#steve harrigton x reader
siriuslysmoking · 9 months
Oh, Baby
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A/N: I have not been motivated in the slightest to write anything recently, but I was in the shower and thought of this.
Warnings: Pregnant!reader, afab!reader, she/her pronouns, delivery, comfort, Y/n is overused, I have no idea what pregnancy or birth feels like, this is all either from google or how I think It'd feel like.
Word Count: 1.1k
Summary: You're pregnant, three weeks till your due date, your husband is on tour with his band for a last 'hurrah' before he becomes a stay-at-home dad. One problem. He arrives back at home tomorrow, but your water breaks tonight.
You were making dinner when you felt it, a slight pain in your belly, you turned the stove on to low as you made your way towards the bathroom, you didn't.
Wayne's in the kitchen, getting ready for his night shift, you feel a trickle of liquid rush down your leg. embarrassed you rush back to the kitchen to grab towels.
Then you feel the pain, a soft pain in your lower stomach before a sharp pain travels through your body. You take deep breaths, putting your hands on the counter holding yourself up.
no. nope. not happening.
"Are you alright, Y/n?" Wayne speaks from the living room where he's tying his shoes. you quickly shake your head as the pain leaves after a minute. He moves quickly, coming to your aid.
Wayne was staying with you just in case you needed anything while Eddie was gone. you had a spare bedroom and he was happy to help. "My water might have just broken in the hallway."
Wayne looks, seeing a small puddle of liquid on the hardwood. "You call Eddie, I'll grab your bag, okay?"
You give a soft nod, making your way to the phone, "It's in the nursery."
You punch the numbers of Eddie's phone, before looking to the stove to see the time, it's seven, meaning Eddie is playing his last show for the next few hours.
There's no hope in calling him, he won't have his phone on him, you quickly dial his managers.
"John! It's Y/n, Eddie's wife."
"Hey, hon' what can I do for you?"
"I might be in labor, would really appreciate it if you would notify Eddie."
"Oh! sure thing!"
"Thank you! I'll be at the Hospital in Hawkins, tell him he can reach me there."
"Of course!"
"Alright, thank." You hang the phone back up, just when Wayne comes back down the hallway with your go bag and your shoes. you look at him in appreciation.
"Talk to him?"
"no, I called John, he said he'd relay the message." Wayne nods, heading to the door.
"Sounds about right." Wayne laughs as he helps your sit and put on your shoes, he grabs your hands, helping you stand up and head out the door.
It's silent for most of the ten minute car drive, there's a total of three contractions on the way there. Wayne just reaches over to squeeze your shoulder.
you walk in the emergency room, a nurse comes quickly with a wheelchair. they find you a birthing room as a nurse starts to ask Wayne questions.
How far along is she?
Is she on any medication?
"Ask me.' Y/n sits up, looking at the nurse.
"Oh! I'm sorry, are you not the father?"
"No!" Both of you shout at the same time.
"Grandpa, He's the baby' grandpa." The nurse nods, looking over to you.
"Alright, if you can lift your legs on the stirrups, I'll check your dialation." You nod as Wayne comes to your side, he asks you a silent question.
Want me to go? You shake your head, he's the only one here and you'd rather not do it alone.
"Alright, you are six centimeters dilated." Your eyes widen, only four? you need to dilate four more inches?
"How long?"
"It differs from patient to patient, Ma'am."
Another nurse comes into the room, "You have a call, it's transferred to your phone."
Wayne hands you the phone.
"Are you alright?"
"Are you kidding, I'm getting ready to push out your baby and you aren't here."
"right, sorry. I'm about to get onto a flight, I'll be there as soon as I can."
"You better or I will be so pissed at you."
"I know, baby"
"Please hurry."
"I will, I love you, honey."
"I love you too, Eds."
Eddie asks if he can talk to Wayne so you hand the phone to him, just in time for another contraction, Eddie can hear it through the phone, he feels a tear roll down his eye in this empty airport.
That's how your night turns, for three hours, Wayne never leaving your side, telling you to squeeze as hard as you want. You do, you feel bad, but you do. "Alright, Mrs. Munson, you're at nine centimeters."
"Can I push? Please can I push." You can't even hear Wayne's words of encouragement in this moment, you see the doctor shake her head, as she says something, "I change my mind! I don't want to do this! He's supposed to be here!"
There's tears running down your cheek. You had received your Epidural Block two hours ago, you still felt the pain, but right now all you were feeling was the absence of someone who is supposed to be in this room, right now.
“Alright Ma’am, take a deep breath and push for me.” You do as she says, Wayne squeezes your hand. You can finally hear everything around you again, you can also hear the heavy footsteps in the halls.
A doctor hurries in followed by a frantic looking Eddie, you sigh in relief as he makes his way towards you. He kisses your forehead and takes a hold of your hand.
“Another breath and push.” The doctor speaks again, you do, looking at Eddie as you do, you’re so beyond grateful he got here in time.
“One more.” You have tears running down your cheek as you give it your all, you collapse back onto the bed once you’ve done your best, that’s when you hear it. The soft wailing of a child.
“Congratulations, It’s a girl.” Eddie smiles down at you, brushing stray hairs away from your face as he kisses your head once again.
“You did so well, I’m so proud of you.” The nurse hands you the baby and you hold her on your chest as eddie’ hand grazes her little arms. Wayne is sitting in the chair next to the bed as he also smiles at you.
Eddie and you both make eye contact, you have decided on both a name for a girl and a boy.
Eddie of course said, ‘if it’s a boy we have to name him edward jr.’
‘Eds, there is no Edward sr.’ because no one ever calls him Edward
After a split second, you mutter together, “Melanie.”
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ashwhowrites · 14 days
hi!! can i request a hurt/comfort steddie about reader who somehow meets the both of them but at different times and basically she starts having feelings for both of them w out knowing that they know each other? and one time for exemple at a party she walks on them in the bathroom making out or something and she feels stupid for catching feelings, but eventually both of them talk to her and they make up and get in a relationship! sorry if its confusing ( also no smut pls if u can) thank you!! 💟
I've actually missed steddie x reader! And no smut just like you asked! Just some hinted moments. But it's very PG! I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻very open to writing more about this relationship as it grows
Him...him...or both?
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Y/N met Eddie at the hideout. She wandered in on a random Friday night, ready for a drink. But as she walked in, there was a performance on stage. She grabbed her drink and walked towards the stage. Her eyes found him and before she knew it, they were talking.
Then they talked more and more and became good friends. They never saw each other outside of the hideout. She was busy with college and he had school and other things. But the more Fridays they spent together, the more she found herself catching feelings.
Which was dumb because they were only friendly with each other. It wasn't like they kissed or anything. But she wanted something more. She enjoyed his friendship but she couldn't help herself from looking down at his lips.
She couldn't stop thinking about Eddie. She wanted to ask him out but she was too nervous. She also had no idea if he was interested in her. Sometimes he'd send her a flirty smile and she'd touch his arm, but it didn't go further than that.
Y/N met Steve at the video store. She planned to ask Eddie out to watch a movie, but when she went to check out, she checked out Steve instead.
She blushed as his cute eyes landed on her.
"Great film! I've seen this many times. You've got good taste," he winked as he rang up her movie. She watched in awe as he ran his hand through his hair. He was one of the prettiest boys he had ever seen.
"Oh thank you," she looked at his name tag, Steve" she smiled
She panicked and never asked Eddie out to watch it. Now she couldn't stop thinking about Steve. She went back a few times, they discussed their favorite movies and realized they had a lot in common. It was so easy for him to make her smile and laugh.
She also realized she had a type. Cute boys with pretty brown eyes and flowy hair.
The more she talked with either of them, the more she found herself falling.
Eddie got a little more flirty. Winks and smirks made her stomach flutter.
Steve balled hard with the compliments. A smile never left his face and he leaned closer every time they spoke.
It was like both boys were passing her back and forth and she couldn't get her head on straight. She couldn't even tell which one she liked more.
She had more time to see Steve since he had more of an open schedule. She thought maybe she could ask both of them out, it wasn't a commitment, and people dated more than one person all the time. But she was also terrified to ask out either of them.
The next time she saw Eddie she grabbed a dress that she knew would have him staring.
And she was right.
He sat across from her in a booth, his eyes slipping down her body when he thought she wasn't looking.
The more drinks they had, the closer they got in the booth. She was so close to his lips, that all she had to do was lean in. But she didn't.
Then she'd be back at the video store, leaning on the counter as she listened to Steve's stories. Her eyes followed his every movement. She loved watching his cheeks flush in bright red when he'd catch her staring at his pink lips.
She craved to touch his hair and the chest hair that peeked through his work shirt and vest.
She couldn't decide which one she wanted more.
Eddie felt guilty for seeing Y/N the way he did. He loved Steve and he was loyal to Steve. But there was something about her that Eddie was drawn to. No matter how much he tried to get her out of his mind, she came back every time.
He wasn't going to do anything with her. He could tell she wanted him to make a move. To kiss and ask her out but he couldn't do it to Steve.
Steve knew he shouldn't blush whenever she showed up. And he shouldn't feel excited when she has extra time to talk. He loved Eddie, and they've been through so much hell to be with each other. He didn't want to mess that up. But he couldn't help but keep falling for her. She was gorgeous and he wondered what her lips would feel like.
Y/N slammed her last drink before she went off to find a bathroom. She figured a Saturday night at a huge party would help ease her mind about the two boys tugging at her heart.
She was a tad tipsy, stumbling as she leaned against the wall. She found a door and pushed it open.
Her eyes went huge when she saw Steve pushed against the sink with Eddie's tongue in his mouth. Their shirts were off and Eddie's hands were on Steve's hips.
They didn't notice her at first. She was frozen as she took them in. In a way, she was slightly turned on. But then she remembered they were kissing each other, which meant she was completely out of the picture.
"SORRY!" she squeaked after a second and slammed the door behind her. She raced out of the party as fast as she could. She heard her name being called but she kept moving.
She was an idiot. Neither made moves on her and she was dumb enough to believe it was because they were being polite. But no, they weren't interested. She was throwing herself at these guys and they were gay and together.
Eddie and Steve yelled at the same time, both snapping their eyes at each other.
"How do you know her?" They asked at the same time. Both look at each other confused.
"Hideout," Eddie shrugged, as he grabbed his shirt.
"Video store," Steve coughed, as he slipped his shirt back on.
"Why do you want to go after her?" Eddie pushed, his eyes accusing but he hoped it was the same reason Eddie was itching to run too.
"Well, why do you?" Steve asked back
"We'll talk about it later," Eddie said, then rushed out of the bathroom. Steve was hot on his heels.
They both raced out and searched around for her. Steve sighed in relief when he saw her sitting on the curb.
"Come on," Steve said as he grabbed Eddie's arm.
"Hey, Y/N, can we talk?" Steve asked nerves in his voice.
She was quick to clean her face. And stood up.
"I'm sorry for walking in. I just needed to use the bathroom," she laughed awkwardly. She wasn't sure where to look as they both stared at her.
"Eddie's fault for not locking the door," Steve mumbled, resulting in a smack from Eddie.
"What he meant to say, was it's okay," Eddie said, a soft glare sent to Steve.
"Cool. So um bye!" She rushed out and turned around.
"Hold on, that's not what we wanted to talk about," Steve said as he stepped in front of her. She halted as he blocked her path.
"I misread some signals, all good! We can just forget about it." She brushed it off
"We don't want to forget about it," Eddie said from behind her. She gulped as she stood in between both of them.
"Can you please stay right here while we go talk?" Steve begged, his eyes pleading as he softly touched her hand.
She nodded and watched as they walked away. She couldn't hear anything they were saying, but neither looked mad. She was worried they'd be pissed at her but mad at each other for not telling her that they weren't even single.
After a minute or so, they walked back over. She coughed as she waited.
"We apologize for stringing you along and not telling you that we were seeing each other," Eddie started.
"And we apologize that you had to find out in that way," Steve said as he gestured back to the house.
"I'm sorry for throwing myself at both of you. I'm completely embarrassed." She confessed as she looked at both of them.
"Don't be," Eddie said softly as he walked closer. "We talked and we both admitted that we are interested in you. We were both too scared to tell each other that we were crushing on you. But we both are, and we are okay with that."
"Which means, if you are comfortable and willing to try something different. We'd like to take you on a date, together." Steve explained. He was more nervous than Eddie. He watched her with scared eyes as Eddie smirked with confidence.
"So...you both want to..date me? At the same time? All together. As in I date both of you?" She asked, her brain was spinning.
"Yes," they said at the same time, sharing a smile before they looked back at her.
"Hell yes," she laughed. She couldn't decide between both of them in the first place, and she was granted a chance to date both of them? She wasn't passing that up.
"Well, you are already dressed to impress in that sexy dress, so how about we go now?" Eddie asked, stepping closer as he cupped her cheek. She shuddered as Steve's eyes watched them.
"Mhhm" she mumbled, her tongue numb.
Eddie smirked and grabbed her hand. Steve twirled his keys in his hands and they walked to his car.
"Steve and I are private in public, we don't want to deal with all the Churches and shit." Eddie joked as he crawled in the back.
"But you are welcome to be public with both of us and us three will interact more behind the doors." Steve winked.
