#sung hanbin x reader
seokgyuu · 6 months
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your boyfriend has been telling you he wants to bring someone else into the bedroom for a while. the thought only started to sound good when a certain boyfriend's best friend posts gym pictures on insta.
pairing: sung hanbin x fem!reader x seok matthew
genre: established relationship (hanbin x fem!reader) , smut MDNI!
smut warnings: cuckold, thigh riding, blowjobs, penetrative sex, dirty talk, usage of the words "princess", "baby", unprotected sex, creampie
wordcount: 4.4k
a/n: happy happy birthday @cheolism!!!!! see, i told you i would whip something up!! you probably didn't believe me, did you? ha! got you there. anyway. happiest birthday, my dear! i hope you enjoy this little piece of filth i made in your honour. one turns 22 only once you know!! in german we say: Schnappszahl! i love you loads, babes, have a wonderful day <3 (ps. it's been your birthday in germany for one hour already so theoretically i am not posting early!!)
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“When did Matthew start working out like this?” 
You’re laying on your stomach on Hanbin’s bed, biting down on your thumbnail. 
“Like… a month ago? He’s been going to the gym forever, but only recently going every day.”
You nod. Yeah, he definitely looks like he hits the gym every day. Gosh, you still remember him as a small (he’s still relatively small), lanky pre-teen with braces and glasses that were too big for his face. None of that is left. Glasses are ditched unless he’s at home playing video games for no one to see. Braces have been gone a long time, leaving him with two rows of perfectly straight white teeth. And last but not least the lankiness has turned into buffness you couldn’t stop staring at on your phone.
“Why do you ask?” Hanbin now rolls over with his chair, eyebrows raised as he looks at your phone screen. You’re not quick enough to move, leading Hanbin to snicker as he places his legs on top of his bed, arms crossed.
“I can explain,” you say now, sitting up, but your boyfriend just grins at you.
“Can you now, princess?” He tilts his head and you bite your lip, suddenly forgetting all the explanations you could possibly come up with. You know your boyfriend - he isn’t the jealous type. If anything… he is the opposite. How many nights had he whispered into your ear that he would love to watch you get fucked by someone else, how he got hard just imagining you on someone else’s cock. All you had done when he said that was turn bright red and let him fuck you senseless after - with his own cock, not anyone else’s. 
And now, here you are. Looking at pictures of his best friend (really? out of everyone it had to be Hanbin’s best fucking friend?!) with Hanbin’s eyes sparkling mischievously. It’s obvious what he’s thinking. You clear your throat.
“I don’t- I don’t think you want him to get involved, do you?” You ask carefully and Hanbin leans forward now, smiling.
“Why not? Because he’s been my best friend for years?” He wants to know. When you nod, Hanbin climbs onto the bed, catching you off guard when he wraps his arms around you and brings his lips to your forehead, kissing it softly before looking down at you with yet another one of his beautiful smiles.
“I don’t think there is anyone I’d rather see you getting fucked by, my love.” He says it in such a soft and innocent tone, you can’t help but laugh, burying your head in his chest.
“You’re horrible,” you mumble and Hanbin laughs, bringing one of his hands to the back of your head, patting it lovingly. 
“I love you, you know that right? And if you’re really interested in Matt… I am sure I could arrange something.”
The thing is: you say no. Because why would you want to sleep with someone else when you have your perfect boyfriend right there? Your perfect boyfriend that has always cared more about your pleasure than his? That has made you cum more times than you can count? That perfect boyfriend that has never once let you down. 
You’re in the cafeteria with your bottle of water and a tray full of food but you can’t eat. Your leg is bouncing up and down and your eyes are focused on one of the trash cans at the far end of the room. Not because they are particularly interesting, but because Matthew sat down just a few tables further from you in nothing but a flimsy muscle shirt and ripped jeans and you really, really can’t look at him. So, the trash can it is. 
“Did you see a ghost?” Hao is suddenly next to you, making you flinch and almost knock over the bottle of water.
“Jesus Christ, Hao, next time whistle or something,” you say, frowning at your friend who just shrugs and instead begins eating his food. 
“You didn’t answer my question. Why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? Is the cafeteria poltergeist back?” 
“What? No. No, I am fine. Totally fine. No ghosts.” You clear your throat and catch yourself sneaking a glance at Matthew after all, regretting it immediately. Because why is he flexing right then and there, laughing his cute laugh after when Gyuvin throws a napkin at him. This is torture. 
“Ah, right. Matthew,” Hao nods and your head swirls around, eyes wide. 
“Matthew, what?” You ask even though you already know. God fucking dammit Sung Hanbin! 
“Bin told me,” Hao confirms and you roll your eyes with a groan, “even though I was kind of offended you didn’t want me to be the first to join you two in the bedroom, Y/N.”
“If I were to ever let that happen I’d be single and you and Hanbin happily married with seven children in no time,” you mumble and Hao chuckles, shaking his head and pulling a hand through his hair.
“At least you’re aware I’m actually his favorite,” he hums at you and the desire to copy Gyuvin and throw a napkin at your friend is extremely tempting. 
“Whatever.” You try to focus back on your food, but your stomach is rumbling and your brain is somewhere totally different, meaning hunger was the last thing on your mind - at least hunger for actual food. 
Hao snickers and watches you, a piece of meat landing on his tongue.
“I think you should do it, Y/N. Hanbin has been dreaming of this moment. Honestly, no idea what he finds so appealing about watching his girlfriend getting fucked by another man, but believe me, you’d make him the happiest man on this earth if you were to bring Matthew into your bedroom.”
The words do more than either of you probably thought. They continue to linger in your mind even hours after Hao had said them, you now being in your dorm with your pen stuck between your teeth, eyes unfocused on the words you’ve been trying to read.
Bring Matthew into your bedroom. Have him be a part of your sex life with Hanbin. Make Hanbin the happiest man on this earth. 
It’s official: You’d be lying if you said the whole thing didn’t turn you on. Imagining Hanbin sitting on the little armchair in his apartment with his cock in his hands as you sat on Matthews stiff length, his strong arms wrapped around you as he thrusted up into your needy pussy…
The pen falls down and you are back in reality, flinching and shaking your head. This is crazy. You couldn’t possibly… a groan escapes you and you let your head fall on top of your desk, slamming your forehead against it a few times, before sitting back up and leaning against your chair, letting your thoughts roam free. Hanbin had literally asked you about this several times. He wanted to bring someone else into the bedroom and he even said that he wouldn’t mind it being Matthew. So, what was stopping you? 
“Fucking hell,” you curse as you pull both hands through your hair and get up, opening the door of your room to walk into the living space, where you are met with none other than Hanbin walking in… Matthew right behind him. You freeze mid step. 
“Hi, I called you, but you didn’t pick up, I hope it’s okay I brought Matt over, we were at the gym and the showers are broken and, well, your apartment is closer.” 
Yes, you can clearly see where those two have been. They are sweaty, hair slightly wet, muscle shirts clinging onto their chests. The tattoo on Matthew’s biceps pops out deliciously when he raises his arm to wave at you. Your eyes wander to your boyfriend, a knowing glint in his eyes. 
“That’s okay,” you croak out, looking back at Matthew and somehow you just cannot stop yourself from checking him out unapologetically. His defined arms, the defined chest, the sweatpants on his strong legs. Your tongue slips out of your mouth and runs over your dried up bottom lip and Matthew can’t help but stare at you, feeling his cheeks heat up at the way you’re looking at him. 
He remembers Hanbin’s words and feels his knees go weak.
“She definitely wants you to fuck her, Matt. She just needs a little… nudge.”
Never had he ever thought his best friend’s girlfriend would ever want him to… do that. He swallows down whatever lump has formed in his throat and looks at Hanbin, unsure. Hanbin, who now walks over to you, his hand softly grabbing your chin, moving your head to look at him.
“I think I should hit the shower first, be a good girl and show Matthew the rest of the apartment, hm?” He kisses your lips softly after that, well aware of what his words just caused. Your eyes flicker up to him, wide and unsure and when he winks at you, squeezing your hand as he slowly makes his way to the door leading into the bathroom, you know that all you can do now is follow your gut. 
There is a certain kind of silence between Matthew and you once the door shuts behind Hanbin, a silence filled with tension so thick it takes your breath away. You watch as Matthew slowly drops his bag onto the floor, his shoes vacant next to it. His legs carry him over to you and with every step he takes, your heart picks up speed while the heat between your legs begins to feel almost unbearable. His eyes say much more than words ever could and when he comes to a stop, he lets them linger on your lips long enough for you to almost lose your mind. 
“So, what’s behind this door?” He asks, nodding in the direction of the bedroom door. The heat is about to make you pass out.
“B-bedroom,” you stutter back. Matthew grins.
“Well, what did Hanbin hyung say? Be a good girl and show me.”
Oh. Oh. A Wave of desire washes over you as you nod, your hand shaking when you push the door open, following Matthew’s hand movement and walking inside, his body right behind yours. He doesn’t close the door behind him, instead he settles on walking through the room, looking around. You try to steady your breathing, failing miserably.
“It’s a nice bedroom,” he says, nodding to himself, “I like the pictures on your wall. Did you take them?” 
When you nod, he smiles at you, obviously impressed.
“You’ve got a good eye.” 
As much as you appreciate the compliment - you can’t really focus on anything else but the way he looks in the dim light coming through the window. His arms, his slowly heaving chest. Your eyes roam over his body and you feel hot all over, wondering what it would feel like to touch him, to feel his muscles tighten around you. 
He notices, of course he does. It’s not hard to miss - the way you eye him up and down, the way your eyes linger a little too long on his chest, his arms. He feels his blood rush down, feels his dick getting hard at the mere idea of you checking him out, wanting him. 
“Maybe,” you begin, not sure where the confidence to speak is coming from but you accept it with open arms, “maybe you should change out of your sweaty clothes.”
His eyebrows shoot up for just a second before they settle back down. He can’t stop the smug smile creeping on his lips, not taking his eyes off you when he starts moving. 
“Yeah? Hm, I think you might be right.” His voice is deep and dripping in cockyness that has your pussy clenching. To make matters worse, he comes to a stop in front of you and immediately moves his hands to the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head the next second to reveal a perfectly sculpted torso - abs and chest and collarbones that make your fingers itch to touch them. 
“Fuck,” you breathe out, stepping closer to him with your hands stretched out, hands that he now grabs with his, pulling you right into him. While he should smell bad, courtesy of working out, he doesn’t. He looks sweaty, he is sweaty, but he smells heavenly. His cologne mixed with his own scent, musky and sweet at the same time, it lingers in your nose, gets your knees weak and Matt has to wrap an arm around your waist to stop you from actually falling to your knees. The smug smile seems to get even more smug. His eyes are on yours and his arm around you seems to squeeze every ounce of self respect you have left right out of you.
“Careful, darling.” His voice is merely a whisper. His breath hits your face and you can’t stop the whimper escaping your lips now even if you tried. That does it for him. He forgets all about his worries and crashes his lips onto yours, free hand now cupping your cheek, meaning both of your hands were free to find their own place to settle on. 
First, you let your right hand feel up his biceps, a moan slipping between your lips when he flexes his arm underneath your grip. The other hand is on his chest, nails digging into his warm skin, causing him to hiss. His teeth sink into your bottom lip and you feel like you could come undone on the spot. 
Matthew deepens the kiss, tongue now inside your mouth, wet and hot and perfect and you let both arms wrap around his neck now, his strong arm carrying you over to the bed, where he puts you down, his body now on yours, one of his thighs slipping between yours - giving you the friction you so desperately needed. His lips move fast and rough and you feel like your whole body is on fire when you begin to move your core against his thick thigh, embarrassingly already feeling a climax approaching. 
“God, you’re so pretty,” his breathy voice against your ear gets you even closer to the edge. You bite down on your lip, arching your back against him and he begins to kiss your neck, kiss it, lick it, bite down on your sensitive skin, one hand now under your shirt, grabbing your braless tits and squeezing them hard. 
“Fuck, Matthew-,” you cry out, nails back to digging into his skin, this time his shoulders. Your hips move uncontrollably against his hard thigh, his tongue now wandering down and finally flicking against your nipple after shoving your top up far enough. Everything inside of you is burning by now. Your clothes feel too hot and you sit up for a second to get rid of your shirt, the wild look in Matthew’s eyes as he watches you is intoxicating. You are quick to wrap your arms around him again when your upper body is freed and he is quick to kiss you again, just as rough as before. 
In no time you feel your first orgasm rush over you, a series of whimpers and moans landing in his mouth, against his lips, down his throat as he swallows them.
“Yeah, baby, so pretty when you cum for me, fucking hell, I bet you’re so fucking wet.”
The orgasm is mindblowing. It’s hot and feels forbidden even though you know it’s not. You know Hanbin is probably standing under the stream of water having to restrict himself from touching his cock, from getting off to the thought of you and Matthew alone in your bedroom. There is no time for you to come down from your high, not with Matthew parting from you only to shove you further up the bed with your newest obsession in the form of his arms. Your mouth waters and your eyes widen when you see the clear outline of his arousal between his legs and you can’t stop yourself from sitting back up.
“Can I suck you off?” You ask him.
He groans and nods, pulling his sweatpants down, leaving almost nothing to imagination anymore. His gray briefs are tight around his cock, a cock you can’t wait to taste on your lips and feel its weight on your tongue. You get on all fours, looking up at him and seeing his eyebrow twitch, a smile on your lips when you finally reach him, fingers in the waistband of his underwear, dragging it down his legs next, his thick cock springing free and smacking against his stomach, leaving a small stain right there on his skin. Moving forward, you grab his cock and lick over his stomach, the stain gone in no time, Matthew’s eyes wide and his mouth hanging open. 
“Fuck.” He breathes out, one hand now on the back of your head, watching you as you begin to pump his cock with one hand, the other helping you keep steady on the mattress. You eye his cock, tongue soon licking his tip clean and Matthew is sure he is about to pass out. His hips buck and you giggle, opening your mouth fully for him to slip inside, easily taking him down your throat, Matthew’s composure about to break. His hand fists your hair, head thrown back as he continues to fuck your mouth. Spit is dripping down onto the bed, spit mixed with his pre and you press your tongue against his shaft, letting him use your throat as much as he likes. 
“So, so good for me, baby, taking me so well, fuck.” 
His raspy voice has your eyes rolling back and your core starting to throb again. It won’t be long until you need a cock stuffing you full. 
“I see you are already acquainted with my princess’ ability to take a cock down her throat no problem.”
Hanbin entered the room with neither of you taking notice. Your heart does a flip, eyes opening and flicking over to your beautiful boyfriend who stands in the door frame, nothing but a towel around his slim body, the tattoo right underneath his neck as well as his v-line on full display for you to drool on Matt’s cock over. Your boyfriend comes closer to you now, Matthew not even taking real notice, too far into his desire. Hanbin stops next to Matthew, smiling to himself as he watches his most beloved girlfriend getting throat fucked by his best friend. The towel does little to hide how much he enjoys the view. 
