#ryo kurokiba
sinfulpanda16 · 5 months
He loves it when you sit on his back when he's doing pushups.
This almost never happens but when it does, he loves how it makes him feel like he's the strongest man for you. You're sitting on his back looking all cute and pretty counting his reps for him and although his diligence to going all the way down and pushing himself back up is causing him sweat he can't help but smile when he hears you giggling up there.
When he's done he'd give you a gentle kiss, "Thank you baby." and will probably want to keep you around to show off his muscles and strength some more. "Wanna help me with the rest of my workouts?" he asks smirking.
"Yes" you respond with a cute smile.
He picks you up and sits you on a counter nearby. He gives you another gentle kiss "Just keep being my cute cheerleader." he orders with a smirk.
Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Kunigami Rensuke, Reo Mikage, Kuroo Tetsurou, Bokuto Koutarou, Gojo Saturou, Fushiguro Toji, Eren Yeager, Kyo Sohma, Ryo Kurokiba, Draken
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lowkeyremi · 8 months
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let me talk abt ryo for a second
if you had a dollar for every time someone commented on his eye bags, you'd have a lot of dollars. there have been plenty of times where you and alice both bought him products to help with them but he just refuses to get rid of them. says they're a sign of his hard work and his dedication to cooking.
he gets sooooooooooooo mad when you say someone else's cooking is good, "mmm! akira the spices add to your curry, it's really good." you'd hear a little grunt, " that headache's food s'not better than mine." akira chuckles and you roll your eyes, "calm down"
ryo has definitely scared the shit out of people A LOT, especially you. he's the type of mf to stand behind you and not say anything so when you turn around you accidently slap him.
if he's not passionate about something he's sleeping. you were trying to teach him how to make a rubber band bracelet and he fell asleep half way through.
DOES NOT KNOW WHAT PRIVACY IS. it doesn't matter if you're changing, using the bathroom, showering, whatever, he'll just walk right in and go about his business. "ryo, i'm using the bathroom." his dark eyes slowly make their way to yours, "so? i don't care. i need to brush my teeth."
CEO of "eh" "hm?" "idk" and "oi" (honestly that's most of his vocabulary unless he's mad abt smthing)
HATES COFFEE. he just seems like a non-coffee drinker and akira + soma bully the fuck outta him for it
"ugh come here" kind of guy when it comes to cuddling, all you have to do is give him those eyes
if you give him the time of day he will rant abt how much he hates soma and akira
last but not least... "let me see if (name) wants to come" "(name) and i have plans" "i'm not going because (name) doesn't want to" most of his decisions are heavily influenced by those around him. (or you)
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hornyanimegirl · 2 years
Hi! Do you think you could do a fluff of soma x reader or an akira x reader from food wars? Everything else is up to you! ☺️
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includes . . . just a bunch of fluff
notes . . . im sorry this took so long, it took me forever to come up with this. i really like the way it turned out, and I hope you do too. please enjoy <3
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Soma Yukihira 
You had a long day at school, which included you waking up late and rushing to get ready for the day. And, when your day finally seemed to get better, you had an argument with your teacher that caused you to stay after class and arrive late to the dorm. 
You were exhausted, and didn’t want to cook yourself dinner, so you ordered some of your favorite food. Knowing that this was less work for you, so as you waited for the delivery to arrive, you could take a shower and relax. 
When you heard knocks on the door, you calmly walked to get your food. But, to your surprise, someone was already down there. Soma, a boy that stole your heart and vice versa, was standing by the closed door with the bag in his hands looking at it confused. 
“Soma that’s mine, you can give it to me” 
Soma turned in your direction, and upon seeing you his lips turned into a bright smile. He completely disregarded the bag in his hands, throwing it on the floor so he could go and hug you. 
You didn’t think he was listening to you as he smothered your face in kisses. But, once the word “food” slipped from your mouth, he stopped his movement. 
“What food” He asked tilting his head like a lost puppy, making you let out a chuckle. 
