#the origins
weirdlookindog · 15 days
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Odilon Redon (1840-1916) - Les Origiens: Quand s'éveillait la vie au fond de la matière obscure (Origins: When Life Was Awakening in the Depths of Obscure Matter), 1883
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onlinegurusworld · 8 months
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The Origins
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lennsart · 5 months
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So my latest post doesn't show up in the linked universe tag, and instead of crying about it, I decided that Legend would.
(This is a test, if this doesn't show up in the tags I'll lose my mind)
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crunchontoast · 8 months
“...We’re not too different, you know?” Ink said tentatively. “Creation casts the shadow of destruction, destruction bears the seed of creation, that poetic stuff. We’re made of the same molecules, you and I.” His head was back on his shoulder and suddenly he was staring right through Error’s chest.
Error scoffed. “You’re disgusting, know that?”
“I’m never gonna like you.”
“That’s fine.”
His eyes were boring into Error’s skull now. He cocked a simple smile and it looked as false and soluble as always. “I just… thought you’d appreciate a friend.”
The smile loosened, and his gaze turned distant. “In all this chaos.”
Chapter 15 of The Origins is out! Finally! Holy shit!
@lightyearssurrogatedaddy hey check it out
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trechoseldarya · 1 year
Triste pensar que um episódio de 2h de Eldarya antigamente custava 3k - 3k500. E agora um ep do New Era de menos de 1h custa 4500 maanas.
 E a culpa nem é do sistema de maanas (que inclusive, achei muito bom pra Eldarya, pagar por diálogos):
 1. Os diálogos são muito picotados, pra suprir a falta de conteúdo do jogo.
 2. Mesmo com essa divisão, o número de falas ainda é pouco, então eles obrigam o jogador a gastar dinheiro com uma roupa extremamente cara e desnecessária.
 O Alexis já disse que o limite de palavras que a empresa colocou sobre os episódios atrapalha ele. E apesar de eu concordar que isso realmente ajudou a estragar o jogo, o cara ainda usa o pouco limite de palavras que ele tem pra criar diálogos desnecessários e repetidos (ex.: ep 11 -> 300 diálogos de humor falando sobre escapamento de carro), ao invés de usar pra algo produtivo (ex.: desenvolvimento do Lance e da relação dele com a Guardiã, um personagem super relevante pra segunda temporada que virou uma porta sem personalidade)
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sad-pathetic-shrimp · 12 days
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oh lord, spit me out into the oceans arm.
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captainkurosolaire · 1 year
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"Before I die, chirugeon, I request you give this soul-crystal to my child." Summers later...
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Enough of everyone’s crap, no one gives a damn... I’ll show em... I’ll be someone that everyone listens to… Someone who holds their head higher than all the rest!“
Shout out to @meepsthemiqo for giving me some useful advice putting together this big story-screenset. Pretty much the catalyst of it all, Page 1 being brought to life in living color.
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musicgarden7x · 1 year
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Eldarya: The Origins - Saint Valentine's Day 2020
Eldarya: New Era - Saint Valentine's Day 2023
The beginning of the end. If you know, you know...
[Credits: Beemoov/ChiNoMiko]
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crowstormx · 2 years
Ooi, tudo bem? Espero que sim! 💗
Gostaria de pedir packs/layouts do Leiftan de Eldarya, por favor!
Agradeço desde já, viu?
oiee, espero q goste :))
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finalwoman · 1 month
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very clearly roman roy and brex
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littleweirdlady · 10 months
What is the relation of Jules (My OC) With the Eldarya guys ?
I love talking about Jules ! Especially because she's quite special, I can't Help it ^^'
EZAREL - The "IdontknowwhyImtalkingtohim" guy
First, let's start with this annoying elf !
Jules, when they first meet, was thinking he is just an assh*le, always complaining and never helping... But, he eventually adapted and even appreciated the repartee of the "human girl". So now, they are two children always fighting (kindly) with each other !
When Jules is not well (mentally or physically or both) he will be worried, not full worried, but a little, because his little nightmare is not "making trouble" around him. He won't admit it, but he likes her, as a friend, he likes make fun of her, so if she's not here anymore, he can't torture his favorite victim... What a Shame !
Jules likes him a lot, his sense of humor is having his effect, and, like Ezarel likes to torture Jules, Jules likes to torture Ezarel. An eye for an eye, a leg for a leg !
When Ezarel is paired with Nevra, there is no match, they're pure nightmare, even hell together, more than Ezarel alone... Fortunately, Valkyon is here to make balance... Without him, Jules will be in a pure hall of shame.
