#someone save the bau dad
Just Spencer Reid spinning in his chair roughly 11 years apart
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Bonus: Gideon looking dead inside while Spencer keeps spinning in the background
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miley1442111 · 10 days
saving me- s.reid
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a/n: fem reader, but as always imagine what you like :)
summary: spencer has to save you before it's too late.
pairing: spencer reid x fem bau! reader
warnings: general cm topics, sexual assault, hostage situation, drugging, the team don't know about you and spencer, injuries, reader gets injured, reader is allergic to opioids, drugs, alergic reaction, knives, guns, reader begs to be killed, spencer shoots someone. (i think that's it, tell me if i missed anything :))
Another migraine. Another fucking migraine. 
Your life was truly a joke. 
You sat beside Emily in the car, eyes heavy with pain as you profusely rubbed them, the sunlight from the sky beside you far too bright. 
“Y/l/n? Any ideas?” Morgan asked, kicking you softly under the table.
“The unsub will probably be extremely interested in the investigation but they probably won’t bring themselves into it. We’ll end up seeking them out,” you rattled off. 
“Are you alright?” Prentiss whispered. 
“Fine,” you lied. “Just tired eyes.” 
Spencer’s eyes were on you from the second you’d spoken about your ‘tired eyes’. He was meant to be working up a geological profile, but his focus was completely on you. ‘Tired eyes’, you’d been wearing glasses or contacts all week, you’d been drinking enough liquids, you’d been eating, he assumed you’d slept, you'd been busy most of the week and sleeping at your own apartment instead of his. 
What could cause ‘tired eyes’?
“Reid!” Seaver all but shouted in his ear. 
“Y-yeah? Yes?” He answered, eyes focusing on the map again. 
“Is Y/l/n here?” Rossi asked. 
“W-what? No. I thought she went with Hotch and Prentiss,” he hesitated. 
“She told them she was with us,” Rossi sighed. “So then where is she?”
“I-I don’t know,” Spencer admitted. “I’ll call her.”
Rossi held up your cell phone and Spencer’s stomach dropped.
“Shit,” he cursed.
“Shit is right,” Rossi nodded. 
It had been 24 hours, you were officially a missing person. You had no idea where you were, someone must’ve drugged you. That hadn’t been a regular migraine. Your head thumped with pain as you struggled against the duct tape around your hands and feet. 
“You’re one beautiful girl, aren’t you?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, feel the way he was watching you. 
You tried to scream but the duct tape around your mouth made it difficult.
“I’m going to enjoy this,” he came closer, into the light. You could see his face. He was a white male, between the ages of 35-40, dad-build, and a sick smirk. 
You didn’t fight back, you couldn’t. You didn’t even notice the camera in the corner. You didn’t know that this was being recorded, or live-streamed directly to Penelope. Penelope, who showed it to the team. To your boyfriend. 
They were watching the worst moment of your life unfold. 
And you had no idea. 
“Guys,” Penelope squeaked. “This j-just came through,” she showed them her laptop and looked away, tears clouding her vision. 
“Is that-” Derek started
“Y/n,” Aaron finished for him. 
“What about her? Did you find her?” Spencer asked, staring at the group from behind Penelope. “Is she ok?”
The team’s eyes were glued to the screen as Spencer stood there, demanding an answer. 
“Guys what?!” he shouted. “Someone answer me!”
“Come here,” Seaver sighed. Spencer stood beside her and watched in horror as the unsub hurt you. 
“We have to find her,” he stated. “Now.”
“Please, please just kill me,” you begged. He’d taken the tape off a while ago. “Please kill me.”
“I’m not a necrophiliac,” he laughed in your face. “I like my girls alive.”
“Fuck you,” you sobbed. Blood, dirt, tears, and sweat coating your skin. “Fuck you!”
“I’m actively trying to fuck you,” he laughed again. You hated him. You hated this. You hated everything.  
“Just kill me,” you sobbed. “Please!”
He hit you on the head and you went out again. 
“FBI!” Morgan’s voice rang out through the warehouse. Spencer was hot on his heels, walking ahead of him and ignoring proper protocol. “Reid!” He ran after him. 
“FBI! Put the knife down!” Spencer shouted at the unsub holding a knife to your throat. Something had gone wrong. He scanned the room quickly. 
“I-I didn’t mean to- I was just-” The unsub stepped away, dropping the knife. “She wasn’t meant to die.”
Die. Dead. You were dead.
Spencer fired his gun without a second thought. He ran over to you and checked your pulse, there but barely. 
“Hotch I need an ambulance!” He shouted. “Y/n, baby, I need you to wake up,” he begged. “Please, please, wake up, I need you Y/n. Please.” 
“Spencer-” Prentiss started but Spencer silenced her with his own words. 
“We’re dating. We have been for a year and a half, don’t you dare tell me to ‘step away’,” he sighed. 
The paramedics rushed in, starting you on an IV. 
“She’s allergic to opioids,” Spencer rattled off. “She can’t have any opioids.”
“Spencer,” Hotch sighed. “She’s had some already,” Hotch pointed to the vials in the corner of the room and the rusty needle beside them. 
“So when were you planning on telling us?” Derek sighed as they all sat in the waiting room.
“I don’t know, soon-maybe?”
“A year and a half is a long time,” Emily smiled. “Congratulations.”
Spencer nodded.
“Dr. Reid?” The nurse asked. Spencer shot up and out of his seat. 
“Ms. Y/l/n is stable but she is severely hurt. Physically and... mentally. She endured hours of sexual assault and her body and mind reflect that. I suggest someone non-threatening to see her first. Maybe a woman?”
Spencer gulped and nodded. “Emily?”
“Yeah of course,” she nodded, walking behind the nurse as he led her to your room.
You wanted Spencer. You needed him.
Emily walked in and tears filled your eyes. “Where’s Spencer? Is he ok?”
“He’s fine, they just thought that you’d want someone non-threatening to come in and see you first-” Emily explained. 
“Can you go grab Spencer please?” you sniffled. She smiled and nodded, then left the room. 
“Spencer?” Emily called into the hall. “She wants you.”
Spencer had never walked faster in his life. 
There you were. Bruises and scratches littering your body and face. Your beautiful face. Your beautiful smile and teary eyes.
“Come here, please,” you whispered. Spencer sat at your side, your hand in his. “Thank you.”
He chuckled sadly. “For what?”
“Saving me. All the time,” you smiled softly.
criminal minds masterlist :)
navigation for my blog :) (criminal minds, marvel, top gun, challengers, the bear, the hunger games, obx+)
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priniya · 6 months
SYNOPSIS. when doctor reid finds himself enamoured with a certain actress with bright future ahead of her, she gets kidnapped and all he wants to do is save her by any cost.
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going to your father’s bureau for the first time could’ve been considered an usual experience, something that could occur on a daily basis — a daughter, stopping by her parent’s workplace to possibly drop him off breakfast he left at home.
for you, on the other hand, it was a stressful occurrence. it was one of the first times at the BAU, where agent hotchner’s been working for years. the reason behind your rare visits there was relatively simple, you weren’t aware you even had a father until you turned sixteen and your mother has passed away. it was, when the social services found out that beside her, you had other living relatives, so… instead of an orphanage, you moved to quantico. building a relationship with a man, who already had a wife and a son, and no idea that his high school relationship has resulted in a kid, was rough. but here you were, six and a half year later, nervously standing inside the elevator, hoping that nothing would go wrong.
however, it had to go, you wouldn’t be yourself if everything went smoothly. as you looked into your phone to check a notification that popped up on the screen, you were met with a person — too quickly to realise that you were bound to bump into someone. the man in front of you was holding a half–empty cup of steaming coffee that other half spilled all over his brown sweater. a flush washed over you immediately, having taken a notice of what just happened.
“i am so sorry, sir.” your nervousness reached its peak the second your eyes laid on the man in front of you. he was tall, definitely taller than you, almost towering over you, glasses were resting on the bridge of his nose as he grimaced. from the plastic plate on his chest you read his name. spencer reid.
“well, uh. it’s alright.” he muttered, walking past you to change out of his stained piece of clothing, giving you all the reasons to overthink this situation, feeding your anxieties.
the confident attitude you tried to put on was now long gone as you made it through to your father’s office. it was a struggle, because you couldn’t remember how to get there, but when you did, your cheeks flushed even more upon seeing spencer, standing next to your dad, his stained shirt nowhere to be found. “excuse me, uh–” you started, announcing your presence, earning a few curious looks. “dad, you left the breakfast at home.”
“dad?” you heared a female voice whisper, and you swore your guts to know that she looked around the room for an answer, while, unfortunately for her, being left with nothing more than a shrug. the last name on the plastic clipped onto your shirt didn’t match with their boss’, which only confused them more.
hotch cleared his throat, giving you the tiniest smile as he took the brown bag from you. “y/n, these are special agents morgan, prentiss, rossi, garcia and doctor reid. you already know jj.” he said, confusing them even more. “this is my daughter, y/n.”
“hey, i know you from somewhere.” a woman spoke out, her colorful dress catching your attention immediately. “oh my gosh, hotch why didn’t you tell me that you’re daughter is playing on the russos life? i love that show!” her words brought heat to your cheeks.
the russos life was your first bigger gig that got you a little bit of recognition in show-busines and social media. at the beginning of your small acting career, you promised yourself that you’d not go to the television, because theatre was your thing. you can’t even recall the moment when your point of view changed, maybe it was after the call from your agent suggesting you that you should take the role, because the producers were already interested. or, most likely it was when you fell in love with a role you were proposed.
you stayed in the conference room (and in the building in general) for the next few minutes. after you had left, the sweet sound of your voice was still lingering in spencer’s mind that somehow went unnoticed by the team. he was sitting at his desk, frowning over something, when the clock hit three and the decision was quickly made in his mind — go grab a sandwich or you’ll go crazy. the funniest thing for people around him (if he ever let them know) might be that he couldn’t quite grasp the reason of his interest in you. reid found his thoughts trailing off to you as he hovered over the raports he was filling out that he almost wrote your name in there. he pushed the door of a nearby cafe open, intuitively scanning the place. his eyes were all over the place until he felt someone at his back.
“shit— sir, i’m sorry, i don’t know what’s happening with me to–” you began to rumble as the man you bumped into turned to face you. your face grew redder, the second you realized it’s the same person you’d bumped into already, which only made you feel more embarrassed.
“doctor reid, i’m really sorry.” you hoped your words came off as genuine, because they were. it almost seemed like you had some sort of scheme against him that you had to bump into him whenever he’s around. “at least i didn’t have a coffee on me, right?” an awkward smile crept on your lips, trying to ease the situation.
the corners of his mouth twitched slightly as spencer was taking in your beauty. the way your eyes flickered, the way lipgloss coated your lips, the way you had your hands behind your back or the way you tilted your head to get a better view of his face. the height gap between you and spencer wasn’t a lot, but it was definitely a little troubling. “thank god, i didn’t exactly have another spare shirt on me.” his repsonse made you chuckle quietly, feeling the embarrassment wash away with each word that left his mouth.
you don’t even know how much time had passed since you started your little conversation with doctor reid. even though you were the one rambling on and on, he has asked you a few times about your job, genuinely interested in what you do on set and what is your show about. he remembered the cheap looking show lila had played in, back when the bau had her case. you told him all about the plays you partook throughout the entirety of your school year and he dumped all the facts he knew about the plays on you.
you could see yourself getting fond of his presence around you, it felt eerily comforting, which for you was strange. until you moved to your dad’s place, you had rare contact with the opposite gender outside the plays, no real father figure, no closer relationship with a guy before, you had never felt so comfortable around a man, who you just met. so… it wasn’t really strange that you ended up exchanging numbers, what could be strange (for reid’s friends) was that he was the first one to call.
he kept calling, while you kept happily responding. it grew to be some sort of your thing, almost as if each of you were one another’s happy place. whenever he got frustrated with a case, he’d call you to take things off his mind, which always went smoothly. spencer was probably the biggest fan of your endless rambling about your classes or people you found annoying during the day.
the phone calls got more and more regular with each week passed, and when you didn’t call him to say good morning one day, his conscience was going absolutely crazy, his guts telling him something was off. nevertheless, his thoughts were pushed aside as his phone rung out with a call from jj, alerting on a new case.
“NYPD asked for our assistance in a possible serial killer case.” jareau explained as she handed the case files to the rest of the team. “over the course of last few days, four females were strangled before the unsub stabbed them multiple times.” she took a long sigh. “each of the girl was around the age of twenty to twenty three, studied in the state and majored in the arts fields, lived alone, but were socially active.”
a shiver ran down spencer’s spine as he heard jennifer’s words. the victimology were too familiar to you, making the unsettling feeling come back to him. pulling out his phone from the deep of his pocket, he managed to send you a quick text, asking to call him as soon as you see his message.
but you didn’t call him back. he was thinking about you all the time they were gathering more information, but there was some that shocked the team the most. the letters craved on each of the victims’ bodies. at first it seemed… like random letters, a code maybe.
“what if it’s an anagram?”
after that, spencer wrote the letters on the board, his throat tightening when the realisation hit him. the letters could be put in as your first and last name. “hotch, uh, i– can we talk, in private?” he muttered, before leavng the room the NYPD set up for them. his hands were shaking as he paced around the room, trying to find the right words to tell hotchner about his theory.
“y/n and i have been talking lately.” spencer started. “i–i got this strange feeling today, she often texted me in the mornings, almost every day in the past few days and–and she didn’t do that today.” he took a deep breath, flattering his brown shirt. “maybe i’m biased, but i think something bad happened to her, the anagram was– it was her name, hotch.” his words were falling out of his lips almost too fast for your dad to understand.
but aaron hotchner has always been the smartest guy out there, the meaning behind spencer’s words almost immediately got to him, because once again his child was in danger, he had a feeling, when he learnt the victimology, but when spencer said those words, his suspicions were confirmed. “reid. i need you to go to her apartment, i suppose you know the address?”
fifteen minutes later, young doctor was at the door of your apartment. it wasn’t exactly the first time he was there, but it didn’t matter now, not when you could be in danger with a serial killer, looking for you. “y/n?” he knocked on the door three times, when he got no answer, he did the morgan speciality, kicking the door open.
your entire flat was quiet, completely out of place. the last time he was there, around two weeks ago, it wasn’t as neat as it was right now. you had your scripts scattered around the coffee table, pillows disheveled on the couch, dishes laying around the counter, although now, everything was clean. almost too clean. then he found it, a small piece of paper underneath a cup that you made him coffee in.
you won’t keep us apart.
he recognised the fact that your handwriting was different, even though you liked keeping your place a little more messy, often calling it ‘artist’s mess’, your handwriting was neat and precise. you didn’t write this note.
“sir? you’ve gotta take a look at that.”
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the last thing you remember was walking down the street, a phone in your hand about to send a quick message to reid that you’d call him as soon as you get to your flat. it was a habit of yours, texting the young doctor to give him a notice you’d call to ramble about your day. just the thought of talking to him had given you butterflies, a thought of hearing his voice after a long day at university and on set was enough to make your day better. you were about to send the message, when a guy bumped into you with so much force you barely kept yourself on ground. before you knew it, you felt an overwhelming rush of pain, passing out soon after.
your consciousness was regained, but the place wasn’t familiar. a small room with window covered with a black fabric that didn’t let any light inside. the walls had pictures stuck all over them. pictures of you, from at least four months back. each day when you were coming back from campus, there was a photo, of you at the library, at the club with your friends, going back from school, even one that captured how you giggled at one of spencer’s facts, when he visited you.
the level of anxiety peaked, when the person who locked you up came back, a bouquet of flowers in his hands, the one you loved so dearly, the one’s your mom had always put up in vases at your house, the one you got from your manager after wrapping up the season one of the russos life. “we’re sorry.” he spoke out, his voice hoarse, cracking here and there.
“but we’re finally together, y/n/n.” he whispered, getting closer to you with each word. “no one will be able to keep us apart. we’re together, for eternity.” his hand grapped your jaw to make you look at him, his lips barely inches apart.
you could feel the overwhelming pain washing over you again, realizing that he probably stabbed you back there on the street — with that realisation, it hurt even more.
his hands were rough on your skin, almost leaving a burnt mark on your cheeks. he caressed it, trying to maintain a gentle manner, causing you to tear up. “please, let me go.” you whispered, looking at him with teary eyes. “please.” his rough, yet gentle hand slapped you across the face, attitude changing immediately.
“no.” he groaned angrily, gripping your jaw even harder than the first time. “you’re not leaving. not when we’re finally together. eternity, sun. together for eternity.” his words almost burnt into your mind.
how long were you there? days, weeks, months maybe. you couldn’t know. the lack of sun, barely any food and water was driving you crazy, nevertheless, right when he left you alone, you realized something that came up to you as a moral of reid’s story he told you about a certain case with a man obsessed with a woman. you had to play into his fantasy, no matter how it hurt and how painful it was, it was necessary to gain his trust.
and you did, played right into his delusional fantasy of you until he trusted you enough to make a mistake. leaving the door unlocked. you left in such a hurry, you couldn’t breathe. the air was suffocating, it was dark, so dark you felt scared that someone would attack you again.
“oh my, miss, are you okay? you’re bleeding.” a lady called out to you, grabbing your shoulder in a soft manner, the presence of a female soothing your nerves a little.
“i– i need to make a phone call, please, could i use your phone?” before you knew it, you were dialing one of the numbers you memorised by heart.
“doctor spencer reid, can i help you with anything?” his monotonous voice rang out in the phone, causing you to sigh in relief. “sorry?” he added. you imagined him frowning, like when he tried to teach you how to play chess and you kept giggling at how frustrated he was getting, while you pretended to not know a thing about chess.
“spence.” another escaped left your lips. “i– i don’t know where i am. i know you’re in quantico, put please help me out, there’s a guy, who—” you started rambling, your vision getting blurry.
“y/n, i know.” he whispered. “we’re in new york, garcia’s tracking your location right now, please stay on the call with me.”
“spence,” you started, holding onto the woman next to you for stability. “i– he’s done something to me, i think– i think, i might pass out.” your tone was quieter with each words, almost stuttering as you felt your limbs weakening.
your world was crushing down on you, the nearby buildings suffocating you, not letting you breathe, the stab wounds overwhelming. the next thing you knew, you were in the hospital, machinery plugged into you, your eyelids heavy as you opened them.
“you’re awake.” a familiar voice filled your eardrums as you tried propping up on the bed, stopped by the ripping pain. “hey, hey. don’t move, you’re okay.” his hand was in his, holding you so gently and tenderly you wanted to cry. it wasn’t like their unsub’s, doctor reid was genuine, the way he held your hand was almost… symbolical.
you had four stab wouds on your stomach that the man wrapped into a foil to stop you from bleeding out, but it ripped when you ran away. your face was bruised, marks left by his hands visible on your upper neck and jaw.
“you’re okay.” he repeated his words almost as if spencer tried to reassure himself that nothing would happen to you anymore. definitely not on his watch. “i won’t let him do anything to you again, i promise.” he planted a tender kiss on your hand, squeezing it softly. none of you realized that the rest of spencer’s team, including your father, was standing in the doorway, observing the little moment between you and doctor reid.
the one thing that burst your bubble was derek’s laughter, after having told a joke that obviously involved you, spencer and the fact that he was the first one you called after getting out of the unsub’s place. “looks like pretty boy stole your daughter from you, hotch.” morgan’s elbow nudged your dad’s side.
aaron wasn’t dumb, and from the very beginning, he knew that there would be something going on between the two of you. hotch knew that from the way reid’s lingered on you, when you visited the bureau. how his eyes would always slip to his phone or how he had to get away from the office to make a phone call, lasting all through his lunch break, so when four days ago he told his boss about the suspicions, it all came together.
“i know it’s early, but you have to tell us if you remember everything from those days.” your dad’s tone was soft. if he wasn’t so good at this job, you’d think he tried to make you relive the moment again, but hotch has always been great and you knew it, he wanted to catch the person who did this to you.
“it was, uh.” the words coming out of your mouth was weak, which was no surprise for anyone, since you could barely have your head up to look at the concerned faces of people in your room. “a white guy, his late twenties maybe. i don't remember much beside his hands. i thought of it as something that maybe would let you catch him.”
“what about his hands, sweetheart?” morgan asked. he was standing next to prentiss and rossi, who noted all the important things you said. “did he lack any fingers? had only one hand?"
“no, no.” you shook your head. "spencer told me that, um, most of the sophisticated killers have smooth hands. his weren’t smooth at all. it was rough, like if he was working since he was a kid.” images were flashing through your mind at the speed of light. nevertheless, it didn't feel enough. “it looked like he was in the middle of psychotic break or was off meds, he kept using plural pronouns like if there was another person, but he was alone the whole time i was there.”
when the interview was done, jj stayed behind to talk to you a little. her facial expression revealing that she was interested in your friendship with the young doctor from her team. “so… spencer told you?” she lifted her eyebrows, sitting on the edge of your hospital bed.
“yeah…” your reply sounded a little sheepish. “i kind of ran into him twice, when i came to your office half a year ago, the first time i was too embarrassed to say anything other than ‘i’m so sorry, sir’, but the second time was on his break, i think and it kind of… went smoothly from there.” a blush spread over your cheeks, but jennifer didn’t comment on that.
“you’d look cute together.” her words made your brain go a little fuzzy. maybe she was right, but something in your gut told you that nothing would be happen between the two of you, spencer was the type of guy in love with his work, not a random girl he met on a random tuesday. although, his mind was an enigma, how could you be so sure of that?
“c’mon, jj.” you mumbled, looking away. “we’re friends, strictly platonic.”
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the unsettling feeling in the pit of your stomach was there, even after the unsub was caught two days after you were free to leave the hospital. it was only growing, when you were alone with a man you weren’t exactly close with. as bad as it made you feel, being around your dad’s co–workers was almost paralysing. morgan, rossi, the cops involved in your case, who tried talking to you about the entire thing, it was making your hands shake.
“spence?” you whispered, after having knocked on the door of his hotel room, a day before they left.
he opened the door immediately, almost as if his guts told him you were on the other side. he looked like you’d just woken him up. his hair all over the place, his gaze sleepy. a t–shirt loose on his body as he pulled you inside, closing the door behind you. “hey, sorry. i didn’t mean to wake you up, thought you’d be still up.” you couldn’t bring yourself to speak louder.
“i had a feeling you’d swing by.” his words made your cheek grow hotter, because to be honest… you were thinking about seeing him, laying down on the bed unable to sleep. “what’s on your mind?” he asked, bringing his hand to your chin, causing you to look at him.
“are all the profilers doing that?” you asked, mesmerised by the way his eyes roamed around your face, a small smirk appearing on his lips.
“subconsciously, yeah.” you chuckled. “don’t go off topic. something is bothering you, you know i see it.”
“i just… wanted to see you.” embarrassment rolled off your tongue, knowing that probably lots of women had already told him that. mostly, because morgan told you about the time, when prostitutes tried hitting on him during one of the cases — spencer had his charm, but you couldn’t be sure if he knew. “jesus, you can’t look at me like that, when you’re all that.”
“all that?” reid’s laughter rang in your ears as he made a step towards you, reducing the distance between you two.
“yeah? have you seen yourself before you opened the door? man, i had four stab wounds and—” you began to ramble, but his smirk and the look on his face make you stop, before another chuckle left his lips. “what?”
“reid!” you groaned, punching him slightly in the arm as he still held your face, tilting it upwards.
seconds later, his mouth were on your, his lips moving against yours tenderly. his free hand squeezing your waist gently, pushing you even closer. it was the first time you felt any type of comfort in the past few days. you were completely speechless as the kiss broke off, looking at him with big eyes.
“i– you–.” you stuttered.
“it’s funny, you usually can’t stop rambling, but now you’re a stuttering mess.” he chuckled once again, his arms firm, yet gentle on your waist as he continued to tease you with a smirk that wouldn’t get off his face.