“The bag you just dropped is full of food sweetheart” 
Soma needed a few seconds to process the situation before his face scrunched up in confusion. 
“Why didn’t you just ask me to cook you some food” 
The small pout set on his lips caused your face to soften at his adorable expression. 
“I didn’t know where you were, and I was very hungry, so I just ordered some” 
Honestly, you hadn’t even thought of asking Soma to cook you dinner. Your mind fogged with exhaustion; you just did the first thing that came to mind. 
“Oh, okay then” 
Soma looked pleased with your answer, as he went to grab your food that thankfully landed up right. 
“Just come to me next time you don’t want to cook, ok? Oh, and you have to share your food now” 
His beaming smile melted your heart, and of course you agreed. How could you say no to him? 
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Akira Hayama 
You were helping Jun out with the things she had forgotten to do, like watering the plants and overseeing spices with her. Since Akira had wandered off to who knows where. 
You and Akira had been dating for a couple of months now. And, although he never told you, he loved to cook for you. He loved your reactions to his cooking and the praise you would give him once you were finished eating. 
You and Jun decided to order some food, too busy to cook for yourselves at the moment. The food took longer than necessary, and you and Jun were starving by the time you heard the knock on the door. Instead of seeing a delivery man, it was Akira holding you bag of food while waving the delivery man off. 
“Hi Akira” 
You greeted him with a small smile and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. 
After your greeting –that warmed his heart- he just walked past you. Confused, you walked after him, wondering what had him in such a rush. 
Akira turned into the room you and Jun were working in, to find Jun on the floor in a ball –due to her hunger- but completely ignored her. 
“Akira, what are you doing” 
Your voice rang through the room as you watched Akira walk towards the trashcan. 
It all happened in the blink of an eye; Akira threw away your food. 
Your mouth was agape, and your eyes wide. 
“Why did you do that” 
Your voice was calm, but inside you were fuming. You and Jun had waited forever for that food, and he had the audacity to throw it away. 
As if finally snapping out of his trance, he looked at you with shock in his eyes. After realizing what he did his cheeks burned red, too embarrassed to explain why he did it. 
But, knowing you, you wouldn’t let this go. So, mustering up the courage he finally explained. 
“I don’t like you eating other people’s food” 
You watched as Akira scratched the back of his head and turned away from you so you wouldn’t see the blush on his cheeks. 
You quite literally ran and jumped on him, as you both collapsed to the ground you were filled with uncontrollable giggles, and Akira had an unwavering smile. 
“Akira you’re really cute you know that” 
You said it with the brightest smile on your face. 
Was his response as he stared at you on top of his chest with love in his eyes. 
“But seriously we're starving, get up and cook us something” 
You continuously hit his chest while telling him to never throw your food away again, and Akira just cooked you more food while you did it. 
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Ryō Kurokiba 
“Hey Alice, I'm hungry” 
You had originally come to visit your boyfriend, but since he wasn’t here, you and Alice were just talking while playing cards. 
“Oh, then I'll call Ryo to cook us some food” 
She responded while tilting her head and placing a finger on her chin. 
“Alice he’s not here remember” 
“OHHH right, I forgot, then why don’t we just order some food” 
“Yeah, that’s perfect!” 
You had asked Alice what she wanted and then placed the order online. You guys continued your talking, the atmosphere calming.  
When the food had finally arrived, you thanked the kind man who delivered it and ate at the dining table with Alice. 
“Alice, I'm back” 
You heard Ryo’s voice as he approached the dining room. Quickly jumping from your chair and wrapping your arms around Ryo giving him a quick peck on the lips, you greeted with a smile. 
“Welcome back” 
“I didn’t know you were visiting” 
His voice was calm as he wrapped an arm around your waist. 
“It was a surprise!” 
“Can you guys stop with the lovey dovey stuff, I'm still here you know” 
Upon hearing Alice’s voice, Ryo’s gaze shifted away from you, and he noticed the food on the table that was placed in to-go boxes. 
