powerpuffobsession · 17 hours
Lee Adam and Ler Eve? Your version of her?
In the beginning
Lee!Adam, Ler!Eve
“Hey, dear. You okay?” The “first” woman asks with a slight concern, looking at her “Husband”. Even though they both came to the conclusion that they weren’t in love, neither minded, they still care for each other in the end. It was just a little… Awkward, considering they were supposed to… “Populate” the Earth.
“I’m fine, Eve…” The first man mutters, looking over the lake, looking at the ducks… Where he and Lucifer used to hang out and just… have fun. Until that fucking snake went behind his back and-! Shit…
“You’re thinking about.. Him again aren’t you?” Eve asks, sitting down next to Adam, placing her hand on his shoulder.
“Kinda hard not to… It happened a week ago…” Adam mutters with a sigh, “The worst part is… It’s not even Lilith I’m upset about losing…”
“I guess… Considering how you’ve described her…” She says, feeling bad for her “husband”. Looking down at the ducks and the lake…
Until she heard… giggling? Eve looked up and over at Adam and noticed one of the ducklings on his shoulder, nuzzling against his ear and neck, making the man snicker.
“You’re… ticklish?” Eve asks with a slight excitement, since Adam has certainly attacked her during her time on Earth. Now, it was time for a little… Payback. (And a pick me up)
“Ihi’m nahat-” Adam tried to protest, but Eve carefully moved the duckling, so he wouldn’t get hurt, then dug her fingers into the first man’s sides. Her eyes lit up at the adorable squeak it caused.
“Aww! That was precious” The “first” woman cooed as she continued his playful assault.
“Eheheve! H-Heheheyyy-! Stahahap ihit- *Snort!*” 
“Aww! You sound like the pigletsss!! Soo cutee! Clearly Lucifer and Lilith missed out!” 
“D-Dohohont sahahay thahaht-! *Snort!* Ihihi-” A blush over took the first man’s face as he tried to get away, while not trying to hurt Eve.
“I’ll say all I want! Because you can’t stop me~ Gosh, you are just adorable!”
“You- Youhohou’re khihilling *Snort!* mehehehe-! Ehehek!”
“Hmm… Okay, the fallen were right about one thing… You are SOOOOO dramatic! But… Fine!” Eve says as she stops her attack, having to hold back from cooing as Adam collapsed into a puddle of giggles.
“Ehehevil! A-Ahand cruel-!” Adam accused playfully, pointing at Eve, “Ihi’ll get you fohor this-!”
“Mhm, suure you will, buddy~”
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powerpuffobsession · 2 days
"What did you expect watching a cartoon about hell? Of course the characters will be toxic and have toxic relationships". This take never made sense to me
Dude, we live on Earth which is literally REAL hell (we are born to survive under various degrees of stress with no easy and painless way out). And we ARE demons who are constantly being tempted and are tempting others - just look around or read the news about what's going on around the world. And yet we judge toxic relationships here, irl
So it doesn't matter if the place these characters live in is called this word..."hell", in an attempt to dissociate it from our world - it all doesn't work phychologically much different from Earth. So why can't we judge these demons for being toxic again?
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powerpuffobsession · 2 days
I'm foaming at the mouth I NEED TO KNOW if Adam was banished with Eve from Eden and if Cain and Abel happened in Hazbin hotel's universe
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Because in Lilith's case, it's all clear to see - she was banished to hell with Lucifer, who protected her with his magic, built her a castle and probably educated her. She had it relatively easy
But Adam could have never eaten that fruit and stayed in Heaven without ever leaving it (how could humanity have "come from his nuts" then, however???). OR just like in canon biblical material, he had been surviving in wild nature with wife and kids for 900 years, with them trying to figure everything out on their own. Meaning he lived and died as a caveman and was basically frozen in that state post-death, just like Alastor was frozen as an old time dude from 20s
That explains Adam's current behavior. Take a caveman, teach him to speak (and play a guitar), and his main priorities would be eating, having sex, being a dominating alpha male and murdering
Dunno about Lilith and Eve. Lilith would probably be more elegant, after being brought up by an angel since leaving Eden (still dangerous though because...duh, human turned into a demon, a dangerous mix). But Eve... we know nothing of her yet
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powerpuffobsession · 3 days
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Morning affirmations in front of a mirror :)
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powerpuffobsession · 6 days
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Let's go to Eden. pt.3 Prev | Next (coming soon)
"Who's that?"
