto the shoegazing scene like a swooping phoenix firestorm. Never before had shoegaze sounded this adrenergic and chaotic. With this record, Swervedriver established themselves as the hardcore band of the scene.
The band produced the record themselves with help from a small team on mastering, mixing, and engineering. The production sounds very of its time, a little hollow at times, but I honestly kind of love it. Sounds stoned as hell. And based on my knowledge of the lyrics of this record being mostly about "seeing" and "feeling" and other vague sensory references, its safe to assume the band was possibly stoned as hell too (a lot of shoegaze bands probably were).
"Sci-Flyer" opens the record with LOUD noise rock and wire-y guitar feedback that trickles down like liquid lightning. This is probably the hardest rocking track of the first wave of shoegaze bands, and one of the finest displays of flashy 90s guitar work that I can think of. Deliciously raucous.
Swervedriver turns up the reverb on "Deep Seat", a grimy, swirling trip that sounds as soft as a pillow and yet tough as nails at the same time. Its one of those songs that makes it easier to understand how guitars as an instrument held such a stranglehold over airwaves for the better part of a century. Like, what the fuck even is this black magic fuckery that we call guitar pedals? This one is utterly sublime, definitely my favourite cut off the record.
"Rave Down" is a crushing landslide of bittersweet chords and guitar feedback melancholia. A song for crying manly tears at the beauty of life. This is, dare I call it, "brogaze".
"Feel So Real" is almost noxious, though I mean that in a good way. The central riff is this really backwards, screwy sounding guitar feedback that feels totally uncanny as it brushes past your ears, going from one channel to the other.
"Sandblasted" is a bouncy, acid-y, riff-heavy track that treads along like a beast. Franklin's vocals are almost sassy here, I honestly love the delivery. Not all that shoegaze to my ears, but I'm a fan of it regardless.
I swear, this record would've been huge in the American market if Creation had made enough efforts to promote it there. There's maybe one or two moments on here where it gets a bit too non-descript, but tracks like "Deep Seat", "Rave Down", and "Sci-Flyer" are just as good if not significantly better than 90% of grunge's output.
What Came After That?
Swervedriver most definitely were not about to go britpop like many of their contemporaries did in the mid 90s. Such a transition would've been awkward as hell, and this was a band that knew exactly what kind of music it wanted to keep making.
In fact, Swervedriver were basically the only major name of the shoegazing scene in the British Isles that kept making shoegaze records (three more in fact) in a similar vein for the rest of the 90s. Virtually everyone else either went britpop, went more obscure with something like post-rock or space rock, or disappeared entirely by the end of the 90s.
Adam and Jimmy seemed completely unfazed by how quickly the British press turned on shoegaze, metaphorically flipping the bird to the music journalists and their own music label, which had mostly given up on promoting bands like them in favour of gushing over frigging Oasis of all bands (yikes).
Swervedriver also had troubles with the American label A&M records which released the North American version of their sophomore record. Eventually, they abandoned major labels to sign with the indie label Zero Hour Records.
But anyway, yeah Swervedriver released three more records in the 90s. Their sophomore 1993's Mezcal Head is often just as, if not even more praised by fans as the debut. Not as huge of a standout as Raise was for my tastes, but it's a very respectable record in its own right.
Swervedriver had a reunion earlier than most shoegaze bands in 2008. The band has put out two more LPs of which I've yet to check out - 2015's I Wasn't Born To lose You and 2019's Future Ruins.
As it stands, Raise is right up there in my shoegaze A tier with records like Split, The Comforts of Madness, and Flying Saucer Attack. Still one more review to go before I get to discussing my S tier records, but for now I digress.
If you're a fan of Foo Fighters, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth, Nirvana, Pearl Jam - any of these bands - I highly recommend you check out Swervedriver. This is an excellent gateway drug for those new to shoegaze but familiar with grunge and other 90s alternative rock, and it's high time that Swervedriver receives more of the love that these other bands already get.