“What is that” 
He was glaring at the food on the table, being uncharacteristically angry without his bandana on. 
“It’s food?” 
You were confused by the question but answered, nonetheless.  
Ryo let go of his hold on you and decided to try your plate of food.  
He wasn’t impressed by what he was tasting at all. 
“I could make this so much better” 
He was quick to get out ingredients to make the same dish, but with added flavor. 
“Don’t eat that, it’s a disappointment” 
You laughed as you watched your boyfriend cook for you. You knew he loved cooking for you but didn’t think he would be so angry over you eating fast food. 
“Here, taste it” 
It was delicious, and way better than the food you ordered. 
“It's amazing love, way better than the other food” 
You patted his head lovingly while smiling at him. His mouth upturned into one of the rare smiles you loved.  
Ryo watched as you ate, enjoying the way you talked nonstop to him. 
“Hey Ryo, what about my food” 
Alice was still waiting on her plate of Ryo’s food so she could try it. 
“Go make your own” 
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full---ofstarlight · 1 year
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How does this work?
Ryo is gay, but he's straight for me, and he's gay for Hayama, and Hayama's really gay for Ryo. And I hate Hayama.
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gj340 · 1 year
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am i the only one who knows about this game? please say i’m not alone...
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jplupine · 2 months
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Chapter 22 is now available!
Fic Title: Silver Sakura
Chapter Summary: Over summer break, Gin prepares for the BLUE preliminaries that will determine which three chefs from Totsuki will be going to BLUE along with Erina.
Chapter Warnings*: Mature Language, Puppy as a term of endearment
To read Chapter 22: AO3 || Wattpad
To start from the beginning: AO3 || Wattpad
*Chapter warnings are only for the chapter. This story contains 18+ themes and topics difficult to some readers; please read responsibly.
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polar-stars · 2 years
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Happy 10th Anniversary to “Shokugeki no Soma” 🎉🍳💕❤️
I think it’s...rather clear that this manga/anime holds a lot of importance to me and I wouldn’t want it to be missing in my life. The joy I’ve got out of it and the memories I’ve made are just too precious!
So, given the occasion that it has been exactly 10 years ever since Shokugeki got published in Shonen Jump today....I just had to do a tribute-piece somehow   ;v;
I tried my very best on this...and I very much hope you like it! 💕❤️✨
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readtilyoudie · 11 months
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Food Wars Vol 12
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nekonekoyaah · 1 year
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I’m not a huge fan of Soma but I’ve got inspiration from my friend’s RyoAki Thai students AU fanfic (their fiction was really nice I love it!) and background is referenced from MV of Thai song I randomly heard so I made this, I hope y’all like it✨
P.S. : About that song, I’ll put the link of it later when I know the song’s name🤏🏻
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cmarrujo · 2 years
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
im gonna rewatch food wars bc i miss ryo, akira, and soma's dynamic
plus i'll spend season 3 and 5 screaming at my screen bc of my hate for azami and asahi
i might have a thing for anime dilfs bc soma's dad is hot af
megumi is bby girl i love her
ryo being a bitch to everyone but alice is something i find beautiful
i tried to get my bsf to watch it but she thought it was food porn 💀
i swear food wars is actually rlly good
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hinamikyoukachan · 1 year
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kuleo26 · 2 years
Heey!! Can you do Ryo, Erina, Ikumi, Soma and Takumi from Food wars? Sorry if its to many to do😭
hi! thanks for requesting! all characters will be on a separate post <3
ryou kurokiba as a...
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place: fishing port
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color: mahogany
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food: seafood
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animal: eel
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flower: hollyhock
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scent: pepper
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june event masterlist
monthly events schedule
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Food wars anime review
Spoilers for food wars and mentions of nudity
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Disclaimer : I've only watched the first 2 seasons of food wars, because the rest aren't available on Netflix.