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powerpuffobsession · 9 days
More little sketches of my eden!Adam and Eve
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I keep making this instead of working
Headcanon that Adam made a lot of cave paintings during his mortal life
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powerpuffobsession · 10 days
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I find it funny how Adam's height is sometimes so overexaggerated in fandom (I saw takes about him being 250-300 cm tall or fanart where other characters barely reach his chest)
While in the show Vaggie and Lucifer, who are supposed to be short (about 150-170 cm), reach his shoulders level with their height
Meaning Charlie (confirmed to be 180) should reach his nose level (same with her and Alastor)
Therefore Adam has roughly the same height as Alastor. Plus, he's also canonically shorter that Angel and Valentino lol
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powerpuffobsession · 12 days
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(4/?) 6 more pages to go!!!!
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powerpuffobsession · 13 days
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Sorry, only one page today. But we're close to the end!
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powerpuffobsession · 15 days
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The whole Eden Lucifer-Adam-Lilith-Eve situation is kinda creepy. I see serious groomer undertones in it, given the difference in Lucifer's and humans' life experience (and to extent, maturity) at the moment
Imagine that you are an adult experienced angel who is present during the making of Eden and the birth of first humans. You also apparently want a wife. And to be a part in creation of Eden. What do you do? Find some female angel to marry and live your life with? Find an actually helpful way of working alongside elder angels?
Nope, instead you meddle with the lives of newborn and inexperienced humans in the most destructive way possible.
You could have helped them sort out their disagreements and actually taught them proper ways to behave. But you don't. You groom the naive female human into trusting you and then you encourage her cheating on the male human, causing trauma and insecurities to corrupt his personality in his first few years of living (the most influential in shaping a person's mentality). Thus you become partly responsible for the vengeful monster he will become in the future
More than that, you take away the female human's chance to live safely in paradise or on earth. Because of aiding you in your not-so-well-thought-out-plan (she didnt have any other choice, you and the male human were the only company she had), she is doomed to be allowed to only live in hell the rest of her life. And you knew that no one in heaven was going to give her the benefit of the doubt
As icing on the cake, you don't stop just on grooming and encouraging cheating, you don't leave the male human alone after you've already did him dirty and abandoned him... you come back and corrupt his new wife for some unclear reason (because your "whimsical" ideas of how you'd do a project elder angels know better how to carry out, are never even elaborated upon).
As a result, you doom not only these three babies in adult bodies but also the entire humanity to a terrifying life of fighting sinful outbursts, suffering, surviving, dying and risking ending up in hell where they'll be suffering for an eternity
I'm not sure if writers will ever hold Lucifer accountable for all this in a proper way. Probably not. But thinking about how much he fucked over first three humans makes me wish more depression on him
At this point, Lilith leaving Lucifer is not surprising. Imagine if after maturing and gaining life experience (and already giving birth to Charlie) she realized how her husband was practically using her. That could be why she left after doing her job of raising Charlie until she became an adult that can survive on her own
(I mean, it could be true if hazbin hotel was good at having the characters live through consequences of their actions and not just making Adam a scapegoat who is supposedly like Stella v 2.0 - evil ever since he was born and already inventing patriarchy with his very first breath. Like, all humans are selfish jerks when they are newborn - that's what parenting is for, shaping something more pleasant out of all that selfishness) (notice how the writing only focuses on how Adam was "bad" back in Eden)
(That also gives me a reason to judge angels in general - just a few narrative details really show how little they cared about the first humans' wellbeing and future. It's their fault too that Lilith ended up in hell and had to make some sort of deal to get a chance to visit her home/ Adam became an immature mentally unstable murderer/ and Eve... dunno, we haven't seen her yet)
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powerpuffobsession · 15 days
Am I the only one who feels that Hazbin Hotel's overall vibe is far too naive and upbeat for an adult cartoon about hell and redemption of sinners?
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I feel like before writing this cartoon, Vivzie and the other writers should have made a trip to unfortunate areas of the world and watch how the lifestyle there rolls. Because hell is said to be a place of misery, where there is no trust and a lot of hate, both internal and external... Adam is an object of pure unfiltered hartred (both from writers and fandom) because he dares to live in heaven, such a safe and friendly-natured place...