“My perfect girl, I bet you’re so wet, aren’t you?” He pats your cheek softly, eyes warm but sharp. You want to tell him to get behind you, to fuck you as Matthew fucks your mouth, but you know that’s not what he wants.
“Matt, I think it’s time for you to give our little baby here what she needs.” Shit. You moan around Matt’s cock, dizzy from the way Hanbin seems to lose himself in authority in the best way. He’s confident and secure and you don’t think he’s ever been sexier to you. Finally, Matt lets his cock drop from your lips and you wipe over your mouth with the back of your hand, looking from Matt to Hanbin.
“You did so well, baby, ‘am so proud of you.” Hanbin leans forward, kissing your lips and then your cheeks and finally your forehead before looking back at Matthew and giving him the go with a nod. 
A few seconds later you’re on your back, Matthew’s cock deep inside you, wrapped in a condom Hanbin had handed him (“The only one cumming inside her is me, sorry bud,” he had said and Matthew had only nodded, too horny to even really care), fucking into you like a madman. Your back was arched and your fingers were wrapped around his biceps that were all nice and hard as he held himself up above you, his hips working at godspeed. 
Watching all of this from your desk chair, Hanbin had discarded the towel on the floor, his hand around his leaking cock, watching his best friend fuck his girlfriend just the way she liked it. His eyes are glued to your face, the way it is contoured in nothing but pleasure - your eyes closed shut and your mouth dropped open, the sounds coming out of it more than just music to his ears. You sound like heaven to him - like something no one could ever compare to. He licks over his lips, stroking his cock a little quicker as he lets his eyes roam over the rest of you; your tits as they bounce up and down, your legs crossed around Matthew’s waist. Everything about you is perfect and he can’t believe he got to finally see your pleasure from this point of view.
“G-gonna cum, fuck, sh-shit,” Matthew feels himself tumbling over the edge, his head dipping down to kiss your neck and lick up to your lips, pulling you into a kiss that takes your already harbored breath away. He moves faster, with less control and finally, when he feels you clench around his cock over and over - hot cum shoots out of his exhausted cock and into the condom, for a split second wishing there wasn’t one. 
He rides out his orgasm, kissing your lips and cheeks and moving down to your neck, your hands in his hair now, enjoying the way he twitches inside of you. When he rolls off your body, he is still trying to catch his breath, even more sweaty than before. With all of the tension and arousal gone, he now starts to feel blood rush to his cheeks, slowly looking over at you only to see you fondly smiling at him.
“Thanks,” you giggle, letting your fingers brush through his wet bangs. He smiles, showing his rows of white teeth.
“Right back at you,” he says, looking at Hanbin then, who has gotten up. He exchanges glances and nods, knowing that this next part is not for his eyes.
“Guess I’ll finally hit the shower then.” Matthew chuckles, getting off the bed and hurrying to the door that he ends up closing this time.
Hanbin is on top of you a second later, his lips devouring yours, hands on your face, cock pressing against the inside of your thigh. You sigh into his mouth, hands on his nape as you kiss him back, butterflies everywhere, your stomach feeling like you’re flying. 
“You did so well, baby, made me so happy, so horny, god, I love you,” he kisses you between every word and you giggle, wrapping your legs around him.
“I love you too, need you, too, please fill me up, Hannie.”
He nods, kissing the corner of your mouth before skillfully turning you around, slipping into your pussy through your legs flat on the mattress. Fuck. You love it when he fucks you like this. His mouth is right by your ear, his cock easily slipping into you, the moan he lets out making your pussy flutter.
“So wet baby, did he fuck you well, hm? Liked his cock in your mouth? Your pussy?” He whispers into your ear, his hips beginning to fuck you into the mattress hard. You cry out, hands gripping the bed sheets.
“Y-Yes! Liked it a lot.”
“Hm, bet you did. Bet you would have loved it if I had fucked you when you had his cock in your mouth, isn’t that right, baby?” His hips are so skilled, know exactly how to move to make you lose your mind, forget all your words. So, all you can do is nod your head yes.
Hanbin chuckles, kissing the back of your neck.
“I am so lucky to have you.” 
His speed triples after this. He ruts into you like it’s his life goal to have you coming undone on his cock, to have his seed spill into you and claim you as his. Your cries of pleasure make him go even harder, the sound of his cock slipping in and out of your wet pussy so lewd it has both of your heads spinning. When you feel your second climax approaching, you clench around him, Hanbin biting into your shoulder as he continues his thrusts. Neither of you will hold out any longer and so, when he gives you permission with a sweet kiss and a “cum for me, princess”, you can’t help yourself. Pleasure runs through every inch of your body, pulsating around Hanbin’s cock and taking him over the edge with you.
“Yeah, baby, that’s it, shit,” Hanbin empties inside you, hot cum filling your spent pussy and you cry out his name over and over again, just as he does yours. All through getting down from his high, he showers your back with kisses, hands caressing your sides. When he slips out of you and helps turn you on your back, you feel his release dripping out too and he is quick to stuff it back in with his slim fingers, your pussy clenching as you whimper in overstimulation.
“Bin!” Your hands both move to his wrist, eyes wide and he grins, the wrinkles under his eyes making you all soft inside. 
“Sorry, baby. Just making sure what’s yours stays in there.” He kisses the top of your nose and you roll your eyes at him, swatting at his shoulder.
“You’ve got a dirty mouth.”
Your boyfriend just laughs, kissing you lovingly, free hand caressing your cheek. 
Someone clearing their throat in the door makes you part again. There stands Matthew, his eyes glued to the both of you with something like uncertainty in his gaze.
“I just- uh, I just wanted to know where, uh, where you kept the towels.”
You can see clearly that he’s been watching you longer than a few seconds. You and Hanbin share a look before you burst out laughing.
“Maybe we should take a shower together. All three of us,” You say, grinning from Hanbin to Matthew. They both are visibly surprised at your proposal, Matthew looking a little unsure when his and Hanbin’s gaze meet. 
“Sounds like a wonderful plan to me, sweetheart. I could definitely use another shower after this.” Hanbin grins happily. And Matthew thinks that maybe he could get used to this. 
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cinnajun · 11 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: zb1 when they get jealous
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a/n: this is my istj waiting room activity
notes: yujin is not included due to his age, jiwoong’s is set in the real world (aka he’s an idol), did not proofread
wc | 4.2k
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i don’t think jiwoong gets jealous often
it’s just not his first thought when it comes to certain things LOL
but, depending on the situation, he absolutely will get jealous, but not in the way most people do
many people digest jealousy/envy as a big emotion but i don’t think it’s very big for jiwoong
and he knows that his jealousy isn’t something you should have to deal with but he doesn’t want to deal with it either so he’ll do his best to get rid of the issue without you knowing, which means making up creative ways to squash the situation
they all incorporate wherever you are
so let’s say you’re at the mall, you’re waiting for him to get out of a store, and a guy walks up to you and starts chatting you up
jiwoong will walk up to you and smile at whatever guy is flirting with you, acting completely fine
and then he’ll dip down and whisper something into your ear, and it’s usually something super unserious
“there’s a 50% sale at the ice cream shop and you get a fun cup for free”
you’re gone, he’s happy, and whatever guy was chatting you up is completely out of the picture
things are different when it comes to his members though
he always knew you liked kids and was well aware that you often volunteered to help out with kids, and he knew that you tutored high school students throughout university
nevertheless, jiwoong never thought han yujin would be his worst enemy
JIWOONG IS NORMALLY the most patient person you know—he can sit with you in a shop for an hour, watching you debate over two different mugs to buy without voicing one complaint. However, for some reason, watching you cook Yujin’s lunch is the worst thing he’s ever had to experience.
You had insisted on it after finding out he was planning on going to school after how long they’d been promoting, saying that it would be hard for him to go to school without anyone to cook him lunch. Jiwoong insisted that Hanbin probably would’ve, but you brushed him off, saying it wouldn’t take you long.
An hour and a half later, he was still sitting there, watching you cut watermelon into flowers. It was nearly 8 o’clock, and the movie you were going to was due to start at 8:45—meaning you had to leave soon.
“Are you almost done?” he asked, putting his down on the counter. You scoffed, putting the lid onto the last section of Yujin’s lunch box.
“What’s up with you?” you asked, beginning to wrap it up. “You’ve asked three times in the last hour.”
“I’m jealous that you’re spending more time fussing over Yujin’s lunch than hanging out with your boyfriend, whom you haven’t seen in a long time.”
“You’re jealous over Yujin?” you asked, exasperated, turning around and putting your hands on your hips. “He’s your kid too! You should help out! What father is jealous of their own child?”
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zhang hao
there are 2 men in zb1 that don’t get jealous literally ever and hao is one of them
literally how could he be jealous when he’s zhang hao
most of the time, actually, you’re the one getting jealous (which makes sense, because he’s zhang hao)
and he always mocks you for it, which you hate
he’ll say something like “aw, do you think they’re going to steal me away from you?” and you have to resist the urge to punch him in the stomach
so when he actually gets jealous it is sooooo much fun for you
you milk it to no end. it is an opportunity you CANNOT waste
most of the time, it happens at his fancy violinist events, where you meet other people who are just as talented and impressive as him (and sometimes, they’re pretty attractive, too)
when he’s jealous, he sticks to your side and gets a little bit mean, especially towards whoever he’s jealous of
gets super touchy too
has a hand around your waist and drags you around with him just to make sure everyone gets the big picture
one day, he notices you and hanbin have been hanging out a lot all of a sudden, and it makes him really, really jealous
mostly because he can’t do his little flaunt routine, because he’s flaunted you to him enough
and then you realize he’s jealous that you and hanbin have been spending a lot of time together planning his birthday party
so obviously you capitalize on it immediately
it backfires on you
HAO WASN’T TRYING to be dramatic, but when he swung the door to Hanbin’s apartment open, having dug the spare key out from under the mat, he couldn’t help but march in like a soldier going to war.
You and Hanbin were sitting at his dining table, both of your laptops open. You had a cup of tea on the table, too, in a mug Hao knew he’d gifted Hanbin for his birthday a couple of years back.
“You let him make you tea?” he exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air like he was in some sort of drama. Both you and Hanbin stared at him in a mix of shock and confusion, wondering what in the world had caused him to barge in like that. Sure, you were beginning to pick up the fact that he was jealous of your business meetings with his best friend, but you weren’t exactly aware of how far you’d let it progress.
“Well, I made the tea—”
“You know where he keeps his tea?” he cut you off, staring at you while tapping his foot on the ground. “I am sick of this. How am I being left out by my partner and my best friend? What did I do to deserve this?”
“I think you’re getting the wrong idea,” Hanbin said, slowly closing his laptop. “We aren’t hanging out, per se, so we aren’t exactly leaving you out.”
“Then why have you spent hours upon hours together over the past week?”
You placed a hand over your mouth, trying to stop from laughing. “Hao, please be serious. What’s next week?”
His cheeks turned bright red, and you wished you could’ve got his big outburst on video.
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i am a believer that hanbin get sooo jealous (have you seen him glare at people's interaction with hao LOL)
he’s like the nicest guy on earth so there has to be one negative emotion that he feels
and it’s quite literally only over his loved ones, nothing else
will get jealous if people spend too much time with hao
will get even more jealous if people steal your attention away from him
he doesn’t even get jealous over things he should be getting jealous over, it’s things he hallucinates
“that guy stared at you a little too weirdly…”
“he was just our waiter?”
“still he was too friendly…i got bad vibes”
when hanbin gets jealous, though, it’s not very serious and never causes a problem between you two
he might hold your hand a little tighter or not be very fond of leaving you alone, but otherwise it’s not an issue
there are instances where his jealousy can get serious, and most of the time it’s pretty warranted (and this is when hanbin leans towards protective)
you’ll be watching one of his performances among a bunch of his peers and someone will get a little too touchy with you
and dancers are very hot so he might get a little insecure too
he will stomp over to you, sweaty and tired, and drag you away without saying a word to whoever was chatting you up
other than that his jealousy is kind of cute
hanbin doesn’t view any of the boys as enemies but sometimes matthew can be super cute
and while he considers matthew one of his best friends sometimes he forgets that matthew is just like that and isn’t trying to woo you
matthew, however, is well versed in the art that is hanbinism and is immune to it
YOU KNOW HANBIN like the back of your hand. He’s sweet, pretty, and enjoys being around the people he loves. And, you know for a fact Matthew is one of the people he loves. Nevertheless, when he skips up to you two with a white rose he picked, Taerae in tow, you can practically see a vein pop out of Hanbin’s head.
“Look at how pretty this is!” he smiled, and you nodded, agreeing with him. “Taerae and I found a bush of them, and I figured I’d pick one to give to you.”
You hear Hanbin scoff, and, feeling panic rush up your throat, you turn to him with horror flowing through you. The look in his eyes is dangerous, and a sort of shallow smile appears on his face—you don’t like it one bit. You turn back to Matthew, who seems completely unphased, and instead keeps talking.
“Here,” he said, holding it out to Hanbin. He stares at it, raising his eyebrows in confusion.
“I thought you were giving it to [First]?”
“Huh? That would be weird,” Matthew replies, tilting his head. You hear Taerae begin to laugh, likely at Hanbin, and you have to hold back a little chuckle as well. “Wouldn’t you be the one to give a rose to them? Anyway, here you go.”
Hanbin, dumbfounded, takes the rose from Matthew’s hand, and he and Taerae disappear off into the distance.
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matthew is #2 of men in zb1 who don’t get jealous often
literally doesn’t have the brain capacity for it
he’s like a universal friend, and universal friends don’t get jealous of anybody, nor do they distrust their significant others
a more appropriate word to use would be uncomfortable
at least that’s what matthew says when he gets jealous LOL
he genuinely doesn’t think he feels jealous because he doesn’t have any worry that whoever is talking to you is going to “steal” you away from him, but he certainly doesn’t appreciate anybody hardcore flirting with you
he can handle a “you’re so pretty” or an “i love your outfit” but if someone is persisting and he can tell you’re uncomfortable (both factors have to be present, or he’ll just let you handle it yourself) he will do his best to shut it down
but in the matthew way
so he walks over to you with a big smile on his face and starts talking to you like he normally would
“hey, babe, i lost you for a second”
whoever’s talking to you literally can’t keep going because of how nice matthew is
“oh, who’s this? it’s nice to meet you! i’m [first]’s boyfriend, matthew”
they’re gone within 2 minutes and matthew is feeling successful
he’ll probably give you a kiss on the cheek afterwards just to hammer home his point
he will, however, admit that he gets jealous of the other members lol
it’s mostly because he considers them his friends, though, so the idea that you’d be into one of them is scary to him
as a result, he gets a little wary when he stumbles upon you chatting with jiwoong at a party
BEFORE MATTHEW LEFT to go get a drink, you were sitting on the couch, playing a game on your phone. He planned to tell you that you could leave after he finished the drink, but when he returned, Jiwoong was sitting across from you, speaking with you.
