innerenigma · 3 months
•Normalize Fanart for Fanfics Again You Fools•
It's not cringe anymore (it SHOULDN'T be cringe anymore), just do it. You're doing something you enjoy, who cares what anybody else says! So spread the words my fellow internet brethren.
Spread the Word :)
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floatyflowers · 3 months
Dark Platonic! Fire Nation Royal Family x Non-bender Reader
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With Ozai:
At first he didn't accept the fact that you, his youngest child, is a non-bender, and ignored your existence.
That was until he noticed how his older brother, Iroh, spends time with you, Ozai got extremely jealous.
And decided to spend time with you, only to realize that you are his favorite child, and felt like an actual father.
Yes, you can't firebend nor do you even have the ability to protect yourself.
But why would you need to protect yourself when your father is going to be the Phoenix king of the fire nation?
Ozai will burn down the world for you.
"You, my sweet child, will grow up in the presence of a very powerful father"
With Ursa:
When Ursa found out that you couldn't bend, she became overprotective of you to the point of paranoia.
Since childhood, she refused to allow you to play with anyone except Zuko.
One time, one of her handmaidens scolded you harshly for playing outside without your mother's permission which resulted in you bursting into tears.
The next day, that handmaiden was fired and Ursa made sure that she gets no other jobs.
While thinking of escaping, she thought to take you with her.
However, Ozai has forbidden that from happening.
"When you find out the truth, promise to come find me"
With Azulon
While still alive, he made sure you had the best education and guards.
Azulon also made sure to have you believe that the fire nation is without mistakes or faults.
He tried manipulating you into believing that just your loyalty to your people is enough duty.
However, you are kind, too kind.
Yet, he Azulon didn't hate you for it even if he considered a weak trait to have in the royal family.
He also still has the flower crown you made him stored away safely so it doesn't rot.
It is rumored that the last word he muttered was your name.
With Iroh
Uncle Iroh isn't really as possessive as the other characters, but he focuses on advising you from time to time.
You enjoy drinking tea with him and gossiping about everything.
Even though, Ozai has forbidden him from speaking with you, you would sneak behind your father's back to drink tea with him.
After the loss of his son in the war, Lu Ten, Iroh felt depressed.
Yet you managed to comfort him with your cheerfulness and playful attitude.
It reminded him of his son.
"The best quality in a princess is her kindness, something which your sister clearly lacks"
With Zuko
Zuko thought you would be like Azula but you have proven him wrong.
You are kind, gentle, and nurturing just like your and his mother.
That's why Zuko always found himself by your side, being your playmate...being your protecter.
His mother told him that it's his duty to protect you from danger considering that he is your older brother.
Even though Azula has never hurt you, but Zuko was always wary of her, especially after his mother disappeared.
When Ozai challenged him to an Agni Kai, you were the first to cry out and plead with him to let Zuko off, but Ozai felt jealous of your relationship with Zuko and was determined to teach his son a lesson.
However when your brother got banished, Zuko took you with him in secret not wanting you to be left with Azula.
"I know the journey will take long but once I restore my honor we can return home together"
With Azula
Azula was extremely jealous when you were born, thinking that you will take all the attention from here.
But she realized that you deserve all the attention.
You didn't treat her like a monster, you weren't scared of her.
Instead you showed her love and called her 'big sister'
You would cling to her as a toddler, whenever there was lightning, you would secretly sneak to her room and sleep beside her.
"How can you be scared of lightning, we control it, silly"
Mai and Ty Lee saw how Azula softens whenever you are around.
And when Azula discovered that you have left with Zuko, she destroyed everything in her way and burned a few servants.
"She's mine, and only MINE"
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gammasnippets · 3 months
Drive T
SNSD Kim Taeyeon x Male Reader
12,260 words (Co-edited by @capslocked and @sparkynsfws)
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Wimbledon—one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world, known for its rich history and iconic traditions. It's the highlight of the tennis season, where the best players from around the globe compete for the coveted title on the hallowed grass courts of the All England Club. This is where names are made, and where legends are born. From casual fans to hardcore tennis enthusiasts, everyone is eager to witness the thrilling matches and the breathtaking displays of skill the players unleash on the courts. And with only a few months to prepare, you do your best to be in your best physical and mental condition for the coming tournament.
That is… If you're one of the qualifying players.
Something suddenly hits your head, snapping you out of your daydreaming. It was a tennis ball, rolling down your face. It's not even a hard hit, but it sure is enough to knock you back to reality. You then scan the tennis court looking for the culprit. Not far from you stands a woman, one hand on her racket and the other on her hip, and she doesn't look pleased.
"Hey! Quit your daydreaming, will you?" says the woman, sounding annoyed.
"That was uncalled for, you know?" you retort as you rub the point of impact, a spark of irritation in your voice.
"I just finished warming up here and the next thing I know, you're in your own world!" she snaps back, clearly unapologetic for her errant shot.
"Well, if only you didn't arrive late, we could've started our practice session on time," you reply, trying to maintain your composure.
The woman doesn't seem to like your response and walks towards you, her face slowly turning red.
"So it's my fault that you scheduled our practice session at such an inconvenient time?"
"What? You told me that you're only available today and that you really wanted to practice," you protest, feeling both confused and frustrated.
"At fucking midnight?" she exclaims, raising her voice.
"Well, it's only an hour after…"
"11 PM, 12 AM… Whatever! It's late in the evening, you dumbass!"
She kinda has a point. Despite the great discount you received for renting the tennis court at nighttime, you begin to realize that scheduling a session close to midnight wasn't the wisest decision.And she has every right to be angry about the inconvenience.
You take a step back, realizing that this argument is getting out of hand.
"Alright, alright… I'm sorry, Taeyeon-noona. I should've checked with you first."
To your relief, her anger softens slightly, and she sighs.
"Well, we're way past that now. Might as well make use of the time while we're here."
"Thanks for understanding…"
"Just don't you ever do this again," she says as she points her racket at you, her tone still sharp. "Or I'll make sure to hit you harder next time."
"Okay. I get it," you reply, feeling intimidated by her fiery demeanor.
You were always intimidated by Taeyeon's fiery demeanor. As your former teacher and tennis club advisor, she's known to be as strict and disciplined. You can't forget the torture she put you through, but that didn't sway you from leaving the sport you're passionate about. And for better, or more likely worse, you and Taeyeon are still in touch after all these years. Maybe you could've found a better partner, but you've never been more comfortable with anyone else other than her.
You and Taeyeon proceed to continue your practice session on the tennis court. Both of you are determined to make the most of the remaining time and improve your skills, ignoring the tension that still lingers in the air. The court fills with the sound of powerful swings, focused footwork, and the occasional grunt of exertion as you both push yourselves to the limit. Well-deserved breaks are taken to catch your breath, sip some water, and exchange a few friendly jokes amidst the intensity.
After a few rounds of intense practice, the two of you decide to take a much longer break.
"Fuck… I need a break," you pant, collapsing onto a nearby bench.
"Jeez. You're tired already?" Taeyeon teases you, as desperate for air as you are.
"You're the one to talk," you retorted, throwing the tease back at her.
"Well, you're the one who keeps on making me run all over the court!" she grumbles as she retires beside you, pouting her lips.
"You gotta do what you gotta do," you reply, smirking.
"Yet I still won," she boasts, a smug grin spreading across her face.
"I only let you win, you know?" you shrug nonchalantly.
Taeyeon laughs out loud at your cocky remark.
"As if! You always trip when you're returning my drop shots."
"Hey… It only happened once."
"More like twice!"
You raise your hands in mock surrender.
"Okay… It happened twice. Happy now?"
"You bet," she continues to laugh. "God, that was funny."
Taeyeon can't help but giggle at your mistakes during the game. As much as you find her laughter infectious, her teasing you might have hit a nerve. You want to retaliate by telling her how equally awful she was at returning her serves. But maybe she deserves this after the earlier exchange.
"So, wanna do a few more rounds?" you propose to Taeyeon, eager to win against her.
"Already? Can't we relax a bit more?" she asks, her body still slumped against the bench.
"Come on. We still have a lot of time left," you urge her, giving her a good nudge with your elbow.
"Exactly! Can't we use the time to rest longer?" she complains, faking an exhausted expression.
You sneer at her, raising an eyebrow.
"Noona, please. Don't be such a baby. You're too old for that," you tell her.
She then lets out a loud gasp. You obviously hit a nerve.
"Hey! I'm not old, you fuck!" she exclaims, raising her voice.
You chuckle. "Yeah, but you're definitely older than me."
"I'm only 34!" she yells, her cheeks turning slightly red.
"You can even pass as my aunt," you joke, unable to resist pushing her buttons even further.
In a hurry, she ejects herself from the bench, ready to argue back.
"Listen here, you little shit. You can joke all you want, but I can kick your ass right here, right now."
Seems like your teasing had the wrong effect on Taeyeon. As if a fuse inside her was lit, she's ready to fight you with words, fists, and probably anything else she can get her hands on.
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry," you apologize, trying to appease her.
But Taeyeon's not having it, and she's still fuming.
"That's not gonna cut it, you asshole," she continues to rant. "Y'know what? Let's make this interesting."
You don't know what's going through her head, but whatever it is, you don't like it.
"What? Interesting, how?"
"Since you think I'm such a weak old lady, even though I've beaten you many times…"
"We're almost even," you interject, but she's quick to cut you off.
"Shut up! You're not helping your case," she barks, glaring at you.
You shut your mouth and let her finish.
"Anyway, I bet I can beat you in a singles match," she declares, her tone serious.
The proposition sounds appealing to you, but it does feel like you're being manipulated.
"You can't be serious, right?"
"Do I look like I'm not?"
You scan her face carefully. Her expression doesn't waver and looks dead serious. You begin to regret messing with her earlier, and you're unsure what to say next.
"Well?" she asks again, expecting a clear answer.
You can't help but let out a deep sigh.
"Okay… What's on the line, then?"
"The loser has to follow the winner's every command."
You're a little taken aback by the wager, not because it's particularly absurd, but rather that you can't believe how quickly she's able to come up with this kind of proposition.
"That… That's quite a bold bet," you say, feeling a bit intimidated by the conditions.
"Are you backing out already? I thought you're a better player than that."
"No, I'm not! I'm just… Surprised," you stutter, unsure if you're able to take the challenge.
"Don't be such a chicken," she taunts you, a devilish smirk forming on her lips.
The teaser now becomes teased, and her expression is the one that you would never want to see. She's ready to fight you, and not just with her words. You can sense her desire for victory emanating out of her, and that scares the hell out of you.
Suddenly, immense pressure is crushing you down, and you begin to doubt yourself. Taeyeon's always been a formidable player, even with her age and size. If it weren't for her teaching you, you wouldn't have learned all the tricks that you've used to win many matches. You start to regret your decision to play with her, and you have no choice but to swallow the lump in your throat.
"Alright… You've got a deal," you agree, taking the challenge.
She gives a smug grin.
"That's what I wanted to hear," she chuckles. "Well, we've got plenty of time. Shall we have a nice game?"
"I guess so…"
The two of you prepare for the match, putting your rackets and other equipment away. As you're preparing, a thought pops into your mind, and you have a burning question to ask Taeyeon.
"You do realize that a singles match is longer than doubles, right?"
"Well, we can adjust the rules. This isn't an official match, after all."
"Alright. So how do you want to do this? Best out of three sets?"
"Sounds fair enough."
With the agreement, you and Taeyeon prepare to take the court once again. Both of you are determined to win and get the advantage over the other.
You set off the game with your first serve, hitting a fastball to the far corner of the service box. Taeyeon returns with a strong swing, hitting a high-speed shot that you're unable to defend. She takes the first point.
"Shit," you curse under your breath, as the scoreboard shows 15-0.
You try not to lose your focus as you return to the baseline and prepare for the next serve.
You decide to be more careful, not wanting to repeat the same mistake. Your next serve is a lot slower and hits the back of the service box. Taeyeon's return is weaker, allowing you to defend easily. With the advantage, you go on the offense and score a point.
"Yes!" you celebrate, pumping your fist.
"Hey. Not bad," Taeyeon concedes, not wanting to praise you.
"You can't expect me to let you have the advantage all the time," you brag, not letting her dampen your spirit.
"Try me."
Those two words somehow have a strange effect on you, and your confidence quickly wavers.
You try to be a little bit more aggressive on your next serve, and she's forced to make a mistake, throwing the ball off bounds. The score is now tied at 15-30.
The two of you continue your game, fighting tooth and nail to get the advantage. You give your best and so does her. Neither of you are willing to let the other gain any sort of upper hand.
The score eventually reads 40-30, with Taeyeon holding the lead. A single point would end the set and give her a huge advantage.
The volleys between you and Taeyeon are fast and aggressive, but with a strong swing, she manages to catch you off guard, scoring the winning point. She wins the first set.
She cheers at her victory, a wide grin spread across her face.
"Not bad. Didn't think I'd get the first point, huh?"
"Yeah, but the first set doesn't matter," you retort, not wanting to get discouraged.
"Is that so, hotshot? You can try."
You grit your teeth, and you're not sure whether Taeyeon's taunt was meant to annoy you, but her words had its desired effect. You're now ready to prove her wrong and win the second set.
She starts off the second set, preparing for her next serve.
"Let's see if you can return this one," she challenges you with a sly smile on her face.
"Bring it," you reply, your focus unwavering.
Taeyeon lets out a fast serve, aiming for the corner of the service box. Luckily for you, you manage to read her serve and position yourself perfectly to return it with a strong forehand. A few quick exchanges later, you score with a cross-court shot to start the second set with a point in your favor.
It's now your turn to serve. You perform a tricky flat serve, hoping to catch Taeyeon off guard. She anticipates your serve, returning it with a well-placed backhand slice that lands just over the net. In your hesitation to reach the ball, you mistakenly returned it too high and Taeyeon seizes the opportunity, smashing with a powerful overhead shot. The score is now tied at 15-15 in the second set.
You didn't let this setback discourage you. Instead, you double down on your serve, determined to not repeat the same mistake. Taeyeon is also focused and prepared to return your next serve.
With a swift motion, you throw another fast serve, and Taeyeon returns it with a powerful forehand, forcing you to make a mistake. But you managed to return the ball at an awkward angle, giving her a difficult ball to return. You seize the opportunity and score the next point.
The tension between you and Taeyeon is at an all-time high as the second set moves closer to its conclusion. Each point is fought fiercely, and there are a lot of close calls. Neither of you is willing to concede even a single point.
With both of you on the verge of exhaustion, the match is now coming down to the wire.
The score is now 15-40. You need a single point to win the second set.
You have the opportunity to serve. Taeyeon prepares herself, ready to receive your next serve.
"Here goes," you mutter, trying to psych yourself up. With a powerful serve, you launch the ball over the net. You watch anxiously as the ball flies toward the opposite side of the court. She reacts quickly, running towards the ball and returning with a strong forehand. You are forced to return the ball with a lob.
In the air, the ball curves towards the left, landing just outside the lines. You can only hope that Taeyeon isn't able to return it. But with her usual finesse, she returns the ball with a backhand lob, landing just in front of you. It's your turn to seal the deal with a powerful backhand of your own that hits the corner of the court, earning you the final point of the second set.
You try to keep your composure despite the win, but deep down you're ecstatic.
"Nice job," she compliments you.
You only give her a nod in return.
"So, shall we start the last set?"
"Yeah. Let's."
The chill of the midnight air dissipates as the final set begins. With both of you equally fired up and determined to win, you prepare for the final round.
This is it. The last set of the match. There's no time to lose.
You take the serve, performing a tricky jump serve that she struggles to defend. With a powerful swing, you hit a fastball that she's unable to return. You take the first point.
Taeyeon's serving next. With a fast serve, she catches you off guard and you're unable to defend her serve. The score is now 15-15 in the final set.
The pressure is mounting on you as the set progresses. You want to win. You both do. But there's something in her that drains you of your will. You're not sure if she's just playing a good mind game, or if she really has the upper hand.
The turn to serve goes back to you. You're determined not to let Taeyeon get a free pass. With a slow flat serve, you try to catch her off guard. She returns it with a well-timed forehand. You quickly move towards the ball and return it with a sharp topspin that lands just inside the line. She's unable to return the ball and you score a point.
The score is now 30-15 in your favor. The momentum is shifting in your direction. But it feels as though it isn't.
Taeyeon's serving next, and she looks determined to break the momentum. She hits a fast serve, hoping to catch you off guard. You return it with a powerful forehand. But her next shot is even faster, hitting a topspin that forces you to return it with a weak lob.
At that point, she brandishes her trademark move.
She rushes towards the ball, winding up for a smash. You prepare yourself to counter her attack… Only for Taeyeon to swing her racket sideways as it falls down, hitting the ball with a strong topspin. In a rush, you chase after the ball, but it bounces erratically, almost at a 90-degree angle. Before you can do anything, the ball lands outside the line.
“Drive T” is what she calls it. Not only does she swings her arms in a T shape, but the topspin she generates causes the ball to draw a cross, or rather a small letter T, as it bounces uncontrollably on the court. It’s a move that is very hard to predict, both to the players and spectators alike. You’ve seen her used that technique on many occasions, both to intimidate her opponents and to finish the game quickly. It is her dangerous weapon.
And she just used it against you.
Your jaw hangs open in shock. You can't believe she did that.
"Now that's a topspin!" Taeyeon boasts, laughing.
As much as you want to respond to her, you're not sure if you can. As "friendly" as this game is, you can't help but feel a creeping sense of dread at how serious this is turning out.
The score is now tied 30-30. The tension is getting even higher, and your mind is racing. You want to win. You need to win.
You take a deep breath as you prepare for your next serve. As calm as you can be, you send the ball towards her with a powerful serve that sails all the way to the other end of the net. But with her quick reflexes, Taeyeon effortlessly returns the serve with a perfectly executed backhand. You send it back with a swift backhand of your own, making her chase the ball towards the sideline. She manages to get to the ball just in time, and with a flick of her wrist, she sends a sharp topspin towards your corner.
Your heart races as you anticipate the spin and speed of the approaching ball, adjusting your movement to counter her shot with a controlled forehand. However, as you send the ball back, she has positioned herself near the net, swinging it downwards with incredible power and speed. You already put all your strength in returning the previous shot that you have no more time left to react accordingly, making the ball slip past you and land out of your reach.
Taeyeon grunts with satisfaction as her shot gives her a crucial point, bringing the score to 40-30 in her favor.
You curse under your breath, realizing that you may have bit off more than you can chew. But you have no option to back down now. All that's left is to turn the tables and win.
You take another deep breath as you wait for her to make her next move.
Your eyes remain locked on Taeyeon as she prepares to serve, her intense focus indicating that she's not going to make this easy for you. What happens next is like a blur as the ball immediately zooms towards you the moment she tosses it into the air, not even letting it wait for gravity to pull it down. With her on match point, she has all the reasons to end this game as quickly as possible.
You quickly run to intercept the ball, swatting it with a powerful forehand. She stays on her toes, moving swiftly to return your shot with a skillful backhand slice that barely clears the net. The distance is quite the challenge, but it's something you can still manage. You make a sprint towards the net, just in time to hit it back with a drop shot that catches Taeyeon off guard. With her nimble feet, she manages to reach the ball, though she has to dive in for the last few inches just to keep the rally going. And with a desperate lob, she sends the ball soaring high into the air, giving you enough time to deliver a crushing overhead smash that lands just inside the baseline, completely out of Taeyeon's reach.
As the ball connects with the court, a sense of triumph washes over you, pumping your fist in the air. You managed to buy yourself some room to breathe in this fiery match and gain a much-needed point, leveling the score at 40-40. Taeyeon recovers herself from her dive, letting out a sigh as she recovers her breathing. You're exhausted yourself, struggling to catch your breath after the intense rally. But there's no time to rest. You lock eyes with her, both of your eyes burning with determination to win over the other. The next serve could very well be the turning point of the entire match.
Once again, it's your turn to serve. Everything is suddenly hazy as if the world around you blurs into a complete mess of colors. All that's clear in your eyes are the ball in your hands, the lines on the court, and the woman in front of you. It could be the adrenaline. It could be the fear of losing. It could be anything. But none of that matters. Send the ball her way, swing it back if she dares to return it, repeat.
The next few rounds are nothing but intense back-and-forth as you and Taeyeon fight for every point. The ball flies across the court in a flurry of precise shots and strategic placement. You're tired as hell, and maybe, so is she. But neither of you can afford to let up even for a moment, not even an inch, as the score remains neck and neck.
After a few deuces and grueling rallies, the tension on the court reaches its peak. She has managed to bring the score to what could potentially be the final point of the entire match. You're both sweating profusely, your bodies glistening under the harsh stadium lights. The cold air that should be a reprieve feels suffocating against your heated skin. She could be on her last legs, but you're kind of on the same page.
You prepare yourself as Taeyeon prepares her to serve, her eyes locked on yours like a hawk, unwavering and intense. Her serve is swift, darting through the air with deadly accuracy. You react quickly, heading forward to meet the ball with a powerful forehand return. She then easily steps into position, returning the ball with a soft backhand shot. You match her shot with a well-executed slice, aiming to throw her off balance. But she still manages to reach the ball with a quick flick of her wrist, sending it sailing over the net with surprising speed and precision.
As the ball hurtles towards you, you summon every ounce of your pent-up aggression to smack the ball back with an explosive topspin shot, making the ball draw a sharp curve towards the sideline. This is all you have left. You can feel your strength draining as you shout your heart out with that final, desperate shot.
Unfortunately… Your tough opponent, Taeyeon, is right there, ready and waiting.
In a matter of seconds, the distance between her and the ball closes as she lunges forward, her body contorting with the grace and agility of a seasoned athlete. And as she swings her racket in a cross through the air, you know that she isn't just going to return the ball - she's sealing the deal with her Drive T. She hits the ball with such power that it spins wildly as soon as it's airborne. You watch it making its landing not far from you and with your heart pounding, you scramble to retrieve it. But with the ball's unpredictable spin, it bounces away from you instead of it landing in your control.
And as the ball bounces down to a stop, Taeyeon wins the match, winning 2 sets to 1.
"Yay! I won!"
She screams in joy and hops up and down with excitement as if all her exhaustion has instantly evaporated. Meanwhile, you collapse to the ground, completely outplayed and spent. As she celebrates her victory, she notices that you've been anchored to the ground. She makes her way towards you, skipping lightly in joy.
Trying not to feel bitter about your defeat, you raise your hand, giving her a thumbs up and a genuine smile. She responds in kind, before extending her hand to help you up.
"Well, looks like you took the match. That was nice," you say as you sit up, catching your breath as you try to compose yourself after the intense match.
"Thanks. Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I just need a moment to recover. My legs feel like they're burning, though."
"Oh. Same here… But I'm good."
"Damn. How do you even do that?"
"I told you many times to work on your legs! I always tell you to do more than just jog," she scolds you as if losing to her wasn't enough.
"Alright, alright," you reply, rolling your eyes. "I'll start next week."
"Well you better be," she chuckles, tapping her racket lightly against your shoulder.
You chuckle amidst the exhaustion, the frustration you felt at losing to Taeyeon fading away.
"So, is that your dare for me?" you ask her.
"You won, right?"
"Oh! Right! The bet!" Taeyeon's eyes then widened in realization.
You shake your head lightly, amused by her sudden forgetfulness.
"And you still deny that you're old—ow!"
She smacks you again with her racket, albeit harder this time.
"What did I just say about calling me old?"
"Okay, okay! Jeez, what a killjoy," you mutter, rubbing your shoulder.
"What was that?" she taunts, preparing to hit you again.
"Nothing! I said nothing," you quickly respond, trying to diffuse the situation.
"Good!" she exclaims, giggling.
"Now, what do you want me to do?" you repeat, trying not to provoke her.
Her attitude changes quickly.
"You're actually gonna go through with it?"
"I mean, you won, so…"
"Are you sure?"
"Come on, just tell me what you want me to do," you urge her.
She pauses for a moment, contemplating the terms of her victory.
"Well, since I beat you pretty badly…"
"That was close," you protest, only to earn a glare from her.
"It wasn't. Now shut up and listen."
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod.
"Y'know what? You look like a tired mess right there. Let's head over to the bench and I'll think of a good prize."
"But my body's still—"
She lets out a loud, exasperated sigh.
"Alright. Get up, you lousy ass," she extends her hand, offering to pull you up.
You take it and let her lead the way to the benches. It's not that far, but the short walk to the benches is enough to make your knees wobble and legs ache. The two of you collapse onto the bench, finally able to relax and rest for a bit.
"Jeez, I didn't think the match was gonna be that hard. You did really well," she says, giving you a soft pat on the shoulder.
"Well… I was against you, after all. Of course, it'll be hard," you respond, your tone slightly annoyed.
"Hey! Don't get me wrong. It's still a nice game."
"I guess. Thanks," you say, shrugging.
A moment of silence ensues, and the two of you sit quietly, basking in the cool air. Despite feeling sore, a little break is all you need to recharge after the intense game. You then look at Taeyeon, and she doesn't seem to show any signs of exhaustion, despite sweating profusely and having her breath ragged after the match.
"Say, how come you don't look as tired as I am?" you ask her, breaking the silence.
"Well, for starters, I've got a lot more years of experience than you," she quips, grinning smugly.
You roll your eyes and sigh, too tired to give a smart retort.
"But seriously, though. You should take better care of your body. You're still young," she says, her tone sounding more like a concerned mother than a friend.
"You've been saying that for a while now," you grumble.
"Well, that's because I was your teacher! Jeez! Don't be so stubborn," she protests, giving your shoulder a light shove.
"I'm not being stubborn. I'm just tired," you then let out another deep breath. "You took all the air out of me"
"Exactly. And that's why I'm telling you to take care of your body better," she says, her tone firm.
"Okay, fine," you concede.
"Now, shall we move on?"
"Sure. Let's talk about my dare," you say, eager to finally know what she wants.
"Right. Are you sure you're in on this?"
"I'm sure. Yeah," you assure her.