Dating both boys was better than she dreamed of. They all hung out at Eddie's trailer. Her head was on his lap as he played with her hair. Then her legs were on Steve's lap as he softly trailed his fingers up and down.
A movie on the TV as they enjoyed each other's company.
"Can I ask who you liked first?" Eddie asked.
Y/N laughed to herself "Not telling," she teased
"Yeah, we don't wanna hurt your feelings Eddie" Steve added on
Eddie growled and threw popcorn at Steve, but he successfully caught it in his mouth.
"I know it was me," Eddie mumbled to himself
She loved that she slept right in between both of them. Steve always kissed Eddie first goodnight, then leaned down to press his lips against hers.
She barely catches her breath before Eddie turns her head to kiss her goodnight.
Her heart raced for both of them. She loved that they both wrapped their arms around her and cuddled into her neck.
Everything about their relationship was perfect and she couldn't wait to experience more.
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munsonluhvr · 5 months
contents: this is a steddie x reader one-shot. sfw! you and steve are dating, happily in love, when you meet eddie munson and are intrigued by his charismatic personality. everyone is caught by surprise when you all end up going on your first date as a throuple. word count - 1.6k
Your heart thumps against your chest as you sit in the back of Eddie Munson’s van, the two back doors open as you sit in the middle of Steve and Eddie. In your mind, though you aren’t particularly religious, you say a prayer that this date goes well and that Eddie’s van doesn’t explode from the tension that’s between the three of you.
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It all started when Steve Harrington, your boyfriend of several years, was introduced to Eddie Munson by Dustin Henderson, a mutual friend of both Steve and Eddie. You had been there too, beside Steve, when Dustin introduced Eddie as his friend and leader of the club Dustin was so loyal to - the Hellfire Club. It was obvious from the very beginning that Eddie found you stunning, his cheeks flushing with nerves as you gave him a hug, glad to meet another friend of Dustin’s. It had surprised Steve when he was turned on, only a little, when he noticed Eddie’s obvious attraction to you. Although you’d never admit it out loud, especially to Steve, you found Eddie Munson handsome, sweet and charming. There was something so cute, so endearing and genuine about Eddie. He was shamelessly funny, joking around with you, Dustin, and Steve with ease.
It had taken several days for Steve to bring the interaction with Eddie up to you. “So that Eddie guy,” Steve had said, glancing at you. You were sitting in his room, nestled on his bed watching while he picked up his clothes that were thrown about the room. “He obviously thought you were cute.”
You had laughed, amused. “Oh really? What made you notice, the fact that he blushed when I hugged him or the way his eyes took in my entire body,” you said, glancing at Steve to see if he was mad or amused too. “Are you jealous?”
Steve snorted, shaking his head. “I’m not jealous, I was actually turned on by it.”
You frowned, now staring at Steve. “What?”
Steve paused picking up his clothes, tossing them into the hamper. “Listen, and don’t think I’m weird, but I don’t know, I found it kind of hot that another guy liked you.” Steve’s eyes moved off of you to the floor and then back to you. “You think I’m weird don’t you?”
You shook your head, realizing that your mouth was slightly agape. “No, I-, I’m just confused, Steve. What are you saying?”
Steve shrugged, “I don’t know, I saw this program on tv about people that have a third partner in their relationship, you know polygamy, throuples. I thought it might be interesting to add a third person, maybe somebody as unique as Eddie to our relationship.”
Your jaw dropped then, totally blown away by your long-term boyfriend’s admission. Steve had never suggested such an idea before, something so out there as being in a trouple relationship. As caught off guard as you were, you acknowledged that Steve had never done you wrong in your relationship, not once in the several years you had been dating. He’s always been loyal, kind and caring; he wouldn’t suggest something that would ruin that perfect track record. You decided to go with it, loosening the tight reigns that you had held throughout your entire relationship with Steve.
It was frightening, to say the very least, when you and Steve approached Eddie with such an offer. Eddie was equally caught off guard, yet intrigued. Eddie knew nothing about him was normal; he’d been labeled a freak for as long as he could remember, he was a nerd, a drug dealer, and comes from an interesting family background. Why couldn’t he add polygamist to that long list? You and Steve seemed to being decent people, obviously in a stable relationship, must be a little freaky to come up with an idea to add Eddie to your relationship. In the end, Eddie agreed to try the arrangement out, joining you and Steve on a date night.
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You’re at the Hawkin’s drive in theater viewing ‘Aliens,’ what is allegedly supposed to be the hit movie of the year. Eddie had offered to bring his van for the three of you to sit in, the back of it leaving a lot of space to hang out and stretch your legs while you watched the movie. The drive in theater is packed, much of Hawkin’s High utilizing the opportunity to screen the movie on the extended weekend.
Beside you, Eddie and Steve converse fluidly around you, bending in front of you and behind you to pass comments and continue conversation. You sit between the boys, zoning out at the reality of the entire situation, of what you’re doing sandwiched between the two handsome boys. Although this idea of being a throuple with Eddie and Steve is new, a part of you wants it to work. Having one sweet guy in your life was amazing, but having two? Could you really be that lucky? Occasionally, Steve nudges your arm with his hand, attempting to include you in the conversation.
“Did you hear that, babe?” Steve says, bringing you out of your thoughts. “Eddie plays at The Hideout in a band; he invited us to go watch him sometime.”
You hum, offering a smile. “That would be awesome, we’d love to.”
You were pleased that the two boys were getting along so well with each other, conversation flowing between them with ease, which just made the possibility of Eddie officially joining your relationship more real. It was all settling in to your mind though, each passing minute allowing you to adjust to the reality that it will no longer be just you and Steve but you, Steve and Eddie. That could be good though; the more the merrier is how the saying goes, right?
The movie begins a few minutes later, although you couldn’t tell by the way Steve and Eddie continue to converse. Thankfully, when you three had arrived at the drive in, the theater attendants told Eddie to park the van in the back row since his car was tall and would block other’s view of the screen if it was anywhere but the back row. This fact also ensured that Steve and Eddie’s antics wouldn’t interrupt other’s movie experience.
You tried to keep your attention on the movie at first, however, it became hard to do that when Steve made a game of tossing popcorn into Eddie’s mouth. You couldn’t help it anymore; you joined in on the fun, tossing the small, round candies that you had bought from the concession stand into Eddie’s mouth too. The game flips eventually, Steve now on the receiving end various foods being thrown at him. Through the course of the two hour movie, you, Steve and Eddie had done a cart wheel contest on the open space next to the van, which is where you learned Steve can’t do a single cartwheel and Eddie is talented at entry level gymnastics moves.
Steve had always made you laugh, his sense of humor always hitting your funny bone, yet Steve and Eddie together was overwhelming and you couldn’t remember the last time you had laughed so hard. To be honest, Steve and Eddie are near perfect for each other, able to find things to talk about with ease. They were two completely different kinds of guys: Steve came from an upper class background, a more clean-cut, typical guy while Eddie was eccentric and unique, a weedhead, an artist and nerd of the game ‘Dungeons and Dragons.’ Nonetheless, the way they acted on this date was as if they’ve known each other forever.
After all the games, you sit, tired, on the edge of the backside of the van. Steve moves from the open space next to the van to sit beside you, wrapping his arm around the front of you and leaning back against the side of the van. Your back leans against Steve’s chest, his arm securing your position. You notice Eddie lingering to the side, eyeing you and Steve’s position. You feel bad for a moment, knowing that he feels out of place.
You pat your lap. “Come sit with us, Eddie. There’s lots of space for you too,” you say with a soft smile. Behind you, Steve smiles, then glances back at the movie screen. He attempts to understand the movie, the scenes that play out not making any sense as he missed the first half of the movie due to horse playing with you and Eddie. Steve gives up after only a few seconds.
Eddie moves to where you and Steve sit, climbing into the back of his car to join you both. You help Eddie arrange himself among you and Steve, suggesting that Eddie lays between your legs, his head resting on his your lap. Eddie does so, taking the second to ask Steve for approval.
“Is this okay, Steve? To lay on your girl, I mean.” Eddie asks cautiously
Steve smiles, gesturing towards you who still lays against his chest. “Go for it, man. She’s your girl now too.” A smile tugs at the corner of your lips, not very surprised at the calm, euphoric feeling from the way being both Steve and Eddie girlfriend and from the way Steve easily accepts Eddie without jealousy or hesitation.
Eddie softens, laying his head onto your lap gently. His arms wrap around your legs, your body now his personal pillow. Your hands go into Eddie’s hair automatically, mostly out of habit as it’s what Steve likes when he lays like Eddie does.
Down below, Eddie purrs with content. “I can get used to this easily.”
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Game, Set, Match
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Steve and you try to reconcile your relationship but Billy makes it near impossible until he offers some friendly advice.
Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader, Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
Part two to Friendly Competition, I hope that everyone who asked for a second part enjoys this!
CW: Unprotected sex, spitting, cheating, some hitting if you squint, threesome
Steve left without a word, leaving you with the image of his betrayed brown eyes bouncing around in your mind. You were left alone, in a puddle of spit and come as you tried to shake the guilt that was eating away at you. You had risen from your bed in shame, trying to ignore how badly your legs were shaking as you dragged yourself to your bathroom to clean yourself. 
You had tried to call him, multiple different times with no avail. You couldn’t blame him, you’d be just as hurt if you had been the one to walk in on that sight. Still, it worried you. You knew Steve had to be going through a lot and you didn’t want him to feel alone. You had successfully gotten a hold of him on Saturday night, but had quickly lost your confidence once he had answered. You had hung up before he could even finish saying hello. You had just stood there in the middle of the hallway, staring at the phone as you were unsure of what to feel.
You wanted to apologize, to tell Steve how sorry you were for everything that had happened. However, you soon realized that you weren’t sorry for your actions. You were sorry you had gotten caught. Your mind had constantly lingered towards Billy, thinking of the filthy things he had said and done to you. You realized you were desperate to have him touch you again, to feel his warm skin against your own. 
You weren’t sure why you thought anything would be different when you returned back to school. Billy acted like nothing had happened and hardly looked at you between classes or in the hallways. You were confused, baffled even as you wondered what you had ruined your relationship with Steve for. It hurt and it made you feel small. 
“Can we talk?” Steve approached you one day after school as you were gathering your books into your bag. You froze for a moment, feeling full of anxiety as you nodded your head. You had figured he would go on with his life hating you.
You were even more surprised when he took a hold of your hand and guided you towards an empty classroom. You missed the way Billy’s eyes lingered against you as Steve shut the door behind you. You sighed softly, biting down on your lip hard. You couldn’t find the right words to say.
“Why did you do it?” He asked finally after realizing you wouldn’t be the first one to speak. You wondered if he thought that you would beg for his forgiveness and plead for him back. You really weren’t sure why you weren’t doing that at the moment. 
“I don’t know,” You exhaled softly, feeling a fresh wave of guilt wash over you as Steve stared at you with his soft brown eyes. You tried to search for a reason, any sort of explanation to make him feel better about what happened. There was none. You were guilty of everything that had happened, “I guess I was just upset you were hanging around Nancy again.” You mumbled, not quite ready to admit to him that you did it without any reason. Steve crossed his arms, playing with the strings on his shirt.
“That was pretty shitty,” He admitted to your surprise. You watched him curiously as he stared around the empty classroom, “I don’t want to lose you.” He admitted and you felt your mouth part in surprise. That had been the last thing you were expecting.
“I don’t want to lose you either,” You admitted softly as different thoughts and feelings battled inside of you, “I shouldn’t have done it.” You said finally, hoping he knew how wrong your behavior had been. You tried to apologize, but the words wouldn’t come forward. You felt sick, realizing that you didn’t regret your actions. 
“Maybe we can start over?” Steve took a step forward towards you, watching you with an uncertain expression written on his features, “I won’t talk to Nancy, you don’t talk to Billy.” You stared at him for a minute, thinking his compromise through. You didn’t even care about Nancy that much in general, but it made you wonder if something had really been going on in order for him to promise her away. It should be easy, not seeing Billy again. He hadn’t paid you any attention from that day. You were sure he was completely over you, yet, your body told a different story. It pleaded for you to say no, just in case there was a small chance something would happen again.
“Deal,” You breathed out slowly, watching the way light seemed to flood into his brown eyes, “You have a deal.” 
Things seemed to be fine after that but it was like Steve was afraid to touch you. You took notice on how he would overthink every single time he would touch you. You tried not to get frustrated, knowing it was your own fault for setting up the situation. Still, you wished you were able to get through a session in bed without him trying to ask how Billy did something. It only made you feel even worse.
Steve was kind and sweet, while Billy was rough and mean. You never thought you would enjoy that but you did, a lot. You never had a problem with the way Steve fucked you either, but his constant overanalyzing was making it hard to enjoy anything.
Not to mention how Billy had taken a keen interest in you after seeing that you were back with Steve. He was always trying to speak to you, trying to gain your attention in one way or another. You always kept your conversations short and didn’t allow them to gain any traction. It was harder than what you thought it would be. You didn’t realize how badly your body could crave something before him. He was like a drug you couldn’t stop using. You were doing your best for Steve, not wanting to ruin the second chance that you had.
Steve had been trying to make it up in other areas or at least trying to prove himself to you. Which only made you feel that much worse. He was constantly spoiling you with gifts and taking time out of his schedule that he didn’t have to spend it with you.
