#submitted nov 14
incognitopolls · 4 months
RPF: Real Person Fiction, or fanfiction about actual people.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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whumpuary · 7 months
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Whumpuary 2024 - Prompt Submissions
Two months until Whumpuary 2024! It's time to submit your prompt ideas :D
In this form you can submit prompts you'd like to see/create for in Whumpuary 2024. You can write in just one or however many you want, as vague, generic or specific as you want. (Only one prompt per space). No longer than a few words please (e.g shot, came back from the dead, natural disaster, stranded, "you shouldn't have done that", ...). Feel free to submit more than one form if you have more ideas :)
This form will be open until Nov. 14, and then there will be another one the next day to vote for your favorites.
My inbox is open for any questions!
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nariism · 7 months
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links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
thank you everyone for participating <3
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hiii all my lovelies💗 i'd like to give a huge huge huge thank you for 1k followers and friends (!!!), 4.5 months of endless support, and the chance to be a part of such an amazing community of people :')
i've always been on and off with writing because of my self-doubts but i've come to absolutely love writing as a hobby and remember why i enjoyed it so much in the first place back when i was a dweeby 13 year old kid 🫶
i would love to do a small appreciation writing event for anyone who would like to participate. it's open for everyone so don't feel nervous to send an ask! see below the cut for more info.
if you're just stopping by, then i'd like to tell you thank you for everything!! 💐
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info — you choose 1-3 prompts/tropes + a character and i'll write a drabble/one-shot! requests can be sent to my inbox like this (preferably off anon so i can let you know when it's up!)
prompt number: fandom/character: additional info: (ex. tropes you want, angst, fluff, platonic, etc. anything you'd like to add that you want to see!)
i will be closing requests for this event on 13 Nov EDT
the same rules apply as my regular writing rules. please see those before you send a request!
note. all writings will be x gn!reader. i have free creative liberty for anything i write and i may not get around to all of the requests if i can't think of anything for the combination submitted. i am also busy with life stuff so it might take me a bit to finish things. remember, this is all for fun!
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blue lock: itoshi sae, itoshi rin, isagi yoichi
genshin impact: open for any characters!
haikyuu: miya atsumu, miya osamu, kita shinsuke, ushijima wakatoshi
other: hayakawa aki, gojo satoru, geto suguru, loid forger (💐)
++ i would consider characters not listed here that you want to see!
1. friends to lovers / childhood friends to lovers
2. forced proximity
3. fake relationship / marriage of convenience
4. soulmates (any rendition)
5. coffee shop
6. roommates
7. accidental confession / accidental kiss
8. handcuffed together
9. hurt & comfort
10. enemies / rivals to lovers
11. mutual pining
12. oblivious pining
13. one bed
14. drunk confession
15. second chance
16. unrequited love
17. matchmaking / matchmaking gone wrong
18. domestic
19. "do we like... hold hands now?"
20. "please, come home."
21. "i could kiss you right now!"
22. "oh no, the power went out, however will we stay warm?!" (/s)
23. "we fell asleep by accident and woke up as a mess of tangled limbs."
24. "i'm done waiting."
25. "i've always needed you!"
26. "you look so beautiful in the moonlight."
27. "i think i'm in love with you."
28. "don't look at me that way."
29. "do you want my jacket?"
30. "wait, don't pull away... not yet."
31. "i can't sleep."
32. "i can't believe it took you this long to admit you like being the little spoon."
33. "your necklace fell off... let me put it back on for you."
34. "i could stay up all night talking to you."
35. "say it again. please."
36. "we're fighting. i'll take the couch tonight." ➡️ (bonus) "we were fighting???"
++ feel free to add any you want! these are just some examples
i'm so thankful to each and every one of you. i hope you enjoy! <3
links ➠ event masterlist ✧ rules ✧ send a request!
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
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turkweek · 7 months
FFVII Turk Week 2023
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Turks. The Investigation Sector of the General Affairs Department. The Department of Administrative Research. Whatever you call them, they know who you are, and what you’re doing there. You don’t want to be on their bad side, and unless they’re working for you, you don’t want them following you, not that you’d notice them unless they wanted you to. They’re an interesting bunch, full of secrets, their own and others. Below we have the list of prompts. Feel free to be as creative with those as you want to, and take your time working on your entries, but please don’t forget to post them on the right date if you can. (But remember, late is better than never!) Don’t like the prompts, or need MOAR PROMPTS? Make up your own! Or pull from a previous year! The 2022 post here also has links to the previous years as well.