"100%? No take-backs, okay?"
"If it's not anything too extreme."
"Don't worry. It's nothing like that."
You look at her, and she smirks at you. Something tells you that you'll regret this, but curiosity gets the better of you.
"Fine. Shoot it."
"Pull down your shorts."
Your jaw hangs open. You expected her to ask for a silly dare, like a funny photo or something along those lines. But this? You didn't expect this at all.
"H-huh? W-what did you just say?" you stammer, your cheeks burning red.
"Come on. It's not gonna kill you."
"But… That's—"
"Just a little fun, really."
You're speechless, your eyes wide as you process the words.
"I… I don't think I can do that."
"Hey. The deal was the loser has to do everything the winner asks, right? You lost. So, do it."
You swallow the lump in your throat and sigh. There's no getting around this.
"Okay… Fine," you reluctantly agree, slowly sliding down your shorts.
The fabric brushes against your skin, sending shivers up your spine. Your heart beats fast, your palms sweating profusely as you slowly reveal more and more of your bare thighs. Your boxers are the only thing separating your modesty from the woman sitting beside you, and you can't deny her the sight of your growing erection.
Taeyeon's lips curl into a satisfied grin, and she bites her lower lip as she sees the tent forming between your legs.
"You're really turned on by this, huh?" she says, teasing you.
"It… It's not like that, I swear."
"Sure, whatever you say," she giggles.
"So… Is this it? Did I pass the dare?" you ask, trying to change the subject.
"Well, technically… But now I'm interested in something else," she replies, her voice dropping an octave.
"And? What would that be?"
"Let's just say I want to see what's underneath those boxers."
Your heart sinks to the pit of your stomach, and you instinctively cross your legs.
"Noona… There could be people watching us," you tell her, scanning the entire area.
"It's 3 AM. Do you think those guards will even bother walking around at this hour? No one's gonna see," she reasons.
"The deal?"
"Okay, fine. I'll do it."
Slowly, you take a deep breath and reach down for your boxers.
"Ugh… What am I doing?" you mumble, cursing at yourself.
You grab the hem and pull down the fabric grazing against your shaft. Your erection springs up, freed from the confines of your underwear.
"Wow. Now that's quite a view," Taeyeon chuckles, ogling your exposed member.
You turn away, too embarrassed to look her in the eye.
"I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing," you say, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Hey. Don't be. Especially when you have this…" she bites her lip, her eyes fixated on your dick. "Big thing right there."
Your cheeks burn a bright red, and you feel like you could explode.
"You're kidding me, right?"
"Of course not! Come on, you can't tell me it's not hot."
You stay silent, unable to answer.
"Alright. Lemme suck that," she says, leaning in closer to you.
"W-what? Y-you can't be serious!"
"Hey. No take-backs."
"But this is—"
"Listen. You clearly look like you're not in on this."
"I… I didn't say that…"
"So? What's with the hesitation?"
"I-it's just that… This is kind of sudden," you reply, unable to think straight.
"Then let me ease you into it," she says, grabbing your dick with her hand.
Your breath hitches, the sudden contact of her soft hand against your sensitive shaft taking you by surprise. She slowly moves her hand up and down, gently massaging your dick. You can't help but let out a low moan as her fingers run across the tip, sending shivers down your spine.
"How does that feel?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.
"I-I don't know…" you manage to say, your mind in a daze.
She smirks at your reaction, totally getting turned on by your response.
"You did your best so… I'll give you a consolation prize."
"H-huh? What do you mean?"
Before you can say anything, she leans in, her face just inches away from your cock.
"Wait… You can't be serious. You're going to—"
"Let me give you a little treat. You can tell me to stop after, but I hope you won't,” she says, her warm breath brushing against your shaft. “It'll be a shame, really,"
You're speechless, your mouth hanging open as you stare at her in disbelief.
"Well, here I go," she announces, leaning forward and enveloping your cock with her lips.
The sudden warmth sends a shock through your body, and you let out a moan, throwing your head back in pleasure. She starts sucking on the tip, and her tongue swirls around the head, lapping up the beads of precum. You can't believe it, but it feels so good. Your breathing quickens as she continues to suck, taking your dick deeper into her mouth. She moans against your cock, and you can feel her voice vibrating through your shaft.
"Oh, fuck…" you curse, the pleasure driving you insane.
She then grabs the base of your shaft with her hand and starts stroking you in sync with her mouth. The sensation is overwhelming, and you can't help but grab a fistful of her hair, gripping it tightly. She picks up the pace, her hand moving faster as her head bobs up and down. Her eyes lock with yours, and she's clearly enjoying this. You can see the lust in her eyes, and it's all too much for you.
The pressure builds up, your mind goes blank, and all you can think about is the intense pleasure coursing through your body. Your muscles tense up, and before you know it, your body starts shaking uncontrollably. You can feel your balls tightening, and the urge to cum is overwhelming.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!"
With one final thrust, you unload your seed into her mouth. Taeyeon suddenly looks surprised as you unleash a torrent of cum, filling her mouth. She then pulls out, coughing, the excess dripping down her chin.
"Sorry! I didn't know if you were ready," you apologize, worried that you might have forced her.
She continues to cough, and she wipes the excess cum off her face, taking a moment to catch her breath.
"It's okay. I was kinda taken by surprise, but it's fine," she manages to say, giving you a reassuring smile.
"I'm so sorry. I just couldn't hold it any longer," you apologize again, embarrassed by what happened.
"I told you it's okay," she tells you.
"Well… If you say so."
"And besides… It's not every day that I get to do it with a virgin," she winks as she lets out a soft laugh.
"Hey! I'm no virgin!" you protest, trying to defend your ego.
"Is that so?" she teases, raising an eyebrow playfully.
"I… I've experienced this before," you mutter.
"Sure, and that's why I got a mouthful," she chuckles, licking her lips.
"I was… I was holding out!" you retort.
"But of course," she laughs. "Just admit that you're a total virgin."
You're left speechless, unable to defend yourself. She just grins at you, clearly amused by your reaction. You want to say something, but she has you beat.
"Alright… Off to the next one!" she then exclaims, looking rather excited.
"Next one?"
"You didn't think I was just gonna leave you like this, did you? We're just getting started," she winks, giving your dick a squeeze.
"Wait, what?"
"That was just the warm-up. I have a lot of other things planned for us."
"Like what?"
"Let's just say this is gonna be the night of your life. And by the time the sun rises, you'll be thanking me,"
"I'm not so sure about this…"
"Trust me. I know what I'm doing," she reassures you, flashing you a devious smile.
She lets go of your dick. You feel relieved that her tight grip is no longer on your throbbing cock, but also a bit disappointed at the loss of her warm touch. She then takes off her clothes, exposing her voluptuous body. Her breasts are barely covered by an orange lace bra, and her hips are accentuated by a matching thong. You gulp as you take in the sight, and you can feel your dick getting even harder.
"What's wrong? Getting nervous?" she asks, giggling.
"Uh, yeah. This is really sudden. I'm not sure what's going on," you admit, unable to look away from her gorgeous body.
"Come on, it's nothing you can't handle. Just enjoy it," she says, grabbing your hand and placing it on her waist.
You can't deny the electricity that runs through your body the moment her skin makes contact with yours. Her body is so soft and warm, and it feels so good to touch her. It's intoxicating at the least, and you can't help but be swept up by the moment.
"Now, I'll let you have a taste of my body. You better make the most of it," she whispers, her lips brushing against your ear.
You let out a soft moan, the sensation driving you wild.
"So? What are you waiting for?"
"It's okay. You can touch me," she assures you, guiding your hands towards her breasts.
"But, Noona…"
"Touch me more."
You hesitate for a moment, but she urges you on, and you give in.
Your fingers trace the outline of her bra, feeling her erect nipples through the fabric. As if by instinct, you gently squeeze her breasts, eliciting a moan from her.
"Mmmh… That's it. More," she purrs, arching her back.
Your heart races as her breasts push against your palms, her nipples rubbing against the thin material of her bra. The friction feels incredible, and the pleasure drives you crazy. You're not sure how much longer you can hold out, but you don't want it to end.
"You're so cute. You look like you're enjoying this," she teases, smiling.
Guilty as charged.
"Just relax. I'll take care of everything."
She then presses her lips against yours, her tongue pushing past your lips. Your tongues dance, and you savor her sweet taste. She then nibbles on your lower lip, and you can't help but moan.
"Nggh! Noona, wait," you breathe out, pulling away from her.
"Hmm? What's wrong?"
"I… I think this is too fast."
She giggles. "Awh. Poor thing."
She then cups your face with her hand and kisses you again, a much slower, passionate kiss this time. You feel her smile against your lips, and it sends a shiver down your spine. It feels so good, so addicting. Yet you don't want to admit it.
"Taeyeon-noona, I…"
"Do you want to take it slow?"
You only gave her a nod.
"There. Just tell me what you want."
She then reaches back and unhooks her bra, tossing it to the side. Her bare breasts glisten under the dim lighting, and you can't help but stare in awe.
"There. I hope this evens us out," she smirks. You can see her cheeks blushing as she puts her magnificent assets on full display.
"Y-you don't have to, y'know? I'm fine with—"
Before you can utter another word, she pulls you towards her, pressing your face against her plump, supple breasts. Muffled, you try to push back, but she holds you firmly against her, not letting go. The warmth of her skin and the softness of her breasts overwhelm your senses, slowly melting your hesitations away.
Before you know it, you feel your hands explore the rest of her exposed body, gliding across everything you can reach.
She can't help but laugh and moan simultaneously as you explore her body.
"Getting braver, aren’t we?"
You choose not to answer and instead let your actions speak for you.
Taeyeon's skin feels so soft and smooth, and it's a wonder to touch. You can't help but want to touch her even more, to explore every inch of her. You suck on her erect nipples, and her breath hitches, letting out a soft moan.
"That's it. Take it all in," she whispers, running her fingers through your hair.
Your heart races as her scent fills your nose, and it's driving you crazy. You can't help but want more, and you feel yourself getting lost in the moment.
"Shhhh… Don't say a word. Just enjoy it," she replies, her voice low and seductive.
Obliging, you continue to taste her, relishing in the sweet, salty taste of her skin. Your hands travel across her body, touching every inch of her. She bites her lip and arches her back as you trace the curve of her spine, and her breathing quickens as you explore her thighs.
"Oh, fuck…" she breathes out, her voice barely above a whisper.
Your hands then find their way to her butt, and you squeeze her cheeks, feeling the soft, firm flesh in your hands. She looks at you with lustful eyes, and you can see the desire written all over her face.
"Oh, my… You're getting good at this," she purrs, smiling seductively.
You blush slightly, her compliment clearly lifting your confidence. You shoot a smile back at her, fueled with confidence and hunger for more. She smirks at your newfound boldness, welcoming your hunger with equal enthusiasm.
Your lips lock with hers for another round of torrid passion, the heat between your bodies intensifying with each passing second. Your tongues dance in a fiery tango, exploring every crevice and making each other elicit a fervent moan. Neither of you is backing down, eager to win over the other as if your earlier spar wasn't enough.
"Noona, you're… Amazing," you manage to gasp between heated kisses, unable to contain the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body.
She smirks. "You're no slouch either."
"But, you… I…"
"Mhhh… Don't stop now," Taeyeon whispers, her voice dripping with need.
"But let me just…" you struggle to remove your shirt despite the urgency of the moment.
With her expert guidance, you quickly shed your shirt and throw it aside, giving your partner an unobstructed view of your bare chest.
"There we go. Better?"
"Yeah. You were on top of me so I had trouble taking it off." you jest, a playful smirk spreading across your face.
She then chuckles, hitting you playfully on the shoulder.
"And you blame me for that?"
"Why not? You keep on pushing me down."
"Jeez… I'm not that heavy, you know?"
"I know, I know. You're just so aggressive," you tease, running your fingers through her skin.
Taeyeon coos at your touch, her body pulsating with desire.
"Hmmm? Is that your way of flirting with me?"
You shrug. "Well… It's worth a shot."
She replies with a soft chuckle.
"Consider it a successful shot," she breathes, her voice laced with lust.
You blush, feeling a surge of pride at having successfully aroused Taeyeon.
"Well… Thank you."
"Then let's get back to it, shall we?" She purrs, her hands eagerly tracing the contours of your chest all the way to your abdomen. You shiver at her touch, goosebumps appearing on your skin.
She then looks at you with an inviting gaze, and her lips curl into a sly grin. You can't help but stare in awe, mesmerized by her beauty.
"W-what? Do I have something on my face?"
"No, silly," she giggles. "I want you to touch me, too."
"Oh. Right."
"I can't be the only one enjoying this, y'know?"
"My bad, noona."
You resume your passionate makeout session. The two of you moan against each other's lips, exploring each other's bodies. The two of you are so lost in the moment that the world around you begins to fade, and all that matters is the heat, the electricity, the passion.
"Fuck. You taste so good," Taeyeon moans, her voice dripping with lust.
"Mmmh… You do too. Fuck," you reply, the heat and desire growing within you.
"But seriously…"
"Learn to get a hint," she giggles.
"Heh. Sorry," you mumble, trying to regain control. "I was kinda lost."
"Understandable," she snickers. "It's your first time, after all."
"H-hey. You're making me sound like a virgin."
"Well… You kinda are."
"Come on now…"
Taeyeon can't help but chuckle at your response, amused by your reaction.
"Fine. Let's not talk about that."
"I'm not that innocent, you know," you retort, pouting.
"Really, now?"
"Y-yeah. Really."
"So you wouldn't mind if we take things further… Right?"
You gulp, suddenly aware of what she means.
"Well… I guess?"
She then reaches down and slowly pulls down her panties. You just realize how wet she is as you stare in awe. She then grabs your hand and leads it to her core. You hesitate for a moment, but she guides you, urging you to take things further.
"It's okay. You can touch me."
You gently cup her mound, feeling the slickness of her wet folds. Her pussy is hot, and her juices flow freely. She shudders as your fingers brush against her sensitive bud, and her body tenses up.
"Yes… That's it!" she moans, biting her lip.
"Is this it? Are you sure?"
"Mhmm… Just go ahead."
Your fingers explore her core, and you find her swollen clit. You rub her bundle of nerves in a circular motion, eliciting a sharp gasp from her.
"Oh, fuck! That feels so good."
"Are you sure? Am I doing it right?"
"Yes! Just keep going," she moans, her voice barely above a whisper.
You increase the pace, applying a bit more pressure. She writhes under your touch, her body trembling with pleasure.
"F-fuck… Y-yes!" she moans, her voice shaking.
The heat is building within you, and you can't hold back any longer. You decide to switch positions, with Taeyeon now resting her body on the bench. At this view, she looks so small, so inviting. You proceed to kiss her thighs as your hand continues its assault.
"Mmmh! Oh shit! Yes! Keep going!"
You then kiss her core, licking her wet folds. She shrieks, her voice ringing in your ears. She grabs a fistful of your hair, holding on for dear life. You then lick her clit, eliciting a loud moan from her. She can't hold on much longer, her body writhing in ecstasy.
"Fuck! You're so good! I'm… I'm close!"
You can't help but be proud, and you redouble your efforts, sucking on her clit. She arches her back, and she screams, her orgasm tearing through her body.
"I'm gonna cum! Shit! I'm gonna fucking—aghh!"
You watch as her body spasms, and her legs quiver. She rides out her orgasm, her body trembling with each wave of pleasure. She finally collapses, panting, her body slick with sweat.
"Holy shit. That was… Amazing," she breathes, her voice shaky.
"Did… Did I do good?"
"Of course, you did. Not bad for a first-timer."
"Well… Thanks."
"Now, let me return the favor," she says, a smirk spreading across her face.
"What do you mean?"
"It's your turn now," she says, licking her lips.
"B-but I already—"
She interrupts, putting a finger against your lips.
"I know you have some left in you" Her hands move down towards your privates, massaging every bit of it. "And besides…"
She then leans over and whispers to your ear, her voice seductive.
"I'm still not satisfied."
As if on cue, you can feel your member throbbing in response, as if beckoning her to touch you even more.
"Looks like someone's ready for more," she giggles.
"Hey… I'm just sensitive," you protest, looking at her with your best puppy-dog eyes.
Taeyeon lets out a laugh, seemingly caught off-guard by your adorable attempt at innocence.
"Oh, cut that out. That doesn't suit you in the slightest," she playfully retorts.
"I just thought I'd give it a try," you reply, looking disappointed.
"Don't you ever do that again, alright?"
"Why not?"
She then pulls you closer. You can see the sheer desire in her eyes burning through her gaze. She seems to want more from you than just a casual encounter.
"I don't want cute and innocent from you."
"Then what do you want?"
"I want you to be as fierce as you were earlier," she whispers, her tone low and seductive.
"As you wish, Miss Winner," you say, a cheeky grin spreading across your face.
"Show me what you got," she says, her tone challenging.
Without a moment's hesitation, you crash your lips against hers for yet another round, kissing her passionately. She reciprocates, and her hands grip your body, her nails digging into your skin. It hurts, but the pain is drowned out by the intense pleasure.
You break the kiss and attack her neck, nibbling on her soft flesh. She moans, and her hands wrap around your back, pulling you closer. You continue your assault, and she writhes underneath you, her breathing ragged.
"Ooh, shit! Yes! That's it!" she gasps, her voice cracking.
You continue your trail down her body, planting soft kisses along her collarbone. She whimpers, and her hands run through your hair, encouraging you to keep going. You then move further south, planting a soft kiss on her chest, right between her breasts.
"Yes… Yes! Please, keep going," she whispers, her voice breathy and needy.
You then plant another kiss on her left breast, followed by a soft bite on her nipple, making her whimper.
"Ahh shit!" she groans, her body shaking with pleasure.
"Do you want me to stop?"
"No… Please don't," she pleads, her voice dripping with need.
"Well then," you say, kissing her other breast, biting her nipple.
"Oh, fuck!"
"Like that?"
"Yes! I like that!"
"What about this?"
You move further south, trailing kisses down her belly. She moans as your lips caress her skin, her body writhing with pleasure. You then reach her thighs, and you give them a soft kiss.
"Yes! Oh, god!" she moans, her body trembling.
You then spread her legs apart, exposing her pink pussy, glistening with her juices.
"Oh, fuck. Look at you," you marvel, staring at her womanhood.
"I know. It's fucking amazing," she says, a satisfied smile on her face.
You then move closer, and your tongue finds her slit. You slowly drag your tongue along her wet folds, eliciting a moan from her. She throws her head back, her eyes closed, as she relishes in the sensation.
"Shit! There it goes again! That fucking tongue!"
"Do you want me to stop?"
She opens her eyes, staring right at you.
"No! Don't you fucking dare!"
"Alright," you chuckle, continuing your assault.
You lap at her wet folds, lapping up her juices. You savor her sweet, musky taste, and it makes you feel drunk.
"Ooh, shit! That's the spot," she gasps, her hands gripping the back of your head.
You continue your assault, licking her clit and teasing her wet entrance. Her body trembles and her moans get louder.
"Ooh, fuck! I'm getting close," she pants, her voice shaky.
You intensify your assault, sucking on her clit while inserting two fingers inside her.
"Are you gonna cum?" you ask, staring right into her eyes.
"I'm… I'm close," she whimpers, her voice barely audible.
"Do you want to?"
"Yes… Yes! I want to cum!" she gasps, her hips bucking.
As her screams go a few pitches higher, you let go of her. Taeyeon is left hanging, her body shaking with frustration.
"Huh? W-what the fuck?"
"I don't want you to cum yet," you explain.
"But I was so close, you fuck! You could've—"
You withdraw fully from assaulting her core, only to show her your own erection standing at full attention.
"I could've just let you cum…"
You position your shaft against her pussy, brushing her entrance.
"But I want to do it…"
You rub your shaft against her wet slit, making her groan.
"When I'm inside you."
"Oh f-fuck," she bites her lip, anticipating your next move.
"This is what you wanted all along, right?"
You press your tip against her entrance, and her eyes widen.
"Yes. You finally get—ooh!"
You continue to tease her, rubbing your cock against her entrance.
"Then, shall I?"
"Yes. I want you to—agh fuck!"
"Tell me how much you want it."
"I… I want it! I want you to fuck me!"
You continue to tease her, pushing the tip of your cock into her, making her moan.
"I don't think you're sincere, noona," you tease, pushing your cock further into her.
"Fuck you! Stop teasing me and start fucking me, you asshole!" she cries out in desperation.
"Then tell it to me like you mean it," you tell her, tapping her entrance with your length.
Her hips then shake as if begging for something. Her breathing is heavy, and her eyes are filled with lust and need.
"Please… I need it," she whimpers, her voice shaking and full of need.
"Then say it, Taeyeon."
She grits her teeth, and her eyes glaring at you, filled with both anger and frustration.
"Fuck me, alright? Fuck me like you mean it! I want you to fill me up and make me cum! Make me scream! Make me fucking lose my mind! I need it! I need your fucking dick inside me! Right. Fucking. Now!"
Without warning, you push your cock into her, eliciting a cry of both pain and pleasure from her.
"You mean like this?"
"Ah! Ahh fuck!"
You slam your cock into her, and she moans, her body shuddering.
"Enjoying this, aren't you, noona?"
"Fuck… I'm really gonna cum!"
Her back arches and her hands grip the bench. You continue to fuck her, and her moans get louder. You can feel her pussy tightening around your cock, and her body trembles.
"Shit! Shit! I'm cumming—ahh!"
Taeyeon screams, her body quaking in pleasure as her orgasm rocks through her body. Excess fluids gush from her core, coating your shaft and dribbling onto the bench, until it creates a small puddle underneath. You can't help but smile as you watch her, her expression filled with pure ecstasy.
She then falls limp, her body relaxing as her orgasm subsides. She looks at you, a satisfied smile on her face.
"How was it, noona? Was it good?"
"That was… Incredible," she manages to say, her voice still shaky.
"I'm glad I was able to satisfy you," you chuckle, pulling her into an embrace.
"Yeah… You did good for a newbie," she smirks, chuckling.
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. But you still have a lot to—ooh!"
You slam your cock into her, catching her by surprise.
"You say that but…"
You thrust in and out, and her eyes widen.
"Looks like you're losing your mind…"
"Oh fuck."
"To a virgin," you slam your cock deep inside her, her body shaking.
"Ahh! This fucking cock! Ahh!"
"So, tell me… What was that you said again?"
You pound her relentlessly, and her moans get louder. Her body shakes, and her breathing is ragged. For a stick-up mentor and tennis partner, she sure is enjoying her role reversal.
"I… I can't… Fuck! Oh, shit!"
"Pretty please?" you ask, slowing down the pace of your thrusts.
"N-no! No! Please don't slow down!" she pleads, her voice trembling.
"Then say it."
"Oh fuck you—ahh! I can't take it anymore!"
"I can do this all day."
"Agh! You asshole!"
You slam into her, and she screams, her body convulsing.
"Fuck! Not that spot!"
"Say it, Taeyeon. Say it."
With her face painted red in anger and embarrassment, she gives in.
"F-fine. Fine! You… I love your fucking cock! Your fucking virgin cock!" she screams at the top of her lungs, her voice echoing through the court.
"That's it. Let everyone hear you."
"Oh, fuck. I fucking love you," she moans, her voice dripping with need.
Her last few words catch you off-guard, but the sight of her drunk-hazed face and her pleasured moans make you forget it almost immediately.
"Then I'm yours."
You slam into her once more, and her eyes roll to the back of her head. With arms around your back, she pulls you in as she incoherently screams into your ear. Taeyeon has finally lost her mind, and you love to see it.
"Oh fuhg… It'sh sho gud!"
"What is good, huh? Tell me."
"Y-your cock… Your cock ish sho gud," she whimpers, her body spasming.
"And how does my cock feel inside you?"
"Sho big… It'sh filling my pusshy sho mush!"
"And whose is it?"
"Yoursh! All yours! My pusshy ish yoursh!"
"I can't quite hear you, noona."
"Your pusshy! It'sh all yoursh!"
"Good. Keep telling me. I love to hear it."
"Aahhh… Y-your cock… Fuck me more!"
You fuck her senseless, and her body writhes in pleasure. She continues to babble nonsense, her mind gone blank from the pleasure. You continue to slam into her, her tight cunt sucking in your shaft. You can feel her walls clenching, her pussy desperate to milk your cock.
"Taeyeon-noona, fuck… You feel so good."
"Aah! More! Give me more!"
"You want more? How about this?"
You then pick her up and fuck her as she's suspended in the air. Her eyes widen, and her mouth is agape.
"Oh fuhk… No. No!
She screams, and her legs wrap around your waist. You hold onto her tight, and your pace quickens.
"Oh, shit! You're sho deep!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Ahh… Y-yesh… More… Harder!"
"As you wish, noona."
You increase your pace, slamming into her faster and harder. With her light, small frame, you can go deeper than before, as if it's nothing. Or maybe all that rigorous training is finally paying off.
"Oh fuck! Fuck!"
"You like that, huh?"
"Y-yesh… I like it…"
"Good. Now, let me give you a reward."
You thrust faster and deeper, and her moans get louder. And as you do, you can feel your balls churn, the pressure building within them.
"Oh, fuck. Taeyeon-noona, I'm going to cum soon," you warn her, feeling the sensation rising.
"Yesh… Ghiv me your cum!"
"Are you sure? Are you sure you can handle it?"
"Yesh! Let me have it!"
"Alright then."
You amp up the pace as you reach your climax, and your thrusts get harder and faster. Her body is shaking, and her voice cracks as she moans uncontrollably.
"Oh fuhk! Here it cumsh!"
You slam into her one last time, burying your cock deep inside her. With a loud moan, you erupt, unloading a torrent of hot, thick cum. She screams, her voice ringing through the court, as your load fills her up, flooding her womb with seed. She clenches her eyes shut, and her hands grip your shoulders, holding on for dear life.
"Shit, noona… I can't stop!"
"Jush giv it all to me!"
