#shawn spencer
serendipititties · 1 day
Found these two memes one after the other
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dunsbar · 2 days
psych is about a man and his polycule
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 days
AU where Shawn Spencer worked at the SCP Foundation at some point during the 10 years
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deanlighful · 2 days
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In another life Arthur and Merlin were Shawn and Gus
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I could rant about them for actual hours but like it's so hard to put thoughts down. But literally an actual quote was someone telling Zoro that "you promised you wouldn't cause trouble" and Zoro replies, EXACT WORDS, "I had no choice because I ran into Luffy." There was also an exchange where Zoro was giving Luffy food and Luffy warns him it might be poison while eating it and Zoro is just like "huh, so that's why my stomach was hurting". They also both swung from vines once and BOTH decided to Tarzan yell. They agreed it was a requirement. Also, Luffy once said he didn't wanna be a hero because heros would share their meat and he wants all of it, and Zoro entirely separately says the SAME THING BUT WITH BOOZE INSTEAD. There are so many examples of them sharing a single braincell. More than I could ever list. But those are the examples I thought of off the top of my head.
On the surface, Zoro seems to have some common sense, and only follows Luffy’s dumb schemes out of respect. Then Nami joins and you realize that Zoro’s seriousness IS his dumbassedness. He and Luffy have one track minds for their own goals and wants, and while they may clash, they have a decent amount of respect for each other.
haven’t finished one piece yet but one example: zoro when stuck figured cutting off his feet would be a genius idea and luffy is luffy. there’s never any thoughts going on in that head
When I first started One Piece I thought Zoro was going to be the badass smart counterpart to the dumbass protagonist just like Vegeta or Sasuke. Turns out I couldn't be more wrong. Him and Luffy are besties and share one brain cell and even thou Zoro uses it most of the time it's still one.
They share one single braincell at the same time: after being seriously injured in a battle, one wakes up to drink sake the other to eat meat. One almost cut a Noble (which means being pursued til death by the most powerful marines), the other actually punches said Noble. One gest stuck between buildings, the other inside a chimney for absolutely unrelated reasons
Their solution to everything is to fight it. They never have a plan and just rush into everything. Somehow they are technically the leaders of the group as captain and first mate. They have both at some point attempt to cut or tear their legs or arms off to get out something. They used the same metaphor to explain why they aren’t a hero without hearing the other say it (a hero would share their meat/booze I want to keep it all to myself).
they said let us cut/punch a hole trough a giant tsunami and they did it <3 also one time they were suppossed to lay low, but well they both immediately started robbing and attacking a town and being recognized and labeled as criminals in a new country. they don't even share a braincell, whatever braincell they had before immediately leave as soon as they both are together, also King of the Pirates and World Greatest Swordsman dreamteam, also for lasagne thing not only would the house be gone, the city be burning and they are fleeing the police while also fighting the police
They're just soooo stupid. Zoro can't walk to steps without getting lost. So Luffy will yank him miles through the air to land on wood. Or stone. Or some other hard substance. Luffy would fight someone on accident for meat. And Zoro for booze. And they have no brain cells between them. Zoro new Luffy for approx. 3 seconds before he decided he would die for him. And Luffy heard about this big scary bounty hunter who was captured by marines and went. I need him on my crew. They're perfect for each other.
I dont where to begin. One of their latest feats though is them going into the enemy base, Meaning to sneak in, Luffy went in after another guy, Zoro after Luffy, luffy then Announced himself, started a fight bc ppl wasted food on purpose, ZORO hearing a commotion, SLICED THROUGH A BUILDING TO GET TO LUFFY AND THEN REPRIMANDED LUFFY FOR FORGETTING THE PLAN AND BEING UNABLE TO BE QUIET. THEN. T H E N LUFFY SAYS HE SPILT FOOD ON PURPOSE AND ZORO IS INSTANT LIKE oh ok. They gotta die. (Theres more to it but thats the gist. And thats not even. Much. They r just so stupid together <33)
they both get lost very easily, they will throw hands with anyone, very stupid but very understanding, were a 2 person pirate crew that sailed around on a rowboat, motivated entirely by fighting, meat, and sake, neither is particularly literate one time luffy got his hand stuck in a bottle and zoro tried to get it out by cutting his hand off, yes this happened in a canon episode
look, I have a tag for them that's literally #pair of idiots.
