#steddie brainrot
Eeeeee! Congratulations! You deserve every single one! 🖤
Could I pretty please request:
Am I supposed to be scared now? In a Mafia AU. Vibes and item I'll leave up to your enormous, genius brain.
Thank you so much, Sam! 💖✨️ Hope you enjoy!
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Worth the risk
Rated: E
Words: 992
Tags: Mafia AU; Hitman Eddie Munson; Dark Eddie Munson; Mob boss Richard Harrington; Secret relationship; intrigue; Referenced character death (RIP Tommy); Blood and violence; Knife play; Blood play; Groping; Dry humping
Notes: Previous part | Part 1
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Nobody says anything as they make their way out of the Harrington villa, but by some unspoken agreement, they don't part ways yet. They linger in the driveway by the cars. 
Eddie knows better than to speak first. Instead, he lights a cigarette and lets the silence drag on, pretending to be brooding over the night’s events. He knows that somebody is bound to say something sooner rather than later. 
It’s Jeff who does, in the end. 
“Harrington’s losing it.” 
Gareth jumps and casts anxious glances all around himself, like he’s expecting to find the boss lurking somewhere in the shadows, while Frank shushes Jeff with a hectic gesture. 
“Shut up, are you insane?” 
Jeff shrugs petulantly, but he does lower his voice. “I'm just saying what everyone is thinking. That thing with Hagan? That was completely fucking bonkers, sending him to make that deal with the Carvers all alone. It’s almost like he wanted him to end up with a bullet through his head.” 
“Maybe he did,” Gareth says. “Rumor has it Hagan’s been making eyes at the son.” 
Eddie nods along solemnly with the rest of them. 
“All I’m saying is, it’s bad news,” Jeff mumbles. “He believes he’s invincible, that he can get away with anything. It’s dangerous for a man in his position to think like that.” 
“Then maybe he shouldn’t be.” Eddie lets the words linger, waiting until every single face is turned to him. “Be in that position, I mean.” 
Frank scoffs. “Yeah, right. Who’d even wanna do it instead? Junior seems much more interested in lounging by the pool and taking it up the-” 
“Nah,” Eddie is quick to deflect. “We’d need someone capable. Somebody younger, who knows how things work on the street.” 
“Someone like you?” 
“I wouldn’t know about that, Gare,” Eddie lies. “Just putting in my two cents on the matter.” 
Behind the garden wall, a light flickers alive, then dies again, quick as a heartbeat. Eddie grinds his cigarette under the heel of his boot. 
“Shit, just remembered I forgot something. Don’t wait for me, guys.” 
He feels their gazes on his neck as he walks back towards the house and doesn't bother hiding his grin. 
The hydrangeas are long past their bloom, decaying flower petals rustling under his feet. He doesn't lament their death, not when he knows that the seeds of something else are slowly taking root. 
The underwater lights of the pool bask the garden in an eerie glow, but he makes his way to the pool house unbothered. He has hardly ducked inside when a key clicks in the lock behind him. 
Eddie’s body moves on instinct and muscle memory. The key clatters off somewhere in the darkness,  and when the crimson veil lifts from his eyes, he has a warm body pressed against the wall, the edge of his knife licking at a shivering throat. A throat covered in the fading marks of his own teeth. 
“Damn, Stevie,” he hisses, retracting the blade and sliding it back into its holster. It leaves the faintest of cuts, tiny droplets of blood gathering against tan skin like dark beads. “Are you out of your mind? You can't just sneak up on people like that.” 
Steve scowls at him, face full of haughty disdain. He's beautiful in the glow of the pool seeping in from outside. He's always beautiful, of course, but something about the pale blue light rippling off his skin makes him look ethereal and downright unreal. Like an ancient deity, like a marble statue come alive.
“Excuse me?” he whispers, wriggling in Eddie’s hold. “What was I supposed to do? Nobody tells me shit, and then I overhear my dad talking on the phone about how one of his guys was killed. I just wanted-” 
“Aw,” Eddie coos. He leans into Steve’s space, scraping a toothy grin against the hollow of that pretty throat. His lips come away tasting like copper, leaving a bloody trail on Steve's skin. “Are you worried about me, honey? Why, I'm honored.” 
Steve pushes his head away with one palm against his cheek, but makes no further attempt at twisting out of his grip. 
“This isn't a fucking joke, Eddie. If my dad finds out about this, you'll be next in line for a bullet through the- Will you stop this?” 
Eddie lets Steve's thumb slide out of his mouth with an obscene, wet sound, nipping at the tender skin at its base as he goes. 
