fluideli123 · 2 days
Do you ever think about how intertwined Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki are as characters to the point their cores and actions reflect one another and they only become stronger together and understand each other in ways no one else can, that they can look at the other two and know, just know, always just knowing
Or are you normal
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theyellmanfan · 2 days
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Alternate universe where Bakugou doesn't survive the battle. I think he'd haunt them to be quite honest and not go out peacefully. Based off a dream I had.
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beachbeibi · 2 months
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Lost & Found part 6
Quirkless AU with Todoroki siblings, big bro Touya, and Dabihawks BUT IT’S COMPLICATED
Please do not repost or reupload without permission and please DO NOT RE-UPLOAD TO YOUTUBE, WHY WOUD YOU DO THAT.
Part 7.2 I Part 7.1 I Part 6 I Part 5 I Part 4 I Part 3 I Part 2 I Part 1
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tsukk1 · 1 year
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i’m so normal about baby shouto and big brother touya
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naespazas · 1 year
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well he looks at me and I look at him and he looks at me and I look at him
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frickingnerd · 6 months
shoto todoroki crushing on you
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pairing: shoto todoroki x gn!reader
tags: fluff, inexperienced shoto, confession
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shoto is going to be a little bit confused about his feelings for you at first
he really likes you! he definitely likes you more than he likes midoriya or momo or any of his other friends
but he's never been in love before and he isn't sure if what he's feeling is how love is supposed to feel like
he's probably going to do some research on his own, before he talks to his friends about it
he's going to watch youtube videos like "10 signs you are in love" or "how to talk to your crush" to get a better idea
once he thinks he figured everything out, he starts to tell his friends about his feelings for you, asking them for advice how to confess to you
the poor guy has zero dating experience, despite tons of girls actively crushing on him–
izuku and the others are going to try to help shoto out with you. they'll set the two up for situation where you are alone and they'll tell him what to say or do to win you over
every time he's about to talk to you, they are hyping him up and encouraging him to finally confess to you!
shoto isn't particularly shy to talk to you, he is just unsure if he's saying or doing the right thing
he decides that the best way to confess to you is to do it the classic way: 
he'll put a letter in your locker, asking you to meet him behind the school by the end of the day
he'll wait there for you, with either a single flower or a small box of chocolate that he bought the day before
he doesn't want it to be anything big, otherwise you would noticed it right away behind his back–
once you arrive there, he finally confesses to you
he'll tell you when he fell for you, what made him fall for you and by the end of it all, he'll ask you to be his significant other…
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mymhameme · 2 months
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He likes two whole pro heroes ✌️
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dominaecaede · 1 year
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the intensity in his eyes 😭✨
(top: mine, bottom: original)
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lemonwerewolf · 1 year
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todoroki yell
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anathemaspeaks · 1 month
"falling in love with you wasn't a part of my life plan, but i don't regret that i did."
with affectionate boyfriend!Shoto :D
i hope you like it <3
check out my prompt list and send in requests!
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You were resting, your head on Shoto’s lap, facing up at him and his fingers gently carding through your hair. It was unfair how someone could look so pretty from such an unflattering angle.
His heterochromatic eyes were sparkling as he gazed down at your peaceful form, filled with so much love you thought your heart would burst. He smiled down at you, softly, looking at you as if you were the most beautiful thing in the world. And to him, you were.
This time, two years ago, if someone would’ve told you you would be dating the pro-hero Shoto Todoroki, you would’ve laughed at them, brushing it off with a “he’s just a friend,” knowing you had no chance.
You met in your UA days. You knew Shoto was a stoic man, one who had no time for trivial things like love - especially with all of his family’s issues, coupled with his own.
Surprisingly, the man found himself enjoying your company a lot more than he would like to admit. Soon, the two of you were steadfast friends. It remained that way even through your journeys to becoming pro-heroes.
You had always loved him. You had always thought he was a man who never wanted to love, instead accepting the fact that you two would just be good friends.
He had always loved you too, ever since the day you crashed into him, causing him to spill his cold soba. You bought him another one after that, apologizing profusely, flustered by the fact that you messed up in front of your crush - and that was the beginning of your friendship.
Look at where you are now. A diamond much too expensive for you to even think about resting on your ring finger, and matching, lovesick smiles on the both of your faces.