You had convinced him to go to Tommy’s party for the night, hoping that maybe he would relax a bit with a few drinks. It had seemed to work for a bit, as his movements became less rigid and his lips more sloppy. It felt nice, pretending like you hadn’t done anything wrong. 
“Maybe we should go,” Steve spoke up suddenly, taking you by surprise as his hands released from your waist. You looked at the brown eyed boy confused, “Shit.” And suddenly, it was like your boyfriend wasn’t even there as Billy approached with a smirk on his face. He was smoking, his eyes lingering over your body before he spoke.
“Been a while,” He blew out a cloud towards you, ignoring the boy standing behind you, “You look good.” He licked his tongue across his teeth, staring at you with lustful eyes. Your heart was racing in your chest and your knees felt weak from the look he was sending you. You were sure you would cave, had you not felt Steve stiffening behind you.
“Go fuck yourself.” Steve hissed out, placing his hands tightly on your waist. You looked at him surprised, not used to hearing him speak like that. Billy’s eyebrows rose far on his forehead.
“What? You have a problem with me fucking your bitch?” Billy’s smile was wide as he stared into Steve’s soft brown eyes, “Didn’t you hear her begging for my cock? Does she ever do that for you?” Your eyes widened in surprise and you were a bit horrified as people turned to look at you. Steve stepped forward, an angry look written across his face.
“Watch it.” He shoved at Billy’s shoulder, but Billy only seemed to grow more amused. You were nervous as you watched the two of them. You pulled on Steve’s shirt, urging him to turn around and leave. Billy watched your actions, drinking in the image of you.
“Why don’t I ask her?” Billy tilted his head, his blonde curls curling against the nape of her neck, “Who do you think she would choose?” You yanked on Steve’s shirt harder, not giving him the chance to consider it as you hastily pulled him away. You didn’t need that confrontation in your life. 
“You’re right, let’s go.” You tried to reassure the brown eyed boy. He looked at you, still full of anger from Billy’s words before he was gripping your hand and guiding you out of the party. You felt the sensation of someone watching you and promised yourself just a peek as you glanced over your shoulder. Billy was still staring, a knowing smirk on his face as you left him behind. 
Steve tried hard that night, but you were both too tipsy to actually perform that well and you could tell that Billy had hit his ego again. You were growing desperate and tried to keep the lustful thoughts to yourself as you comforted Steve over Billy’s harsh words. You didn’t want Steve to get hurt but you feared that the both of you knew how true they were.
When you were sure he was asleep you had slipped your hand under your boyfriend’s shirt that you had borrowed, and fingered yourself to the thought of a certain blue eyed boy. 
Billy had become too self aware after that, doing whatever he could to find himself near you at all times. You were still loyal to Steve and did your best to neglect Billy, but it was hard. Your body craved him in a way that you had never felt before. You were unsure of how much you could take before you ended up craving. 
“That skirt looks nice on you,” Billy whispered huskily over the back of your chair and he tugged on a section of your hair. It was suddenly hard to breath with him leaning so close against you, “If I were Steve, I’d bend you over one of these desks and fuck you.” His breath was hot against your face as you stared at him astonished. You clenched your thighs together, feeling your panties growing wet. All you could do was stare as you considered his words, picturing him overtop of you again. He leaned back in his chair, a smirk on his face as he knew the grip he still had over you. 
You turned, holding your legs together as you willed for this torment to leave you. You knew you shouldn’t be picturing his cock inside of you, but it was all you could think of the rest of the day. Even as Steve spoke to you later on, you were still picturing Billy with his cock stuffed inside of your wet cunt. 
When Billy’s compliments didn't gain much of a reaction from you he would take to his actions. He’d constantly be touching you, creating a fire against your skin as you tried to concentrate on whatever your teacher was lecturing about. His hands were always on your skin, near your hair or picking at the clothes you were wearing. It almost made you feel bad to ignore him, but you kept on as you pictured Steve’s sad brown eyes. 
He saved his dirty words for a last resort, because he always got a reaction from you. You’d always stare at him with widened eyes and a lust filled face after he would whisper the most filthy words he could think of to you. It was enough to make you leave the classroom for a few minutes and wash your face with cold water. Sometimes, you’d picture Billy following in after you and fucking you against the bathroom counters with your panties shoved in your mouth to keep you quiet. 
You almost wondered if he knew about your bargain with Steve and that’s why he was doing his best to make you cave. You were curious if he knew how close you were to doing it. 
“You’re not coming tonight?” You looked at Steve confused as he pushed a hand through his thick hair. He sighed, shaking his head no. He was back to being unreliable, but you felt like you weren’t allowed to question him about it. Afterall, you had been the one to get in bed with someone else. 
“Something came up,” He said vaguely and you did your best not to act suspicious. You wondered if it had something to do with Nancy but you didn’t press. So far, you both had kept up your end of the bargain. You hadn’t seen him around Nancy and you did your best to ignore Billy. It was hard, your body responded differently to him than what your mind did. No matter how wrong it was, you always found yourself looking for him in the hallways, “I’ll pick you though, I promise.” He sealed it with a kiss.
“We should be done close to nine!” You shouted after him, smiling softly as he turned and sent you one last wave. You no longer felt the familiar sparks as you watched him go and that scared you more than anything.
You waited, crossing your ankles as you waited on the bleachers for Steve. You kept glancing at the clock on the wall as the minutes passed, beginning to grow unsure if he was even going to show up. Your spirits began to dampen, realizing that he had probably forgotten about you again.
You snapped your eyes up at the sound of the doors slamming open. You looked for Steve’s familiar form, instead, you landed on the stocky blonde boy. Billy strutted towards you, only clad in his basketball shorts. You crossed your legs tighter together as you felt a thrill rushing through your body and you wondered if he ever really wore a shirt. 
“You sleeping here or something?” He eyed you curiously, rubbing his thumb across his bottom lip. You lowered yourself into your seat, wondering why out of all the people he had to be the one to discover you alone. 
“Just waiting on my ride.” You tried to be as vague as possible as you glanced back towards your shoes, looking away from his muscular form. Your heart was beating hard in your chest and you could feel your stomach muscles tightening as lust crept in on you. You never thought you would be someone that would so willingly cheat on their partner.
“I don’t think he’s coming, doll,” Billy chuckled, flickering his eyes over your slumped form, “I can give you a ride.” You stood hesitantly, knowing that it was probably best that you just walk home. Your smile faltered as he stepped closer to you and the scent of him traveled against your nostrils. Your body was urging you to step closer, to wrap yourself up in his muscular arms. You wanted nothing more than to repeat the other night and be a slobbering mess underneath him.
Your hands grew sweaty as you watched him, shrugging your shoulders softly, “I can walk. You played good tonight.” Your whole body felt warm at the way his lips curled into a smile. You felt like you were putty in his hands when he stepped closer, brushing his large hand against your arm. 
“Do you need a ride?” You wanted to say yes and let him take you home. You knew it was a bad idea. You knew that you’d only end up in the backseat of his car, letting him do whatever he pleased to you. You couldn’t do that to Steve, not again. 
“It’s okay,” He traced his finger along the side of your face, earning a soft sigh from your lips as you lingered against his warm skin, “I can walk.” You tried to reassure yourself more than anything. He chuckled, looking at you amused as his eyes darkened. 
“What?” Billy teased, gripping your neck softly to make you look up at him, “I give you the best fuck of your life and now you’re too good to ride in my car?” You whimpered softly, already feeling a rush travel between your legs. You couldn’t even find it in yourself to protest that he had been the one ignoring you. You were whipped.
“Steve can’t see us,” You spoke hoarsely, watching the way his blue eyes observed you, “I told him it wouldn’t happen again.” Billy squeezed your cheeks together, smirking down at you.
“Awe, how cute. You’re trying to make it work. I bet he’s still not fucking that sweet pussy like you deserve,” He released your face softly, flickering his eyes down to your lips, “I know you want my cock. I can see it on your pretty face.” He released his hand from your neck slowly, causing flames to spread across your skin where his hand had once been.
“He does fine.” You whispered out, trying to do your part in defending your boyfriend. Billy’s lips curled up into a smirk as he observed you. 
“You said you wanted to be my slut,” Billy drew his words out slowly, observing your reaction closely as you darted your eyes away from him, “I don’t think that changed.” He was close to you, inhaling your scent as your chest rose and fell quickly. Your hands were trembling as you fought with yourself.
“Don’t be mean,” You said quietly, urging yourself to back away from him. His lips curled into a smile, “You’ve been ignoring me.” You weren’t sure that’s what you decided to say. You should’ve mentioned something about Steve, how you promised to never see Billy again. None of that came to mind as Billy took another step forward, gripping your waist softly.
“I’m sorry, baby,” He mocked, his tone sounded like you were a dumb child, “I didn’t realize you were that desperate for my cock again.” His thumb cupped your chin, squeezing softly as he forced you to look at him. Your heart was hammering hard in your chest as warmth spread throughout your body.
“I’m not,” You lied, blinking hard as you tried to relax your body. You were seconds away from curling up against him, begging for him to take you right there against the bleachers, “I’m happy with Steve.” You breathed out slowly, your heart pounding rapidly in your chest. 
“You know he can’t fuck you right, why stay? Let me remind you how much better I can treat you.” His thumb traveled across your glossed lips, his blue eyes watching you with keen interest. His breath was warm as it tickled across your face and you felt your eyes closing, your resolve breaking down into tiny pieces again as Billy entered into your thoughts.
“Billy,” You couldn’t find the words to protest, instead focusing on how badly you wanted to feel his body merging with yours again, “He seriously can’t know this time.” You looked at him urgently, searching his cocky expression as you waited for him to promise it to you. He licked his lips across his bottom lip.
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to hurt his pretty little ego,” Billy grinned but you thought it was a bit too mischievous to be sincere. You should’ve fought harder for a genuine answer, but you couldn’t find it in yourself, too overtaken with lust, “Do you want me to fuck you?” His blue eyes traced over your features, and you found yourself nodding eagerly as you remembered how good he had treated you last time. 
“Please,” You exhaled slowly, filling your lungs with the scent of him as you stepped closer to him. He smirked, looking all too amused at your desperate form, “Please fuck me, Billy.” You spoke a little louder, hoping to sway his decision. 
“Work for it,” He looked at you sternly with his pretty eyes through his even thicker eyelashes, “Get on your knees and show me you’re worth it.” You didn’t even feel pathetic as you fell to your knees with a thud, your knees scraping across the dirty gymnasium floors as you looked up at him. He looked down, cocking an eyebrow up in annoyance as he waited for you to move. Your fingers pulled at his green basketball shorts, pulling them down over his muscular thighs. His cock was standing hard and proud, his tip red and leaking precum. You felt like you were in a trance as you wrapped your hand around his thick cock and pumped him up and down slowly.
“Pretty,” You mumbled as you brushed your thumb across the head of his cock and collected the precum that was leaking from his slit. You hesitantly licked the liquid off of your thumb, glancing up at him as you tasted him. He had a cocky grin on his face as he observed every little movement you did, “You’re so big.” You flicked your tongue across the tip of his cock, earning a moan from the boy towering over you.
You flicked your wet tongue along his cock, savoring the feel of every vein and ridge before you circled your lips around his angry tip. You knew this was wrong, that you should be making your way back to Steve’s, but your mind was too clouded with lust to care about your boyfriend at the moment. You hollowed your cheeks and bobbed your head along Billy’s fat cock, trying to fit as much of him in your mouth as you could. You kept having to relax your jaw wider from how thick his girth was.
“Good girl,” He brushed his hand across your soft cheek, watching the way your lips stretched around your cock, “Such a good cock slut. I bet King Steve doesn’t fuck your pretty little throat like this.” You temporarily stalled at the mention of Steve, but Billy gripped the base of your neck and forced you down further on his hard cock. You clenched your eyes tightly together, gagging hard as he hit the back of your throat. Drool pooled from your lips, soaking down the front of your cheerleading uniform.
You gagged each time he thrusted forward, the head of his cock hitting the back of your throat harshly. You flicked your tongue around his veins, massaging his skin as tears brimmed in your eyes. You could feel your panties drenching from how wet you were. You moved your thighs closer together, trying to search for any sort of friction.
“Fuck,” Billy grunted, gripping the side of your head as he pushed his cock deep inside your mouth. His balls pressed against your wet chin as he stared down at you, before slowly pulling himself all the way out, “Jesus, I can’t believe he’s not fucking you every day.” There was a line of spit connecting from your mouth to the head of his cock as you glanced up at his pleasure ridden face. 
A laugh left your chest as he forced you up off of your knees and onto the bottom of the bleachers as he laid you down on your back. He thumbed the hem of your cheerleading shirt up over your breasts, exposing you to the air as he kneaded them slowly in his hands. You whimpered, rolling your hips up as his cock twitched against his stomach.
“Don’t tease me,” You sighed softly as he pinched both of your nipples between his fingers, “I need your cock.” He traced his hands down your sides slowly before he dipped a hand between your legs. He rubbed two fingers across your wet cunt, letting you feel just how drenched your panties are.
