#randy bitchford
hedwyn-here · 6 months
I still see people obsessively hating on Hello Games for the launch of No Man's Sky, saying they will never trust them, never buy a game from them etc... A very ambitious game made by (for most of it's development) less than 10 employees had to cut some of it's planned content before launch. They were (reportedly) pressured into announcing the game before they were ready, their studio flooded, they had to borrow internet from their neighbours by running ethernet out of the windows, they had a huge company suddenly advertising it as the next big AAA release despite the fact the studio was running out of money...
They aren't blameless, but it doesn't take a whole lot to see how a small group who were incredibly passionate about their work (and without a PR team) could get caught up in this situation.
But you know what? They've spent the last 10 years continually working on that game. Adding more and more content, getting it to where people expected it to be and even beyond in ways nobody could have predicted. Every single trailer they've released since has shown nothing but precicely what the game will offer. And we still see people treating them like industry villains.
There's a particular reason this bothers me so much, and it's name is Randy Pitchford.
A few years before No Man's Sky was released, Gearbox advertised the game Aliens: Colonial Marines with fabricated trailers, gameplay and screenshots. Not just things that had to be removed from the game for budgetary or time reasons, but literally just things they faked purely to advertise the game. What can only be construed as an intentional attempt to lie to the audience so they would buy a game. They were accused of using money SEGA had given them for the development of the game to fund their own proejct, Borderlands. Not only did Gearbox never try to fix Colonial Marines, to my knowledge they never even acknowledged any of the shitty stuff they did. Pitchford routinely attempted to slide that blame onto others (and if I remember rightly even said some pretty unpleasant stuff abotu Steff Sterling for daring to criticise the game on multiple occasions). Yet people are still more than happy to jump on Gearbox games uncritically. Even though they reportedly treat their staff like shit. Have very questionable means of paying their staff that afford them the opportunity to deny them bonuses even management (like Pitchford) are taking home huge bonuses of their own.
This is an example of a large developer very intentionally and maliciously lying to the audience and nobody seemed to give a shit about it even as little as a year after release.
For my money, Hello Games have proven themselves. I'll take an over-ambitious passionate group of artists who can't quite deliver on their promises over a malicious and predatory corporation any day of the week.
Fuck Gearbox.
<3 Hello Games.
I can't fuckin wait to play Light no Fire, I will buy that shit day 1.
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sammyloomis · 10 months
gearbox constantly pushing back the blands lore book feels like im walking towards a mirage of an oasis on the horizon because it never gets any fucking closer
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angeltannis · 9 months
Do we think Anu and Octavio could come back in Tales 2 🥺👉👈
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huebris808 · 3 months
if the borderlands movie is bad (positive) then we win but if its bad (negative) we gotta kill randy bitchford
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thelazydoodle · 3 years
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And apparently the strike ended as soon as he left
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blazeball · 5 years
god i hope bitchford was lying a few months ago about there being no dlc vault hunters for bl3 bcos i NEED dlc vault hunters.. for bl3......
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cyberspaceoddity · 2 years
The borderlands tiny tina one shot standalone dlc thing is actually... really fun. Like I've never enjoyed a borderlands game this much, I've really never played one for more than a few hours but I'm still going with this after beating it once
I'm even tempted to get the full length wonderland game just not at launch price lol
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dykecrawler · 5 years
Stop interacting with my borderlands posts i dont wanna be reminded of my shame
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corhore · 3 years
I love the everyone is happy about the news of Randy Bitchford stepping down as president of Gearbox, but are also disappointed he will still be CEO.
I have literally not seen one person who likes this guy. Everyone hates him.
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lycanomancy-art · 3 years
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@border-spam 's Leech Lord story is close to its birthday, so I wanted to make a love letter to the story and its creator.
From the moment I was posting regularly in the borderlands tag and the moment I started taking up art, border-spam has been nothing but a fountain of sweetness and support. For someone who was just someone she occasionally saw on the internet, the amount of backing and kindness is utterly unprecedented. To everyone who she's supported. Leech lord has been a wonder of complex narratives and masterful storytelling, with so many amazing written and art pieces from her that I honestly cannot understand how she's making the time for it alongside her crusade to support small, beginning writers and artists. And having the support and kindness that I do from her is an honor and a huge motivator. Having even the littlest backing from someone I admire as an artist and as a writer is honestly what made me start doing art in the first place, and what made me keep going when I was struggling. Its a kindness that I've never been granted before, and I don't think there's enough words for me to clarify just how grateful I am that Randy Bitchford made a garbage story and awoke her. Without Randy, Leech Lord wouldn't be a thing, and no one would have gotten the chance to read the works and see the arts of this incredible creator, and even more unfortunately, wouldn't have gotten to find someone so genuinely nice in a sea of garbage. 