“Am I supposed to be scared now?” he drawls. “I'm not an idiot, I can look after myself.” 
“I know you can,” Steve confesses, tracing Eddie’s cheekbone with his thumb. It's still wet with his own spit, and the touch leaves a thin trail of moisture, cool in the stuffy air of the pool house. “But sometimes, I don't think you understand how dangerous this is.” 
“Believe me, darling, I’m well aware of the danger.” Eddie trails a hand over Steve’s throat, down his chest. The motion makes a drop of blood run from his neck into the collar of his shirt. He watches how it blooms on the white fabric, pretty like a flower, as he slips his hand between Steve's legs. “Good thing we both like it a little, dangerous, right?”
He gives the bulge in Steve’s pants a firm squeeze, and as always, the boy responds like the beautiful, needy little dream that he is. He rolls his hips, grinding himself into the touch, and wraps his arms around Eddie’s neck to slot their bodies closer together. Eddie bites down on that perfect, pink bottom lip and laughs against it when Steve moans. 
“Woah, honey! What happened to being careful?”
“What's life without a little risk?” Steve smiles, looking at him from under his long lashes. “And besides, you made me drop the key, so one of us will end up on his knees anyhow.” 
Eddie finds he can't argue with that.
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More celebration ficlets
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lioniheart · 1 year
(It was based on a take I saw earlier today but I think it got deleted)
"Why don't you like me?" Steve asks, not meeting his eyes.
They were on the new Hopper-Byers's back porch, a little bit after dark. The rest of the party had gone inside a while ago but Steve wanted a smoke and Eddie decided to have one as well. It was quite chilly for a summer night, and the wind made both of them shiever a bit.
"Excuse me?!" Eddie replied, after a half a minute of confusion. "Who said I didn't like you?"
"C'mon, man, I know the kids say it a lot, but I'm not actually an idiot!"
"What the fuck are you talking about, princess?"
"See?! Right there! Look, I just don't get it. I know you overheard that conversation I had with Will last week, but I thought you were all for that non-conformist bullshit, and let me tell you, fucking with someone because of their sexuality is very "the man" of you!" His voice was still hushed, but Steve had turned all the way to Eddie's direction now, glaring at the metalhead with what he tried to make look like defiance on his eyes, but were clearly just hurt.
"The thing is, you've been treating Will just like always, so maybe that isn't it, wich is so more confusing, because I really thought we were getting closer, but now you keep making these jokes and... I don't get it! Did I do something wrong?"
"What?! No--" the other tried to interrupt, but Steve's rambling just kept on coming.
"Is it because of high school? Is the ‘princess’ thing some kind of payback for the whole King Steve bullshit? Dude, I know I was a douchebag- hmpf!"
Eddie, sensing Steve was about to spiral, clasped his hand on top of the boy's mouth.
"Stevie, I'm going to need you to stop right there, okay?" His voice was calm, but his heart was racing. Steve's eyes were wide, his cheeks pink, and Eddie couldn't help but notice how much closer they were now. "I'm so sorry I made you feel like I was mocking you. That was definitely not the intention. The total opposite, actually.” Steve made a questioning noise behind the ringed hand “The princess thing was me being an idiot, actually. I was just..” Deep breath in, deep breath out. “I was trying to flirt with you, sweetheart. Apparently, I’m really bad at it.”
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atmilliways · 11 months
What if a fic where instead of detention, Eddie’s punishment for [insert shenanigans of the week here] is having to be the equipment manager for the basketball team all season in ‘84.
And by equipment manager, I mean he’s the guy who wrangles all the basketballs.
He’s the ball guy.
And he rolls with it.
Hagan insults him and Eddie’s like, “You didn’t seem to mind yesterday when you were asking me to fondle your balls.”
Hargrove keeps tripping him, so Eddie makes a point to learn some basketball terms and starts yelling “Carrying!” at the top of his lungs any time Billy’s hands are anywhere near the front of his own or anyone else’s shorts.
It’s funny because both of those guys flip the fuck out at him. So predictable. But when he hits the King of Hawkins High (former) with “Hey Herrington, want your balls back?” and holds up two basketballs after Steve backs down from a confrontation with Billy, Steve looks at him… and just cracks the fuck up.
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joe keery making everyone foam at the mouth by simply pushing the hair out of his face (the power he has over me…IM WEAK)
gif credits to: @pixiekeery (gif 2), @wrestless-waves (gif 3), @stevexharringtonx (gif 7 and 9), @eddielove (gif 6), @gothsugarwhore (gif 1), @charlie-hunnam (gif 5)
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reeferree · 5 months
Anyone that ever acts like it is absolutely inconceivable that Steve and Eddie could have hung out in high school has clearly never lived in a small town with nothing to do.