You keep pouring into her, not stopping for a moment. Her body shakes, and her pussy tightens, squeezing out every last drop. You feel like you're being squeezed dry. Painful, yes, but you can't help but moan at the overwhelming pleasure.
"Oh fuck… I think I'm done…" you finally gasp, your thrusts slowing down.
"Ahh… So mush cum…" she sighs, her voice breathy and sultry.
You pull out of her, and her eyes are unfocused. A deluge of white ooze seeps out of her pink hole, a mixture of your fluids and hers. You can't believe the amount you have ejected, and neither can Taeyeon, as it creates a larger puddle on the ground.
"Holy shit," she gasps, her glazed eyes widening with disbelief.
"Fuck… I think I went overboard," you tell her, watching your semen flow out of her.
"You let out… So much…" she breathes, her weak body barely holding her upright.
"Well, I couldn't control myself. Not with you."
"Hahh… Thanks," she smiles, a hint of pride in her tone.
You both catch your breaths, the smell of sex hanging heavily in the air. Your body tells you that you've exhausted your reserves, and maybe so did Taeyeon's. But the sight and sound of your previous actions still linger in your head and your desire for more remains.
"Say… Noona…"
Your shaft slowly stands back up, throbbing at her entrance and eager to continue. She lets out a soft gasp as she notices your eagerness. You can see the hesitation in her eyes, fueling your hunger even more.
"Can we?"
"You're restless today, aren't you?" she giggles.
"Can't help it," you grin, rubbing your length against her slit.
"Fuck… That feels so good," she moans, closing her eyes.
"So? Can we?"
"Hmmm… Alright. I guess one more time wouldn't hurt."
"Thank you," you tell her, a big grin forming on your face.
"So, what do you want to—whoa!"
Before she could finish, you swiftly lowered her to the ground and spread her legs apart. You position yourself in front of her, your shaft poised and ready. She looks at your erection, her face flushing a shade of red.
"Fuck… Here we go again," she sighs, anticipation in her eyes.
You then guide your shaft into her, and she whimpers, her pussy swallowing you whole.
"Urgh! You're so fucking tight, noona!"
"More like you're too fucking big," she grunts, her walls straining to accommodate your girth.
"And you're loving it," you reply, smiling sheepishly.
"Mhmm…" she nods, biting her lip.
"That's what I like to hear," you smirk, and without warning, start thrusting.
"Ahh! Oh shit! Fuck me harder!"
You comply, slamming your cock into her at a rapid pace. Her voice echoes through the court, a melody that fills you with immense satisfaction. The sound of her skin slapping against yours only adds to the pleasure, and you find yourself thrusting even harder.
"Fuck… Yes… Harder! Fucking pound my pussy!"
You slam into her faster, harder, and deeper. Her body writhes with pleasure, her hips bucking and her legs quivering. She can't help but wrap her arms around you, her hands digging into your skin. Her legs also have you locked in, the intensity of her hold surprising.
"Shit, Taeyeon-noona… You're so good," you groan, relishing the tightness of her pussy.
"Yes! Fuck! Right there! Keep fucking me like that!" she cries, her voice cracking.
"Here? Like this?"
You hit a spot inside her, and her body jolts.
"Aghh! Yes! There! Right fucking there!"
"You like that?"
"Yes! Fuck! I fucking love it!"
You continue to slam into her, wild like a beast in heat, hitting the same spot over and over again. She can't stop screaming, her voice cracking and her body shuddering with pleasure. and her pussy clenches around you, tightening even more. You can't help but let out a groan, the sensation driving you mad. You feel her orgasm coming, and you're not far behind.
"Shit… Noona, I'm gonna cum again!"
"Me too… Me too!"
"Hrgh! Here it goes! Take it all!"
"Yes! Cum with me! Cum inside me! Fill me up with your fucking cum!"
You feel the pressure rising, and you can't hold it any longer. You ram your cock deep into her, and with one last thrust, you let out a primal roar, releasing a torrent of hot cum into her. She screams, her voice ringing through the court as your thick load fills her up once again.
She cums right after, her pussy convulsing around your cock, unleashing a flood of her own juices. As if a dam had been burst, her fluids flowed freely, gushing out of her pussy and coating your cock. It's as if you're drowning, the intensity is overwhelming.
"Oh fukh! There'sh sho mush!"
"Taeyeon… You're so… Tight!" you gasp, your cock trapped by her pussy.
Not that you can, nor that you could. Your hips continue to buck, the pleasure almost unbearable. It's as if her cunt is trying to squeeze every last drop out of you, and it's succeeding. You keep pouring into her, filling her womb up to the brim.
"Ahh! It'sh not shtopping! Your cum ish sho mush!"
As your thrusts come to a halt, you slam your cock one last time, burying yourself deep inside her. Excess fluid squirts out of her, adding to the already impressive puddle underneath you. You can feel her pussy milking your shaft, squeezing out the last drop of cum.
After what seems like an eternity, your orgasm subsides, and you slowly pull out of her, your cock still oozing with cum. She sighs, and a copious amount of white liquid drips from her entrance. A mixture of both your cum and hers. After your earlier outburst, you can't believe how much you manage to let out, and neither could she.
"Fughk… Sho mush…" she pants, her eyes glassy.
"Noona… That was intense," you tell her, trying to catch your breath.
"Fuhk. Yes… I feel sho dihzzy."
You can't help but chuckle at her expression, her face flushed with exhaustion.
"Hey. Are you okay?"
"Yeah… I guesh," she mumbles, a sleepy smile spreading across her face.
You then carry her as you sit on the bench, her exhausted body resting against yours. With her remaining strength, she slowly wraps her arms around your back, pulling herself closer. You reciprocate, enveloping her in a tight embrace.
"Ow, ow!"
"What? What's wrong?"
"You're hugging me too hard!"
"Oh. Sorry. I went overboard, noona."
"Heh. Don't be," she laughs, nuzzling against you.
The two of you spend some time recovering from your intense session, the cool breeze a nice reprieve from the sweltering. She then looks up at you, her eyes full of desire.
"What? Do you want more?" you ask.
"No, I'm tired… Just hold me, okay?"
"If you say so," you chuckle, giving her a soft peck on the forehead.
She giggles, snuggling against you.
"We were kinda loud, weren't we?"
"Do you think someone saw us?"
"I hope not," you chuckle, rubbing her shoulders.
"I do!"
From somewhere on the bleachers, a man's voice suddenly blurts out, emerges, the sound of his shoes echoing through the court. Your heart sinks as the two of you search for the source, finding a man sitting on the bleachers.
"Oh shit. There was someone," you gasp, your face flushing with embarrassment.
"Sorry for not telling you two," the stranger, wearing what might me a janitor's uniform, apologizes, looking rather bashful.
"How long were you there?" Taeyeon asks, yelling, her voice tinged with embarrassment.
"I heard screaming and moaning, so I went to check it out. And there I saw the two of you going at it."
"And you didn't stop us?" she retorts.
"Why would I? You lovebirds seem to be enjoying it," the stranger says, his tone nonchalant.
You and Taeyeon then exchanged glances, your faces blushing red.
"And besides…"
The two of you look back at the stranger.
"Security here doesn't give a shit during these hours."
"Really? Do they not monitor the cameras?"
"They do."
You both shudder at his response.
"But they'd rather get some shut-eye than deal with any after-hours shenanigans," he answers, chuckling at his own statement.
"So… Do they not care about what happens here?"
"Are you crazy? We've seen enough of that stuff already! It's common during these hours."
The stranger's words echoed in your ears, leaving you both stunned and relieved by the realization that your bold escapade wasn't as discreet as you
"Heh. I guess I did pick the right time---ow!"
Taeyeon suddenly hits you in between your playful comment with a playful yet embarrassed smirk on her face.
"You sonovabitch! You let people watch us? In public, of all places? I hate you!"
"Hey! Hey! It was your idea to have some fun in public," you protest, rubbing your arm where she hit you.
"But you made the reservation! You sneaky fuck… You probably knew about this!"
She continues to scold you, her words laced with a mixture of embarrassment and amusement. For such a soft punch, they sure are quite painful.
"No, I swear! I didn't know anyone would be here!"
"I swear, the next time you have your way with me, I will…"
"Hey. Don't blame me! You pulled me in on this!"
"Why you…"
"Before you lovers continue to be all playful and whatnot…" the janitor interrupts, "You might want to pack things up."
"Huh?" the two of you ask in unison.
He then points towards the sky as the dawning sun begins to peek over the horizon. You quickly check the time on your phone and realize that the time you reserved for your outdoor rendezvous is nearly up. With your exhausted bodies and flushed faces, you hurriedly gather your belongings, discarded clothes and all, trying your best to fix yourselves as fast and as composed as possible.
"What about the mess?" Taeyeon suddenly blurts out, her cheeks still flushed from the recent activities.
"What mess?" you ask, your focus shifting between the looming sunrise and Taeyeon's concerned expression.
"This mess!" She gestures towards the puddles of sweat and other bodily fluids that soak the bench and the concrete ground beneath it.
You exchange a panicked glance, realizing the evidence of your passionate encounter is scattered for all to see.
"What are we gonna do with this?" she exclaims, worry evident in her voice.
"Fuck… Uhh, shit! Gimme a sec…"
You quickly think of ways to resolve the situation.
"Hey! Don't worry about that," the janitor calls out, waving his hand dismissively.
"What? You're gonna clean all this?" you ask, a mix of relief and surprise in your voice.
"Uhh… Yeah! That's my job," he chuckles.
"Well… Thank you, sir!" you yell, waving your hand at him.
"Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!" Taeyeon cries out, her voice ringing with relief. She then pulls your arm, nudging you to leave the scene with her. "We have to go!"
You and Taeyeon then rush towards the exit, your hearts pounding with a mix of exhilaration and nervousness. From what was initially a harmless tennis practice session, things took an unexpectedly erotic turn, allowing you and your partner to unleash all your pent-up desires in a frisky and uninhibited display of passion. Fucking on a public tennis court was definitely not part of the plan, but it was an experience neither of you would soon forget.
"Ugh… Walking without underwear is the worst," you groan as you and Taeyeon hurriedly walk outside of the building, your exhausted dick swaying freely beneath your shorts.
"You think? I haven't even put anything underneath in a hurry!" she replies, frustration lacing her voice. Her breasts bounce under her clothes with each hurried step. "Hngh… I can feel some of your cum dripping down my thighs."
"It does?" you ask, shocked and curious, leaning in to inspect her arousing situation. "Lemme see…"
She then prepares to swing her arm to hit you. Her face furious yet blushing.
"Don't you even dare!"
"Alright, alright. My bad," you chuckle, raising your hands in surrender.
As the sight of the parking lot comes into view, the two of you sprint towards your car, not minding of anything else around. You quickly open the passenger door for Taeyeon, and she jumps in eagerly. You then jump into the driver's seat, heart pounding with nervousness and you start the engine and leave the place for good.
"Right," you breathe out as you adjust yourself in your seat.
"Let's go to my place," she tells you.
"Well, duh. Of course I'll drop you at your place, noona. Where else would I even…"
"Huh? What do you mean ‘no’?"
"I mean, you're all sweaty and whatnot, so…"
Twiddling with her hair, Taeyeon then looks at you with a coy expression on her face.
"If you want… You can take a shower at my place. I wouldn’t mind.”
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Author’s Notes:
And that's another SNSD member written down! I'm halfway there... Maybe. I really can't imagine her other than the "Noona You'd Like to Date" and with my renewed interest over the "Prince of Tennis" series, I thought I'd give this idea a shot. I don't know much about tennis tho... So I hope I did a decent job at least. 🙏
Also... Some of you may not know this, but a few hours from now is my Queen Taeyeon's birthday! Going 35 and still one of the hottest idols in the industry. God-fucking-damn. 🥵
I have more stories lined up (and waiting to be written by yours truly OMFG I hate myself) and I'm very eager to share them to everyone. The "Spotlight" series is still. Don't worry. I didn't forget about it and hopefully I don't. I just thought of making stories of other idols in between to break it up a bit.
Once again, thank you to @capslocked and @sparkynsfws for your help in polishing this story, as well as to @braaan for yet another fire poster. Thank you so much! 🤗
Thank you for reading! 🙇
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panchatea · 1 month
Aletheia & Etterath
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ChaCha Story Commissions.
Gahyeon x Male Reader ft. SuA
Tags: Romance, Lover’s Sex, Dreamcatcher, Gahyeon, SuA, Fluff, Melodrama
Wordcount: 11956
PART 1 - Aulasy & Kairoclerosis
PART 2 - Amour & Liaison
A/N: This is the last part of this series. Yey! I hope it's okay, I haven't written anything this technical before and I haven't written smut for more than a year. please do tell me how is it. It's not perfect but yeah.
Support me on KOFI
“Unnie, do you love me?” There’s just something that has always been both a blessing and a curse for me. People seem to think I am just a dumb pretty face who is unaware of anything around her—even my members always treat me like I'm a child.
However, the truth is, I know…
I observe and I always watch. 
I know.
I just don't talk.
“Gahyeonie, of course, I love you.” She smiled caringly as she continued to wipe that iniquitous body of hers that I’m so jealous of—slender, sexy, toned, and petite so unlike my curvy voluptuous body. Well, despite my jealousy of her body and other things, I’m glad to have her, she loves me so genuinely like her own sister. 
I love her too. 
But I know… 
She’s jealous of me too, and makes me so happy. 
“Do you love him too?” She smiled again, but this time it was almost too bittersweetly. Bora-unnie opened her mouth and she didn't speak for a moment.
“Of course, I love him.” I know you. That was your true feelings, wasn't it? 
“Every member loves him. He’s cute and he takes good care of you. There's no way we wouldn't love him.” That was true. She didn't lie, but it was far from her truth.
Nonetheless, I just tucked myself in the sheets and pretended to sleep. I just didn't know what to say to her or you so I held back. It wasn't before I felt her warm body beside me. It was Bora-unnie.
She's always been good to me. She always took good care of me. What's mine could have been hers, but she didn't take it. She gave you to me.
I always knew.
I saw it.
That spark in your eyes the first time you met her. Time must have slowed for you during those five seconds.
The way you listened intently to my stories, but you always had ears for things about her. You were always curious, but you never asked.
The way you glance over her reaction whenever they teased us of being lovers before. 
The way she had always greeted you first. And was always there watching over us two. 
You two always had an eye for each other. 
It always felt like she wanted you. 
And when you asked her about love.
When you said “I love you” to her. 
I knew. 
“Can’t fall asleep?” I heard Bora-unnie say. I thought it was for me, but then… 
“Noona, what will happen from now on?” You answered her from my left side. I only noticed your presence then, maybe from all the thinking. 
“I honestly don’t know,” Bora-unnie said as I felt her warm embrace engulf me, “she didn’t say it but I think she knows, but I’m too scared to ask.”
And I’m too scared to tell you two. Why didn’t I just wish the two of you to live happily? Why must you two hurt because of me?
“I’m happy and grateful for her tonight so I decided not to be greedy from now on. Tonight might happen again or not ever again but either way, I’m fine with it,” she continued as her hug tightened. 
I’m the one who should be sorry for ruining something beautiful between the two of you. I’m sorry for being selfish, but I’m sorry because I don’t regret it.
“Whether she might decide to keep this sexual thing going or decide to acknowledge my feelings for you and let me share your relationship with the three of us or just bury it, I will not complain and do something.” I already did acknowledge it Bora-unnie, but the moment you surrendered him to me, that was when you already lost.
“After all, I already gave you up to her ever since that day, and it’s a decision I don’t wanna take back and regret,” she said lastly. The pain was apparent in her tone. Her hands that hugged me were shaking. You sighed, you were quiet, you were just listening, and I wish you had expressed your thoughts more, but as usual, you were reserved.
“So that’s it?” You said with a tone of acceptance and defeat.
“That’s it,” She agreed before breaking her hug and turning her back to drift to sleep.
I opened my eyes, only to be met by your sleeping face. 
The face of the man that I love. 
The man who I wish loved me as much I love him, but sadly I’m not confident. 
What a player. It feels conflicting. I don’t plan on giving you up, but I’m not sure what these emotions are or what should I feel. You never cheated on me with her. You never did anything to compromise this relationship. You worked so hard to show your love for me, but whenever Bora-unnie is here, it always feels like you are chained to her, and she only pulls once, then you’ll leave me. I’m always at the mercy of her pity for me. Your words earlier still linger in my ear.  I trust you and your words.
“I loved you but I love Gahyeon.”
“Thank you, but please wait for me… at least until I can make a decision”
That's what I said but then again, 
I knew…
I would still choose you even if you don't.
And I wish,
You would choose me too.
The next day after that night was anticlimactic. It was awkward eating breakfast that morning. Everyone was quiet while eating the hotel room service food. It was a simple breakfast of toast, honey, butter, bacon, eggs, and coffee.
“This breakfast reminds me of Europe, we would eat this every day and I kinda missed the usual Korean breakfast after a while,” Gahyeon reminisced and you followed the conversation by asking about things about their tour while SuA stayed quiet, just listening to the two of you until breakfast was over. Gahyeon was weird today. She wasn’t doing that thing while she ate. 
SuA excused herself, saying that she had an appointment and left you two alone.
“I’ll go now, Kids. Take care you two.” SuA said before she left. SuA looked rather down, she wasn’t being her usual mature and mischievous self. It felt like she had a problem she couldn’t share.
“Worried?” She asked you.
It became even more awkward when you and Gahyeon were left alone inside the room. No one dared to talk about what happened last night. It felt like there was a wall between the two of you and Gahyeon had a lump inside her throat that she couldn’t get out. She tried to smile but they were bittersweet. You wanted to say something to help her but there was nothing, as you were painfully aware of the fact that you were the reason.
“About what?” You answered back but you knew it was about SuA leaving so abruptly. 
“I have no things to worry about.” You added as you smiled awkwardly.
Gahyeon stayed quiet after that and sat right beside you before locking hands with yours as she leaned onto your shoulders. She was clingy, refusing to let off your hand. It was comforting and reassuring, but it might be even a call for help from her. 
“Do you wanna stay like this all day?” You opted to stay with her.
 “No, I should visit my mom and dad. I haven’t seen them for so long,” She said and asked you to drive to her parent’s house. They haven’t seen her for so long you agreed.
The drive wasn’t any better. It was uncomfortably quiet with only the radio music filling the air. Thankfully, it played one Dreamcatcher’s song, and Gahyeon humming along with it made the atmosphere a little lighter. It was quite a long ride, but you survived.
Something was going on, and you were being kept in the dark. You knew it was about SuA. About what happened yesterday? It was not like you weren’t affected either. But you knew it was because of you, and you couldn’t do much.
“I love you,” you whispered before kissing her gently on the lips in front of her parents’ house. It was the only thing you thought you could do. A gentle kiss and the words she wanted to hear the most. 
Gahyeon reciprocated with a peck of her own on your lips. She inched close, another on your cheek. Before whispering her reply to your words.
“I love you too.” This time the side of her lips raised as she was almost too drawn by the black hole in front of her. Three words and a kiss were the reassurance she deserved. She turned around happily to their house.
The night before, Gahyeon wished for you to express yourself more. Say that you wanted her as much as she wanted you. Reject Bora flatly, but instead, what she got was only you wondering and a last defeated line.
But this time, the saying of those three words and the kiss reassured Gahyeon of something. Something that made her feel less of a pitied woman and more of a chosen love.
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Months have passed since then and it was like the hatchet was buried. The topic has never been talked about. Unsaid feelings and concerns were left unsaid, but you and Gahyeon continued to work on your relationship. It was like she didn’t have to bring it up, as you knew ever since that moment in front of her parent’s house—it was a testament to your feelings—it was all that was needed.
Today, there she was sitting on her chair. With that black dress’ fitting her, she would make every model in this world thankful that Gahyeon became an idol—it hugged her body tightly, proudly highlighting her gorgeous figure. Not just that, the French tips, the designer ring you gifted her, a scrunchy just in case, pink hair, and red lips, complete a date night look.
Gahyeon was a goddess.
Gahyeon no matter what she was wearing or even if she was wearing nothing at all, she would be the most beautiful girl in this world to you and many people. Today though, she was dressed extra special, just for you, and with that, you were thankful for being the one chosen by this goddess.
Gahyeon’s attention was all poured into the menu in front of her. She giggled as she looked at each page excitedly. Why wouldn’t she be excited? The meal was treated by you, and it was your second anniversary. You just stared at her, reminiscing all of the things that you two had gone through for the past year. From a rather peculiar deal after a one-night stand, a night for three naked bodies with the same girl you had a one-night stand with, and through all of that confusion and pain you had caused the girl in front of you, here you were celebrating this festive day.
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m gonna melt,” she teased as she closed the menu and gestured for the waiter to take her orders before looking back at you. Gahyeon smiled naughtily as if she had concocted something mischievous inside her head. 
She inched closer until there was only a few centimeters between you and her lips which made you instinctively close your eyes.
For a kiss, but you just heard giggling before you—
“Ahh! What was that?” you asked as you opened your eyes only to find the love of your life back at her seat with the same smirk she had earlier. You just caressed your forehead, trying to ease the pain of her attack.
“You looked too cute, I had to tease you.” Her laughs echoed into your ears—a symphony you would never get tired of. Sadly, that soon came to a halt as the waiter came to take the food order. Of course, the order was hers to decide alone, you had given her the privilege to do so on this special occasion.
She opted for a specialty dish, a whole pizza, a side of roasted potatoes, an assorted seafood dish, and pints of beer to keep the cold night warm.
“Yah, that’s too much, we can’t possibly finish all of that,” You said to her to which she replied with a pout, “Aish, you’re not planning on making me finish all of that?”
“Of course! It’s the man of the relationship's job to finish all the food his woman ordered.” Gahyeon pointed out before handing the menu to the waiter. There she goes, a typical girlfriend moves to use gender roles to get what they want.
The food didn’t take too long to arrive. And it also didn’t take any for you two to enjoy the feast in front of you.
“Here try this,” Gahyeon offered you a spoonful of the specialty dish she ordered which you gladly accepted shyly before she herself tried it. Whether she was sweet or she wanted to see how it tasted first, her mixed expression said it was both. 
“How was it?” She asked and you just nodded. Gahyeon never was the kind to hide her affection. She didn't even try to hide the relationship from the media. For a while it became a headache for her management, but with time and effort, it all became fine. Now it is an open fact that Gahyeon from Dreamcatcher is dating a non-showbiz man. 
“It’s delicious!” Gahyeon blissfully exclaimed after she took a bite. You smiled unknowingly while watching her—it looked like it was worth it to book this restaurant months earlier for this date. She was happy—the way she hummed as she ate was a testament to this. 
“Don’t stuff yourself too much or you’ll end up complaining to me later that you gained weight,” you teased her as you too stuffed yourself with the delicious food. She glared at you—never mention gaining weight with someone who controls theirs for their job. An idol needs to always stay in shape after all—their almost impossible-like figures. 
“I’m sorry.”
Time passed like that. You two passed bicker on to each other. Talking about all the mundane things. Just there, enjoying the company of each other.
The night has been perfect so far. The cold breeze was countered by the alcohol, delicious food alongside great conservation, and the reincarnation of beauty and kindness, your date Gahyeon has been nothing but lovely(also a teasing master), there was no reason to be unhappy. 
“I said to stop staring at me like that.” She looked at you sourly, pretending to be annoyed at you.
“I wasn’t, I wasn’t looking at you!” you retorted at her. “I was looking at that last piece of pizza.”
You took it, bit on it, and she looked like hell rose and her soul left her body.
“But, I was gonna take that last piece,” she dejectedly said as she pouted at you.
“Yah! You, we’re breaking up! You stole my pizza.” Gahyeon pointed her fork at you, threatening you with it.
“Come on now, fox, I’m sorry. Here take the piece.” You placed the pizza on her, but she just glared at you.
“But, you already took a bite!” She moved the piece back to your plate but you refused and placed it again on her plate.
“No! This is betrayal! Did you know wars started because of pizza!” Whelp, that was clearly an overreaction. Or maybe not, you made a mental note to search later which historical event she might be referring to.
For the second time, she returned the pizza. And by then you had already noticed other guests from the tables near you looking. Not that it was embarrassing you, but being a cause of distraction to other people was bad.
“Babe, I’m really sorry,” You apologized sincerely. “Look, we can order another pizza if you still want them. We can also take them as a takeout for later.”
 “The next time, I promise I’ll ask you, if you want the food before I eat it, okay?” You held out your pinky, and she raised just her eyebrow and crossed her arms as you wiggled the finger in front of her.
“Hmm, k. You better order the same one!” Gahyeon hooked her finger onto yours and stood up. It all happened too fast and before you even knew it, her lips connected to yours, not caring if it was a public display of affection or if she could be photographed by a random fan. 
You two had done it more than times you could ever count, but it was still as magical—her soft supple lips landing on yours, staining it with her red lipstick.
“Be ready, I think you’ll be on Dispatch tomorrow,” Gahyeon smirked as she disconnected her finger from yours and snatched the piece of pizza on your plate before she sat again and ate it. You will definitely be on Dispatch tomorrow after that,  but this time, it won’t be a controversy but it is to report about Gahyeon’s successful relationship.
As for you, you shyly sat there—red as an apple after that scene straight out of a KDrama. 
You shyly gestured for the waiter.
“Can we get the check and then a pizza for takeout,” you said to the waiter as Gahyeon continued to enjoy herself, taking pictures as she ate her food. You took out your phone to capture some photos.
It was such a mundane thing, but it was so beautiful. Her just being there, eating the food you treated her comfortably without any care in the world.
The way she smiles.
The way she munches her food.
It was love when even the most boring things became the most interesting.
There was no worry in this world with you and her in it. It was proving how fruitful your efforts were in this relationship.
You love her and that is all that matters. You wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone. That was what you decided ever since that day.
Soon the waiter came with a box of pizza and the check for the food. You paid for everything and got ready to leave. The night was still young, there were so many things to do, and there was only so much you could do.