You lifted your hand up, thumb lightly grazing his scar. You thought it made him look even more unfairly gorgeous. He only ever allowed you to touch it, you were the only person who could make his heart beat so fast with just one look. Even after two years, he was still wrapped around your finger.
You sat up, still sitting in his lap. You moved your head into the crook of his neck, breathing in his expensive cologne, and something else, something that made him smell so…Shoto.
He turned his head slightly, planting a soft kiss on your temple, letting his lips linger there for a while.
“Sho, when did you realize you loved me?” You inquired.
“Since the day you beat my ass during training. You got me cold soba after that, because you felt guilty for hurting me. That day, seeing you choke on your own food, I knew I just had to have you.” He chuckled, fondly remembering the memory.
“Oh come on” you whined and buried your face deeper into his neck, an embarrassed blush taking over your features. He tightened his grip around you, placing a hand under you jaw to make you look back up at him.
“Love, it’s always been only you for me. You’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen - inside and out. You’re the reason I know what love is…I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. Falling in love with you wasn’t a part of my life plan, but I don’t regret that I did, because now, you’re the best part of my life.” He said, nothing but sincerity in his voice.
You get to marry him. You felt like the luckiest girl in the world. You leaned up, capturing his lips in a tender kiss, grinning from ear to ear when you broke apart.
“Okay, but would you still love me that way if I was a worm?”
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i can’t write anything seriously but he’s such a cutie oh god
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fluideli123 · 2 days
Something something Bakugo being taught all his life he will be all powerful, Almight still choosing to give Midoriya his incredible power despite his body being unfit, Todoroki being created to be powerful and reclaiming his own identify for his own individuality and how this reflects their constant goals to win, save, and embrace in which embody their life goals to be heroes something something
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dubuthecat · 7 months
they way etoiles said stop making fun of my fucking accents xDDDD it just sounded sooooooo.
context: etoiles was doing a whole rant trying to cheer tina up but tina got distracted by they way he says happens
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ghyulia · 1 month
Shouto Todoroki x reader, wc ~2.9k
tw: injuries, a little bit of angst if u squint rlly hard just dumb todoroki in luvv
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There are three times with you when Shouto has to physically stop himself from kissing you.
The first time is when you two are cleaning up after the UA festival. You had offered to stay behind to clean up the little that was left while everyone else had headed to the beauty pageant. You didn't mind missing out on it, really. The performance with your class was already so much fun and left you feeling content enough for the rest of the day. Todoroki, upon hearing your offer, also decides that he wants to stay back and clean up. His excuse is that "Most of what's left is my ice anyway." You smile and say that you would definitely appreciate his help. You fail to notice how the tips of his ears change into a redder hue.
You two work in comfortable silence, getting rid of most of the ice. It stayed like that for a while, until you heard one of your favorite songs playing from somewhere on the UA campus. "Oh, I love this song!" You said, humming along. Todoroki couldn't help but stare. You look so happy. He felt something warm blooming in his chest again. At first, Todoroki had wondered why this only happened when he was around you. He thought he might be sick, but after these..weird phenomena in his body kept on occurring, he took to the web, which gave him a better insight into his strange feelings. Love wasn't something he was experienced in, as he didn't receive much as a child. It was his first time ever feeling this way...
He's so busy staring at you that he doesn't even realize when he stabs himself with one of the props.
"Todoroki, Oh my God! You're bleeding!" You yell as you frantically rush over to where he is. "Oh. I am." The boy murmurs. You grab his hand without a second thought and inspect the damage done. "It's not that deep, which is great! You should probably put a bandaid on it though." You say, flipping his hand front and back. You're so close. Shouto has to bite his tongue to stop himself from asking to kiss you. You two had finally started getting closer. If you didn't see him that way, or if you just didn't want to kiss him, Todoroki thinks he would probably never recover. Ever. So he just tries his best to avert his gaze from you. "I should probably head over to Recovery Girl, then." Todoroki mumbles, still not looking directly at you. "Actually, I think I have a bandaid. Wait one sec!" You abruptly let go of Todoroki's hand before running over to where you left your bag. He lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and tries his best to calm his nerves. You dig in your bag for a while, before finally jogging back to where you left the boy. "Here! It's a bit childish, so if you don't want to wear it I totally understand, haha." You smile.
