#tamaki imagine
veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys with a s/o who is clingy when sleepy」
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⤷ Bakugou
he would act like he was angry about it; the kind of jokingly complaining like “why are you getting clingy all of a sudden?” “what are you, a koala?” “hey, if you sleep like this, you’ll drool all over my shirt.” but as soon as you pout and walk away, he rolls his eyes and pulls you back to him, trapping you in his arms or with his body. “where do you think you’re going? get back here,” then happily he cradles you and places soft kisses on the top of your head.
⤷ Deku
he gets even more smiley and embarrassed when you start clinging to his arm as you walk back home. “sleepy?” he ruffles your hair lightly before placing a soft kiss on top of your head; and honestly his heart is melting. he offers to give you a piggy back ride so you can take a nap. “we are almost home; hang in there,”
⤷ Todoroki
he’d be a little surprised at first, especially if you’re not normally clingy or as affectionate, but he’d get used to it; if you were sleeping on the couch he would take you to bed carefully and when you refuse to let him go he tries to playfully argue with you and say he has work to do but honestly he thinks you are very cute and doesn’t have the courage to refuse, so he would bring everything he needs to work so he can do it on your side. he also likes you to pet him while he reads a book or watches something on his phone or something and looks at you adoringly with a smile or a small laugh before continuing on what he was doing before.
⤷ Denki
“awn, cuuteee-” he would say, his voice almost a scream as he hugs you and pulls you closer; he was really very quiet afterwards, just stroking you while you slept, not thinking, running his fingers down your back, drawing little patterns or letters. it would be a blissfully quiet time, just enjoying each other’s presence and warmth. then he opens his mouth to say, “hey babe, why are you so cute all the time??”
⤷ Tamaki
you are in the backseat of the car when you suddenly approach him, practically clutching his arms, almost dozing; he puts down the phone he was scrolling and looks at you, “are you sleepy?” he asks rhetorically with a chuckle, you gently tilts his head so that it rests on his shoulder, “go ahead and take a nap; i’ll wake you up when we get there,” he says and holds your hand the entire way and kisses it a few times.
⤷ Shinsou
he would be calm outside, but his heart would just melt; he’s reading in bed when you sleepily tug at his sleeve, a silent line for him to crawl under the covers and approach. he puts his arms around your shoulders as he lets you sleep; you try to move his hand to your head. he is a little confused at first, but laughs when he realizes, “like this?” he says as he strokes your hair. he looks at you with a big smile on his face as you mumble contentedly and hug his waist tighter.
⤷ Hawks
would he be a little confused at first and look at you as if to say what’s gotten into you? but in all honesty, he would be the softest being ever; he would make videos and photos of you, with his hands poking or playing with your cheeks because he thinks you are the cutest thing in the world. he would also 100% let you hold his hand and use his arm to hug. he kisses you on the forehead and chaste kisses on the lips when he thinks you’ve fallen asleep, but suddenly you open your eyes and he backs away so quickly, the blush creeping up his cheeks; and blush even more when you snuggle closer and press lazy little kisses to his cheek.
⤷ Dabi
he’s watching tv when you arrive and lazily sits on his lap, resting your cheek on his shoulder. he kind of freezes up at first because he doesn’t know what to do but relaxes right away and asks if you’ve had a tiring day. then moves to get up but stops and laughs when you hold him tighter, “i’m just taking you to bed; it’ll be more comfortable there,” “who said?” you mumble. “…okay,” he says, wrapping his arms around your waist and shifting a bit to find a more comfortable position for the two of you; in the end, he didn’t wake you up because you were so cute and comfortable that he just wanted to keep holding you in his arms, and that’s what he did.
⤷ Shigaraki
he’s in the middle of a game when you whimper sleepily for hugs as you drag him to bed. he holds the controller out of your reach. “wait, y/n, i’m about to – fuck no!” he groans when he loses before shooting you a look and basically tackling you on the bed, suffocating you with a bear hug. “you made me lose, i’m not gonna let you go now; this is your punishment,” despite your drowsiness, you laugh and tighten your embrace, suffocating him in an equally eager hug until both of you relents at the same time. you then slowly drift off to sleep in his arms and he soon follows suit.
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usopps-goggles · 6 months
Imagining life with Boyfriend!Tamaki
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☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who remembers the little things, like your pets birthday, or your favorite ice cream flavor
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who never initiates touch because he’s so shy, so when you make the first move to hold his hand or hug him the boy is on cloud nine
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki whose small gesture show you how much he cares for you, even if it’s something little like buying you coffee if you’re studying or packing your lunch for you if you’re busy
☆Boyfriend!Tamaki who gradually breaks out of his shell with you and is so adorably clingy
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who sometimes gets jealous of how easily Mirio can talk to people, especially you, and wishes he was that outgoing and could make you laugh like that
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who offered to do your makeup, and seeing it come out less than perfect the first time decides to watch tutorials on how to get it just right
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who pays close attention to detail, like the way you grip your pencil, or bounce your leg when you’re thinking
☆ Boyfriend!Tamaki who dreads the day you might want someone better, someone more confident, someone more funny, or someone more brave, but little does he know that day will not come because Boyfriend!Tamaki is an amazing boyfriend and you wouldn’t trade him for anyone else
A/N: Cute lil Tamaki post after being gone for 3 months 😽
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emmyrosee · 6 months
As someone who does that myself: I hc that Amajiki uses you as a weighted blanket
Sometimes, he’s able to work up the courage and confidence to ask for “that thing,” simply meaning you laying on top of him, playing with his fingers or his hair, and it’s all easy and all smiles.