The smile on your face was genuine, and you seemed overjoyed that you weren’t bored anymore. And, subconsciously, Matthew took it as you being happy that Jiwoong was talking to you, and not because you were glad you wouldn’t have to drag Matthew away from his friends anymore (which was the truth).
He sat back down next to you, sitting on the edge of the seat and putting his cup down on the coffee table. You smiled at him, and Jiwoong said his hellos, to which Matthew replied less than enthusiastically.
“We were just chatting about the new art exhibit that opened up at the museum. You know, the one we went to last week?”
“Yeah, I remember,” he said, taking a long sip of the drink. You raised an eyebrow, finally picking up that Matthew was feeling a bit jealous. “You planning on going again, or something?”
“Nope,” Jiwoong cut in, leaning back in his chair. “Actually, [First] was just talking about how much she enjoyed going with you, as you seemed to like it a lot. She said your eyes were sparkling the entire time.”
Matthew shut up quick after that, and you didn’t mention it ever again.
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taerae’s jealousy is silent
you won’t know he’s jealous until well after the event has occurred
he might bring it up in passing weeks later and you’re absolutely dumbfounded
mostly because you had no clue
“you were jealous?”
“yeah, he kept staring at your lips and was getting super touchy with you. how would i not be jealous?”
you think about the interaction for hours afterward, you skim through all the memories, and you cannot figure out where he conveyed he was jealous
he��s so good at masking any negative emotion that when you manage to notice his jealousy it’s almost a little bit scary
you’ll be talking with someone, it doesn’t matter who, and you’ll look over at him for a second and notice this weird look in his eyes
and then you’ll be hyperaware of how everything he says has this sharp edge to it
little jabs that neither you or whoever you’re talking to would be able to pick up unless they were actively looking for hostility
lowkey it’s kind of attractive LOL
taerae’s usually the picture of “kind” so seeing him go into a lockdown mode is a bit fun for you, even if it’s barely noticeable
after the event that made him jealous he’s super touchy with you which is also fun for you
because taerae gives gooood hugs and is comfortable to lay on
so, long story short, if he’s ever jealous of the boys you don’t know until afterward
sometimes even weeks after the fact
and obviously when you were fawning over zhang hao after his violin recital, which taerae had taken you to, you weren’t exactly aware of the way he was staring at hao
WHEN TAERAE GRABS your hand about a minute into your drive, lacing all of your fingers together and pulling your hand onto his lap, your jaw drops. You turn to look at him with shock on your face, trying to find the words to say. “No way,” you gasped, putting your other hand over your mouth. 
He looks over at you for a brief second, confused as to why you’re suddenly making such a big deal that he was holding your hand. “What? I don’t understand.”
“You were jealous? Of Hao?” you exclaimed, letting your hand drop from your mouth. “Why? I mean, he did well, did he not? Was I too complimentary? Do I need to reel it back next time?”
“What? No, you were just being nice. Where did you get the idea I was jealous?”
“You say that, but in a month and a half, you’re going to be like, ‘You know what made me super jealous?’ and then you’re going to drop three bombs on me,” you replied. “And this is going to be included. So, just say it now, so we can get it over with.”
Taerae blinked a couple of times, tightening his grip on your hand. “Okay, maybe I was a little jealous—”
You wrenched your hand away from his, clapping excitedly. “Oh, I’m a genius! I have a degree in Taeraeology now, seriously.”
“What in the world is Taeraeology?”
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when ricky gets jealous it’s like not a competition
he just shuts the situation down
i mean he’s so tall and so gorgeous that anybody who tries anything with you is immediately so intimidated the moment he does anything, he barely even has to talk
he literally has a neck tattoo like that’s terrifying
as a result he does not have the time to get seriously jealous because anyone who’s flirting with you is sprinting away the moment they lay eyes on him approaching you
most of the time people don’t even try anything anyway because they see you with him before you’re separated
for the few that are willing to stand up to ricky, it’s pretty funny for you to watch
“[first], who’s this?” and you watch the competitor cartoon-gulp right in front of you
they maybe last about 15 seconds before they bid you goodbye out of pure intimidation like good for you ricky
if it’s one of the days where he looks incredibly cute and soft (you know what i’m talking about) things tend to go south because ricky is awkward and his strong suit is rbf
at which point you end up having to be the one to be like “okay, me and my boyfriend are going to head out now!” LOL
among the jebis the only one ricky is going to get jealous of is gyuvin and that’s because they’re the same age and very close
he knows gyuvin will never make a move on you but that doesn’t stop him from getting jealous when gyuvin is taking up too much of your attention
and he’ll straight up tell him to fuck off too LOL
riyangis i get you
GYUVIN LOOKS LIKE he’s about to burst into laughter as Ricky stands next to you, arms crossed and eyes narrowed. He never takes Ricky’s jealousy seriously, which you understand why, given the fact that they’re best friends, and he has absolutely no interest in you whatsoever.
“You should go home now,” Ricky insists, motioning towards the front door. “I think we’ve hung out for long enough today.”
It was partially your fault for introducing a topic Ricky wasn’t versed in, but Gyuvin was the only other person you knew had watched the show you were watching, and you were itching to talk about it with somebody who understood. But, you’d pushed it too far, and he’d gotten a bit upset that you were focusing on Gyuvin when he had barged into your date.
“Aw, but [First] is my friend, too.”
“And, if we were both drowning, she’d choose me over you. What’s your point?”
Gyuvin burst into laughter, clutching his stomach as he wobbled towards the door. You held back your laughter as best you could, nearly losing it as Gyuvin struggled to put on the pair of bright yellow Crocs he decided to wear when he walked over. He opened the door and slammed it shut, yet you could still hear him laughing outside.
Then, you couldn’t hold it back anymore. You laughed so hard that you also had to hold your stomach, and Ricky marched away from you, ignoring the halfassed apologies that fell from your lips.
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gyuvin isn’t usually a jealous guy but he can get jealous, as opposed to hao and matthew who virtually never get jealous
when he gets jealous though it’s somewhat upsetting
it usually means something happened that wounded his pride or made him feel insecure, which you don’t enjoy obviously
so 99.9% of the time, if gyuvin is jealous, it’s because one of the members did something to/with you that he wasn’t super okay with
it’s never anything minute, like one of them liking an instagram post or something stupid, rather something happening under his nose
he loves and respects them a lot so the idea that they did something with his s/o without him knowing makes him super duper unhappy
and then he’ll start to think that there’s something they have that he didn’t, so he gets a bit insecure, too
but he absolutely will convince himself it’s not a big deal so then he’s just in an extra bad mood for the rest of the day
you usually have to squeeze whatever’s wrong out of him and, when you manage to, you feel really bad
because usually whatever happened to upset him was something you thought you’d addressed with him and/or thought he knew about
like ricky, he gets most jealous over things that happen between you and ricky
because you’re all close in age and gyuvin and ricky spend all of their time together, you’re obviously friends with him too
and, in ricky’s seasonal instagram wrap up post, he notices a selfie of you two in what he thinks was a hangout you had together without him knowing based on the background
it ruins his day so fast :( but you make sure to patch up the misunderstanding
GYUVIN HATES THE WAY HE FEELS as he gears up to speak, twiddling his thumbs while you sit across from him at the table, a frown painting your face. He doesn’t like it when you look sad, and he doesn’t like feeling this way or addressing that he feels it. So, when the time comes where he has to talk about it, it eats him up from the inside out.
“Did you hang out with Ricky? Without me?”
You immediately furrow your eyebrows, as if you’re confused. “Not that I know of? I barely even text Ricky outside of the group chat the three of us have. Where’d you get that idea?”
Embarrassed, Gyuvin decides to pull up the post, turning his phone to face you. You take it from his hands, bringing it closer to your face so that you can get a better look at it. Then, recognition floods your features, and your frown turns into a smile. “That was when we roadtripped to the beach. Not pictured here are you and Taerae, who were getting us coffee.”
Gyuvin snatches the phone back, feeling even more embarrassed. He zooms in on the background parts, ignoring you and Ricky, quickly realizing that the filter Ricky put on the picture made the water look much bluer than it actually had been, leading him to believe you’d gone on your own separate beach trip. Feeling the blood rush to his cheeks, Gyuvin smiled crookedly.
“My bad.”
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i actually struggled with this
on one hand i don’t think gunwook would get jealous easily
he’s a very reasonable boyfriend and has quite literally never wronged you
on the other hand i do think he would get jealous somewhat frequently
in the same way as taerae, it’s very quiet jealousy, but you will literally never know with him
he won’t ever bring it up after it happens and will just. move on
he also might get a little snarky with whoever approached you afterwards, but never when you’re around, so you are none the wiser
if you find out gunwook got jealous, you are finding out from other people, which you think is absolutely insane
one day you’ll be like cordially chatting with gyuvin and he’ll bring up this one time gunwook got super mega jealous over one of your guy friends and how it haunted him for months and you’re like ??? what
gyuvin is like you DIDN’T know? and then you learn about every single time gunwook has gotten jealous and then told him + yujin + ricky about it
apparently it was so obvious to the boys that hanbin literally asked him about it
you’re flabbergasted 
so then you approach gunwook like “wtf is this?” and he’s like
“oh yeah”
what do you mean OH YEAH?
you’re actually so shocked
gunwook isn’t the type to get jealous of the boys though like that just straight up won’t happen
doesn’t matter who you’re talking to, how much time you spend with them, etc
he knows they’d never pull something with you ever so you could literally go on a remote vacation to the amazon rainforest with NO cell service with like hanbin and he wouldn’t give a shit
TAERAE WAS BUSY, which meant you’d dragged Hanbin along with you to go shopping for Christmas presents for the boys. You’d been dating Gunwook long enough that you felt like it was a good way to show gratitude for them, and Hanbin agreed to take you to the mall to get the gifts.
Of course, you couldn’t take Gunwook, because you were planning on buying a good chunk of his gift, too, which meant you hadn’t told him where you were going. So, when he called, you were somewhat apprehensive to pick up.
Hanbin, on the other hand, looked terrified.
“Can I come over? I’m bored,” he asked, and you held back the urge to laugh as you stared at Hanbin, who looked like he’d seen a ghost.
“I’m Christmas-present shopping with Hanbin, actually. Sorry.”
Hanbin’s jaw dropped, likely at the fact that you just came right out with it, but you weren’t worried in the slightest. “Oh, okay. That’s cool. Have fun. Tell Hanbin I said hello.”
“Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye.”
He hung up, and Hanbin’s jaw dropped farther. “He just…doesn’t care? Like at all?”
You gave him an inquisitive look, as if you didn’t understand what he was implying. “Is he supposed to?"
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thank you for reading !
tags: @happysmileybee
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seosracha · 11 months
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BOYS LiKE U! - a sung hanbin smau ☆
synopsis- getting invited on an idol reality show where two groups have to live with each-other for a month seemed.. awful. but at least you got to bond with your long time crush and fellow leader over taking care of your own grown ass members?
genre- smau, idol au, fluff, drama
pairing- idol!sunghanbin x fem-idol!reader
status- completed!
featuring- zerobaseone, lee jeonghyeon and more!
taglist- open
SPIN OFF! -> dazed and in love
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one. worst name battle
two. #ChineseUnity
three. special mission + 0.3k
four. real life xo kitty
five. sharpie penis
six. hugging a woman
seven. late night walks
eight. kitchen ban + 0.3k
nine. naturally stoned
ten. investigation
eleven. two kamdens
twelve. everyday
thirteen. Barbie or Oppenheimer
fourteen. i like (u)k
fifteen. All Girls Are The Same
sixteen. pussy no balls man apocalypse
seventeen. social experiment
eighteen. cringe couple awards
nineteen. season two (finale)
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zhng96 · 10 months
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HOLY MOLY! — zb1
↳ zb1 reacting to their s/o sending a pic of themselves!
↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ warnings: they are whipped.. i didnt want to use a faceclaim pic bc i didnt want to limit it to a race yk or specific look so i just used a black screen <3
perm taglist (open): @tzuberry
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navi. mlist.
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glossgojo · 11 months
seven days a week (but not really)
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zb1 hyungs (01 and older) x fem!reader smut | ~1k each
jiwoong, zhang hao, hanbin only bc this took me a while (i got carried away with hanbin’s)
with your boyfriend debuting, he’s been busier than usual but he makes time for you as much as he can, or your bf is busy but not busy enough to stop loving you
18+ MDNI CW: AFAB reader, eating out, fingering, p in v sex, no protection (wrap it up!!), riding, creampie, size kink, reader is shorter, choking in hanbin’s, reader wears a skirt in hao and hanbin’s, manhandling, use of pet names (pretty girl, baby, love, etc), slightly mean dom jiwoong, pussy drunk and kinda mean dom hao, rough sex with dom hanbin, oh also everyone got big …..
your boyfriend comes home from one of his schedules late as always. you’d made dinner for him, reheated it twice and eventually gave up on waiting, falling asleep in the living room with some reality show droning in the background. jiwoong finds you in your shared apartment looking peacefully asleep, he would’ve thought the sight was adorable if not for how his shirt swallowed your frame and rode up your plush thighs in your slumber. your pink underwear peaked out from the hem and jiwoong reminded himself that you’d visited him at music bank just yesterday, both of you disappearing right after his performance and coming back disheveled, but he was already getting worked up. he groaned as you stirred and his shirt rode up revealing your tummy, he wanted nothing more than to press kisses to it trailing them up your body until-
no he had to let you rest, he’d eat the dinner you made and then carry you to bed, you deserved some rest after waiting up for him. jiwoong dutifully changed his clothes into his sleepwear, just a pair of boxers, and then ate the food you made. although he’d been quiet you woke up from the sound of the microwave beeping, you grumbled as you opened your eyes to see your boyfriend sitting at the dinner table. lazily, you made your way over to him, jiwoong pushing back in his chair as you wordlessly sat on his lap. you sat sideways, graciously allowing him to reach his plate still. he pressed a kiss to the crown of your head as you squinted and adjusted to the dim light of the kitchen. “my pretty girl’s cooking is the best.” jiwoong must have been hungrier than he realized because he was finishing the meal in record time. now he could give you all his attention.
“hmm you like it?” you rested your head against the hard plane of his chest, you’d only realized then that he was shirtless.
“so good baby, sorry i made you wait.” he pressed another kiss to your head, breathing in your strawberry shampoo and the smell that was just so deliciously you.
“it’s okay, i don’t mind, makes me feel like a housewife.” you giggled at your own words, not thinking too deeply before saying them but god did they affect jiwoong. images of you with his kids running around all day flashed in front of his eyes and he sighed out in agony, he was really trying to compose himself, but you made it so hard. you felt him harden underneath you, making a small noise of confusion as you sat up in his lap. jiwoong winced at the movement, you weren’t helping in the slightest. you were looking at him, he could feel your pretty wide eyes staring at him expectantly.