Gus & Shawn
They’ve been friends canonically since at least 3 years old and at the start of the show they’re I wanna say 30 maybe? And yet these two grown men are THE most chaotic idiots (affectionate) in the whole show (and let’s be real anywhere). The entire show in fact hinges on the idea that they’re dumbasses and WILL get into carat shenanigans. Episode examples include the one where they are investigating an alien abduction, the one where they’re looking for big foot, the vampire one, all of these by the way they hundred percent believe to be true until they themselves unwillingly prove otherwise. And maybe the most dumbass moment of all time, when Gus finds his boss dead and instead of calling the cops he gets his dna ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE, calls Shane to help clean up and Shawn gets HIS DNA ALL OVER THE CRIME SCENE AS WELL!!!! Truly cannot think of a worse reaction to finding a dead body. They’ve been sucking that single brain cell that exists between them dry for over 3 decades now and they show no signs of stopping.
they are such idiots (affectionate) and they can't live without each other
they are. so stupid. both of them can be smart in their own ways but when you put them together the dumb best friends energy is unmatched. they are platonic soulmates pretending that shawn has psychic powers and solve crimes by dicking around and somehow always coming out alive. they accidentally befriend the criminals they’re supposed to be investigating constantly. they’re always one step away from being fired or arrested bc of their dumbassery
the entire show is literally shawn pretending to be a psychic (← dumbass behavior) and gus aiding and abetting him and actively a dumbass as well
If you have seen even a single episode of this show, you know these two fools are the best duo ever. Constantly bantering theough 80s movie references and animal like noises, most often above a dead body, these two bring unique different dummy energy that both brings each other up and builds up their own skills along the way. I will love these two men until the day I die and they deserve an honest chance to be the best dumbass duo of all time!
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thespiritssaidso · 2 days
Item #: SCP-8675309🍍
Update: SCP has scratched out any and all files with its identification number and replaced them with pineapple doodles and obscure/inappropriate numbers. Standard procedure is to white out any defacement done to the files and replace it with the correct number, but when confronted with the task none of the employees had the heart to do so.
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-8675309 Heinz 57🍍 is to be treated like foundation staff with level 5 clearance. Caution is advised when approaching, lest foundation personnel be influenced under heavy charm. SCP has previously gained access to multiple levels this way when it only had level 1 clearance.
Containment of SCP is not necessary, as it has proven it means no harm — not that it can do any — and is willing to come to work every day, albeit sometimes a bit late. The most amount of harm it has performed was by enamoring the guards outside of SCP-294 enclosure in order to acquire a pineapple smoothie. In my defense, those smoothies are to die for. -🍍
Using any form of memory wiping in an effort to contain SCP-8675309 3.141596…🍍 is severely prohibited, as it has previously shown severe signs of distress when it cannot remember the smallest of details. Years of training from your dad to be the world’s greatest detective will do that to ya. -🍍
Description: SCP is a humanoid Caucasian-Latino male, and responds to the name of Shawn Spencer, although it has given itself a number of various nicknames.
SCP shows clear signs of ADHD and a strange fascination with pineapples. SCP can often be seen carrying varying types of snacks flavored like the aforementioned fruit: dried pineapple slices, pineapple nutrigrain bars, and oftentimes simply a large pineapple itself. It’s up for debate as to where it attains these treats for itself, as its pockets have been routinely checked at the entrance of the foundation as it signs in for the day. Some hypothesize it has somehow struck a deal with SCP-261 into giving nothing but pineapple snacks in exchange for Yen. Although no one is sure where it would get the Yen from, as it has reportedly never been to Japan (although it has very clearly expressed its wishes to do so some day).