But others, he just really struggles okay? And the idea of coming forward and asking you to do something for him makes his heart race and stomach queasy.
And it’s then that you step in for him.
“Honey,” you begin. “You’re staring into space, again. Do you need something?”
You cock a brow and offer him a smile, “are you lying to me?”
“You don’t stammer when you lie, angel face.”
Amajiki’s face bursts out in somehow more of a flush, and you decide to let him relax by scooting to the other end of the couch and patting your old spot for him to sit in. “C’mere. I want to cuddle,” you encourage.
He gulps and makes his way to the couch, swinging his legs up and over, only for you to burrow in against him, relishing in his scent while he lets out a sigh of relief 🥺
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mitsua · 2 months
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Warnings: none
Genre: fluff & comfort
Series: 𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚
S/o's . . . GN!
Words count: 239
It's been such a long week you could barely keep your eyes open while reading the newspaper at the dinner table you were silently sharing with your husband Tamaki.
The name Sunday couldn't have been more waited to be heard for now.
However, you really could use some more hours of sleep, and you think you just heard a little snore come from Amajiki—yep, you carefully folded the paper into a square and left it on the table to now admire your all-life-companion's resting features.
He seemed so peaceful yet so tormented, which he's certainly been with all the recent attacks at the city dragging him to stay on his agency way longer than he ever thought he would.
Sundays being your only day off sometimes. Now was one of those sometimes, fortunately.
"Amajiki..." you spole softly, extending your hand to touch his, which laid rested on his fork to continue eating. He grunted a little and opened his eyes to be met by your worried ones.
"What about a cuddling date?" you said, intentionally wanting him to remember when you used to invite him over your house when you first started dating; how he kept being a sweet blushing and stuttering mess in your embrace for the first months.
Even now if it made him a bit nervous, (his butterflies as you like to say), he couldn't really deny to yearn anything else.
"Sweet dreams, my love".
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Written by: Mitsua (Credit to their respective owners of the pictures and tagged series' character)
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sunkenma · 1 year
the art of subtlety 
the many ways tamaki amajiki says “i love you” wordlessly.
650 words, fluff / hbd tamaki!
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tamaki amajiki has never been good with words.
frankly, he has never been good with actions either. the fear of expressing himself and potentially garnering unwanted attention has always been on the precipice of his worries. yet if he had to pick the lesser of the two evils, he’d choose actions. 
actions, albeit still harrowing, are manageable when it comes to you. 
with you, he can’t help but want to do something, anything. anything that can help make life a little bit easier for you. may it be to carry your bag and books, or treat you to your favourite meal, or — even more scandalous for the timid man — hold your hand to prevent you from slipping on icy sidewalks, he would do it all. 
and he’s proud to say he does, although subtly to ensure you don’t notice. because if you ever did, he wouldn’t know how to explain himself. confessing to you is absolutely out of the question.
“the beef is sooo good!” you exclaim between bites. 
at the moment, you’re eagerly digging into the yakiniku you two have ordered for lunch as he contently sits across from you. watching you eat has always been one of tamaki’s favourite pastimes. you eat with so much gusto and excitement that just the mere sight of your silly little smile has him smiling and happily munching on his own food. 
correction, there mere sight of your silly little smile makes him happy in general. 
your cheeks are noticeably full as you ask, “did you try some yet?” 
“mhmm,” he responds meekly. he places another helping of meat on the edge of your plate as he does so, “it’s pretty tasty.”
tamaki inwardly smacks himself for lying to you. for the past few minutes, he’s been too preoccupied with grilling and placing most, if not all, the meat on your plate for him to actually try any of the food. in fact, having meals with you has always been this way — may it be peeling your shrimps, sneakily taking all of the vegetables you don’t like and replacing them with the ones you do like, or gifting you with his dessert. 
but that’s information he could never share with you, lest his feelings slip out.
a ghost of a smile lingers on his lips when he sees that a smidge of yakiniku sauce marks the corner of your lips. it’s cute. you’re cute. he has the strongest urge to kiss it — no, wipe it off for you, but he knows that doing so would only render him a collapsed and flustered heap on the table. 
“you have a little something here,” instead, tamaki opts to tell you. he points to the corner of his own mouth to indicate where the sauce is on your lips. again, he finds you adorable as you fumble to wipe it off, spewing out an embarrassed ‘how did that get there?’ 
he fondly looks on as you continue to devour the rest of the meat on your plate, wishing that there’s more he could for you. wishing that he didn’t have to be so subtle around you. wishing that he could simply pick up his chopsticks and feed you like his hand has been itching to do since you two sat down.
but for now, wishing is all he could do. it’s not a lot but tamaki is content. he’s content in knowing that these small gestures are still enough to make life slightly easier for you. he only hopes that these small gestures could eventually build up to the moment where he finally tells you how he truly feels. 
until then, he’ll stay subtle. 
( what tamaki doesn’t realize is that as he busies himself with serving you grilled meat, you’ve been putting some of them on his own plate when he isn’t looking. he isn’t as subtle as he likes to believe, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love watching him try. ) 
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Again and again
Pairing: Tamaki amajiki x Female!Reader 
Slot: Aphrodisiac/Sex pollen+Cuddling
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It was getting late and you knew Tamaki was done with his patrol,so you were just waiting for him to get back. You heard the door open followed by it getting slammed shut,which shocked you it was so unlike Tamaki. Before you could even turn to face him,he had you trapped between him and the counter.