Highlights: "Deep Seat", "Rave Down", "Sci-Flyer", "Feel So Real", "Sandblasted"
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meikerrdehan75 · 1 year
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The Runaways at The Rock 'N Roll Sports Classic, 1978
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allinmymincl · 1 year
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sage teller penned by sam for nepofm.
TRIGGERS: mentions of death, very brief and vague.
basics. full name sage william teller gender cis man pronouns he/him age twenty - two dob january 3rd, 2001 star sign capricorn hometown manhattan, nyc occupation music journalist, nighttime radio show host
biography. sage william teller was born and raised in new york city. he’s the eldest and only grandson of william teller, famed record producer of the 60s & 70s known for lending his talent to some of the biggest hits of the era : from disco to blues to most notably rock n’ roll. william teller died young in the mid - 70s, burning out quickly after years of hard partying alongside music legends, many of whom would share his fate before long if they weren’t already gone.
sage is related to william through his father, who is the sole offspring of the record producer and his widow. being born into music royalty naturally granted sage ( and soon his younger sister too ) things like a spot at the best performing arts school in new york city, one of the most enviable inherited record collections in the world, and, of course, backstage passes to any concert he’s ever wanted to see. 
although he excelled in his music courses and could chatter on about the subject for hours and hours on end, sage is, ultimately, quite shy. often referred to as ‘ stage fright ’, to this day sage insists that he simply doesn’t like to be stared at and, come on, who does ? the only real problem with discarding the rockstar dream was that sage was just never very good at anything else he tried his hand at : academics, sports, art, poetry ( never speak of it ). his shyness rendering his circle of friends perpetually sparse, he at least had the time and space to figure himself out during those crucial teen years. knowing for certain that he wanted some kind of career in music led him to direct some questions to his dad, who had followed in the footsteps of his own father and now works in the music industry, albeit he leaned more into the business side of things.
aided by his technical knowledge and background in music, sage started up a music blog as a teenager where he rated, critiqued, and shared his overall thoughts on music both new and old. although it quickly gained a large following which he was able to maintain for a while despite remaining completely anonymous on his blog, the offers to write articles for popular music publications that eventually started rolling in were most likely arranged by his dad. sage accepted most of the offers nonetheless, and spent his last two years of high school and first two years of college ( journalism, princeton ) building a reputation for himself in music journalism.
an internship during the summer before his third year of undergrad studies was his first introduction to radio and he was drawn in immediately, fascinated by the fast - paced, ( and importantly for him, completely anonymous ) yet allegedly dying field. he got behind the mic of nyc’s most beloved classic rock station and instantly fell in love. it had never been easier for him to express himself, to ramble on and on and on about the thing he loves most in the world and share his favorite pieces of it, simultaneously standing on the world’s stage and hiding away from the prying eyes that have followed him for his entire life.
he almost quit school to pursue his chosen career full - time, but his mother implored him not to, and, well, he suddenly felt bad about the fact that they’ve never been very close. he had never been very close with anyone, in fact – not even his dad who he has so much in common with, or his mentor at the radio station who gave him 9pm - 5am time slot and all of the career advice he’d gathered throughout his many years in the industry.
one mini not - even - quarter - life crisis later, sage had met a lot of people, trudged into work hungover but also still a little crossfaded at 5:30pm on a tuesday or two, but he hadn’t really made any new friends. he did meet a girl, though. and he fell for her, because she was fun and exuberant and she liked him.
she probably wasn’t really ready for commitment, which sage wasn't entirely clear on, and so he proposed soon after finishing college. and was turned down. the only serious relationship he’s ever really had, and the only break up with a real sense of finality to it that he’s ever gone through still gets to him even though months have passed. he only recently brought himself to return the ring he bought for her, as accurately reported by nepoupdates.
nowadays, jive talkin’ teller is a quite literally the most recognizable voice among those nyc night owls who happen to also like led zeppelin and half - stoned ramblings about the greatest guitarists of all time. his skills, his resume, and his family name lend much credibility to his opinions in the eyes of the public ( so if anyone has a musician muse that they want sage to talk shit about on his show lmk ). he’s been credited with starting a radio renaissance of sorts, which makes him really happy because there’s nothing that he’s more passionate about than radio.
