#spotlight — jay.
iseeyoujon · 2 months
My husband is at a thrift store and
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I love this man
Edit: I added alt text, and I'm going to add the bonus from my own reblog into the original post:
Update: He bought the second one and wants me to name it. Current top vote is for the full name "Jonathan Sims, not to be confused with Jonathan Sims or Jonathan Sims"
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boyfhee · 8 months
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he's mad
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aawomenzine · 1 month
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🌷 Guest Spotlight
You're not dreaming, the cards reveal that our next guest is @zoejayw! Zoe Jay's incredible compositions will be proudly making an appearance in the court record!
You can also find Zoe Jay on Twitter and Instagram!
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unspecifiedfigure · 9 months
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“hey. eyes up here.”
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lucid-moon0750 · 8 months
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Can't believe we got a Bullet Club Gold proposal before a Better than You Baybay proposal smh
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ne0nwithazero · 9 months
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AU NUMBER THREE-, TOURNAMENT HOST AU I AM, still sick, so unfortunately i cant find the energy to fully color everything but heres the idea and the doodle- idk if ill finish it but eh- have this for now while i recover Alright, the idea is pretty simple, while taking a walk after zanes sacrifice, he ends up getting kidnapped by chens men- and taken hostage for the days that the ninja prepare before they can go get to said tournament, because what better bargaining chip than a ninja? A ninja's master At first he was merely kept with the promise that he can see zane again, and as he's explained the tournament for his sake he's then told to be helping them, especially after chen got news that garmadon would be joining through a letter. Wu wouldnt have a choice other than to help, and knowing his ninja are competing he leaves behind clues within the rooms, within the island in hopes to point the ninja, as well as his brother in the right direction. While in the meantime trying to find zane, unfortunately though he was caught knowing a little too much for his own good, so with the help of a little dark magic, he was shown the way.. a better way, for power, using his want to protect by their advantage to take over the masters morals, and keep him at their side. A small side effect is hes now completely in turn for hosting the tournament, keeping him at bay is a magic cigar that whenever he uses amplifies the spell put onto him. The snake is used to keep watch of the sensei. Unfortunately the moment the ninja arrived the master was already completely overtaken, and now they have to figure out whats going on, while being in the watch of a now, completely theatrical and eccentric host that was their master.
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shadowed-corners · 1 day
? I don’t think this is my blog?
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I was the Final Boss by LuckS
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Orginal Webtoon
Sexual content: none
Romantic content: as for now (50 chapters in) very minimal but the comic is still unfinished, I will updated appropriately if things change
Genre: fantasy, action
Review: I enjoy this comic very much. I suppose it may come off as generic action webtoon to some but personally I think this one actually stands off from other stories. About possible future romantic plot: it is likely that a side charater will end up having a crush on mine charater, however MC himself seems very uninterested in romance and sex. I would even go and headcanon him as aroace. But once again, things may change and I will update if necessary
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iseeyoujon · 1 month
I've never understood Michael and Helen's attitude toward their own identity more than when my husband hit MAG 101 and I had to explain it.
Husband: "So Michael is dead, right?"
Me: "Well, I think Michael Shelley has been dead for a long time. But the Distortion wasn't Michael. Or it was, but also not."
Husband: "Yeah, I got that original Michael was dead. But is Distortion Michael dead?"
Me: "No. The Distortion is Helen now. Except not really."
Husband: "But Michael wanted to kill Jon and Helen doesn't."
Me: "But they're still both the Distortion. The Distortion just stopped being Michael because Helen made it her instead."
Husband: "Ok, fuck everything about the Spiral."
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boyfhee · 16 days
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jayninjago · 2 months
Rewatching Skybound at an older age really makes me see the whole season in a different light. People give it so much shit for literally everything and while there are problematic aspects they are really not much more than any other season.
The fandom also likes to shit on Jay during that season, which is like totally unnecessary? Yes he was really disrespectful to Nya in like 3 instances but other than that, he was just as much as a victim as her in the whole Nadakhan situation. Skybound really gets so much unnecessary hate imo
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candydashcookies · 2 years
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20 min warmup
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orionis13 · 9 months
Having watched a decent amount of one piece and all but todays ep of riptide the similarities are Uncanny like i totally get referencing other media in ur dnd campaign it’s not necessary a bad thing but when it’s so many things and its only referencing one piece of media it becomes So Much
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king-sassy08 · 1 year
Google search queer summer wedding outfits
[Skinny white lesbian in a suit saying 'my friend who is nb said I look good']
[Skinny white person w beard in a skirt]
[Skinny white person w nail polish]
[Token skinny black person in a suit]
Where are the fat people and where are the brown people and WHY is everyone in six layers for a summer wedding
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ne0nwithazero · 1 year
I cant understand what Klieg is...is he a movie projector....or smt… im sorry m blind
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Klieg Light :)
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