“Tamaki” He suddenly kissed and bit down on your neck,it was strange he wasn’t one to initiate anything like this. “Tamaki” You called out his name although this time it was more of a moan. He was rubbing his body against you and you could already feel how hard he was. You quickly turned to face him. “What’s this about? Not that I’m complaining” You asked as you sat up on the counter,he moved closer.
“I want you,I don’t think I can wait any longer”
His hands were wrapped tightly around your hips,you were sure you’d be bruised for days. His pace was brutal and so unlike him. But something about seeing him like that was incredibly hot. He showed no signs of slowing down,in fact he was only getting faster. 
"Tamaki,please slow down" You moaned,grabbing one of his hands,only for him to immediately pin it over your head. You couldn't hold back anymore more,his thrusts brought you to your limit. "Tamaki" You moaned out as you came,he was still gripping your hips going at the same pace until he came. His eyes widened as if he realized what he had done. 
"Y/N I-I" You pulled him down and kissed him.
"What Y/N"
"I have to admit that was really hot"
"What part?"
"All of it,you should do that more" It was adorable how he was curled up on top of you,blushing like crazy. Suddenly your phone rang and you left to answer it,it was Mirio. 
"Hey Y/N,did Tamaki ever figure out what the effects of that quirk was?"
"What do you mean?" 
"Well during patrol some villain hit him with their quirk and we didn't know what it did"
"I think I might know,but it taken care of" 
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nanawritesit · 1 year
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Being The Ouran High School Host Club’s Personal Assistant
After Haruhi became a host and was no longer the “errand-boy” of the group, Kyoya decided to hire a club assistant
You were a commoner from a local school who found the application online. Kyoya ended up hiring you because all the girls who applied from Ouran and other rich schools were only interested in getting close to the boys.
You didn’t even know who they were, and you had the perfect “commoner’s work ethic” that he was looking for
So, everyday after school, you’d walk up to the enormous gates of Ouran Academy to start your new part time job
Your job isn’t too difficult. You prepare tea and instant coffee, bake cakes, clean up at the end of the day, make runs to the grocery store, sell merchandise, and help Kyoya prepare for special events
The twins had some cute clothes from their mom’s fashion line brought in for you to wear as uniform
Speaking of the twins, they IMMEDIATELY take a liking to you (little devils)
They’re practically attached to your hip everytime they’re not with guests, asking you what you’re doing, what your school is like, how your grades are…
But that doesn’t stop them from accidentally giving you too many orders…
Tamaki tried to make you swoon right away, kissing your hand and offering you a rose
Kyoya had to shoo him away
“Tamaki that’s not a customer, please don’t make them fall in love with you”
But after that, Tamaki develops a fatherly persona around you, much like he did with Haruhi at first
He’s always applauding you when you do something difficult, worrying about your feelings, apologizing profusely when something bad happens…
But that also doesn’t stop HIM from accidentally giving you too many orders
Kyoya might be a little strict, but he would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a bit protective over you
One time when you were walking up to the music room a group of guys from Ouran started hitting on you, and Kyoya came up behind you and put his arm around your waist, immediately scaring them off
You’re wonderful at managing his stress. Often times after everyone goes home, you’ll find him buried in paperwork at his laptop, and you’ll just set a cup of tea down next to him and ask him what you can do to help
He really appreciates your hard work, even if he doesn’t really like saying it out loud. You’ll notice that he sometimes leaves you little gifts in the kitchen, like fancy tea cups or flowers 😊
Honey LOVES you. He jumped right into your arms as soon as you walked through the door.
Mori just scooped him up and apologized, telling you this was just how Mitskuni was
Honey is constantly jumping in your lap and snuggling up to you (partially bc you make his favorite cakes for him) and it makes all the other guys jealous
He says you make the best cake in the world, and even asks you to teach him how you make it!
And you’re the only one he lets hold usu-chan 🥰
Mori has a special relationship with you. You’ll often initiate conversations with him, and the other members are so shocked to see him actually opening up to you
He always compliments you on what a good job you’re doing, thanking you for taking care of them all so well ❤️
He also has a habit of just picking you up and carrying you away from the kitchen whenever he thinks you’re working too hard 😳
Haruhi literally becomes your best friend
She won’t hesitate to yell at Tamaki and the twins for ordering you around too much
She always offers to help you with your chores! She also had that “commoners work ethic” so she really doesn’t mind accompanying you to the grocery store or boiling some water while you frost the cakes
Tamaki gets SO jealous when he sees you and Haruhi hanging out at the mall on your own over the weekend
He actually ends up shyly approaching you to ask how he can get Haruhi to like him 🥹
Renge was a little jealous of you at first, thinking you were taking her job as manager, but when she found out you were a commoner, and an assistant, she felt more comfortable around you
She has you pull the lever for her rising platform, install new “powerful motors” in different locations for her to pop up out of, and bring her microphones
One time the generator died and you just stacked two tables on top of each other and held a fog machine in front of her 💀
She somehow gets you into some of her otaku interests, making you laugh over the character that resembled Kyoya
After a while you met Nekozawa
He crept his head out of the door and invited you over to visit the dark magic club, and your curiosity got the best of you
Kyoya noticed you were missing and burst through the doors to see you sprawled out on the floor over a pentagram, Nekozawa chanting overtop of you 💀
Kyoya immediately scooped you up and went OFF on Nekozawa 😳
“If you EVER try to use my valued assistant as a human sacrifice again I SWEAR the Ootori family will END you!”
God help you if you ever have any problems with bullies at your school
The host club will suddenly appear behind you and intimidate the heck out of them
You’re a part of the Host Club family now! They’re not going to let anyone push you around!