personality. he’s on air from 9pm - 5am and sleeps like a rock, so no matter how close one thinks they are to him, if he’s their emergency contact then it’s in their best interest to simply not have any emergencies between the hours of 7am - 3pm because he literally will not answer even if it’s his day off. he’s still painfully shy in person to anyone he’s never met before, but if he’s comfortable with someone then he’s never shutting up, especially not about music. a little judgmental, and pretentious, and definitely a music snob, but sage insists that he’s got the best taste and he just has a lot of passion ; both love and hate. however, he's a patented Man Of Few Words and is often regarded as being emotionally distant because of this. he still doesn’t have a lot of friends, and often tends to be off in his own little world where music stopped being made in 1978 for some reason.
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4and20mike · 10 months
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Joan Jett, Leif Garrett & Lita Ford - 1978 Rock ‘n’ Roll Sports Classic
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Get to know them!
A/N: Kick back, 'cause the power couple of Edenbrook has returned to stage for the finale!
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"Welcome back to yet another episode of 'America's Stars'! I'm overjoyed to announce that our favourite doctor couple back on stage! Without further ado, I present to you, Dr. Ethan Ramsey and Dr. Catherine Valentine!"
The two walk up to the stage, looking ready as ever. The crowd goes wild, feasting their eyes on the couple who seemed to have been blessed with the looks of a Greek God.
They take their seats, and I smile warmly, offering them coffee.
As we get comfortable, I gradually open the interview.
Set: Get to know more about them
1. What was growing up like for you?
Catherine: Growing up was exciting. I'm the youngest child, so more often than not, my whims used to be heeded. But my parents were, are, pretty strict. I come from a typical English household, and that's why people considered me a bit different in my school. I loved art, and am pretty good at badminton. I was mostly into academic stuff. It was great, you know, all things considered.
Ethan:.....It was a transition from a happy-go-lucky boy to a serious, sedate teen. I indulged in music and academics, sometimes sports.
2. Did you use to get along with your siblings?
Catherine: Hell yeah! I mean, we did have fights all right, but I think that kind of strengthened our relationship.
Ethan: I'm an only child.
3. Was there any time you had family talks and reunions where you all gathered with extended family members to catch some fun?
Catherine: Yes! Once a year. That really was fun.
4. What is your ambition in life?
Catherine: To make a difference in patient care.
Ethan: To unravel medicine's mysteries for better health care.
5. Do you enjoy taking leadership positions?
Together: Yes.
6. Who is your longest-standing friend you are most proud of?
They point at each other, smiling.
7. Are you a good cook?
Catherine: ......Well, I can cook 2-minute noodles.....
Ethan: *smirking* yes.
8. What's your favourite genre of music: pop, classic, rock and roll or blues?
Together: Classic.
9. What are your morning weekends like?
Ethan: You mean weekends off? Yeah those are rare so we usually spend the day with friends and family.
Catherine chuckles.
10. How do you handle having a bad day?
Ethan: Thinking about going home and relaxing with Catherine.
Catherine: Right back at you.
11. Do you enjoy your present job?
Together: Yes.
Ethan: It's what we wanted to be, wanted to do.
12. Do you love pets?
Together: We do.
Next set: Marriage and relationships
13. What's your take on getting intimate before marriage?
Ethan: I think it's okay. When you're in a relationship, you naturally trust each other. So you don't have problems letting them see you, or feel you. You feel comfortable with them.
Catherine: Nothing left for me to add, apparently.
14. What’s your belief about gay relationships?
Catherine: We have nothing against it, nothing for it. It's as normal as being straight. Attraction is normal, even towards the same gender.
Ethan: Exactly.
15. Are you friends with any of your ex?
Ethan: Yes. Harper.
Catherine: Yes. Utkarsh.
16. Is it okay to lie to your partner?
Together: No.
Ethan: Even if it's life or death situations, you shouldn't lie because- "'til death do us part."