“Repeating trial and error and failing many times... it’s that process which makes dishes shine,” - Soma Yukihira
Genre: Slice of life, cooking, high school, comedy
Where I watched it: Netflix
Characterisation: 8/10 (The characters come form very different backgrounds and have distinct personalities, which all translate in their cooking. They are developed throughout the series, becoming more individual and gaining confidence in themselves, like Megumi, or understanding themselves better, like Hisako or Mito. Their backstories, where revealed, are intricate and original, fitting for them as individuals.)
Setting: 7.5/10 (I really liked the shift from Soma’s humble family diner to the grand cooking school- it really shows he’s entering a different world. The school caters to everything as it should, with cosy dorms where Soma and his friends hang out after class and grand stages for cooking competitions like the fall selection. One thing I particularly liked was the training camp- the fast paced plots and the changes in setting to match the activities made it really fun to watch. Apart from that, nothing stands out in particular.)
Art style: 9/10 (I absolutely love the way the characters are drawn ! Although it is nothing too unique, the style is really pleasing, and each character’s appearance is thoughtful and reflective of them. Settings are also drawn carefully and with attention to detail; this makes the anime all the more complete and enjoyable. Something that is definitely worth mentioning in this section is the food- I adore the way food is drawn in anime, and with this anime, you get to see many creative dishes presented in artistic ways.)
Plot: 8.5/10 (The plot is well executed and fast paced, with just the right level of build up before important cooking events. There’s a lot of anticipation too, as well as a few plot twists which keep the anime engaging. Despite the fact that the central focus of the series is cooking, there are many other elements and sub plots (romance, rivalries etc) which just add to the richness of the plot. However, it definitely falls short in one aspect- when the judges (or anyone, for that matter) eat good food, all their clothes come off (especially if they are women) and we find ourselves viewing strange scenarios in their heads which are somewhat linked to what they feel about the food. While I understand it’s meant to illustrate the impact the food has on the judges, I think there are better ways to go about it, because some of those scenes feel awkward and downright bizarre.) 
Comfort: 8/10 (Food wars is a pretty light hearted and relaxing anime to watch- it’s humorous and feel good, with the characters growing close and becoming more skilled and confident with each other’s help. There are plenty of wholesome scenes with the cast, and Soma’s carefree, happy vibes are definitely contagious for viewers.)
Addictiveness: 9/10 (The bright, bold characters and the interesting dynamics between them, as well as the fast paced plot, the thrill of the cooking battles, and the dangerously competitive feel of some episodes make this anime very addictive, even for those who aren’t too interested in cooking.)
Philosophy: 6.5/10 (As a more light hearted anime, it doesn’t have many deep messages, but it does showcase the value of friendship in our lives, particularly with Megumi and Soma- their relationship, as well as finally having someone to believe in her and support her, leads Megumi to develop self-confidence and become a very skilled chef. The series also illustrates the benefits gained from having to fight through difficult situations, with the most skilled chefs coming from the most humble or demanding backgrounds, and how much losses can help you improve, if you learn from them and don’t get discouraged. This is the secret to Soma’s cooking.)
Consistency: 8/10 (The show’s quality is consistent throughout- it stays engaging and gripping as the series continues, with some arcs being slightly less exciting but still pleasant to watch.)
Originality: 9/10 (I have never seen a show combine slice of life elements, regular high school life and high stakes cooking battles in such a harmonious way. The school itself, as well as all the opportunities and contests offered, are unique to the anime, as is the way the food battles are executed.)