They also start lovingly intruding on your personal life (Haruhi will help you cope with this)
They’ll invite you on outings with them as well, like to the water park or on vacations with them
Overall, being the personal assistant to the Ouran High School Host Club is a lot of fun. It’s certainly an experience you’ll never forget :)
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akumicchi · 10 months
It takes two to love
[Tamaki x fem reader] tw: food.
Just fluff and domesticity
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— Do you think we have it all already?— Tamaki had asked, checking the red plastic basket full of groceries — We have the tapioca starch, fruits, milk...
— Yup, but guess what? —she turned to him with a playful twist of her head— You just won a coupon for a free meal cooked by yours truly. And I need some ingredients. The other day you said you were craving some pasta, right?
He swayed his head from side to side, barely containing a smile. Tamaki let himself be pulled further into the supermarket by their intertwined pinkies.
It was late in the afternoon when the weekly errands were finished and they settled back home for the night. It was an odd pretty thing, this routine both had built for their matching days off, whenever it was. It wasn't normally disrupted by a trip to the supermarket, but in Tamaki's book, quality time doesn't need a specific place to occur. The bought goods sat on the counter, while he rearranged them on their rightful places in the cabinet or the fridge. He had taken a pair of tomatoes from the bag, when she shamelessly stole them from his hands.
— Thanks, Tama, you're always such a gentleman —she teased and kissed his cheek before turning to the chopping board, light on her feet.
It wasn't out of the ordinary, but it was peculiar and funny to see her all...bubbly, like clear water from a stream. He laughed at her.
— You really are excited about making that pasta, wonder were that's coming from? —he got close to the sink, rolling up his sleeves.
— Nope, you're not working on this today, Hun —her hand went to his arm, stopping him from filling the pot with water.— This is my way to say thank you for all your hard work, it won't make sense if you're cooking too! This is your coupon, remember?
Tamaki could feel the heat on his face and the pickup of his heart rate.
— I-um... Okay. But at least let me prepare the boba tea. I want to thank you for your hard work too and —he spoke softly in a classic Tamaki fashion, looking at her right in her round eyes. He had become good at holding eye contact with other people. He thought it may have been due to her influence —, for putting up with me all this time.
She sat the knife on the chopping board, and her arms went to hang loosely around his neck— You know I'm not putting up with you, right? I'm here with you because I love you. I wouldn't be who I am now if it weren't for you, and believe me, I like who I am right now. Do you want me to remind you? —her voice was softer, lower like a whispered secret, as her fingertips rubbed his nape.
Tamaki shuddered under her touch and gaze. His nod was short, almost imperceptible under the weight of his shame. She hugged him tight, scratching his scalp and rubbing his nape. He felt himself go warmer after getting a few kisses on his cheek, heart pounding even faster when she whispered:
— You know I've never really had a favorite hero when I was a kid, right? None of them actually made me feel that sense of... admiration, so to speak. But after my time in UA, the internships and all that, I changed my mind. You are my favorite hero, Tamaki. You are my hero.
Tamaki sighed, like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He felt petty, needing to be reassured of something he already knew.
They stood there for a few minutes, holding each other tight, swaying slowly from side to side. Then the urgency to eat came over, and both returned to their tasks: Tamaki prepared the boba tea, she cooked the pasta. The mood picked up fast, with her bumping his hips and vice versa. She hand fed him some sauce and he hummed in satisfaction. Soon enough the food was plated and they sat next to each other at the table.
— Hmm! This is good! —Tamaki said, eyes closed in bliss as he chewed his portion.
— Right? Just the best for my baby.
— What? —he laughed— How come I'm your baby when I'm older than you?
— Shush it, silly, you are my baby.
He just laughed at her goofiness again. Then he waited, relying on his hero instincts, calculating the best time for a swift attack, and stole a spoonful of her own pasta, and stuffed it right into his mouth.
— Hey, that was mine!
He snorted.
The dishes were washed and she sat at a small table on the balcony. She was surrounded by plants and had a clear view of the city lights. It was as peaceful as the busy metropolis could be. In moments like this, she wished the days off were everlasting.
Tamaki arrived shortly, holding two glass cups of the boba tea he had made earlier. He hadn't even fully entered the balcony when a fit of giggles bubbled out of his mouth.
— What is it? —she raised a brow.
Her boyfriend didn't answer. Instead, he put both glasses on the table and left the room, only to return with a napkin, which he used to wipe away some remnants of sauce from her lips.
— There, all better. —he found it very endearing, how her cheeks lit up with color and her eyes averted his gaze, visibly embarrassed. Even the way she tried to play it off was adorable, his silly girl.
— Oh, clumsy me... Haha...
— Even if you're clumsy, I'll always be by your side to clean up your little messes —Tamaki smiled softly, crouched in front of her—. It's the least I can do for you.
She hid her face behind her hands, voice tight in a whine— But I don't want you cleaning my messes though? I'm not a kid!
She had always had an ability to fluster him with sincere compliments and cheesy remarks. One of her favorite things to say was that her job was to show him how loved he was, and if it had to be done by flustering him, then the better. His job, on the other hand, on his own words, was to make her feel safe, so safe that not even her own demons could do her any harm. But it was nice to turn the tables from time to time.
Tamaki pryed her hands out, placing them on her chest— This is where I want your hands to be. It's just me here, so don't hide. Besides —he smiled—, you may not be a kid, but you're still my baby.
— Tamaki! That's my line!
He laughed.
