#sue me
averokagejd · 2 days
happy gay month bc yall gay n stuff /ref
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galaxyspeaking · 13 days
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Forgot something
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disgustinggf · 9 months
i love boobs i love tits and i love breasts
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sabellart · 4 months
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more jedi maul bc i rewatched phantom menace and it made me emotional
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dottanic · 4 months
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Idk man
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lover-of-mine · 2 months
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triona-tribblescore · 8 months
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Reading can just be a little hard sometimes
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cyath · 5 months
Never drawing this bitch ass or his complicated clothes EVER AGAIN
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On the hunt-
-made of dreams and nightmares,
the dreadwolf
Ink and colored pencil on paper
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coldtortelloni · 28 days
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i'm so on my bullshit rn. need this woman
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c-hrona · 1 year
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Me drawing Mashwood material in bisexual lighting??
Is more likely than you think, more under the cut!
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steddiealltheway · 10 months
Eddie is a touchy person, and Steve knows it. Hell, he likes it because he's a touchy person, too. But when your friends are literal children, these forms of touch come out as ruffling their hair to annoy them or pats on the back. And Robin, she's great, but not too big on physical touch, especially from guys. Which is understandable really.
But Eddie... well, Steve's allowed to do whatever he wants with him. He gets to hug him, rest a hand on his back, and, shit, sometimes he even gets to hold his hand whenever they do a movie night. And yes, if there's hand-holding, there's also cuddling.
But they're both touch-starved so it doesn't really mean anything... right?
He's mainly wondering this because of their current position - cuddling on the couch face to face. Steve's hand is on Eddie's face, tracing over his cheekbones, his nose, his eyebrows, his jaw... his lips. Honestly, he feels like he's trying to memorize his face by touch, feeling out which areas are soft and which are rough with stubble.
He's never been allowed to explore this before, but Eddie lets him. Plus, he's pretty much a pile of goo under his touch - smile soft, eyes closed, and all around relaxed.
Then, Eddie's hand comes up to run through Steve's hair, and Steve closes his eyes against the touch. God, he loves when Eddie plays with his hair.
He knows that Eddie likes the same thing, but he doesn't like Steve's hand running through his curls because sometimes his fingers get caught and accidentally pull. So, Steve's hand comes up to his scalp, gently massaging and scratching the way Eddie likes.
A movie drones on behind them. Steve's not really sure when he turned completely around to face Eddie, but he doesn't mind. Sometimes this happens. Sometimes Eddie pulls him close and doesn't let him turn, telling him to focus on the movie while he runs a hand up and down his arm.
Steve really can't complain.
He leans his head forward, pressing his forehead against Eddie's, focusing on the way their breath mix together, warm and damp. Steve likes the way it ghosts over his lips.
Eddie shifts in front of him, head coming up slightly so his nose brushes against his as his breath becomes much heavier on Steve's lips. The hand in Steve's hair tugs slightly, pulling his head back so Steve's lips get that tingling sensation alerting him that there's something almost within touch that he could press against with just the slightest movement.
Steve opens his eyes, noticing how close Eddie is, eyes searching Steve's as if asking something that he can't read. But the breath between them changes, becoming more rushed - nervous.
Then, Eddie shifts again, letting their lips lightly brush in a way that could be registered as an accident. But Steve finally gets it when Eddie's eyes search his as he pulls back again.
And shit, yeah, he wants to kiss him too.
So, he shifts his left hand, bringing it out of Eddie's hair, letting it rest against the back of his neck, ready to pull him in.
"Okay, movie night is over!" Dustin yells.
Steve startles back, only being saved when Eddie's hand grabs him by the waist and pulls him in.
He reluctantly turns, noticing everyone's eyes on him - or rather, him and Eddie.
"We can handle the weird PDA, but we draw the line at making out in front of us. Jesus, you two are such a clingy couple," Dustin says, rolling his eyes.
Steve's heart thuds in his chest. "Couple?" he asks.
He feels Eddie tense against him at the question.
"Yeah, we know you've been dating for weeks now. Don't act so surprised," Max says, arms crossed next to El who mirrors the same position.
"Weeks?" Steve asks, feeling weird about the whole thing since he's literally spooned against Eddie.
"It was kind of obvious when you first started holding hands," Will pipes in.
"Plus, everyone knew about Eddie's crush on you, so it wasn't hard to put the pieces together," Mike says.
Eddie shifts behind him, sitting up in the small space, putting distance between them. Steve turns to lie on his back, glancing at him as Eddie puts his head in his hands. "We're not dating," Eddie grumbles.