This year our prompts are special thanks to case-of-traxits. Thanks so much for submitting, and for sharing the Turk love. <3
Nov 10 - Day 1. Unauthorized Disclosure / Compromise / "It's strange what desire will make foolish people do."
Nov 11 - Day 2. Intelligence / Secrets / "Why do you smile like you've been told a secret?"
Nov 12 - Day 3. Dead drop / Exchange / "Refuse is our inspiration; terrorism is our trade."
Nov 13 - Day 4. Evasion & Escape / Runaway / "Run me down and race away from me."
Nov 14 - Day 5. Human Source / Confidential Informant / "You've got such a fetching smile, but my what sharp teeth."
Nov 15 - Day 6. Multi-Level Security / Safeguarding / "Dirty my hands, steady my feet; send out the message."
Nov 16 - Day 7. Surveillance / Security / "Staring down the barrel of a .45"
Bonus prompts for switching out or mixing in:  Cipher / Puzzle / Classified / Deception / Handbook / Electronic Warfare / Downtime / Bar / Sparring / Alcohol and/or Cigarettes / Self-Medication.
Please remember to include the week’s tag (ffviiturkweek) within the first 5 tags or else we might be unable to find your work! We will NOT accept/reblog anything containing Character/Ship Hate, so avoid including those in your entries. Also don’t repost anyone else’s work as your own! You are welcome to reblog other’s posts, but credit where credit is due. You can submit your works on AO3 to the event collection at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/TurkWeek And if you have any questions, don’t be afraid of sending an ask, or messaging the mod (link in the blog menu sidebar). We hope it turns out to be a fun event for everyone!
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jndzine · 1 month
Info Masterpost!
Email: jndzine (at) gmail
April 27 - Mod applications open
May 4 - Mod apps close @ 11:59PM EST
May 11 - Contributor applications open
May 25 - Contributor apps close @ 11:59PM EST
June 8 - Acceptance emails sent out
June 22 - All artists confirmed
July 20 - 1st draft due
Aug 17 - 2nd draft due
Sept 14 - Final draft due
Oct 19 - Contributor pre-order
Nov 9 - Public pre-order! Happy anniversary!
Nov 23 - Pre-orders closed
Delivery by Feb 2025
Leftover sales & donation after initial deliveries
Head mod: @adhdavinci
Organizers: @sarandipitywrites maxialstar
Graphics: @aave @latenightowl
Finance: @nefres
Formatting: @silent-but-here
General FAQ
Is the zine for profit or charity?
Charity! All proceeds will be donated to The River Otter Ecology Project.
What is the rating/content?
This is a safe-for-work, art-only zine featuring anything from the Jak and Daxter series. No other forms of media can be accepted this time around, sorry!
Are there mod positions available?
Yes! Applications will be live from April 27 thru May 8.
Is global shipping available?
Yes. Options will be released during the preorder phase.
What are the zine dimensions?
5.5in x 8.5in
Will there be a merch bundle?
Yes, there are plans for merch. We might hold apps for merch artists as well; stay tuned!
Application link (closes May 4)
Do you need previous experience as a zine mod?
No - any relevant experience will improve your application. Previous modding is just a bonus!
Is there an age limit?
Yes, all mods must be over 18.
What positions are available?
Organizers: run the Discord and help contributors meet deadlines 
Graphics: make graphics for social posts and zine page decor
Marketing: draft and post on socials according to schedule
Formatting: put the actual zine pages together for distribution
Financials: assist Head Mod in budgeting and researching shipping options
Contributor FAQ
Applications open May 11
First time contributor here - what do I need to submit to apply?
Please submit a portfolio that shows off your art. This can be a social media or a website, though for socials please submit a dedicated art tag!
Can I use an old piece for the zine?
Please draw something specifically for the zine and refrain from posting it anywhere until the zine's completion!
How many contributors will be accepted? How many pieces per contributor?
Determined based on number of submissions! The zine will likely be capped around 50 pages due to physical and financial constraints.
