#rip twitter
hexgirling · 11 months
“that character is a war criminal” that character is from a fictional fantasy world and did not attend the geneva convention
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mylittleredgirl · 1 year
okay tumblr’s exclusion from the twitter social media ban list is hilarious but genuinely we do not belong on there. if a real human person asks “where can i find you on social media” and your choice is a swift death or revealing your tumblr, most of us would simply expire. half of y’all change urls every week like you’re in witness protection. just imagine for one second attaching your wholeass government name to your latest two am clownposting and tell me that didn’t send a cold chill down your spine. the only place i ever want to see the words “connect with me on tumblr!” is on the ao3 profile of an author i’m actively stalking. anyone in the world can follow me except anyone i personally know. antisocial media.
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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citraline · 11 months
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we're doomed
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lilblueorchid · 2 years
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Some paintings with nice memories affiliated to them on twitter. Since twitter's fate is unknown rn, i just wanted to say I had a really fun journey there. I'm truly thanksful for all the love I got there from many strangers who took a few sec out of their days to stop and look at my silly art haha. It greatly helped me like my art and myself, since honestly, both are linked. I also met so many people and made so many friends. I tried to find as much people back here as I could. Anyway. May we meet again guys. Thanks for the ride on twitter. ❤
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dissociatingdumbass · 10 months
Elon Musk is so fucking stupid... I hope his disgusting ass get sued to hell and back.
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maibeloved · 10 months
Twitter was crazy
So here was my contribution to the whole downfall of tht damn app
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missamerican-pie · 11 months
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wolfnanaki · 11 months
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Twitter is, officially, unironically, dead.
Early today, almost everyone was having trouble viewing anything on Twitter. Eventually Elon tweeted this: viewing limits for all users.
Verified accounts - people who buy Twitter Blue - are limited to reading 6,000 posts per day. Unverified accounts can only read 600, and new unverified accounts only 300. He later updated the numbers to 8,000, 800, and 400 respectively, but the impact is the same. And if you're not logged in, you can't see any tweets at all.
This isn't even interacting with posts, such as liking, replying, retweeting, or quote-tweeting. This is viewing. The one basic interaction required to use any social media site.
Elon Musk is clawing back every basic feature and pushing a pay-to-win scheme onto everyone still on the site. And what do you get if you pay? You get to be in a club filled with the most vile, racist, queerphobic losers on the internet who invest their money into crypto, NFTs, and all sorts of lousy scams. No sensible person is going to pay for that.
Once upon a time, Twitter was a fabulous hub for at-the-moment developments. If there was breaking news somewhere in the world, you could know it within minutes. It gradually became a general hub for people of all walks of life, from artists, activists, politicians, everyday ordinary people.
Now it's just a place where you pay $8 to lick Elon Musk's shoe.
To quote a good friend of mine:
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cat-cosplay · 11 months
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So... how's your day?
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surprisebitch · 2 years
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wilwheaton · 11 months
In the last 15 years or so Twitter has sort of become the de-facto gathering place for interaction on the internet. It’s messy and it was never very profitable, but it had a lot of value2 , and, while a lot of very smart and dedicated people worked at Twitter to harness that value and enhance it and foster the environment from which that value sprang, that value was created not by the owners or the developers, but by the fact that interesting and smart and funny people interacted there, and by the interesting or provocative or educational or funny things they said. Now, the world’s smartest man had already been on Twitter before he bought it, and it soon became evident that being the world’s smartest man meant you came off in a certain way that doesn’t seem particularly smart, especially to people who aren’t the world’s smartest man. For example, being the world’s smartest man meant finding things funny that were sort of lowest-common denominator stuff, or played-out jokes, or memes from months or years ago. And it also meant finding memes and jokes that other people had created and passing them off as his own. And it also seemed to mean trying to advise the expert rescue team during the Tham Luong cave rescue with grandiose plans, and then, after being told by the leader of that team that his suggestions were both unwelcome and as unpractical as most of his plans, lashing out and calling their leader a “pedo guy” and a “child rapist.” And then after he bought Twitter, we have all seen what it means. It means insisting on fostering a place for unrestricted free speech while banning reporters who are critical of him, and bringing back the sorts of abusive actors who had been banned for using their hate speech to threaten and harass other people off the platform. It means insisting that the platform should be unbiased while currying favor from far-right extremists and propogandists and even doing their bidding in real time. It means creating a subscription model that demolishes the existing verification structure and claiming that doing so will create a level playing field, even while describing the new playing field as a deeply divided hierarchy based not on value of one’s thoughts, but on one’s willingness to pay. It means firing most of the staff and pulling apart various load-bearing aspects of the platform’s framework and replacing it with a post-it note. It means doing a lot of things that destroy the value of the platform, in other words, which make more and more of the people who gather on Twitter and create its value wonder what the point of continuing to write on Twitter is.
The World's Smartest Man Doesn't Want You to Read This on Twitter
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cannibalyaois · 11 months
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lilithism1848 · 10 days
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evilmom · 11 months
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oooo who knew this was gonna get even more relevant
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txmnjerry · 2 years
Since Twitter is dying I don't have anywhere to post my cat pics, so here ya go.
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