Not much time after, Gahyeon found herself walking alongside the beach, and you followed her from behind. The air was cold to feel,  the song of the ocean resonated to the ear, her footsteps left prints on the sand beneath, and her dress flew and formed waves like the ocean’s. 
It was a sight to behold. 
There was just a certain kind of beauty as the moon just shone on her like it was a spotlight, her porcelain skin glowed as if it was reflecting the moon like the water does. The focus was all just for her and everything, even the breathtaking view just became a backdrop to her beauty. It was a picturesque sight that would forever be imprinted on one’s brain.
However, it wasn’t anything special. Rather it was just Gahyeon and your eyes. The eyes that allowed you to see her for who she was. It wasn’t because of her beauty, or her personality, it was Gahyeon as a whole. 
What people don’t really understand was that attraction and love are two different things.
Seeing someone and wanting them is attraction.
Seeing someone and wishing to be with them is love.
Of course, attraction is normal among lovers, but there is a fine line between lust, infatuation, and love. To which is what is underneath all that attraction. The normality and comfort of just being in her presence. Gahyeon isn’t the goddess or the idol of everyone. The difference between your love and the love of her fans is that you don’t look up in the sky for her—seeing her in glasses of such absurdity and obscurity.
Gahyeon is there.
She’s always been there up ahead. She’s not up there on a pedestal.
She’s there with you.
And that’s what you call Love.
And that’s when you truly see. It was not the glow of her skin under the moonlight, or the way her pink hair and black dress swayed to the blow of the sea breeze, or the way that sight was like a masterpiece waiting to be captured and kept in an art museum.
It was again only Gahyeon. Gahyeon who was just walking alongside the beach. Gahyeon, who was stuffed with all of the food she ate. Gahyeon, who probably was feeling cold, because one, she wore sleeveless, two she didn’t bring any jacket even though you told her to do so earlier, and three, because it was simply cold during that night.
Gahyeon makes you worry. Gahyeon makes you feel unease. Gahyeon makes you hurt. Gahyeon makes you wanna care. Gahyeon makes you feel alive. Gahyeon makes you cry. Gahyeon makes you laugh.
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Gahyeon is Gahyeon.
She took out her phone, pointed it onto the horizon, and soon you felt a vibration inside your pocket.
“The moon looks so beautiful isn't it?” Her message said alongside the picture of the horizon as if you weren't there with her. You smiled as you typed the reply.
“Come on, why are you acting like I’m not even here,” you said as you approached her and nudged her. She giggled and looked at your face for a second before she went back to staring at the horizon. You dropped the pizza that you ordered as takeout at the sand, took off your jacket, and shielded Gahyeon from having a cold later tonight.
“I knew you’d do that. That’s why I didn't bring a jacket. It is a boyfriend thing to do,” she commented and you just giggled in response. 
“The moon looks so blue.” There it was up above the skies, shining alone brightly. It must have been lonely. There were no stars above and even if there were, no matter how it seemed like they were close to each other, they were truly drifting away from each other. It was scary. 
She held your hand. Tightly as if she was scared you would just disappear through thin air. It was sweaty and cold, but she didn't mind. 
“I prefer the red sunset.”
Yes, that red sunset back when we were just teenagers without any care in the world,  chasing our dreams, and then and there I knew I only had one dream. 
And it was to be with you. 
It was funny because I was making fun of how frail you were, and how you wouldn’t be able to run a mile. You wouldn’t be able to reach the beach at the end of the town. Your house was on the other end of the town after all. 
But you did, and the first thing you did was send me a photo of that beautiful red sunset.
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t was so beautiful. 
It made me happy. 
You were amazing and it was beautiful. 
I could imagine how you were frowning when I replied and said how pretty it was.
I mean, you sent it to me to show how amazing you were right? 
It made me so happy so I took my bike and pedaled all the way to you. 
You were so funny. I caught you complaining.
“Not that! I want her to know how awesome it is that I ran here!” You exclaimed.
“Oh, you didn’t want to show me the sunset?” You didn’t even notice that I was behind you.
“That’s right… not the sunset…” That was when you realized, and looked back before jumping out of shock.
“Gah, what are you doing here?” You asked me.
“Talking to you last time made me want to see the sunset.” That is what I answered, but the truth is…
I wanted to see you. I even brought you a bottle of water. You drank as we sat on the sand.
“I’m so happy,”—I expressed— “you ran all the way here to send me a picture of that beautiful sunset.”
“It’s not like that…” you denied but you were blushing. You continued mumbling, trying to come up with an excuse. You were so cute, you didn’t know what to do and you couldn’t even understand what you were feeling.
I called out your name. You were so rattled.
“It’s so red, isn’t it?”
“Red? Am I blushing?”
But I just said…
“It’s a beautiful red sunset. So pretty…”
“The sunset? It sure is. It’s red, isn’t it.”
“Well, it’s not as red as you.” I couldn’t really help but tease you. Your reactions were so cute.
But really…  I was so glad.
I could watch that beautiful sunset with you.
Those were the days.
That was also the day, I realized… It wasn’t a crush.
I love you.
“Red sunset?” Your question brought back Gahyeon from her trance.
“Yes, I wanna see it again,” Gahyeon said as she continued to watch to the horizon while you watched her.
“Is this that beautiful?” You asked her.
“Yes, it was so beautiful,” Gahyeon answered. She turned to look at you and locked eyes.
“Yes, beautiful.” She giggled.
“Take me to the beach again soon,” Gahyeon asked full of expectations.
“Why?” You asked but you already made a mental note to plan another beach trip. Maybe this time back in yours and Gahyeon’s hometown. You remember visiting alone the last time you drove her to see her parents, and it was beautiful. Maybe you two could eat some crabs and other seafood.
Gahyeon loves seafood a lot after all.
“I wanna see a nice red sunset again. Also, I really want to catch some crabs.” Gahyeon said and rubbed her stomach. Is she a mind reader? Or was she just thinking about using her stomach? Either way, it made you laugh a little. You expected her to say something about food.
“Then, we should go earlier than today so that we catch some crabs while we wait for the sun to set.” It’s been decided. You don’t when, but you knew it was gonna happen, maybe when Gahyeon’s schedule loosened up again.
“I wonder how many I can catch.” She said after you ruffled her pink hair. Gahyeon retaliated, trying hard for you not to ruin her hair that she had so much time to perfect just for your anniversary date. When she finally was able to stop you, she glared at you and pouted cutely.
“You won’t be able to and you’ll make me catch them instead.” You just laughed as you tried to fix her again. You know her too much. Gahyeon would say that it’s a boyfriend thing to do to catch crabs for her girlfriend and cook them—she would leverage her girlfriend card again.
“That’s rude, I can do it too.” She slapped your hand and fixed her hair herself. Of course, her slap didn’t use too much force. Gahyeon is sulky girlfriend but she doesn’t want to cause you harm.
“I didn’t say, you can’t. I’m saying you’ll be too scared to do so.” She threw punches. Again they were not hurtful, but she was throwing a real tantrum and if you don’t calm her, she will sulk for the rest of the date.
“Come, sit here.” You held her hand and pulled her to sit on the sand near where you put down the takeout food from earlier.
“Open the pizza. I’m hungry.” She ordered to which to gladly followed. As soon as the box revealed the food, her eyes widened. Gahyeon, who was almost drooling turned her mood upside down because of the luscious pizza in front of her. She couldn’t restrain herself, as she excitedly hummed before she went for a piece and ate it.
“You’ll get fat,” You commented and she nudged you while her mouth was still stuffed.
“You’ll exercise with me, don’t worry,” Gahyeon retorted and you just laughed as you too took a piece.
The box of pizza was emptied as the night went on. Conservation under the moon went by faster than normal and that’s okay. As long as it was with her, time spent was time spent well. 
Soon she decided that the cold ocean breeze was not doing it for her anymore and opted you two to leave the beach. Hand-in-hand you two went back to your accommodation for the night—a hotel near the beach and the restaurant.
The hotel room was nice. It wasn’t anything special like what most fans would thought idols were always staying in. It was a small suite with a single bed, kitchen, bath, and a balcony that overlooks the ocean. It was nice and not over the top. Gahyeon loved it. As soon as she entered the room, flopped and bounced on the bed, playing as if she still had so much energy to burn.
“Come on, our anniversary night is still not over!” Gahyeon had her arms open wide, tempting you to jump on her arms. It wasn’t an offer anyone could refuse. A woman as cute and attractive as she flopped her arms open wide on top of a fortress of pillows and mattress, there was no way you would pass on that.
It was a long night that you wish wouldn’t end.
You didn’t waste any more time to accept her offer as soon you were engulfed by her arms. You were on top of her, pressing onto her as she caressed the back of your head. Gahyeon smelled nice. Gahyeon always smells nice. Her smell made you feel relaxed, and her hug was comfortable. She gently ghosted her hand back and forth of your hair as she hummed your favorite song.
It felt like a baby being held and hummed to sleep. It felt like heaven. It felt like home. It felt like the right place. And that place was inside her nestling hug. Gahyeon cuddled you, and you nestled back. Her voice was angelic. It was a known fact, but hearing her voice almost whispering the melodies of love, was the greatest fan service only available to you.
Your phone vibrated a few times, but you ignored it as you focused only on her and her alone. Relish the moment while it lasts. Take advantage of each second before it passes. For God JiU’s sake, it was your anniversary and nothing is more important than Gahyeon and you—it was probably just some work problem needing of solution anyway, they could at least handle it for one night.
Before you even knew it, Gahyeon finished her song.
“Thank you for putting up with me.” She whispered.
“Why wouldn’t I? I’m your boyfriend.” You answered back.
“Do you lo—”
“I love you,” you cut her before she could the question to allow her to hear the words. However, she didn’t do so after all.
“I love you too,” Gahyeon whispered before she pushed you off her and got off the bed with a mischievous smile.
“You’ll suffocate and squish me if we stay this way for long,”—Gahyeon pointed at you—“Special cuddling fanservice session is finished.”
This time you were the one to pout at her.
“No fair, I wanna cuddle more,” You complained.
“Take care of that constant vibration on your phone first while I take quick shower.” Gahyeon winked, “We’ll do something special when you come back.”
In the blink of an eye, Gahyeon disappears to the bathroom after insinuating something naughty for later. You were left in a daze for a few seconds, imagining what she meant by her words. You were only able to break the trance after a vibration.
You finally opened your phone only to be shocked by what was on the screen which made your smile turned upside down.
You quickly went down to the hotel lobby, where the message on your phone led you to find her.
“I just came back from a long hiatus and you’ll greet me with that face?” She pointed out your conflicted expression.
“Noona… why are you here?” She approached for a hug, but you were quick to step back and draw a line between the two of you.
It was SuA who you didn’t hear so much after months of cutting the connection from all of you—or at least from you. You were reluctant to talk to her.
“Why are you giving me the cold shoulders?” SuA teased as she once again approached step-by-step and you backed down for each step she took.
“Noona, stop this… what are you doing.” But she didn’t listen and forcefully tried to take your hand. Of course, you had more strength than her but being forceful to someone you cared about was hard.
“I’m taking you with me,” SuA declared as she tried to pull you, but you just didn’t let her as she pleased.
“Noona, I’m not going with you. Where? Where were you even? Where are you trying to take me?!” You lashed out at her. Thankfully, no one was around to see the scene. The older one just stared at you annoyed that you didn’t listen to her.
That standoff took a few seconds before you turned your back to walk away. You were finished with her. You were not doing this. Atleast, not on your anniversary night. You were not going to get swayed by her.
“Didn’t you say that you love me?”—her words stopped your steps—“Prove it to me now, ran away with me.” 
Turn back. Look at her. Hear her cries.
“I love you.” Beads of tears slowly fell down her gorgeous face.
“Please, say it. 
I wanna hear it again. 
Say that you love me. 
Choose me.” 
It was painful, watching her cry fully knowing that you were the reason.
“I love Gahyeon.” Three words. One sentence. One name that wasn’t her.
It was short but meaningful. You didn’t regret. You were straight. You didn’t apologize for either hurting her or not choosing her. You said it. And that broke SuA.
“I shouldn’t have let you go.” Those were the words that escaped SuA's mouth as she realized it was too late and where it all went wrong for her—where she lost. You helped her. She looked so frail. What did she even do all this time?
“Noona…” SuA wiped her tears and quickly composed herself. 
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine.” SuA faked a smile and you returned it to her with a caring one.
“I’ll be off your back, don’t worry,” SuA said as she tried to walk away. You stopped her. You held her hand, but just like what you did earlier.
“Where are you going?” You asked her worriedly.
“Don’t worry, I already told Minji-yah that I’ll be coming back. I ain’t going nowhere,” She explained as she walked away.
“Let’s catch up soon.” 
She looked back. 
She smiled bittersweetly. 
“Tell me, when did you realize that you love her?” Those were her last words before she walked away and left you speechless. However, maybe it wasn’t really what she wanted to ask, but rather the words were…
“When did you realize you didn’t really love me?”
It didn’t take long before SuA was no longer in sight. And her words are still stuck in your head. When? When did you really realize it? 
Take out your phone. Stare at the picture of the woman on your wallpaper, Gahyeon. 
When did I realize I love you?
That’s a really funny question. 
But really. 
It was maybe sometime after we officially started dating. 
Honestly, I wasn’t sure yet. I knew I loved Bora-unnie or so I thought I loved her. I wasn’t sure. I was confused at that time. But I did my best to make you happy. 
To try to make it with you. 
I said I love you. We kissed already. We even had sex already at that time. I’m cruel aren’t I? I’ll probably go to hell for being a liar. 
I knew I didn't love you yet. I felt disgusted with myself. You were like a sister to me after all. And I was lying and taking advantage of your feelings for me. 
Love is a Lie. 
I said and I knew it was a lie. 
But I wished, for one day… I’ll be able to truly tell you without any lies. To be able to kiss you out of love. To be able to be one with you. To want you as much as you wanted me. 
To love you more than you love me. 
One day… 
It happened. 
It wasn’t like I expected it to be. 
It was a normal day. It wasn’t anything special. 
I just woke up and that was when I realized… 
I love you, Gahyeon. 
When I saw your face the moment I opened my eyes. You were far from your beautiful self in front of the camera. You were ugly. Your hair was like a broom. You were snoring. Your breath stinks. You were eating your hair and you had dried drool on the sides of your lips. 
You were ugly, Gahyeon. 
It made me laugh. Although, I wasn’t any better. I was just fortunate enough to wake up earlier than you. I had time to fix myself before I got called ugly by you. 
But I didn't…
I went for the kiss on your drool-painted lips. Mine wasn’t any different. 
But this time it was different. 
I kissed you because I love you. 
I love you.
Not anyone else.
How could I be so blind when you were here all along?
I kissed you again and it felt so right.
But I accidentally woke you up.
You were smiling. That was the brightest smile I've ever seen in my life. You giggled as the sun funneling through the window illuminated you.
“Your breath stinks,” you teased.
“Please, brush your teeth then come back and kiss me,” you added.
It was funny. Yours stinks too! I didn't mind it at all, and I bet you didn't mind mine too.
That morning was a drop of dew. And I just watched you with love. The way you walked around with your disheveled hair and just my shirt on. You didn't care at all. Why would you? It's just me, the man you love.
You were so lazy that I had to brush your teeth and tie up your hair. If only your fans could see you, I wonder how they would react?
You're a slowpoke, Gahyeon. I couldn't blame you though, with a schedule as busy as yours. I would use any free time to laze around.
“When will breakfast be ready?!” You exclaimed from the bathroom while I was in the kitchen. You always cared about food.
“In a few minutes, take your time with your routine!” You were sleepy and lazy but you were always so diligent. You never skip on anything. You always took care of yourself. Although, most of the time, I still had to take care of you.
Maybe, that's my job.
“Gah! Breakfast is ready!”  When breakfast was finally ready, you sprinted to the dining table. You were suddenly but then became sheepish. You took most bites with your eyes closed.
From then I took a mental note to prepare something that would help you sleep better every night before bed.
You took each bite excitedly but still sheepishly. You hummed as you ate. You always hum when you eat. It has always been an indicator that you were eating something delicious. 
“This sucks. Do you want to take cooking lessons?” That was what you right after when you literally handed your plate for a second serving. 
I gladly gave it to you. Do you remember? 
That morning was so bright, comfortable, and was fleeting. Before I knew it, you were going to leave for practice and I was going to work. 
However, I wasn’t sad because we were parting for the day, rather, I was already expecting the bliss that I would have when I finally met in the night. 
It was such a peculiar thing, but I knew right then and there when I saw your back passing through my apartment door… 
I love you. 
“I should go back to Gahyeon,” You muttered to yourself as you made your way back to your hotel room, but unbeknownst to you, you would find an empty room. You wondered where she was. Did she meet SuA? Or did she somewhere else?
You were worried. You tried to text her and also tried to ask the hotel staff if they saw a pink-haired girl roaming. You might have taken too long because of SuA and she went out to look for you.
That was when you received a reply from Gahyeon.
“Wait for me.” That was what her text message said.
Where were you Gahyeon?
“Unnie,” Gahyeon called who was waiting at the other end of the hallway for SuA. The older stopped and looked at the younger. Did she he—
“I saw and heard everything.” For the first Gahyeon admitted that she was there or that she was listening. She always kept to herself and was always patient whenever something like this happened, but tonight Gahyeon decided differently. 
“Not gonna welcome your unnie back? I just came back from a long hiatus,” SuA commented as they faced each other. Two women, who love the same men, but while the other succeeds, the other fails.
“Well, I would be happy to welcome you with a hug and a kiss but you just tried to steal my boyfriend,” Gahyeon answered with an annoyed tone.
“I didn’t try to steal him,” SuA corrected as she approached Gahyeon step-by-step. The younger stepped backward every time the older closed in up until she couldn’t, hitting the wall behind her. SuA was so closed, uncomfortably closed for Gahyeon, but she didn’t backed down.
“He’s mine to begin with,”—No one dared to break eye contact—“He loves m—”
“He loved you, Bora,” Gahyeon cut. She said so sternly and clearly, even opting not to use any honorifics. SuA bit her lip in response to what Gahyeon said. She knew deep down it was true. She just couldn’t accept it. 
“He loved you,”—Gahyeon reiterated before SuA could even retort—“What? Cat’s got your tongue? It’s true is it not?”
Gahyeon had put SuA in her place or rather, she had put her back in her place. It was harsh, but SuA was reckless. She came out of nowhere and tried to hijack their anniversary night. It was almost as if SuA went there and just hoped for the best and trusted the little hope she had. Gahyeon, on the other hand, didn’t think twice to defend her place.
“I shouldn’t have pitied y—” SuA said before biting her lip as she instantly regretted what she had said, but it was too late. Gahyeon after hearing what SuA said, had a hammer punched in her stomach. She wasn’t expecting SuA to at least not say those words. Or at least for SuA not to feel that way. Gahyeon knew her and you happened partly because SuA felt bad about her, but for it to be said in her face…
Something inside of them broke, and a bottomless pit sunk inside of their hearts.
“I don’t know you anymore.” Gahyeon pushed her, and SuA fell to the ground. She didn’t mean to push her down to the ground, just enough to put distance between the two of them. Her heart ached. Gahyeon was worried as she looked down on her as the older looked away in shame.
“Please don’t call me or him. I don’t care about our jobs. Please, I’ll find a way. Just leave.” Gahyeon walked away and SuA could only watch her as tears once again flowed out of her eyes. She knew she had not only lost you, but now she lost Gahyeon. 
Gahyeon wasn’t any better, she cried and wept as she took heavy steps fully knowing she had just cut off one of the most important people in her life. They both didn’t want for things to end up like this, but emotions cascaded like a waterfall and there was no way of stopping this. There was no way it could have ended with all parties happy—it was simply impossible.
Love takes.
Love is painful.
Love comes with a price.
Gahyeon clearly remembered. She didn’t want things to end up this way. She tried. A scenario where no one was hurt, but in the end… all of you ended up hurting. It was foolish to hope. Gahyeon wiped her tears and found somewhere to sit. She closed her eyes.
“Gahyeonie, wake up.” I opened my eyes and my eyes met with daggers of light before I saw her—the face of the person I was most jealous of. SuA, who was asleep beside me.  SuA who made love with me and my boyfriend.
“Swa, good morning,” I greeted, still half-asleep.
“Good morning, Baby.” She caressed my face. Her eyes… They looked so sad. She looked like she was in pain, but she smiled.
“What's wrong, Unnie? I asked worriedly. Although, once again I knew… I knew but I couldn't do anything. Or I wouldn't do anything. I would die if I were to give back what she gave me.
‘Gahyeonie, do you love him?” SuA said, almost choking on her words.
“Yes, I love him so much. I have loved him for so long.” Those were my words. Those were also the words that drove you like this.
I'm sorry for being selfish.
“Unnie, do you love him?” I asked her once again. The same question from the night before.
“I do,” She confessed, and tears started to flow down her cheeks, staining her pretty face. She confessed… it came straight from her mouth. Her true feelings.
“But I love you more.” Those words… I didn't even know how to react. It was so sincere.
I wiped her tears, but I was crying too. Everything was a mess, and honestly, I was surprised how you slept through all of it.
When you woke up, it was as if nothing happened. We had a pleasant breakfast but the atmosphere was so awkward.
But I didn't expect it. That was the last I would see SuA for a long time. She just left. If I knew I would have hugged her. But I only found out later on from JiU-unnie that she left the country and went on a sudden hiatus.
If I knew…
I should have known at that moment.
It was goodbye.
That is until now.
Gahyeon opened her eyes. She had calmed down. She stopped crying. She knew she had to return to your suite. You were waiting for her, but she knew you would notice her puffy eyes.
That she cried a lot.
“So much for an anniversary night,” Gahyeon muttered as she stood up to head to a comfort room before going back to the suite where you were waiting.
Soon, Gahyeon stood in front of the door. Nervous about how she would explain what happened or how to open up about the topic or how to even talk about it. She wasn't ready, but she knew you would ask.
“Please, don’t ask.” She grabbed the doorknob and turned it. As the door swung, she found you, and couldn’t help but smile as she found you pacing back and forth, worried about her. 
“Gahyeon!” You exclaimed. You saw her and ran up to her—finally relieved that Gahyeon had come back. 
Before she could even react, she was engulfed by your arms in a bear hug. Her arms enveloped back as yours tightened. Hearts were booming. You could feel it, she could feel it, every fast-paced beat booming as your hearts connected.
Gahyeon had let go. She just let it happen. She didn’t speak, she just nestled into the comfort and protection of your hug. It was her home. It was warm yet something cold on your chest countered it. It was your shirt wetted by the diamonds dripping down her beautiful face. You caressed her back, trying to lull the crying girl as Gahyeon buried her face against your chest.
“It’s okay.” Gahyeon clenched her teeth and fists, took a handful of the backside of your shirt, and bit on the fabric her mouth was able to reach. She just kept crying without uttering a word. She just released what she was holding back inside of her. 
It broke your heart seeing her like this. You couldn’t do anything but caress her back and hope that it was enough to ease her pain. Several minutes passed and she wasn’t calming down. You kissed her forehead and she looked up to you.
“Do you love me?” Gahyeon asked, her eyes pleading for reassurance as they continuously stained her face with tears. You kissed her once again, but this time it wasn’t your lips and her forehead, it was her lips and yours colliding softly for a peck. She smiled brightly. You haven’t even said the words she wanted to hear, but her eyes already lit up as if she knew it was coming.
“I love you.” The words were finally uttered and it was all that was needed for Ghayeon to wrap her arms around your neck. Pull in. Let go. Hug it. Before you even knew it, your lips collided with hers once again. Close your eyes. She captured your lips and pulled you into a longing hungry kiss. Knots were tied, and two soft marshmallow muscles clashed, moving with the rhythm of her hunger.
She was a blackhole longing for love. It was scary how a woman in pain like her craved love like this. It wasn’t a sweep inside your mouth as she playfully tickled the underside of your tongue while exploring the depths only she could reach.
Gahyeon pulled out, caught her breath, and chased once again as she lured you. She started sucking on your tongue, and you gladly let her without any resistance. She pulled and sucked. She circled her tongue around yours.
Seconds passed by and the endless exchange between lips didn’t end. Seconds became minutes, and tears already stopped flowing, but the fervent kiss didn’t end there. It started with a peck and it ended up in a torrid kiss. Eyes closed and lips glued to each other. Her arms traveled around your neck while yours gently caressed her hair.
She pulled out and a string of saliva bridged the two of you. Her eyes still brimming with hunger as yours locked with her lovingly. She wanted more and you would gladly give anything for her. 
“Do you love me?” Gahyeon asked once again. This time you were the one to capture her lips and Gahyeon couldn’t help but smile while her lips were still connected to yours. Glide from her back to her lower hips as Gahyeon cupped your cheeks as she continued devouring you.
In one swoop motion, you lifted her off the ground, resulting in a momentary disconnection between the two of you. That didn’t matter though as she was quick to clash lips once again while you tried to excruciatingly navigate around the suite to get into the bedroom almost blindly. 
You had hit several corners. Topped down appliances and broke a few glasses before you found a counter to sit Gahyeon on. It wasn't the destination, but you soon would get there but for now.
She was laughing and smiling, you were in a crazy haze. You pulled back. Eyes locked as the playful hands grabbed onto the ends of her black dress. You didn't waste any moment as her porcelain skin revealed itself as you peeled that dress off her—from the tips of her toes, her luscious legs, toned stomach, and torso. A momentary break of eye contact as the garment blocked your sight of her.
Look up and down. Magnificence exuded as inch and every corner of her felt it was sculpted by a higher being itself. Her porcelain skin felt like clouds on your palm, and the way her body subtlety reacted… each touch shivers, each touch was electrifying.
Gahyeon wasn't one to just be the one almost on her birthday with only her matching black lingerie. She pulled you by the hand, grabbed your shirt, and didn't waste any moment to remove it. She ogled at you—it was a sight for her—it was the prize that was for hers alone.