What is the contributor compensation (including merch)?
Contributors get free physical and digital copies of the zine, shipping included. Merch will be determined based on the success of the zine.
Is traditional art allowed?
Yes, it must be scanned in high quality (at least 300 dpi).
Is there an age limit?
No, just make sure you can meet the deadlines!
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tss-anxceit-week · 8 months
The time has come...
...for spooky season, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, orange leaves and windy storms. And, lest we not forget:
The arrival of the prompts for Anxceit Week 2023!
Thank you all for your wonderful submissions; I hope these pairs of prompts will help inspire you.* 💜💛
Day 1 (Nov. 12): Close & Distant
Day 2 (Nov. 13): Eyes & Apples
Day 3 (Nov. 14): Trust & Betrayal
Day 4 (Nov. 15): Free Day!**
Day 5 (Nov. 16): Home & History
Day 6 (Nov. 17): Kiss & Make Up
Day 7 (Nov. 18): Lies & Promises
*Like I mentioned above, these prompts are first and foremost meant as tools to spark your inspiration. You are free to interpret the prompts however you like, choose either one or both, incorporate them in any degree you wish.
**As the name suggests, you are free to choose whatever prompt you like on Day 4! Go wild! Need ideas? Perhaps some of these honorable mentions from the submissions can inspire you: Lantern, Denial, Web, Photoshoot, Past/Future, Shedding, Nightfall, Sewing, Capes.
As for some final announcements, please keep the rules below in mind:
Tag this blog (@tss-anxceit-week) and/or include #anxceitweek2023 in your post when you submit something. That will help me make sure I reblog all the Anxceit content being made for this week.
Artwork of any kind is welcome! Art, writing, playlists, crafts, animation, poetry - you name it, we'd love to see it!
This is a SFW event. Please be aware that NSFW content will not be reblogged here to keep this space available to as many as possible.
As long as Anxceit is the main focus, you are allowed to include polyships featuring Janus and Virgil as well. And further on that note, the ship can be celebrated in any nature: platonic, familial, romantic, etc.
Don't feel obligated to partake in every single day. Whenever you are able/willing/inspired you are free to join, but take care to not overwork yourself.
And most importantly of all: have fun! I am so thrilled to see what you all will come up with and it's an honor to organize this event for the community here. Feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or comments!
See you sssssssoon...
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animangasecretsanta · 2 years
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Welcome to Animanga Secret Santa Exchange 2022!
Hello! We’re excited to be back to host a 3rd year of general Animanga Secret Santa! Sign ups are now open! If you’re unfamiliar with this event, read more here.
Be any creator (graphic/gifs, manga colorist, fic writer, artist, editor, etc).
Open your ask box.
Enable anonymous messages.
Enable DM from people who aren’t following you.
Reblog this post to spread the word.
Read all the rules. (Returning participants, we revised again!)
Submit an application. Please submit via desktop because mobile app doesn't allow you to see what we ask for in the form.
⍋ 。❅*⋆ HOW IT WORKS:
Once you have been assigned a name (Nov 11 - Nov 13), creation period begins (Nov 14 - Dec 23). Please take this time to get to know your assigned person by sending and answering anonymous asks at least once a week. The goal is to get to know your person better so you can make them the ideal gift during this creation period and maybe make a new friend!
⍋ 。❅*⋆ GIFT & RECEIVE:
Post your gift and wait to receive yours between December 24th - December 26th,  give or take a day due to timezones. Be sure to mention @ your giftee and tag #animangasecretsanta in your post so we can reblog your gift!
As a fun bonus this year, we're also partnering with @animangacreators to let AMC members who participate earn an exclusive challenge badge upon completion! Please see their blog for details on how to be a member. This extra bonus doesn't include fic writers (check AMC FAQ) Note: Being an AMC member is NOT a requirement to join our Secret Santa.
Our inbox is always open if you have any kind of questions, suggestions, etc! Please also follow or check out our blog for updates.
We are open to all creators, new and returning participants, so feel free to join us!