The plot
Soma Yukihira works in his father’s eatery, fighting every day to improve his cooking and please customers. He takes great pride in the restaurant, and hopes to one day take over from his dad. One day, his father leaves due to business and tells him he is to sign up to Totsuki academy, the most prestigious cooking school in Japan. Initially, Soma is skeptical, but he attends the entrance exam regardless. However, when the candidates see who is judging their dishes for the exam, they all flee in a panic apart from Soma, who is up to the challenge. The judge is Erina Nakiri, a celebrity in the food industry and the director’s granddaughter. She is known for having a very fine palette and being almost impossible to please. Not knowing any of this, Soma begins working on his dish, which needs to incorporate eggs. When Erina tries it, it’s clear she likes it, but she refuses to bow to Soma, as she views his more humble background in cooking as “common,”. Because of this, she tells him he has failed the exam. However, the school director was watching in secret, and contacts Soma to let him know he passed. At the entrance ceremony, Soma makes a speech as the transfer student, saying he fully intends to take the top spot at the academy, as it would be embarrassing for him to lose to a group of people who have never actually worked in a kitchen. His bold declaration of battle offends most of the students, but Soma is blissfully ignorant to that. This marks the start of Soma’s stay at Totsuki- he will meet many different chefs from all over the world, and complete a vast range of challenges, all the while making good friends and meeting strong rivals. 
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thatanimewriter · 11 months
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➳ request: Can i make a request? I want Soma, Ryou, Akira, Alice, and Eishi (from the anime food wars) with a S/O who is neutral to fancy food or anything that is the opposite of homemade food because for them homemade food is just the best for them. It’s like they don’t the food to be like the best they just want the food to be made with love and thoughtfulness. apologize if this is too much for you to ask
➳ character/s: yukihira soma, kurokiba ryo, hayama akira, nakiri alice, tsukasa eishi
➳ warnings: swearing, hayama being homeless and orphaned as a kid, marriage fever (soma)
➳ notes: food wars is love, food wars is life, people should get over the weird foodgasms so they can actually watch art ._. (also soma is my ideal man, when can i find one-)
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬 / 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭  / 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐬 / 𝐰𝐢𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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talk your shit
he'll get you a megaphone to say it again
he agrees with you 100%
now you have to marry him btw :))
constantly trying out any new yukihira diner recipes on you
he may be at totsuki, but he still wants to take over the diner and make happiness affordable and memorable
you don't need fancy shit to bring people joy >:((
he also drags you to tons of festivals n markets to try the street food and festival food
if unhealthy, why taste good??
screaming if you ever make him something homemade
and he will scoff that shit down
he gets sick of fancy food too, so he's more than happy to have your homemade things in between classes
constantly leaning over your shoulder at the dorms to see what you're making
always licks the bowl if it's a cake or something
personal dish washer
will make you a yukihira diner dish in bento form every time you have to be away for something
comfort food and a movie at least twice a week
jokingly calls you 'wifey' regardless of gender because he's determined you'll get married for the homemade food thing
joichiro approves-
a lowkey judgmental squint at you
he's unsure if he agrees with you
but he's never gonna say no to trying anything homemade that you offer him
will give you the hum of approval every time
maybe he's starting to see your point-
you're not always the one making him homemade food though
sometimes he comes to you to go on a cute little picnic date and has made you a special dish from denmark to share with you
will just listen to you talk while he eats and occasionally pitches in
don't challenge him too much though, because if you make a joke that your homemade food is better, you're in for it
can you have a shokugeki with 'peasant food'??
alice's words, not yours-
he's not very open with emotions but you can tell from the little smile he's suppressing that he feels loved when he eats homemade food
and it also lets him relax after classes and outside of trying to destroy soma
he gets to make cute and quaint dishes for you and not stress about the quality of the dish
n he gets to see that smile of yours :))
not that he'd ever admit that-
but like soma, he's hovering over you while you cook
probably snacking on the leftovers
ask and you shall receive
he has probably never had a homemade meal before-
and homemade meals are now your love languages
also probably cried when you first made him something homemade
just a couple snivels and tears
that's also when he first fell in love but you won't catch him saying that to anyone else
makes you a lot of indian street food to connect more with his culture and introduce you if you're not already familiar
always makes you something if you feel upset or down
and it's always very urgent??
he's a very attentive lover
he hears you're upset and he's speed running a lil curry n naan for you and he's COMING OVER RIGHT NOW-
y'all always make lunch for each other because if you're not with each other, you feel the love you have for each other either way
and if you have lunch together, compliments (and kisses) to the chef
unlike the others, who snack on whatever is leftover while you cook for them
hayama feeds you your leftovers
gently feeding a lil carrot stick to you ;v;
he made his own spice blend that he thinks encapsulates you as a person and you definitely can't find that in stores-
people have asked him what the spice is called
n he just called it by your name
she doesn't get it-
homemade food isn't as exquisite???