“You’re mine,” Gahyeon said, asserting her ownership over you as she bit her lips, almost drolling while eyeing you. She didn't waste any more time as she pulled even closer for another make-out session—this time more athirst. Each feathery touch made her more hungry, intoxicated, and addicted. Kisses were her morphine—each one made her forget the pain and put her on a high.
“I’m yours.” You broke the kiss. You traveled from her lips to her left ear as you engulfed her for a hug. She wrapped her leg around your hips. The distance was small. It didn’t allow any wild movement, but that was okay, being able to see her gorgeous face up close was more than enough. This time she was smiling. You had only seen it through your peripheral vision, but her lips, her eyes, they both were happy.
“Shut up, carry me to the bed, and fuck me,” Gahyeon ordered. Giggles left your mouth as you gently carried her off the countertop table. She hugged you and nestled on your shoulders. She rested and relished once again taking advantage of the comfort of your warmth.
Soon you laid her down on the bed. While you caught your breath, you took a moment to once again look at the art in front of you. She wasn’t crying. Gahyeon was happy. She was anticipating. She was like a kid waiting for her request to be granted. You could stare at her all day, but her order, you needed it as much as she did.
You smirked at her as you unbuckled your pants and stripped down to your birthday suit. She smirked back and taunted you with her body. She didn’t have any intention to remove her lingerie. She wanted you to do it. Although fucking her with that sexy lingerie still on was still also an option, you wanted her to be as bare as you were—completely naked and vulnerable.
“Why are you so lazy?” You grabbed the hem of her black thong and tried to peel it off her. It was stubborn, and her ass held on to it. You lifted that peach ass of hers that she spent so much time in the gym to achieve for a moment just to get it off, began to slowly remove it off her lips, making its way down her smooth and slender porcelain legs, and revealed a treasure, her smooth, glistening pink lips.
You wanted a taste. You wanted to tease her. So you dove right into the treat in front of you. You started with kisses up and down her inner thighs, gaining soft moans while your lips repeatedly contacted her warm skin. You planted wet kisses on her thighs again, but this time dangerously near her wet folds.
“Just do it already.” Gahyeon was already squirming. She wanted it, and a lick down her thighs, staining her pristine thighs with long licks garnered even more moans. You giggled mischievously while she was getting more and more impatient, but before she could complain once again, the first lick came in, tracing her pink slit—one long sweet taste of her wet folds. 
Teasing her might have backfired as she grabbed onto your head, and pushed you in her legs forcibly, forcing you to continue eating her. You didn’t have any choice, buried in her crotch, you accepted your fate, and her delicious pussy. Explore every corner. Reach the deepest depths. You dove in to find out how deep your tongue could reach inside her. You basked and inhaled the aroma of her pussy. You didn’t let any of her juices pass your mouth. And Gahyeon took it all in, receiving all of it, moaning and expressing how pleasurable it was all.
You let your hot breath blow against her crotch, and she whined in response. Quickly, you went in with an up-and-down motion deep inside using your tongue. She cussed, she moaned, and she quivered as you continued eating her out.
“More!” She exclaimed as if that was the cue, you put pressure on her clit. You swirled around it, gaining louder and more high-pitched moans as you ran circular patterns on it. Push and swirl. You gently pushed it with your tongue, then took it in your mouth and sucked on her clit.
Her legs squished, and her nails dug in deeper and deeper as every second passed by. She pushed you deeper in hopes that your tongue would reach deeper inside her slits. It was getting harder to breathe as minutes went by. Your head was going numb from the pain from her nails digging. Her wet pussy almost drowned you. Buried against her crotch, all you could do was go crazy, trying to taste and service her as much as you can, sucking her wet and delicious pussy as you turned Gahyeon into a squirming mess.
The only option was to tap out. You forcibly disengaged, simultaneously edging her. It wasn’t time for her to reach her climax, and it wasn’t time yet for a death by thighs head locking you. You licked your lips and caught your breath. You smirked fully knowing what you did as you tenderly caressed her thighs while she pouted.
“What are you looking at?” You teasingly snarked at her, and she glared at you before you got on top of her. You weren’t one to keep her waiting when you just edged her. And just like any other time before and now, you lined the tip of your cock up against the opening of her entrance and captured her lips for a kiss as you pushed—slowly and caringly, entering her inch by inch smoothly inside of her already soaking wet quim.
Gahyeon hugged every bit of your cock. She was perfectly wet and perfectly tight every time, and it was always cute how she was also perfectly cute, innocent, and sexy at the same time. Sex with her had always been a mix of comfort and excitement. With Gahyeon you wouldn’t call it sex, it was the ever-cliched lovemaking.
You started fucking her, slowly, sensually, and carefully. It was different from how you teased her and edged. You pressed bodies, allowing each other to relish the warmth of each other. You let her feel you gravitating against her. Gahyeon had your weight on top of her and she had always loved it. It felt like the sun, warm on the skin, but it didn't burn. Sweaty and almost smelly but it felt cold and fresh to be so close to her. Again and again, like clockwork, you slowly pull your member out from her, but as soon as your tip peeked out of her, you bury yourself deep inside her, causing a melody of her pleasure getting fill up.
“I love you,” she uttered in between her moans.
Again, pull, and push.
“I love you too.”
Now that you had built a slow and steady rhythm, you gradually upped the pace. Faster but not so sudden. The goal was to induce pleasure and not pain, pushing in but within the comfort of your lover just as she loved as both of you became moaning messes—quick huffed breaths—sounds of sex only the two of you know of. The smell of sex, sweat, and saliva lingered in the air. Moans, squelching noises, profanities, proclamations of love, and chased breaths, roared inside that hotel room, accompanied by the warmth of each other.
You started pounding her, faster and more vigorously than before. Full of vigor but full of control. A little bit rough but Gahyeon wrapped her leg around your lips nonetheless, she wouldn’t want you breaking off her while you thrust and looked at her with the desire to pleasure her. Her eyes shut close and she became louder, screaming at the pleasure of your cock.
For Gahyeon this kind of physical intimacy was a form of assurance to ease her fear. Gahyeon feels your love the most when you two are connected. Sex is the highest form of love. Sex is the greatest expression of it. The heat she was relishing, the roughness, the gentleness, the pain, and the pleasure were evidence of love. 
It was a treasure how your palm caressed her cheek underneath all that mess. After all, she was a mess and you were a mess, but there was this certain kind of beauty and order amidst all of that and only you two knew of it—only your love knew of it.
There was no time for rest as you as that climax was coming. She didn’t want you to stop fucking, and you didn’t want to either. You fucked her hard and fast. It was a high that you knew too much of. A drug that was only available for you. A medicine that heals Gahyeon and you, but keeps you addicted. It was a contradiction, amidst all that high and intoxication, being lost in the trance of pleasure, you didn’t get lost and chased the pleasure for you alone. You chased her pleasure, and she chased your pleasure, aiming to please each other.
You found her breast, still clothed in her black brassiere. You squeezed and she whined in response and quickly tried to get rid of it, reaching for her straps and setting them aside before flipping them to expose her bountiful mounds. You dove right onto it, took her hardened nippled, and suck on it while massaging the other breast. It was softer than marshmallows, it was like you were kissed by a cloud.
However, you didn’t forget fucking her, you thrust as you sucked like a baby on Gahyeon’s breast. All Gahyeon could do was to receive all of it, and hug your head, hoping it would help you eat her better. 
It was time to give attention to the unattended boob. You removed yourself from her boob and left red marks all over her breasts, and a lingering feeling of stretch on her nipple, saliva all over it. You did the same to the other boob, suckles, bites, kisses, peck, smack, smooch, and snog, all the things you could to do to make her release those lovely sounds and to compel her to hug you more tightly and to enable yourself to feel her warmth more, get buried on her breast more.
Although you couldn’t give her boob as much attention at the one as she pulled you up for a momentary rest. You made eye contact with you and chased your breath. Get pulled by her brown orbs. The tips of her lips raised, showcasing her iconic fox smile. Her eyes were as dazed as yours, but she still gazed at you lovingly before uttering the words, “Kiss me.”
“I love you, Lee Gahyeon.” You gladly complied and dove right into kissing her. Gahyeon cupped your cheeks. It was an amorous kiss you shared. A kiss to last a lifetime. One of too many. Certainly not the last but you kissed her as if it was the last. It was as sweet as the first though. You slowed down your pace to allow yourself to relish it more, the way your cock stirred her insides, the it twitches after hitting her deepest parts every time, the way it filled her, the way her lips connect to yours, the way you fuck her while you two shared a loving kiss, and the way she loves you.
Soon a knot in your loins introduced itself to you. What she was chasing for you eventually came and without breaking the kiss of the movement of your hips. You felt a built-up in your groins as her quim clenched, and tightened around your cock. It was time for her too. She tightened her hug, nails dug into your back as you slammed deep inside and pulled her out again and again until you could no longer hold it another.
One last time for the last run, putting in all of your remaining stamina. You fucked like you had every intention to impregnate her. Both of you groan in great pleasure as you let loose to release wave after wave of your thick semen deep inside her while quivered, shut her eyes, bit your lips, and bucked her hips as her orgasm collided with you. An instant climax, and delight, with her plugged pussy leaking out juices that were mixed with her fluids yours.  Her orgasm was strong as all of that built up in her stomach released a wave of ecstasy.
The high felt like forever. The satisfaction was great. Both climaxes subsided and you felt your flaccid member slipping out of her, and her pussy finally unplugged, leaked out your cum. After a few seconds of being frozen in place, Gahyeon released your lip and you let out a sigh of relief before licking the blood off your lip. You collapsed beside her and she turned to face you and hugged you as she tried to recover from the hot session herself.
“I love you too.” Gahyeon gave you a peck, resulting in you blushing. Out of embarrassment you turned your back on her, stood up to get tissues and that thing, and hid it underneath the box of tissues. You went back to the bed and helped her wipe herself and lean off the leaking semen in between her legs. She was smiling mischievously as you wiped her as if she was planning to tease you. 
“Why are you acting shy? You’re wiping as if that’s not your cum and you didn’t just eat my pussy.” Her words made you choke and she just laughed heartily. Gahyeon was back to her usual self—cheerful and teasing master. 
“I’m not, I’m just thinking about how much I love you.”
You reasoned out. It was far from what she said, but it was the truth. Looking back to all that happened, you couldn’t help but just be happy and relief that you ended up this way. It might be just a hunch but it felt like things would finally get better from here on. It was a little bit chaotic but you finally settled it with SuA. You didn’t choose Gahyeon instead of SuA. You just love Gahyeon and there wasn’t even a competition. What happened with SuA and your feelings for her won’t be forgotten, but it was a lesson. A lesson you would take as you journey with Gahyeon.
Gahyeon is love.
“Why do you have to think about that when you just have to show me?” Gahyeon gazed at you. Her eyes were full of expectation. She was looking far ahead. Looking at the things you two will do from now on. You were looking forward to it too. Gahyeon is the loveliest girl and she isn’t one to hide her love. You just hope to be more like her, and be more confident of your love for her.
“Yes, I’ll do that from now on,” You answered her. You took her hand and smiled at her lovingly. Love was truly bare. Your feelings were as bare as your naked bodies as both of you wore your hearts out. And looking at her, you knew it was time. 
You took her left hand and kissed it. Gahyeon just smiled, not suspicious of anything as you reached for the ring you had hidden earlier. Gahyeon just watched. Her eyes showed a hint of confusion. You just continued smiling. Although, maybe there was a hint of nervousness and awkwardness.
“Gahyeon…” You call for her before kissing your fist, still not revealing the ring you had inside it. At this point, Gahyeon already had an idea of what was happening. Tears formed in her eyes with the anticipation of it. And she was right as you revealed the ring. Her mouth kept agape, surprised, and couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Gahyeon’s puppy eyes were both in shock and filled with bliss. 
It felt like your heart was about to burst out of nervousness. Will she say yes? Will she decline? Those questions played in your head on repeat as you held the ring tightly. It was an expensive ring or anything that could put a hole in your pockets, but it was something more important. The heirloom ring from your mother. An old piece of gold jewelry with a humble diamond.
“Will you marry me?” You finally asked her and beads of clear crystal started flowing down her beautiful face. You let of her hand and wipe them off.
“Stop crying will you?” You said to her but you started crying also. With the ring, you imagined dreams of seeing her in that white dress, walking down the aisle while you wait for her at the altar. You’ll spend time off for a vacation, a honeymoon on the beachside—you know how much Gahyeon loves the beach. Maybe even starting your own family.
Fingers fidget, and hearts boomed. Time slowed down at that moment in that hotel room. You panicked and weren’t sure if you would wipe her tears first or wipe yours first, but you opted for a third option. You took her left hand once again, and carefully put the ring on her finger.
“Yes, I will marry you!” Gahyeon didn’t stop crying, but she didn’t seem sad at all. The smile painted all over her face said it all, and seeing that made you feel warm inside. It was burning, but it didn’t hurt at all. Neither of you stopped crying but it was okay. 
It was a beautiful moment to share. She hugged you tightly, and you reciprocated until you found yourself sharing a kiss. A lovely kiss. Then once again locked eyes, gazing at each other, ever smiling and happy.
Her smile was beautiful. Her happiness was the most beautiful thing to exist. And you’ll do anything to protect that.
Yes, just like that day.
That one cold winter night.
We were out late because of a schoolwork project. The other kids had already gone home and were the only ones to go in the same direction so we walked together. Well, I wouldn’t let a girl walk home that late at night.
We were walking and at that time, we weren’t particularly close or friends yet.
But we ended up talking.
You talked about your dreams. And I talked about mine.
It was just fun.
And maybe,
That was when I started developing something for you.
Well, I realized too late that it was love.
But maybe at that moment, I fell in love with you unknowingly.
All of you were just too beautiful.
The moon bore witness to it.
Your laughs.
Your smile.
Your eyes.
Your dream.
Your everything.
That was when Jasmines bloomed in winter.
Aletheia & Etterath
*Series End*
A/N - idk did I do something? i think it's bad HAHAHAH
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armpirate · 6 months
Anti-romantic | JJK || Masterlist
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
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1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 -
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chillyneon · 5 months
Allow yourself to make any story you want for your Self Insert. If you want to stay yourself that's fine! If you want to grow into a different person due to story experiences, do it! There's so much fun and catharsis to be had whether it's SFW or NSFW, there's no rules of what you're allowed to do with YOUR Self Insert. Good, Evil, Neutral, Toxic, EVERYTHING IS ON THE TABLE FOR YOUR PERSONAL FANTASY. You can write yourself reacting to different situations any way you want. Just because you wouldn't "realistically" handle things a certain way, who the fuck cares ITS YOUR SELF INSERT YOU MAKE THE RULES.
Experience horrific atrocities that change you into a completely different person from the trauma that only your F/O can heal? Or only you can help their own traumas? DO IT.
Save the day even when canon heroes failed and be the only one who can get it done, everyone loving you for it? DO IT.
Be trained by F/Os and become an amazing fighter that can hold your own in a brawl? DO IT.
Help the villain, or hell BE the villain, who wreaks havoc while reveling in the evil and carnage of it all to a concerning degree? DO IT.
Become a secret assassin who has to go through special training and actually kill people and infiltrate spaces in order to complete the missions you were trained to do, and fucking loves it all? DO IT.
Take part in a gigantic intergalactic revolution that could tear the structure of leadership apart down to its very knees, fighting alongside your F/O? Or even tragically, fighting against your F/O? DO IT.
Having the ability to fight the enemy whether you're a Villain or a Hero, achieving abilities that make you a force to be reckoned with to the point where even canon characters know your name without having ever met? DO IT.
Actually fucking DIE and have an angst filled pain train from all the heartbreak your F/O experiences due to your death? DO IT.
Have an evil F/O that inflicts dark emotional and/or physical torture that breaks you past the point of no return? DO IT.
Fuck everyone and everything because you're just that attractive and amazing? DO IT.
Hang out with everyone and everything because you're so damn cool and engaging? DO IT.
You're so fantastic and will have awesome experiences, or you know, delicious painful experiences. You're also gonna get AAAAAAAALLLL the F/Os, they love you so much because it's YOU no matter what form your Self Insert takes!!!!
Anyone who says otherwise is pure dookie.
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zyhkoo · 2 months
eye candy ♡ willy wonka 2023
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✦✦ 𓏏𓏏 ms. y/n rosewell, a famous botanist has come back from town after a year. she had returned with special flowers from her trip and famous willy wonka has caught her attention. will they get along? ♡ wattpad link part 2
"Thanks for the hand, kind gentleman! Your pay is in at the counter over there," you grinned as you placed a package on the table. It had been a year since you had traveled the world, and the town you resided in appeared more vibrant and bustling than before. Everyone in town appeared more happy and cheery than the previous time you came, which was quite the lovely sensation.
You unpacked the boxes and set some flowers on the shelf; a few boxes required strength to lift, but you were able to do it. You brought home a variety of flowers, from common to unusual, and basic to exotic. It was difficult traveling with flowers for a year; some didn't make it back to town. But that is what it is; you were just happy to bring home beautiful flowers for others to admire.
You were a well known botanist, your flowers were known well throughout the town. If a loved one received flowers from your shop, it was basically a flex. Some people recognized you on the way and were delighted to see you, while others briefly stopped to see if they can purchase a couple of flowers. But you rejected, saying you wanted to start selling when your business reopened for everyone.
Finally, after hours of effort, you placed the last flower on the shelf. You wiped your sweat and looked around. You were really proud because all of your gorgeous flowers were placed exactly where you intended them to be.
The sun was beginning to set; tomorrow would be the day you reopened your small shop.
Up your shop, there was your room. It wasn't too big nor too small, it felt just right. You didn't care about fancy things, as long as you felt happy you'll be fine. Flowers brought you joy but was that really all?
You never really had friends, only acquaintances. You were an orphan raised by a botanist who passed when you turned 16.  You had a step-sister who went missing. Who else was there for you? No one ever wanted to see you other than for your flowers. It was kind of a sad thought, maybe this year you'll find someone.
You exhaled, shaking the ideas from your brain. After you finished your bath, you put on your favorite nightgown. You peeked out the window before going to bed. The town lights were stunning; they appeared like stars emerging from the earth. The stillness soothed your senses, and you no longer felt alone; it wasn't that horrible.
It was getting late, so you blew out the candle and went to sleep.
You switched the sign in front of your door, you were now open for business. You watered and re-arranged the flowers for a bit, suddenly the wind chime jingled making it get your attention. The person in the door was Mr. Wesley, he had a box of chocolates in his hand and had a very formal appearance.
"Mr. Wesley, good to see you again." you told him with a soft smile "Its good to see you as well Ms. Rosewell! As soon as I heard you were back, I just had to come again." he told you "Oh I'm quite flattered, Flowers for your girl again?" You asked crossing your arms.
Thomas Wesley was one of your usual customers, he'd always pick a bouquet every 2 weeks for his beloved partner. He didn't have much with him, but he was willing to do whatever to make his beloved sweetheart happy. "Yes, shes now my wife." a bashful grin was written on his face. Your eyes widened in surprise "Oh really? Congratulations, I suppose shes a Mrs. Wesley now." you chuckled.
He smiled, "Yes, my brother helped me with the wedding, I couldn't done it without him. I wish you were there though, you had the finest of flowers in the town."
"Oh please, theres a lot of botanists here. But anyway, what would you like this time?" you asked him.
He looked around your shop for a bit "I need something for Valentine's day tomorrow. Maybe something big? I have 12 silver sovereigns right now, is that enough?"
Oh right, it's Valentine's day tomorrow. Valentine's Day used to be one of your busiest days; men would frequently purchase bouquets for their loved ones during the month of February. In exchange, you received a large number of sales, however working long hours exhausts you greatly.
"I can give you one of my best bouquets, I've already made a few while going back from my trip. What do you think about this one?" you asked, as you gave him a large bouquet. It had different types of pink and purple flowers and it had a gold bow wrapped around it with white accents.
"It costs 20 silver sovereigns, but since you don't have enough. You can pay me 7, oh and you can pick one of those roses over there for free. Consider it a late wedding gift." Ms. Wesley smiled "Thank you Ms. Rosewell! My, this is truly stunning. My wife will love this."
He placed the money on the counter, along with a small bar of chocolate. You looked down and stared at the bar of chocolate that he left. You called out Mr. Wesley. "Mr. Wesley, you left this?" you said, holding the bar of chocolate. "Oh, its for you! Taste it, it's the best chocolate in town." Mr. Wesley replied as he left your store.
You looked at the chocolate and flipped it over and saw the word Wonka. You blinked "Thats a silly name.." you chuckled, you unwrapped the chocolate and broke a piece. You took a tiny mouthful, and while it first tasted like regular chocolate, it soon acquired an odd tone.  It was unlike any other sweet, and it tasted fantastic.
You were more of a fan of bitter or not-too-sweet chocolate. You were unable to define this feeling, though; it seemed different. It's just really delicious.
You wanted to know more, you went outside and saw a boy selling newspapers. He waved the newspaper around while trying to get people to buy his newspapers. You approached him "Excuse me young boy, do you have anything about.. Wonka?" the boy casted a glance at you.
"Aye! Right here, I have this. All ya need to know about him is right here." you smiled "Thank you, how much is it?" The boy answered, "Just 5 silver sovereigns." yikes quite pricey. "Thank you, have an extra 5." you told him as you gave him 10 silver sovereigns.
You quickly went back to your store, it says Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. "Huh, silly name." you said. It was about a man who created the most delicious chocolates, he got rid of the candy cartel as well. You never agreed with the candy cartel, your step-sister once worked for them only to never be found.
You missed your found family, they were your big inspiration. You stopped dreaming when your sister vanished. You were so desperate to stop dreaming that you couldn't even recall what your aspirations had been. But it was time to move on, dwelling in the past was not healthy and it was time to focus on the future.
You kept the piece of newspaper under your drawer, more customers came into your store. You guided the people who had trouble picking flowers for their special someone, you wrote a few notes on the bouquets, and in the end of the day you got money.
"Thank you Ms. Rosewell!" said a girl as she waved goodbye "Excuse me miss, but what flowers do you recommend? I'm just looking for a single flower to give to my momma." a boy asked "What exactly is your mother like?" you asked "She.. shes quite classy thats for sure." he replied.
The boy's clothes were a mess, he had a few dirt on his face and wore a small beret. He looked poor, he reminds you of yourself when you were a young small child.
You handed him a flower called The Noir Love rose. You obtained these flowers from a dark cave, and they illuminated in the dark, comparable to a fairy light. Once plucked, these flowers harden and never die. However, once they are back on soil, they only have three days to live.
"Here's The Noir Love Rose. This unusual flower can only be discovered in the deepest darkest of caves; once picked, these roses harden forever." You told the boy, "However, if you plant them back in soil. They'll have three days to live."
The boys eyes twinkled "Wow, thats so interesting! Thank you, momma will love this." he grinned "How much is it?" the boy asked, ready to get his money.
You softly patted his head "Don't you worry young one, its for free. Now give it to your mother." the little boy smiled and ran off.
"How generous." you heard a young man enter your shop, "Hello Mister, what can I do for you?" You weren't looking at him, you were focused on rearranging the flowers on your shelves. The young man hummed "Interesting request, but can I buy some Burberry smite flowers?" you perked up and looked at him.
"An odd request indeed, what do you need it for?"
He had curly hair, a crane, a brown top hat, and a scarf. You attempted to find the best words to describe him, and your final impression was that he resembled a big puppy.
"For chocolate miss." he replied
You crossed your arms "I don't think Burberry smites are edible." you told him "Oh, anything is possible with me miss." he softly smiled at you "You look familiar," you said approaching him "Well, I am well known around this town." he laughed.
Curly brown hair, a top hat, a scarf and a crane and the passion for chocolate.
"Are you Willy Wonka?"
"Indeed I am!" he said, tipping down his hat. "And you're Y/N Rosewell am I right? The daring botanist who toured the world in search of lovely flowers to offer to people in love." you chuckled "Is that really what people think about me?" you said "Why of course, anyone would die to get a flower from you. I've heard a lot about you, Ms. Rosewell."
"I'd say the same Mr. Wonka, you have great talent." you praised back.
Willy chuckled "Flattering, now about the Burberry smites.." he placed a hand on the counter "How much do they cost?" you hummed "Quite a lot Mr. candy man. They're really hard to get, they're my most expensive flowers." you replied to his question.
Burberry smites were extremely difficult to get; they are located in deep underwater caverns, typically near an undersea volcano. Despite its name being akin to "blueberry," it was purple. It also had a lovely aroma, and it was thought that anyone who smelled the Burberry smite would fall in love with the next person they saw.
However, this generally occurs when the fragrance is strong and it takes time for someone to truly fall love someone.
Willy asked "So how much would it be, Ms. Rosewell."
"100 thousand sovereigns." 
For a brief moment there was silence "Quite a lot, but understandable. They are a trouble to get." Willy said "Say, are you interested to bargain with something else?" you tilted your head "What would it be Mr. Wonka?" you asked the candy man. Willy chuckled "Well you already know the only thing I have is chocolate."
"Hmm, your chocolate is quite delicious. But is it worth a flower?" you told him "Haha, well you see Ms. Rosewell. The town festival is coming soon, and I'd like to impress people by making a wonderland full of sweets." Willy told you "You're quite the dreamer Willy Wonka." you chuckled.
Right, the festival was approaching. For two weeks, the townsfolk would celebrate the town's anniversary. It was a really hectic and crowded week. So you normally close till the festival is over. Although, you loved wandering around the festival. You'd frequently go shopping while also enjoying the silly games.
It has been quite some time since you celebrated the festival.
You sat down the counter "Alright, I can agree with chocolate. What do you have for me?" you asked, resting your hands in your palms. "I'll make it special for you. How do you like it? Dark? White? Nutty? Exotic?" he said, looking at your eyes. You laughed "I usually like them bitter, not too sweet." you said, answering his question "I'm not really a fan of chocolate. Nor things that are too sweet, I feel like they're not for me." you said.