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bergdg · 6 months
Analyzing Invention: Some Data for the Inventor's Fair 2023
As a way of introduction, the Inventor's Fair is a Magic: the Gathering card design contest blog here on Tumblr. Each week, a contest is announced and members of the community submit designs throughout the week meeting the design specifications. At the end of the week, a few winners and runner-ups are selected, with commentary given by a series of judges. It's a fun exercise in creativity, one that I have participated since November 2022.
This past week, I decided to go back and compile some data about the blog, from January 1st, 2023 to Dec 2nd, 2023. I got some general data and then did a dive into data on the winners and runners-up. I would have loved to look at data for all of the entrants (on average, 23 each contest), but that was just a little too much for the time I have.
If this all sounds interesting to you, continue reading past the line.
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To start, let's look at that general data:
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Image: Line graph showing the weekly totals for entrants and a rolling 3-week average.
To start off, there have been 48 contests thus far during the year, with 4 more potentially planned (yes, Dec 31st would be the posting date for one of the contests, so it is technically a 2023 contest).
In the above graph, I included a 3-week rolling average as a trendline: basically the average shown for a week is the average of that week with the two weeks preceding).
The highest participation happened from February to mid-May, which corresponds to the Spring Semester in the US school system (my area of experience).
The contest with the greatest number of entrants: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work, which started on April 16 and had 36 entrants.
The contest with the lowest number of entrants: Re:Vision, which was the most recent contest and had only 8 entrants.
Now let's dive into some of the stats around the winners and runners-up:
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Image: Bar graph showing the entry counts for winners and runners-up.
There have been 50 unique entrants who have been either a winner or a runner-up so far this year. Many entrants have been part of the contests since the beginning of the year. The most recent entrant to have their first win/runner-up was @aethernalstars, in the Nov 12th contest Lost Caverns of Ixalan's Lost Vault.
The entrants with the highest numbers of wins/runners-up so far:
@spooky-bard: 22 total, with 16 wins
@izzet-always-r-versus-u: 16 total, with 10 wins
@nine-effing-hells: 15 total, with 7 wins
@hypexion: 14 total, with 5 wins
(tie) @deg99 and @bread-into-toast: 13 total, with 8 and 7 wins
Congrats to these entrants for some spectacular submissions!
So what makes a winning entry? Mostly the awesome creativity of the entrants, but here are some stats about the cards themselves that I found interesting.
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Image: Bar graph showing the card types of cards that were submitted and were selected as a winner or runner-up
By far the most popular card type was creature (and this includes Artifact Creature and Enchantment Creature submissions). Granted, there were several contests asking for creatures, like Rebels and Dragons. But it is such an overwhelming favorite that I just had to call it out.
As a note on other, I lumped things like planes and phenomenon into a single group, just to keep things simple (since there weren't that many)
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the colors that were part of the color identity of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, there has not been any contests for making cards in a specific color. However, red is a clear favorite among entrants. This is a mix of mono-red and multi-color including red cards. Black, white and blue are all closely tied for the 2nd most popular card, with green being fifth amongst the colors. I included colorless, but that being a low count is to be expected as I looked at color identity instead of cost, so many land submissions were pulled into one of the color categories.
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Image: Table of the mana value of cards submitted submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Here, we see that the most common mana value of cards was 3 - 84 cards total! 4 (with 60) and 2 (with 41) came in 2nd and 3rd.
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Image: Pie (donut) chart showing the rarities of cards submitted and selected as a winner or runner-up
Entrants seem to really like submitting Rares (114 total) and Uncommons (92 total), as they made up almost 75% of all entries. The number for commons will get a small bump from a recent contest that is currently being judged: One for the Money, but nowhere near enough to dethrone the other two.
SO, if you were to submit a card, it seems like the best chance for a winning submission is a red/partially red creature that is rare/uncommon and has a mana value of 3/4. Looks like a Santa Clause card is up for the next few weeks ;)
Anyways, I hope you've enjoyed this nerdy dive into some of the data behind the @inventors-fair of 2023. Looking forward to what y'all come up with in the next few weeks!
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jilyawards · 8 months
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Welcome back for another year of Jily awards! 
I’m very excited to see the fics and art you have been enjoying this year. Like last year, I’ll be running Jily Awards on Airtable.
Nominations: Nov 1 through Nov 21
Nominations will be released beginning on Nov 14, and on a rolling basis after that.