“i thought if i did something wrong, i’d not see you again.” he whispered, his nose brushed against yours. your breath hitched in your throat at the proximity. “it made me realise how many things i should’ve done before, how important you became to me, y/n. i can’t go on without a thought of you in my mind, you’re like a plague that i don’t– that i’d never get rid of.”
“i know this job is hectic and that i’m a mess most of the time, but you’re the only one that keeps me sane after what i see.” his lips brushed against yours again and you didn’t protest.
“so… you’re saying that you can’t stop thinking about me.” it was your turn to smirk at him, your heart tingling with a feeling unknown, yet so familiar that always appeared around him. “i can’t stop thinking about you, too, you know. i, uh, had this feeling that if i get out, you’d be there somewhere to keep me safe.”
“i am, and i always will, promise.”
“is it you asking me out right now?” a quiet giggle escaped your mouth, earning a hum in return. “only if you’re gonna say yes.”
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greywritesthings · 2 months
five thirty AM
Ask from @spinningspencer 
So, reader has a Dark Day (idk if there's a better term for that, it's what I call them) where she feels like her brain has been replaced by a dark cloud of nothing and she can't really think anymore (I hope this makes sense) It causes her to feel uncomfortable in her mind and body and just uncomfortable in general. She can't do anything but sit those days out, so she goes to Spencer for comfort to get her through the day.
Spencer Reid x BAU!Reader
Warnings: feeling numb, feeling unsettled generally readers just sad, you get the vibes from the ask
A/N; this isn't proof read but i quite like this request, i strayed a little bit and i may redo this at some point in the future or do a part 2 perhaps
SR masterlist
Read on Ao3 instead!
Taglist; @reidstheyfriend
You had woken up that morning feeling numb, another bad day. You had bad days every now and again, they just happened and had done so since your late teens. Your limbs feel heavy, you couldn’t do anything, including think. You ran on autopilot through the most basic motions to get through the day. 
You feel unsettled throughout everything, like nothing's right, even when you ran on auto pilot it didn't feel correct and it upset you even further. You often ended up spending hours in the shower crying, with a mind full of static and tears running down your cheeks. 
This time it was different, you had someone to go to who understood your bad days. Spencer. You had a bad day about two months after joining the BAU and he had noticed as you had to be at work, unable to call out given you were on a case. He had come to you with a hot chocolate the same way you made it, including the marshmallows and cream he went to the convenience store to get, and asked you if you wanted to talk, letting you know if you wanted you could come back to his room and you could watch or read something together instead of talking. You had taken him up on the offer and ended up falling asleep in his room, curled up together with books dropped on the floor. That had then become routine whenever you or him just needed some comfort. 
Two years on your bad days were fewer and farther between, you were close with the BAU now, they really were like family. You had Hotch and Rossi saved as Dad and Mom respectively. You and Pen hung out regularly, often baking or painting at her flat while drinking wine, under the eyes of Derek and Spencer given they knew how accident prone the pair of you could be after a few glasses. You also found time to hang out with JJ and her children, with Emily often coming with. All over it didn't give you much time to fall into this state but when you did it hit hard. 
You knew in order to get to Spencer you would have to call him and with a brain that felt like static it was going to take up practically everything you had. You knew you could go to his flat, it was one building over and would mean you technically got fresh air so hopefully he wouldn't try and coax you out of the apartment later on. Where you were already in a hoodie and leggings from sleeping you decide to throw on your converses he had gifted you for christmas and walk across to his. 
What would normally take you seven minutes this time took you four, whenever you were zoned out you walked faster, given you weren't looking anywhere or being careful of anything you took the stairs two at a time both up and down. 
It's not until you reach his front door that you realise the time. You look down to your pocket, inadvertently looking at your watch that had glow in the dark hands. It read five thirty AM. It was much earlier than you had thought it was, You had shown up at spencers early before but not this early, and not without checking. You decided to just sit outside his door, sending a :/ text to him for when he did wake up. You both did this on days where you needed each other but couldn't put into words what was wrong. Before you had a chance to sit down you heard his door unlock and saw the door pull open to reveal a surprisingly perky looking spencer. “Morning sweetheart, cmere” He seemed surprised to see you at his door but didn't mind it, lacing an arm around your waist and pulling you into the apartment. 
Once he settled you onto the sofa and grabbed hot chocolates and a vaguely suitable breakfast for you both he joined you, pulling you into his chest once you had eaten so you could listen to his heart knowing it soothed you. He put on DR Who knowing it was something you knew well and so didn't have to pay a lot of attention to to understand, a perfect mix for when you were having a bad day. 
You stayed like that for most of the day, curled up on the sofa with Spencer occasionally getting up to get water and snacks for you both. He passed you your drawing pad and pencils at one point once he noticed you getting anxious so that you could put your mind elsewhere. Eventually you fell asleep and he decided he would just get you to eat better tomorrow. He carefully takes off your shoes and socks, changing out your hoodie and leggings for his sweater and sweatpants like he normally did. He then picks you up carefully and carries you across to his room, placing you carefully on what had been deemed your side, leaving you under the covers while he goes to change knowing that if he left you alone in the bed you would wake up. Once he was back in the bed he turned on the lamp and pulled a book from the stack beside the bed, shuffling over so he could play with your hair easier as you curled further up against him, sighing contentedly in your sleep. You would be okay tomorrow.
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Can I request an Aaron Hotchner x autistic!daughter young adult ideally but any age. Or even she’s on the team and he’s a father figure to her because her own is so ableist. My dad is so ableist and I have so much autistic trauma from him even though my autism is from him too. He thinks that gives him even more rights to say whatever he wants to me and bully me even more. I just need to know what it feels like to have a good dad who cares about my autism. Who cares about me ❤️❤️
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Aaron Hotchner x Autistic! Young adult reader
Of course I can, I'm sorry you have to deal with that, my parents have trouble understanding my Autism as well but they are getting better. I will write this for you!
Summary: Y/Ns ableist Dad comes to the BAU and starts being an Ableist arsehole to his daughter, her father figure (Hotch) steps in and saves her.
Third Person pov...
It had been 3 years since Y/N L/N joined the BAU, she was 21 when she joined and instantly became the baby of the team and Hotch became her Dad, Y/N is autistic and has sensory issues.
Ever since she was little her father was ablest and would bully her and verbally abuse her saying how her being Autistic meant something was wrong with her and that she needed fixing, the man caused her to have so many meltdowns and sensory overloads that it made others concerned her teachers as school.
He was later arrested for child abuse and was sent to prison, Y/N was then left with her neighbours who were a nice loving family and always liked her but hated her dad and were glad she got away from him after suffering for years, her Mum was out of the picture.
The young girl had so much trauma from her childhood when she joined the BAU that Hotch became her father figure, their relationship helped mend Y/Ns trauma from her bio dad and she was able to live comfortably knowing he wasnt in her life anymore, she was treated with respect and was always told that her autism wasn't a bad thing.
From being with Penelope and Spencer (who are also Autistic) her relationship with her Autism was mended and she was able to be herself, while with her dad she could stim or doing anything 'autistic' but with her new found family she was free to stim and had all her accomedations, if anyone disrespected her or called her weird they would have to deal with an angry Hotch and the rest of the team.
It was a normal day for the team, they weren’t on a case and for once they all got to relax and fill out paperwork, well aside from Hotch and Spencer no one was doing any paperwork, Derek and Emily were sat giggling loudly like children as they kept throwing rolled up pieces of paper at their second youngest member.
The laughter increased as they kept hitting their mark, Spencers head, the genius was none the wiser as a pile of paper was forming around him at their many failed attempts. From the side JJ and Penelope sit and watch as Spencer doesn't realise, opposite the genius sat Y/N she was busy spinning in her chair with her headphones on and watching the scene play out.
She had the perfect poker face for when a paper ball hit Spencer's head, as the children in the bull pen play the two adults Hotch and Rossi where actually getting work done, , well Hotch was at least the Italian was drinking and watching the kids outside keeping an eye on them as someone responsible needed too.
As Y/N continued to spin around her in chair she didn’t hear the heavy footsteps off someone walking up behind her, the H/C woman was suddenly yanked off her chair and onto the hard floor by a man, in the process of being manhandled her headphones when flying off her head.
“What did I tall ya about doing that Girl!” exclaimed a voice that haunted her nightmares, gasping in terror Y/N stared frozen at her Father who was suppose to be in prison, the large man had a sickening grin on his face as he saw the terror in his daughter eyes.
“Yes its me!” he laughed that horrible laugh that had Y/N holding her hands overs her ears, the 21 year old was still frozen on the floor while the others were staring at the scene before them guns raised, by this time Hotch and Rossi had heard what happened and were out of their offices.
“bu-but your supposed to be in jail!” exclaimed Y/N finally finding her voice stuttering, the man looked down at her crumpled form, he then grabbed the front of her blouse pulling his daughter close. “they let me out for good behaviour, did ya miss me!” he semi whispered as Y/Ns face grew a sickening pale white, she scrambled to get away but the man wouldn’t let go instead he raised his hand and slapped her.
Y/N cried out in pain. “you really didn’t think I could be held for long did ya you retard! You really are still a fucked in the head as you were years ago” yelled the man, Hotch had had enough, he rain down thw ramp arms raised, gun in his hands. “Get your hands on hr now, you do realise you just assaulted a federal agent” growled out Hotch as the man teared his eyes away from the shivering form of his daughter.
He spat at Hotch. “your not her father I am, this waste of space in am Agent HA!”!” he laughed again and kicked Y/N hard in the ribs, Penelope gasps tears in her eyes as she witnesses her friend get beaten. Y/N holds in her cries of pain and raises her head from the floor glaring at the man.
“your not my dad you never have been!” she cried tears rolling down her face, the sadistic man smirked at the tears rolling down his daughters face, the sight reminding off when she was a kid and he would verbally abuse her, he had never hit her before now, it felt good.
Her words made him angry. “I am your father retard, though I hate to admit it you share my blood, your as stupid as I remember crying on the floor like the child you are to stupid to do what I say” he goes on on berating Y/N and saying how stupid she was once again verbally abusing her, as he went on his rant Y/N managed to stand up.
She was then pulled behind Hotch, his finger close to pulling the trigger. “you Bastard, you shut the fuck up now, you have crossed the line now get out of my building and away from my Daughter before I pump your body full of bullets!” yelled Hotch threw clenched teeth, he was so close to pulling the trigger instead he stormed up so he was chest to chest with the man and pulled back his fist.
When he lets go his right hand connected with the nose he was satisfied to feel it shatter, a smirk on his face before gesturing to a couple of agents. “now don’t ever come back or I will kill you” Hotches hand was burning but he felt satisfied when Y/Ns Dad freeze before he tsked and stormed out not before calling Y/N the R slur before he was detained by two agents ans forced into handcuffs.
Hotch crossed his arms before turning around to hug Y/N was had collapsed, the stress from her dad coming in draining her, she was then sat at her desk with Hotch hovering around her looking at her injuries, E/C eyes locked on his brown ones.
“Im your daughter” she whispers hoarsely, this made Hotch smile and run his hand through her hair. “of course, you are sweetie” he smiled softly kissing her forehead still smiling when she smiles back.
The end!!
Hoped you liked this oneshot so sorry for the wait! As usual sorry for the grammar and spelling mistake!
Requests are open!
Word count: 1366
319 notes · View notes
sequinsmile-x · 6 months
No One Else
Emily and Aaron are on a well deserved vacation before their baby arrives.
When someone flirts with her on the beach, Emily refuses to let it ruin the rest of their stay.
Hi friends!
Just some good old jealous/insecure Aaron content that leads to smut. Please let me know what you think <3
Words: 4.7k (this really got away from me we all know i can't help myself with the world building)
Warnings: Pregnancy, Smut, 18+
Read over on Ao3, or below the cut
“Mama don’t go!”
Emily feels her heart ache as her little boy snuggles deeper into her side where they are cuddling on the couch, the two-year-old’s face buried in her chest as she holds him close. Even after all this time, almost five years since she’d stepped into a maternal role in Jack’s life, she still wasn’t used to the specific kind of guilt that came with being a mother. A heavy weight on her chest whenever she made a decision, even something as simple as going on a well-needed vacation with her husband. 
“Sammy, honey, it’s just for a few days,” she says, pushing his dark hair out of his face, smiling when it flops back onto his forehead, “And you’ll have so much fun with Jack and Aunt Jessie.” 
Samuel frowns as he pulls back, the expression making him look so much like Aaron she finds herself having to suppress a smile, “Baby sissy’s going.” 
Emily presses her lips together as she looks at her son, her other hand drifting to her rounded stomach, “That’s because your sister lives inside of me sweet boy,” she says, her smile finally breaking free, “She has to go wherever I go.”
Her pregnancy was one of the main reasons she and Aaron had decided to go away on vacation, both of them well aware their life was only going to get even busier in three months when their daughter was born. She was excited to spend some time with her husband, to soak up alone time with him and have a few days where they were just Emily and Aaron, not Mom and Dad or Prentiss and Hotch.
It also didn’t hurt that they’d chosen to go to Barbados, the chance to soak up some winter sun almost as appealing to her as spending the next several days watching her husband walk around in swim shorts. 
Samuel sighs and snuggles in closer to her again, making sure he’s as close to her as he can be with her bump in the way, “Miss Mama.”
She presses a kiss to the top of his head and holds him tightly, burying her face in the top of his head and smelling the scent of his shampoo, “I’ll miss you too, baby,” she says,” kissing the top of his head again, “But we’ll call every day.”
Any further conversation is cut off as Jack comes bounding into the room, the sound of Aaron dragging suitcases through the hallway following shortly behind him.
“We’re ready!” Jack says as he sits next to Emily on her other side, his smile wide, “I helped Dad pack.”
Emily smiles as she wraps an arm around him, tugging him closer. She knew his keenness to help out often outweighed how helpful he was, but he was insistent on helping to get the bags packed, especially since Aaron had refused to let Emily help.
He liked to claim it was because she was six months pregnant and needed to rest, but she distinctly remembered him refusing her help for their honeymoon too and she wasn’t pregnant then. He often said she couldn’t pack to save her life, something even she could admit was true, and he’d pack her go-bag for cases too back when she was still in the BAU before she switched departments when Samuel was born. Dave always joked that the first inkling he had that something was going on between them was the lack of wrinkles in her clothes, the fact they’d clearly been packed with a level of care she rarely had the energy for as she stuffed her go-bag whenever they got a call. 
“Thanks for being so helpful, sweetie,” she says, kissing Jack’s temple and smiling when he tries to shift away from her, on the edge of being a pre-teen, the first signs of finding his parents embarrassing starting to make themselves known. She winks at him as she pulls back, “I was just telling Sammy how much fun you’ll have with Aunt Jessie whilst Dad and I are on vacation.” 
Jack smiles, catching on to the fact that she wants his help to convince his little brother that everything will be fine. He leans forward to look at Samuel, a look on his face that Aaron would say was all her. 
“Sammy it’s going to be so fun,” he says enthusiastically, “And Aunt Jess will make cookies for us.” 
Samuel’s eyes light up for the first time since she’d sat down with him on the couch, “I love cookies.” 
Emily hears a chuckle from the doorway and turns to find her husband standing there looking at him, a smile on his face that never failed to make her stomach flip in a way that had nothing to do with their daughter rolling her belly. 
“First smile all morning and it’s because of the thought of cookies,” he says, winking at her as he walks over, leaning over the back of the couch to press a kiss to her lips, “He really is all you.” 
She playfully narrows her eyes at him, fighting a smile as Jack laughs and Samuel joins in, even though he doesn’t understand, “Careful, honey. You’ve got to be nice to me or I won’t be nice to you.” 
His smile only gets wider as he stamps another kiss to her lips before he stands up straight, “Ready to go, sweetheart?” 
She nods, pulling her sons closer for a moment, enjoying the feeling of them against her for the last time in a few days. 
“So ready.”
Emily sighs contentedly as she settles onto the sun lounger, enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin and the shift of her daughter in her belly. She places her hand on her bump and rubs a circle over it, the soft material of her black swimsuit warm against her palm. 
“This is much better than the freezing cold at home, huh sweet girl?” She says, her smile widening when she feels a kick in response. She looks up, pressing her lips together as she watches Aaron walk back towards her from the shoreline, water glistening on his skin from where he’d taken a dip in the ocean to cool off, “The view is much better here too.” 
Aaron smiles at her as their eyes meet and he starts to walk quicker, kicking up some sand as he makes it to her side, always keen to be as close to her as possible. He can’t help but let his eyes trail over her, his gaze lingering on her bump and curves accentuated by pregnancy. He knew she was somewhat self-conscious of her appearance these days, somehow more aware of it this time around than she had been when she was pregnant with Samuel. She always rolled her eyes when he said she looked beautiful, or when he stared at her a little too long, but he didn’t think he’d ever loved her more. 
“Stop looking at me like that,” she says, raising her eyebrow at him as his eyes meet hers. 
“I can’t help myself,” he replies, leaning down to kiss her, smiling into it when she hooks her hand around the back of his head, holding him closer as she tastes the salt water on his lips. He pulls back, “You know you in a bathing suit is my weakness,” he says, sitting on the edge of her sun lounger, careful not to overbalance it. He places his hand on her thigh and squeezes, barely hiding a smirk when she shivers, something they both know has nothing to do with the cool water transferring from his skin to hers, “You remember our honeymoon right? We had Sammy 9 months later.” 
She shakes her head and laughs at him, “I remember I wore a lot of barely-there bikinis in our private villa,” she says, sighing as she looks at her bump, running her hand over it again, scrunching her nose up at the sight of her one piece, “Not this…tarp of a one piece.” 
He’s careful not to laugh, clearing his throat to stop the sound from escaping as he shifts his hand to her stomach, smiling as he feels their daughter move.
“You’re beautiful,” he says, leaning down to kiss her bump, both of them laughing when the baby kicks a little harder than usual, “You’re beautiful too princess, don’t worry,” he says to the bump before he sits back up, smiling at his wife as their eyes meet, “Do you need me to go get you anything?” 
She hums as she thinks about it, her mind drifting to the delicious, but sadly alcohol-free, cocktail she’d had when they first arrived at the beach. It was frozen and sweet and exactly the kind of thing she was currently craving. 
“Maybe a drink?”
He smiles and leans down to kiss her before he stands up straight, “That overpriced juice they put in a blender and have the nerve to call a cocktail?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at her. 
She smiles and reaches out for his hand, squeezing it tightly, “You’re the best baby daddy.” 
He rolls his eyes lovingly as she lets go of his hand, “Don’t call me that, I’m your husband.” 
She chuckles as he walks away, her enjoyment at winding him up never dulling even for a second. She lays there, eyes closed as she idly thinks about how they’ll need to top up their sunscreen soon, when she senses a shadow loom over her, blocking the sun. 
“That didn’t take long…” she trails off as she opens her eyes and sees a man who definitely isn’t her husband standing over her, a smile on his face. He’s tall and blonde, and his smile lets her know he’s far too sure of himself. She sits up a little, her band against her bump protectively as she does so, “Can I help you?” 
He sits down on Aaron’s sun lounger, clearly not picking up on her immediate defensiveness, “Hi, I’m Dan.” 
She presses her lips into a firm line, “Hi Dan. Can I help you?” 
He smirks and she raises an eyebrow at him, “You can start by telling me your name.” 
It’s one of the rare occasions when she’s grateful for how she was raised, how she can control her facial expressions, how she can stop herself from scrunching her nose up in disgust at this man who was flirting with her. Not only was she visibly pregnant, but she and Aaron hadn’t exactly been shy in their affection for each other since they’d arrived at the beach a few hours ago. They rarely had the opportunity to be this affectionate with each other outside of their home, both of them so intensely private that they wanted to keep them for themselves. Largely out of view from their friends who still found their relationship fascinating even after all this time. 
Here it didn’t matter. No one knew them. They were just a couple on the beach like so many other people, taking the opportunity to seek out the sun in winter. 
She forces a polite smile on her face, “Look, Dan. I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but I’m really not interested.” 
His smile doesn’t falter his he runs his hands through his hair “Come on, I’m sure you’d have a lot more fun with me than with Mr Serious who you’re here with.” 
Her polite smile fades, and she glares at him, her shackles rising at the way he was, admittedly gently, making fun of her husband. She liked to point out how serious Aaron was sometimes, softly smiling at him when he was particularly stern, but he was her person to make fun of, no one else’s - something that Derek and Dave had come up against more than once. 
They still brought up the time she’d locked them in a supply closet for joking that Aaron needed to lighten up after a prank gone wrong.
“Firstly, that man is my husband,” she says, raising her left hand so he can see her rings, her bump clearly not enough for this man to leave her alone, “Secondly, he’s an FBI agent. We both are actually.” 
She watches as Dan’s eyes go slightly wide, his smile slipping away slightly, but before she can say anything else they are interrupted.
“Thirdly, he’s standing right here.” 
She turns to see Aaron standing just a few feet away from them, his glare nowhere near diminished by the fact he has a brightly coloured cocktail in each hand, the tiny umbrellas sticking out of them almost shrinking under his sternness. She can tell by his expression that he’d heard more than she would have wanted him to, a flicker of hurt in his eyes that makes her even more irritated at the man who had decided to interrupt their afternoon. 
Dan stands up, all of his confidence gone as he clears his throat, muttering an apology under his breath as he stalks away without looking back. 
Emily looks at Aaron again and watches carefully as he stands frozen in place. She gives him a second to move and when he doesn’t, she gently prompts him, “Please tell me one of those drinks is for me?” 
He looks at her and nods, smiling tightly as he passes her the drink intended for her, “I decided to get one too,” he says, sitting down on his sun lounger, his eyes drifting back to where Dan had wandered off, “Although mine has tequila in it.” 
She groans, enjoying a taste of the frozen drink as she smiles at him, “Lucky,” she blows out a breath, desperate to relieve some of the tension, “It’s good you arrived when you did, he really didn’t take a hint,” she has another sip of her drink, “Who hits on someone who is not only visibly quite pregnant, but also obviously here with someone?”
He smiles tightly at the incredulous tone of her voice as he looks back at her, “What did I tell you, sweetheart,” he says softly, “You’re beautiful.” 
Despite the compliment, she can see the sadness still lingering in his eyes, and she has half a mind to find Dan on the beach and give him a piece of her mind.
Despite his attempt to hide it from her, he’s grumpy for the rest of the day. 
Not with her, never with her. He’s soft and kind and loving as he always his, his hand on her lower back as he guides her into the hotel’s restaurant, his smile soft as he pulls her chair out for her. 
He’s grumpy with everyone else. An edge to every look he throws to anyone who interacts with her, a tone in his voice when the waiter who has served them the last couple of nights brings the drink she always orders without asking. 
She lets it go, deciding not to mention it until they get back to their suite. Her final straw is when she shows him a picture of the boys playing in the snow in Jessica’s yard on her phone and it fails to lift his mood. Emily sighs as she sits next to him on the couch, her hand on his thigh as she squeezes it.
“Okay, honey. Talk to me,” she says, raising her eyebrow at him when he frowns, turning to look at her with confusion in his eyes. “Look, I’m usually happy to let you wallow as long as you need to, but we’re only here for another couple of days and I’d like to enjoy the rest of our time here without you glaring at anyone who interacts with me.” 
Aaron sighs and he closes his eyes, shaking his head at himself as he gives himself a second. He places his hand on hers on his leg and links their fingers together. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, opening his eyes and looking at her, guilt licking at his insides at the concern that was shining in her eyes, “I just can’t stop thinking about the guy on the beach.” 
She has to stop herself from rolling her eyes and she actively ignores how she feels her cheeks start to heat up. They were both prone to jealousy from time to time, and she knew she wasn’t completely innocent, but it feels even more ridiculous than usual. 
“Aaron,” she says softly, cupping his cheek and making him look at her, her thumb tracing back and forth on his sun-kissed skin, “You have nothing to be jealous of,” she says, “Nothing at all. Your third kid is currently using my organs as punching bags,” she smiles at him, “I think that should count for something.” 