The bandaid is pretty childish. It's hot pink, with little kirbies and yoshies plastered all over the flimsy material. Todoroki can't help but crack a smile. "I'll take it. Thanks, (Name)." You smile at him before getting back to work.
30 minutes later, everywhere is clean. Todoroki bids you a short goodbye before heading to the auditorium's exit.
"By the way, Todoroki?" "Your hands are really pretty."
Todoroki swears he can feel his heart explode. He utters a quick "Thank you" before hastily exiting the room.
He never ends up using your bandaid, instead opting to keep it safe in the confines of his wallet. (He just wants to have it forever and stare at it. It's his first gift from you, after all.)
The second time is during your hangout together. Upon visiting Todoroki's dorm a week prior and finding out he had never done the fun average teenage stuff (Amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, the like) you insist on taking him out along with a few other classmates to paintball.
You explain how it works and the rules, and he listens, head nodding up and down like a puppy. Cute, you think.
Paintball is a blast, is all Todoroki can think. The first round was pretty calm, with everyone trying to get into the feel of the game. The matches afterward are pure chaos. The good kind. Everyone is doused in paints of various colors. Hours go by, and everyone decides to have the final match before going to lunch. You and Todoroki are on different teams, which disappoints him a little, but nothing he can't handle of course. (He's sulking miserably.)
The game progresses, and still no sight of you. Todoroki lets out a small sigh before scouting the area for a potential target. He doesn't notice you sneaking up behind him. You decide that instead of shooting him, it would be more surprising if you just throw all of your paintballs at him. By the time he realizes you're behind him, it's too late. "Gotcha!" You shout. Todoroki's covered in paint from head to toe now, but he knows that your arsenal is wiped out. He gets to work, quickly trying to grab his gun and extend the distance from you two. You don't allow that though, closing in on him even more and attempting to grab the gun from his hand. As a last-ditch effort to get you, Todoroki tries to reach for the paintballs attached to his thigh. You frantically grab his hand and intertwine your fingers in them, pushing him backward until you both fall over. At this point, you both are rolling, trying to take the paint on Todoroki's thigh until you roll right into a designated trap that ends up spilling paint all over the both of you. You both stop and blink. You guys look like a mess. You burst out into a fit of laughter, and Todoroki just stares at you. He didn't even realize the proximity you two are in until now. You smell like green apples...or something else that's fruity. He can feel your breath as you laugh, and he swears he might just kiss you right now.
You finally realize that one of your hands are still intertwined together, and blurt out a quick apology before wiping away some paint from your eyes. Todoroki gets up and offers you his hand, smiling wider than you've ever seen him do before. You take it, and he doesn't let go until you reach the paintball locker rooms.
The rest of the day is just as fun. When the evening rolls by, Todoroki offers to walk with you back to the dorms. "Today was really fun, wasn't it Todoroki? Next time I think we should totally go to the aquarium! Spring break is coming up soon, so we can ask Mr. Aizawa beforehand for permission if you want!" You beam. Todoroki smiles.
(And it was on that trip to the aquarium where you two ended up on a first-name basis. Todoroki thinks that the paintball and aquarium trips were genuinely the happiest he's ever been in his life. The pictures from those days hung up on the wall in his room attest to that.)
The third and final time is when you get badly injured. Due to Todoroki's feud with Yoarashi, and Bakugou's poor performance during the rescue section, They had both failed to get their provisional hero licenses. You however had successfully gotten your license and had started your hero intern studies with the rest.
You were doing your internship with Ryukyu and were enjoying it for the most part. It was hard, but you were learning new things, so it was pretty rewarding. You hadn't really talked to Shouto much as you were busy with your work and he was busy taking his supplemental makeup lessons. You would occasionally say hi and bye, but that was pretty much it. Shouto was losing his mind. He already felt annoyed that he had let his feelings about his old man get the better of him during the test, causing him to lose his license, but he was losing way more now. He was losing time with you.
Eventually, you and a few of your classmates are pulled into an operation regarding the Shie Hassakai. You learn about the plan to defeat Kai Chisaki, the mastermind of this yakuza group, and to save a girl named Eri. You hear about the horrors being done to her and it sickens you to your stomach. After the briefing, you, Midoriya, Ochaco, Kirishima, and Asui are sworn into secrecy. You can't tell anybody about the mission. (but you so badly want to tell Shouto.)