Week 1 voting: Dec 1-7
Week 2 voting: Dec 10-17
Finalists and the final round of voting will be announced after Round 2 is completed. 
All works must have been posted in some amount between November 1, 2022 and November 1, 2023. This can be a chapter or an entire fic. Each category has specific requirements, so keep an eye out for those posts to come!
All votes must be confirmed by Tumblr message in order to be counted. This means you must have a Tumblr in order to vote. Votes were lost last year because people failed to confirm votes. Please check the Week 1 Voting post for more info when it is released. 
Any opt outs from last year do not carry over. If you would like to exclude your works from consideration for Jily Awards 2023, you must send me a message. You will receive a response to confirm you were removed. You must opt out before the Nominations are released, or you will not be permitted to exclude yourself. 
At this time, there are no limitations on the type or trope of fic that can be submitted. If you have concerns about this, please send me a message so that we can discuss your concerns further. Asks will not be responded to on this subject. 
There are a few changes to the categories this year. More information on each category will be released soon, but the categories are as follows: 
Favorite Canon Complaint, Favorite Magical AU, Favorite Muggle AU, Favorite Fluff, Favorite Humor/Crack, Favorite Angst, Favorite Smut, Favorite Microfic, Favorite James Characterization, Favorite Lily Characterization, Favorite Fic of the Year, Favorite Reviewer, Favorite New Author, Favorite Artist, Favorite Author
Looking to make some nominations? Find out more information here.
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canon-asexual-poll · 7 months
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Here is our bracket! Polls will be live tomorrow, Nov 14 at 10AM and will last for one week. Propaganda will be reblogged on this blog, but please put it on the poll posts or the character interest posts. Don’t submit propaganda through asks.
All round 1 matches will be linked below the cut after they go live
Caduceus Clay (Critical Roll) vs Diane (Lumberjanes)
SpongeBob SquarePants (SpongeBob SquarePants) vs Jughead Jones (Archie 2015)
Ca$h Piggott (Heartbreak High) vs Isaac Rydle (Val & Isaac)
Gwenpool (Marvel) vs Mousefur (Warrior Cats)
Todd Chavez (Bojack Horseman) vs The Professor (Gilligan’s Island)
Kale Romero (Monster Prom) vs Sakuko (Koisenu Futari)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) vs Lore Woodwind (Val & Isaac)
Dr. Grissom (ARS Paradoxica) vs Coach (Monster Prom)
Lilith Clawthorne (The Owl House) vs Argent Adept (Sentinels of the Multiverse)
Maya (Borderlands) vs Luffy (One Piece)
Green Arrow (DC) vs Count Orlo (The Great)
Peridot (Steven Universe) vs Jody Marsh (Zombies, Run!)
Perry the Platypus (Phineas & Ferb) vs Alex (AJ & Magnus)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) vs Fitzroy Maplecourt (The Adventure Zone)
Isaac Henderson (Heartstopper) vs Nellie (Rain)
Mordecai Heller (Lackadaisy) vs Takahashi (Koisenu Futari)
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incognitopolls · 4 months
For example, switching from the accent of your current location to the accent your parents have/that you grew up around.
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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girlactionfigure · 7 months
ISRAEL REALTIME - evening Nov 6
▪️SIGNIFICANT ROCKET BARRAGE from LEBANON… Kiryot (north Haifa), Acco, Acre, Nahariya and surrounds.  The Al Mayadin channel claims that 15 rockets were launched towards the northern Israel from southern Lebanon earlier source says 14 were launched 15 minutes earlier - that’s 29 total.  Another source says “by Hamas in Lebanon” - but nothing happens in southern Lebanon without Hezbollah approval.
▪️HEZBOLLAH THREATENS U.S. NAVY SHIPS… Hezbollah publishes video showing ship-killer missiles, threatening the US carrier battle group nearby.  These are Iranian Nur ship-killer missiles.
▪️FOREIGN FIGHTERS?  The security establishment is conducting an investigation into whether foreign citizens who came from outside Gaza participated in the massacre on October 7.  (And possibly still fighting in Gaza, rumors of other languages being heard by soldiers.)