He turns his face and kisses her palm, “It’s not that I’m jealous,” he says, and she raises both brows at him, her disbelief painted across her face and it makes him choke out a laugh, “Okay, it’s not only that. I…it’s just you could do so much better than me. That’s all.” 
It was something he’d grappled with since they got together. Emily was everything. She was beautiful, smart, kind and for a reason he’d never quite been able to figure out - completely in love with him. It wasn’t that he doubted, not for a second, but he didn’t understand why. 
She could do better than him, and everyone knew it. 
She frowns, choking on a disbelieving laugh as she shakes her head at him, “Honey, that’s not true.” 
“That guy was right. I’m too serious, even when I don’t mean to be. We were on the beach on vacation and a stranger was still able to pick up on it.”
Emily stares at him and she leans forward, resting her forehead against his, “I love that you’re serious. I love that the boys are too,” she pulls back to look at him and she moves their joint hands to her bump, “I hope she’s serious too, something is going to have to be to counteract the fact she’s half me.” 
He huffs out a laugh, “Em.”
“I mean it,” she says, stamping her lips against his, “I love you,” she kisses him again, firmer this time, smiling into it when she feels his hand shift to grab at her hip, “I’m all yours.” 
He groans, tightening his hold on her hip, “All mine.” 
“All yours,” she whispers, kissing him again, licking her tongue over the seam of his lips, sighing contentedly when he gives her access, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss. They lose themselves in each other, hands drifting under clothes, grasping at familiar skin. She pulls back breathlessly, her teeth digging into his lower lip as she pulls at it gently. She smirks as she puts some space between them. She stands up, her smile turning soft as he immediately stands with her, his hands on her hips as he guides her up. She links a hand through his and tugs him towards the bedroom. “Come with me.”
He kisses her as they walk, paying close attention to her throat, his hands drifting down her sides as they go, “So beautiful,” he says, any insecurities seemingly gone for now as he grasps at her skin through the floating material of her dress, “All mine.” 
She turns in his arms when they reach the foot of the bed and she kisses him fiercely. Her hand drifts down his abdomen, and she smiles when she palms him through his pants, tasting his groan as he subconsciously thrusts towards her, half hard and already straining. 
She pulls back to look at him, gazing up at him through her long lashes, her teeth sinking into her lower lip as she unbuckles his belt, “Usually I’d get down on my knees for you,” she says, stamping her lips against hers, her bump pressed between them, “But I think I’d never get back up,” she lets his belt fall open and then unzips his pants, stepping backwards to sit on the edge of the bed, her face level with him as she pushes his pants and boxers down past his hips, “So this will have to do.” 
Aaron grunts as she wraps her hand around him, pumping him up and down a few times, her thumb spreading a bead of pre-cum over the tip of him, “Em-”
Anything else he was going to say is cut off as she leans forward, taking him into her mouth. He grunts, his hands automatically finding her hair and threading his fingers through it, thrusting slightly against her face. 
“Jesus, baby,” he says, closing his eyes as she swallows around him, her nose against his pubic bone before she pulls back, sucking in a breath as she looks up. Her eyes are shining and a trail of spit is connecting her lower lip to the tip of him, and she’s never looked so beautiful, so his, “You’re so fucking gorgeous.” 
She smiles and sucks in another breath, leaning in again and taking him back down her throat. She bobs her head up and down, using her hands to pump him in tandem, as familiar with his body as he was with hers. His grunts and grip on her hair spurs her on, his words strained as they fill the air around them. 
“Em. Fuck. Mine.”
She can feel him start to lose control, his grip on her tighter, his thrusts stronger. He pulls back from her, leaning down to kiss her, smirking at the disappointment he tastes on her tongue, only partially masked by the taste of himself. 
“I was having fun,” she grumbles breathlessly, and he chuckles, kissing her again before he pulls back, pulling his shirt over his head.
“Take off your clothes,” he demands, and she nods, shedding herself of her dress and underwear as quickly as she can, watching him as he gets rid of his pants entirely. When he's done he looks at her, barely suppressing a growl at the sight of her. She was gorgeous, her eyes wide and hazy with arousal as she stares back at him, her stomach rounded with their child, her breasts bigger than they usually were, “Turn around.” 
She smiles, the wave of arousal that floods through her at the instruction making her shiver as she does as he’s told her to. She turns and rests on her hands and knees, one of her hands briefly on her stomach as she tries to get comfortable, desperate to ease some of the pressure on her back. Before she can think about it any further Aaron is there, a pillow that he’s somehow grabbed from the top of the bed in his hands as he slides it underneath her, allowing it to take the weight of her belly. He kisses her cheek, the action tender, soft. Intimate in a way she’d never experienced with anyone other than him. She turns her head to kiss him, capturing his lips against hers, and she smiles softly when he pulls back. 
“You okay?” He asks, voice rough with want as he controls himself for a moment, her comfort always his priority, and she nods, stamping her lips against his for a moment. 
“Yes,” she replies, “Please, Aaron. I need you.” 
He kisses her, fiercer this time as the brief moment of tenderness disappears, and then he’s gone, his warmth shifting from her side to behind her. She grasps the sheets in her fists as she waits, the anticipation making her blood fizz under her skin. She almost screams when he licks through her from behind, her fists impossibly tighter around the sheets as her head falls forward. 
“Fuck, Aaron,” she says, her hips twitching as he pulls back, a chuckle pressed against her lower back as he kisses it. 
“So wet for me already, sweetheart,” he says, lining himself up with her, trailing his tip through her teasingly, “And I’ve barely touched you.” 
“Please,” she repeats, on edge already, her heightened hormones making her usual desire for him almost ridiculous, her body almost shaking with it. 
When he pushes forward they both moan, the familar stretch of him enough to make them both pause, taking a desperately needed moment to try and gain back some control. He presses his body against hers, his chest draped over her back and his hands over hers, his fingers locking with hers on the mattress.
“You feel so good, Em,” he mutters, his forehead against the top of her head, “Like you were made for me.” 
She grunts, clenching around him as he stays maddeningly still, every nerve in her body poised to catch fire as she tries to encourage him to move. She tilts her head upwards, his forehead now against hers, his harsh breath skipping across her face, and she smiles at him. 
“Show me,” she says, pushing her hips back into his, “Show me how I’m all yours.”
It works just like she knew it would, pushing him to start moving his hips against hers, any teasing forgotten as he does exactly what she’d asked of him. It’s hard and fast and everything she wanted, driving her embarrassingly close to the edge already. 
“You’re mine,” he grunts, his skin slapping against hers as he continues to push his hips into her. He moves one of his hands between them, circling her clit, smirking against her as she gets impossibly tighter around him, her hips stuttering as she gets closer, “Come for me sweetheart,” he mutters, his touch getting firmer, “Cum for me and then I’ll fill you with even more of me.” 
His words, combined with his palm on her belly, tip her over the edge. She comes with a scream, something she tries and fails to muffle as she collapses forward her arms giving out from under her as she presses her face into the bedding. 
He comes seconds later, both of them groaning as he does so, and he slows his hips against hers, dropping a kiss to her temple as he tries to catch his breath. He stays there, still leaning over her for a second before he kisses her cheek, then her jaw, before he pulls back. 
“Wait there a second,” he says, walking towards the ensuite bathroom. 
He makes quick work of cleaning himself off and then reaching for a fresh towel before he walks back into the bedroom. He smiles to himself when he sees she’s still lying exactly as he left her, and he sits next to her on the bed, his smile turning into a smirk when she jumps slightly as he cleans her off, a smugness to his expression that has her rolling her eyes as she turns to look at him. 
“You okay?” He asks again, throwing the towel across the room before he lays down next to her, helping her adjust the pillow so she can lay on her side and he can curl up behind her. 
She hums and nods, tilting her head to kiss him, “I’m perfect,” she says, kissing him again, “So are you.” 
Aaron shakes his head lovingly at her and places his hand on her bump, smiling against his wife’s cheek as he feels the baby moving, “She’s kicking a lot.”
Emily smiles as he looks at him over her shoulder, placing her hand over his on her stomach, “She always moves like crazy after you make me cu-”
“Em, please,” he says, cutting her off, his eyes wide, “You know how I feel when you say that.” 
She giggles, capturing his lips in a kiss, “This is the second time I’ve been pregnant,” she says, squeezing her hand in his, “When will this stop freaking you out?” 
He kisses her, content to have her in his arms, pressed up against her like this. Any concerns he’d had earlier, that he knew would return again, as they always did, were gone. Vanquished because of her, his balm for any worries like she always would be. 
“I guess we’ll just have to keep going until we find out.” 
She smiles as she kisses him, and they forget about everything other than each other. 
Tag List:
@ssa-sparks, @lukeclvez, @lyds102, @glockleveledatyourcrotch, @hotchnissenthusiast, @danadeservesadrink, @ssamorganhotchner, @emilyprentissisgod, @notagentprentiss, @freesiasandfics, @emilyshotchniss, @thecharmingart, @paulitalblond, @gravyfan, @camille093, @whitecrossgirl, @moonlight-2-6, @rawr-jess, @florenceremingtonthethird, @jareauswife, @ms-black-a, @beebeelank, @aubreyprc, @zipzapboingg, @psychopath-at-heart, @criminalmindsgonewrong, @fionaloover, @kinqslcys, @prentissinred, @ccmattis-22, @denvivale317, @thrindis, @hotchsguccitie, @cmfouatslota77, @alexblakegf, @aliensausrex, @prentissxhotch, @emobabeyy, @victoiregranger, @stormyweatherth, @wanderingdreamer009, @ssablackbird, @luhwithah, @lex13cm, @prentiss-theorem, @dont-emily-me, @mrs-ssa-hotch, @jocyycreation, @itsmytimetoodream, @hotchnissgroupie, @controversialpooh, @capsshinyshield, @canuck-eh
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criminalmindswhore · 9 months
Family Affair Ch. 1
An Emily Prentiss x Reader story that will be angsty. TW: mentions of violence and murder, homophobic parents and people, child abuse You stumbled into the BAU not prepared to see your family on the screen. What happens when the family you left behind is dead and your new one is responsible for catching their killer?
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You were born into a family where love was earned. Perfection was expected and if it wasn't perfect, it wasn't accepted. You did every extracurricular activity possible to please your parents. Theatre, track, singing, Honors Society, but it was never enough. Even when you graduated top of your class at Yale and then got into the academy. The day you left for Yale there was a huge blowout fight which resulted in you being cut out of the family. 
"Dad I don't want that life. I don't want to come back to this town with the same rude people and run this business." You threw your last bag into your car and slammed the door. Your dad hot on your tail as you walked back inside the house. "You don't have a choice. You either do that or don't bother coming home." You came to a full stop in the entryway, taking a deep angry breath. You pressed your fingers against the bridge of your nose. Your dad sighed, "We love you Y/N and we want what's best for you." You turned towards him and scoffed, "What's best for me, isn't in this run-down town." There was a lingering sadness between the two of you. You knew you couldn't continue to let them treat you this way, and he knew he was losing you.
 "Dad, I need to move on. I can't live in this house anymore it's full of pain for me whether you acknowledge it or not. Kate and I both see it. Mom sometimes does." Your voice softer, almost scared of his reaction. He stood with his arms crossed and feet planted firm, you continued, "Everyone my age hates me, you hate me, there's nothing here for me anymore." Your dad was set off by this, "We don't hate you Y/N! If we did we wouldn't have let you go to Yale and offer to pay for your groceries while you're there." You took a step towards him, "There was nothing you could have done to stop me. I'm on a full ride and I don't need your help." He shoved past you, "You're never gonna make it past freshman year." You paced through the space ranting, "I have been nothing but successful my entire life, what makes you think I can't handle it? Because you won't be there to yell at me or hit me when I get a 97 instead of a 100? Because you won't be there to force me to go to church? I have made something of myself from nothing with no support from you. You have never said you're proud of me once." He grabbed a beer from the fridge, he was yelling now, "I did so much for you! I'm the reason you were so successful!" You scoffed at him, "The reason I'm successful is because I feared for my life when I wasn't. That's not helping, that's trauma. That's why I never told you guys about her." 
The words left your mouth before you could stop them. He stopped walking around and looked at you, your blood ran cold with fear. "Her?" Your brain went blank, you couldn't think of one thing to say to save yourself. "I knew you were one of them. Get out of my house and don't come back." 
Your alarm blaring in your ear jolted you from the most amazing sleep you have ever gotten. "Fuck this." You turned it off and groaned as someone knocked on your bedroom door. "Come in!" You rolled over in your bed now face down in the pillows. "Good morning sleepyhead, I made us coffee and breakfast for the road now get up." Your roommate Garcia threw a throw pillow from the couch at you. You picked your head up and glared at her, "What the fuck Pen?" She smiled at you, already wearing a full face of makeup with her rainbow robe. She closed the door and you rolled out of bed. Dragging yourself into the shower. You loved your job but there was nothing you loved more than sleep. For some reason, your parents were heavy on your mind during your shower. You haven't spoken for nearly 7 years. Your last conversation on your college graduation day. They called to tell you they wouldn't be attending followed by some dumbass excuse. Not that you really wanted to see them anyway, it had been 4 years at that point. Now you were in the FBI, working towards your doctorate. After making yourself look put together and professional you trotted into the kitchen where Pen was sitting waiting for you while she read some new romance novel. You grinned at her music choice this morning, Lana Del Rey. You grabbed your Yale travel mug from the cabinet pouring coffee into it. You turned to Pen, "You ready miss thang?" She giggled, "Y/N you gotta stop flirting with me or Morgan's gonna have some competition." She stood up grabbing her purse and coffee cup. 
The energy was off from the second you two stepped off the elevator onto the BAU's floor. Hotch was standing at the glass doors waiting for you. The team already gathered in the round table room. Hotch pulled you aside and told Garcia to join the team. She shot you a smile before trekking up the stairs. "Hotch what's going on? Is this about me using the word soggy in the report? I couldn't think of a better-" "No Y/N, it's about your family." Your heart drops to your stomach, you suddenly feel weak. "Hotch, don't tell me." Tears sprung in your eyes, all he did was look at you with sympathy. You took off into the round table room, "Y/N don't." You dropped your coffee seeing the pictures on the screen. Images of your parents dead, hands missing. Everything was spinning and the team sprung into action. JJ clicking off the screen, Emily standing up to grab you. Garcia grabs your bag from your hands and picks up your cup. "No, no, no, no." You kept repeating yourself slowly sinking to the ground. Emily was holding your waist to safely lower you down, "Y/N look at me, look at me." You looked at her face and she grabbed your hands once you were safely sitting. "Breathe, force the air in." You didn't even realize you hadn't taken a breath. 
After a few minutes you had calmed down, swallowed your feelings, and stood up. "What happened." You demanded rather than asked the team. Hotch went to speak up, "Y/N you don't want to-" "Aaron, tell me." You glared at him. You knew that town better than anyone in the room, they needed you still and everyone knew it. He took a deep breath, "Found this morning in one of their restaurants by your sister. Hands are missing which is why we were called in. Cause of death is a bullet to the head." No one spoke as you processed. You swallowed the bile that was creeping up your throat and took a step towards Garcia looking for some kind of comfort, she understood and grabbed your hand. "There's a lot of hunters in the area, they would know how to take the- um, hands. My dad was well-liked in the community, and the same with my mom. I wasn't but I haven't been back in over 10 years. My sister never left, she went to community college and then started working for my dad. Is she in protective custody?" Hotch nodded. "Y/N you aren't allowed to work this case but we will be using you as a resource. Wheels up in 10." Rossi gave you a long, tight hug on his way out the door. The team knows you aren't huge on touch so they all gave you a shoulder pat. Other than JJ who stopped in front of you, "Can I give you a hug?" Her voice was full of sadness, and you nodded. She wrapped her arms around you in the Y/N." 
You sat on the jet at the table, Emily beside you, Hotch and Rossi across from you. You were listening to them throw around theories and you filled in with information about the people and town when needed. You weren't completely present, memories of childhood flashing in your head. The bad was taking over the good and you were struggling to find reasons to be sad. You felt psychotic sitting there looking for something good to miss about them. Sure you always wanted them to say they were proud of you, or come to your wedding but the chances of that happening, alive or not, were slim to none. 
Emily placed her hand on your knee sensing the turmoil in your head. Hotch's voice brought you back to the jet, "When we land Morgan and Reid go to the crime scene. Rossi and JJ I want you to go to the medical examiner, Prentiss, and Y/L/N will go with me to the station. Y/N your sister is waiting for you there." Everyone nodded, a thick tension in the air. No one knew details but they all knew you left and never looked back. On top of your parents being dead, they all knew coming back was going to be a lot for you. Emily softly spoke, "Y/N, don't bottle this up okay? We understand it's okay." She gave you the softest, sweetest smile. The last thing you needed was the crush that has been brewing for over a year now to fuck with your head but at this moment you could almost feel love coming off her words.
You walked into the station and spotted her immediately, dropping your bag on the floor and running to the room she was in. "Y/N!" She jumped up and wrapped her arms around you. "Hi, Kate." You pulled her close to your chest. She shook with sobs, from the sadness of losing your parents and because she missed you so much. Tears finally slipped from your eyes, "I'm so sorry I left you behind Katie." She pulled away from you and wiped your tears, "Shut up dude. I told you to." 
"Y/N please go to Yale. I will be okay, I promise. Dad hasn't laid a hand on me in almost a year. You know I can handle this." She sat up to look at up you from the end of the bed. The two of you were lying in opposite directions on your bed, your room packed up into boxes around you. "I just don't want you to have to do this alone," you spoke honestly. She crawled on the bed to lay beside you regularly, "I won't be alone, I have my friends and the dog." She smiled at you, a sadness in her eyes. "I will miss you but you worked hard for this. You deserve to get out of here, god knows I won't. One of us needs to escape." It was your turn to glare at her, "Don't say that, you'll leave this fucked up town too." There was a comfortable silence around you two as you soaked up your last night together. 
You smiled at her, happy to have your little sister in your arms again. You pulled her back to your chest, "I'm so happy to see you again loser." She giggled. She sat down on the couch again, pulling her sleeves over her hands. "Y/N promise me you guys can find the person that did this." She looked at you with pleading eyes looking for answers, you sat beside her. "My team is the best, they will find them. I promise you." She sniffled and swallowed. "I don't know what to even do. Obviously, I'm sad but with our childhood, it's hard to process this." You nodded, "Trust me, I understand. I felt like a crazy person on the plane ride here. I don't think there's one way we need or should feel right now. It's gonna take time to figure out how we feel, but I'm here now. We'll figure it out together." She smiled slightly before a tear slipped down her cheek. Kate reached out to grab your hand, "I'm really glad you're here Y/N." You shivered, "I have mixed feelings." 
Just as you started to feel less horrified of being here there was a knock on the door, and you heard a voice you haven't heard since senior year of high school, "Y/N, can we talk?" You turned on the couch to see Amber Jones standing at the door, badge dangling off her belt. You nodded, patted your sister on the knee, and stood. Prepared for the conversation you've avoided for a decade. 
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supercriminalbean · 1 year
Piano man
BAU x GN! Reader.
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Request: I was wondering if I could request the BAU Team x GN reader who knows how to sing and play guitar. The team goes on a case where the unsub is killing people who sing from bars and killing them. Reader decides to put on a little proformance to draw the unsub out but it works a little too well and they kidnap the reader. What would happen if the unsub finds out the reader is a BAU agent? Or do they already know? I would totally love some dad Rossi and Hotch
Summary: The reader needs to bait out the unsub, but what happens when their past catches up with them. They're in extreme danger, but does their team get there in time to save them?
Words: 13.4k
Warnings: Abuse, knifes, drugs, blood. Crying, mental break down, swearing, degrading. Injuries, deaths, panic, mention of sexaully abuse and past abuse. Grooming, killing. (If I have missed anything let me know)
A/N: I'm so sorry for how long this took me to write, um also I kinda took this idea and ran with it, like I didn’t mean for it to become this long. I hope I did it justice and you like it, thank you so much for my first request. 
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“I got a lead, I got something” Garica squeals excitedly, her face appearing on the tv screen, in the conference room. Her voice breaking the tense silence. At the moment, it's only you, Hotch and JJ in the room, while the rest of the team is out in the field.
“What you got Pen” You're head shooting up at the sound of her voice, gratefully for a lead. The last few hours have just been repeatedly dead end, everyone starting to grow exhausted and hopeless as the case drags along.
“Yes, okay so you know how we couldn’t figure out how the unsub must be meeting his victims will I have found video evidence that places all three of our victims at different bars on open mic night, and damn are they good I mean they are good good” Garcia explains, before putting a video up of elizabeth, the second victim. She up on stage playing guitar singing a cover of Taylor Swift  Love Story, her voice as sweet as honey smiling and hyping up the crowd before she starts singing another song. Garcia turns the video off, her face reappearing on the screen, with a pained expression on her face. 
“You did say the unsub been cutting out their vocal cords, didn't you?” Garcia groans, her face screwing up in disgust.
“Well, that is one way for the unsub to scope out his victims, and after a show like that random people will be coming up to you all night, it wouldn’t look strange at all if he watches them all night after that” You sigh, feel bad for the victims, they never saw it coming. A fun night out with friends turn deadly, just for sharing their talent.
“So if he goes to open mic nights, all we need to do is find one and scope the place out trying to find him, before he finds his next victims” Hotch states sighing with regret, knowing that the chances of finding him before his next victim isn’t high.
“What if we use someone as bait.. Have someone on stage that can bring him out, see if he is in the crowd” You look up at Hotch as you speak, nerves running through your body at the thought of the lecture your boss is about to give you.
“We are not using innocent bystanders as bait (Y/L)”Hotch scoffs, staring down at you in disbelief.
“I wasn’t talking about bystanders” Your voice goes quiet, taking a deep breath as you find the courage. “I’m talking about me, I can go on stage and search the room see if I can find someone who gives off the unsub energy” 
“Can you sing?” JJ asks, turning to you curiously.
“I can, pretty well actually” Smiling at her before turning back to Hotch. “And I can play guitar, I can give one hell of a performance, get him to focus on me, then boom we got him” Smiling hopefully at him, only for him to cross his arms glaring at you. 
“I don’t like this, not one bit” He declares. “We need a different plan”
“Well, you better think of one fast sir, because If I remember correctly, there is an open mic night tonight down at Red Cowboys tonight, and I know it's pretty popular” You lean back in your chair, glaring back at your boss, not ready to back down fully.
An hour passes and the rest of the team has now returned back from the field and has been fully updated with how the unsub finds his victims. Everyone sits around the table throwing ideas around as to how they could try to figure out who the unsub is, but nothing solid really comes about.
“You know I still think (Y/n) idea is the best we got” Morgan pipes up, interrupting JJ.
“No Morgan, we aren’t doing that” Hotch huffs, glaring across the room at the man leaning against the wall.
“Actually Hotch, think about it, I think Morgan got a point here, If we put one of our agents in the unsub way they have a better chance than just anyone else” Rossi speaks up, after staying quiet on the topic. 
“Dave, it's too risky” Hotch argues back, earning an eye roll from you and Rossi.
“Hotch, I’m not saying I go in with nothing okay, look all we need him to do is get close enough for him to drug me or something just something that we can arrest him on right?” Staring up at him, waiting for a small nod before continuing. “We get that, I give you guys a sign then you guys come in and arrested him, hey you can put a tracker on me just in case something happens, If that makes you feel better but I doubt that he will get out of the area with me alright” Smiling lightly up at him, knowing your logic and the fact no one else has a plan, means you win. It goes silent for a moment, just waiting for him to say something, after some brief silence, he finally sighs.
“How good of a singer are you?” He smiles a little. Relaxing a bit as he watches a grin spread across your face.
“Oh I am the best” 
“Do you need a guitar?” Rossi asks, remembering what you had mentioned earlier.
“Nope, the bar will have one I remember from years ago, they always have a spare” Smirking secretive at them. 
“Hang on?” Reid looks at you. “Have you sung there before?” He tilts his head at you, almost like a puppy.