SCP-8675309 69 lol🍍 also displays an uncanny ability to read a person, able to guess private information from a glance. All personnel are advised to try not to keep anything hidden from it, as it is not only pointless, but its suspicion of said personnel will simply grow.
SCP can be found normally either lounging in the break room, flirting with any and all foundation members it finds attractive, and befriending other SCPs, such as SCP-999. It has found itself particularly fond of SCP-529, and is constantly feeding it cheese, despite being advised not to.
All foundation staff are instructed not to call the SCP an SCP to its face, as it will grow agitated. Obviously I’m gonna get ‘agitated’! How would you feel if you were called an SCP, huh?! -🍍
Reference: Originating from Santa Barbara California, SCP has travelled all over the United States, leaving its footprint in nearly every major city. Well, every city that the SCP has reported as, quote unquote, ‘fun’. Nothing wrong with that. -🍍
Incidents caused by the SCP whilst traveling have been logged and recorded, including the ⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ incident, the ⬜️⬜️⬜️ debacle, and the altercation in ⬜️⬜️ between SCP⬜️⬜️⬜️ and SCP-8675309 8008135🍍.
Great file, amazing. Just a few notes here. First off: cut the ‘it/its’ pronouns. I get some people go by that, but me? No thanks. Second off: very boring report. There’s a severe lack of pictures and way too many words, I almost feel asleep reading this. -🍍
Update: SCP has since left the foundation since the last time its file has been updated. While never clearly stating where it was going, a large sum of money was removed from the foundation treasury and used towards purchasing a plane ticket to Germany.
SCP-8675309 is currently living its life comfortably in the city of Santa Barbara in California, working for the local police as a consultant ‘psychic detective’. Whether or not SCP is actually psychic has been the subject of debate for nearly 5 years between staff.
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cas-paradox · 7 hours
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pineapplepluto · 2 days
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Psych Season 1 Episode 15 Scary Sherry: Bianca's Toast (extended scene)
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crow2222 · 3 days
@gay-poet-gabriel HELP ME??
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sonwabile-reads · 1 day
Everything is mostly the same except Gus and Shawn are married. Shawn still flirts with everyone and everything that breathes but Gus is so used to it that he doesn't bat an eyelash coz unfortunately Shawn is obsessed with him and it's his entire personality.
5 + 1 fic where one by one the team finds out that they're married married and not like married besties.
Wait is there a fic like that 👀👀👀
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under-loch-n-key · 2 days
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Shawn's drawing was rushed. So, it's not as put together as Lassie's. It's felt very stressed lately so I'm sorry his is so rushed. But enjoy some more Shassie art!! 💛💛💛
lassie is still my beloved.
(Totally am not working on more Cowboy shassie (maybe even Gus) to draw rn as we speak. Definitely not. I will also be sketching more House MD/Ethical Omens MD art. I’ve been all over the place. Lol.)
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arrowheadedbitch · 2 days
Despereaux: Would you like a Cafe Au Lait?
Shawn: Oh, no thanks, I take my coffee black.
Dessy: You take your coffee...black?
Shawn: Yeah?
Desperussy: You eat bacon crusted pineapple donuts but you draw the line at putting milk in your coffee?
Shawn: Exactly.
Despereaux: Shawn Spencer, you are an enigma
Shawn: Thanks?
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escapismqueen · 3 days
There’s nothing quite like the joy that these idiotic, unhinged but lovable men from tv bring me.
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dunsbar · 18 hours
suddenly found myself attracted to shawn spencer and am cursing myself. i can only assume this is the exact same regretful process that every single character on psych went through.
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pineapple-psychic · 2 days
why didnt anyone tell me that grayscale is so fun
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i cant decide which versions better so you get ALL
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