“you need rest.” he said sighing as he finally met your gaze, forever a brat you shook your head no and you noticed his lips twitch as if he was holding back a laugh.
“i need you.” jiwoong was patient, his members said he was so mature and calm but not when it came to you, his resolve crumbled just from a look. he pulled you up with him as he got off the chair, your legs going around his hips as he sat down on the sofa where you’d slept.
“show me.” he leaned back, eyeing you up and down on his lap and you flushed at his gaze, you knew what he wanted and your fingers shook as they dipped underneath the edge of his shirt and pulled your underwear down and then off your legs. jiwoong watched your every move like a predator, even if he was letting you use him he was still the one in control and the thought alone made your blood rush south. he crossed his arms, intent on just watching and you pouted as you pulled his hard length free from his boxers. it was red and throbbing in your hand, always so thick and heavy in your hold and you gulped down as you leaned up on your knees to fit him in. the only time he did move was so he could lift his shirt up and see your pretty little cunt swallow his length. you breathed out slowly, your cheeks puffing out and you scrunched your nose in concentration as you slowly lowered down. “relax doll, you’re clenching me so hard i won’t last long.” you nodded as you finally bottomed out, letting yourself adjust and easing up your grip as you did so. you put your hands on jiwoong’s broad shoulders as you began to rise up and down and take his length as well as you could. it never felt as good as when he fucked you, he knew just how to make you come again and again and the feeling of building pleasure was never like how he made you feel. you needed him, not his stupid perfect dick. and jiwoong could tell, from how pouty your lips had gotten and how you didn’t bounce with as much fervor as when he touched you. he was just waiting for you to admit it. “jiwoongggg” you whined out his name, lighting hitting his chest and he huffed out a laugh, gripping your waist before he pounded up into you. you moaned at the feeling, he was relentless bouncing you on his length so hard and fast you were squirming in his hold. your slick combined with his was coating your thighs and no doubt his balls, you whined his name insisting that you were close and he held you close as he angled himself to fuck you deeper, hitting the spot that made your toes curl and your eyes roll back in your head. you cried out his name as your orgasm hit you like a truck, your legs shaking as jiwoong continued to use your cunt. he came soon after, the way you clenched around him making him see stars as he filled you up. “my pretty little cunt, always so perfect for me.” he murmured into your shoulder, his hot come leaking out of you making you whine and jiwoong laughed at your actions promising you he’d fill you up properly tomorrow.
zhang hao
his pretty baby, he’d do anything to run to you right now but instead he was stuck in a meeting at the company. just one more hour and he’d be free. the trouble was you had sent a picture of your outfit this morning and all hao could see when he closed his eyes, when his mind drifted or when he didn’t try his damn best to focus on something else was your bare thighs in a mini skirt and knee high socks. the small glimpse of skin was enough to drive him crazy. it had been days since he last saw you in person so it was safe to say he was feeling desperate to be near you. the manager droned on about the upcoming week’s schedule, yes it was important but it wasn’t anything he didn’t already know. all he could think about was being between your legs, heat traveling south and he sighed out in relief that he chose to wear an oversized shirt today. hanbin looked over at him suspiciously, noticing his pink ears and glazed eyes, god hao was so obvious sometimes it was a wonder the company hadn’t found out about you.
“alright that’s it.” finally after what felt like years the meeting had come to end and zhang hao didn’t even try to hide how quickly left the room, saying he needed to call his family privately. of course the members knew what really was happening since they’d greeted his parents on the phone just this morning but they withheld their remarks as they watched their hyung hightail it out of the room. he made it to your place pretty quickly, he’d made sure you were close to the company, just like their dorm, when you moved to a new place and of course one pout from your boyfriend was enough to convince you to move closer.
he’d shot you a text before the meeting, and you’d been waiting for him at your place. you usually worked from home and always made time for him when he popped by during his busy days. sure enough when you heard the front door open you quickly closed your work computer and practically skipped to the door to greet your boyfriend. hao grinned at you as he looked you up and down, watching you outstretch your arms to him, your crop top rode up and another sliver of your skin drove him crazy. yeah the real thing was much more maddening then that picture, hao decided. he embraced you pressing kisses to every inch of skin he could reach as you burrowed your face into his shoulder. he loved how much shorter you were than him, loved being able to cover you completely and especially the way he could feel your smile press into his skin.
“missed you so much today baby. you look so pretty,” you whispered a thanks to his skin, flushing as you met his adoring gaze.
“i missed you too hao, always do.” you kissed him, losing yourself in his soft lips and how he deepened the kiss so naturally, drawing your sweet breath as a gasp as he teasingly bit your lip. he pulled back after he was satisfied in getting you riled up, your small hands now scrunching his shirt material. hao watched as a string of saliva connected his lips to yours and it didn’t do anything to help his growing problem. your flushed cheeks and swollen lips made him dizzy.
“baby can i eat you out?” you flinched in shock and looked away from his gaze, feeling hot already and hao’s innocent seeming eyes were burning you up. you nodded shyly and he grinned like he hadn’t just asked something obscene, kissing you again and lifting you over his shoulder in a swift motion. hao laid you down carefully on your bed, making sure you were comfortable on the bed, prop your head up on a couple pillows like you liked so you could watch him, or at least struggle to watch him.
he laid down on the bed the plush of your thighs bulging out the top of your socks, his fingers tracing the skin and his cock throbbing in his pants just from how you shivered at the feather light touch. hao huffed out a laugh as he lightly shifted your skirt up, being pleasantly surprised at the lack of underwear. “sweetheart, were you waiting for me to find you like this?”
“n-no hao, it’s just comfier.” you weren’t very convincing you were sure, you had sent that picture to him with one objective and one only.
“hmm, is that right? even when you’re practically dripping?” he pried your legs open wider, watching the light catch on your slick cunt. you whined, covering your face with your hands and he laughed before pressing a kiss to the inside of your thigh. he continued teasing you like that making you whine as his strong arms kept you spread open for him. your heady scent and sweet noises were making him lose control slowly and so finally he let you win, pressing a prompt kiss to your clit and earning a hiss.
“so sweet,” he hummed mostly to himself as he pressed another kiss to your slick hole and you squirmed. the sweetness leaving him the next second as he pulled by the hips closer to his face, looping one leg over his shoulder as he licked a stripe down to your leaking hole. you followed his silent instruction your shaky leg moving to his shoulder as he dipped his tongue into you and drank you up. you cried out his name, already feeling on the edge of an orgasm. his sharp nose ground against your clit as he pulled more ichor from you and swallowed it down in one go, withdrawing when you felt close and moving to suck your clit as his pretty fingers circled your hole. without warning he dipped two fingers into you and you arched your back as he masterfully found the fleshy spot that made you shake. in seconds you were coming undone from his fingers, your wetness would no doubt stain your white skirt if not for zhang hao making sure to clean you up. you whined as he overstimulated you but he didn’t see like he would stop any time soon, you begged for him to stop.
“h-hao s’too much.”
“taste too good baby, just one more come on.” and with such pretty words hao was able to pull not one but two more orgasms from you. every time he made to clean you up, insisting that you were the sweetest taste in the world.
you’d been at the dorm with hanbin, getting there before the other members came back from a schedule without him. he’d done a solo shoot for a magazine and you couldn’t keep your hands or desperate eyes off of him when you saw him all dolled up. now you were whining for him to hurry up with his shower, pawing at the bathroom door like a puppy. hanbin laughed at your desperation, he’d only left you for a few minutes and you were already whining for him. he was no better really but the makeup on his skin had began to bug him and although he liked staining your lips with his, he’d rather not see the reaction on his member’s faces at what you’d been doing. they’d be back pretty soon, he was doing his damn best to keep things tame between you two. when he heard his name leave your lips in a soft whine, his resolve shattered.
“baby the door’s been open, come join me.” you had no intention to join him in showering, instead just opening the door and propping yourself up on the sink counter. you could see his frame through the frosted shower screen, it did nothing to hide how unbelievably perfect your boyfriend was. you could make out his tattoos, his dripping wet hair, his strong arms and muscular build and worse of all his annoyingly pretty cock. despite the warmth rising to your cheeks and quickly moving south, you kept staring.
“i’m started to get creeped out baby.” hanbin ducked his head out, a smirk on his face at how unabashedly you’d been admiring him. you just pouted.
“not my fault you’re so hot.” he laughed before finishing up his shower, turning the water off and reaching for a towel. you made yourself useful, bringing it to him and motioning for him to lean down so you could towel his hair dry. he had to lean down quite a bit due to your height difference and now all he could see was your bare legs under your skirt, god you made it so difficult for him to be a good hyung. you dried his hair gently, not any bit as rough or careless as hanbin usually was and when you felt satisfied you handed him the towel and tilted his chin up, combing your fingers through it and styling it as you pleaded. hanbin watched your lips pout in concentration and your eyelashes bat as you worked under his scrutiny. he found you so adorable and more and more irresistible the closer he got to you. “there, my handsome binnie.” you loved his natural bare face and hair and hanbin’s eyes glazed over at the compliment and the way you said his nickname. standing up tall, he couldn’t help himself as he wrapped the towel around his waist and brought his hands up to cup your face and bring your lips to his. you gasped into the kiss, spreading your soft warm hands on his still damp broad chest, standing on your tiptoes to deepen the kiss and hanbin sighed contently into your lips. you were always so sweet and so soft and warm under his touch. anything he gave you you’d react so well he couldn’t help but tease you. you swung your arms around his neck pulling his hard chest against you and hanbin was still very aware that the only thing keeping him decent was a wryly bound towel. despite that he couldn’t help but mold your lips to his, sucking and biting at the plush of them as he grew hard against your stomach. he pulled back, finding the common sense to end this early but your pretty lips followed him pressing kisses to his bare face, neck and collarbones.
“my girl is so needy huh? the boys will be back soon.” he warned, cupping your face and swiping your warmed cheek with his thumb. you nuzzled into his hand playing with the drying hair at his nape.
“please binnie? i’ll be good.” you were begging, eyes glazed over and wide and watery from how badly you wanted him. hanbin would hold you to that promise. he didn’t waste any time then, he wasn’t sure how much there was left anyways and he needed to capitalize on that. lifting you up by the back of your thighs he placed you on the sink counter, making you finally his head level and you gasped as he practically tore your underwear off under your skirt. you grasped his shoulders as he pulled you towards the edge of the counter. he pressed two of his long fingers against your lips, and ever pliant you opened up and sucked them down to the knuckle swirling your tongue over them until hanbin was satisfied. although you’d never admit it you were sure you were already dripping onto the cool counter. he watched you with a smile the type that took over his entire face, if anyone saw him they’d think he was looking at a cute animal and not the love of his life prepping his fingers to finger them. with a pop he pulled his fingers from your plush lips and snuck them under your skirt, brushing your clit before collecting all your slick and diving into you. he was met with resistance, you clenching on his thick fingers as you whined out his name. “shhh baby, don’t want anyone to hear us do you?” you shook your head, opting to burrow your face into his neck instead to silence your moans. “so wet, so tight, so perfect for me, my good girl.” you clenched on him harder, his fingers grazing the fleshy spot inside and making it impossible for you to keep quiet. “look at me baby,” if there was one thing that drove hanbin crazy it was seeing your fucked out expression when he plunged into you. you did your best to maintain eye contact, your pretty face bobbing from the pace he set with his fingers before he pulled them and licked them clean, humming at how sweet you were, eyes still on you and a sob caught in your throat. you were so so close, he was making your blood boil, your legs shake, and your mind cloud over. all you wanted was hanbin, the room smelled like his shampoo and was filled with the sounds of your embarrassingly wet cunt getting fucked by his fingers. you watched him step back, hanging his towel instead in the drying rack as he lined up his hard cock at your entrance, he watched your expression as he collected your arousal, coating his own dick with it and sliding in. hanbin gave you time to adjust, the tip of his stupid long cock bullying your cervix and you breathed out slowly with a nod to get him to move. he was a man on a mission, you both had to come quickly and look fairly normal when you left the bathroom. as if sensing the worst possible time to come home, hanbin heard the front door open and he clasped a hand over your mouth as he pulled out and plunged back in. you whined against his hand, eyes rolling to the back of your head as your boyfriend filled you up.
“stay quiet.” he whispered into you ear and caged your neck with the hand that had been on your mouth. you bucked with his thrusts, the sheer force he was fucking you with making you knock things down as you got shoved up the surface. he hissed at the sound, it wasn’t like it was pin drop silence in the bathroom anyways, the sound of your wet cunt swallowing him and the slap of his balls against your ass filled the room. the apartment was too quiet, he turned the sink on behind you with his free hand, the sound of rushing water disguising the obscene clapping of skin against wet skin. he felt close, you were still clenching around him, his hand on your neck applying pressure as he felt you leak down onto the counter. when he finally plunged into you, coming inside he choked you to keep you quiet as he flicked your clit and made you come along with him. you squirmed in his hold, clenching and milking him for everything he had, feeling dizzy from the pressure on your neck and the mind-numbing orgasm he brought you to. hanbin pulled out slowly, looking down and seeing his come slip out of you onto the counter and he pouted at the sight, shoving it back in you and putting your underwear on swiftly so it would stay there. he couldn’t have his pretty baby have his come spilling down their thighs, it was bad enough you looked ruined. “binnie-“
“hanbin hyung you home?” you heard gunwook yell out from the living room, the sound of the tv being on made him breathe out in relief. at least with the members distracted he had some chance of sneaking you out.
“yeah just showering up!” he yelled back, tucking your hair behind your ear as you looked up at him, standing on shaky legs. you closed your eyes from his touch, it felt so soft and gentle on your skin compared to moments prior when he used like a fuck toy, he was so hot and cold. you loved him more for it.
“you think you can walk?”
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cheolism · 4 months
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chasing sleep
✿ sung hanbin x reader ❀ summary: you are so tired but are unable to sleep. your adoring boyfriend, sung hanbin, takes it upon himself to help you out. ✿ wc is approx. 3k ❀ genre: smut, established relationship ✿ warnings: minors do not interact. pet names (princess, angel, baby, etc); oral (fem receiving), fingering & handjobs. ❀ rating: 18+ ✿ tagging @seokgyuu
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you couldn't sleep.
you should have been able to. you were exhausted from having gotten up early and being on the move all day, dealing with coworkers and bosses and staring at screens. you weren't hungry either, tummy full from the meal you and hanbin had shared.
the room was cool but you were warm beneath the covers, the natural heat of hanbin's body warming you. he was on his side of the bed, his tattooed arm up from underneath the covers and curled around his bed. you watched him sleep for a while, his natural blush coloring his cheeks and dark lashes fluttering.
it wasn't like you were too energetic, wasn't like you weren't comfortable. you felt tired and felt at home.
but you just couldn't fall asleep.
sighing, you flipped onto your side and stared at the wall. you kicked your feet softly from beneath the covers. you fluffed out the blanket, retucking it around your shoulder.
eventually you reached out and grabbed your phone off of the bedside table. your phone proudly boasted it being midnight, the screen bright and piercing against the dark of the room.
you shifted onto your tummy, placing your phone on the bed. one of your feet rested against a calf. your toes poked out from underneath the blanket.
for a while you browsed on your phone, switching between apps constantly.
then an arm was sliding along your back, fingers slipping underneath your shirt to rest at your hip. hanbin was warm and gentle as he slid against you, lining his body against yours. his leg naturally hooked over yours, chin resting on your shoulder.