“Oh did I forget to mention that this is my college town and I used to sing at the bar every Thursday night?” Grinning at them, knowing you have oh so many secrets involving this bar. 
“Oooohhh I’m going to find videos” Garica exclaims loudly on the video call before disappearing, earning a low groan of regret from you while your team all laughs at your face.
You climb out of the taxi after arriving at the bar, deciding with Hotch that It would be better for you to turn up alone, just in case the unsub is watching everyone arrive. You walk into the bar, knowing that half the team is already in there, you head straight to the bar grinning even more as you spot your favourite bartender serving a group of college students. You decided to wait for him, standing behind them stopping closer after they disappear with their drinks.
“Hey there John” You smile happily at the bartender, your voice startles the older guy. He looks up at you slowly, a grin spreading over his face as his eyes land on you.
“Holy shit kiddo it's been years, how the hell are you?” He laughs softly, pouring you your usually drink already.
“I’ve been good, missed this place though, figure while I was in town I should come and visit you” Laughing softly, pulling your wallet out ready to pay.
“Put your goddamn wallet away (Y/n), this ones on the house” John smiles, handing your drink over. “Please tell me you're going to sing for us tonight kiddo, it's been way too long,” John smiles, cleaning down the benches. Getting the other bartender to take over as he talks to you.
“Oh I don’t know John, it's been too long. I'm probably a bit rusty now” You tease him, sipping on your drink. “Still make good drinks, thanks John”
“Oh come off it, do you know how much business you and your voice brought me back then, every Thursday and saturday night this place was packed out because of you kiddo” John gloats, remembering back to when you would take over the stage, bringing in crowds after crowds. Everyone gathers around just to hear you sing, watching as you perform for hundreds of people those weekends.
“Oh those were the days, weren’t they?” laughing softly to yourself glancing back at the stage. “You know what John, I think I have a few songs still in me” You wink over at him, earning a head tilting laugh from the old man.
“Good, hey you better sing my favourite tonight kiddo” John smirks, before walking back over to the crowd of customers wanting drinks. 
You walk over to the sign up sheet, writing your name down, glancing up at the stage, where Tom the MC, for the night is introducing the next act. You walk back over to the bar, sitting down before scanning the bar, spotting Morgan and Emily sitting by the smoking door close by the stage. Your eyes next land on JJ and Rossi who are standing by the bar, a few people down from you, keeping an eye on you while still being able to see the whole room. 
Half an hour passes by quickly, only about three people have been on stage so far, their songs and performance have been average so far, nothing that would have stood out to the unsub so far. After the last act is finished the MC walks back on stage, smiling as he holds the sign up sheet.
“Alright everyone, so we have had a few good warm up acts and I have something special for all you guys tonight, some of you old regulars might remember them from back in the days, please welcome back (Y/n) (Y/l)” Tom the MC introduces you loudly, beaming over at you. The table just out the door, from the smoking area, breaks into cheer after hearing your name. You laugh glancing over at them, noticing the old faces of your longtime supporters. You jump onto the stage, highing five Tom as you walk past him, forcing yourself to take a deep breath as your nerves start to rise.
“Well hey ya everyone” Grinning out at everyone, picking up the guitar that lays forgotten in the corner of the stage. You start tuning it as you look out at the crowd, nerves from being on stage after years spinning in your stomach, and the fact you're doing this for an unsub makes you feel even worse.
“So I may be a bit rusty. It's been a few years since I’ve done this, but I recognize a few faces out here tonight.” Smirking a little as you turn to the table that was just cheering you on before, strumming the guitar a little. “You oldies are still here huh?”
“Screw you (Y/L)” Jimmy laughs shouting out at you, his table laughing out at them.
“I'm good thanks Jim, but uh, how's your wife?” Sending him a wink as laughter topples around the room.
“Okay okay, I’m here to sing so I’m going to start with one of my favourites, also my old mate John here requested this, so here it goes” Smiling softly taking a deep breath, your fingers findling nervously with the chords, trying to find the right one. Stepping closer to the microphone looking out at the crowds, glancing over at Morgan and Prentiss who just smile encouragingly at you. 
“Its nine o’clock on saturday, 
The regular crowd shuffles in 
There's an old man sittin' next to me 
Makin' love to his tonic and gin 
You close your eyes as you sing “Piano man” by Billy Joel, strumming the guitar with passion, falling into the rhythm. Your voice is smooth and collected, a smile pushing past the focus that's controlling you.
He says, "Son can you play me a memory,
I'm not really sure how it goes 
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it complete 
When I wore a younger man's clothes"
Your eyes slowly open, smiling widely as you sway along to the music, your table of regulars slowly join in, grinning up at you.
“Holy shit, they’re good” Morgan exclaims, letting out a low whistle, sipping his drink.
“Well, if they continue like this all night, there's no way the unsub is going to be able to stay away from them” Emily smiles at you, taken aback with how you managed to hide this talent of yours from them all this time. 
“We need to take them out more often” Morgan grins when you start singing loudly, turning towards the table of regulars, singing louder with them, laughing as you do so. Soon your song ends, laughing softly, forgetting how much fun you have performing like this. But still remembering why you're doing this you scan the room, but you haven't felt any unfriendly eyes on you, yet.
“Okay, I think I forgot how much fun this place is, well it's mainly you, isn’t that right Harry, my man” Sending a wink over to your table in the doorway, your lovable Harry raises his glass at you laughing loudly. His voice raw from when he was practically screaming the words back at you.
“Okay so are you guys alright If I sing another song, maybe something a bit more upbeat now that I’ve found my voice again” Smirking out at the crowd, your eyes scanning the room once more. The room all burst out in cheers, claps erupts throughout the room, and that's when you get a cold shiver run down your spine. Your eyes glance straight over at Morgan needing to let them know he's here, and you got his attention. 
“Alright I guess that's my answer, seeing as I have everyone's attention now” Forcing yourself to smirk at them all, eyes glance back over at Morgan who seems to be whispering into his comms having gotten your message. 
You play the guitar, singing “Hot in the city” By Billy Idol loudly full of passion. Dancing and jumping on the spot, getting the crowd up to join you with your dancing. 
“It's hot here at night
Lonely, black and quiet
On a hot summer night
Don't be afraid
Of the world we made
On a hot summer night
Soon a small group is forming in front of you, joining in with your singing and dancing. You can’t help but grin to yourself when you hear your regulars from the table call out names like player and heartbreaker out to you. 
'Cause when a long-legged lovely walks by
Yeah you can see the look in her eye
Then you know that it's
Hot in the city, hot in the city tonight
Hot in the city, hot in the city tonight
You can still feel eyes staring at you when you sing, you do your best to look around the bar but you can’t see anyone who fits the profile. You decided to sing a couple more songs, making sure you do in fact have the unsubs eyes on you, and that he won’t be able to resist you by the end of the night. By the time you have finished your fourth song of the set, you feel as if you're starting to lose your voice, laughing as you bid the crowd farewell. Promising them that you will be back for a couple more songs later on in the night, needing to rehydrate your throat before you lose your voice all together. 
You make your way to the bar, which now seems to be fully packed, almost impossible to move around. Laughing wildly, feeling many people pat you on the back, praising you as you make your way to the bar. Where John already has your drink ready for you, passing it to you with a grin on his face.
“A bit rusty huh?” He laughs when he sees you smile breathlessly at him, taking a sip of your drink straight away.
“Well maybe I still practise at home” You laugh along with the older man.
“I have always said this kid and I will say it again, you could go so many places with a voice and personality like yours”
“And I have told you a billion times John, that's just not what I want to do, I would prefer to help people than be a performer” You smirk at him shaking your head at him.
“Right so what, you're just throwing all of this away, huh?”
“I guess so but I’m happy so what, plus if I become famous, I can’t come back and perform just for you Johnny boy” Teasing him as he walks off, spinning around to look through the crowded bar. Feeling the icy cold feeling from earlier returning, he's close. You look over your shoulder but all you see is a bunch of college students staring at you smiling and giggling excitedly. 
Throughout the night you don’t know how many times you have felt his eyes on you but you could never pinpoint him down. Multiple people have come up to you to chat and buy you drinks, happily accepting the drinks, but moving on to non alcoholic drinks knowing two in your system is far enough while working a case. Truthly you shouldn’t have any, but you know the unsub is more likely to come after you if you have alcohol in your system, so you took the risk. 
As the night moves on you decide to head back on stage, getting a loud welcome as you do. Lots of young college students heading back towards the dance floor ready for the music to start once more. 
“Well hey again” Smiling widely as you look out to the crowd deciding you weren't going to focus on the unsub no more. Now it's time to just enjoy the energy the bar has created and do your best to relax. Maybe then something will happen. Picking up the guitar again, smiling at the crowd, your eyes shooting out to your table of regulars smiling at them. 
“Alright guys so I'm going to sing one that my old time supports, used to request every weekend, I swear they don’t know any other songs but this” Laughing as you see their eyes pick up, grins breaking out across their faces, cheering breaks out across their area, making you laugh softly as you strum away on the guitar. 
Uptown girl
She's been living in her uptown world
I bet she's never had a backstreet guy
I bet her momma never told her why
You smile as the words slide through your lips, allowing yourself to enjoy the moment. Watching as your regulars all get up making their way over to the dance floor to sing along with you. The song moves by fast, doing your best to stop the laughter slipping through your words as you look down the stage, singing the words back with your crowd. The next few songs slide by and you get informed by Tom that you need to start winding the crowd down as the place is going to close in 15 minutes, nodding at him knowing your time is coming to an end, you look back out at the crowd. Looking over at the door where Hotch and Reid have now entered and our now speaking with Rossi, JJ and Pretniss. Morgan stays at his table, just in case you need him, your eyes skim past him and to the table of regulars who half of them have already left but a few of them are still there and someone new has joined them. Your eyes narrow slightly at him, you're unable to see his face, but there's something about his presence that just seems so familiar about him. Morgan follows your eyes then nods at you, knowing to keep an eye on that man. 
“Alright guys, so Tom here has just informed me that, sadly our time tonight is coming to an end” You force your eyes away from the man, grinning out at the crowd instead, doing your best to keep up the energy. A chorus of boos and no’s start being yelled from the crowd, making you chuckle at them. 
“Oh I know I know, If I could I would stay longer but sadly we can’t do that, but hey we have time for one more song, so why don’t we just enjoy our time together okay?” Smirking out at them, spotting Emily and JJ making their way over to Morgan, your eyes flick over to where Rossi is, seeing him and Reid watching you, smiling encouragingly. Only then do you see Hotch grinning at you, holding up his phone, recording you. You can’t help groan softly before you start singing one last time. 
Just a small town girl
Livin' in a lonely world
She took the midnight train going anywhere
Just a city boy
Born and raised in South Detroit
He took the midnight train going anywhere
You close your eyes as you fall into the song, feeling the warmth of the love of the music fill you up. A small part of you is so excited to be sharing this side of your life with your team, knowing that they would never make fun of this side of your life, it made you feel loved already. Your eyes open again, grinning out at the crowd watching them dancing together, even seeing Emily, JJ and Morgan, swaying away at the table smiling up at you. 
Soon the next couple songs come to an end, and you're helping the staff send everyone home, including your team. 
“Alright everyone tonights been a blast, but it's time you all get out of here and go home, don’t forget to pay you tab and get a taxi home if need be, no one better be drunk driving tonight” You speak into the microphone a few time, watching as the crowds makes its way out of the bar and off onto the street. Your team makes its way out, Morgan and JJ waiting outside by the entrance for you while the rest wait around the building looking for anyone suspicious. 
You spend about 20 minutes inside the bar, helping the staff pack up, sending a quick text to Hotch letting him know what you were doing. You spent the time chatting away with the staff, catching up with the ones who worked there back in the day you were a regular. Some of your regulars were still around, coming up to have a chat with you.
“I didn’t think you three would still be out this late” You smile at them, feeling tired as the day starts to wind down. 
“Well we couldn't leave before we got the chance to talk to you now could we” Jimmy smiles, bringing you into a quick hug. “How have you been, kid?” Harry asks, giving you a firm handshake.
“I’ve been good, I'm actually working for the FBI now, so I have to say I must be doing something right” You grin at them proudly, taking in their impressed looks, reminding the last time you saw them you were a struggling college student who didn’t even know where life was going to take them. 
“Holy shit you made it, that's real impressive kiddo” Harry smiles patting you on the shoulder as you three make your way to the exit. 
“Woah, an FBI agent, damn and here I thought you would be a singer or something” Jimmy exhales shaking his head. “I knew you were going to do great things but I never expected that” 
“Hey, I never thought I would make it this far either but here I am” You smile at them as you walk out the door, spotting JJ and Morgan standing beside the door waiting for you. 
“Well, you better not be a stranger, (Y/n) you better come on back and perform for us again” Harry shakes his finger at you.
“Oh you know I will Harry” You laugh softly as you watch them both cross the road making their way to the taxi stand. With one final look around, having felt a pair of unwanted eyes on you since you exited the club, pulling your jacket closer around you, you make your way over to JJ and Morgan, watching their eyes light up as you approach them. 
“Well hello rockstar” JJ teases you, earning an eye roll from you.
“Hey, oh I am so ready to go back and sleep right now” You joke, rubbing your arms feeling a cold, given the icy feeling in the air. Morgan can’t help but laugh at you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into him as you three walk towards the SUVs.
“Well I have to say (Y/n) I do definitely think you got our unsub attention, but damn, why didn’t you tell us you could sing?” 
“You never asked” Smirking up at him as he opens the car door for you, climbing in. Morgan and JJ both get in, Morgan in the driver's seat with JJ in the back. 
“So, I’m guessing the plan has now changed, Hotch doesn’t want me travelling back alone?”
“Nope, plus we think he is more likely to attack you tomorrow than tonight anyway, Hotch wants everyone to meet in his room to talk to you tonight, debrief there and then tomorrow see if someone new starts following you around” JJ informs you, looking out the window, making sure no one is following you back to the hotel room. 
“Right” Sighing softly, laying your head on the window, replaying the night in your head, trying to think if you did see him or not. The only person that stood out was that man in the black and green hat.
After you make it up to your room, walk into the hotel and up to your room alone. You had discussed with JJ and Morgan that you would go in alone and ten minutes later, when the other four arrive they would all come up and all meet in Hotch's room, and text you to join them. Giving the unsub time to check out where you're staying and let him think you're alone, that is if he's watching you. None of you saw anyone following you but he is good at blending in.  
You unlock your door, walking in, shrugging your jacket off before flopping down on the bed, feeling exhausted from the day. You check your watch, noticing it's now two am, you have been awake since six, it's been a long ass day. You sigh softly, struggling to keep your eyes open, your body just wanting to give up and go to sleep already. Maybe that's why you never noticed the wardrobe door creaking open, almost silent footsteps approaching your bed slowly. The thing that does get your attention is the icy feeling running down your spine, your eyes flick open in an instance. Acting on instincts, you roll onto your back away from where you sense thd danger is. You're lucky you do, because as soon as you're facing upwards, you see him. Standing over you, holding a needle in one and a knife in the other. You're regretting leaving your gun inside your jacket. 
“Oh shit” Is all you are able to breathe out, as you stare the Unsub dead in the eyes. His face is screaming familiarity, but you're unable to place it, currently being frozen in fear. 
“Well, well, well (Y/n) I’ve been waiting a long time for this” His grin of evil, makes you lunge into action. Pushing yourself on to your feet, shoving him away. Spriting to the door, you reach alot faster than you should due to hes shoving you against it, a cry slips through your lips, when your head collides against the hook. He chuckles deeply at you, pressing himself against you, his mouth against your ears. His hot breath making the hairs on your neck stand up, fear rushing through your body. 
“Now I got you, now you're going to be all mine, not even your team is able to stop me, are they?” He snickers as the needle slides into your neck, watching as you don’t even attempt to struggle.
You knew the plan was for him to attack you, you wanted this to happen, you trust your team to stop him from leaving this place with you. That's the last thing you think as everything goes black. 
“Hey Morgan, you did text them right?” Hotch asks again, pacing the room his arms crossed. It's been 5 minutes since Morgan sent that text and it shouldn’t take you that long to get here, your room is just down the hall from his. What the hell is taking you so long?
“Yeah Hotch I did, they should be here by now” Morgan sighs. Everyones tenses up looking at each other.
“I don’t like this” JJ adds getting off the couch, looking at the door then at Hotch. Not another word is spoken by the time Hotch is now through the door. Practically spriting to your room, his team close on his heels. He only slows down to pull out the spare key card, the rest of his team, arming themself readying themself for what they may find. Hotch gives a quick nod to Dave who's the closest to him, before unlocking the door and shoving it open. Everyone enters quickly, spreading throughout the room, their blood running cold when there's no sign of you. Reid slides into the bathroom, calling out ‘clear’  before rejoining his team in the main room, everyone placing their guns away. Everyone's face has a different emotion on it, fear, worry, concern, anger, and everyone is starting to be filled with regret as they make their way to your bed. Your room is in perfect condition, all expect the wardrobe door that is wide open and your bed. Your gun and badge are laid perfectly right in the middle, but between the gun and badge is a collection of photos, photos of you. These photos aren’t just recent, most are dating back to your time in college, a couple from high school and some recent ones from just a few weeks back, just before the murders began. 
“This isn’t good” Morgan is the first to speak, his eyes shooting up to his unit chief waiting for his next order. 
“Okay, Morgan, Prentiss, JJ I want you three outside now, see if anyone has seen anything suspieces, check the carmares ring Garcia, I want her checking security cameras, find something” Hotch barks his order, trying his hardest to keep his fear at bay, his team runs out of the room making their way downstairs instantly. Dave walks over to the bed, taking a photo of how things are laid out before sliding his gloves on and picking up the collection of photos. 
“If.. we know that the unsub would have an end target, its (Y/n) Isn’t it?” Reid's voice is small, his eyes studying the photo in Rossi's hand.
“If they are, then this whole thing was a trap and they're in a lot more danger than they know” Rossi sighs, patting Spencer gently on the shoulder handing him the photos.
Groaning softly, your body feeling heavily as you slowly start to wake up forcing your eyes to open. You try to roll over onto your side so you can go back to sleep, you don’t want to get up yet. Ugh, the noise that woke you up in the first place is the back, a low beeping sound. Oh its your alarm you realised, you try to move your hand but it wont move far, its like something holding it back. Groaning as you force your eyes to finally open, taking a few seconds to get used to the darkness of the room you're in. Wait, why is it so dark, and so cold? Your eyes are focusing on the door in front of you, confusions filling you before you remember. The Unsub. Suddenly your body becomes full on alert, looking down at yourself, noticing you're tied to an old wooden chair, you trying to even move your finger but they don’t even twitch. You can’t feel them, you can’t feel anything, you can only move your eyes. Gulping thickly as you do your best to keep your heart from racing knowing that it's only the drugs in your system doing this to you, and once your team finds you, you will be fine. From what you can see in the room, it seems like an old wooden workshop. The shelves are full of tools and bottles of things you do not wish to know, knowing that these are his supplies and will most likely be used on you. Makes a shiver run down your spine, goose bumps spreading over your body. Fuck, this is not a situation you really want to be in, but your team will find you, they will come and everything will be fine. You force yourself to take deep calming breaths as you repeat those words in your head, holding back the images of the old victims from flashing in your mind, not needing to know what this man has planned for you. 
You're not sure how long you're left alone for, sitting in the chair doing your best to keep your mind from spiralling. You hear a few creaks behind you, tensing up as you prepare to speak to the unsub, going through the profile in your mind. You hear a door open and close behind you before heavy footsteps start approaching. 
“Oh so you are awake” His voice is upbeating, sounding upbeat and almost excited.
“You took your time coming in here” You glare up, waiting for him to come into your line of sight. 
“Oh well (Y/n) I had to make sure that your team wouldn’t be able to find us so soon you see, I need to go back and cover my tracks” HIs chuckle is light, he grins coming to a stop in front of you, crouching down. You can feel the blood drain from your face as you see his face, his smile throwing you back into your past. 
“H h hector..” Your stomach feels as if it's dropped past your feet, making you dizzy with the fall. His grin makes you pull at the restraints, trying to get as far back from him as possible. 
“It's good to know you still remember me, especially seeing how long it's been, you have had such a successful career and yet you still remember your college music professor” He smirks, reaching out to stroke your hair, you jerk violently out of his way. You know that's the wrong move, of course it is. But there is no part of you that will ever allow him to touch you, not again. His smile drops, rage filling his once happy eyes, he stands up straight which makes you shiver in apprehensiveness. His hand tangles in your hair, yanking your head to the side with force making you wince, biting down on your lip. 
“Don’t you dare move away from me you bitch!” He snarls, leaning down so he can speak directly into your ear. “If you even attempt to do that again, I’ll make sure that when your team does finds your body, that they won’t ever be the same again, especially that Penelope girl” He push you back away, a chuckle slipping through his lips, as he watches the fear drain on your face. He knows Garica, he knows your team. Fuck, this must have been a trap, this must be his pay back.  
He leaves you alone for a while, you figure it's so he can regain his composure, wanting to have more self control when it comes to you. His end game. You keep pulling at the ropes binding you to the chair, just hoping you can get it loose enough to wiggle your wrist out of. Then maybe, just maybe you will have a chance of survival until your team can find you, if not then you have no chance back to sit still and play his game until your team gets here. Soon you hear the door open again, your motions come to a halt taking a deep breath ready to play his game. 
“Well hello gorgeous” Hector sings songs. He walks over to you carrying his own chair and places it right in front of you, smirking at you before taking a seat. 
“Hello” You reply coldly.
“Oh your highness, don’t be like that” He chuckles, his eyes fill of mischief.
“Look, I know you're eventually going to kill me, so what's the plan in the meantime, torture?” Scoffing as you roll your eyes, doing your best to put up a bored facade.
“Oh I figured, since the last time we had plans and you cancelled, that you owe me a song” Hector leans forward, raising his eyebrow, almost daring you to challenge him. You stare at him, you could follow his rules but then he could easily get bored of you, or you could play with him, give in after he has a bit of ‘fun’ acting as if it's all up to him.
“No” You glare back at him, which just earns a small smirk.
“No? Do you not remember what I did to my last victims, do you want me to do the same to you?” 
“I know whatever games you want to play I'm still going to end up with my throat cut out” You huff out, glaring at him trying to give him every inch of your anger as you can. His smile grows as he stares at you until his laugh is bouncing through the room. A laugh that feels almost condescending like. 
“Oh no, with you I have something a little more special planned, so why don’t you be a good little doll for me and sing me a damn song so you don’t have to find out so soon what it is, yeah?” His eyes narrow as he speaks, his voice darkening, clenching his fist as he does. 
“I said no, what are you deaf?” 
His hand wacks across your face hard, leaving a stinging feeling behind as his hand wraps around your throat, pulling you close to him. Forcing you to whimper as your restricts yank you backwards.
“Don’t be smart with me, one last chance my sweetness” His words make your mind beg you to agree with him but your profiler side knows if you want to get out of this alive, you need to go through with this. 
“I said no, dumbass” Gulping tickly as his hand tightened, making it impossible to get any air in. Your mind runs empty as he pulls out a knife, placing it on your cheek grinning at you one last time before he starts to slice. You try to clench your eyes close as he moves the knife off your face, the pointed end staying on your skin, tracing down your neck moving down to your arm, where he starts slicing once more. Once the knife begins to slice, that's when you go inside your own mine, doing your best to dissociate from your body.
It's been 10 hours since the team has had contact with you. Everyone is running on no sleep, and are getting paranoid having no clue as to how long the unsub will want to keep you for. Currently Rossi, Prentiss and Reid have gone back to the bar to see if they can find any clues, see what they can find from talking to the staff who were working last night. While Hotch, JJ and Morgan stay behind at the precinct to work with Garcia on digging into your past, seeing if the unsub could be someone you know from back when you went to college.
“Okay so what am I looking for here?” Garcia asks, popping up on Hotch’s laptop, her face stained with tears, bags under her eyes.