"Be patient," He snapped, pressing his fingers between your wet folds, "I had to wait so long for this sweet pussy again. I think I deserve a taste." He circled his finger over your entrance, earning a mewl from you as you lifted your hips towards his fingers. He smirked again, obviously proud of the reaction he gained from you.
"Sorry," You exhaled softly as his warm breath tickled over your throbbing clit. You sat up on your elbows, watching the way his flicked his tongue across your wet folds. A moan left your parted lips and you were sure you hadn't felt this desperate for anything before, "Billy." You whined, rolling your hips towards his face. He gripped your thighs tightly, squeezing as he held you in place.
Your head fell back in pleasure against the cold bleachers as he flicked his warm tongue across your wet pussy. You whined as your clit throbbed against his rough tongue. He pulled his head away from your legs, smirking up at you with your slick coated on his lips.
"Do you want to taste yourself?" You found yourself nodding before you could comprehend what he said. He leaned forward, his body hovering over your own as he captured your smooth lips against his rough ones. It all felt so dirty but so good at the same time as he flicked his tongue inside of your mouth. You were a moaning mess, feeling like you were seconds from grinding yourself up against his leg.
"Need you," You whispered hotly as you stared up at his dilated blue eyes, "Fuck me, please." You urged, rolling your hips forward again. He licked his lips, pretending like he was considering it. Your heart hammered hard in your chest as he adjusted himself back on the bleachers, pulling you into the positions that he wanted.
“Can he fuck you this good?” He gripped your hips, adjusting you on the bleachers as your legs rested against his shoulders in the air. He lifted your skirt up over your hips, slowly beginning to pull your panties to the side, “Are you dumb? Can King Steve fuck you this good?” He repeated slower, sterner as he waited for your answer.
“No,” You whined as he pressed his thumb down on your clit softly, rubbing it in soft circles, “Only you can fuck me this good.” You promised, nodding your head to reassure him as his thumb pressed through your folds. You whined, rolling your hips up at the sensation.
“That’s a good little whore,” He teased, giving his fat cock a few pumps with his wrist before tapping his hard dick along your wet folds. You sighed in bliss, rolling your hips up in hope that he would slip inside you faster. You craved the feeling of him stretching out your walls, “So desperate for my cock.” He slid his tip inside your wet cunt slowly as he gripped onto your ankles tightly, holding you in place as you inhaled every inch of him.
You whined as his throbbing cock pressed into you and you savored the feeling of his hard ridges against your fluttering walls. Your mouth fell open in awe as he bottomed out inside of you, his balls pressing up against your backside.
“Billy,” You cried out in awe, digging your nails into the bleachers as he rocked you forward. The rough material scratched your back, but you didn’t care. You were too focused on the feeling of his cock dragging in and out of your wet cunt to even focus on breathing, “More, more.” You begged, pleading to feel every inch of him inside of you.
“Nasty little whore,” Billy gripped your ankles tighter, snapping his hips forward roughly. You were crying out in pure bliss from how hard he was fucking you, “So desperate for some cock that I got you grinding up against me like a bitch in heat.” He was all smiles as he pounded into you, causing you to mewl from the sensation of him hitting against your bundle of nerves. 
“There!” You cried out in bliss as he spread your legs wider and pushed into you deeper. He hit that spot repeatedly, drawing you near your orgasm. He was grunting above you; the sound of your skin meeting was echoing inside the empty gym walls. The thought of being caught sent a thrill up your back as you realized he’d fuck you to your orgasm anyways, “So, so good, Billy.” Your legs were burning from the position he had your legs bent into and you could feel your slick dripping from your hole as his movements became sloppier. 
He let go of one of your ankles and smacked your cheek lightly, drawing your attention back to his blissful face as he gripped your face harshly in his rough hands, “You gonna keep ignoring me?” He thrusted inside you deeper again, filling you to the brim before rutting his hips up and pulling back out. You cried out, shaking your head.
“No, no,” You were becoming incoherent, too focused on reaching your end, “I’ll never ignore you again.” You promised Billy, long forgetting your words to Steve. He grunted, his lips beginning to curl into a smile as his hair clung to his sweaty forehead. You suddenly wished for the chance to kiss him.
“You’ll let me fuck this pussy when I want?” He was still squeezing your cheeks together, pouting your lips out pathetically as he rammed his hard cock inside your drenching hole. You were desperate, rutting your hips up with his movements as your toes began to curl inside your shoes.
“Yes!” You cried out, your words muffled from his grip on your face, “I’m all yours.” You promised, sentencing yourself to do whatever he wanted. He groaned lowly, the sound traveling across your core and up through your body. You were a whimpering mess, begging for more as his tip hit your g-spot with each movement.
"What would your pretty boyfriend say?" Billy licked across his lips, watching you with a smirk, "I wonder if he knows how big of a whore his little girlfriend?" His words didn't even make you feel guilty, it excited you more than anything.
"Be so mad," You breathed out between your loud moans, "You fuck me so good." You whimpered as his hand rapped lightly across your cheek again before he pulled away from your face completely. You were desperately trying to move up against him in awe.
“Fuck,” Billy cursed softly as he squeezed his fingers tighter across your ankle, “You look so pretty being fucked like the dumb whore you are.” Billy praised as he moved his free hand up and pinched your sensitive nipples. You cried out, rolling your hips in awe. 
“Gonna cum.” You whined as he pried your legs further apart and kept the same brutal pace, his cock pressing into your bundle of nerves repeatedly as you squeezed around his throbbing cock. Your body curled as your stomach muscles clenched together, your body sprawled towards him. You came with a loud cry, your eyes slamming shut in pure bliss as you shook around him.
“Good little slut,” Billy grunted lowly, his hips stalling as he rutted into you. A wad of spit landed across your cheek and the corner of your mouth and you sighed in bliss, licking the part you could reach away, “Holy fuck.” Billy cursed, squeezing your ankle and pressing into you harshly as he pumped you full of his warm cum. You whimpered, thinking about how this was something you never let Steve do.
It took you a moment to regain your breath as you stared into the bright lights of the ceiling, trying to erase the guilt that was forming in your chest. You didn’t want to think about how bad you’d feel about it later, when you felt so good now. A small laugh left your mouth as you looked back at the golden boy that was resting between your legs. 
“Messy little, bitch,” Billy cursed as he pulled his cock from your wet cunt. You whimpered at the sensation of him pulling out, “Clean up your mess.” He tapped his drenched cock against your plump lips, smearing the mixture of you two across your mouth. You didn’t hesitate to open your mouth again as he pushed his softening cock inside. You wasted no time bobbing your head as you licked away the liquid from his cock.
“Was I good?” You weren’t sure what it was about him that left you in this state. You felt like you were degrading yourself, just for a small chance that you would get his approval. He smirked at you, moving his hand away from your face as he nodded in approval. Pride swelled inside your chest as you moved closer towards him. 
“Always so good,” He promised as he traced his finger across the curve of your face. You leaned up a bit, trying to get a better look at him as he traced his finger across your lips, “You can keep a little secret, can’t you?” He was referencing Steve and you nodded your head slowly, knowing it was completely and utterly wrong. It was like you were unable to think for yourself with Billy involved.
“Yes,” You breathed out slowly, staring at his plump lips and wishing for the chance to kiss him, “It’ll be our little secret.” You sealed it with a promise as you tried to convince yourself that it wouldn’t hurt Steve. If he didn’t know, it couldn’t hurt him. 
He squatted down in front of your messy form, wiping a line of drool from the corner of your mouth, “I want you to go back to him, all full of my come and have him fuck you,” His eyes trailed over your surprised expression, “Let me know if he tastes my come inside you.” 
It was like Billy got off on trying to do things better than Steve. Any time Steve did anything remotely nice or romantic for you, Billy degraded you even more. He’d push you onto your knees in the bathroom, force your mouth around his cock while he snapped the stems from the roses that Steve had gotten for you. 
It was a dangerous game that the two of you were playing. No matter how wrong it was, you couldn’t convince yourself to stop. You enjoyed it too much. Billy would degrade you in the most horrible way and you’d crawl your way to Steve, who would place gentle kisses across your face for comfort. He had no idea what you were actually doing. It made you feel guilty.
“You look happier than usual,” Steve said casually one afternoon. His head was resting on your lap, and you were playing with his hair as you thought about how Billy had just had you on your hands and knees in the back of his car. You looked down at your boyfriend stunned, “Is something going on?” You forced up a smile, hiding your nerves.
“No, just happy that we’re back together.” You lied, trying to ignore the guilt that was eating away at your chest. Steve looked up at you unsure, his brown eyes searching your face for anything that you might be hiding.
“You’re sure?” You nodded your head, doing whatever you could do to convince him that everything was fine. You bent your head low and pressed a gentle kiss against the tip of his nose.
“That’s cute,” The voice in the doorway surprised you, as you turned with widened eyes. Your movements froze as your whole body stiffened in surprise. You glanced towards Steve, finding yourself stammering as you looked back towards the blue-eyed boy, “Very romantic.” Billy’s voice sounded dry as he watched the two of you. Steve sat up slowly and you feared things were about to get very bad.
“What are you doing here?” You sent Billy a look, urging him to think of some excuse and leave. You knew that you had told him you’d be with Steve later. You didn’t understand why he thought he could just show up here, unannounced. 
“I invited him,” Steve rolled his shoulders as he glanced towards you, “I wanted him to show me what you like.” He mumbled under his breath, almost sounding embarrassed. He stared at you, ignoring the laugh that the blonde sends him.
“He doesn’t know how to fuck, in otherwards,” Billy pulled off his jacket, tossing it the side of the floor without another word as your heart sped up in your chest. You were still staring in Steve’s blue eyes, not quite understanding what he meant, “Are you going to undress her or not? I have better things I could be doing.” Billy grumbled out. Steve finally turned to look at him, appearing to be irritated.
“Can you shut up?” Steve rolled his eyes before he looked at you again, “You don’t seem that happy with me the way that you were with him. I just, I want to know how to please you.” His soft brown eyes made you feel bad. But you nodded your head slowly, too turned on by the idea to stop it.
Steve undressed you slowly, his eyes never leaving yours as he exposed you to the chill air in your bedroom. Your heart was hammering fast as you watched him slowly remove his clothes. You forced yourself to keep from looking at Billy, knowing that is who you truly wanted to see. Billy loomed in behind you, his warm air tickling your skin as he moved in close.
“Don’t kiss her,” Steve grunted as he laid back down on the bed. You glanced down at his long, hardening cock before you looked back at his flushed face, “She’s not yours.” He grumbled and you bit back a grin at the words. Billy’s hands lingered against your sides as he leaned forward. You could feel his dick pressing up against you as he held onto your waist, watching the other boy with a pleased look on his face.
“Trust me,” Billy’s words were thick and raw as he spoke, “I won’t do anything to upset you, Pretty Boy.” Your stomach curled when he leaned forward and spit on the side of Steve’s face. The brown eyed boy looked up in disgust.
“Dude, what the fuck?” Steve went to wipe the spit from his cheek, but Billy stopped him just as fast, gripping his wrist as Steve watched him with confused brown eyes. Billy smirked at you, motioning you towards him. You crossed over Steve’s lap gently, licking Billy’s spit away from where it landed on his chin and down to his neck. Steve exhaled softly, his chest rising rapidly in the way that it did when he was excited. His warm brown eyes never left your face, watching you with interest.
“She’s a needy little slut, isn’t she?” Billy gripped the back of your neck, pulling you back against his chest and looking at you with a cocky grin. His thick fingers caressed over your soft face, looking at you full of lust while Steve shifted underneath you, “Gonna teach you how to fuck her like she deserves.” Billy’s blue eyes wandered over to Steve’s irritated face.
“I know how to fuck her.” Steve looked almost offended as he watched the two of you. Billy snorted, rubbing his thumb across your bottom lip as he squeezed your face in his large hands.
“Not like I do,” Billy replaced his thumb with his tongue, flicking across your lips softly. You moaned, letting your tongue brush against his, “Come on, man. It’ll be fun.” Billy looked down at Steve, smirking softly. You turned your eyes slowly, looking at Steve’s widened eyes.
“Sure,” He was staring intensely at you, his hands tracing up your curves, “I guess.” Steve mumbled under his breath, ignoring the look that the blonde boy was giving him. Billy scooted you up on Steve’s lap, spreading your legs wide as he situated himself behind you. Your heart was pounding, and you wondered if you were really going to let Billy defile you in front of your boyfriend.
"Look how wet she is," You gasped as Billy ran his thick fingers across your wet folds. You jerked your hips forward at the motion, gaining a laugh from the boy behind you. Steve groaned softly as he traced his hands up your thighs, "Do you think it's from you or I?" Billy teased the brunette boy as he circled his thumb across your clit.
"You better shut up," Steve exhaled, ignoring Billy as he looked up at you. He squeezed your hips softly, drawing your eyes back to him, "Just get on with it." He mumbled, shifting underneath you.
"It'll be fun," You grinned at the brown eyed boy, stroking your fingertips against his skin, "Trust me." You bent forward, pressing your lips against Steve's slowly. He reciprocated quickly, moving his lips against yours urgently. You sighed softly against his mouth, just beginning to enjoy it when Billy pulled you away.