▪️TULKARM (Arab city, Samaria)… IDF forces enter, significant firefight, elimination of an enemy squad described as a “ticking time bomb”. Head of the military wing of Hamas in Tulkarm and the head of the military wing of Fatah in Tulkarm. 
▪️POLICEWOMAN INJURED IN JERUSALEM ATTACK DIES… from stabbing attack earlier today, police sergeant Ruth Elisheva Rose Aida Lubin, z”l.  May Hashem avenge her blood.
▪️US BASES UNDER ATTACK… The American Syria Tel Bider base is under attack now.  This is the sixth attack today on American bases.
▪️JORDAN SAYS… “Any attempt or creation of conditions to displace Palestinians from Gaza or the West Bank - constitute a red line. Jordan will see this as a declaration of war."
▪️EVACUATION GRANT… the possibility to register for an evacuation grant was opened today for residents who vacated independently from the north and the south to a place to stay that is not funded by the state - more than 20 thousand applications were submitted. The daily deposit is NIS 100 for a child and NIS 200 for an adult.
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The Villainous Timeline (Part 1): Flug & Miss Heed
Made this theory to calculate, breakdown and understand the Villainous Timeline. (I will be making 2 or 3 parts as ran out of space for photos.😅)
Part 2: Demencia and 5.0.5.
Part 3: SunBlast and Miss Heed
Alan mentioned on Instagram that:
"The Villainous timeline so far followed real life (as shown on Miss Heed and Penumbra's Instagram) but when the show airs, it’ll slow down and follow its own timeline as they wait for more episodes to release, but it’ll be similar to ours. As we know, all actual real events happened in Villainous and BH even had some influence over them, so I’m sure they’ll still follow ours but at a different pace."
So 3 points to note:
The Villainous Timeline Follows our Time line but at a different pace.
The timeline slows down when the show airs.
BH has some influence over real events happening.
This is confirmed here as when the show airs in 2021, in Episode 4, the date here (in red) is shown as 14 Jul 2021.
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So Given the Ages and Timeline:
Flug is 26 yrs old in Aug 2019
So in Aug 2022 Flug is 29 yrs old. (until Aug 2023, when he becomes 30 yrs old)
Flug's Journal and Demecia's Diary came out on 21st Feb 2022
Flug said in his book “I have been working as the chief scientist of the Black Hat Organization for approximately 8-10 years.” [Google Translate]
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Flug's P.E.A.C.E. files mentioned he has been working in Black Hat Organization since March 10, 2011.
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21st Feb 2022 - 10 Mar 2011 = 10 years 11 months, 11 days.
So, Flug has been working in BlackHat Org years for 10 years (11 months, 11 days) - (Note: round up to 11 yrs for easier calculation)
29 yrs old - 11 years = 18 yrs old.
Based on the year in the photo of Flug’s Thesis in Episode 6, we can conclude that Flug's thesis started out and was finished on the Year 2005. If it was longer there would be a time range. (e.g. 2005 - 2006)
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2022 - 2005 = 17 years
29 yrs - 17 years = 12 yrs old
If they follow Mexico School System, Black Hat Institution should either start in early July or late Aug.
So Flug started going to school either in Jul/Aug 2005
So Flug was 12 years old when he met Miss Heed and started going to Black Hat Institution. (So they started at middle school age)
This was probably the class photo taken on the 1st day of school.
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It's shown he was celebrating Halloween so this picture should take place on the 31st Oct, so they've known each other around 2-3 months at this time.
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According to this article, It takes around 2-6 months to write a thesis
So maybe Flug has to submit his thesis at the end of the year in Dec 2005 before Christmas, as there were no Christmas decorations (I think even if BlackHat hates Christmas, the Villains would probably celebrate Christmas in their own evil way)
So Miss Heed probably stole Flug's thesis in Nov-Dec 2005 and left to become a hero at the age of 12 yrs old.
So, Flug and Miss Heed knew each other for about 4-5 months.
According to Miss Heed's P.E.A.C.E. Files, she was 17 yrs old while the experiments were being conducted.
17 yrs old - 12 yrs old = 5 years.
So does that mean that Miss Heed was experimented on at P.E.A.C.E. when she was 12 years old, for 5 years before she got her powers at the age of 17 yrs old? (Unless something happened between the 5 yr gap.)