My last week of high school I ended up on a two day road trip with the oddest collection of my classmates. Two of which I had never spoken to.
When I took drivers ed it was in the summer and there was only 1 car so they made us split into small groups and each group had a week to get all the hours in. We’d take turns driving all over the state for 8 hours every day of that week timeframe. The instructor usually just fell asleep on the Highway.
If Steve’s dad had forced him to get a job at the Dairy Queen for poor grades his junior year he would have ended up hanging out with his co-workers just like I did at the Sonic I worked at.
If Eddie worked there too I know in my bones that he would have yelled “there’s the Dairy King!” Every single time Steve clocked in.
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bitchysunflower · 1 year
“my dad is a cop and i just called him and he was like ‘hey i have a 17 year old in the back of my cop car rn’ ”
steve answering the phone: hopper? everything ok? i thought you were working rn
hopper: yeah yeah, all is good but listen
hopper: i have a 17 year old boy in the back of my car rn and he’s your type
steve: …what???
hopper: yeah I showed him you picture and he thinks your cute, i also gave him your number
eddie, in the back: this is the weirdest and greatest thing to ever happen to me
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thebeeswantarson · 9 months
Steve: Babe, what would you do if I was choking?
Eddie: I would pull out two inches and say I was sorry.
Robin [Slamming her hands on the table getting up and leaving]: One dinner!!! All I wanted was to have one peaceful Fucking dinner!!!
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ghosttotheparty · 1 year
everyone tries to help eddie study but nothing works so steve finally suggests the whole ‘get something wrong, you take something off, get something right, i take something off’ and eddie’s just ‘steve harrington, you slut. i’m in’
he gets his first a the next week
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aprilclementine · 1 year
teacher!steve, coming into to work so, so, sleepy, bags under his eyes, hair is completely deflated, the biggest thermal he has filled to the brim with coffee, glasses on because he couldn't be bothered to put in contacts.
He couldn't even stand up straight as he greeted his students, yawning as he greeted each student, leaning his entire weight against the door frame, getting a worried look from the English teacher, Nancy, as she caught his eye from down the hall, he gave her a small gesture, and a tired smile, hoping she'd understand it meant they could talk at lunch.
Steve was apologizing for his yawning the entire day, and sure enough come lunch there was rapid knocking just as the last kid had walked out, he was greeted by Nancy, and Robin, the music teacher.
"Steve, you look like death! Nance, you weren't kidding!" The two of them both took seats, in the closest student desks to Steve, who was mumbling out responses as he laid his head on his desk.
"Okay, spiiilllll." Nancy dragged on, drumming against the desk excitedly. Steve sat up, with another yawn, as he took a long sip from his coffee.
"Geez, did Eddie get home from tour, and forget it was a school night, you two must've had fun!" Robin wiggled her eyebrows at Steve, as Nancy giggled behind her hand.
"Ha-Ha, Buckley. But, sort of, NO- Not in the way you two think, get your head out of the gutter, Wheeler!" Steve pointed a stern finger at her, as she gave him a suggestive look. "He greeted me when I got home, we finished our fun pretty early, actually, I was ready to sleep like a baby." Steve recounted, as a blush began to run up his neck, at the thought of Eddie last night.
He cleared his throat as he continued, "Eddie, still jet lagged, got the great idea to invite his old bandmates over, and instead of practicing in the soundproof studio that we recently added, because it "wouldn't be the same, Stevie!", they practiced heavy f-cking metal, until 4 in the morning, in the garage, which is directly under our bedroom.”
The two girls let out laughs, and gave Steve a sympathetic nod. "So, I didn't get a wink of sleep, didn't even have time to pack myself lunch." Steve sighed as he looked at his watch, seeing he wouldn't have enough time to run into town to grab anything either.
The two girls stood, talking at the same time, "I packed some extra lunch," "You can share with me, I can't promise it'll be good, though.”
Steve stood with the girls, nodding along, as they made their way to the door to walk down to the teachers lounge. As Steve opened the classroom door for the girls, he was greeted by none other than the reason for his lack of sleep.
"Hey Sweetheart," Eddie greeted with a sweet smile, Steve groaned playfully, rolling his eyes, as the girls walked past the two of them, whispering to eachother.
"Oh! Don't forget how thin these cheap walls are, Munson!" Robin called over her shoulder, as Nancy let out another laugh. Eddie flipped her off, as he followed closely behind Steve into his classroom.