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nights-legacy · 1 year
Body Snatched - Tamaki Amajiki
Masterlist MHA Masterlist #2
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Body Snatched Masterlist Authors Note -- Tamaki was one that was requested multiple times alongside multiple other characters in more than one request, so I'm going to add the links to the original ask (similar to a masterlist) as I get them written and posted.
1750 words
Warnings: unwanted touches, attempted assault, language, vulgar name calling
+You and Tamaki have been friends since 1st year. Somehow, you were able to befriend him even through his shyness. Over the years, you two fell for each other and secretly started dating. Everything was great until your boyfriend got switched with your borderline Stalker.
There was a guy in the B-class of the 3rd year class that wouldn't leave you alone. He couldn't take no for an answer and you were getting fed up. Tamaki was getting mad with it too. So when Tama and that boy become victims of the body switch quirk that has been going around UA, the guy takes off to find you before anyone can protest.
I chewed on my pencil as I walked along the walkways. I bobbed and weaved through people without looking up. Having a sixth sense quirk has a lot of advantages. I was going over job opportunities for sidekick jobs after graduation.
"Ugg. This is going to take forever." I groaned to myself. I turned to go into the clorms when I heard someone calling me. I immediately recognized the voice and groaned. I stopped and pivoted on my heel to see Yan running my way.
"Y/N!" He ran up before skidding to a stop.
"You don't get to call me so personally!" I snapped and he backed away in surprise. I scoffed. "What do you want?"
"I really need to talk to you. Something happened and you are not going to believe me and..."
"Of course I wouldn't believe you. Why would I believe you on anything?" I rolled my eyes before rubbing my forehead, annoyed. "Why am I even entertaining you? Leave me alone Yan."
"Wait, no! Y/...L/N. Please!" He called after me. I gave him a confused look. He was acting really strange. He continued to try to get me to listen but I just rolled my eyes and walked away into the dorms.
"Hey Mirio. Yan's outside. Just a warning. He's acting really weird." I rustled the blonde's hair.
"Okay. Thanks for the warning." He smiled. I rode the elevator up to my floor and headed to my room. I paused when I saw my door open.
"Who's in my..." I rounded the door frame and saw Tamaki standing there with his back to the door. "Hey!" He turned around and gave me a tight smile. "You alright?"
"Yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged, walking over to my desk. I set down my paperwork.
"You just seem tense, that's why." I sat against the edge of the desk. He chuckled nervously while looking around the room. I cocked my head to the side. "Hey..."
"Come here." I reached out for him. I saw him gulp before taking my hand. I pulled him in very close, running my other hand up his chest to his neck, "Maybe I can help loosen you up abit." I whispered in his ear.
"O-okay." I bit my tongue lightly before kissing his neck. His hands grabbed my hips tightly as I traveled along the skin of his jaw. My quirk gave a warning at the back of my mind but I ignored it, figuring it was just aftershocks of Yan outside.
"Why so tense baby?" I chuckled as he was stiff in my arms.
"Is this really happening?" He asked. I could hear the disbelief in his voice. I pulled away and looked up at him. I copped his face.
"Yeah. It's nothing that hasn't happened before. Are you sure you're okay?" I ran my thumb across his cheek bone.
"Yeah, yeah. Just a long day." I nodded before smiling again.
"Come here." I cupped the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He squeaked a bit but responded immediately. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I hooked a leg over his hip. The alarm bells were still going off in the back of my head but I ignored them completely.
"Fuck." I gasped as I pulled away and he moved to my neck.
"I knew there was something going on between you two..." He muttered under his breath. That set off an alarm that I couldn't quite ignore. I looked to my left and saw my mirror. In the mirror, it looked like Yan in my arms, not Tamaki.
"What the fuck!" I pushed him away only to see Tama standing before me confused.
"What?!" He asked, startled. I looked back to the mirror and the reflection was normal. I let out a huff.
"Sorry. I just saw... I saw you as Yan in the mirror." I admitted. He tensed as I said that. It made me pause, making me actually pay attention to my quirk. 
I observed him and how he was acting. It was very not Tamaki. True he may be a nervous, shy guy but around me he never acted like this. Not meeting my eye or seeming confused about us in general. His strange actions made me think about Yan's strange behavior outside.
"What..." I glanced at the mirror then back at Tamaki again. Yan outside, now that I think about it, was acting more like Tama then Tama was... My train of thought was cut short by my quirk going off, basically yelling bingo at me. "You're not Tamaki. You're Ya..."
"Bitch!" I was hit on the side of the head, sending me to the floor. I groaned, pushing myself upright. I was grabbed by hair and yanked to my feet.
"Ow!" He pulled me to look him in the face.
"I am tired of you rejecting me! I should have realized you were the food freaks little fuck toy." He growled. I could feel the tears running down my face as I tried to pry his hand from my hair. "Now you're going to be mine."
"Yan, no!" I screamed before he shoved me by a hand on my jaw onto my bed. My head hit the wall, lazing me even more.
"Oh, yes." He began to unbuckle his belt and jeans. I whimpered and tried to back away but he grabbed my ankle in a crushing grip. Before he could get closer, he was blown into the balcony doors. I looked and saw Nejire standing in the door.
"Neji!" I cried and she ran over to me, pulling me into her chest. I hid in her neck, crying my eyes out.
"I don't appreciate you trying to hurt my friend!" I heard Mirio in the room. I felt a gentle touch on my ankle and I peaked out to see Yan or at least his body.
"Tama?" I asked softly. He gave me a sad smile.
"Yes, it's me bunny." He nodded. "I'm so sorry. I should have tried harder or warned you differently. I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Tama. It's not your fault. I wasn't willing to listen just because I thought you were..." I looked towards where Mirio had the real Yan held by his arms behind his back. Principle Nezu and a few of the teachers had shown up quickly.