17. What’s your take on cheating?
Ethan: Only cowards and turncoats of the lowest level are capable of that.
Catherine: "'Til death do us part." You're compelled to be loyal to your significant other.
18. How many relationships have you had?
Together: Three
19. What was your first kiss with each other like?
Ethan: I felt safe, secure and happy. All these emotions at one time after ages.
Catherine: I felt like I was in heaven. He's a great kisser.
*Ethan smirks*
20. Have you ever been involved in a threesome?
Together: Hell nah.
Ethan: I don't like sharing what's mine.
21. What got you attracted to each other?
Catherine: His dry, sarcastic personality and the kind heart beneath.
Ethan: Her big heart and her liveliness.
22. Have you ever cheated in any relationship before?
Together: No!
23. Do you have any addictions?
Ethan: No, unless you count Catherine.
Catherine: *laughing* same.
24. How many kids would you like to have?
Together: Three
Next set: Intimacy
25. Have you ever masturbated?
Together: Never.
26. Are you still a virgin?
Ethan: *motioning between him and Catherine* What do you think?
Catherine laughs.
27. Have you ever gotten intimate with each other without protection?
Together: Yes.
28. What's your most sensitive body part?
Ethan: What the actual?-
Catherine simply blushes.
Ethan: *trying hard to keep from blushing, but failing* well....my intimates.
Catherine: Same. *she looks freaking embarrassed*
29. Which are you quicker to: Anger or tears?
Ethan: Anger
Catherine: Tears
30. Do platonic relationships exist?
Together: I believe it does.
31. How do you most deeply experience intimacy and passion?
Ethan: Taking care of her, or being taken care of by her.
Catherine: Relaxing with him, or just being vulnerable without physical intimacy.
32. What's your biggest turn off?
Ethan: Lying
Catherine: Cheating
33. How many times a week would you prefer getting physical?
Ethan: I can't get enough.
Catherine: *smirking* Same.
34. Where's your favourite place to be touched?
Ethan: *blushing deeply* Come again?
Catherine: *smirking* the skin above my sternum.
Ethan: I- it's- um.
Catherine: *grinning teasingly* You can say phallus, darling.
Ethan: *face red* Excuse me, I need to go home.
35. Do you prefer it rough or romantic?
Together: A combo of both.
36. Would you ever get intimate in a shower?
Together: *smiling* we already have.
37. What's the dirtiest thing you've thought about doing to each other?
Ethan: *facepalms, flushing*....and that's my cue to leave.
Catherine: *smiling devilishly* taking total control and not letting you have your own way.
Ethan: *cheeks go scarlet* To tie her and make her beg for me to satisfy her.
38. How satisfied are you with your sex life?
Ethan: It has full marks.
Catherine: Same *sends a wink at Ethan, causing him to blush even further*
Bonus Questions
39. What's your favourite picture of each other?
Catherine: He looks so at peace, so relaxed.
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Ethan: She owns my heart. Just look at these pictures.
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40. Your favourite thing your partner wears?
Catherine: He looks like a man carved by Aphrodite herself, in anything, everything and nothing.
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Ethan: Right back at her. She's just gorgeous, irrespective of whatever she throws on herself.
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If you read till here, thank you!
A/N: Two of a kind's next part will be posted tomorrow. Stay tuned!
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randomvarious · 11 months
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Today's compilation:
Rock Rolls On: Greatest Rock 'n' Roll Hits of the '50s 1984 Rock & Roll / Doo Wop / R&B
Two things you really gotta love about this double-LP release: first, the album art. I mean, who can resist this totally 80s aesthetic here, with all these bright, fluorescent colors placed onto a square-tiled background like this? Certainly not me. And second, you have to appreciate the whole budget nature that went into producing this thing too, because this really isn't your run-of-the-mill 50s oldies comp at all.