“Just relax,” Billy traced his large hands over your curves, causing goosebumps to spread across your skin. He gripped his dick in his hand, pumping it softly before he was pushing his tip inside of your wet hole. You sighed, closing your eyes to hide your boyfriend’s shocked expression. You held onto Steve’s shoulders, pushing yourself back onto Billy’s thick cock, “Look at how desperate she is for my cock, Pretty Boy.” You could hear the smirk in Billy’s words as he smacked your ass hard before he squeezed your soft flesh in his hand. You squealed softly at the sensation.
“It'd be better if you'd shut up,” Steve grumbled, and you peeked your eyes open slowly to look down at him. He was watching you in wonder, his brown eyes drinking in every detail of pleasure on your features. You giggled softly, feeling Steve’s hard cock brushing against your thigh, “You’re beautiful.” He mumbled out as he watched you. You began to reach between his legs, searching for his long cock.
Billy took a hold of your neck, jerking you away from Steve as he dragged you along the curve of his dick. You moaned, feeling every vein and pulse that left his thick cock. Your nails dug into Steve’s skin as Billy held you in place, licking the side of your neck and up towards your face. Your walls were fluttering around him, and you could feel yourself squeezing around him, “Look how responsive she is.” Billy grunted as he squeezed your neck softly, momentarily cutting off your air flow. Steve groaned from underneath you.
“Wanna feel,” He mumbled as he reached between your legs, pumping his hard cock in his hand. He rubbed his tip against your clit, causing you to squeal as Billy thrusted into you harder. You whimpered, thinking about being stretched by the both of them, “Looks so good.” Steve breathed out, staring at your wet cunt. 
“Her slutty little pussy can take it,” Billy smirked, smacking the side of your cheek, “Can’t you?” He grunted in your ear, moving his hands down to squeeze your hips. The sounds of you two were echoing off the walls and you nodded your head quickly.
“Yes,” You sighed in pleasure, enjoying the feeling of Steve’s tip tapping against your clit as Billy began to stall his movements, “Want it bad.” You confirmed as you looked down at Steve with a serious look in your eyes. He groaned softly, sliding his tip down slowly towards your entrance.
“I don’t know if it’ll fit.” He mumbled after a second. Billy moved his face away from yours, leaning down to grip Steve’s cock. You froze, staring in awe as he pushed the brunette’s tip inside of your fluttering walls. Steve was staring up at him, a dark look passing over his features.
“We’ll make it fit,” Billy smiled teasingly as he watched your reaction, slowly pushing Steve inside of you with him. You whined at the burn from the stretch, your eyes fluttering shut as you leaned back against Billy, trying to adjust yourself to the feeling of the two of them inside you, “Atta girl.” Billy praised, pressing a messy kiss against the corner of your mouth.
“Oh my god,” You whined at the feeling of being stuffed so full, “Oh fuck.” You leaned forward, your head falling against Steve’s shoulder as his arms wrapped around you. He grunted softly, pushing upwards to fill in you. You squeaked softly as Billy gripped your hips again, slowly building up the pace he had before.
“Fuck,” Steve cursed out, desperately pulling your face towards him as he kissed you sloppily. Your mouth was hanging open in bliss and your cunt sang in harmony with their movements. You were sure you hadn’t ever felt so good before, “So good, so fucking good.” Steve grunted, interlocking your fingers together and squeezing. 
It was like a game between the two of them, each of them was trying to see who could make you moan the loudest, who could be the one to come last. You were a whining mess, your legs shaking and resembling what you would think jello would feel like. Each time one boy pulled slightly out then the other pushed inside of you deeper, searching for the bundle of nerves inside of you.
Billy wrapped his large hand around your face, squeezing hard as he forced you to look at him, “Does it feel good baby?” His minty breath swam around your hot face. You nodded pathetically, your jaw aching from the way he was squeezing your jaw.
“So good,” You cried out pathetically as you rolled your hips, enjoying the sensation of being so filled. You could feel ever drag of their cocks, every soft movement, “Feels so good.” You repeated dumbly as he let go of your face, moving you back towards Steve as he smacked your backside again.
You were a mewling mess, unsure of how to move your hips to gain more pleasure inside of you. Your whole body felt on fire, constantly filled with pleasure from the way that the two boys were now moving together. As one pulled out, the other one was inside you and hitting the same deep spots that had your toes curling. Drool was falling from your lips and onto Steve’s chest from the delight that was filling your body. 
“Gonna,” You breathed out hard, finding it difficult to catch your breath, “Gonna come.” You were finally about to speak. Billy grunted from behind you, dragging your hips back towards him as he continued to hit that same spot inside of you. Steve was thrusting up hard, his fingers gripping against your thighs as he searched for his high.
You cried as you came, thick hot tears were rolling down your face as you shook around the two of them. Your whole body was trembling, and Billy held onto your waist tightly to keep you from collapsing entirely. He licked at your wet tears, his sounds of pleasure vibrating across your skin as he did so.
“Fuck,” Steve huffed as he quickly pulled away, pumping himself hard in his hand as he released his thick fluid across your thighs and stomach. You whined as you watched the way his mouth opened in pleasure, “So fucking good.” He praised, his eyes glancing up towards you.
Billy’s hands wrapped around your neck again, gripping you back so you could face him. You stared at the curve of his face and admired the freckles on his cheeks. His lips parted as he groaned, squeezing at your neck as he emptied inside of you. You moaned out softly, feeling your mixture dripping down onto Steve.
"Little slut," Billy tsked, smacking the side of your ass. You yelped as he pushed in deeply one last time before he pulled himself out. You trembled as he reached forward, wiping away some of Steve's spunk from your stomach and pushing it between your lips, "Such a messy little bitch."
"Don't call her that," Steve breathed out hard, his eyes moving from your blissed out face to Billy's, "She's not one." Billy smirked, smacking your backside again.
"Whatever you say," Billy smirked softly, holding his hands up in defense. You stared at Billy for another moment, before Steve was pulling you towards him, "She likes it anyways." Steve ignored him as he traced his hands up your sides. You looked at Billy again, admiring his toned muscles as you caught your breath.
“You came inside,” Steve scowled as he glanced towards Billy. He was pulling you against him, rubbing his long fingers against your shaking form as you tried to calm yourself down from your very intense orgasm, “That wasn’t part of the rules.” Billy smiled and shrugged, not looking like he regretted anything as he moved towards the edge of his bed. You wondered how many other rules he had broken.
“Maybe I’ll see you around.” Billy sent you a wink as he dressed himself again. You did your best not to stare at his toned body as Steve’s arms wrapped around you once again.
“Fuck you,” Steve’s voice was short as he caressed his thumb across your skin, “This was a one-time thing. It’s never happening again.” You hoped he couldn’t feel the way your heart was beating inside of your chest. You watched Billy for another second, realizing that your boyfriend still had no idea about what was happening between you and the other boy. A sly smile pressed against your lips, deciding you could keep your own little secret.
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hearts4court · 5 months
Could you do Steve Harrington x freakishly strong fem reader? I think it would be so cute for her to just pick him up when he’s annoying her 😂. I just think the interactions would be so cute and funny.
Thank you!
Isn’t she lovely?
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A/N: i actually adore this bc you could brutally beat up someone bc you’re so strong and Steve would just be like “isn’t she lovely?☺️” ^^hints the title^^
Pairing: Steve Harrington X fem!reader.
Warning: cursing, Robin third wheeling y’all, pet names(princess, babe, love, etc.), implied smut
Lemme know if i missed anything!
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Visiting Steve at his job wasn’t uncommon. He loved having you there when Robin was starting to get on his nerves. And, Robin loved you there too, she loved having someone to talk to other then Steve as she didn’t have many friends.
When you walked into the video store, Robin was at the counter. She blinked at you before smiling and turning away,”Hey dingus, your princess is here!” she called out to Steve, crashing in the back of the store was heard making you laugh and Robin shake her head.
“Y/N!” Steve said, running out the back and picking you up and spinning you around.”Steve!” you giggle making him smile as you kissed his forehead.
“What are you doing here? shouldn’t YOU be working?” he asked.
“the store closed for the day because the air went out, it won’t be fixed till Friday.” you say, causing a big dorky smile to form on his face.
“Wonderful. How about you stick around for a bit? Robins driving me crazy.” he said, receiving a gasp from Robin making both of you turn your heads to the counter,
“How dare you, Harrington!” she said, making you shake your head. “Y’all act like children. Robin has an excuse, what’s yours, babe?” you joke as you hit his arm playfully.
“i hate to ruin the moment, but, dingus you have work to do.” Robin interrupted you two, receiving a groan from Steve.
“Fine.” He said as he went to pick up a box to stock up a shelf, “Here! let me help.” you say as you pick up the box with no struggle, unlike Steve.
He blinked. “What did your parents feed you as a child? steroids?” he asked in disbelief, Steve knew you were strong, but it still shocked him.
“No!” you giggle. “I just work out sometimes. And, a lot of my family is strong. It’s kinda genetic.” you say, causing him to blink more before chuckling.
“Come help me stock this shelf will you? Need someone to hold the box and Robin is to lazy.” he said as Robin flipped him off.
“Children, children. If y’all can’t behave then i’ll put y’all in time out.” you say receiving chuckles from both of them.
You brought the box to the shelf where Steve was standing and held in while he put movie tapes into their correct spot,”you’re so cute when you work, Stevie.” you say, making him blush.
Apparently, Robin heard you two, because a loud cackle was heard from over the counter. “Yeah, Stevie, you’re so cute when you stock shelves after complaining and putting it off for hours.” Robin mocked.
“Shut up, Robin!” he said, sucking his teeth.
"Steve, be nice."you say, slightly nudging him with your knee. He sighed before nodding,"Sorry, sorry."he said, glaring at Robin before taking the empty box from you.
"Hey, you know what i was thinking?" Steve asks, putting his arms around your waist, waiting for your immediate reaction to wrap your arms around his neck. "hmm?" you hum.
"How about we go on a date tonight? I know a great restaurant that just opened up, we should go there." he said, sounding a bit nervous. You couldn't help but smile and kiss his nose,"Of course. And then, we can go back to your place because..."you trailed off, "correct me if i'm wrong.." you smirked," you're parents are out of town, right?" you tease which caused him to blush and bit his lip.
"You're such a tease." he said with a soft laugh as he kissed your neck lovingly.
"but, you love me~~"you say in a low voice lightly nudging him with your hip.
"that i do, babe." he said kissing you with a dorky grin on his face.
oh how Steve loved his life.
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Don’t copy, translate or repost any of my work w/o my permission.
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theemporium · 11 months
Can you write steddie/or just Eddie with a partner who is a tattoo artist? It can be either sfw or nsfw
i actually really liked this concept, it's so cute! thank you for requesting!🖤
When you applied for the job at the tattoo parlour, your portfolio had been filled with tattoos you had done.
“They were mostly on my boyfriend,” you had told them with a sheepish smile as they flicked through your work. “He was eager to let me use him as a practice canvas and he loves them, even the shit ones.” 
Your co-workers had found it adorable enough, made a few remarks about how lucky your boyfriend was that you were very talented with a tattoo gun and quickly welcomed you to their team. 
You had spoken about your boyfriend briefly in between sessions and during lunch breaks. Not much, but they seemed to get the general vibe of what he was like. You were head over heels and by the sound of it, he was far more obsessed and in love than you were. It was wholesome. 
So, you could imagine your co-workers' surprise when a man walked in through the door, skin free of any tattoos, holding a brown paper bag with your lunch inside as he claimed to be your boyfriend. 
And the surprise when you greeted him like it was normal.
“Hey baby,” he grinned as he leaned down to peck your lips, his smile almost feeling infectious as he handed you the paper bag. “You forgot this on the counter.” 
“You’re a lifesaver, Stevie,” you groaned happily, placing another peck on your boyfriend’s cheek before you headed back to your room, calling out behind you that you should be done for work by six whilst he told you he would have dinner sorted by the time you arrived.
None of your co-workers had the guts to ask any questions, but they speculated amongst themselves. Maybe you had broken up with your last boyfriend and hadn’t told them about it (after all, they had no right to know). Or maybe his tattoos were hidden (though that was doubtful when many of the pieces you showed them were on his arms and torso). Maybe they misheard boyfriend in the context you gave it, maybe it just happened to be a friend who was a boy.
Until not even two weeks later, a curly-haired man in a leather jacket and black jeans sauntered through the door, the arms cut off to show the tattoos littering his pale skin and the slither of skin showing off his stomach telling them his torso probably matched. 
And he was asking for you.
It was nearing closing time when he walked in, waving them off when they told him they had no more appointments and they didn’t do walk-ins. 
“Nah, I’m just waiting for my girl,” he told them with a friendly smile. One that only widened when he saw you walk out the back, your bag thrown over your shoulder. “And there she is! Hey, pretty girl.” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “Hey, Eddie.” 
Eddie was shameless in the way he cupped your face between his hands and pressed a loud, wet, somewhat sloppy kiss on your lips before he threw his arm around your shoulder. He waved your co-workers goodbye before heading out, rambling away about a new tape he wanted to play for you when you reached his van.
And with that, they were left with only one conclusion. 
“She’s having an affair!” One of them hissed, eyes wide as they looked at each other. “She is cheating on her boyfriend with the other guy, the prince charming one!” 
“Or maybe the tattoo rockstar is her side piece,” another co-worker put forward. 