Also, According to her P.E.A.C.E. Files, she needed to train her powers, which might take a few months or immediately.
So this picture with Flug staring at the TV looking at Miss Heed, might be when he is 17 - 18 yrs old before he joined Black Hat Organization.
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-> Flug has been working in BHO for 10 yrs 11 months, 11 days, since he was 18 yrs old.
-> Flug and Miss Heed were 12 yrs old when they met each other for about 4-5 months.
-> Afterwards, in the same year Miss Heed left to become a hero and might have been experimented on for 5 years before she developed her powers at the age of 17 years old.
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mergwenthurweek · 2 years
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Mergwenthur Week 2022
November 13 - November 19, 2022
Mergwenthur Week 2022 is a week-long event dedicated celebrating the ship of Merlin, Gwen, and Arthur, consisting of a seven-day long prompt challenge. Each day has a word, trope, and color prompt assigned to it to reflect an aspect of Mergwenthur alongside an episode from the show.
All creators are welcome to participate. Content is open to fic, art, edits, gifs, manips, meta, poetry, podfic, and whatever else you can creatively come up with during these seven days.
You do not need to do something for each day. Participate as much or as little as you want.
You may tag #mergwenthurweek2022 and your content will be reblogged to our main Tumblr, mergwenthurweek.tumblr.com and our Twitter, Mergwenthurweek. If you are submitting to AO3, feel free to add your creations to the MergwenthurWeek2022 collection.
Please read the FAQ before sending an ask if you have questions.
The themes of each day are inspired by Mergwenthur. You can use the word prompts, trope prompts, or color prompts for whatever you make, or even write fix-it fics or make fanart related to the chosen episode.
The prompts are meant to inspire you, not box your creative muse in. You can interpret the prompts as literally or loosely as you want.
You may combine this fest with other ongoing challenges (ie: Merlin Bingo, Kinkalot, MerthurWeek, Tropemas, etc).
Each prompt days opens midnight in your time zone. However, there won’t be a deadline for when you post a prompt if it’s from an earlier day, and you have until the 13 of November to post. There will also be an amnesty week until the 26 for anyone who couldn’t post their fills in time. We understand it’s a hectic season for most of us. The event will officially end (and the AO3 collection will close) on November 26, 2022.
The last rule is to have fun. Please do not stress if you aren’t inspired for every prompt, and have fun creating!
Nov 13 DAY 1 - Picnics | Role Reversal | Le Morte D'Arthur (1x13) #F5BD61, #F7EEE3, #f4CBC4, #84A49B, #F18482
Nov 14 DAY 2 - Magic | Canon Divergence | The Once and Future Queen (2x02) #8B1D3F, #3C163B, #8ABD9E, #F1C987, #DB4C40
Nov 15 DAY 3 - Love Languages | Running Away | Queen of Hearts (3x10) #2C101F, #0D5358, #FBAF59, #78A1A9, #CB779F
Nov 16 DAY 4 - Flowers | Identity Porn | A Servant of Two Masters (4x06) #423F37, #E4B23A, #ECEAD7, #A39695, #6E675F
Nov 17 DAY 5 - Feast | Eavesdropping | The Sword in the Stone (4x12/4x13) #1C2339, #6F3E44, #FFF9F8, #F6B449, #07A3BC
Nov 18 DAY 6 - Swords | Taken Captive | The Diamond of the Day (5x12/5x13) #07A3BC, #47141D, #5E513F, #AA917C, #F2F3F2
Nov 19 DAY 7 - Free Choice
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openheartfanfics · 7 months
Newly Added Fics
Nov 11 - 17, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Ethan x F!MC
Back to Miami - @potionsprefect ☁
Victoria and Ethan take their twins to Miami for a holiday. [Domestic; Family; Miami]
Control What You Can Control - @liaromancewriter ☁
Ethan has second thoughts about a new phase in his life. [Ethan POV]
Laundry Adventures - @liaromancewriter 📱
Cassie teases Ethan with an old photo.
Locked in. - @zealouscanonindeer ☁
Going to a medical conference in Paris, and walking together along the Seine, and Ethan pulls out a lock to declare his love, taking her by surprise. [In Love]
When life has other plans - @coffeeheartaddict2 📚🛸
[mini: wip] A competition has commenced for the interns at Edenbrook hospital. A horrid first day leads to an unexpected test of a new machine but what is Dr Ethan Ramsey hiding?