"princess,"' he cooed. his voice was slightly hoarse from sleep. hanbin hummed slightly, shifting against you again. "what are you doing?"
"can't sleep," you returned. you turned your head to look over your shoulder at hanbin, nose brushing his. his black hair was flat against his head, bangs nearly obscuring his eyes. hanbin gave you a sleepy grin, though he raised his dark brows at you at your reply. "sorry. i didn't mean to wake you up. i can go to the couch so i won't be bothering you."
hanbin whined. "nooo, baby." he pressed his nose against your cheek. hanbin ran his hand up along your hip, nails slightly scratching your skin. "no leaving the bed. 's so warm 'n comfy."
you grinned back at him, turning your phone off and reaching to toss it back onto the bedside table. you turned to face hanbin, tucking your arm underneath your head. "i really didn't mean to wake you up."
"princess," he chided, voice soft and gruff still. hanbin smiled at you, eyes crinkling. "you're fine. if you can't sleep i want you to wake me up."
"well," you said, "i definitely won't be doing that."
he sighed, shifting closer. hanbin tossed his leg back over you. he reached out with one hand, sliding his fingertips along your cheek and tucking some of your stray hair back behind your ear. "i want to be someone you can rely on, angel."
"i do," you protested. "i rely and trust you so much. but you deserve to have a good night's sleep even if i don't, you know."
hanbin huffed again. "wanna do everything with you," he said. his breath was warm against your face. "my whole life is yours, princess. when you're asleep or awake, when you're at work or you can't sleep. i'm yours, baby."
you were dumbstruck. being hanbin's princess meant you were on the receiving end of his sincere words more often than not, but that didn't make it easier to hear them. his sincerity was completely genuine, his heart pure and devout. sometimes you couldn't believe it; couldn't believe you were on the receiving end of such pure love and adoration. his words touched your heart and warmed it, made you shine from his love, but at the same time you just couldn't help but be astounded by it.
astounded by how easily he gave his love, how freely.
"okay, okay," you mumbled, looking down at his pink mouth. he was wearing a tank top and it hung from his body loosely, and when you flicked your eyes down you could see his tattoo across his collar and his collar bones. "let's try and sleep now."
hanbin hummed, eyes sliding shut. "okay. try and sleep, princess. i love you."
you murmured it back, closing your eyes. hanbin burrowed next to you, face turned down towards the mattress. you aren't sure how long you tried to sleep, but before you knew it your eyes were sliding back open once more.
you still couldn't sleep.
slowly, as to not disturb the leg hanbin had thrown over you, you turned back over to face the wall. you contemplated grabbing your phone again.
but then, just like before, an arm was moving over your body and hanbin was pressing against you. he spooned up against your back, his chest pressed against you. the entire front of him was against you, knees tucked behind your legs and arm over your body.
"princess," he scolded gently. "i know you're not going to grab your phone again."
"i can't sleep," you whined, pouting into the dark. hanbin pressed his face against your hair. "just gonna grab my phone and go to the couch."
"nooo," he said, voice breaking slightly. "let me hold you and see if that helps."
sighing, you relented. hanbin settled, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. his body was warm, the heat of it sinking underneath your own skin and bringing out a small sweat. you weren't uncomfortable, though.
his arm was a comfortable weight across your body, his hand gently splayed over your stomach. you were so fucking relaxed in his arms, safe and loved.
but you couldn't sleep.
hanbin sighed against your head when you began shifting again, his hand gently moving over your skin again. slowly his long fingers dipped to the waistband of your pants. you went completely still, breath catching in your throat.
his fingers went to your underwear band. "this okay, princess?"
you nodded, biting down on your lip in anticipation. hanbin hummed, thumb tapping against your skin. "come on, angel. answer me."
and so hanbin pushed his hand further into your pants. he didn't slip his hand underneath your underwear, and instead his skimmed over your mound and dragged along your cunt through your panties, his touch sending a tingling sensation through your cunt.
every single part of your body was focused on hanbin's hand and how it moved against you. his long fingers smoothed along your pussy through the panties, drawing warmth and wetness from it.
hanbin repeatedly rubbed his fingertips along your clit and cunt. your pussy pulsed, juices soaking your panties. he wasn't hurried, stroking your pussy languidly, gently.
you grew antsy, however. you pressed back against him, feeling his dick against your ass, and reached down and wrapped your hand around his wrist. "binnie . . ."
hanbin chuckled into your neck. his lips skimmed against your skin, and when he spoke you could feel the shape of his words. "okay, princess. 's okay, baby. binnie's got you."
and so he pulled at your panties, pushing them aside and moving his fingers to your wet pussy. his breath shuttered against your skin as he comprehended how soaked you really were from him just stroking you through your panties.
"your little pussy's so wet," he mumbled, voice deep in your ear.
hanbin shifted, gently pushing you so you were flat back against the bed. he tossed the blanket back, baring your bodies to the cool of the room.
he pulled at your pants, and once they were pulled down around one of your ankles he brought your leg over his shoulder. hanbin's hand returned to your panties, smoothing and dragging along your pussy. he rubbed his fingers against your cunt, harsh and pulling, making your toes curl and breath shake.
"binnie --"
"i got you, angel," he said. hanbin tugged down your panties, and you shifted a leg to allow him to pull them off. once your entire bottom half was bare to the room you couldn't help but shiver. your cunt was so hot and the room was cool, and your pussy juices were wet and they cooled immediately against you once you spread your legs.
"cutie," hanbin murmured. his hands went to your pussy and then he was spreading your lips. you shivered, legs tightening around him. hanbin ducked down his head and pressed a flat kiss to your cunt.
you couldn't help but flinch with surprise, a little squeal escaping your lips. "hanbin!"
he laughed at you, eyes crinkling at the corners while warmth shone from them. it was odd, you thought, how he could look so sweet and filled with affection while between your legs with his mouth against your cunt.
"you're so fucking cute," hanbin mumbled again, moving his face down to your pussy. your heart fluttered at his curse, and you couldn't help but curl your toes in anticipation.
your cunt clenched, ready. hanbin exhaled a chuckle, and then his mouth was pressed against your hole.
despite knowing that him being between your legs with his face pressed to your cunt meant he was going to be eating you out, you couldn't help the little surprised noise that escaped you as his tongue pressed against your ring of muscle. he didn't press in, tongue just laving gently against your hole and adding to the mess of wetness.
he didn't leave you completely wanting, however. hanbin's hand went to your clit and two of his fingers framed it. he didn't press against your clit directly, letting the sides of his fingers rub against it as he stimulated the area around it, making your middle tingle with electric lust and mouth fall open in a breathless gasp.
hanbin continued at your cunt, tongue licking at your hole and sucking at it, his fingers gently massaging at your cunt, sending sparks up your body that sunk into your brain and turned it to mush.
eventually you were able to moan out his name, your hand reaching down for his hair. you tangled your fingers in his silk black blocks, tugging.
you could feel his exhale against your pussy. your fingers scratched against his scalp, and he just pressed his face to your cunt, unable to do anything due to the sensation.
hanbin lifted his hand from your cunt. his entire lower face was soaked in your juices and his spit, glistening with your wet. his sweet pink lips were red from use. and he looked delighted. hanbin smiled as soon as his eyes met yours, his free hand smoothing over your skin.
"gotta keep your hands out of my hair if you want me to finish this," hanbin said cheekily, teeth flashing.
you let out a shuttering breath, nodding. "sorry. sorry, binnie."
he chuckled, turning his face and pressing a kiss to your inner thigh. "it's okay, princess. you're doing so good. you're being a good girl, angel."
then hanbin was back to your pussy. his fingers slipped from your clit, trailing down to your hole to replace his mouth. he gently sunk a finger into your hole, the glide smooth. his hands were big, fingers long, and his finger sunk into you so deliciously. hanbin kept his mouth busy, moving to your clit and laving his tongue over it.
hanbin, who worked hard at everything he did, found your core instantly. he grazed his finger along your core, and when you jumped, a high keening whine escaping your mouth, he laughed again.
he withdrew his finger, dragging it against your walls. your cunt clenched down around his digit, trying keep him from withdrawing completely. meanwhile his tongue kept at your clit, gently laving at it, languidly licking as if it were a sweet treat.
hanbin didn't leave you hanging, and soon he was pressing two of his fingers into your pussy. the stretch burned slightly, but it was the sort of ache that had you wanting to fuck down and wanting to moan more.
hanbin began fucking his fingers into you, striking your core. the electricity spread through you, and when he began sucking at your clit your entire body felt like it was alight.
he continued his ministrations through your orgasm, tongue at your clit and fingers in your cunt. your mind traveled, a haze clouding it and making you seem as if you were floating.
when you returned to consciousness hanbin was gently kissing your thighs, his fingers still in your pussy. he darted his eyes up to you after every kiss, and once he realized you were looking back at him he gave you a blinding grin.
"there's my princess," he hummed, leaning his head on your thigh, cheek smooshing. "how you doing, lovely? tired yet?"
you laughed breathlessly, leaning your head back onto the pillow.
hanbin grinned against your skin, and then he was traveling up your body. his mouth skimmed along your skin; over your stomach and over the hills of your tits, stopping to lazily suckle at your nipple. eventually he found his way to your face, and then his mouth was pressing messily against yours.
it was wet. that was the first thing you noticed. you could taste yourself, could taste the juices off of his lips. the slightly bitter taste of your pussy was offset by the sweetness of his kiss, the way his mouth gently moved back and forth over yours; sweet, as if he hadn't just spent however long with his face in your pussy.
his tongue slipped into your cunt, licking into it. he sucked at your lower lip; nipped at it; soothed it with his tongue.
and then his fingers were slipping back down your body and to your pussy. your body tightened.
hanbin hummed. "how are you doing, princess? this okay?"
you nodded. hanbin gave a questioning him, and you murmured an affirmative yes.
his fingers went to your pussy. it was still drenched from your spit and juices, and it was far too easy for him to find your slippery clit. he rubbed at it somewhat harshly, but you welcomed it. it was easy for another orgasm to build up, and you grinded down on his fingers relentlessly, wanting that rigid strength hanbin provided with his fingers.
hanbin mouthed at your lips, breath coming heavily from both of your noses. your mouths began colliding in fervent rushes, tongues rolling out to meet one another, soothing over one another.
your breathing was labored; your moans long. between every sloppy press of your mouths hanbin was murmuring to you. "good girl," he said, "so sweet and good. come on princess, come on; give binnie another one."
your second orgasm was gentler than your first. no fireworks. instead it was a wave, and you welcomed it eagerly with hanbin's mouth still working at yours, his fingers unrelenting.
eventually he withdrew entirely from your cunt. he went back down the bed, spreading your thighs to look at his handiwork. you were, of course, still soaked. your juices were slowly beginning to dry, the stickiness making your thighs stick slightly together.
"what a messy girl," hanbin said fondly. he hurriedly bent down to press a kiss to your stomach. "i'll go grab a wet towel to clean you."
"noo," you whined. "don't leave me."
hanbin grinned up at you, eyes sparkling. "come on, princess. you'll be all sticky and grumpy in the morning."
he was countering your protest but you knew hanbin loved; loved how clingy you would get. he loved it when you wanted him close, when you whined and pouted at him for his attention.
you beckoned him back up your body. hanbin sighed dramatically but he had a large smile on his face. he climbed back up and framed your body with his, legs on either side of yours, arms surrounding your torso. hanbin lowered himself so he could press the tip of his nose against yours.
"hm?" he said, voice taking on a cute tone, "is my princess being all clingy?"
you hummed back, grinning and wrinkling your nose. you settled a gentle hand against his chest, pushing him lightly onto his side. and then you were smoothing your hand down his chest, running it over the fabric of his tank top and slipping underneath his waistband.
hanbin tucked his forehead against yours, looking down and watching as your fingers plucked at the hem of his shorts. "you don't gotta do anything," he said.
but you slid your hand the rest of the way. his cock was hard and warm when you touched it. his cockhead was wet from precum, and you pressed down the flat of your thumb along the tip.
hanbin let out a strangled moan. "angel," he said, voice tight.
you brought your hand from his shorts, and, not having many alternatives, you moved it between your thighs. you nestled it into your cunt. the juices stuck to your thighs were dry, but when you pressed your palm to your pussy and dragged it along you the wetness that still remained.
hanbin moaned loudly when you returned your hand to his dick. your cunt juices made the slide easy, and you kept a slightly loose grip around his cock. hanbin's breathing rose in pitch, and he fucked into your hand.
"tight --" he whimpered, dark brows furrowing. "tighten your fist, baby."
you did as he said. you tightened your fist around his cock, thumb pressing. you twisted your hand up as he fucked into your fist.
"come on, binnie," you mumbled. "cum for me, please."
hanbin groaned, teeth biting into his lip. it was only a handful of seconds more before your sensitive boyfriend was cumming into his pants, groan loud in your ears.
you pulled back, watching him. hanbin's cheeks were flushed red, his lips wide open and dark lashes fluttering. he was so beautiful like this, coming down from his high.
his gaze focused on you. he laughed breathlessly as he caught your eyes, pitching forward and dragging you into his arms, trapping your hand in his pants still.
"baby," he giggled, pressing a loud kiss to your cheek. "how on earth are we supposed to sleep now?"
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bully masterlistִֶָ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
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⋆˙⟡ zbully1 smut series! hanbin, jiwoong, hao, matthew, and taerae included. ⋆˙⟡ reader: femme afab // gender neutral (two alternate versions for you to choose from) ⋆˙⟡ summary: five bullies. six days. it's gonna be a hell of a week, babe. stay hydrated. ⋆˙⟡ warnings: explicit smut. 18+. minors do not interact. is a bit dark in spaces, as it's about zb1 bullying you and leads to smut. so you've been (generally) warned. specific chapter warnings will be provided on each post.
dividers are all by saradika and mdni banner below is by cafekitsune !!
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— MONDAY, Kim Jiwoong 🎭
posted: 1/22/24
it's monday, the first day of the school week. you're excited for your advanced drama class, but not too keen on the person you're always forced to run into there. suave, charismatic, repulsively arrogant: kim jiwoong lives to make your life just a bit harder.
and lucky you: today he's your scene partner.