And yet the sinners who happen to be main characters act more like school kids on a field trip (even more carefree than those, lol) - their selfish and sinful motives are so artificial and are brought up only when these characters need to look like a victim, not like criminals who somehow deserved a place in hell
Obviously, it's a manipulative trope to put them in a better light than Heaven and Adam (who is forever silenced by the writers and not allowed to voice any thoughts and reflections other than "hurr durr murder I luuuv murdering and being evil because that's what I was since I was born, even though Lilith and Eve, born literally the same way as me, were innocent victims from the get go, and no logical explanation for that will be provided whatsoever - men bad, women good")
In the light of all that, the sinners are too eager to trust each other and form "da epic powar of friendship" mlp-sonic-style
In a society built on terror, anarchy and survival instincts, no one would ever bother wasting vital power on noticing someone's problems and helping them out. Everyone is focused on their own problems and desires, and that's what drives them to act. Well, the exception may be family members, and even that varies
That's why Husk's intent to comfort Angel after the later attacks him over nothing at the bar, looks really fake, considering the setting. At first I thought that "loser baby" where Husk insults Angel, was some sort of revenge and Husk laughing in the spider's face. But no, it actually turned out to be a comforting song that started their friendship. Husk literally had no motivation to want to help Angel, because he was annoyed by him all the time prior. If there was some kind of basis for their bonding, I would have believed it. But not like this.
And Angel had no reason to actually like that sort of comfort. I get it when your best friend or a family member cheers you up in a harsh way - you know them. And even when coming from people you trust that can hurt. Now imagine a complete stranger doing that to you. That's actually something that shouldn't be done - trying to playfully insult or jester a person you haven't communicated with for a long enough time to gain their trust. And to make this even more strange, Angel at first reacts negatively, but then suddenly snaps to liking that disrespectful way of comforting for no reason at all.
And why did Angel even vent his problems to Husk, a stranger bartender who he'd hurt before. Wasn't he actually afraid of being laughed at and of Husk using his trauma to spread gossip around or something?
Next, Sir Pentious. In the pilot (which is officially part of canon, mind you), he already felt like a joke sunday cartoon villain, but at least he had some edge to him that made him look like a sinner with some dark history. In the series however, he gets nerfed the very moment he steps into the hotel to the point where it's painful to look at
His tendency to abuse his henchmen, his physopathic demeanor, his hartred for Cherri (instead of embarrassing attempts to get blue balled by her), his sincere power hunger - where did all that go? Vanished in a blink of an eye. All that's left of a promising snake demon is a pile of fanservice. So morally unchallenging and harmless that a viewer theoretically simply cannot resist loving him
Well i'm kind disappointed. We don't even know in what way Sir Pentious had to improve, because the plot never focused on his past, his life goals, whatever made him want to lead turf wars and whatever awful things he did in life, what was the point where he started degrading... none of that. He just became a better person after one "sorry song" and acted perfectly innocent ever since and didnt put any effort into getting ready to sacrifice himself for other main characters
The sacrifice... to me it's baffling how fast the sinners, over the course of just 6 months, actually became Charlie's family figures and risked their lives for her hotel. Such pure child-cartoon-styled power of friendship, built in hell, with the aid of a princess who cant even think through her project of helping sinners without bringing them more trouble... realistically, Charlie would have had to fight angels alone (how convenient it is that no main characters died in that chaotic brawl, right?)
And Charlie herself is far too naiive and soft-natured for someone who is free to walk along the streets of hell looking at all the muder, rape and othe horrible stuff that's happening there. Given that she's 200, Charlie had more than enough time to built up her street smarts and guts and learn to be more practical and mindful, instead of staying with the mind of a 12 year old who needs other characters to do everything for her (Lucifer, Vaggie, Alastor) and then get praised for THEIR efforts. That's hell's royalty and our main character?
Aaand since sinners are portrayed as Charlie's "people" (as if they are a nationality), sweet babies who all deserve redemption and are called innocent by Emily (I can't believe how dumb the writers made angels be) - the true essence of exterminatons is never focused on. Adam and his exterminator army are seen in the wrong, like some kind of monsters who terrorize poor souls. However, think about this - child molesters, rapists, torturers, bullies, nazists, actual racists etc died in those exterminations. Doesnt that seem like something a lot of us would want? To have scum like this disappear as revenge for people they have hurt/driven to suicide?
Exterminations are not really an act of racism, bigotry or something like that. They are an excecution of criminals, which a lot of sinners are.