"We've already had to reprimand you for bothering L/N before Mr. Yan. I'm afraid we're going to take more drastic measures this time." Nezu chastised. 
"No! You brought this upon yourself. Mirio you can let him go." He did and a teacher led him from the room. Nezo then turned to us with a gentler look. "Now Mr. Amajiki. I would suggest you come with me so we can get this i body snatching business fixed and L/N... I want you to go to Recovery Girl to have her check up on you."
"Yes sir." We said. They left with Mirio and Neji went with me to RG's office.
I was distracting myself at my desk with the job papers again while waiting to hear about Tamaki. It had been hours and was getting dark. I sighed as I saw another minute roll by on the clock.
"Can I come in?" I jumped, screaming a bit before turning to see Tamaki in the doorway. He was in sweats and a 'Keep Calm & Eat Takoyaki' shirt I got him on. I stayed still, waiting to see if my quirk was going to go off. It stayed silent though.
"Tama..." He took big steps to reach me. He knelt on the ground in front of me and wrapped me in a big hug. After he pulled back, he set his head in my lap and I heard the smallest sniffle.
"I'm sorry. I should have tried harder to warn you. I..."
"Tamaki." I gently pulled his head up and kissed his nose. "I could have been more receptive too. I should have listened to my quirk when it was telling me something was wrong." He nodded and looked down. I handed him a tissue. After blowing his nose, he loomed back up at me with a smile.
"I'm glad you're alright."
"Yeah. Nothing but a few bruises." His eyes drifted to the side of my head that was purple and blue. He bit his lip as he reached up and brushed his fingertips over the bruise. He stood on his knees and kissed my temple.
"How did you finally realize it wasn't me?" He asked.
"I guess my quirk finally had enough of me not listening. I looked in the mirror and instead of your reflection, it was Yan's. Plus he muttered, 'I knew there was something going on between you two' which was weird."
"Yeah, but I'm glad it made you realize something was wrong."
"How did you get Mirio to even let you into the dorms?"
"Principle Nezu showed up. I had taken off after Yan after the switch but not before I explained to the teachers." He took my hand and began to fiddle with my fingers. "So what were you working on when I came in?"
"Oh just, job offers and applications for sidekick positions. Not all of us have a guaranteed spot upon graduation." I poked his crest. He laughed before getting up. He pulled me from my chair before sitting down and pulling me into his lap. He hooked his chin over my shoulder and cuddled against me.
"Want some help?" He offered.
"Always from you."
"Okay. Let's see here." He picked up a few papers. "Oh no. Not here. You'd have to deal with that annoying Grape from 1A if you went there."
"Then a definite nope. I don't need another pervert in my life right now."
"Not ever." He turned my head and gave me a searing kiss.
"Not unless it's you." At that, his face went bright red and he buried his face in my neck.
"Baby!" He whined and I just laughed.
Tag List: @lilparcheesie @dxnaii-rxse @iris-shihabi @l0vely-lee
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Tamaki Amajiki Masterlist
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Here is where you will find all of my writing for Tamaki! I hope you enjoy, and if you like these feel free to drop a request in my inbox at any time! <3
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♡ Headcanons ♡
- What Sleepovers With MHA Characters Are Like (1.7k)
♡ Fake Texts ♡
- Tamaki As a Boyfriend (1.8k)
- MHA Boys Taking Care of a Super Sick S/O (1.6k)
- MHA Men When You Send Them An Accidental Confession Text (Pt. 2)
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veenxys · 2 years
「BNHA Boys reacting to you not being able to reach something in the kitchen」
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⤷ Bakugou
arms folded and an amused smile tugging on his lips, he leans side-ways against door frame as he watches you struggle to reach the shelf because he finds it cute. “need help, darling?” he asks teasingly, grinning wider at your annoyed huff before he finally walks towards you and grabs it for you.
⤷ Deku
he’s passing by the kitchen when he sees you trying to reach something in the upper cabinets. he takes just a while to watch the cute sight with an a fond smile then quietly comes up behind you, one hand placed on your waist while the other effortlessly reaches up for the shelf. “here,” he says, handing you the glassware, then leaves a small kiss on top of your head.
⤷ Kirishima
he comes into the kitchen, acting like he’s going to help you but instead, cages you against the counter. his head tilted to the side, he looks at you with a playful glint in his eyes and a light-hearted grin on his face. “i think i should get something in return if i help you.” he then steals a kiss before reaching up the cabinet for you.
⤷ Todoroki
he’s so focused on reading the ingredients listed on the ramen pack that he doesn’t notice you struggling to reach for the shelf. only when he glances at you and sees you climb onto the counter, he rushes over to you, hurriedly saying, “oh my god, y/n, what are you doing?” he already knows the answer and softly tells you to be careful. letting out a small chuckle, he helps you come down, saying, “you could’ve just asked me, love,”
⤷ Denki
he finds the whole situation very cute and kind of teases you about it afterwards, but first he comes up to you with a playful smile on his face and helps you get what you want but before giving it to you he puts his arms up behind his back and tells you to give him a kiss as a reward, only then will you get what you wanted.
⤷ Tamaki
he doesn’t think twice when he sees you taking a chair to get up and get what you want; he thinks it’s cute, but at the same time he’s worried that you might fall and get hurt. “hey, don’t worry love, next time you can call me and i’ll help you” he says calmly as you get off the chair and kiss your forehead.