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— TUESDAY, Zhang Hao 🎻
posted: 1/27/24
happy tuesday, you know what that means: two straight hours of wind ensemble. and it's made even more enjoyable by first chair, zhang hao, chewing you out for every mistake you make. he's been quiet today though. it's making your skin crawl.
can you manage to get out unscathed?
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— WEDNESDAY, Seok Matthew 💪
posted: 2/5/24
it's hump day... *ahem*. unfortunately you're being forced to play contact sports under the leadership of team captain matthew seok. no matter how many times he's made a fool of you in front of your whole gym class, it never gets old for him.
oh shit. uh, (y/n)? you might wanna duck...
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— THURSDAY, Sung Hanbin 📝
posted: 2/16/24
thursday. good news: the week is almost over. bad news: you're stuck in poetry class with sung hanbin as your desk partner. it's weird. sometimes you play off each other so well, you're nearly blindsided by his sudden flipping of the switch.
if only you could steal a glimpse at his journal.
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— FRIDAY, Kim Taerae 🎤
posted: 3/2/24
it's the end of the most bizarre week of your life. last year, you would've been overjoyed to spend time in select choir with your friend kim taerae. but that all went down the drain after hanbin recruited him into his group of incessant jerks...
and he's desperate to officially be one of the guys.
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— SATURDAY, Reclamation 😈
posted: 3/21/24
nearly every student is gathered for your university's big soccer match against your rival school. you're hoping to steer clear of the boys you've had such strange (and steamy) encounters with this week. i think you can guess by now that fate is not on your side.
or is it?
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— THE ENDINGS, You Choose How It Ends 💕
posted: 3/21/24
choose from jiwoong, hao, matthew, hanbin, taerae, group (quasi-poly), and group (revenge)
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taeiun · 6 months
this love is small.
synopsis: some of the little things that they do in your relationship
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who: zb1 x gn!reader (not including yujin)
categories: fluff, some crack, headcanon styled scenarios
warnings: mentions of food in jiwoong + taerae's parts, light swearing
word count: 1.1k
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✧ jiwoong gains a newly formed sixth sense when it comes to your needs; he knows your favourite snacks by heart and also picks up if you guys are low on them without even looking at the cabinet.  you don’t even need to ask him to grab a snack for you because he’ll just know. probably knows when those foods are on sale before you even open your mouth to tell him. like, he’s probably already picked up three bags of those chips you really enjoyed last time and they’re waiting on the counter for you.
✧ will send you a notes app shopping list so that you don’t get jumped scared by the random appearance of shrimp chips and sour candies constantly and wonder how they got there half the time when you both haven’t even talked about being out of them.
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✧ hao keeps a collection of short, vlog-like recordings of the two of you in a private, for his eyes only folder on his phone. he watches these whenever he misses you or feels down and needs a pick me up. these videos will range from past dates, his commentary as he records you sleeping, to not even a two second moment of you laughing. you might find the angles unflattering, but he treasures each and everyone, watching them with a goofy ahah smile on his face.
✧ the others have 100% definitely, not even up for question, walked in on him in the middle of a watching session. he’ll just be sitting curled up in bed, blanket draped around him, with the lights turned off and earbuds plugged into his phone. this ends two ways. 1) the member leaves before he can notice and all is well or 2) they tease him only to end up with a pillow to the face
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✧ whenever he’s on tour or can’t see you for long periods of time, hanbin will keep a list of things that happen throughout the days he’s gone to share with you. he never wants you to feel left out of his life and wants full communication with things. he can send you all the pictures you want of his travels, but nothing beats the actual stories.
✧ he mainly keeps tabs of things he did but will include the members’ shenanigans if he thinks they’ll make you laugh. starts a new list every time he has to leave and each one is dated, the activities labeled for what day and the time gone written at the top.
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✧ a big chatterbox when it comes to you, especially when it comes to his family. phone calls, messages, will even in emails to relatives, the conversation will drift to you no matter the topic. the only criteria needed for this to happen is for someone to simply breath in his direction.
✧ matthew pivots the conversation so fast that it gives his family whiplash. they aren’t complaining though; it’s nice to see him so happy and they can tell just how much he cares about your relationship. he wants them to love you as much as he does and by telling them these fond memories, he’s sure they will.
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✧ the silly man he is, taerae will send you selfie updates throughout the day of where he is. you could probably make and sell your own bootleg, limited edition, taerae of zb1 pcs with how many you get from him. from walks to the company building to convenience store runs, he’s always sending you a picture of when he leaves to when he arrives at the destination as a way of assurance he’s safe.
✧ stores all of these in a folder labeled “for yn and yn only” and refuses to post them publicly, no matter how good you tell him some of them are. the background settings of his photos are always interesting. sometimes the members will be there, sometimes it’s while he’s in a storage closet. it’s funny until you wake up to find selfies of him at mcdonalds at 4 am with a handful of chicken nuggets shoved in his mouth.
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✧ spoils you so much. he knows that love doesn’t mean the amount of money you spend on someone but he can’t help but buy trinkets that remind him of you. the thought process is basically just: “oh. this kind of looks like yn.” and proceeds to checkout with a ditto keychain. ricky pays close attention to what type of accessories you tend to wear and prefer for this very reason. if your ears are pierced, you’ll find a new pair waiting for you on your desk that look eerily similar to his… like what? nooooo he totally didn’t go and buy subtle matching stuff pfttt nah- ok yes. please wear it; coordinate matching outfits with him.
✧ also, don’t bother asking for the prices of these things. he’ll never tell you because he knows that you’ll pay him back and he doesn’t want that. he doesn’t expect anything back and wants to make sure that you understand that he wants to do these things. you also probably won’t want to know because oof scary.
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✧ omfg he will abuse voice memo privileges to hell and back in order to let you in on dumb jokes and random thoughts. gyuvin constantly has his phone close within his reach just because of this so that he never misses the chance to blow your mind with… whatever falls from his mouth. even when in bed. the voice memos range from “i love you so much i don’t know what i’d do without you” to “did you know you are always within three meters of a spider?”. you never know if you’ll be swooning or sleeping with one eye open with these.
✧ the worst ones come at night for sure; he’ll wake up suddenly, blindly search for his phone, string together a weird ass sentence that only he’d be able to decipher, send it, then knock himself out again and sleep without remorse for his actions. he should be paying for your icloud with how much storage he clogs with those messages.
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✧ he’s classically cheesy in a way and sends you screenshotted song lyrics that describe his feelings or remind him of you. “#LiterallyUs” and it’s paper rings by taylor swift. can be unserious about it though. one time, you couldn’t hang out with him because of exams and he responded with “tell me why / ain’t nothin but a heartache”.
✧ there are times where gunwook will not only send the lyrics, but also a clip of him singing that certain part of the song. he mainly sends these versions at night from the bathroom, and you wonder how none of the others have stormed into the room and told him to shut up.
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^ . _ . ^ !? told myself to take it easy and not post again this week but um... this is a heavily edited fic from my old blog @/luvjiun that ive been meaning to repost. hehe ok junjun out >_&lt;
© taeiun 2023. all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, translate, modify, or claim any of my writing as yours.
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b1mbodoll · 8 months
okay so, back on my hanbin stuff because he is so boyf.... I am vv lazy and vv sleepy so I often think about cockwarming, especially about cockwarming hanbin. pls think with me, just sitting on his lap with his cock inside you, all drolly and sleepy resting your head on his shoulder while he works, and he is rubbing circles in your back and whispering praises in your ear that your doing so well for him and taking him so well, being such a good girl :( you fall asleep midway and wake up to him fucking you very lightly, when he notices you're awake he just goes "slept well, doll?" and starts fucking you harder and you just start seeing starts because he hits all your spots so good :'( the hanbin brain rot is real and I am suffering from it severely these past few days.
🪱💤 haha get it? sleepy worm cause I'm sleepy... ill see myself out sorry
pairings: sung hanbin x f! reader
warnings: cockwarming + somnophilia + praise + breeding + creampies + pregnancy ment + daddy kink + spit
💌: my wormie baby im so sorry for the wait but i hope u like this <33 thank u for sending this in i adore u mwah ♥︎
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hanbin knows you’re addicted to bein’ stuffed full :( he knows your dumb lil brain cant think of anything other than when he’s gna breed ur lil cunt n he thinks its so cute bc youre so obsessed with him <3 you always take everything he gives you like a good lil girl ‘nd what kind of daddy would he be if he didnt satisfy your needs 🥺 that’s why he decides to fuck you til you pass out n keeps you impaled on his cock even as you sleep, your unconscious body twitching every now and then when his cockhead prods at your cervix.
you wake up to hanbin still buried deep inside your cunt n it makes you whine 🥺 globs of cum making a mess where his dick met your hole. “binnie?” you whisper, mindlessly grinding your hips, trying to pleasure yourself by using your sleeping boyfriend.
you attempt to shake him awake before whispering harshly, “daddy, wake up! please wake up, need to feel you cum in me again, pretty please.”
hanbin stirs at your whiny voice, his heart clenching because of your pitiful tone. “‘s okay pretty baby, ‘m here, daddy’s here. i’ll fill you up again don’t worry, jus’ settle down for me, doll.” he presses a loving kiss to your nape, biting softly when he pulls away.
a content sigh escapes you as your daddy begins to quicken his thrusts, grunting in your ear as attemps to help you reach your orgasm and selfishly chases his own, cock throbbing inside of you.
“always such a good little girl for daddy, love you so much.” hanbin’s voice is laced with affection and it makes your heart melt, feeling butterflies in your tummy as you grow shy. “doin’ so well, ‘m gonna cum, princess. daddy’s gonna knock you up n keep you nice n bred, jus’ how you like it.”
his dick turns you into a dumb drooly mess, spit leaking down your chin as white hot pleasure overcomes you, eyes crossing and your cunt spasming when you cum. the vice grip your cunt has on hanbin’s length draws every drop of semen from him, white ropes spraying deep inside your hole, flooding your womb and making you mewl pathetically.
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vyutg · 2 months
loser!hanbin texts!
content ⊂⊃ loser!hanbin x female reader, reader is rude and mean, fluff i guess
️️ ️️️️️️️️️ ️️—
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© vyutg, 2024.
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cinnajun · 10 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: cuddling with zb1
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a/n: anon this is such a good request thank you also it’s so hard to describe like how people work
notes: yujin is not included due to his age!
wc | 2.1k
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big strong warm man
what i mean is jiwoong is the perfect surface to lay on
i think he’s the type of guy to enjoy cuddling but he also doesn’t like need to be cuddling you at all times during your downtime
like it’s not a need yk
and he won’t ask to cuddle (so if you want to and he’s not thinking about it you’re gonna have to ask)
but he’s the type of guy to like … yawn as an excuse to put his arm around you LOL
jiwoong’s ideal cuddling spot is on the couch while you watch tv/a movie
he appreciates it when you lay on him. you’re like his personal and unique weighted blanket
he’ll be sprawled out on the couch and you’ll be on top of him, head on his chest
he will put his arms around your waist and will intermittently poke your sides like he’s checking to make sure you’re real
if you lay there for too long he will kick you off when he feels his arms starting to go numb lol
at night, i don’t think he’s the guy to full on cuddle
i think maybe he’ll put an arm on your waist but that’s it
he doesn’t like your icicle hands jolting him awake at 3 am LOL
if he’s sick he will attach himself to you though … he will also apologize for making you sick afterwards
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus two points for always making you ask
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zhang hao
hao is a princess and he likes to sit on your lap
i won’t let anybody tell me otherwise he will actively just sit on you
doesn’t matter what you’re doing or where you are he will just sit on you
it’s kinda like the opposite of jiwoong … hao loves to lay on you except he’s (most likely) taller than you so it’s awkward
sometimes you’ll be napping and he’ll scare you awake by literally collapsing on you
he likes cuddles a lot though so that’s not all he’s doing
i said this in another set of hcs i did but i think hao likes being the little spoon
again he’s a princess
but also i think he just likes the feeling? like he feels comforted in your embrace so he wants you to just hug him all the time
he also strikes me as the type of person who gets cold easily so it warms him up too
on rare occasions, he will be the big spoon but it’s usually when you’re feeling bad and it’s making him sad
hao’s ideal cuddling spot is anywhere but he does like the bed a bit more
cuddling with him is also very quiet and relaxing
there are a lot of kisses on the cheek, forehead, pretty much everywhere
overall very soft and fun time !! it’s very intimate and cute
cuddle rating: 9/10, minus 1 point for him telling you to suck it up when your legs go numb from him sitting on you for so long
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hanbin is sooo clingy
has to have a hand on you at all times so cuddling is regular
like hao, he will cuddle up to you anywhere at any time, it doesn’t matter if you’re alone or literally all of the boys are there
he’ll sit on your lap but also enjoys it when you sit on his
big spoon, little spoon, it doesn’t matter he is LOVING IT!!!