The days leading up to the mission are horrible for you. You feel so nauseous every time you think about poor Eri. How could Chisaki do this to his own kid? The rest of 1-A seem to take note of the damper on a few of you guys' moods, with Iida always offering an ear to any problems you may be facing. It doesn't go unnoticed by Shouto either. He hates seeing you look that way. He's never seen you make such a sad expression. He doesn't know what to do or how to approach how you're feeling, so he just watches from afar. Occasionally, he offers you some of his lunch. You just force a smile at him and politely refuse, making him feel even more useless. He was so frustrated with himself for not being able to make you smile like you did that day. (His mind wanders back to the paintball trip...).
(You yourself were in your own turmoil. Every time Shouto talked to you, offered you a smile or some of his lunch, you fought the urge to just spill everything and cry in his arms. When did your crush on him get so bad?)
Shouto decides to let it go for now, resolving to visit your room later and ask force you to tell him what's wrong.
But that resolve is quickly crumbled upon making his way to your dorm, hearing the faint sounds of sniffling and muffled sobs. Shouto freezes in his tracks, unsure of what to do. Should he still knock? He knows you'll pretend to not have been crying. He doesn't how he would comfort you...
And so he decides that tomorrow, he'll definitely talk to you. For tonight though, he'll think of all the ways to make you feel better.
As it happens, tonight turns out to be the night of the operation. You slip out of your room at an ungodly hour and meet up with the others.
The mission goes as it goes. You end up separated from the others, left to fight some of Chisaki's goons. You hold your own, making them bite the curb. You only sustained minor injuries, to your luck. You're about to go regroup with the others when some of the underlings inject themselves with a quirk booster shot and all but pounce on you. You grit your teeth and prepare for a rematch. Does it even count as one? You think. You fight, but it feels never-ending. The enemies just keep on getting stronger. Eventually, you're bruised, bloody, and losing stamina. You feel yourself getting weaker. Your field of vision starts to distort, leaving you queasy. You need to wrap this up, quick. One of the enemies manages to leave another deep wound on your abdomen, but you fight through the pain and use this moment to land a fatal attack yourself. After fifteen more minutes of gruesome fighting, you finally land the dealing blow on the last of the goons. You think you did until you see him get up again. At this point, you're bleeding from too many places to count, and you can barely hold yourself up, let alone attack again. So you brace yourself for an attack that never comes. You open your eyes and realize that the enemy couldn't even handle the quirk booster in his system anymore, passing out from the strain. Thank God. The adrenaline wears off, and you pass out, lying in a pool of your own blood. The only thing you can think of before you're out is Shouto and his smile. That day you two went to the aquarium was really fun.
When you come to, you're in a hospital bed. You blink, trying to adjust to the light. You dart your eyes around, observing your surroundings. Is it over? You think, before slowly sitting up. Your wounds don't hurt as much as you thought they would.
You later learn from the Doctor that you had been asleep for almost two days. She also tells you that since your injuries seem to be healing well, you should expect to be discharged by tomorrow. And you do along with the others.
You're greeted at the dorms with a warm welcome and a 'great job!' from most. You look around for Shouto and spot him sitting on the couch saying something to Bakugou. You want to talk to him and catch up on things, but maybe that should wait... You opt to talk with Mina and Hagakure instead. (Once again, You fail to notice the boy staring intently at you.)
You decide to retire to your dorm for the night, feeling tired yet relieved. With the whole operation done and Eri saved you felt like you could sleep peacefully--- for the most part. A part of you really wanted to talk to Shouto. It felt so long since you two had done that. He didn't say a word to you today. Was he mad you didn't tell him about the operation? You tried to talk to him after your conversation with Mina and Hagakure, but by the time you finished, he was gone. You let out a sigh and wait for the elevator.
"(Name)." You turn around to face the white and red-haired boy. Your heart does a little jump for joy. "Hey, Shouto! It's been a while hasn't it?" You attempt to make small talk, but it seems like he isn't having it at all. The elevator comes, and you both get on. It's silent, but not the comfortable kind. You feel him staring at you. "Is something wrong?" You inquire, smiling politely. "Yeah." Shouto leaves it at that and you turn to face him. "Oh..do you wanna talk about it? I was heading to my room if you wanna come with." He nods, not saying anything else until you close your room door.