⤷ Shinsou
he would smirk as he enters the kitchen and sees you on tiptoe as you stretch your arm. he stands behind you and one hand he holds your waist while the other goes to the shelf and takes what you want. he smiles when you thank him and leaves a kiss on your neck before leaving.
⤷ Hawks
he would smile so hugely at the cute scene; he would silently approach you and make one of his feathers to take what you want and bring it to him. you turn around a little startled, and he smiles when he sees your expression. “looking for this, honey?” he asks with a gentle yet provocative smile. you went to take it from his hands and thank him but before you could do anything he says, “oh not so fast.. i want my payment first” he says pouting, ready for you to kiss him as a reward.
⤷ Dabi
he chuckles, extending his arms and easily reaching the shelf. as he hands you the package, his lips curl up into a grin, his eyebrows raised in a teasing manner, “aren’t you lucky you have me, huh,” he says, poking your cheek playfully before leaning back on the counter and tugging you closer.
⤷ Shigaraki
when he walks into the kitchen and sees you, he can’t help but smile a little. he silently walks over to you and leans on the other counter, watching you from behind. you give up with a sigh and when you turn around you’re startled by him standing there with his arms crossed and a look you couldn’t decipher. “need some help?” he says, but you know just saying ‘yes’ won’t do, he wants to hear you asking. “yes, tomura. can you get it for me, please?” you ask but he just stares at you with a frown, “ugh, what else do you want me to do?” he just laughs, still waiting. you then approach and kiss his cheek and he quickly blushes, avoiding looking at you. “isn’t that what you wanted?” you ask jokingly and he grumbles something before getting what you want.
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moumouton4 · 9 months
Hard And Fast || Tamaki Amajiki x fem!reader
A/n : Prompt 9 of the Smutember 2023
The list of promps is HERE
Smutember 2023 Masterlist ⚜
Warnings : oral fem!receiver, rutting, rough sex, 18+ READERS ONLY and wrap it before you tap it
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Word count : 761
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You always wonder how you even managed to go from him not being able to look at you in the eyes to him being buried deep inside you as he spills his warm seed as he reaches his climax. He had a stressful nature that kept him from enjoying life most of the time. That's probably why one day he threw it all away, resulting in your first time together - and for him, probably the first first time ever.
You soon discovered that your sessions were a cathartic moment for him after a long, stressful day. But this wasn't always the case. One round wasn't enough when his days were particularly trying, and often the sessions extended to 2 or 3 rounds. Indeed, he had a lot more stamina than anyone would have thought.
That's what prompted you to ask him one day
"I was wondering" you began his gaze settled on you for a moment before flickering back to the walls of your dorm "instead of doing several rounds at a slow pace" he was already choking at your words "why not do just one but hard and fast ?" your idea came from the fact that sometimes you didn't necessarily have the time or the energy to last several rounds.
Your question came at just the right time indeed, after the exam day you'd had, it seemed the perfect moment to initiate some lovemaking.
Nothing changed in your foreplay. He licked your pussy shyly but with still some experience as he gently rutted his hardness against the bed. He wasn't really the type to talk during sex, but today as he was nestled inside your warm cunt, he couldn't help but think again about what you'd said a moment before. He wanted to make sure he had your green light, because the idea - apart from making him redder than ever - had piqued his interest.
"Y-Y/n... d-do you erm r-really meant what y-you said e-earlier ?" his voice was husky as it rarely was, it felt that the idea had excited him.
"If you want and it helps, yes. Besides, it would introduce us to a new pace" you said, winking in his direction, he averted his gaze almost instantly. But your words had reassured him. You could feel it in the way he clung to you, forcefully, out of stress, and not because of you, but above all because he knew he was about to throw himself into the unknown "A-alright"
Softly you felt him drag his cock out slowly, his grip on your hips tightened as he braced himself up to- "Ooh T-Tamaki" you moaned surprised at the force with which he sank into you, clearly bottoming out. His high-pitched squeal sounded like the pleas of someone who was overstimulated.
After a moment's pause, he began again, slowly dragging his cock out and slamming in back inside you, where it belonged. Little by little, he increased the pace until he was at the point of fucking you hard and fast. Your legs wrapped around his hips as he continued to pound you relentlessly. His balls slapped against your ass as the room filled with lewd noises that usually would have knocked him out on the spot.
With each thrust he let out little noises, from light grunts to whimpering. He tried to nestle his face in your neck but couldn't find enough air, so he pressed his forehead against yours. As your noses grazed you puckered your lips to give him soft kisses. Surprisingly enough, your affection and the face you were doing gave him confidence in the moment. He knew you were feeling good. That he was making you feel good.
Your nails dug into his back, leaving long red lines. And as if overwhelmed by all that was happening, he finally reached his long awaited climax. He almost screamed, as his cock pumped you full of cum. His breathing was panting and wheezing, as he had just experienced the most intense orgasm of his life. His body rested on yours as if he no longer had the strength to lift a single limb.
“Y-you okay Tamaki ?” you asked, waiting to ensure his comfort. He nuzzles his face against you “I-I’m tired” he whispered against your cheek. He was currently feeling particularly cuddly. But this proved to you that you were right, with him, several rounds at slow speed were equivalent to a single round at full speed. Though there was a little problem on the menu this is going to get you both addicted.
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mackenziebrooks · 2 months
Hawks, who comes in from his day time patrolling in a feral state. Sliding his hero jacket off. You look at him and then towards the calendar. Realizing it’s April and that he’s in his rut season. Knowing you’ll be put into the mating press within the next few minutes.