Steve sat back on his rolling chair, looking up at Eddie as he stood in front of Steve's desk. Eddie swayed back and forth, hands hidden behind his back. "I figured you probably didn't get much sleep last night-"
"Oh really? What gave it away?" Steve scoffed, taking off his round glasses, and setting them to the side.
"Well, you were grumbling all morning and threw all of your discarded outfit choices pretty roughly at my sleeping head today." Eddie listed off. Steve let out a quiet laugh, shaking his head, humming in response. At this, Eddie moved his hands from behind his back, showcasing a brown bag. "So, I thought what better way to repay my honey, than to bring him a greasy lunch full of love."
Steve reached out happily, knowing he couldn't stay grumpy when Eddie was giving him those eyes. Steve began eating, as Eddie moved around Steve's desk, taking a seat on the desk in front of him. He messed with his rings, as he watched Steve hum satisfied as he took his first bite.
"I figured you didn't have time to pack a lunch, and couldn't have you surving on coffee the whole day." Eddie continued, and Steve gave him a fond smile, nodding as he swallowed.
"You saved me from eating whatever leftovers Robin had cooked up, and was going to share with me." Steve laughed, "Last time I ate what she made me, I had to use my precious Sick Days!"
Eddied joined in on the laughter, before hooking his heel around the arm rest of Steves rolling chair, and pulling him closer, so Steve was slotted between Eddies legs, Steve let Eddie pull him, resting his elbows on his thighs, as he continued to eat his burger.
Eddie began combing his fingers through Steves hair, humming along to a instrumental they came up with last night. "Missed you, missed us." Eddie said softly, as Steve finished his burger, throwing the wrapper back in the bag, and moving closer into Eddies touch, snaking his arms around Eddies waist. "Maybe you should've used more of those precious Sick Days, so you coulda stayed in bed with me."
Steve smiled, feeling his cheeks flush. "Couple more days, and then you'll be able to bug me all of Winter break, my love." Eddie sighed, cupping Steve's face, making him look up at him. Steve kept his eyes shut, soft smile on his lips. Eddie kissed both of his eyelids, then his nose, then his cheeks, before placing one lasting kiss on his lips. He pulled away, causing Steve to whine, chasing after his lips. Eddie smiled lovingly, pressing his lips to Steves again.
The two lazily kissed as Eddie sat on Steves desk, until the bell rang, and when Steve stood and tried to pull away, Eddie pulled him closer, bringing Steve's bottom lip into his mouth, Steve giggled, pulling back softly, not being able to fully talk. "Babe- Mph, I- have to open the-mMpH the door."
Eddie shook his head, humming disapprovingly. "Five more minutes", he begged against Steves lips, keeping his arms hooked around Steve’s waist.
"They'll start knocking", Steve protested, once Eddie released his lip, and leaned up to kiss the mole on Steves exposed neck.
"Let them." Eddie mumbled, and Steve realized he wouldn't win this battle, so he stood there, wrapping his arms over Eddies shoulders, as Eddie lazily kissed along his jaw, out of love, not looking to go any further, more of I missed you kind of kisses, because he missed being home, in Steve’s arms.
The knocking started, just as Steve suspected. Only getting louder, as Eddie protested. "Steve! Open up, my sister told me Eddie's here!" Steve could hear Mike yell through the knocking, he sighed, as he pulled away, and went to open the door.
"Michael, we talked about this- It's Mr.Harrington, to you, during school hours!" Steve corrected, Mike rolled his eyes as Steve used his full name. As soon as the door was opened fully, the kids started piling in.
Dustin, and Mike running up to Steve's desk, to bombard Eddie with questions about tour, and if the kids begged Steve to let Eddie talk about tour, instead of prep for their final (Mr.Harrington, this is geography, technically, it would work perfectly! I teach History, Lucas! Are they not the same thing?), no one had to know.
Steve really only gave in, once he finally looked at Eddie (oh, cmon Stevie, you'd get to sit back and rest for a class period). So, Steve sat back, and watched fondly as Eddie talked animatedly to the class, asking Steve to display each city Corroded Coffin played at, as he spoke about it, rating the city on his “Munson Scale”. Was it educational? No. Was it useful information? Also, no. Was it entertaining? Yes.
Steve tried to lay his head on his desk, and get in a quick 30-minute nap, but was too captivated watching his Eddie entertain his students, he couldn't focus on anything, not even feeling tired anymore.
It was as if Eddie had carried the Sun in with him, and brought life back into Steve, and Steve was so thankful to have Eddie back home.
