#ryan x dylan
ghostradiodylan · 6 months
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Two roads neurodiverged in a yellow wood, or whatever it was that Robert Frost said.
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xan-the-emo-trans-man · 2 months
”you can’t prove they were gay!”
well you can’t prove they weren’t gay
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garbage--chan · 2 years
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 the quarry is scratching an itch in my head atm, really love these kids
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aliferousdreamer · 2 years
me as soon as dylan and ryan were in a 5 foot distance of each other
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I love this line because he’s so unsure of everything because of the stress he’s under but he does recognise that he’s closer to Dylan.
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justsierrasart · 1 year
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Just some relaxing, healing time for the squad (everyone else is out of the frame dw, they’re alive, well, and healing).
The girls (Emma, Kaitlyn and Abi) decided to get their mind off of things by watching some terrible reality TV, though remarks like “yeah well your love interest didn’t turn into a werewolf, Natalie” slip in here and there.
Dylan and Ryan on the other hand - they’re just trying to make up for time lost *not* listening to Ryan’s music in the van, or just overall, together. Trauma bonding, really realizing where their priorities lay (which is next to each other).
Off screen, Laura and Max are cuddling it out, just fully gross PDA everywhere, Travis is crying in his car, Nick and Jacob are finally eating the peanut butter butter pops, together and in harmony. They’re also probably watching the Office or B99, something light hearted.
(Here’s the reference)
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What’s your guys favorite part of the quarry’s ending?
I personally like when Laura, Travis, and Ryan came back to the lodge to find Kaitlyn and Dylan sitting on the steps and how Ryan immediately went up to both of them, sat down, and started holding Dylan’s remaining hand. It was nice seeing him ask if this was a good time to give Dylan his number and then seeing Dylan smile. I will say though Emma, Abi, and Jacob searching for Nick after Travis explained the curse and how Nick would be cured now was cute. And Emma holding Abis hand on the way to find Nick since abi was still very shaken up and actually kind of scared to see him again was very sweet. So glad we got actual closure and all this actually happened in the game isn’t that so cool guys!!
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geniewonders · 1 year
there's something abt a queer group of 7 and the star homos, the loud one and the one who pretends to hate their loudness, trauma bonding over the summer that just really gets me
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s0ggysocksstuff · 2 years
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lesbianvamp · 2 years
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Wouldn't be the first dude to go where's he's gettin' blown.
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ghostradiodylan · 7 months
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chipper9906 · 2 years
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elilovesdylanlenivy · 2 years
Ryan : … I’m actually closer to Dylan though..
Laura : Trauma can bring people together!
Ryan : Yeah, and vodka.
hello uhm excuse me how did the fandom not point this interaction out. The counsellors were drinking beers at the party, so that implies that at least Ryan and Dylan had drunk vodka together before. what happened during that ? i have been holding onto that though since i’ve first seen that moment. ( pssst fic writers )
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wolfawaycamp · 15 days
Dylan introducing Ryan to Schrödinger
🔮 “Are you allergic to cats, by any chance?” Dylan asks, his voice sounding from below Ryan where his head is laid on his lap.
“Not… that I know of, no.” Ryan replies, his eyes still focused on the movie playing on the television. They’re on a date, (one which he knows Emma would tell him isn’t a date) but it’s the way they date. Dylan gets stressed about eating out at restaurants, and Ryan was happy to accommodate, considering even the quietest of restaurants could be too loud for him.
Dylan poking his cheek with his right pointer finger brings him back down to earth.
“I know we’re at your place, but would you like to come back to mine?” Ryan must make a funny face, as Dylan rushes to amend his words. “To meet my cat. Come to my place. And meet my cat.”
Ryan snorts. “Sure. Like, actually, sure.” Dylan grins, wide and dimpled, and presses a short kiss to the corner of Ryan’s mouth as he sits up. He’s drawn to the smooth expanse of skin that’s revealed when Dylan stands and stretches his arms above his head— Ryan’s almost certain, based on how much skin he can see, that Dylan’s stolen one of his many oversized Goodwill hoodies— but he’s quickly drawn away by the jangling of Dylan’s keys in the direction of the front door.
“Helloooo? Ryan? I’ll leave without you, if that’s what you want.” Ryan shuffles off the couch and slips his shoes on at the door, following his boyfriend out to his car that sits in the parking lot.
“Dude… my cat liking you is way more important than my mom liking you. I think I’m having an aneurysm,” Dylan whines, his leg that isn’t pressing the gas pedal bouncing up and down.
Ryan snorts and turns the volume on the radio up.
“Schrodie, my son, where are youuuuu?” Dylan sing-songs as the screen door slams shut behind the pair. Ryan hears a thunk, and a big, fat, orange tabby with a sky blue collar comes trotting around the corner from the living room.
Dylan gestures towards Ryan like he’s showing off a case of trophies as the cat— Schrodie, was it?— pads closer. “My son, this is my boyfriend. Your other dad. I guess. Stepdad.”
The cat immediately winds itself between Ryan’s legs, bumping its forehead against his calf.
“Oh.” Ryan crouches to pet the tubby orange cat from ears to tail, and the cat purrs, spinning around and nuzzling his face back into Ryan’s palm. “That was easier than expected.”
Dylan feigns wiping a tear like a proud father.
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seizethegay420 · 6 months
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Dylan and Kaitlyn thinking that Ryan and Laura are hitting off and having an adventure in the walk to the scrapyard scene and then showing Ryan and Laura fighting for their lives and completely stressed is so funny to me
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