#task list
coliepng · 7 months
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my weekly overview system
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pratchettquotes · 1 year
The demons of critical path analysis swarmed around his brain. There was always something that you had to do before you could do the thing you wanted to do and even then you might get it wrong.
Terry Pratchett, Raising Steam
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limetimo · 10 months
the soup
but where are the goats gone?
le window
scrub floor
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xiaomao-ai-wo · 6 months
When you get through your checklist of tasks for the day (excluding the important one you have a mental block for) and you draw yourself a lil bud at the end of it all
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Protector of the tasks (super serious job)
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19:36 okay I’m going to put on my headphones and listen to the Boccherini passacaglia and I’m going to pull up the powerpoint file and the word file and I’m going to put the damn primary quotes into the damn presentation
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Plenty of things to do today, let’s see how far I can get!
Putting these roughly in order of importance, which is also the order in which I’ll work through them - that way if I run out of time/energy before everything’s done, it hopefully won’t be too much of an issue.
Duolingo (Spanish) (Japanese)
send off paperwork
Creative Writing
flash fictions
adjust wordcount
edit/revise C
look over T
send all of them off
read Kelman
notes on Scott reading
B text
B lecture
Wordsworth text
C text
O text
also here are the flowers that currently keep me company:
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(ID: a closeup of a pink and white lily blossom viewed from the left side. towards the centre, the petals are covered in short pink spikes. a drop of clear liquid clings to the tip of the style. the stamina each carry a clump of burnt orange pollen. end ID)
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soloshikigami · 2 years
Task List
Haven’t done these for a while here, can’t really do this on Twitter, so, here we are.
For anyone who is only following me here, things have been rough and life kinda went to hell for a bit. I took some time to rest, but now is the time to get it all back together and start kicking some ass.
In order to sort of soothe me if I don’t seem to get a lot done, I broke a lot of tasks down into teeny bits (a great thing to do if your spoons are low or have executive dysfunctions), because also I have a habit of going too hard too fast and therefore immediately burning out again.
Here we go:
- Laundry (3 loads; delicate, regular, towels and sheets) - Make bed (2 parts) - Clean desk (7 parts) - Set up drawer set next to desk - Clean room (4 parts) - Clean bathroom (8 parts) - Clean car (4 parts) - Random chores (8 parts)
Already have the first load of laundry in the washer and waking up with some coffee. Let’s see how we do.
Edit: I think this is where I’ll stop for today. I feel good with what I got done, and I have a blanket I need to finish by the end of the month.
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lxvvie · 2 months
Simon proposed to you. While drunk.
To be fair, you were a bit merry yourself.
You were in the comfort of your home, enjoying each other's company and the cheap alcohol when you realized Simon was staring at you. Turns out he'd been staring at you for quite a while. He was definitely inebriated, but it was like he was aware just the same. You saw it in his dark eyes. You would have reflected some more if you weren't tipsy.
"...Marry me."
That roused you from your drunken stupor. You think. You guess. Wait a damn minute. You began giggling. Or maybe you always were giggling. Fuck, you didn't know, didn't care to know, but—"Yer drunk, Siiiii." And still, you giggled.
Wasn't gonna deter your soldier, though. He took another swig of his drink, let it settle, eyes never leaving yours, and said, " 'm not drunk. 'm in love, sweetheart," Oh! ...Oh. Oh shit. "Marry me, luv. Make an honest man outta me, yeah?" Simon punctuated his proposal with a loud burp. When did he take his shirt off?
You couldn't be bothered to care. When didn't he have his shirt off around you? And fuck, maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the way he kept staring at you, drunk in love, or maybe—"SURE!"
Smooth. Real fucking smooth. But it was enough.
Simon leaned in to kiss you. At least, he tried to. That's all you remembered until the next morning when you woke up and there he was, comfortably resting on top of you, him in your arms and you in his.
You would've thought last night was a dream if you hadn't seen the drunken text Simon sent the boys later:
im a missus
Yes, you are, Simon. Yes, you are.
And truth be told, you two didn't mind it at all.
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lunarw0rks · 2 months
john “big stretch” price
simon “make it fit” riley
soap “just the tip” mactavish
kyle “give me one more” garrick
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faeriewriter · 1 year
15 min list for WRITERS
things to do in 15 minutes to be productive as a writer, because so much can happen in a quarter of an hour
daydream about your wip
write a random scene in your notes app
make a character quirk list
write flash fiction from a writing prompt
make/update pinterest board
make/update wip playlist
make a writing playlist
re-read something you wrote
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Tasks Accomplished: 3/26/23
~Get through one section of book report book: X
~Work on annotated Bibliography: Still need to do- move to tomorrow
~Do 15 more book mark embroidery squares: X
~Write for 20 minutes: X
~Read for fun after waking up: X
~Crafts at Library: Missed but might try again next month
~Either finish current head scarf or start one in a new color: Finished previously started head scarf.
~Brainstorm/gather quotes for Reaction Paper: Moved to tomorrow
Overall today was a really good day, long but good. I got a lot of stuff done for the craft fair which is good. I finished the head scarf I was working on and got through at least fifteen bookmarks. I am a bit nervous about not having enough but I will do as much as I can and then I can take orders and then provide them to people after the craft fair.
I also started to rework my novel which is great. I am using yellow note cards to categorize the five chapters I have already written, and I plan to use green note cards to plan out future chapters. These will be installed into my Anti-net Zettlekasten, which I learned about through Scott Scheper. He is on youtube and has a really cool system for categorizing information.
As for reading I was able to reach page sixty in both my fun novel (These Infinite Threads by Tahereh Mafi) and the novel I am required to read for the book report that is due in two weeks. That novel is called Red Roulette by Desmond Shum.
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enii · 7 months
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Small tasks
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domainspro · 2 years
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ghouljams · 9 days
Item #: SCP-141
Containment Procedures: Master List
Main Article
Site Memo
SCP-141-a "Price" SCP-141-a "Price" (2) SCP-141-b "Gaz" SCP-141-b "Gaz" (2) SCP-141-c "Soap" SCP-141-d "Ghost" SCP-141-e "Laswell"
Supplementary File from @ethereal-night-fairy
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soloshikigami · 2 years
Task List Pt 2
Yesterday I was thrown by needing to fix the outdoor faucet... honestly it wasn’t dripping that bad but apparently... whatever >_<
- Clean room (4 parts) - Clean bathroom (8 parts) - Clean car (4 parts) - Random chores (8 parts) - New Planner setup (5 parts)
Got a new planner for the next year (because is a student one so it goes from July-June), so gotta set up birthdays, goals, daily/weekly/monthly reminders, and other fun stuff. Also should add on the errand of having to drive to a town 30 mins away to return crap I bought online >.<
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rough day...
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