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maddipoof · 1 year
Incoming Steddie thoughts…..(brief mentions of Eddie losing weight, but it’s really just one sentence and he’s ok)
So you know how Eddie tapes his rings to make them fit? You’ve seen the pictures of his hands. Yes, you have don’t lie to me. So he wraps tape around the underside to make them fit his fingers.
Yeah, so what if they’d been together for long enough that they want to give each other things. But like subtle ones, cus like, 1980s middle america… So Eddie gives Steve his guitar pick necklace because of course he would, and he can just tuck it into his shirt. (and I really feel like Steve is a necklace type of guy, like not just a chain guy- no absolutely not he needs some kind of pendant somehow) But Steve needs to give Eddie something inconspicuous too, something people won’t notice right away and even if they did, something they wouldn’t question.
So he decides on his class ring but Whump Whump, Steve has bigger fingers than Eddie and he already knows that so before he gives it to him he gets some string and he wraps it around the back because it’s softer than tape.
“Yeah Stevie?”
“You know how you gave me your necklace?”
“Yeah and I told you I don’t want anything back so get that hand out of that pocket and it better be empty”
“I didn’t get you anything, I already had it.”
“I said you don’t have to give me anything.”
“Too late, take it” and he presses it right into his palm.
Eddie looks at it and he shakes his head and makes a face, “Stevie, what- I can’t take this from you.”
“Yes you can, I’m giving it to you. Does it fit?”
“Yeah, uh perfectly, actually”
Then nobody really notices for a while, Eddie’s hands always flying around so fast no one gets a chance to really look at the numbers engraved on the side. They all know they’re together, but no one really gets the intensity of their relationship, considering they’ve only been together for so long. But they do notice the different colored string on the other side. Then Dustin and Gareth get worried that he’s losing weight again. So they ask him about it and he cannot make eye contact and he’s just fidgeting with his rings, which only worries them more but then they see his goofy little smile under his bangs and he just spills about how he and Steve traded and it was so cute and “Steve’s just so ugh- I can’t even make it into words, but he got the size perfect and everything, and I just-“ and they haven’t said they love each other out loud yet.
Then one day he’s cleaning all his rings so he has to take the string off and he sees the engraving underneath it. On one side, in the standard times new roman every one got, a nice, even SH. Then as he’s unwrapping it, he sees something else, and he starts panicking “oh my god I scratched it, he’s gonna be so upset, I scratched it Jesus H Christ.” Then after he paces his bathroom for a solid 15 minutes, his hands dragging down his face, rubbing his nose, he finishes unwinding it and there, in the most scraggly looking etching is a little, uneven EM
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WIP Weekend
Weekly WIP update
Fixed what was bothering me about by big bang outline, ironed out a writing schedule with deadlines and finally feel like chapter 3 is coming together. ✨️ Also, aaaaaah, claims are tomorrow! I can't WAIT to meet my artist and scream about my project to all of you!
Chapter 3 of The King's Gift only needs edits, then it's done. Google must be very confused about my search history. 🤣
16/29 celebration prompts filled and planning on posting another one over the weekend
Send me an emoji and I'll write and share three sentences from that project. (Sentences from the Steddie Big Bang fic will be blurred.)
🏰 The King’s Gift
❓️ Steddie Big Bang fic 2024
🥳 1k follower ficlets
Snippet from 🥳
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The hydrangea bushes are long past their bloom, decaying flower petals rustling under his feet. He doesn't lament their death, not when he knows that the seeds of something else are slowly taking root.
The underwater lights of the pool bask the garden in an eerie glow, but he makes his way to the pool house unbothered. He has hardly ducked inside when a key turns in the lock behind him.
Eddie’s body moves on instinct and muscle memory. When the crimson veil lifts from his eyes, he has a warm body pressed against the wall, the edge of his knife licking at a shivering throat. A throat covered in the fading marks of his own teeth.
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foxprism · 3 months
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Hello gamers, finally posting again after three months lmao. Had another art block again and several bigger assignments for uni to do, what's new. But here's a new Steddie piece :>. Drew this for a fanfic of one of my favorite ao3 authors + tumblr mutual @wynnyfryd called "i don't know, you figure it out", which you can find on here under the tag #trailer park steve au and on ao3 (It's so good, if you like steddie you gotta read it)! Had a lot of fun planning Ed's tattoos here heh
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Listen, I love Eddie gushing over his handsome boyfriend like all and any of us, but I have some thoughts. It's still planned for my set of fanfictions, Piece by Piece, but I'm drabbling my way towards happiness here.