what are you on??
this is entirely because her parents are elitists and she never got HOMEmade food
got professional food only
and she doesn't know what homemade food actually tastes like
and that's kinda dumb tbh-
how does one survive without a lovingly made dish??
loving the cooking is different to making something BECAUSE you love them
so now it's your mission to convert her :))
it didn't take very long, you gave her breakfast in bed and she was sold
now she knows what love actually feels like and this is a pivotal moment
to be fair though
she can't really replicate homemade cooking for a while
because she never got taught and she can't get the strict training out of her system
how do you make molecular gastronomy homey??
it's fine, you'll just have to teach her
bonding time in the kitchen
she'll get the hang of it eventually, but for now she's fine with just having you cook loving meals for her
somehow it's more nerve wracking making a homemade dish than a fancy one
because you like homemade things more ;v;
and he doesn't want to disappoint you
also probably doesn't know how to make a homemade meal-
are you sure you can't just treat him??
he's baby
he can't handle this shit :((
gladly takes homemade food from you though
but he wants cuddles while he eats your cooking
will also learn to make more homemade things and let go of the reins a little bit with PRESTIGE
probably also cried when he first tried your cooking
and this is lowkey what he wishes totsuki was
less stressful, more time with you, no more panic attacks-
the first time he ever gave you a homemade meal he was sweating bullets and shaking like crazy
but he got rewards, so now he does it all the time
"you could just ask for a kiss, you know."
"...'s so embarrassing..."
you now know a homemade meal means he wants kisses
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Food Wars
Aldini Ismai Aldini Takumi Arato Hisako
Living for Myself (coming soon)
Summary: You've watched Hisako from a far for far too long, you see her talent and her worth. You see someone who should stand next to Nakiri Erina not behind her. When Yukihira Soma tells this to Hisako, you decide to take this opportunity to get close to her.
Hayama Akira
Spices and Love (coming soon)
Summary: The last thing you expected was seeing your boyfriend next to the students belonging to Central, and then the sadness that filled your heart when both of you locked eyes.
Isshiki Satoshi
Aprons and Chocolates (coming soon)
Summary: Being part of the 92nd generation and living at the Polar Star Dormitory, you're bound to encounter with Isshiki, and what a surprise when you saw him only wearing an apron.
Kinokuni Nene Kurokiba Ryo
Being First (coming soon)
Summary: Alice is your friend. Ryo is your boyfriend. Alice is Ryo's friend (servant). Ryo is Alice's friend (master). Where do you stand in Ryo's life?
Mito Ikumi Nakiri Alice Nakiri Asahi 
You're Siblings (coming soon)
Summary: Since you set foot on the new teacher's room you sensed something wrong coming from him. The last thing gu expected was for the teacher to be Erina's, one of your best friends, brother.
Nakiri Erina Shinomiya Kojiro
Recipes and Love (coming soon)
Summary: You're a very famous cutthroat food critic under the name Idolin, who nobody knows how it looks like. Strolling through a French market, you find a man holding a veggie that looks fine but to the trained eye it's definitely not good, therefore you tell the man but ended up offending him. To prove you wrong he invites you to his restaurant, with the purpose of serving you a dish with the very same veggie.
Tadokoro Megumi Terunori Kuga Tsukasa Eishi
Changes Make Us Stronger (coming soon)
Summary: You meet Eishi and Rindo in the last year of Totsuki's middle school on your first day of school as the new girl. In your first class you're partnered up with Eishi and immediately felt a connection with him.
Yukihira Joichiro
Feelings...Again (coming soon)
Summary: Tasting the food from your students at the Polar Star Dormitory was something you truly enjoy, the last thing you expected was to fall for the father of one of your favorite students.
Yukihira Soma
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