"WHAT? You don't like chocolate??"
"Ahem, my apologies Ms. Rosewell."
Willy adjusted his scarf "Don't you worry, I'll make something perfect for you. Mind if I place my suitcase on your counter?"
He opened his luggage, which resembled a little factory filled with remedies and miniature machinery. He began to prepare the chocolate; you didn't expect him to produce sweets on the spot. Looking at his expression, you could see he was proud of his craft. When you were selling flowers, he seemed to embody everything you want.
But, you weren't that proud of your work. You thought that it could be better, but you can never make anything that is up to your expectations.
"Alright, there we go, apologies, they take a long time to make." Willy rubbed his head. "That's fine, I don't mind at all," you answered, soothing him. You suddenly decided to make some small talk: "Have you always wanted to be a chocolate maker?"" you inquired. "Not at all, I wanted to be a magician." He said.
"My mother was my inspiration, when she made me chocolate I knew I wanted to do the same." he said, his eyes were twinkling. "Wheres your mother now?" you asked, "Shes gone."
He was just like you.
"I understand," you said. "We have a similar story; back then, I aspired to be an actress... or a painter." He looked at you. "I used to audition for plays all the time. And I used to create portraits of my foster family," you said. Willy looked at you, he rested his chin on his palm "How did you become a botanist then?" he asked.
"I gave up. I stopped being a dreamer," you explained, your eyes softening slightly. The both of you went silent, then Willy spoke up "Well it wont hurt to still try and chase them right?" Before you could say anything, a little ding was heard. "Oh, it's ready. Come! Take a piece of my chocolate." You rose up from your seat and approached him.
He reached out the chocolate to you, it had a dark color and held a star shape. You took the piece and ate, it tasted amazing. "This is wonderful.." you said, reminiscing. "Isn't it? Im glad." Willy grinned "What about this, I'll give you a jar every month in exchange for a Burberry smite." Willy offered, you looked at him "How many do you want exactly Mr. Wonka?"
"Oh a single flower is already a lot for me, so do we have a deal?" Willy said, reaching out his hand. "We have a deal." you said,  shaking his hand. "Do you have a name for this yet?" you asked, Willy shrugged "Not yet." he said "What if I named it after you? Its your request after all." he said "Mn, Rosewell chocolates? Interesting haha." you laughed.
"I'll get the Burberry smites. Do you prefer the big ones or the small ones?" Willy thought for a bit "I want it just right, you think you have that?" he answered your question "Of course, I have a few." you answered back.
You held the Burberry smite. Its soil was sand, it had a ceramic vase, and it required water to survive. Thus, it contains ocean water.
"Mn, smells quite lovely." you murmured, sniffing the flowers. Willy closed his eyes and took a smell, "They certainly do." you smiled at his comment "Glad you think so as well."
"Splendid, thank you, Ms. Rosewell." Willy replied. "Your welcome—oh, just a moment, I forgot something." you said, pausing him.
You took the vase from him, placed it on the counter, and wrapped a shiny brown ribbon around it. "There we go, please come again." Willy smiled broadly, "I will very surely do Ms. Rosewell." He lifted his hat, "Why don't you come and see me at my store? Or my factory?" He offered, "I will think about it! It's getting late; please be safe."
You could not help but smile as you saw him leave your business. He appeared to be a pleasant person, you imagined in your head that he was a greedy and aggressive businessman. But you were quite wrong, in fact he was quite kind, and you want to meet him soon and perhaps become friends. But there was a comfortable sensation in your chest; perhaps you yearned for more.
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hi everyone! my name is blythe, this is my first ever fic!
i fell in love with timothee's wonka so i just had to write something haha. but here are the first parts of the story, a lot of these things are made up of course like the flowers burberry smites etc..
i haven't beta read/proof read any of this, so there is a chance i will revamp some of these if i do change them, they will be changed in wattpad. i hope thats fine!
once i get enough readers in wattpad, i will make the next parts! i plan to update more there.
thank you for reading c:
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Character: Indiana Jones
Warnings/Important info: Fem reader, implied English or at least has been to Oxford University. Angsty, miscommunication.
Notes: I watched Indiana Jones the other day and obviously my first crush never leaves because young Harrison Ford as an archaeologist adventurer is just *chefs kisses*
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It's bizarre really, potentially concerning, worrying to a degree, that after 5 years you know the back of his head from a glance. Suffice to say you try not to draw attention to yourself when you recognise who stands mere meters away from you talking to two of his students about antiquarianism.
Maybe you should have expected it, after all Henry Jones seemed to have a way of haunting you. Maybe you should have been prepared to see him, despite assuming that the United States was so vast that your move from the University of Oxford to Marshall College as a newly qualified Doctor of History would certainly not guarantee seeing him. Perhaps, it was the Moirai, the fates, trying to test your resolve or simply coincidence.
But, after five years without a single letter, a single telephone call or telegram, you certainly weren't keen to stick around and have a conversation with the man. Besides, you had lectures to teach, students to help, papers to grade (okay, maybe not the last one considering it was in fact the very first day of the academic year).
It is with a sharp back peddle that has you careering into a pair of students behind you with a clipped apology that you make your daring escape and it is a surprised call of your given name that has you freezing, turning about face and responding with a strangled "It's actually Dr. Y/L/N now."
"What? I'm not allowed to call you by your name anymore? Guess you've already recinded the right to call you Honey Bee too." There are students stopping to watch, what feels like the entire student body eager to watch the new History professor and the most loved Archaeology professor at each other's throats. A mystery arising from their familiarity and a curiosity at what history lay between the two. You certainly weren't eager to put on a show.
With a flick of the wrist you smooth down your skirt, turning on your heels and walk away calling out to him, "It was a pleasure to see you again, Dr Jones." It leaves Indiana gaping in the centre of the quad, watching the sway of your hips and the click of your shoes on the pavement as you leave him behind.
You choose to ignore the bubble of anxiety it puts in the pit of your stomach all day. Your lectures help to distract you at least somewhat from the reality that your former...you're not even sure what to call him...something, is present and working at the same university as you and you briefly wonder if it isn't too late to go back to your job at Oxford. You're sure Professor Haylett would let you come back, you might need to grovel a bit but...perhaps that was preferable to the potential mess that was being in close proximity to Henry again.
The last time you'd see each other, he'd been a 27 year old Archaeology professor. Young, dashing, charming, with every student at the University of London eager to please him and hoping the American would give them extra attention. You had been a 23 year old History PhD student, one of the few women allowed to do so, after much hard graft and determination. You had refused to let anything or anyone distract you from your studies, from your goal...and then you'd been told that he could help you with your PhD, that he had some specific knowledge on the Battle of Syracuse that you could use and...you'd found yourself suitably distracted. You would be being bitter and unfair if you didn't admit that in the year you'd known him he'd helped you with your thesis immensely...but he'd also put your reptuation at risk, broken your heart and made promises that he never would fulfil. Your mother was right...romance was certainly a tricky business.
You're so frazzled at the end of the day that you don't even recognise that your office has the lights on, if you had, you would have stopped before entering, instead you bulldozer your way in and stumble at the sight of him sat in a chair waiting paitently as if he wasn't phased one bit by your reappearance in his life.
"So, Honey Bee, you gonna tell me why I get such a frosty reception?"
"Yo-The absolute...I cannot...ugh!" You find yourself unable to stutter out a complete sentence as you slam the door shut, it reverberating on its hinges. "You have some nerve, Henry Jones! As if you don't bloody know!" You storm around him, putting the hard wood desk between the two of you and shuffling papers to keep from looking at him knowing he'd melt your anger in a second just with a smile.
He always had the most ridiculous ability to placate you and you wanted to feel angry today, not soothed like a skittish horse or malcontent cat.
"Sweetheart, if I knew I wouldn't have asked!" It's the silky smoothness giving away to frustration that causes you to look up, your bottom lip shuddering under the weight of the sadness that sits in your chest, old feelings that you thought you'd processed and put to bed coming to the surface.
"You promised..." He's silent, confusion deepening as you take a deep breath and begin to pace back and forth behind your desk, agitation growing with each movement. "You promised to write me, to call or send a telegram and you never did. I...I waited to hear from you and I heard nothing. So I am dreadfully sorry, Henry, if I do not feel particularly like pleasentries or intimiate nicknames in front of an entire cohort of students! I have had to earn my place and I am still fighting for respect and no man, one who doesn't even honor his promises, is going to ruin this for me!"
You are breathing heavily, body warm, shoulders rising and falling with every agitated movement of your lungs as he looks down at his lap. Silence falls between you for so long that you turn to look out the window of your office, at the street lamps with their warm glow, the last few students wandering across campus as evening sets in.
"I did...I wrote you." His voice is low, quiet, the sort of quiet that Henry Jones never was, so quiet in fact that you turn to check he actually spoke.
"I wrote every day for three months...half of it was stupid, five lines about my day or a single sentence to say hello. I wrote for three months, sweetheart."
"Three months?"
"But, I never...how...if you wrote for three months then how on earth did I not receive a single one!" You're unsure if you believe him, at the same time you never knew Henry to be a liar and it...it boggles your mind. There's an impending sense of your world teetering on it's axis, emotional whiplash as you feel a soaring sense of hope, yet a feeling of disbelief, fear, all rolled into one.
"I don't know, honey, but I wrote for three months to 21 Hanover Street and you never wrote me back so I assumed...I assumed you'd moved on, found yourself a nice, sensible husband and gotten married!" There's an anger that you'd never noticed til now, a sense that he'd been hurt to, that he'd felt like you'd abandoned him. So far removed from the debonair, rakish persona he so often displayed.
"21 Hanover Street? You wrote to 21 Hanover Street?"
"Yes, goddamn it!"
"Henry...I lived at 12 Hanover Street."
"I lived at number 12, one two, not two one. 12!" It is so absolutely absurd that you can't help but start laugh rather hysterically. That you felt abanonded all these years, angry, resentful, heartbroken and he'd simply gotten the wrong house number, a stupid, ridiculous mistake that had broken your heart into pieces, only to reforge it again.
"You're telling me that for three months I was writing to the wrong address...?" Henry is out of his chair, rounding the table and closing the distance between you so fast that it makes your head spin...or perhaps that is the effect of the emotional journey you're currently experiencing.
"I'm afraid so..."
"Goddamn it...well, shit, honey..." There's a pregnant pause as your eyes scan his profile, the frustrated set of his brow, the clench of his jaw, the familiar bend of his nose. He's not changed, not really. He's older, more lines around his eyes than last you remember, and a few more grey hairs, but then you're older too. Your first grey hairs finally settling in, the soft baby fat of your face having melted away somewhat over the years. But, he's still Henry and you're still the busy Honey Bee he used to chase around the library to the chagrin of the librarian. Things haven't really changed, you realise. With the removal of the one point of hurt between you, you can acknowledge that you still love him without the weight of anger or heartbreak pushing it down.
"Yeah, sweetheart?"
"Kiss me." It makes you laugh against his mouth how quickly he follows your request, the scrape of his stubble against your skin an old, familiar sensation that you'd all but forgot. It was like coming home, so familiar that it sent a sharp stabbing sense of yearning into your chest even as his arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you to him.
The woodsy smell of his cologne surrounds you, the familiar tweed of his suit jacket scratches your arms, the soft strands of his hair through your fingers, the press of his nose against your cheek. It's like there hasn't been five years since you last kissed, like you hadn't been so angry with him up until five minutes ago that it hurt.
God, and to think, you'd nearly gone your entire life thinking he'd never cared. All because he'd mixed up two simple numbers.
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Doing Mehndi/Henna with the 141+Los Vaqueros
In honour of the past Eid (why do I have so many undone Eid fics on my main) I will be making a set of headcannons for Eid even though it was a month ago because I want to and time is an illusion. Also, reader is South Asian-coded, and I’ll use gender-neutral pronouns but it’s kind of fem leaning due to the cultural aspect but all are welcome!!
(Also if I didn’t spell anything right please let me know I’m just writing this in a hurry I am so sorry) 
Warnings: mentions of violence and war, foreign language use. 
Doing Mehndi/Henna for the 141 + Los Vaqueros 
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There was some downtime in the base after a successful mission just a few days ago, meaning that everyone was trying to relax after the harrowing mission that took so much time and effort and caused so much pain to everyone. Finally, it was time for some rest and relaxation, and the base’s atmosphere was a little more calm than the frantic hustle just days ago. Funny how it all changes so fast, but it is what it is, and probably for the better. 
You sat at a table with a small conical tube, piping a brown paste out onto your skin, using the tube as a calligrapher uses a pen, or an artist uses a paintbrush, to draw floral and fractal designs upon your skin. The reason you were being so artistic today? The downtime was just perfect, right at the end of Ramadan, meaning that it was time to celebrate not only the mission but also the completion of a religious month of fasting. The paste would dry and leave a natural, temporary tattoo on your hands, and as you painstaking created the masterpiece, people would stop by and see what you were doing. 
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
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He sees you putting some kind of paste on your arm and is...confused. 
‘Bloody hell is that’ the first thing into his mind and out of his mouth, actually. Mans is big confuzzled 
You tell him its Mehndi or Henna, and he...doesn’t know. Wasn’t really exposed to different cultures as a kid, and difference was not seen as something to be celebrated. 
Is very curious. He appreciates the time and art, as he has tattoos that took time to make. He’s interested in what’s going on cause it’s you and he cares about what you do and how you are, shhhh
He has no idea how it works. The Hell you mean, it’s a tattoo? Doesn’t believe you. What do you mean this paste will leave a temporary tattoo? Is curious. 
Will use this as an opportunity to sit with you and learn about you
If you explain it to him, he’ll not say anything and at first you think it’s because he’s disinterested, but he is actually quite focused on what you tell him and is absorbing the information. He is learning the history behind the art and like his tattoos, he has an appreciation for wearable art. 
He likes watching you sketch out the designs on your skin. It’s nice to see flowers and leaves and birds and pretty things after all the blood in the military. 
He will ask questions about what kind of designs, the longevity of the art, and if they’re restricted to a certain aesthetic. Will ask only a few questions, but its because he mostly likes just watching you do your thing. It’s satisfying to see it. 
If you ask to do some on his arm, there is a 50/50 chance he’ll let you, because on the one hand its time consuming to do on him and wait for it to dry and he’s a busy man most of the time, but on the other its wearable art and looks relaxing. Whether or not he does let you depends on how close you guys are. 
But if you hand him the mehndi tube and allow him to draw something on you...your friendship points in his mental scoreboard just skyrocket. You’re letting him make something for you to wear on your arm? Like a tattoo? You’ll wear a design a la Riley? He is willing to do anything for you now. 
He’s not the best at drawing but he does have good control over his hand-eye coordination, so his designs are not that bad. He just needs time to decide what the hell to draw on you...give him ideas please. He will need your help with the tube as this man has sausages for fingers, and he’s trying, please be patient. Keep a few Q tips and tissues handy for wiping off the few mistakes he may make. 
He likes more of the floral designs, especially the intricate floral fractals. Flowers are pretty, and he knows how unique designs ought to be appreciated. 
He’s a bit of a perfectionist so be prepared for a numb arm afterward. But it’ll be work it when you see the joy in his eyes when he finishes it to his liking.
Will wait for it to dry with you if he’s not busy. He needs down time too, and spending time learning about something else is nice you’re also just really nice company and he feels bad that your religious holiday is being spent all alone
Will genuinely thank you if you do a design on him or let him do a design on you. It makes something in his heart warm up at the thought of knowing that he made something for someone else and its not only artistic, but you’re wearing it with pride. If you actually show it off he’ll huff about it but its a farce cause his posture improves and his chest is puffed out at the fact you’re showing it off.
If you were close enough that you did a design on him and it starts to wear away he will march up to you whatever time he can and demanding you retrace it. Or give him a new one. It’s like a friendship bracelet, GIVE!
All in all, he likes it. Anytime you do Mehndi from then on, he’ll be there, either chilling with you or getting some on himself too. 
Johnny ‘Soap’ MacTavish
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He spots you sitting down and squirting something on your skin. 
‘What is that?’ Genuinely intrigued and curious. Likes the designs! 
You did those yourself? That’s so cool! The patience and artistic ability is quite interesting to him. 
If you tell him the history behind Mehndi/Henna, he’ll ask questions and engage in conversations about it. He has an appreciation for the historical aspect, and he’ll likely ask multiple questions. 
He’ll watch you do it but he’ll also get fidgety after a while. You have to wait for it to dry too. But he’s not leaving! He’ll just need to move around a bit. 
If you ask him to get anything for you for nourishment he will. He’ll feed you himself but also tease you while you’re at it. 
Will blow on it to help it dry. When you tell him its cold he’ll just keep doing it because he’s a gremlin. 
Finds it satisfying to watch. Will make suggestions on what to do next. If you incorporate it, he’d be over the moon! Just know that he’ll suggest some joke stuff and will veer from the intended aesthetic, so it’s up to you at that point. 
There are some trends in mehndi where people who get their mehndi done will hide little cameos or names of people in their designs. Soap will suggest his name cheekily, believe me, but if you actually do it, he’d be forever thankful and in awe that you’d allowed him that honour. To him its like getting his name tattooed on you so its a high degree of respect given. 
If you offer to do some on him he’d be glad to! He’ll eagerly give you his arm and ask you to either go ham or will have a design in mind. If you have his name in your design somewhere he will ask for yours too, it’s only fair! Bestie’s honour! 
If you let him do a design on your skin, he’d be floored. He’d be so eager and happy! He grabs the tube and is ready! You’ll just have to limit him cause his imagination is going wild so please just tell him what to do before you sign some Ursula-esque contract and end up with some stupid-ass emoji or slogan like ‘Soap waz here’ on your skin for the next few days. 
Surprisingly, he’s very good with handling the mehndi tube. He was named Soap for a reason, and he’s very good at putting the right amount of pressure for the right design. Not the best artistically but he takes his time and is genuinely careful with the fun. He treats it like a tattoo, it’s something he’ll spend time on. 
That said, he is also an eager beaver and in his excitement he may, at any point, accidentally mess up some wet mehndi. When he does so, he will absolutely be a mess about it and apologize profusely for it. Help him please, keep some tissues nearby, please forgive him too he promises he didn’t mean it!! 
If you allow it on a visible part of you he’ll be so happy to see it. If you actively show it off and tell the others he did it he’ll enthusiastically tell them how he did it because he’s just so happy he did that! Will have his arm around you too, you’re precious now for letting him do that. Will take offense when the others may not believe that he was the one who made that part of your mehndi.
When he’s done he’ll chat and eat with you, and make sure you’re okay. If your design is on the inside of your hand he will make a point to feed you himself. It makes him happy to do so. 
He really likes the fractal designs, the ones that look like multiple layers of leaves or scales, lattice patterns are nice for him to look at. 
If the design you give him starts to fade, he will ask for another one. Will show off every one you do for him. 
Cptn. John Price
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Price is not a complete stranger to the art, but it is one that he’s never really seen up close. He is aware from his life that there are other civilians he’s seen in the city have it done, he has travelled before as well and seen it too, so not entirely unfamiliar but very clueless. Seeing you do it awakens a curiosity, and he wants to know how its done. 
He is a history nut, not that many people will know, so please tell him everything. Let him know the history of what you’re doing, its purpose, and how it relates to the holiday, etc. 
Price enjoys thinking about other perspectives, so if you ramble on he’ll listen. It’s nice to hear some chatter about creative things rather than fearmongers, warlords, cartels and such. He’s happy to listen. 
Will watch with attention as you do it, and when you talk to him he will engage in conversation as he absorbs the information. Has some questions and they’re all fairly relevant, Will periodically hum in thought or shift or gesture, showing you that he is in fact listening, and sometimes in the middle will interrupt to talk to you about something you said. The best part is when he interrupts you after you tell him the art of mehndi is thousands of years old...now he’s making mental notes and wanting to know more. 
Will absolutely talk with you for the entire time you’re waiting for it to dry. Has the patience of a saint. The only time he’ll leave is if its an emergency, or if there’s a lot of paperwork he’ll just grab it from his office to do near you while you wait. Will let you talk about whatever you want. But if you let him talk you both are going to be there a while, John’s a very charismatic person and easy to talk to, so you could find yourself sitting for 3 hours just talking to him when your mehndi dries in half that time. But it’s time well spent, he absolutely appreciates it. 
If you need him to get you any food, he is already on it, and regardless of which side of your hand the design is, he is a gentleman and will feed it to you. The best. 
Likes to watch you do the designs, it’s satisfying to watch. He really likes quiet, creative times. 
If he accidentally messes up your design by shifting and wiping it off he will not stop thinking about it for the next week. Forgive him please he didn’t mean it! He feels really bad and will offer help to fix it or clean it up. The more intricate it is the worse he feels. 
If you want to do some on him, he might let you do it, just a small one in a hidden place. It has more meaning for him that way, and he also doesn’t know if he’s even allowed to have such things peak out, so he just wants to keep it on the low. Also it feels like a piece of you, someone he cares for, so its very personal to Price and he’s keeping it discreet like a well-loved secret. He’s so proud of it though. Others might notice, cause he will try to show it off in subtle ways. He always feels a smile on his lips when he notices that you notice the design. 
When Price asks for the design he’ll also deviate from the aesthetic, maybe make it something else a little more to his interests, as the cultural rules of the aesthetic are not one he completely understands, as he thinks of it like a tattoo as well if just a little more flowery. If you do something floral or whatever he’d still appreciate it, but if you indulge in it by like, making it a collage of compiled mehndi aesthetic to make a shape similar to what he wants, he’d beam about it for months, long after that design fades. He will take numerous pictures of it but they’re all blurry cause he uses a phone like a grandpa and only a few of them turn out slightly legible.
If you let him do one on you? Price’s entire body is filled with warmth. You’re letting him design something on your body? Something that has cultural relevance to you, and in a design he wants? He feels honoured. He will have the highest reverence for that moment, it feels like you’ve given him a tremendous amount of trust. Price will actually try to back away a few times as he feels he might not have the cultural relevancy to administer it, but if you insist, he’d be so ecstatic. He is going to do his absolute best, Captain’s honour! 
That being said, his drawing skills aren’t the best, so he’d try to talk about it a little bit. You’ll need to teach him how to grip and use the cone because otherwise its either too much or too little pressure, no in between. 
Sausage fingers again, so please keep some tissues on hand. It will take time, but he is meticulous, he wants to make you proud and do you justice. 
It comes out a little more austere than the usual flowery lines of traditional mehndi, but anyone can see it is made with love. Price is proud of it at the end, but will seek your approval before he dreams of celebrating that accomplishment. When you give your approval, he is glowing and thinking about any compliment you may have given him as he waits for sleep that night. 
Once the mehndi vanishes, he’s sad to see it go, but is eager for another one should you ever do it again. So every Eid or any type of holiday you may celebrate, he will pop in to check on you and if he sees you doing mehndi, he’ll sit down and ask if you can do some on him too. You didn’t hear this from me but he discovered Pinterest mehndi/henna designs and has a...hundred saved.
He really likes the mehndi and has a reverence for it now, and makes a point to sit with you and give even one greeting any time there is a cultural or religious holiday to celebrate it in some way with you. 
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick
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When he sees it he will automatically pull up a seat and sit next to you, eyes wide, staring at it. You’d think he was a scientist looking at a newly discovered microbe. 
The first thing out of his mouth is: ‘Bloody hell that’s gorgeous’. Is very intrigued. Eyeballing your design. 
Could sit and watch for hours. It feels therapeutic to him to just watch mindlessly as a cone leaves an artistic trail on your skin. Is absolutely hypnotized. 
Will be so glad if you tell him what you’re doing. Seriously, creativity is something he cannot appreciate enough. Probably the most viscerally appreciative of this art out of everyone. 
Will literally sit next to you watching for hours or talking non-stop with how happy he is to see this going on. There is no in between, don’t ask. Gaz deserves to speak. 
Please, please for the love of humanity tell him the history of it. Nerd wants to know. It. All. He will soak up the information like a sponge and will relentlessly look up designs and look at the history of it. He can’t believe this form of tattooing is that old! He can’t wait to gush about it with you, seriously. 
He would try to guess what your design is. He would watch the lines and try to predict what you’re going to draw next. It becomes a game between you both, and to humor him, sometimes, you would draw what he guessed. Hey, he gives good ideas. 
He will actually look up designs and marvel at them and give you ideas if you want. He’s very considerate of the art and wants to see how you do it. If you do the signs he suggests, he’d be over the moon! 
If you do some on him, he’d be out of orbit. He’s so pumped when you do something with mehndi on his skin, and he’ll show off the colours and designs to anyone he sees. Will gush for days and will whine when the design starts to fade. 
He really likes fictional characters so he will ask for symbols, logos, etc, but he will also try to incorporate the traditional mehndi designs as to him the traditions need to be respect regardless of his out-of-pocket requests for some mehndi designs. He will ask for memes I am so sorry.
If you let him do any mehndi designs on you...WHOOO BOI, his soul is A S C E N D E D. Out of this galaxy. He’s so thankful, he honestly is so honoured he is ready to give his life for you. 
He will ask what you’d like from him, and will do his absolute best, Soldier’s honour, he will use his steadiest hand. He’s very good with his hand-to-eye coordination, and he is very good at drawing from a reference and replicating it he’s not the best without one tbh
Will take his time and it will take a while. Perhaps a few hours, depending on how complicated or exact you want the design. He’ll try to challenge himself and also honour your hands with an intricate design so unless you have time, are able to go without food for a bit (or plan ahead and have it with you) and are okay with almost complete silence as Gaz works, choose something simpler. Please, he really wants to do good by you. When he’s done you will be floored I promise. 
Once the design fades he will ask when is the next time you do mehndi, and will respect your decision if you choose to do it only on holidays, but if you just whip out the tube and offer to do one, he’ll beam like the sun for the rest of the day. Nothing will happen to that smile no matter what. 
Has a high respect for the creative craft and can’t wait to see you the next time you do it, and is so heavily invested you’ll think he invented it. A wonderful buddy for the arts and cherishes the time and knowledge you gave him. 