So, in honor of the amazing world and characters of Leech Lord, and Leech Lord's wonderful crafter, here's a piece of the simp-punching queen herself, Seifa A'rosk.
Link to googledoc  where I wrote down techniques and process + close up of details;
Tech journal doc where I wrote down how I did stuff and what the process was like
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sammyloomis · 2 years
not to keep going on about this but its been on my mind and this is MY blog
i get this feeling that gearbox (specifically randy bitchford) is so scared that theyre gonna lose peoples interest that they keep pushing out these half baked games that are nowhere near polished enough just to try and appease people, and yet at the same time appeasing no one
like, wonderlands was popular at first but as times gone on its gotten more poorly recieved due to the grind and how shit the dlcs were plus imo it ran a lot worse than bl3 ever did despite it being the same engine (which i suppose could be chalked up to it being worked on during the pandemic which is defo commendable), and now the new tales is getting rinsed before its even released
id rather wait longer for a game thats way more polished with better writing and a more fleshed out story than whatever the hell their plan is now fghj
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angeltannis · 1 year
So while venturing down a rabbit hole for one of my other special interests - the Alien franchise - I happened to stumble upon something kinda …. Honestly I don’t know how to feel about it, so I’m just gonna present it here 😬 draw your own conclusions
So, twice in Borderlands 3, Lor mentions his favorite coffee being a flavor called “Arcturian Superblack”
Now, keeping in mind the context that Randy Pitchfork has gone on record saying he’s “made a career out of ripping off Alien” …
Apparently the Arcturians in the Alien franchise are a species of shapeshifters that first appeared in an unrelated comic made by one of the Alien writers and concept artists, and then were canonized with this line in Aliens:
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In their original comic, an Arcturian is depicted posing as a woman to seduce a human man, then turning into a hideous monster and getting promptly killed by the man.
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(This isn’t the whole comic, just the most sfw parts)
So yeah … idk what to say about this tbh … Randy Bitchford die challenge
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dam13nm0rn1n6star · 3 years
I really wish Duke Nukem would come back. But sadly after Forever flopped, Gearbox has done pretty much Jack and shit about reviving the franchise. Besides, Randy Bitchford is more interested in Borderlands than bringing back this superior franchise. Borderlands is good, but it’s no Duke Nukem, and it never will be. In 2001, they would have made a masterpiece, but we’ll never get to see it. That’s reality though. It’s really sad considering this year will mark Duke 3D’s 25th anniversary, and we’ll probably get nothing. Maybe adding the expansions to Duke 3D World Tour, but I doubt that will happen considering as Civvie 11 once said, everything is fine until you introduce a Randy into the equation.
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thelazydoodle · 3 years
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And apparently the strike ended as soon as he left
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cyanspica · 5 years
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if this dynamic is not present in borderlands 3 i will personally ascend from the inferno to wreak hellfire upon randy bitchford
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blazeball · 4 years
borderlands news from the gearbox panel at pax east 2020!
borderlands 3 is coming to steam on march 13th! it’s available to wishlist right now!
there will be pc crossplay between epic and steam!
giveaway for some gearbox merch!
randy bitchford did another 10 minute long magic trick with audience participation and i’m just saying this because i had to suffer through it so it deserves to be recognized. i hate bitchford so much
more takedowns will be coming!
movie news
craig mason (hbo chernobyl + hangover movies) writing for the movie
roadmap for spring 2020!
second campaign dlc coming in march!
mayhem 2.0 coming in april!
end game stuff
adds more than 25 “modifiers” to the game
includes stuff like “big head mode” (self explanatory) and “the floor is lava” (also self explanatory!)
10 “levels” of mayhem to work through
“revenge of the cartels” coming in april!
free in game event akin to halloween and valentines day events
eridian themed “guardian takedown”!
new free gear and cosmetics coming with that
randy said that this is the “most value packed season pass in the history of games”; we’re gonna get a LOT of content out of the campaign dlcs!
gearbox just started development on dlc 4!
character that wasn’t in bl3 is coming back!
probably krieg! randy said “we’re gonna see what it’s like to be inside the head of the wildest psycho we know”
dlc 3!
has concept art ready!
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DLC 2! called guns, love, and tentacles
cthulhu nightmare wedding!
she’ll be their wedding planner!
comes out on march 26th!
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