"So..What's up?" You ask, tilting your head slightly. You take a seat on your bed and pat the spot next to you, motioning the boy to sit. He does. Shouto doesn't know where to start. He doesn't know what to say, so he just exhales and lets all his feelings pour out.
"You...When you first began your work-study you got really busy...Which is normal, of course. We didn't get any time to talk to each other anymore, which hurt me a little (A lot). Then the special operation came along, and you got really gloomy. I know why now, but at the time, I didn't. And I didn't expect you to tell me why you were down in the dumps because it was obvious you didn't want to tell me, but it was still hard to watch you be so sad. I hate watching you make such a pained expression, (Name). I felt helpless. I just wanted to make you smile and laugh like you did for me. Whenever I see you smile, it makes me want to smile too. To make things worse, I wanted to talk to you about your feelings, but I froze when I got to your room after hearing you crying. I hate myself for it. I told myself that I would do it the next day, but by then, you were gone. I regret it so much. Fuck, I really wish I had just knocked on the door. And then I heard that you got seriously injured during the mission and it felt like my heart was being clawed out from the inside. I hated that feeling so much, (Name). And honestly, I lied. Not talking to you hurt me a lot, because I love talking to you, (Name). I love..." Shouto stops and looks at you.
You stare at him for a while, processing everything he said. "I didn't know you felt that way, Shouto." You moved closer to the boy before placing your hand on his. "I...felt the same way, for the most part. I hated not talking to you as much, too. And also, I did want to tell you about everything. In fact, you were the only person I wanted to talk about it to. But I couldn't. But I should've at least talked to you on a general level. Also, I didn't know you heard me crying, hehe. You shouldn't blame yourself for not coming in. You were going to come the next day, weren't you? It was just bad timing. And I love making you smile too. For me, just being around you is usually enough to lift my spirits too. During the operation, and even in my fight, I was thinking about you. So don't blame yourself, Shou."
Shouto just stares at you. All he really wants to do is kiss you, but he stops himself because he's unsure and anxious. He doesn't want to ruin things. He likes you too much to run that risk.
But when you intertwine your fingers with his, lean in, and press a chaste kiss to his lips, Shouto stops denying himself heaven and crashes his lips against yours.
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a/n: ahhh that's it!! I actually really like this and I love todoroki sm :))) I hope ygs like this as much as I do!
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tsukk1 · 11 months
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tddk formula 1 au i'm bringing back from the dead
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todomitoukei · 1 month
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this is how touya-nii would've reacted, if he had heard shouto
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frickingnerd · 29 days
dating shoto todoroki
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pairing: shoto todoroki x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, petnames
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shoto might not seem like it, since he's rather cold and distant towards everyone else, but he's actually quite the clingy boyfriend!
he's touch starved and loves nothing more than when you touch him, whether it's hugs, kisses, holding hands or just resting a hand on his shoulder or waist!
he doesn't get flustered by that type of intimacy! you never saw your boyfriend blush before, only smiling, when you shower him with your love!
shoto loves to call you by your first name, but also calls you by pet names like “darling", “beloved” or “my love” on occasion!
since shoto comes from a privileged background, he's able to shower you in gifts! though he does try not to spoil you!
but whenever he gets to fulfill a wish of yours, he'll gladly do so! whether it's something as small as craving cake at 3am or as big as wanting to drive in a carriage for a date!
dates with shoto vary from something fancy like carriage rides to expensive restaurants to cheap fast food that you ordered for movie night to enjoy alongside some trashy movies!
as long as you are around shoto, he's able to enjoy anything! and he does like to try out new things, as long as it's with you!
shoto's siblings welcome you into the family with open arms, as well as his mother! only enji is reluctant to accept you, as he views you as a distraction to shoto…
as for your friends, shoto tries to get along with them, but doesn't put a lot of effort into befriending them. he's interested in you, not your friends, so he doesn't understand why he should spend his time with them if he got you!
shoto tends to get a bit jealous of your friends as well! he wants to be your favorite person, even if he hasn't quite realized that himself yet. so seeing you get along so well with other people makes him wish it was him instead…
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