“Or maybe she’s just—” 
However, they only quickly shut up when you walked in the room. 
“What’s up?” you asked as you took a seat, your eyes narrowing a little when you saw the way they all stared at each other, wary and cautious. “Why do I feel like I interrupted something?” 
“Which one is it?” one of them blurted out, ignoring the looks they were receiving. 
You frowned in confusion. “Which one is what?” 
“Which one is your boyfriend?” they asked you. “Which one are you stringing along?” 
You paused and they all waited with a bated breath before you burst out laughing, and this time it was their turn to be confused. 
“Nothing, nothing,” you waved off, not bothering to fight back your grin. “Uh, they are both my boyfriends.” 
Their eyes widened. “Both?” 
“Both,” you confirmed with a nod. “And they are each other’s boyfriend.” 
“Each other’s?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed. 
“So…you’re all…like…” The words trailed off but you knew what they were asking.
“We are all together, yes,” you said with a grin. “I don’t have some scandalous affair going on, though I’m sure my boys will love to hear that.” 
“Of course.” 
“Makes sense!” 
But you only grinned back at your co-workers, knowing well enough that your boys were going to have a blast with this story.
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harrywavycurly · 1 year
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Double Trouble: You’ve known Steve Harrington for a while, you met at one of his house parties and just hit it off. Since then the two of you have occasionally hooked up here and there but now the two of you are about to be way more than just casual friends with benefits, you’re about to be first time parents to a set of twins. As if dealing with being a dad isn’t enough Steve also has to deal with Eddie Munson who just so happens to be your absolute bestfriend. So follow along as you and Steve transition from being casual hook up buddies to parents and maybe something more💙🩷
Type of Story: FWB to Lovers
Status: Ongoing
A/N: I’m sorry but everyone loves a dad to be Steve story so I just couldn’t help myself. Also Eddie is tossed in for comedic relief and he makes a great bestie but don’t get it twisted he is JUST your bff this is a Steve story✨
Instagrams: here
Conversations: here
Extras: here
*This is a texting story and you’ll find everything in the correct order below*
Part 1: Sweatshirt
Part 2: Twins
Part 3: Weekends
Part 4: Group Chat
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madstwd · 2 years
Steamy Breaks
Steve Harrington x Reader
Words: 2k
Warnings: SMUT, MINORS DNI, Dom Steve, Breeding Kink, slight overstimulation, sex in the back of Scoops Ahoy, Fingering, Mentions of Pregnancy
Season: 3 (no spoilers)
Hope you all enjoy! Sorry about my lack of posting it's been a rough few weeks but hopefully coming back strong!
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You sat behind the counter, flicking sprinkles at Steve as he stood opposite you. It was a surprisingly quiet day, the children clearly enjoying their time elsewhere, the cinema packed showing the latest movies. Meaning you and Steve stood bored as you waited for anyone to show up. “Will you stop?” Steve huffed annoyed, swiping away the sprinkle that had fallen onto the counter as it bounced off his head. You let a small giggle, a large smile plastered on your face. “Yeah sorry, i'm just bored” you sighed, sprawling out on the display behind you in a dramatic manner. Steve let out a small chuckle before his gaze returned to the crowd of people shopping. You let out a dramatic sigh again, looking towards your coworker again. You had gotten along with Steve surprisingly well, better than you thought when you saw him have a meeting with your boss in the back of the store, dreading working with the egotistical king Steve. “Sooo, want to play 20 questions?” You asked. Your question drew the man back to you as he thought about it. He nodded shrugging, deciding there was nothing better to do. “Alright, I’ll go first. So, what’s something you have never told anyone before?” You smiled, deciding to make it interesting with the big questions first. Steve scoffed, an eyebrow quirked up with a smirk. “Starting with the big questions? Planning on getting dirt to share with your friends'' he joked, stifling a laugh. “Oh yeah! All those friends I have will really enjoy what I have to say” you retorted. “Fine, when I was little I used to crawl backwards.” He said, a smile plastered on his face when he saw your disappointment. “Well I was expecting something more juicy but alright. Your turn Harrington '' you said, waving your hand to him. Steve nodded, his head falling onto his hand as he looked off in thought. You watched how a few strands of hair fell out of place, framing his cheeks. “Alright, most interesting place you have had sex?” He smirked. Your eyes widened and blush crept on your face. However it quickly changed to a smirk as you thought hard about it. “A Camero” you laughed.
Steve's eyes widened as he thought about it, realisation quickly setting in. “You and bi-” he said, his mouth dropping open. You shook your head laughing at the boy in front of you, the way his face fell, a grumpy look replacing it. “No? Did you- your meant to be truthful” he stuttered, his voice laced in disappointment. “It was a car just not his”
“that's another question” you queried. Steve huffed in annoyance, shoulders falling as he accepted disappointment. “Okay my turn, weirdest sexual fantasy” you questioned, leaving forward on the counter as you egearly waited a response. Steve looked at you as he thought, his eyes scanning over your body as he thought about admitting his own daydreams. The reminder of them almost causing his cock to stiffen. “Um- probably this daydream I had before where I just fucked someone until the pregnant” he laughed nervously, alarms blaring into his head as awaited your response. You smirked, quirking an eyebrow as you scanned his face, his body curling into himself. “Well, an interesting choice. Who was the lucky girl?” You laughed. Steve smiled, his nerves easing. “That’s another question”
“What if I changed the rules?”
“Thought you like to follow them, that’s why you wear the ridiculous hat”
As you and Steve continued to tease each other your bodies gradually became closer, your hands almost touching the counter. Steve's body towered over yours as you looked up at him, smiling he whispered “what’s your weirdest fantasy?”
You gulped, looking into his eyes that darkened with lust, a small smile on your face as you confidently replied with “being impregnated by the person in front of me”
Steve's hands grasped at your wrists, shutting the front of the store as he dragged you into the back room. His body pressing yours against the door, as he leaned down to kiss you, his hands on your hips as he pulled you to grind on him. Feeling his hardened cock against your stomach. Steve let out an animalistic groan, his lips kissing under your earlobe. You leaned into him, your chest pressing against his desperate for attention, needy for his touch. “Surely we should wait for the shift to finish-“
“I’ve been thinking about this all summer I’ve waited long enough” Steve groaned in your ear. You smiled at him, kissing his lips eagerly. Steve moved you both to the break table, your ass pressed against the edge before he effortlessly lifted you up. His hands moved to your thighs, hitching your skirt up putting your Lacey underwear on show for him, the crotch dripping wet. “So eager for this aren’t you darling” he groaned. You nodded, you hair falling over your face. Steves fingers hooked under the waistband of the underwear pulling them down. You kicked off your poorly laced shoes as Steve flung the underwear elsewhere in the room. Your leg spread for him allowing him to move closer to you, he could feel your wetness soak through his work shorts a small patch forming where your pussy sat against his crotch. “Such a good girl being this wet for me. Can’t wait to feel it” he said, a smirk plastered on his face as he watched you react to his fingers gingerly teasing your lips. Your juices spreading around as he stroked your pussy, his fingers pressing your clit sending small waves of pleasure around your body. Your hand gripped his forearm as his fingers entered you, he moved them in and out at a perfect pace. Small whines leaving your mouth as he began to circle your clit with his thumb. His fingers scissored and stretch you, your wetness dripping off his fingers with ever thrust he made. Steve watched with enjoyment as your head threw back against the table, your body arching to him as he played with you.
“Such a good girl, I think you're ready for me” he grinned. Steve slowly slid off his shorts and underwear, freeing his cock. He smiled, as your head popped up, eyeing his length. His hands spread your thighs, bringing you closer to the edge of the table. His tip teased your clit, his hand circling it against it, pre cum leaking out spreading around it. “Steve please” you begged, your fingers scratching against the table unable to hold anything. Steve smiled as he inserted his cock, starting off at a slow pace, allowing his cock to be coated with your juices. Your whines were loud, louder than Steve imagined it would be. He loved it, each sound drawing him closer. “I can’t wait” you whined. Steve smiled, “can’t wait for what love?”
“To be filled with your seed, to be yours”
“You already are mine now”
“I want others to know it”
Steve blushed, your words encouraging him to live out his fantasy, to pump everything he had in you. You smiled, your hair becoming sweaty, knotty in the back as you were thrusted against the surface of the table. Steve's hand held up your skirt, holding your hips still as he thrusted you into place. He watched as your eyes screwed shut, your legs wrapping around him holding in place, even if he wanted to pull out you weren’t letting him. Something about this action caused his dick to twitch inside of you, the noise you made made him almost bust inside of you. Desperate to milk more sounds like that out of, so many more that the rest of the people in the store could hear how he made you feel. Your hands gripped his forearms, sweat forming on your brow, you legs so tightly curled you were shocked you haven't hurt yourself yet. “Steve please- I need it, your seed. Deep in Me” you whimpered. Steve nodded, his hands gripping your hips so tightly you were sure he's going to leave bruises. Your thoughts were swept away as he increased his speed, moving your body so he could drive his cock further and further inside of you. Making sure you got every last drop he had to offer. “Darling are you going cum on my dick?” He groaned. You nodded, barely able to make out his words m. “Use your words darling, gotta hear momma say it to me”
“Steve, I'm gunna-”
You didn't even finish the sentence as the orgasm ripped through you, Steve used the juices you released to reach a speed he didn't even know he could. His cock twitched, the sensation becoming too much for him caused him to bust inside of you, his heart beating fast as he drove his cock inside you so deep, making sure you had every last drop. The two of you panted, as you came back to your senses Steve's body hovering over yours still trapped by your legs. He tapped your thigh signalling you to let him go. Your legs uncurled, they were stiff and rigid as you moved yourself to sit back on the edge of the table, watching Steve wipe himself down with some paper towel he found, his crotch area dripping with sweat and your juices. He looked up at you and grinned. Once he had finished getting himself dressed and decent his eyes scanned the room to look for your underwear. “Do you think it worked?” He asked as he slid your underwear back on your legs. You shrugged, “only time will tell I guess”
Steve's heart melted at the sight of your sweet smile, his mind filling doubts as he thought about what you both had just done. “Do you think it was the right thing to do-” he asked shyly, getting nervous. You lifted his head so he was looking at you, you brought him into a soft but passionate kiss. As you pulled away Steve smiled, his nerves calmed as he figured no matter what happened he still had you, and maybe he would have you plus one. Both of you got ready to finish the shift together, your actions filling your mind making you daydreams more flavourful.
You excitedly ran through the mall, dodging the crowd as your sneakers squeaked against the flooring as you swerved people. You saw Robin at the cash register of the store looking bored as she stared into the crowd. Though her expression changed when she saw you darting through the crowd towards her. “Well?” She asked, biting back a smile. Your fingers fiddled with the test in your jumper pocket, the jumper you had stolen from Steve. Both of you had made it official shortly after your first time, neither of you could keep your feelings hidden. Robin was both disgusted but invested in the results of that evening, spending as much time with you as symptoms started to show. You looked at her, grasping the test before a sly smile grew on your face. You nodded eagerly, tears brimming in your eyes. Robin's face broke out into a large smile, before she ran out from behind the register to hug you. “I can't believe it! He's out back having a break” she smiled, giggles left her lips in excitement. You nodded, the nerves creeping through. You knew he wanted it but there was always the doubt due to your age.
Steve's head shot up, a few crumbs falling from his mouth as he bit into his sandwich. You couldn't contain your smile as you slid the test over to him. His fingers picked up trying to figure out the result. As the cogs turned in his head you could slowly start to realise. He dashed towards you scooping you up in a hug as he jumped around holding you. “We did it!” He shouted before his lips crashed into yours bringing you into a kiss. Both of you are laughing and happy about the future you both created.
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taytrashmouth · 9 months
Hi! Can I request the first prompt with Steve please!
Love this!!!!!
Prompt: “you’re being all cute and sweet and it’s making me want to kiss you.”
Character: Steve Harrington, stranger things
Steve Harrington x reader
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It was late on a Saturday evening, your parents were at work and Steve’s parents were on some vacation in France.
All they knew was that you were at home ‘studying’. You were at Steve’s house, your boyfriend.
“Steve!” You called from the shower.
“Do you have any clothes I could borrow?” You yelled from the other side of the door.
He knocked a few seconds later, and he handed you an old t-shirt and some boxers, he was looking away, at something for school with a pen in his mouth.
You shut the door again. “Is that your college application essay?” You asked.
“Yeah! I just- I keep messing up and I don’t know how to fix it.” He sighed, flipping onto his bed. “I feel so dumb you know?”
“Let me read it.” You stated opening the door and drying off your hair with a blue towel.
He smiled at you. Like you were the only thing that mattered. So you smiled back.
“It’s so unfair, My clothes always look better on you.” He whined as you settled with your back to his chest, leaning on his headboard. He held your torso tight and rested his head in your neck. Your legs were intertwined.
“No I think you look super sexy in your Freddy Kruger t-shirt.” You joked, smiling up at him and he hugged you tighter.
You read the essay while he rested on your shoulder. Clearly tired from the past week.
“Steve?” You asked after a long silence.
“I know-, it’s stupid and I don’t really have good ideas for the essay. And I feel like it’s obvious that I’m stupid- and they want someone who’s smart you know-“ he began to rant.