See, what this thing actually is, is a compilation that was put out by a label called Pair Records that happens to pull its selections from two other already existing compilations that were released in the 70s. You can't tell from the photo that was taken of the album art here, but if the photographer had zoomed out just a little bit more, they would've captured the disclaimer at the bottom of the front cover that says that all of the songs on the 2nd LP in this set are actually from a rockumentary soundtrack called Let the Good Times Roll, which featured a bunch of live recordings that were taken from two separate 1973 concerts during a rock & roll revival tour that included a whole bunch of 1950s and 60s staples on its billing. That soundtrack was put out on a label called Bell Records, which is owned by Arista.
And the only reason why I know all of this is because I bought this damn release myself and currently have it sitting right in front of me. I came across it on Discogs and saw some *very* strange track lengths—a Bo Diddley song with a runtime of over five minutes?!?—and decided to find out if they were correct. And it turns out that they certainly were.
However, what's not indicated at all on this release is where all of the tracks on the first LP come from. Now, these ones are all studio recordings, so whoever compiled this particular record could just say that they came up with all of these selections themselves; except for the fact that *all* of these songs also appear on another Bell comp from 1972 called You Must Remember These Volume I. So, given that the second LP is also comprised entirely of songs from a 70s Bell release, it would stand to reason that this first LP would be too, even though nothing on the release itself points to that fact.
But does any of this information actually matter, though? No, not really. Of course, at the end of the day, what really matters most is not so much the trivial provenance of these songs, but whether or not they themselves are actually good. And they are; they are *very good.*
The first LP serves up a bunch of spectacular doo wop tunes, leading with a stone-cold classic in Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs' "Stay," a 1960 chart-topper (hey, waitaseckin! Isn't this a 50s comp?! 🤔🤷‍♂️) that features some sudden and glorious falsetto on its chorus that comes courtesy of vocalist Henry Gaston. Then, following that one is a pretty immaculate remainder as well, but two especially sweet dollops are The Channels' "The Closer You Are," which never charted nationally(!), but was a big regional hit in 1956, and The Silhouettes' "Get a Job," which was another national chart-topper in '57. These two songs, to me, represent some of the absolute cream of the all-time vocal doo wop crop. Just powerful, totally electric songs, with vocalists who, together, make up a dynamic range, from low to mid to high. "The Closer You Are" sports both a weaving falsetto and an intermittent onomatopoeically bonging bassline, and "Get a Job" deploys some really catchy doo wop scatting, a fantastic sax solo, and a distinct, watery lead vocal from Bill Horton too. Terrific, deeply satisfying, and very lively doo wop fare in both of those unmissable tunes.
And speaking of lively, the second LP, which, again, only has live recordings on it, really brings it too. But the lone performer who stands out among the rest on this particular record is the one and only Little Richard. Two of his biggest hits in "Lucille" and "Good Golly Miss Molly" get lined up back-to-back here and they're both so irresistibly energetic. A pair of excellent performances that feature his signature "woo"s, as well as his passionate rasp and gravel. It's one thing to hear him do it in studio, but it's really a whole 'nother thing to hear it done live, with a very wanting, appreciative crowd and a full backing band to match all that both he and that crowd happen to give. Lots of infectious reciprocation going around in both of those songs that ends up generating a great and unforgettable atmosphere.
What's unfortunate for you, though, is that I can't actually find *any* of these live recordings on YouTube! 😧 I mean, go figure, right? A seemingly unassuming budget comp of 50s hits from the 80s actually has a bunch of tunes on it that can now be considered rare by today's standards? Funny how that works, eh?
So, yes, this is a cheap and completely unoriginal release of 50s songs that appears to pull all of its material from two other places. But more importantly, because of the music that's on it, it really still is a phenomenal double-LP set, and very surprisingly, it has a slew of tunes on it that you actually can't easily find these days. You'd think that all commercially released live recordings of such rock & roll luminaries as Bill Haley and His Comets, Little Richard, and Bo Diddley would be on YouTube already, but apparently not!
Feel free to message me if you're interested in hearing them, though!