Col. Alejandro Vargas
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He literally stops to look the first time he sees it. ‘What are you doing, cariño?’
He lives in Las Almas, and there is Middle-Eastern history in Latin America including Mexico, so it is probable that he has seen women have these designs on them before, or knows of their existence and use. But the intricate designs are very much a subject of interest, and to see you do it makes him ponder if there is a special reason you’d do it. 
When you tell him why, he’s surprised as to why he didn’t connect the dots but he’ll sit down and watch, with your permission. He’ll talk to you as you do it, wanting to spend time with a friend and a religious holiday is the perfect excuse, no?
He’s not truly interested in history unless its the history of those who he knows or wants to know about, both friends and foes alike, but if you tell him he’ll gladly listen! He wants to get to know each and every one of his friends better and what better way than to listen to them. 
He will be a bit shook when you tell him that it’s thousands of years old. Like on the one hand it makes sense but on the other, they knew how to do this thousands of years ago? When you tell him the history he will interrupt a few times and converse with you, you’ll have to actually tell him if you need a moment to talk, but he is always respectful and engaged when you talk to him, a proper gentleman. 
While some from 141 may try to guess what you’ll do next, Alejandro will actually ask you what you’re drawing next, wondering if there is a process to the way you’re thinking of doing your designs. He will try to guess like Gaz, but mostly he will try to understand your own artistic visions and where they stem from. Psychology of Mehndi taught by Col. Alejandro Vargas, anyone?
If you ask him to bring you some food or water he is speedwalking and grabbing you as much nourishment as possible. If you’re doing something he can see is intricate he will make a whole meal platter because ‘your creative brain needs energy, no? and will cook you something quick and easy to eat. He will feed you though, not letting you touch or halt the process, because he’s that considerate. Just be careful when he tries to give you water, ask for a straw or you might clink your teeth against the glass when he tries to get you hydrated, bless him.
He’ll ask questions about the designs and your own experience with it, expressing a vested interest in your connection to the art as he’s more used to one type of culture, so if you come from a different culture then he’ll want to know about your own cultural experiences and compare. He will also tell you stories of the few times he’s seen mehndi on people. He will also try to pronounce it as closely as possible to the way you do, he has a lot of respect for different languages and cultures. 
If you offer to let him do a design he is both very honoured and also extremely nervous, simply because he had never done it before and while he is very good at using weapons, art was not his best subject in school and he will need guidance. Please be patient with him, and have some tissues ready to use, he will need the whole box by the end. He is determined to do your trust good.
Will make designs based upon his own iterations of what would be acceptable from what he’s seen of your designs and those of the past. He knows that it is often floral patterning, so he will try to make something unique. It might not be as intricate but one can easily see it is heartfelt.
If you let him sneak his name anywhere or sign his design? You’re forever one of his favourite people like that’s such a high honour to him, you’re family now. He is protecting you so hard for allowing him a chance to do something creative, nice and sweet. And if you show it off? The man’s chest is puffed up, and he never stops smiling. The rest of Los Vaqueros actually worry that something has happened to one of his enemies. 
Now, Alejandro knows it is originally an art meant for mostly women, so if you offer to do some for him, he will assess the situation and likely say he’s not sure or a soft no. If you insist upon it though, he will allow you one design, something preferably in a small place as he is at work often and so he will likely want to have it be small and personal and somewhat hidden, like the inside of his elbow or between his fingers, a small one inside his wrist, that kind of thing. If you still make it intricate, dear God he is the happiest alive. Will subtly show it off like Price would, too, as he is so proud to wear something by you. If anyone in Los Vaqueros makes fun of him for it though they’ve fucked up. No one insults a gift from you!
He prefers designs that are less floral but definitely has a softer aesthetic, and if you do something that depicts Mexican culture, he’s over the moon and will actually show it off all the time. He’d be more towards animal-like designs.
If you did one on him and it fades, he is sad to see it go but does not demand to make it happen again. He knows the religious importance and just subtly asks you when the next holiday is, and if you’re doing mehndi for it. But if you notice and just offer to touch it up he will not stop you. The soft look in his eye and his relaxed posture show how thankful he is to be treated to this.
Other members of Los Vaqueros may actually come to you too after seeing what you did for their leader, as Alejandro repays your artistry by telling others who are interested. On some days when there is no missions and it is a more civilian time, the partners and children of the Vaqueros may come to you too for mehndi/henna. You could make a business out of it, just saying. 
Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra 
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Purest angel is confused but so very into it. You’re putting paste onto your arm and its coming out in pretty designs? Wow! He needs to know more asap. 
He’s going to sit and stare at it, tilting his head and following the directions of your hand. He looks like a curious puppy as he quietly watches you. 
He is quiet curious, and will ask very quietly about what it is you are doing. If you tell him its for a religious celebration, he’ll listen intently. He will sit and listen to you without speaking or interrupting, saving any questions for last. Like Alejandro, he has some experience with differing cultures and wants to give you as much respect as he can, cause you do the same for him. 
You mean this is thousands of years old?! Is incredulous but in a good way. Genuinely cannot believe it but it makes him believe in humanity more because he thinks of it as representing innate human goodness in creation than destruction. Is genuinely impressed and will try to do more research on his own time.
When he hears its a religious celebration his heart kind of breaks and he looks like a wounded puppy cause he feels awful knowing that he’s done nothing, even if he’s not consciously at fault he does feel really bad. He’ll then spent the entire time you are doing your mehndi, and the rest of the day, doing everything your mind can come up with but first he’ll enjoy mehndi with you because that is what you’re doing right now. 
Tell him about your culture. PLEASE. He wants to hear more about the outside world and about the people he works with and would love love love to vicariously travel through you when you tell him about every experience you have had with mehndi. He needs to know so leave no detail out. 
Like Alejandro, he will not try to guess but will observe and ask what you’re making, wanting to hear the process and familiarize himself with the traditions of the art, or just your own style and creativity if you’re not going traditional. He just likes to see what others do, he likes observing people he almost got knocked out for it once by an angry misunderstanding Alejandro years ago but it never got too big and they’ve been friends since. It’s very different from traditional Mexican arts so he will be very interested to learn of it, a very visual learner. Stares at your arm the way a scientist stares into the microscope at a tardigrade of interest. Please forgive him he’s just very curious-
If you ask him to get you food or water he absolutely will because he was raised to be the most gentlemanly of gentlemen in Las Almas. He will give you water in a straw to prevent spilling and have some food that he can just scoop and make it easy for you to bite into at your own time, giving you pace to eat when you’re ready. He is an okay enough cook for simple recipes so expect something with eggs or veggies, something with little cleanup or change of breaking. He will hold the food out and let you eat when you’d like, or if its on a stick just let you munch off the skewer to prevent you from losing time. 
If you offer to do a design with him as an inspiration or part of it anywhere, he is going to whisper a thousand good wishes of health, luck, prosperity, fertility, wealth, happiness, wellness, safety, fortune, every blessing under the sun. You want to put something on your skin in remembrance of him? He is deceased. He will die and kill for you and name an operation after you, you’re the best-
He would love anything you do, even if its just his initials, and he will always always smile when he sees you in public. He would love his initials or name hidden like a signature on the fanciest cast even though there is no injury. Is so flattered. The more elaborate you do it, the closer he comes to grateful tears. 
If you offer to do some on him, his sleeves are getting rolled up faster than Snoop Dogg can roll a joint. He will excitedly hold out his hands and actually tells you to go ham. If you do take a minute or so to ask what he wants he’ll give an honest answer but it might be incoherent just cause he’s so excited. Will accept anything. He particularly likes the lattice-work, as it looks like intricate lace, and a few flowers are cool too! But you get infinite respect points if you use historical references of Mexican culture and literature or environment in the design. The man will be floored so hard he’ll come out the other side of the globe. 
Will try to show off the mehndi when he has a chance and he gives zero fucks if anyone says anything because both he and Alejandro will beat their ass. Is not going to be loud about it but the smile on his face and the consistent flexing in the sun trying to show it off is enough for people to get the obvious hint to look at it. 
If you let him to one one you, he’ll actually try to pull back, as he feels it might be disrespectful to take hold of the actual item rather than just having someone from that culture doing it onto him. It will take some time for him to give in, like a while. He actually doesn’t want to do it. If you just let him do something small though, he’ll be much easier to negotiate with. Also, he’s insecure about his hand-eye coordination, so he’ll just make small cute things and its really up to you to connect them or leave them be. He will most likely do floral patterns on you, flowers or vines or something simple and easy to do that can be easily integrated into your own style and design. 
When the design fades, it makes him slightly sad but its completely up to you if you want to do it again. He’ll never say no to another application, as he sees it as a chance to get creative, but it will be totally up to you. 
Like Alejandro, will ask when the next holiday is because he is invested in the lives of his friends, and he will forever do whatever he can to make sure that you have a chance to celebrate it with your beloved tradition. He will literally just buy you a new tube of mehndi whenever you ask, will go shopping with you for it because he believes you know best. Purest boy, protect him. 
Barraza Carlos, Arabs in Mexico. Assimilation and Cultural Heritage (link)
Bonus: Phillip ‘Shadow-1′ Graves 
Fucker thinks its weird and teases you about it
But if others around the base do it he’s like ‘oh wow that shit rocks’ 
Gets jealous and wants one 
Note: Absolutely not 💖🖕🏽
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cabinofimagines · 6 months
Last Christmas
First holiday fic coming up! Pairing: Platonic! Bianca and Nico di Angelo x reader Request: Reader showing Bianca and Nico their Christmas traditions? Also yes ik Bianca's not alive, but in this she is (if that's alright ofc) Warnings: None! Ig slight spoiler for the beginning of The Titan's Curse? Word Count: 1.2k - Asnyox
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Ever since Bianca and Nico arrived at Westover Hall earlier this year, you’ve slowly been befriending them. Bianca was a little on guard at first, but as soon as you asked Nico to explain the rules of Mythomagic to you he loved you. And Bianca commended you for listening weekly to the multiple hours long explanations that Nico had. Eventually, she had let her guard down enough to talk about her and Nico’s past. 
Whenever she brought up that they came from Italy (how cool is that?) Nico grew quiet. He once admitted he didn’t remember a lot from those times, and got fascinated with what Bianca had to say. It was sort of a story time, you learned more about the Di Angelo siblings as time went by, and sure, sometimes things didn’t line up (how could they not have known of the Cold War? The Berlin Wall? They have lived here for a few years now according to Bianca!), but that could not quell your fascination. 
That’s why, on December 8th, Bianca sat both you and Nico down to talk about how Christmas in Italy used to go. 
“Today is also known as Immacolata Concezione in Italy,” Bianca smiled, “Nico, do you know what that is in English?” Nico squinted his eyes, hesitating a little bit. 
“Immaculate … conception?” He asked and Bianca nodded, a proud glean in her eyes. 
“Exactly. It’s a celebration of the birth of the Virgin Mary, without original sin.” Bianca nodded, “Normally this is when you would put up the Christmas Tree, and when the Christmas Markets would start.” 
“Here some people put up their tree in November,” you sighed, “some even earlier. It’s kinda fun how Italy has a specific date for it.” You smiled, “Did you guys have a specific tradition while putting up the tree? Hot chocolate and peppermints?” 
“I’ve never had Christmas peppermints.” Nico looked at you, “What else do you eat for Christmas? Can we get some?” 
“I don’t think you need more sugar, Nico,” Bianca interrupted him. 
“What do you guys mean? No Christmas crack? Reindeer Chow?” You asked exasperated, “You Christmas must have been subpar. I mean, you never made a gingerbread house? Do Italians hate architecture or something?” You sat up straighter, “That’s it, we’re going to have to break into the kitchen and bake you guys a Christmas.” 
You thought it would be harder to get everything ready for baking. Heck, you even thought you would have to be sneaky about it! Instead, you mentioned it to Grover, a new boy, who had seemed intensely interested in Bianca and Nico, yet scared to approach them. Poor boy, you hoped he would gather the courage soon. As you asked his opinion on escape routes, so you could get the ingredients, he stood on helping instead. And so, two days later, Grover led you to the kitchen. 
“How did you manage this?” You asked, amazed at all the ingredients that were present.  You even spotted three ugly, holiday themed aprons amongst the food. “A favor here and there,” Grover nervously looked around, “Just try not to leave the building, it’s dangerous.” he looked at you pointedly, until you reluctantly nodded. 
“Of course, uh,” You saw Nico and Bianca approach from the end of the hallway, “Do you want to join us?” You offered. Grover quickly shook his head. 
“No I uuh-” he stammered, “I have duties- deadlines- uh, yes.” and he took off into the other direction. 
“Who was that?” Nico asked, bouncing on his feet.
“Just a friend who helped set this up,” You opened the door and Bianca and Nico gasped. 
“What is all this stuff?” Bianca looked at the table, slight wonder on her face.
“Hopefully enough to make gingerbread houses!” You smiled, elated to find pre-baked gingerbread house kits in the middle of the table, “Let’s get the holidays going!”
After you explained the steps of making a gingerbread house, and assuring Bianca that glue would not make the process easier (it would but where is the fun in that?), you got started on the houses. Throughout the decorating you would talk about different holiday traditions you used to have, elaborating there where it was necessary. You supposed they hadn’t celebrated Christmas after getting to the U.S.A., which was kinda weird but you shrugged it off and kept talking. 
“I mean, Santa Claus delivers presents all over the world!” You announced giddy, only for Bianca’s eyes to widen as she quickly spoke up. 
“Yes, but he gets help by La Befana in Italy, for example,” she laughed awkwardly, “Of course, the whole world by one person would be too much!” You eyed Bianca in surprise, but before you got interrupted before you could ask about it. 
“That is so cool!” Nico jumped up, “I had never heard of Santa, but it makes sense!” He smiled widely. Ah, Nico must still believe in Santa, or whoever the Italian Santa Claus is.  Nico turned around his gingerbread house, “(Y/n), I already made la Befana but can you make Santa too? I want them both in my house, so I get more presents!” 
You looked at Nico’s house, noticing that he made a lady (?) with what is probably a broom. She was standing next to a snowman made out of icing, and there were the smallest penguin looking creatures too. The true stand-out creation was probably the guy, made fully out of yellow icing, holding a staff and having wings on his head. Nico saw you looking, and smiled. 
“I also added Hermes! I mean, the messenger god must have been helping with delivering presents too, right?” His excitement was adorable, and you nodded in agreement. 
“Of course, how else would anyone manage to deliver millions of presents?” You laughed. You grabbed a peppermint and red icing and went to work on adding Santa Claus to Nico’s house. 
It was getting late, and Nico had already dozed off, half laying on the table. Bianca and you were quietly cleaning up the mess together. As you were leaving, Bianca carrying Nico on her back, Bianca turned to you. 
“Thank you, (Y/n).” Her eyes looked sad, but she smiled, “Adjusting has been hard for us, and I’m really happy that we’re friends.” You smiled back at her. 
“It’s a delight knowing you and Nico, Bianca.” You petted the boy on her back, “I hope we’ll be friends for many years more, maybe make some Christmas traditions ourselves!” 
Bianca smiled, and Nico stirred a little on her back, urging you both to keep walking. Maybe, if things had turned out a little differently, you would have had traditions with the Di Angelo siblings, but as they disappeared from Westover Hall only a few days later, you would never know. You hoped they were alright.
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akirawrites24 · 1 year
Could I please get some Yusuke Kitagawa x F!Reader smut? Perhaps where the reader has been trying to drop hints that she wants to fuck but bro is completely oblivious until she literally pins him down and says "I need you to fuck me, Yusuke!"
Feel free to ignore, but thanks for reading my ask! 💙
Ooh boy-
Letting you know that it has been an extremely long while since I've written smut. Hopefully you enjoy it!
Warnings: smut, loss of virginity (Yusuke), minor spoiler for 2nd palace, protection, Vaginal fingering, handjobs, making sure of consent
Pairing: Yusuke Kitagawa x Female!Reader
An edit: I only saw now that you asked to pin him down-Im so sorry I only noticed when this piece was finished. Hope you are still happy with the result though!
Fandom: Persona 5
If there is one thing to describe Yusuke, it would be: not understanding stuff.
Like, really. He never understood that he can't follow people around to ask them to be a model, and a nude model for that matter. He also doesn't understand that his fellow Phantom Thief ally and girlfriend wants to have sex with him unless it is being said.
What was she supposed to do more? It was obvious, but also this is something Yusuke doesn't understand.
One time, she literally send him a text with: I want you. But the only thing he replied with was:
Yusuke: Want me to do what? You want to go to mementos? I can ask our leader if we can go today.
So yeah, that already didn't work. So, what did [Name] think next? She once stood naked in front of him while sitting on the bed.
"Oh, I didn't know you wanted me to paint you nude! I didn't know how to ask you as the last time I did that, it didn't go well", was what Yusuke had said.
Time for attempt number 3! She asked him what he thought about having sex with her. You would think he would finally get it right?
"I don't have any experience in the matter. I don't have an opinion on it. I have been locked away from the world most of the time, remember? Neither did I have any desire to do so. Why did you ask?"
Oh, so THAT is why he never picked up the hints. It makes [Name] even wonder if he ever got educated on the matter. He most likely did, but didn't think much of it. It's like he said, he barely talked to people thanks to Madarame, the bastard who only used him for his art.
"Because I really want to take our relationship to the next level", his girlfriend said. And once again, he still didn't understand where she was going.
"You mean like, moving in together? I must give you my apologies, but I think we are a little bit too young for that? I don't even think we legally-"
He didn't even got to finish his sentence before he was being kissed on the lips. He kissed her back of course, even if he was startled. They sometimes kiss like normal couples do, but never ever kissed with the tongue.
Well, he didn't. [Name] went for the first move as clearly wouldn't get what she would want.
That doesn't mean he didn't enjoy it, but he sure didn't really know what to do after.
"No, my lovely fool. I want to have sex with you, if that is okay with you. I have been dropping hints, but you didn't really understand them", she said while smiling softly at him.
He was confused a bit, still coming down from the surprise of tongue kissing. 5 seconds later is when he finally understood. He even grew red in the face a bit.
"O-Oh…I am sorry that I never noticed! How can I be a good partner for you if I do not know what my muse wants-"
"No, no, no. Don't be like that. You can't blame yourself for something you didn't know", she said while cupping his cheek in her hand. He is such a fool sometimes, but that is one of the things she likes about him.
He then proceeded to hold her own hand, being happy that she didn't mind such a mistake. Mistakes are made, it is fine.
"Then allow me to make it up to you by making love to you", he said, with full confidence. Well, still in that smooth voice of his but there was a confidence in that. Now it was [Name]'s turn to be caught of guard.
"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel pressured by it purely because I asked you to and you didn't know… Are you sure you want this?", She said, looking him in the eyes.
Yusuke nodded, a hint of pink on his cheeks. It is adorable, really.
"But I'd like to request you helping me out, as I told you earlier, I have no idea of what to do and make it feel good for you", he said.
"Of course, I would love too"
As of right now, they are in the bed, naked. All the necessary equipment is with them. They also have removed all their clothes, except for their underwear that is.
"Let's take it slow okay?", she said, to which he agreed too.
They started to kiss with the tongue for a while, until she went to kiss his neck. Yusuke was moaning softly, figuring out that he should do the same thing with her.
They both enjoyed it for sure, and did so for three minutes.
"Do I have permission to go lower?" , [Name] was clearly caught more off guard when Yusuke was the one that suggested it. She didn't think he would be so straightforward as this would be his first time.
That didn't stop her from answering though. "Yes, you have permission to go lower", she said while looking lovingly at him.
Once he was sure, she went to kiss her breasts, admiring everything about her. He never got to see it up close, only seeing it when she volunteered to do nude paintings.
She held his hair, encouraging him to go further. She had no desire in stopping him, and it would appear that he doesn't have the desire to stop either.
She could feel herself getting more wet every time he asked her for permission to go further and to touch and kiss her there. It made her even think if he really was a virgin.
The truth is, in the time they were preparing everything to do this, he was researching on how to make it feel good for the both of them. And he is happy that he did, now knowing what to expect of it.
"Would it be okay if I would pleasure your clitoris?", He asked her. In that deep voice of his, what can a girl do then only blush? She once again gave her consent to it, and he took her panties off, exposing her vagina.
He added some pressure on it, making her eyes flicker. He took that as a sign to go further, rubbing it gently.
He could feel himself getting hard when she did, and he had the urge to touch himself down there as well.
"Let me, let me return the favor", [Name] said as she pointed at his erection.
"If you want to", was the only thing he said before she took off his boxers and gently started to rub him, being careful. This was his first time after all.
Immediately, he moaned a little. He was aware that this would feel good, but not THIS good. If anything, he already felt like he was losing himself.
The room was filled with soft moans from the two, feeling pleasure from one another. And this went on for a few minutes at best.
"Should I finger you? It's part of intercourse, right?", Yusuke said. He clearly got needy and wanted to go to the next phase already. And who was she to deny it?
She nodded and took her panties off, which were completely drenched already. Yusuke knew this was natural and that it would be easier to access her.
She laid down and stopped rubbing him while spreading her legs, giving him easy access. She nodded, giving permission again.
Slowly but carefully, he put a finger in her. After he had to search for the right hole that is. It was a little funny.
Immediately she moaned and arched her back while gripping the sheets. It would look like she is enjoying herself a lot. He understood that and slowly thrusted his finger in and out of her.
If anything, he gets more turned on by the looks of it. He really should have noticed the signs sooner, he wanted to make her happy after all.
Seeing how good it felt for her, he decided to enter another finger, scissoring them to get her more stretched out. And at her reaction, it looks like she enjoys that a lot.
He kept pumping them in and out, while also paying attention to her clit. He could feel her tighten up a little, what he thinks means she is going to reach her climax soon.
"Wait, stop", she said, making him stop immediately and looking at her.
"Did I do something wrong? I'm so sorry if-"
She just reached up and kissed him while shaking her head.
"You didn't do anything wrong, trust me. I just wanna finish with you", she said while catching her breath.
He tried his best to understand it, and luckily he did.
"Bare with me, I don't have experience in this…", he said as she placed himself between her legs and grabbed a condom together with some lube.
She helped him with everything, as she is more experienced in the matter. She made that very obvious.
After putting the condom on and lubricating both of them, she guided him in her vagina.
He gripped the sheets himself, not used to this at all. "So t-tight..!", He hissed out. Yet he didn't complain about it. How pleasurable that it felt! Now he really wishes he saw her hints sooner.
[Name] herself was arching her back, feeling him pushing into her until he was all the way in. And they stayed like this for a while, having to get used to each other.
If anything, it looked like Yusuke was holding himself back not to thrust. It was obvious that he waited for her sign to move.
"It's okay, you can move now", she whispered, and moaned when he started to move a little. Most likely experimenting with what they both like.
"My muse..I wanna go faster…Please, can I?", He said, trying to hold himself back. If he knew that sex would be this good, he would have wondered about it much earlier.
"Go as fast as she can, I want to feel all of you!", She moaned, completely loving this feeling. She has been craving for this for so long, and now she finally has it.
He didn't had to be told twice as she practically pounded in her, totally forgetting how to make it feel good for her too and is just letting himself go. But she didn't complain, this is what she wanted after all.
"It feels so good..I'm so sorry that I didn't understand it, I wish we could have done this sooner!", he groaned out, losing himself in the pleasure.
If she wanted to say something, she wouldn't have been able to with the amount of pleasure she is getting. For someone who was a virgin 2 minutes ago, he is a natural at this. Hitting her in just the right places.
He knew it too that he was doing things right, especially as he could feel her tighten up. He knew that this meant she was close to her orgasm again.
He was close too, but he wanted to make her feel even more good. He rubbed her clit once more and and it did enough for her to cum on his dick. At the same time, he climaxed in the condom while breathing heavily, trying to catch his breath.
"I'm gonna pull out now..", he said as he then undid the condom and threw it in the garbage.
"I love you, don't forget that", she said as she grabbed his hand and pulled him in the bed, wanting to be close to him.
He chuckled and stroke her hair.
"I love you too"
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floatyflowers · 3 months
First : Love your work Soo much! >⁠.⁠<
Second: Here me out. Older Sister of Soka and Katara who are platonic yandere, who is natural blood bender so she got banished from south by the elders and is now a part of Azulas gang which made here known by the rest of Fire Royals family who are romantic/platonic yandere for her. O⁠_⁠o
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You discovered that you are a natural blood bender when the fire nation attacked the south and tried to kill Katara after burning your mother to death.
Apparently, that displeased your tribe, and before you know it, you were forced to leave.
However, Sokka and Katara tried to plead for you to stay or take them with you.
"It's safer for you two to stay here, promise me that you will take care of Katara for me, Sokka"
With that you leave the tribe.
Only to be captured by the firebenders who got a sniff of you being a blood bender and was ordered to be brought to the fire nation.
That's where Ozai took the chance to manipulate you into believing that...
"My soldier might have murdered your mother, but your tribe didn't even think about her sacrifice and decided to cast you out for something you have no control of?"
Ozai even killed the man who murdered your mother to prove that he is just and kind, he also pressed on the 'daddy issues' you have and told you to call him 'father'
Unfortunately, you found comfort in his words
And before you knew it, you joined Azula and her gang.
Also you met prince Zuko who fell in love with you from first sight.
Azula looked up to you even if you were a waterbender, but you are a very powerful one, and determined.
You are the only one she respects.
On the other hand, Zuko was infatuated with you, he stole one of your shawls, just to imagine your appearance by his side while he sleeps at night.
After Zuko gets banished, you begin to start seeing Ozai's real face.
But while on the hunt for the Avatar, you meet your siblings.
At that moment, you realize that you were on the wrong side the whole time.
If your family is on the Avatar's side then he must be the right one.
So, you left Azula's gang after your siblings convinced you.
Even if Sokka guilt tripped you, but still you believe you made the right choice.
However, the royal family won't stop until they have you back with them.
