#rdr1 john
lydibug-art · 2 months
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John Marston is my babygirl 🖤
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toaster-trash · 4 months
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Has this been done yet
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moon-suki · 3 months
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scar face
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vendigool · 4 months
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LOW HONOR JOHN HORSE LETS GO ehy does it look so .... weird
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galileosyeast · 1 month
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rip van winkle
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nthspecialll · 16 days
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Thinking about them and their fate, because no matter how many years it had been John still cared, sure he hated Dutch, but he still cared. Dutch was his father, his mentor, his saviour, the man who took the noose off his neck when he was twelve.
After Dutch's death, Agent Ross confronts John, saying "so in the end you didn't have the guts to shoot him," a reference to a conversation they had had earlier where Ross blames John for letting Dutch escape due to his remaining feelings for him: "Scared to shoot him? Too much to handle?" Where John replies: "when the opportunity presents itself I will put a bullet in him, don't you worry. I won't like myself for it, but I will do it;" admitting his distaste for what he must do.
Agent Ross's sidekick, Archer, also acknowledges the burden that Dutch's death took on John when he says "thank you mister Marston, I know this wasn't easy for you, but you made your country proud."
John knows what must be done so he does it, did it with Escuella, did it with Williamson and did it with Van Der Linde, but unlike with the first two, he shows an utter distaste. When he was in Mexico he went straight for the price, he had no troubles beating people to get information, no troubles shooting Williamson either. He did show some distaste when it came to Escuella, but he did it either way.
And then with Dutch, when it came to Dutch he several times tries to see if he can avoid it, trying to get his family from Agent Ross without killing Dutch, he even asked if Agent Ross couldn't just do it himself. He is way more avoidant of it, and the agents comments show it as well. If you chose to hand over Escuella alive, they joked around, but with Dutch they showed at least some form of compassion and understanding towards John.
And even though John said he would shoot Dutch, he didn't. He had Dutch at gunpoint several times but he didn’t shoot, even in the end he didn’t shoot, he stalled, he listened to Dutch talk, most likely knowing that it would be the last time. He knew that there would be no way of excusing Dutch's survival when he was wounded and trapped.
Dutch killed himself in the end, and I think that was a relief for John. Even though he would have pulled the trigger, he wanted to avoid Dutch's blood on his hand, he wanted to avoid snuffing out his father's life.
John did what he needed and would have done more, but he hated himself for it because no matter what Dutch had done, Dutch was still the man who saved twelve-year-old John, gave him a family and a home.
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hatchi-matchii · 1 month
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More food for my John enjoyers
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If you combine the RDR2 epilogue with RDR1, while the series is still about John Marston’s redemption, the epilogue expands the scope by asking the question, “Can John put away his guns for good?”
Because the RDR2 epilogue was all about how John just couldn’t get away from gunfights. Although you can argue that he was pushed into those fights with the Laramies, you can also see Abigail’s perspective in that the fights were putting their family at risk. So, when Abigail leaves, John is forced to really consider if he can put the guns away for good. If he can actually pull off being a rancher. To his credit, he does try.
He gets the bank loan, he builds the house with Uncle and Charles, and he learns how to properly manage the property. Because of his efforts, Abigail and Jack come back. But even so, John just can’t put the guns away because he’s driven by revenge against Micah Bell. Although he gets his payback, he’s punished for it by Edgar Ross tracking him down. Ironically, karma bit both Micah and John here.
So, RDR1 continues the question of whether John can put the guns away for good. It’s here where he’s almost reached that point. But now, he’s being tested on whether he’ll be tempted back into a life of an outlaw, back into a life involving violence and danger. Despite everything that’s thrown his way, John continues his path of redemption/putting his guns away for good:
1) He’s put into the role of a lawman and is pitted against Bill’s gang, essentially forcing him to be on the other side of the outlaws’ violence against others. It’s through this that John swears off from the outlaw life for good, especially when he sees just how awful Bonnie MacFarlane and her family were treated.
2) Javier tries to use nostalgia of the “good ole days” to win John over. It doesn’t work since John doesn’t want the good ole days, especially since he has a bright future with Abigail and Jack. The Mexico arc was, in general, about torn loyalties. John was playing both sides of the war and Javier tried to sway John based on their past friendship. Despite this, John stays true to his convictions. He doesn’t want the life of an outlaw anymore, nor does he want to keep shooting people anymore (he even says he’s getting tired of pulling the trigger!), so he rejects the nostalgia of the old gang.
3) Dutch challenged John over his desire to change. Dutch believed change was impossible and that John would “always” be a gunslinger. He can’t be a rancher, it’s just not what nature intended. John, once again, sticks to his convictions. In fact, despite all of his anger towards Dutch, he refused to shoot him. John can shoot Bill and Javier, but it’s Dutch who he refuses to shoot. When I first played this, I thought it was his fondness over Dutch as his former leader. Now, I’m wondering if it’s also John trying to prove his point. That he CAN change, that he CAN put the guns away. So he does, even when he had Dutch cornered.