“Okay Garcia, start looking for people who went to college at the same time (Y/L) did, narrow it down with anyone who attended their music class” Hotch instructs, looking down at his file of the previous victims.
“Okay, we have 25 names, small college helps with that I guess, now what?” 
“Okay, do any of them have any charges of violence, or stalking charger?” Morgan asks, turning to look at Garcia, watching as she types away at her keyboard.
“Down to five names, okay give me more”
“Hey Garcia, is there like a Havery or a Henry um something like that on the list” JJ pipes up, eyes widening as she remembers something you mentioned years ago. 
“Um no, but wait, hang on there is a Hector Jameson, why” Garcia looks up, her eyes full of hope. 
“I remember years ago me and (Y/n) were talking about people with names we would never date and they mentioned this guy in their music class and, they didn’t want to talk about it but I could tell there was something about him that they wasn’t ready to talk about” JJ explain, pain and anger flashing on to her face, remembering just how uncomfortable you became after accidentally muttering his name. 
“Oh jesus..” Garica whispers, staring at her computer as she types. 
“Baby Girl, what is it?” Morgan calls for her.
“He’s the music professor at the college” Her eyes land on Morgan, worry and fear running through them. Hotch and JJ tenses up before glancing briefly at Morgan, seeing his fist clenched tightly, anger pumping through his veins. 
“Send us an address Garcia” 
“I will, but he also has a few cabins under his name, but no address for those” She sighs softly, sending them his addressee.
“It's okay, we’ll figure it out, thanks Garcia see what else you can find out about him” Hotch tells her before hanging up. 
Blood drips down your arms, forced whimpers and cries slip out of you. 
“Please stop please stop, I’ll sing for you” You whimper, finally deciding to give in.
“Oh, what a good doll you are” He grins happily. Sitting back down, playing with the knife in his hand.
“W what would you like?” Your voice is shaky, glancing up at him with fear.
“Why don’t you sing our song?” His smirk digs into your soul. Tears swell in your eyes as the song starts playing in your mind. 
“D do you have a guitar that I can play as well.. That way I can make it perfect” Your lip twitches trying hard to not cry, as he glares at you.
“You just want your hands to be freed, no” He scoffs, coming to a stop playing with the knife, ready to use it again.
“No no I don't.. It's okay I’ll just sing” Gulping thickly as you take a deep breath doing your best to keep the shakiness out of your voice.
I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish, 
I'll be your fantasy
I'll be your hope, I'll be your love, 
be everything that you need
I love you more with every breath truly, madly, deeply do.
You manage to sing the song perfectly until the last paragraph where you slip up, your fear making it impossible to keep singing with a stable voice. This only angered him like you thought it would.
“You fucking bitch” He sneers at you, dropping his knife as he gets up, grabbing your hair.
“Im sorry Im sorry, please just let me try again” You beg him, fighting against your instincts to pull away from his touch. 
“No, you know if you just took my offer when you were younger then I could of helped you, you could of been famous by now, instead your some useless FBI agent and that's all you're going to be known for” He smirks, getting to his feet, moving his hand from your hair to cup your face. “All you're going to be known for is someone who never went for opportunities and that's why you're going to die, I mean not right now but soon” His evil smile makes you lunge towards him, trying to headbutt him, no longer caring about the consequences of your action. Oh how stupid that was. All he does is smile more at you, before stepping away, walking to his wall of tools picking up an empty water bottle and filling it up with something you can’t see. He walks back over to you grabbing your jaw with such strength you didn’t know he had.
“I bet your thirsty baby, open up for me” Your eyes widen as things start making sense, you clench your jaw tighter, knowing once you do, that everything is over.
“Stubborn bitch aren’t you” He grabs his knife that lays forgotten on the knife shovinging it deeply in your shoulder, causing you to cry out in pain, your mouth opening wide enough for him to squirt some liquid into your mouth. It slides down your throat, leaving the worst burning feeling you have ever felt behind, as if someone has sent fire to your throat. You scream out in pain as it counts to burn, his laugh is the last thing you hear before blackness takes over. 
“Okay so we talked to a few of (Y/n) old classmates who were also in Hector class and we think we found something” Rossi announces as he and Emily walk into the room where the rest of the team is currently, all spread around the table throwing ideas off each other. 
“Yeah, it turns out he liked to take a few of his students out camping, apparently the fresh air was known to help encourage the creative flow, (Y/n) apparently went on a few of his camping trips with fellow classmates but everyone we talked to told us that (Y/l) was definitely his favourite student, spent every waking second talking and helping them” Emily huffs taking a seat. “Some students think they used to have a thing together, they were of age so maybe they did” Emily supplies, looking at the papers spread across the table.
“Not voluntarily I bet, they were groomed!” Morgan snaps, slamming his hand down as he gets up in huff, feeling frustrated and scared for you.
“Morgan, we know that could be possible, but we need to stay calm” Hotch starts, looking up at him, worrying. Everyone knew these types of cases already hit him hard, but when it comes to a member of a team, feelings get out of hand.
“Don’t tell me to calm down!” Morgan snaps, before storming out of the room, quickly followed by a concerned Reid. 
“Okay, I know we are worried about (Y/n) but we are no close to finding where his cabins are so, I want everyone to go back to the hotel get some sleep, It's been over 24 hours since anyone has slept and I can’t have us continuing like this” Hotch decided looking up to see three faces staring back at his in disbelief.
“No, no I'm not sleeping until I know they're safe, until we find them Hotch, no way” JJ argues, crosses her arms.
“They wouldn’t sleep if It was us out there missing, no way I’m resting” Emily agrees with JJ, glaring back at Hotch.
“Guys, we are no help to (Y/n) if we wear ourselves down” Hotch tries to reason, knowing it's useless.
“Hotch is right” Dave stands up for him, having seen how hard the team has been working for the last 30 hours. “It's coming close to 42 hours without sleep, this isn’t good, and when we do find them we need to be rested up enough to take him down” Daves words hang in the air for a few seconds as the girls mull them over.
‘Fine” Emily slowly agrees, nodding.
“Okay, but the second we have any information we got to go” JJ sighs getting up.
“We’ll take shifts, you three go first, after two hours we swap” Hotch smiles sadly, knowing it's what they did last time this happened. 
It's now been 20 hours that you have been missing, and the team has gotten some sleep. Even including Garcia who fell asleep on the couch in Morgan's office. Now with some fresher eyes they are relooking as to where his cabins could be, looking at where the classes used to go camping. With some connection Garcia now has access to a satellite. Looking through the area they think his cabin could be in to see if they could find something. 
“Guys, do you see this?” Penelope's voice is quiet, but slowly filling with hope.
“Two heat signatures” Morgan responds, getting to his feet.
“That cabin looks to be around 5 miles from where they did the camping trip” Reid replies, everyone jumping to their feet, Instructing Garica to send the coordinates to their phones as they run out the door. They take two separate vehicles, Rossi, JJ and Morgan in one, Hotch, Emily and Reid in the other, with SWAT and medics on the way. 
“Okay, Babygirl speaks to us, where exactly are they in the cabin?” Morgan asks, a phone call connecting them all, when they start getting closer. 
“Okay, so it appears they are out in the backroom, one of them seems to be moving outside, wait wait” Garcia voice grows panic as stares at the screen. Everyone looks at each other, the tension growing.
“Garcia, what's going on?” Hotch demands. His grip tightening on the wheel, terrified of the idea of losing you.
“He’s getting in his car, looks to be moving towards you but um” Penelope's voice fills with sadness, doing her best to keep the tears at bay she takes a deep breath. “(Y/n) heat signatures, its weakening” The shaky words make Morgan and Hotch speed up.
“Alright, just keep an eye on them, kitten” Rossi sighs softly looking out at the road, knowing they can’t be too far away now. 
“Hotch, I think that's him” Morgan eyes widen seeing the unsub car approaching them on the other side, driving fast and impatiently. 
“Alright, Morgan you get (Y/n) we got him” Hotch demands, doing a u-turn as the unsub passes him, turning his sirens on.
Everyone feels on edge as they split up, there is only one reason why he would have left you. Now they don’t know if they’re too late to save you. Time seems to run slow as they race towards the cabin, hope fading away.
Your throat feels like it's raw, the feeling in your body is back, making everything ache. You feel exhausted trying your hardest to stay awake, knowing your team has to be close by now, right? 
“Well, you’re finally awake bitch?” he snarls, wrapping his hand through your hair, yanking your head backwards making your eyes shoot open.
“Go fuck yourself” You retort weakly at him. When you speak it makes your throat feel like you swallowed a bunch of seawater and choked. The burned feeling makes your eyes water, just begging for all of this to end, quickly. 
“That's not polite” he chuckles, his hand travelling down your neck. Shivering under his touch, wishing you would never have to feel his hands on you again, hopeful today will end it all. You're not going to let him win, not again. You decide when taking a deep breath, spitting up into his face. 
“Your fucking dead for that” His voice is oddly calm, and thats the only thing your able to concentrate on as you feel his fist contacting with your face over and over again. Your sure small whimpers are leaving you as the chair falls to the side, your head smashing into the ground. His feet join in on the beat, but you know it doesn’t matter anymore because your childhood dog is standing him, waiting for you. You smile softly at them, knowing it's finally over. Your dog is the last thing you see as the world goes black. 
Mogan, Rossi and JJ get out of the car, making their way to the cabin. They enter quickly, checking the whole cabin before they find you in the backroom tied to a chair that lays on the ground. Their hearts drop as they see the state you are in, your head split open, blood pooling. There's dried blood and bruises covering your arms, your face looks swollen, your lips puffy and some chemical burns around your mouth. 
JJ is the first to reach you, falling to her knees in front of you, her mind begging you to still be alive. Her finger slid on to your neck, looking for a pulse.
“I got a pulse” JJ lets out a sigh of relief. “It's faint, but it's there” She smiles weakly up at the guys. Spotting Morgan speaking into his comms as Rossi bends down, pulling out his knife, cutting you free from the restrance.
“Their strong” Rossi smiles at JJ softly, as they both help pull you into a sitting position. Morgan grabs a rag he's found on the workshelf, handing it to JJ, who presses it on your head wound. Earning a low groan from you, your eyes trying to open, all you can do is get a glimpse of someone in front of you. Your mind starts rushing, no no you can’t deal with him again you can’t handle more pain. 
“N n no” Your words are barely audible, you try pulling away from JJ touch.
“Hey, hey it's okay it's us” JJ speaks softly, trying to grab you again, a cry escapes you, which causes you more pain. You are trying harder to get away, not understanding who's talking to you.
“Hey, (Y/n) stop stop, it's okay it's us kid” Daves voice cuts through the room loudly, grabbing your face with both his hands, holding you still. His touch is gentle but firm, his thumb sliding over your cheek.
“Kiddo, it's us, you're safe now” His words soften, the room goes quiet, except for the sirens that are approaching. You look up at him, your body shaking violently.
“D dave” You cough his name out, leaning back into the soft warm wall behind you. A wall that has arms apparently, because it's back to putting pressure on your head. 
“Don’t speak (Y/n) we got you now” He takes his hand of you causing you to whine, lifting up your hand, trying to reach for him. He smiles sadly, taking your hand in his, holding it tightly. 
“I’m not going anywhere, I’m right here” He kisses your hand softly. He stays true to his words, never leaving your side all the way to the hospital he holds your hand the whole way there, even after you black out again.
Oh gosh, the light is so bright it takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the brightness in the room. When it does that's when everything else starts connecting in your mind. Your body feels more comfortable than it did before, you're no longer on that chair, tied up in a dark room. Smiling softly as you look around, recognizing the look of a hospital room. Looking down at your arms you see your arms all bandaged up, noticing your hooked up to a few different I.V lines. Your body relaxes a little knowing you're safe now, but you can’t help but feel lonely, looking around the room wishing your team was here. I mean that's why you're here right? 
“You're awake” His voice is light and hopeful. His smile takes over half his face as he walks in. Your eyes shoot over to the doorway, smiling weakly as you see your boss walk in. 
“Aaron” Your voice is scratchy. The burning feeling from early returns as you try to speak.
“You don’t need to speak, the doctor said it could take a week for your throat to heal properly, so for now you need to take it easy” He explains softly, coming to sit beside you, earning a disappointed nod from you.
“The team wanted to wait for you to wake up but I sent them all back to the hotel last night, Dave stayed with you until morning, I sent him back an hour ago” He explains to you, watching you closely.
“W what happened?” You wince lightly, pointing to your throat. Slowly pulling yourself up to a sitting position.
“He poured sulfuric acid down your throat, it was diluted so it didn’t cause major damage” Hotch explains gently, staring at you sympathetically. You have to move your head away from him, unable to deal with that look anymore. 
“Thank you” You whisper, you're not even sure if he can hear you.
“You don’t need to thank us, look please you can’t talk anymore but once you do, I need to know what happened okay?” The softness to his voice cuts deeply into your chest, you always saw Aaron as a father figure, him and Dave. Ever since you joined the team they took you under their wing, making sure you understood what you were getting yourself into, looking after you after hard cases. Normally you can control your emotions, but the way he was looking at you, the way he was speaking is enough for you to break. You suddenly burst into tears, your body being rocking forward as you sob quietly, unable to make noise. Hotch is up in an instant, sitting on the edge of your bed pulling you into his arms. His arms wrap around you securely, one rubbing your back softly. 
“It's okay, I’ve got you (Y/n/n)” He whispers words of sweetness as he lets you cry in his arms, holding you for as long as you need. 
The morning is filled with doctors checking on you, taking you for scans or tests. You hate being away from your team, hate being alone in rooms, your eyes beg Aaron to go with you, but they don’t allow him into the small rooms. Your anxiety is spiking all morning, soon they allow you to go back to your room, where Hotch is waiting for you, texting on his phone when your bed is wheeled in. 
“So, how are you doing?” Hotch asks when you two are alone again.
“A couple broken ribs, my throat hurts, but I’m fine, and I can go home tomorrow” You smile weakly at him, leaning back in the bed, feeling exhausted.
“Why don’t you get some sleep, the team was thinking of coming to see you but I can tell them no” He stares at you, not wanting to push you, he knows you need to rest. But the smile that breaks over your face at the mention of the team, makes him know that resting will have to wait. 
“No I wanna see them” You grin at him, knowing that right now you can get almost anything you want. 
“Alright, I’ll let them know” He smiles, sending a text.
“Did you get him?” Your voice is so quiet, your eyes as wide as a tennis ball while you stare at the wall opposite you. He looks up at you, wondering how long you have been wanting to ask him that, fearing for the answer he could give you.
“He left you in the cabin, he drove past us when we were on our way to you, we silt up, Me Emily and Reid tracked him down, the situation escalated after we got to him and he got shot, he didn’t make it” Aaron tells you, his voice staying at a neutral tone, not sure how you’re going to take it.
“Good” Is all that you say, your expression staying empty. Rolling onto your side away from him as you wait for the team to turn up, accidentally falling asleep.
“Well look who's awake” Derek's voice makes you look up. You and Hotch are playing cards, after waking from your nap he informed you that the team was going to come over just tonight, giving you afternoon to sleep. Which you do, and now after growing bored you’re playing cards with Aaron, waiting for the arrival of your team. 
Your head shoots up at Morgan's voice, grinning at him and the others who all trail in, looking at you surprised to see how much better you already look.
“What, I like to sleep” You tease him back, your voice still raw and scratchy.
“How are you feeling?” JJ asks, making her way over. She's the first to give you a hug, cupping your face looking you over.
“JJ, Im fine now, It will all heal” You smile gently, trying to reassure her before moving from her grip. 
“Fine, are you in pain?” She requires the memories of finding you half dead on the floor forever carved in her mind. 
“I’m on so many meds right now, I can’t feel anything” You smile weakly, your throat starting to burn again.
“Relax mama bear, they're fine” Derek pats JJ on the shoulder, leaving his hand there. Pulling her away from you, giving you space
“You know you shouldn’t speak too much (Y/n) it's only going to irritate your throat” Spencer informs you, staring at you with his puppy dog eyes full of worry. 
“Noted” Smirking softly as you lay your head back, looking around at your team. If it wasn’t for them you wouldn't be lying here right now. “Thank you, all of you I–” Your words trail off, not knowing how to phrase how gracefully you are for them.
“You never have to thank us” Emily smiles softly down at you, standing close to you her hand runs through your hair gently. A normal shower of affection that she regularly does with you and Reid, only this time you flinch. Everyone notices it, but they don’t bring it up. They already knew you were going to have some trauma to work through. Emily removes her hand slowly, her eyes flicking over to Morgan feeling guilty. 
The team sticks around for an hour, they talk and laugh with you for a while, even though you don’t respond offended, trying your best to look after your throat. The team only leaves after the doctor asks to check over your wounds in private. Informing them that you will be able to get discharged in the morning. Once the doctor leaves you alone, fear and anxiety start spreading throughout you again. You know it's impossible for him to come back and hurt you, but that doesn't mean your mind is ready to accept that. You turn the tv on, watching some drama tv show, your mind unable to pay attention to it, but the background sound is nice. 
“Oooh what are we watching?” Dave's cherry voice breaks you out of your mind, your eyes flick over to the doorway watching him walk in holding a couple bags. Setting them down before he takes a seat beside you, pretending to watch the tv and not notice the small smile playing on your lips at the sight of his present. 
“some type of drama tv show” You shrug, looking back at the T.V.
“Wait, hang on, have you never seen this before?” Dave gasps, staring at you. You nod in response confused to his reaction. 
“You have never seen the office before, well that is differently changing, Office marathon at my mansion one night” His grin makes you laugh weakly, his eyes narrow at you, giving you a stern look.
“No nosies, you need to rest your throat, also I got you something for that” He leans forward grabbing one of the bags. You frown at him, wondering what he may have, a grin breaking out as you see him pull out your favourite ice cream tub. He passes it to you with a spoon, a small smile on his lips as he does.
“Thanks” You whisper lightly, smirking at him, having to hold back a laugh when he rolls his eyes at you. 
You two sat in silence for over an hour, eating the ice cream and enjoying the T.v show. It's getting late, and you're forcing your eyes to stay open not wanting to sleep just yet. Dave had noticed that you have been fighting sleep for the past ten minutes, jumping every time your eyes close.
“(Y/n), you need to try and get some sleep” Dave sighs softly, not missing the way your eyes are watering. 
“I can’t” Your voice shakes, doing your best to try and stop it.
“I can go and get a nurse to see if they can give you something?” Dave watches the way your body tenses up at the suggestion, just knowing that tonight is going to be a long one. 
“No, no more drugs”
“Okay, then what can I do?” Rossi almost begs you to let him help you, just wanting you to get some rest.
“I…” You know what could help but you can’t ask him, he is practically your second boss. Just because you see him like a father figure doesn’t mean he does. 
“Nothing” Is all you say instead.
“(Y/n), please what do you need?” He takes your hand that's shaking lightly.
“H hug?” Gulping thickly as you glance over at him, seeing the worry melt off his face. 
“Now that, I can do” He smiles softly, getting up. “Move over” He sits down beside you waiting for you to scooch over. You smile weakly scooching over enough for him to lay down, wrapping his arm around you pulling you into him. 
“Thank you” You snuggle into him, closing your eyes.
“Anytime kiddo, get some rest” His whisper is full of love, his arm wrapped around you securely as you allow yourself to close your eyes and fall into the darkness. 
The flight home is long and quiet. You were given the couch to rest on it, which you happily took. Snuggling down in your blanket, staring at the ceiling the whole time, feeling lost inside your own mind. The only time you really move is when it's time to take more meds or you need to hydrate. The team sat at the back of the jet, trying to give you privacy, but also so they could share their worries about you without being overheard. Hotch and Rossi had already spoken about you, knowing the next stage of this is going to be hard for you. Especially when it comes to needing to know who Hector was to you, having to ask what he exactly did to you. 
The flight is now half way over, when you finally fall asleep. The team smiles over at you, happy you're finally resting. Sadly it doesn't last longer, when you're suddenly interrupting everyone with a scream. Rossi and Hotch are up in seconds, both rushing to your side leaving the team to watch in worry. You're thrashing around on the couch, tears and whimpers escaping you. Fear covering your face, your heart racing with panic. 
“(Y/n), wake up your safe” Rossi kneels in front of you, hands cupping your face. Trying to get you to stop moving before you injure yourself. Hotch moves to grab your arms, scared you're going to rip some of your stitches open, holding them firmly as he hopes Rossi can wake you up.
“(Y/n), open your eyes for me kiddo” Rossi shakes your face lightly, your eyes soon flutter open your lips twitching as you try to calm down.
“Your okay Ragazzion, you're okay” Rossi lets go of your face, same time Hotch lets you go. 
“I.. sorry” You utter out, trying hard to control the tears. Pulling yourself into a sitting position in the middle of the couch. 
“It's okay, how are you doing?” Hotch asks, his voice laced with concern as he and Rossi both take a seat on either side of you.
“I don’t know” You look at him feeling hopeless, the tears starting to dry on your face.
“That's okay, do you need anything?” Hotch smiles softly at you, placing his hand gently on your knee, you jump slightly before nodding.
“Water, please?” You lean into Rossi when his arm wraps around your waist, pulling you in close.
“You got it,” Aaron smiles before getting up to get some water. 
You can’t help but lean into Rossi's touch, now that with him, you're always going to be safe. Your head rests on his shoulder, not caring that the rest of the team is watching you, concerned running through them. You're not a hugger, you barely like touching, some say you're even worse than Reid. But here you are, snuggled up to Rossi refusing to let him go even when Hotch brings over the water. Rossi has to pull you away from him so you would drink, nodding as you follow their instruction. The team stares at you worried about how badly the unsub has messed you up, when you're asking Hotch to join you on the couch, and suddenly you're snuggled up between the two bosses of the BAU. The remaining three hours of the flight, you refuse to move from either of them constantly needing physical contact from them.
The elevator ride up to your office floor is peaceful. You stand in the back, still holding on to Rossi's hand, refusing to even let go after leaving the jet. Rossi doesn’t mind it, he's always happy to hold you close. He's always seen you as one of his kids ever since you joined the team 2 years ago. You were one of the youngest agents he had met, you were barely 23 when you joined. When the elevator doors open, the team slowly make their way out, you're the last to walk out with Rossi. Garica stands by the glass doors, smiling with relief as she sees you. You can’t help yourself, you pull away from Rossi, and make your way quickly towards the woman who constantly produces happiness. Flinging your arms around her, she's quick to respond, hugging you back tightly, no words exchanged. The team all walks past you giving you space.
“Thank you” You smile weakly as you pull away from her, both of you having tears sliding down your face.
“Never have to thank me, never have to thank any of us” She smiles softly, looping her arm with you, leading you into the bullpen. “We never want to lose you, do you understand, you are a part of our family, we will always be there when you need us” She smiles at you, watching as the wheels turn in your eyes.
“I know, I just.. I was scared, there's things you don’t know” You words seem to fail you but she gives you a reassuring look.
“That's okay, all in your own time” Garcia walks you to your desk, helping you pack up some folders, everyone knows you're taking a few weeks off due to doctor's orders. 
“I’ll give you a ride home, by the way (Y/n)” Morgan walks over to you two, grabbing your bag.
“Morgan I can drive myself”
“No you can’t” Was the response of Penelope and Reid
“Oh hell no!” Came JJ and Emily's answer, all looking at you with overprotective looks.
“Guys I’m fine” You sigh, knowing it's useless.
“No you're not, but Morgan it's okay I’ll take them home” Hotch speaks up as he and Rossi make their way down the stairs and over to you.
“I don’t get a choice do I?”
Hotch helps you in his car, against your protest. Once you two are finally on the way out of Quantico, that's when you know the question will begin.
“So me and Dave were talking” He starts, his eyes staying focused on the road. “We don’t like the idea of you staying alone”
“Hotch, I’ll be fine” You know that's a lie, truthly you're dreading going home alone.
“(Y/n) please, we all know you're not okay, I don’t want you to be alone, because If you are it's going to drive me crazy” He sighs, glancing over at you, watching as your face falls.