VALKYON - The Serenity place
Let's continue with Valkyon !
When she first meet him, she think that he was really introverted... And, she was right, he don't speak really often, and don't go see other people... Jules was also a really introverted person, she stays with her bestfriend, the others don't matters... But when she was teleported on Eldarya, she knew she must be more... Extrovert to be integrated. So thats what she do, try to talk with the native of this world... Especially some of the guard like Ezarel, Karenn, Chrome and so Valkyon.
Now, her relation with Valkyon is great ! He likes speaking with her and she likes speaking with him. When she need to have serenity and calm, she's going to see him. They don't have to talk, just being around and keeping company is enough, Jules with a book and Valkyon sharpening his weapon.
When Jules is not well (mentally or physically, maybe both), he will be worried and concern... Every morning, the young woman wishes him "a good day" after his morning work. And when she don't, he will ask to Miiko, Nevra and Ezarel if she okay ! Like i said, he appreciate her company, so if she's not well, then he will try to help as he can.
For him, see this young lady struggle with his two best friends is half amusing and half annoying, because he knows too well this two and their puns that can be infinite... He will help this poor soul, even if he's called "papi" or "grand-pa" after that, he can handle.
NEVRA - The crush she can't believe her eyes to love...
Next, we have Nevra !
When they first meet, Jules had a bad image of him... A real womanizer that she can't believe her own eyes... Like "How someone can flirt with that kind of puns... Unbelievable !" But... She kinda like it after some days... She understand that the vampire try to play some seductive games, so she accepts that fact and enjoy playing this game with him. Like "Hey darling, do you believe that... One day, you'll have a big crush on me ?" and she was like "Yeah, sure... Maybe in your biggest dream !" all with a flirty attitude ! Yeah, that kind of interactions and the worst part is that he's right !
Something else that Jules appreciates a lot about Nevra is his seriousness in certain circumstances. He can be very serious when it comes to work, or the person to which he values (Karenn, Chrome, even Jules !). He likes to jokes and flirt around but if you touch one hair of his babies, you will cry very loud !
When Jules is not well (Mentally, physically or both) he will start the "Protective Mommy Nevra" fonction. He likes her, very very much ! She is in the same basket as Karenn and Chrome, but, maybe more in the lover way. He will do all he can to makes her go well again ! Because, he won't admit it, but she is his little princess, his favorite woman, the woman that makes him go insane and affectionate. Simply the woman with who he wants to start a long relation, something that make him the lover of this splendid lady !
Nevra is one of the all guard that she appreciates the most (maybe not really objective due to her crush on him). She likes that he begins little by little to detach himself from other women to flirt only with her and only her. (Even though he believes Jules never noticed) She likes him for who he is (romantic, affectionate and maybe clumsy sometimes), not who he pretends to be (Flirty, Nacissist and more confident that he really is)
LEIFTAN - The "You are kind but... Nah I don't know" guy
And Leiftan for the end !
Jules is a bit mixed about Leiftan, she thinks that she appreciate him, but... At the same time... She don't know. Something bother this lady but she don't know what ! But, he helps her in her firsts days so... Any help is good to take !
She doesn't spend much time with him due to his work so... She don't really know him... In some ways, Leiftan scares her a little, she think that his kindness can be a little bit intimidating...
If she is unwell, he will be worried, but can't really do whatever he wants so... He trust the others to take good care of her. Even if he really want to approch her and befriends with her.
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How ba-ah-ah-ah-d can the assassins be?? They're just doing what comes na-tu-rally
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jaquilios · 1 year
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lyricstrawberryai · 2 years
I finally finished Eldarya: The Origins.
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crunchontoast · 3 months
Chapter 1: All done! Nicely polished up.
Chapter 2: A couple paragraphs away from being totally finished. Needs to be beta-d.
Chapter 5: Just needs a few touch-ups.
Chapter 17 16: About a quarter of the way to go.
If anyone is reading this, thank you for your patience! I've emerged from the worst of my depression, so the process should go smoothly from here on out. Love you all!!
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trechoseldarya · 1 year
N: Além disso, você não escolheu o melhor lugar para descansar...
G: Ah, e qual seria esse melhor lugar?
N: Na minha cama, é claro!
G: Você realmente acha que vou descansar uma vez na sua cama?
N: Hmm... você tem razão, corro o risco de esgotar você.
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* Por isso não sigo totalmente o guia dos episódios, você corre o risco de perder diálogos como esse *
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