Steve knows he is good-looking. He knows his hair is amazing, he knows he's toned, all that. People have been complimenting him for all his life, have been jealous, but most of all, it's all they have seen. The jerk with good looks. The jock with the hair. Then the babysitter, still with the hair. Steve isn't exactly proud of his looks, it's just what it is. He's a pretty boy and that's a fact. He doesn't argue against the compliments, he has learned long ago that any insecurity on his part is considered fake modesty. But he's terrified because he knows looks don't last, he knows he isn't as active as he used to be, he knows there will be wrinkles, grey hair, saggy skin and just like the enviable body he has now, he will not have any choice in it.
When he starts dating Eddie, he can tell Eddie likes the way he looks and that's fine, that's great even, but this isn't just a fling to him, it's his endgame. Steve likes making himself look pretty for his boyfriend, leans into his touch when Eddie strokes his hair, kisses his beauty marks, but there's this insistent, unrelenting voice in his head that keeps saying: "this is all you have to offer. This is all you are and all you'll ever be." He never shares this with anyone, but he dreads the day when Eddie finds out there is nothing else to Steve than his reckless disregard for his own health and his naturally but inevitably diminishing looks.
But Eddie is observant. When he gazes into Steve's eyes and whispers "you're so beautiful it hurts," Steve's lip quivers and he closes his eyes, as if he was memorizing the moment. It's subtle, but his muscles tense. Eddie knows in that second that there is something there, something he doesn't realize yet, but he's committed to unraveling the wire wrapping Steve's heart on his own. He doesn't push and prod, he experiments.
The next time, he doesn't go for the obvious, even if he wants to sing odes to Steve's shoulders, his back, his strong hands. Steve is cooking in the kitchen, fumbling around a bit, but the smell is delicious and he looks content. His hair is still ruffled from their night together and he's humming some pop song Eddie doesn't recognize. Eddie's heart swells with fondness and he wraps his arms around Steve's waist from behind, kissing the nape of his neck. "What a sight you are," he mumbles into his shoulder. "When you smile like that, when you sing along your horrible music...you're making me realize how lucky I am all over again." He knows he said something right when Steve turns the prettiest shade of pink and starts spluttering that he's the lucky one, really, and does Eddie really enjoy his heartfelt rendition of Take On Me when pop normally makes his ears bleed? Eddie says "it's not the pop I like, it's you. It makes you happy and I love seeing you happy," and Steve just melts into his arms.
From that point onwards, he makes sure to compliment Steve's choices, not just his looks, even though he never fails to whisper exactly what Steve's body does to him in the bed. He tells him that the new shirt makes him look even more radiant, he tells Steve he loves it when he lets loose once in a while and gets silly, he swoons over his voice, praises how well he handles the kids, his effort, his style. And Steve finally opens up about his insecurities, asking whether Eddie doesn't find him boring, with how straightforward he is, how one-dimensional. "I don't care for fireworks, Steve," he tells him and strokes that beautiful head. "They're pretty, exciting, but burn out soon and probably set your house on fire. Some relationships are like that, but not with you. Being with you...it makes me feel safe. I never have to guess what you mean, you just say it. Being with you is like sitting in front of a fireplace and having all the time in the world. I want that, nothing else."
Steve smiles at him and squeezes his hand. He chews on his lip and whispers: "All the time, huh? Even when I'm gray and ugly?"
Eddie gasps, offended. "The nerve of calling my boyfriend ugly, sir! Now I have to fight you for his honor! Ready your sword, scoundrel!" He tackles Steve to the bed, laughing like a madman. When he lands on top of him, he cradles his head gently and pecks him on the lips, just once, although he wants nothing more than to get lost in his embrace. "Seriously though, Stevie. You and ugly? Never to me, no matter what. But old? Hell yeah. If I get to see you all aged like fine wine or if you become the grumpiest asshole in this town, that's a victory in my book. Because it'll mean we survived all the crap life threw at us and you'll have kept me around. What's not to love about that?"
And it seems the wire constricting Steve's heart is loosening because there are tears in his eyes and he doesn't flinch when Eddie kisses them away. "I'll be looking forward to it then," he whispers into Eddie's hair.
From then on, Steve doesn't fear new wrinkles. He celebrates them with Eddie, counting each gray hair as a small step toward their victory, as Eddie called it. And it turns out that Steve is okay being complimented on his looks after all, because when Eddie kisses his laugh lines and mentions how much he enjoys them ("these are a proof you find me hilarious, Steve! Of course I love them!"), Steve finds himself seeing his body as a map of his life, the moments with Eddie, Robin, the kids, and as his wise boyfriend once said: "What's not to love about that?"