“I don’t want anyone to worry about me” You stare out the window, trying to empty your mind.
“I know, but we will anyway, because we care about you, I know I shouldn’t but I see you like my kid (Y/n), please just let us help you” His voice is so close to begging you to agree with him.
“You have Jack, I can’t stay with you” Your hands start to fidget, hate to be a burden.
“He’s not home tonight he's with Jess, so stay with me tonight and that gives Rossi time to set up a spare room for you, you can stay with him or me as long as you need” Hotch looks at you, seeing as you think over his question.
“Okay” You finally agree, the idea of being alone eating away at you. “But only for a little while”
“Thank you” Aaron smiles, driving to his place.
Three weeks later.
You still suffer with nightmares, still unfit to return back to work for now. For the last two weeks you have been staying at Rossi places, which has been nice, even when he's been away on cases. The fact his place has a lot of cameras and security makes you feel safe. You’ve been going to therapy two times a week, doing everything you can so you can start feeling like yourself again. It was last week when you went into the office and finally told Hotch and Rossi the truth of who Hector was to you, doing your best to not break down as you did so. Hotch and Rossi have become your main support in the past few weeks, making sure you had everything you needed to feel okay. Hotch would come visit you most days he was in town, bring Jack over to have dinner with you and Dave. Their actions constantly reminding you how important you are to them, how no matter what, they will always be there for you. 
One night, you're sitting in Rossi's living room not expecting him to come home. You're playing the guitar you had picked up from home, strumming it slowly. You've had it in your room for the last week but every time you picked it up the memories would come rushing back, but not today. Today when you picked it up sitting on the couch, it just felt normal. You take a deep breath closing your eyes as you slowly start singing, enjoying the way it feels to relax and play again. This is something you used to do everyday and now, it's been three weeks. You promised yourself that no one would take your passion away from you, so there's no way you're going to let him take that from you, no one gets to do that. Soon the song comes to an end, smiling softly as the music comes to a stop opening your eyes slowly. 
“Now that was beautiful” 
You don't mean to jump, but you weren’t expecting anyone to be home until later tonight. Turning around, you see Rossi walk in from behind, smiling softly.
“I didn’t know you were listening” Feeling the heat rush to your cheeks, embarrassed.
“I know, I didn’t want to interrupt, but you have such a talent” Dave comments, walking over taking a seat beside you.
“Thank you” Smilingly softly looking down, falling silent.
“A penny for your thoughts” Dave asks, frowning slightly at you.
“I miss performing” Sighing softly, placing the guitar on your lap.
“Why did you stop?”
“It didn’t fit in with my schedule anymore” 
“Well, If I’m right you do have some time now, and I know we aren’t in town most weekends, but you can still try every now and again” Dave suggest, smiling lightly. Knowing that he and the team would love to hear you perform again.
“I could but I.. it feels weird after what happened last time, I feel like I shouldn’t do that again” You admit your fear, feeling shamefully about it. 
“That's understandable, but that won’t happen again, and me and the team will be right there for you” Dave looks at you encouragingly.
“I know” You rest your head on his shoulder, feeling exhausted from overthinking. 
“Is something else going on in there?” Rossi wraps his arms around you.
“Maybe” Sighing softly, closing your eyes. “I think it's time I go home”
“You don’t have to kiddo, you can stay here as long as you need, you know that” Rossi reminds you.
“I know, but I’m not going to be able to move on with my life If I stay here” You explain, feeling sad at the idea of leaving.
“Well, why don’t I help you set up a camera at your place and we can put in a better security system as well” Rossi offers, wanting you to be safe if you're leaving.
“I like that idea, thank you” You smile weakly.
“Perfect, we can do it this weekend, If I don’t get called away” Rossi kisses your forehead softly.
It's Friday night, and Rossi has invited the team out for drinks. When they all arrive they aren’t expecting you to be waiting at the table for them already, they have barely seen you in the past few weeks.
“(Y/n)” Garcia squeals out, unlooping her arm with Morgan as she runs over to you, encasing you in a giant hug that you happily return.
“Hey you” Smiling brightly, feeling her happiness bounce off her. Letting her go as you hug the rest of the team, (Excluding Hotch and Rossi who you see regular) 
“I thought I would surprise you all” Smiling softly as you all sit down, letting Hotch and Rossi get everyone's drinks. 
“Please tell me you're coming back soon, I've missed you” JJ sighs, smiling at you hopeful.
“What JJ, we aren’t good enough for you” Morgan teases her.
“Please tell me it's soon, because I can’t deal with Morgan without you much longer” JJ groans, as the rest of the team laughs at Morgan's offended face.
“Well It should be Monday if Hotch approves” You smile at them, forgetting how much you missed your little family.
“Oh he better approve” Emily smiles, noticing how much better you seem to be now.
“He does,” Aaron smiles, approaching the group from behind, carrying some drinks, hanging them out.
“Thank you” You grin at him as the group cheers, Garcia wrapping her arm around your shoulders excitedly.
The rest of the night is full of laughter and catching up with everyone. There's a stage at the bar and people are going up, singing and playing music. The team watches a few acts but soon it fades into background noise as they all catch up. That is until you disappear to the bathroom, and when you return back you see the stage empty, the guitar sat there just begging for someone to play it. The opportunity staring you in the face, you glance over at your family smiling softly knowing they will always be your biggest support, so you head on up.
“Hey guys, hope you don’t mind me giving this ago” You smile speaking into the microphone, picking up the guitar. Some people turn to look at you smiling, your whole team turns to face the stage, surprised to hear your voice echoing through the bar. Smiles and grins break out as they realise what you're doing, a few cheers come from Morgan and Garcia, earning a soft laugh from you as you strumming the guitar softly. The bar grows quite as the guitar fills the place, taking a deep breath as you start to sing. 
Don't listen to the voice inside your head
You're doing just fine
You're trying your best
If no one ever told you it's all gonna be okay
We're just people never sleeping over stupid shit
We won't remember in the morning
Yeah, we're gonna forget
And no one ever told you it's all gonna be okay
You sing softly, enjoying the way it feels falling into the vibes. Staring out at the crowds seeing them looking up at you, but your eyes only stay on your team. Seeing their smiles full of love and proud as they all watch you. You can’t help but sway as you play the guitar, finally feeling like yourself, and it's all thanks to your team. You know no matter what happens they will always have your back, and nothing will ever pull you away from them.
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
Where Did The Time Go?
Agent Rossi-Reid
Anthology Masterlist
David Rossi x daughter!reader,  Spencer Reid x reader, Criminal minds x BAU!reader
Summary: Rossi (eventually -Reid) goes on her first case with the team.
A/N: This is set pre S1E1. In that episode we find out that there is an opening at the BAU and that one of Gideon’s friends died in the blast (I’d imagine the other 5 agents were from SWAT, not the BAU). So Agent Archie Reeves is an OC that fills that spot. He’d be closer to Gideon’s age and probably a long time friend of his, but I imagine he transferred to the Quantico team after RR graduated high school and Rossi retired so he wouldn’t know her very well.
CW: typical criminal minds stuff
It was 3 AM when you got a call from Gideon, telling you to get to the BAU as fast as possible. It was like experiencing a strange form of deja vu- you’d never been called in the middle of the night for a case, but your childhood was filled with waking at strange hours to give your dad a hug before he left to save the world. You got dressed quickly, not bothering to put on makeup, grabbed your go bag and headed out of your apartment. Everything about it was different than when you were little, except the clicking sound of the lock on the door- that was still, somehow, the same.
The entire drive to Quantico, you felt your blood begin to rush. When you got into the elevator with Agent Reeves, you felt like you were about to jump out of your skin and your heart was about to beat out of your chest. The other agent smiled at you.
“So,” he drew the word out. “Are you ready to work your first case?”
“If we want to be technical, I’ve been working cases since I was about fifteen. This is just the first time I’m on the payroll,” you said, not looking at Reeves. It was true. As a teenager you used to procrastinate your homework by watching the other agents. A few times you got daring and would take a case file or two from someone’s office while they weren’t looking. They never did catch you.
Gideon was already there, of course, as was Hotch. They were sitting at the conference room table already, talking to JJ.
You weren’t sure what to think of the young blonde. She was added to the team at the same time you were, but of course she had been training to be the team communications coordinator while you spent most of your time working on files alone or working together with Spencer while Gideon advised the two of you. You’d only just met her last week and the two of you hadn’t had much time to talk about anything other than paperwork. She seemed nice enough, but she also reminded you a little too much of the mean girls in high school.
“Take a seat,” Hotch said as he looked over some paper. “Morgan is talking to Garcia. We’re just waiting on Reid to get here and then we can get started.”
You took your normal seat and then pulled out your phone, sending a message to your dad that you were most likely going to be out of town. He would know what you meant. You hoped he would be proud.
Morgan walked into the room with his usual swagger and sat down just before Spencer rushed into the room- looking slightly more dishelved than normal. It was a good look, you decided, when Spencer looked a bit bedraggled with his loose tie slightly crooked and his hair not gelled down as smooth as normal.
“Sorry I’m late,” he said and took a seat next to you.
“Let’s get started,” Gideon said, ignoring Spencer’s apology.
JJ began to present the case and for some reason, you couldn’t help but remember that she was older than you by about three years. You and Spencer wouldn’t have been the first very young agents in the unit- your dad and Gideon had been no older than 23 when they joined the BSU. But that was back before being a part of the BAU was something elite.
Spencer’s reason for being picked for the team was obvious, but the only thing obvious about why you were there was because you were a Rossi. You hoped that wasn’t the only reason.
JJ finished presenting the case, but it was clear that the team would need to be on scene. “Would you like to do the honors, Hotch?” Gideon asked.
“Wheels up in twenty,” Hotch responded.
The jet was really cool.
Like, really cool.
You sat next to the window and began to go over the case file. There were a few theories you had running through your mind, but there wasn’t enough evidence to bring them to conclusion. You knew that once the team got to the local precinct, could walk the crime scenes, and talk to more people the profile would become far more clear.
The rest of the team was talking, and you were listening, but you didn’t speak. It wasn’t in your nature to be quiet, but you figured that being on your first case called for taking a back seat. Spencer had just finished answering a statistics question when Gideon looked at you. “(Y/N),” he said. “Do you see anything?”
You thought about it for a second. There was one thing…
“There are a few behavioral conflicts,” you said. Just letting the words slip out of you created a fire in your belly- burning with the desire to prove yourself and your worth. “He chooses lower class women and his signature shows that he hardly cares about them, but he dresses them before dumping their bodies.”
“Why does that matter?” Morgan asked. Of course it would have been Morgan who questioned you. Hotch and Gideon had all known you for years, you could already tell that Reeves was more of a scoffer than a questioner, and Spencer was too timid to say anything.
“It’s something to keep in mind,” said Hotch.
“Alright,” Gideon said. “Spencer and Reeves go to the precinct. Hotch, you and Morgan go walk the second crime scene and (Y/N) and I will walk the first.”
You should have been relieved that you were paired with Gideon, but something about it was unsettling. You just didn’t know what yet.
Walking the crime scene was far different than looking at photos of them. The body was gone and the area was cleaned, but the feel and stench of death still lingered in the air; you wondered if it always would be, if the ground was forever tainted by invisible blood stains and the shadow of murder.
You and Gideon inspected the scene, holding up photos to try to tell what it was like. Gideon continued to ask you questions, testing your ability to read the behavior. You just hoped that he would correct you if you were wrong. You could make a fool out of yourself in front of Gideon- to him you would always be young and naive- but you didn’t want to make a fool out of yourself in front of anyone else.
When you and Gideon got back to the precinct the rest of the team was already there. You walked over to the evidence board where Reid was working on a geographical profile.
“I might not have a PhD in mathematics, but don’t you need at least three crime scenes to create a true geographical profile?” You looked at his handiwork.
“Yes,” he said, still concentrated on drawing some lines. “I just want to be prepared in case something else comes up.”
“Well,” Hotch said, walking into the room and tossing a file down onto the table. “We finally got the M.E. report.”
You abandoned Reid and his maps in favor of going over to the table to look at the new information. You had to wedge yourself around Morgan to get a look, but as soon as you saw it, you knew.
You didn’t even think twice about your words. “He’s got limp dick syndrome.”
Hotch choked on his coffee and began to snicker. You could see how hard it was for him to hold in his laughter as he brought a fist to his mouth in an effort to cover his smile. It was nice to see his serious demeanor crack. Even after all these years, you were still Rossi’s daughter who got distracted from her homework while watching (and pestering) young Special Agent Hotchner as he tried to piece together a profile.
“You-” he cut himself off and pressed his lips together before taking a deep breath to compose himself. Still, he couldn’t hide the smirk on his face. “Don’t say that in front of the local officers.”
“Okay, well then you can go tell Gideon.” You smirked as well. As he left the room to find the senior agent, Hotch still struggled to get his serious face back.
You turned back to the papers and began to look through them more thoroughly, when you felt someone looked at you. You turned to see Morgan and Reid looking utterly confused, seemingly at the events that just transpired. “What?” you asked.
“Hotch… laughed?” Reid said, though it sounded more like a question. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen him do more than a half-hearted grin.”
“I didn’t even think he had a sense of humor,” Morgan agreed. He lounged back in a chair. “So is there anything in the report we don’t already know?”
“He always stabs them twice, but one is always just done to inflict pain while the other one is used for the actual kill.” you explained. “It indicates impotence.”
Reeves walked into the room as you were talking. “How do you know it isn’t symbolic, or that he’s just bad at anatomy?”
You didn’t even bother to look at Reeves. Challenges only ever lit you up. “Because the one to the stomach is always done post mortem-”
“How do you know?”
“Lack of blood,” you snapped and slid the paper over to him. “Which is just basic knowledge on how the body works after death, but it’s also written in the report in case you want to see it yourself.”
Reeves gave you a look before going over the report. You wanted to stand by the evidence board with Reid and get your brain working, but Morgan was pacing the area as he explained something to the young genius that he probably already knew. You settled for busying yourself by reading over some of the detective’s notes, even though you’d read them all on the jet.
Soon enough, Gideon and Hotch entered the room and began to put the profile together. You watched and listened carefully, asking for clarification on a few things. Gideon even challenged you with a few questions, which you all got correct.
“Alright, half the officers that need the profile are here and the other half of them are across town,” Gideon said once he was satisfied with the information put together. “Hotch and Reeves, you wanna take it over there and Morgan and I will handle things here.”
Hotch gave his boss a nod and he and the other agent left.
“We’d better get started here,” Gideon said. “If we can canvas enough area we might be able to catch this guy before he murders a third time.”
You were familiar with a lot of things at the BAU, but this would be your first official time listening to a profile presentation. You stood next to Reid in the back corner, watching and listening as Gideon and Morgan relayed the information to the officers. As soon as they finished, you went back to the evidence board. Reid went back to the map again.
You wondered if it was a habit of his to try to stay in his comfort zone. You’d wanted to get your hands on every piece of information this case had to offer, but Spencer seemed satisfied with checking and double checking his quiet work, refining it. You knew that geographical profiling wasn’t your personal interest, but you figured that with Spencer’s intelligence he would want to be looking over and taking everything in too.
“Hey, Reid,” you called to him. You already knew the answer to the question you were going to ask him, but the Rossi in you couldn’t help but meddle with him a little bit. “Didn’t we study a case similar to this one last week?”
“Oh, uh- no,” he said, his voice timid.
“Are you sure?” you asked. Now you were looking at him. And he was looking at you as if you were going to eat him. Still, you raised your eyebrows, and crossed your arms, pushing further.
“W-we did the week before that,” he stuttered out, avoiding eye contact.
You sauntered toward the map and stood next to him. Spencer looked up at you briefly, but otherwise stood there, arms crossed, head tilted. “What do you remember about it?”
Spencer swallowed. “I-uh- it was pretty much the same except for the post-mortem stab wound was in a different location.”
“And the city was different,” you pointed out. “And the dump site locations, and the victim type.”
“Y-you’re right.”
You shrugged a shoulder, trying to get Spencer to relax. “Tell me what else was different.”
Spencer took a deep breath and began to relay details of the case. His voice stayed quiet and his body language closed off, but as he talked more and more you noticed a bit of confidence start to shine through in his eyes.
It was something you’d remember for later.
Spencer finished telling you about the case just as Gideon came in the door. “Come on. We’re all going back to the hotel to try to get some rest. Start with fresh eyes in the morning.”
This was one of those cases that were rare- the kind where there wasn’t any sign or signal that the unsub would kill soon, so you were supposed to actually sleep. But you didn’t want to.
You wanted this case solved and the unsub caught. But more than anything you wanted to stop feeling like you were doing nothing.
You allowed yourself 15 minutes for a shower and then laid down in bed, but still allowed your mind to work. You relayed the details of the case over and over again in your mind, wishing that you had Spencer’s memory. After a while, staring at the ceiling wasn’t cutting it anymore. You needed something to write with. You dug blank paper and a pen out of your bag and began to write.
Until this case was over, your days would be filled with sleepless nights.
After four days, very little in the profile had changed. The age range was narrowed down, the type of vehicle the unsub might drive, a few possible occupations he might have, but overall the profile was static. Without another body there was no way to complete the geographical profile. Gideon was talking to the local station about the team going home, leaving them with the profile to work on their own until there was more evidence or a change. The control level of the unsub was immaculate and it was entirely possible you’d have to wait months before any progress was made on the case.
You didn’t like it one bit. Running off about two hours of sleep and more espresso than one person should ever be allowed to have at a time, you dug through the evidence and the profile again and again, looking for some important bit that you had overlooked before.
“Are you trying to memorize this case?” Morgan asked.
“No,” you told him, not giving him an alternate reason why you were going over everything again. Unlike Morgan, you hadn’t been sleeping. You had been working.
“Well, then.” Morgan stood up. “I’m going to get some coffee. You want any, Reid?”
“No thanks,” Reid said quietly.
“Alright, pretty boy.” Morgan smirked and left the room.
You and Reid continued your futile work. The joke Morgan made about you memorizing the case wasn’t true, but if you had to look over the files one more time you might-
“Huh,” Reid let out a small sound from his place at the table. It was so small, you wouldn’t have noticed if you hadn’t spent so much time with him working on consults already.
You looked at him. “What is it?”
“Oh,” Spencer cleared his throat. “It’s nothing.”
“It’s something,” you retorted. You knew Spencer didn’t have it in himself to be sure about things in profiles that were purely theoretical. While training with him and Gideon, it was you who veered just far enough out of the box to find something interesting or odd that was always worth checking out. Spencer liked precedent. Spencer liked his box. “You can tell me, Spencer. It’s just me.”
Spencer hesitated. “The joke Morgan made… it made me think about how on the first day you had me tell you the details of the case we studied.” He stopped and looked away from you. 
“Go on,” you encouraged.
“He didn’t dress his victims. He covered them and positioned them as a show of remorse, but he didn’t dress them.”
You blinked.
“On the jet you pointed out that the victims were all dressed,” Spencer said, his previous tone of hesitation starting to leave his speech entirely. “And we profiled that it was a show of remorse, but the extremity of it makes me think it’s possible that the unsub is even more remorseful than we thought. That could be why he waited so long between kills, too. We said it was because of his control level, but maybe it’s because the unsub feels so guilty about it that he has to take that long to recover- almost like it puts him into a depressive state.”
“That changes over half the profile,” Gideon said. He walked through the door, Reeves just behind him. “Any other evidence?”
Reid looked slightly like a deer in the headlights. He turned slightly towards you, but you shook your head. Spencer was the one who found it- he should be the one to present it.
“The women were both dressed in the same style,” he started, a little more quiet since he knew people were there. “We might be able to find out more about him through that.”
Morgan, who had joined by now, looked at you. “Alright, what style are our victims wearing?”
Internally, you rolled your eyes-just because you were the only woman in the room didn’t mean you would know, even though you did. “They’re dressed like middle-class, white picket fence mothers,” you told him. “It doesn’t line up with the victims' ages, social class, or occupation.”
“Let’s get to work then,” Reeves said, walking into the room and taking down the profile.
Spencer was right. It only took another 48 hours and a lot of digging on Garcia’s part to find the unsub, who felt so horrible he confessed in a fit of tears the moment Hotch showed him a crime scene photo. Just like the new profile had proposed, the unsub was a man in his late 50s in a state of psychosis, trying to recreate the woman he had loved many many years before.
Everyone on the team was amazed by Spencer’s breakthrough, and you were too, of course. Reeves and Morgan were praising him with bro-style pats on the back, while Hotch and Gideon stuck to simple phrases like “Excellent work” and “I’m impressed”. You stuck with words as well, but yours felt more real- “I’m proud of you”.
You sat at the back of the jet alone, looking out the window and wishing that you’d drank less coffee than you had. Your caffeine induced consciousness didn’t stop you from feeling exhausted. Sleep would have been nice, considering you’d gotten none the night before.
“Hey.” Gideon put a hand on your shoulder as he walked by. “You doing alright?”
“I’m fine.” You’d grown up with profilers. If there was anyone in the world that could outsmart them it was you, and the years of training to hide your tells and keep yourself cool didn’t fail. Gideon only nodded and walked to the other side of the jet.
With your gaze turned away from the window, you noticed Spencer peaking at you from over the top of his book. You caught his eye before looking away, knowing that he would take it as an invitation to come over if he wanted. Your last interaction alone with him had been quite intense. You hadn’t been trying to scare him, but even you knew that you could be a pusher and a fighter and a little too much at times.
And Spencer was almost the complete opposite.
He was so quiet coming to sit across from you that you almost wanted to make a joke about it, but your brain was functioning at half capacity and you weren’t going to embarrass yourself with sub-par sarcasm.
“Hey,” you spoke first. It seemed like with Spencer you always spoke first. You hoped that would eventually change.
“Hi.” Spencer looked down awkwardly at his hands. You stayed silent, watching him, your energy running low.
“You know,” he started, without looking up, “I wouldn’t have figured it out without you.”
You shook your head. “You’re brilliant, Spencer. You would have.”
He paused, thinking. You figured that Spencer was the kind of person who thought a lot, but the way he was taking the pause was more like he was thinking about his words and less like he was thinking of some complex theoretical equation. 
“You’re not just you.”
Instantly, you were confused. “What?”
Spencer looked down again, and then back up at you. “When you encouraged me to tell you about what I had thought of, you said “It’s just me”, but you’re not just you.”
You smiled tiredly at him. “Thanks, Spence.” If you were the type of person to spill your heart and soul out to people, you probably would have told Spencer how much that meant to you; that it helped you feel a spark of worthiness inside for just a split second. How his words made you believe for only a moment, that you belonged on the team. But you weren’t that type of person, so instead you just said, “That means a lot.”
Spencer smiled awkwardly and leaned back in his seat. Suddenly feeling relaxed enough to rest, you closed your eyes and drifted off into a much-needed sleep.
“Someone get (Y/N) up,” Hotch said before exiting the jet. He knew full well that if he didn’t make a beeline down the stairs, he’d have to be the one to do it.
Reeves was quick to follow him. Morgan was always slow to pack up at the end of a case, having usually discarded his jacket, bag, papers, and CD player in various locations around the jet. Gideon and Spencer were almost done with a chess match, as long as things turned in Gideon’s favor for the fifteenth time in a row.
Morgan gathered his things and then took the opportunity to fluster Spencer a bit, but in Morgan’s defense it was for Spencer’s own good. “You heard, Hotch,” Morgan said as he leaned against the side of the jet. “Go wake her up, pretty boy.”
Spencer felt himself flush. “What? No! You do it. I’m in the middle of a game!” The high pitch of his voice gave it all away.
Gideon repressed a smile. “Check in three.”
At those words, Spencer got back into focusing on the chess match. Morgan sighed. That was Gideon’s subtle way of settling the situation, like a father ending an argument about who was responsible for doing the dishes that night.
Morgan. The answer was that Morgan was responsible for doing the dishes that night.
He wasn’t subtle in his approach to wake you, he simply turned, brought his hands to the side of his mouth and yelled, “Rossi!”