You turned around, straddling him.
“Steve-“ you interrupted.
He looked at you, very distressed.
You held his cheeks. “You’re not stupid.” Suddenly he looked like the weight of the world had hit him.
Your sad face, and the years of being told he was dumb crashing onto him.
“Fuck.” He choked as he began to cry. “This is so- sorry-“ he apologised and wiped his face.
“Hey, don’t apologise, it’s okay to cry. I was going to say I really liked the essay, I thought it was a really different perspective on going into the world. You know most people they, say what the university wants to hear, but you wrote from your heart.” As you spoke you wiped his tears which made him cry more.
“And I don’t think you’re stupid. You know how to bake, and fix a car, you can do my hair- which I can’t even do.” At this he chuckled.
“You are kind and that’s more than most boys know how to do-, and you built me a bookshelf…and I love books. You’re thoughtful, and you find solutions to things that most people ignore. You’re good with kids.”
. “And a bonus is that you’re like super hot.” You shrugged, fixing his hair that has fallen into his face.
He smiled.
“You’re being all cute and sweet and it’s making me want to kiss you.” Steve whispered.
Your smile reached your eyes. “That’s okay.”
He smiled into the kiss, smothering you. Kissing your lips first, then your cheeks and your forehead.
He stopped abruptly and held your arms. “I love you.” He spoke. This was the first time he’d said it.
You paused for a moment, a smile creeping onto your face. “I love you more.”
He let out a breath of relief. Memories of Nancy leaving his head, he’d been scared to say it since.
Soon he was kissing you again, long and passionate.
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prettyfics · 2 years
☆Head Canons☆
Minors DNI! 18+
Warnings: NSFW, not proofed
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Stevie = Daddy. Example: oh my god stevie look at this dress, it's so cute. -Steve buys you the dress-
Big switch energy
Very protective, you go to the grocery store together and he always has a hand in your back pocket
Loves PDA
Likes people to know you are his and his only
King of edging
Is a big phat tease and loves to see you squirm and beg for him
A huge ego but it's well earned
Likes to be little spoon
Loves to have his hair pulled (obviously)
Will spit in your mouth
He goes feral when you're on your knees, mouth open, tongue out for him
Has a marking kink (again like people to know you are his)
Breeding Kink
Dumbification kink
He absolutely loves when he's fucked out all your senses and you can't even string together a few words
He loves the build up of foreplay
The first time you took control you sat on his face and this man came in his pants without even touching himself
Of course you punished him which he also enjoyed
Loves tits
He discovers what a tit wank/titty fuck is and he obsesses over if for days before he works up the courage to ask you if you will try it
And when you let him he loses his mind
He's never cum so quick in his life
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This girl loves an extra heavy make out sesh
She has wondering hands as she likes to keep them busy at all times by touching you
As much as she loves boobies, she's an ass girl, you're pretty much dry humping and her hands are firmly attached to your ass squeezing and kneeding trying to pull you closer to her
Simultaneous thigh riding
She loves the intimacy of it and that she gets to make out with you at the same time
She can cum from nipple play alone
You found out one night when she wore a new bra which made them look ✨chefs kiss✨ and you couldn't leave them alone
Eats you out like a champ, her favourite meal of the day
Shes a bottom (sub) at the start of the relationship but as she gets more comfortable she takes charge every now and then
Like when you wear her favourite dress of yours that makes her go wild and makes your ass look perfect and she can't wait to get home and rip it (carefully) off you
You read books together in bed, huddled over the same book her head resting on your chest
Loves sneaking off to kiss you somewhere
Was super shy when you first started introducing toys
But now she buys something new every month and suprises you with it
Also has a marking kink but specifically on your ass
Gives great full body massages if you catch my drift
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siriuslysmoking · 15 days
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Summary: An unlikely friendship leads into the battlefield together and somehow still stays strong. After Seven years of a full friendship something slips, and it will never be the same.
Warnings: None? Parental issues ig but nothing major.
-Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place And have a drink or two And then I go and spoil it all By saying somethin' stupid like, "I love you"-
Growing up living next to the Harringtons was different than you expected, between the ages of zero to fifteen you heard parties next door every weekend. Then one weekend they stopped. You couldn't help but notice the lack of cars in the driveway. But Steve was still at school, his parents though, his parents were nowhere to be found.
Four weekends after the parties stopped you decided to confront Steve, you'd barely talked to him before, brief hello's after school, small waves through your bedroom windows, maybe a head nod of acknowledgement in the school hallways.
When you got home from school you saw the lights of a TV flickering in the window, you decided to finally talk to him. Knocking on the door you heard some shuffling from the otherside of the door. You watched as Fifteen year old Steve opened the door lazily.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm coming in." You said with a smile.
"You can't just come in." He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Yes. I can." You wait until he moves to the side, granting you access to the house.
You tried not to notice the mess, but you couldn't help looking around the house you've never been in before.
"What do you need?"
"I don't need anything." You turn to him in the entryway.
"Then why are you here, bothering me."
"Oh, I'm a joy to be around, I'm not a bother."
"Alright, sunshine, What do you not need?" He rolls his eyes, leaning against the doorframe.
"I think you need something, actually, not me."
"Okay, Genie, what do I need?" He jokes sarcastically.
"A friend."
"I have friends."
"Not those types of friends, friends that don't care about what you're actually thinking." You smile softly.
"If you came here just to make me feel bad about myself, feel free to leave-"
"Where are your parents Steve?" You interrupt him, cutting to the chase.
"Where are you parents? Every Night for the past four weeks your driveway has been empty, The shrubs are overgrown and your mother always took care of those. The house has been silent every weekend. What I'm asking is, where are you parents."
"I uh..." he pauses, something seems to be caught in his throat that he just is not willing to let go.
"You don't have to tell me, but it has to get lonely in here, if you want some company, I'm just next door." You leave a smile and turn to leave.
The next time you see Steve is two nights later, you spot him while you're laying in bed with a book. He opens his window and motions for you to do the same, you learn outside the window and give him a questioning gaze.
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"Yeah, I'll bring popcorn." You smile, you didn't expect him to accept your offer of being friends, but you're happy he did.
"Thanks Sunshine."
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Seven years later Steve and you have been through thick and thin, from teenage breakups, parent issues, and interdimensional creatures. Still your friendship was somehow still growing bigger.
As the party died down you walked your guests out, thanking them for coming, and the housewarming gifts.
Once everyone leaves it's just you and Steve, the two of you clean up together and once you both are done you pour a glass of wine for the both of you. You hand Steve his as you both settle onto the couch. "Thanks, Sunny."
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"I'll get some popcorn." Steve says sitting up and moving to the kitchen, "Pick out a movie, just nothing too geeky."
"Hey! My movie picks are far superior than yours."
"Don't insult my movie preferences, I worked at Family Video for a year!" He shouts from the kitchen.
"Yeah until the government paid us off for our silence."
He returns with a bag of popcorn.
"Did you burn it again?" It wasn't even a question at this point.
"I take offense to that! I am fully capable of making popcorn."
"You may be able to make a beautiful fettuccine but popcorn is not your forte." He scoffs as he opens the bag and then the smell comes... "Steve, I swear."
"I didn't mean to!" He yells, you grab the bag as you rush to the trash to throw it out and open up a window.
"You are forever off popcorn duty." You shout behind you, throwing in a new bag. "The fact that you do it every time astounds me."
Once a fresh bag is made, you snuggle up with a blanket on the couch.
Halfway through the movie Steve lays his head down on your lap, you slowly run your fingers through his hair, you hear his breathing start to grow smoother and slower. You let him sleep through the movie so he'll not be so tired for his drive home. But looking at the time he should probably just stay the night
Once the movie is over you shake Steve awake, since it's so late you tell him to stay the night, he holds no argument and just follows you back to your room, once he's changed and you've both brushed your teeth.
"Night Stevie."
"I love you, Sunny." He's said it a million times over the past seven years, but this time... this time I just felt different. His heavy eyes held something that's never been aimed in your direction before. You can't get yourself to let words out, His throat sounds tight when he whispers shakily, "I'm so in love with you, it's almost painful to see you knowing that you don't know that I am utterly enamored with you. You are my universe, my star, my sky, my Sunny. And I'm sorry, I'm ruining the best thing I've ever had saying this, but I can't go another day without knowing your feelings."
You just stare at him for what feels like hours, days, years. You only escape your mind when Steve suddenly sits up, saying, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry-"
He says it over and over that it doesn't even sound like a word anymore. "I shouldn't have- I'm sorry."
"Steve," You murmur, standing up and rounding the bed to try to stop him from getting dressed.
"I'm so sorry, Sunny-" He's buttoning his jeans when you place your hands on his cheek, you only realize then that he let the clawing tears escape his eyes.
"Stop." You look at him softly, "Steve, I need you to breathe."
You hear him take a deep shaky breath, "I didn't want to ruin this-"
"Steve, you didn't ruin anything." You say with a soft smile.
"I- I didn't?"
You shake your head slowly, "I love you so much Steve that it consumes me, sometimes it's all I am, the love I have for you, and it's only grown over the years now that I know you."
"No..." He looks relieved, "Really?"
"Yes, Steve." You move one of your hands into his hair, it's the best way to soothe him. "So much that Robin considered calling a doctor."
He smiles into your hands, "Can I kiss you now?"
"You don't need to ask, you never need to ask." Then his lips meet your and it was like coming up for air after being stuck underwater for a lifetime.
"I love you, I love you, I love you." He repeats into your lips with a smile. Once you separate he rests his forehead on yours, "I love how you know me, I love how you love me."
Because to be loved is to be known.
Likes and Reblogs are appreciated <3
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ashwhowrites · 7 months
Hello, my love. I would like to request an angsty fic from the queen of angst. (With a happy ending)
So transmasc! Reader has been dating (Steve/Eddie) for a few months now. Somehow (you can pick cause I don't have any specific ideas), reader gets outed. Like Steve/Eddie finds their binding shit or maybe sees their scars if they've had top surgery or finds their first ID, whatever. But Reader decides this definitely must mean it's over, obviously that's not true, and happy ending? 💋💋
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 💋💋 feel free to let me know if anything should be changed if I used incorrect wording.
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Y/N and Steve have been together for around four months and everything has been great. Steve was amazing, he was sweet and romantic. Y/N felt adored by all the love Steve offered, and they struggled with returning the same amount of love to Steve.
They trusted Steve and felt comfortable with him. But they couldn't find the courage to tell Steve about their past. They felt nervous to come out to Steve and explain their journey of becoming who they were meant to be.
Y/N thought they had more time to figure it all out. But they were faced with reality. Steve found things out on his own and his questions were building.
Y/N stood shirtless in their room as they searched through their shirts. Steve was picking them up in half an hour and they needed to finish getting ready.
Music played on their radio as they sang along. They focused more on the song than they did on the task at hand.
"Need help?"
Y/N jumped as they heard a voice. Their eyes snapped to Steve as he stood in their doorway. Y/N swallowed hard, nerves in their stomach. From the angle, Steve was able to see the front of Y/N completely. Y/N never let Steve see them shirtless. They had scars from their top surgery, a surgery they'd never discussed with Steve.
They could tell Steve tried not to stare, but his eyes kept going back to the scars on their chest. Y/N grew self-conscious and yanked on a random shirt. They walked over and turned off the radio.
"You're early." They said after a moment of silence.
"Yeah, sorry. I got here early and wanted the extra time with you. I didn't mean to barge in." Steve apologized, he felt incredibly guilty. He could sense how upset Y/N was and he wasn't sure how to fix that.
"I'd appreciate it if you knocked next time or called if you were coming early," Y/N explained, Steve nodded and agreed for the future.
"Did you see it?" Y/N asked, looking at Steve with nervous eyes.
"The scars, Harrington! Don't act dumb." Y/N spazzed. Their heart was pounding through their chest. Negative thoughts filled their head. They wanted to ease Steve into it, but now they are terrified they scared him off. He's not going to ever look at Y/N the same way. He's going to be pissed that Y/N kept it to themselves for some time.
"I did. But people have scars, there's nothing wrong with that." Steve explained, slowly walking towards Y/N.
"Do you know what it's from?" Y/N asked.
"I have a theory, but it's not my place to rush you or expect you to tell me. It's your body and I'm here to love the body you want to share with me. If you don't want to talk about it, we don't have to until you're ready." Steve explained. He softly leaned in, pressing his lips against their cheek.
Y/N wasn't sure if they heard Steve right. He almost sounded perfectly fine with seeing their scars, but that can't be true. Y/N was fully convinced the second they opened up to Steve, he'd run away. He'd run and never look back. He wouldn't see Y/N as the person he first met. Y/N was scared that Steve might imagine a different version of them. But they were wrong.
Steve was still right here, closer than ever. His lips on their skin, his hands on their hips. His brown eyes hold adoration and comfort.
Y/N felt tears welling in their eyes, wrapping Steve in a hug. Y/N melted against his broad chest as Steve hugged them back. Steve rubbed their back softly, up and down. Y/N couldn't think at the moment, allowing themselves to soak into the moment. They didn't have many moments like this. They lived in a world where they were judged and not accepted. It was a lonely and hard life. No one understood the daily struggle Y/N had to fight through.