but i think hanbin prefers cuddling on the couch most
idk if anyone else thinks this but he’s so christmas-coded in my brain, so his ideal is sitting on the couch with the fireplace on and just enjoying each other’s company
he likes laying his head in your lap a lot, especially when you’re talking about your days together
because he can see every single move and every expression you make, so he can easily gauge whether you’re talking about something negative or positive
he will switch with you when you’re done talking, so your head will be on his lap as he tells you about everything you did that day
and he’ll play with your hair while he talks it’s very sweet
hanbin is also the type of guy to cuddle with you while you’re sleeping at night
he can’t sleep without you being there :( he’ll require a stuffed animal replacement when you’re gone
if i keep talking about this i’m going to collapse
cuddle rating: 13/10, plus 3 points for the way he nuzzles up to you at any moment he can
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matthew falls asleep every time you cuddle
it’s so bad
you’ll literally just be leaning on him while you sit on the couch, you’ll look up at him, and he’ll be fast asleep
as a result cuddling with matthew can be very uncomfortable because he’s just like asleep on you
i think his favorite thing to do his like … how do i explain this … i couldn’t figure it out so here’s a link to renjun and chenle doing what i'm thinking of
it’s the easiest way for him to conk out and also not cause you to get the worst cramp of your life in your leg
in the rare moments you fall asleep on him it makes him giggle so much that he wakes you up
and then he falls asleep like 3 minutes later
thanks matthew
a lot of your matthew cuddling time comes from napping with him
i could talk about napping for hours but to keep it short it’s just very sweet
matthew is big and strong man and NOT!!! cute guy so he likes to be big spoon a lot
i mean a lot
more than being a strong man i just think matthew likes holding onto things idk
like he’d be content with a huge teddy bear but he prefers you instead … you know
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus 2 points for laughing at you when you fall asleep on him and minus 1 point for falling asleep on you right after, plus one point for being the absolute cutest
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cuddling with taerae is so casual like that’s the only way i can put it
idk it’s like … you’ll be sitting on the couch holding hands
and then he’ll put an arm around you … and then you’ll put your head on his shoulder … and then his legs are on yours … and now you’re here idk
taerae also likes to sit on your lap
except it’s in the funny way where he’ll taerae sashay over and then kinda just perch himself there
arms around your neck and arms crossed
this is his excuse to be near you in front of other people … he makes it jokey so that he can then give you a kiss on the cheek and tell you how much he loves you
i think when you cuddle with taerae seriously it’s mostly in bed
he takes big naps and drags you with him
you fall asleep and wake up in a human knot like 5 hours later
your leg is on top of his and he’s got an arm like laying over your face and you’ve got an arm over his waist
you feel kinda sweaty and gross too but taerae looks really cute so it’s okay
i also think taerae likes to cuddle when he’s not having the greatest day
he’ll just sit down with you and collapse on you, face in your neck and arms wrapped around your waist :(
i love taerae sooo much
cuddle rating: 8/10, minus 2 points for trapping you in a knot for an hour that one time because he wouldn’t wake up
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don’t hate me but i don’t think ricky is a big cuddler
it’s not that he doesn’t like it it’s just not his favorite thing in the whole entire world
his idea of cuddling is like holding your hand LOL
if you’re big into cuddling or your love language is physical touch he’s going to suck up his opinions and cuddle you it’s just gonna be a bit awkward
like he will weirdly put an arm over your shoulder while you lay on him
it’s like being in middle school all over again
he will literally google “how to cuddle” and ask gyuvin for pointers
you’d think cuddling was an olympic sport like just hug ur s/o bro
so i don’t really have much to say on that but i have A LOT to say when it comes to skinship
ricky is a hand-on-your-waist enthusiast
idk it just fits there so perfectly … it’s like his arm was meant to be around your waist
no matter where u go that’s where it is
i also think ricky gives shockingly good hugs? idk they’re kinda hot LOL
he does the thing where he’ll greet you by hugging you with specifically one arm … can you guys envision this like i can
big back hug guy … and he will put his head on top of yours
god SWOON ricky is so UGHHGGHGH
cuddle rating: 5/10 stop asking gyuvin for pointers // hug rating: 10/10 how can u make a hug so attractive bro (i need to write ricky brother’s best friend)
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lanky boys are meant to be cuddled i don’t make the rules
he’s just so easy to koala hug cause he’s so long
based on what we know about him i think gyuvin LOOVES to cuddle
specifically i think he likes to lay on your tummy
like you’ll be laying down normally and then he will come lay perpendicular to you so he can use ur tummy as a pillow
if you’re not lying down he will substitute for your chest, and he likes to convince himself he’s the reason your heart is beating that fast (it is beating at an absolutely average rate LMFAO)
his absolute favorite is when you put your head on his chest
it makes his heart flutter and gives him butterflies like he's a schoolgirl about to confess to her crush
you can literally hear his heart pounding when you do it
i think cuddle sessions between you and gyuvin are also gossip sessions
like he will unload every insane thing he’s heard recently onto you and expect you to do the same
when you’re gossiping he likes to lay face-to-face, and a lot of the time he will just put his hand on your face
or he will put his arm on your waist … or mess with your hair
you’ll be saying the most heinous shit about someone and he will be giggling bc he thinks you look pretty
and you do the same exact thing
when you sleep he encases you in an impossible-to-escape limb cage so good luck with that
cuddle rating: 10/10 get ready to hear exactly how that one guy in his math class cheated on his gf
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i know this man is the cuddle CHAMPION like you take one look at him and you can tell he gives warm hugs
he’s also like a space heater so he’s automatically the number 1 person to be around
tbh it could be like 30°f and you wouldn’t need a blanket you’d just need to attach yourself to gunwook
he loooves cuddles soooo much this guy just thinks it’s so cute
he teehees like a teenage girl every time you do
gunwook’s ideal cuddle is you being fast asleep with your face in his chest and your arms around his waist
mostly because he can take these really cheesy selfies of you asleep on him like bro stand UP
but also because he can scroll on his phone and have something to do while he acts as your personal heater
also appreciates laying on top of you which is sometimes difficult because he’s generally larger than you
i also think he would enjoy it when you sit in between his legs and he can like … wrap his arm around you and put his head on your shoulder … does that make sense
when gunwook is sleeping he treats you like the pillow he talked abt in that one clip … so his leg is on you and his chin is on your head etc
it’s cute
sometimes you can’t breathe tho
cuddle rating: 10/10 equal to gyuvin but unique in his own ways. go to the store and get yourself a gunwook
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thank you for reading !
tags: @happysmileybee @wtfhyuck
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aswaki · 2 months
april fool's joke [smt x reader x shb]
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seok matthew x reader x sung hanbin | 3.1k word count | explicit (minors dni)
“matthew brought a friend to your hookup but jokes on him since you actually liked it”
contains: fem!reader, threesome (mfm - reader centric), jealous sex (one sided - matthew), oral (m and f receiving), tit/nipple play, praise kink, fuck buddy/friends with benefits theme, smut - p in v sex, pet names ("baby", "doll", "good girl")
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it was supposed to be an april fool’s joke… nothing serious.
hanbin wasn’t supposed to be making you laugh. hanbin wasn’t supposed to be slinging his arm around the back of the couch's headrest where you sat. hanbin wasn’t supposed to be drawing circles on your knee, his finger then trailing up your exposed thigh. hanbin wasn’t supposed to be looking at you with bedroom eyes. you weren’t supposed to be looking back at him with bedroom eyes.
how the situation managed to bite matthew back in the ass, he didn’t know. he lost control of the situation the minute he brought hanbin to your hang out hookup but he would not admit he brought this demise unto himself.
matthew threw another shot back to his mouth, letting the liquid burn down his throat. he sat there watching the two of you as the sickening feeling swam around his stomach.
it was the alcohol. that's the lie he told himself. he wasn't the jealous type, especially not over someone who wasn't even his girlfriend.
it was supposed to be an april fool’s joke… seriously, it was.
it was a new month. what better way to start it than with a party?
the party had still been on high but you sat alone on the couch. most of your friends were gone already. probably giving heads and getting fucked somewhere. you don’t blame them for it. you were there for the same reason too. you were waiting for matthew to approach you but it seems like he was taking a long time to do so. irritation started to grow alongside your sexual need.
having sex was probably your favourite activity and matthew just so happened to be your favourite playmate.
you nodded along to the music and downed some shots as you waited. when matthew finally arrived, you tilted your head in wonder as you looked behind him. he had a taller friend with him. you’ve never seen him before. it was probably inevitable; you and matthew did not share the same friend circle.
they could see the curiosity in your eyes.
“this is hanbin!” matthew moved his friend forward, clapping his shoulder in the process. “i hope you don’t mind, i brought my friend along tonight,” he continued. he had this expression that made you wonder if he was thinking the same thing as you are… or maybe matthew was just always this cheeky?
hanbin bowed slightly to you and extended his hand, “hi,”
the irritation in you got its growth stunted. you were kind of shocked. this was a house party where everyone just fucks and go. no one was this polite. hot and a gentleman? where did matthew and his friends come from?
“no, i don’t mind at all,” you said in a sultry tone. you then gave hanbin a dazzling smile, one that won matthew over before. he knew they were fucked.
you stood up from the couch to receive hanbin’s extended hand. as the two of you shook hands, you liked how his skin felt on yours. you looked at him through your lashes. he gave you a dazzling smile in return.
on the side, matthew watched the two of you silently. he didn’t know what he was feeling right now but he didn’t like it.
“maybe he can join us later, mmm?” matthew nonchalantly joked, cutting in your hand holding as he purposely passed by between you and hanbin. he sat at the couch, looking at the two of you like nothing happened. hanbin huffed at his antics. you could only giggle. you’ve never seen matthew throwing something akin to a tantrum. it was almost cute.
“so, does he know?” you sat down and hanbin followed afterwards. you were talking about your little situation with matthew since he brought it up. the opportunity to fool around with hanbin was something you were eager to experience.
matthew nodded as he picked up the alcohol you had on the table while hanbin replied, “that you’re special friends?” 
it made you giggle again. matthew wondered, ‘was hanbin even that funny?’ but he buried this deep inside. hanbin’s his friend.
“yeah, i’m aware.” hanbin elaborated.
the rest of the night went smoothly. it was actually fun and pleasant if matthew could omit the images of you leaning towards hanbin, of how his friend’s hand slipping underneath your dress and caressing your inner thigh.
hanbin wasn’t really there to be your third. it was genuinely a joke, honestly, but he made that comment so calmly it appeared to be serious. he didn’t mind if it became real.
in the darkness of your room after you fucked one time, you revealed to him you’ve always wanted to try a threesome. matthew agreed on wanting to explore new things. he could make it happen for you. he trusted hanbin too. so why was he feeling this way?
it was supposed to be an april fool’s joke… but it’s becoming like it wasn’t.
it suddenly felt like he was a fool.
you went ahead of him upstairs. when he opened the bedroom you texted you were in, he saw hanbin’s fully clothed form dominating over you. your panties were pushed to the side as his fingers curled inside of you. your pussy becoming acquainted with the difference between matthew and hanbin’s fingers.
matthew could see how your eyes rolled back as his friend pleasured you. your dress was already gone. it was on the floor by your heels. something dark stirred inside matthew as he watched what was before him.
in spite of that, he couldn’t stop his cock from straining against his pants. he couldn’t deny. it was a hot sight in front of him; matthew liked seeing you lose control. it was a bonus you both were attractive people.
the two of you still hadn’t acknowledged him yet. you were lost in one another but you were aware he was there.
hanbin removed his hand from your cunt. your panties snapped back into place but it didn’t take long before hanbin dragged it down. your slick folds glistened for him. he could see your puffy clit inviting him over to lick it so he did. he lowered himself to your cunt. he inhaled your scent before he started licking your clit. your hands went down to grip his hair, desperately just to keep him in place.
“hanbin,” you whined. matthew felt his eye twitch at that… his dick did too. (both twitching for different reasons.)
hanbin then returned his fingers inside of you. your warm walls welcomed him once more. he started to finger you as his tongue flicked your clit before going all out to suck it. your back arched as the sensations washed over you.
“you taste amazing,” he mumbled to your pussy. the coil tightened within you as his fingers dragged in and out of cunt.
oh, he was good. your pretty moans that were only reserved for matthew came out of your mouth.
matthew didn’t want to play a fool.
he removed his shoes and pants before going to one side of the bed. with rare tenderness of exclusive lovers, his hand caressed your head that was hanging close to the edge.
“w- was wondering how long you were going to stand there, matty,” you panted. hanbin looked up from your pussy and chuckled as he saw matthew flushing when you called him by a nickname. the vibrations from his chuckles added to your pleasure which made your hold on his hair tighten.
matthew shrugged off his jacket— he was left in a tank top that was stretched out by his well defined chest. then, he also lowered his underwear. the cock you knew so well sprung out, covering your line of sight. your mouth watered at it. it was hard already. it stood up intimidatingly with its veins so visible.
“open up, baby,” he said from above you. you obediently followed as he traced your jawline. he lowered himself to your mouth but before you took him in, you couldn’t resist giving the underside of his cock a sweet kiss.
that was the end of all sweetness before matthew fucked you in the mouth. you slowly bobbed your head with hollow cheeks to take him in.
“just like that, baby.” matthew hissed in pleasure as your mouth worked him up. from your angle, matthew was upside down. his hair flopped along with his actions. at first, it was steady but then he went harsher.
you gagged at the rapid change of pace, tears springing up your eyes. matthew looked at you while tried to keep his dick in, “such a dirty fucking mouth.”
hanbin faltered for a moment. his fingers exiting your hole. you didn’t like the emptiness. you shook your head at him so he would continue. it was as if you were saying: you were fine. you liked it. so, hanbin took initiative to match the rhythm. he curled his fingers one last time before pumping them in and out of you. his lips sucked hungrily on your throbbing clit. 
“such a good girl. you’re doing so well for having us both.” hanbin cooed while his free hand held your thigh to keep it from closing in because of pleasure.
the praises stroked your feelings nicely. it was great to hear. you were incredibly full. you let the two men know you felt through the muffled whimpers and wet sounds leaving your aching mouth and tight pussy. you were already so sensitive. it wasn’t long before you squirted in hanbin’s mouth.
you wanted to apologize but matthew was still pounding your mouth. his hand gripped your jaw in place.
hanbin only licked his lips, assuring you he liked it, “you taste so good, doll.”
hanbin removed his pants, following matthew’s state of undress. (although, he removed his shirt along his hoodie. he wasn’t as big as matthew but he was fit.) he revealed his lengthy cock to you. pre-cum already dripping out. the only thing you could muster to think of was that it was pretty.
the tip of his cock hit your folds as if it was knocking for entrance. “i’m going in, doll, and you’re going to take it all, alright?” he slid inside of you easily. your wetness lubricated you enough.
the feel of his cock deep within you took any coherence you had left away.
“that’s it,” hanbin said softly, it was almost a purr. his voice mixed with matthew's grunts. he rocked his hips as he fucked you. hanbin’s hand ran over the bulge under your belly button. his cockhead so far inside you. you liked the feel of his skin on yours.
you whimpered into matthew’s cock as hanbin thrusted in you. no matter how much you wanted to, you couldn’t even moan out hanbin’s name because matthew was in your mouth. you adjusted to him in your mouth as you gagged far less. the tears that gathered in your eyes had fallen down your face. at this point, you did not care about the drool collecting around your chin and the tears rolling on your cheeks.
you tightened around hanbin. your orgasm came quickly which took you by surprise. feeling euphoric, your vision blurred as you came around his cock. you trembled from the intensity.
hanbin wasn’t far behind you. sweat rolled on his torso. the feeling of your walls clenching around his dick was too much for him. he groaned as your muscles and cum surrounding him pushed him over. he pulled out as he reached his climax. your name left his lips when he painted your stomach white. 
but... matthew saw red. he scoffed at both of you. he thought could do better than that so he popped out of your mouth. saliva stringed itself between your swollen lips and his cock. you relaxed your jaw and took a deep breath now that you were given the chance to. you pouted knowing you didn’t finish him off.
as his friend climbed on the bed, hanbin moved to the side. your juices were dried up on his face. while catching his own breath, he saw you pout at matthew at the sudden emptiness of your body. he thought, in this moment, that you two were a match with your attitudes. though, you were somehow subtle.
“you liked being shared, baby?” matthew growled to your ear while his hand teased choking your neck. his sweat dripped down you as he bent to your level. you whimpered his name. your body too sensitive to keep going but he did not relent.
“mmm, not me, though.” matthew straightened his back and slammed his cock inside you. your pussy instantly clenched around him. you didn't even had the strength to reciprocate but you were glad knowing he could get off through this. your longing of being full was satisfied as well.
hanbin sat back on his knees, keenly watching as matthew buried himself inside you. he felt amused seeing matthew taken over by jealousy after you were ‘marked’ by his cum. his friend was always talking about you, how sexy you were and how free and open your arrangement was with one another.