You snapped awake at the sound of your name being called, and looked to see that it was Morgan who called you.
“Come on,” he said. “We’ve got paperwork before we go home.”
You nodded and gathered your things, hurrying off the jet after him.
“Checkmate,” Spencer said.
Gideon looked down at the board to see that Reid had captured his king. Morgan’s reason for coming over to them had been to fluster Spencer, but hearing him call you by your last name, the way people had addressed your father for so many years, had flustered Gideon instead.
You were no longer the child that colored on the back of scraped reports, or the teenager that made it a point to bother new trainees by showing them that a 16 year old could put together a practice profile faster than they could, you weren’t even the college graduate that he’d written a card to, congratulating you on your accomplishments and wishing you luck on further adventures.
You were an adult. An agent. A profiler.
Where did the time go?
@doctorsteeb@saturnluvvr@padsfirewhisky@staygoldsquatchling02@mycoolusernamesstuff@reidstileschishiya@rory-cakes @star-wars-lover
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hotchners-wifey · 3 months
Save Her
Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader, Platonic!BAU x Reader, Morgan!Sister Reader
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Summary: Y/N has a past she's never told anyone about, she was involved in some heavy things when she lived in England with her Aunt and Uncle. Things she thought were murdered along with her best friend, things she thought went missing with her boyfriend. Things that followed her to Quantico, Virginia. Previous Chapter~ Next Chapter Chapter Warnings: hangovers and peer pressures
________________________________________ Four days before Y/N disappears ________________________________________
I woke up before everyone else and decided to grab some Aspirin and start cooking some Waffles, bacon and eggs for the girls knowing that when they wake up they'll be hungry and have a pounding headache. Right as I finished cooking I turned and spotted the them waking up to the smell of food. JJ got up first and walked to the kitchen, "I smell coffee." was the first thing she said. I chuckled and grabbed a mug out of the cabinet and filled up the mug. "Did you want any creamer?" She nodded and I walked to the fridge, "I got caramel and vanilla, which one do you want?" She looked up with her hands shielding her eyes from the lights, "Vanilla please." I nodded grabbing the creamer and noticed Penny and Emily were both sitting at the island as well. "Good morning you two, how did you guys sleep?" Emily just groaned and looked at the coffee in the pot, I nodded grabbing two more mugs and the creamer. "Well I take it you guys had a lot of fun last night." JJ groaned behind her coffee mug, "I never want to experience last night ever again." I laughed loudly causing all three of them to groan at the loud noise. "Sorry, but if you don't normally drink that much why did you?" They looked at me like I had three heads. "Because you were going out with us." Penny exclaimed with a slightly upset face, "And you were supposed to be getting plastered with us." Emily continued I smiled innocently, "Well if I had gotten plastered with you then who was going to drive us home?" JJ thought for a minute, "Normally when we go out to drink and have a night out the guys all take one vehicle in which either Spence or Hotch drives because they don't drink like that either." I shook my head and grabbed some plates, "Well how was I supposed to know that? I never go out with you guys remember?" JJ shrugged "Well it doesn't matter now. The real question is why you cooked food for us when we could've gotten room service?" I placed their plates of food in front of them and shrugged, "I felt like you guys could use a home cooked meal with a touch of motherly love. This is my mothers special breakfast that she would make us every Sunday morning before church." Penny's head shot up at that, "This is one of Mrs. Morgan's famous meals?" I nodded and smiled, "Yeah Mom taught me how to make everything I cook or bake. She was my personal chef when I was a kid, Dad never wanted Mom to teach Derek how to cook because he was a firm believer that Derek should have someone take care of him but she always secretly taught him when she taught me and my sisters." Emily and JJ were shocked to find out that Derek knows how to co. "Don't tell him I told you that, he'll kill me." Emily snorted, "Oh I'm definitely making a joke about this." I sighed in defeat, once Emily said she was going to do something there was no getting her to back down from it. We spent the day watching movies and eating snacks and eventually after the girls were feeling better we went to the mall and bought ourselves some new clothes, Penny bought some new trinkets for her desk and I found the cutest Doctor Who paper weight for Spencer. "Really?" Emily questions when she sees me approach them with the paper weight in my hands, "What? It's for Spence. You know how much he loves these little things." Penny laughed, "Of course you know that Y/N." I turned to look at her confused, "What's that supposed to mean Penny?" She laughed and shrugged. "I'm just saying you know a lot about what Spencer Reid likes, way more than we do." I nodded, "Yeah of course I do because I actually listen to him." JJ smiled, "Guys just let her buy the paper weight for Spence, Penny you buy things for Derek and Emily you buy things for your cat Sergio. The people and pets you love deserve gifts." I nodded along to her words, "Yeah let me buy things for the person I love-wait what?!" JJ burst out laughing and eventually Penny and Emily joined in while I stood there fuming that I got tricked like that. "Oh Y/N we already know you love Spencer, you didn't have to tell us that again."
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Hit the link limit on my original series masterlist so this is part 2. Also hit the link limit on this so here is part 3.
*includes smut
Spencer x Reader Series Masterlist 1
Spencer x Reader Blurbs
Spencer x Reader Oneshots
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You Know My Heart (two parter) - you’ve been in love with your playboy best friend Spencer Reid for ten long years. But when you get engaged and finally start to get over him, Spencer suddenly realises he can’t live without you and he has to stop the wedding at any cost. (Fem! Reader)
Part One
Part Two
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Somewhere to Belong (Mini Series) - You and Spencer have only been dating a few months when he drops the bombshell that he wants to start a family and it throws you into turmoil. And that’s only made worse he meets five year old orphan Wren Briar and is determined to do whatever it takes to adopt her. Even if that means destroying your relationship. (Fem! Reader)
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
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No Distance Left to Run (Mini Series) - Truth or Dare? A harmless teenage game gone wrong when spoken by the man holding you hostage. And when you’re feeling for your best friend come to light after fifteen years, how will you and Spencer cope in the aftermath? (Fem! Reader)
Part One - Truth or Dare?
Part Two - Never Have I Ever
Part Three - Hide and Seek
Part Four - Dominoes
Part Five - Red Light, Green Light
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Me & You & Everyone We Know - Spencer Reid thought he had the perfect life. He has his two beautiful daughters, large house in the suburbs and a steady, albeit slightly unconventional marriage.
But even geniuses reserve the right to be wrong every once in while.
Now he’s struggling to adjust to life as a single divorced dad of two whilst working full time and navigating the unsteady waters of the dating world.
But his divorce left him more damaged than he’d ever admit. And you have to decide if you’re strong enough to deal with falling in love with a man who’s heart doesn’t fully belong to him. (Fem! Reader) NSFW 18+ COMPLETE
Chapter 1 - Out on the Weekend
Chapter 2 - Today My Life Begins
Chapter 3 - Brand New
Chapter 4 - Bonfire Heart*
Chapter 5 - Nobody’s Supposed to be Here*
Chapter 6 - Lonely Together
Chapter 7 - All at Once
Chapter 8 - Half of My Heart
Chapter 9 - As it Seems*
Chapter 10 - She Had the World*
Chapter 11 - No Tomorrow*
Chapter 12 - Let it Hurt
Chapter 13 - Life Ain’t Always Beautiful
Chapter 14 - Forever Winter
Chapter 15 - Happier
Chapter 16 - My Little Girl
Chapter 17 - Someone You Loved
Chapter 18 - Sandcastles*
Chapter 19 - We’re Good
Chapter 20 - First Day of My Life
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Darkness Declares Glory - after his release from prison, Spencer Reid’s life spiralled into darkness with no sign of a light at the end of the tunnel. When he wakes up in a psychiatric facility with no memory of how he ended up there, you’re the only person he wants to see. But in order to do that, Spencer’s going to need to piece back together his fractured mind and face some cold hard truths. (Fem! Reader) NSFW 18+ Very Dark Themes COMPLETE
Chapter 1 - The Downward Spiral
Chapter 2 - I See a Darkness
Chapter 3 - Another Man’s Grave
Chapter 4 - How to Disappear Completely*
Chapter 5 - Checkmate
Chapter 6 - If You Could See Me Now
Chapter 7 - Diary of a Madman
Chapter 8 - Dear Agony
Chapter 9 - Don’t You Dare Forget the Sun
Chapter 10 - Welcome Oblivion
Chapter 11 - Modern Loneliness*
Chapter 12 - Entropy*
Chapter 13 - You Want a Battle? (Here’s a War)
Chapter 14 - Sympathy for the Devil
Chapter 15 - How to Save a Life
Chapter 16 - The Needle and the Damage Done
Chapter 17 - Thnks Fr Th Mmrs
Chapter 18 - Fell on Black Days
Chapter 19 - Away From the Sun
Chapter 20 - Begin Again
Chapter 21 - Leave it All Behind
Chapter 22 - Come Out Fighting
Chapter 23 - Long Promised Road
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What Lies in Our Anatomy - Mini Series - when you have a one night stand with a stranger you met in a bar, you never expected to see him again. You certainly didn’t anticipate the stranger to be your new boss at the BAU.
But for you and Spencer, keeping your relationship secret from the rest of the team soon becomes the least of your worries when a face from Spencer’s past threatens to tear apart everything you’ve built together.
The truth always comes out in the end, and you have to decide how you’re going to cope in the wake of his lies. (Fem! Reader) NSFW 18+ COMPLETE
Part One - Fear (Of the Unknown)
Part Two - Losing My Religion
Part Three - As We Know It
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Midnight - When Spencer Reid left the BAU after his stint in prison to pursue a more unsavoury career path, the last thing he expected was to have company on his journey. But after finding yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time, you become entangled in Spencer’s murderous web and the inadvertent Bonnie to his Clyde. Now the cops are closing in on the two of you and if you don’t act fast your torrid love story could meet its tragic demise. (Fem! Reader) NSFW 18+
Chapter 1 - Killer in the Mirror
Chapter 2 - Hourglass
Chapter 3 - Nightmare
Chapter 4 - Duality
Chapter 5 - Never Know
Chapter 6 - Raise No Fool
Chapter 7 - Go to Bed Angry
Chapter 8 - Dancing With the Devil
Chapter 9 - Who’s in Control?
Chapter 10 - Why Worry?
Chapter 11 - I’d Rather Drown
Chapter 12 - Better Than This
Chapter 13 - Different Songs
Chapter 14 - Bad Guy
Chapter 15 - The Haunting
Chapter 16 - Dangerous
Chapter 17 - Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
Chapter 18 - Uncontainable
Chapter 19 - Stitch Me Up
Chapter 20 - Unopened Windows
Chapter 21 - Miss Mysterious
Chapter 22 - Skeleton
Chapter 23 - Catch Me if You Can
Chapter 24 - Partners in Crime
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Rusty - Rusty has been moved here, due to hitting the link limit.
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clockwards · 2 years
i watched all 15 seasons of criminal minds in 29 days. these were my thoughts
Garcia being normal Garcia: 🤪
Hotch, quietly: remind me to have her drug tested
Reid: Kevin and Penelope sitting in a tree? JJ, that's just dangerous, do you know the statistics on-
"yeah I'm fine, he wrote me a letter explaining why he left, just like my father did when he left my mother and I" REID LMAO
Gideon and Hotch giggling happily over charlie chaplin films <3<3 work dads
man with multiple personalities: do I *look* like personality no.2??
Reid [staring directly into the camera]: 👁️👁️
Reid making mini rockets and Hotch being a grumpy proud dad about it fhevfhhevdhsgdvsh THEM
"If I weren't a lesbian, I would absolutely jump your bones" [aimed at Gideon]
psychopath who only wants to talk to Reid: 😚
Reid: why don't i ever get any normal fans :(
Random detective [about Reid]: where did you find this kid?
Rossi, whispering: He was left in a basket on the steps of the FBI
Hotch: we do not have jurisdiction over this very personal set of cases
The Team: 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Hotch: ......okay just be quIET ABOUT IT
Rossi: My wife always said I had a flair for the dramatic
Hotch: Which one?
Rossi: ...all of them 😀
Morgan, Reid, Emily, Garcia [staring Hotch down]: we love and care for you
Hotch: im gonna kms
Rossi, interrogating a suspect: I fucked your wife (real not fake)
Hotch: Son, you're taking over the business
Morgan: Oh! A promotion!?
Hotch [dumping paperwork in front of him]
Morgan: Oh no! A promotion!!
[during Hotch's review after The Reaper incident]
Strauss, to the team: 😡😡 Hotch 😡😡
Strauss, to Hotch: 😔😔 Hotch 😔😔
Hotch: any word on Prentiss?
JJ: she's arguing with the doctors
Hotch, nodding: Good
Hotch: There are lots of ways sons defeat their fathers
Reid, cheerfully: I just keep getting PhD's!
[about budget cuts]
Rossi: Let's just hope they don't take the coffee
Reid, very seriously: I'd quit
Rossi: well yeah, that'd save them about 50 bucks a week
[looking at a machine gun]
Reid: I don't think I have the qualifications to use that
Hotch & Morgan, in unison: You don't.
[the most suspicious man alive, saying something extremely suspicious]
Emily Prentiss: yes sir I will follow you to this dark secluded secondary location
Every member of the BAU: ily
Prentiss, with an arsenal of guns: BACK! BACK, STRANGE CREATURES!
Strauss holding back the entire BAU by the scruffs of their necks like feral cats: I Wish I Had Dogs
Morgan, sending all the press to Reid: 😀
Reid: No more FBI I'm becoming a criminal just to kill you
Strauss: Please hire someone normal
Hotch: Here's Doctor Reid, a child who has never passed a field test
Strauss: I'm literally begging you
Victim: what are you doing????
Unsub: well this is a *gun*, and inside of it are what we call *bullets*
"a member of the team is in jeopardy"
me: is it Reid? I really hope it's Reid.
Garcia: altruism is sexy
Hotch, very seriously: yes it is
The BAU team's nosiness
Reid's secrecy over a girl
Random teen: Get fucked old man
Rossi: Gamer on gamer violence. This is so sad.
Blake: I don't have any children...except Reid
Reid: I'm not your child though?
Anyone: I love you
Reid, just not like other girls: ....Thomas Merton?
Blake: People just need to say what they mean
Reid: Life would be so much easier without chit-chat
[A Tale as Old as Time - Autism Bros™]
Reid: I don't like technology
Garcia: Technology doesn't like you, genius
Rossi: All of my marriages have failed, I'm not exactly what you would call a family man
Hotch: We literally have 5 kids together
[on first meeting]
Hotch: I'm offering you a job hunting psychopaths
Garcia, caught trying to stop animal testing: I *am* a psychopath
Rossi, joining the BAU: I have gotten a first husband, fourth wife, and multiple children just by entering this office. I'm the real family speedrunner
Reid: My dad leaves and suddenly I've got new contenders lining up like it's the bachelor
Hotch: You're not even that great a son
Reid: You were literally first in line
Bomb Squad: You called??
Morgan: Early bird gets the explosive worm, bitch
Hotch: How long do you need to do this impossibly long task that no one else could complete?
Reid: Like 30 minutes
Hotch: Awesome. Do it faster
Reid: I'm arresting you for murder
Cat: ...are we about to kiss?
Cat: You have mommy issues
Reid: L + Ratio. You have daddy issues *worse*
Morgan: It's my turn to be kidnapped and tortured
Alvez: Why won't you be nice to me
Garcia: I'm always nice. Look, this is my nice face 😒
Prentiss: This guy is probably a loner, definitely has commitment issues...
Alvez, just made a full-course meal for his dog: 😤
Tara, cocking a gun: I'm not taking appointments
Reid: I need to take some time off to look after my mom
[is arrested for drug posession and murder in Mexico]
Reid: ........so how's my mom?
The Team: We're so worried about Spencer in prison
Reid: I made friend :]
Prentiss: Luke is snarky. You are snarky. Please just try to get along
Garcia: You don't understand. We cancel each other out
Reid, entering prison: I am going to make So Many enemies
Mr Scratch, doing anything: 😏
The Team: It's a trap. Let's go!
Alvez: I can tell, you're a cat person
Prentiss: Got the nine lives to go with it, bitch
Cat: I'm pregnant. It's yours
Reid, shocked: You mean you're not a virgin?!
Cat: I wish I killed you the first time round coME HERE-
Prentiss: I need a person I love and trust to relax with
Reid: ....are you gaslighting me into resting?
Prentiss: Yes. And it'll fuckin work.
Barnes: Don't you want to be unit chief? Don't you have....ambitions?
JJ: I'm ambitious about killing you. Wanna see?
Garcia: I hate newbie. He's terrible and stupid and has a dumb face and dumb thoughts-
Alvez: We literally just took a selfie together
Tara: ur mom
JJ, married with 2 kids: I'm a little bit in love with you
Reid, who took her on one date 15 years ago: 😯
Rossi: You can't ground me! I'm your dad!!
[Luke and Matt go missing]
Prentiss: The boys! They took our boys!!
Reid: I'm.....right here?
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ragingstillness · 4 months
Thinking about the sacrifices that being in the BAU requires and all the life they’ve missed out on in order to save the lives of others and feeling sad but also thinking about how crazy the stories their kids tell will be.
Like, someone asks “hey your dad kind of has a limp, what’s the story about that?” and a regular kid would be like “yeah he pulled a muscle playing football in college and it bothers him from time to time” but Spencer’s kid is gonna be like “yeah he got shot by a serial killer.” Everyone around is gonna be like wtf? Especially Jack’s friends, can you imagine?
BAU kids:
“Hey Jack why does your dad have all these tiny lines on his chest?” “Oh yeah, the serial killer who murdered my mom broke into his apartment and stabbed him a bunch. Dad beat him to death though so he got his revenge.”
“If it’s a girl, how about Lauren?” “Fuck no.” “Why not?” “It’s the name of my mom’s secret identity when she worked undercover as an arms dealer and she doesn’t have great memories of that.”
“Henry, why does your mom hold the flashlight all weird when she tells ghost stories?” “Oh yeah that’s because she used to break into houses in the dead of night with a gun in her other hand chasing serial killers.”
“Hank? Why are all the hinges on your doors so thick?” “Dad kicked down doors a lot when he was chasing serial killers and mom didn’t want his sleepwalking to cost us.”
“Um dude your house has a retinal scan before entering?” “Yeah my mom’s kind of a tech genius, there’s also a fingerprint scanner. The door won’t let you in unless you give a DNA sample so the system can run a background check on you. It’ll only take a minute then we can play on my PS5.”
“Ok last question, is there any history of drug abuse in your family?” “Does being unwillingly injected with drugs on my dad’s side count?”
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wackybuddiemewbs · 1 year
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Buddie Moodboard - Criminal Minds AU
So yeah, I've started rewatching that show. And of course, Buddie jumped right back into my face and wouldn't let go until I moodboarded this. So... the moodboards have won yet again. Anyway, hope you enjoy. Cheers!
Looking back, Eddie Diaz never thought he'd join the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. After his time in the war, he took a long time, figuring out where to fit in, what to do with his life now that he is out of the military. So no, becoming an FBI agent, moving to Los Angeles to join the BAU sub-branch there, as a single dad, and to dive into dangerous situations on the daily is not the first choice that comes to mind. Less so if you asked his parents.
But there is only looking forward, so Eddie is taking his chances with the team under the lead of Special Agent Robert "Bobby" Nash. While everyone on the team is undoubtedly capable and undeniably nice to him upon his first day, one of the agents just returned from some time off seems less than pleased. In his opinion, they don't need anyone else on the team.
It doesn't take a profiler to figure out that the guy's got the heart in the right place, just a bit afraid of change, of people leaving – and someone allergic to being called by his first name. Though after their first together, Eddie and Buck don't just find a common ground, it doesn't take them long to develop a strong friendship.
One of the odd things about being surrounded by profilers is that it becomes all the harder to keep your private life private. Not only do you spend so many hours together, but you are surrounded by people whose job it is to figure other people out. So it's hardly surprising to anyone that each of the team has their very personal demons haunting them: Be it having lost loved ones to unsubs they didn't catch in time, or having found themselves in an unsub's hands and be saved by people of just that profession.
Buck also has his special reasons for being there. And as Eddie finds out early on, this job is so much more to him than a job is to most other people. He considers it his true purpose, more so because he feels like he owes it to Bobby that he ever got there. He used to be a regular police officer who just "tagged along", until Bobby consulted on a murder that happened in the town he was stationed at. Bobby picked up on Buck's innate talent to get inside an unsub's head and his dedication to the cause. Or as Bobby puts it:
"You can teach crafts and skills. But you can't teach talent and attitude. And Buck's always had both of these things."
So Bobby gave him his card, told him to try out for the BAU's special program. And Buck did. While it's taken a lot of effort, he eventually managed to join the team. Which is why he is not only protective of his friends at the BAU, for him, this job is his life. And he will defend that till last.
Buck's life is turned upside-down more than once when his sister Maddie steps back into his life. A few years back, he wouldn't have noticed that something is off, but as a profiler, he knows. He is no longer the kid stuck in a loveless home, believing every soothing word his sister says to keep him out of harm's way. This time, he vows to himself, he will protect her from her abusive husband, he will make her stay. So he helps her land a job at the FBI, filling the empty space his ex Abby left.
Things seem to be moving all the right directions once Maddie breaks out of her shell and dares to fall in love again. Chimney and her are as happy as they can be. That is, until Doug comes back, nearly kills Chimney, and abducts Maddie. The team races to save her, which, thankfully, they manage.
Though this is far from the only crisis the team has to face. One particular event changes everything for Buck and Eddie. After Eddie nearly dies at the hands of a sniper, nothing is as it was between them. Buck doesn't just feel like he failed his best friend. He feels like the feelings he's been trying to put off, those romantic feelings for Eddie that have no space in their world together, are shattered like glass, too.
In the aftermath of the shooting, Eddie quits the BAU. First for his son's sake. Later on, actually for his own. Eddie finally has to reckon with his past traumas, all the things he pushed down over the years. And he can't do that while working a job that forces him into swallowing it all down.
Though Eddie misses his job. He misses the team. He misses having Buck's back. Sure, he is around, but it's not the same as it used to. To top it all, Buck seems to be withdrawing more and more from them for reasons Eddie can't yet fathom. Eddie is hesitant about returning, though, fearing that Christopher won't take it well. After all, he nearly lost him once, and the fear of losing his father is all too painful and all too real in the line of work they do.
The whole world stops turning for Eddie one evening, though. Because he has to watch footage of Buck bleeding out on a street, held hostage by a kid seeking revenge on Bobby, with a suicide belt on and the trigger in his hand. It is then that Eddie decides to follow his heart and join the team as they race to rescue Buck...
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Spencer Reid x Autistic son reader
So sorry for taking so long to write this oneshot!
Requested by : Larri6ox
Request: Spencer is a dad to a 14 year old boy he is autistic and someone was stalking Spencer and yn one day after school he gets kidnapped Spencer was spiraling and the team searched for yn while that was going on yn was tied to a pole beaten and tasered it took the team 4 days to find yn Spencer ripped to the ropes off yn while the rest took down the unsub yn clung to his dad crying and overwhelmed he couldn't even speak Spencer comforted yn as the paramedics fixed him up yn slept in Spencer's arms when they got home yn was to scared to sleep by himself around 3 am yn woke up screaming from a nightmare Spencer woke up and held yn to comfort him yn was muttering about an accident Spencer got the hint that yn wet himself Spencer calms him down and helps yn get cleaned up they slept on the couch watching Tom and Jerry.
This is a long request, hope you like it.
Third person pov...
In the twilight's embrace, as the city buzzed with activity, a sinister plot unfolded, targeting an innocent youth named Y/N.
Y/N Reid was walking home from school when he found himself the unwilling target of a sinister stalker. Unbeknownst to him, a shadowy figure had been pursuing Special Agent Spencer Reid's beloved child, leaving Y/N vulnerable.
On that fateful day, as Y/N strolled home along the familiar path, a sudden chill ran down his spine.
A figure emerged from the darkness, his movements purposeful and menacing. Y/N's heart pounded with fear as he realized he was being followed.