Maurice Williams & The Zodiacs - "Stay" The Turbans - "When You Dance" The Nutmegs - "Story Untold" The Channels - "The Closer You Are" The Silhouettes - "Get a Job" Lee Allen & His Band - "Walkin' With Mr. Lee" The Five Satins - "In the Still of the Night" Bill Haley And His Comets - "Rock Around the Clock" Little Richard - "Lucille" Little Richard - "Good Golly Miss Molly" Bo Diddley - "Hey Hey Hey"
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BATTLE BEAST Singer NOORA LOUHIMO Opens Up About Weight Struggles And Depression
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BATTLE BEAST singer Noora Louhimo has opened up about struggling with generalized anxiety disorder and weight.
Louhimo, who last year released her debut solo album, "Eternal Wheel Of Time And Space", under the NOORA LOUHIMO EXPERIENCE banner, joined BATTLE BEAST in 2012 with no previous experience as a metal vocalist but quickly acclimated herself as the replacement for Nitte Valo (a.k.a. Nitte Vänskä).
Earlier today (Monday, December 12),the 34-year-old Finnish-born vocalist took to her Instagram to write: "Have you ever thought of losing weight? Are you depressed or anxious? I have, ALL MY LIFE.
"I have been struggling with eating disorders and my weight since I was a little child and still trying to find a balance. I have been depressed and anxious sometimes 'without a reason'. Just resently it appeared, most of this was caused by the imbalance in my body that was caused by life without routines and bad decisions. I wanted to start a journey to myself and what I COULD DO to make myself feel better in my skin and in my head.
"SO HERE, this method is worth trying:
"1. Go to sleep and wake up everyday the same time (for example: I wake up at 7 am and go to sleep 11 pm) AND sleep everyday at least 8 hours. There can be exceptions like when I have late shows. But 90% of the time my goal is to keep the same sleeping rhythm.
2. Eat at least 3 times a day, 3-4 hours between the meals. (For example I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and evening snack) Your blood sugar stays steady throughout the day and there are less cravings.
3. Move your ass - Find your sport and do it at least 3 times a week. (For example I love dancing, gymnastics and running (with Bobby my dog.) The most important thing is that you have fun.
4. Talk nicely to yourself and avoid judging - if you keep talking to yourself as you would talk to your best friend (supporting, loving, kind way) this will make your thinking into doing eventually and you have more believe in yourself and what you are doing. It is important to be the kind parent to yourself - Sometimes it is okay to have a sweet snack or lay on couch and watch a movie. But sometimes it is time to say to yourself: Enough is enough, now go and seize the day, enjoy life. After all, we all are here trying to do our thing, trying to succeed in life, enjoy life, make life, be inventive, be something, BE HUMAN.
"Today is a good day for thinking - What kind of life I WANT and HOW DO I GET IT. OR I am part of life on this Earth, what kind of part do I want to play in it?
"Have a nice thinkful Monday".
In an interview with Metal Divas, Noora explained how she ended up fronting BATTLE BEAST: "[In] September [2012], I got a call from [then-BATTLE BEAST guitarist] Anton [Kabanen] that they want me to join BATTLE BEAST. I had heard their music and loved the sound and the vocals, so the next day I called Anton and said I'm in.
"Anton found me by accident on YouTube when he was searching for the new vocalist," she continued. "He had been looking for a vocalist — male or female; [it did not] matter. The only thing that mattered was can that [he or she could] sing his songs without compromises.
"I've been singing since I was four years old," Noora added. "While being a huge fan of heavy metal of '80s and a teenager, I had some classical singing lessons when I was 16 years old. Then at the age of 19, I started studying music in pop/jazz line. At the same time, I started doing some jam sessions at bars. There I found my first band (ADMIRAL OCTOPUS) in the blues bar. We used to play rock and blues music from '60s-'70s and Janis Joplin was the reason I got the rasp in my voice. After ADMIRAL OCTOPUS, in 2011, I took part in a singing competition ('Wanna Be A Rock 'N' Roll Star') at Henry's Pub of Tampere and won it with Janis Joplin's 'Piece Of My Heart'. That's how my single 'Relax' was born."
Photo credit: Terhi Ylimainen
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