“the center of it all was sex,” matthew had claimed but hanbin might be suspecting that wasn’t the case anymore. still, he was going to have his fun time while he was here right now.
as matthew thrusted his jealousy out, your tits bounced in your lingerie. hanbin could not tear his gaze away from it. it was enchanting to watch them move. matthew was right about you being so sexy.
hanbin’s finger tickled the edge of your bra, hooking and pulling it down until your nipples peeked out. they were rock hard. hanbin couldn’t let this go to waste, especially knowing this might be the last time he would get to have you. he was going to have a taste of every inch of you.
he pulled your bra even lower, letting your tits temporarily free from its restraints. your boobs filled his hands as he squeezed it. he held onto them as it moved as you were being pounded on. however, your own hand that was feeling up matthew's bicep gripped his upper arm firmly as you could from getting a jolt from your peaks being touched. it was probably the last few energy you could muster.
your nipple slipped between hanbin’s fingers. it was practically begging for attention which hanbin happily gave. he pinched one before he lowered himself to put the other in his mouth.
“binnie,” you gushed. your back arched to push your tit further in his mouth. he really knew how to put his mouth to use. hanbin got a thrill when you whined his name.
“h- how are you still this tight?” matthew grunted, as his hands found your hips. his fingernails dug themselves slightly into your skin. your body was on fire. you knew you were getting overstimulated. still, you were never the one to decline desire.
“o- oh, yes,” you screamed, toes curling. none of you could tell if it was from the nipple sucking or the penetration you were getting.
you writhed as hanbin switched tits. his mouth suckled the other while the one that was coated with saliva got tweaked. his free hand also took the time to explore your body with feather touches. this brought you closer to your orgasm.
meanwhile, the tip of matthew’s cock reached a spot that had you mewling. “there, baby?” he asked if it hit your g-spot. you quickly nodded your head as the familiar coil in your stomach made itself known by tightening again. matthew knew your body so well.
“right there, matty. please, d- don’t stop,” you begged. matthew followed, of course. he was helpless to your charms. you sounded so sweet begging for him.
“i got you, baby.” he thrusted to a rhythm that hit your g-spot more accurately than before. it felt like you were going to erupt soon. so did matthew. he held his climax off so you could cum together.
“‘m going to cum,” you breathed out. matthew's grunts were becoming louder. you closed your eyes and focused on the overwhelming sensations your body’s going through. “oh, g- god. i’m so close.”
“then cum, doll. no one’s stopping you,” hanbin muttered into your boob, wanting you to also reach another orgasm. that was what you deserved.
with one last thrust, matthew buried himself deep inside. his cock throbbing as you clamped around him so tightly. you came around the same time, entering an exhilarated state. his fingers left indentions on your hips as he gripped them while riding out his high. you squirmed but you took it all since it was matthew. it felt good. he felt good.
matthew’s softening cock slipped out of you; you could feel the cum dripping as he did so. hanbin kissed your nipple before removing himself from your tit to see the mixed juices leaking from you. your pussy looked so nice.
he sat back at the bed’s headboard. he watched as his friend and his lover came back down from climaxing. he stroked his skin mindlessly. this night was never what he expected it to be. he discovered something new with his friend.
your entire being felt as thoroughly fucked as your core. your body was turning fuzzy with every second that passed by but you felt wonderful and satisfied. matthew rubbed the spot on your hip that was starting to bloom with a bruise. you liked knowing he did that but he still kissed it as an apology.
matthew then fell back against the pillows, sweat dripping down his face and muscles. you turned your head to his direction to admire the sight of his sleeveless top sticking to his abs and his cock glistening with a mixture of your juices.
matthew couldn’t lie. this was one of the intense experiences he's ever had. the blissful look on your face made it all worth it. he wondered if he was developing something more than being ‘fuck buddies’ with you. he was learning how to share (you, his emotions— shit, he wasn't sure but he was learning).
you knew matthew was jealous the entire time. hanbin did too. it had been fun provoking him. it was why you and hanbin went to the bedroom before he did. hanbin did go upstairs to the bathroom but you roped him in to see how true matthew's invitation was.
this time, you turned your head to hanbin, giving him a smile. you could see why matthew kept him around.
hanbin smiled at you both and suddenly— ‘would hanbin be down to do this again?’ you and matthew thought.
it was supposed to be an april fool’s joke… but the jokes do write themselves.
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a/n: happy april fool's!!!!!!!!!! the jokes do write themselves because the other day i said i'll probably write less but i posted this. thank you to anon for making me churn out this. it's not as filthy as i wanted it to be but we make do since i wanted to get this out as wrote it earlier. it's rushed ahhh i'm not sure what to make of this. it was still a fun thing to write. it's my first threesome fic. i liked the prompt sm!!! i like hanbin a lot too. hehe, anyway, happy new month, everyone. please enjoy this piece. comments, likes, and reblogs are appreciated. [also i want to note in time of publishing, i still exclusively write for matthew.]
divider credit: saradika-graphics
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zhng96 · 10 months
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↳ calling your bestfriend “babe” !
↳ pairing: ot9!zb1 x gn!reader
↳ note: THIS IS INSPIRED BY ANOTHER POST BUT I LITERALLY FORGOT THE USER AND WILL TAG WHEN I FIND IT!! UPDATE I FOUND IT!! calling your bestfriend babe by @ivrousae (lmk if u want me to delete 😭)
perm taglist (open): @tzuberry
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navi. mlist.
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cyberkunizz · 1 month
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< shen ricky smau >
⇢ there is ricky, the ‘popular boy’ half of the school wishes to be with, who honestly looks like an angel and anyone that has seen him at least once can confirm. then there is you, the ‘semi-popular’ girl, with slightly better grades than him. but what happens if your hidden feelings for him suddenly get aired out?
title from lana del rey’s ‘playing dangerous’
IN WHICH! ⇢ after admiring eachother from afar (and some drama), the popular girl and the popular boy end up together!
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⋆。‧˚ʚ GENRE highschool au, strangers to friends to lovers, fluff, a little bit of angst, social media au + occasional written parts
⋆。‧˚ʚ RICKY X READER ɞ˚‧。⋆
⋆。‧˚ʚ FEATURING: all of zb1, kep1ler’s hikaru, nmixx’s jiwoo, æspa’s karina, newjeans’ hanni and danielle, enha hyung line + ni-ki + more
⋆。‧˚ʚ STATUS! ongoing.
⋆。‧˚ʚ TAGLIST! open.
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PROFILES: 1. ⇢ vegemite munchers
PROFILES: 2. ⇢ silly billies (clinically insane)
ONE. ⇢ gng responds pls…
TWO. ⇢ i’ll start tweaking dont play
⋆。‧˚ʚ MORE TBA.
⋆。‧˚ʚ taglist: @teaxeee @khaelscafe @esther-kpopstan @lovefooi @taylorluvation @xiaoquanquans @laiberry @s4turnb1tch @haecien @1kio0o @honeywonuu @lonelyladyghost @wheatrice
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purerehua · 10 months
사랑이 간질간질!
- what if the members of jebiwon were your first kiss?
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pairing ⇆ zb1 hyung line x reader
genre ⇆ fluff ; romance ; first kisses ; bulleted scenarios
cw ⇆ slight shy and insecure reader. let me know if i missed a warning!
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. sung hanbin . . .
you two had been dating a while and hanbin was so inlove. of course he's expectedly pretty clingy, always finding ways to touch you and keep your close
holding your hand suddenly just to watch your eyes widen slightly in surprise before watching the smile grace your lips
he can't stop thinking about how kissable they look.
he first tried to initiate a kiss when you two were at his place after you offered him a day off from being a whole full time mother of eight. cuddled and cozy with legally blonde (which was his suggestion) playing on your laptop.
hanbin had gone quiet, so naturally you looked to his form beside you, and the bastard was looking at you with the most lovestruck eyes ever you could die.
you caught the moment his eyelids drooped and his irises shifted to the lower half of your face, right on your lips. he leaned in an inch, and at the same time you turned back to the movie and pretended not to notice.
don't worry! he pretended not to notice too, until it got to the point where you quite literally swerved him at every possible moment he tried to kiss you. he started getting worried about possibly making you uncomfortable or even worse, upset.
he decided to bring it up when you were out on a date. you guys were at a book store and he basically followed you around as you stacked up on books. you picked up a copy of jane eyre just as you heard hanbin drop the bomb.
as soon as you admitted to him that you didn't kiss him because you were conscious of your lack of experience, his expression softened in both endearment and relief. he was internally thanking every god out there, including lady gaga.
he immediately reassured you that it didn't matter to him, and that he just wants to be able to show his affection!!
after that you felt reassured and you guys are all sweet and kissy now 🙈
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. kim jiwoong
thinking about kim jiwoong as a boyfriend makes me swoon guys i cannot
i feel like he's the type to go in for the first kiss in your relationship pretty early on
it's the husband in him guys idk!!
you sent a text to jiwoong, expressing your oh so loneliness and how'd you die if you didn't soak up his presence in exactly twenty minutes
so he invited you over for dinner 😋
you ended up arriving earlier than expected since there was barely any traffic and so jiwoong was still cooking when you got there
he let you in before focusing back on making dinner, as you found a seat on a nearby counter across from him to watch him cook.
he put the cover on the pan, letting whatever he was preparing cook before making his way over to you. he stood in between your legs, his arms planted on either side of your thighs as he smiled at you while keeping eye contact.
he leaned in, and his eyelids shut. just as he was about to touch his lip to yours, he felt a finger place itself horizontally on his and he opened his eyes to find you seperating your lips from his with your finger.
you shyly nudged him backwards with the finger, before shyly whispering that you didn't know how to kiss.
he squeezed his eyes shut at your admission, smiling and almost giggling at how cute you were.
"it's okay, i don't mind sweetheart." you smiled at him sweetly, leaning back in with more confidence this time, letting him lead your lips into a dance with his.
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. zhang hao
i am NOT gonna lie i almost rage deleted this draft bc tumblr deleted the first part of my zhang hao section 2 times... this is my third time re-writing this section.
anyway, hao is clueless!! he will forreal kiss you without a second thought cause he's naturally affectionate like that
you were backstage, the roaring of the audience dulling your ability to hear the music coming from the surrounding speakers. you enthusiastically synced up with the fanchant, rocking back and forth to the rhythm.
you couldn't help but feel your heart squeeze in admiration of the love the fans had for the group, you were glad how much people were seeing your boyfriend's raw talent and hard work.
you think so for the other members too ofc 🤞🤞
soon it came to an end, and as the members made their way backstage you greeted each one of them politely until you finally caught the man you've been waiting on.
you guys locked eyes and he immediately broke out into a smile, jogging over to you and engulfing you in an embrace. you felt his arms squeeze around your ribs and even though you couldn't breathe you could not find it in yourself to care when you were squeezing him just as hard.
hao pulled back, keeping his fingers grazing lightly on the sides of your waist. the sides of his mouth were upturned slightly and his head tilted a little to your left. what a cutie hihihi
suddenly, you could hear the manager calling for zhang hao and he sighed in reluctance. he pulled back from you and his eyes darted between the general direction of his manager and you.
"y/n, i'll be back okay?" he hastily went back in for a quick hug, before placing a kiss square on your lips.
and before you could even say anything he ran off to do whatever his manager needed of him, and you just had to stand there in shock.
your fingers unconsciously came up to lightly press on your bottom lip, still recovering from the innocent kiss.
you found him again soon after, and ended up mentioning to him that he stole your first kiss and he was like : o woah. he does not regret anything.
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. seok matthew
matthew brave for posting those recent photos on twitter lmao that man doesnt know i'm crazy 😹😹
you mentioned something about learning to dance, so matthew being the helpful boyfriend he is offered to teach you snippets of the in bloom choreo
you felt excited, to be spending more time with matthew and to also be getting some excercise in, a win win!!
you started off with the chorus, since you already had an outline of the movements of it in your head from watching every single tiktok they posted with the song, what can you say you're a dedicated partner!!
he began to lead you, using counts to help you with the flow and memorization. every once in a while he'd pause to help you with a move you had trouble with
he was so smiley and sweet, and you couldn't help but have his high spirits rub off on you and soon you cheeks hurt from laughs and grins you shared.
you were having a particularly hard time with the highlight of the chorus, since it went pretty fast and you did not have the agility to pull it off.
but you were determined! and matthew was an ever so patient teacher and so he demonstrated as many times as you asked, but for some reason you really could not pin it down.
so he tried a different approach. he moved behind you, first telling you to relax your arms a bit. his hands came to rest on your elbows to guide your arms slowly and providing an alternative way to hit the beat on time.
but there was absolutely no chance of you focusing when you could feel his chest pressed against your back, his chin almost resting on your shoulder. he was just too close and you couldn't get it together.
you made the stupid mistake of turning your head and your lips accidentally collided with his clumsily before you winced in pain at the feeling of your teeth clashing.
he stumbled back from the collision and held his fingers up to his lips to make sure they weren't bleeding. once he confirmed he was fine, he went back to you to make sure you were fine.
you couldn't help but laugh at how sincere and worried he looked, and by that matthew realized you were fine and began to join in on your laughter.
"sooo... want a do over?"
𖥔 ࣪ ᥫ᭡ꗃ⋆࣪. kim taerae
he's so edible i'll eat him
taerae had texted you stating that he wanted to take you on a picnic date and you of course agreed on one condition and one only.
you wanted him to bring his guitar, hehe.
and he complied! he lives to please you after all.
so here you two were, sitting on small cushions atop a red checkered blanket with a basket of sweets and snacks for your choosing.
the weather was hitting just right and the wind was blowing just enough to keep shift taerae's bangs to the side ever so often, something that for some reason you found so cute.
you two were leaning against each other, back to back as he strummed his guitar mindlessly humming a song and you simply wrapped your arms around your knees taking in the serenity of the moment.
he stopped strumming, and you could hear the strings sing as he set the guitar down suddenly.
you leaned off his back, turning your body to peek at him curiously. you gave him a tap on his cheek where his dimple was.
he in turn also moved to face you, catching the hand you had on his cheek in his and turning it over to kiss the knuckles.
all you could do was stare, because you certainly couldn't speak when the butterflies in your belly made you want to puke.
you ended up blurting out a mumbled "can i kiss you?" and your free hand flew to your mouth at your own brazenness.
you fumbled over your words to get an apology out, but amidst it all taerae let out an amused huff at your stuttering, and immediately you rolled your eyes.
you could already feel the teasing about to start and before you could complain, taerae spoke.
"yes, please do."
mwa mwa happy ending
a/n: this took me a week to finish and i only finished it bc of outside motivation ‼️ maknae version coming eventually idk when
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misflwr · 10 months
boyfriend texts — sung hanbin
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