Panic consumed him as he broke into a desperate run, his small legs carrying him as fast as he could.
But the unsub, his relentless pursuer, was closing in. The air grew thick with terror as Y/N's cries for help went unanswered. "Help me! Please!" He cries though knowone could hear him.
In a secluded alleyway, the unsub lay in wait. With a swift and ruthless move, he snatched Y/N and disappeared into the night.
Spencer, at his wits' end with worry, spiraled into a desperate search. The BAU team rallied around him, leaving no stone unturned.
Bound and helpless, he was tethered to a desolate pole, his body wracked with pain from relentless beatings and electric shocks. The cruel tormentors lingered nearby, their twisted minds devising further atrocities.
The unsub laughed as the boys screamed echoes through the dark warehouse.
The piercing screams of the taser echoed through the desolate space, leaving his body battered and broken. Fear gnawed at his soul as he endured unimaginable pain.
Y/N thought of his dad, he thought how he wouldn't give up on him, he knew he would save him he had too.
For days, the BAU searched tirelessly, their hearts heavy with each passing hour, Y/Ns absence tugged at their very souls. Especially Spencer, the man had forgot to sleep, eat.
He never left the bullpen he his only thought was Y/N, he had to find his son, then finally on the fourth day, a breakthrough emerged from the darkness. A tip led them to the warehouse where the H/C boy was being held captive.
With lightning speed, Spencer raced through the labyrinthine corridors, his determination fueled by the desperate hope of finding his child alive. As he burst into the warehouse, a sight met his eyes that sent shivers down his spine.
A pipe stood in the middle of the dark room, the smell was awful filled with sweat and dried blood. His eyes filled with anger. "Y/N!" He yells racing over to the likp body.
"Don't be dead don't be dead" he muttered as he neared the limp body of his Son.
Y/N was tied to the pole, his body bruised and battered, hung helpless from the pole. Spencer's heart shattered as he ripped the ropes from his son's frail body.
The boy fell limply into his Dad's arms, Spencer quickly covered the boy and held him tightly. "Shush shush its okay Baby, I'm here I'm here " he mumbled in the H/C hair dried blood stuck to the strands.
He held his son in his arms, the boy shaking as if it was winter, the agent could tell his was overwhelmed and didn't push him to talk only happy that he was alive.
As the boy was cut from his bonds the rest of the team swiftly apprehended the unsub, their rage a palpable force in the air.
Spencer held his precious boy close, offering him a safe haven from the nightmare he had endured, he continued to carry the boy out of the warehahouse and outside where the paramedics were waiting, they had been called before hand.
As they worked Spencer held his son, the boy had found solace in the gentle presence of his protector, grateful he was safe and finally not being hurt.
The warmth of his dad's arms and the gentle sway of their bodies brought a sense of serenity amidst the turmoil, he fell into the light sleep.
Back at home, it took Spencer a few hours to get the boy to sleep, Y/N had been on edge and awake for four days straight, but once he was asleep it was almost 1am, Spencer kept the door open slightly so he would hear if the boy had a nightmare.
The man situated himself in the living room, on the sofa he sat with a book in his hands, hearing any sounds that came from his son's room, he was ready to leap up and go to his son if he needed.
Hours later he awoke with a scream of pure anguish, A nightmare had gripped him, his body jerking and his voice filled with anguish as he whispered of an accident.
Tangled in his sheets he attempted to run but couldn't, bejng stuck reminded him of the ropes.
After hearing the scream Spencer had leaped from the sofa throwing his book away he ran to his Son room, throwing the door open he saw the boy was stuck, the covers had wrapped around his ankle.
Seeing the problem Spencer quickly unwrapped the blanket trapping the boy, leg now free Y/N woke up fully.
Looking around breathing heavy. "Daddy!" He cries hands out reaching for his Dad, Spencer quickly sat down next to the boy and pulled him into his arms.
"It's okay N/N, it's me its Dad" at that Y/N relaxed and slumped into the man's arms, Spencer rubbed his back before pulling the boy into his arms, appealing enought pressure that made Y/N feel safe.
After a few minutes Spencer tried to get Y/N to release him but the boy wouldn't budge. "Y/N, is something wrong?" He whispers, the boy nods his head. He mutters something into his Dad's shoudler.
The young Dr is confused before he sees the wet ost where his son was sleeping, he then realises, comforting the boy he clean up the remnants of his nightmare, changing his soiled clothes and tending to his shaken body.
Once he was done Y/N still wouldn't let go of him, realising he was still scared Spencer took him to the living room. He also grabbed numerous pillows and soft blankets for them and set them on the sofa.
As they settled back on the couch, Reid held Y/N close, his heart aching with both love and protectiveness, he put on Y/Ns favourite cartoon Tom and Jerry.
Together, they drifted off to sleep on the couch, Spencer laying his back to the arm of the sofa, on top rest his son tucked into his chest breathing normal, no longer shaking from the nightmare, the animated antics of Tom and Jerry providing a soothing backdrop to their weary minds.
The end!
Finished hoped you liked this oneshot so sorry for the wait, as usual sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes!
Requests are open!
Word count : 1365
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14buddy22 · 2 years
How Far We’ve Come - Epilogue
WC: 4165
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
a/n: The 6 kids are 25, 24, 23, 20 and the twins are 17.. Ahh! This was the last part of the series; however I could be convinced to do little one shots here and there... Eventually. I’m working on some thoughts for some other pieces I would like to write and would like to write another series. Thanks for sticking with me and if you have any feedback, literally anything, send me a message! I’d love to hear it. Thanks for sticking with me :)
pic from TGibby’s insta
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Life had been going great for the Hotchners, and there were a lot of big events coming up for the household. Joey had graduated with a degree in Behavior Analysts, he was finishing up the academy all while getting his Juris Doctor degree. Joey was fascinated by law as he wanted to get justice for people. While the DV caused your husband’s life to end, Joey wanted to make sure that enver happened to anyone. The reason he was focusing on the FBI was to get there before it was too late. Joey had outright said it at dinner one day, and it made you reminisce.
Joey had just come home for the first time, it was Thanksgiving. It was a hard adjustment for everyone. The twins were 10, so they knew where he was going yet they were still upset to see him leave. Even with the 3 older kids being older, things just weren’t the same with Joey in college. Aaron hated when Joey was away, but Joey made sure to call or text him every day. Aaron didn’t know this but you made sure to text Joey how much it meant that he called Aaron every day. Joey knew how hard Aaron’s job was, especially after Strauss had passed and was carrying the work of Unit and Section Chief.
Everyone was gathered around the table for Thanksgiving, all the kids talking and taking pictures of themselves every 5 minutes, well at least the younger 3. Aaron and you were finishing up the last remaining meal and placed it on the table. Everyone gathered around and made some small talk. It was a normal family dinner, one that hadn’t happened since Joey had left in August, but they were grateful for this meal now.
“So, I’ve finally decided what I want to do.”
You looked at Aaron from across the table and said, “What’s that Joey?”
“Well, because of Dad, I want to go into the FBI, the BAU specifically.”
Aaron feared for this. He didn’t want any of his 6 kids to go through what he’d been through. He knew Joey was interested in his job, ever since he was a little kid, Joey was interested. Aaron had had numerous talks with Joey about the job and how hard it could be on someone, but it only seemed to inspire Joey more.
“Dad, before you say anything, just hear me out. I want to go into the BAU because I want to be able to stop something before anyone gets hurt. I want to be the reason that someone smiles on the worst day of their life, by bringing their family or friend home. Dad, YOU have saved hundreds of people, maybe even thousands. You don’t give yourself enough credit. I know we’ve had countless talks about the BAU and I know you’ve been trying overtime to get me to not go into the field, but hearing you talk about it only makes me want to go into it more. I want to save lives and I know how hard the job could be on someone and how dangerous it might be, but Dad, you’ve done it. You’re the unit chief, and you’ve raised 6 amazing children and are a father to us. Once I graduate, I’m going to focus on law school as well, I feel like it’ll help me. You inspired me Dad and I want to do this.”
You looked at Aaron and saw him put his fork down. He stood up and Joey stood up. You watched them go hug each other and you snapped a picture. While Joey wasn’t close with Aaron at first, their bond grew so much. The hiking trip on father’s day all those years ago helped that. Now Joey was telling Aaron that the reason he wants to go into law and the FBI is BECAUSE of Aaron. You knew Aaron would be crying about it tonight.
That made you smile, because here he was, getting ready to graduate with his JD degree along with earning the spot in the BAU. Aaron was still section chief of the FBI, but Aaron had nothing to do with the interview and application process, he immediately went to the higher ups and explained the situation, but Joey was well over qualified to earn that spot and didn’t even need his Dad to get him in.
With Joey graduating from his law program, came a wedding. He was engaged to his high school sweetheart, Hannah. She had a degree in education and had been settling into her job as a Middle school teacher. Hannah was super nice and you and Aaron knew those two would get married. Aaron had been saying it since the first time he met her. Well, walked in on her and Joey making out in the pool.
So with Joey’s graduation today and then the wedding the week after, it was all a little hectic. But it wouldn’t be a Hotchner household if there wasn’t more to it. Jack was also getting married. Jack met his fiance in college their freshman year. Joey and Jack were young, but they were very good at knowing what they wanted and they seemed to have their entire life planned out. Jack became a paramedic. He wanted to save people, but he also didn’t want the trauma that his Dad had experienced.
Tyler and Grace, they weren’t twins, but they might as well could’ve been. They were your wild children. Grace was always your wild child, but that rubbed off on Tyler. Those two grew extremely close. Tyler and Grace were out partying every weekend, in which your daughter had bought a fake ID and used it all the time.
You watched Aaron put his shirt on and he walked over to his bedside table. He opened the drawer and you glanced down. Inside you saw the Fake IDs of all his kids; Joey, Jack, Tyler, and Grace’s, along with shot glasses, vodka shooters, and condoms.
“Can’t believe Joey’s graduating today, getting married next week, Jack’s getting married the following week, and then our Gracie turns 21 and the twins turn 18.”
He knelt on the bed and kissed you. You loved your husband, he was incredibly handsome, especially in his dadbod state with his jet black hair with a sprinkle of gray in it. It was the perfect combo.
“Well, I’m afraid that when the twins turn 18, I’ll have to add to my collection of fake IDs taken.”
You let out a laugh, thinking back to all the times Aaron caught them using their fakes or saw that they had one.
You looked in his drawer and saw the plethora of fake IDs. You reached in the drawer and saw about 10 different states. Each kid had about 3 Fake IDs, especially after Aaron had taken their first or seconds.
“Our kids are trouble makers and unfortunately Harper and Mas, they’re just like our other 4.”
You laughed at your husband’s statement and he leaned down to kiss you. He laid his body on top of you and you ran your hand through his hair. He had been awfully quiet tonight. Maybe it was because Joey’s graduation was today, or the fact that the kids were getting married.
You felt your dog hop on your bed and Aaron said, “Hey princess.”
Oh, you forgot to mention that the twins convinced Aaron to get them a dog for their 5th birthday. After countless times before the kids had asked him, he finally caved in. Yet, he was the closest to your dog. Aaron took the dog on his morning runs, brought the dog to the kids’ sporting events, and pretty much everywhere except to work. The dog laid next to you and Aaron petted your dog.
“When did we become old?”
“What are you talking about, honey?”
“Our oldest is graduating with his second degree and getting married next week, Jack’s is getting married the week after, Tyler’s, well Tyler’s Tyler, and he’s just living the single life as a teacher. Our little girl’s got a boyfriend and is going to be 21. And then our twins are going to be 18, they’ll legally be adults.”
You kissed him and you knew he was hurting. It was very hard for him to see his children move out of the house that you two raised them in. You two were slowly becoming empty nesters and Aaron didn’t like it one bit. He loved his family, and you did too. But it was nice to have Aaron to yourself. You had the twins, Tyler was living in the apartment complex that your brother used to live in, which was very close.
“Aaron, just think, once Joey and Jack are married, we’re one step closer to becoming grandparents and while we won’t have our little kids to spoil, we’ll have our grandbabies to spoil!”
“You know, I always thought Gracie would end up pregnant in high school, I figured she’d be the one to make me a grandpa first.”
You laughed at that. Aaron always thought that Grace would be the one to get pregnant in high school. While he didn’t care if she did, and would support her all the way, he knew she was a wild child, she’d had a couple boyfriends in high school and two of them being serious. Unfortunately, but maybe fortunately he knew she was having sex, he saw the empty condom box in the bathroom one day when he was cleaning. At least she’d been being safe about it, that’s all he could ask for.
You heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to come in.
“You and Dad aren’t having sex right?”
Aaron said, “No.”
Joey opened the door and he said, “Thank god, because I’ve lived 25 years and have never seen that and I don’t ever want to see that.”
You laughed and Aaron moved off you.
“Are you ready to graduate big guy?”
“Yeah, are you ready for me old man? I can kick your ass. I’ll be a better lawyer and agent than you.”
“I don’t think that’ll ever happen.”
“I’ll prove it old man.”
The rest of the kids slowly moved into your room, all ready to go to Joey’s graduation. You drove to Joey’s university and got ready for graduation, Hannah sat next to your family. You and Aaron had talked about last minute wedding details with her and could tell she was a little nervous, but you and Aaron had calmed her down.
**A Week Later**
It was finally the day everyone had been waiting for. The first Hotchner wedding. Joey being first born, he got the first wedding. It just worked out that way.
Everything was beautiful, the venue, the flowers, Hannah’s dress. Everything was perfect. You watched Aaron help Joey do his tie and Joey smiled.
“What Joey?”
“The old man thinks I can’t tie my tie.”
“I know you can tie your tie. But you don’t tie it well. I’ve had years of practice as an agent, unit chief, and now section chief. You’re a young agent. You dress like Morgan most of the time.”
The photographer had been taking pictures and you looked at Aaron. You smirked and pulled his hand toward a closet. You and Aaron were older, but still young, and on top of all that, he was good looking, especially as he was getting older.
You began to kiss him and he looked around. He opened the closet door and he went to pull you in when you caught a glimpse of Grace and her boyfriend, Matt, making out in the closet.
Gracie said, “Oh my god, Dad, close the door!”
Aaron slammed the door and looked at you. The chances of you two hooking up in the closet were now slim to none due to the fact that you two just caught Grace and Matt getting ready to hook up in the closet.
They came stumbling out and Matt said, “Aaron, Y/n. We are so sorry.”
You looked at Aaron and Grace looked at him. You went to speak and Grace said, “Mom, Dad, we’re not 15. We’re two consenting adults.”
Aaron looked at his daughter and never took her eyes off her. That was his little girl and he just caught them getting ready to do the deed.
“Just, please go find Joey, he needs a picture of you two. Well, all the kids. It seems you’re ready. So, go.”
The kids started running down the hallway and you looked at Aaron. He leaned down to kiss you and he whispered against your lips, “She’s 100% your daughter.”
You pulled his tie down to you and said, “She may be my daughter, but according to the law, she’s your daughter too.”
When the ceremony began, it was emotional, there were pictures of Michael and Joey when he was younger. It made you tear up, but you knew Michael was smiling down on his son.
Aaron was there with you everytime you needed to step away and he was there to make sure the bartenders wouldn’t serve Grace, Harper, and Mason alcohol. Which made you laugh because you had caught Penelope, Emily, JJ, Derek, and Spencer going to the bar and getting drinks that wouldn’t normally be drunk by them, but be drunk by your kids.
At the end of the night, it was just your family. You all were dancing with each other and Joey and Hannah had walked back with a gift. They gave it to you and Joey said, “Mom, Dad, this is for you. Thank you guys for everything. Everything you’ve done for me, for raising me to be an incredible man.”
You and Aaron opened your gifts and pulled out a little onesie.
Aaron read it and said, “Papa’s newest hiking buddy.”
You looked at the onesies and said, “Joey, Hannah. Oh my god.”
Aaron said, “We’re going to be grandparents!”
Aaron kissed you then hugged Joey and Hannah. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. Joey and Hannah were starting their new life and getting ready to begin their new life with a little one in 6 and a half months.
**1 week later**
Jack’s big day was here. Everything was perfect too. The boys knew what they and their fiances wanted, so it was just right. Jack had pictures of Haley there and you knew Aaron was emotional. Just as how he was there for you on Joey’s day, you were there for him on Jack’s big day.
You were in charge of making sure the kids were drinking within limits, you knew you couldn’t stop them but you didn’t want them to get wasted either. When it got to the mother, son dance, you and Jack had a surprise for Aaron. You grabbed Jack and began to dance to the same song that Aaron and Haley danced to at their wedding.
You and Jack looked over at Aaron and he was sitting at the table with all the kids. He wiped his tear and smiled.
Jack said, “Why don’t you go get Dad to join us.”
You grabbed Aaron up and kissed him, Aaron walked over to join you and Jack and then Jack’s fiance joined in into a group slow dance. It was perfect, it was closure for Jack and Aaron.
After the night, you let Jack and Aaron go talk on the balcony while you were trying to round up the 4 kids that were coming home with you. You knew they’d have a serious hangover in the morning so you needed to get them in one place where they’d be comfortable.
Once you got all the kids home, you and Aaron made it back to your bedroom. He locked the door and said, “Want to recreate our wedding night?”
**1 Week later**
Grace had finally turned 21 and she convinced Aaron to go out with her to the college bars on campus. Joey, Jack, and Tyler all agreed to meet down at her campus and go clubbing with her too.
It was a fun scene. Aaron heard a bunch of her college friends say “DILFS drink for free” and kept buying Aaron drinks even though he kept declining. He just kept passing the drinks to his daughter. If he wasn’t going to drink them, he could pass them to one of his 4 kids who were.
When the 4 kids heard he was paying, he knew his bank account would be hurting for the huge tab that would be taken tonight. But, Gracie was his little girl, even though she was a pain for him and was going to kill him one day or another, she had him wrapped around his finger.
“Come on Dad! Let’s take a shot!”
You and Aaron were the designated drivers, but you convinced Aaron to do a few shots with the kids. You took pictures and videos, because if the kids didn’t remember in the morning, they definitely would after seeing proof.
Her 21st birthday was fun, she was drunk, but not drunk enough where she was wasted. Tyler was your wild child, he was drunk.
They opened up the karaoke stage and you laughed thinking about when you took Aaron to do karaoke on a date night. You sang Baby got back and then friends in low places with him. Your kids were very outgoing, you knew they had a soft spot for karaoke, as many family vacations usually called for one night of karaoke.
Joey called your kids attention to it. Then just in good ole Hotchner fashion. The kids all ran on stage and started singing up there, you and Aaron had recorded and then started dancing to the music. Your kids were never grossed out by you and Aaron. They thought you two were the cool parents, even if you took away their Fake IDs before they turned 21.
You and Aaron decided to hop on stage with the kids and you all sang Friends in Low Places, placing a cowboy hat on Aaron’s head, you were brought back to that moment, all those years ago, before your two families were combined, before you had the twins, when it was just you and him and that bar. It made you smile thinking of the life you made and how everything became full circle.
**6 months later**
You and Aaron were watching Mason’s baseball game and Harper’s softball game. Both fields right next to each other were perfect, you could sit in the outfield, see both your children play in the game and you got to see both of them.
Then you got a call from Joey. When you answered, you knew it was something about Hannah. She was nearing the end of her pregnancy and knew it’d be soon that she’d deliver. Once the game ended, you and Aaron quickly grabbed Mason and Harper and drove with them to the hospital.
Joey met you in the waiting room. Jack, Tyler, Grace, Harper, and Mason all hugged each other then hugged Joey.
Joey said, “Can you let Mom and Dad meet the baby first, then I’ll come back and get you guys?”
His siblings all nodded and you and Aaron followed Joey into the hospital room.
When Joey opened the door, Hannah had been holding the baby in her arms. Hannah smiled widely at you and Aaron and whispered, “Hi!”
Aaron and you walked closer and Joey said, “Mom, Dad, meet your first grandson, Michael Aaron Hotchner.”
You immediately had tears in your eyes. You looked at your grandson and he was absolutely perfect. He was the perfect mix of Hannah and Joey.
Aaron looked at Joey and whispered, “You didn’t have to give him my middle name.”
Hannah said, “We absolutely did. You have been an amazing father to Joey and an amazing father in law to me. Ever since high school you’ve been so good to me Aaron. It’s the least we could do. We gave you a new little buddy to take naps with, to cook with, go hiking with.”
Joey said, “Thanks for being the best Dad. I know I was hesitant all those years ago, but looking back, I wish I hadn’t been because I now know that you were just trying to love a broken child who had lost his father, you loved me back together. You filled that void that my Dad took with him when he died. Without you Aaron, I wouldn’t be who I am today. You and Mom.” Aaron and Joey hugged and Hannah said, “Here, do you want to hold your grandson?”
Aaron nodded and he took Michael from your arms. Hannah had taken pictures of the baby and of you and Aaron with Michael.
Aaron said, “Hi Michael. I’m your Papa. I can’t wait to get all the snuggles I can with you. I promise we won’t let anything bad happen to you. Your daddy and I stop bad guys. Well, soon it’ll be just your daddy when I retire, but I still have to make sure your Dad won’t be better than me.”
Everyone laughed in the room and Aaron held him close. Had you and him been a little younger, you would have been convinced that you and Aaron would get pregnant that night. Seeing him with babies and children was a big turn on for you, just as it was a turn on for him as well.
Once the rest of your kids came into the room, the nurse took pictures of your family. Had you never met Aaron, this whole family would have never happened. The moments you enver wanted to forget will forever be a part of you in scrapbooks, camera rolls, social media. Aaron gave you a life that you wanted with Michael. Aaron gave you even more than you could ever ask for. Two single parents worked it out and became one big happy family. You truly had gone the distance with each other.
Jack said, “I can’t believe we’re uncles and aunts. Our brother has a baby!”
Joey said, “Yeah, what do you think old man? You’re a grandpa.”
Aaron chuckled and looked at you. Your husband leaned over to kiss you while holding your grandson.
You posted a picture of Aaron holding his grandson and then the whole family together. You captioned it, “Who thought the strict unit chief would become so soft at the sight of his first grandchild?”
**Few Weeks Later**
Your family vacation had been planned a year in advance. Everyone was at the lake house and you all decided to go boating. Joey said, “Dad, did you really have to bring the rat?”
“Leave my girl alone.”
Aaron began to drive on the boat and you took countless pictures of all the kids and their significant others. You walked over to kiss him and Mason said, “Dad, the rat wants you.”
Aaron rolled his eyes and picked up your dog.
“She’s probably cold, Mas.”
Aaron tucked your dog into his sweatshirt and held her as he was driving. You made sure to snap a picture to add to his collection of pictures with the dog. He was very protective of his dog.
Joey walked over with Michael in his arms and said, “Here Grandpa, take over, I’m going to shotgun with my brothers and sisters.”
Aaron rolled his eyes and Michael handed him the baby. He had stopped the boat and turned off the engine. He sat in the back of the boat holding Michael and began to feed him. You made your way over and laid your head on Aaron’s arm.
Aaron and you looked out at your children and saw how happy they were. The kids were all pushing each other off the boat or wrestling on the platform or the watermat. They were having fun, not a care in the world. That’s all that mattered.
“I’m glad we were able to make this work.”
“Me too, honey. Let’s plan on it for next year. Who knows, we might have more grandchildren by then.”
Aaron said, “I wish Jack would tell us that she’s pregnant.”
You both chuckled and you leaned forward to kiss him. He held you and whispered, “I love you so much. Thank you for giving me a chance all those years ago.”
You smiled at him and said, “I love you, too, Aar.”
You stood up and went to go on the watermatt with the kids.
Aaron looked down at Michael and Michael was staring up at him and beginning to smile. He said, “Hey buddy. Look, you want to see your crazy family?”
Aaron put Michael on his chest and Michael grabbed Aaron’s shirt. Aaron kissed his head and said, “This family has come a long way, and someday, when you’re telling your children about us, you’ll realize just how far we’ve come.”
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