Part 1
Multiple Pairings
Contrast - @jerzwriter ☁
It took a lot to get Casey away from Tobias for a Girl's Weekend Away, but Merida and Olivia had it all under control. Now, let's see what they got into while they were gone and how the guys coped back in Boston. Feat. Bryce x F!OC; Ethan x F!MC; Tobias x F!MC
Open Heart MC
A Bit Dark - @jerzwriter 🦚
Jess has noticed a bit of a change in Casey, and offers her support when she learns the reason why.
Rafael x F!MC
We Belong Together - @rafasgirl23415 📚
[extended: wip] It’s the end of intern year. Casey and Rafael are ready to start the next phase of their relationship.
CH 14: Complications
CH 15: Surprise Baby Shower
CH 16: Pancake Sundays
CH 17: Special Things to Come
Tobias x F!MC
Upon Arrival - @jerzwriter
Casey's stuck at work a little late, so she asks Tobias for a favor. Her usually unflappable husband seems a little... flapped... and we're about to find out why. Feat. Jackie Varma
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froggibus · 7 months
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for veteran followers, newcomers & people just browsing, a quick reminder on how this works, the kind of content posted here + a bit of an explanation! (of course, if im rambling, feel free to skip to the TLDR at the bottom ♥)
essentially, i have a bit of a bad habit of scattering all of my updates and news across various fanfic posts. ill probably continue to do this, but i know not everyone reads every post, so you're probably missing out on some info you might want to know
"like what?" mainly, requests + request statuses. but instead of making you guys scour through the depths of my posts to find out if i even received your requests, i thought it would be easier to just post it all here.
content you can expect here:
requests ive received and going to work on
WIPs im planning on posting soon
breaks, hiatuses, changes in plans & planned content
random life updates (sometimes)
to make it easier to digest (+ more relevant to you guys), its going to be in order of newest to oldest. (example: oct 2023 would come before jan 2023)
thank you guys, keep being amazing ♥
TLDR: ive decided to put all of my updates on requests, request status, wips + breaks etc in one place. its gonna be in order of newest to oldest, and ill update here whenever there's news :)
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JUNE 1. 2024:
happy pride ^.^
still working through requests right now & also working on something fun for summer! come vote in our summer solstice poll and feel free to come talk to me about all your summer faves & thirsts!
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MAY. 27 2024:
requests are currently closed! thanks to everyone who sent one in—im just catching up on them now ^~^
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MAY. 26 2024:
i’ve received quite a few requests this week that i am already working on :D im sick atm so it might take me a little bit longer to get through them all tho !!
changing up my rules slightly & retagging certain stories as well!
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APR. 3 2024:
thanks to everyone who booped me on April Fools :) I had a lot of fun interacting with everyone
requests are open!!! all of the ones submitted prior to March 24th have been deleted, but feel free to send them again if they follow the updated rules (found here)
I am also working on a small writing project that I may or may not post for my birthday in two weeks, so we’ll see how that goes
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MAR. 21 2024
requests are closed! rules for requests are being updated and all current requests are being cleared. feel free to resubmit afterwards!
MAR. 17 2024:
- deleted Romeo & Ghouliet. I really wasn’t feeling like writing anymore, I struggled a lot with taking it in the direction I wanted it to go
- will be updating the graphics & theme of the blog this week so stay tuned!
JAN. 22 2024:
we are officially heading into Valentine's season, and with that, I want your input on what you would like to see on the blog for that! you can vote here. have more input? have a request? send them to me here!
working on some fics, including OW Women HCs, poly! SatoSugu, Dick Grayson x civilian! reader, and possibly a series as well
NOV. 14 2023:
currently not taking requests, sorry for the few people who submitted some this week! working on a cozy christmassy Dick Grayson fic rn, and possibly something exciting for the holiday season
NOV. 1 2023:
life got way more hectic than i anticipated this month and because of that, i wasn't able to write for kinktober the way i originally planned. hopefully next year ill be better prepared and able to deliver quality content consistently. sorry to anyone who is disappointed! ♥
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(dividers by @/cafekitsune)
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