Steve didn't understand, but he was still here. His arms wrapped around Y/N like many times before.
Y/N felt the feeling of acceptance wash over their body, a body that they worked to feel comfortable in. A body they were learning to love, just as Steve was.
"stay?" Y/N's weak voice whimpered out.
"Always gonna stay," Steve promised.
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multifandom-imgns · 2 years
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luvlanguagye · 9 months
A Tale of Hearts Entwined
Chapter One: The Beginning of an Unbreakable Bond
Summary: In the enchanting town of Hawkins, where reality intertwined with the extraordinary, two souls - Steve Harrington and Emily - forged an unbreakable bond from childhood days of scraped knees and hidden adventures
Paring: Steve Harrigton x Oc!EmilyTurner
A/n: this will be a couple of chapters, and I will try to update as soon as I can ( school just started so it might be a minute)
chapter two
Hawkins, a small town nestled within the embrace of rolling hills and whispering woods, held secrets beyond its quaint exterior. It was in this unassuming place that the tale of Steve Harrington and Emily Turner was set to unfold - a story of friendship that would evolve into a love that neither could have foreseen.
The sun cast a warm glow as Emily, a spirited and curious girl with a shock of unruly hair, stood on the sidewalk, her heart racing with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. It was her first day of kindergarten, a step into the unknown that felt both exhilarating and overwhelming
Steve, a boy with a charm that seemed to radiate effortlessly, stepped onto the same sidewalk. His hair, equally unruly, was a testament to his free-spirited nature. With an infectious grin, he greeted Emily, his blue eyes sparkling with genuine warmth. "Hey, you must be new here."
Emily's nerves melted away as his friendly tone eased her apprehension. "Yeah, I just moved here. I'm Emily."
"Nice to meet you, Emily. I'm Steve." He extended his hand, and they shook hands like two young adults sealing a pact.
As they entered the classroom together, an unspoken connection had already formed. Throughout the school day, they found themselves drawn to each other like magnets. Steve's exuberance matched perfectly with Emily's curiosity, and they quickly became inseparable. Shared crayons turned into whispered secrets, and by the end of that day, a friendship was born that would stand the test of time.
Days turned into weeks, and their friendship grew stronger with each passing moment. They became partners in imaginative games during recess, their laughter echoing across the playground. On weekends, they'd explore the woods behind their houses, inventing stories of dragons and heroes that only they could understand.
As they navigated the hurdles of elementary school, their bond remained steadfast. Through scraped knees and tearful moments, they were each other's constant support. Steve's bravado masked a vulnerability that only Emily saw, while Emily's quiet strength provided solace during Steve's moments of self-doubt.
As middle school approached, their bond deepened further. Steve's once effortless charm was met with the challenges of adolescence. The need to fit in and be accepted weighed heavily on him. Yet, in the midst of this transformation, Emily remained a beacon of unwavering acceptance. She saw past the facade and into the heart of the boy she had come to cherish.
It was on a warm summer afternoon, as they sat on their favorite tree stump in the woods, that their friendship took its first tentative step towards something more. Steve fumbled with his words, his cheeks tinged with a hint of red, as he confessed his nervousness about the changes ahead.
Emily's gentle laughter broke the tension, and she placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "Steve, you're still the same person to me, no matter what."
He looked into her eyes, a mixture of gratitude and something else he couldn't quite place. "You've always been the one who gets me, Em."
And in that moment, as the sun filtered through the leaves above, a new chapter of their friendship began. Little did they know that this chapter would eventually lead them down a path they hadn't dared to imagine - a journey from childhood friends to something more profound, something that had been written in the stars long before they had met.
As the sun set on that memorable day, casting a warm and golden hue over their shared space in the woods, Steve and Emily remained, their bond as unbreakable as the roots that intertwined beneath them, setting the stage for a story of friendship, love, and destiny yet to unfold.
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hearts4court · 9 months
I still hate you.
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A/N: Kinda sped this up a bit by making the dialogue short cuz like— i love plus size!smut!! i need to go church after this, cuz it was FILTHYY. but i hope you like it<3🫠🙈
Requested by: @heartz3dom
Request: enemies to lovers with Steve Harrington X Fem!plus sized!reader with smut
Main Masterlist | Rules 4 blog | Navi!
Pairing: Steve Harrington X Fem!plus size!reader
Warnings: cursing, reader wears glasses, kissing, sexual themes, p in v, mentions of blood, steve is a warning himself bc OML, Carol and Tommy.
God you hated him. His attitude, his intelligence, and his stupid, stupid hair.
Steve Harrington, the King of Hawkins, he was cute but the best thing about that asshole was his pretty face, and his hair.
He practically had girls throwing themselves on him constantly, all except you. You hated him, he hated you, y’all were always arguing about who’s better. Whether it was who’s better at exams, getting bitches, or holding a record for best drinker.
“C’mon Steve! You need to get laid.” Tommy said nudging his friend,”Stop fighting with Y/N for once, and go get yourself a girl!” Carol said.
“i don’t know. After Nancy i just-“, Steve started to say before Carol cut him off with a scoff. “Who cares about Nancy? You deserve a real girl, not some wannabe ‘innocent’ suburban girl.” Carol continued, making Steve sigh.
Steve couldn’t date or get with another girl. There was always someone on his mind, no it wasn’t Nancy. It was you.
Your laughter, the way you laughed kinda loud sometimes when something was really funny.
Your hair, how you always did something cute with it whether it was up or down.
And your eyes, how they lit up when you got excited about your interests, seeing your friends after a long day, or when you got good scores.
“i hate parties, Nancy! i don’t look good in dresses and the smell of alcohol makes me sick.” You say turning your head from her and putting your hand in front of her, to stop her speaking.
“Come on, Y/N! you’re so pretty and you need to live a little, stop staying in your room and reading books all day.” Nancy said while pushing your glasses up your nose as they were slipping off.
“Fine. Only for you.” You finally say after a long sigh, making her smile.
The night of Steve’s party, you put on a dress you liked and did your hair and makeup, trying to make yourself feel good.
When you heard Johnathans car honk, you know Nancy and Johnathan were here to pick you up.
“You look so pretty, Y/N!” Nancy said looking you up and down.
“You look- uh.. beautiful.” Johnathan stuttered with a soft smile, He was shy but he was still so respectful. Obviously Nancy didn’t take offense to his compliment towards you, because Johnathan loved Nancy with all his heart and would do anything for her.
“Thanks, Nanc. Thanks Johnny.”You say as you get into the car and buckle up.
“Yo! Steve! Drinking contest, you up?” Tommy said, making Steve shake his head.”Nah i’m good.” he spoke till his eyes widened as you walked into his house.
“Oh my god. She does not look good in that dress. She’s to fat.” Carol said smacking her gum.
“Shut up Carol.” Steve scoffed walking away from them.
You and Nancy were both talking in the kitchen when Tommy came up you, and began to flirt with you.
“I’m not interested, Thomas.” you say, Tommy had a girlfriend and you were respectful of that, and, Tommy wasn’t your type anyways.
“Come on, just because your big doesn’t mean i can’t treat you right-“ Tommy said before Carol came up to the three of you.
“Tommy! why are you flirting with Nancy the slut and Fatty?” She scoffed, “Don’t talk about us like that-“ Nancy started before Carol cut her off.” Shut up, Wheeler. And you- You do you think you are flirting with my boyfriend, Y/N?” Carol asked shoving you.
“i’m not flirting with Tommy! he’s flirting with me.” you snap back,” Yeah right, Nobody would flirt with you, Fatass.” Carol scoffed.
Tears built up in your eyes as she insulted you on your weight, when you felt something grab your waist and pull you behind them, you looked up at them and it was— Steve?!
“Both of you, out of my house, Now.” Steve said to his friends as he held you close to him, like he protecting you.
“Steve man it was—“ Tommy started to say before Steve cut him off just like Tom and Carol do to him.
“Now! take yourself and your bitch of a girlfriend and get the hell out of my house!” He scolded, heat rose to your cheeks as Steve defended you. He threw his friends out of his house just for you.
“Come on, Y/N. let’s get you cleaned up.” He said as he took your hand and led you upstairs to his bedroom to clean your face off from the tears and smudged makeup.
“Steve— why did you do that? You hate me, we hate each other.” you said as you sniffled. He didn’t answer, he just sat you down on his bed and wiped your makeup off of your puffy eyes and red face.
“Steve. Answer me.” you whisper, grabbing his wrist, making him stop and lock eyes with you. It’s almost like something snapped in him, he quickly smashed his lips onto yours without hesitation. You kissed back, letting go of his wrist and wrapping your arms around his neck.
He growled lowly and immediately wrapped his arms around your waist and under your thighs-“Steve no-“ you say between kisses making him pull away,”what’s wrong?” he asked with concern.
“i’m— im heavy.” you whisper making him scoff,”i love everything about you. Your eyes, your voice, your personality, your body is just a bonus and probably the best thing about you.” He confessed making heat rise on your cheeks once more, and between your legs.
“Now, don’t ever doubt the way you look. you’re gorgeous. If you ever doubt yourself around me.. i will fuck you in till you believe you’re beautiful.” he said before kissing you again, sliding his hands up your thighs and under your dress, making you moan softly in his mouth.
He pushed you back on his bed and took off his shirt unbuckling his belt, he pushed your dress up and over your head. He looked down at your body in shock as he licked his lips.
“fuck.. you’re beautiful, my love. and you’re all mine..” he growled lowly. Steve leaned down and kissed your neck, unclipping your bra and discarding it on the floor with the rest of y’all’s clothes, he slid off his pants and boxers, pulling off your panties and sliding into you slowly causing you to gasp.
“just like.. cmon princess.. take all of me..” he whispered pushing himself into you fully.
“oh fuck-“ you whine as he thrusted into you slowly, “doing so good f’me..” he praised, you grip onto his shoulders, digging your nails into them.
“Steve— please, go faster!” you whine as he cooed,”anything for you, baby..” he grunted as he sped up, feeling you tighten around him.
“close already? i’m just getting started..” he chuckled lowly as he looked down at you, back arched, lip slightly bleeding from how hard you bit it. He gripped onto your hips, hard enough that they’ll definitely have bruises by morning.
“Fuck- m’gonna cum-“ you whine as he left hickeys on your neck.
“Yeah? be a good girl and cum on my cock, baby..” he groaned as he sped up his thrusts.
As soon as he felt you clench around him and cum around his cock, he came inside you before he pulled out and fell beside you, pulling you to him causing you to lay your head on his chest while he traced your stretch marks on your stomach.
“i hope your on birth control.” he whispered making you giggle, “i am, don’t worry.” you mumble sleepily.
“I still hate you, by the way.” he said making you hum, as you drifted off.
“No you don’t.”
Don’t copy, translate or repost any of my work w/o my permission.
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theemporium · 11 months
Could I request Steve and reader in public with their friends trying to rile the other up or turn the other one on to see who gives in
thank you for requesting!🖤
It was a dangerous game you were playing. 
A dangerous game that you were both far too competitive to back away from. It was pure pride and bragging rights that were fuelling you both that night, shared looks and smug smirks that had been exchanged over the last few hours and it was bubbling to a point where both of you were tethering the edge. 
It started off with a passing comment from Robin who made a joke that neither one of you could keep your hands off each other. You had both laughed it off but then Steve made a remark that it was you who was all over him—one that you disputed—and then the competition began. 
It was rare for the whole gang to find a day you were all free, but that just so ended up happening on a Thursday evening when Eddie had packed up everyone into his van and headed towards some new bowling alley that had opened up on the next town over.
The argument between you and Steve was still fresh that night and one glance was all it took for an unspoken agreement to be passed between you. 
Game on. 
It started out to be quite a fair, subtle game. Neither you nor Steve were acting too out of the ordinary, still sat beside each other with your shoulders brushing against each other but that was about as much touching as the two of you shared for the first hour. 
Then Steve started goading you, provoking you. His fingertips would brush against your arm as he passed you, letting you walk towards the lane for your turn. He would make little remarks under his breath just for you to hear, ones that you knew exactly how he expected you to react to.
But you weren’t going to give in, so you decided to give him a taste of his own medicine.
“Steve, baby, can you give me a hand?” You flashed him a pretty smile and he was a simple man, quickly making his way over to you as you held the bowling ball in your hands. 
“Need some expert advice?” he teased as he made his way to your side, missing the way your eyes glimmer with mischief.
“Just need some help,” you said innocently enough but the second Steve moved to stand beside you, you quickly shook your head. “Need some proper help, baby, don’t be scared to get close.” 
His eyes narrowed slightly like he knew.
He moved to stand behind you, still leaving a gap between your bodies as his arms wound around you to rest his hands over yours. “You just gotta—” 
“Gotta what?” you asked as you pushed back into him, your ass in those tight jean shorts now pressed against his crotch and you smiled a little when the boy swore behind you. “What, baby?” 
“You’re a menace,” he gritted through clenched teeth as his hands fell to your hips.
“I just wanted some help, Stevie,” you said in a sickly sweet voice, turning your head so your lips were brushing against his. “You gonna help me, baby?” 
“Fuck, okay, you win,” he grumbled under his breath.
Your smile widened. “A shame we are gonna have to wait until we are home to do anything about it.” 
“Move, baby, gotta take my turn now.”
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