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innerenigma · 3 months
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Love my fanfic authors with a passion🤍 Y'all are the only fools that inspire me to draw anymore
danny imagines by KristieChick
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armpirate · 4 days
Anti-romantic || JJk | Ch. 19
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Pairings: Boxer!Jungkook x fem!reader || Enemies to lovers, neighbors
Genre: smut, angst, fluff, curse, illegal boxing, violence
Warnings: fuckboy!Jungkook x reader, smut, dirty talk, curse, mention of tarot and fate
Summary: Jungkook had always been carefree when it came to love. He always believed he was worth sharing himself with everyone, and thought it was selfish of him to ever think of keeping himself exclusive to just one person.
And maybe that was exactly what got him into the big problem he was in.
A curse that kept him away from love didn't seem an issue for him. The fact that his ex-girlfriend thought he'd be affected by the idea of the girls he slept with running away from him after sex was ridiculous. She actually did him a favor, and took a burden away from him.
At least that was what he thought at first.
He had never found himself thinking of the possibility of repeating with neither of his hook ups, because they disappeared before he was able to even think about it. But when he makes the mistake of sleeping with the sexy neighbor that lives in front of him, he finds himself hoping to get the chance for a second round every time their paths cross.
Y/n hated him the second he set foot inside the building by the way he started making her life a miserable mess for no reason. Sleeping with him was a big mistake she wasn't thinking of repeating. At least not until he came up with the excuse that she rejected him for a curse. Not only she thought he was annoying, but she was also convinced he was crazy. 
There was no way she could take him seriously.
Aprox. time of reading: 13 minutes
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Those four days were like hell.
It didn't matter how many times they came across each other on the common landing, or how he tried to smile at her every time their eyes met. Her answer was always the same: silence. Putting all of her strength to simply ignore him and just be as friendly as she could, while trying to fight that side of her that was urging her to make a comment that'd unchain the bickering between them like it had been happening since he moved into the building.
She was convinced she needed to get out more. It could be that sudden need only came from the fact that she could be feeling lonely, which was a relief for her. At least that was better than even thinking of her liking Jungkook somehow.
Her steps were stopped as she approached Donna, Alma and Jackie, regretting her decision on getting closer to them as soon as she was getting herself to do it. She had already tried many times before, and it was always the same thing. It wasn't that she didn't like them, she just wasn't able to click with them, there wasn't anything they could have in common. But being fair with herself, there was nothing she had in common with the group of friends she hung out with when they were able to.
—Oh, Y/n —Donna called her from afar, lifting her hand to motion her to walk to them—. Come sit with us. We're taking a sip of coffee.
As usual...
One thing about Donna, Y/n would never find her at her desk, she was always in the cafeteria or somewhere in the resting areas of the office -which made her wonder how she managed to write her articles, and do her research when she never worked in her workplace.
Not like it mattered, but it just made her curious.
—Look who's joining our dark side —Jackie giggled, smiling so wide that she could see her light pink gums.
—Well, I'm quite busy usually —Y/n answered, carefully sitting on the free chair in front of Donna—. I'm currently working on some coverages, I'm also still working on my article...
—Oh right, the one you couldn't tell anyone about? —Donna interrupted her, smiling.
—Yeah, that one —Y/n nodded.
—How long has it been since you started working on it? I guess they should be hurrying you up to publish it —of course she was going to drop that type of comment.
—Well, I'm taking my time. I've had some problems getting inside the biggest issue...
—Maybe you should change it and write about something else —Y/n's tongue was trapped between her lips when she was interrupted by Donna's advice filled with poison—. It's just an advice from a more experienced colleague —she tried to justify when the other two glanced at her.
—Don't drop it —Alma encouraged her—. Were you given a due date?
—No, no —her head shook—. I was even told to take my time to make it as perfect as possible.
—Then that's it! —Jackie clapped— Take it easy. And if you need help, just tell us. I'm good with photographs, so if you ever need a good shot, just let me know.
As much as Y/n was grateful for Jackie's kindness, she couldn't imagine her and her colorful clothes among the type of crowd that was formed by those boxing parties.
—Yeah, we're here to help —Alma seconded—. I know we didn't get close, but we love to help and enlighten you whenever you need it —she assured, placing her hand over Y/n's—. And Donna can also help you, right?
—Right —she forced a smile—. Of course.
There was no lie in admitting Donna was forced to say she was going to help, when at first she just wanted to mock Y/n -for some reason she didn't care about-, but there also was no point in focusing on that when two people she never gave a chance to were being so nice and good to her after barely spending any time together, despite sitting two desks away.
After that, she was able to look at the rest of the day in a different way, she felt happy, her mood went through a high boost after talking with Jackie and Alma, and not only because they encouraged her to go on with the article -which she had no idea how she'd continue writing after she dumped Jungkook. She also felt like a whole new possibility was opened after speaking to them, like she had a new place to go to whenever she felt like work was getting to the best side of her. It made her feel like she drew a safe line between them and her because she felt attacked, when they both were accepting and friendly.
It was amazing the effect one small detail could have on the other things. She didn't care about how crowded the subway was, or how tired she felt to walk back home, she just didn't mind it.
Just like she didn't mind finding Jungkook waiting for her in front of her door, while he stared at her doormat.
He was going insane.
Jungkook couldn't understand what was happening, but he was sure he couldn't go on that way. If anyone else had told him before that he'd be looking for someone else's attention, waiting for the exact time to meet up with her, he'd have cackled in the loudest way possible.
It was so bad that even Jimin noticed the change in him.
Normally, his attitude was chill and careless. Their dynamic worked because his friend was too emotional, and Jungkook was the one that lacked that sense. His nickname as they both grew closer together was Iron Man, but those few days he walked around like he was missing something.
He kept checking his phone, for no logical reason -because the only times Y/n had texted him was to tell him to lower the volume or shut up. But he still looked every once in a while, thinking her message would find its way into his device.
He was missing her, and he just couldn't accept it. Jungkook needed to solve it all out before it went worse, and the only way to sort it out was to have her going back to her petty responses and bad looks. He was convinced the only real problem was the fact that he wasn't the one rejecting her. That was it.
—What are you doing there? —she sounded tired, dropping the smile that adorned her face the second she set foot outside of the lift.
—I need to talk with you.
—Again? —she sighed— What is it now? They'll come to check your router? Will the plumber show up?
—Seriously? I come to speak with you and you only think that I want something from you? What image do you have of me?
—The image that you earned with passion —she answered immediately after.
Jungkook looked away, tilting his head as he tried to find the words to speak. Sentences were mixing together, the sounds were rolling around his tongue, and he was sure that he wasn't going to be able to form a proper phrase while she looked at him that way.
—Okay, then —she finished, turning to her door to open it.
Jungkook stopped her from closing the door behind her by speaking again, placing his palm on the exterior door knob, earning another exhausted sigh from her.
—You can't ignore me.
—Excuse me? —she chuckled, raising both of her eyebrows at the order.
—We're neighbors, you just can't act like I'm not living next to you.
—Unfortunately, it's a reality. That's why I have no other choice but to pretend you aren't there.
—I know I've done things wrong, but... let's make it up?
—No —she firmly said, crossing her arms on her chest.
—Is this because of the article? I told you I was going to do it.
—It's not because of the article, it's because of the way you dealt with the whole thing —she confessed—. You just can't ignore people when you don't want to do something, you speak with them. That's what adults do.
—So would you have accepted my decision if I had told you that I didn't want to help you? —he fought back— You mean you wouldn't have acted annoying and petty about it.
—No —she answered again—. I probably would've get mad. But I would have been on the wrong because I can't force people into doing things I want —she explained—. That's not the problem now, because you always find a way to make me mad and make it valid.
—Didn't you want me to leave you alone? —she cut him off— I'm leaving you alone. Live your life, do your things... But don't bother me or I'll make you regret it —she threatened, pointing her index finger at him—. Get lost now.
—How can you tell me to get lost?
—Well, like I've just done it now —she shrugged—. It's a two-word sentence, pretty simple to say and understand.
—Okay, I'll tell you why I didn't want to do the article.
—That's literally not what I said —she mumbled.
—... but you can't judge me.
—Too late —she rested her arm on the door frame.
—This goes back to some time ago —he exaggerated the move of his hand—. An ex, that wasn't really an ex, cursed me. She promised I wouldn't have a stable relationship, and it had been working until now. I went to a tarot reader, and she confirmed everything that was happening, until she told me that a woman would come to break the curse. She said that I'd fall for her after she appeared, and told me that it'd be made through some work. You showed up in the middle of nowhere, you're the only woman who's still in my life when the rest of the flings disappear the morning after, and you're the only one I was going to do some work with.
Y/n completely lost the plot of the story at the mention of a curse. She couldn't believe he really believed she was going to fall for such a lame story. But it was even crazier that he spotted her as his savior, or the person that would break the curse. What fairytale did he escape from?
—So I wanted to avoid you, because I didn't want that change to happen —he continued—. I'm really happy with the way my life is going right now, okay? I don't need anyone to put everything upside down.
—Wow, you're really creative with excuses —she tilted her head—. Ever thought of leaving boxing and becoming a writer?
—I'm telling the truth.
When she was going to speak, he sighed loudly, throwing his head back while causing her eyes to open wide in surprise to the sudden sound coming from him.
—Okay... —she smiled nervously— So how does that curse break? With a real love kiss? Maybe a magic spell? Oh, I know, the power of love!
—It doesn't seem like you're taking it seriously.
—Look, I don't know what excuses you've made up to get girls to forgive you, and I have no idea how they could've worked, but all of this is a bit too much.
—I'm being honest.
—Sure you are —she shrugged.
—And it's also an explanation why you reject me every single time.
—Because your attitude can't be a valid explanation to you —her eyes squinted at his comment.
—It now makes sense!
Y/n just couldn't go past the fact that Jungkook did in fact believe the story he was telling her, and even was able to find some sense in something that seemed to be taken out of the wildest fantasies he could've read about -if he had read any book at all. At first she just thought he was recurring to his long list of excuses to justify his actions, and that only made her angry, with the only wish to crash the door against his face while he spoke. But the longest he went, the more she was convinced that the man in front of her needed psychological help. Urgently.
—You're scaring me a bit —Y/n admitted, looking around for the nearest exit to ask for help in case she'd need it.
—It's weird you slept with me a second time, but I guess the curse works differently since we see each other every day? Now it's one of those moments where I wished Carly didn't block me so I could ask her —he kept thinking out loud, moving his eyes away from her and losing the focus of the conversation.
—That many blows on your head have officially fucked up with your sanity —she mumbled, seeing her neighbor having a full on conversation with himself—. Instead of wasting money on a tarot reader, why don't you pay for a good therapist?
—Y/n, it's serious. My ex-girlfriend went crazy after I cheated on her —Y/n scoffed at that detail—, which isn't relevant now, and she cursed me before leaving my house. What was what she said? —his eyes moved to the top of his head as he tried to bring back the exact words Carly used— Something that I treated people badly, and that I was going to suffer the same thing or something like that.
—Are you hearing yourself? How do you pretend me to believe you, for fuck's sake? —Y/n insisted, controlling her big wish to roll her eyes in front of him.
—How many times have I lied to you?
—Do you really want me to answer that question? —her ironic tone was challenging, making Jungkook regret that question almost immediately.
—I promise I'm telling the truth.
—Okay, let's say I believe you. What do you want me to do with that information? —her lips puckered, before she continued speaking— Everything's okay, and everything you do is valid, only because you were cursed for not being able to keep your dick in your pants?
—You were cursed because you are a fifteen year old trapped in the body of a twenty six year old, and you aren't able to keep a woman exactly for that reason.
—Well, look who's talking, are you going to call me immature? You?
—Are you going to attack me?
—No, I'm saying that someone that drills a hole in a wall, because of a little noise, can't speak of others.
—A little noise?
—You're just as immature as me, but you disguise it with that serious facade thinking you're fooling anyone. Spoiler alert: you don't.
—Spoiler alert? See how you're a horny teenager? The only reason you don't want to commit to a relationship is because you have the Peter Pan syndrome.
—Here comes the smart ass with her bit of information taken from the short research she does for her articles... And what if I have the Peter Pan syndrome?
—You're nearing thirty, as much as it hurts you.
—I know, and do you know how attractive that is to women? I'll be a bomb when I turn forty.
Y/n rolled her eyes again, almost giving up the argument because there was no way any bit of common sense would kick inside his brain.
—I can't believe I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you right now.
—Because you like me, as much as it hurts you —he mocked her—. And the only reason you're willing to believe the curse thing is because you want to give me a free pass.
—No, the only reason I'm pretending I believe you is because I don't know if you're going to have a psychosis and do something crazy.
—Look who's coming up with an excuse now —he chuckled.
At that point her hand was tickling, reviving how it'd feel if she crashed her palm against his face. She could lie and justify herself by saying she did it in her defense because her neighbor's brain wasn't working right, which at that point wasn't really a lie.
—You could only wish. At the end of the day, I'm not the one scared of falling —she defended herself.
For the first time, Jungkook was the one nervous and speechless, opening his eyes a bit wider and parting his lips to speak, but not letting a word come out from them.
—You're sure because you haven't spent enough time with me.
—That means I'm so attractive that you fell for me barely spending any time together?
—No, that's not what I meant.
—But that's what you said —she rushed to say, keeping him from going on speaking.
—I'm sure that if I spent more time with you, I'd probably end up sick of you.
—Yet you had the chance, and you didn't take it. That's a bit contradicting —she fought back.
She left him stuck, between two options that he couldn't escape. One was a lie, and the other one was the brutal truth, and he was still fighting to confirm what belonged to each one of them.
—Don't worry though. There's no way I'd ever spend any more time with you than what we already did.
Y/n shouldn't have tempted the universe that way, and dragged it to a challenge that she wasn't going to like.
Not even a second after that sentence left her filthy lips, a huge noise interrupted their casual bickering, making them wonder what was happening. 
Taglist: @jk97bam @ttanniett
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thewulf · 1 month
Hii hope you're having a good day, is it okay if I request a Legolas x reader where reader is Gandalf's granddaughter and joined the fellowship on their quest to destroy the ring? They both slowly fell in love with each other along the way and when the incident in Moria happened where Gandalf dies, Legolas comforts her.
No pressure at all for this request and it's also okay if you don't want to do it, thank you!
You most certainly can! This is a wonderful request. You guys are crushing it with the LOTR requests :) big angst but sweet elf!
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Gold Rush (part 6)
Benny watts x reader
Warnings: cliche tropes, the water class glass exchange was inspired by another author but I can’t find the exact quote so just know I’m not that creative
A/n: howdy darlings, I’m not too happy with this piece but I think I’m starting to find my footing again in this story so if this is well received I will make more parts so please lmk if that’s something you all are interested in. As usual be gentle with yourselves my lovelies ❤️‍🔥
The rest of the cocktail hour went by without any hiccups, with Benny’s arm around the back of your chair you noticed substantially less backhanded remarks, which, while sexist, was still appreciated. Dinner is brought out in carts with silver dishes overflowing and ready to be distributed.
“You got drinks, I’ll grab us both food” you offered, already on your feet. Benny made some effort to deter you, arguing he had no problem getting the food but you only brushed him off.
“I know the drill, you don’t like raw tomatoes,capers or olives” you assured, already heading towards the growing line, he followed you anyways.
“How’d you know that?” He inquired, and you almost laughed at the question.
“We’ve been to countless of these events together, I’ve just noticed overtime” he smirked teasingly,
“You’ve been watching me, huh?” You give him a gentle jab to the ribs,
“Yeah, with judgment at your childlike pickiness” he rolls his eyes but resigns himself to your shared table
Benny POV
I sat and watched her as the line creeped along, nursing a new bottle. Usually I’d drink at these events but seeing as I’m driving (y/n)s car, which was very close to her heart, I decided to stick with non alcoholic radlers.
“Are you Benny Watts?” The voice to my right catches me by surprise, the owner of the voice even more so. A woman, tall and thin, about (y/n)s age but maybe a little older, stands before me. She has short red hair and large eyes, and is wearing a black and white shift dress. I cleared my throat awkwardly, I was used to being around (y/n) but the idea of another chess girl did make me a little uneasy.
“That’s me, who’s asking?” I lean back into my chair, opening my legs and making eye contact, looking her up and down for any sign of familiarity.
“Beth Harmon” her arms are crossed over her chest, not moving to extend a hand, so I chose not to either. “You hold the US title, correct?” I nodded my head and for a while neither of us spoke, we just sized each other up. Deciding to test my luck I lean across the table, propping my chin up with one arm.
“Come to ask anything or just look at me? I’ve been told I’m quite easy on the eyes” She doesn’t smile or blush or send back a witty remark like (y/n) would, she just narrows her eyes,
“I’m just trying to meet my competition” I raise my eyebrow and am about to ask her what makes her, unheard of by me, my competition. Before a much more familiar voice behind me speaks up.
“I got us food Ben, it was wild in there, nearly had to shank someone in the eye in order to get the last of the garlic rolls- Oh hi! I saw you earlier and meant to introduce myself. I’m (y/n) (l/n), you’re Beth, correct?” Her voice is chipper as she sets out plates down on the table, extending her arm enthusiastically to the woman next to me, who just gives her a look before nodding her head and reluctantly meeting her handshake.
“That’s correct” (y/n) smiles widely,
“You should join us for dinner, we’ve got this table to ourselves and I’d love to know more about you-“
“I’m just leaving” Beth explains quickly “I think I’m going to take my dinner up to my room, thank you though” I watch (y/n)s grin falter before quickly producing another, more artificial smile.
“Of course, maybe I’ll see you tomorrow in competition” Beth nods and responds with a noncommittal “maybe” before removing herself from the situation. (Y/n) takes the seat across from me. She had grabbed two plates full of penne with vodka sauce, complete with the garlic rolls as she had described. I give a quick thank you before diving wholeheartedly into the food, not having eaten anything since breakfast. (Y/n) follows suit but in a much less enthusiastic way and I can see the cogs turning in her head.
“She’s supposed to be really good, new to the competitive world but very serious in the sport” her eyes raise to mine “Beth” she clarifies, as if there were an abundance of women competing in the event. I nodded in thought,
“Seems like a piece of work, feisty for sure” she nods in a distracted manner and continues pushing her food around. After about 20 minutes of deliberation I finally clear my throat,
“I’m going to take my plate back” I state, standing and gathering my used silverware “Do you want anything?” I ask. She had only eaten about half of her plate but quickly pushed it towards me.
“You can take mine back as well, if you don't mind.” she answered.
“You sure?” I question, glancing between her and the half full plate “You didn’t eat much”
“Yeah, I’m sure” she confirms “I just have a bit of a headache so I don’t really feel like eating much more” I nod in response,
“Alright, how about I drop these plates and we pull an Irish exit?” I offer, immediately feeling better when her face brightens into a smile.
“Sounds like a plan to me” she agrees, finishing off her glass. I made quick work of dropping the dishes off on a cart by the door before heading back to the table where (y/n) was standing, gathering her belongings. I pull her coat off the back of her chair, helping her into it. She offers me a shy smile over her shoulder and I mindlessly rub her biceps before gathering my own coat.
The night was still young and the room was even more crowded than before, I protectively wrapped my arm around (y/n)’s back, guiding her towards the staircase, feeling a swell of pride as she subconsciously leaned into my embrace. Her hand finds the bend of my arm as we make our way down the stairs and she doesn’t make any move to release it until we’ve let out into the cold evening air. She buries her face into my sleeve, muttering something I couldn’t quite make out.
“What was that, love?” I inquire, she pulls her face off of my arm scowling into the wind.
"Said it’s cold as shit” she repeats, before curling back into my side. I chuckle, reaching a hand up to stroke her hair reassuringly.
“We’ll turn the heat all the way up in the car,” I promise “you’ll be cooked medium rare by the time we get back to base” I hear her muffled giggle and smile to myself. Give me all the national titles and championship rings in the world, none of it stroked my ego like making her laugh. I’d spent the last 8 years of my life, at least, pushing myself to be competitive in chess in large part just to have a reason to be around her. We both lived for the chase, we both reveled in the intellectual challenge that the other presented, and at the end of the day we were both hard to satisfy. I couldn’t recall either of us maintaining a relationship beyond a few months in the past couple years at least. Arriving at the car I pull open her door for her which she rolls her eyes at but offers a ‘thank you’ regardless. I slid into the driver's side and turned the key in the ignition, allowing it to idle as I cranked the heat up and leaned over the bench seat to rummage through a box left on the back seat.
“What are you doing?” she asked, having kicked off her boots and pulled her feet up on the bench, hugging her knees for warmth. I unceremoniously dumped a wool blanket over her, just as I had done a few weeks ago that rainy night of the qualifier.
“Oh, Benny…” she said, probably meaning for it to be scolding even though it came out more like a coo.
“I know you well, doll” I smirked, finally shifting the car into first gear and pulling out of the parking lot and onto the road. She scooted next to me, eliminating any space between us and I felt my breath catch in my throat. The proximity wasn’t new to us but her intentionally closing the distance made me want to hold my breath. She was much more shy in her advances and I knew any poorly placed joke could send her running, so I bit my tongue and kept my eyes on the road as if nothing had changed. She draped the blanket across both of our laps and I released my held breath. Of course there was a reason, there always is. (y/n) is a chess player, nothing if not calculated and I couldn’t allow myself to so easily forget that. But she leaned her head against my shoulder and shut her eyes.
“Thank you, Benny,” she hummed and I could feel her breath fan across my neck with each word. My skin burned where we connected, my entire right side from shoulder to thigh feeling so hot it may as well have been emitting light. I cleared my throat, keenly aware of the hot blood rising to my face.
“Don’t mention it,” I choke out. The closeness was one thing when we were both half awake and my body simply functioned to warm hers, but there was no reason to write this off as, no simple justification for her mouth to be so close to my jugular, for her legs to be pressed against mine. The car was warm, and getting warmer by the second, there were no misogynists to scare away from our table. It was just us in this vacuum and I drive forever if that’s what kept us here. The drive didn’t last forever, unfortunately and soon enough I was pulling into that long gravel driveway. The rattling of the car pulled (y/n) from her nap which she groaned in annoyance at, sitting up and stretching her arms behind her head. The movement relieved me of her contact, and although between her touch and the thick wool blanket covering us both I had been practically cooking alive, I felt cold without her almost instantly, as if she had taken all of our shared warmth with her. I shifted the car into neutral, pulling up the hand brake and turning off the ignition before turning to her. She looked warm, her cheeks slightly flushed, soft hair tangled around her face like sunbeams. She was like the sun and I was lucky enough to be basking in her light. She catches my gaze, quirking an eyebrow in question but I just look away and clear my throat. During the course of the drive back from town the sun had completely set, so after we both exited the car I linked our hands together as we squinted through the darkness towards the shadow-hidden cabin doing our best not to trip on rocks and fallen branches. After making it successfully up the porch steps I shoulder open the door and feel along the walls until I find the light switch which, when flipped, illuminates the dull yellow overhead lamp. I pull off my jacket and hang it along with the keys to the car by the door. (y/n) strides past me with a determined gait towards the bedroom and I hear a muffled “umph” accompanied by the whine of the old box spring letting me know she had found her destination. I lock the door behind me before heading towards the bedroom as well.
The room was still dark, only the faint yellow glow of the living room casting any light into the cold room. I begin searching through the drawers where I had unpacked my clothes the previous day in search of something warm but comfortable to sleep in.
“Benny?” comes a muffled voice from behind me. I see (y/n) cocooned in blankets with only her eyes and above visible peering through the darkness at me.
“Yes?” I answer, pulling two sets of fleece lined flannels and baggy sweats from the dresser.
“Could you grab me a glass of water?” She squeaks out.
“Yeah, here’s a set of warmer clothes if you want” I offer, dropping them beside her on the bed before heading to the kitchen. The water sputtered in the tap before finally evening out. I made quick work of washing two of the glasses in the cabinet just to be safe before filling them both and heading back towards our shared room. Upon pushing the door open I found (y/n) in a similar position as before, curled up on her side of the bed, but she was now wearing the sweater I had left her. She offered me a tired smile as I sat down on the edge of the bed beside her, handing her the glass. She took only a small sip before placing it nearly untouched on her nightstand, turning her attention back to me. Her eyelids were heavy as she looked up at me through her lashes. Reaching out she ran her hand over one of mine, grasping it in my lap.
“Do you remember asking your mum or dad for a water before bed?” She asked, shutting her eyes now.
“I do,” I confirmed, reaching my spare hand up to mindlessly brush the loose hair from her face.
“Do you remember how you hardly even wanted the water,” she nearly whispered, my hand stilled across her forehead “You just wanted the hand attached to the water, and the arm and the body”. Her eyes were squinted tightly shut as if she could convince herself she was saying it to no one if she didn’t have to look at me. As if her grip around my hand hadn’t tightened as if afraid I would pull away. I wouldn’t.
“I do,” I said simply, resuming the brushing of my hand across her hair. This time cupping her cheek and brushing my thumb over her eyelashes. She takes the invitation to open her eyes, and she smiles.
“Thank you, Benny” it's so quiet I almost miss it when she says it. I smile in return, pulling my hand from her slightly liquor flushed cheek.
“Anything for you, dollface” I return. Grabbing my own set of clothes and heading to the bathroom to change. When I return she’s already asleep beneath the mound of blankets and quilts. I slip into bed on her opposite side, managing to dislodge one blanket that would just have to be enough to get me through the night. The house had warmed noticeably from running the heater throughout the day but it still didn’t do much to keep the night cold from creeping in. I lay on my back, closing my eyes and feeling sleep start to take over only for it to be chased away by a weight covering me. I opened my eyes to find (y/n) had slung her body over mine, hand finding a fistful of my shirt as she curled her face into the crook of my neck. Her breathing hadn’t changed, her body had sought mine out in her sleep. I smiled and pulled the mound of blankets over us, creating an envelope of warmth. The wind whistled violently outside but we may as well have been camping on the sun.
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