Then came the final challenge. Jack Marston brings up the topic of “the day John Marston stopped shooting”. What will it take? John finally does, but in more than one way. Obviously, he puts the guns away since he dies. But John could’ve easily escaped. We’ve done it as the player multiple times. But if he did, it would be a return to a life on the run, a life where Abigail and Jack would always be in danger. The same life that made Abigail take Jack and leave John in the RDR2 epilogue. Everything he’s worked for, all the progress he made in changing his life would be ruined.
So, John makes the hard choice. He sacrifices himself to ensure his family would be safe. He refuses to return to the outlaw life, to a life where he has to shoot at people, even if it means his death. And what is the last thing John does?
He throws away his gun.
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gravestoneghost · 7 months
John Marston the type of man that when asked about his pronouns says
"Pro nuns? Of course I am pro nuns, they seem like nice women"
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m4gg0tzzzz · 7 months
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some little sketchbook pages I've done recently based on RDR1 :p
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ibelieveinme1 · 27 days
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I bought rdr1
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toaster-trash · 3 months
I find it so funny that some people talk about John like he’s the “reluctant to help” guy between him and Arthur, I mean don’t get me wrong, I love Arthur to bits, but 90% of John’s stranger missions in RDR1 Arthur would immediately walk past or not be nearly as enthusiastic about, and 90% of Arthur’s morally dubious endeavours RDR1 John would be immediately disgusted by or begrudgingly do them with a gun to the guy’s head the whole time 💀🙏
I mean John’s definitely not perfect alright, the guys a pragmatist he has his morally questionable capabilities, all I’m saying is if you ask RDR1 John for a hug you’re probably getting one, if you ask RDR2 Arthur for a hug you’re getting a highly uncomfortable glare and maybe an awkward pat on the back, absolutely love Arthur to bits but there’s a big difference between Mr “Sorry miss, I’m a married man!” and Mr “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t know I was talking to a LADY”
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creamqueen · 12 days
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jawwnny boy
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milaeryn · 2 months
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Some RDR1!John sketches
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cowboycyns · 3 months
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been kinda obsessed with Dad ™️ John sooooo have messy doodles 🥸
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nthspecialll · 2 months
I believe Javier was on Arthur and John's side, at least he would have been if he had understood the situation. Javier likes Dutch due to the fact that he saved him, clothed, fed, gave him a job and a family, but Javier isn’t really friends with Dutch, he is more of an employer than anything. This differes from John and Arthur who also sees Dutch as a family member, someone to spend their free time with, someone they talk to a lot, they chit chat with him and they are there during planning of heists, Javier is not.
Javier is never there during the plannings, he doesn’t talk to Dutch, he just joins when another gun is needed, because of that he never notices that Dutch is slipping, he might just see a string of bad luck leading to unsuccessful jobs but not that Dutch isn’t doing right.
Javier obviously sees that John and Arthur is acting up but he doesn’t understand why. Like when a child is crying, you know they are trying to communicate but you might not understand what they are trying to tell you. Some gets angry at the child, others gets fustrated because they want to understand but they don’t. I believe Javier is the second, he isn’t angry, he doesn’t hate John or Arthur, he is frustrated because he doesn’t understand why they are acting up because he doesn’t see Dutch like they do. And like when a child is throwing a tantrum you might side with the parent because you are confused, if you knew why the child was crying you would help feed or put them to bed, you would stop the screaming, you would side with the baby, but when you don’t, you side with the one you can communicate with, the one you understand, the familiar one, the parent, in this case Dutch.
I am sure that Javier was confused when Dutch left John shot and Abigail kidnapped which might be why he was set as a lookout because he acted up too, he confronted Dutch about how wrong it felt, and Dutch knew to separate him from the rest.
We see Javier asking Arthur "what happened to loyalty?" in camp and I think this is more him trying to find out what is going on than him blaming Arthur.
In the final stand off he was, as said, lookout, he wasn't there when it began, all he saw were people pointing guns at each other and although there was a crack in the trust he had towards Dutch he most likely still believed that Dutch would have a plan, a plan to fix everything because until then he had had one. When Javier was trapped on Guama, Dutch did come to help (I believe it to be because he knew he needed Javier), meanwhile both John and Arthur had experienced Dutch leaving them to death, something that Javier did not see.
When Javier comes to see the stand off, he sides with Dutch, because again, he trusts Dutch, Dutch is familiar, and he doesn’t fully understand why the other two are acting up. I have heard some discussion on if Javier pointed his gun at the others or not, I believe he did not, and I believe it to be because he did not see a reason to turn on the others, he doesn’t dislike them, he in fact still likes them he is just confused and annoyed.
I think that right after the two groups parted ways Javier finally exploded on Dutch and asked for an explanation as to why he had turned on Arthur and John, but didn’t get an explanation so he headed back for Mexico.
I think that he never developed a hatred towards John or Arthur, he genuinely still saw them as family but when he saw John's obvious aggression towards him in rdr1 he first tries to escape, but when he realises it isn’t going to work he does spit some verbal aggression as well to defend himself and in a way get back at John for the anger.
That is what I believe and as a thank you for reading all that, here is some low quality Javier.
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