Why does the truth hurt so much?
"Really?" Lucas asks. "Because we wouldn't be against it if you were. At all."
Steve stares at Eddie whose hands flex in his hair. "Really," Steve says. He clears his throat and looks at the kids. "Why don't we finish the movie tomorrow? You all rode on your bikes here, right?"
All the kids nod, looking at each other in a mixture of disbelief and guilt. "We should go," El states. "We will see you tomorrow."
With that, all the kids rush out of the house without another word, giving the two all the space they need.
"I'm sorry," Eddie says, voice quivering a bit. "I-I should've told you. Shit, I didn't think it would get this far, and I didn't, like, try to feel you up or anything. And I got carried away earlier and forgot this is different for you than it is for me. Christ, I am so sorry, Steve."
Steve sits up and runs a hand over Eddie's back, glad that the movement has Eddie looking up at him, scared, with tears in his eye. Steve lays back and opens his arms wide. "Come here," he says.
Eddie stares at him, not moving.
Steve sighs. "This is always what we do when you're upset and that's not changing, so come here."
Eddie's tongue rests against the top of his lip for a moment before he moves to lay slightly on top of him, head resting in the crook of Steve's neck.
Steve lets his hand travel up and down his back, slightly gliding into his hair as it comes up. He thinks.
When they were first friends, Steve would mostly go for casual touches - a pat on the back, a shoulder squeeze, sometimes throwing a hug in there when he really missed him. Somewhere along the way, it became impossible to not be near him. And Steve had never felt so drawn to someone before.
He had brushed it off for a while, blaming it on him being touch starved - which he was. But usually, he resolved those feelings by having meaningless sex with some girl. Which he hasn't had since he and Eddie started becoming practically glued at the hip. God, he hasn't had any urge to even flirt with anyone really. It's like Eddie has filled all his relationship needs without Steve noticing.
Except for the kissing part. Which, now he's noticed the need for that, he can't stop thinking about it.
Shit, he really wanted to kiss him - still wants to kiss him.
Why isn't he kissing him?
Rather, why isn't he dating him?
He turns toward the mess of curly and swipes them back, trying to look at Eddie, but his face is still buried in his neck.
"Eddie," Steve says. Eddie hums against him, not lifting his head. Steve smiles. "Lift your head up a bit."
Eddie slowly shifts and rests his head in the corner of the couch away from Steve.
Steve snorts. "Lift your head up, not to the side, Eds."
Eddie reluctantly lifts his head up, looking down at Steve.
Shit, he's gorgeous. How did he not notice this before when he was literally memorizing his face? ...oh, maybe that's why he was doing that.
Steve lifts his hand up and swipes Eddie's hair to the right before cupping his face. "What if I told you that I wanted to date you?" Steve asks.
Eddie's eyes widen then shut as he shakes his head. "Don't pity me, Harrington."
"Eddie," Steve says sternly. "What if I wanted to date you?"
Eddie's eyes open and stare down at him. "Steve, you don't mean that."
Steve brings both his hands up to cup his face. "Stop arguing with me. I want to date you, and I want to kiss you, and take you on proper dates, and tell the kids how crazy I am about you to the point that they start complaining about it. Eddie, I'm sorry that it took me so long to realize, but I like you. Shit, I think we've been dating for weeks now without either of us realizing it. So, can you stop arguing with me so we can finally make this official?"
Eddie stares at him, letting his eyes flick back and forth between Steve's as if trying to figure out if he's lying. "You want to date me?" he asks.
Steve groans. "Yes, Eddie."
"Actually?" Eddie asks.
Steve carefully guides his head down to rest against his forehead. "Yes, Eddie."
"You're sure?"
Steve's hand presses into the back of his neck, so his lips brush against Eddie's. "Yes, Eddie."
Eddie sighs in relief. "Can I kiss you now?"
"Yes, Eddie."
They both move at the same time, finally relieving that tingling sensation as their lips push together.
Steve only wonders how he didn't realize he needed this sooner.
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mintmatcha · 3 months
cw: baby, cisfem reader who recently gave birth
He has your eyes, you think. It's hard to tell. The baby is still in its squished phase, curled in on himself and grasping at whatever comes close. Closer to grub than human, you think. His cheeks are still ruddy from crying, but his glassy eyes have finally started to close and he sinks into sleep in your arms. With all of the care you can muster, you take the baby and ease him into the crib, praying that he doesn't wake again.
When he stays silent, you ease back away from the crib and back carefully out of the door. You close the door carefully and sigh as you relish the first moment alone you've had all day-- and then you burst into tears yourself.