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lihhelsing · 8 months
cw: domestic abuse and mentions of violence
Eddie Munson is the most infamous hitman in Chicago. Everyone knows of him and if you ever feel like getting rid of someone he’s who you should hire.
Enters mob boss Tommy Hagan.
He hires Eddie for a delicate job, one that gets Eddie doing home visits for Tommy, something he doesn’t usually do. There he meets Tommy’s fiance, Steve Harrington.
Steve is… Addictive. Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of him, even if he tried.
And he doesn’t really feel like trying because Steve is sweet, gorgeous, everything Eddie ever wanted but could never have.
Steve might be a househusband, but he knows a lot about Tommy's business and the people he makes deals with, so under the pretense of researching his target, Eddie starts spending time with Steve.
Tommy keeps a bunch of archives in his home and he asks Steve to personally help Eddie through all of that while he's dealing with other shit. Steve is more than happy to comply, enjoying the distraction - and the company.
It doesn't take long for Eddie to realize there's something wrong happening between Tommy and Steve. Tommy keeps the facade of a good soon-to-be husband, brings Steve's flowers and gifts every time he goes out, but Eddie has never seen Steve out of the house.
He's seen Steve asking their house staff to get groceries and things like that but he always just assumed Steve preferred not to leave the house. Now...
Eddie starts to see that what he thought was a good, perfect relationship doesn't seem that perfect anymore. He sees the bags under Steve's eyes whenever Tommy greets Eddie in a bad mood. He sees the underlying tension in Steve's shoulders whenever Tommy walks into the room.
He sees the bruises, too.
The decision is made before Eddie can even think it through, and he is willing to risk his reputation, his work, and his life if it means getting Steve out of this.
But he’s not the only one with secrets and things won’t be as simple as just killing Tommy and walking away.
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funnylittlelad · 1 year
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birdsong - steddie ficlet (-1.5k)
That time Steve got hearing aids.
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Steve has been pissing people off for weeks and he knows it. He just doesn’t know what to do about it. It gets to the point where Dustin snaps at him for never paying attention to them. Steve starts to consider just leaving the country and starting new somewhere else. Somewhere it doesn't matter if he can hear who’s talking to him because he can't understand them anyways. He always thought Italy could be nice. Instead of running, he just shows up less. Both literally and metaphorically.
He starts bailing on more hangouts, figuring he won't be able to hear everyone so what's the point. When he is there he participates less in the conversation. He only engages when he’s really sure he can hear, which isn't a lot. It's mostly one-on-one or one-on-two. He doesn't think anyone notices, but they do. Eddie most of all feels Steve’s absence even when he’s sitting right next to him. He’s noticed the anxious tension in him when they're in groups. He just isn't sure what to do. So, he sits with a Steve-sized ache in his chest. There’s a day when the ache becomes too much, though, and Eddie breaks.
Steve sits in his living room with everyone strewn about. Eddie is next to him like he usually is unless Robin was already at Steve’s first. The kids lay and sit on the rug around the coffee table. Robin is on the other side of Eddie. Nancy sits with her legs tucked under her in a big armchair. The sound of conversation and life flows around him like a pebble in a stream. His edges have been smoothed so the water can move effortlessly, never catching on his surface. He can feel that there are words in the air around him, but there are too many other things around those words. Too much background noise and laughter. He can’t dig through it all in time to figure out what anyone is saying. So, he just stays silent like he has been. 
“He’s not listening again,” Dustin says frustratedly. 
Eddie frowns and looks at Steve. The movement catches Steve’s attention. He turns to look at Eddie with a small smile. Then he notices that it's more than just Eddie’s eyes on him. His blood runs cold and his throat dries.
“What?” He asks cautiously, eyes flitting to everyone else before landing on Eddie.
“Be honest, can you hear us?” Eddie answers Steve’s question with his own.
“Be honest,” Eddie warns.
“No,” Steve sighs, “most of the time I can't really. I mean, I can hear you, but I can't tell what you're saying. It all garbles together like I’m underwater or something.”
“I think it's time to go to the doctor, Stevie,” Eddie says softly.
Steve frowns, but nods. There's a nervous twist in his stomach at the thought. He agrees to make an appointment the following day. Eddie hangs behind after everyone else leaves for a little bit. He does this sometimes and Steve’s never complained. Steve’s never thought about complaining. There's no surprise when Eddie gently grabs his hand either. He does that sometimes too. 
