awakenmiamor · 23 hours
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Happy pride month
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 11 hours
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This is late but HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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courtofparrots · 2 days
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I fucked around and made this the demons GOT ME
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leonscoffin · 2 days
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finished an old sketch from September
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geddy-leesbian · 19 hours
since June 1st is the birthday I've had picked out for the twins in my rockstar/actor!Luis AU, here's a quick lil drabble of their fourth birthday 💖
The second he opens the door to the playroom, Luis is bombarded by the twins. Both of them are wearing their poofy, sparkly, fancy princess dresses; Juliana's is purple, and Belén's is pink. He takes it like a champ, immediately grinning and kneeling down to hug them and kiss the tops of their heads.
“Birthday girls!” Luis ruffles their hair and notices something. “Where did your tiaras you had this morning go?!”
“Up there,” Leon says, pointing to the top of their adorable, on-theme castle shaped bookshelf. “Had to take them away because they kept taking them off and trying to beat each other with them.”
“Slander. My sweet princesses would never do such a thing.” Luis says, voice dripping with sarcasm.
Leon rolls his eyes. The twins were good kids, never had any problems with other kids at preschool, but they did like to rough house with each other. It was perfectly normal for their age so they didn't punish them for it and mostly let it play out, but Leon or Luis always had to watch closely to make sure they didn't accidentally get too rough and actually hurt each other. Which usually just meant taking away whatever objects they decided were makeshift weapons.
“Papi! Papi!” Juliana suddenly shouts right into Luis's ear, making him wince. She was definitely Luis's daughter. With each passing day, she looked more and more like him. Her sister retained her pale complexion and light red hair, but Juliana's had darkened as she aged. Now she has dark brown hair and warm tanned skin only a little bit lighter than her father's. She took after him in personality too, always talking, usually obnoxiously loudly too. “Can we ride horses now? Please? We wanted to before but Daddy said we had to wait for you.”
“No, no!” Belén jumps in. “Sing for us?”
“No! Horses!”
Leon gets a little misty eyed watching the scene unfold. They know it's their birthday. The special occasion is why they've got their full princess costumes on, and Leon kept hyping them up all day, reminding them that Papi had a surprise work thing, but as soon as he got home there would be birthday presents and cake. Now he's home, and the twins just want the same things he does with most normal days.
“It's okay, princesses, no fighting! We do both! Horses in a few minutes, music when we're done. Then cake and presents! I see Daddy already braided your hair, so go to your room and get changed, then get your helmets and boots on,” The twins run off, giving Luis space to greet Leon with a kiss on the cheek. Leon isn't even showing yet, but that doesn't stop Luis from rubbing his belly to greet their third that's now on the way. “Hey, mi amor, I love you. I got the living room decorated before coming back here, but seems like they really want out there for a bit, before we get going on birthday festivities. I know you feel too anxious to ride now, but are you up for going out and walking with us?”
“Yeah,” While he didn't let it show, Leon was just as eager as the twins to get out there. Though he didn't grow up with access to a horse like Luis did, he'd quickly come around and really enjoyed the family time they had doing trail rides. They had two horses, so Leon would ride with one twin in front of him, and Luis would ride with the other twin. He wasn't going to just give that up, he was happy to walk beside holding the reins to lead one horse, since the twins weren't ready to ride on their own. “I can definitely handle that. And I'm sorry you have to come home from work and immediately have to do a bunch of shit for them with no break. Would've gotten the decorations up myself and taken them outside to run around and get some energy out before you got home, but this damn first trimester fatigue is kicking my ass. I'll be fine walking, just didn't have the energy for chasing them around.”
“You're so stupid sometimes. You should know by now that doing things for and with them is a break for me. I'm sorry, that I had to spend the first half of their birthday on the movie set instead of here celebrating, giving you a break to nap…”
“It's okay, your movie is important too. I'm excited to see it. I'm tired, but I'll live. How's your voice going to be though? Don't want you wearing it out, they'll be okay if they go right from horses to presents with no singing.”
“It's their birthday, they want me to sing, I'm going to sing. My voice is okay. Today was just last minute reshoots of something the director randomly decided he didn't like. There was no singing, soundtrack was done weeks ago.”
When the twins come back into the room, Luis fusses over their helmets, making sure they're on properly. Then Leon heads for the living room with them. He grins when he sees the living room. Luis, of course, went all out, filling the room with so much glittery pink shit. Balloons, streamers, banners with their names, a small piñata… Leon half expects the girls to get distracted by it all and not want to go outside anymore, but they appear to be hell bent on getting horse time and go right to the front door without hesitation.
While Luis changes into his boots, Leon grabs the twins’ hands and starts walking out, knowing Luis is a fast enough walker to catch up easily. They inherited Luis's tendency to wander and run off outside, so Leon always insisted on holding their hands for even the shortest of walks outside. (Luis was less strict about it, believing a little bit of childhood wandering was healthy, but accepting of Leon's desire to be more cautious.)
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proxysart · 4 months
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diviedrawn · 12 days
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Leon hates the intel gathering part of missions
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szczurherbacany · 25 days
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shout out to hozier for creating too sweet and singlehandedly making me motivated enough to finish any art of them
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chesue00 · 28 days
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Serennedy coming in clutch for this trend🤸🏻‍♀️✨
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sirrenhd · 28 days
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erebus-th-blog · 27 days
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This meme is so funny lol.
(I don’t know if anyone has drawn this yet,but if you have ,please let me know and I will delete this one🥰
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courtofparrots · 19 hours
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Bro stop gripping him like that he’s fine you’re making Ashley a 3rd wheel. Also happy pride they’re so gay.
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luis-serras · 1 year
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choccy-sippy · 3 months
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quick doods
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anininas · 8 days
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