But the black and white writing is trying to conceal that rather prominent highlight of the rotten part of Charlie's plan (not all sinners deserve mercy or redemption). All that was needed was to make exterminators these icky "villains" who luuuv killing and are never willing to listen
All in all, a cartoon that has an ambitious premise that should be driven by psychological reasearch/analysis and dark serious themes... makes me roll my eyes with its cliche use of "power of friendship" and " strictly good main characters, strictly bad villains" tropes. Too bad such beautiful animation was wasted on such juvenile writing that never had any effort put into it
There shouldn't even be any villains or heroes in a setting like this. Allow the lead roles (sinners in hell) do something actually questionable and be unlikable, don't coddle the viewer in fear of making them even the slightest bit uncomfortable. Allow those, who opposes sinmers, have personalities and reasons, not cliche sociopathy for sociopathy's sake to cause forced sympathy for the main characters
Pristine "safe" writing should not have a place in adult cartoons. Or else they will stay a product that'd rather be watched by 7-14 year olds instead of adults (I can't picture a single adult over 22 who would unironically call hazbin hotel a show that tackles realistic issues in an observant way)
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powerpuffobsession · 17 days
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D1ckmaster streaks again
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powerpuffobsession · 18 days
Adam would 100% feel entitled to cultural appropriation and brag about it, like that one abusive parent who won't let their child own anything in the house
"I'm the original father of all nationalities, so basically I own everything you mfs came up with. I've got THE life time pass!"
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powerpuffobsession · 18 days
Charlie, a princess who grew up in hell and mind you wanders around its streets freely, strikes me not as a naiive
But more as uncaring. No naiive person could be that reckless and ignore signs of when they should apply more effort to help their loved ones. Especially the one who should have long ago learned how the world around her works (she's 200)
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let's count:
Takes as granted that Vaggie sees successfully helping Charlie as the only basis of her self esteem and personality (treating her gf more like a servant, an unfortunate consequence of Vaggie being nerfed as a character in general). Plus, Charlie dumps the responsibility of leading trust exercise on Vaggie without warning, making her feel anxious (who does that?)
Goes to Valentino's studio to "help Angel" just for brownie points. Doesn't think through an actual plan, actually thinks that Valentino would be okay with that and not abuse Angel more after he gets angry with Charlie (girl you grew up in hell), runs away crying from a bruised ego when something goes wrong instead of staying there and fixing her mistakes
Just stands there smiling when Alastor is shitting on her dad and outright lying about how he (Alastor) was supporting the hotel project since day 1 (when it was Vaggie actually...). Charlie doesnt correct him, she doesn't shut him up. She just..listens and awes. Girl, you aren't even in love with Alastor in canon. So why? My only guess is that Charlie doesn't even want to admit that someone she picked for help can act wrong and just suppresses the truth
Instead of being more mindful in the angel court, she blurts outloud how she doesnt trust angels (bad move that in real life distances someone you're trying to persuade, from you), and overall acts disrespectfully and aggressivelly (I doubt that in season 2 she's gonna be said to have learned from that mistake)
She only cares about sinners, as an object of her wonder, ignoring those who didn't have a choice of ending up in hell - imps
All in all: it even seems like Charlie's hotel wasn't organized to actually help sinners but to stroke her ego and help her get friends. We don't see Charlie putting any effort into understanding the psychology of human sinners, doing any research or at least hiring an actual shrink or other experts
Sinners at her hotel help each other out through befriending each other just because the writers want them to (seriously, try naming actual character traits that realistically intersect and provide believable chemistry). They could have easily done that without the hotel.
So what's the difference, and why does Lucifer pamper his daughter in the finale by saying that it was her who "changed their minds and touched their hearts"? (Given that he himself changed his mind after just one song that had no buildup to it lol - what a challenge that was indeed)
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powerpuffobsession · 21 days
TW: NUTITY (idk it's just boobs and terribly drawn hands lmao)
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UNDERRATED SHIP UNLOCKED FOLKS🔓Now that I think, do they actually have a ship name? Like Guitarlilly? firstpairing? Idk. Just think about how things were back in Eden or how things would have turned out if everything was ok between them (or if Adam wasn't a complete idiot)
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powerpuffobsession · 23 days
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Another small comic about my version of sinner Adam. He started growing plants for the hotel, and Lucifer became a little nostalgic watching him do so.
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powerpuffobsession · 26 days
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