“Do you want me to go with you?” Eddie asks. 
The question nearly makes Steve cry. He wants to cry so bad. He wants to cry because he misses being able to hear his friends. He wants to cry because he’s scared of what's going to happen to what's left of his hearing. He wants to cry because Eddie is standing here offering to go to his doctor’s appointment with him like he’s a child. Mostly, he wants to cry because he’s so fucking happy Eddie offered and he doesn't have to ask. Steve nods.
“Yeah, if you don't mind,” he answers with a slight waver in his voice. 
Eddie smiles all sticky and sweet at him. Steve silently wonders what he did to be worthy of a smile like that. 
“‘Course I don't mind. Just tell me when and where and I’m there,” Eddie promises.
And he was. Eddie drives Steve to the ENT on the morning of his appointment the next week. He sat in the waiting room until Steve was done, but the knowledge he was there was enough. It was the same thing when Steve was sent to the Audiologist two weeks later. Eddie sat in the waiting room patiently while Steve sat in a booth answering all sorts of questions and prompts. It doesn't really sink in until he sees Eddie stand from his chair. The knit of his brow tells Steve his face says it all.
“What’s the verdict?” Eddie asks. 
“They’ll let me know when to come in and be fitted for my hearing aids,” he sighs with a frown.
“That’s good!” Eddie smiles as they walk out of the office. 
“Good? Eds, I’m going to have hearing aids,” Steve scoffs.
“Yeah, which means you’ll, y’know, be able to hear,” Eddie points out. 
“Well, yeah, but-”
“Nope, no buts except yours in my van,” Eddie interrupts him and points to the passenger side as they approach the van.
Steve rolls his eyes with a small smile as he climbs in. 
“I just don’t feel like it's that bad,” he admits quietly as the van choked to a start.
“How bad did they say it was?” 
Steve remains silent for a beat as Eddie pulls out. He sighs and glances out the window at the building as they leave.
“I'm working with sixty percent of my hearing in one ear and seventy in the other,” he tells Eddie.
“Stevie,” Eddie breathes with a shake of his head, “If the doctors say these things will help you then they’re worth a shot. M’tired of you bailing out on things- yeah, I noticed.”
Steve’s face flushes at being caught like that. He exhales slowly and nods. 
“Okay,” he agrees, “I’ll give them a shot.”
A couple weeks later he’s called into the office for his hearing aids. Eddie is so quick to drop what he’s doing to go with him it nearly gives Steve whiplash. The sight of Eddie’s van pulling up gives a strange swooping sensation that he's grown used to around Eddie. The appointment itself takes around an hour. Then Steve is walking out fashioned with two white hearing aids hooked over his ears. His eyes are wide as they bounce to the television and then the clacking behind the desk. Eddie beams at him and stands. Steve looks beautiful so stunned. Hell, Eddie can admit that Steve just looks beautiful. 
“C’mon, Stevie, let’s go give’em a spin,” he says with a wolfish grin.
Steve laughs and nods. They don't get far, though. Once they step foot outside Steve comes to a halt. He makes a noise that's a cross between choking and a sob. Eddie’s hands fly to examine him for injury, but there is none. Steve’s lip wobbles, his face is blotchy and red, and his warm toffee eyes are trained on the tree a few feet away. Eddie’s mouth opens to ask, but then Steve’s eyes are on him like that. His eyes overflow with more emotion than Eddie knew a human could hold. 
“The birds,” Steve croaks. 
“What about’em?” Eddie’s brows furrow.
He glances accusingly at the little chirping finches in the tree. Steve chuckles wetly at the sight.
“I- I can hear them. It’s been so long- I didn't even realize,” Steve shakes his head, “I don’t know the last time I’ve actually heard the birds.”
Steve’s wonder-filled gaze turns back to the birds in question. He laughs again, heartier this time at the notion. He can hear birds. 
“Shit,” Eddie whispers to himself, “I’m so in love with you.”
At least he thought it was to himself. An hour ago it would have been to himself. Steve’s face whips around with huge eyes. His lips part slightly as he watches Eddie stunned. Eddie freezes, absolutely terrified. He’s so sure he just fucked it all up. 
“I can hear you too,” Steve whispers.
Eddie swallows the lump in his throat.
“Nah, pretty sure that was a bird too,” he attempts to joke it off. 
“I really hope not,” Steve frowns.
Eddie blinks hopefully.
“Really? Why?”
“Because I’m in love with you too.”
Safe to say, Steve is very happy he got hearing aids. 
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Masterlist - beta read by @steveslilshorts
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