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mitsua · 5 days
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Them with an S/o who likes to collect "childish things"
Warnings: none Genre: fluff & comfort
Pairings: Tamaki Amaijiki × Y/N, Togata Mirio × Y/N, Nejire Hadō × Y/N
Series: —𝐁𝐨𝐤𝐮 𝐍𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐀𝐜𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐚 Words count: 444
🪼Ok, I don't know if anyone really calls it that, but I'm talking about some things like Calico Critters, Funko Pops, cars, series' cards, etc. (I kinda do that myself, so this is a comforting post)
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if he ever enters in your room and sees all your collectibles on display I picture him stopping on his track and admire everything.
Literally. Everything.
When you start talking or rambling if you get nervous because it must be awkward someone like you has all that, don't worry, he'd shook his head and deny anything you just said it's true
Even if he does not owe a collection such as yours, he might be familiar with the thought of keeping things you think very much of, so that's why sometimes when you start talking about any other topic, you'll see him getting distracted with your marvelous collection and apologize when you ask if he's listening to anything you just said.
Maybe some day he'll try to get you a little thing you might be missing to make your walls/shelves look even fuller.
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When he first saw your collectibles he stared in awe, then tried to count them all as quick as he could but got lost halfway.
He smiled, reassuring you there is no problem with you collecting all those precious things as long as it makes you happy on your safe place.
He might have a little collection of his favorite heroes' merchandise, so he'd be the most curious and may ask the best questions about how you got everything your fascinating room is displaying.
Might invite you over his room to help him choose what to do to get a collection as wide and good-looking as yours.
Definitely expect a collectible as a thanks.
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Her first reaction was a surprised gasp, stars in her eyes as she got closer at light's speed to each figurine/poster/other collectible you've gotten to get a better look.
Starts asking you tons of questions as to when did this collection started and why do you like it so much. With these talks you only drive her to want one of her own.
So she might ask for advice on how to start one. With your help and both of your minds' creativity you surely will get a unique collection done quickly in her room that might or might not expand further than only on her room.
Expect sharing matching-keychains about all yours and her liked series/games/movies characters or almost anything at all.
Might try to do some of these by hand.
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𝚆𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗 𝚋𝚢: Mitsua © (𝙲𝚛𝚎𝚍𝚒𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝚘𝚠𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚙𝚒𝚌𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚍 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚜) ⌇ my navigation!
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agendercrisisx · 2 months
Hawks has always been a flirty guy, but in reality he never had time for relationships. So he don't know anything about it. He has never been with someone. He has never been on a date. He has never kissed someone. He always told himself he didn't have time. And even if he had, the person would get hurt. And it wouldn't be worth it.
Until you. He can't go a minute without thinking about you. He can't go an hour with out seeing you. He can't go a day without touching you. He is breaking every promise and rule he ever made for himself. Because you are so much more than worth it. You are his everything. And no matter what happens he'll protect you.
His plan is to spend the rest of his life with you. And his recklessness, that normally put him in dangerous situations, is totally gone. He wanna survive. He wanna live a long life. For you. No. With you. He can't imagine a life without you. And he'll make his life as long as possible, to make sure he doesn't miss a moment with you.
And as the responsible, awesome boyfriend he is, he is starting to come home early. Just to make sure you get everything you need before bed. Food. Water. Sleep. And of course dick.
They are all a need, and he makes sure you get everything. Or almost everything. The sleep slips sometimes, because he just can't get enough of you. And fucking you all night, making you cum on his cock so many times you can't keep count. Making you a screaming moaning mess, is his favourite activity.
But it doesn't matter if you don't get sleep, he makes enough money for both of you. So you can just sleep all day, and be ready for a another good fuck when he gets home.
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domxmarvel · 1 year
Until the sunrise
Pairing: Tamaki amajiki x Male!Reader
Slot: Size difference+Handcuffs
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Tamaki even as a pro hero was still timid and shy,you never imagined he'd be the one asking.
"Can I be in charge tonight?" You pulled him into your lap,you were big enough to cover his entire body with yours. You often wondered how You ended up with someone like Tamaki,someone who could barely talk to you without his face turning red. 
"Of course" You didn't really question him on it,your mind quickly started wondering. You were just happy that he asked,and you'd let him do whatever he wanted.
"Y/N I want to.." He paused,you pulled him even closer. "I wanna tie you up and ride you" His sudden boldness left you both blushing. 
"Sounds good to me" You kissed his cheek. "When?" 
"Can we do it tonight?" He turned away from you,being flustered again. 
You were happy to give him whatever he wanted,what you weren't expecting was to be handcuffed to the bed as he rode you. His face as red as usual,his moans making you wanna break the cuffs and just fuck him yourself. But you held back and let him do what he wanted to you. 
"Y/N" Every time he moaned,it made it harder to hold back. He leaned down to kiss you,as he did you wish you could hold him. Suddenly he bit down on your neck,making you jump. He bolted back in surprise,with an unsure look on his face. "Y/N I d-didn't"
"Tamaki,I'm fine, just surprised. This is a bit new but certainly welcome" Suddenly he covered his face ,trying to hide his red face. You finally snapped the cuffs off and pinned him down.
“Sorry,I can’t help myself. You’re just too cute,whimpering under me” You whispered into his ear before kissing his neck down to his cock. Taking all of him in your mouth in one go,he let out a moan louder than ever before. It only took a few minutes before he grabbed your hair forcing you to take him deeper before he came down your throat. 
“Y/N I-I’m sorry I just couldn’t control myse-” You cut him off by kissing him yet again.
“I hope you don’t have any plans tomorrow,cause I’m not letting go until the sun rises” 
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