"What's wrong?"
Ushijima stands at the top of the stairs, shedding his jacket where he stands. You're almost embarrassed for him to see you like this, disheveled and frankly dirty, your maternity bra undone. He's been your husband for years now, he's seen worse, but this feels worse. His brow is knotted with worry, eyes stone strong as ever as he watches you sniffle. When he steps in, arms outstretched, you step aside, giving way for him to see his baby. Instead, your husband comes to you. Wide hands cup your shoulders, thumbs rubbing up and down a bit too roughly to be comforting.
"Are you alright?"
You nod, lip quivering as you bite back your tears. He inspects you closely, brow raised.
"Are you lying?"
You nod again before bursting into sobs again. It's an ugly cry, all snot and coughs, but your husband doesn't pull away. Instead, he tugs you closer, tight into his chest.
"Tell me." Wakatoshi urges as gently as he can. At first, all you can be is blubber, every exhausted emotion coming to the surface at once. You're tired, you're thirsty, you're seventy other emotions that you can't pin down, but the one that comes out of your mouth first is:
"I'm a bad mom."
"Don't say that," he's quick to say.
"I am." His shirt is wet with tears, but you can't stop. "I'm so tired and thirsty and my boob really hurts and I'm not making enough milk- and, and--"
"I was supposed to love him, Toshi, and I just don't."
Ushijima chuckles, softly enough that you can't hear it, but you can feel how his chest shakes.
"It's not funny!"
"You do love him."
Of course you do. You wanted him more than anything in the world. Years of patience and love brought you this baby, and you wouldn't trade that for the world-
But it's just not what you had expected.
"Not the way I'm supposed to!" You pull back just enough to meet his eye. His brown hair is still mussed with sweat from his game. "It was supposed to be instant and special and perfect, but--"
You swallow down your rising panic and glance back at the door.
"I'm not connecting with him," you admit. You love your son, but he's just a baby. All he does is sleep, eat, and cry. There's no special spark about him, nothing that would make you lift a car or die in his honor. It's hard to feel anything when you're so exhausted.
"I think I'm broken."
Ushijima processes this for a long while, the rub of his thumbs much slower now.
"It's not the same," he says quietly. "But, I've never easily connected with anyone, not even you."
It's true. Ushijima is a good man, but he struggles socially to this day. He turns down outings that he isn't interested in, misses social ques and norms, and can be rude without meaning to.
And yet, people still manage to grow warm to him. Hell, you fell in love with the man after months of despising him.
"That does make me feel better."
"Give it time." He pats your back. "I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow."
"I don't need a doctor, I just need time."
He reaches down and grazss over the bare skin if your tit; you had forgotten it was out. "Your breast is hot to the touch. I can feel it through my shirt."
You pull back and feel for yourself. It is uncomfortably warm; you'd been so distressed that you hadn't noticed. That explains the pain.
"We can't. The baby's too little to bring to the doctor's-- there's too many germs, he'll get sick."
"Tendou will babysit," he replies, like it's simple.
"He lives hours away."
Ushijima's already pulling out his phone. "He will come. Go rest and eat- I'll handle everything tonight."
Coming from him, everything sounds so easy. You're frazzled over the fact you reached such a boiling point; does anyone else struggle like this? Or is it just you?
"Are you sure I'm not a bad mom?" You ask again.
He looks back at you and nods, a smile tight on his lips. "Of course I am."
You believe him.
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rafescurtainbangz · 2 months
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Whatever this face is makes me fucking feral
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trashiiplant · 4 months
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rain world if it was good
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bkgpackets · 3 months
thinking about prince bakugou returning from war in a faraway land: some of the fabrics he’s adorned are ripped and covered in grime, his sword is splattered with the bloodshed of enemies— evidence that he’s slain demigods and the Divine for the sake of his people, and of course, you— but when he steps off the boat and onto the ground of his kingdom after two months of travelling on foreign land, his eyes latch onto yours with no hesitation and he will push away everyone who’s blocking his path to you, his eyes— oh his eyes, they’re intense, they’re crimson and they match well with the dried blood marks that are scattered on his cheeks— little symbols of victory; he’ll catch up to you in a matter of seconds, pushing past hooraying crowds as if they’re but a hill of fruit ants, and you, you’ll be covered in the softest of silks and the purest of golds, because bakugou likes to treat what he adores; you’ll watch with a fond smile as your husband returns to you once more, with a fulfilled promise on his lips, he shall kneel on the dirt ground for his queen, and kiss your knuckles ‘i’ve returned’
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